#I'm willing to bet money honestly
insane how someone can say both 'i hate team green' and 'i only support the women in twoiaf'
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megkuna · 1 year
the other thing that could help is kathleen kennedy gets fired tbh
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how much of a flirt is harvey specter with his s/o and what does that look like? 👀
Harvey Specter/AFAB!Reader
Warnings: Nothing, just fluff. Fluff and banter.
Rating: T
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"Is this seat taken?"
The question makes you lips curl with a smile, though you keep your eyes set stalwartly on your phone as you write out in email.
"The air's occupying it pretty heavily," You offer.
"Do you mind if I join you?"
"If you must."
You don't have to look to know that the remainder of the bar is unoccupied, and there's no doubt as to why the man's bothered to sit beside you. You don't even bother to get a look at your new companion.
"Do you come here often?" He asks, and you can't help but scoff a laugh.
"Really? That's your opening line?"
"Technically, my opening line was 'is this seat taken'. This is just my second ice breaker."
"The fact that you need a second ice breaker is concerning."
"You haven't answered it."
"It wouldn't help you. I never answer that honestly."
"Why not?"
"In case you're some weirdo stalker."
"At least I'd be a weirdo stalker with money."
"You'd have to be. A damn gimlet costs $40 here. It's horrifying."
"It's Manhattan."
"I know bars where you can get a gimlet for a reasonable price."
"Why aren't you there now?"
"Because I'm meeting someone. He'll need that seat, by the way."
"He won't."
"No? And why's that?"
"You'll be too in love with me by the time he gets here."
"Well. He is late already," You eye the time before you finally lower your phone, turning to get a look at the man. He's smiling warmly at you, his dark eyes glimmering with mirth. Sweeping your gaze over his suit, and you find his tie just a touch askew.
"...I guess you'll do for now," You sigh forlornly.
"I'm flattered."
"You should be. I'm throwing a good man over for you."
"A late good man?"
"Not the first time, certainly won't be the last."
"Any man that leaves you on your own ought to be drawn and quartered."
"I don't mind some time to myself."
"Secure. I like that."
"Is that all you like?"
"Hardly, but we'll start there."
The two of you turn your heads at the sound of the tentative interruption by the bartender. You arch a brow, urging them on, and they add, "This man isn't bothering you, is he?"
You grin, unable to help it, and knowing that Harvey's doing the same.
"Yes, but it's alright. He's my husband, so he bothers me all the time."
"Oh," They chuckle, nodding, "Is there anything that I could get you, sir?"
"Macallan, neat."
"And another for you, ma'am?"
"Coming right up."
You reach out, straightening Harvey's tie. His gaze lingers on you, and he catches hold of your hand before you can pull it away.
"You're late," You admonish.
"I know, I'm sorry. A deposition ran over," He leans in, lips brushing yours, "And traffic was awful."
"Why don't you just take the train?"
"I know it has some issues, but Manhattan traffic, my god—"
"Would you shut up and let me kiss you?" He murmurs, the feeling of it buzzing your lips. You grin, raising your free hand to cup his jaw and press your lips warmly to his. He sighs softly, lowering his hand to your leg and sweeping his thumb gently over the exposed skin of your knee.
"Let's bag dinner," He mumbles, "I want to take you home now."
"Dinner first, Specter," You pat his cheek and turn back toward your phone. "I'm willing to bet you haven't eaten since this morning."
Harvey just grunts in annoyance, leaning in and brushing his lips against your neck, only drawing away as the bartender sets his Macallan down.
"Your table is nearly ready, Mrs. Specter," They add, smiling at you and setting down your fresh drink.
"Thank you."
You hear Harvey huff softly, and you turn, brow furrowing.
"What is it?"
"Nothing," He shakes his head, a fond smile on his lips as he lowers his drink. "I just never get tired of hearing that."
TLDR: He flirts with them a lot
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vro0m · 1 month
the whole thing around how drivers will race even when injured and/or sick for the sake of their teams and the championships rlly gives me the ick honestly, especially bc of the message it's sending to kids in junior series, which is that they should be willing to sacrifice their health and wellbeing if it means they go up in the standings or whatever. f1 historically being a dangerous sport probably hasn't helped this idea, esp taking into account the glorification of things like niki coming back after his accident in '76 to keep on fighting for the wdc and senna's death, but the fact that it's persisted this long honestly can have some really dangerous implications. yes, these injured drivers go onto win races and championships (niki only losing the wdc at the last race in '76, max winning races and eventually the wdc 2021 despite blurry vision following silverstone, lewis winning formula a with a broken wrist (at 15 too which is properly mind boggling honestly), lewis getting pole in german 2019 despite having a 40ºC fever, carlos winning australia after appendicitis, oscar winning hungary with a broken rib) but imo it's setting a borderline dangerous precedent for other drivers and kids coming up through the junior formulas.
What annoys me about it is that the athletes themselves can't say no, in this sport or any other. They can't and won't say no because they've been taught to not listen to their bodies and to push through and sometimes that they are weak if they need a break* and that the chance they have to be where they are is fleeting and they need to be on top all day every single day to not lose it. So they won't say no.
Remember Qatar 23? Some of these drivers reported losing vision in the corners due to the heat and the effort and they didn't stop. Ocon threw up in his helmet twice and he didn't stop. George said he almost passed out before the end of the race. He didn't stop. Only Sargeant stopped.
Noah Lyles ran the 200m with covid and he might or might not have permanent damage from doing so. And he still went.
What all of them and the ones you cited have in common, is that nobody around them said no for them. No one in Lyles entourage said man that's a bad idea. His girlfriend spent the night turning him around in his bed because of how much he coughed and she didn't say maybe you shouldn't go. No one said maybe it's a bad idea even though he had severe asthma in his childhood. Carlos was in horrible pain from appendicitis and no one told him maybe sit this one out. They gave him painkillers and sent him back out. Oscar had a broken rib and they sat him in the car all the same.
And sure these are adults, not puppets, not victims, they are responsible for themselves as adults and they do have some responsibility in these decisions. But truly even if they wanted to, which I'm not convinced they do, these people can't say no. The people around them should say no for them. They won't because they're greedy. The athletes don't see it because they've been primed not to see it and/or they also are greedy (for money or other things). No one is there to say no. I'm betting if people (doctors) are saying no, they are ignored. Someone needs to say no.
*btw remember that Lewis, who did not race in Qatar 23 because of the contact with George, said a whole thing about how that's just how it is and if the drivers suffered they had to train more because they weren't prepared enough. they are all part of this culture and very few seem to even notice it.
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youunravelme · 1 year
to all the girls you loved before part 2
author's note: here's part 2!
pairing: single dad!mat barzal x reader
summary: being a nanny for rich people was probably the worst thing that ever happened to you, until you started working for mat.
warnings: children, rich people, mentions of absent parent
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day twenty-nine
"i honestly think you're overreacting," your roommate, natalie, said from her position on your bed. "it's your boss' mom, not your boyfriend's. in fact, you weren't even this torn up about meeting jason's parents."
you were pacing back and forth in front of your closet. normally, you'd be in leggings and a tee shirt when you went to mat's apartment, but you were starting to wonder if you should dress differently.
