octuscle · 3 months
Howdy, Support! I'm a 22yo twink working at a rest stop in the middle of nowhere. Only good part about my job is uh..."servicing" the passing truckers. One of 'em is a real beast of a man; late thirties, tall, burly and hairy, with a big, solid beer/roid gut that's always straining against his filthy tanktop. Everytime he stops by, we have a beer shotgun contest right in front of everyone. Loser blows the winner in the stalls. I normally enjoy losing (not that I have a choice), but this time, I want him to meet his match...literally! I want to drink him under the table, and with each beer I down, I want to feel my gut grow heavier and larger as my work clothes turn into a stained tanktop and I gradually transform into a hulking, hairy trucker that stinks of sweat, just like him. I've programmed all the relevant settings for height, muscle, hair, BO, attitude and clothing, but I just realized I don't know how to sync the transformation to an event trigger like shotgunning the beers, much less on how to make it gradual! Please help me, he's due today!
I love challenges… First of all, I'll add one more skill to your traits. "Stable up to 3.5 per mille". I don't know how much your crush can take. But now you've got a damn good chance of drinking the guy under the table. However, you should manage at least 2.0 per mille. Because your transformation will take place in parallel with your blood alcohol level. Linear, until you have reached 2.0 per mille. At 2.0 per mille, the transformation is complete.
It's around 8 p.m. when your buddy finally comes in the door. Like you said: a beast of a man. The fist bump he gives you almost breaks your forearm bones. Beast of a man? You're miles or 2.0 per mille away from that. You are cute. But a twink. Not a man.
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The regulars know what to expect. They chant "Booze! Booze! Booze!" One of them shouts that you're in desperate need of a protein shot. The others roar. Your buddy orders 20 cans of beer. He shouts to his colleagues that there will definitely be some left for them. He looks at you, winks and licks his lips. He has no idea.
The first can of beer. It really hits you. 0.3 per mille. One seventh of your way gone in one go. You feel a bit dizzy. You've been king of the highway for two years now. Well, maybe prince of the highway. You haven't put much weight on your ribs yet. But the good food at the truck stops and the hard work loading your truck are already having a bit of an effect. Your arms are no longer as thin as twigs.
The second beer. It didn't go quite so quickly. You have to burp loudly. Your buddy follows your example. 0.56 per mille. You've been driving your 7.5-ton baby through the countryside for over three and a half years. Does you good. Not as skinny as you used to be. You look healthy. Maybe a little red in the face. Drunk.
After the third beer you have over 0.8 per mille. Another burp. You need a piss. You stand with your legs apart in front of the urinal to avoid peeing on your boots. You take out your cheesy beauty from your dirty jockstraps. And empty your bulging bladder. Wash your hands? That's for twinks. You simply wipe your hands on your dirty Wranglers.
Janet brings you some onion rings with your beer. Good idea. After the toilet break, you finish your fourth beer almost in one go. Your buddy has noticeable problems. Your blood alcohol level is over 1.0 per mille. This competition between you and your colleague has been going on for about seven years. In the trucker scene, your competitions are small highlights. As soon as it is clear when and where you will next get drunk under the table and then disappear to the stalls, new routes are planned. Service stations know that you'll bring in good sales and are keen to host the competition. There used to be a lot of betting on winning and losing. Your buddy has been unbeaten for seven years. There's not much betting anymore. The odds on you winning are huge. But nobody expects that anyway.
The next beer. At 1.26 per mille, you start to falter. Your buddy weighs a few more kilograms than your 100. Maybe you're already a little over 100 - you broke that magic barrier a few weeks ago on your 30th birthday. Eat, work hard and lift iron in the evening. That shapes your body. And beer. Lots of beer. To the delight of the audience, you interrupt your drinking contest for a short burping contest. The landlord actually has a device to measure the volume. You lose. That's clear. You lack the resonance body…
The next beer is a big miss for both you and your buddy. Your dirty tank tops are now wet from the beer. But that was a quick round of drinking, so it happens. You feel a bit dizzy. Your buddy is already looking extremely glassy-eyed. A murmur goes round the room. Should you really stand a chance?
After the seventh beer, you both have to go for a piss. Shit, why are you doing this to yourselves? So that one of you can blow the other? You do that as often as you can see each other anyway. And luckily your paths cross from time to time. "Dude, has your beast grown?" slurs your buddy as you stand swaying in front of the urinals and can no longer aim and hit the target very well. "You bet your life, get ready for a lot, bro," you slur back. "And now give me a kiss, I can't wait any longer."
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You're too drunk to remember to turn your caps backwards. You push his cap off his head and it falls into a puddle of urine. Damn, it's seen worse. You stagger back to your beer cans. After the eighth beer, your first goal is achieved. 2.0 per mille blood alcohol. Spread over a proud 120 kilograms of your 35-year-old body. A passionate trucker for 13 years. Your 36-ton beast is basically your home and your family. Hehehe, there are a few other people in the family too. Mike here next to you, for example. You rip open the ninth can and empty it almost at record speed. Shit, you're going to be sick. Mike opens the can, takes a sip. And stumbles towards the toilet. He can't reach the toilet bowl. But at least he throws up in the sink.
When he comes back, he looks at you with glazed eyes. He falls to his knees in front of you to the loud roar of the audience and tries to open your trousers with his drunken head. You have to laugh. "Not here, not now, Buddie" You pull him up. Let him sober up a bit first. You should both enjoy the moment when he sucks you off for the first time!
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mesywelch · 5 months
Don't Cry, Baby | College AU | Chapter 2
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Paring: Rafe Cameron X Reader
Summary: Growing up in a sheltered family, safe and secure amongst people you could trust was, according to you, heaven, despite how some tend to doubt its consequences. But you did not expect your safe bubble to pop so suddenly when you entered college - the atmosphere so dazzlingly stark, that it was proving to be a difficult challenge to navigate around. Especially when one of the students gets painfully curious about the new girl.
Warnings: Talks about sex, swearing, drugs, possible smut. slowburn (ig ???) Song rec: Pacify Her - Melanie Martinez Chapter 1, Chapter 2
"You'll be okay if I leave you for a bit, yeah? Little princess won't get too scared?" 
I had given up on my attempts to get Rafe to quit his tone a long time ago, bitterly realising that there was no point. Rafe knew that too, and so I had to face his smirk one more time before he entered the house, almost immediately disappearing into the packed crowd that I could only get a gist of through the french windows. A second later, a wave of cheers erupted from inside, and I imagined Rafe standing at the centre of it, playing the party like it was his personal guitar. 
His stubbornness was truly a force to be reckoned with, and glad I didn't have to experience it again till the end of the night, I, too, pushed open the door and joined the masses. 
Ruby didn't live in the college dormitories like most of us, but I didn't expect her abode to be, well, practically a mansion. The three-story building sat in a prime location right beside a beautiful view of the beach, and I seriously debated just strolling by the pretty shores after finding out that this was not the kind of party I assumed it to be. Credit for that idea can be given to the stench of alcohol suffocating the atmosphere and the dress-code-breaking outfits people were wearing. Or, more accurately, not wearing. Men were shirtless, women were barely covered by tiny pieces of cloth, and my cheeks were blazing hot upon being forced to witness such a mass display of skin. 
I was somewhat grateful that Rafe had convinced me to drop the blue frock in favour of the one currently hanging on my body because I would have looked like a literal child if I hadn't already. Perhaps he knew how intense the party was going to be, and this was his way of giving a heads-up. 
As I walked tentatively, my hands held a small gift bag, an even smaller box resting inside it, covered with gorgeous wrapping paper and topped with a perfect bow- technique I had mastered through years of gifting experience with friends. I also got to use my calligraphy skills; stapled to the bag was a little note card containing handwritten birthday wishes carefully written in ink. 
Back in his truck, Rafe had stared and scoffed when he noticed me hugging the bag close to my chest as we drove, throwing one of his comments that I didn't bother remembering. But I didn't let it deter me. Who doesn't appreciate a well-wrapped gift? 
My excitement was boundless when the necklace had arrived last night in all its intricate glory. Just in time, too. There weren't any good jewellery stores on the island, so instead, I rang up my mum to buy one back at home from a trusted store I regularly visited. As I walked deeper into the fiesta, I was giddy hoping Ruby would like what I chose for her. 
But she was nowhere to be seen. 
Music boomed from the speakers set up in one corner of the house, but the way it echoed created the impression of it hitting me from all directions. Chatter and conversation accompanied the explicit songs, and I noticed a group of people on the far right dancing to the catchy beats. Finding a cosy position against a wall near the kitchen, I watched them move mindlessly with a hint of a smile despite being slightly dizzy by the sensory overload. The yellow lighting was beautiful, though, and reminded me of home, a place I missed more and more with time. 
