can-we-die-now · 1 year
(leau dropping bee home on her scooty) (red car slows down next to us)
bee: "oh fuck oh fuck fuck is it my mother *sees a beard* oh thank fuck it's not my mother." leau: "...THAT WAS MPN"
"... W H A T"
and that was the story of how we died
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aborealisglfry · 11 months
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bloodonmysqueegee · 1 year
When the old hyperfixation comes back with a vengeance, best course of action is to make a spidey au with it
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I'm sure someone's drawn a spidey hank before but here's my take on that and his world :]
Just realized most of my followers don't know what madcom is so yes feel free to ask me about this silly au :]]
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low intelligence specimen
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nevadan-road-trip · 2 years
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Fuck it, Pokemon teams for the gang (will probably do one with canon characters one day once I figure that out fully)
If you’re curious, explanations for choices (bc I like to pick Pokemon with meaning most of the time) are under the cut:
Eevee: basic Pokemon with several possibilities to evolve into, similar to how the Noob class is a jack of all trades.
Wurmple: two evolutionary paths and a relatively common Pokemon (in regions where it is found). I would like to imagine what it evolves into varies through each loop.
Staravia: Just a normal bird, really.
Staryu: Water is the most common type, with the addition of Vibes.
Crobat: the classic Pokemon to indicate “person who seems like an ass does actually have a heart.”
Mightyena: Emerald’s Pokedex entry: “They never defy their leader’s orders.” Also runs in a pack, and he’s in an unnamed agency, which is sort of packlike
Luxray: This one’s more of a tactics-based choice because it can see through walls. Very good to have while on a mission.
Garchomp: Strong Pokemon that’s efficient at hunting.
Heracross: Part Fighting type (Merc being a melee-based class), and also vibes.
Toxicroak: Same as above.
Furret: Nimble Pokemon, looks soft (would help with anxiety). Shiny just because.
Duosion: Pokemon that has two brains, similar to how they have a “second” person with them (Fig).
Sylveon: Another Pokemon that would help with anxiety. They have this one because when they were put into isolation, their two Pokemon (see above) were taken away from them. Doc gave them an Eevee so they wouldn’t be Pokemon-less.
Sandslash: Large claws. Alolan form because its typing makes it 4x weak to fire type.
Sneasel: Claws, weak to fire, and its behaviors match Fiver’s when he first escaped the facility.
Zangoose: Large claws, always looks pissed off (same with Fiver)
Houndoom: Violent and angry doggy, violent owner. It’s a match made in hell!
Hydreigon: Pokemon that is described to attack anything that moves, so it matches Dess’s ideals.
Honedge: Sword.....
Banette: Both were basically “thrown away” (one more literal than the other) and were subsequently possessed by a malevolent spirit.
Spiritomb: Lots of spirits piled into one, and also sometimes a little stinker.
Bramblin: I literally saw this Pokemon and went “yo that looks like Nyx lol.”
MILDRED: Bewear: Large Pokemon that doesn’t know its own strength sometimes.
Drampa: Fairly large, and also protective children. Just a grandma and her grandpa dragon.
Copperajah: It’s Large.
Ledian: This one is just based on vibes.
Noctowl: Part vibes, but also part “owls have good eyesight and that seemed analogous enough to gun sights to me.”
Remoraid: Fish Gun.
Vikavolt: Also chosen for gun reasons.
Mismagius: Witchy vibes. Same hat!!
Delphox: Magic
Hatterene: Magic, has a witchy hat. Also trans.
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its-not-ohneey · 4 months
Disclaimer I, the mod, point at
All the lore I know of for Pure Onyx comes from scattered gameplay clips online, my limited shitty gameplay (where I die a lot) and my own crack theories.
I also do not know jack all about Eromancer's other game (that Pure Onyx is a spin-off of) Malise and the Machine (other than what I just said), especially since it seems to be mostly wiped off the internet (due to Patreon falsely booting Eromancer and a buncha other creators off their platform for false accusations and without warning).
So if I get any of the in-game lore wrong, feel free to correct me. I am working towards knowing more, but I have work and ADHD so my knowledge recovering is shaky.