"that's because jason's mom doesn't have a grand baby i'm in charge of."
"no, she just has a son whose heart you own." you stopped your pacing and sighed. "have you even talked to jason about this?"
the very thought of that argument made you want to bang your head against the wall.
day twenty-seven
it was eleven thirty p.m. when you got home from work. mat had a late game and then press afterwards, but you'd be willing to bet if he didn't have ella waiting at home for him, he'd be out partying with his teammates.
as usual, mat apologized for keeping you out so late but like every other time, you just waved off his apologies, grabbed your bag, and headed home.
your original plan was to hop in the shower and hop into bed, but that was all disrupted when you saw jason sitting on the couch.
"hey?" you said though it sounded more like question than anything.
"where were you?" he asked.
a moment passed. all you did was blink. "what?"
"it's eleven thirty, where were you? out partying?"
"i told you i was working."
jason stood to his full height, just shy of six foot. "why are you so defensive?"
you guffawed. "because you're in my apartment interrogating me before i can even take off my shoes? maybe that's why."
"i'm just asking you questions, babe."
you rolled your eyes and slipped off your shoes. "it's too late for this. i need to go to bed because i have to work tomorrow."
"so you're just gonna walk away from this? we're not done here."
"jason, i'm tired. i've been with a baby all day. can we please continue this conversation another day?"
he held eye contact before huffing. "fine."
"thank you." you walked into your bedroom and shut the door behind you, sighing in relief when you pressed your back against it.
a ding sounded from your phone. a quick glance down had you smirking.
mat barzal sent you $800.
thanks - mat.
day twenty-nine
"hello?" your roommate snapped in your face. "are you listening? i asked you about jason and you just zoned out."
you shook your head and ran a hand down your face. "the conversation was less than pleasant, but we'll manage as we always do." she looked unconvinced but you were too busy scrolling through your camera roll to notice. "so what do i wear?"
natalie rolled her eyes at the poor effort put into changing the subject. "i told you he wouldn't be happy with the news. you're spending a lot of time over there with mat." she paused. "go with jeans and a tee shirt. you're meeting your boss' mom, not the queen of england."
you rolled your eyes. "he acts like i'm in love with mat," you said as you stripped off your sweats and pulled on the clothes natalie suggested. "i barely know the guy outside of ella."
"i'm just saying, i've been talking to jason and he's asked me if the amount of time you spent over there was normal."
interesting. you paused, but decided to unpack that comment later. "it's just a job," you said. "it's no different than what i was doing for erin when her girls were still really young."
"yeah but--"
"but what? seems like you're both upset that mat is a guy my age, which i cannot control. besides, the money is too good to turn down." after pulling on your shoes, you all but slammed your closet doors shut, signifying the end of the conversation.
"are you okay?"
"fine." you gathered your bag and slid on a coat on your way to the front door. "i'll see you later."
and you shut the door without another word.
by the time you get to mat's apartment, you're a little less irritated with your boyfriend and roommate. mainly because you know how to be professional, and meeting your boss' mom with an attitude was not the best of first impressions.
you only had to knock twice before the door swung wide open to reveal mat's smiling face. and unlike normal, ella wasn't in his arms.
"where's ella bean?" you asked while walking into his apartment.
mat shut the door behind you. "hello to you too. i'm doing fine thanks for asking. how're you?"
before you could even stop yourself, you were spinning around so he could see you roll your eyes. "i don't get paid to talk to you, mat. i get paid to watch your cute baby." you looked around. "so where is she?"
"i should warn you," he started, sounding nervous all of a sudden. "it's not just my mom--"
"is that her?" an unfamiliar voice called out. "is that your nanny, sweet ella love?"
a middle aged woman rounded the corner with ella in the cutest little strawberry dress you'd ever seen. "i'm so happy to meet you," she greeted almost immediately. "i'm nadia." she stuck her free hand out to shake yours. "and you are an answered prayer."
"mom," mat groaned from behind you. "can you cool it on the overreactions?"
she ignored him. "when mat called me and explained the situation, i had no idea what i was going to do, but then he told me about how you just agreed and i could tell it took a load off his shoulders."
ella started whining and reaching for you. which you were grateful for, considering mat's mom looked like she was about to start crying and, well, you never did well with adult tears.
"mom, i think you're making her uncomfortable," mat said from his new position standing next to his mother.
"oh shut up, mathew," another voice piped in. "you always were embarrassed of your family." a brunette walked into the room wearing a smirk you'd only seen on mat's face.
"that's not it, liana," he grumbled. "i just don't need you scaring away the only other person ella likes."
"that's not true," you cut in before things get out of hand (or before mat unintentionally compliments you again). "ella likes most people."
"she just likes you the most."
"mat, really, you can't still be bitter that she wanted me over you last week--"
"i'm her father! she should want me more!"
"she does!"
mat reached for her, but ella shrunk away with a coy smile. "see?! my own child prefers you," he said with no real malice. in fact, if you knew him better, you might've even recognized the look on his face as the start of a smile.
liana, whose presence you completely forgot about, spoke up. "with an attitude like that, it's no wonder," she deadpanned. "but enough about that, we're gonna be late for lunch if we keep wasting time."
your brows pulled together. "lunch?"
"i wanted to thank you for taking care of my baby and my grand baby."
you spared a glance at mat who was biting his knuckles, probably to distract himself from the redness in his cheeks.
"oh mrs. barzal there's no need--"
"call me nadia, sweetheart. and yes, there is a need. where i'm from, rejecting lunch is an insult."
"mom, that's not even true." but she held a hand up to cut mat off.
"shall we?" she gestured to the door.
you exchanged a glance with mat who looked just as helpless as you felt. "sure."
by the time you made it to the restaurant, your arms and back were aching from carrying ella. in another life, you might've considered taking the stroller was worth the effort of pushing it through a busy restaurant, but in this life, you were an idiot.
"take her," you pushed ella into mat's chest in the most gentle way you could manage without dropping her.
"you good?" he asked.
"my arms are numb."
"one of us could've taken her at any point of the walk, all you had to do was say something."
you shrugged. "well, this is me saying something."
from the corner of your eye, you saw liana watching the both of you like an interesting tennis match, but you ignored it, there was no room in your brain for interpreting a stranger's gaze.
"this way, you four," nadia said before she followed the hostess to the table.
the five of you got settled, with ella in the high chair between you and mat. it was in the moment of looking at the menu that your heart dropped to your stomach.
"oh my god," you said.
mat looked over immediately, and maybe if you weren't focused on his face, you would've seen the concerned glances from his sister and mother. "what?" he asked.
"i forgot to bring her puree, she usually eats lunch at this time."
"oh honey," nadia smiled and pulled out some baby food and a bib from her bag. "we took care of that before we left. you don't need to stress."
you nodded and sat back, feeling the weight of the world disappear from your shoulders. "sorry to freak everyone out."