As I bobbed my head subtly to the pop music in the background (more like foreground), quickly looking away when a couple on the dance floor got a little too handsy, my gaze settled on a weird sight. Between the shadowy, sweaty crowds, a pair of girls stood, their mouths moving obnoxiously as if whisper-shouting to each other. I didn't pay them much mind. But then their gazes—so intense, they felt piercing—landed on me, and I tensed. 
They got closer. 
Pivoting to my right, I tried to change positions, but a guy with a muscular build bumped into me, and I recoiled, clutching my shoulder in pain- the same one Rafe's fingers had dug into. 
"Hey, you! You okay?" It was the tallest of the two girls, now merely a couple feet away from me. I nodded hesitantly, looking between their faces. The other girl smiled and reached out to take my hand, but I resisted. "We're not gonna hurt you, bunny." 
Bunny? My eyebrows furrowed. Was that the impression I gave to people? A pathetic, stupid, little animal that runs away as soon as you approach it? Well… that was exactly what I was about to do….
"I'm Jenny Marlow," said the tall one, tightening her long bleach-blonde ponytail. Jenny had a very sharp-edged look to her—angular jaw, deep-set eyes, pointy eyebrows—and I got the feeling that she didn't really like me. Gesturing to the brunette beside her, she then introduced. "This is Margo. We're Ruby's close friends." 
I returned my name. 
"Ooo pretty," Said Margo, but Jenny didn't comment, still staring straight at me. It was not a comfortable feeling, being subject to her cold gaze, something I couldn't help but compare to Rafe's. At least his had life behind them. 
I still hadn't understood their intentions, so remained quiet; a good enough hint, I hoped, for them to reveal them. 
"You looked lonely." Jenny stated blankly, "So we wanted to invite you back to our table." 
I was about to reject the offer, but then she mentioned that Ruby will be joining them soon. 
"Where is she, by the way?" Margo asked Jenny, taking the words right out of my mouth. 
"Still getting ready upstairs. Go fetch her; I'll take the little bunny over here to the others." Oh, so the nickname's gonna stick. Wonderful. 
Jenny glared at her. 
"Let's go." Jenny grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards her as she began walking, confidently striding through the masses, the clicking of her heels audible despite the noise. Her grip was tight—fingers sure to bruise my skin—and her pull was demanding, to the level that I found it hard to stop tripping over nothing. At one point, my gift bag dropped onto the floor, and I bent over to pick it up, tugging at Jenny's hand to signal a stop. 
She turned around, her eyebrows knitted with distasteful animosity, and when I stood back straight, I couldn't help but ask nervously, "Why are you being so harsh?" 
"You brought her a gift?" She said instead, sneering at the sparkly bag and ignoring my question. She chuckled. "Did you get her a pack of crayons? How cute. You do know she can afford everything, right?" 
For a second, I really believed everyone in this place was living in a different universe. In the bag was a birthday gift– what was so wrong with a birthday gift?! Should I have just shown up with nothing?! 
"Look at this, guys." Jenny snatched the bag from my hands when we reached a couch, large and semi-circle in shape, jiggling it mockingly away from my grasp. Bottles of alcohol littered the table in front of it—some half-filled, most empty—and food was messily strewn about. At least six people were lounging around it, and, drawn to Jenny's voice, they paused their conversation to scrutinise me, their collective gaze a silent judgement. "This girly over here wrapped this little present all by herself— oh, and what does this say?" She spotted the handwritten card, "'Happy Birthday Ruby! Hope you have a great time turning 20'." The pitch of her voice rose, I assumed, to mimic my own. But that wasn't even how I sounded. 
A smattering of weak chuckles erupted from the table, a few aws, and I loathed both. 
The thumping of my heart sped up as a sudden wave of sadness washed over me, aligning itself with the pounding beats of the music. The thought that maybe I indeed was out of place—a bunny amongst- amongst… wolves—was frightening. Nothing had ever made me feel this way before. Back at home, no one would even dare to try. 
A deep voice cut through the atmosphere. Deep and commanding, somewhat soothing to the ear. 
"Leave her alone, Jen." It said, and silence fell. 
Grateful at the intervention, I gave the mystery man a quiver of a smile, his dark features draped in a shadow, and retrieved my bag, passing Jenny an unfriendly look instead. Without a single glance my way, she seated herself on the couch, and I followed suit, trying to convince myself that I could put up with this for one night. Everything would go back to normal in the morning when my lectures began.
"More importantly," Started another girl, bringing me out of my wandering thoughts. Sunglasses hanging precariously on the tip of her nose, she waved her palm back and forth as if that would entirely dissipate the established tension, continuing, "Do tell us why we saw you standing on the porch with Rafe motherfucking Cameron by your side."  
The silence this time around was merely a poor imitation of suspense. She had delivered the sentence as if it was supposed to hit a nerve, and surveying the curiosity on everyone's faces (even Jenny's), I couldn't understand why they were so fixated on Rafe's presence. Nor did I know why people liked him. Surely, they witnessed the same kind of behaviour that I did. Nevertheless, I fed them an answer. 
"His dorm is next to mine. I asked him for a ride." 
"You asked Rafe for a ride?" Jenny scoffed, looking me up and down. I could recognise a bitter edge to her tone. "And he gave you one?" 
I parted my lips, thinking of a way to reply, but thankfully, something else took up the table's attention before I had to, the silence bursting into a chorus of cheers. I clutched the gift bag close to myself. 
"I'm selling 2 for 50, dickheads."
"Don't sell cocaine on my fucking birthday, Rafe!" 
In tow with the dialogue entered the birthday girl herself, Rafe's arm draped across her shoulder as they staggered towards us. When Ruby's appearance became clearer, I found myself doing a double take.
Ruby was just so…. objectively, gorgeous. Cherry-red tinted lips, flawless makeup, dark hair cascading down her pale complexion. All tied together in her birthday special: a wine-red silk dress—
Wait, my eyes widened, cocaine? 
My gaze snapped to the tall man hanging all over her, only to notice the hint of a subtle mess in Rafe's appearance. His blue eyes were blown out, his forehead glistened with sweat, and his hair was no longer in place, strands of it haphazardly falling over his eyebrows instead. No way…. 
"If it isn't Kildare king and queen!" Said the mystery man sarcastically, who had quickly introduced himself to me as Ryan when I sat down. 
"Or more like boyfriend and girlfriend?" Suggested the sunglasses lady and Rafe laughed, tugging Ruby closer into his chest, who giggled affectionately. 
"Shut the fuck up." 
I shifted my attention to Ruby when she addressed me, quickly moving on from the gnawing revelation that Rafe had done what he told me he would. And his concerning alleged drug intake. I did not have any reason to care, and so I wouldn't. 
"I'm so glad you came!" 
I passed her a shy smile, still not over her kind demeanour that was so contrasting to everyone else's. "Happy birthday, Ruby." 
Upon following Ruby's gaze, Rafe found himself connecting his eyes with me. He grunted with a twitch of his eyelid. "There you are."
Choking on a random—unsanitised, I added in my head—drink from the wooden surface, he squeezed through the multitude of folded legs and the edge of the table, skipping the empty space beside Jenny (whose first ever friendly smile morphed into a frown) and collapsed beside me, manspreading into my personal space. Ruby had no option but to awkwardly follow him from the other end. I sighed. 
"You both know each other?" Ruby questioned as she adjusted her dress, a slight disbelief in her voice, and I returned a dismissive yes, hating being asked variations of the same question over and over again. I was pleased that Rafe didn't bother adding to my response, engaged in… staring at my shoulder? Perplexed, I tilted my head down to see the small, flowy sleeve of my dress sliding off my skin. I hastily pulled it back up, sparing Rafe a wary glance. 
As I passed Ruby the gift bag, I hoped for the excitement I harboured from earlier to return and brighten me up again.
"Oh, you didn't have to!" 
I waved her off silently, observing Rafe fall back into a lazy grin as he watched Ruby read the card to herself, a flash of recognition sparking in his eyes. Unwrapping his arm from Ruby's waist, he toyed with a colourful piece of tissue I had filled up the bag with, and intensely focused on Ruby's reaction to the necklace, I jolted in my seat when he threw it in my face.  
"This is so pretty!"
Ruby's comment of appreciation whizzed right past my head, lost in a one-sided glaring competition with Rafe as he donned an exaggerated smirk, clearly under the influence of something. Let me enjoy the stupid moment, god!
"I'm glad you like it."
