#I'm willing to work with the plot beats they gave me
thekimspoblog · 1 year
Look I'm just gonna say it: I didn't like the ending.
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jewish-vents · 5 months
I am about ready to scream at goyim going "imagine if a country that was mostly one religion committed genocide other than Israel! imagine any other country being that awful!" I AM JEWISH AND CHOCTAW. My people have been massacred, forced off our land, raped, beaten, killed, death marched down to Oklahoma, forced into residential schools, been denied tribal membership and access to the reservation (and our own fucking culture) for being too light-skinned, Christians came in and beat and killed and raped everyone trying to practice our ancestral religion, Christian charity was contingent on you being willing to go along with Christianity, the government that has its' boot on our neck to this day is Christian, and goyim really want to act like NO ONE religious has ever done anything bad other than (((some people)))?! Choctaw women are STILL raped and beaten by police at four times the rate of white people and you know what the dominant religion in the state it's being done is? Hint, it's not Judaism!
Do you know why my ancestors converted, goyim? It's because the only people who ever offered them any kindness or support who weren't asking them to give up their language, culture and way of life were Jewish. The only people who agreed being forced off of your land and death marched to Oklahoma was fucked up were Jewish people. The only one who would let my great-great-great-great grandfather work for an honest day's pay and pay him the same amount they would a white person was a Jewish man. When white people wanted to take my great-great-great grandfather and his sister and put them in an Evangelical school to indoctrinate and mistreat them, it was a Jewish woman who straight up lied to them and went, "oh they're not Native, they're my kids, actually! no need to take them anywhere, they're not Native, they're white, the father of my bastards is just tan from working outside a lot!" and thus kept them out of there. They converted because they saw the love of G-d and it sure as shit wasn't from Christians!
And people see me and they think, "oh, he's not white, so he must not be Jewish. I can say antisemitic shit in front of him" and it makes me want to go fucking feral. Do they think I just forgot why my ass is in Oklahoma and why I can speak English and Yiddish and not fluent Choctaw? Do they think I forgot who gave my family a plot of land to live on when my ancestors were declared too light skinned to be allowed to live on the reservation while also not being able to return home because white Christians had built a town atop the ruins of my people's land? Because it wasn't you, Karen. You would have been saying Native kids were better off at a residential school and we both know it! We know it because you're fine hating a minority if you just have something you can spin into an excuse and you're fine dehumanizing people if the opportunity presents itself. "Imagine if any other religion-" I don't have to imagine. I'm in Okla-fucking-homa, Karen!
I've been observant all my life but this has switched it from 'lazily observant' to 'digging my heels in and being as Jewish as humanly possible' for the same reason I work my ass off learning Choctaw despite the obstacles: white goyim do not own me and I do not owe it to them to conform to their culture and expectations.
Am Yisrael Chai Akostininchi li Yisrael
(yes I know how to say it in Choctaw, my parents embedded that in my psyche, even if the rest of our knowledge of the language is spotty)
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maarrgarr · 1 year
The Unknown Heir.
masterlist of the Unknown Heir.
Gojo Satoru x fem! reader.
Synopsis: The reader returns after being gone for two years and leaving her boyfriend, Satoru, without giving him a reason. But now she doesn't come back alone.
Warning: English is not my first language, possible grammatical and spelling mistakes, some plot changes.
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It had been a while since your argument with Satoru happened and since Tetsuo and Rumi faced the special curse. Luckily the two of them were fine, although they were still recovering, they could already train but they still couldn't go back to the missions. You couldn't say the same about your relationship with the father of your son.
Satoru and you didn't talk. Not since the argument where they both hurt each other with their lies. They didn't interact, they didn't look at each other and almost tried to avoid each other, but the latter was impossible. After all, you were his assistant.
But this did not please Yaga, who one day called them to her office. "What did I tell you the day I announced that you would work together?". You and Satoru were sitting next to each other and across from you was the headmaster, at his desk with a frown and arms folded. "I told you two that your relationship did not have to interfere with the education that you gave to the students." Yaga said and he was about to speak again, but Satoru beat him to it. "And I told you that we don't have any kind of relationship" you rolled your eyes annoyed at him. "And I told you that I didn't care. I don't know what happened between you so that now you two don't talk to each other. But whatever it is, fix it!" Masamichi concluded and left, leaving you alone with Gojo.
For a few minutes neither of them spoke. You knew that Satoru wasn't going to say anything and you weren't willing to do it either, or waste time. "Okay, I'm leaving" you said and you headed towards the door, but Gojo's voice stopped you, "How strange of you leaving without saying anything" was clearly sarcastic, causing you irritation. You turned around and faced him, "And what do you want to talk about, huh? We already said everything we wanted to say to each other." Clearly that was a lie on your part, you had something else to tell him. He got up from his chair and walked towards you, "You're right, I already told you everything I wanted to tell you, I don't have anything else to talk about" he said and left the room. You sighed angrily, you always hated the fact that Gojo always wanted to have the last word.
"And that happened" you told Ieiri.
Both were outside one of the school buildings, leaning against the wall. Shoko was smoking as usual and you were telling her how the meeting with Satoru and Yaga had gone. She just gave a "mhm" in response and blew out the smoke. "Do you know something?" you said as you watched Ryu run while kicking a ball, "What?" she answered you. "I really wanted to have a good working relationship with him at least" you were honest and she laughed, "What are you laughing at?" you asked her. "Did you really think you could have a good working relationship with Gojo?" She looked at you as if you had said something crazy, "Yes, I don't understand why I can't" you replied. "Y/n, you and Satoru will never be able to have a working relationship or friends" she said and you looked at her blankly, "Why not?" you asked her. "Because you and Satoru can't be friends, It's always been like this. Ever since we were teenagers, you guys could never be friends or just get along with each other. Because you and Satoru are everything or are nothing."
That phrase somehow hit your heart like a shot. "That's not true" you told her, but you knew she was right. "Oh yeah? Tell me one time when you and Satoru have been friends" you opened your mouth to answer, but she interrupted you, "And you don't count the times you two fucked without being anything, because outside the room you kept pretending you hated each other" you shut your mouth and realized it was true.
You and Satoru either loved each other deeply or hated each other deeply.
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TAG LIST: @jellykingsblog, @dummyf , @nyfwyeonjun , @lenasvoid , @yyxy27 , @staygoldsquatchling02 , @whoami-72 , @blackcatpandora , @descargueestoporgojosatoru , @iluv-ace , @mommasbigd , @guenievresworld , @idktbhloley , @cluvsya, @ieathairs , @darianias, @dcvilxswish.
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respectthepetty · 9 months
10 QL Girls I Want Carnally
Because @twig-tea hit me with the tag in their 10 QL People I Want Carnally list sprinkled with women as @negrowhat requested, let me slide up in here to show some appreciation for only the ladies because the amount of GLs we have leaves me thirsty, and these women look like a beautiful stream in the dusty desert.
Honorable Mention - Namtan's Characters [Pluto]
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I don't understand the plot of this upcoming series. Namtan is playing twins and one or both of them love May (played by Film). Full disclosure here, I don't give a fuck about the plot because I'm going to watch it regardless. I'm always showing up for Namtan (and Film and Clize). When I'm being offered beautiful women in a GL plot, I do not question the gifts God bestows on me.
Honorable Mention - Jung One [She's Makes My Heart Flutter]
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Fucking Korea and its short ass shows! I only had this precious babygirl for one hour, and I would murder for her. I would treat her so well that she would never feel nervous about another thing in her whole life. She is like Jim from Moonlight Chicken, just trying to help her niece and run her bar, but I'll be like Wen and WORK FOR FREE because that's how much I want to be in her bed warming her up at night. Money ain't the only way to pay me for my services.
Hydration Station
Maya & Rose [Laws of Attraction]
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Choke me. Maya AND Rose are my ideal throuple with me being the third. Silvy had me hot and bothered in her scenes with Joong and New in The Warp Effect (bisexual reawakening), and Organ had me hot for mommy in Never Let Me Go, so Laws of Attraction giving me both in a Be Gay, Do Crime plot was heaven sent. Watching them manipulate and beat up men, knowing they were going home to each other is the energy I need from all my GL plots.