"i'll take that any day over mat's moodiness."
"shut the hell up, liana," he grumbled with no real bite.
"please excuse my children," nadia smiled. "you feed them, give them shelter, teach them right from wrong, and they still embarrass you in public."
you laughed before you could stop yourself. "i've seen worse," you said.
"oooo now this is something i actually want to hear," liana started. "what's the worst thing you've ever seen in all your nannying?"
"mat's cooking," came out of your mouth before you could even stop it. the very phrase sent everyone (but mat) into a tailspin of laughter, even ella giggled when she saw everyone else.
"it's not that bad," he defended.
"yes it is," his sister and mother said in unison.
you opened your mouth for a rebuttal, but the buzzing of your phone in your back pocket cut you off. confused, you pulled your phone out and saw a text message from your boyfriend.
when can i expect you home? or are you too busy getting lunch with your boss?
your fingers hovered over the keyboard. you didn't remember telling jason about the lunch, especially because you didn't even know you were getting lunch with mat and his family until you arrived at his place.
immediately, you started looking around for him. he shouldn't be there considering he had work, but there's no way he could've known unless he was spying on you.
unless he checked your location.
"you alright?" mat asked, leaning in a little so he didn't draw his family's attention, who were, for the most part, pretending to read the menu to not arouse suspicion.
you typed a quick "idk" and tucked your phone back in your pocket before you made eye contact with mat. "'m fine."
lunch in total lasted about two hours with mat's mom and sister sharing embarrassing stories of his childhood. they explained that his dad was stuck working and couldn't make the trip that time but would later on in the season. you stayed until it was clear ella was about to pass out or cause a scene. though this time, mat was in charge of carrying her back to his apartment.
"are you going to the game tonight?" liana asked once you were back in the safety of mat's living room.
you shook your head no. you weren't even aware of a game going on today. the only times you knew a hockey game was happening in town was when mat needed you to watch ella in the evenings. aside from that? you were clueless.
"you should come!"
"who would watch ella?" you gestured to the baby as nadia took her down the hall to her nursery. she was falling asleep on his shoulder.
liana waved her hand. "she can come!"
mat made a noise in the back of his throat. "it would probably conflict with her sleep schedule. we can take her when she's older."
"besides," you continued. "my boyfriend is a rangers fan so--"
"what?" liana cut you off almost immediately.
you blinked. "what? is that a problem?" there was a nasty feeling creeping up on you and you didn't like it one bit. it only occurred when you were arguing with jason or when your parents accused you of being too self centered when you backed out of a family gathering.
"no!" liana said. "i mean they're a rival of the islanders so there's that, but i just thought that maybe you and--" she glanced to her left where mat stood with his arms crossed and gaze dark. "...never mind."
"what?" you asked.
"liana, i think mom is calling you," mat cut in. you recognized sibling telepathy for what it was but didn't bother even trying to decipher it. when she left the room, he finally looked at you. "i'm sorry about that, i don't want to ambush you or anything."
"you didn't, i mean, i was surprised by the lunch offer but i mean, i'm appreciative of it all." you didn't say anything for a moment, choosing your next words carefully. "is it, um..."
"is it what? you can tell me."
"is it a problem that my boyfriend is a rangers fan? i honestly didn't know until a few days ago when i mentioned you and--"
"how do you not know what team your boyfriend cheers for?"
"i didn't even know he liked hockey until i started working for you."
mat groaned your name. "are you serious?" he laughed.
you slapped his arm with the back of your hand and decided not to dwell on how solid he felt. "don't laugh!"
"i'm just saying it's kinda crazy you didn't know he was a rangers fan until a few days ago. how long have you been dating?"
"like...two years?"
he laughed again. "are you telling me or asking me?"
"it's been roughly two years." a yawn escaped your lips before you could stop it.
"you good?" he asked.
you shrugged. "didn't get much sleep last night."
"why don't you go home for a little bit, i'll text you if i need you tonight, it'll depend on if mom and liana go to the game."
"you sure?"
mat smiled and nodded. "get some rest, and i'll see you later."
as if there was some higher power controlling your face, you found your lips turning up at the corners and smiling back at him.
@whenmypartysover @sunflowerhood @spencereidbasis
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blankwashed · 5 months
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Toji and you went out shopping, not for something extraordinary but something basic. Toji, unfortunately, was the reason why the family is broke again. He had squandered all his money on the recent horse race, despite your warnings about his gambling addiction.
Even though you were working, your monthly salary was barely enough to sustain both of you and his son, Megumi, from his previous marriage.
"Daddy! I-I want this! Please buy it for me, pleaaase!" Megumi pleaded, envious of his friends who were getting the newest and latest gadgets. "I get laughed at whenever I take out my Samsung Galaxy S4..." he confessed, tears welling up in his eyes. You hated to see your stepson ridiculed by his friends, but with Toji's reckless gambling habits, you often found yourself in a tough spot.
"BABY! We hit the jackpot today! I won 320,000 yen! I'm aiming to get 500,000 yen on the next race, trust me!" Toji exclaimed excitedly, only to waste all the money on another failed bet.
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"Are you sure this will work?" you raised an eyebrow at Toji. He claimed that OnlyFans or selling videos of the both of you having sex would make you guys rich in an instant.
Toji just finished setting up the webcam on the laptop that both of you have bought with the money you were saving for rainy days.
"I'm hot, you're hot. Why wouldn't it work?" he has no other options other than to sell his body online- and yours as well. You bit your lip, regretting about agreeing with his idea. It all sounded easy to you at first, just have sex with a camera pointed at the both of you but now that you think about it. What if Megumi or any of his friends find it? Wouldn't that ruin his life? Who would take the both of you guys seriously anymore?
Toji said that you guys would not need to pay for certain things as well, saying that brands would be willing to sponsor the both of you for wearing or using their clothing or equipment in the videos. At that time, Megumi was on a school trip which leaves the both of you alone at home.
You were awkward, of course and Toji knew that. He snaked his muscular arm around your waist, bringing you closer to him. It’s been a long time since the both of you had time for yourselves, dealing with Megumi and well, money problems.
As you were unaware, Toji already was recording on the camera but he still acted as if he wasn’t. Without your knowledge, he’s getting your raw reactions to his touches.
“Hmm, mama…” he murmured into your ear sensually with his hand slithering through your shirt’s buttons, plucking each of them off. If you weren’t wet before, you were wet in an instant then. He’s your weakness and knows how to get you crawling onto him.
You were very verbal, moaning and sliding off your skirt and panties making things easier for Toji. His lips were already on your left nipple, sucking and lapping like an animal. The noises that he made while abusing your nipples could already bring you to an overdrive, not to mention the sounds coming out from your own throat.
“Toj-Daddy…have you pressed record yet?” you asked him breathlessly. Honestly at this point you didn’t really care because you married a sex Adonis. Toji shook his head, lying to you because he knows that you would be self-conscious if the camera was on.
“Princess, let’s just have some off-camera fun for now hmm? So that when we shoot everything will just come natural?”
