#I've gone from not even knowing how <span> works to kinda knowing what to do???
zestpunk · 6 months
I've found a new love.
It's web design. I've coded my very first website! It took many, many days and even more revisions and internal screaming. I don't know if Tumblr is still weird about links in posts so I'll settle for screenshots and keeping my site link on my tumblr profile.
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I've taken the first step into the wacky world of website coding. It's so bare bones but it'll do for now. I plan on updating, adding and changing stuff as time goes on. But this is a big milestone for me! Something that I've been telling myself I'd do for, well, years now. And I've finally gone and done it. Gotta take wins where you can.
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eisforeidolon · 5 months
[Following on from talking about Kim Manners for a while]
Mark: He was just an amazing guy -
Jared: The best.
Mark: He was something else. And look, I've worked with a lot of people, and I've known you since you were a lot younger.
Jared: Hey! Same! Same!
Mark: A lot younger. And the truth is, to - it sounds so corny [mocking voice] 'Oh, this show is a family'. Look, this is a place where we went to work with 150 of our friends for over, y'know, a decade and a half. I did nearly a decade of it. And I think the energy that he instilled upon how to behave on a set was absolutely the reason why anybody could walk on that show and be treated like gold. [Jared nods as he's talking] You could succeed if you came with your A game, you were looked after and you were carried. And if you were crap? You were looked after and you were carried. I swear to God I have seen this, couple people that didn't - I won't ever say what it is, but didn't make it beyond a certain small amount of an arc, they just didn't have the right thing or didn't get it or whatever.
Jared: Yeah, the right attitude. We even had people that recurred and returned, who maybe they weren't as solid of an actor as a Mark Sheppard or a Mark Pellegrino type, but they were good enough and they were kind. And they showed up and they wanted to work and they wanted to laugh and they knew their lines and hit their marks and they showed up on time and there was no bullshit. It was like, okay, we can work with this. And so let's keep on going -
Mark: There was a trust element that was mind-blowing, and I've worked on some amazing sets in my time, but it was special, man. To know that every single person in that crew had my back every single day.
Jared: Amen.
Mark: When we did the end of season 8, when you and I were doing hours [Jared says something here I can't make out] and hours and hours of this stuff. That group, right, so in between shots, right? In between shots, you've gotta move lights, you've gotta move cameras, you've gotta do stuff. And they don't have to be quiet. They're working all day, they've been there three hours before us, they're leaving three hours after us -
Jared: And it was a long trek, it was like an hour away from town. On some, like, beautiful lake that Phil Sgriccia -
Mark: Oh, on the outside when we did - but when we went to the stage, when we came back to do the interiors?
Jared: Yes, yes.
Mark: And we did the interiors in there, they didn't make a sound between takes for two days. Because the boys are being serious, we'll support 'em. And that's how we got through those pages and pages of stuff. Jensen -
Jared: It was a couple of - two or three days or something.
Mark: It was two or three days -
Jared: And then Jensen and Alaina come in.
Mark: It was nuts. It was so - but we, like, you see all the gag reels, right? You see how silly everything gets? The reason why the gag reels are fun is cause we work hard, so one mistake -
Jared: [?] you're done, never forget. I will say this, a lot of y'all know Mark and have known him many times or met him many times, and a lot of y'all know, can agree with me, he doesn't shut the fuck up. Ever.
Mark: [Mark holds his hands up and nods] I talked my way through six heart attacks, trust me.
Jared: Other than the two or three day span where we were in that chapel. And it was so - it was before the AKF campaigns, it was - what Sam was going through, in a very different way, was similar to what Jared kinda had gone through and was going through? And so I went to a weird place, it's the only time in my 480 episodes of television I've ever listened to music during - in between scenes? And Mark is tied up, you know, you're my Marley moose and all that bit? And like, usually when you're tied up during a scene, they call cut and they move the cameras, it takes twenty minutes and you go like, untie me, I'm going to my trailer to pee and have some water? He just stayed there and was quiet the whole time, because I just sat there in the corner, he was just there for me, so kudos to you, Mark Sheppard.
Mark: And kudos to Jensen. Jensen was off-camera for a day and a half. Off-camera, in character, for a day and a half. It's - you suddenly realize that everybody's got your back and it's just the greatest feeling in the world. When you're trying to do - there's never enough time, there's never enough money, there's never enough ability to make the best that you can make of it, you know? We're all trying, but when you know everybody is trying to make the best possible thing for you guys [gestures to audience] that we can make, with all our hearts, with everything that we care about? It's just a fantastic experience. And what I love about, I was talking about the gag reels, what I love about the gag reels is you're seeing the antidote to that.
Jared: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mark: So when Jensen for the first time in his entire history can't get a line out of his mouth, which is I'd rather be smacked during sex by a girl with a Zorro mask -
Jared: He kept messing it up!
Mark: He messed it one time, and you killed him.
Jared: Oh for sure. For sure.
Mark: We have thirty eight takes of that. He never messed a line up in -
Jared: Worth it. He kept on removing a word or adding a word and I was like [frustrated voice] that's not the word! But it was good. Anyways. Great time, great family, let's get some questions.
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spacexseven · 2 years
tunaaaaa I've been reading ur Childe Thing sooo much that I've been thinking of I Love Amy aus nonstop. its a problem. in honor of bsd s4 im gonna rapid fire a couple out for the Bsd Boys!
lets talk dazai. I feel like this could go a lot of ways with him. like, if its ada dazai, you probably don't really get the sense that something is kinda off with him until you're a bit too deep to back out. he seemed so sweet when you first met- fuckin weird, but sweet! no harm in trying to help him win over a crush, right? for pm dazai, you obviously know hes fucked in the head the second you meet him, so you agree to help him out of a fear of what he might do to you if you dont rather than a sense of altruism. either way, its kinda hard to notice him getting a little overly-attached to you just cuz of how naturally obnoxious and clingy he is. even if he starts to escalate you might not get it cuz hes pretty fast and loose about LITERALLY kidnapping you and tying you up in his apartment/mafia holding cell right off the bat (gets very pouty about you "ignoring" him). doesnt help that hes so out of touch with his own emotions he probably doesn't even know he has a thing for you for a whiiile. trust me tho, being nice to him and taking care of him when hes sick or injured WILL wear him down. you'll only kind of get it when you try to give him some new pointers on his crush and he seems to just get? annoyed? mutters something about you talking about someone else while you're SUPPOSED to pay attention to HIM. or when he keeps being weirdly affectionate with you in full view of X when hed usually forget you exist as soon as he sees them. or you woke up chained to a chair (again) but this time hes perched in your lap and scolding you about avoiding your "boyfriend" before shoving his lips against yours. couldve been any of these occasions really.
cant BELIEVE I didn't think of gogol the first time I talked about this this is almost EXACTLY what yes doing to sigma rn. when this fuckin 6'2 clown terrorist traps you against a wall and starts questioning about why you were talking to "his darling", you are 10000% sure you're gonna die. almost gives you whiplash how fast his tone changes once you convince him you have NO interest. all smiles all of the sudden, picks u up under the armpits like a cat to right ur posture and pats you on the head, declaring that you will be his magicians assistant for a while! you do not have a say in this, if you'd like to keep your skin. while you feel bad about aiding and abetting this stalking case, you get the sense that hes. not ever gonna actually make a move. kinda just Wants To Stalk. goes on about how he cant let himself be tied down like that (whatever that means). he does talk about just murdering his darling a lot but you've managed to convince him that thats unnecessary baggage connecting them to him so hopefully that keeps him sated until his goldfish-esque attention span finally moves him onto a new target. and it does! the problem is that its you. I think that once he realizes he likes you, he's just gonna vanish. poof gone. hes had a lot of fleeting obsessions with ill-fated darlings before, but youre something new. hes never actually gotten to know someone before! ugh. hes caged by his feelings for you, but the despair hed feel from killing you would be a cage all its own! frustrating!!!!! maybe if he just leaves and never thinks about you ever again this'll just go away like all of his other crushes. doesnt work. expect him back in a month, snuggling into your neck and babbling inane about having missed you. he tied you up again so youre just gonna have to let him do that. its fine youre used to this with him.
really wanted to do this with chuuya and fyodor too but im scared of them being OOC help me.
- 🩹
omg so this turned out to be Very Long :O quick context for any1 who is unfamiliar w i love amy—it's a webtoon (highly recommend btw) where the yandere character starts to fall for her 'target/rival' instead of her initial love interest. for more info + the childe version, check out this post.
cw: yandere characters (dazai, fyodor, nikolai), stalking, kidnapping, imprisonment, obsessive behavior, threats of violence to reader. (this whole post came off a little silly instead of serious But mind the cws anyway!)
this is best read with a male reader (to keep it consistent w i love amy) but there's no pronouns used or descriptions for reader, so do as you like. also, reader makes morally questionable decisions :>
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(pm) dazai is to be avoided at all costs. that was the rule you put down for yourself after witnessing one of his very public threats to some poor pedestrian who had bumped into him. the dramatic coat, the blank expression, the natural ease with which he handled the weapon in his hand—everything about him was just...alarming.
however, despite all your efforts, he's obstructed your path home with a deadly glare and a hand in his pocket.
according to dazai, he did not appreciate your recent conversation with X, (as he claimed, they were too popular to spare most people more than a few friendly greetings—so why were you having a full-fledged conversation with them?) who were you, even, to get in his way? you sputter out some excuse, some explanation as to why he misunderstood the situation and it was all just work-related, and fortunately, he seems convinced, at least enough to relax his hold on you and shift the blaring malice in his stance to something less frightening.
obviously, you couldn't refuse when he offers you what he calls a mutually beneficial proposition. you help him get closer to X, and he won't kill you! win-win, don't you think?
the thing about dazai, you soon learn, is that despite the murderous energy he gives off, he's painfully annoying, more so than frightening. it almost feels like you're dealing with an obnoxious child, with how he's constantly whining and tugging at your sleeve and complaining about how useless you're being.
and it also makes you wonder if he's ever really had a friend, because he's got some strange expectations for you. he's all too possessive, too paranoid, and expects you to be perfectly fine with it. you consider telling him that he's not supposed to hold you hostage every time he thinks you're spending "too much time with someone else", but after the 4th attempt, you've understood that there was no getting to him. at least he stopped with the threats to your other friends (well, he promised you that he'd stop), and that seemed like the only thing he was willing to compromise on. he doesn't ease up on the breaking-into-your-room-to-visit-you stunt, either, especially when you're "ignoring him". despite all that, maybe out of some form of pity, you still help him out. you drop off food when he's sick and try to explain that imprisonment is not the key to a healthy relationship. you hang out with him even if you're terrified of all the mafioso you come across when you visit the hq with him, and after all of it, you're mostly convinced that he wasn't going to kill you anytime soon. in fact, the two of you seemed to be building an unusual friendship.
but when he comes to visit you one day when you're sick and actually knocks on the door and texts you beforehand, you tell him that this would be the best way to approach X if he ever hears that they're sick. though you're expecting some excitement, or some self-satisfaction for improving a little, instead of looking excited, dazai looks frustrated. for the first time, he looks genuinely...upset. and when he asks you why you can't appreciate that he was looking out for you and not X, you're left at a loss for words. you're not sure if this was a sign that he was starting to learn not to cross your boundaries or a warning that he was beginning to like you a little too much
and things only get stranger. he becomes more observant, asks you more questions about yourself rather than X, and even starts holding your hand in full view of X. when you mention that X was really looking forward to a new movie coming out and that he should try to ask them out, he gets upset by your suggestion, grumbling about you paying more attention to X and only caring about them instead of asking him if he wants to see the movie with them. so, unsure of how to respond, you echo his question. he beams at you and happily declares that he only wants to watch the movie with you.
somewhere along the line, it happened that dazai himself started to realize just how much he liked you, and he spirals out of control. the already overwhelming physical contact turns more intimate, with dazai holding your hand at every possible moment, pressing himself as close to you as humanely possible without squeezing the air out of you, and sitting on your lap whenever the opportunity presents itself. he stops responding to anything that isn't an endearing pet name and introduces himself as your boyfriend. X seems to be eradicated from his mind, as well as anyone that wasn't you, though it feels as though you're the only one that has a problem with this change. dazai takes to it naturally, seamlessly inserting himself into your life.