Yuna [Semantic Error]
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She rides a bike and has beanies for every occasion. She'd let me wear her hoodies. She'd let me wear her beanies. She let me ride her bike. She'd let me ride her. Her entire demeanor lets me know what's up without her even having to open her mouth, and I've already signed up for a two-month subscription before I even approach her. Whatever she wants to do, I'm down whenever including going down wherever.
Tee [GAP]
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Let me say this with my full chest "FUCK, SAM!" If I was Mon, as soon as Tee would've asked my name, it would have been "Sam, who?" because TEE COULD GET IT! I'd let Tee fuck me in front of all her friends and God on that table. Tee's game was unmatched. No hate to Sam being inexperienced, but Tee obviously knew thangs and was more than willing to share her knowledge, anytime, any day, anyway. *bites knuckles*
Phai [My Dear Gangster Oppa]
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I don't fuck with cops. But . . . girl definitely knows how to use handcuffs. And the way she always told Muffin to shut up did things to my sacral chakra that told me that even though I don't fuck with the police, I would 100%, without a doubt, fuck the police(woman).
Proud [7 Project]
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This is going to be a theme in this list because I don't just want Proud from 7 Project, who deserved so much better than that horrible story. I want Samantha, the person who played Proud. Sammy has been in everything for a solid decade now. She deserves the lead already, and I deserve to watch her and those beautiful lips of hers make out with another girl again! 2024, do me and my girl right.
Luna [Sleep with Me]
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She has problems sleeping. Like an actual medical diagnosis. Not even trying to take away from the seriousness of her condition but . . . I've heard intensive physical activity is good for sleep. I'd be more than willing to test this scientific theory out by fucking all night long. It couldn't be just once though. In order to prove a theory, we'd have to do it a couple of times. I'm great at pulling all-nighters and being an enthusiastic participant for *science*
Cher [GAP]
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GAP gave me so many beautiful women, and all of them were mean to Sam. Blessed. But my favorite Mean Girl was Cher. I had her for only a few seconds, but I would leave my SO on vacation if I saw her walking through the resort. Her AND her girlfriend could get it. Call me. Beep me. If you wanna reach me.
Ray [Club Friday]
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This bitch was crazy. And I. Loved. It. But playing crazy is apparently what this actress does best.
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As Ray, she was wildin' out trying to have a baby between her husband, her husband's boyfriend, and her ex-girlfriend, and as Anthika in Midnight Museum, she was wildin' out trying to resurrect the savior. And you know what? I would proudly stand next to her and commit queer wrongs every day instead of demanding she come to her senses if it meant she was making me come every night. Ooookay.
Mayris [The Sign]
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Is she open to a two-night stand with a girl? I don't know, but I'm sure the hell gonna try to persuade her.
Ink [Bad Buddy]
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There is a reason everyone loved her in that show. In Magic of Zero, Pa was trying her damndest to get Ink to remember her, and girl, same. If I had a girl like Ink, I would be the brattiest bitch. I'd pout until she gave me all of her attention. I'd be pissy if she even looked at someone else. I'd want her all to myself and she'd have to lose her job because I'd keep her in the bed ALL DAY. Well, not the bed. We could pull a Pat and Pran and fuck on the couch, the kitchen counter, and outside after drinking.
The One to Rule Them All
Sine Inthira, the person, not the character.
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I want this woman carnally. She could tell me to shut up in front of my friends and God, and I WOULD DO IT! She could say something that went against all my feminist beliefs, and I would not give one fuck. I would ruin my life for this woman. I would be peak toxic for this woman. Why The Eclipse cast her as the teacher and tried to make me feel bad for Khao's character was the rudest thing to ever happen in my bisexual existence, but I know where my heart lies because I was telling Ayan to shut the fuck up and let my beautiful angel speak.
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LOOK AT HER! If y'all ever hear of an American sitting in a Thai jail after chasing after this woman, know that American is me because my ass will not be sane if I see her in person.
I'm only tagging one person in this list of women I want carnally.
@dribs-and-drabbles, I'd love to know who you want helping you break in that bed after you move it in this weekend. You've been so focused on shared clothing when all I want to know is whose do you want to take off.
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My updated GMMTV 2024 lineup in order of my preference: (these are only the QLs. Most of the het shows fall under my Indifferent category. If I feel like it, I'll watch them.)
The Heart Killers. Pretty sure this is #1 on most of y'alls lists and for good reason too. My reasons? Pretty simple. I love action, mafia and romcom and this is all in one. And also FirstKhao and JoongDunk so-
Peaceful Property. After TayNew outdid themselves in the beautiful soft little thing that was Cherry Magic Thailand (anyone wanna join my Cherry Magic Th propaganda?), I can't wait for this series. Also: if they give me besties, it'll be a hard pill to swallow but I'll be fine, but if they give me bromance, I'll commit homicide.
Pluto the series. A GL? With NamtanFilm? I'm in.
Revamp. Previously: The Vampire Project. Love me some vampires <3. Also, BounPrem.
Sweeth Tooth, Good Dentist. The plot sounds super fluffy and cheesy, so of course I'm in. And no way I'm missing Mark Pakin first lead. (Also, as a dessert-loving person who had many teeth-related problems as a kid, the premise just sounds too relatable. Except the falling in love part with your dentist obviously.) But... JittiRain. I have complicated feelings for her works.
ThamePo/My Heart Skips A Beat. It seems soft and sweet, though it does have the secret/forbidden relationship overtones.
Ossan's Love. I found the trailer hilarious, but trailers, especially pilot trailers lie. Also, I'm not hearing the greatest things about the original, but I haven't watched it so I will reserve judgement. If I like it I'll like it I guess.
Us the series. You might ask how a GL ended up so low in my list. Personally, it's a bit jarring to see BLs have this safe space/bubble for their gay bois, but GLs are proclaiming love between women as "taboo" off the bat. I also saw this in 23.5, and yeah okay I get it, wlw is seen in a much harsher eye sometimes, but in 23.5 all Ongsa did was go on repeating "But we're both girls..." without explaining the why and resolving it properly. For now, I will not think too much into it, and worry about it when the time comes.
Perfect 10 liners. What put me off in the trailer itself is the clear discrimination based on looks/physical appearances. It also seems like at this point they're just trying to give each pairing some screen time this year but have run out of plots, and are thus shoving pairings into series like it's the metro/tube/subway/whatever you call it in your country during rush hour. Will I like it? We'll see. After New Siwaj gave me the masterpiece that is We Are, and crushed my doubts like mosquitoes, I'm willing to give Perfect 10 Liners a good strong chance. The premise still bothers me a bit, but I'm keeping an open mind.
Finished Airing:
We Are. It's absolutely great for my tastes and I get to detox once every week. Love it. Has absolutely no plot but has loads of fluff, and it's something I didn't know I needed in my life until I had it. It's one of my favourite BLs ever, and it's definitely going on my comfort shows and re-watch list. It will forever live on in my memory. I definitely keep coming back to this. Very high on my list and my #1 comfort show.
Only Boo. I kinda like it, but I have zero idea where they plan to go with the current storyline. Fluffy and cute, I'll keep watching, but it probably won't end up high on my favourites list. I'm behind on a couple of episodes (I'll catch up before ep. 12, no worries) and I was right. I do like it. It's something new, and I'd like GMM to explore this more, but it's not ending up very high on my favourites list.
Wandee Goodday. My favourite fake boyfriends with benefits! I'm behind a couple episodes with this too (sorry, my brain has been a little too obsessed with We Are T~T) but overall, I really like it. It's P'Golf, so I never had any doubts, but I do worry a little about the angst. It's bearable till now, so fingers crossed. I really like it! College has reopened, so I'm behind on the last two episodes, but I'm hoping I'll be able to complete it by this week. Final update: I've finished Wandee Goodday! All around, it's a very good BL. It dared to explore, and I'm impressed. Top 20 BLs.