When all the girls on the table gave nods of approval too, craning their necks to catch a glimpse of the jewellery, I emulated a whimsical grin, bashful at their appraisal. At Least I could win their acceptance in some way. And surprise, surprise! It all went crashing down when Rafe chuckled disparagingly, at the gift itself or at my reaction, I didn't know. 
Ruby smacked him in the chest, "You didn't even give me a gift, moron." 
"Oh, you want a gift?" He raised his eyebrows, eyes glinting, pivoting his neck that was angled towards me to face Ruby, "Follow me upstairs, and I'll give you the biggest fucking gift of your life."  
"Yeah?" Ruby's pale cheeks went red, her eyelashes fluttering. I caught Ryan's eyes from across the table, communicating my confusion, but he merely smiled. What was happening? 
"Yeah– baby." My eyes snapped to him, and at his clenching jaw, I could tell he felt my gaze. For some reason, it was odd to hear him use the nickname with someone else and in a manner that wasn't belittling. It made my annoyance at it seem insignificant, silly, because it didn't matter much anyway. 
"Get a room. Jesus." 
"Let's play spin the bottle. Maybe that'll be a good outlet for this." Added the sunglasses lady smugly.   
"Don't tell me it's gonna be crazy like last time." Ruby said, sounding disapproving from the outside, but I could sense a certain anticipation from her. She was still looking at Rafe intently, but he had already moved on. 
"Oh, you betcha." Said man tensed beside me. "Everyone's in, right?" 
Agreeing nods followed. 
"What about you, bunny?" Jenny said, sliding into the conversation after an extended period of silence. And— was I dreaming, or was that a genuine smile? 
"Uh–Sure, yeah." I smiled toothily. The game was the last thing on my mind as I replied to her, more fixated on the fact that she may be starting to like me. I didn't want to have to put up with her unsolicited hatred. 
Rafe chuckled nervously, a gritty laugh that lacked any humour. He rubbed his nose before bending down, face close to my neck, lips brushing my ear. "… it's not the kind of spin the bottle you probably think it is, princess."
"I don't care." 
He grunted. I moved away. He followed. "It's the cock-sucking kind." 
I drew a sharp breath. What did that even mean? 
"Wha— I- I don't care." 
"Oh really?" He turned his body fully towards me this time, leaning forward and getting closer to my face, prompting me to recall a similar image from a couple hours ago. Even though there were people around, my shoulders stiffened, his proximity forcing me to put my eyes right on him despite trying to avert them. "So that whining baby back in your dorm was your twin?" 
I didn't deny it. But I had to just stay calm. Just stay calm. 
"You know…" His voice fell by an octave. "I can just tell them that you're a virgin, and they'll immediately stop if you're uncomfortable. I know sex is so scary to you." Rafe's tone somehow managed to merge concern with condescension, but the latter trumped in my head. It didn't make sense for him to show concern.   
He opened his mouth, going to do exactly what his words suggested, and I grabbed his wrist in a panic, desperation hopefully obvious in my eyes (the tears, not so much). Ryan seemed to like me, Jenny just smiled at me; things were going good. I was slowly blending in with the group, and his announcement would ruin it- it would ruin it all. Like Rafe said. I wasn't ready for that. 
"Rafe, please. Don't."
"You're begging now?" He whispered, looking down at where my fingers wrapped right below his intimidatingly larger palm. 
"If I have to," I whispered back genuinely, and he smirked, a deep chuckle escaping him. My head gently swayed side to side, so utterly baffled at his reaction. "Do you have something against me?" 
"You're adorable." 
I gritted my teeth, fighting off tears. Don't cry. Don't make it worse. 
"Stop this. Just answer my question straight. You wouldn't be treating me this way if you didn't." 
"I'm just teasing you, princess." 
"Don't. Let me play this stupid game. Let me be normal—" 
"Bunny and Ryan, eh?" 
Jenny's voice, coupled with a chorus of unenthusiastic 'ooo's, broke us out of our bubble of back and forths, and when I dragged my gaze away from Rafe, sweeping it towards the crowd that I had forgotten about for a good minute, I saw the head of a glass bottle waver tauntingly. It was pointed towards me. 
"I dare you," 'Pleased' couldn't even begin to describe the look on Jenny's face, "To suck off Ryan." 
Rafe's gaze pierced into my profile. My mind blanked.  
"Maybe don't scare her off, Jenny." Ryan attempted to interject, sensing the tension. Scare me off—I wanted to cry so badly—like a little bunny. 
"Ry, we don't play easy here. You know that." 
"You really don't have to, y'know— 
"Does everybody do it?" My voice was small. 
"Of course they do, they're not pussies." 
Staring straight ahead, I stood up, and they all looked at me. Me and my ill-fitting clothes. 
"Then I'll do it." 
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, you're gonna do it?" Rafe suddenly blurted, sitting up in his seat. There was a newfound surprise on his face as if coming out of a trance. As if not expecting me to ever comply. 
"Do you even know how?" He spat. 
I shook my head no. 
"Then what the fuck do you think you're doing? Don't fucking go." Rafe was being anything but subtle now, and I couldn't bear the awkward looks we were getting. He held onto my wrist, right where Jenny had put her mark, and I hissed. 
"Rafe? Why are you acting so weirdly? You've never had a problem with the game before."
"Babe, what's going on….?" 
Rafe didn't acknowledge Jenny or Ruby, and I didn't acknowledge him. 
I snatched my hand away from Rafe, albeit with resistance from both ends. I stood beside Ryan as he got up too, a little confused, a little eager. He led me through the crowd in the hunt for an empty room, placing a hand on my lower waist. I flinched. He hovered his hand instead. 
Ryan was saying something, but I could barely focus. 
"It's probably just the cocaine." Were the last words that reached me from the group before the loud music, louder when you were in the middle of the party, took over.  *ੈ✩‧₊˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
A/N: idk whats going on anymore. but who cares. Once again, feel free to comment your thoughts! Taglist: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @angelofcigs
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bee6r · 1 year
How Could I Ever Stop Loving You
A/N: A short Carl fic for a nice sunny day 🌻 how could *eye* ~ get it?
Summary: You see Carl for the first time after he gets his eye shot out.
Warnings: Normal TWD gore/violence, angst with fluff at the end
~ !gn reader! ~
Abraham had told you to stay in the car when he, Sasha, and Daryl had begun shooting the walkers from the fence. So, laying on the floor of the old, rusted truck is where you stayed, fiddling with your hair and fingers, thinking about what was going on outside, and listening to the gunshots that were echoing around your head.
You hear the others yelling over the noise but can't understand what they are saying. You want to be a part of it, because you know that you are strong enough to, and that, knowing him, Carl would be at the center of it all.
And so, after a few more moments of listening to the gunshots ring out from outside the truck, you decide that outside the truck is where you should be.
The sun hits you almost immediately, and it takes you a moment to adjust after hiding yourself in the darkness. After looking around and narrowing avoiding a walker that had its eyes set on your neck, you spot Abraham and Sasha up in one of the watch towers.
Creeping closer to the fence only enhances every shot from the large guns that the others were using, and you fight the urge to cover your ears with your hands or shoulders and you climb up a tree on the edge of the fence.
"Sasha!" You call out, once you are within shouting distance. "Help me over!" She looks back, startled at first, but her face relaxes.
"Didn't want to miss the action huh?"
"Never," you respond, and she grabs your arms, allowing you safety as you push off the tree and onto the guard tower with her and Abraham.
"Hey shortie," Abraham greets you, not taking his eyes off the houses. As you follow his gaze, you notice just how many walkers had gotten through the fence. Most lay motionless on the ground, but clusters of them still roamed through the streets of the once spotless Alexandria, groaning and dragging their broken feet as they did so. You scrunch your nose, the smell hitting you abruptly. "Pretty nasty huh?" You nod,
After Daryl sets the lake on fire (I'm sorry I feel like that was so casual), it didn't take long for the rest of the walkers to die, their bodies decomposing before they hit the pavement.
You walk with the others through the gates, and as you look around the burning, but still intact, Alexandria, you feel at home again. Thats when you begin looking for HIM. You had expected him to meet you at the gate like he always did when you went on runs without him, but he was nowhere to be found. Rick is standing with Michonne, and the others are spread out around the town square, catching their breath and talking amongst themselves.
After a few minutes, Sasha goes to Tara, Daryl to Carol, and Abraham to Rosita, which leaves you alone. You walk over to Rick and Michonne, and as you near them, you cock your head to the side, signaling that you want to know where Carl is, but when Rick can't meet your eyes, your stomach drops.
"Where is he?" You ask, you voice faltering and low, "is he okay?" Michonne steps away from Rick, giving him a small nod, and turning towards you, pulling you by the shoulder so that the two of you can talk in private.
