comfymoth · 8 hours
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Please elaborate, I must know if they get a little aromantic about it (and it's definitely NOT because I love Milo and Quinn an abnormal amount)
YEAAAHHHH ahaha i’m so glad somebody noticed that!! yeah, they do!! little weirdos <3
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i’m so sorry i’m about to ramble So much because i just like to yap about my guys but—
with milo it really does start with his weird jealous phase, like “oh my god i hate her, it’s not fair, why does she have to be so funny and talented and pretty and caring and—“ Well very quickly it does snowball into the weirdest most conflicted crush* he’s ever had in his life.
*crush with an asterisk because. well. it’s not romantic, milo thinks he’s only actually felt proper romantic attraction once in his life if he’s honest, but whenever he thinks about her he kind of wants to throw up. so, it’s Basically a crush. that is the best word he has for it.
and quinn, while she thinks milo’s maybe the most pathetic thing she’s ever seen, that is, Unfortunately, exactly her type. she just has a huge soft spot for emotional boyfails, why do you think she scooped leon up when they were fourteen?
so, after The Mall Horrors throw them together, it really doesn’t take all that long for them to get close. and that’s something they’ll kind of lament later, like hey, i wish we’d become friends under Any other circumstance. but they’re glad to be friends*. which also has an asterisk. because it pretty quickly becomes clear that their feelings are maybe a little more involved. there’s just kind of a magnetic pull there, something that Clicks.
quinn’s more-so the initiator— she’s just generally an affectionate person, something milo very quickly starts seeking out whenever he can, and eventually reciprocating once he figures out He’s Allowed To Do That. he knows his way around these kinds of relationships considerably less, but quinn’s so easygoing, she makes it a lot less intimidating than it could be. it’s almost a relief to him, to realize he has this as an option, and his weird not-quite-crush feelings actually have a place to go without needing to be cornered into a particular box.
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ok so this ask is part invitation to ramble/infodump about chemistry stuff and part ask abt why u chose/enjoyed chemistry as ur major (pls idk what to do with my life lol. i like chemistry but idk if its enough to do it like as a career yknow?)
Okay. For starters I actually didn’t go into college with the intent of being a chemist. My original major was secondary education with a focus in chemistry. Aka I wanted to teach high school chem. And that was because of my high school chem teacher, he was amazing and inspired me. I felt like I learned so much in his classes and I wanted to be like him and inspire others
Obviously thats not the route that ended up happening
Throughout my first few years, I got really involved in the chemistry clubs on my campus (ACS, GSE, etc). There was a lot of community in the chemistry department and thats where I made a lot of my friends too. I had people to study with and we helped each other, there wasnt a lot of competition. Once we got to o chem we were all just trying to survive lol.
Meanwhile, in the education department, over the years I grew more and more critical of it. It felt very cold and inhospitable. I barely knew my classmates. It felt more like a job in that it just kinda wore me down. And dont get me wrong! I LOVED my kids. I loved the actual teaching part. It was amazing. I made it all the way to student teaching because of my love for those kids. BUT. After covid hit. The education world got weird. It got too political. Its not about the kids anymore, its about doing whatever administration says. And I just couldnt take it.
A month before I would have graduated, I switched my major. Admittedly, it had been something I was thinking about since my junior year. I had taken analytical and environmental chemistry the same semester and really felt like I found my niche. (Please note here: there is no chemist who is good at all types of chemistry).
I ended up taking a 5th year to finish out a chemistry degree and get a math minor as well. I was really nervous about that decision, but that last year made me feel so much more sure of myself. I took a third analytical class, quantum mechanics, and inorganic chemistry (among other things like biochem). I learned I was *really* good at those things (unlike biochem Im lucky I passed that one). And now I have a job. Doing some instrumental work and data analysis
So I guess my decision to go into chem in the first place is just because the teacher who inspired me happened to be teaching me chemistry (though I was always a fan of science at heart)
As far as liking it enough to make it a career… well… I’ve discovered that I dont think I’m personally going to like anything for 40 hours a week for the rest of my life. And thats probably because Im out of an academic environment now, but yeah. My goal is to be able to have a chemistry job part time. Because full time just kinda makes me dread it. And Im lucky to have things in the works that might let that come to fruition in the next few years, butttttttt. Thats more of a critique on society as a whole than specifically chemistry
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callisteios · 10 months
Hi, feel free to take my new uquiz to discover what kind of vampire you are!