Also support Eromancer (<- link leads to Eromancer's Twitter), their game is good and their character design is to die for (and also all the settings for the game are god-sent) (I can play the game for the plot).
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Kit Klarenberg reporting on a new far-reaching investigation on the CIA's twisted MK Ultra program and its experiments on people of color in the United States.
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Answers and accountability is something we'll never get under the Capitalist system, because the Capitalist Class cannot allow any precedent set that allows for holding members of the Capitalist Class accountable for any kind of actions they take, regardless of the harm caused. And in this case, an unprecedented amount of harm was done to Left movements within the communities of people of color in the US as the CIA attempted to use mind control methods to suppress communities of color from organizing radical political organizations.
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How sick do you have to be to use political prisoners to experiment with mind control methods? Our Wall Street sponsored Government has NO ethical or moral boundaries they aren't willing to violate to retain their power and control.
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Our Capitalist Elites biggest fear is organized resistance to Capitalist control and Revolutionary Socialist movements. By labeling followers of anti-Capitalist organizations and ideologies as mentally ill, our government used this as a Medical excuse to experiment on, harm and suppress Anti-Capitalist groups and communities of color, ravaging those movements and their ability to affect policy as they had begun to do in the 1960's.
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"The darkness of MKULTRA lingers still, calling for urgent answers and transparency. America’s Black community deserves nothing less than the full extent of these operations exposed; culprits held accountable, and rightful compensation for survivors. As the shadows of the past stretch into the present, the demand for truth rings louder than ever, and justice becomes an undeniable imperative."
Couldn't have said it better myself. Major thanks to Anthropologist Orisanmi Burton for publishing this incredibly dark report, and Truthout and MPN for reporting on it.
You can read the more in-depth Truthout article Here
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Can someone explain to me the madness combat lore
Sure thing!
I introduce:
Madness combat lore explained by a dumbass who doesn't actually know the lore!!
Who also doesn't know how to explain shit!
From what I understood:
Project Nexus is given to Phobos by the Employers who are god-like being and "guardians" of Nevada
3 important scientists by the names of Dr Jebediah Christoff , Dr Hofnarr and Dr Crackpot work for him
Crackpot introduces the zed plan (which is basically reviving someone who died by giving a S-3LF, that are madcom version of souls, to a corpse turning them to zombies)
Christoff dislikes the idea so he suggests a different plan the sleepwalker program
Phobos agrees to the idea but doesn't take down the zed plan
PN: Classic arena mode happens where Subject 1v02P 6 is made to go through a time loop of fighting and dying to improve his combat skills which would be later used for the sleepwalker program
During that I think they also discovered the other place (which is basically the afterlife/hell) somehow? I don't remember how bro
Hofnarr was made to investigate the other place and he discovered dissonance energy
Hofnarr and Crackpot smoked dissonance energy like it was weed and that begun to fuck up their sanities, which is important later
Sometime after that Christoff realises how messed up this shit really is so he decides to put end to it. He takes the Keystone Fragment (the halo)
With the help of Hofnarr and Sheriff he takes down Phobos and project nexus daming nexus city in the process
Hofnarr fucking loses it and becomes Tricky some time after that
Then the events of the series begin and Hank becomes a problem
The AAHW either already existed and was changed to the AAHW or was formed after Hank became a problem idk, it is lead by the Auditor who's one of the employers
Eh Sheriff who lead over the AAHW temporary activates the improbability drive and fucking dies lol
Then everything goes to hell, basically
And uh oh turns out some scientists and agents from project nexus had survived and they try to restart the Project
One of them being Crackpot who fled after the city fall and started a clut
And it also turns out Phobos had a backup plan to dying: Project Gestalt which is basically he used Gestalt as a vessel to absorb S-3LFs to reach godhood
So eh Christoff teams up with Hank, Sanford and Deimos to stop Phobos, again.
