#I'm yapping
capricious-magician · 24 days
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Thinking about Kipperlily Ankarna and Lucy Cassandra. How one had their body manipulated into letting rage, revenge, and conquest over them. How one chose to walk away from that path.
But, both were separated by death. They could never utter the other's name again...
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wifeofasith · 2 months
The weather is getting warmer and I'm in such a beach mood... I was spending my late nigh scrolling pinterest, admiring all the summery aesthetic pictures and then Hay popped up >///<
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He looks like he'd be a very comfy place to tan on. I'd absolutely be living my best life, drinking my virgin Piña Colada while rolling on top of Hayden Christensen in the sun. 🤍 He'd have to nudge me awake every tenish minutes to flip sides because he just looks SO soft and warm and I'd totally nap on his chest !! I'd wear my pretty leopard-print bikini too... so he'd have a hard time keeping his hands to himself !!
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the-data-files · 11 days
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Breen spaceship appreciation post. that thing is huge
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ianitegal56 · 2 months
I was watching Jordan's VoDs for sdmp which is admittedly rare for me because I don't watch much lately but what the heck. The scene in the basement of the HOA got me feeling so major Mianite brain worms?? Led into a dark basement surrounded in smoke and dripping lava and opening the conversation with what deity or god are you worshiping after saying you prayed for this fucks with my brain. An AU where Jschlatt is being controlled by the Shadows unknowingly and tempting Sparklez into evil is running wild. The mini tangent episodes before about doing yearly rewatches hit but the hoa basement scene??? That's not leaving my head for a while. There's now just this mental image of a weakened Ianite with glowing eyes staring at Sparklez from his farm area above his house at night that is just *there* now.
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disguiseddeer · 27 days
what do all of these guys have in common? being silly beasts, that's what
i'm not the biggest bug fan, bugs don't like me and i don't really like them, but i make exceptions. moths, dragonflies, caterpillars, mantises, crickets and grasshoppers, beetles, and maybe one or two others i can't think of rn are cool with me. although not a bug, spiders are my arch nemesis, sadly - mosquitoes too! those little guys love my blood
snakes are awesome!! i love snakes!! they're either super cute or super cool, little inbetween. ball pythons are the dogs of the snake world, i love them so much! i still gotta make me but ball python (been on my to-do for a while), so silly! i've really liked reptiles for a long time, they're just so interesting to me. crocodiles and alligators are definitely some of my favorites, they're just so cool and wide and beastly and <3
i think that has to do with my love for dragons, though. ever since i was a little kid i've always been so fascinated by them. once a dragon kid, always a dragon kid who's with me 🗣️🗣️🔥
i love dinosaurs too, they were some of the first things i ever drew! it's amazing and mindblowing thst these fantastic, huge creatures once lived on our planet. biology, evolution, and the history of life is so damn cool. i gotta try drawing dinosaurs more
jellyfish are, admittedly, also interesting. like, how does THAT thing just, exist?? what is bro up to?? i haven't looked into them too much, but they are beautifully weird. same goes for sea life in general, especially deep sea animals! so damn ugly and weird i love them
in general i have a huge love for wildlife, biology, (including spec bio!) and just everything and anything relating to animals and ecosystems. recently, i have been *dying* for some sort of custom ecosystem sim, where i can freely create my own species and watch them interact with their world and everything around them. there is just something so damn interesting about it, it sends off all the "ooh, i like this a lot" parts on my brain! if anyone has any recommendations on something like this please let me know! spore is great, i love spore, but i'd love something more in-depth and open ended
i also really like speculative biology, if you couldn't tell before lol. there's just something about it, thinking about how things work and interact in realistic - yet different - settings. it's awesome! -- that and my love for nature and the natural world is probably what has led me to being such a massive fantasy lover. i just love thinking of other worlds, ones that are much cooler than our own. i love thinking of strange, beautiful, crazy critters and beasts that would inhabit those worlds. magic that bends the rules of reality, that can be a tool for both good and bad. everything about it is wonderful, and i eat that shit up!! i'm always on the hunt for new fantasy content to get that itch in the back of my brain, so suggestions are awesome! i've always liked elder scrolls, and just started watching delicious dungeon/dungeon meshi, i've also been trying to get into dnd for like, ever lol (i just gotta get my friends together and figure it out)
thank you for giving me something to ramble about! it is very fun and i'd love to hear any thoughts, comments, or suggestions on anything!! i'm hooked on the tumblr ask system now please give me things to yap about this is so good <3
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farabruh · 1 month
Angsty deon to Tatu songs
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eggyspoon · 8 days
Mini theory alert🧙‍♂️
Ok so, we all know that the gang from the circus can remember parts of their lives before the circus but they cant remember their names.