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writinghotchner · 5 months
ok i know this is kinda weird request butttttt Aaron Hotchner x reader where aaron is meeting readers father for the first time and the father kinda threatens aaron and is not happy with their relationship and then aaron gets kind of insecure and reader comforts him
listen, i keep saying there's no such thing as a weird request with me!!
and thank you for requesting! 🩷
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pairing: hotch x fem!reader rating: e warnings: reader has a brief panic attack, angry reader!dad, yelling, swear words, hotch being insecure and a cute idiot all rolled into one
"okay," aaron says, blowing out a breath. "how does this look?"
you turn from your spot in the ensuite bathroom where you're sitting perched on the counter as you do your make up. "you look good, babe. as always." you shoot him a scrunched up nose smile at him and he rolls his eyes playfully at you. he's wearing dark blue jeans and a collared black polo shirt, nothing too fancy - something he would usually wear when he takes you to dinner. he nervously fidgets with his watch as he paces the bedroom.
you finish the final touches on your make up and slide off the counter to look at yourself from a distance in the mirror. your going to your father's house for dinner so he can meet aaron, so you don't have to look perfect, but it is the first time you're seeing your dad in about two years, so you kinda wanna look presentable. you turn your body to make sure you don't have a water or make up stain on your black dress.
"i've never seen you so anxious before," you tell him. he looks at you with wide eyes. "i'm fine." you huff a laugh through your nose. you might not be a profiler like him, but you can definitely tell when he's not acting like his normal self. and he's definitely not acting like his calm and collected normal self.
you walk over to him and place the palms of your hands on his chest. "he's going to love you." you smooth your hands up and fix his collar and then bounce up on your toes to kiss him on the lips.
he doesn't say anything to that, instead he just walks into the closet to put his shoes on. after a few minutes he reappears. "okay. how are you not nervous?"
you grin at him as you slide past him to get into the closet for your own shoes, and he quickly stops you with an arm across your stomach.
"you haven't seen the guy in nearly two years, and i know things didn't end...well...between you. are you sure you're going to be okay?" he uses his arm to pull you towards him so that you're standing in front of him. he lets his hand fall to the back of your hip and squeezes.
"i'll be okay. he insists everything is fine and forgiven, so i have to trust that. thank you for asking though."
he sucks in a deep breath through his nose and then leans down to meet your lips in a soft kiss.
it isn't until your sitting in the car right outside of your father's house that you actually start to feel a little nervous. the anxiety is slowly simmering in your stomach and you can feel the heat of it rising up into your chest. you suck in a deep breath, close your eyes and will it all away. everything will be fine.
you catch aaron studying you out of your peripheral vision, but thankfully he doesn't ask if you're okay, because if he did...in that moment, you probably would have told him to take you home.
instead he turns to fully look at you, waiting for you to take the lead. when you don't, he lets himself out of the car and walks over to the passenger side and opens it, offering his hand to you.
you take it and stand, smoothing out any wrinkles in your dress. he closes the door behind you as he looks up to the house.
"we can get back in the car and go, honey. he'll never know-"
and as if on que, your father opens the front door and waves to you both. you both crack a fake smile and wave back. "ah, you weren't quick enough." he says in a whisper. you laugh.
it hasn't even been ten minutes inside the house with your father when you angrily slam the dining room chair you'd just been sitting in back under the table.
"you have NO fucking right, dad-"
"i have EVERY fucking right-"
your face is hot, your lungs feel like they're going to combust and you'd probably cry if the rage taking over your body wasn't holding every other emotion hostage.
aaron has an arm around you stomach holding you back. he's trying to talk over the yelling but you have no idea what he's saying, despite the fact that he's directly behind you.
