deedoop · 2 years
Breaking In
TW: Consensual Non Consent, Rape Themes, Breaking and Entering, MAYBE DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT????
It was an awfully dark night in Hawkins Indiana, Steve Harrington was all alone in his too big house, laying on the couch. His mouth agape as he pulled his pretty cock out of his dark blue sailor shorts, it was already hard and leaking, the only light in the room was the TV. The VHS was on, and Steve Harrington was watching something absolutely filthy. He had to go out of town to get it, wore his hoodie tight on his face as he grabbed it. On the screen was a strong man and a young twink getting absolutely railed, the twink screaming in absolute delight as the older muscular man spoke utterly filthy words. Steve stroked himself nice and slow, eyes fixated on the screen, his mind and body lost to the sin he was committing.
So little was he paying attention to the world around him that he had missed every obvious sign that someone was outside his house, someone was watching. Billy Hargrove was circling the house, a devious and evil smirk on his lips as he found Steve Harrington jerking off on full display in his living room. This was going to be easier than he thought. He fondled the knife in his pocket, Steve Harrington was a cock slut. Who wouldve known? And here was just going to break in and steal some jewelry. Steve’s hips arched, sweat beading at his furrowed brow, “Fuck me Daddy.” Steve groaned, fisting at his cock faster. Billy could feel his cock growing uncomfortably hard in his jeans, could feel lust boiling at his flesh in ways he had never expected. He was going to make Steve Harrington his.
Steve barely fucking noticed the thuds and creaks as someone climbed up onto the lip of his living room window, only startling as a loud crash of glass echoed. “Wha-” He was sitting up quickly, trying to hide his cock while also trying to grab anything he could use to defend himself. “Billy!?” His eyes went wide, the tv playing its sinful noise. “You like when big men push you around huh Stevie? You like this shit?” He pointed his knife at the tv, than at Steve. “I didn’t figure you’d be one to like being stuffed fucking stupid princess.” Steve swallowed hard, his heart was pounding out of his chest. “Billy what the fuck do you want?” He’s going towards the landline, inching towards it, trying desperately to be slow and subtle.
“Don’t you fucking dare Harrington.” His eyes are like a predators, dangerous. It takes only three steps before Billy is crowding him against the wall, a smug look on his face. “You see, at first I was just going to rob you blind but than I saw you spread open, looking like such a pretty thing.” His words are slow and easy, like hes talking to a moron who just wasn’t getting it. “Saw you whisper for Daddy to fuck you, so now Stevie, I want you.” A whimper escapes Steve’s throat and he punches into Billy’s face only for the stronger man to use his entire weight to push him onto the floor, his large hand pressing against his mouth and nose, the other hand pressing the knife to his neck. “See Stevie, that is not what I want because I know what you want.” Steve struggles weakly against him, Billy’s weight is impossible to escape, worse yet he can feel his cock hardening again, feel arousal pooling in his gut from the large man pinning him down, choking him of air.
“You just need a good dick Stevie. Need someone to fuck you like the princess you are. You need a strong mans cock in you to fuck you stupid. I’m right, right? I can feel your cock hard against my ass Stevie. You ever take it up the ass before? Oh right you cant talk because you cant breathe. You gonna behave?” And Steve nods frantically, his lungs burning for air in the worst kind of way. The hand is slowly removed, but the knife at his neck stays. He gasps for air like a fish taken out of water, taking large gulps of air, his heart wouldn’t stop pounding. Steve Harrington is helpless against this intruder, against Billy Hargrove. Against the man who was going to have his way with him.
“I asked you a question Princess.” Billy’s voice is teasing, almost sing song like, its sweet and kind. “You ever take it up the ass?” And Steve has tears in his eyes like hes more embarrassed than afraid, his eyes looking away. “Answer me Stevie.” He snarled, his voice harsher, demanding, the knife digs into Steve’s neck. “No..I-I’m..” Steve has to catch his breath. Billy moves Steve’s face, forcing him to look at him. “I’m a virgin.” Steve whispers, almost coos it, his cheeks flushed. Billy’s breath is almost snatched away, how shy and sweet Steve looked, how pretty he looked as those words left his lips. Billy gently wiped away the tears from Steve’s eyes with his thumb, “Don’t worry baby, I wont do anything you wont like.”
The hiccup escapes Steve, he’s shaking and nervous, knows he has no control over what is going to happen, knows that he is royally screwed. “Is it going to hurt?” He finally whispered, watery eyes looking up at Billy, his cock is so hard, he hates how his body betrays him, because yes he does want to be taken by a big strong man, wants to be fucked, but he never thought it would be by a man he barely knew breaking into his home. Steve sucks in his pink bottom lip, his eyes so mousey it almost hurts Billy’s soul. Almost. “No baby.” He whispers, “Just relax or else I’m gonna have to make it hurt.” He’s so sickeningly kind, almost caring, his thumb traces the tear streaked cheek bone of Steve’s oh so perfect face. “Why are you crying baby? I’m gonna make all your dreams come true.” And God Steve’s cock twitches, he hates himself for it.
Billy uses his knife to slowly cut off Steve’s uniform, exposing his chest, his nipples immediately hardening to the cold air, Steve cant help himself, bites back a moan, warm tears pooling on his chin. “Someone’s excited huh?” Billy whispers hotly, tongue sticking out of his mouth slightly. He takes the opportunity to flick one of Steve’s nipples, relishing in how Steve tenses, in how he feels his beautiful cock twitch against him. “Really excited.” Billy confirms with a hum. He moves between Steve’s legs, yanking down his shorts, tsking his tongue as he did. “No underwear baby? You were begging for someone like me to come along. Mmm don’t close your eyes Stevie, look at me.” Billy’s words are laced with threat. “Don’t you wanna be like the movies? Don’t you wanna take Daddy’s cock? Uh-uh don’t even think about scrambling away Stevie!” He yanks Steve by his legs back towards him, “Cant have you be my final girl princess.” He chuckles.
Steve is royally fucked. He just has to take it, hope Billy doesn’t hurt him. Is it bad his heart keeps jumping every time Billy graces his skin? Not in fear but..wary arousal? If that made any sense. Billy who was like a lion on the hunt, showing sweet mercy. It was like heroin almost. Fear and pleasure creating a heady mix in his head leaving him confused and scared and wanting. He watched with wary eyes as Billy pulled down his jeans, he wasn’t wearing any underwear either but Steve didn’t dare point that out. Right now he was concerned about how utterly big Billy was. “No! Nonono! I- You’re too big I cant take that! I cant take that! I’m a virgin..” His voice cracked, his face blotched red with tears and humiliation.
Billy gave his own cock a small stroke, relishing in the sight before him, the man who was completely at his mercy. “Oh sweetheart.” Billy cooed, “Daddy’s gonna take care of everything, you just sit back and watch the TV okay? Watch what’s going to happen to you.” He turned Steve’s head towards the television set, on the screen the young man was gaping open, cum dripping out of his hole and down his pretty thighs, the older more muscular man fucking into his once more. Steve’s breath hitched, he felt precum dribbling down his cock, felt shame boiling low in his gut. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He felt warmth press at his hole, wanted to close his eyes but Billy tsked, “Someone’s pretty lose for a virgin Stevie, you fuck yourself huh? You pretend its a big strong mans cock fucking you stupid?” and Steve nods quickly, a harsh sob escaping out of his chest.
His legs are spread open, Billy is pouring copious amounts of warming lube against Steve’s pretty hole, massaging in and fingering him. Steve mewls slightly, cant help it as his eyes squeeze shut, cant help it as he grinds up into nothing, desperate and deeply embarrassed. A laugh, feral and loud escapes Billy, “See princess? Makin’ your dreams come true.” He spreads his fingers, scissoring Steve open, Steve who is fighting to keep his eyes open, to not cum right than and there. “Youre so big..” He mumbles, chewing on his lip, Billy’s cock has finally pressed against him, hard and leaking. “Thanks princess, I promise this wont hurt at all.” He coos right before slamming into Steve, making him yelp. With his strong arms he flips Steve onto his stomach, making him watch the tv, making him watch the twink get obliterated as he did too. “Fuck!” Billy howls, slamming nice and hard, making Steve cry and scream, making him move forward with each thrust, his cock dragging against his mothers expensive white carpet. He didn’t even have words, he was pretty sure his vision was blanking out, he was stuffed full of Billy’s cock and Billy was fucking him stupid.
“About it not hurting princess? Might’ve lied.” He purred into the shell of Steve’s ear, pounding into him with vigor, the sounds of their skin slapping together louder than the TV, echoing in the large living space. Steve sobbed bitterly, needing to touch his cock, the brutal desire to cum overtaking anything else, the feeling of Billy’s cock stretching wider than he ever had been before destroying any sense of self decency as he moaned and drooled like the bimbo cum slut he was. “Ima cum..” He slurred out, “Billy fuck ima cum!” This only spurred Billy to fuck him harder, fuck him faster, to pull at his hair and bite at his neck. It only spurned Billy to chase his own orgasm fast. Steve had been reduced to his most true self, a whore.
“Fuck Stevie!” Billy’s jaw fell open as Steve clenched around him, he peppered Steve’s jaw with kisses, unable to help himself, Steve looked so pretty cumming on his dick. Steve who was staining his mothers carpet with his cum, Steve who was howling into the night in absolute pleasure, still fucking himself up against Billy’s cock. “Oh..Oh fuck..” Steve panted, eyes squeezing as Billy screamed out his own orgasm, feral and loud just like the man himself, his loud heavy and filling, dripping out of Stevie just like the twink in his film.
They laid there a long silent moment, just catching their breath, stayed there until Steve felt cum drying against his stomach. He winced at the gross feeling. “You broke my fucking window. Whatever happened to oh the door was unlocked?” Steve pouted. Billy quirked and eyebrow, kissing his lips sweetly, Steve so warm and pliant in his arms. “I got into character! What kind of home intruder tries the door? That’s stupid.” Billy rolled his eyes as if this was common knowledge. “Say a bird flew into it or something.” Steve couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “I didn’t go to far did I? Are you-” Steve held up a finger against Billy’s lips, “If you had gone to far I would have used my safe word just like I promised. It was fun. Right? You had fun?” Billy blushed gently and put on a mocking falsetto, “I’m a virgin! Don’t take me mr robber I’m a virgin!” That earned him a solid whack on the shoulder, Steve bright red. “Shut up mr I got into character.” They both burst out laughing, snuggling against each other on the comfortable soft carpet. “C’mon, we gotta get a bath and clean up the glass.” Steve whispered, eyes drowsy. Billy gently kissed his forehead, “I got it. Don’t worry about, lets just get you up into bed.” As fucked as it was out of context? Steve couldn’t wait for the next break-in.
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abyssalpriest · 8 months
if i disappear after saying that ive been assassinated no jokes aside if i take that down its not bc i disagree with it, you can still pin it on me as a belief that i think that shit should be said and ill put my whole ass behind it, but saying shit like that has consequences lmfao. also theres a time and a place to bring that up
#ive already. dealt. with enough fucking propagandising royal family members on my fucking ASS this lifetime to last. the rest of#this universe's incarnation. sometimes its better to not get involved which i KNOW is a big part of why the propaganda is rampant#among people who work with ''demons'' but like. no. no race is more superior than other races. hot take i know sorry#ramblings //#honestly tho. im so sick of dealing with the topics of ascending and (''demon'') racial supremacy and fighting jxdaism under the guise#of ''we hate chrxstians tho and thats good!'' bc ''(JEWISH NAME FOR GOD????) is a horrible person he wiped out half his angels!!!!''#listen i do not care how uncomfortable you are w your species' and peoples' histories you are. leave innocent fucking people and their#concept of the Creator that you dont even understand alone. whats the point in pride in your people if youre only proud of how#your people are Better than another set of people. like. bruh. are you proud of being a (demon) or are you so insecure your only source of#literally describing said propagandising family members lord almighty im gonna stop myself there.#WOW. I DSFJKHDFH. IVE NEVERRRRR SUDDENLY GOTTEN THE URGE TO TALK SHIT ABOUT WAR /AND/ SPILL THINGS PEOPLE#WANT SECRET /AND/ TALK SHIT ABOUT TWISTING KNOWLEDGE TO MAKE YOURSELF LOOK GOOD /AND/ HAD IT DEVOLVE INTO#''even tho im (practically) hindu jxdaism is too fucking important to my family for me to not have OPINIONS about shit'' BEFORE HMM#WEIRD WEIRD unincarnated selves just fucking going AT it. i mean. spilling opinions. cant say they havent gone at it in other#ways too wow no wonder Ardhanarishvara (God as half man half woman) and Shiva and Shakti are super important to me -#NO WONDER THIS CAME AFTER TALKING ABOUT CONSCIOUSNESS AND MIND WHO I SEE AS SHIVA AND SHAKTI#anyway the first post had nothing to do w jxdaism and this topic itself has nothing to do w it i just finally had it click why Certain Peop#calling the things the kings they worship did atrocities of (name) was bothering me SO much. i mean i knew why the rest of it was bothering#me - i mean the NAME bit clicked
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Tell me how you hate me now (Miguel O’Hara x fem! Scientist! Reader) Drabble
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Hiiii, so I know I said I’d focus on my main series and I am! But I just had to whip this up after my comment thread from my last post. In my head I imagine this being with Miguel from the game Edge of Time but it can be any Miguel variant. Not proofread, enjoy!
Cursing, workplace enemies to lovers, the girls are arguing 🤭, make out session, slight NSFW (just some ass squeezing) but no smut.
Word count: 750
“O’Hara! Hey O’Hara!” You called out to the figure that sat alone in the lab room. Your irrational only building when you didn’t get a response, not even a glance in your direction. Your pace quicken, white lab coat flaring out behind you as you close the gap between you and the other scientist. Angrily dropping a Manila folder onto his desk, the force of which made a few of his own papers fly a few inches off his desk. Finally making him look up at you with huff and a scowl.
You two have been working together for the last twelve years at Alchemax, and never had you two gotten alone. Always fighting about projects, butting heads about deadlines, everything about and between you both always ended with fighting and arguing.
“Do you know what this is?” The question was rhetorical, a manicured finger pointing at the file that had the name of your last project proposal printed on top. Your angry gaze on his face never wavering as you watch his tired eyes lazily drop to the folder, before looking up at you once more rather boredly.
“Your last project proposal?” He deadpanned.
“Yes, my last project proposal.” You scoffed, “The one that got rejected because you decided to bad mouth it to Stone.” You glared at him, feeling your blood pressure rising higher than it already was as you stood up straight and crossed your arms over your chest. Your eyes immediately connected with his brown ones as he turned his swivel chair to face you properly, arms coping your mannerisms as you both had a miniature stare down before he finally spoke.
“You're acting like this thing-“ he abruptly stood up, making you instinctively take a step back. Grabbing the proposal and using the back of his other hand to lightly hit the folder before dropping it back onto his desk. The pages spilling out from the hazardous manner, making your blood boil. “wasn't already garbage-“
You had to close your eyes and take in a deep breath to stop yourself from lunging at the large man, wanting to tear him a new one. Once you were able to calm yourself down enough you looked back up at him. Despite his towering size over you, you didn’t find him all that intimidating.
“You’re just saying that because you wanted him to pick your project over mine-and don’t say I’m making shit up because you always do it, that’s how you got your project chosen last time!”
“Oh please, god forbid I don’t want to work under you for the next six months. It’s too chaotic! Just thinking about it gives me a migraine…” As if for dramatic effect, a hand goes up and he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Oh yeah, because you’re so pleasant to be working for.” You rolled your eyes, sarcasm dripping from your mouth like venom from a snake’s. “If an intern so much as breathes the wrong way, you lose it.” You're too busy ranting to notice he was making his way towards you. “And don’t even get me started on how you micromanage everything-“
You were cut off by the sudden warmth of lips on yours, eyes wide as you blinked yourself back into the current moment. You had to be dreaming right? Why else would Miguel be kissing you. You didn’t even get to fully process the action before you felt his large hand slip to the small of your back, gently guiding you to make sure you didn’t trip over your own feet as he pushed you up against the wall.
Yeah you weren’t dreaming.
He licks your bottom lip in a silent plea to let him in, you couldn’t help but to melt into the kiss. Once the initial shock finally wore off, your body began to feel hot all over. Eyes flickering shut as your hands landed on his chest, running up to lock around his neck, no doubt leaving wrinkles in their wake. His hand came down to give your ass a firm squeeze, making you involuntarily moan at the movement.
You felt like you could drown in him, he pulled away for air before you got the chance too.
“Been wanting to kiss that pretty mouth shut for a long time.” He admitted between heavy breaths, “tell me how you hate me now with my tongue down your throat.” He taunted playfully, before closing the gap between your lips once more.
Taglist: @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st @mcmiracles @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho
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kazzattack · 3 months
make-up sex with Dick has been rotting in my mind lately :P
make up sex w/ ex bf!dick grayson… bc if i’ve noticed anything about him? he’s besties with all of his exes. like. every single one of them. he’d try to be particularly close with you because he’s not over you at all. still thinking about you 24/7, still wants to see you, definitely still wants to fuck you, all that good stuff. what’s pissing him off is that you’re sick of him. and because i’m you’re petty, you decide against blocking him just to let him know you’re choosing to see him and ignore him. you read all his stupid ass messages, he can still see your posts, and he knows you’re doing shit to piss him off. because nothing irks his soul more than being ignored, much less ignored by you. luckily enough, nothing’s stopping him from knocking on your door after texting you that he’s “coming back for his hoodie.” because duh, you kept all of those too.
you open the door against your better judgement and it’s obvious he has a few intentions once you get a good look at the flimsy tank top and sweats. “hi,” he smiles to hide the impatience in his voice.