He was so believable.
The way your fingers curled around his biceps, gripping them firmly as if they were the only anchor in a stormy sea. His hands explored your body freely, as if it was your honeymoon night when it was the first time you saw each other’s bodies.
Who am I kidding? Toji wouldn’t wait for marriage.
It was an intense make out session, with moans of “never gonna get bored of this” and “just fuck me already”. Toji and you were breathless with your hearts pounding with desire. Communicating with bodily actions would be ideal for someone like Toji.
His big hands groped big fleshy parts of you, moulding them in his hands making you moan in pleasure. You didn’t like it when it was soft after experiencing how pleasurable it was to be manhandled.
“Lil’ mama, take me in. Show me how much you love my cock,” he slaps his big fat cock against your cheeks, making you lose your balance despite already kneeling. You weren’t able to say anything. Opening your mouth slowly easing him in, he thought of something else he wanted to do to you.
As his hands freely roamed across your body, pinching and slapping them earning moans from you. Toji eagerly slid his fingers down your abdomen and started to trace small circles around your wet dripping hole. He searched for your sensitive weak spot. After finding it, he teased you, circling and flicking with his thick fingers. Your wetness was already making everything easier for him.
Toji was quick. Before long, you realised you were in a 69 position with him. You could feel him smirking on your pussy, teasing and licking with his fat tongue. His spare hands would trail up your leg, opening your core up for him. It wasn’t easy for you to keep quiet at this point while he was circling your bud with his skilful tongue before finally plunging it deep inside.
“AH! DADDY!” you screamed, accidentally letting his cock out of your mouth. He growled, not pleased by not being in your mouth. With a jerk his cock opened your mouth again.
“My cock will be buried here until I say I so. You want to be punished, bitch?” He grabbed a handful of hair from your head, tugging it, making you squirm.
With your tongue swirling around the head in a tantalising manner while massaging his balls Toji let out a long, deep moan.
“Slowly, bitch…that’s it baby,” he murmured hoarsely. “Don’t fuck with me, you bitch. I’ll punish you for that later,” he threatened you, grasping the back if your head tightly.
“Take all of me, you fucking slut. You like being treated like this, don’t you?” he bucked his hips more towards you, hands wrapped around your throat.
Groaning loudly, Toji pushed once again, driving himself deeper into your poor throat as he reached his climax. With each movement of your head, he lost control of himself. It was all raw and primal. His sheer strength overpowering your body into a puddle.
With his hands tied up in your hair, he releases himself. Hot white streaks of excessive cum painted your face. A glare from Toji made you lick up every excessive drop.
“Daddy…how are we going to shoot now? I think I drank up all your cum…” you innocently said while wiping your face clean, not noticing Toji smirking while checking out the footage that he recorded.
The both of you would be swimming in money soon.
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Maybe arranged reader talking about her paintings with Bruce or at a Charity event? I wanna know the secrets behind them too!!
"You live a charmed life," an older woman sighed sipping her drink and fingering a frankly horrific necklace. A new purchase, you were willing to bet. She'd been drawing attention to it all night. "Nothing to do all day-"
"She paints," Bruce said, swooping in and kissing your cheek.
"Between pedicures and shopping I suppose it fills the time-"
"And," Bruce added, "She's instrumental in several preservation societies."
Her smile got brittle and you consider complimenting her gaudy necklace. You're not sure what's more irritating. The implication that you don't have anything to do with your time OR Bruce playing at having any more interest in it than he did issues with the staff or what fruit was in season.
"Where did you-"
"Oh what do you paint? Landscapes or-"
"Magical realism from what I can tell," Bruce said. "And-"
"Surrealism," you correct.
"Well that's- unique," she said. "Melting clocks and such."
You smile and fight the urge to backhand Bruce. "I leave those to Dali."
"Who, dear?" she asked, "I'm sorry. All those names run together."
That's it. You're painting a guillotine and a gaudy necklace next. On a peacock. Why? Because you're pretty sure a peacock squawk and her laugh are the same sound.
Her husband might be a senator now but unless she can figure out how to carry on an intelligent conversation he;ll never see the White House. And if she doesn't stop talking to you. Right now. You'll happily use Bruce's money to make sure he doesn't get a second term.
It's really a public service, honestly.
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samd1o1 · 10 months
Heartsteel and Hwei back to back?
They're really trying to kill the gays /pos
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Honestly kinda wish Hwei made it into Heartsteel, he'd fit perfectly and it wouldn't be the first time a new champ got in a band (Seraphine, kinda Senna)
I'm willing to bet money they at least considered it
Also I don't mean replace anyone, I just mean go 7 members; BTS style
Ah well, maybe on the comeback
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ladymirdan · 2 months
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This comment confuses me on so many levels.
Ward wasn't even part of the fantasy productions I think, Prestley left by his own accord a while ago because he didn't like the direction of the company I think and I don't think he never said he intended a victory for anyone, gav wrote like maybe the elves books of the end times but lots of authors wrote the other books too. The end times happen because fantasy was selling poorly and the reason it's so bad is probably caused it was rushed due to aos being realase later. So everyone had to write a ending of a setting with lots of lore and characters in a limited time and tie up some loose ends. Like one of the writer admitted they forgotten a important character. I dont understand people sometimes
You hit the nail on the head. People just make shit up and it is so tiresome because others use it as an excuse to hate stuff. Have any of them actually read Priestley's writing? Let's just say it is a product of its time...
But honestly, blaming and pointing fingers at the writers for what is clearly a corporate decision is so fucking dumb. I'm willing to bet these people don't even know the name Tom Kirby.
I do believe Ward wrote one of the chaos codices in WHFB (chaos daemons, I believe; don't clock me on that; I don't have the energy for research today😅), but the guy wrote about sixteen codices in total, and pretending he favoured all of them is insane. He is a writer; he is doing a job.
The thing is, people who hate Ward don't even know what his main army is. (Hint: It isn't Ultramarines. He wasn't even a fan when that codex came out, and reading that he “relished in writing chaos ending worlds” is even funnier, if you know.)
Warhammer fantasy got shut down because it didnt sell, like at all. The Tactical Marine box from 40k on its own outsold the ENTIRE fantasy range. That is the sad thing about capitalism. It lost money, it had to be amputated.
They wanted to end the world, making chaos win is such an obvious choice. And in my mind, not a bad one. Chaos back then had a reputation of being toothless. That they were the baddies of the day for heroes to beat. So they showed people why chaos couldn't win before the end of the world.
Do you know what resurrected the public interest in Warhammer fantasy, tho? What is partly responsible for them bringing the world back?
Computer games, specifically Warhammer Total War and *drumroll* Vermintide (guess who was the lead writer on the latter?)
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thatfrenchacademic · 2 years
Local European law PhD person is breaking down why Twitter is in trouble with European authorities - bc we live in a dystopia and I am procrastinating my research.
TL;DR : Twitter is loosing all the experts required to actually make (good, but really any) decisions regarding data privacy in Europe, and it's even funnier because they picked the one(1) European country that would give them the most tax cut but it's also the one that is really into dragging Big Tech all the way to the highest instances in the EU to make knock them down a peg.