Oh and it turns out Sheriff was somehow revived and now leads a faction called MERC cool
Anyway the events of the game happen I'm lazy to explain it watch a play through
Yippe they defeat Phobos!! Whoooo! Not so yippe Hank decides to fucking betray them and try to kill San and Dei. It's okay tho they kill them, and Doc probably revived them after
Goddamnit Hank
And then the events of the series continue
I'm not sure when exactly MPN:2 takes place but If I had to guess I'd say sometime between MC:7 and MC:8 because my instinct tells me that
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Pleaaaasse do you have any hc for my beautiful wife chopper Dave my sweet little British pilot
(The only British man I love)
Fuck you, I'm British >:( /light hearted
Chopper Dave general headcanons
CW: mentions of alcohol, British
He can and will cause problems on purpose, he finds it funny as hell, and has basically no fear. He's here for a fun time, not a long time.
Buddy buddy with Q-Bert, both bonded over their love for fine whiskey and the fact they're both from over the pond, even if they have petty disputes about whether England or Scotland is better. They have had physical fights over it before, but are still on good terms. Mostly.
Learned to fly just so he could be like his Dad. Plus he totally gets the best views in all of the state. Also the bomber jacket is fly as fuck (pun intended) and he loves sewing neat patches into it.
Has a photo of MPN SQ team that he keeps in his plane, they're his found family and he likes to keep the reminder close to him. He's also got pics of his real family.
Hates American candy, far too artificial in flavour, he deeply misses sweet from his home. You find some imported chocolate and give it to him, he will get misty eyed.
Once asked Chef for fish and chips, got an unbattered fish and crisps and he actually threw up from distress. God what he'd give for a proper pub meal.
Pansexual 100% He's got no preference, if you wanna romance him, he's on board no matter what you identify as, he's just happy for the company and love. Kissing him on the lips makes his knees actually weak, he will fall into your arms.
Starfish sleeper, all sprawled out, covers a mess and pillow has been yeeted to the ground. He snores a bit, but isn't too loud. Doesn't make his bed in the mornings and will probably never learn.
If romantically involved, he likes to have some part of him touching you while you both sleep. A hand on your arm/shoulder, foot on your foot/leg, you using his shoulder as a pillow, just anything to know you're still there with him :)
He's got thick arm hair, and that's about the only body hair he's got. He can't even grow a proper beard or moustache, which is sad coz he wants one of those old fashioned curly pilot ones. Not happening fam.
He's got short brown curls under his hat, which he shaves to a buzzcut now and then when its too long to handle. He has pretty poor self care, but he's happy enough.
Lil bit of chub to him, got that dad-bod vibe going on.
Drinks maybe a little too often, a chain smoker too. We've all got our vices baby, and a pack of cigs will get you all across Nevada with his whirly bird man.
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capribornio · 1 year
This is going to be disorganized as fuck, I don't actually have a point, but I just rewatched MPN Story Mode and I'm going crazy, so I'm going to word vomit on this post
Ok so we all know the meeting scene between Jeb, Doc & Hank, right?
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Fantastic scene, go watch it if you haven't (and if you did, rewatch it. It's just great). Anyway.
So, one thing from that is that we get this
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So, ghoulish huh? A quick search on Merriam Webster tells me:
1: : a legendary evil being that robs graves and feeds on corpses
2: one suggestive of a ghoul
especially : one who shows morbid interest in things considered shocking or repulsive
Which... interesting. Of course, we already knew this, didn't we? After all, we had Krinkels' poster:
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Bit hard to see, but right under NOT A DOCTOR, where I marked it, says: MORE OF A GHOUL
So that's curious, right? But, well, nothing too out of the ordinary. I mean, ofc Doc would have morbid interests, absolutely nothing surprising in Nevada.
You see, usually in the stage before a flashback cutscene, we have something slightly leading up to it. Hofnarr notes before a Hofnarr flashback, meeting Jeb before a Jeb flashback, etc. You get the point.
...But the stage right before this is The Last Leg, a Deimos & Sanford stage. Now, the other stages before this one did have plenty of Christoff's back and forth notes against Dr Crackpot. ...But there's none in this chapter. In fact, the only not-S&D main character is Tricky, who is notably absent from the flashback.
And here's where it gets weird.
Because The Last Leg is only focused on introducing robot enemies. The only note we have is from an employee, complaining about the things turning against them:
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They are specifically complaining about insolvents:
(From the Merriam-Webster site again)
a: unable to pay debts as they fall due in the usual course of business
b: having liabilities in excess of a reasonable market value of assets held
: insufficient to pay all debts
(Bolding mine)
What it is to say, they are more dangerous than they are useful.