“hi,” you respond with condescension and move to close the door in his face.
“you’re being a dick,” the smile easily fades as he catches the door with a quick hand, “just let me in.”
and against your better judgement, you do.
now he’s snooping around, and quite effectively, finding a way to dig through drawers and piles of clothes even though he’s spotted a hoodie or two out the corner of his eye. come to think of it, he’s interrogating you. asking you about that party from friday, that one guy he saw on your story, anything he can get. hell, he’ll go as far as to flash you a new pair of panties while he’s looking, asking who’re you getting all pretty for? now you’re irritated too, not giving him any of the invasive answers he’s looking for. you two go back and forth for god knows how long, all the way until he’s got you against a wall and muttering fuck you under your breath, followed by a clever remark of I thought you’d never ask.
finally, his hands are back on you. he can finally grab a hold of your face and get his tongue back down your throat after a long ass month of nothing. nothing like you, at least. “you’re such a little shit,” he groans and you laugh at him, letting him wrestle your legs around his torso and carry you to the bed. as if you could have fought against it anyway. he’s depraved of you, already groping your tits and ass after grinding his thigh into your clothed cunt. it’s almost as if he hasn’t fucked since the last time he had you. still feeling a little cruel, you tease, “those other girls just didn’t do it for you, huh?”
“there weren’t any other girls.”
“yeah right,” you force out a giggle to ignore the guilt.
“I’m serious. been waiting on you to cut the bullshit so I could fuck this cunt again.” his hand’s already eased under the waistband of your shorts to circle your clit and you moan right into his ear. “don’t need any other girl when i’ve got a whore right here, just for me, right?”
he sucks a hickey into the underside of your breast before flipping you over, seemingly back to his regular self. you’re easily repositioned face down and ass up, helping him pull your shorts all the way down. fuck, you missed him. the way he palms your ass and forces you against his cock, debating on whether he should really fuck you or just hump you til you’re begging for his cock and he’s coming in his boxers.
“already fucking me back,” he moans from behind you and it’s brought to your attention that you’re the one grinding on his dick through fabric. you can’t bring yourself to be ashamed of it though, keening when the next time you feel him there’s no barrier between you and the tip of his cock is slipping into your pussy. normally he’d be all sensual, rub at your cunt til it’s all messy and leaking before fucking you, but this time around it’s like he has no time for it. he’d rather force the arch in your back further into the mattress and fuck you full, have you whine into the pillows and beg for more of his cum like he knows you want to.
“still want me to get out?” he’s muttering into your ear after pulling your hair, knowing by now you’re too fucked out to give him some smart-ass remark. all you can give him are those whorish moans he hasn’t heard for so long as you cum on his cock for the third time. he’s skipped the theatrics he loves to fuck you deep and give you a good reminder that this is what you broke up with.
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garoujo · 2 years
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feat : gojo satoru, geto suguru, itadori yuuji, fushiguro megumi + nanami kento.
ღ warnings — f. reader, creampies / unprotected sex, aged!up characters, hidden feelings, just them falling in love w u sob, car sex in nanami’s.
ღ note — obey me version. i’m back with another one of these cause it’s always gonna be my fave trope of all time ! ! ! also got a lil carried away with satoru’s *sniffle* sorry ><
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gojo was almost too good at hiding his growing feelings for you, like he didn’t have your post notifications on on every social media platform you owned and like sight of a new picture of you didn’t make his cock twitch and thicken behind his uniform slacks. hiding his need for you behind teasing and always convincing you that staying a little bit longer wouldn’t do much harm.
satoru snaps his hips up into you with a bit more ferocity as he sinks his cock into your soaked cunt from where you’re straddling him, grinning when he’s elicited shaky moans and needy whimpers from your pouty, swollen lips. there’s a teasing smirk curling on his own when he feels your walls twitch around his cock, crystalline eyes almost rolling back at the ethereal sight of you above him. he didn’t expect to have feelings form in the place of pure lustful sex, but you were so good for him—all starry eyed and sweet and he should’ve known when he got that first, sweet taste of you he’d never be able to satisfy his craving. “gonna cum.. i, fuck.” you choke, voice heavenly when his name rolls off your tongue and he grins almost mockingly at how adorable you look lost in the pleasure only he can give you. “yeah? go ahead. fuck, don’t let me stop you, pretty girl.” satoru drawls and he watches your eyes squeeze shut before you’re creaming around his cock, his fingers tightening around your jaw to pull you in for a sloppy, wet, moaning kiss. there’s a rush of bliss through his nerves, in his whole being everytime he kisses you—he’ll never get enough, licking and grunting into your mouth, filling you up with his load while you moan and breathe your sighs across his lips in a tone he still finds himself dreaming about when you leave. so even when he’s still coming down from his orgasm, still lost in a half hormone-drunken haze he doesn’t hesitate to suddenly flip you underneath him and kiss all over your face, heated presses of his lips against your skin as you whimper at the over stimulation and grab at his toned shoulders. “oh? what’s the rush? i don’t think i want you to leave just yet, sweetheart.” satoru hums lowly and you give him a dreamy look through wet lashes when his softening cock twitches awake inside of your tight walls once more. “i’ll take good care of you, pretty girl.”
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it wasn’t supposed to happen at first — you’d both always been close but not like this. it had just happened after a long night together and ultimately you both enjoyed it too much to stop, but now it had gotten to the point where he didn’t want to lose you as a friend despite the way his heart yearned for more.
“g-god, pretty girl. feels so good, fucking—shit.” geto grunts, scratchy and breathless and it only takes a few more thrusts from the dark haired sorcerer before he’s following you off the cliff of his release, the hot rush of bliss taking over him. his cock flexes as he spills his loads inside of you with a surprised grunt, his body trembling above your own and it’s almost instinctive the way he hugs you closer, keeping you pressed tight against his chest while he smears messy kisses along your cheeks, riding out his orgasm through shallow thrusts as you both bask in the aftermath of your tingling pleasure. suguru shoots you a grin when he finally rolls off of you, keeping his arm trapped underneath you as his lips curl into a drowsy grin, and he’s hoping you can’t hear the racing of his heart when you wiggle closer to him, and he can’t help but kiss you once on the lips—hoping you’ll blame it on the post orgasm bliss, even though to him it’ll always be more than that. “you staying? s’posed to be stormy so saves you going home.” suguru asks, hoping his hopeful tone is masked behind his breathlessness even though his arm encourages you to curl up closer to him—and he hopes it’ll convince you to never leave. but for tonight—you do stay, so when an hours past and you’re breathing deep, asleep against his chest, suguru doesn’t need to hide the lovesick haze that’s fallen over him this time as his fingers trace his initials into your skin, whispering three quiet words against your temple before he’s curling up beside you, because for now, he’ll let himself love like this a little longer.
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itadori didn’t really understand what the arrangement was, in his mind you were dating — so you can imagine the confused and particularly hurt expression on his face when he has to listen to you introduce him as a friend, but watching other hungry gazes on you makes something particularly carnal burn in his stomach.
it’s almost desperate the way yuuji’s hands are grabbing at your hips, keeping you pressed tightly to the couch after you both finally arrive home from dinner with your friends. you’d never seen him like this, so needy and rough, his gaze heavy when he blinks down at you before focusing on the way your pretty tire juggle everytime he sinks his heavy cock back into your soaked cunt. “s-slow down, yuu—so much.” you whimper through pouty lips but even with his dazed mind he knows you don’t want him to stop. your mind is cloudy with how well he’s fucking you, losing yourself in the feeling of his huge body looming over your own as he moans ragged grunts of your name, smearing a mixture of his drool and kisses along the dip of your shoulder when he leans over you. “feel s-so good, baby, fuck! love this pussy, l-love it so much—‘ts mine, right? all mine—ughhh.” yuuji grunts, words half coherent when your walls are twitching so needily around him and your pussy is squelching with every unforgivable push of his hips, so you don’t reply immediately—too lost in the pleasure only he can give you, but this only makes him go harder. he curses roughly as he fucks into you eagerly, his hands almost curled into fists at your hips while his groans echo somewhere deep in his chest, and you feel like your body is almost crumbling with each crushing thrust into you as he hugs you closer—ruthlessly slamming his hips into your own. “p-please, baby. tell me ‘ts mine—fuck, gonna cum. please, please, ‘m yours so say it.” he almost pleads despite his ragged tone, but you hear him this time as your nails leave scratches of red along his biceps, his heavy cock kissing every part of you when you finally answer back. “fuck, y-yes i’m yours yuu!”
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he couldn’t help himself when it came to you, he had been particularly inexperienced at first but when you’d walked into his life he’d given you all of him, more than he’d ever given somebody else so maybe that’s why he couldn’t help the feelings that came a lot with it — still finding himself getting lost in you almost too easily.
it’s almost too much for him, you are, everytime he’s got you lying beneath him—blinking up at him through doe eyes and pouty lips and megumi feels like he could finish right there and then. “p-please, ‘gumi.” you whisper, eyes cloudy with want as you gaze up at him, your fingers smoothing through the raven strands of his hair before his hips roll into yours languidly, and megumi feels his heart race when you breathe his name—your walls squeezes around the sensitive head of his cock delightfully when he pushes up against the sweet spot inside of you. “you..” he grunts, jaw clenching when he fucks into you again before he restarts despite the way he feels lightheaded. “you feel so good, everytime.” he blinks slowly, trying to hold back the needy whimpers and whines that are dying on his tongue, as the grip he has on your waist tightens when he continues to sink his cock into your doughy cunt. “o-oh, fuck.” megumi breathes again, grunting and clenching his teeth and his pace stutters when you hiccup his name, tight walls clenching around him once more and he repositions his knees this time before he sets a new pace. “do you lov.. fuck—like, this?” he says, words barely coherent and he knows he means to ask do you like him, but he knows it’s not the time—when warmth is pooling in his stomach and he’s trembling before he’s curling over you, instead focusing on the needy mewls and moans falling from your lips. another time maybe.
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it was fine at first, your agreement. he was mostly busy with work anyway, sometimes he’d pick you up on his way home and you always helped him relax after a long day or help take the tension from his body after some gruelling overtime. but he had gotten used to seeing you now, couldn’t help himself from imagining your silhouette in the kitchen preparing dinner or busying yourself with something in his home—he’d gotten comfortable with you and he wanted more.
it’s dark in the back seat of nanami’s car, your face pressed against the expensive leather as his thick hands grab at your hips—ruthlessly slamming his cock into your tight cunt from behind, as his eyes focus on the way your ass jiggles with each heavy thrust. “doing so well, sweetheart.“ nanami grumbles, his head falling forward as his body follows, pressing his chest against your back, and the new position allows you to hear how fucked out he is, every deep growl and slurred curse against your shoulder. you tremble from under him, feeling his toned bicep curl around your waist and you push back into him when you feel his calloused hand snake between your legs, practiced fingers rolling your already puffy and swollen clit. “focus on me, that’s it. so good for me.” nanami growls, quiet at first but his voice is close enough for you to hear his words, your tight walls twitching in reply before you babble “feels s-so good.” and the blonde haired male feels something primal, possessive take over him at the sweet tone of your voice—his cock throbbing inside of you. “it feels good? taking me so well.” you hear him groan, your words encouraging him to slam himself even harder into you, the sound of skin slapping growing louder with each of his heavy thrusts. “you’re gonna make me cum, sweetheart. you going to take it for me?” nanami drawls, voice low and ragged and ecstasy is all you feel with his words, his brows creasing from the almost brutal pace he’s challenged himself under but he was stroking your walls just right. “i.. i can take it.”
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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elysiumarchieve · 2 years
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gn! s/o reacting to his new outfit
warnings: 3.2/3.3 story spoiler??, posted before 3.2 update and story quest, self indulgent fluff because i love him so much, we waited for our dude for now almost TWO YEARS, happy scaramouche day scaramouche nation
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✧ seeing him in blue was rather new to you, in all honesty, it actually shocked you when he finally showcased himself to you, his arms crossed before his chest as he waited for you to react to his new outfit
✧ after seeing the same black and red for years and not even the slightest change in his wardrobe either (as he said he had no need for new clothing), the sheer surprise on your face was to be expected
✧ you rubbed your eyes once, then twice, and then blinked real hard multiple times before looking back up at his face, but he only frowned at your reaction
✧ did he look bad? why do you react like that? not that i mattered to him, but regardless...
✧ you had to explain to him that blue was a completely new color on him, but in a positive way. after all, even his old hat was gone (however, you did mourn the veil that was now missing on him)
✧ when he scoffs at your excitement, you're happy that his attitude did not change - or rather, his god complex and huge ego combined with his superiority complex did tone down to an extent where he's finally able to keep up a conversation without looking down on everyone all the time (he still sneered at the traveler when he first saw them again, though paimon was quick to remind him of his defeat)
✧ his plan to become sumeru's new god failed and you couldn't be happier, especially after you saw the glowing anemo vision proudly attached to a cloth right before his chest, where his heart should be (a nice choice of placement was your only thought as you saw it for the first time)
✧ though you knew scaramouche well enough to know that he'd never admit to be amazed by the small gemstone, the smirk he gives you tells you otherwise - he can try and hide it all he wants, but you can figure out his true feelings behind that snarky gremlin face
✧ he prides himself a little over your reaction. it was expected of him to look good in whatever he wears, so it didn't surprise him that you were like this. he looks good whatever he wears
✧ if you want to continue following him, he won't try to stop you. after coming to a,,, mutual agreement with the traveler on how things are going to continue after he tried to kill them after he decided that he made up his mind, if you follow him even after betraying your trust just a little he'll be more than glad to let you accompany him
✧ you two regularly would head to tatarasuna and tend to katsuragi's grave whenever there was time to do so
✧ while his new fit did not change the fact that he was a litte shit at times, receiving his vision did change his view on the world - in your eyes, that also reflected in how bright his outfit was now, considering that before he wore the same monotonous black for years and now a bright and refreshing blue
✧ and sometimes you can sense that he's also happy about this change
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fastcardotmp3 · 8 months
future!steddie; long haul trucker Eddie; firefighter Steve ~1k words
It makes sense to Eddie, an obvious out when his world's gone to shit and he has to get away, that his escape route from Indiana is the same job his uncle left to settle down there and raise a kid with nowhere else to go.
Driving long haul means there's no one looking that close at a face that made it to the national news during his week on the run. It means living on the move, never stopping long enough to get stuck anywhere.
It means freedom.
It means loneliness.
He calls Wayne twice a week, coins in pay phones at rest stops while he's waiting for his hair to dry post-public shower, and that's enough for him.
Wayne has always been enough for him, and it would be hurtful to suggest otherwise; it would be disrespectful to the life Wayne helped him build, keeps helping him build with all that faith that had him never doubting an innocence questioned by everyone else in that God-forsaken town.
Twice a week. It's the only phone number he knows by heart.
Twice a week for weeks and then months and then years, driving cross-country and back again, it's freedom. He keeps telling himself it's freedom, that it's good, that he doesn't need anything more than that.
But driving long haul means there's a lot of time for thinking.
It means a lot of time for collecting thoughts up together and creating new meaning entirely.
It means that by the time he's twenty-one and twenty-five and thirty that he has tape after tape after tape where he's collected those thoughts aloud in the rumbling loud silence of an overnight drive.
Thoughts like who would I be if I'd stuck around? and thoughts like will they understand that this time running saved my life? and thoughts like I miss them, am I allowed to miss them, am I allowed to love them without ever really knowing them?
It means that when he stops for all but the first time in ten years, coming home to Wayne to find that Forest Hills is home to a couple more familiar faces than he expected, there's space for his words. His endless, looping thoughts.
Steve's got his own trailer these days, brings in Wayne's mail for him on the mornings he comes home from the night shift at the fire station and stays for coffee.
Steve's there across the way when Eddie drives up in a new-used flatbed truck he'd bought with his final paycheck on the day he hung up his hat and decided he'd been gone long enough.
Steve's there in stories Wayne only begins telling now that Eddie is home, endless retellings of a brand-new man who became a friend during a time when the name Munson was still a dangerous thing to carry.
Steve's there when Eddie starts transcribing all his dictated notes into something resembling narrative and character and prose and Eddie doesn't know the guy who jumped headfirst into another dimension, hasn't spoken to him since that week that forced Eddie to flee in the first place, but maybe he doesn't need to have those years under his belt.
Maybe it doesn't matter if Eddie knows a nineteen-year-old Steve Harrington, because he knows the twenty-nine-year-old one starting a matter of hours after he comes crawling back home, knows this grown and steady one who looked after Wayne when Eddie had to leave.
This Steve isn't stuck despite still living in the town that tried to kill him. He doesn't seem lost or without purpose.
He lives a simple life, working at the Hawkins FD and feeding stray dogs with the bowls he leaves out beside his porch. Robin comes and goes, seemingly dating her way through the Midwest's entire sapphic population and sleeping on Steve's couch in between live-in girlfriends.
There are old friends on the phone at near constant intervals in Steve's home, and there's that phone being pressed to Eddie's ear without giving him the chance to be terrified about what Erica or Dustin or Max might say to the guy who hasn't allowed anyone but Wayne access to him for a decade, what he might say back after so many years without proper human socialization.