But also more under the cut bc this is hilarious and I CANNOT WAIT for Elon Musk to discover the EU. Very much going to be a unstoppable force meets unmovable object situation, because trust me, TRUST ME, there are few things as slow, inhert and full of bureaucrats who are NOT on twitter as the EU. Anyway here is too many paragraph of me putting my diploma to good use or something, my Masters Director would be proud.
Step 1: TF is the GDPR, like, actually.
Ok the the General Directive on Privacy Regulation is a European Union Regulation, which sets clear rule on what you can and cannot do with people's information/data, in order to protect their privacy. It is very wide and very cool and the US wishes it had it (Except you, California, you're doing great).
And what's cool is also that the moment you want your digital services to be available on European territory, you need to comply with the GDPR. Doesn't matter where you are based, if it's not GDPR compliant, you don't get access to that sweet sweet European market.
For example, after the GDPR was entered into force, there were a bunch of US News Media website I could not access, because they were not complying with the GDPR yet, and were not willing to take the risk to infringe on the GDPR. Doesn't matter if they are not Europe based. What matters is the market. Dw they are fine now.
Ok, cool.
Step 2: Twitter was doing ok so far - I know, I'm surprised as well.
So Twitter is a US-based company, but blue-bird had to comply with the GDPR like everyone else. So far, so good-ish, and by that I mean that Twitter was not really targeted by any European or national authority for not complying.
But let me tell you the thing about the GDPR: it is. a. mess. Getting to UNDERSTAND what's even required guaranteed my cohort of European Law major that we would ALL be employed in the upcoming years. It is atrociously difficult. THE REGULATION HAS ITS OWN WEBSITE imagine a law having its own website, what the hell honestly.
The GDPR is challenging for your local true crime book club handling the email addresses of its 12 members, ok.
Behemoth social media platforms require a massive amount of workforce and expertise to make sure they comply with the GDPR. Like, I cannot stress the absurd amount of work and constant vigilance it requires. But they were doing ok.
Step 3: Elon Musk is an authoritarian manchild and Twitter is bleeding experts
I know both things are related but trust me, it's important to mention them separately, you'll see in a second.
Among the many high-ranking people who left, we have:
The Chief Information Security Officer
The Chief Privacy Officer / Data Protection Officier
The Chief Compliance Officer (unconfirmed officially but I would bet on it)
So they are trying to do some emergency creative problem solving by apparently having data engineers be the ones certifying compliance with the GDPR (lmao as someone who works with a bunch of data scientist I would pay money to see that happening) and nominate people to temporarily take over all these positions. To be transparent the guy they nominated as "acting GPO" (lmao I'm really feeling the confidence right now) does not seem fully incompetent, but this is still hilarious.
Step 4: Haha it's funny because it's Ireland
Now, ok, here is the kicker.
Twitter so far has been using a system that the GDPR allows, which is the One-Stop Shop. OSS means that Twitter picked the authorities of a specific EU State to report to, when it comes to compliance to the GDPR, it's easier for everyone than massive online companies like Twitter going to 27 different states to report what they are doing.
So they picked Ireland, because their European headquarters are based in Ireland.
(spoiler: it's because Ireland is a tax haven).
Now. You might think there is ONE problem on the table, but get ready, there are TWO, baby.
Haha Twitter's GDPR person has left, mate, you want to explain how you're going to comply with the GDPR when you don't have you GDPR experts anymore??
Elon Musk is, as stated before, an authoritarian manchild and the GDPR is also not super super fond of that, mate if you want the OSS system you actually need to give minimal guarantee that the data-privacy-decision-making is happening in the State of the OSS. When clearly, right now, decisions are happening wherever the hell Elon Musk decided to have his morning protein shake, and I'm pretty sure it's not Dublin. And also around 50% of the Dublin headquarters have been fired, so I don't know who is supposed to take decisions over there, honestly.
Like the case about the guy who sued Facebook for violating the right to privacy in the way it handled data? It's the Maximillian Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner case, and it comes from Ireland. Irish Judges had no issue being like "Yeah, Facebook or not, we're choosing violence".
Step 5: Ok now what ? Aka I sit back and grab some popcorn
So right now, Twitter is trying to convince the DPC that it's totally absolutely doing GREAT.
Sure Jan.
Anyway, the question is whether the DPC is willing to buy it. We know there has been meetings, and the DPC is at least putting SOME form of pressure on Twitter.
Outcome 1: the DPC is feeling petty and does NOT buy it. Then I'll write another post, but I think the DPC would give Twitter some time to put things in order and give enough guarantees before going on the offensive.
Outcome 2: the DPC buys it (because Dublin LOVES its Big Tech companies, and they are driving prices up to the point where Dublin is experiencing a massive housing crisis, it's fine, this is fine) . And we wait for an individual/NGO to bring a formal complain to the DPC, for the DPC to refuse it, and for the individual/NGO to challenge that decision before the Irish Courts and that becomes a whole new story that will warrant its own post - and I get to show off some useless knowledge on EU procedural law.
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fleetsparrow · 6 months
I know I'm a messy bitch, but can I just say that I am L I V I N G for the current NaNoWriMo scandal???
There are not enough hours in the DAY for me to indulge in the deliciousness of this affair. There's drama! Intrigue! Unreasonable and illegal demands of unpaid volunteers!
Whether anyone wants my thoughts or not, here they are:
I am willing to bet good money that the current runners of NaNo are trying to incorporate. They are trying to make NaNo a Brand that can be Trademarked and Sold and Milked for all it's worth. NaNo is in her Venture Capitalist Era and she will be going down in a blaze of... whatever the opposite of glory is.
I truly think that the current owners were banking on NaNo having the good PR of a decade's long non-profit that would cover for the fact that they are going to be selling it to the highest bidder (if they haven't already), and that we would be so happy for them to do it because of Brand Loyalty.
It would honestly explain so much of the last few years, up to and including the recent forums bullfuckery and these new ML NDAs they're trying to pass.
And, before anyone accuses me of reveling in other people's misery (I mean, you're right, that is what I'm doing, but still) with no skin in the game, I'm not a stranger to the NaNo world. I've been here for a lot of years, too.
Yes, there will be a grieving process for what one was, but, my friends, that ship has sailed. A salute to her what once reigned queen, and flights of angels sing her to her rest.
And don't let the door hit you on the way out.
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I used to somewhat Betty la Fea growing, as my Colombian side of my family would watch the show a lot.
I grew to appreciate the show now that I'm older as it was very clever when it came to writing, although a bit over the top sometimes, but it's a novela.
I'm watching the sequel series, and I'm a bit lost; maybe I'm an idiot and I'm missing something, idk.
First, Daniel Valencia. I don't doubt that he would be involved in something like money laundering, but I'm not sure why he would do it. Daniel isn't stupid; he's very manipulative and calculating, and while he's not above money laundering, he'd need a decent reason to do it considering the risk. Idk, maybe I'm wrong, but I'd really like to know why he'd did it and how he went about it.