maybe the way they get out of the circus is by remembering their names Like spirited away ( or well haku specifically ) and it sorta works like cane is ubaba??? ( I think thats her name, the fat one from ghibli. )
Idk if anyone has said this yet but yk. Just a theory :0 )
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IDK just a theme or sum
So like basically I got this idea from my partner bc we were talking and then they said "I had a dream where your mum was going off on me for dating you" and proceeded to explain how my mum was telling them that they ruined everything and they asked if it was really that bad and it supposedly was because they had ruined my family and my life and then they just asked "So can I just watch the movie with Felix now?"(They probably said it in a tone that was basically yelling idgaf) so yeah basically having your ocs closest person outside their family being treated like they did something bad and make your own twist on it because the ending doesn't really matter I mean the dream ended with us watching the movie but I'd like to see anyone else's ver of this
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ja3yun · 24 days
i'm physically and emotionally unwell
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arthursfuckinghat · 2 months
The sun is your halo, for it is always above you.
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Arthur and Weetabix 𑁦𐂂𑁦 Scarlett Meadows
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ogcjmn1 · 5 months
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didnt know if i should throw these together but i guess i'm going to. starting the new year off right
edit to add: ive moved my art to a different account! @znbpsg
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diceqi · 1 month
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the-data-files · 2 months
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The Rosetta Stone on the Deep Space Nine Promenade, written in English, Klingon, Vulcan, Ferengi, Bajoran and Cardassian
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itsindiana · 1 month
i think we don't talk about what the driving force behind each batcher is enough. like if u think abt it hunter often acts out of fear ( not cowardice , fear that his ppl will get hurt duh ) , while crosshair often acts out pain , tech acts with logic , wrecker with love , and echo ? echo acts out of being true hater
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yrsonpurpose · 3 days
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bertoyana · 14 days
i'm so sorry i don't want to be the "the party ended 5 years ago and he's still here" person but dark phoenix's final scene is still SO funny to me. especially to see how erik plays charles like a fiddle
like: he shows up with NO helmet AND a chess set. (he did this last time in days of the future past, and it worked, right? so it should work again, right? right???)
so, he sits, completely uninvited mind you, and he tries (and fails terribly bless his heart) at starting a normal conversation, he asks charles about his retirement, probably trying to get charles to like, talk about it or whatever
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(rip erik's hairline)
charles is not having any of it, which... valid. the last time he and erik had a full conversation, erik told him to shut the fuck up 
anyways, erik realizes his failed attempt at being casual did NOT work like he wanted, so he pulls out plan b - he calls charles his old friend (which, if you pay attention, in the prequels they use 'old friend' as a term to de-escalate the situation)
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which WORKS, for some reason, and charles immediately deflates and gives erik the tiniest smile in existence, because erik showing he cares always seems to do it for charles lmao
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(he's so embarrassing . god bless. @ x men: is this your leader)
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anyhow, erik pulls out the second part of his plan b - he asks charles if he wants to play a game. still playing casual. just two buddies. just two guys. some guys. just some friends having a toootal normal n casual conversation.
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and you can immediately see charles close himself up, he crosses his arms and avoids looking erik in the eye. erik managed to soften him up with the 'old friend' and having his helmet off, but it's not enough YET so erik pulls out his plan c. luckily his last one, christ, charles really does like to keep them waiting doesn't he
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keep an eye on erik's entire demeanor in this scene, his position is not closed off like charles', he's open, he leans on the table, and maintains eye contact with charles. his head is tilted to one side and everything, completely harmless
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i'm so obsessed with charles' microexpressions here james mcavoy you are so insane
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anwyays, charles uncrosses his arms and his position does come off a little more open, but if you watch the scene you can see him shake his head. this obviously touches him - but he's probably intending to say still no. probably because he has the biggest martyr complex i've ever seen in a fictional character 
so, erik pulls up his fucking plan d (lol) and hopefully this time IT WILL be the last. he pulls the pawn out of his jacket pocket.