"ENOUGH!" aaron booms. it startles you back into his chest and he grips you a little tighter. both you and your father fall silent.
"it was very kind of you to invite us for dinner," you hear him start, his voice is strong and firm - you can tell he's beyond upset. "and i'm sorry for whatever feelings you have about our relationship. but we're adults, sir, and i love your daughter and i'm not going to just leave her because you can't get past that i'm older than her."
the older man rolls his eyes and throws a glass salt shaker at the wall, barely missing both of your bodies. "get the fuck out of my house."
and so you do. you both hurriedly take off, aaron right behind you as you fling the front door open so hard you think for a split second it might actually fall off the hinges.
you clamor into the car and immediately drop your head into your lap, the monster anxiety attack that was simmering before you even got here now reaching the surface and boiling over. you hear aaron get in on the driver side, his hand immediately finding its way to your back rubbing soothing circles. he doesn't start the car even though he wants to drive as fast as possible out of here, but he needs to make sure you're okay before he can even think about navigating a motor vehicle.
"breathe, honey. it's okay. it's over and done with. we're going to go home and figure it out." his voice is low and soothing and makes you cry more.
you sober after a moment, tears still sitting in your eyes but don't spill over. you sniffle, clear your throat and shake your head, as if your body is an emotional etch-a-sketch that you're trying to clear. you huff out an angry sigh and put your seat belt on. "i'm okay, lets just go."
its only when you walk through the front door of your apartment that you realize just how exhausted you are. the inevitable crash of crying hitting you hard. you toe your heels off at the door, not even bothering to pick them up and carry them with you back to the closet. neither of you say anything as you both make your way back to the bedroom and undress. it's not even 8 pm and you're ready to sleep for the next 3 days.
once you're in bed, you immediately crawl into aaron's waiting arms. you lay half on him on your stomach, your leg thrown in between his and rest your head on his shoulder. he's shirtless and warm and you snuggle and sigh into his neck as you finally try to process the events of the evening.
"are you okay?" you ask him.
"i'm fine," he tells you. "i was just worried about you. that was pretty intense."
you hum, a tinge of guilt hitting you. you didn't exactly tell him your father was an angry man, always looking to belittle and control you. for some reason, you thought that after 2 years of not seeing him, maybe he wouldn't blow a gasket. lesson learned.
"i'm sorry," you say. "i thought he'd behave better with you there."
he doesn't say anything else and you have to stop the tears from coming again.
"do..." he clears his throat. "do you...does the age difference between us bother you?"
your head pops up off his chest so quickly. you stare him in the eyes, the street lamp outside the window lighting up the room enough to see his sad face.
"please don't let him get to you, baby. he's always been mean and controlling that way, and he only said that to get under my skin."
"well..." he sighs. "did it get under your skin?"
"have i ever done or said anything to indicate that i'm worried about our age difference?" you take his face in your right hand and make him face you. "aaron."
he shakes his head no. "okay. you're just letting him into your head. you're not even that much older than me. 32 and 45 is not that bad, i promise. it's not like i'm 19 and you're 60." he cracks a smile at that.
with his face still in your hand, you use it to guide his lips to yours and then you move to kiss all over his face, leaving loud wet kissing sounds as you go.
he laughs, craning his neck to get away from you. "okay, okayokayokay-"
"if anything about our relationship ever bothers me, you know i'll always talk to you about it. okay? i promise." you kiss him again.
he nods his head. "i know."
a moment of silence passes before you talk again.
"so... you wanna roleplay? can you be my hot older grey haired professor and i can be your bratty little student." you wiggle your eyebrows at him.
he groans your name laughing and pushes you off of him, you slide off his shirtless body in your own laughter.
"i do not have grey hair yet."
"you have a grey eyelash! you also have gre-"
you don't even get to finish your sentence because he's wacked you in the face with one of the extra pillows on the bed, still laughing and telling you to go to sleep.