Eddie has been moving for so long, stayed moving through the bulk of his acceptance of everything that happened to him, but there's a different sort of quiet here than what he found on the road, stillness, amongst the casual chaos.
There's similarities to life on his rig, sure, a certain routine to the comings and goings, only Eddie isn't hiding anymore and he's not thumbing through the same staticky stations anymore and he's not lonely anymore.
He doesn't know how to sit still yet, not really, but he stays up all night handwriting poetry on paper he once spoke onto tape on the porch of his uncle's trailer and sometimes when Steve gets home after dark, he'll sit with him.
He'll eat his dinner still in uniform and listen to the scratch of Eddie's pen and Eddie doesn't know him, Steve Harrington, but he's getting to know his neighbor Steve.
Ten years down the line and he's becoming solid right there in front of Eddie's eyes, becoming real, becoming something that can't possibly fit onto the tapes filled with nonsense and insights alike.
"You're never what I think you're going to be," Eddie admits to him one morning over coffee before Wayne or Robin have risen, before the phone has begun to ring, before the world wakes up and brings Eddie's life along with it, ready or not.
Steve smiles at him, amused and curious and cocky in the way he responds, "you're exactly who Wayne said you are."
It's an admission all its own, that Steve has thought about Eddie, spoken about him, in the time they've spent apart, even if it was only because he'd dared to keep Wayne Munson's company.
It's still an admission though, that in his absence, in his loneliness out on the road, Eddie wasn't forgotten by the watercolor skies over Hawkins, Indiana.
"Yeah?" Eddie breathes in those very skies, "and what did Wayne say I'd be?"
Ten years down the line and suddenly it makes sense to Eddie.
It makes sense in the morning dew on the lawn; it makes sense in the too-strong Harrington-brewed coffee; it makes sense in the wheels of his truck on a road that does end, eventually, and it makes sense in the collected thoughts and feelings, fears and dreams that he had to go away to decipher.
The freedom was in leaving, sure, but this? The coming home to Wayne and this porch and the man who lives across the way?
"Stick around, Munson," Steve Harrington dares on a morning like any other, "and maybe I'll just tell you."
Well. As it turns out, this might be the thing that saves him.
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devouringdevoutly · 2 months
The Hound of Heaven
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Summary: Whoever said that you can't fuck God clearly hasn't met Bada yet.
Note: There is no actual god in this fic, it's just straight up a world ran by the Devil. This is also biblically inaccurate as well so please don't stone me to death. Again, this is a work of fiction and does not reflect real life situations and relationships. Originally posted on ao3. CW: Smut, Church Sex, Confessional Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Fingerfucking, Cunnilingus, Demon Sex, Oral Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Religious Guilt, Catholic Guilt, Catholicism, Cheating, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Lemon. Pairing: Bada/Reader Language: English Words: 1,897
Whoever said that you can't fuck God clearly hasn't met Bada yet.  
That was the first coherent thought that had formed in my brain as her long fingers slid in and out of me, my warm and wet cavern welcoming her with so much exuberance you'd think I won the lottery jackpot. It sure did feel like that as I was cornered by her towering height and the wooden walls that the booth was made out of, all the while her snake-like tongue making sure she'd had enough of mine. I should feel disgusted by the way our mouths met. The way our tongues glided so ferociously that it made an obscene amount of wet noises that were clearly bouncing off the walls off the confessional booth. The way that my sap trickled down along my legs as Bada mercilessly continued on fingering me. The booth that was once used to repent one's sins was now used to make one after the other.
I should probably feel burdened by the weight of the situation I was in but who cares? My mind and body was stuck in a limbo named Bada. 
Her hands then roamed to my now bare breasts as she had managed  to rip off my brassiere and the white sundress that I wore earlier, was now practically holding onto its dear life as it was solely held by Bada sandwiching me between her and the wall. She then squeezed and fondled my left bosom, my nipples were already hardening by the cold air hitting it. I let out an elicit whine that even I didn't know I could make and my back arched against the wall like a frightened cat. 
Bada's mouth had now reached my right nipple, her tongue flickered back and forth as I moaned like a bitch in heat and I could feel her physically smirk through it. Both of her hands were more than preoccupied, her left hand was groping my left tit and her thumb was playing with my bud, all the while her right hand was still pumping deep inside of me; making sure that she curls her fingers every once in a while but purposely never hitting the spot so as to deny me of reaching my high anytime soon. 
She finally pulled back from tantalizing my sore nipples and she eventually stopped pumping my equally sorely soaked cunt. I whined at the loss of contact as Bada's tall figure leaned onto me. 
"I wonder if your wimpy god-fearing boyfriend knows how much of a whore his girlfriend truly is…" She says with a shit eating grin, I swallowed the lump in my throat as I didn't feel any sort of guilt for betraying him… I knew that even Judas did feel a tremendous amount of guilt as he had sold the blood of Christ for a mere thirty silver coins. I knew that the moment I had planted my lips against Bada's, that the Devil had penetrated into every part of my being as he did so with Judas Iscariot.
Nevertheless Jesus had already forgiven him before he even committed his sin, perhaps that idiotically pious of a Christian man will forgive me too if there is anything to be forgiven in the first place. If that is the case then I'll gladly break bread and be consumed by her as his disciples did in the last supper, every intrusion that she had made inside my walls was a carving of our covenant.
I already had my bite of the forbidden fruit and there was no turning back to the Garden of Eden.
"Stop talking about that twat and just fuck me already will you?" I groaned out as my hole clenched and unclenched around her fingers. I knew that my words were as insolent as our actions were. Father, will you forgive me for this rotten curiosity of mine? or will you banish me as you had with Lilith and Eve? 
"Demanding much? I'm sure you already know that you're the one at my mercy here, angel." Her cocky tone had only gotten me wetter and my cunt pulsed as fast as my heartbeat did. Bada's smile turned wider, almost menacingly as she had clearly noticed my reaction to her degrading words. My mind was in a haywire, my vision was turning hazy as I could see the face of God in the Devil's body. Why did God make the devil's advocate painstakingly handsomely gorgeous if he didn't want me to dive into the river Styx? 
"You like that hmmm?" Her thumb pressed meanly against my clit. She knew exactly what she was doing, the pet name? Angel of all things after calling me a whore? I let out another whine as my cunt's lips fluttered.
"Fuck… if you only knew how much I wanna fuck you on the altar… Fuck you in front of those foolish devotees singing words of praise to their equally foolish god. Make you cum with my mouth as they sing lamb of god or whatever the fuck they cry out in these futile masses." She crooned out as she rested her head against my neck and continuously drove three of her fingers inside my plump sopping cunt. Her staggering breath tickled my neck with every word that she had sermonized. I knew she would've done it if I just didn't have a reputation to keep, as if fornicating in a confessional booth was a last act of mercy on her part.
I knew that I was reaching my peak with every thrust Bada had propelled and she knew it too. The ascend to my peak was immediately put to a stop as Bada had other plans in mind. She quickly pulled her fingers out of me, leaving me with a pathetic gaping hole. My resolve had been long gone and my knees were absolutely weak, threatening to give up on me at any moment. 
In a swift movement I was easily lifted by Bada and was placed on the velvet cushion of the enclosed box's seat like some ragdoll. 
She seized hold of my feet and placed a chaste kiss on it before kissing the entirety of my legs, from my sole to my thighs. It was an intimate moment as if she was almost offering a prayer of thanks before she started to devour every bit and piece of me.
She stretched out her hands and deftly parted my legs like the red sea, I could see her devious grin as she had finally a closer and more intimate view of my aching fleshy cunt. I knew that I was embarrassingly wet and that I was absolutely sore but I didn't dare look down as I was afraid to meet her eyes and see what she had done to me. 
"Look at me." Bada said in a benign but firm manner, quite the contrast as she had grabbed my face forcefully and for a moment I was confused. Why the sudden tenderness? Bada's firm hand let go of my jaw before she dove into my ocean of wetness, her forked tongue slithered inside of me like a snake. I couldn't hold myself back anymore as I moaned loudly within the confines of the wooden booth, both sides of her tongue were able to move on their own accord and it just gave her a better aim at her insistent prodding. Bada didn't dare to cover up the noises I made anymore as the ongoing mass was clearly about to end, the people in their assigned seats were standing to give praise to the Lord.
Her tongue kept on ambushing both my lips and cavern, my tears of pleasure had now mixed with the sweat that I've accumulated with how steamy the enclosed space had gotten. I could smell the scent of sex and oak mixing together creating a musk. Somehow my senses were heightened once Bada had started eating me out, I was now conscious of the noise from the outside almost taunting me that we weren't safe from being walked in on by a random passerby. 
Bada's gaze met mine, as if her foxy calculating eyes pierced through every part of my being. My eyes were hazy from my tears and I could definitely feel myself getting there. 
And with one last skillful flick, I pressed her further into my cunt by grabbing onto her hair. I came hard on her tongue, filling her mouth with so much cum that it dropped down to her chin. I lustily moaned as the churchgoers outside had finally reached the chorus of the song, their harmonious high pitched singing had covered up mine. Bada had finally lifted her head and I looked at her just with a stupefied yet content daze. 
She finally sat up from her kneeling position before grabbing my face and roughly pressing our lips together. She kept much of my cum inside of her mouth before forcefully transferring it into mine, making me swallow and taste myself whole. My eyes widened before accepting my fate as I swallowed all of it without any defiance.
Bada kept our tongues in a languid movement until she could feel that I was running out of breath. Our mouths have finally parted ways and I could feel some sense of shame brewing inside of me but it was quickly interrupted by the clap of unison from the crowd, indicating that the mass has finally ended. I took multiple breaths before gathering the strength to pick up my discarded underwear and fix my dress up as Bada did the same for herself. I stood by the door, hesitating, leaving my hand and heart too heavy to open to unlock the doorknob and end this affair with the Devil herself. 
I took a final deep breath before opening it but Bada suddenly grabbed my wrist.
"Where do you think you're going my sweet cherub?" Her voice had a hint of malice and possessiveness in between lines, she raised an eyebrow and looked at me suspiciously. I looked at her a bit dumbfounded.
"H-home?" My voice trembled as I whispered my answer, I was unsure of myself where I was heading to either. I felt absolutely lost as my mind was now clear of any trace of lust and desperation, the realization dawning on me that I had just sold myself to the Devil for a mere exchange of ineffable pleasure that I was only to experience just once in my life. 
Bada grinned mischievously as she pulled me to her chest before she pressed her mouth against my ear. 
"You're coming with me." She whispered as her voice had dropped and shifted into something a lot more sinister sounding. 
I stood frozen in shock, I could feel my breathing pattern falter with each and every second passing by. I had come face to face with the Devil and willingly danced with her. 
I was finally faced with the cold hard truth that I had left the Garden of Eden long ago. I had laid with her under the thorny olive branches of Gethsemane. I had fed the evil with every bit of my purity in its wake. I had now buried every living being in me, I was now bound to her for eternity, unable to suffer the fruit of Eve's mortality. 
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lilacgyuvin · 3 months
star — p. gunwook
pairing: gunwook x gn!reader
synopsis: gunwook unfortunately loses his wallet. luckily for him, a good samaritan is kind enough to trace the address on his i.d. and brings it straight to his doorstep! too bad it’s his newly ex-best friend (post-dramatic confession of love).
word count: 3.6k
warnings: highschool!au, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, BARELY proofread, jealous gunwookie, talks of falling out, misunderstandings, miscommunication, feat. seniors hanbin and seunghan (and eunseok), not to be taken serious this is just fiction!!
a/n: needed a break from writing that tattoo artist jiwoong au so i wrote this 🥸
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Gunwook’ s lost his wallet.
It’s no big deal! It’s not like his whole life is in there or anything: his money, I.D., credit and debit card, along with his ultra rare Twicecoaster Lane 1 devil Nayeon photocard— yeah, he’d be fine without them.
He only realizes when he get’s on the train home from school, reaching for the photocard for emotional support after the shit week he’s had until he realizes it’s in his wallet which definitely isn’t in any of his pockets right now.
He finally lets out what he thinks is a quiet ‘fuck!’ after patting his pockets down and emptying out his backpack for the third time, which ends up not being as quiet as he originally thought, if the looks from the elderly couple sat across from him are anything to go by.
A few hours go by, and he’s still mourning the loss of devil Nayeon— oh, and all that other stuff too, he guesses. To get his mind off of things, Gunwook thinks a game of Fortnite with his loving friends would do the trick. It’s twenty minutes after when their entire squad gets wiped out (and proceed to get emoted on) is when he retracts that whole idea.
“I’m positive those guys were like, ten year olds. Do you know how embarrassing that is?!” Hanbin’s voice comes from Gunwook’s headset, meshing with the groans of Eunseok and the laughter of Seunghan on the other ends of the call.
“Obviously, it just happened to us! And the audacity. of Gyuvin to leave when he’s the reason we lost. His aim is so fucking ass,” Eunseok speaks loud and fast into his mic, making Gunwook wince at the volume. He seriously needs to start putting his volume down as soon as Eunseok joins. “Why do we still play with him? No, seriously someone answer me, why do we still play with him? Can we replace him with Y/n? Matter fact, I’m calling them right now I can’t do this.”
Seunghan’s laughter comes to a halt the minute their name is mentioned, just like Gunwook’s breathing for a split second.
“Eunseok.” Seunghan says his name and it sounds like Eunseok’s movements come to a stop, the only sound being that of the classic lobby music and the occasional Ps4 notification.
“... Does Gyuvin not have shit aim? I mean, we all saw that.” he says, and Hanbin then decides it’s his turn to speak up. “Maybe don’t talk about Y/n right now.”
It’s only now that Gunwook realizes he hadn’t told Eunseok about the whole ordeal this entire time, and it’s evident in the way he gasps from the other end of the call. “Y/n?! The fuck happened with Y/n? Oh my God please don’t tell me I have to cut them off they’re so fun. Speaking of, we have plans next week on Thursday to this new—”
“Eunseok seriously shut the fuck up.”
“ ‘Kay I’m gonna go heat up my hot pockets.”
Gunwook feels bad since he’s kind of the reason why Eunseok got cursed out by Seunghan. He’ll make it up to him after the upcoming, full on expected pep talk from Hanbin.
“You two still aren’t talking?” he asks the same time Eunseok logs off, and Gunwook thinks that maybe he too can escape this if he leaves without a second thought. He then realizes that Hanbin can literally just call him after he leaves, so he decides to dish it out and get it over with, mumbling his next words. “Well they’re not talking to me.”
It sounds childish, but he wasn’t lying! “The phone works both ways, Gunwook.” he sighs, the sounds of him readjusting in his seat being heard before he’s continuing, “Was it that embarrassing?”
Gunwook forgets that he didn’t explain the extent of the situation to his senior, so it isn’t entirely Hanbin’s fault that he thinks that Gunwook is simply embarrassed, but he can’t help the groan that follows anyway. “It’s not just that. It’s- I can’t even say.”
It’s nothing personal, really— everyone knows that Sunghoon and Y/n used to go out (for a mere 5 months, so Gunwook doesn’t even care for real!). What people didn’t know was how they swore to Gunwook that they’d never get back with him, not even for a second, so when Gunwook finally realizes the feelings he has for his best friend and decides to do something about them (queue chocolates and flowers at the end of the school day), the last thing he expects to see is Y/n and fucking Sunghoon, holding each other in a warm hug, like they’d shrivel up and die if they were to part.
Gunwook wished that had happened to him when he walks into the empty classroom, the wrapping from the flower arrangement in his hands startling the two out of their tight embrace. They looked like a pair of deer caught in headlights, frozen in place as they watch Gunwook’s word die on his tongue, mouth agape as he tries to restore them.
“Sorry. Bad time.” it’s the only coherent thing he can manage to say before he’s making a beeline for the door, too embarrassed and upset to verbalize the rest of his thoughts. Never getting back together, huh? Gunwook’s feeling a lot of things in this current moment, but the one that sticks out the most is how utterly stupid he feels. It’s so intense it almost drives him to anger, but he’s on the train home before it can get to that point, free from the fear of them running after him.
He isn’t particularly proud of what he does when they text him almost immediately after the whole ordeal, only responding after he gets home.
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: omg i’m so sorry i totally forgot you asked to meet up
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: we were just talking
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: did you still wanna talk? where’d you go??
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: gunwook??
sorry i had to rush home
its fine tho lol
i was just gonna ask your opinion on
the flowers i got
they’re for eunchae
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: oh
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: i didn’t know you liked eunchae?
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: okay well then yeah they’re really pretty
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: she’ll really like them
thanks 🙌
Okay don’t look at him like that. He had to save face! He feels bad as soon as he spews the lie out, but then he remembers the way his heart dropped to his ass at the sight of Y/n and Sunghoon hugging, and convinces himself that maybe this was for the best.
What Gunwook doesn’t expect are the two weeks that follow. To describe them in two words: extremely awkward. The following morning, instead of the two taking the train together like they normally do, Gunwook makes up some lame excuse about being late and ends up taking the longer way. They talk during the classes they have together, but it’s all stiff and feels uncomfortable, despite anyone saying anything about it. Going home is the same as the morning was, yet this time it was Y/n who couldn’t make it, saying they had to visit a relative after school.