"what's wrong?" dazai's sprawled across your lap with the biggest grin on his face, the remote in your hand long ripped away by him, "come give your boyfriend a kiss~"
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you've...heard of fyodor. it was more overhearing whispers shared between people, but the mention of his name seemed to intrigue everyone who heard it. you've heard that he was a mysterious man who walked into the city one day and never left, and you've heard that he was the owner of an expensive casino. you've even heard that he had a tendency to stand on top of rooftops at night, but you've heard tons of variations and rumors. one statement, however, rang true in everyone's ears.
fyodor dostoevsky was taken with X.
that was putting it lightly—obsession was exactly what it was. though X was clearly unaware of what was being said, because, as they assured you one day while you walked out with them, fyodor was just a friend! and he was a very interesting guy, with some strong beliefs. he wasn't some criminal mastermind! all he did was keep to himself. and that, as they confidently declared, wasn't a crime.
but you had reason to not believe X, after all, it wasn't them at the receiving end of a laser focused gaze and a creepy smile. (it scared you so much that you ran home and ordered a burglar-proof lock for your door the same night) and it also wasn't them who sat down across from you while you were having your breakfast in the café nearby. anyone would have been better than who it was.
"hello," fyodor waves a fork at you, his fingers positioned gracefully on the silver cutlery (and of course, you think bitterly, he was evil and beautiful. just your luck), "i hope you can spare me a few minutes."
he wasn't asking, but you melted at his soft tone. for all people loved to talk about him, why hadn't they mentioned how hard it was to take your eyes off him? awkwardly, you take another bite of your food, nodding at him.
he asks you about X, though it's more of an interrogation disguised as casual conversation. he easily waves around his fork, smiles at you with an unnerving expression, and stares at you a little too long. by the end of it, your food is finished and his fork is placed neatly back onto the table and you've sustained no injuries. better yet, he finally seems to have (reluctantly) removed your name from his hit list.
what you weren't expecting was for him to start seeking you out. you get strange looks when fyodor waits outside your workplace with an umbrella—your umbrella—leaving you with no choice but to walk with him unless you wanted to get home soaked. he lists off X's habit and asks you to add on to his list, ignoring your reply of "that's just creepy". he tells you that he wants to respect X's privacy by not using cameras to spy on them so will you answer him or should he use the cameras? and what else could you do then?
at the very least, he didn't seem serious about attempting to kidnap or imprison X. he seemed fascinated by them, if anything. like he was...studying them. being with him wasn't as bad as you'd though, no matter how much you hated to admit it, despite the foundation of this friendship was built on how amusing he found X. if he was in a particularly good mood, he'd even offer to help you out with your struggles in the pursuit of love. his ideas, however, were all sure to land you behind bars with a retraining order to boot. when you voiced your opinion to him, he only smiled and told you that he knew a thing or two about breaking out of a prison cell, much like he was recalling upon a fond memory.
the only good thing about this strange arrangement was that fyodor was really nice to look at. there was something mesmerizing about his every action, even the slight quirk of his lips or the way his hair fell on his forehead. the ease with which he slipped on his hat (which, by the way, what was with all his not-weather-appropriate clothing? was he not sweating?), and the commanding air around him. so while he spoke seriously about X and his distaste for most of the human population, you tuned him out and focused on admiring his pretty eyes and how his lips wrapped around his fork and—ugh, you were starting to sound as creepy as him. but honestly, you had a feeling he already knew that you found him attractive. fyodor was far too good at reading people, far too perceptive to let something as obvious as your attraction to him slip.
your mistake was foolishly believing that you'd be safe as long as you didn't act on those feelings.
it felt strange, however, when he started reaching your usual table first, having already asked for your go-to meal and watching with thinly veiled delight as you stared down at the hot plate. and it's your coworkers now that get stared at, your friends who get the silent threat of a fork pressed against smooth skin, and you that everyone whispers that fyodor dostoevsky is taken with.
the meaning behind his increasingly strange behaviour doesn't really hit you, not until you've bumped into X again, who you haven't seen around in a while.
"i see that you and fyodor are becoming good friends now," they grin, "i'm almost jealous of how quickly you warmed up to him."
long fingers reach to caress your cheek before a perfectly poised hand places itself on your shoulder. fyodor's unmistakable voice replies in your stead.
"we're friends? is that what you've heard?" fyodor dips his head down to lock eyes with yours, "why don't you correct them about that, darling?"
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you should have trusted sigma when he told you that nikolai gogol was bad news. as he clarified, so bad that, coincidentally, the ministry of justice hq was moved away at least by two states when nikolai came to visit.
but how were you to know that he was in love with one of your acquaintances? and how were you to know that his idea of love was this frightening? just when you were making your way back after a lukewarm conversation about work with X, you were slammed up against the wall by a person with a top hat and a coat and an honestly terrifying expression. then nikolai, as he later introduced himself, started grilling you with questions, ruthlessly asking about why you were with X and why did they smile at you and where does your family live, after which he happily told you about his many previous experiences with torture and how he would love to show you.
you're not sure what convinced him to let you go, whether it was your trembling legs or your teary promises that you had no interest in X in that way, but here you were now—alive, terrified, and offered the position of 'magician's assistant' (though the magician himself refused to tell you why the position was open for so long) and all it took to land the increasingly strange job was to talk to X and listen to nikolai threaten to torture you in graphic detail.
(among all the crazy people you had seen around here—that so-called 'world's best detective' who snatched your bag of candy right from your hands, that other person who started doing push-ups in the middle of the road, and someone giggling holding a bag of lemons by the port—you thought that nikolai definitely fit right in. not that you were going to tell him that)
while the position wasn't exactly what you wanted, nor were you too keen on spending more time around nikolai, something about the glint in his uncovered eye and the hand gripping your shoulder told you that you really wouldn't want to reject his offer. contrary to what you may have assumed, assisting nikolai only meant becoming a partner to his criminal activity, which revolved around stalking X, talking to them to find out all the information nikolai can't get by stalking them, and stalking them even more to find out any more details that neither of you could get. (you've considered helping out as much as you can, leaving hints in the form of obscure drawings of nikolai and danger symbols, but later, when you catch sight of X waving to him, you realize the message did not come across the way you intended it to)
fortunately for them, (and for you. at least now, you won't be behind bars for assisting in abduction) nikolai seems to have no interest whatsoever in pursuing them any further. sure, he keeps books filled with information about X, and buys their favorite drink alongside his order, but he doesn't seem to want to do anything more.
while you could care less about why he does whatever he's doing, already chalking it all up to the fact that he was off his rockers, nikolai decides to enlighten you all the same. when he excitedly rambles on and on about freedom and feelings and why X must now die, you pretend to listen, never actually telling him that nothing he said made any sense to you. still, after insisting that he won't be very free behind bars either and that if he really didn't want to be tied down by his feelings, he should actually distance himself from them instead, it appeared that you finally got him to understand, and he hesitantly agreed to listen.
for the most part, everything is great after that. your life returns to normal, with no top hat wearing, cane wielding magician in the vicinity, and no more having to invade someone's privacy. and it was great! really! even if it was a little bit boring without nikolai's spontaneous plans (maybe that time in the amusement park was pretty fun, even if the only reason you had to go was because X was going there with someone else, much to nikolai's horror). there was something both unsettling and addictive about the crazy adventures nikolai swept you on, though it was for the best that he disappeared.
but then nikolai came back…acting a little odd.
his clinginess and a sudden desire for physical affection set off alarms in your head, though he acted like this was perfectly normal. at first, you told yourself that this must be some new jealousy plot—maybe he got this idea from a tv show he watched over his 'break', but he hadn't asked you if you wanted to be part of this ploy (not that he ever did, really).
and your suspicions only grew when he refused to let up on the act, holding onto you as if his life depended on it. his trips with you became increasingly frightening, and his grip on you increasingly tighter. he takes his new position by your side, not at all focused on X anymore, and instead observes you with the same look that was fixated on X not too long ago.
it only hits you that you've become his new target when you find yourself tied up to a chair, with him seated right in front of you with his face up to yours. the exact scenario you convinced him not to put X through.
"your advice sucks, by the way," he pouts, "i tried staying away but i couldn't stop thinking of you! don't be too upset, alright? we can have even more fun now that we're together!"
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angelst4re · 1 year
Hi angel 💕 Could you write a counterfeit jamie smut where the reader used to be friends with benefits with him and he comes back to her town on tour and she ends up in his hotel room if you know what I mean 🤭I love you’re writing <3
hi lovely!! thank you so much!! im sooo sorry for making you wait so long THIS REQUEST IS LITERALLY FROM FEBRUARY??? i hope it's worth the wait :)
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Addiction- Counterfeit!Jamie x Reader
warnings: NSFW!!! this contains smut so if that makes you feel uncomfortable then please don't read!! <3
notes: it's been a while... for the last month i've been so busy and when i haven't been busy i've been thinking about noah sebastian and/or cillian murphy (jamie i am sorry i'm in a hoe phase rn!!) but i also have a henry creel drabble to post tomorrow as well so keep an eye out for that :) ALSO I WANNA SAY A BIG THANK YOU FOR BEING PATIENT WITH ME!!!! (p.s. this isn't proof read and i wrote this over the span of three weeks so i apologise for any mistakes!!)
When you received the message from Jamie telling you he’s playing a show in your city, you couldn’t contain your excitement. You were out for lunch with two of your friends, who were questioning the wide grin on your face. 
“Oh, I just know she’s texting Matt again,” one of your friends smirked, eyeing you up, “are you ever going to meet up with him? You’ve been talking for almost 3 months?!”
“Oh, no, it’s Jamie. He’s playing here with his band next month, he wants me to come and see them. He’s sent two tickets, I could ask for an extra one if you wanted to come with me-”
“That’s perfect! You can ask Matt to come with you!” Your other friend suggested, although it came off as more of a demand. 
“But what if he asks about how I know Jamie? I couldn’t really explain that on a first date.” 
“Well, just tell him he’s a friend, maybe leave out the ‘with benefits’ part.”
“We stopped that a while ago, actually. I haven’t seen him for almost a year, we’re kinda just friends now.” 
“Then that’s your story sorted then,” your friend grinned, picking your phone up from the table and placing it in your hand, “now tell Matt he’s got a concert to go to.” 
You were surprised when Matt texted back, telling you he’s never heard of counterfeit before, but he’ll happily listen to them and come with you. You felt a little bad for lying to him, telling him you had no one else to come with you as your friends were working that weekend. 
On the evening of the show, Matt came to pick you up. You would’ve usually dressed quite casual for a concert, specifically one of Jamie’s, but this was also a date. You stepped out of your house wearing a black dress, comfortable shoes and a cute handbag to match the outfit. 
“You look amazing,” Matt said, unable to wipe the smile from his face, “let’s get going!” 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
“That guy right there,” Matt shouted through the noise, pointing at Jamie, “is your friend?” His mouth was open in disbelief as you nodded your head. He had already had four beers, and you had only been here just over an hour. 