"He was-" she pauses, "shot." A cry escapes your lips, which you just barely manage to catch with your hand, muffling it.
You wake up on the porch swing outside Denise's office, tired and your cheeks stained with tears. Denise had told you to wait until he was awake to see him, because he wasn't stable yet, which only made the pit in your stomach worse. And so, you had waited through the evening until you fell asleep, hoping that you would be able to see him in the morning, but as Denise walks across the porch towards you, you know that you won't be able to.
"Come back tonight," she says, "he should be awake by then." You nod, standing up.
"I'll be back."
You busy yourself with mindless activities throughout the day. Shower, eat, wash the dishes, play with Judith, go for a walk, clear the walkers, shower again. By the time evening rolls around, and Michonne forces you to eat something for dinner, you feel as if you have lived a hundred years, just waiting for something to happen.
You almost run to Denise's house, knocking quietly at the door, and waiting very impatiently for her to open it. When she finally does, you notice she has a smile growing on her face.
"He's awake," she says simply, opening the door wider, so that you may come in. "And he's been asking for you." You cross the threshold slowly, and round the corner to see him, sitting upright in bed, a bandage wrapped around his forehead and right eye. When he notices you, a smile lights up on his face, and you almost sprint towards him, leaping onto his bed and burying your face in his chest.
"Hi baby," he says, the smile still on his face.
"Hi," you whimper, "I missed you." He chuckles,
"I missed you too." Crawling completely onto his bed, you straddle him, finally pulling away from his chest, only to cup his face and kiss him. He kisses you back, gently at first, but then passionately, only breaking apart a minute later for air.
"Don't ever leave me like that again; promise?" He smiles, kissing you gently again and smiling contentedly into the kiss.
"I promise."
A/N: ❤❤❤ Let me know if you have any requests! (No promises I will finish them but...)
Also... go give my ao3 acc some love >>> bee_died | Archive of Our Own
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billys-pretty-babe · 1 year
Hi 🤍 I have a request if you don't mind... So, remember that scene in season 2 where Billy enters the room and and sees Max getting ready for the Snowball ?
I believe that Neil punished Billy for not bringing Max home that night. I think in addition to hitting him, he probably also forbade him to go to that ball. I mean, everyone is preparing for the ball but him: he's not ready at all and doesn't seem to be about to go out.
And that's where my idea came from. Could you write a fic where Reader, who is best friends with Billy, decides to secretly visit him that night (through the window) and keep him company instead of going to the Snowball because she really likes him and doesn't want him to be alone ? In the end they have an amazing time together (laughing, listening to music and maybe slow-dancing too) and Billy is all flustered because he didn't expect anyone to think of him that way. 🥺🤍🤍🤍
May I Have This Dance?
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : ^^^^^
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Warnings : Swearing, Billy calls the reader babe, Neil Hargrove shows up at the end for a brief moment.
Word Count : 907
A/N : Requests are open. Thank you @moonlightfountain for the request, I hope I did your beautiful idea justice!!
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The Snowball, something that every teen looked forward to but not that everyone could afford. You knew that Max was going to go along with Billy who had two different girls to take.
"Why do you even need two dates?" Billy chuckled, "One for each arm, babe."
You knew there was an incident but that was all you knew. You drove past the school, everything lit up, girls in their dresses and boys in their slacks and nice shirts as you drove to Cherry Lane. Billy's Camaro was on the road, Neil's truck was nowhere to be seen. You drove to your friend's house a few houses down before walking to Billy's house.
Once you made it you tested his window, seeing that it was unlocked before carefully sliding it open and climbing through. Billy laid on his bed, cigarette between his slightly chapped lips, Motley Crue Shout At The Devil vinyl playing in the corner of his room. "B," he looked over at you, his eye beginning to bruise a little. "What're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the stupid dance?" You shook your head, shutting his window.
"Vickie said you cancelled so I came over here to check on you." He nodded, blowing out the mouthful of smoke, "Well, I'm alive, you can leave now." You rolled your eyes and made your way to his bed, the bed was small but you made it work. He looked at you, "Why are you still here? You have a date." You waved him off, "He'll understand, you're me important to me than some stupid dance plus we still have prom to go to so I'm not missing anything important."
He nodded and put out the cigarette before he turned to you, "Was Vickie mad?" You laughed, "I think she was more mad at the fact that you had two dates." He laughed with you, his nose scrunching a little. Vince Neil sang in the background as you both talked. "Okay but what fruit do you think you'd be?" Billy raised a brow, "A fruit?" You nodded and he hummed, pretending to think. "Pineapple, I use it to make my cum taste good." Your jaw dropped, you couldn't help it and Billy cackled, trying not to fall off of his bed.
"Are you serious?" He laughed and shook his head, "No, just pulling your leg but your reaction was priceless." You shook your head, flicking him off. "Can I change the record?" Billy nodded and you sifted through his contained of them, making comments here and there, "Donna Summer?" Billy laughed, "Hey, don't judge. I don't judge you for your weird obsession with rockstars." You rolled your eyes and grabbed the She Works Hard For the Money record and you turned up the volume a little and you laid back down, the record sleeve in your hand so you could see the tracklist.
Every song had passed before I Do Believe (I Feel In Love) and you stood up. "May I have this dance," you asked, putting your hand out and Billy raised a brow, "You serious?" You nodded, "As serious as you are about that car out there." He laughed and stood up, taking your hand in his and he turned up the volume once more. He kicked his bed a little to make room to dance considering he had the smallest room in the house.
You and me, we're together.
He pulled you to his body quickly, taking you by surprise. "I don't know how to dance." You laughed, "Me neither." You both laughed and swayed to the music.
I do believe I fell in love.
He quickly spun you before catching your hip in his hand and one of your hands moved to his shoulder as you held the other as you guys danced around the room.
Oh let me love you. Oh let me kiss you. Baby, I'm fallin', your love is a callin'.
"You trust me?" "Sometimes." He laughed and spun you again before dipping you slowly, his curls falling to frame both of your faces. Your breath hitched, your eyes searching his blue ones, his pupils dilating and he leaned in a little before the front door slammed shut and you both quickly pulled away a little, you trying to catch your footing and he quietly apologized and turned his music down.
"Billy," Neil yelled out and Billy looked at you, his eyes sad. "Go home, I can deal with him." You nodded and squeezed his hand, making sure you had your jacket before climbing out of his window and you jogged to your car. You took backroads back to your house, thinking about what had just happened.
Was Billy going to kiss you? Would you have let him kiss you? Is Billy attracted to you? Is that why his pupils dilated?
You asked yourself questions until you got back home and continued to ask them as you made your way to your bedroom. You got yourself ready for bed and as you laid down you came to your conclusion.
You're in love with your best friend.
You sighed and looked at your bedside table to see a picture of Billy as Lover's Lake as he looked at the stars, the cherry of the cigarette lit up as he took a pull from it. You smiled, admiring the picture before you fell asleep, wondering how Billy felt about you.
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d1xonss · 6 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 10 ~ Darkness
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 2
✧ Word Count : 3.3k
In this chapter ~ While searching endlessly for Sophia in the woods, all they could seem to hit were dead ends and nowhere closer to tracking her down. Although when the group splits up to cover more ground, everything seems to turn upside down at the sound of an unexpected fire of a gun.
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"Everyone pick a weapon." Rick announced as he laid multiple knives, machetes, and sharp blades down on the hood of an abandoned car we all surrounded.
It was the next morning and we all planned to go out again and look for Sophia, while Dale, T-Dog, and Carl were going to be the only ones staying behind here on the highway. Dale needed to work on the RV, T-Dog got hurt and needed to rest, and Carl was just a kid. We didn't want him out there with us in case something happened.
I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night and a part of me blamed it on because that little girl was still out there. But I also think it was because I had to sleep with someone's foot in my back on the RV floor. I could've easily yelled at Daryl this morning about him leaving the truck behind because at least in there I could get a decent amount of sleep.
Andrea narrowed her eyes at the blades, "These aren't the kind of weapons we need. What about the guns?" she practically whined.
I rolled my eyes let out a breath of air, attempting to just keep my mouth shut and mind my own business. Ever since the CDC, Dale had taken away her gun because she had become very suicidal after the loss of her sister, but he just wanted to protect her. Since then, she had been going on and on about wanting her gun back and I think I can speak for everyone when I say we were all growing tired of it. She sounded more like a broken record than a human being at this point.
"We've been over this, Daryl, Rick, Rose, and I are carrying. We can't have people popping off rounds every time a tree rustles." Shane explained for what felt like the thirteenth time since we gathered around.
"It's not the trees I'm worried about," she responded before glaring at me "Why does she get a gun?"
"Because I know what I'm doing." I responded dryly.