Currently Airing:
My Love Mix Up! Thailand. I'm still skeptical, not gonna lie. But it's GemFourth. And I didn't feel much about the first few eps of MSP either, and look what happened with that. I still don't know how hard the original will clash with Thai BL's specific style, but I'm willing to take the chance. Please don't disappoint me. I like where this is going. They are so cute and lovely, and that high school vibe is evident. All I need now is for ep 11 curse to not happen. (From what happened in MSP, I think there will be some sort of conflict in the last ep, but as long as I don't have to wait one whole week for it to get resolved, I'm okay with it.)
The Trainee. Well, it's OffGun's usual tsundere seme/innocent uke. Office romance though- that's new. I guess they finally graduated from university 😭😂 I don't feel anything about it right now, but let's see what happens when it starts airing. Rating changed. It's only been four episodes (and I missed today, that is ep 4, because I have college early tomorrow) but I like where this is going. I think it's going to be the typical 5-7 romance ep pattern, but as long as they don't bring back the ep 11 curse, it's all good.
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joju-but-trek · 3 months
Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2, Episode 5: Observer's Paradox
This is the real quantumania.
A quarter of the way through the season, and things keep getting more interesting. I'm enjoying the ride overall. Specifically this episode, we got a lot of classic Star Trek shenanigans done in a new and interesting way, and they still add to the overall narrative even if they're tonally very different to last episode. I'm enjoying that the show is able to do so many different genres of Trek while still building out a coherent story. 9/10.
This episode was great for building out background lore. We get an episode revolving around Cetacean Ops, and some backfill on Chakotay. The Cetacean Ops move was genius because it keeps getting brought up, but finally being able to actually see a whale onscreen because animation allows for it is such a good move. They played with it in Lower Decks, but it was never the point of the episode.
We also got some answers on Chakotay's tribe. There's an offhand mention that he's from the Nicarao people, fixing an issue that Voyager had where he was Generic Native American from a fictional "Rubber Tree People". I appreciate that there's a fix, and I am going to do more research on the Nicarao. For anyone interested in a good article about the Chakotay problem from before the fix, here's the article that made me start looking.
This was also a great episode for Rok, really digging into her insecurities about being associated with the rest of the crew right now. I like this arc for Rok, and Rylee Alazraqui really sells the part. She also got to spend a ton of time talking to a whale, which seems like a perk.
The idea that the episode revolved around trying to understand Murf was a good concept also. It gave room for Gwyn and Jankom to try their respective skills before throwing it to Rok, who solved it with a combination of technical knowledge and empathy. There was also the cute moment of Dal and Gwyn watching Rok get excited and reacting to it that just solidified that these characters love each other.
Janeway's plot with trying to destroy the wormhole was very in line with classic Trek stories about Bad Admirals. I'm not sure how I feel about it being Jellico specifically who ordered it - Jellico works in a specific context in Trek stories and I'm not convinced that this is it - but it does work. I like to think that in a utopian world where we had more time in an episode we would have seen Janeway struggle with the decision more, but for what we got in a show where she isn't and shouldn't be the main character it was a great version of it.
We also got the Doctor getting excited about a bad holonovel he wrote, which was fun. I do have questions about how the Doctor de- and re-materializes with the Mobile Emitter on, but I'm willing to poke at that later in fan forums.
And at the end of the episode we get Gwyn teleporting through space to get visions in a visually fantastic sequence. My favorite part of that beat, though, is her and Dal discussing it and their reactions to each other. It's feeding the shippers, and it's working. I can get behind this.
In conclusion: Rok is amazing, Maj'el needs to ditch those jerks, and I guess we're doing Gwyn/Dal now.
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tianasficrecs168 · 3 months
Naruto SI OC fic recs
Fair warming: since this fandom is aprox as old as time, a large amount of these are abandoned, and will remain that way possibly indefinetly.
However! This doesn't mean that they aren't delightful to read, regardless. Give 'em a chance, won't you?
Another thing: a significant portion is from fanfiction.net - this doesn't mean they're garbage!! It just means this fandom is old as shit. I have taste.
This is how it works:
A black dot • means it’s a one-shot
Brackets (…) means it's still being updated/not done/WIP – and I'm paying close attention to it
Izaranna: “Welcome to Tomorrow” (...) (general) last update: 2018 In which a plot is demolished because a dimple-cheeked baby gave Obito a gummy smile, and then proceeded to raise a minion army with hugs, cuddles and an assortment of saccharine treats. 
KannaKyomu: “It Ends at Dawn” (...) (general) last update: 2019 She couldn't remember if she was a little girl, a grown woman, or some kind of wild beast. All she wants is what everyone wants- a purpose, a reason to be. The day she meets the man who embodies the ocean, is the day she chooses the path she will take in this life. Because it wasn't about her. Maybe it never was. 
Phoenixyfriend: “The Universe’s Newest Puppet” (...) (general) last update: 2017 Fate's strings are really more of a garotte at this point. - In which an SI OC ends up as Uchiha Sasuke's twin sister, and commences planning because this is either a seriously entertaining coma or her unfortunately permanent new reality.
Joyous Flamboyancy: “Blank Space” (...) (Itachi/OC) last update: 2017 It's been said that when you die you'll see your past, present, and your supposed future. Well, no one said anything about seeing my sorry ass in a finished manga. Seriously, this sucks.
Artsome: “Clockwork and a Teacup” (...) (general) last update: 2020 What if you woke up to a role so completely unfitting and with a future already made? With a contrasting mindset, knowledge in a convoluted mess and ambitions steered a different direction, this only completed the odd assembly that was the new Haruno Sakura. Welcome to her life.
Shadownumera: “Clearing Mist” (Kisame/OC) I have the worst luck ever. First off, I die. Then I get reborn into the Naruto universe. Yay right? WRONG. Nobody ever said you get to be reborn into Konoha. Which makes finding out where I am in the story line that much harder. I don't know if I can change anything, or if the bloodbath is far behind me. One thing's official though. I'm screwed.
Strawberry and creme: “Whispered Nothings” (...) (general) last update: 2019 In which a sick little girl changes absolutely everything and nothing. *this was was re-written with one chapter, the rest was deleted, here's the google doc for the original version (21 chapters)
Iaso:  “On Freedom and Other Formalities” (...)(Genma/OC)              last update: 2020 When push comes to shove, Hiwa Inuzuka doesn't go down easy. Reborn into a new, dangerous world? She puts her past life as a spy to work. Thrown into a war? Hiwa does her duty, for Konoha. And when she's forced into an arranged marriage? All there is to do is beat them to the punch and get married first. Thankfully, Genma Shiranui is willing to lend a hand. Literally.
Vixen Tail: “108 Earthly Temptations” (Tobirama/OC)               A character study into why the older generations of shinobi are harsher and less inclined to compromise. SI/OC Pre-Konoha, Warring States Period. Post-Founding. Part One, the beginnings of Sekanji Terazawa. Poison Mistress, occasional kunoichi Lady, and the aunt of Orochimaru. Part Two, the establishment of Konoha and the character of the village Founders. Part Three, the end.
Erimies: “The Clan of Samsara” (...) (Madara/SI-OC)                    last update: 2015 They were the clan everyone avoided, for a good reason. But Hashirama wasn't like other people and Karma ended up tangling in the ninja world revolution anyway. What he didn't know was that she knew the script of the story. 
DianaMoth: - “The Yondaime’s Assistant” (Genma/OC/Kakashi) part of a series, one of three (unconnected) When I reincarnated in the world of Naruto, I was lucky enough to live in Konoha but not lucky enough to get all the superpowers you could hope for. I failed my jounin-sensei test and ended up in the Genin Corps. Bye-bye jounin rank! However, considering it also meant avoiding the battlefield, that was fine with me. Now I just had to get a position allowing me to change History...
DianaMoth: “Guardian Angel of Trouble Twins” (general) Reincarnating as a crow was nicer than you would think... until the Trouble Twins found the summoning scroll for the Karasu. Then they grew on her, and she had to save their lives. How annoying. They better gave her lots of almonds or she would elope with the ninken summoner! Uchiha Massacre Fix-it DianaMoth: “Guardian Angel of a Troubled Man” (Kakashi/OC) Reincarnating as a crow was nicer than you would think... until the Trouble Twins found the summoning scroll for the Karasu, and she failed to save Number One. Now that only Itachi was left, she would do anything to protect him... no matter how many almonds it took. *This is an AU of the 1st part of this series. You have to read it to understand this, as this differs starting from the end of the first chapter of Guardian Angel of Trouble Twins. In short: this is what would happen if Shisui died like in canon.