“Yeah, I met him at one of the restaurants I used to work at. It’s a funny story actually, some crazy fangirls were waiting outside for him to leave so I kinda helped him ‘escape’ through the back…” You trailed off as you noticed he wasn’t paying attention to anything you were saying, his attention was elsewhere. 
“Cool, I’m gonna get another drink, do you want one?” 
You shook your head and watched as he disappeared off into the crowd. 
Your eyes were drawn to Jamie, reminiscing on the times you had spent together. The times your bodies were intertwined beneath the covers and the times you spent laughing together in the car. You missed him, it was truly like it was a ‘right person, wring time’ kind of situation. 
Time passed and passed and you realised Matt hadn’t come back yet. Surely the line wasn’t that long? You just assumed he had gone to the bathroom, especially after drinking that much. But another 15 minutes passed and he still hadn’t returned, so you went to search for him. You assumed he wouldn’t have wandered far from the bar, so you were heading in that direction. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You were pushed up against the hotel door, slamming it shut as his lips met yours. One of your hands found his hair whilst the other was grasping at his shirt, as if you were hanging on to him for your life. The familiar smell of his aftershave, mixed with cigarettes gave you a feeling of nostalgia, and it was as if you were experiencing deja vu. 
His hands were on your thighs, pushing your dress up higher and higher, until his cold hands met your bare hips. 
“Jamie,” you gasped, pulling back for air. As if he couldn’t take his mouth off you, his lips were now on your neck, kissing and nibbling the spot he knew would make your knees buckle. 
The last thing you expected tonight was to leave the show with the singer. With Jamie. But after you went to look for Matt, you caught him with his tongue down another girl's throat. A part of you felt sick, betrayed, but another part of you felt relieved. However, you would never admit that’s how you felt, especially not to your friends. 
Jamie had given you a backstage pass, and cleared it with security before the show. You knew how the night was going to end as soon as you received the text from him. 
“Why does this always happen,” Jamie asked rhetorically, against the skin of your shoulder as he continued to pepper kisses, “always end up coming back to you.” 
You smile at his words, it was true. The two of you just couldn’t seem to keep your hands off each other when you were together. 
Before you could process what had happened, you were pushed against the table, and Jamie took your thighs, lifting you to sit on the edge of it as he got down to his knees. 
His kisses began at your ankle, and he looked up at you as they got closer and closer. Your calves, your knees and eventually your upper thigh. 
“I’ve missed you.” He confessed as he held your thighs open, one finger pushing your underwear to the side. 
He dragged a finger through your slick folds, earning a sigh from you as he grazed your clit. You looked down to see a smirk plastered on his face. His eyes briefly met yours before he placed a kiss over your clit, the tip of his tongue nudging it as you dug your nails into the underneath of the wooden table you were sitting on. Jamie quickly noticed this, and the hand that was holding your legs open for him guided your hands back to his hair. 
“Shit.” You gasped as you felt a finger gently press into your entrance, his lips now wrapped around your clit, sucking and nipping at it. “M-more…” You managed to whisper. 
“That’s not how we ask for something, is it, darling?” Jamie teased, a devilish glint in his eyes as two of his fingers pressed into you, agonisingly slow. 
“Please,” you whimpered, “I need… I want more, please, Jamie.” 
Jamie chuckled, his thumb now replacing his mouth on your clit as his fingers pumped in and out of you. He stood back up, towering over you before leaning down to kiss you, giving you a taste of yourself as he did so. 
“I’ve missed hearing you beg,” he whispered, “come on, sweetheart, let go for me. I know you're close.” 
He was right. You swore he knew your body better than you did. 
You could feel the knot in your belly tightening, getting ready to snap at any moment. 
“You’re making such a mess, y’know that? My messy girl, can feel you dripping down my hand,” you could tell what he was doing, he was trying to push you to the edge, he knew what effect his words had on you, and he was taking advantage of that, “that’s it, angel. You can do it, cum for me.” 
And that did it. 
Your head was thrown back, your thighs trying to close around him as he continued to work you through your orgasm. The moans falling from your lips were muffled by his as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. 
His fingers slipped out of you and he reached for your thighs, his slick coated fingers leaving your skin sticky as he pressed his body against yours, causing you to wrap your legs around his waist as he carried you towards the bed. 
As your back hit the mattress, he began to undress. You took off your ruined underwear before you reached for your dress, to slip it off, but he called out to stop you. 
“Hey, leave it on. It looks so fucking sexy.” He growled, unbuckling his belt to let his trousers fall to the ground. 
He kneeled on the bed and shuffled his way between your legs, holding them open for him as he leaned down to kiss you once again. 
“Jamie, please.” You whined, lifting your hips to try and get him to do something. 
“Fuck, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to hold back, darling. It’s been a while since I’ve…” He doesn’t finish his sentence as you reach your hand between your bodies, palming his hard cock through his boxers. 
He grabs your wrists, his fingers digging into the skin sure to leave bruises for you to look back on in the days to come. 
“I didn’t tell you that you could touch, now, did I?” His eyes had darkened with need and lust, and the way his face twisted into a devilish smile made a whimper slip from your lips. “So desperate for me, aren’t you baby. I knew all those years ago I had ruined you for any other man, this just proves it, hm?” 
With one hand pinning your arms above your head, the other one comes down to drag his thumb over your bottom lip, before you welcome him into your mouth, gently sucking on the tip of his thumb. 
“Shit,” he muttered under his breath, “keep your hands here, okay? I know you will, you’re my good girl, right?” 
You nod your head and manage to say a muffled ‘yes’ as his thumb presses down on your tongue as he uses his now spare hand to push his boxers down, letting his cock free from its restraints. 
He wastes no time, swiping his fingers over your slick, spreading it over his dick before pumping himself a couple times. His breathing is heavy as he lines himself up with you, your hips squirming as you wait for him to finally push in, but he takes his time teasing you beforehand. When the tip finally slips into you, you both let out a moan and his head falls forwards, buried where your neck meets your shoulder. 
It’s clear that neither of you have had any action lately, as you both need to take a moment before Jamie begins to move. You dig your nails into the pillow as he begins to slowly move his hips. 
His hand that was once over your mouth trails down and rests on your neck, applying a little pressure as your eyes fall shut. You feel how his cock slides into you, nudging spots inside you that made you shiver. He would pull back out until only the tip was left inside, before fucking back into you, getting progressively rougher. 
“You look so pretty like this, baby.” He said before leaning down to capture your lips with his. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping your hands planted above your head as you melted into the kiss. You took advantage of the use of your legs, if you couldn’t touch him with your hands. 
One of Jamie’s hands slid between your bodies to find your clit again, using his thumb to try and bring you the edge, knowing he wouldn’t last much longer. In the past, you and Jamie went maybe 2 or 3 rounds sometimes in one night. However, it was different tonight. You hadn't seen each other in a long time, let alone had sex. 
His pace began to quicken, his thrusts getting rougher and rougher. He buried his face in your neck once more and you couldn’t help but tangle your fingers into his hair, gently tugging on the blonde locks. 
“Shit,” he gasped, masked by a dark chuckle as he kissed your neck. 
“J-Jamie…” Your mind was too clouded by everything to even think about forming a proper sentence, but Jamie knew you and your body better than you knew yourself, and vice versa. 
You knew he was getting close by the way his cock twitched inside you. Your grasp on his hair tightened as you felt your high getting closer and closer. 
“Inside.” Was the final word you managed to mutter into his ear before you came undone, your legs locking around him, making sure he wouldn’t pull out before you came down from your high. 
As you were beginning to catch your breath, your muscles relaxing as you lay there blissed out, felt him twitch in you once more, cumming inside you with a moan, followed by your name. You rocked your hips as he stilled inside of you, milking his cock of every last drop. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, follow by a chuckle as he smiled lazily down at you, “you don’t understand how much I’ve missed you.”
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xshybutdeadlyx · 7 months
Questions for the demiromantic and demisexuals out there
Ok, so I've recently found this term thanks to an aroace character from a show I watched. I knew of the sexuality but I didn't really know the specifics because I always thought I was bi but now looking into it I didn't know how aroace was like a literal umbrella and there was so much more to it then meets the eye. Which I'm 30 I feel like I should know more than what I do. But with doing research into it trying to understand it better, I learned about all the terms, and I learned about demiromantic and demisexual and it really resonated with me. But I wanted to ask for advice, I guess? Like I like romance I love reading it seeing art and what have you but when it comes to romance for myself I'm not a big fan? And maybe it's because I literally have to unlearn so much romance equals a, b, and c when that's not really true. I literally been in only one relationship in my life and it consisted of hand holding small kisses (no tongue, honestly I have an ick with spit and the only reason I "wanted" to do deeper kisses with the boyfriend I had at the time was because I felt like it was a requirement) but I honestly didn't feel attraction towards him until after getting to know him and being friends with him for months well into almost a year. And he's the only one I ever felt that way for I hardly ever had crushes or when I did I almost kinda forced myself into having them if that makes sense? It was "natural," and every kid was supposed to have crushes. Nothing ever came from the "crushes" though.
Now, like I said, I'm well into my 30s, and the relationship I just mentioned was the only relationship romantic wise I've ever had. I have had strong feelings for two of the friends I have but one friend is straight as they come and the other is married lol the one that is married though we have a strong bond that I wouldn't trade anything for. She tickles my hand, and she lets me cuddle her all the time, and we just spend nights just playing games together, just like when we were in high school. I love her so damn much, and I'll cherish what we have even when we are both dead and gone. She is my forever person.
Sorry, I went into a mini rant about my platonic love, but she's the best, and when I start talking about her, I have to gush lol, but anyways back to my sexuality crisis
So anyways, when there is even a chance of someone having an interest in me, I honestly kind of freak out. Or like if someone tries to set me up with someone, red neon flashing warning signs pop up for me. I don't know that person, and honestly, I get put off by big romantic gestures. Like, I appreciate it, but I don't think it's necessary? Can we just go get McDonald's, sit in the parking lot, and just shoot the shit? Play some games? We can watch movies or shows too.
I've also been on the dating websites and such as well, and I'm just always immediately put off. "Hello beautiful," ugh. "Insert pickup line here." please God why. "Unsolicited romantic or sexual advances right after a day of talking." Haha, no. There was literally one guy I thought was cool and we kinda flirted but it was really just talking everyday about the games we were playing I feel like if given time a connection could of been built but he ended up finding someone else immediately. Which honestly was fine I was kinda bummed but like if he wanted romance immediately, I wasn't gonna be giving that to him. I wanted to still be friends, but apparently, we had "too much history," so he ended up blocking me. lol oh well.
I've also literally only have had two "crushes" in like in a 5 year time span (only because this is what I can remember lol) one of em was so goofy and seemed so fun but then it seems like they turned out to be very self absorbed instantly done the other had baby mama drama wasn't into that. Honestly, those things seem to be things that could be worked through? Maybe? But once I just see something off-putting, it's all I see, which seems more like a personal thing because of past traumas.
As of now I'm honestly content with no romantic relationship but I feel like I do want one but I don't want one with just anyone and it just doesn't seem like many people out there are willing to wait or willing to be friends first and want to hop into relationships immediately when I very much don't. It takes me a while to be comfortable with people, and I want to get to know them as a person.
For a long time I felt like I just wasn't doing things right or that I had to actually change something that I was doing. I thought I was wrong or that I should just force myself into the uncomfortable situation of being someone's girlfriend immediately but then if it turns out I just don't have those romantic feelings then there the whole process of hurting them which is just anxiety inducting.