"You know just about as much as the rest of us, we all started learning how to shoot at the same time." she said in a snappy tone, her hands placed firmly on her hips.
I smiled a little to myself, "Trust me, I've known how to shoot for quite some time now." I replied.
"Oh yeah how?" she asked as if she didn't believe me.
My eyes narrowed a bit towards her in annoyance, "I really don't think I owe you any explanations but...I was a cop." I stated simply.
She sent a glare my way, "Really?"
I nodded, "Undercover. Now, as much as I love to continue to go around in circles for two hours about how the princess doesn't have a gun, I'm already pretty tired of your bullshit and we haven't even started yet. And it seems to me you're focusing on the one thing you can't have rather than that little girl that needs to be found."
She looked a little taken back by my response and her eyes only widened, I don't think she really expected that from me. But it did cause her to stutter a little over her words, trying to come up with a good enough response but just ended up scoffing in annoyance with her arms crossed tightly over her chest.
Everyone was silent for a long moment, Daryl trying to suppress a laugh as best as he could before clearing his throat to speak, "So uh...the idea is to take the creek up bout five miles, turn around and come back down the other side. Chances are she'll be by the creek. It's her only landmark."
"Alright...stay quiet and stay sharp, keep space between you but always stay within sight of each other." Rick told us.
"I'm going with you." Carl said suddenly, "You need people right? To cover as much ground as possible."
Rick and Lori just glanced nervously at each other before having a little debate back and forth about what was the smartest play. Eventually, Carl had managed to convince them to let him come with considering the two of them would be there the whole time in case something went wrong.
I thought it would be good for the kid to try and help find his friend, he needed to learn how to shoot if necessary and possibly learn how to track. And I would obviously be more than happy to teach him a few things while we're out there.
But before any of us could move to start heading out, Andrea suddenly started to snap at Dale the second he walked up to tell her to be careful out there, bringing up the gun situation again. Everyone around them seemed to be watching uncomfortably, and I was just growing more annoyed that this was wasting so much time. Clearly the things I tried to point out to her didn't stick as well as I wanted them to.
"I'm just gonna..." I trailed off as I started to walk towards the trees, not wanting to hear any more of their conversation.
"Yeah." Daryl agreed suddenly from beside me, walking just as fast away from the confrontation.
We put a good distance away from us and the group, watching the highway from the brink of the forest in case they ever wanted to start moving their asses anytime soon. I leaned up against a nearby tree as we waited in comfortable silence, kicking some dirt beneath my feet absentmindedly.
"Ya really left her speechless back there." he suddenly spoke with a smug tone.
I scoffed, "Yeah, don't think I missed that laugh you were trying to hold back." I said with knowing eyes.
He chuckled quietly to himself, replaying the conversation in his head as he didn't do anything else but nod.
The group made their way towards us not long after that, heading into the endless forest to finally get a move on and search for Sophia. All I could do was hope and pray she was hiding somewhere safe, safe enough to make it through the night on her own.
I stuck towards the front as we moved, right next to Daryl while everyone else trailed behind us with their eyes glued to the ground. We tried to stick to the path that we managed to make out yesterday, having at least a little indication of which direction she went. Thought I couldn't help but overhear a conversation going down just behind me a few feet away.
I briefly heard Carl attempting to talk to Shane about something I couldn't quite make out. But instead of listening to him, the man just snapped at the poor kid and completely brushed off what he said as if it meant nothing to him.
I didn't know what his problem was lately but it was starting to get under my skin, probably more than it should've. I just didn't understand the constant stick he seemed to have up his ass ever since we've been on the road.
Carl then slowly made his way towards the front a few seconds after and began to fall in step right next to me. He didn't say anything, but I knew he was upset at what just happened, and I didn't need to turn around to know that Shane just bit his head off for no reason.
"Hey kid, you okay?" I asked him.
He sighed with a small shake of his head, "I think Shane's mad at me. I just don't know what I did wrong." he said.
I scoffed quietly to myself, "You didn't do anything wrong; I think he's just stressed and worried about Sophia." I lied, "But that doesn't make it okay for him to take that out on you."
The truth was I don't think Sophia was the thing fogging Shane's mind, I just didn't know what else to tell Carl. The truth was I think he was upset and frustrated that we had to stay on that highway longer than we all anticipated, and I wouldn't put it past him if he was considering leaving Sophia behind. He had it written all over his face for everyone else to see that he didn't care nearly as much as he should've.
But Carl didn't say anything else, he just nodded his head and continued to walk beside me, looking at our surroundings. It amused me seeing him trying to follow my movements and mimicking the same things I was doing to try and figure out how to track. It only brought my mind back to wanting to teach him someday when he was up for it.
My eyes glanced back up to watch ahead of us and my movements stilled, holding an arm out in front of Carl to get him to stop walking. We all seemed to freeze at the yellow tent parked just a few feet away from all of us, the endless possibilities flooding my mind.
"She could be in there." Shane stated the obvious.
"Yeah, no shit." I muttered.
"Could be a whole bunch of things in there." Daryl said, keeping his voice down.
His hand then went up into the air as he silently waved us on, keeping up with his strides as we approached the thing with caution. Our steps were slow and quiet, just in case there was someone else sleeping in there or easily a walker just waiting to be let out.
Daryl was the first one to make it close enough to hear anything inside, waiting only a few seconds before nodding back towards Rick.
"Carol," he whispered, "Call out softly, if she's in there, yours is the first voice she should hear."
She nodded her head and spoke softly, "Sophia, sweetie, are you in there? Sophia, it's mommy. We're all here baby. It's mommy."
We all waited in anticipation for a few moments but heard absolutely nothing in response to Carol's soft voice. Daryl took that as a sign to move in closer, unzipping the tent as slowly as he could with the new knife in his hand, slipping in through the flap. I subtly held my breath as he disappeared into the space, not making a single sound as he poked around inside. But after he was in there, he didn't move, he didn't call out for help, he was just silent as he examined the tent and took his sweet ass time doing so.
"Daryl?" I called after a few seconds of agonizing silence.
Nothing. Not a single sound or movement which made all of us begin to worry.
"Daryl?" I tried again.
This time he finally showed himself with a shake of his head, "It ain't her." he said simply as he zipped the tent back up behind him.
"What's in there?" Carol asked.
"Some guy, did what Jenner said. Opted out. Ain't that what he called it?" he asked.
Rick looked down at the ground with a sigh, and began to pinch the bridge of his nose from the growing headache he was probably receiving from all of this. I turned to see Carol trying to hold back tears at the fact that she wasn't anywhere near here, but that didn't mean we were just going to give up.
Suddenly, we all stood still once more at the sound that tore through the quiet air. Church bells began ringing, a little too loud for my liking, and we all didn't waste a single second after processing the noise, before we were sprinting towards it.
I was pushing myself to run as fast as I could trying to get there, but I didn't really know what to expect. Would it be Sophia? It could be a stranger. But after a few brief minutes of pushing our way through the trees and trying to figure out which way the sound was coming from, we finally spotted a little white church in the distance. There were no other buildings surrounding it as it stood tall in the middle of the forest, surrounded by a graveyard just off to the side.
"This can't be it. It's got no steeple, no bells." Shane said as we all stopped to look at it.
Regardless we continued to run towards it, ignoring Shane's protests in case she was in the small building anyways. It was always a possibility, and there was no harm in checking it out just in case Shane was wrong. Wouldn't be the first time anyway.
All of us quickly made it up to the front wooden doors in a flash, but paused momentarily to look at each other in question. Rick silently counted down from three as he looked to Daryl and I, then ripped the doors open to reveal three people sitting up straight in the pews.
But as soon as they heard us, they turned around to reveal their dead yellow eyes and their snarls only grew louder as they looked at us like giant pieces of meat. Rick didn't hesitate to move and take the one on the left, Daryl instantly moving to the right, while I was left with the one in the middle. I pulled out one of my knifes and twirled it around once, before throwing it directly at its head and watching it fall to the ground.
I looked back over just in time to see Daryl flinching back at the walker that nearly grabbed a hold of his shirt, before he finally took his weapon and sliced it through its head. He glanced back up once he felt my eyes on him, breathless from the attack he had just barely avoided.
"You got it?" I asked sarcastically.
He scoffed, "Shut up." he muttered as he cleaned the weapon on the walkers' worn clothes.
I smiled small, but felt a twinge of disappointment when she wasn't anywhere in here. Every single pew lined up was empty, and there were no other rooms off to the side we could search through.
But the bells only began ringing again from what sounded like right above our heads, causing the remainder of us to fly back out of the church to pinpoint the noise. I turned the corner just in time to see Glenn facing a loudspeaker attached to the building, quickly pulling the plug.