Alright, but what does this have to do with the flashback?
Well you see, The Last Leg has a boss fight. Against something, very, very interesting:
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VERY interesting design, isn't is? Red eyes, fucked up mouth, a black mohawk...
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Ok, ok, but surely I'm reaching. I mean, what could this thing have in connection with Doc at all?
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Yep. This enemy shares design, as well as a ghoulish connection to 2BDamned.
In fact, in concepts designs (from the wiki):
Earlier concepts of the Ghoul depict it as a feral Mag zombie, and then later on a quadrupedal Mag unit with cybernetic augmentations. Early concept images assigned him the subclass of "Carrion Eater"[1]. This, combined with how early concept artwork of it depicts it holding a corpse with it's head eaten, implied that it would have eaten corpses in the middle of battle.
And sure enough, it's the first definition of ghoul.
All of this? Means the connection to the flashback wasn't neither Jeb nor Hank. It was Doc.
So. What the fuck does this mean? Well, first of all, fuck me if I know. This is the bare facts, and I hope anyone besides me can gather anything from this, because I'm stumped.
...Sort of.
You see, I have another connection to make. This one, I recognize I might be reaching (but then, maybe I'm not?) (Idk man)
After all, as we come to find out from Arena Mode, Doc is very much meddling in the godly affairs of Nevada.
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And, well. Those are Nevada's gods. The Maker, who's Doc benefactor, and...
The Machine.
And now, I'd like to point out your attention to the fact that, while I called the enemies in The Last Leg robots, the only way they're called in game is...
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(From the Insolvents log)
And the only other time (as far as I remember, correct me if I'm wrong) we fight waves of robots, and the final boss is a giant robot is...
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(also, notice the Grand Steward has a grunt-like face with its faceplates closed off)
...when we meet The Machine itself.
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So. Once again, what the fuck does this mean?
Ultimately, I just don't know, really. But I have a very strong feeling there is something very, very important we don't truly know about Doc's connection to the Machine.
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malewifecombat · 9 months
Speak 2 me, how do YOU interpret Phobos
Let me preface that 1. I have not finished the MPN story campaign nor looked into the notes strewn througout it, so most of what im about to say is from my own general perception and 2. Im not nearly as passionate about Phobos as I am about Auditor so i won´t drag this out for long.
I´ll start with the point of my last post though, that being the oversimplification of Phobos ego. There seems to be a belief that someone whos overconfident has to be inherently stupid, aloof, not self aware .... which are all things that Phobos really isn´t?
Sure, his ego tends to get the better of him, like when he let Christoff off with just a slap on the wrist after finding out about his planned betrayal
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But its not like there wasnt ground to belief he couldnt scare him off into submission with a simple spectacle of intimidation. So far, troughout every other interaction hes had, its worked out great for him. Hes got a strong presence, which is how hes managed to win so many people over for him. Hes clever, to the outsider maybe even charismatic, but most of all resourceful - hes gone great lenght to achieve what he wants and Nexus City has ears everywhere (Then again, its not like Christoff is very subtle in the way he goes about things... anyway).
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He even lets Christoff have the grace of explaining himself. He keeps tabs on *everything* that might be useful to him in the future.
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Sadly for him, Christoff is not your average Grunt (not even just that, but a Scientist who directly worked around Dissonance Energy).
Jebs moves onward with his plan and manages to kill Phobos. Phobos, of course, already has a backup plan ready for the occasion, and thats where current-time MPN takes place.
Another thing id like to note on is how hes capable of reading other people. During the finale battle, he tries to strike Christoff somewhere where it´ll hurt him
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Obviously, Christoff is far from the person he once was and the stakes are higher than ever. Of course he´ll sacrifice others again.
I love how Phobos says this like he himself isn´t the one toying around with countless other peoples lives. He really just said this because he *knew* Christoff says he cares, maybe really believes he does, but his actions speak very much to the opposite.
At the very least, Phobos isnt a hypocrite. Liar might sound more apt. Neither of them is very upfront about their actions and intentions. Theyre both good at twisting things around so they sound more favorable.