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guccigarantine · 3 months
Jack names every member of the Phantom Troupe perfectly
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tom-is-online · 4 months
I got very bored soooooooooo I gave each character a sonic song to rep them cuz bus rides home are boring and i need mental stimulation
GROUP THEME : Reach for The Stars - Sonic Colors
ICHIKA HOSHINO : With Me - Sonic and the Black Knight
She would fuck up the guitar so fuckin hard with his shit shed go so hard its unreal Ichika With me cover when
SAKI TENMA : End of Summer - Sonic Runners
Criminally underated sonic ost and the PIANO its just her. If you put this in the bg of one of her events NOBODY would question it.
HONAMI MOCHIZUKI : Windy Hill Zone 1 - Sonic Lost World
She'd have a blasty playing the drums to this I think, she can include the whole band on there theyd love it
SHIHO HINOMORI : Ocean View: Lap Music - Team Sonic Racing
Tell me Shiho wouldnt love this, Shiho has TSR on her switch and plays it with everyone else after practice. Also its a remix of you can do anything and i think Shiho would know this info and sing along. also the bass in some of the areas goes v hard
GROUP THEME : Follow me - Theme of Team Rose - Sonic Heroes
MINORI HANASATO : Believe in Myself - Sonic Adventure 2
Minori Hanasato would love Tails the Fox they would be best friends and they would fly so far and so high and they would talk about their fav blue ppl and be best friends.
HARUKA KIRITANI : Quartz Quadrant - "G" MIX - Sonic CD
It's just a very nice song i think she'd like it a lot :) and sometimes thats reason enough
AIRI MOMOI : Tropical Resort Act 2 - Sonic Colors
You could also convince me this is BGM music for the actual game if i didnt know better lmaoo
SHIZUKU HINOMORI : Apotos - Night - Sonic Unleashed
One of the chillest sonic songs and the best chill sonic song and i am going to learn it on my guitar if it kills me. Oh yea also Shizuku would like it i think :p
GROUP THEME : Escape from the City - Sonic Adventure 2
KOHANE AZASAWA : Look-a-Like - Sonic the Hedgehog OVA
This might not be from the games but I think she'd love this shit, esp this cover of it cuz I say so also the cover just fucks lmao ALT : A New Day - Sonic Rush (she'd like it :]. and VBS would also just love sonic rush in general I think A new day would replace escape from the city if that just wasnt a funny thing for it to be for their theme.)
AN SHIRAISHI : Radical City : Living in The City - Sonic R
I should not have to explain this to you, its radical city what more do you want from me? money? well you cant have it.
AKITO SHINONOME : Find Your Flame - Sonic Fronteirs
Ok so. IDK if this is a hear me out or not but like, read the lyrics and look me in the eyes thats not just him. You can't I will not accept that. ALT - SPEED HIGHWAY CASH CASH REMIX - Sonic Generations
It's got Piano, its got electronic. It's like Rad Dogs with extra steps
GROUP THEME : Friends - Sonic Mania
TSUKASA TENMA : Lights, Camera, Action! - Studiopolis Zone Act 1 - Sonic Mania
Do i need to explain?
EMU OTORI : Palmtree Panic - Sonic CD
"dodododododo! WOOO! YEAHHHH!!!!!" - Emu Otori
NENE KUSANAGI : Join us 4 Happy Time... For Chao Garden - Sonic Adventure
Nene has an ungodly ammount of hours in the chao garden, you cannot convince me otherwise
RUI KAMISHIRO : Hi-Spec Robo Go! - Sonic Mania
Do i need to explain?
GROUP THEME : Dreams of An Absolution - Sonic 06
KANADE YOISAKI : Area Planet Wisp - Sonic Colors
You will now come to find that Sonic X Niigo is. REALLY FUCKING HARD TO DO. LIKE seriously. I just picked some pretty songs so if anyone wants to rb and pick some better ones be my guest lmaoo
MAFUYU ASAHINA : Aquatic Base (Level 1) - Sonic the Hedgehog
Oooooo mystery oooooooo scaryyyy, idk why i picked it it just feels right to me
ENA SHINONOME : Sea Bottom Segue - Sonic Lost World
The vibes are there? do you get the vision?