It was always easy for the two to tell whenever the other was lying, but Gunwook wants to give them the benefit of the doubt, seeing as he wasn’t so truthful himself just recently. When the two do arrive home, there are no texts exchanged or calls that go on for hours on end like usual, and it makes Gunwook uneasy, but the feeling of being rejected without actually being rejected was more prominent in that moment, so he left it alone.
He didn’t know that the lack of communication on both ends would lead to them not talking at all, though! It didn’t help that he’d see them talking with Sunghoon again in the hallway only two days later, rubbing a reassuring hand along their arm, which then prompts him to talk with Eunchae during the period he knows he shares with Y/n. That day is what really set the tone for the rest of the week, he thinks; no calls or texts, passing each other through the hallways, and going home together came to a dead end. All the little things that made Gunwook not absolutely hate school were taken away from him, and he feels it’s partially his fault which made it suck even more.
It took his friends, including his seniors, only two days to realize that something was wrong, which is what’s prompted Hanbin to lecture him every chance he gets for the past two weeks.
“Well maybe you should text them anyway. I bet they miss you just as much as you miss them, right Seunghan?”
There’s absolutely no way Seunghan was listening in, seeing as he doesn’t answer til five seconds later when Hanbin clears his throat. “Oh! Yes, definitely.”
“What are you even here for.”
“Emotional support? I don’t know man, I just wanted to play Fortnite.”
Seunghan whines at the disapproving tone of Hanbin’s voice, not sure how he got roped into being scolded alongside Gunwook. Hanbin’s just that good, he guesses.
“Ugh okay fine. Not gonna lie Gunwook, seeing you two not talking is really depressing, for all of us, and honestly super unsettling. Just tell them how you feel and maybe don’t lie to your crush about having a crush who isn’t actually your crush. How’d I do Hanbin?”
“Absolutely terrible. Please log off.”
Before Seunghan can defend himself against what Hanbin identifies as Useless Senior Syndrome™, there’s a steady knock coming from the front door, successfully getting Gunwook out of the lecturing. “Thanks guys, but I have to go.”
The two can barely bid their goodbyes before Gunwook is logging off, scurrying down the steps as the knocking increases in speed.
“I’m coming!” he half-screams. He knows it isn’t his mom because she always has her keys, so it’s okay that he raised his voice a bit. He honestly thinks it’s Yujin from next door, most likely wanting to borrow Gunwook’s switch again after he miraculously submerged his own into water. He swears to God if he doesn’t return it back on time again—
Oh. This isn’t Yujin.
What stood in front of him held waves of familiarity: one being the navy blue leather-skinned wallet he’d gotten gifted by a relative a while back, the one that’s been home to his ultra rare Twicecoaster Lane 1 devil Nayeon photocard for years now— and the other being the person he’s gotten to know over the past seven years, who’s favorite foods he’s mastered and whose voice he can point out in a room full of thousands. The one who sits through the same old episodes of ‘Haikyuu!!’ with him, despite already seeing them multiple times. His best friend, who he hasn’t talked to in over two weeks, over his own fears and insecurities, is now at his front doorstep with his wallet in their hand, face unreadable to Gunwook for the first time since they’ve met.
“You forgot your wallet in Ms. Chwe’s class.”
Ms.Chwe’s class; the last period that they share with each other, where he was too busy trying to avoid Y/n’s gaze so in turn chatted up anyone who’d listen, not paying enough attention to the wallet that was falling out of his front pocket. Gunwook can’t even feel relieved that his most prized possession is safe, nor can he think of a way to make it anyone else’s fault at the moment given that his (ex?) best friend, who he hasn’t even glanced at in 14 days, is standing at his door with it in hand.
‘What am I supposed to even say?’ The silence that follows after still isn’t as embarrassing as that cursed Wednesday two weeks ago, so he tried to avoid saying anything that may exceed that level. “Thanks… okay bye.”
Okay what the fuck was that. He almost slams his head against the door, but he thankfully doesn’t have to dwell on it for too long, as they’re speaking before he knows it.
“You seriously don’t wanna talk about this?” They say, and Gunwook doesn’t know why it shocks him— they’d always been the confrontational type when needed.
“What do you wanna talk about?” He thinks it’s a pretty valid question, given that they could be referring to multiple things, but Y/n apparently doesn’t think so, if the roll of their eyes were anything to go by.
“You can’t be serious. About how you’ve been ignoring me for the longest!”
“Wha- only because you’ve been ignoring me!”
“That’s what most people do when someone’s been ignoring them first, dumbass.”
Gunwook huffs, he almost forgot how stubborn the both of them could be. “This is going nowhere. Just- come inside.” He gives up, decides to be the bigger person and let them in, not wanting their first interaction in so long to be an argument outside his door. Also because Yujin can be quite the creep and likes to instigate arguments from his bedroom window (he knows this because they’ve done it together).
They make themselves comfortable on the couch best associated with movie nights and hot cocoa during winter break, sitting on opposite ends. The air feels stale, and Gunwook feels like he has to say something before he can let the silence linger any longer. “D’you want some wate-”
“What did I do to you?” he’s cut off, the voice quieter prior to it outside. They turn to face Gunwook with hands gripping both knees reassuringly and— are they crying? “I mean, I’ve been trying to figure it out for so long, but I can't think of anything. Was it the flowers? Did she not like them?”
Gunwook wants to wipe off the face of the Earth. Not only were they crying, but they were kind enough to consider the feelings of others while nursing their own, successfully breaking his heart, while also making him feel unfathomably shitty.
He’s by their side in less than a second, not quite sure what to do with his hands as he lets out a stream of ‘no no no’ and ‘please don’t cry’. They won’t even look at him this time either, opting out to facing the wall in front of them instead. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Y/n.”
“Then why won’t you talk to me?”
Gunwook sighs, finally deciding to rest his hands on his thighs. “I’m going to tell you, but you have to tell me why you were too, okay?” He asks and they nod almost immediately. “And you can’t laugh either. Seriously, I will kick you out.”
“I’ll walk out myself if you don’t spit it out already.” They attempt to say it threateningly, but they’re pouting and Gunwook hates how cute he finds it, considering their current circumstances.
“Okay I was getting there,” He can’t help the snark remark, and he half blames it on the fact that he’s about to do the thing that he never got to two weeks ago: confess his undying love for his best friend of over seven years to said best friend. Folding his hands atop his legs, Gunwook takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a split second before opening them as he exhales.
“Those flowers weren’t for anyone but you.” He’s not facing them, he absolutely cannot right now, instead focusing his gaze on his now sweaty hands, but he still hears the hitch in their breathing— it’s as clear as day. “I was going to give them to you, tell you about my feelings, but then I saw you with fucking Sunghoon, and I- I don’t know. I just felt so embarrassed and stupid and angry, so I came up with that stupid lie,” He finally finds the courage to face them, looking up to find their eyes already on him. “I’m sorry.”
Silence follows, and Gunwook fully expects it, but fuck was it agonizing. His face is practically on fire and he doesn’t want to break eye contact because he wants to ‘assert male dominance’ or whatever the hell Eunseok was going on about that one time he gave advice absolutely no one asked for, but it’s getting harder as the seconds go by and he just might explode right where he sits.
“Gunwook. You’re not gonna believe this but I was talking to Sunghoon about you,” Oh thank God they broke the silence— but what did they say? “I wanted to know if it’d make things weird between you and him if I asked you out or something, since you two are on the same dance team. I was also asking for advice on how to do it, since I’ve never asked anyone out before. I was going to the day after, but then you said you wanted to confess to Eunchae and I got really upset, I didn’t want to see your face at all.”
It’s now Gunwook’s turn to stare in silence, his previous anxious feeling replaced with one that screamed ‘what the fuck is happening I can’t believe this is happening right now’.
“What.” It’s all he can manage to say at the moment— if he felt stupid before, it’s definitely hitting harder this time around. He was avoiding his crush (who also has a crush on him, apparently?!), his best friend, all over nothing. His cheeks are becoming hot again and he feels like crying.
In classic Gunwook fashion, he does the most rational thing he can think of at the moment and bows his head beside their lap, clasping his hands in front of it as he lets out streams of ‘I’m sorry’, catching them completely off guard.
“Get up! It’s fine Gunwook, seriously." They reassure him, but he doesn’t dare get up from his position, only raising his head ever so slightly. “You still like me? Even though I lied to you and made you cry?”
They seem to find humor in his current predicament, giggling as they move a hand to pat his head. “I shed one tear. And dude, I lied too. I’m sorry as well, I was just scared.” It’s said with earnest, and Gunwook can feel it through their gaze once he finally gains the courage to lift himself up, his confidence fully restored. “Okay if we’re gonna date, you cannot call me dude anymore.”
“Is this you asking me out for real this time?” A hint of amusement makes its way onto their face, lolling their head to the side as they ask.”
“Yes. Wait no.” The switch up visibly confuses them, even more so when Gunwook gets up from his seat, instructing them to ‘wait here’ as he runs to the kitchen, coming back with a single flower. “My mom wouldn’t let them go to waste. They’re in a vase and she’ll kill me if I take all of them.”
They laugh, both because Gunwook was so so sweet and because his mom really would kill him. “Will you go out with me?” He knows it’s short, but he could tell them all the things he likes about them over takeout, and he really wants to kiss them right now.
“That was lackluster,” They say as they snatch the flower from their hands, but their actions are words are laced with playfulness, and they contradict themselves when they move to embrace him in a warm hug. “But yes, since you asked so nicely.”
Gunwook almost shoves them away if it weren’t for how intimate the current moment was. He’s glad they can still play around after spending so much time apart from each other. “Shut up! I just wanted to kiss you already. Wait, would that be weird?”
They look up, contemplating it for a second before they look back at him with a shrug. “I don’t know, but you can give me a kiss on the cheek. The one that isn’t wet.”
He takes takes that as a win, holding their damp cheek in favor of landing a peck on the opposite. Then another on their forehead. And another on the same cheek, but in a different place. It soon turns to him showering them with kisses all over, causing them to fall back on the cushions as they begin to laugh, taking Gunwook down with them as he refuses to stop. “Gunwook! I said one!”
He doesn’t even have the mind to grace them with an answer as he joins them in laughter, too overjoyed and buoyant with that fact that he’s now free from many things; free from hiding his feelings, from his insecurities now that their feelings were laid bare and are mutual, and free from pretending that he was okay letting his best friend falls into the hands of another. He no longer has to worry about any of that though, as they’re right where he wants them, where he deems perfect.
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The cafeteria is booming as always, Gunwook and his friends (seniors and same-age mates alike) already seated at their table as they await the arrival of a few others. None of them say anything about the way Gunwook and Y/n are holding hands under the table, but there are definitely shared glances exchanged between Hanbin and Seunghan.
It’s only been two days since Gunwook’s actual successful confession, and they still have yet to say it outright, so they’ve just decided to let everyone come to their own conclusions. He thinks they’re on the right track though, with the way they shot him a thumbs up from across the table.
“Y/n!” It’s yelled from behind them, making the entire table, if not the whole cafeteria turn their heads to the source of the noise. Gunwook wishes he could say he was surprised as to who it was.
Eunseok practically tackles Y/n with the force in which he runs to their side, engulfing them in a hug from behind. “I thought I was gonna lose you! Don’t tell Gunwook, but you’ve always been my favorite junior.”
“I’m right here.”
“Shut up dont ruin this for me.”
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a/n: we all know gunwook would be a communication king but i wanted to write this anyway. and guys i promise i can write things other than love confessions gimme like two weeks!!! also recs are open likes + reblogs are always appreciated ty baii
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anxi-aashi · 3 months
ok i dont have the energy to put this into a fic rn but i CANT stop thinking about college au! childe almost walking in on you while you're getting yourself off.
like he'd still knock of course, but it would scare the absolute shit out of you. instead of hanging out with your roommates that he's friends with (who are most certainly NOT gathered in your room) he'd be all "hey pookie can i come bother you I'm bored," while you're fully sat on a dildo.
and bc you wouldnt want to seem suspicious, you'd say sure, just a sec! and immediately run to throw the sopping wet toy into your bathroom sink before letting him in.
and he's just too observant for his own good. "hey you ok? you seem out of breath" yeah because you were.... working out! "really? you're not sweating though?" CHILDE DROP IT OMFG but he wouldn't. he just asks so many goddamn questions and you honestly can't tell if he's just fuckign with you or if he's just genuinely concerned for you. what were you doing? pilates? so thats why you're walking a bit weird? how tf were you not sweating after pilates? oh you just started? well sorry to interrupt!
yeah.... you're sorry too -_-
but hes here now so you offer to watch a movie and hang out, nevermind the cum threatening to run down your leg. "sure! you pick smth out and ill go to the bathroom real quick!" he says and curse your post-orgasm clouded mind for not being quick enough to warn him bc now he's standing in front of you, dildo in his hand, looking at you knowingly.
youre mortified obviously. the two of you are cordial but not THAT close and god you can almost picture the slick and cum that's smearing all over his hand now. why is he holding it for fucks sake???
childe wouldnt be merciful either -- this is a fucking gold mine for him. "well, i guess this is a workout" and you would like the earth to swallow you up so that you don't have to look at him with that shit-eating grin that's creeping up his face.
hed switch the dildo to his other hand and start opening and closing his fingers together, making webs of cum string in between. "you said you just started?" no, you'd have to refute, that part was a lie.
"and you were getting off with this?" and now WHAT was that supposed to mean bc there was truly nothing wrong with the dildo size!!! it was perfectly fine, it did its job. sure it could be a tad bit longer, but you had bills to pay. he lets it go (with a judgemental eyebrow raise), but when he opens his mouth again to ask "what were you doing?" you almost wish he had kept making fun of your tiny ass toy. "were you using your hands or the suction cup?"
god he'd have a dangerous look on his face by now, lidded eyes looking at you like you were gonna be his next meal; pitching his voice just a tad bit lower just to see you squirm.
"you don't have to answer, but i would really, really like to know." aaaaaand there it goes. there's goes the last bit of your sanity bc huhh?? huuuuhh??? dear lord i would fully melt into a puddle we love a man that can make consent sexy.
fuck it, right? yeah, you were using the suction cup. "yeah? you like riding dick?" SHFBAN;DNSJF;F GODDDD
"you got any other toys?" yes sirrr yes I do, got a vibrator right over there in the nightstand. and duh now he's gotta follow up with "ever use both?"
which you have. who hasn't? but you usually only use it for quickies, you say. don't want it to be over too fast, ya know?
but then. thennnnnn he'd hit you with this: "you still horny?"
lorddddd you have NO idea, but you don't say that lest it get to his head (but lets be honest, he knows what he's doing; he knows how desperate he's making you). so he walks up to you, finally, and hands you your dildo, all sticky and starting to dry by now.
"well don't stop on my account."
and he plops down on your bed, manspreading just the tiiiiiniest bit to where you can see the tent in his pants.
which is how you find yourself back in your desk chair, thighs burning from fucking yourself on a dildo you now know is much smaller than whatever childe is packing while he just watches, palming his cock over his pants.
anyways gonna go work on my wips now lolololololololoolo
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mayaflowerxs · 1 year
hi hun, if you dont mind can you make a fic of jaemin being all crazy for y/n but it starts off with them just sexting n dry humping till he goes all crazy for her. btw! i loved the affair series would love to see dream ver. :)
Synopsis: It was stupid really, you were bored and treated the app as a joke. You just never would have thought the man you began sexting would be your best friends boyfriend and at that an obsession beginning to develop.
Warning: Smut / Fluffish? / Angst . Swear word usage, Serious!Jaemin x Shy!Reader. Toxic relationship, pick me best friend, cheating,TW! mention of suicide, conflicted feelings. Reader is a bit of a push over + character development. Takes place in college. Blue: Jaemin, Pink:Reader
A/N: Hi love! Hope you enjoy and thank u sm! I haven’t considered making one for dream but maybe after I’m done I may think about it!
Pairing: Jaemin x fem reader
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You felt like a shit person. You hate fake people, players even and yet here you are doing the very thing you despise. Being bored isn’t a good enough justification for it, your interest was peaked the second you scrolled by the app in the App Store. A cold rainy day that left you alone, cold and in the dark of your dorm. Roommate was out doing god knows what, your best friend could never really be cooped up for long. The cold rain drops fell on your window that laid beside your bed. Tiktok wasn’t interesting, no movies on any movie platform seemed to catch your focus. Wednesday playing in the background for the sake of keeping the room completely dark and silent.
‘HEARTSTRING, the best most popular app for young adults ready for a relationship!’
What harm could it be if you tried out the app right? It’s not like anything bad could really come out of it.
“And so I was like, Beverly you have to stop shitting around and like fucking cut the chord. He’s not interested in you anymore. I mean yeah have we been having a bit of flirty banter here and there, sure but-“
The chitter chatter of his girlfriend talking his ear off began to muffle as Jaemin focuses his attention on his cell phone. He wasn’t exactly in the best mood, it’s fucking cold outside. His thick jacket he brought with now currently wrapped around his girlfriend because of the refusal she had to bring her own. Currently sitting inside a vegan restaurant and a $50 dish that isn’t all that appetizing and fulfilling. With an hour worth of talking of all the boring shit his girlfriend has to ramble about, he feels it’s the least bit understandable he’s decided to do something he wants to do. Be on his phone.
His social battery only down by its last percentage, a small frown on his face as he scrolls through his feed. Boring and bland, only a small story of Jeno’s in which him and the boys were currently playing the newest game. Months and months of hyping it up, waiting for its release and Jaemin is wasting his time on his 30th date. By now, his bank account is about ready to burst. A cry for help he swears he hears each time he picks up his wallet. Stopping midway scroll when an ad appears, ‘HEARTSTRING!’