Another thing I'm curious about is Marcela and her connection with the new character, Ignacio. Why does Marcela want him to be president of Ecomoda? What is he to her?
Why is Marcela close to Mila? I mean, obviously, she likes how her being close to Mila bothers Betty, but there are moments in the show where it looks like Marcela somewhat genuinely cares about Mila. I know Marcela isn't completely heartless, and I don't think she's doing it out of love for Armando because she also wants him to pay for what happened to Daniel.
Also, I really hope Mila gets decent development because I want to like her as a character, but right now, she's hard to tolerate.
Your thoughts?
Jajaja I totally relate. I used to dismiss novelas but ysblf with its great characters and fun writing definitely opened my mind to them!
You're for sure not the only one lost regarding the sequel. I am also a bit lost. I must admit I'm not liking most choices, and a part of me is kinde hate-watching and another is very curious about future writing choices.
About Daniel, I'm a bit on the fence. On one hand we know Daniel isn't much for illegal and dirty stuff-- remember how he was disgusted at Olarte's sabotage of Betty's computer. On the other hand, we also know he wasn't as great on businesses as he claimed to be. He lost everything to a growing project, never diversified his income, and worked at the government for a pretty mediocre salary, apparently. He was willing to empty his capital to bet on a barely-growing project, too. So I kind of see how he could end up involved in something shady, perhaps out of need or out of ignorance. We don't yet know very well.
Honestly, about Marcela and Ignacio, my theory is that they're related. Perhaps Daniel's son or something? Idk, I definitely don't think they are romantically or sexually involved.
Marcela's relationship with Mila is one of the biggest misteries to me. I genuinely have no idea. Like... why? How? Mila is very very close to Marce, but I don't understand how. Since when? When did Marcela return to Ecomoda to meet Mila? Was Betty ever okey with them being close? Was Armando okay with that? Why did Marcela even want to be close to Mila, the daughter of her ex and the woman he cheated on her with ??? It makes absolutely no sense to me.
I really can't stand Mila rn. The whole talking in acronyms, especially ones that no one ever uses (it would be tolerable if it were at least something like "O.M.G" or "L.O.L" but with random ass phrases that no one knows???), talking to the camera like it's a diary, and being obsessed with trends just... no. Ik they tried to make her an entitled nepo baby with family issues but it's so badly done it feels fake and like a parody of what a boomer thinks a GenZ is.
Armando, Marcela, Beata and Daniel were all entitled nepo babies with family issues and they feel like actual people, not a Rosa de Guadalupe version of what a 60 yo thinks a 20 yo is. And don't even come to say that Armando, Marce, Daniel, etc were all in their 30s and that's why they don't act like that. I'm in ny early 20s and I have never in my life met anyone who behaves like that. It's so bad and cringy.
Anyways lmao Ik I can't judge much yet and have to wait to see the final product.
Thanks for the questions!
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marleykay · 27 days
After many requests, I'll check in again.
This is an ugly situation. It feels ugly. It feels toxic. It feels poisonous.
Everyone knows this was unplanned (on his account). There was no agreeing to have a child. There was a plan, a plot that was fulfilled. He is upset about it.
Everyone knows. She tries to convince people it was wanted and agreed on. It wasn't. It was the result of a plot. She wants people to believe they're together and in love. The problem is he doesn't care to hide his resentment. He can't.
He tries to stay away from her. Her energy is chaotic. Mood swings. She feels unstable. Unwell in the mind sphere. She has a very different perception of herself that has no basis in reality. She is hard to be around. No one likes her, even those she calls friends. If only she knew what was felt and said about her. She's tolerated because she has a modicum of attention they want. She has a use, that is all.
She tries to guilt trip him. I feel like she lies. I feel bad nausea and self neglected. She makes it out to be worse than it is. I feel this nausea leads to other problems that are easily avoided. Just laziness and wanting people to feel sorry for her stops her from helping herself. This nausea and dehydration may lead to stress on the fetus.
His future career feels dismal. He has worries. As he should. I feel on different timelines that he had a lot of potential. I don't see that potential now. Negative press has negatively impacted him. Higher ups feel his name can't provide support. He may have seen his hay day and moving into obscurity now.
He brought his life to ruin. He was warned but she was hard to get rid of. She feels she can stand her ground and will eventually get what she wants. She uses this pregnancy in her mind as justification. Children with him was wanted from the very beginning. She wants to be his wife. She feels if she sits tight, she will wear him down and get what she wants. This child is proof and justification that plan works. She doesn't want to be his wife out of love but rather status and a right to his money. She feels entitled to his money.
He feels she is capable and not incapacitated. She doesn't deserve a free ride. He only provides what is essential. The rest is up to her. I'm willing to bet there is no nanny.
I feel lots of distance between the two. Emotional but also physical. He makes himself scarce. He runs off. He can't stand being around her. It's like he makes any excuse to be away and it feels like he leaves for days at times. This infuriates her. They don't feel like they're around eachother much. It honestly feels like he avoids her and ignores her. She tries to use a lot of tactics to keep him around and paying attention to her. She is one who will outright lie or blow things out of proportion. She always has guilt trips at the ready. It feels like he is starting to get used to the stories and pays her no mind.
His family is not proud. There is an older female energy who is furious. There is no blame on the child and they won't take it out on the child. Others have accepted the situation but have also accepted his demise. They may keep it to themselves but they see his demise if she doesn't leave. It's a train wreck happening in their eyes. His family is not proud. There's disappointment and disbelief this happened.
She refused to leave his life. I do feel like there had been many talks/ break-up attempts. She used many tactics and guilt trips. I don't like victim blaming but he did allow them to work. I do also feel like it was easier to give in and avoid a fight because her energy feels volatile.
She thinks she can push him around. She thinks if she sits tight and harps on him enough, she will get what she wants. She has no intentions of leaving. This baby also created a link forever. He created a link on a spiritual level with her with the conception of this baby. That's until death. Even if he somehow manages to separate from her, she will always be on the outskirts due to this child. May have been unintentional but that is what happened. She will be a huge obstacle for the foreseeable future when it comes to other romantic pursuits. She will try to sabotage. She will weaponize the child. It does not matter who the woman is. That is just how she will play the game. She will try her damndest to chase them away. Not too many stable, self respecting women will put up with that Henry. Slim pickings.
I feel like the universe is going to dangle a carrot for Henry in the near future. He will have to make a choice. There is a woman about to cross his path. Source won't tell me if it's DC or another woman.
This is a karmic cycle. I don't think this is the first time you've gone through something like this. And it may not be the last. Karma can get stuck in loops and follow us through lifetimes.
You have also been visiting with a woman in different dream scapes. I am unsure how much you remember but you visit with this woman while your physical body rests. It feels rather big. Almost like an entire relationship is flourishing. So if you wake up and have random recollection of a woman, it's not just "dreams". Dreams can be huge and there is so much out there it's a bit mind boggling. Source is showing me this woman. She looks younger but feels older. There is a lot of depth to her. She seems tall and strongly built. She is not a small woman. She is dressed casually. A baggy sweater over jeans. She seems to be comfort over style. There is an exotic feel to her. She has healing energy. Especially in her hands. She is definitely a healer and people are drawn to her because of that. I feel you take comfort in this woman.