Also, with all that I'm saying, it does go into the demisexual portion, too. I've still never been with someone sexually because even in the one relationship I have had, I haven't met someone I've trusted to give myself to. The thought of one night stands or anything of the like just makes me wanna crawl into myself. I don't mind anything sexual but I want to be with someone sexually that I trust and care about with my whole being, not some dude Craig or some chick Wendy from Tinder. I'm content with that, but a lot of the times, I'm almost made to feel bad because I haven't done anything sexual. But boy, can I read all the smut on Ao3. Like it all in theory, but dunno about in practice lol I just don't have much of a drive in general, but I don't know if that's just because I've never been with anyone before? I keep getting told, "As soon as you're with someone, your sex drive changes," and like, does that shit really happen? Lol
All in all, I really feel connected to the terms demiromantic and demisexual. Even when I just said I'm bi, it just never felt right, but for once, I feel like I finally found something that I felt connected to and finally found me. But I guess I also wanna feel like I'm right in assuming so? I dunno I feel like it'd be disrespectful in using a label that isn't really you? Which doesn't sound right because everyone has the right to find themselves, and sometimes people go through a list until they finally find themselves, which is what's happening to me right now. But my feelings also just get jumbled up and I have a hard time distinguishing what's been conditioned in me, like how you date, you get into a relationship, ya do couple things, then you get married ect. When all I wanna do is get to know you, really know you, then actually date but even then I feel like a lot of my stuff is more on the platonic end? Like, I like cuddling and kissing, and I do like romance but on a more tame level? I kick my feet when reading "he bought her all these extravagant gifts then he swept her off her feet and dipped her into a kiss" so cute but like if I was actually in that situation like bro put me down for real and I'm so awkward when given gifts lol
I dunno I'd just would really like to discuss this with others who have found themselves because I don't really have anyone else to talk to about this. I've talked to my friends and they of course support me and love me but I feel like they don't really get it? And my family just chalks it up to " Ya just don't have a lot of experience it'll all change when ya get out there and mingle with people"
Thanks in advance for reading all this if ya made it this far I know it's a lot of word vomit as I like to call it but I don't have very organized thoughts and I just kinda write what I'm thinking in the moment lol
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mpregjamesdiamond · 2 months
I READ THE ANGEL KAMES FIC …. ough 😭 such a shame it’s unfinished. the fact that all of that went on in the span of 5 days kinda blew my mind like you’re telling me 100k+ words and it hasn’t even been a week? this is the slowest burn to ever burn. anyways do you have anymore fic recs 🫶
HI HIIII im so glad you like it yessssss!!!!!! and literally the way they make you wait saur long for them to even like eachother in any capacity had me climbing the walls that night...... and the WINGS bro......bro what if i wanted you to keep me safe and warm in a cocoon of your own flesh forever.. haha i mean-
and i doooo :) i've been saving this ask because i wanted to do a thorough list from my laptop, but i'll rec some of my favorites so far right now, and maybe some i've been meaning to read, but haven't yet
i have read and rec:
We could take it to the highway by skyline
kendall has to go back to minnesota and james offers to travel with him through the states. REALLY nice i loved skyline's writing and depiction of the boys' inner struggles. very grounded to the show's pillars and their dynamic really hit with me. i rec this to everyone who will listen because i liked it a lot lol <3
How to stop a haunting also by skyline
supernatural universe kames baybayyy. honestly all of skyline's works are so worth it, i still have a few of theirs to read but i strongly recommend the author in general (i rec more fics of their below but there's way more, i don't want to make the list too long hehe)
Lost without you by mintrosy
ANOTHER instant fav author. the guys suffer a shipwreck and kendall gets badly hurt. and they have to cauterize the wound and so on. very nice and sweet despite that description i just gave skdjsh
mintrosy also has a kames omegaverse series, lost bets (porn lol, kendall in lacy and james going apeshit), Sharing is caring, Dude (short and sweet fic about the four of them sharing outfits <3). honestly they have a tonn of fics so you can go to their profile and go bananas
Never did run smooth by ItsyRoyal
the first btr fic i read this year i think? so it has a special place in my heart <3 pinning kendall and oblivious james, very in-canon
Patr��n on ice by skyline
james/camille/kendall because jamille is my guilty pleasure lol. very funny, james has a date with two beauts and doesn't know what to do with himself.
now for fics i haven't read yet but intend to:
Sweet people by xAnimaniac (50k words)
Kendall is a lawyer, always determined to stick to business. And even after losing his husband three years ago, he's not looking for any kind of relationship. Then he meets his new client James, who is a druggie accused of murder, rude and flirty and absolutely everything Kendall never thought he'd be into. So why does he like him so much?
I tell you I'm lost here (awaiting reply) by jaded_jane (30k words)
Gustavo allows James a second attempt at an audition and offers to make him a star when he likes what he hears. James jumps at the chance, and once he's gone to L.A., Kendall's left to hold everything and everyone together. As days go by, Kendall forces James a little further back in his mind, especially as contact goes from limited to non-existent and promises aren't kept. It's only then that Kendall realizes that the people he loves, leave him and never look back.
It's so hard to breathe by skyline (11k words)
“So you let Dak Zevon fuck you,” James says, and this time he doesn’t bother amending his word choice. “Interesting decision.”
right now im rummaging through EpicallyObsessed's ffn page but haven't read anything yet. they have a looot of long kames fics, mostly AUs.
Same with RainbowDiamonds, the author of the angel kames fic in question <3
hope this helps!! if you want let me know if you end up reading any of these ♥️
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hotheadrednecksimmer · 2 months
Vault Tec Legacy Challenge
In the Overseer's Office
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Jameson: They've been gone for well over a month! What are we going to do?
Saylor: I'm not sure, I'm still adjusting to Alexia's notes and reading through all she wrote over the span of 15 years.
Ben: I'm not sure there's much else to do except keep the Vault running and taking care of the Dwellers.
Jameson: Keep going on like as if they never were apart of the Vault? That's my wife.
Ben: Are you going to leave the Vault and go searching for her and leave your kids without a mom and a dad?
Jameson: That's not fair.
Ben: That would be the only option other than to keep on living, Jameson.
Jameson: You've got a lot of nerve to get smart with me.
Saylor: That's enough from both of you.
Ben and Jameson stare at each other with sour faces.
Saylor: Unfortunately, there is not a lot of options for us to do other than to keep on living. I don't want to send anyone else out in the Wasteland and potentially lose them too.
Jameson: So, are we just assuming that Ellis and ... *Jameson pauses looking at the ground* Alexia ... are ... are dead?
Ben: I don't think that we necessarily have to assume that they're dead, just not here.
Saylor shifts in her chair: We have other issues. I'm hesitant to even say this but according to what I've read from Al's notes, the generator that powers the Vault has never ran more than 50% capacity. The power flickers are getting worse. The two people that were engineers and knew how to fix it left.
Ben: I could start doing research and possibly find a manual about how the generator works?
Saylor: I couldn't find one. I've already looked.
Jameson: Al always kept that kinda stuff in her terminal.
Saylor: I'm still going through her notes, maybe I'll find something soon.
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Jameson: If you find something or hear something from Al and Ellis, let me know. I'm gonna go find Mabel and Bellamy.
Saylor: Will do.
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Saylor and Ben move to the couch in the Overseer Office.
Saylor: I'm sure they are still alive and still searching for things to help the Vault and Kenzie. I can't imagine that they would come back empty handed.
Ben: Knowing Alexia, she's stubborn as hell and determined.
Saylor: She's going to come back and be okay. I have to believe that.
Ben: Is it true about the generator?
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Saylor: Yeah, it's true. No wonder Al was so stressed out. I didn't realize how much she had on her plate. As I go through her notes, it just keeps piling on with responsibilities and more things breaking. She installed a water filtration system herself a couple years ago because the water was only filled halfway.
Ben: It lost that much water within 10 years of us living in the Vault?
Saylor: Yeah, it's not a very good system. Al really did improve it. I don't know what we're going to do without her.
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Ben: We'll manage and hope for the best. That's all we can do, right?
Saylor: She can't be dead. She's my best friend, I can't do this without her.
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Ben: She's going to come back, she's going to be okay, honey. She's too stubborn to die out there in the Wasteland. She'll survive out of spite, surely.
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tragedytells-tales · 10 months
Obey Me Incorrect quotes
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Notes - quotes from poker nights + Sam and max, Feat. Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor + the rare Luke, Solomon, Simeon, and Barbatos appearance
Summary - A bunch of stupid incorrect quotes and sometimes they're out of character on purpose!
Warnings - Slight game spoilers, Chaotic and traumatized MC, Forth wall breaking
Tw - Gambling, Strong language, Guns, Violence ( nongraphic )
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MC: Well of course you won with THOSE cards! Even Luci could'a won with those cards, and all he can do is talk about alcohol and how much of a poor single widowed mother he is!
Lucifer: Where in the three realms did you lot hide my demoneus now?
MC: shut the FUCK UP LUCI‼️ and people say I'M annoying??
( Telltales games : poker nights )
MC: Hey asmo, what do you think I should do?
Asmodeus: Tell her how you really feel before she runs off with Blaine!
MC: About the hand, chucklehead.
Asmodeus: Oh. Check.
( Telltales games : poker nights )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Demon student: I gotta ask, what's it like living on a different plain of existence?
MC: It's great! As long as you ignore the constant firefights, random explosions, human eating plants, the fact that everyone I know and love has killed me, attempted to kill me, assisted in almost getting me killed, worsened my trust issues, or that every demon could try to eat my soul at any time- The devildom really is a home away from home!
Everyone (aside from Solomon, Simeon, and Luke): *whistles*
( Telltales games : poker nights )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: This decks gone colder than my ex. Zombie not demon, they were actually kinda hot!
MC: Sometimes I regret being brought down here. this isn't one of em though, tell me more!
( Telltales games : poker nights )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC, talking about Michael: I've only become aware of your existence for 1 minute and I already unapologetically hate you AND everything that you stand for!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Hey! how much property damage do you think I can get away with in the span of, let's sayy, 2 minutes?
Belphegor: considering your last record, I'd say the entirety of RAD plus half of the forest.
Lucifer: yOU WHAT??
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC, watching the brothers fight: I believe I need to get in touch with my anger, Satan.
Satan: I can help with that!
( Sam & Max S1 E15 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: I believe our persuasive charm could have him seeing things our way!
MC: Or not seeing anything at all.
( Sam & Max S1 E15 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: And what in the 7 rings happened here?
Barbatos: I'll tell you what just happened here, they just drove a man insane.
Mammon and Asmo: all in a days work!
( Sam and Max S1 E15 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Y'know that never works, right?
Solomon: Oh, I know. But it's such a wonderful prelude to the impending mayhem!
( Sam and Max S1 E16 )
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Diavolo, squeezing MC: I will pet you, and love you, and subjugate you to my every will!
( Sam and Max S1 E16 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: I think that poor human has been forever scared, Barbatos.
Barbatos: Then our work here is done, my liege.
( Sam and Max S1 E16 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Beelzebub: Not to be skeptical or anything, but what makes this little human a potential weapon of doom?
MC: :]
( Sam and Max S1 E17 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Oh I think I understand, you want me to feel like any other person with freakishly destructive powers! You guys are so sweet!
( Sam and Max S1 E17 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Well this is an unlikely turn of events.
Mammon: Foiled by some oversized rubber baby buggy bumper. ( He's talking about Belphie. )
( Sam and Max S1 E18 )
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Belphegor: Hey MC, what am I?
MC: Dumb question, you're a doof.