Taking a quick glance up at his girlfriend and sees she’s still rambling on about girl drama as she continues to take pictures of her salad and posting them online. To say his relationship with Nayoung was perfect would be the furthest from the truth. If anything, he still doesn’t quite understand how he managed to get in the relationship in the first place. What was suppose to be a quick fling, resulted in Nayoung telling the entire school they were together. Her parents were quick in wanting to get to meet him, a very serious talk from her father had chills running up his arms. “Don’t you even dare hurt my little girl. You don’t know what I’m capable of son.” He’s tried to think of ways to get out of that situation but it’s only gotten worse when Nayoung got in touch with his parents. The thrill look on their faces when they were told their oldest son was finally in a committed relationship. Jaemin felt that maybe he would always be stuck.
And if that was the case, he might as well still have fun if he can’t walk away from her.
Setting up your account came to be really easy. You plan to delete the app by the end of the night, you’re not looking for something seriously and so far the app itself doesn’t look that serious either. It seemed everything was anonymous for the most part. With only using real descriptions and names, not personal pictures are to be added and instead icons. An app for anonymous chatting. For a while it seemed it was a scam, nothing good was happening other than the constant liking of each profile that propped up for you. You weren’t looking for anything specific, you just wanted to have a conversation and just as you were about to log out and delete it. A notification popped up.
na.jaemin0813 is typing…
Did you get the app out of boredom as well?
It’s like we’re one mind
Guess we were meant to be ;)
Haha cheeky
You know it babe
So tell me, what’s your favorite conspiracy theory you can discuss for hours
Ooh getting serious are we?
Chatting with Jaemin didn’t seem so bad. In fact, you’ve come to enjoy your conversation with him, you didn’t expect it to go on longer than anticipated.
“Y/n im home!” You hear your best friend say as she closes the door behind her. Turning off your phone before you can receive the next message Jaemin was about to send you, a figure appears by your door way. “I’m fucking exhausted.” She huffs as she drops the many bags of clothes. A pout on her face as she slumps her shoulders. “Can you make me food, i am in a serious need of a bath.” “I still have some of my left over chicken Alfredo in the fridge-“ “You know I don’t eat left overs.” She makes a disgusted look, “Please! I’ll owe you.” She smiles before wandering off to her room. “You already owe me.” You mumble before getting out of bed and into the kitchen. The running water is heard a few minutes later with the sound of music playing soon afterwards. As you let the water boil for the pasta, you get back on your phone.
Where have you gone darling?
Already missing me ?
Given you’re someone who isn’t all that dry, who wouldn’t be?
So am I safe to assume you haven’t had great chats recently?
You’re the only one who hasn’t made the entire conversation about themselves and the many inconveniences in their lives
Ugh, those people are the worst.
The loud obnoxious singing of your best friend is what interrupted your conversation with him. Focusing back on her dinner as she spent the next hour an a half in the bath.
A sigh escapes Jaemin as he waits for the three dots to appear before exiting out of the app and moving on. The loud yelling of the guys are heard as he enters his dormitory. Busying themselves on whatever video game they’ve bought lately, “On your right!” Haechan exasperates. Taking the seat next to him, Jaemin had kicked off his shoes and rested them on top of the coffee table. “Oh you’re back!” He hears Jisung’s voice as soon as he entered the small living room. “Were you in my room?“. Shrugging his shoulders, he lifts up the cup of ramen in his hand. “You stash them in your room, finally found them.” “Yeah it’s exactly why I stashed them.” He shakes his head, hearing a notification from his phone he lifts it up only to frown when he sees it was Nayoung.
“I’m guessing the date didn’t go well?” Jisung asks. “She’s so high maintenance.” He sighs before closing his eyes and rubs his temple. “Why don’t you break up with her?” Haechan asks him, half of his attention on the flat screen tv. “Because if I break up with her, her father will break my face I thought I told you already?” “Oh right- move you fuck!” Getting off the couch, Jaemin walks over to the kitchen table and takes a seat keeping the maknae company.
Lets go out tomorrow!
Shutting his phone off, Jaemin doesn’t bother responding back. Mentally and socially drained to respond. “I’ll be in my room.” He murmurs not bothering to get a response back. The door to his room gets closed behind him, falling on his bed as he feels himself about to drowse off until he hears another notification go off.
So do you study?
Third year in college :)
Really? Where?
Seoul National University.
No way really? I go there too!
We should get together sometime.
Already desperate to get to know me?
Yeah well, I’d like to be able to see the face I’m talking to instead of a screen.
Mm I don’t know…
Oh come on, are you gonna make me work for it?
Meanie :(
As the days went by the two of you have constantly texted the other. To the point people began to notice, “why are you always on your phone?” You best friend half heartedly asked one day, on her own as she busies scrolling through her feed. Eyes rolling when she sees one of her ‘friends’ post a picture. “Told her she looked ugly in that photo, can’t believe she still posted it. Eh, A+ for confidence i guess.”
Peeking over her screen she frowns when she notices you didn’t even bother answering her question. Instead, a smile on your face as you continue to text Jaemin. It’s been an entire week since you downloaded the app, an entire week since you began texting Jaemin and a week since you’ve been this lonely looking person. It made Nayoung wonder, you were never this preoccupied with your phone. If anything you never used it mainly because you didn’t have much going other than movies and tiktok. But this, no this can’t be a romcom or TikTok’s doing. “Oh my god!”
Jumping back startled, you look at her shocked face. “You’re seeing someone!” Scoffing, you shake your head and set your phone down. “Am not.” “So why did you set your phone facing down. Mphm?” “I always do that.” Stopping momentarily, Nayoung can’t tell if you were telling the truth. Unlike you, she isn’t that observant, she can’t even remember your birthday and only hopes she hasn’t missed it yet. “Don’t change the subject! Now tell me, who is it.” “No one-“ Poking you with her chopsticks, she leans closer. “Now, now it’s been AGES since your last relationship and we both know how that ended. Just want to see how this one’s like” A small pang was felt in your heart, you didn’t like to remember it. Your last boyfriend only used you to get closer to Nayoung. It hurt to know he didn’t even like you not once throughout your relationship. Broken up with him and getting the reassurance from your best friend is what got you through it.
“He’s not like that-“ “Aha! So you are seeing someone!” Sighing, you smile shyly at her. “Not really seeing if I have never met him. We only started texting each other. It’s only been a week.” You say with a small smile. A ding is heard and you were quick to check, a small chuckle escapes you and you’re entire focus was now back on your phone. You miss the small scowl your best friend has on her face. She wondered who this boy was, how is it that you didn’t tell her when all of this was happening? A bitterness began to bubble inside of her but she keeps it on the low and instead grabs the dishes and puts them in the sink.
“I’m going out, me and Jaemin got a date.” She says loud enough for you to hear her. “K have fun.” You say lowly, eyes still on your screen. Giving you one last glance, she makes her way out.
“Jaemin, are you even paying attention to me?” She huffs annoyedly at her boyfriend. “Of course I am.” He quickly typed out his last text before looking up at her. Rolling her eyes, she huffs and crosses her arms. “Is this how you’re gonna be when you visit my parents?” “Visit?” “Of course, mom has been wanting you to come visit and so I promised her the next time I fly out I’d take you with me! My friend will be coming too of course, poor thing can’t see her parents. It’s this whole drama thing she’s got going on.” She shrugs. Great another weekend ruined.
“Alright see you then.” A grin forms on her face, leaning in for a kiss before she was long gone to do shopping with her friends. Rolling his eyes, Jaemin sits back on his bed and unlocks his phone. His finger hovered over the contact. He wondered what you were up to, he was bored and a little moody that you haven’t texted him yet. Scrolling through your last few messages that he’s noticed have gotten more flirtier over the course of time.
Whatcha doin?
Why, you miss me? :(
Don’t be a brat.
You love it
And you love teasing me smh
Still mad…?
You sent a pic of your boobs while I was in the middle of class
I had blue balls for the rest of the hour
So you don’t want more?
I want you.
Aw what a cutie
I’m not cute I’m hot
Would you like to see?
Photo Sent
The text messages progressively got more flirty, from pictures of abs and cleavages. You made sure your face was no where in view of the camera. You don’t know where this confidence came from. You never sent such pictures before, and yet never would you have thought to begin sexting a stranger you met online.
Fuck y/n, I need to see you.
I’m sure your hand can keep you company
Fucking meanie
“Y/n! I need help packing I just bought new clothes and I need your help making an outfit out of them!” You hear Nayoung enthusiastically shout as she enters the dorm. Slamming the door behind you, opening the camera app you take one last pictures of your chest down, wearing a black corset with a push-up bra you notice Jaemin swoons over. Sending it before shutting your phone off.
A huff is heard as you watch Nayoung drop down all her bags filled with clothes. “Okay tomorrow morning we should be heading down to my fathers cabin alright?” Nodding, she leads you to her room. Two large suitcases are taken out of her closet as she begins taking down all her clothes from the hangers. Looking at herself through the body mirror as she makes distasteful noises each time she comes across an article of clothing she no longer likes.
Do you like torturing me?
Are you fisting yourself rn?
Kinda have no other choice…
Good, go faster for me will ya?
It’ll send you another picture of me. Maybe something more revealing…
“Y/n? You listening?” “Yeah!” Looking from her bed, a large pile of clothes as she poses in the mirror. She peeked through her mirror to see how engrossed you were with your phone. A small frown as she still doesn’t know much about this guy you’ve met. “Beige or cream?” Showing you a scarf she plans to wear, she pretend to think. “Cream, doesn’t wear out your face.” Smiling, she turns around and continues to check herself out. “So who exactly will be going?” Hearing the sound of another text coming from Jaemin, you take a peek to see he had sent a picture of his own.
“Oh just my parents, some childhood friends and my boyfriend. “ “Speaking of boyfriend, will I be meeting this boy you’ve been messaging?” She wiggles her brows. “Nope, I still haven’t met him yet.” You chuckle. “Huh..” she breathes out before posing in front of the mirror. “So how are things with your boyfriend?” you ask. “Things are great! I’m so happy to be with him, he’s so sweet look he even got me this necklace.” Showing you the Diamond necklace you nod, you didn’t know much about this guy. If anything you never met him. It’s ironic how much she’s mentioned him and yet has never said his name. You don’t know how old he is, how he looks. Just that he goes to the same college as the two of you. Nayoung has even tried her best to keep him from entering your dorm. For whatever reason it is, she doesn’t want him coming over. A bit secretive with him really.
“Okay are you packed?” Nodding she smiles. “God you’re so lucky, you don’t have a lot of clothes to choose.” She sighs “ Well, I better get to finishing you don’t have to help me anymore thanks.” Grabbing your phone you close the door to your room behind you and lock it. A gasp escapes you, eyes widening at the nude he sent.
You don’t beat around the bush do ya?
Gotta show you how much you’re affecting me
My dick is cute?
Your dick looks delicious actually
Then how about you come over n suck it
Yeah but I love torturing you so keep fucking your hand for now.
Damn woman
Jaemin shut off his phone after he seen you left him on read. He was frustrated. Sexually frustrated, it’s humiliating knowing how affected he is by you. He doesn’t care he’s currently humping his pillow pretending it’s you. Chest heaving, a sweaty forehead as he chases after his release. Never has he had to work for someone this much. He would’ve given up and moved on but how could he, something about you entices him. Makes his want more, to go after you no matter the cost. He loves your banter, he loves how much you tease it keeps him on his toes. His hand going faster and faster until finally he felt the warm white liquid fall on his fingers. In the corner of his dark room, he catches his breath. Receiving another message but only groaning when he sees it’s Nayoung.
Can’t wait for tomorrow!
To say you weren’t cranky would be a lie. You knew you’d be getting up early you just underestimated how early. Nayoung isn’t a morning person and to think she would be demanding you to get up at 3 in the morning was the last thing on your mind of possibilities. Sitting in the back of the car as Nayoung claimed she would be picking up her boyfriend on the way. You didn’t mind, if anything you’d be taking the time to catch up on some needed sleep. A large blanket over you, you don’t hear the door to the passenger seat open and close. A smack of lips kissing and a cheerful voice greeting him.
“Is this your friend?” Nodding, she looks back to see you asleep. “Yep, she went back to sleep. She spent all night texting some guy. Kinda starting to think he doesn’t exist.” Raising a brow at her as she whispered the last part. “Whys that?” Shrugging her shoulders, eyes on the road. “She hasn’t mentioned his name, refuses to let me meet him and anytime I ask about him she tries to change the subject.” Jaemin only hums before looking out the window, dark eye bags beginning to become apparent as he too wasn’t exactly in the best mood. His hair was still a bit disheveled and he was only running on two hours of sleep. Guess his girlfriends friend wasn’t the only one up all night texting.
By the time the three of you arrived, you woke up abruptly by the slamming of a door. “Come on y/n we’re here!” You hear Nayoung shout from outside. Stretching and getting out, you’re left with carrying in the rest of the stuff. The cabin was large, only visited a handful of times. Loud voices are heard from the kitchen as Nayoung busies herself greeting the family. Huffing when you drop Nayoung’s heavy luggage inside you bump into someone on accident. “I’m sorry!” Tall and standing before you, Jaemin props his glasses up. Dropping down his bags and sending you a forced smile. “It’s alright.”
“Oh y/n! This is my boyfriend Jaemin!” The two of you freeze. Watching as she walks over to hook her arm around his. A grin on her face as she cuddles close to him. It couldn’t be right? Looking over and seeing he as well seemed tense but he kept a calm face. “H-Hello.” Giggling, she shakes her head. “Always so shy. Jaemin?” Nudging him, he seems to snap out of it. Clearing his throat before doing a quick half assed bow. “Hey.” Looking between the two of you, she makes a face. “Well that wasn’t awkward, anyways. Mom and dad wants to see you so shall we get going? Oh and y/n sorry we didn’t have enough rooms you don’t mind crashing on the couch right?” Shaking your head she smiles. “Great! You can leave your things in my room, you know where they are right?”
Not waiting for a response she drags him into the kitchen where it erupts in greetings. Laughs and giggles are heard, taking a small peek you see her friends are also in there as well. Gawking at him as he respectfully greets them. Sighing, you grab your things and go up the stairs. “Hey y/n do you mind carrying the rest of our luggages? Please, thank you!” Nayoung shouts as you were half way up the stairs.
You felt left out you weren’t going to lie. But then again, when haven’t you. Nayoung has always made it easy to fit in, to make conversation even though most of the time the topic always shifted over to her but overall, it was easy for her to get involved. Not you, it took a while for you to barely start lowering your walls. Just the idea of forcing yourself out of your shell sends shivers. How can you? You get the feeling Nayoung’s childhood friends don’t really like you as they always stare and mutter things under their breaths. And like all the other times you visited, you spent your time on the couch petting the family cat. “I’m so happy he likes you. He hates people, if anything he still isn’t quite fond of Nayoung.” Her mother giggles as she takes the other couch. Staring lovingly at the two of you. A warm smile forms on your face as you continue to pet the cat sitting on your lap. Her husband walking over to sit next to her, a mug in his hand as he nods.
“Toby hates Nayoung for some reason. Even before she went off to college he’d always hide from her.” By then everyone has shifted themselves into the living room. The group surrounding Nayoung, the smile slowly drops when she sees her parents conversing with you. “You must be a gem if Toby trusts you that much.” Her mother claps her hands. Jaemin takes a seat across from you, fighting back the look of boredom on his face. He can’t help but analyze you. Can it be the same y/n he’s been texting? Since he’s arrived, he hasn’t had the balls to text her. There’s no way the chick he’s been sexting is his girlfriends best friend. If that’s the case, he’s screwed.
A scoff is heard from beside him, looking up and see Nayoung enter the living room. “He’s just a dumb cat. I’m sure he’s only using you as a cushion.” “Well if that’s the case, I’m honored.” You smile down at the cat who purrs. Jaemin notices the scowl on his girlfriends face. He wonders why, it’s not like she particularly likes Toby. Every time he’s come over she’s always going on and on about how the cat terrorizes everything. “You should be, and Jaemin too! Toby loves him!” Looking up and meeting eyes with Jaemin you gulp before looking down. A silence is met before Nayoung speaks up. “Well it’s still pretty early and I’m tired. Jaemin lets go to bed.” One by one, everyone walks off to their bedrooms which leaves you on the couch with the grey and white cat. Head butting your hand, a few hours go by and you haven’t gotten the heart to move him. The sleep drowsiness has disappeared and you made due on being on your phone for the time being. A notification is sent from your phone, Jaemin.
It’s you isn’t it?
I don’t know what you’re talking about..
“Yes you do.” Jumping up, you see him standing at the bottom of the stairs. “Holy shit you scared me.” By the sudden jolt, Toby has taken it upon himself to get off your lap and plop down on his cat tree. Walking closer to you, you shift uncomfortably. You don’t know what to do, what can you do to make things better?