Now I keep being asked about DC/FS. There is a lot of anticipation surrounding this woman. From many who hope they are her and another who is threatened by her and insanely jealous of her.
She feels peaceful. It feels like she is currently laying the foundation of her life. I hear "I don't need no man". She's not concerned about men or romance right now. She doesn't want to need anyone. So, I think she is working on being self-sustaining. I feel like she is incubating. She went through a big change in her life and she is now different. It's like watching a rose bloom. She has lots of travel in her future. I think as soon as the end of this year or beginning of next there is continental travel.
Her energy is lovely and it's always a pleasure to feel. She's a kind, nurturing woman. I feel nurturing to her detriment at times. I feel that will be a lifelong journey for her, to not forget about taking care of herself. I can see her losing herself during motherhood if she's not careful. I do feel children energy around her. So she will become a mother herself soon, which in universe time could still be a few years, or she could meet someone with children that she accepts and loves as her own. But they feel close so definitely immediate and close to her heart. And its plural.
She feels like she herself had shed unhealthy relationships that held her down. I do feel like there would be some understanding.
She's a hardworker. And she's working hard on setting herself up. She's in a big shift. Like the kind of shift that determines at minimum the next decade of her life. That sort of shift. But it's good.
She's doing great.
She has potential mates coming her way. She already knows them, though. They're around but not all the time. She doesn't see them. You can't see what you're not looking for.
Is DC the woman Henry had been dreaming about? Source won't confirm that for me.
But he HAS been visiting a woman in the dream scapes. If he remembers or not, I do not know. But if you don't, ask to remember. It's that simple. Before you settle for sleep, just send out that intention to your spirit team while also asking for protection. Ask to remember. And I'm willing to bet they will be pleasant dreams. Because this isn't just a casual friendship. You have built a bond with this woman. There is definitely the feeling of taking comfort from her, but also something bigger and deeper. A connection that's important. It sounds weird but there's lots out there we don't know or understand. Dream scapes are a huge topic. And you know how people here can meet on the internet. Well, you just met on a different type. Simple way of thinking about it.
I know it sometimes feels like there is no end in sight. And in a way, it's going to continue to be tough. You unfortunately invited an interloper and poison into your life. You had been warned many times. You were told in many different ways that your life was headed this way. I'm hearing unraveling, disease, collapse, and onwards. The universe sent you many messengers. I know it's hard to understand sometimes when it's talk of the future and it hasn't happened yet. But now you're seeing it real time. Surely you can see how everything can unravel when there is such toxicity in your life. It seeps into and impacts everything. Energy is so powerful. So when you have something negative in your life and you allow it to monopolize and touch other aspects? See how it affects that. Your career is not where it could be. You could have had a child by a different, healthier mother by now had you got rid of what was not right like you were encouraged to do. You would not be as miserable and stressed as you are. Your energy is so uncomfortable.
Now, can you imagine if you had something good and nurturing? That created happiness and not strife? How the energy of that would spread? What it could do for you? You have witnessed what negative energy in your life can do. Now try to imagine the power good energy can do.
There will always be a level of difficulty now. Can't think of could have, should have. You are here and there is no going back. At least think on some happiness in the future. Do you really want the rest of your days to look and feel like this? Your energy feels so uncomfortable. So stressed and tired. You are in a miserable place.
You're going to be faced with some choices. And it feels like the universe will dangle something in front of you soon. As a means of encouragement. You still have some turbulent waters ahead. But hopefully you have enough and actually go for some happiness.
Natalie has no intentions of leaving. She thinks she will wear you down and get more of what she wants. Lack of attention isn't enough. Just consider that. She's not well upstairs
As for a chance with DC. I really do see there is still a shot. It feels fated. I'm seeing flashes of the cosmos. So that could be written in the stars, or near an astrological event. I'm unsure of the meaning, but it might make sense to you. The woman your soul is connected to is a unique woman. She is a strong woman, but her power is quiet. She doesn't need to throw temper tantrums, and she can stand on her own. She can support. She is definitely the type of person you want as a life partner. She has navigated difficult life events. If you make a good offer, she may be willing to put up with the bullshit that is Natalie. I'm not talking houses, trips, and material gains. But can you protect her? Can you support her emotionally? Are you loyal? Think about what kind of partner and life you want. What you can offer to counter the drama. Can you offer love and some peace? How will you do that? What boundaries will need to be enacted? If you can convince her it will be worth it, she may stick around. Because I'm thinking she may be what the universe dangles. The universe loves us. They do want us to win. And you're still worth the help. You have times to reflect. I'm unsure when it will happen. The universe is being more careful. I'm also hearing something about her words. Read her words? Something about her words.
Reflect on past mistakes but only to make sure you don't make them a second time. Try not to beat yourself up too much over them. What's done is done.
I do send congratulations on the baby. Babies are blessings. I know it is not what you originally wanted but I also know a part of you is happy and looking forward to raising the child. Always remember emotional needs as well. You WILL have to pick up the slack there. That's unavoidable. The child will have tribulations in the future, as we all do. But this child will have parental wounds. I'm sure you know that. That was determined when the child was conceived. Best of luck and congratulations on the baby.
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gffa · 2 years
Lumi, question, because I trust your judgement a lot and I'm weighting the headcanon for myself.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely do you think it could be that actual canon Anakin is a bit of a prude that finds premarital sex scandalous?