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(why the fuck is this played like a fucking romantic scene i'm so serious, why is he smiling to himself like that)
mind you, erik had the pawn in his pocket the entire time, which could mean either of two things:
charles looks surprised/confused the entire scene, but in THIS part he doesn't look confused, he just looks like he's still trying to figure out what erik is trying to do. so it either means erik makes charles play this 'guess where it's hiding' game all the time (????) which doesn't really sound likely for him to do, but erik is always begging charles to get into his head so it wouldn't surprise me if he actually did this every time. god knows he's desperate enough or
erik was expecting charles to reject his offer right away, and had multiple other plans shoved up his ass if this was the case. this also seems likely, he's obsessive enough to have thought multiple ways through. 
anyways, he puts his two fists up and pulls up the most mortal sentence in existence. one he knows charles won't be able to deny him
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"just ONE game 🥺 for old time's sake???? 🥺🥺🥺" man stfu you are 62 years old GET UPPPP 
anyways - pay attention to his wording. 
"just one game" because erik came ALLLL this way for charles, so charles might as well play ONE game with him, and then erik could be gone - if charles wanted it that way. 
"for old's time sake" when things were easier and when they were more at peace - when they were on each other's side. when they were together and the mansion, just after charles had saved him and gave him a hom- oh wait 
(also, there's 100% a hidden meaning here. and there’s also a 100% chance i’m reaching but idc. the pawn could be in his left hand or his right. the possibility is 50/50. the only way charles could know with 100% certainty was if he entered erik's mind - if he took up erik's offer. but he could also not get into erik's mind and just... guess and fail - by thus, not taking erik's offer. erik is giving him an out, a choice to make the first move)
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(and the chess piece he offers charles a WHITE pawn. the white pieces are the first ones to move. 
also also if you have paid attention to the previous movies, erik is always the one to use the white pieces, this is the first movie where we see charles play with white)
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anyways, charles does struggle a bit with the choice, but ultimately he decides to accept erik's proposal and """guesses""" right.  
and going from erik's... entire face and smirk lmao i'm guessing charles went into his head to get it right. mind you, this is like sex for them
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charles accepts - erik is very relieved to know he's not the only one who's down horrendously. and after the worst guessing game in history (seriously, the pawn was in erik's right pocket and then he had it hidden in his right hand... man i guessed that shit and i'm not even a telepath) they start rearranging the board
so anyway, erik gives charles this look like he wants to climb him like a tree, which means that playing edward 'down embarrassingly bad' rochester in jane eyre (2011) finally fucking paid off
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erik doesn't even blink mind you, and charles doesn't take his eyes off erik either way, which means they are just STARING at each other without blinking for god knows how long LMAOOO 😭😭😭
once everything is said and done, erik makes a silly little joke and charles rebuts. then erik gives him the biggest smile i've ever seen him give to someone since magda, and then he follows it up with a smaller, softer smile with no teeth
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seeing this for the first time in the theater was like getting shot in the chest, no joke
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mind you erik stopped trying like three minutes ago but for some reason, the first time we finally see charles soften up in the ENTIRE movie is after he sees erik smiling at him. which could mean nothing.
and the thing is: charles does have a big heart, and he means well, most of the time, but he also doesn’t necessarily has… the best way of showing it with his actions lol. erik knows this, and he knows charles has a thing for lost causes, for people the society has given up on. charles threw himself into the freezing water to save erik - even when he didn't KNOW him. 
AND he also knows charles has the biggest soft spot for him, he KNOWS - because all those years ago, charles' biggest accussation wasn't "you paralyzed me" it was "you left me". because after erik lost his wife and daughter, charles rushed to find him, to make sure he was okay. because nine years ago, charles looked at apocalypse and said "fuck you you are twisting erik's grief, and you are hurting him" to A GOD BTW. TO HIS FUCKING FACE NO FUCKS GIVEN AT ALL
tldr: call erik the fucking violinist because boy he sure knows how to play charles like a fucking instrument and how to press all the right keys to get him to say yes to him. he gave charles an out if he didn't want to come with him, but he also came PREPARED for it, mind you, he came PREPARED to take charles with him to genosha. he didn't get to take charles with him 30 years ago, and he was going to be dammed if he didn't take charles with him NOW (this time with no bullet wound and no helmet lol)
and the most insane thing to me is, that he knows charles has a soft spot for him, he's known this for 30 years, and yet, the only time he uses it in his favor is to get charles to say yes to him on this. the only time he uses it is when he thinks he can do something to help charles - to give him back all the kindness charles gave to him 30 years ago. 
anways i'm insane. i'll be back here eating glass if you need me. i'm so normal about them. simon kinberg broke something in me 5 years ago
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