"Timer." he breathed, "It's on a timer."
The group easily began to hang their heads in disappointment as Carol wiped her remaining tears, "I'm going to go back in for a minute." she announced quietly as she ventured back into the church.
We all watched her go and sit up towards the front, where a statue of Jesus hung high in the middle. I could only assume she was going to pray, pray for her little girl and that we would find her soon enough, pray that she would remain safe.
But I couldn't bring myself to walk back in, so I headed the opposite way, walking through the small and rundown graveyard to place myself up against a tree to just breathe for a moment. My eyes closed as I tried to think about something else, something more positive that would cause me to keep going. But it always went back to the same thing, worrying about what I couldn't control.
I eventually reached down and took out one of my throwing knives, starting to play with it in my grasp to have some sort of a distraction. But it wasn't working out as well as I hoped. I just couldn't stop lingering over the fact that she was still somewhere out there, maybe hurt, and alone as she too was searching desperately for us.
My eyes glanced up only a few moments later, seeing Glenn making his way over to me with a small and sympathetic smile on his face. He found a space beside me and nudged my shoulder with his.
"Hey." he greeted.
I smiled, "Hey."
It grew silent for a second or two before he took in a breath like he was going to say something, but then stopped himself before anything could come out.
"Don't do that." I complained.
He grew confused, "Do what?"
"Don't open your mouth like you're going to say something and then just...don't." I said as I glanced down at the blade still in my hands.
He sighed, "Okay...can I ask you something?"
I nodded, "Yeah, sure."
"Do you...do you think she's still out there? I mean like...do you think she's still alive?" he asked quietly, glancing around to make sure no one was close by to hear the sudden assumption.
My face dropped in a matter of seconds, and he clearly noticed it too. I had hope that we would find her, hope that she would be fine. But some were being so negative about everything, starting to question the whole thing just as he was. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or Shane and Andrea getting on my nerves, or the fact that the guilt was slowly eating away at me. But I was pissed.
"Yes." I snapped, "Jesus Christ, it's only been one day Glenn."
"No, no-" he sighed, "You know I didn't mean to say it like that, I'm sure she's fine. I just can't help but think of other possibilities. Even if..." he trailed off quietly.
A scoff left my lips as I looked away from him. I knew he wasn't trying to do any of this on purpose, I was just really on edge. My mind was just racing about all the things that could've happened differently if I had just gone with Rick to help him. I felt responsible for protecting these kids and now one of them is lost somewhere in this godforsaken forest. Plus seeing Carol so worried after that poor woman had already been through so much, is just the icing on the cake. I didn't know what to say to her now, I didn't even really know how to be there for her. The only thing I felt I could do, was help her find her daughter.
I noticed then everyone was making their way back to the front of the church to talk about what to do next, gathering around in a small circle. Getting up wordlessly, I began to make the walk back over towards them with Glenn trailing silently behind me.
I stopped a little farther back from the group, listening to Rick as I felt someone stand next to me and I glanced over briefly to see it was Daryl. He looked down at me, noticing how serious my face had become and raised one eyebrow at me in questioning, but I didn't say anything as I continued to listen to the plan Rick was talking about.
"You guys follow the creek bed back, okay? Daryl you're in charge. Me and Shane are going to hang back, search this area another hour or so just to be thorough." he announced.
"Splittin us up like that? Ya sure?" Daryl asked.
"Yeah, we'll catch up with you." Shane assured with a nod.
Rick then looked towards me, like he had an idea, "Rose, why don't you come with us too. We could use a tracker to see if we can find anything." he suggested.
I shrugged, "Sure." I agreed.
Carl then jumped up to ask if he could come along too seeing as I would also be staying behind, leaving his parents growing uneasy all over again as they debated. Though eventually they agreed, knowing they couldn't hold him back from everything. The kid grew very excited at the idea of staying behind with us, turning to urgently hug his mom goodbye before skipping back over towards us. She told him to be careful over and over again, but he hardly heard her it seemed like.
Daryl then nudged my side gently to grab my attention before I even had a chance to walk off, "Be safe." he said in a quiet voice.
"Why? You worried?" I asked, a smile returning to my face in amusement.
A scoff left his lips as he went to deny it, though the words never made it past his lips, "M' serious, be careful out there." he settled on saying instead.
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah, I'll be careful. Watch out for yourself too, alright?"
He nodded like it was a promise and looked at me for a few more moments, almost as if trying to memorize my features as much as possible. I found myself not looking away either, my heartrate only increasing when he didn't break eye contact.
What the hell was wrong with me? Ever since we started to get even a little closer, I felt somewhat nervous around him especially when he looked at me like this. Not that I would ever let him see that though. I felt that if he did catch a glimpse of it, he wouldn't stop. But then again, I didn't know if I wanted him to.
I was the one who ended the staring contest this time, looking away from him and made my way over to Rick so we could head off to search in the opposite direction. Before I left however, I turned back to glance at him one more time to only find he still had his eyes on me, giving him a small wave before completely leaving the rest behind.
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We had been only wandering back through the trees for a few long minutes in complete silence before Carl suddenly stopped in front of me, almost causing me to run into him. I grew confused until I looked up and saw he was staring in astonishment at a deer just a few feet away from us, eating some grass and minding its own business. He stood watching it in awe before slowly walking up to it while Rick and Shane stayed in the same place behind us, smiling to themselves at the sight. I followed close behind him and lowered myself to whisper in his ear.
"Nice and slow, you might scare it off if you go too fast." I told him.
He nodded, never taking his eyes off the animal, "This is so awesome." he breathed.
I smiled at him as we continued to walk up to the deer who was now staring right back at us with big eyes. This was a very calm moment that I silently think we all needed. Today felt very hectic and stressful, and we all needed a break to think about something else. Even if it was just for a short moment, it was still very much needed in my mind.
However, the moment didn't last as long as I hoped. All I heard was the sound of a loud gunshot coming from right in front of us and before I knew what was happening, my body dropped to the ground with a sharp pain near my stomach.
My back hit the ground harshly, and I was now facing the sky with my vision was starting to blur as I gasped in agony. The last thing I could hear was Carl yelling before all I saw was darkness.
~ Thanks for reading!
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fuutakaijyama · 8 months
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synopsis: Nether of you expected tonight would've ended like this.
warning: automotive crash, cop chase, highway chase, brief mentions of police and gang violence, near death experience.
alo’s notes: i miss chifuyu so i wrote this
includes : x reader, mentions of toman, brief angst, hurt/comfort, brief romantic tension, brief sexual tension, you and chifuyu in your lana del rey era, mildly suggestive.
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It was supposed to be a regular night, you and Matsuno had started making your way towards the shrine, the only place you would meet at.
Then the next thing you saw was the edge of a cliff, Chifuyu above you as you fell onto the road, Chifuyu hugging you tightly as you felt your lungs fill with the smoke.
After that?
You're on Chifuyu’s bike, yours nowhere to be found, your hands wrapping around his waist as your head leaned against his defined back, your legs draped over him, your breath felt minty, a sensation similar to when you spit out chewed up mint gum.
“Chifuyu..?” You coughed out his name as he immediately jolted up your grip on his waist tightened while he pulled over to the side of the road.
He got off the bike, your leg hitting the side of the silent exhaust as your legs dangling just above the road causing you to flinch at the hot metal.
Chifuyu almost examines you, his hands softly gripping your cheek as he looks you up and down, his hands hugging your waist and thighs
“You're burnt..” He points out as his hands fall to your legs, head silently resting against your collarbone as he looks down at you.
You called out with no response, his hands trailing down to your knees as they felt around your figure for any sign of injury,
Still no response, without thinking you grabbed him by the wrist twirling him around before pulling him towards your face.
“Chifuyu. What's wrong with you?” You whispered, your voice carrying with it a clear tone of fear but also concern yet admiration, he hand trailed up your side before resting on your cheek.
“You crashed on the highway.. I didn't know what to do.. I.. couldn't do anything.”
You could hear the lump in his throat form, a look of shame in his eyes as he placed his head on your shoulder as his hands snaked around your waist just as he did before.
You hummed, rubbing his head and playing with his hair before you took your finger to his chin, flicking his head up to look at you.
“Let's go; Matsuno.”
He nodded, pulling your legs to sit properly on his bike, putting in the key again as you felt it shake against the pavement as he pulled off the wind in your hair as you looked at the scenery in front of you.
“Matsuno, can I play something..?” He held out his unlocked phone, the speaker he kept on the side of his handle swaying with the bike, scrolling through the tabs as you clicked on his music app and scrolled through his music apps as the sound of Lana Del Rey filled the highway, your hands still wrapped around him as you watched the city scapes.