Doing my best to be completely honest and as objective as I can:  This occupies a nebulous space in my head, re: Narrative Intention vs What I Think Works For The Character Honestly And Truly. Do I think demi!Anakin who's a prude about premarital sex is the Actual Fax Intended Reading that Lucas had in mind when he wrote the prequels?  I wouldn't put money on that bet. But do I think it makes sense for the character, when I'm talking about them seriously?  That I don't just say it for a silly, fun joke, but that I could write serious fic about it, that I see it as a serious part of the character?  I am ready to die on that hill. For me, Anakin Skywalker never seems interested in anyone outside of the people he loves, he never really flirts with anyone (he tries to pretend he does once in TCW, when he says he's popular with women, but he's talking to Obi-Wan at the time and we never see him actually flirt with friends or enemies), and he never moves on from them.  Once that guy is in love with someone, he is in love with them forever, even if he's willing to kill them, even if he hates them, it's because it's coming from the source of his love for them. We could complicate this by talking about the way Anakin treats Padme is often paralleled (not intentionally, but with a fair amount of frequency) with the way he treats Obi-Wan, but even looking solely at the way Anakin is in his relationship with Padme, he's not gravitating to anyone outside of that marriage.  Even Padme has occasional moments, like with Clovis.  Or she talks about Palo, showing she had interest outside of that relationship once upon a time.  Anakin is just laser-focused on the one relationship, in contrast. Now, a big chunk of that is tied up in Anakin's possessiveness and greed for those he loves, but I can see a very easy, natural step from that hyper-emotional investment in those specific people to being demi, that he's only interested in someone once he's fallen in love with them, that the two aren't separable in his mind. I see Anakin as someone who tends to idealize people, he thinks the sun rises and sets on those he loves, even when he's mad at them or thinks they betrayed him, I see part of that as coming from a place of, "You were supposed to be perfect!  You were supposed to comfort me!  You were supposed to love me perfectly!" which I can see extending to his views on sex in a relationship, that he idealizes the process of falling in love with someone, that his feelings for them are special and grand and epic, that he has the most feelings ever, so naturally sex should be part of that.  Sex should be between people who love each other, sex should be only with people you have these big, uncontrollable feelings for. Sex should mean EVERYTHING to you, just like his feelings for someone should mean EVERYTHING to them. That's how Anakin approaches his feelings, his relationships with people he loves, and I think with sex, too. So, I don't think its precisely premarital sex that Anakin takes issue with (though, it's fun to joke about it) but the concept of a relationship without intense, all-consuming love.  Sex without being eaten alive by your love for that person is contrary to how he himself approaches relationships. I make jokes about how he would rain psychic scorn on anyone in the entire Jedi Temple who was getting their dick wet without being ~in love~, because I think it's funny and because I think you could rile him up to be prickly about it, but that ultimately I think he would just make a, "Ugh, gross." comment to himself about it and mentally block it out, because he's not actually that confrontational when it doesn't involve himself.  Does he have strong opinions about it?  Yes.  Does he get up in others' business about it?  Not unless prompted by something else going on with the situation. Ultimately, though, yeah, I do seriously think that Anakin views sex and love as being inseparable and it'd be weird and gross to fuck someone without loving them, even if he intellectually understands that other people feel differently and are apparently just fine with being weird about it.
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
Hey so suggestion for some hcs if you feel up for it👀 Their s/o giving them like? The sweetest cutest handmade gift for their birthday like it's nobody's business?
And it's special because they're supposed to be like "big scary men rawrrr" or smthn and people never really associated them with more wholesome stuff
Like just imagine gifting Ryuji an adorable plushie you crocheted for him and he's just like?? Holy shit??? Nobody gave me anything that special before in my life???
OMG anon, your brain...your mind. This is such a good idea. I hope you're ready for the longest and fluffiest post cuz I'm about to rip and tear. Also, first submission ever, so thank you so much! Giving you the biggest hug, hope you enjoy this.
Kazuma Kiryu
Honestly will just be stunned upon receiving it. A gift? Made by hand? For HIM?? Unbelievable. He'll feel a mix of surprised and grateful. He might not manage more than just a polite but tender "thank you", but he will immediately envelop you in the biggest hug. Words simply couldn't express how much he loves this gift and how much he loves you, so he'll let the hug say those words for him.
Majima Goro
You can bet he is going to immediately show this gift off to everyone and anyone who is willing to let him in their vicinity. Lots of "Kiryu-chaaaan, look what I got!" or "Kyodai, check this out! Ain't my darlin' just the sweetest sweetheart ya ever did see?". You'll probably feel more flustered than him in the end. He'll also pick you and spin you around with glee upon receiving it. The fact you love him makes him already feel like he's on cloud 9, so a gift like this makes him feel like he's on the moon.
Saejima Taiga
As someone who also likes to make handmade crafts as gifts, he will be totally floored upon receiving it. Will compliment your craftsmanship, even if you feel like you didn't do a great job or made mistakes. Loves the gift so much that he's likely to place it somewhere special in his house. If it's clothes, he'll wear it in front of you as much as possible to show his appreciation. Will give you a big hug and kiss after and will promise to return the favor on your next birthday.
Akiyama Shun
As someone who is NOT at all good at handmade things, he's amazed by anything you make. Even if you consider yourself an amateur, Akiyama is your number 1 fan. If possible, he'll display your gift proudly in his office. Except a flurry of kisses when he sees your gift, he just wants to shower you with kisses because he feels so completely and totally loved by you.
Tanimura Masayoshi
He's super bad at seeing surprise gifts coming so it'll come as a total shock to him. He might think he doesn't deserve something so special, as he's someone who came from very little and doesn't have much. Even so, he'll be so happy that he won't be able to contain himself. He may even jump up and down excitedly while holding your hands. He'll say something like "For me? Really?? Wow!" before giving you a kiss on the cheek, smiling from ear to ear.
Ryuji Goda
It's only fitting that the scariest looking guy is actually the biggest softie when it comes to you. The first time you ever give him a handmade gift, he might be speechless at first. He's used to fancy gifts, things that cost a lot of money, things that are usually bought to impress him. Receiving something made by the person he loves most will make his heart skip a beat. He'll likely scoop you up into his arms and give you a kiss on the forehead. Ryuji is the type of guy who is usually sweeping others off of their feet, so it feels amazing to him to feel that way for once.
Daigo Dojima
He's in a similar boat with Ryuji in that he usually gets gifts that are meant to appear costly to impress him. Secretly, Daigo yearns for genuine connection and understanding, which is why you mean so much to him and why your gift might honestly make him shed a tear or two. Something so heartfelt and loving will stop him in his tracks. As someone with barely any time to really stop and take things in due to how busy he is, moments like this make him feel the most loved. He'll treasure this gift forever.
Niskiyama Akira
He'll try to play it cool by saying something like "Aw, you didn't have to do all that just for me" but inside his heart is beating wildly. Like Daigo, he plays it tough but secretly yearns for tenderness, but unlike Daigo, he will still try to play it cool even in a moment like this. He knows you totally see through him though, so he'll eventually follow his statement up with a a passionate kiss and holding you gently. Moments like this with you give him so much peace.
Mine Yoshitaka
He's so used to standing strong on his own that he won't react for a few moments upon receiving your gift. Mine honestly didn't think he was capable of loving, yet alone being loved. It's something he still isn't used to and may never be fully used to it, but that's never stopped you from giving him your all and it gets him every single time. He may not even speak at all, simply giving you a deep but tender kiss and holding you so very close to him, as if he were afraid you'd suddenly vanish from in front of him.
Tachibana Tetsu
His immediate reaction will be to want to treat you to something nice in return. However, if you make it clear that you did this because you wanted to and because you love him, he'll practically melt with tenderness. He's so caught up with business that everything feels like a transaction to him a lot of the time. Life hasn't dealt him the kindest of cards, and this reminds him that he's not only worthy of love but deserving of it. Things like this make him relish life for all that's good. He may not manage to say much more than a hushed "Thank you" and squeezing your hand in his, but trust me, this means more to him than he could ever express.
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Husk, you still have an appetite for gambling? With 3 pregnancies at 9 months, I'm willing to make a bet with you for who will pop first. I've got my money on Lucifer.
Husk: Well Angel has a c-section scheduled for later this week so…he has until then (5 days) to give birth. But honestly with how heavy Angel is, he could go into labor at any moment.
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