MIZUKI AKIYAMA : Fly in the Freedom - Sonic Adventure 2
I have no fucking reason for this I just think they would like it a lot and I have no better ideas besides like. Twinkle park??
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obsessive-evie · 5 months
Kate fluff headcanons?
your wish is my command 2.0 (most of these live in my mind rent free 24/7)
literally amazing with kids, good balance between fun and kooky aunt but responsible and great at mediating. Like if you like kids you two would tear UP one of her family functions with the whole extended family and all her little cousins and nephew
gets quiet when anxious? Idk she’s definitely more extroverted but I feel like my girl gets anxious in new groups and gets pretty quiet, but would find comfort in little physical touches between you two (holding pinkies, you touching her hair or shoulders, hooking your ankles together under the table, etc.)
Drinks beer unironically 🤷‍♀️👎
We all know she loves hot sauce so I feel like she would love all kinds of cuisine and spicy food?? Like especially if you’re poc or just not American she would make an effort to try new dishes and learn to cook them for you
like I’ve said she can nap HARD, like she counts naps as dates and quality time, but runs at 10000 degrees and will get sad if you move away because you are literally sweating your balls off
likes having you on her lap in more than just a sexual way, just bc she likes seeing you and having her hands on your thighs and hips (also applies to the anxiety in crowds of parties, she can just hide behind you, your weight grounds her, she can just focus on you and your smell)
likes having her hair done bc she never rlly knows what to do with it and you make her feel pretty and hype her up a ton when you do it for her
like my mini fic loves country music, so will get sappy at certain songs and 100% reserve multiple songs for you/ you two as a couple
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compacflt · 1 year
idk if this question has already been answered or not but idrc, would your ice have considered it "talking about it" to admit his physical attraction towards mav? like calling him beautiful or genuinely complementing him. this goes for mav too
i do feel post debriefing ice would call mav beautiful openly or some sappy bs like that
love your writing 💌
anon i need you to know this ask was so cute it made me physically nauseous. i was sick all week thinking about how cute this ask was. thank you for sending it.
i actually had a couple drabbles where yes ice both pre- and post-TGM mission is like yeah im physically attracted to you, but it’s less like “oh my god you’re so hot 😍” and more like “i mean, yeah, you objectively look like tom cruise so it’s not like i really have a choice.”
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but “beautiful” specifically i had not thought of, and it has knocked me off my feet and made me go feral/rabid/undomesticated for a few days straight, so i will be writing something about this. thanks.
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crystallakec · 10 months
Hello there 👋🏽
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crows-home · 1 year
hey! i hope you don’t mind me asking, but do u have any fics you recommend reading? (specifically sonic fandom ones)
im so sorry anon but im probably the worst when it comes to fic recs. I just started using the bookmark function on ao3 like last month. There's probably tons of fics that i've read and absolutely loved, but never saved and are just collecting dust in my history ToT
i'm going to shout out a few of my favorite authors whose works i absolutely adore and some fics under the cut!
There's definitely more authors and fics i missed, but this is what i was able to come up with!! in general, the sonic community is full of so much talent and i'm just really happy to be here :)
@cozyqueerchaos - I love every single piece they put out honestly and these fics are the reason i dipped my toes more into the sonic fandom years ago. they're THAT good. love them all.
@phantomruby - another wonderful fic writer that everyone should check out. "Slipping Away" makes me cry fr, although i haven't caught up on the latest updates. everything just makes my heart go oshfdsfhd
@chaoxfix - sonic fics are wonderful sonic takes are top notch i dig everything. the understanding of the characters and archie is just phenomenal.
@teamxdark - fell in love with the Tales of Avalon series and fell harder in love with the team dark Boomtober fics and dynamics and aaaaaa, wonderful writing and style.
@rubyiiiusions - every fic is a joy to read and every story really just gets your attention and keeps it till the end. i've bookmarked a few of them since last week :)
I went digging through my history and here are some of my personal favorite Sonic fics!
radio silence under a yellow sky by chaox Summary: Sonic finds out Tails is missing. And more importantly, that no one's been looking for him.
