screampied · 6 days
mechanic toji 😞😞😞😞
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batcavescolony · 5 months
Percy not thinking anyone is gonna save him from Zeus but Poseidon showing up. Poseidon surrendering to Zeus, and Percy in the background in awe because this is the first time he's actually seen his father
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farfaras · 1 year
Okay but what about fake dating AU but NOT the way you think. Hear me out okay.
Steve being tired of Dustin telling him over and over to ask out Robin bc they’re obviously in love. Steve has enough and says the only thing that he thinks will get Dustin off his back.
“That’s not true!”
“I have a boyfriend!”
Jonathan is chill and agrees to fake date. They tell the party they’re dating. Steve has a gay awakening. But Jonathan is not his type really. Realizes he likes metal heads when he and Eddie bond about being queer. Eddie Munson is incredibly jealous. ‘HES ACTUALLY GAY BUT TAKEN KILL ME NOW’ Eddie and Jonathan almost get into a fight. Chaos, man, chaos.
First part now > here < !!
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rapidhighway · 8 days
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bad girls go to hell ^^
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mellifiedfemme · 4 months
i lowkey hate when ppl take all tomorrows as just body horror life is cruel shit. my brother in christ the some of the main points are that humanity is everlasting and theres more inherent value in the mundane and shot life of a person than in all the acts of cruelty commited across the eons. and also body horror
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hypnoneghoul · 8 months
the back of his pants, do you- was he in heat again? got him dripping slick down his thighs...?
CR: @/erisiseris_ on tiktok
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ilovelyneysm07 · 4 months
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Alastor's dynamic with Furina!Reader. (Yeah, this is for a future fic I'm making muehehe. Also, i don't know how to draw guns send help.)
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skywarpie · 4 months
Copia having a tattoo above his crotch that says 'eat me'
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jacebeleren · 1 year
thinking abt gideon and liliana again and
i will NEVER stop saying that gideon dying in WAR was a terrible direction/ending for his arc and that we were extremely robbed of amazing character development for both him and liliana because of it. they had a lot to learn from each other and now theyre never gonna have that..
if WAR had gone down exactly the same but without gideon dying, they wouldve actually had a chance to unpack why they both thought choosing to die was the right choice for themself but wrong for the other.
its the way they were both people who put on acts to cover their self-destructive tendencies but were uniquely immune to each others bullshit!! lilianas manipulation didnt work on gideon and his indestructible hero act didnt work on her. they could see right through each other.
they saw each other hurting and they saw value in the others life that they didnt see in their own because they were blinded by self hatred. by unpacking this theyd get to teach each other they both deserve to live, not only for their loved ones but because their lives have inherent value
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rui-drawsbox · 4 months
Was looking at Baxter's sprite for totally normal reasons and noticed how this dude has half thigh out like.
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My mind took "ripped jeans" like a pant with a few rips not like "put those pants too fast and you might get new shorts"
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Daniel Ricciardo Shower Essentials (might have also included the actual Seb, WE DON'T KNOW)
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silvermun · 4 months
guys i miss lansoni
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miquella-everywhere · 2 months
now that ive got my elegant malenia figure i feel the need to explain one of the main reasons why i dont like evil miquella theories
and the main reason is: it completely trivializes and betrays malenias entire identity as: Malenia Blade of Miquella
malenia has COMPLETLY dedicated her entire life to defending miquella, being his blade, protecting him and carrying out his will.... and for miq to just suddenly be evil and betray her for his own selfish gain completely, feels just... so cheap and disrespectful to the story and her character yknow??????
like for the people who continue to compare elden ring to berserk, in berserk it makes sense because griffiths betrayal is a slow burn told in real time... But in elden ring we only have context clues and hints to go off of when figuring out what happened, and miquella for the most part is portrayed as overwhelmingly benevolent and devoted to malenia.
and for fromsoft to gloss over or ignore those hints is like... unbelievable to me because they put so much effort into crafting their world and the story through subtle hints yknow
and sure, some would argue that it adds another layer of tragedy to the shit-has-hit-the-fan/everything sucks stories that fromsoft is so skilled at telling, but at the same time in my opinion Fromsoft also writes stories that can leave hope like...
the cold, dark and gentle painting, and the firekeeper calling out to the ashen one in the darkness in ds3.... childhoods beginnings in bloodborne where humanity shall too follow at the end....
hope is just as big of a factor in fromsofts stories just as much as despair is, and.... i dunno miquella just represents hope to me.
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hermits-that-craft · 2 years
No one in minecraft knows what an eclipse is. none would ever experience it, what with the moon and sun stuck in their set cycles, never interchanging, never crossing paths. Their sun and moon do not dance with each other, do not hold each other close in a brief moment as the plunge the world into darkness or create a glowing ring that would make gods bend with fear. 
Do those worlds hear rumours of ours?
Do they ponder a world where the moon and sun overlap?
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You mean to tell me that he's showing off skin, his tattoos, he's PACKING,AND showing off his slutty waist?! 😩🥵
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zeldathusiast · 8 months
Playing TOTK rn and I'm just thinking about Link caring for the light dragon after he's collected all of the memories.
Him tenderly combing through her hair and scratching her head. Him filing down the parts of her horns that naturally flake off overtime. Him carefully picking the spike shards out of her spines so she never itches or hurts. Him ever so gently pulling damaged scales free to keep her skin healthy.
After he's made sure she's completely healthy and comfortable, he just sits on her forehead for hours, muttering sweet nothings. "You're okay," he whispers, "you were so brave. I'm so proud of you. You're so beautiful," he says as he pats her head.
He thinks he sees a few more tears fall each time he comforts her, but they do not stay like the previous ones. No memories are being shed this time. She is simply grieving. Sometimes, Link cries with her.
Though, the tears make him think. Perhaps, after 10 thousand years, there is still someone in there yet.
He presses a kiss to the dragon's forehead, filled with new determination.
"I will save you this time. I promise."
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