Silently getting closer, you open your mouth to explain yourself but he cuts you off. Instead he takes a seat besides you and smashes his lips on top of yours. A moan emits from you, it was quick and needy and you liked it. You liked it so much you even climbed on top of him. His arms coming around your waist to pull you closer. He smelled nice, his cologne hitting your nostrils and lips were soft and plump. Cupping his face to keep his lips on top of yours. A smile forming on his face before pulling away, “So you were the one teasing me huh?” A blush began to form on your face before awkwardly laughing. “So you’re my best friends boyfriend huh.” Clearing his throat he looks down uncomfortably. “Listen, I’m not the type to cheat okay? It’s just that I kinda had no choice but to be in a relationship with her and-“
“She trapped you yeah I know, she has done that with all of her exes.” Raising a brow he looks up at you. “Really?” Nodding, you sigh. “She can’t keep a man for the life of her so she forces one on them by using her father to get them to agree. He’s rich and powerful, wouldn’t be surprised he’d have you kicked out of college or have you be fired from your job. Blacklisted for any future opportunities and more.” “If I’d known earlier I would’ve tried avoiding crossing paths. Why are you friends with her?”
“I don’t know, I guess she was the only one who stayed.” “Stayed? What happened if I may ask.” “I don’t know, one second I had tons of friends who could rely on me and the next, I was hated.” You look down sadly. Startled when he plants a kiss on your cheek, a grin on his face as his eyes adoringly stare at you. “I’m glad I finally met you.” “I’m glad too-“. Reciprocating his kiss, you begin to grind on top of him. A groan from him only has you doing it again and again. Pushing him down on the couch as his hands roam all over your body. Piece by piece, clothes are scattered on the floor and heavy breathing gets louder. Your head is thrown back when you feel yourself stretch around him. A large hand going to cover your mouth. Leaning in, his mouth attaching itself onto your nipple and sucking. Sensitive, you begin to bounce on his lap. Hands on his chest as he guides you to go faster. Trying to keep the slapping sounds at bay. The feeling of him deep in your snatch had your head spinning, it truly has been a while since you’ve had sex. It was wrong that the first person you sleep with is your best friends boyfriend but you just love it so much.
And it seems you’re not the only one. For the remainder of the weekend the two of you have gotten closer. Sneaky glances thrown and secret meet ups. When in the kitchen alone, he smacks your ass before leaving a kiss on your cheek. A shit eating grin on his face when he meets with the others. Content he’s finally getting you back for all the teasing you’ve done. “Are you alright y/n? Your face is super red?” Nayoung’s mother says. “Probably a bad reaction to one of her creams. I keep telling her she doesn’t have to keep putting on so many products. Going natural is just as pretty.” Nayoung sends you a smile. Speaking up for you, a strong grip on your fork, you don’t bother to explain yourself. “I’m okay.”
Jaemin certainly didn’t like it. And he certainly didn’t like how easily you let her comment slide. “I try to say the same thing to you as well Nayoung. No reason you need fifty bottles of foundation. A day or two without it wouldn’t hurt babe.” He sends her a smile before taking a bite from his food. Tensing, Nayoung is left without words. Embarrassed by the looks her friends sends her. A scowl on her face as she desperately tries to change the subject. “So! Should we hit the beach later on?” “Yes!” Her friends clap. “Okay good! After we’re done we’ll pick out our bikinis!”
Bikini’s? Nayoung never mentioned there would be swimming involved? You didn’t even pack any clothes to get wet in. The closest thing you had were shorts and even then they weren’t comfortable to get wet with.
“It’s a bummer you can’t get in.” Nayoung pouts at you, watching you set your towel on the sand. Sunglasses on as you send her a reassuring smile. “Eh it’s okay, I’ve gotten too much sun anyways-“. “Yeah you’re looking a little dark, how about you stay under my moms umbrella for the time being okay? Hope you don’t get too bored!” She says before scurrying off to her friends. Clenching your jaw, you try to not let her words affect you. Has she always been this snakey? Or is this you trying to justify your actions for hooking up with her boyfriend. Surely she must’ve always been this terrible to you from the beginning.
“Come on.” “Huh?” Looking over and seeing Jaemin has his hand extended you raise a brow. “Where?” “Less questions and more walking, come on.” Allowing him to drag you away, he takes you to a near by store. “Bikini’s?” “Get one, it’s on me.” “You don’t need to-“ “I want to, besides I need to get sunscreen.” He wonders off for it, and as he does so you look around the store. Eyes straying on a red two piece, you go to the fitting rooms and liking the look of it on you. Getting out, Jaemin freezes when he sees you. “How do I look?” Checking to see if anyones watching, he pushes you inside and closes the door behind him. Dropping the bottle of sun cream and picking you up. Leaning you up against the wall he desperately connects your lips with his. Running a hand through his hair, he begins to dry hump you. A moan comes out of you that he muffled with his mouth. A hand coming to wrap around your neck and lightly squeeze. “Fuck you’re so hot.” His pupils dilated as he leans in and press kisses to your chest.
Pulling the top down to reveal your perky tits. Sucking and fondling with them, looking to the side and seeing the mirror reflecting the lewd actions he’s doing. “We should get going, don’t want to raise suspicion.” You tell him with heavy breathing. Reluctantly detaching himself from you and setting you down. “Don’t change.” Grabbing your clothes and lotion, the two of you walk out and make your way to the counter. Ripping off the tag and handing it to the cashier as he pays for it. By the time the two of you make your way back, you hear shouting. “Babe where have you been?” Nayoung gets closer. “Needed sunscreen and got y/n a bathing suit.” Eyes turning to look at you, the plastic smile ready to falter. “Oh! How nice..well come on let’s get in the water feels nice!” She goes for his hand but he takes a step back.
“Yeah I will in a bit, you should join the others they seem pretty lost with out you.” Looking back and seeing her friends looking bored without her. “Oh okay. Glad you can join us after all y/n.” She sends you a smile before going back in. Feeling a tug, you look down and see Jaemin had taken his shirt off. “Help me put sunscreen on yeah?”
You can practically feel the daggers being thrown at you. But you ignored it, you liked making her jealous. A part of you felt proud you had the upper hand than Nayoung. Even more that it’s with her boyfriend. Turning around, you put some on his chest. Running your hands over his abs, his eyes looking directly into yours. “I really badly need to fuck you.” Rolling your eyes, you go to walk away but he stops you. “Now y/n.”
“Are you seeing this?” One of Nayoung’s friends says as they all watch Jaemin slowly put on sunscreen on you. Going up your leg and too close to your ass. “I knew it was a mistake to introduce them.” She scoffs. “Come on hun, do you really think he’ll do anything with her?” “It’s not him I’m worried, poor girl is so deprived I worry she’ll do anything for attention.” She pouts. “Don’t worry, Jaemin’s too smitten for you. He’d never be unfaithful to you.” Smiling she turns over to her friends. “Thanks guys, besides we’re really strong.” “So strong that should we assume he’ll pop the question anytime soon?”
Nodding they squeal. “I’m sure he already has the ring set out for me.” She claps her hands.
“Jaemin anyone can walk in on us any second!” You smack Jaemin’s bicep, currently in a dark small closet the cabin had he had managed to cramped you two inside. It was loud outside, music blasting as the others conversed with one another. Luggages were being packed and dinner was being cooked. In a few hours you were meant to be making your way back home and instead, have a clingy boy stuck to your side. A grin on his face as he leans in and kisses you. “Need you…” he pouts as he nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck. Hands beginning to roam down your side and to your back. Biting your lip when you feel him squeeze your ass, gasping when you feel his bulge after he pulled you closer to him.
“No one will hear us mhm?” He breathes in your ear as he peppers your neck. Massaging your cheeks as he has you pinned against the wall. You can’t ignore the arousal in your pants but it didn’t stop you from worrying of being potentially caught. “No sir.” Pushing him away, you reach for the door knob. Feeling him pull you inside again roughly when Nayoung’s faint voice was heard going up the stairs. “I have no idea where he went.” She tells her friends. “I bet he’s with y/n again. They have been way too close.” “I’m sure he feels bad, I mean she is the odd one out.” Nayoung reasons. “She’s a loner Nayoung, girls like her use that to reel men in.” Clenching your jaw, you don’t notice Jaemin wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Ignore them.” He whispers into your ear. Once you were sure they had left, you don’t utter a word and merely walk out. Leaving him in the closet by himself.
Nayoung always assumed she’d be the first to seal the deal between the two of you. The first to have a boyfriend, to be engaged and to start a family. Unlike her, you didn’t grow up with a lot so she always had more than you. The advantages like starting her own independent life. You had to start from scratch, lots of hours working for you to save. It’s what the world admired about you. It’s what they respected you for, many could relate to you. And even through all the hardships you still smiled. You stayed optimistic and it’s why you had so many friends, why so many guys wanted your number instead of Nayoung’s.
“I’m sorry I’m not interested.” “Actually I wanted to see if you can give me your friend, y/n’s number.”
For a while it seemed like Nayoung was the forgotten one. It was all about her friend Y/n. What you were up to, how you were doing. She just wanted to see what the fuss was about in having so many people care about you. So the cosmetics came in, then the surgeries, the hard diets. But when they weren’t enough, the lies came in.
“Oh sure, but I have to say she’s currently going through something. Chlamydia actually.”
She didn’t mean for the lies to keep progressing but she just wanted to take some of the attention off you and divert it over to her.
“She thinks you’re a freak.”
She did feel bad though when people eventually began to hate you. And before she knew it, she was the only friend you had left. Boys avoided you and girls despised you. Your last boyfriend only cheated on you because Nayoung lied to him saying you had cheated on him.
“I guess she thought you just weren’t good enough, I don’t know what to tell you. But, if I were her I would know I made a big mistake. You’re a catch.” Her hand lays on top of his, a reassuring and innocent smile plastered on her face before leaning in and kissing him.
For years now she was finally on the other end, the one who everyone praised and idolized. And a part of her liked how she can control you, it felt nice to be better for once. And seeing how close you and Jaemin have gotten definitely hasn’t been putting her at ease.
During dinner she made sure Jaemin sat next to her and away from you. Served him and kissed him at unconventional times. By the end of the night it seemed she was utterly in love with him, which is why she just had to rub it in just a little deeper into your face. “I’m going to tell him I love him.” Taking you by surprise, you suppress any distasteful emotion. “That’s great! I’m sure he’ll feel the same.” He won’t. You’re sure of that. “I want to live with him y/n.” Widening your eyes, “Live together? But what about dorms? It’s still mandatory to be in one and you can’t exactly room with a guy.”
“Only for a few more months.” Sighing and sitting back on the couch she smiles dreamily. “I’m telling you, he’s the man of my dreams.” You didn’t have much to say. Which only made you more guilty with how you’ve been treating her behind her back. It seemed she really did like him, after all she has been stuck by your side when everyone else turned against you. “Then tell him how you feel.”
“We can’t keep doing this.”
It’s been three months since the visit to Nayoung’s parents. Three months since you said you’d stop hooking up with him and finally today you’d be calling it off. “Like hell you are, what the hell y/n. Where is this coming from?” A duvet wrapped around your body, you sit up on the bed. Messy hair with smeared makeup as you don’t even dare meet eyes with Jaemin. With only briefs on, he gets out of bed. Disheveled hair, muscles more prominent and the red marks you left on him still apparent. Lip stains on his neck with dark love marks going down his collar bone. A frown on his face as he demands an explanation, even when he’s upset he’s still breathtakingly attractive. “It’s not right.” A sarcastic laugh falls out of his mouth as he searches for his clothes.
“You’re finally realizing that after months?” Looking at you for any other answers, he drops his shirt on the bed and climbs back on. Cradling your face, he looks at you worriedly. “Talk to me baby, what’s wrong?” Feeling the tears beginning to form, you shrug him off. You don’t trust your voice, there’s a ball beginning to form and you know if you dare speak a work you’ll only sob. About to get out of bed, he grabs you by the waist. “No, you’re not running way again. Talk to me-“ “Jaemin you’re in a relationship with Nayoung! She loves you and even wants to live with you and here we are having sex!”
“She’s not you!” Looking away, he huffs and wraps his arms around your torso. “I love you.” Taken by surprise, you turn to face him with wide eyes. “Come again?” “I’ve never said that to any of my exes, and it sucks that this is the situation that we are in but, im not lying. I love you, not Nayoung. It’s why I didn’t say it back when she said it to me.”
“Really?” Smiling, he nods and leans in for a kiss you grant him happily. “I still think it’s wrong. Maybe if we confess then she will let you go. Yeah it will permanently ruin our friendship but you at least deserve your freedom.” Shaking his head he sighs. “It’s her father i’m worried for.” Feeling dejected, you let him pull you into a cuddle. Back under the sheets as he peppers your face in kisses. Until there’s a loud slam on the door, eyes widening Jaemin lifts a finger to his mouth. Your door was locked thankfully.
“Let me check if she’s home…hey y/n! You home?!” Knocking on the door and trying to open it but to no avail. Shaking his head, he covers your mouth. “Guess she’s not home.” She says, she must’ve brought someone. Getting up to change, you can’t but overhear her speak.
“Can’t believe you’re still friends with her after everything she did.” Confused, you lean your ear up gassing the door. “Well I mean, she’s my best friend-“ “Yes but she cheated on her boyfriend.”
“She didn’t know what she was doing.”
Why the hell is Nayoung agreeing?
“Yeah well what about her bullying you?”
You looked back at Jaemin in shock as he as well seems surprised.
“That was years ago, she’s getting better.”
You didn’t understand why Nayoung was agreeing with such false claims. You have never cheated on your boyfriend nor have you ever bullied Nayoung.
“Well at least she got her karma right?” The girl snorts. “Getting chlamydia, having all the guys lose interest in her and having no friends- well except you. I must say I admire you. I don’t know how you put up with such a mess.”
“I try my hardest.” You hear her giggle. “She’s a loner and a social freak, the least I could do is make sure she has at least a companion or who knows she might just end it all.” “Are you saying she’s suicidal?” “I’m saying who knows! You never know what people are thinking now a days.”
Your heart broke. All those accusations weren’t real and to think more people thought they were true hurt even more. You didn’t even realize you began to cry until you felt Jaemin wipe a tear away. They chatted for a few minutes before leaving and by then you have sat yourself down against the door. “Why would she lie?” You ask to no one.
Jaemin stayed quiet. Arms crossed and a clenched jaw, he immediately understood what Nayoung had done. “Isn’t it obvious?” Looking up at him with red swollen eyes you shake your head. “She spread false rumors about you!” “What why?”
“Come on baby.” Crouching down, he pulls a strand of hair behind your ear. “You’re gorgeous, sweet, smart. You’re everyone’s type.” “Are you saying she did it out of jealousy?” Scoffing you shake your head. “No, Nayoung is the pretty one. Everyone wants her.” “I don’t. I want you.” “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.” You scoff. “Okay then let’s talk to your ex.” “What why?” “Because we both know the cheater in your past relationship wasn’t you.” The memory still hurt. You never did find out who he cheated on you with only that he was ‘much happier’ and that you weren’t shit to him anymore.
“You’re wasting your time.” Shaking his head, he pulls out his phone and begins to search for his account. “What are you planning to do.” “We’re going to pay him a little visit. Come on let’s get dressed.”
“I don’t think this is such a good idea-“ Cutting you off by giving you a kiss, he gives you a smile. “Just hold my hand, he does anything to hurt you I promise I’ll kick his ass.” Walking into the cafe, you immediately spot your ex. Deep eye bags adorned his face, his hair was longer and dead. He looked much scrawnier and almost exhausted even. Taking a seat in front of you, you don’t have the words to even greet him.
“Y/n. Jaemin.” He speaks.
“What can i do for you.”
“The truth.” Jaemin cuts to the chase. Quirking his brow, he leans forward. “The truth?” “Who did you sleep with?” Jaemin tells him sternly. Scoffing, he chuckles dryly and shakes his head. “Why am I hearing an accusingly tone. Shouldn’t we start with who y/n slept with first?”
“I didn’t sleep with anyone.” You speak up.
“Right. Like I believe that-“
“Did Nayoung tell you anything.” Jaemin cut him off. “Nayoung helped me realize I was wasting my time on her.” He glares at you. “Did she tell you she was cheating?” Staying quiet, his face falls. “Why do you care?…wait aren’t you her boyfriend.” His jaw clenched and he sits up straighter.
“So you’re the guy she dumped me for.” Eyes widening, you look at him. “Nayoung was the girl you slept with?” Scoffing he shakes his head. “I didn’t sleep with her we only kissed.” He huffs. “She told me you cheated on me, she comforted me and we kissed. She had me to believe she wanted to be with me but when I broke things off with you she ghosted me.” The two of you send each other looks, “Why? Was that not what really happened?…”
You felt betrayed. You wonder how long has it been since she’s been a snake to you.
“She told me you kissed my boyfriend.”
“She said you had chlamydia.”
“I heard her say you were mentally unstable.”
You wanted to believe it was all a lie but it made sense why everyone suddenly avoided you like the plague. No one daring to befriend you or ever ask you out. You were sure you’d die a loner if it wasn’t for Nayoung and now you come to find out you were put into this situation because of her.
You couldn’t stop your heart from squeezing in agony. The friend you considered a sister you cared for so deeply had ruined your life out of what? Spite? Jealousy? Fun even?