Masqvia: “Fatespinner” (...) (general)                                       last update: 2017 The ability to speak to ghosts sounded like a joke—at least it did, until it put a target on my back. Survival was at the top of the list and changing the future was laughable at best. Then I got attached, and the whole game changed. 
RosesToPaint: “Of Bonds and Hugs like Chokeholds” (general) The ultimate dream: being born into your favorite manga. But the ninja life is in no way as romantic as it looks. But it's also not all that terrible. Hisana is fervently working on keeping it that way. RosesToPaint: “Of Cutting Cords and Forging Chains” (...) (general)      last update: 2018 The Chuunin Exams are almost in sight and Hisana is faced with her biggest challenge yet: Keeping Sasuke in Konoha and Orochimaru out of it! And then there's Itachi, who's a class all of his own. *Part II of "Of Bonds and Hugs like Chokeholds".
Sage Thrasher: “Sanitize” (...) (general) last update: 2023 Basic medicine and sanitation are simple. During the Warring Clans era, they become revolutionary.
Sage Thrasher: “An Eye for an Eye” (...) (general)                          last update: 2019 Reincarnation. In an anime. As a blind Uchiha. You've gotta be kidding me.
Yuuki no Yuki: - “Bee’s Purple” (...) (general)                        last update: 2020 People always talk about how great the Sharingan is, 'it can see through any genjutsu' 'It can recreate any ninjutsu' 'It can predict the future.' But I never really believed them. Not until I unlocked my own pair, and made a startling discovery, "Itachi-nii I can see new colors!" Yeah, I may not have been the most noble of Uchiha, but hey, at least I was having fun?
The-world-builder: - „This Transient, Floating World“ (...) (general)       last update: 2019 Due to a paperwork mistake in God's waiting room, I was reincarnated with my memories intact. No pain, no gain, or so they say. But with a bit of luck, this might just turn out alright.
Snow-Nightshade: “Living in a Really, Really Weird World” (...) (general) last update: 2019 Her name is Kazeshini Uzumaki and she was born even before Madara Uchiha was around, she doesn't want to fight head on and so fights as an assassin, she's a dauntless sword user who carries a nodachi a few inches taller than her, and she's a girl who really just wants to bear hug the ever adorable Naruto and he isn't even around yet.
FlitterFlutterFly: “True to Myself” (...) (Skikamaru/OC)     last update: 2016 I never expected to die young, but if I had I would have probably thought something normal like a car accident. I wasn’t given a peaceful death though. Maybe the trauma I went through on that night, the same night as the Uchiha massacre, is the reason I found myself in the Naruto world. I was far from happy about any of it, but I’d always been a determined person and I learned to make the best of the situation.
Fishebake: “Moonflower” (...) (general)                                     last update: 2020 They say that destiny is set in stone. Most people are willing to accept this and move on - Yamanaka Inoko is not most people. Her father's life is on the line, and she knows that if she wants to keep him safe, she's going to need a seriously big sledgehammer.
Shanatical: - “Addendum” (...) (general)                                    last update: 2018 Or, 'How I Learned to Stress Out and Ruin Everything': a gripping tale of tears, danger, tender hearts and derring-do, in which I take on a world that isn't as made-up as I thought it was and my choices really, really matter.
Chadsuke: - “Crying is alright” (...) (general)                             last update: 2020 “-in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do.” - C.S. Lewis Waking up from the death of your entire family with memories of a past life isn’t something that happens to most people - especially when that past life includes visions of your own future.
LadyNyxRavus: - “An SI's Guide to Surviving the Shinobi World without Dying Tragically” (...) (general)                                                         last update: 2024-01-11 Honestly, I just want to make it past thirty this go-around. Contending with Uchiha Clan Nonsense, an Orochimaru still convinced he needs my baby cousin's eyes, and the knowledge of precisely how bad all this can go, that's looking more and more out of reach by the day.
infraredphaeton: - “Morpheme” (...) (general) last update: 2024-04-02 A morpheme is the smallest part of a word that still has meaning. If you take away everything else, you still know what it means. When you take away everything else of me, this is what remains. ...It's mostly good hair and a love of language. Everything else is take it or leave it, really. (In which a very sarcastic guy gets reborn into a small poisoner's clan in Konoha, and accidentally saves a life. Things change.)
Authorship: “Yeah, Kunai are cool but have you had dessert?“ (Shisui/OC) Easy, I thought, like the idiot I still was. Open a bakery and try not to die (again). Seemed pretty simple...until you factor in that I, a civilian, have the last Big Cat Summon. And Ino, Shika and Chouji think I'm their nee-chan. ...I didn't think to factor in the overwhelming force of Shisui's puppy eyes either. Some - rather large - oversights then. SI/OC Patissier and Baker...."What do you mean you don't know what fucking caramel is?!" OR Okay, I'll admit seeing my new dad's Hitai-ate was a massive kick in the (thankfully metaphorical) balls. Sorry, but I don't kill people! AKA an SI/OC fic where the girl is more concerned with the alarming lack of pastries...and appropriate female role models...and adopting misfits and cinnamon rolls...err, oops? At least, I get to troll people! *This work is unfinished and will remain so. A rewrite, including nonessential plot points, is currently in the works until the title "Let Them Eat Cake". right below  Authorship: “Let Them Eat Cake” (...) (Shisui/OC)                            last update: 2020 Whatever I had imagined the afterlife to look like- It was not this. I'd ask for a refund but, in all honesty, I was going to milk this second chance as much as I could. Amazing what a suddenly callous attitude to death could do to someone's decorum.
Araceil: “Thanatophobia” (...) (Shisui/OC)                             last update: 2019 Komuro Ietsuna was a timid boy from a different world, but still, despite this world of Ninja and Gods, he's determined to survive the odds. Even if this means abandoning his Village. But you know what they say about Mice and Men, and all the best laid plans between them.
PRETTYHEART: “Pyromaniac” (...) (Naruto/SI!Sasuke/Sakura) last update: 2022 In which Uchiha Sasuke wasn't always Uchiha Sasuke - but that's okay. Somewhat. It's somewhat okay. He's dealing with it. The only thing that could make the whole situation better is if Sakura would let him light the Hokage monument on fire. Something that ugly has to be destroyed. (Featuring a pyromaniac tomato crazy Uchiha Sasuke, a morally exasperated Haruno Sakura, and a completely confused Hatake Kakashi. As for Uzumaki Naruto, well, he's just happy to be there. You see, he plans on painting the new monument Sasuke wants to build.)
Coal: - “Echo” (...) (Naruto/SI!Sasuke/Sakura)                            last update: 2016 When undergoing Tsukuyomi the night Itachi slaughtered the Uchiha clan, Sasuke is made privy to a former life. He subsequently decides that revenge is stupid and he's going to try to make the most of his second life. He's too used to having a crazy and/or dead family. A sort of self-insert as Sasuke in which he thinks education is important to becoming a good killer and that dish soap is a wondrous thing.
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liketwoswansinbalance · 11 months
A Title Guessing Game
If anyone can guess (or come close to guessing) the title of my SGE WIP longfic, or any of its details, I will post a brief excerpt from the draft. The fic's title is fittingly long, considering its anticipated length.
This is the title's abbreviation:
I don't mind if anyone comes up with ridiculous answers either. If anyone does want to have some fun with the prompt, I'll be entertained, of course. So, have at it, in any way you want, as outrageous as you want! I’m literally inviting you to bring your assumptions.
You can comment below. Let the games begin!
Also, just so no one gets their hopes up, don't expect this fic anytime soon, not for months and months, or even a year or more, I'm willing to bet. It's going to take so long to organize my notes, arrange my outline more efficiently, and draft the thing itself, and I'm probably going to have to wait for a vacation to work on it. So, that's the status update though this is the first time I've really announced this fic formally.