( Telltales games : poker nights )
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Diavolo, playing UNO: Is that a good idea? Cause honestly, I don't really know what I'm doing!
( Telltales games : poker nights )
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Solomon: I want one, but it's not for me. It's for my friend, Luke!
Luke: Don't go dragging me into your slighty malevolent and silly schemes, Solomon.
( Telltales games : poker nights )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Simeon: 25th anniversary huh?
Beel: yup.
Simeon: But didn't you guys get together in the same year as the exchange program?
Beel: yes, I guess so.
Simeon: then that was 26 years ago?
( Telltales games : poker nights )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: I think this has taught us all a very important lesson. But I'll be damned if I can figure out what.
Luke: I'm unsure how much more damned you can get and I'm afraid to find out.
( Telltales games : poker nights )
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Asmodeus: Move freely he says. In these heels?!
( Sam and Max S1 )
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Satan: So that's why I always feel an overbearing presence just out of my field of vision, watching and judging my every move! *stares at the forth wall*
In-game MC, at his side: That's me dude.
( Sam and Max save the world )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Demon student, looking at Luke: How far would you go if I punt you?
( Sam and Max devils playhouse )
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Simeon: Do you two know what happened?
Luke: I can't lie to Simeon!
MC: I can, kid! No, no we do not.
( Sam and Max the devils playhouse )
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Lucifer: MC, where do you put all your school supplies?
MC: In my backpack of course!
Lucifer: But you're a sheep. Where do you put your backpack?
MC: Now that is none of your damn business, Luci.
( Sam and Max the devils playhouse )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: Magnatism? Don't tell me you're one of those kooks!
Satan: You don't believe in Magnatism?
Mammon: It's an interesting theory, but I'm not convinced.
Satan: This is almost as bad as Beel believing curry is a concept.
( Sam & Max beyond space and time )
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Lucifer: What in Diavolos name is going on in here?!
MC: My tomfoolery is none of your concern.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: MC, I believe I have developed feelings for you over the time we've known eachother.
MC: Huh, feelings of anger?? You wanna fight?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: MC, I didn't study for this test?! What do I write?!
MC: That's our marriage certificate, Mammon.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Belphi, wake up!
Belphegor: Huhh, what is it MC?
MC: You fucked up big time.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: I'm going to commit mass arson, and no one can stop me!
Lucifer: Why.
MC: ...Good question. Chaos.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: A blackout in a room full of violent creatures? Ah, don't be such a fussypants!
( Sam & Max S1 E12 )
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Beelzebub: I'm Beel! And this is my huggable family!
Everyone in the room: Please don't hug us.
( Sam and Max this time it's virtual! )
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Asmodeus: and here's the house of lamination! A colorful and full of life home that came to be under mysterious circumstances!
MC: By "colorful" He means decaying, filled with demonic forces, and smells like certain damnation with a hint of mildew. And by "mysterious" he means a psychologically scarring murder house turned horror movie that was dragged down here by Lucifer himself.
( Sam and Max this time it's virtual! )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Belphegor: I thought we needed one of those mermaid candies to breath down here.
MC: It's fiction, jarhead. We have ridiculous lung capacity.
( Sam & Max s1 E2 )
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*During the angels event*
MC: Kindness? Charity? Understanding!? When will this hellish nightmare end?!
( Sam and Max )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Beelzebub: You aren't scared of me?
MC: Me? Scared of you? Why should I be, you're a big blubber of man.
( Life of Melody )
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Diavolo: You're looking hale and hearty today Lucifer!
Lucifer: I had five years worth of coffee in five minutes Diavolo.
( Sam and Max hit the road )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: MC, you have as much of a say in this as anyone else does.
MC: You mean like how I had a say in my technical kidnapping and all of my many near death experiences?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC, walks into the room with a gigantic lint roller covered in dog fur: So I lint rolled the puppy.
Mammon: Okay.
* five minutes later *
Mammon: Wait MC did what?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Belphegor: This is your first and final warning! Pull over or die!
( Sam and Max save the world )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC, looks at the dislike portion of the student ID: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Simeon: Can I drive?
MC: Jumping vehicular homicide, no!
( Sam & Max save the world )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: What do you have?
Solomon: A microwave!
MC: Somehow that's worse than you having a knife.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Satan: They say an idle mind is the devils playhouse
MC: How curiously insulting.
( Sam & Max the devils playhouse )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Satan: Are you sensing my desire to turn you into a QUIET LIL HANDBAG.
Luke: Satan.
Satan: Sorry.
( Sam and Max S1 E10 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Daivolo: Hey MC, can I-
MC: No.
(Sam and Max save the world )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Question, when was panda express constructed?
Beelzebub: Uhhhh 1776??
MC: Ah yes, during the American revolution!
( sunny side skies )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: What're ya gonna do? Gimme the silent treatment?
MC: .....
Mammon: Nooo, stop, pleeeease!!!
MC: Never underestimate the power of passive aggression, mams.
( Sam & Max beyond space and time )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Belphegor: By the name of the moon I will kick thy ass!
( colors of my canvas )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: MC, can I ask why you're parkouring over furniture and nearly breaking every vase in sight?
MC: Lilith keeps trying to touch me with her icy hands!
Lilith: they're not that cold MC! I promise!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: Where is your "can-do" attitude?
MC: She left, long ago!
( heartstopper show s1 e1 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Luke *with the most serious face he can muster*: MC, I don't want to be friends anymore!
MC: Yeah, okay, that's cool lil buddy-
Luke: MC? MC are you crying?
MC: No, no, it's okay, this is fine-
Luke: MC, you're sobbing.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: Cerberus is ment to discouraged you from coming into the unground tomb.
MC, currently cuddling with a sleeping cerberus and peting his heads: And?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: It's so sad frisk died of ligma
Belphegor: who's frisk?
MC: ligma balls
Belphegor: AHHH-
( Saying alot of things as Kris )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Are there British people here in the devildom?
Diavolo: What?
Soloman: Of course not MC, British people aren't real.
Diavolo: What???
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lilith: why are you the size of a shrimp?
Belphegor: Why are you nonexistent in a physical form?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: If I gave Diavolo a lemon, he would disintegrate and I would become the ruler of the devildom, and that's the way the world turns.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Satan: -to make them think they've come here willing and have them be more submissive."
Solomon: *cough*andbreedable*cough*
Mammon: MC, you've been drugged- Solomon????????
Lucifer: I can't have a moment of peace.
( The Day Out by @/beels-burger-babe )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: It's just sitting there, menacingly...
MC: It's literally just eating grass.
Diavolo: It's looking at me with cold, dead, eyes...
MC: It is entirely focused on the grass.
Diavolo: It's unnatural.... how can something be so, complacent?! So, unbothered?? So... So uncaring about what may happen should it let it's guard down for even a second?!
MC: That's because not everything runs on caffeine, procrastination, and daddy issues, Diavolo.
Diavolo: It's scary! 🥺
MC: It's a Capybara.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Plural for platypus, go.
Platipy- Mammon , Daivolo , Luke , Beelzebub
Platypuses- Satan , Lucifer , Barbatos
*windows shut down* - Levi , Simeon
Platypuss(e)s - Asmo , Belphi , Solomon
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: You good?
MC: No.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Player: AYO!
MC: huh?!
Player * dragging MC *: let's go bud, we're off to therapy!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Asmo: Asdsgvdfdzkga!!@^$$"'
MC: ....Pardon?
Asmo: You don't know keysmash?
MC: This is an audible conversation.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Luke: Please let this be a normal day...
MC: With these several idiots? No way!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Hold on- how was I able to hear him from my room, which is by the kitchen down the hall from the stairs, from the attic?
Beelzebub: Big attic.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
* C R A S H *
Teen!MC: are you okay dude?
Teen!Demon: yeah I'm fine *scurrys away*
Beelzebub: they were flirting with you btw.
Teen!MC: what?
Beelzebub: Yeah, they were showing off their magic for a few minutes now. Kinda a shame you only noticed when they crashed.
Teen!MC: Damn, that's rough.
MC: All dirt is grime but not all grime is dirt.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: Huh?
MC: All poultry is meat but not all meat is poultry.
Beelzebub: Correct.
MC: All math is calculated but not everything that is calculated is math.
Satan: Alright now you're just going off the rails.
MC: All pails are buckets but not all buckets are pale.
Asmo: MC, dear, I think you're sleep deprived.
MC: You can read all books but not all books have been read.
Lucifer: context, Also it is 2 am. Why are you up?
MC: Osmosis is always diffusion. But diffusion is not always Osmosis.
Belphegor: Very true.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
* Loud explosion *
Mammon * from across the castle *: WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT MC??
MC: that, was the sound- * peeks into the kitchen * OF THE KITCHEN BEING BURNED DOWN?!?!
Solomon: * cackling *
(Helluva boss )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Luke: I am not a child and I don't need to be treated like one!
MC: You're literally 10. I don't know who traumatized you or how but it is fine to be a 10 year old with 10 year old feelings.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: All is forgiven-
Solomon: Oh no.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Teen!MC: Fuck it, let's go to hell!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: They be like "I'm good and fine!" Sir, you are mentally ill and have suppressed half of your lifetime, nothing about you is "fine".
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Have you no free will friend?!
Asmodeus: Excuse you, I'll have you know I did that morally injust thing on purpose.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: I have a task for you-
MC: No.
Diavolo: wait what?
MC: No.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: * crying over Liliths body, reeling from war, daddy issues sky high, extraordinarily traumatized *
Diavolo: I can fix him!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Luke: Ah, shit.
Simeon: Sir?
* later *
Simeon: Goddammit.
Michael: Excuse me?
* even later *
Michael: Son of a bitch.
MC: I didn't even say anything.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: So if I take off the ring I could potentially collapse all the realms, ending the worlds as we know it?
Solomon: yes.
MC: So the ring is the only thing stopping me being consumed by own magic and essentially killing me?
Solomon: yes.
MC: And the ring should be kept on at all times?
Solomon: Not really, but yes.
MC: You mean... the ring that's laying on the floor right next you?
Solomon: Pardon?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC after getting 6 hours of sleep over the span of three days because Belphegor doesn't stop whining: Can the DEMONIC BEINGS that go THUMP in the ATTIC, SHUT UP?!
Belphie: *stomping his feet* IF I HAVE TO SUFFER SO DO YOU
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: You're an irritable sheep today, aren't you?
MC: Yeah, well, why don't try sitting in this smelly booth while I beat the hell outta helpless fish?
( Sam and Max hit the road )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Asmodeus: He hasn't stopped balling, or spewing, or having violent fits of rage since we brought him home! I wonder what's vexing him so...
Bb Satan: * Screaming bloody murder *
( Sam and Max S1 E10 )
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AN - I needed a break from writing a long chapter and refound this. I don't know what it is either.
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cartoon-buffoon · 25 days
Here's the objective, factual— if you disagree you're a mook—Cartoon Cat song tier list (/J, this is my personal ranking)
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Explanation (going down from the tiers)
S Tier
Toon Catastrophe: I love this song, incredibly catchy with some good lyrics, not what I feel like a standard CC song should be but I think that works for it really well. I think the grim and depressing lyrics about how absolutely fucked you are while this snappy catchy beat really adds to it, there's also a decent part of humor with the humans characters in the song acting casual about this eldtritch monstrosity saying "maybe he needs the ol' litter box!". This part could make some people dislike the song yet I feel like it being goofy actually fits because CC is powerful but having him be a goofy element to his sinister presence does wonders. Not to mention this moment DOES NOT LAST and a few minutes later CC himself sings and comes out with STRAIGHT BARSthat give me chills:
"You can tiptoe and run all you want! I'm on the prowl, and I'm just being blunt but you're lookin' delicious, you're lookin' nutritious, you're probably going to sleep with the fishes! Cartoon Cat, I'm the Cartoon Cat, I'm the one and only, imagine that! The flavor of human is truly divine, let's count down the seconds before you die"
Only for CC to do a whispery countdown and then it goes back to singing. THATS STRAIGHT FIRE deserved top of S-tier plus the visuals look great with CC being stylized but still pretty accurate to Mr. Henderson's works, his walk cycle is pretty eerie and I love that too.
