#IF I want
meimi-haneoka · 6 months
I know my last report is so long...and technically, I could've summarized so many of those info in shorter paragraphs.
But it's all intentional. I really wanted to write their dialogues out as far as possible, because I've noticed something in the fandom. I'm pretty sure this is not limited to CLAMP but to 'public figures' in general, especially on the internet.
I've noticed a sort of tendency to dehumanize these four women. Sometimes I come across comments that make my skin crawl. People calling them names, insults, "these old hags", people who think these four women should only live to satisfy the fandom's hunger for content, or their fetishes. They don't consider (and even if they do, they do not seem to know what the words 'be indulgent' mean) these are four human beings who have their lives, wishes, preferences, shortcomings, health problems, or even not a 100% great mental space.
I admit I have "joked" with heavy terms in private too, in the past. But lately, especially after they started to open the Twitter Spaces, showing their more "raw, genuine side" to us, and ever since my JP skills allowed me to understand them better, I can't bring myself to do that anymore. It might be because I'm getting old too and I understand painfully well what it means to begin having problems related to age (for memory or even physical pain), and the love and care (and often pain) that lie behind a piece of artwork, but I just can't help empathizing with them. Hearing them joking among each other, knowing how much they care for one another like sisters, hearing them talking so humbly about their work even after such a long time, getting to know when they're feeling sick and knowing their struggles because on the workplace they're like a machine that can work well only if all the components are in good condition...it really really makes you realize how human they are.
I think the turning point for me was when I heard one of the personal Spaces Ohkawa opened every morning for a week, while she was having breakfast, talking about various topics. In one of the firsts, she apologized because you could hear the noise of the washing machine working on the background. It struck me so powerfully. This is not some kind of unapproachable, inaccessible person living on another existential plane, this is a normal, regular human being who writes stories for a job but who's got to do laundry like every other regular person on this earth. They might drink champagne and go to fancy restaurants (but Ohkawa in particular is a fan of McDonald's too) but that doesn't mean that they lost their humanity.
And I found myself not wanting to partake in this stupid game of dehumanizing them anymore. Actually, with my translations, I want to try to make people see what I see too. Make them feel the "vibe" through their own words, because you can understand so much of them through the words they often use. Ohkawa might look like this merciless and whimsical boss, but she actually just loves the stories she envisioned very much, and she's ready to go through a shitstorm to defend her choices on the workplace.
She just feels a bit guilty that when there's criticism of her choices, the work of her colleagues gets dragged down along, but they're all in this together and they stick to one another tightly.
I can only do these translations when it's about CCS because they're exhausting to me and take me so much time, so my "brainrot" helps me push through to finish them. But at least for that, I want to try to do this, when I can.
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beomiracles · 13 days
my boss had to leave for a couple hours today, and she left ME in charge !!
i’m so in charge rn. a boss bitch.
guys she left me in charge ;3
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lewmagoo · 4 months
i’m feeling inspired to write another mdm rhett fic…he has become my only identity i fear
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adharafirenze · 3 months
Loser 💕
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breadfacednerd · 1 year
idk kankri but like. girl.
Ok listen I think I would somehow hate kankri more if he was a woman solely because instead of feeling pure unadulterated hate towards her I would feel very sad she turned out as awful as she is. That being said. Girl Kankri would look like this
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The Joker Batman issue of Ostrander Spectre was the most basic like "why everybody cant fucking stand Joker" shit ever however I did keep thinking about this bit while I was at work and just losing it
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I like it when Bruce talks like this.
Also though this issue gives me screenshots to post next time people start the "Jokers not MENTALLY ILL hes just EVIL and hes NEVER BEEN PORTRAYED AS JUST MENTALLY ILL EVER" bullshit
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And also Spectre agreeing with Batman at the end of the issue
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Like the reason people always say Jokers mentally ill is because at least in the 90s that was the canon so thats what alot of people remember. I dont agree with this at all I think Joker being evil because hes a sociopath is ableist and also here partially just because Spectre cant just fucking murder the jonker so there has to be a excuse for why he wont do that in this crossover issue but its what was going on.
Ok anyway this issue was Joker steals Spectres powers after Spectre goes into his mind because the Joker is so crazy insane he can just do that and I hated it and had to complain about it thanks
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climbingthefloors · 13 days
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obsessed with this baby hippo from thailand's khao khew zoo.. she has been so utterly betrayed by the world
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fly-the-pattern · 4 months
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The dino benches are super cute. The angle is a little weird, though. And there's other seating if you're scared of dinosaurs. Looks like there's non-dino flat benches in the back on the right and a raised stone bench / retaining wall area on the left with grass and trees. I'm a little worried that there's no arm rests on any of the seating areas, though. It might be difficult for people with mobility issues to stand back up. Super cute for in front of a dino museum, though! And I totally want one.
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blueskittlesart · 2 months
i’ve started babysitting for a VERY christian family which is great because they pay me a lot of money but as someone who was raised almost completely agnostic it’s kind of insane. the 2 year old keeps asking me to read her stories from the bible. (why are we reading david and goliath to a 2 year old????) the 5 year old told me today that he was going to bring his legos to heaven with him. he also has repeatedly told me that the lego spaceships he builds are stronger than jesus. (not sure what to say to that. do i deny it??? are things allowed to be stronger than jesus??) had to stop myself mid sentence today because i almost told them im not going to heaven which would DEFINITELY have caused several meltdowns. they’re also both completely fascinated by my nose ring
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useless-englandfacts · 2 months
uk journalists having to report through gritted teeth that there were no riots last night as thousands of anti-racist protesters significantly outnumbered the racist rioters across the country
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shoyohnt · 2 months
sorry for how I acted when there were multiple noises happening at the same time
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scramratz · 3 months
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blueboxbeagle · 6 months
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By LabradoriteKing on Pinterest
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valtsv · 3 months
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stuck between "psychological horror statement" and "objectively the funniest thing you could say to your real flesh and blood dad" in the father's day card aisle
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dsmsix · 4 months
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thought I was muted and just had this exchange with a coworker on a zoom call
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pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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