Probably, the most abstract clue I could possibly offer you is this music. It is my fic's "theme song," in terms of tone. It's not entirely representational of the fic as the fic has some humorous moments. Yet, I've been associating this song with the fic, so it's my subjective interpretation. So, if you were to read the draft, there is a chance it would not fit 100%, so you can take the music in broad strokes, as some of the rising and falling plot beats or the shape of the story. (You can skip to around the timestamp 1:28 and listen from there onwards if you don't want to listen to the whole video.)
To me, the music evokes vibes like a phoenix rising from the ashes. When all is lost, when you've reached the "darkest night of the soul," and everything is hopeless and futile. The tension ramps up. Blood courses through veins, quickening. Becoming faster and faster, punctuated, overlapping. One trial after another. Trial after trial. It all comes to a head, a crescendo, the tension lancing through you. And you endure a hard landing, jarring your feet.
If you examine my description, you may find oblique, "symbolic" spoilers, so I doubt they'll be apparent. Anyway, I hope that I will be able to echo this tone in my fic, to be as "loud" and chaotic in certain parts of it.
But, when you guess, by all means, you can ignore the music, if you have any other ideas. To rule out some guesses, this fic is not exclusively a prequel-focused one.
Also, @heyo-428 this is the "crystal and bathtub" fic I told you about, if you're still interested. But, no need to engage if you don't want to! The answer may be more obvious to you, I suspect. And, if you want to, I'll let you present the miniscule details I gave you the other day.
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demystifiedstardust · 1 month
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Not the mythological kind, the Gen//shin kind.
Ever since I started playing this dumb game, they've been driving me insane.
Cw unreality
Why do they look like that? Why are they that color?? That shape??? Why do they have that transparency and flow????
I dropped my tablet the first time I encountered one in Wind//rise. Why? Because that likeness has a very personal significance to me.
Way back in the day when I was quite young, we had a school assignment to draw god (outing my location through this anecdote immediately?? Rip to my cool guy persona). I (wisely imo) didn't turn in the assignment, but if I had followed through, my drawing would not have been supply-side Je//sus but rather a seelie. That same shape, that same color. Albeit much... larger. Much, much larger. Incomprehensiblely large. But still, the spitting image of Gen//shin's seelies.
The world has no shortage of coincidences, and I'm willing to believe this is one hell of a coincidence that I've found myself part of. But I really, really want to know what the design process was like for seelies. Why did the devs choose that likeness specifically? What design considerations were there? Are there discarded drafts? If I could get more information, it would put my overactive brain to rest. Or maybe make it worse, depending on the answers I get. HYV is a large, well-oiled machine of a company, so there must be some market-research reason behind their decision.
...but would I truly be satisfied with an artbook-commentary-style answer? Because at the end of the day, the way that design got into Genshin is only trivia. The real thing I'm grappling with is how to reconcile the divine avatar of my childhood independently cameoing in a video game. Of course, it can't be just any video game, but it has to be the same one that gave a name to my twin, and the same one that gave me a stable sense of fictional self that slotted itself oh-so-slowly-and-seamlessly into my life that I don't see a point disambiguating the "Aether" out of the "me" nowadays (and melusines, I guess, though that's more of an if-the-glove-fits thing). (...and the whale. But that's whole other post to screech about).
It's literally just a video game, meant to have mass appeal. But why does it seem to go beyond that? How does it manage to consistently target intimate parts of my life in such hyperspecific ways?? People joke about instead-of-brain-it's-[interest] but this damn thing is hopelessly rooted into my mind, and every time I think I'm getting used to the flow of things, it finds another way to poke holes into my sense of... self? sense of reality?
Like, I know the devs aren't reaching into my head and pulling out my memories, because that's not a thing. That's literally impossible, and even if it were somehow possible (and I want to reiterate that it's not possible and I don't believe it to be so), they would have no reason to do that. There's no benefit. But damn if it doesn't evoke a similar feeling to my memories being in there.
It annoys me greatly not just because it sounds so fake, but also because I'm not a fan of metaphysical thinking as applied to myself. It would be easy to call this evidence of [insert popular metaphysics], but I will never personally be satisfied with that. (Note: I support spirituality, and metaphysical beliefs are valid! I just have baggage to work through surrounding my own experiences.)
(Note 2: I realize this makes my shark past life hypocritical, but to go into it more deeply would derail the post, so it will have to wait for another time.)
Big props to the devs for sending me through such a mindfuck. Every major story update has me wondering what new plot beats are going to ripple through my life as though I'm a raft on a stormy sea. Ughhh.
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peachymilkandcream · 10 months
The miscarriage thing gave me an idea. Evelyn hides her pregnancy from Levi. Then maybe she did something that made him angry so he, ignorant of her condition, beats her up, causing her to miscarry. How would they feel?
Levi x Evelyn -> I'm Sorry
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(A/N: Sorry for getting to this so late but I'm back from the weekend baby and it's been great! Forcing my fiance to watch cheesy romance movies and other childish ones when he likes action was peak. But now I'm back to your regularly scheduled writing! Keep those requests/questions coming in and I'll try and get Break Me Slowly out tomorrow and My Husband, My Monster out Wednesday or Thursday!)
WARNINGS: implied noncon/dubcon, miscarriage, domestic violence, manipulation, mind breaking, yandere themes/behaviours, misogyny, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, etc.
Evelyn never considered herself the smartest person, but so far hiding her condition from her abusive husband had been going smoothly. He didn't suspect anything as of this point, and since she was being willing in bed he was more gentle. She had been walking on eggshells around him, making sure not to make him upset in any way to cause his anger to fly out of control. The level at which she had to degrade herself to keep his good humour was downright humiliating, but worth it in the end for the safety of her child.
Her morning sickness and fatigue had been easily explained by a common cold that was going around. Which had worked more in her favour than she thought because after hearing that he took precautions to ensure that he didn't get whatever illness she claimed to have.
She knew she had to tell him, she knew it deep down, but the fear of what he would do to her and his child loomed in the back of her head. Would he treat the child the same way he did her? If it was a boy would he mold him into the same type of monster his father was? Or a girl who would be auctioned off for a dowry to a man just like him? Treated as property and nothing more than a baby making machine. This is what kept her mouth sealed as he discussed her cycles and how he was going to try harder when she ovulating for a child.
Evelyn had kept it a secret, until she made a fatal mistake.
It had started when she began to deny him his marital rights, no matter how sweet and submissive she was he was still rough with her. Then she went on longer and longer walks, pushing the boundaries of her freedom without even meaning to. Secretly going into town to buy medicine to help her with the morning sickness. Levi watched it all and eventually concluded in his mind that she was trying to escape.
Which is what brought her to this moment, his boot connecting with her stomach over and over. His rage fuelled by a bad day and one too many glasses of scotch.
"You think you can just leave me!? After all of this, after how hard I've worked with you, how patient I've been! You're plotting to run away like a coward!?"
Part of her brain numbed her to the pain, thinking about the child that was surely dead by now. It was all her fault, she should've told him. And then he wouldn't be so hard on her. The risk of his increase in obsessive behaviour would have been worth it for a living child. It was her own stupid fault for testing his patience when she could have been more clever in keeping herself and the baby safe. It was her own fault.
Levi finally stopped when he saw the blood seeping between her legs. It had caught him off guard. There could be blood anywhere on her, but there...
"What is this meaning of this?"
His wife lies there and sobs, holding her stomach but not answering his question.
"Answer me woman!" He grabs a fistful of her hair, making her meet his gaze.
She stares at him with tear soaked cheeks, trying to get the words out. "The baby- I- I'm sorry-"
Stunned, Levi drops the hair in his fist, letting her head fall back down. The statement washes over him, making his whole body cold. What had he done? She would have been trapped with him by now if he hadn't been so heavy handed with punishment.
A small twinge of grief hit him, but not enough to cause him much sympathy. He quickly composed himself, remaining calm and cold as ever.
"I see. Well, there's nothing to be done about it now. Clean yourself up and I'll have you checked out first thing. Then, when you're healed, we'll try again."