“You really listen to this shit..?” He giggled at the choice of music not minding the song as he continued on his way to the city, the view of the bars which separated the road from the water were the only things you could focus on
“I mean it's not really bad, just keep it playing, it's a good song.” He quipped softly, his voice slow and supple as he continued on his way to your place, the back of his leg grazing your upper leg momentarily.
This windows caught the headlights of cars and trucks, finally, red and blue lights flashed behind you, demanding for you to turn towards the curb.
“Chifuyu, cops.” You rolled your eyes, hugging him tighter as you heard the sound of his engine rev, “Hold on tight, I don't have any money on me.” He sighed, merging into the center lane as the sound of the deafening engine and the smell of gas were the only thing to fill your senses, the view of blurry lights red, white, and yellow being the only thing you could make out.
Your stomach churned at the violent turns of the bike, your gut telling you that you should’ve not gone with Chifuyu and that it’d be better if you just got thrown on the side of the road and stayed there.
A deadly ring in your ears made you sick, the motion sickness was horrible, at last he started slowing down the feeling of falling and puking at the same time finally started to settle down, then it stopped, Chifuyu was out of breath, panting heavily as he wiped the beads of sweat off of his brows.
“You good there, sugar?” He’d turned to look at you, a smile on his face as he rubbed your knuckles with his sweaty hands, thumb rubbing on the bone as he kissed them, you nodded silently, hugging him close to you.
“I’m fine.. but you look..” You took a breath, his hand on your chest, the other hand on your waist trailing down to your ass, gripping it tightly as you let out a large whimper, your head jerking down then up to look at him. “..Fucking winded, yeah I know.”
He chuckled, pulling your frame closer, your face less than an inch away as he caved, grabbing you harshly as he tangled himself in your hair and hands, falling to the curb with you in his grip.
“Fuck, you're my favorite.”
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jungle-angel · 8 days
The One With Royal's Old Firebird: Part 4 (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: At last, the Firebird is unveiled in all it's glory
Warnings: SMUT (minors are not allowed!!!!!!)
Tagging: @floydsmuse @floydsglasses @attapullman @rhettabbotts @sebsxphia @withahappyrefrain @callmemana @delopsia @lewmagoo @kmc1989 @cowboybarbie @sorchathered
"Alright now what the fuck did you little fuck-monkey's do now?" Royal questioned as he followed Rhett towards the garage.
"Nothin Dad, I swear," Rhett told him, trying to hid his laughter.
Up the gravel walk they went, when the sound of a motor starting in the garage reached their ears along with the rev of an engine. Royal's jaw dropped halfway to the ground when he saw that black '76 Firebird pulling out of the garage and into the morning sun, the golden screaming eagle emblazoned on the front while the black body gleamed in the bright sun.
"HOLY SHIT!!!" Royal laughed. "Ya'll didn't!! Ya'll fuckin didn't!!"
"Oh we did," Rhett told him, unable to hide the shit eating grin on his face.
Kayce, Rip, John and all the rest pulled it up into the turn-around spot in the driveway so Royal could get a good look at it. "Remember that one night you, me and the rest of us idiots pulled out of the parking lot at The Handsome Gambler in this thing and we were all moonin Wayne?" John chuckled.
"Oh God, screamin at him like we were all hot shit too," Royal laughed.
John, Rhett, Rip and Kayce all piled in with Royal, the new car smell still heavy in the seats. "Guess what I dug up too?" John said, handing him the small cassette tape.
"You didn't."
"Oh I fuckin did," John said with a wry grin.
You and Cece were both finishing up the dishes from breakfast, the house quiet as you two chattered away. The sun spilled in through the open kitchen windows while the cats lurked about looking for pests. The two little chihuahuas and Chewbacca, who had all been asleep on the living room sofa, suddenly started barking, but at what, you had no clue.
"Hey! Knock it off!" you ordered.
"Oh my God, what the hell is pulling up the driveway?" Cecelia wondered aloud.
You and her gazed out the window to hear tires screeching and the obnoxious sound of "Wango Tango" by Ted Nugent blasting from a radio somewhere. You watched your mother-in-law's jaw drop and her eyes bug halfway out of her head.
"NO!!!" she blurted out. "No! He fucking didn't!! Oh my God!!!"
You thought Cecelia was going to kill whoever it was that had pulled to a screeching halt in the driveway, but were relieved when you heard her laughing as she rushed out the storm door.
"What the hell is this?!" she laughed.
"Hey pretty thang!" Royal called to her, sticking his head out the car window. "Wanna go for a ride?!"
"Cece you sure this is a good idea?" you asked her.
"C'mon honey we're goin for a ride in that thing," she chuckled, guiding you along with her.
The two of you jumped right in and Royal pulled back on the clutch, hitting the gas before spinning the car around and speeding out onto the road.
"Where the hell did you find this thing?" Cecelia shouted excitedly over the music.
"Don't ask me, ask your son," Royal answered.
You, Rhett and John seemed to be holding on for dear life as Royal sped down the stretch of road in the middle of nowhere, praying that Joy, Edgar and Dan weren't on duty.
"Oh wait a sec hold on," Cecelia told him.
"Ya'll see lights Sugar Bear?"
"Nope, somethin else and I ain't lettin it slip by," she told him. "Pull over for a sec."
Royal skidded to a halt on the other side of the road where sure enough, was Wayne Tillerson, trying to fix a busted truck tire. Cecelia stuck herself about halfway out the window and whistled, loud and shrill enough to catch his attention.
"Cecelia?" he called to her.
What no one was expecting was when Cecelia stuck both of her middle fingers right up at him. "Up yours raggedy man!!!!! That's for tryin to hit on me twenty years ago!!!"
Royal revved the engine, the tires burning and screeching until he sped off, leaving nothing but black skids on the pavement and a rather scared Wayne Tillerson in their wake.
Rhett came into your shared bedroom, emerging fresh from the shower and still laughing his ass off from his parents' shenanigans. "Did ya'll see the look on Wayne's face when Ma flipped him off?" he asked.
"Oh my God that was priceless!" you exclaimed.
Rhett laughed as he kissed you, leaning in to press sweet little pecks against your lips. Outside it had grown dark but that didn't mean the night was over for the two of you. Rhett opened the windows in his bedroom, finally relieved that it was warm enough for them to stay open. Outside the peepers chirped and croaked while the warm breeze rustled the grasses.
"Oh Good GOD!!!" Rhett exclaimed.
"What? What's up?"
You joined him at the window, choking back a laugh when you saw the Firebird rocking back and forth and the radio playing "Smooth Operator". You and Rhett were trying not to laugh, knowing you two had already christened the damn thing and that Royal and Cece had no idea.
Rhett faked a gagging noise when you two heard the noises coming from the car. Finally, when the noises had died down, you and Rhett had decided that would be the opportune moment.
"HEY YA'LL KNOW WE CHRISTENED THE DAMN THING ALREADY???!!!!!" Rhett shouted down to them.
"What the fu-GODDAMNIT SON!!!" Royal bellowed.
You and Rhett laughed and snickered amongst yourselves as Royal strung together a tapestry of obscenities that as far as you knew, was still hanging over the Abbott ranch.
"We're so gonna get it in the morning," Rhett laughed.
"It'll be worth it though," you told him, pressing a kiss to his lips.
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bobwess · 1 year
"Close your eyes!" Cas didn't have the luxury of time to be sure Dean had even heard his warning, let alone complied before he gathered every scrap of his woefully weak grace and reflected it outward.
Twenty eight bodies hit the floor, smoke filtering from their eyes, mouth, and ears.
Castiel staggered, a loose shard of what used to be a door sliding far enough to send him crashing to one knee on the pocked concrete floor. He gritted his teeth against the sharp bite of pain, but he was already pushing himself up, gaze locked on the unmoving body across the room. "Dean!"
"Cas-" The reply was immediate, and the hunter strained to pull himself sideways to see if Cas was alright for himself. "Are you okay?"
Cas eased himself down next to Dean where he sat on the floor, reaching out a hand and resting it on Dean's shoulder. "I am alright… Did you get bit?"
"Too fast f'r that."
"Good." Cas said absently, but his eyes were taking inventory of just how bad Dean looked.
Dean was heavily leaning against the wall, hand still closed around the silver loaded handgun. At first glance, he didn't look too bad. A little bit of blood in the corner of his mouth. Cas at first might have figured he bit his lip in the fight. But Dean's shirt was rucked up on the side, and beneath the debris there was a rapidly deepening purple that told a different story. Cas bit back a reaction as he stared.
"If you're gonna-" Dean coughed. "undress me like that… buy me dinner first." He spit off to the side, ignoring the bright red splatter he left behind. He breezed past Cas' confused head tilt, still trying to deflect attention. "Are they dead?"