Run Away: it's fucking crazy this is 4 years old and it still holds up. The voice they give CC has been exactly how it sounds in my head since I've watched this It's one of my favorite voices for him with it being incredibly snarky and playful but still sinister. The entire song is essentially CC going on about how he's going to catch you and eat you which granted isn't very creative but with the rhythm so good it doesn't need to be. The simple lyrics work for it as well so the lack of creativity regarding the song doesn't matter, not to mention the bit after the second chorus utilizing a piano has to be my favorite parts. Overall good rhythm and in general solid.
A Tier
I honestly believe both entires in A tier are great and it was hard to put them down here, I wanted to put them both in S and it was a kinda 3-way tie with Run Away being considered to be put down here but ultimately I chose against it.
Tapes of Old: "but this isn't a Cartoon Cat song! It's a cartoon dog song–" SHUT UP MY TIER LIST MY RULES! SHUSH! SHHHH! Sorry but I actually really love this song, it doesn't really paint CD as a "good guy" like some people love to HC him as being the good version of CC meant to kill CC. Instead CD is just another creature with immense power who hates CC and they've had an eternal battle spanning across forever, it's been so long they don't even know why they fight they merely do, it's LITERALLY like cats and dogs. CD is pretty goofy looking in the video yet this works great and the run cycle of him on all fours sprinting creeps me out and if I saw that running at me oh yeah no that would be fucking terrifying. There's a specific section of the song that I believe implies CC and CD are harmonizing as well? Like after the second chorus there's a bit where it goes "our fight continues on and on! It keeps on going, never done! I keep thinking that cat is gone but it tells me RUN, RUN, RUN! it's a cycle I cannot escape, chasing forever this cat and a day, I refuse to take this as my fate! Some day I will put down the stray!". I heavily believe this is both of them singing at once with CD taking over only briefly to talk about the cat not dying, but the part where it goes "some day I will put down the stray!" It switches between the animation of CC walking and CD walking with "stray" being a neutral term for an animal with both calling the other a stray. The shared hatred and story these lyrics give make it soooo good plus it's fun to listen to, yeah once again struggled to put it down here in A.
Masquerade: also once again, I didn't really want to put this in A nor put this below Tapes of Old or Run Away as I believe these 3 are pretty on par with one and another. I bit the bullet though and this song? Although I don't believe it's the BEST CC song, it's my FAVORITE because the lyrics are once again aren't overly creative similar to Run Away and it's merely talking about how he's gonna get ya and you can't hide ya know. I will say though the title of the song and the tagline lyrics "After my little masquerade", I specifically love this masquerade line as it's a reference to the fact that CC isn't a cat nor cartoon. It's one giant act in order to latch onto this world and he just loves pretending to be one because he's something that is god-like. This is especially reflected in the lyrics that paints a real sense of hopelessness as while he also talks about killing he also does a good job demonstrating why running is pointless saying "Oh I have so much power!" Or "oh you don't know what I can do, especially to prey like you". This confidence combined with the voice they gave CC that's echoey and generally emotionless is so good as it once again paints a very vivid picture this is a mere game to him, all of it including your life means nothing to him and you're only alive because he's having fun. He doesn't need to worry about a thing, you're in his sights and it's over. Not to mention the visuals? OOOO, the SFM CC model is the perfect blend between fanon CC and canon CC being a weird middle ground that I think is perfect. I especially love how his ears look furry but their not, like the rest of his body it's pure rubber and it's just him trying to sell the bit of being a cartoon cat. Also towards the end of the song it shows CC commanding several other Mr. Henderson creations which granted isn't realistic as they all stay away from CC and CC also minds his own business, but this idea of him commanding over these twisted creatures kinda like an even more fucked up Bill cipher tickles me in a way I can't describe (and has also inspired an au of mine!). I love this song, sorry.
B tier
While these are good I wouldn't say they are in any way on the same level as A-tier because A-tier holds two songs which only BARELY didn't make the cut to be S and in all reality was more of a 3-way tie.
Curiosity Don't Kill This cat: I don't got much to say, lyrics are pretty standard as you'll see for all of these songs however one thing I will say though I love the much more ominous tone CC has. It feels like the standard for a song about him but other than masquerade I think this is the only one that does it hold throughout the entire song. Also I love the various jokes thrown in throughout the song like "I'm not some hello kitty!" Or "has cat got your tongue!", cat puns are par for the course yet I feel like this song is the only one that fully utilizes them. The beginning is pretty cute I will make a note on that with a kinda jingle for theoretical cartoon featuring CC, a cutesy version of him is also drawn on there which is adorable. The only last thing I will say is like all of these this pretty catchy with the part I keep replaying being "come over and watch me smile bigger, I'm walking on two paws towards my dinner, you're messing with fate and I'm all for it, curiosity don't kill this cat!". It's good overall with the visuals not having too much to comment on other than CC doing the funkiest little wave.
Outrun This Cat: looking back I actually think is pretty good than I first thought? Idk why I put it down so low this belongs in at least low A-tier I'm a fucking moron. Uhh starters the visuals have CC looking ugly as hell which works, ya know he ain't supposed to be pretty and the bloody gums sell this. As he's singing he's also very expressive, his entire body contorting or swaying using a mallet and pulling out a watch at one point. As much as I love ominous slow hunter CC the upbeat, energetic, and chaotic version holds a place in my heart. Towards the end of the song there's also a part with a toon version of CC and normal monstrous looking CC and I find this cool as the idea he can be either form but chooses the more horrific one funny. The lyrics are also solid, once again the standard of "you're gonna die" is set yet I think there is some cleverness like "better run for your life like a rat or it shreds you up instead", which btw the lyrics say "shredders" which I think is an intentional misspelling as it's a mix between shreds and cheddar because ya know, rat? Idk I find it funny shut up, but also the line "you're life on the line, it simply can't compare against my nine!". Nothing Shakespeare level ofv but still pretty good in my opinion, also the song has a bit of story with CC hating humans stating "there is no use for your urbanity, humanity drives mad my sanity" which I think is supposed to come with the implication that he was a cartoon abandoned which is why he hates people as this is supported by the lyric "abanonded in 2D—too bad i jumped to 3D!". Overall catchy and honestly really good than the ranking I gave it—heck there's a remix of this song made by "Mautzi" that features some FUCKING AWESOME THUMBNAIL ART, but also the way they remixed it would probably make it S-tier and beating Cartoon Catastrophe.
C Tier
He's The Cartoon Cat: I don't know, the song on paper isn't bad and I think the beat drop towards the end IS FUCKING INSANE AND CRAZY, but that singular great part doesn't make up for the rest of it being kinda a drag? I will say the optimism in the song only for the build up to the beat drop is phenomenal with the "run... Run... Run away!" Slowly distorting is a nice touch and makes it feel like the song was made by CC himself and hes intentionally trying to strike fear into the listener. Once again one good part doesn't make the entire good thing though yet in no way a bad song.
D tier
Kitty Kitty: I love rockit music yet they are a truly hit or miss nerdcore artist(s), this one sadly misses. Like it's not bad or at least not that bad, if I were listening to it on a playlist and it came on I wouldn't skip it, yet it wouldn't be something intentionally play, ya know? Like not a song I'd search for but if it comes up I'll vibe to it. I think the lyrics here are actually worse than Run Away in terms of nothingness though, it doesn't have that good of a beat to support these nothing lyrics making it suffer drastically. Once again, Rockit music has cooked some of my FAVORITE nerdcore songs but this one ain't it sadly.
That's about it, I ain't got no more tiers. All CC songs have their own merits with a few having somethings that just personally wasn't for me but I'm sure is someone else's cup of tea. That's the last song and there's no more, no more songs left. Anyways ramble over and Toon Buffoon out.
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planefood · 1 year
Hooray! Barrage attack!
1. Are you thinking of pitching this as a show? Or as a comic series? Or have you not decided fully yet? What shenanigans are they gonna be up to?
2. How long have you had your OCs for? What inspired you to make them, and what were their previous incarnations?
3. How did Sonnet and Lithium meet? Does Sonnet know he's... *underneath breath* kind of a stupid idiot? Or does she love him for that?
4. How does fashion work for robots? Since a lot of them have stuff like wire-tails and bright colors. Or does it not really affect them?
- 🔌
P.S: Do you have any tips for escaping... "debt collectors"? I may have accidentally pissed off the... "insurance company".
okay Hi im taking a short break from drawing thangs to answer this :) 1. I don't think i'd ever pitch any of my personal oc stories as a TV show or film. I don't like the idea of losing control and copyright of a story so near and dear to me and esp with the current state media is in a lot of stuff would be censored/edited and because I don't live in the states pitching an animated show or film would probably be near impossible for a story like this anyway. A comic on the otherhand is something im genuinely considering, I'd have to figure out the plot fully and find the time to do something like that as well. The story was written to be easily made into a comic format though. 2. These specific robot characters I've only actually had for like,,, 7 months? A lot of work has gone into them in that time span tho. But I'm sorry there isn't a huge timeline where I'm like "I drew my first robot in 2008 and that is where tandy begun" I kinda always had a background interest in robots that just needed the right spark. Back in 2020 I did some AU art of already existing characters as robots (if you know who these are, hi) but these weren't really proper characters, just a fun art prompt.
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But I bought Tandy as an adoptable back last september by the artist @acid-redux heres the original design I bought here:
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It's actually by a pretty slim chance that I bought this guy! I saw the character a couple months earlier and decided not to buy him initially and came back, saw it was unsold and thought about it. Even after some people told me it wasn't worth the money to buy it I decided to buy him anyway. I said I had "ideas" for him, and that I did. This is the first drawing I ever did of Tandy, if you're wondering if there's like any art earlier than this like sketches or anything I don't really do that when it comes to drawing characters a lot of the time I just go right in. (also the most recent for comparison)
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But yeah I totally fell in love with the character after that! I was instantly keen on doing a story with him though with who or what was debatable. Initially he had literally nobody to interact with, I was already openly objectum at this point so the earliest drawings of him show him interacting with computers.
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My bestie Marty tho @bytevamp did a character trade with me and I asked if he could design me a character to interact with Tandy, all I specified was a computer robot that wasn't too close in model as Tandy and he made me Sierra :) his design alongside my first drawing of her:
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this was the first drawing of Tandy and Sierra interacting. Tandy doesn't act this meekly in the current story and Sierra is a lot nicer than this to Tandy initially.
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and after that I had a third robot that I still haven't found a proper place in my story/introduced him properly. His name is just "Tinbot" and he was meant to be a robot Sierra and Tandy help get back on its feet. I might have plans in the future for him but in the meantime he's on the backburner. (side note wtf is Tandy wearing)
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I'd be here all day if I were to say all the robots vs their initial designs. I usually have other people design my robot characters though (sometimes in exchange for robot characters I designed) in the story the robots are built by different people so having a mix of people design them would better give that impression in my mind. My robot characters I design personally usually come from me scribbling ideas on a procreate canvas, saving them for later and if I can't stop thinking about that one robot I drew I'll fully design them, Lithium's first drawing was in the corner of one of these random sketches, something about his lack of fingers and him telling someone to KYS really spoke to me.