Evelyn doesn't respond, sobbing into her hands even after Levi leaves her lying in the pool of her own blood. It was all her fault.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
For the WIP Q&A!
Ramble about your favorite characters you have created for this story and explain how the world they lived in shaped their personalities into who they are in the main plot! <3
Heya, thanks for stopping by! (From my TSP Q&A tag game!)
Ooh this is fun. It's hard to pick a favorite, but here's a few:
Lexi is one of the easiest characters for me to write. This makes sense, she was the one I created first. She used to be more of a self-insert, and while I liked her, it wasn't like I do now. I LOVE writing her plotlines and her scenes for later in the series. Despite not being much like me now, I still find myself relating to her in more meaningful ways. Burn out, and need for friends being the main ones. I like writing how much she cares about the people around her and how much weight is put on her shoulders. I like getting her to moments where she finally just snaps. She's just developed really well.
Gwen was a character I didn't think much of in Draft Four. I liked her, sure, but I didn't really fully Get Her until I reached Part Three of that draft. While it's weak, I got a strong sense of purpose and the core of her character. I ended up loving writing her chapters and having her develop was just so fun. I love planning for things for her to do - so so much. Now she's one of my favorites, so I'm glad that messy ass draft exists.
I can't separate Robbie and Akash if I want to talk about both, but I do love both individually. It's just that they're so close. I love them so much. They make me laugh but their tender moments can make my heart warm or break during drama beats. They're everything I want in a relationship. Akash was originally going to just be a love interest for Gwen because I thought I should have more male characters, but then I gave him a strong charismatic personality and insecurities to match, and I just immediately loved him. Robbie was going to be a side character, Akash's friend, but I wrote two scenes with him and I knew he had to be main cast. These are the two whose chapters I enjoy writing the most, whose dialogue I enjoy writing the most. Both voices are so easy to slip into, and I don't realize how much I miss it until I write in their voice again. Akash has become much more simultaneously level-headed with a brain cell and also more awkward and A Mess. Robbie has become so much more empathetic and more chaotic. They both developed into the best versions of themselves.
Jedi and Carmen are also good to talk about in tandem. Out of the two, Jedi is easier to write dialogue and narration for, but Carmen is more fun and interesting to me. Jedi originally was going to be more villainous before I decided to make his methods more gray and questionable, and I gave him a softer, more formal personality fairly early. I love writing his chapters despite how hard the prep work usually is. They always turn out super good. I have a couple Carmen backstory chapters in Part Two, and they're so hard oh my God. Her perspective is super difficult. But Carmen is one of those characters I find fascinating. Out of everyone, she's the most interesting. I love planning her backstory and writing her dialogue. She's so fun yet so tragic. She originally was a side character but overtook Jedi into a more present, leadership role due to personality alone.
Hope this is good enough! I'm willing to answer more questions about any of them!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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rambling thoughts on the finale now that I've watched it again (spoilers, of course)
Even as I was watching initially on the discord, I was shocked by how quickly things were going by -- Luz gets murked not even 25 minutes in, for instance. I've been thinking over the series's cancellation -- I've seen it argued Dana should have cut more stuff out, but in fairness, it's hard having to make drastic cuts in a short amount of time, especially when cutting out certain characters would have meant redoing plot elements, not to mention skipping over or rewriting entire characters' backstories.
I think about Luca vs Encanto -- Luca had a lot of ideas pulled out, whereas Encanto very obviously tried to cram an entire mini-series into one movie. I like Luca better than Encanto for a bunch of different reasons, but I have to ask, Should you try to tell a simpler story better or a truncated story as best as you can? The answer seems apparent, but there is something to be said about Dana putting as much as she could on the table and all but outright asking fans to enjoy rebuilding her vision in their own. It's one thing when certain characters and ideas can be taken and made their own standalone stories, but not everything can, and given the state of the animation industry, the chances of that new show happening would've been slim, anyway.
A show like The Owl House -- a queer story cut short by a company that funded homophobic politicians while chasing woke brownie points for good publicity -- feels like the best-use case for Jenkins's idea of fanfic as repairing culture, as fans are now left to take this obviously compromised text and show our love by doing the reparative work of trying to fill in the cracks. Even if you don't engage with the fandom much, your perception of the text is still informed by these cuts, so there really isn't a reason not to think of the show as the sum of its canon and your own reparative fandom experience.
I compare TOH to SU a lot in my head, and the reason I'm willing to be so forgiving towards TOH for having a lot of dropped threads and blank spots is because, unlike SU/SUF, I don't feel like the creators wasted their time. Arguably there are episodes in season one that can be cut, but it's nothing like SU, which spent just so many episodes across every season prioritizing Steven's relationships to the humans in Beach City and neglecting its actual main cast, only for SUF to then stand up and admit it was all for fucking nothing.
Speaking of SU, though, the Collector fucking off back "to the stars" at the end gave me similar vibes to Spinel leaving with the Diamonds, though I will give SU the point here. Literally why is the Collector leaving when they've just NOW found a support system and friends? When their powers would be immensely helpful for rebuilding the Boiling Isles? "to the stars" TO SEE WHAT. WHOM. even on my first watch I thought this was fucking lame.
My main issue is that I felt like there was a big Belos-Luz beat missing, especially when their confrontation in the throne room was just him saying "oh you can't beat me." I would have rewritten that line, at least. I needed just a little extra, especially since he ended TTT with telling Luz he's doing this "for the good of [her] soul." I loved the death scene though (he's so mentally ill <3), as well as Arin Hanson's Titansona responding to Luz asking if they're "just as bad" as Belos with "do you smoke crack?"
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electricprincess96 · 2 years
I've completed the PokéDex (pictures of my certificate to follow once I'm back in my house with my Switch).
Ranking of characters since I've done mostly everything now I've even finished "post game".
Top Tier:
Arven aka the only character this game actually needed. Arven is great, his storyline is touching and directly relevant to the overall plot and I felt the friendship we built with Arven felt more real. His backstory is basically N and Lillie from Gen 5 and 7 (aka bad parents) but with this particular gen and characters twist I'll give Game Freak this it's one storyline they can actually consistently pull off. I didn't like how despite the plot being about him the game likes to sideline him as much as possible much to its detriment.
Larry. Purely because he's so relatable, he's the only Gym Leader I gave a shit about, someone let this man rest. Let him eat his food and chill with his normal types.
Mid Tier:
Penny. Honestly she's low LOW mid tier but I'm putting her here purely because I hate someone else more and I couldn't justify putting Penny in the same tier as them. Penny's story makes no sense, there's absolutely zero reason for us, a random new transfer student, to get involved with Team Star or Penny at all. The fact they apparently stick so closely to their rules that they'd be willing to disband and go back to the school where they were bullied relentlessly purely because one kid beat them in a Pokémon battle is dumb and quite frankly the whole plotline felt entirely pointless and unconnected to the rest of the game. Also Penny once she's down in the crater with the other characters has probably my least favourite line in the game when she complains about having a father that actually cares about her RIGHT AFTER ARVEN TOLD THEM HIS BACKSTORY OF NEGLECT AT THE HANDS OF HIS PARENT.
The Director. I'll admit he grew on me. I found him super creepy at first but he got better. At no point did I think he was great but I grew to not hate when he was on screen.
The rest of the Gym Leaders. They were there, they exist, I have little opinions one way or the other on them they just sort of exist and weren't particularly difficult to beat even though I deliberately did the intentional 8th gym as number 6 (I sequence broke this game so bad, like I managed to finish the game with Arven's last Titan purely because I knew he had the best plot and that it directly led into the final plot).
The Team Star bosses. Boring, forgetful, wished I could skip all their cutscenes after the first one honestly. Dark Type guy had the best design and backstory of the lot of them but the game forgets about them way too soon after that storyline ends.
The teachers. I didn't do the classroom shit because if I want to play a school simulator I'll play Persona. BUT the parts I've seen of them they were fine, I think I'd like most of them at the very least better than the characters I've ranked below.