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huebris808 · 1 year
trying to break out of my shell and post madcom hc shit aka Look At My One Of Many Weirdass Hank Ramblings, Boy
hank you know them. they're six-foot-something and wanted to try volleyball. they dont get sarcasm and refer to stuff as "thingys". they're the autistic power fantasy of throwing bricks at those who view you as subhuman. their bedroom's apparently just a mirror to practice cool poses with and a blanket and their favorite drink is eggs now according to the streams. and they are your new nonbinary president
im constantly fluctuating between Animation & MPN Are Two Different Timelines/Universes or They're The Same, But He’s Testing Which "Hank" Is More Favorable/Useful To Others
wasian hank truther baby. (jp+filipino-american)
this guy would probably use わたし/私 (ive seen a lot of artists use オレ/俺 for him though but i feel like its a bit?? much)
definitely had to pick up sign-language after [Vague Gesturing] All That
has autism in the way that they have No Clue they got it. like "damn i got [Specific Autistic Issues]. sucks that im so so normal and yet i must endure The Problems everyday"
speaking of autism, enjoys confined spaces sensory-wise. vents and boxes and shit like Come On Man. Do You See The Vision.
gonna be honest like half of the shit (Understatement) i got for hank is projection but what's madcom without that in some aspect!! that's the POINT man!!! [ON KNEES WAILING] that's the POINT
working in real estate and as a mercenary since The Incident made their self-worth go to SHIT; in a world that dehumanizes you, you are quick to dehumanize yourself. this is where the power of lesbian friendship comes in
subconsciously puts doc on a pedestal over time, leading to (See Bullet 1); this dissipates after they somehow reach a conversation of Bitch We Are Both Equals And Fighting For Our Fucking Lives Out Here THEY SOLVE SHIT TOGETHER MAN!!! THEY SOLVE IT
sorry. sorry. im trying to delete it
out of nowhere maybe its the Autistic Projection maybe its cause im allergic to Sadstuck Shit i dont dig negative stuff with 2bhank it just feels Wrong :-( i wish i could word this better but like. i need these little chesspiece fucks to learn to communicate
what i will refer to as the Newspaper Era (aka the time before we got doc characterization from arena mode) caused people to make some weirdass depictions of their relationship and im glad its phasing out. The Horrors
main 4 are all butch lesbians btw. not sorry about that one
also POLYCOMBAT TRUTHER this dude would HATE how vulnerable these three would make them feel at first. they're the first to actually treat him like A Guy and that fuck him up a bit initially
i think eventually they all reach a point where they're able to do stupid shit together like fireworks or breaking chairs over each other heads. you've seen how doc is don't exclude him from doing dumbass shit
"erm… actually they wouldnt be friends or have fun or date theyre ruthless criminals and madcom is cruel :/" L + ratio + the rule of The Funniest Thing Is The Answer in madcom prevails + That's The Devil Talking, Boy
shit at technology. if they had a blog their lack of skills would loop back around to make them the most powerful shitposter on earth
there's definitely more that im missing here and takes that Don't Suck (for example people need to put out more hankford content. Cmon Man) but my brain has this shit Queued Up in a way so. Yeah
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bubbleteacat · 2 years
This is obviously heavily inspired by @saltymongoose 's self aware AU, but I just really felt like writing this! \(^_^)/ Especially because of how much fun I had with last ask I got and answered. ^ ^
SO. I probably make more parts like this. Like a story? idk But yes, the story is basically the MPN characters end up in Players world. But I guess I write it more like in a fanfic style? WELL, enjoy!
Trigger warnings: Stalkerish behavior, alcohol mention, violence mention, yandere behavior
It was just a normal night as always for you. Working at the bar, mixing drinks, and talking to the customers. You were working as a bartender for a few months now, and so far liked the job! Sure, sometimes some of the customers got a bit to drunk, and aggressive, but you had some nice coworkers who always took care of them for you. Which you were thankful for. You surely couldn't handle old 6'3 Clarence when he had a drink to much, and looked for trouble. Tonight though was a calm one. And while you were enjoying your work, you couldn't wait to get home, and start your stream to continue playing your new favorite game with your chat. Madness Project Nexus. You have played it for a while now, and got to love the characters and the story. Even the arena mode had you hooked. But you still had a few more hours until you could finally go home. You were just about mixing up a drink, a tequila sunrise, for a customer... before the whole bar suddenly went black, and silent.