A gen fic about Sonic finding out Tails was MIA during Forces it's so so good i think about it a lot
falling by sonosuke Summary: Shadow likes a boy
sonadow during SA2 I'll cry. so angsty but it makes me :')
Birds of a Feather by SonicaSpeed123 Summary: Sonic has been trapped in Camelot for three years, but he's started to make a place for himself that he can finally be comfortable in with his beloved Lancelot Something has been bothering him, though: If all the people of this world look like the people back home, where is Sonic's lookalike?
Lansoni. Part of a series of SatBK mini fics that i really love, but this one especially because it answers the question of 'what about the Sonic doppleganger?'
you can hardly swallow your fears and pain by chaox and sketchjii Summary: Shadow is usually better at putting up that cold, unfeeling front, isn't he? Or maybe that's him. (or: sonic doesn't need to be in touch with his feelings if he pretends they don't exist in the first place)
One of my all time faves i love it so much i dont think i have the right words. shadow tries to give sonic mental health advice. it does not go well. takes place some time after Forces.
the time has come again for stars by rubyillusions Summary: (five times someone notices sonic and shadow are in love and one time they do something about it)
sonadow, Teen. obsessed with how the characters are written here and the way all of their friends interpret their relationship it's just so cute and sweet and shit and i love it a lot.
against every odd by eggskie Summary: "We're friends?" Nine asks, small and timid, and oh, doesn't that break Sonic's heart. "Of course we are. We always have been. Or we always should have been." Or: Nine isn't used to being cared about
wanna see how hard i can cry? Gen, Sonic Prime fic about sonic and tails and what they should have been.
Dreams Don't Come True by Skyblaze Summary: Short, mildly humorous fic with sonadow flavouring. It also takes the mickey extensively out of the Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Next Gen game. Warning: not to be taken seriously.
This fic is just really silly i like it a lot :)
A largely platonic cave by mousewritings Summary: "You know I uh, love hanging out with you and all, but do you think we could go somewhere that's not a cave for once?" Shadow stares at him. "What do you mean, go somewhere that's not a cave? Think you're too good for caves?"
Sonic Boom Sonic and Shadow (pre-slash sonadow) my beloveds <3<3 this fic is so funny they're so insufferable
Also, uh. I know you said only Sonic fics but i'm going to add a few more fics that i really really love from different fandoms because i reread them a lot, i hope you don't mind! ^^
Our way by shpeeper Summary: Overall, the mission was pretty simple. Sniper was instructed to track the spy for a week, figure out his daily patterns, then put a bullet in his brain when no one is around. No one told him there would be a kid. An AU in which Spy raises Scout alone, and Sniper is hired to kill Spy.
Oh my fucking god i could go on about this fic. Sniperspy, Teen, TF2. filled with action and danger. Every time a new character would get introduced, i would have fun piecing together who they were in my mind. the first chapter already had me emotional, it's been in my brain for YEARS. And don't even get me STARTED with the twist at the end. holy shit.
Desmodontinae by Romiress Summary: Kirk wakes up in a Gotham that is not his own. A what-if, where Gods and Monsters Batman winds up in the DCU. Originally intended as a short oneshot, and expanded out into a small story, exploring the differences, struggles, and conclusions. Focuses primarily on Kirk Langstrom (G&M Batman), with a side or Hernan Guerra (G&M Superman), Damian Wayne, and Bruce Wayne. Guest appearances by various other Robins, Clark and Jon Kent, and several others.
The Gods and Monsters DC team means so much to me and oh my god this fic was made with so much love and care for the characters. It's been a while since i read it, but i remember this fic had me staying up literally all night, eagerly going through all the chapters, one at a time. i was in bed kicking my sheets quietly irl lmao.
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sinshckled · 5 days
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★ |  * ⋆      -   -  - –  INBOX !  *  ﹡                  ﹡     ✧ * ☇  ( @nocentis ! )
Suddenly, the walls feel like they’re [ closing ] on him – and Jellal is suddenly much, much too aware of the GRIDS OF METAL that surround him - them. He feels trapped. Not by any binding, nor by any cuffs - but by an all too familiar gaze of hazel. .