The "Sarah hated having you on screen tier":
Nemona. She's bad. I hate the implication she's holding back throughout the game because she's already champion rank. That could have worked if her final battle was difficult but honestly she's one of the easiest rivals I've ever faced. I hated how she was still hyperfixating on Pokémon battles while Arven is basically going through family hell, I don't think she was relevant to the final plot at all and you could easily have cut her and Penny from that section and you wouldn't really notice the difference. I never felt like we were actually friends with Nemona, I felt like she just sort of decided we were going to be her pet project for that summer vacation and we didn't really get a say in it, all im saying is after Hop and Hau's genuine attempts at giving friendly rivals actual character development this was a major downgrade. Also every time Arven calls her annoying he's 100% correct. I have one more major issue with Nemona but that ties into the next character im going to talk about.
Geeta. AWFUL. Worst Champion. Firstly why the fuck does Nemona idolise her so much if Nemona herself is supposedly also a Champion rank trainer? They should at the very least view each other as equals in skill, I'd argue Nemona was better although neither are beating previous Champions for difficulty, Cynthia and Steven would wipe the floor with these two. But seriously why in the post game am I allowing Geeta to boss me around like she's so much better than me when I've wiped her whole team out with like 2 Pokémon twice now? Why is she still allowed to call herself a Champion when she's clearly been beat multiple times? It diminishes the rank. I don't feel special for becoming Champion now because apparently we all get to just be Champion. Also Geeta is just annoying, I don't like her at all, she feels controlling and unworthy of her station and plthe power she seems to hold in Paldea.
The "Sarah really doesn't have an opinion" tier:
The Elite Four. The game didn't care about them so why should I. Can't even re-battle them. Ground type member was hot, that's about it.
Now this is MY list, I am aware most of the fans of this game won't agree especially with my opinions on Nemona but frankly I don't care. I didn't particularly like this game, even removing the bugs I think there was some glaring design flaws that held the story and the characters back from being able to really shine. I personally felt the characters in SwSh and Arceus just felt more real, they were more likeable and a lot of them had actual character development which just feels missing in ScVi for me. So anyway if I've missed a character assume I either didn't like them or didn't care about them cause I've clearly not cared enough to remember them.
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artinandwritin · 2 years
A little writing practise I did yesterday at 11 pm. I wasn't really sure how to put the idea of texting each other down in a way it still feels natural, but doesn't slow down the plot. I kinda think I did a good job for once :)
This is for GusSiri's modern au during the time period where Siri is about a month away from finishing high school and Gustav is just,,, fucking around in college doing who knows what haha. Have fun!
S: I got full marks on my biology test. Mrs. Haddock gave me a sticker because she thinks I worked so hard.
S: Did you know red carnations symbolize affection?
S: I found it online.
S: I thought you would like it, you told me once you like carnations.
S: Can I send you some? I don't know if they'll come through okay with the post, but I'm willing to try!
Siri took a deep breath and put her phone away - this was no use. She had scrolled through her past messages with Gustav Larson for what seemed like hours, and none of them had been answered.
Not a single one.
She didn't know what had happened between the two of them. One moment, he was texting her what felt like every other minute, sending her pictures of his homework, his dog Fanghook, or things in stores he wished he could buy but didn't have the money for - the next moment, nothing. Only unread messages.
Of course, he must be busy, Siri knew he probably was. He was in college, following classes to get a degree in teaching. He was probably making new friends, going out with them, getting drinks and probably not needing her anymore.
After all, she was still in high school, all alone. She had her friend Adelaide Jorgenson, sure, but all her other friends had already left to pursue a carreer. And now, even Gustav had forgotten about her.
She grabbed her phone again, her fingers trembling as she tried again.
S: How's Fanghook? He must be so lonely, now that you're studying so much.
S: To be honest… I feel lonely too.
S: I miss you.
S: Gustav, I miss you. Can you please text me back?
S: It's okay if you can't.
S: I'm sorry if I've done something wrong.
S: Or said.
S: Just please text me back.
Siri's eyes widened as the two marks in the corner of her message turned blue; she leaned back against her pillows as Gustav started typing.
G: Im so sorry! Roommate hid my phone for a joke, couldn't find it for days.
Her heart jumped.
S: It's okay, I was just worried.
G: Can I make it up to you?
S: No, you don't have to, it wasn't your fault.
G: Yeah no, if you miss me I definitely gotta make it up to you. Of course, everyone must miss me so much, I was so legendary in high school.
Siri chuckled, slowly calming down as she typed a response. Oh, how she had missed his little remarks.
S: They don't talk about you anymore :'). But… I do miss you. Quite a lot.
G: Wanna go get ice cream or something when you get outta class tomorrow? I've borrowed this sick scooter from a friend, I'll come pick you up.
Oh. A strange whirl went through Siri's stomach; her heart felt really light.
S: That sounds a bit like a date, Gustav. Isn't that girl you had eyes for gonna be jealous?
G: Nope, turns out she already had a boyfriend. So there is no-one to worry about.
Relieve washed over her; her shoulders relaxed at his message. However, her racing heart kept beating, and her hands suddenly typed on their own.
S: Do you want this to be a date?
G: Um.
G: Maybe a little. Not gonna lie, you're cute. And you've always been nice to me even tho I'm sometimes kinda an idiot ;).
Butterflies, that's what they were. They were twirling in Siri's belly as her gaze was glued to her phone screen. Her hands trembled at every word they texted to each other.
S: I kinda want this to be a date too.
G: You do?
S: Yeah. I think so.
G: So I guess we've got a date ;))). Anywhere you wanna go?
S: The movies? They're showing Titanic again.
G: Sounds good to me. I'm gonna hog the popcorn, be prepared >:). And!! Pleasepleaseplease put on a thin dress or something. I wanna offer you my sweater.
Siri couldn't help but laugh softly, casting a quick glance to her wardrobe. A sundress may be best suited for his little request and oh, how she adored the detail.
S: I will! Can we make dinner at your dorm after the movie?
G: Yep, I'll just bully my roommate out. And afterwards I'll take you home nice and save.
S: I'll see you tomorrow, can't wait :).
G: See ya, can't wait either.
G: And Seer.
G: I miss you too <3.
A smile overtook Siri; there was nothing that could describe that special feeling she felt when he said that.
S: <3.
She closed her phone, putting it down beside her. Her heart racing, she slid further down onto her bed as she started up at the ceiling. Oh, this would be perfect.
This would be absolutely perfect.
@rosiethedragongeek for the tags!! Just a lil smt for funsies <3
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the-haunted-office · 2 months
Also, since I've recently gotten some new mutuals, I like to periodically post about Doom about why she is intentionally overpowered and explain that I am perfectly willing to power her down in threads - because I am!
Back in the day I was in an rp group where just about everyone's muses were walking all over and bullying and beating the shit out of Thursday (who had no ability to really defend herself). Like, they were hurting her all the time, she was constantly being used and hurt in plots and it just got tiring for me. So I brought in Doomsday, and one of the things I wanted for her was for her to have powers. So I turned around and gave her ALL the powers, turned her into a bit of a swiss army knife, gave her a little bit of everything. Sure enough, pretty much as soon as I brought her on board, all the powertripping towards Thursday stopped.
I'm not in that group anymore, and since then I have powered Doomsday down and I haven't had anybody approach my muses in that way thankfully. But that is why Doom has so many different abilities.
HOWEVER! That does not mean that she is all-powerful, nor that does mean that I am unwilling to allow her to be beaten should any fights arise between her and your muse. She does have weaknesses and we can always work things out. I'm not here to be walked on, and I'm not here to walk on you. I am here to create interesting dynamics between our muses and to create interesting stories, not try to one up each other.