The music, that had previously filled the place was off, and so was the light... A blackout? That's just what you needed today... Hopefully it was just in the bar. If you also had no power in your apartment then there is no chance you are going to be able to stream later. You, and your coworkers tried to turn on the power again, after calming down the customers, but it was no use. And taking a step outside made it clear that you were not the only ones sitting in the dark now. Apparently the whole city didn't had any power. And with no power, the customers soon left, and your boss send you, and your coworkers on your way home. While you were happy to get off work earlier than planned, you were sad that your plans for after your shift were canceled now. You still went home anyway of course. But as you wandered through the streets something felt... off. It's was kind of creepy, sure, with all the street lights being off. But that wasn't why it felt strange to you. It rather felt like as if you were being watched. Yet when you looked around there was no one to see. You still walked a bit faster until you reached your apartment building, and finally slipped into your apartment.
The feeling of being watched disappeared at that point. Thankfully. But now you stood in the complete darkness of your apartment. Of course you had no power either, yet you still had tried to switch on the light. Sighning to yourself, you switch on the flashlight of your phone, and went immediately to the kitchen. You couldn't exactly cook anything either, so you just settled with a simple sandwich for dinner. Better than nothing, right? When you have finished dinner, you went to your bedroom. With no tv, pc or internet you could also just go to sleep already you guessed. But when you entered your bedroom... you stopped in your tracks. Your pc... it was running?!? You could clearly see it on the RGB lights of the pc itself, and from your keyboard, that illuminated the room. But the power was off! That's not possible! Slowly you stepped closer to the device. The desktop was still turned off and black. So you pressed the button on it to try turning it also on. Perhaps the power was back. But how did your pc turn on by itself? The desktop finally came to life, but all you could see on it was some green code in the left upper corner. It's a bunch of numbers, and you have no idea what it was suppose to mean. You pulled out your phone to take a picture of the code, to show someone who knows more about the whole code-stuff more later, but suddenly your computer turned completely off, and you stared at the now black screen in complete darkness. Alright. This was all to fucking strange. You rubbed your eyes for a moment, before looking at the screen again. Still black. Were you perhaps so tired that you were imagining things? Maybe it was a good idea to go to bed already. So you put on your pajamas, before snuggling into the covers. And with the sound of many police and ambulance sirens in the distance, you slowly fell asleep. At least you get a free day off tomorrow. And if the power is back on in that time, you can make it up to your followers and stream a bit longer.
Unknown to you yet, a lot was going on this night in a not to far away part of the city. Not just the blackout had happened. Police and ambulance cars were parked in the middle of a place of the city that consisted mostly of warehouses. The police had gotten reports from civilans that they heard shootings and explosions from there shortly after the power was gone. And as they arrived, one of the warehouses was in flames. Firefighters soon tried to extenguish the flames before they could hop over to the other warehouses, and possibly the houses that weren't to far away. And in all that chaos a small group of four men, were sneaking away from the burning building. Some of them were injured, but nothing to serious. A few burns, some bullet holes. They were completely unfamilar with their surroundings, but at least 2BD was sure that they shouldn't be seen by those people in uniforms, and leaded Hank, Deimos, and Sanford away from that burning place in which they had fought not even an hour ago.
Their mission should have gone completely different. Doc had hacked into the AAHW's network, and into the Auditor's personal computer, and found strange information. Well, he did found a lot of information about you, their player. The being that had helped them through so many obstacles. But he, and his team had already seen this information about you, it was nothing new. No, what caught his eye was inormation about something the Auditor, and the other Employer were building. A machine... to get to you. To bring you to Nevada, and have you in their hands. The moment Doc got this information, he immediately made a plan to infiltrate the AAHW HQ, in which the Auditor resided, and break the machine and the plans for it that the employer were building, before it was finished. If it wasn't finished already. Of course Hank, and the other two mercenaries had been eager to carry out that plan, the moment 2BD mentioned you. So they had immediately travelled to the AAHW HQ. It was risky because Doc hadn't had enough time to make a well thought out plan, but they didn't had any time. And this was about you. They couldn't let the employer get their hands on their precious player. And as they had arrived, and fought their way through the building to reach the machine, and the Employers, it was as they had feared. The machine was complete, and the Auditor and his brothers were about to activate it, and carry out their plan to bring the player to Nevada. Or at least it had seemed so. The Auditor was aware that you hadn't been in the room in which he had seen you in, and stream from over your webcam. And he didn't wanted to risk to activate the machine to early before he was completely sure you were there, and close enough for him to take you with him back to Nevada.