Ever since his identity had been ( accidentally ) revealed, the children’s behavior toward him changed drastically - and UNDERSTANDABLY. His disguise was one of their jailers’, but his face is the one of a friend ; ( regardless of how the years had changed it. ) And while his heart fills with fondness at the way Millianna and Sho run to hug his leg & at the awe in Erza’s eyes, it is not enough to dissipate his apprehension. Looking at his younger self has been harder ever since. Jellal knows the child has questions – can SEE IT in his body language, FEEL IT in the weight of his stare, and HEAR IT in his voice. && To these inquiries, he has no wish to answer.
But the ghosts of the past have never failed to catch up to him.               WHY WOULD THIS TIME BE ANY DIFFERENT ?
He gets cornered at the end of his “mission”, once the dust has settled back down. When the threat is no more, and they can all breathe a little easier. While checking up on the wounded - taking advantage of the first aid supplies he always carries and knows are scarce within these walls - 
He feels a shy tug at his cloak, and turns around to cobalt strands, a familiar marking, and a [ request to talk ].
Right there and then, he knows he cannot run from this anymore.
Alas, even though the Heavenly Body mage had started preparing, as much as he could have, for this discussion to occur  - this was him, this had been him, he should know better than anyone what he could ask . . . and yet, 
                              he still finds himself at a LOSS FOR WORDS.
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                " … "
     What is he supposed to say ?
     He swallows thickly. His tongue feels HEAVY in his mouth, burdened with the knowledge of the last decades. He knows that child is DOOMED ; from the peek he had gotten in the office, it was only a matter of weeks… days even, perhaps. 
     These eyes – HEAVENS, he was so small; pale skin upon frail bones, muscles built from years of labor and stolen childhood. He looks so fragile, but his eyes, despite it all, burn alight with a ferocious SPARK ; one that has not shone in his own gaze for a very, very long time.
     His fingers crackle with starlight. He tastes an anger the likes of which is foreign to him – old, bygone. He feels an urge to defy the flow of time - to let the stars bring JUDGMENT upon this wretched island, sending this ATROCITY of a R-system crumbling to the ground, and take him - take them, all these poor innocent children, so so very far away from here. & yet he cannot ; 
       Why here ? Why now ? Why him ?             What is he doing here ?
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     Memories of this time are nothing more than movie sequences in his head now, decades later ; so far away, so distant. This part of him has been laid to rest alongside the WICKEDNESS of his teenage years, and both only ever come back to haunt him as a form of torture. As a result, this child was no more than an ACQUAINTANCE, a figure erased by time, wrath, grief and BLOOD.
     But being there, quite literally face to face with his past - it all comes back to him. Flashes triggered by the long-gone architecture of these walls, by the stench of rot sitting heavily across the perimeter, by the crackles of electricity, the whirring of heavy machinery & the haunting sound of children sobbing a few cells further - quietly, by fear of being whipped into silence –      He now remembers being that boy. Forcing a smile every single day of his life, for the sake of the young who looked up to him. He would tell stories upon stories, wiping tears while holding his own grief tight on a leash. ( because those stories had been his brother’s, and his mother’s, and the village elder’s, && they had starred his cousin, his neighbor, the shop clerk and the fishermen – and all these people were DEAD, by now BONES buried underneath stone and charred wood and ash. )
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       ... What was HE doing here ?
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     He thinks he’s struck by all five stages of grief simultaneously.The thoughts crossing his head are a blur. He feels dizzy, knees one gust of wind away from buckling.
Blaming yourself for your own weaknesses is easier when you don’t have the 11 years old version of yourself standing before you.
Looking into your eyes with – one last sliver of hope.
––– How could he ever put the blame of his anger upon him?
HE WAS A CHILD. He was a child.
            ( It hits him all at once. )
He knows the intricacies of time travel. He knows he doesn’t remember going through this. He knows his younger self will not walk away with an answer, nor with a solution. This is Fiorean history – and it is set in stone.
That doesn’t mean he wants to LIE to him.