So yeah! Just wanted to put that out there, because I know that Doom can be a huge brat and can be antagonistic. Her abilities do not excuse her behaviors and do not exempt her from consequences. If your muse wants to hurt her for her big mouth, I accept that, all that I ask is that you don't assume your muse to be more powerful than she is, and I won't assume that she is invincible either - and vice versa. Let's work together and communicate. :)
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Ok I’ve this idea cooking in my mind brain for the the last couple days and I need someone to help make it a reality. Can get a little something with Arkham Eddie and his vigilante s/o who for the last couple of months have been having this strong bit of sexual tension between the two of them and after one of Eddie’s crimes fail and they have him cornered s/o decides “screw it” and finally decides to get Eddie in bed you can make it as grossly nsfw gutter minded as you want I actually encourage it
ok ok i love this??? i think him having sexual tension and a bit of flirty banter with someone is just HNG because honestly, he's a cheeky little shit and that's why i love him so like where he obviously lusts after batman, i gave him someone who is willing to reciprocate his weirdly obsessive affections
so yeah! here's my arkham riddler x gender neutral vigilante reader fic for you
i'm sorry this took so long but i hope you enjoy it and i hope i interpreted it right, like i maybe took it slightly differently than you hoped but if i did just come back at me and i can work on it!!! 💚
minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff like i went whole hog and the second half is just porn yw
"You're no better than that idiot detective d-d-detective. I'll beat every one of you that tries to stop me stop me."
His voice rang through your ear piece, shrill and taunting and so loud.
"They can all come after me, one by one, but none of them will surpass the levels of intellect it takes to beat this genius genius."
The warbled tones, sharp static and echoes were grating, but as long as he was talking it meant he was distracted.
"And I bet you think that because I can't see you, because you've evaded my cameras c-cameras, that you're somehow smart now now? But I can still hear you. I've got microphones, yes microphones, all over the city th-the city."
He didn't, and you knew it. Because you were splashing loudly through the sewers, potentially within arms reach of his workshop. And he was none the wiser. It was exciting, the thrill of finally facing him. Adrenaline pumped through your veins and underneath, a tinge of something more, warming your blood and flushing your cheeks.
"It's a matter of brains over brawns b-b-brawns, and while you're certainly very brawny, you don't have any brains brains."
Two whole months of trailing him, following his obnoxious little clues and riddles, spending hours of your time listening to him bang on about that bat as if he was the only vigilante who existed.
"Not that...I have observed your brawns brawns. Although, I wonder how much of that is just your little costume tume. We'd have to take it off to see what's really underneath underneath-neath."
You were jealous of him, actually. Jealous of anyone who had his attention more than you did. It was pathetic, really. But you'd spend so long thinking about him, studying him. How could you not have fallen for him, even just a little bit.
"I MEANT to see how little you had h-h-had, not that I want to see you out of your costume costume. You're vile v-vile. As if I would be persuaded by anything of that nature, let alone you you-you-you."
It was amazing how he could keep talking when you weren't even responding to him anymore. Could have been fear, you guessed. A habit he developed to drown out any of his deeper thoughts beyond crime, plotting and stupid puns. The way he got caught in his words was endearing though, and you hated to have to put an end to it.
"Surprise." You offered it in a dull tone, arms crossed in front of you and head tilted to the side, smile visible on your face, self-satisfied smirk gleaming in your eyes from behind your eye mask.
"Oh...shoot. You really do have to spoil all the fun, huh?"
"I hate to do it to you, Ed, I really do. Maybe, if you come quietly and don't make a fuss, I can show you the brawn underneath my costume, whaddaya say?"
His face beamed a bright and instant red and he furrowed his eyebrows. Taking his eyes off of you for a brief moment, long arms reaching for his cane that sat off to his side, he allowed you the time you needed to corner him against the slimy, brick walls of the Gotham sewers. With your arm under his neck and the other pinning his hands above him, you stared deep into his eyes.
Chests heaving with exertion, the space between you somehow drawing closer, you considered how handsome he was. How intriguing you found him. How two months of doing nothing but think of him had driven you past the point of rage and desire for vigilante justice, and had circled around to an intense crush.
It was the tension. The teasing, the obsessive notes left for you, the way he mocked you relentlessly, his attitude, his self-absorption. It was a bad thing to admit, but his constant bragging and self-congratulatory speeches had you truly believing that he was the smartest man in Gotham. Deserving of something better than the Batman, who was only stringing him along, mercilessly.
You could hear the longing in his voice, the way he spoke of him. There was a desire to be caught, to be interviewed and given a chance to unleash his inner thoughts to people who had to listen to him. And, as much as he enjoyed being elusive to the point of irritation to the GCPD, you could tell he was desperate to be captured, to be lauded for his crimes on the newspapers, to be the crowning achievement of Arkham's inmate population.
Why else would he leave a trail of neon green breadcrumbs leading right to him? He was lonely. Needy. And something about that notion drove you wild. The pathetic attempts at flirting, which he backtracked on as soon as he'd let them slip, the way you knew he watched you, constantly.
Without much thought, you kissed him, cutting off his ranting about how you should let him go because you must have been cheating blah blah blah. At first he was still, shock, maybe. Most likely defiance, not wanting to submit to feelings for someone who he should for all intents and purposes be hell bent on destroying. But he sank into it, straining his neck against your arm to get closer to you, deeper into the moment, tongue pressing out in hopes of getting more contact.
In a bold move, one that was incredibly risky and highly stupid, you eased off while keeping your lips to his. Removing your arm from his neck first, bringing it down to his side, placed softly on his hip. The other, warily removed from his wrists, allowing him freedom. Freedom to run.
But he remained, and with no restrictions his hands were flung quickly around your back, running up and down your spine desperately, pawing at you, scratching and grasping. They moved deftly to the front where he undid the belt and zip of your outfit, hands desperately clutching your bare flesh at the hips and using his powerful arms to spin you around and against the wall.
In a surprisingly submissive move, he fell to his knees, tugging at the material around your thighs to get better access. As you shrugged your shoulders and arms out, he yanked hard and exposed your body to the frigid and stale air before pressing his mouth to you, on you. He worked feverishly, tasting you, biting ever so gently where he knew it would elicit the most lurid reactions, tongue muscles, strong from the ridiculous amount of talking he did, finally put to good use as he teased your skin.
One hand against the wall to balance you, the other reached to stroke his cheek before travelling up to his hair, gripping it at the top and pulling him closer to you. His tongue, flat against you, lapped at your taste as he moaned and let you control him. But as you adjusted to the pleasure, deep pulsing waves of ecstasy ringing in your ears, he pulled away.
Mercifully, he began to kiss you again, dragging his cheeks, stubble delightfully brushing at your skin, down your neck and to your collarbone where he let his mouth hang agape, breathing in and inhaling you. Strength doubled with the adrenaline of arousal, he gripped onto you and turned you around with ease.
With your face pressed against the sharp texture of the wall, you hissed in pain and pleasure as he sucked on his fingers, lathering them in his spit before rubbing them against your entrance, although you were already embarrassingly ready and willing from his practised efforts of oral.
You could hear him unzip himself, spitting onto his palm and groaning as he stroked his cock and began to tease you with it, gently rubbing it up and down before easing the tip into you. He was an impressive thickness, and the sensation of just his head pushing past the tightness made you push yourself back onto him, both of you letting out a grunt as you took him in, whole.
It was interesting to note the absence of speech. You had imagined, and imagined a lot over the past couple of months, that he would be almost as insufferable during sex as he was in any other situation. A constant running commentary on the events. But he was breathy, deeply focused on the task at hand. The noises he did make were animalistic and carnal, grunting and growling interspersed with softer groans, an occasionally sweet whimper as he tossed his head back.
He whispered, most likely in an attempt to hide what he was saying, and you could hear your pseudonym being uttered softly with a growing passion, drowned out by the echoes of your bodies crashing against one another. It was sending you over the edge, and as you worried about how much longer he was going to last, impressed by his stamina and pacing, you knew you were unable to hold out much longer.
You called out his name, screaming it into the room, oddly intimate to refer to him by his first name but desperate to cry it out. Knees buckling, he held firm onto your hips as he began to tense up, fingernails in your flesh, spit seething from his gritted teeth as he held his tongue, fighting against instinct to praise you, to let you know you'd won him over. He came, hard, seed spilling out as he removed himself with a shaking moan. But his hands remained on your waist, soothing over the little dents where he had gripped tightly in orgasm. He leaned into your ear, kissing it softly before whispering.
"I can't let you win that easily. How about this time, you can go hide and I'll come looking for you. I promise you I'll be able to find you a lot quicker than you found me."
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