But the moment Hank, and the rest of his team showed up there was no time to wait for you to return. Usually he was the one who would not act on a whim, but this was different. This might be the only chance he had to finally meet you eye to eye. To finally have you on his side where you belonged. So he had activated it. But something had went wrong. He doesn't knows if it was because they had rushed it, or because of the fight that had occured between his agents, and the SQ. Instead of just him being transported to your world to look for you, some of his agents, his brother, and the four of the SQ had been also pulled into the portal from the machine. That wasn't the only thing that had gone wrong though. His destination had been your room, but instead they had ended up in a complete different place. A very big hall, with shelves that went almost to the roof, and filled with different sizes of packages. He wasn't familar with this place. He had never seen it from your webcam. How could they have strayed so far from their destination? Though that wasn't the only problem. The portal had closed behind them. And after a short moment of confusion the fight between them and Hank's team had continued until the building had caught fire. The Employers, and the few agents who hadn't been killed yet had fled the scene as well, just like Hank and his team. Thankfully they had went in two different directions, so they couldn't continue the fight. They didn't had time for that anyway. They needed to find you, and a way back to Nevada. And of course, the four mercenaries had the same goal.
They are going to find you.
I hope you enjoyed this so far! Please tell me what you all think! ^^ Some critism also would be highly appreciated!!!
[ First Part (you are here!) ] // [ Next Part ]
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zy-murge · 1 year
not really an ask and I never tell anyone this but the first madcom fanfic I have ever read was 2bhank ship and whenever I thought about 2bhank I always think back to this fanfic. too bad I cant remember the name of said fanfic (and I think its unfinished, it was one of the earliest 2bhank fanfics on ao3) but the story was focused on doc that had to work with hank and doc was extremely wary of hank in this fic (and a bit afraid) .Hank in this fic was very violence and indifferent towards everyone including doc at first. in this fanfic I love how it showed that hank had a way to show that he cared about doc in subtle way (theres a scene where someone insulted doc and hank stepping up prepared to beat the shit out of that person but doc stop him because he didn't wanna have trouble and hank let him). many 2bhank fanfics probably have this trope already these day and compare to MPN , doc's whole personality in this fanfic might sounds different from the game (fanfic was wrote in 2021 before MPN came out) but I still love this fanfic to this day (I dont really read madcom's ship fanfics since its not my main focus but this one is cute)
ok im done now lmao
i might actually know which youre talking about LOL i was there before they even had a ship tag. Dark days when i had to scrounge in the 5 fics in "2bdamned & Hank J Wimbleton" (YES IM OUTTING MYSELF BUT LETS BE GODDAMN REAL.)
is it Hell of A Weekend? while that one sounds similar it doesnt quite have the insult scene ur talking abt but instead sheriff teasing hank for having to have "his boyfriend" wrangle him ... that ones also a fav of mine, even if its not the one u mean i'd love to read the one youre talking about :))))
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originalmadcom · 8 months
why are u including vriska in ur quotes /gq
ok so basically i had a dream where vriska was the protagonist in mpn, and she teamed up with crackpot n some random G0-3LM to siphon dissonance to the mines for crackpot in return for him sending her back to her world
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beemers-hell · 1 year
I love that Tricky has essentially lost clothes over time with each version lol
between the first a second, YEAH he did lmao, my autism brain thing i explained in the previous ask was like "his mpn model is literally in boxers get rid of the pants" so I had to lmao
between his second and third design he gained a chest harness!!! why? I don't know i just think it looks cool lmao
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