The guilt you had building in you disintegrated almost instantly. You don’t have quite the perfect idea as to how you plan on getting even with her, how you’re going to help Jaemin get out of his god forsaken relationship with her, how you’re going to let the world know just how a trashy person she really is but you do know one thing, if you’re going to keep sleeping with her boyfriend you’re going to do it without a care in the world. Holding hands together literally behind her back when the three of you go out for ice cream, his subtle hand on your thigh when you go to the movies. The glances you give one another when you two had no other choice but to be dragged by her at a fancy restaurant with friends. Having sex in the parking lot after making an excuse to leave early. Making out while she’s showering and even sexting each other with her around. You no longer cared, and instead it made you just a tiny bit better knowing Nayoung no longer had it all,
“They completely cut me out and I don’t know why! Can you believe that?! After everything I did for them they have the audacity to treat me like dirt? And that’s not even mentioning the weird looks I’ve been receiving from guys. It’s like I’m infected or something.” No but rumors are you caught a case of syphilis
Come over, I need you now.
Photo Sent
You were finally taking your life back from her. Piece by piece.
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Request by: @jellibean2018
Hello, Jelli! About two months ago you sent in a request, however my tumbl did me dirty, and I ended up with your ask, and the entire fic deleted! (Though, much to my relief, I found screenshots of the fic in a chat with my friend who was reviewing it. Thank god).
So, I have to tag you, and remind you what you wanted.
From what I remember, you wanted a fic with a female sinner Reader who was once a victim of Alastor's, and the two ending up meeting again in hell. You also wanted an unsettling vibe with Alastor reveling in the memory of killing Reader.
I also want to add that I apologize for how long you had to wait for this fic to be done. I haven't been doing well with fics lately, so this was a struggle. And my mental health started going shit too which is why I stopped posting for so long...
Anyways, I really started to struggle with writing fics, so I ended up experimenting with this one - it's kind of written with huge metaphor kind of style? Hope that's okay with you...
Anyways, hope you'll enjoy reading this at least a little, and I once again apologize.
🎙️// The sweet history we share... //🎙️
{Alastor x female!Reader}
Type: Fanfic
Settings: Not specified
Genre: Unsettling? Can't tell if it actually gives that vibe though,
!TRIGGER WARNING!: Mentions of cannibalism, murder, violence, blood, saliva, dead bodies, Alastor revels in the memory of killing Reader, possible yandere vibes? Alastor sees Reader as nothing but a meal, but he puts her on a pedestal - that's probably some kind of fucked up attachment that surely has a name? I'd say the vibe is quite unsettling, but I can't say that for sure, Angel indirectly suggests the use of drugs and hints at sex related activities (but it's just a single line), and that's probably all?
Sidenote: Reader is written as a female just as requested,
Sidenote: I have no idea if I wrote Alastor well... but it feels like I really made him ooc as fuck and ruined the whole request,
Sidenote: Rereading this I think everyone is ooc as fuck even if they have minimum dialogue,
That should be all,
Hope you'll enjoy,
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Ah, nostalgia. Ah that sweet nostalgia. And that embrace of her.
She comes in unannounced, an unexpected guest. But oh is she welcome.
And oh so welcome are those treats she brings to the table.
She easily settles in, making herself at home. And into a cup, a bunch of memories she pours.
And that demon, the radio demon as he's called - he drinks from that cup greedily.
And like a man dying of thirst, he can't help but ask for another cup to be poured.
His senses feel high, his body tingling. A feeling of addiction is what fills him.
And he can't get enough of those sweet memories, so, he downs one cup after the other.
But with each greedy little sip, the thirst only grows and grows - he's not had his fill still.
So, the demon goes on and on, tasting one memory after the other.
And his mouth waters a big deal the more he can taste, and he savours each and every one.
Ah, and he can't tell which one of the sips of memories he enjoys the most, which one is the most saliva inducing one.
Is it maybe the giddy old memory of how he followed you through the town?
With you completely unaware? Naively trusting those poorly enlightened streets?
Trusting that a bit of weak light will keep you safe?
Or perhaps it could be the sweet memory of the thrilling chase through the forest?
That one forest where thousands of dead bodies laid buried deep in the ground?
Those dead bodies in whose footsteps you followed suit?
Oh! And what about that memory of how you so desperately tried to navigate around and hide, escape his clutches?
Even if he could hear your sharp breaths as clear as the day?
Oh! Or maybe his favourite one could be the moment of when he tackled you down?
Pinning your body under his, finally cutting the chase so the real fun can begin?
And that beautiful moment of how you hopelessly dug your nails into his skin til blood trailed down his arms?
That one beautiful moment engraved into his head of how you desperately clawed at those lanky hands of his?
His hands that trailed, squeezed and pinched at your body, feeling you up like a winning prize, like a fine piece of venison?
Ah, it was so hard to pick which one was the most treasured one!
Hell, it could even be the simple memory of the melodious sounds of your cries.
That melodious, angelic sound of your pleading, whimpering, sobbing and screaming.
Especially those sounds you made when he bit down onto your flesh.
Oh, and that taste that hit his taste buds back then...
He still remembers it like it was yesterday.
And his tongue still tingles, and saliva still floods his mouth every time he thinks of just how tasty you were back then.
And now his mouth waters as he silently wonders... would you still have such taste even now?
Or did becoming a demon change the sweet, addictive flavour of your fragile flesh and thick blood?
Oh, how his senses urge him - beg him - to just grab you and take at least one single little bite...
I'd be really easy too, now that you're a part of the hotel staff.
Silly little you, you didn't flee when you were faced with the fact that he - the one who took your life - also works for the hell's princess now.
You didn't take the more than gracious chance to turn on your trail, run and never return while you still could.
No, you are too stubborn, and you insist on staying, even despite how frightening seeing him on the daily is for you.
Silly little you! Don't you realize how easily he could snatch you away and repeat history?
All it would take is a single moment of when you're alone and-
Ah, but he can't do that - at least not yet...
Where would be the fun in that?
It sure would be a shame to end your lovely reunion this fast and early on, no?
Not to mention the odd, messed up attachment the deer demon feels towards you...
Now, not to be mistaken! What he feels isn't the usual attachment one would think of!
It definitely isn't the good or healthy kind either...
So, we shall not be mistaken, let's not get our hopes up and think he cares - for he doesn't.
You mean nothing to him - at least as far as it comes to you as a person.
Your value could be most likely compared to something of a sentimental value, a plaything at best if you will.
Still, no matter what you are to him - you are by far his most favourite one at that.
That's what can be said for a fact.
And for reasons beyond us and even Alastor, those memories he shares with you are put on a pedestal - put way above the rest.
There were so many faces that twisted in fear, so many names he kept tabs on, so many tastes he's tried, and so many lives he's taken.
But very vast portion of them is long forgotten, not really standing out all that much.
Nor holding any real value. Barely any of them mattered...
But you, on the other hand - oh, he could never forget about that one lovely night you shared...
And even when more victims - more faces, more names, more tastes - came, they couldn't compare.
No, they never could.
Those memories of you and your taste were always stuck in the back of the radio demon's head no matter what new person was on the menu - what new dish was on his plate...
So, one can only imagine just what he feels now that you're back within his grasp.
Oh, not even his wildest fantasies could've come up with or prepare him for such sweet moment!
This was like a gift from the Devil himself!
Yes, a gift - one that Alastor would make sure to cherish greatly...
Ah yes, he would cherish you so.
He'd take his time unwrapping you like the perfect little gift that you are - he would savour you.
And only when he'd get tired of messing with you, only then he'd get to the real deal.
Oh, and when he'll finally do, it'll be like a starving man plunging onto bread crumbs!
It'll be such a beautiful, satisfactorily moment - Alastor can almost feel himself drooling at the mere thought of the moment.
Oh, how he just can't wait for the very moment!
The moment is so close, and yet so far - and every little glance your way is like a test.
A test of how long he can resist the temptation.
Every little move you make, every little noise that leaves you, every little expression your face twists into.
Oh, he can barely hold himself back!
His body feels so restless, and his thoughts are all over the place.
And no matter how much he reminds himself to be patient, to not cut straight to the chase just yet.
He still can barely keep himself in check.
His thoughts are going to dangerous places, and your familiar, sweet scent teases his nose.
Oh, and you're so within reach too!
It'd really just take a single little moment and-
"Geez, that perv's still at it?".
Oh, that's right.
He's almost forgotten about those curious eyes watching him from afar.
Watching, and trying to see inside his head...
But judging by the response Vaggie's hateful comment receives, it seems she's the only one to see right through him.
The only one to see the real danger behind that wide smile he always wears...
"Ya-uh! His eyes have not left her ever since she's joined the hotel staff!".
Ah, Charlie. Dear, sweet Charlie - now she's something else.
She's completely different from her girlfriend - she's quite naively trusting and optimistic.
Fully believing that there's a piece of good in everyone.
And hence not being concerned for your safety when the deer demon started to show an interest in you.
Ah, that sweet, silly little thing.
Caught up in trying to see only the best in people and their intentions...
It's amusing - and truly adorable.
And oh, does it play into Alastor's favour oh so well...
"Okay, that's like so sick and totally-".
Oh, Vaggie - she tries, she really tried to warn the others.
Make them see Alastor for what he truly is.
But aside from Husk, nobody really listens to Vaggie's concerns.
No, she's not all that listened to when she voices her opinions on the deer demon.
Not even when she expresses her concerns for how the latter constantly follows your every single step no matter the time of the day, no matter where you go...
And to think she has quite enough of a say in things as the hotel's manager, as well as the princess' girlfriend!
Oh, that poor little thing - it must be such an awful feeling.
How humorous!
And oh, how unfortunate...
"Ah! Do you think he's-?".
Niffty is completely on board with Charlie.
Similarly to the princess - she too doesn't see the real harm in Alastor's advances towards you.
Seeing his behaviour as nothing other than subtle romantic gestures.
The little demoness' version of romance sure is rather twisted...
And yet, it's still quite surprising Niffty doesn't see the harm in things.
After all, she herself knows Alastor just as well as Husk does...
"Yeah! Strawberry pimp totally got the hots for that one!".
Angel was caught up in the spiderweb of romanticizing the same thing as well.
Just like Charlie and Niffty, he couldn't see the truth...
"What? No! Are you all crazy?! That's not the case at all! How can you all not see that?!".
Oh, Vaggie - again and again, she really tries and tries.
But the result is always the same - nobody pays her warnings or concerns any thought.
And yet she still keeps on going.
What a miserable little thing she is.
"Oh my- I have like the best idea!".
Not even Charlie notices how Vaggie nearly begs for them all to see things from her point of view.
None of them can see things for what they really are.
Alastor's got them all right where he wants them.
Without even having to try much...
"We should totally get the two to have some alone time!".
Charlie is quick to naively play into the radio demon's games.
Without even knowing she's doing that.
She can't see this all is exactly what the deer demon wants...
And neither can Angel or Niffty.
Aw, those naive little fools...
"Yes! We should- like- create some really romantic atmosphere and leave them to it!".
Niffty follows through in Charlie's steps.
She too plays right into what Alastor wants.
Though whether or not she's aware of it is up for a debate...
"We should lock 'em up in a closet together or somethin', or even give them a little... somethin'... to just... ya know, set just the right mood in.".
And angel is quick to fall for Alastor's games too...
Ah, those silly fools...
Unaware they're making all this much easier than it should've been.
They're sealing your doom - the inevitable end you're ought to meet at his clutches.
They're making this all too easy...
They're shoving the little mouse right into the lion's den.
What unfortunate silly fools.
And what an unfortunate little you.
Your friends are serving you to him on a silver platter.
All of them - or nearly all of them - thinking they're doing you a favour.
Thinking they're simply helping a mere fool in love gain the heart of his love interest.
When in reality, they're actually helping a starving predator get closer to his chosen prey...
It was rather humorous - a good source of entertainment for sure.
So, Alastor would humour the group.
He'd indulge in their schemes of trying to set you up with him.
He'd gladly play along and lead them to think he's interested in you.
Well, interested in you they way they think he is, not the way he actually is...
No, they can't know what he actually wants from you.
They won't know.
He'll make sure of it.
They won't know until the very last moment, until the deed's already done.
Or, he'll lead them to think your disappearance has nothing to do with him.
After all, the sudden disappearance of a poor little sinner like you would be nothing new in hell.
You'd just be added to the endlessly growing numbers of hell inhabitants going missing.
Your disappearance would be just a part of the mere statistics.
Well, he'll see.
All depends on which option would prove to bring more benefit.
As well as which one would prove to be more entertaining.
That's what, to the deer demon, matters the most at the end of the day.
For now, he'll just go with the flow and let the situation progress by itself.
With the occasional shove to the right direction, of course.
But it doesn't seem like he needs to wait for that long for everything to be set in motion...
"Hey, Al, you got a minute?".
Yeah, he really doesn't need to wait for that long...
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nathaslosthershit · 11 months
We need to try that again|| Jack Hughes x reader
Pairing: Jack Hughes x reader
Warnings: I never know what warnings to give, kissing (?)
Summary: In the heat of the moment, you kiss your boyfriend. The only problem? It was your first kiss with each other and he doesn’t feel he got to “savor” it enough. What a dork.
A/n: This is corny I know and probably so far from what Jack is like but let a girl be delusional. 
Word Count: 800+
You and Jack would be cooking a meal together, alone and in the comfort of your own home. Or, maybe he would play an intense and very important game where he scored the game winning goal in OT and you two would meet afterwards, running into each other's arms like it was a cheesy romance film. Maybe he'd take you to a nice dinner and before getting into the car ask “can I kiss you?”
Maybe these fantasies were stupid to spend your time thinking about but after almost a month of dating Jack, almost a month without a single kiss, you had been hoping for something romantic and sweet to mark your first of, hopefully, many kisses. But there has been nothing. Nada. You have been patient and were happy to wait longer for him but just wanted to know, why? Why has it taken so long for him to kiss you?
But now that you think about it, you could easily kiss him first. Maybe it doesn’t matter if its sweet and well thought out. Maybe what you needed was a heated, spur of the moment kiss with your beautiful boyfriend.
But is that what you wanted, something not thought out? Didn’t you crave the anticipation of waiting knowing it was about to happen. Knowing that the butterflies in your stomach fluttered at the same velocity as the ones in his.
While lost in thought Jack had managed to finally reach your apartment. He was supposedly at practice. Actually there was no practice but that's what he told you so you'd be surprised when he came over with take-out and flowers. On his way over, he had to bite his lip to stop the stupid smile on his face, but the older woman passing by noticed it, as well as his urgency and the flowers in his hand, and gave him a knowing smile as she laughed while walking in the opposite direction. It was clear to everyone, those in his life and those just observing, that this relationship was different and he treated it as such. 
He enjoyed the feeling of getting almost dizzy from all the excitement of being around you. It was new and so unlike anything he'd had with anyone else in the past. That's why he couldn’t get himself to make any new moves. It's scary to act when you feel something so intensely. 
Opening the door to reveal a very smiley Jack Hughes was a very shocking but very welcome surprise. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Wow come on don’t be too excited to see me” he replies snarkily. 
“Im sorry, I just thought you'd had practice, you did tell me you had practice, did you not?”
“I did but I didn’t have practice. Wanted to surprise you so I stretched the truth a little. You aren’t upset about that, right?” He suddenly looked worried.
In that split second, you had made up your mind. Grabbing his collar and kissing him deeply, he drops the bag of food and flowers from impact. The noise they made startled you enough to come to your senses. As you quickly pull away, you can see a mix of confusion, panic, and possibly lust on his face. His silence snaps you out of your post kiss daze enough to start freaking out.
“Shit, Jack. I don't know what- I wasn’t thinking, i'm so-”
“We need to try that again.” 
“Excuse me”
“You just kissed me”
“...I did”
“I guess”
“I didn’t get to savor it.” He coughs out. At this admission, his face is bright red and grows an even deeper red when he hears your laugh.
“Savor it? Oh my god, Jack, what romcom did you take that line from?”
“You know what? Maybe i'll enjoy these flowers and this food by myself if you want to-”
“Just get inside, Jack. I'll kiss you again but only if we aren't standing in the hallway for all my neighbors to see.”
When you pull him in and close the door, you realize this is what you had hoped for. Shared butterflied as you look at one another, waiting for the other to make a move, knowing what was next and being as excited as you were nervous for it. 
Finally he pulls you in.
“Much better” Jack mumbles against your lips.
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adtenthusiast · 6 months
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Word count: 2033
The Car Alex x Fem!Reader
Summary: You get bored at The Grammys and decide to tease Alex, it goes a bit too far and he puts you in your place...
Warnings: Swearing, slight exhibitionism, pet names (doll, darling, baby, princess), Dom!Alex, Sub!reader, Hard to soft dom, degrading, a bit of bdsm, multiple orgasms, Hickeys/bruising, Oral F!receiving, a bit of aftercare not much tho. porn with a plot.
A/N: FIRST POST!!! who's clapping rn?? anyway this is literally so dirty and filthy and unholy. I really pushed my limits here. enjoy!
He was pissed. You had given him a hard-on right before he had to make a speech that will be on the internet forever. But it's not your fault The Grammys are a fucking bore, you had to entertain yourself somehow.
You started off with the classic dropping something and slowly bending over to pick it up. Alex eyed you, taking in how great your ass looked in a short, skin-tight red dress. This wasn't enough though. You needed to do more. So, when you went to sit, you pulled your dress down so far that your tits were spilling out over the top of it. Alex immediately kept his eyes locked on them. After a couple of minutes of him staring you asked "Are you okay baby?" acting all innocent, as if you didn't know exactly what was running through his mind. "Yeah, perfect" he elongated the 'er' and didn't even look up to your eyes. It was clear he wasn't talking about himself.