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3. Speaking of Lithium... I had a few ideas rattling in my brain for how they met, It was either through Cathy, through Max or Lithium met Sonnet while she was working and went OO TINY ROBOT.
As for whether Sonnet realises Lithium is a bit of a dipshit, she's fully aware of his behaviour as much as anyone else is but prefers to view him through his more positive traits. Lithium isn't irredeemable or anything, Tandy just really really hates him
4. Fashion with robots is funny, the tails don't really come into play as much since they usually just stick them over their waistband or cut a hole in their pants since their cables aren't super big. I will say one thing that I don't think I've said before is that robots can actually remove their cable tails and stick them back on when they need to charge or whatever. But if you had the option to have a tail I think most people would say yes, and robots decide that as well. Phillip and Newton decide to do this a lot, Phillip is almost never seen with his tail and Newton takes it on n off or just sticks it in his pants where it doesn't stick out since its shorter. As for colour choice robots don't have any distinct reason to choose the colours they do? Some might prefer high contrast clothing or lighter coloured clothing if their eyesight is better suited for clothes like that.
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crazykacey · 1 year
Different possibilities of future Sera Myu
Since it is the 30th of June, Usagi's birthday, I thought I might finally post this thing that has been in my drafts for some months lol
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Let's go!
So ever since the end of Musical Festival Chronicle, I've been thinking about what would be the next Sera Myu we get? During the Senshuuraku of Chronicle, Riko mentioned that when Kaguya-hime no Koibito ended, they weren't sure if Sera Myu would continue so most likely the same thing applies now. It might be possible Myu might end but we had Super Live this year so there are chances. Many might think that since the Crystal series finally comes to an end, so does anything else related to Sailor Moon, but it is very much certain that they will keep pushing out merch as it has been very profitable so far and even the Sailor Moon Museum announced that it will reopen in 2024 so there might be more musicals just like back in the day! Although we still haven't gotten any news regarding it and I for sure thought we would get some new info today... ANYWAY we have gone through all the main 5 arcs, one short story and one original so what next? I have a few ideas. (check terms at the end of the post if confused)
1) Third installment in the Snow Kaguya series
For me, it didn't really seem like Snow Kaguya was fully defeated in Chronicle, as she was defeated in the same way as she was in KHnK so it feels super random that she would be defeated NOW so maybe they could do one more musical to finally defeat Princess Snow Kaguya (maybe as Eternal Sailor Moon)
2) Something completely new
It could be possible we might get something completely new and original. Who knows? lol
3) R movie or SuperS movie
Ever since KHnK, people have been wondering if the other two movies would be made into a musical, although KHnK bore no resemblance to the movie as it pretty much followed the manga short story to the T, it is still possible that the other two movies will be made into musicals.
4) Another Story musical
ah the forgotten gem in the SM universe. I really love Another Story and I wish it would get more recognition. And since they are going with the Super/Mugen arc theme as KHnK takes place around that time and Another Story is supposed to take place after the Mugen arc so it could be a possibility. How it works in action is kinda ? as Another Story featured every major villain from Dark Kingdom arc to Mugen arc but they could focus it on the Oppositio Senshi and Apsu. It also would be cool if previous Senshi actors would return as the Oppositio Senshi (for example, AE Inners)
5) Kaguya Shima Densetsu/Snow Kaguya hybrid
So this is kind of similiar to my #1 idea but I feel like this needed to be its own thing. It could be possible that they'd fuse these two stories into one where Snow Kaguya replaces Dark Plasman and she is somehow connected to Kaguya Island since they have the same name(although she was given that name by Kakeru but who knows. Myulore tends to be confusing sometimes lol). And the reason for this is that I think that we will not get Kaguya Shima Densetsu remade and I will get to that soon
6) The Dracul series remake
I have my doubts about this since the Dracul series tends to be kinda confusing and since it's a story that requires all 3/4 musicals to be watched and that all to happen in the span of 3 years would be kinda hard to follow (during BanMyu it only took about a year and a half as they did multiple musicals in the span of one year but now they are doing only one musical a year, not counting Super Live). And the 4 musicals had way too many plot points in them so it would be fairly impossible to put that all in one musical. Also, it had kinda dark stuff in it so not sure if it would be allowed to be performed in this day and age lmao. (But I actually had a dream some time ago that Sayaka Okamura(Snow Kaguya) sang Muma no Oodri as Death Lamia so yeah lol)
7) Sailor V musical
I think the best point for a Sailor V musical would have been in 2018 after LMF as the main story has ended and the cast at the time had had their "graduation". So as much as I want a Sailor V musical I do not really see them doing it now when they have a cast of all the Senshi (unless they decide to do multiple musicals a year)
8) Kaguya Shima Densetsu remake
I do not see this happening as of now cause I just cannot see Dark Plasman played by a woman. I do not mean this with the intent to hurt anyone's feelings or to attack those who are fans of the all-female cast. It's just that Dark Plasman has such a deep voice that I just don't think it would be possible, or if they did, I think I would personally not enjoy it. I mean, if there is someone who has a deep voice like that, I would be happy to see it, but it just seems kinda unlikely as the deepest voice we have had in NewMyu this far are Syu Shiotsuki (UNV-LMF Sailor Uranus) and Kei Oogi (UNV Kaolinite). So unless they return to the mixed cast they had in BanMyu I do not see Kaguya Shima Densetsu happening in its original form in any way in the near future.
9) Other side stories
This is kinda random but maybe they could make musicals from other side stories. This seems very unlikely tho as the other side stories are a lot shorter and KHnK (unless they decide to make the Exam Battles into one musical or something idk) Demon Tree arc is also a possibility
10) NogiMyu R
Don't really see this happening as it has been quite a long time since the previous NogiMyu (although Super Live made a comeback so who knows). The only things to support this are the facts that at the end of NogiMyu they teased us with the Black Moon arc and ever since then it's been a possibility. Also on the Official Sailor Moon website, NogiMyu is still listed in the "Stage" section even after all this time so maybe they could be planning something with it. But if NogiMyu does make a comeback, I hope they do not do the DK arc AGAIN.
So there are many possibilities but will any of them come true? Who knows lol
KHnK: Kaguya-hime no Koibito musical from 2021
AE: Amour Eternal, musical from 2016 based on the SuperS/Dream/Yume arc
BanMyu: Sailor Moon musicals made by Bandai 1993-2005
UNV: Un Nouveau Voyage, musical from 2015 based on the Super/Infinity/Mugen arc
LMF: Le Mouvement Final, musical from 2017 based on the Stars arc
NewMyu: "new" Sailor Moon musicals by Nelke 2013-2017/2023 (some consider NewMyu to be only the five musicals of the first five arcs but some consider since 2013 to be part of NewMyu)
NogiMyu: Nogizaka46 Sailor Moon musical from 2018-2019 based on the Dark Kingdom arc
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visiting their home for the first time for Lucian/Peter (but not the penthouse?)?
I kinda wanted to try my hand at writing Peter getting to see Lucian's old castle home in the mountains, since I've never actually written that before.
This is still part of the au with Peter as a vampire. Also, I want you to imagine the whole time they're outside, in the day time, Peter is carrying around a black parasol that is super gothy and cool looking because how vampire is that, yeah?
On with the fic!
"Holy shit." Peter stared at the large, looming building, still standing even after having been abandoned over a decade ago and left to the elements.
"I take it you're impressed?" Lucian asked.
"In a way, yeah. I mean, I've seen my fair share of castles, I am from England, kinda have to see 'em at least once. But this is different! It's so... so... gothic!"
"I wouldn't say that, considering that the goths had nothing to do with its construction."
Peter huffed and lightly punched Lucian's arm, seeing the lycan smile. "Smart ass. Are you goin' to give me the grand tour before you and your people finally take it back for wolfkind?"
"There has been some work done on it already, at least enough to allow some lycans to live in it, but yes, I shall show you around. I figured that was the case." He took Peter's hand and they started to make their way to the front gates.
Two people stood there, both much more muscular and stronger looking than Peter, clearly acting as guards. They gave Peter hard looks but bowed to Lucian, who quickly said something to them in Romanian, and the bowing stopped.
The doors were opened for them and they stepped in. There were a few people moving about, and two of them were lycan shaped, clearing up rubble from a part of the castle's guard wall that collapsed. Peter watched in interest, it was so cool to see lycans about in the day time that weren't just Lucian wanting to wolf-out back at the penthouse.
Lucian spoke as they walked around the courtyard, pointing out where the work stations were during his old days, and even pointed out where his old work station had been. The kiln had been left behind, clearly built into the cobblestone ground, but the tools were gone.
"Plannin' on doin' some crafting while we're here?" Peter asked.
"Once I get the material, it'll be easier to do things here than at our home in Vegas. Come, shall we see inside?"
Peter found that the inside was exactly what he expected from vampires. Expensive looking artwork and tapestries, custom made items, clearly what looked to be high-society vampire propaganda. Peter, however, did greatly enjoy the tinted windows, apparently that allowed for vampires to wander about without harm during the day, if need be.
Lucian showed him a door that was locked. It clearly held a room that belonged to someone important, and the look in Lucian's eyes indicated to Peter who that was. "You can keep it locked, it's okay."
"Are you sure?" Lucian asked softly.
"If a time capsule of her life is in there that you want to keep protected, then by all means. I won't stop you, this is your project anyway, ya know? Up to you what you wanna do with things."
Lucian turned to face him, taking Peter's other hand in his own. "This is both of our project, Peter, because I would like to include you in on this."
Peter blinked. "What?"
"I mean... it would be nice to come back here from time to time, to come back to what was once my home for so long. And... I would like for you to be here with me, living here as well. You invited me into yours, I wish to do the same with you in mine."
Holy shit.
That's... that's a lot. Considering that this is where Lucian grew up, where he fell in love, where he lost Sonja and gained his freedom in the span of just a few days. Where he took over and lived in peace with his people until some prick coward came and made a deal with him and he had to go into hiding.
But still, this was home, both with good and bad ties to it.
Same as the penthouse was for Peter, where he lived comfortably for work, but had also been attacked by the vampire who ruined his life and his little minion, where they had killed his girlfriend, where he finally got told to grow a pair and end his nightmare once and for all.
And where he had a life with Lucian and their cats.
And maybe it would be nice to have that here too. Being a vampire in a spooky castle was a pretty cool way to live, honestly, especially with a really awesome, sexy wolfman boyfriend.
"You'd really want me to live with you here?" He asked.
"I would be so happy if you did."
"Well, fuck, yeah, let's do that! I'll live with you here, when I can, you know I've still got my show."
Lucian smiled. "You can do... some vampire hunting internet show here, if you wish, keep your fans entertained."
"Oh shit, yeah, that'd be cool! Hey, you got any spooky towers we can check out? I wanna fly around 'em and check out the sights as a bat!"
"Peter, this is a medieval castle, of course we do. And they are also excellent places to make love."
"Wait, really? How do you- oh. Oh fuck, Lucian, good for you!"
I think Lucian deserves to have his castle back, and for Peter to be a cute bat flying around it at times.
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infinitethree · 1 year
This is gonna be a bunch of links to the Sanctuary builds, which are also linked in the doc of docs & taglist/links page on the sidebar.
I'll be adding some images I want to say something about. Also, just know that I frequently have gone back and tweaked or even completely redid parts of it.
Builds; Old-> New, save for Updates which is new-> old to show any new stuff easier.