( Not when he’s been standing wordlessly for this long. Not when he has let silence stretch so far. Not when the tiny, fragile version of himself is catching on to what it means. Perhaps, if he’d been quicker, it could have been an option. ) 
     And so Jellal does the only thing that, amongst all the possibilities offered to him, feels undoubtedly, irrevocably right. 
     He closes the distance between them with a few steps and crouches down to meet himself at eye-level. Looks – really looks at him, commits every detail to memory. From the slope of his nose to the tangled, soiled strands of blue decorating from his head ; from to the fainter scars he still sports to the swirls of angry red framing his eyes, pools of sage & amber in his irises. And then he reaches out, wraps his arms around the scrawny frame and gathers him slowly, carefully, in a hug. 
     He hides him in the crook of his shoulder; gives him a shelter, an adult, where the hastily-built foundations of his mask of strength can crack, if he so wishes. 
He lets him be a child once again.
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     ――――― Just for a moment.
━━━ ━━ ━ ╸╺ . * ✰
“ is all this countless suffering for my own good? ”
Later on, shortly after finding his way back in the present, Jellal will ponder this further. The Heavenly Body mage will stand on a beach, amongst speckles of sand, and watch the sun gradually DISAPPEAR beyond the vast sea that once held him [ hostage ] ― painting the sky in shades akin to the burning fire that took everything away from him. 
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He will think of his younger self - so far away in time, yet now so close in memory. 
He will close his eyes, push open the door to his history, rush past the whispers and shadows crawling its walls, and find that child still within him. He will dig him out from the grave he was buried within, and he will give him his SIGHT - his HEARING - his TASTE - his EVERYTHING.
He will let himself feel breeze upon his skin, breathe in the smell of sea salt, taste the freedom of a boundless life.
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     And when his eyes open again, he will gaze upon that landscape, && he will find it beautiful.
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hey am i crazy for this. spader calling him candyboy but blaine and their uncle just calling him candy.
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lisired · 4 months
Excuse me for asking but were you the one who made the Supermodel fic for haechan? It’s a 2 part fic about a model and photographer!haechan. I’ve been trying to look for it for ages since it’s so good but I can’t find it
that’s me! i’ll be reposting soon i just have to find the time to set aside to draft & format all my posts :] thank you for enjoying it!!!!
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machinegrl · 8 months
whats five random facts about an OC of ur choice?
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TY for the ask! 💚 gonna answer for my not so golden trio
1. syera doesn't really eat or sleep she just goes into charging or hibernate mode. lilith doesn't really sleep either which kinda sucks cause i made their bedroom rlly nice ;-;
2. syera started off as a sim i just made to play test a build and now she's my main oc 🤧
3. lilith loves to cause trouble just to annoy dione (she lowkey misses her best friend)
4. dione, for some reason, thinks syera can operate on voice command (she can't)
5. and apparently, syera can sing very well and even won a karaoke contest. not really something i planned but she just kept doing virtual karaoke autonomously i didn't even realize she already had lvl 7 singing skill >< she also autonomously serenades her gf a lot even out in public and i just let it happen even tho it's kinda embarrassing cause it's cute ;-; so ig that's canon for them now
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vinnybox · 2 years
ok so like i can imagine talon dickie bonding with jason and damian but how do u think he’d bond with tim? like i cannot think of anything ;-;
(p.s i love ur everything)
Good question! Im wringing my brain for Tim and Talon!Dick interaction and some family bonding rn
MAY OR MAY NOT SILLY IDEA but I can sorta imagine Talon!Dick messing with Tim like, maybe he’s got his hands deep in Wayne Enterprise stuff or some particularly long cases, and he’s got files n stuff he has to sort through. At some point Tim is running on like maybe three or four cups of coffee, and overall hasn’t been getting sufficient rest.
Dick seeing this ofc, would sometimes tries to get Tim to rest or take a break. One of the ways is probably him taking one of the file and staring Tim down until he rests maybe DSHGH
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defiledtomb · 1 year
(Ibis anon) hold on these last few asks is making me want to rewrite some things-
This work breeds some juicy angst. I am crying but it is worth it
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