You decided to go back to watching the awards like normal, but every once in a while you did something very subtle like biting or licking your lips, or fluttering your lashes when talking to Alex. You knew this did something to him because he placed his hand on your thigh and started tracing circles on it. Then you decided to go all in. You leaned in close to Alex's ear, letting him feel your hot breath on his skin as you whispered "Can I sit on your lap?" You tried to sound as innocent as possible so he didn't think you were up to something. "Alright darling" He sat back in his chair as you placed yourself on him.
You sat there peacefully for a little while as you loved the feeling of his arm wrapped around you and the sweet-nothings he would whisper in your ear. You then started shifting in his lap and you felt his grip on you tighten and he spoke firmly "Stop." You turned your head to look at him and said with a smile "What? I'm just getting comfortable." You turned away, shifting a small bit more, feeling him harden him under you, until suddenly you felt his grip tighten so hard it could leave bruises and you heard his voice dangerously close to your ear "You know what you're doing baby. Stop it before i bend you over this table and fuck you in front of all these p-" He was cutoff by the announcement of the bands category. "Shit. If we win and I have to fuckin' go up there like this, I swear to god you're gonna be in so much trouble"
You gulped, not sure if you were wishing for them to win or not. "And the Best Alternative Music Album is..." Your heart was pounding as the announcer opened up the envelope, it felt like she was purposely taking forever. You subconsciously held your breath as she began to read out the name "The Car, Arctic Monkeys!" All the lads gasped and you gave Alex a kiss as you stood up off him. As he walked onto the stage he shot you a dark look.
Honestly you didn't listen to Alex's speech because you were too preoccupied thinking about what he was going to do to you when you got home, and soon you were gonna find out because the second he got back to your table he grabbed your wrist and dragged you out to the car. "Alex what the fuck? I'm pretty sure you're supposed to stay??" You were panicking a bit 'cause you knew people were going to talk about how you guys abruptly left. Alex didn't care though, at least you don't think he cared.
He didn't speak the throughout the entire car ride home despite you questioning why he did that and if he was really THAT mad. When you finally got home and you stepped inside, Alex immediately spun you around and leaned down to whisper in your ear "Go upstairs, get naked and kneel on the bed, I'll be up in a few minutes." You took a deep breath and began walking up the stairs. All you could think about is how quite literally fucked you're gonna be.
You got to your room, threw all your clothes on the floor and knelt on the bed. You heard Alex rummaging downstairs and then the sound of metal clanging against each other followed by his footsteps coming up the stairs. You got nervous when you saw his figure step into the doorway, leaning against it for a moment before taking off his blazer and neatly folding it on the dresser. Then you saw them. All ball gag and some handcuffs. Your eyes widened as Alex began approaching you. "What did you think you were doing?" There was venom in his voice that made you feel helpless. "Al, I'm sor-" "Don't fucking speak. You wanna act like a slut you're gonna get fucked like one" He grabbed your head, put on the gag and lifted up your chin between his pointer and thumb. "Now I'll be able to hear pretty noises, but won't have to listen to your stupid excuses" His words went straight to your core. As much as you hate to admit it, this turned you on so much.
He rolled up his sleeves and sat down on the bed next to you. You couldn't help but admire him, his veiny arms and how the veins plunges out when he grips onto things, his chest peaking out from under his dress-shirt and how he always has it shaved besides a single square and his hair, how it was somehow both messy and well groomed at the same time.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Alex spoke "Over my knee doll" You gush at the pet name and oblige. "If anything is too much just tap me twice." His voice was soft but you knew it wouldn't last long as you felt a smack against your ass, your entire body jerked and you let out a loud yelp. After another couple of slaps you feel tears welling in your eyes and you were drooling all over the sheets. "Look at you, you're fuckin' pathetic"
He gave your ass three more strikes before leaning down and speaking "Does it hurt darling?" You nod. "Aww, well thats what you get for being a little slut, you know you deserve this. Now stop crying, get up and lay, face down-ass up, hands behind your back." You whine but do as he says. You heart raced when you felt Alex's hands roughly grabbing yours and cuffing them. "What a fuckin' sight" he stepped back and folded his arms, taking in the view. You felt so exposed and at his mercy.
You heard the rattle of his belt and felt a dip in the bed. Your cunt was glistening from how wet you are "Jesus, You love getting punished, eh?" Alex swiped his finger through your wetness and placed the finger in his mouth and sucked, tasting your juices "Fuckin' heavenly."
You back up your ass and whined trying to get his attention. "Don't be greedy darling, remember you place" He unbuttoned his trousers and pulled out his cock and began pumping it to the sight of you. "It's such a pity i don't see this everyday, You look so fucking good like this, my beautiful little whore" he groaned.
You felt his tip stroking your soaked folds. He stopped at your dripping hole, just holding it there until you whined. "Aw baby you want more? hm?" You whined again "Okay, I'll give you more" and with that he slammed into you, giving you no time to adjust to his size he began thrusting into you hard. All you could do is moan and sob. "Too much too fast, princess? Well you asked for it" He growled "You know you like it. Listen to you, you sound like a little cumslut" He somehow sped up his thrusts and you screamed.
He slid his arm around up your chest and pulled you up so your back was against his chest. He watched your tits as they bounced with each thrust. He groaned and dipped his head down to your neck and began nipping and sucking on your neck. "Fuckin' mine. 'm gonna make sure everyone knows how much of a slut you are."
You were making the most hoarse noises and you were drooling all over yourself. "You close already, princess?" You nodded and squeezed your eyes shut. With that he pulled out. You whined at the loss of contact. Alex picked you up and laid you on your back. "Bad girls don't get to cum on cock. Now open your legs doll."
You spread your legs as far as you could and Alex dipped his head between them. He wrapped his mouth around your clit and sucked on it, sending electricity throughout your entire body. He held down your hips as he sucked and licked your sensitive nub. You were sure you were gonna have hand-shaped bruises on your hips for days. He removed his mouth from you and inserted two long, calloused fingers into you. He curled and scissored them making you let out a load moan. He continued to finger you fast.
You couldn't take it much longer. Your hips bucked and your hole tightened around his fingers. You looked at Alex for permission to cum. "Go on darling, cum all over my fingers" and with that you let out a loud, high-pitched moan as you released. Alex didn't stop though, he kept going. You screamed and cried from the stimulation and suddenly you felt that knot in your stomach tighten again. You cried trying to get away from his fingers. "Come on baby, cum for me again" and again your orgasm washed over you, ten times more intense than before. Alex slowed down his movements then removed his fingers from you.
He smiled as he brought his fingers up this his mouth and sucked off all your juices from his fingers. He then leant down and removed the gag from your mouth. "Can you do one more for me princess? You're doing so well." You sniffled and nodded "Okay.. Just one more." "Good girl, doing so well for me" He lined his cock up with your used hole and slowly thrusted into you. He gave you a second to adjust and the slowly pulled out and pushed back in again.
Unlike last time his thrusts were slow and soft but they were passionate and deep. He places his hands either side of your head, his hair was draped off his forehead and his face was inches away from yours. He caught your lips in a long, passionate kiss as his thrusts sped up slightly. " 'm close baby" He whispered. After a couple of more thrusts you felt that knot in your stomach again, you squeezed around him to let him know you were close too. His thrusts became faster and sloppier as he chased his orgasm, you squeezed around him as you came all over him, this sent him over the edge and you felt his release deep inside you.
He rode out your orgasms, then collapsed next to you, removing himself from you. You felt empty and tired. Alex got up and unlocked the handcuffs and kissed you "I'm gonna clean you up. Do you want anything baby?" You smiled "Water please" he walked into the bathroom and grabbed a towel then got you a glass of water. He came back into the room, placed the glass of water on the bed-side table, then kneeled on the bed in front of you, he cleaned you and the sheets up then laid next to you and hugged you. "I love you baby, but please never embarrass me like that again" You giggled when you remembered what got you here "I love you too and I'm sorry for that"
And with that you laid in silence until you both fell asleep.
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flightlessangelwings · 8 months
Ktober 2023 Day 17- Praise Kink
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Loki x gn!reader
Word count- 1.1k
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY!), body worship, oral, multiple orgasms, established relationship, no use of y/n
Notes- I purposefully wrote this with a gender neutral reader cause Loki does not limit himself to any one gender! And who wouldn't want to feel praise by him?! And I will forever use "lovely" as Loki's petname for reader after meeting Tom Hiddleston at a con years ago and that's what he called me!! Prompt list made by me! Enjoy!
@flightlessangelwings-updates is myupdate blog so please follow that too and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on my new fics!
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“Oh my lovely,” Loki purred, “You look exquisite like this.”
Loki had you stripped nude and spread out on your back as he ravished your body with praise and kisses and touches. His eyes were blown black with lust as he couldn’t get enough of you. You were an insatiable craving, but he would spend every day working to satisfy. It was a challenge that Loki was more than up to.
“Loki,” you moaned as you surrendered yourself to him completely. 
“Darling,” he kissed his way down your chest, “Your sounds are music to my ears,” Loki paused when he reached between your legs, “Now let me hear you.”
You cried out as Loki dove in, licking and sucking and nibbling every inch of you. Tears formed in your eyes as your mind swam in pleasure under his tongue. He found every spot that drove you wild, and he knew how to play you.
“Divine,” Loki murmured as he broke away, “Your taste is that of the nectar of the gods.”
That made you giggle, “Stop it,” you said playfully.
“I speak the truth, my lovely,” his tone turned sincere, “I could spend hours here savoring the taste of you.”
You whimpered as he dipped his head down once more and ran his tongue along every sensitive corner of your body. Your legs trembled as he hit the perfect spot and you cried out loudly. “Fuck! Loki!”
“That’s it darling,” he cooed, “Let go. Let me hear you scream,” he kissed your skin, “I’ll be here to catch you.”
Tears fell from the corners of your eyes as your climax hit like a volcano. You screamed his name as you came hard and you clutched the sheets for dear life as he worked you through your climax. Your entire body shook as wave after wave of pleasure crashed into you thanks to Loki’s excerpt tongue.
You gasped when he finally broke away from you, leaving you a heaving and panting mess, “Shit, Loki,” you breathed, “I’ll never get used to how good you are with your tongue,” you quipped.
That made Loki laugh softly, “And I…” he pushed himself forward to kiss your chest, “Will never tire of how lovely you are when you fall apart for me like that.”
Loki wrapped his lips around your nipple, flicking his tongue and sucking hard. You buried your hand in his hair as you arched your back and cried out in pleasure. His cold, soft hands kneaded your chest as he grazed his teeth across your nipple.
“Lovely,” he hummed as he kissed his way across your chest and gave the other nipple the same treatment.
“Fuck!” you moaned as you squirmed underneath him.
“That’s it, my darling.” Loki trailed his fingers down your chest until he reached your crotch once more, and as he swirled his tongue around your nipple, he pushed two fingers inside, “Fuck…” he echoed you as he pumped his fingers in and out.
“Loki… Ahhh…”
“Come on, lovely,” Loki cooed, “You can give me another one. I know you can.”
“Oh shit,” you tugged at his hair, eliciting a low growl from deep in Loki’s chest.
Wet sounds filled the room as Loki’s fingers thrust into you over and over and over again, hitting that sweet spot deep inside you. As he whispered incoherent praises against your skin, your second orgasm hit, and it was just as hard as the first. Your juices plashed between your bodies as Loki pulled every ounce of your climax from your body as he could until you let out a low whine.
Carefully, he pulled his fingers out of you and kissed his way up your body, up your neck to your face, “Are you alright, my lovely?” he whispered as he kissed your temple.
“Yes,” you breathed, blinking your eyes open to meet his gaze. Your heart fluttered in your chest at the look of admiration Loki gave you, and even though you’d cum twice already, you felt like you were about to again just from the way he looked at you.
Without another word, Loki leaned in and kissed you deeply, his tongue tangling with yours immediately. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders as you pulled him closer, and Loki ran his hands up and down your sides, caressing your body tenderly. He moaned into you as he rutted himself against your body, and you sighed into his lips when you felt how rock hard his cock was.
“Yes,” you interrupted, knowing exactly what he was going to ask, “Please Loki. I want you… I need you.”
He pulled back and cupped your face, “Not as much as I need you, my lovely.”
The admission caught you both off guard, and for a moment you stared at each other wide-eyed. But, Loki recovered and launched himself in and kissed you deeply once more. This kiss was more heated, more passionate, more desperate, and you held him close as he positioned himself at your entrance.
“Are you ready, my dear?” he asked in a low tone.
“I am,” you whispered back in a soft but confident tone.
Loki groaned as he pushed himself into you, causing both of you to gasp. Neither of you let go of the other as he rocked back and forth, thrusting his cock into you over and over again as your legs framed his body on either side.
“Darling… You’re incredible,” Loki stammered as he thrust into you faster, “So beautiful... So lovely.”
“Loki,” you moaned, “Feels so good,” you murmured.
Suddenly, you gasped as Loki hit that sweet spot inside you once more. He paused for a moment, watching your face in astonishment, before he pounded into you with fervor. More intolerant praise flowed from his lips as he felt his own climax quickly approach.
“Cum with me, my lovely,” Loki purred as he gritted his teeth.
Both your climaxes hit simultaneously, and you wrapped yourselves up in each other as you rode out your peaks together. Tears filled both your eyes between the pleasure and the emotions until either of you had any more to give, and Loki collapsed down on top of you with a grunt. Heavy breaths filled the room as neither of you wanted to move, and your hands stroked each other’s skin wherever you could both reach. Loki placed a series of light kisses on your chest as you let out a soft laugh.
“What is it, darling?”
“That,” you breathed, “Was amazing.”
Loki hummed in satisfaction, “That is was, my lovely,” he picked himself up to place a tender kiss on your lips, “That it was.”
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lillysbigwilly · 1 year
i fcking love streamer!ellie but what if reader was the streamer?! imagine ellie being a huge fan and always leaving comments during her stream. she's also internally freaking out when she meets the reader in person and experiencing gay panic, at the same time, because "holy sht she is the prettiest person i've ever seen in my entire fcking life."
okay it’s official, anon i absolutely love you, you god 🤍
streamer!reader x Ellie Williams head canons
can i appoint myself the queen of streamer!ellie head canons or is that narcissistic (leave requests my loves)
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it would 100% start off with ellie being bored shitless, hopping through tv channels, netflix, youtube etc before finally turning to a streaming sight.
she loves gaming and often finds herself on that platform however she’s never seen you before that day. you were pretty big, rolling in about 50k viewers per stream but you were more of a baking stream, qna stream person rather than gaming
however, your friends had persuaded you to play a story game for that stream. you honestly couldn’t remember the name but it was some sort of zombie apocalypse one
it was fun and ellie actually sat through your whole stream.
after that, she had subscribed (in which you read out her username and she literally almost screamed hearing your pretty voice say her name) and she watched every other stream after that
she favoured the baking ones, seeing you all dressed up with a cute lil apron on over your clothes.
and ellie liked you even more when you made weed brownies live. saying they where ‘funny’ brownies so you didn’t get demonetised
she thought you were absolutely stunning and quickly ranked up to one of your favourite fans with her silly comments and the sweetest complements on each of your streams.
plus she sent you a lot of money.
it was actually after your birthday stream that she met you in real life.
she had been watching for a little over a year and you had gone out with your friends to celebrate your birthday after a short stream
as you were walking down the road to meet said friends , you noticed a pair of eyes on you which wasn’t unusual since you were pretty well known however you recognised her face from somewhere.
ellie’s eyes widened as you walked closer to her. her cheeks flushed red as she subtly looked you up and down. gay mother fucking panic.
now the girl knew she didn’t like men and only liked women but shit did you solidify it. she had been with girls before but you were something else
“i know you” is the first words you said to ellie and her heart just about stopped beating. sure, you acknowledged her online. even becoming mutuals after a comment she left on your post made you laugh but you knowing ellie? impossible “ellie right”
she didn’t trust her voice so she simply nodded. her response made you smile.
you gave her your number, it was dangerous. you didn’t know if she would leak it or whatever but you still did it and it was the best damned decision ever.
you know what they say about lesbians moving quick as fuck. yeah that was true for you and ellie. literally going on a date one week, making it official the next and then she practically moved in after that
neither of you mind, ellie chipped in with food and rent even though you told her you had enough.
(imagine you had ended up with dealer!ellie😳 that itself is a whole other story)
she would start joining your streams, fans would speculate and obviously it was true but they didn’t need to know that just yet.
it was only when you were spotted together holding hands and kissing that i officially came out that you we’re together (celeb tearoom type shit. TMZ drama alert and all that covered it)
you would often try to correlate outfits when you streamed together, if you had pink on then so did she.
there was the usual jealous people that commented against ellie and it did hurt at the beginning. nothing a few words of encouragement and steamy nights with you couldn’t fix.
seriously though, most of your fans adored her. she was quite shy at first and saw how absolutely smitten you were with each other. obsessed with the way you looked at each other when the other looked away
cooking streams that end up being a nightmare. flour and shit everywhere.
speaking of flour. the fans realised you had a special someone in your life when flowers started appearing in the back of your streams. often hung upside down so they last longer.
you eventually get matching tattoos, little hearts on your wrists both with red ink. meaningful but not big. you were both sure you were in it forever but just in case.
(unrelated but imagine ellie with a nose ring)
your fans were nosy sure but they were damn respectful - minus the odd few. if it was obvious you were on a date, all dressed up and i’m a fancy restaurant, they will not interfere which you were super appreciative about
the fans could tell you were in love with each other from day one
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