Overall has over a thousand pics spanning from January 11th 2022 to a week or so ago. I've been working on this 1.16.5 creative world for what my launcher tells me is over 14 days of time spent entirely in-game.
There are over 150 mods used, ranging from itty bity ones ("No Potion Shift" at 3KB & "Shut Up Experimental Settings" at 5KB) to almost comically large ones ("Caves & Cliffs Backport" at 50,313 KB & "Modern XL" at 37,090 KB).
I run it on a laptop, but I do have to turn pretty much everything else off. I usually switch to my phone for music/podcasts + Discord and have just the game running. Also, I got this model specifically to handle Minecraft and for having ample space for my music. I have all of it stored on my computer and played through MusicBee, because I don't want a million ads.
You might notice that it takes a looooong time for most of the buildings to get roofs. This is because I didn't understand how those blocks worked. And also I just don't like doing them much; they're boring compared to the character detail stuff.
-Updates (New-> Old)
-Day + Theo + Lee & Temp Refugees
-Dee + Orph + Perce & Forge
-Atlas + Quizzy & Adamantium
-KinderSofter!Crew [Perce’s friends] -Poison Farm
-Daz + Raine
-Aleph + Khons
-Council of the Star Headquarters It's not in the actual album (since the dates don't align, because it was just a screengrab to share with Noodley vs a proper screenshot), but these were the original blocks I planned on using for the three main Summer Hills houses:
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The mod with the tiles and logs got removed early on, so I had to pick something else to use. I like the end result way better, though; each house has a more distinct flavor while still being fairly cohesive.
If I had to pick a specific detail as my favorite, it'd have to be the creeper plushies. At some point, Lee decides that creepers are protectors; thus, anyone he cares about needs to have a plush version. Sentiments on the look of them are...mixed.
Theo thinks they're creepy as hell but his baby brother gave those to him-- thus, they're above his gear as an 'intimidation tactic'; Day is, uh, not super keen on waking up from a nightmare to the sight of creepers, so he has them out of his line of sight; Perce's friends think it's almost tooth-rottingly sweet but in a /pos way, etc.
It all spawned off of seeing the creepers in the "Modern XL" mod, and realized those are EXACTLY the sort weird, kinda unnerving thing a kid would latch onto.
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Day, Theo
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Dee, Orph, Atlas
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Perce, Lee (there are just barely 5 in the shot and that's not even all of them!)
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Oisin, Agni [Perce's friends]
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Damon, Oxylos [Perce's friends
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Aster, Khons + Aleph
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Daz, Raine
And here's a few pics of things specifically referenced in prose:
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Sibling Acceptance Rituals, chapter 1 (where they're standing near Theo's room)
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Sibling Acceptance Rituals, chapter 2 (very start of the chapter)
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any scene in the den of the main house
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Progress is Relative, chapter 3 (referenced; Dee's lamps that "look like honey but do NOT taste like it")
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Polaris Shines Above; Aster's temporary room
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Polaris Shines Above, chapter 9 ([redacted], obviously VERY in progress)
Uhhh and it looks like I ran out of space. Hmm. I...will shuffle the Piccrew/Art to its own post, lmao.
I'm absolutely willing to answer questions about things anyone is curious about!! I love explaining myself, and more importantly, explaining things about my silly little blorbos. Or even just what mods I used.
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fuesch · 2 years
Good news, everyone! I've finished the binge from hell (Criminal Minds).
What made it hellish was that I just could not stop. I don't know if it was also something about the show or just my out-of-control ADHD using this as an excuse to ignore my to-do list. And so this binge took under 2 months, which - FUN FACT! - is shorter than finding a doc these days to get an ADHD diagnosis from (the German healthcare system has such a good reputation, but honestly, shit's been going down the drain since before Covid - and I say that as a city dweller).
If you're wondering how my fragile mind managed to handle this non-stop input of murder and various forms of torture:
Ignore the cases or try to enjoy them as revenge fantasies.
Focus on the team and all the "Hey, I know you from this/that/everywhere!" guest stars instead.
Crochet while watching. I've made such progress, the first of my cherry-pit socks is nearly finished!
I can't believe how long it's been since I've properly watched TV: The season I'm most familiar with is 2! Since other factors hadn't come into play yet, I suspect what caused this was a deterioration in adhering to a schedule (hm, parallel with rl, so I guess due to not being bound by a rl schedule, I slowly lost the ability to keep up with the TV schedule) and my growing passionate hatred of annoying commercials which had led me to getting stuck on Nickelodeon (their ads were also annoying, iirc, but ... uh, idk, can't remember), a documentary channel and CNN (International, that is - such bearable commercials, they should be the model for all).
I liked all the women on the team, which must have been a first. I couldn't tell you a favorite, because every one of them is great in her own way. Let me point out Garcia though, for giving me back the joy of hair decorations. Huh, I thought not having NCIS's Abby in my life anymore didn't impact me, but Garcia made me realize that without Abby my encouragement was gone. Man, do I hate that I need continual encouragement to be myself! So there's another CM binge and the long-time-coming NCIS rewatch with making caps of my girls in my future. Maybe I'll make myself a motivational collage and hang it on the wall above my monitor.
Anyway, on to the team's men! *sigh* Those were mixed bag for me. I mean, nobody was really bad, but it did span the whole range of chest-thumping type (which ugh - although Morgan's relationship with Garcia remains the best thing, they were close and cute but not a thing and that's the queerplatonic shit I wanna see everywhere, fuck yeah!) to guy who's just, idk, there and the that's-my-boy guy. My boy was and still is Reid *pat pat*. And as a bonus during this binge he functioned as my Peter Maximoff substitute. He did that not only by being my fave, but for example also by having messy lightbrown hair. Which, sure, isn't Peter, but it is Evan Peters (I'd like to take this moment to thank the writers for all the Evans and Peterss they put in and the casting person for that one time we got actual EP), who usually is my PM substitute. Hmph, I didn't talk about Spence as much as I meant to, but where to even begin?
How did everyone feel about the revival? It wasn't bad, but it didn't quite feel like previous seasons. I'm not that good at finding out what is bothering me about stuff, so it might have been more things besides it feeling darker visually and too much swearing (I'm generally not against it, but after 15 seasons of it not being there, it just felt so out of place). I wasn't happy with the lack of my boy, but if there's one thing this revival did right, it was the absence of change in the meantime (except for what they put Rossi through), Reid as well as everyone else still worked at the BAU, we just didn't see him and Simmons because they were on assignment.
I kinda want to talk about ALL the things, but I wouldn't be able to remember all that I want and writing all that I do would take sooo long. So if anyone wants to talk about anything specific, I'm here.
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syoish-aot · 1 month
Hi, no rush or anything 😁 I was wondering if you know roughly when the next part of I found you too sequel is coming (I love the book soo much) I do know earlier you said you were suffering from writers block and I wanted you to know you shld still take your time and (although I may be one person) I love your work and what your doing is honestly amazing💞💞 (tbh it's rlly impressive writing a whole book I have so many ideas but can't even complete a whole page yet I've got it planned out so what you do is literally unreal😭❤️❤️)
I wish wish wish WISH I had a good idea of when the next part would come out but I honestly have no idea at all!!
My brain is so weird when it comes to---
*sudden realization that I forgot to take my meds this morning* one sec
ANYWAY - like I was saying: because of my ADHD writing is a very "come and go" kinda process for me. I'll have a few weeks of INTENSE motivation for a specific project and then I'll go crazy stupid working on it (which is how I wrote 30k of that fic in a 2 week span) but then in the blink of an eye that motivation is completely gone or switched to another project.
Unfortunately, unless I'm feeling that brain buzzing, vyvanse enhanced, knees weak sensation of extreme hyperfixation - I can't write a single word.
And if I do it's either a) shit or b) I hate it so much that it makes me never want to write again.
All I know is that I will FOR SURE finish the fic eventually!
The only reason I wouldn't is if I jump fandom, which I don't see happening anytime soon (especially because I'm refusing to let myself watch any new shows out of the fear that I'll latch onto something else and my AoT spark will disappear).
I have the rest of the fic planned and the majority of the next chapter already written, but I've kinda shifted my focus to my Jean/OC fic "The Letters She Wrote" since that's where I'm feeling that ADHD motivation right now. Which also explains why I haven't been as active on tumblr (the insta community is more OCxCC inclined, whereas tumblr seems to be more into xreader fics, so I'm normally more active on whichever platform my current hyperfixation project would get the most engagement).
Honestly though, asks like this really motivate me!
Like you already mentioned, I was having some really shit writer's block recently and I couldn't work on ANY of my projects, but then I made a friend on insta who started reading Letters and she was commenting on every chapter, once she caught up with the fic I was so motivated to write that I wrote almost five pages last night between clients at work.
I do write for me and for the sake of getting an idea out of my head and onto the screen, but it's also really validating to know that people enjoy and look forward to the things I work on.
As far as your comment on how you struggle to write, even when you have a plan, my biggest advice is this:
Don't start at the beginning. Start with the scene that you're the most excited for and go from there. The first scene I wrote for I Found You was the scene where Eren and MC are dancing in chapter 8 and then I worked backwards.
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jakeperalta · 1 year
Hi! Did you hear about Emily Henry's novels being made into movies now? I was going to catch up on reading them all but I also feel weird reading it now cuz what if the characters look nothing like the actors. Like I wish I knew who the cast is going to be so it would be easier and not weird. That has helped me a lot with Daisy Jones actually cuz they feel like the characters. I have looked at the fan casts that she has posted before to help me but idk. Sometimes it's just random I guess..like for People on Vacation I was picturing Florence Pugh and Timothee Chalamet..for some reason but not like from Little Women lol. Then I think for Beach Read..it was Jess Mariano which kinda fit the character and maybe Rory I think. For Book Lovers, people suggested Logan Lerman and idk who else for the female though. Cuz sometimes it's easier to think of male actors but not female ones for some reason. But then it's like..well I know they are not going to be cast in the movie so it's weird. Do you have any fan cast ideas in general so it could help me while I'm reading? Just curious..but it's so crazy to me that they are all being adapted into a movie! That must feel so weird as an author and to be successful enough that all of your books being made into movies. Are they all like being made at the same time? It's similar with Taylor Jenkins Reid too! Anyway which do you think would translate the best to a movie and why? I know you're probably most excited for People we meet on Vacation.
yes!! it's one of those things where on one hand it's super exciting and I can't wait to see the books come to life but on the other hand there's the slight fear that it will seem too different to the version in my head or they'll make changes I don't like. but it seems like emily henry herself has a lot of faith in the screenwriter so I'm hopeful! it's wild how in the space of a few years she's gone from publishing one book to having three all with upcoming movies and more books to be published, but I think of the big trend for rom com books recently hers definitely stand out amongst many average ones.
I totally get what you mean about casting, it's always weird when an actor is totally not what you pictured. I don't really have any strong images of these characters in mind (in fact both times I read pwmov I kept picturing poppy as a redhead even though it's specified several times that's she's blonde, sometimes my brain just creates its own image and won't budge ���), although I may realise I have ideas of what I don't think they look like when the casting is announced (I've seen people say harry styles as gus and that is a huge no for me lol)
of the fan casts I've seen I think there's a lot that could work, a couple that have stuck in my mind are dev patel for beach read and sebastian stan for book lovers. I would take this opportunity to further my zoey deutch/glen powell in another rom com agenda but I'm not sure how — maybe pwmov? although I think those actors would have to be younger since it starts from university age. also for that reason I think it may be a little harder to translate to film because of how much time it spans. I feel like book lovers would maybe work best as a film? but I'm super excited for them all!
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