"Yes." Cas assured him. "All of them."
"I got four." Dean unsuccessfully tried to push himself to sit up further. "You got-?"
Cas spared a glance around the room, confirming his earlier count. "Twenty eight."
Dean rolled his eyes. "So just about even then." He wheezed, lifting one hand to try to wipe the blood trickling over his bottom lip, but the motion threw him off balance and he slid down the wall.
Cas reached out, catching him before he could sink all the way to the ground.
"Thought… thought your grace was too weak to pull s'mthing like that off."
"It's all I could do." Cas said softly, wincing at the way Dean's speech seemed to waver and begin to run together. "I can't-"
"Don't need your healing." Dean dismissed, trying to push Cas off of him. He only succeeded in falling further, his head resting awkwardly against Cas' shoulder, almost in his arms.
"You do." Cas said softly.
"Well, I'll wait."
Cas didn't waste his breath reminding Dean that his grace could take days to replenish enough to heal him. He was aware Dean knew. "We called Sam for backup thirty eight minutes ago."
"The calvary sucks." Dean closed his eyes. "Slowest rescue ever."
"He said it'd be over an hour before he got here." Cas pulled his phone out of his pocket, not expecting it to have any signal, but feeling the fresh sting of disappointment when it didn't. "I don't know where the nearest hospital is."
"We're in the ass end 'f nowhere." Dean tried one more time to get up, but it didn't work any better. "Faster to wait for a car."
"If the truck-"
"You can't fix those tires." The hunter said, a note of sympathy in his voice. When a wolf had slashed Cas' truck tires, he had made a joke that at least it wasn't the impala. Of course, it had immediately turned their simple recon into a dangerous confrontation that neither of them were prepared for. "Won't get far with you carrying me."
"Sam will be here soon."
Dean scoffed which only resulted in another coughing fit and another splatter of red, this time across Cas' chest. He tried to take a deep breath but the gurgled wheeze only made it worse. His vision whited out for a moment, the pain of his broken ribs scraping over themselves overwhelming his nerves.
Cas let himself half fall against the wall, using his position to leverage himself down into a sit. He readjusted his grip on Dean, guiding the hunter to be leaning fully against his chest. He gently placed two fingers on Dean's head, trying and failing to use the ghost of his grace to see just how badly he was hurt.
Dean finally breathed through the latest wave of agony, his eyes half focusing again on a room that now seemed entirely too dark. He took a shaky breath, this one managing not to end in hacking up a lung, and he let himself go boneless in Cas' arms.
Cas listened to Dean's wet wheezing breath, hoping that Sam was wrong. That somehow he was going to get here sooner than he'd said. That any second he'd bust in through the door with a first aid kit and a fast ride to medical help. But the moments stretched onward and no rescue arrived. He felt the hunter in his arms shift slightly and he turned his attention back to him.
Dean blinked heavily, looking up at Cas. "Your tie… s'nice."
"Yeah." He said quietly, feeling a fresh wave of guilt for his inability to do anything.
Dean's face tightened into a slight scowl. "Better before the blood."
The hunter raised a shaky hand and touched the bottom of the blue fabric, only succeeding in adding more blood to the mess. "Sorry." He slurred.
"Forget about the tie." Cas insisted. He held Dean closer. "Just keep breathing."
"M' trying." Dean protested.
"Keep trying."
Dean let his hand drop, his face sliding to rest more firmly against the angel's shirt, head just slightly pushing back the tan overcoat. "Don't leave…"
"I'm not." Cas said softly. "I'm not going anywhere."
Cas wrapped his arm around Dean's head, absently running his fingers through his hair.
"Cas…" Dean struggled to move, pushing away from him again.
Cas straightened, helping Dean to rest up against the wall, taking the time to try and get him into a position where he could support himself. He almost succeeded.
Dean met his eyes, easier to do from his new position. "I got s'mthing to say." He coughed again, the red on his lips replenishing itself. "It's time-"
"No, Dean."
"Cas… I…" He let his gaze rest back on the ground, aware of the pressure building up in his chest. "Dunno if I'll get the chance again…"
"Sam will be here soon." Cas stressed, refusing to acknowledge any alternative.
"Cas… please."
Cas wasn't too surprised to feel hot tears wash down his face, a knot of dread settling deep in his stomach. Whenever his grace was exhausted like this, he found it far harder to mask any emotions. He was far too close to human. "Dean-"
"Cas, I love you."
Cas closed his eyes, the dread strengthening and threatening to choke him. "You don't have to-"
"Yeah… I do." Dean insisted, trying to sort out his words. "You… If I… you deserved t' hear it before…"
"Sam will be here soon."
"If he's not in time… I… Cas I should've said it sooner."
"You can say it later. After we get you to the hospital."
Dean gave a weak smile. "You're giving me an out." He accused.
"I think you wouldn't be saying it if you weren't so badly hurt." Cas replied truthfully.
"Well good thing 'm hurt."
Cas managed a brief pained laugh in spite of everything. "Dean…"
"I mean it."
"I know."
Dean lost his last bit of strength, accepting Cas' assistance in settling him once more against the angel's chest. "Sorry." He muttered again.
"It's okay." Cas whispered back, leaning his head down until his chin was almost buried in Dean's hair.
Dean let out his breath. "This wasn't how I thought this would go." He felt Cas' hand run up and down his shoulder, taking comfort from it. "I 'magined sayin' it sometimes."
"Oh?" Cas asked, quietly, trying to encourage Dean to keep talking. If he was talking, he was breathing. If he was breathing, he was alive.
"I always thought I'd be more…"
"Conscious." Dean finished. He tried to pull his head back to get a read on what Cas was feeling, but his neck didn't want to cooperate with his wishes. He felt his eyes flutter shut for a moment, the world slowing down.
"Dean." Cas said sharply, giving him a brief shake to wake him back up. "Stay with me."
" 'M not goin' anywhere." Dean said, blinking a few times to try and focus again. "I'm here."
"Keep breathing."
" 'M not just saying it because I'm dying…"
"You're not dying."
"I love you." Dean repeated.
Cas reached down, cupping Dean's cheek in his hand, blood smearing beneath his fingers. He looked into Dean's eyes, waiting the long moment until they finally focused on his. "I love you, Dean Winchester." He tilted Dean's head up slightly, pressing their lips together briefly, trying to ignore the sharp tang of iron on his mouth when he pulled away.
Dean gave a small sigh, pain canceled out with a sort of warm relief for just a moment. "Thank you…"
"Shut up." Cas replied, sounding like Dean for a moment.
"I hope…" Dean took a moment to catch his breath, even talking starting to exhaust him now. "I want to do that again…"
"We will."
"M'ybe without the blood."
"I'd like that."
Dean closed his eyes, this time leaning into the angel's chest on purpose. "Sam will be… soon." He whispered, feeling his grip on consciousness loosen. "How long?" He managed, words almost impossible to make out.
Just as he was trying to calculate, Cas heard the rumble of the impala at the end of the drive. "I can hear him now. Just keep breathing."
"I am. 'M breathing."
Cas pulled Dean closer, pressing another kiss against his forehead, letting himself get caught up in the relief of a promised rescue. It was going to be okay. "Thank you." --- Another shameless self-promoting cross-post with my Ao3!
This is also a one-shot from my "Prompted" series here.
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mad-maximoff · 1 year
𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝟑
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Chapter Sum: Addy really wants to look good for university. She decided to go tanning. Lizzie wanted her to cool down and relax with her next door.
Warnings: Language (like usual lol), of age/underage drinking (depending on where you're from), fingering, making out, consent (we love a consensual queen <3)
Word Count: 3,625
Red Love Masterlist
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"Kiss me hard before you go...summertime sadness. I just wanted you to know, that baby you the best."
"I got my red dress on tonight..." I laid down on my towel on the grass under the hot August sun. My plan is to tan. I wanted to look hot for university. Like every girl does obviously. I want to look mature. I didn't want to look like some kid that shouldn't be there. However, no one from my high school got accepted into NYU so I get a fresh start.
I was shielding the sun's rays with the book I'm currently reading, 'My Year Of Rest & Relaxation'. My sunglasses weren't doing justice. The tan oil I was using smelt god-awful. It made my skin tingle with every lather I applied. I think perhaps I'm allergic. Time will tell I guess. I sported the new bathing suit I got in the city. It looked like the infamous pink Dior bikini but who could afford that on a university student's cash? I think I bought it wrong, however. The top was too small for my boobs and the bottoms were too big. I wasn't thinking about it much, I was trying to keep my mind on my tan and my book. However, that wasn't what I was thinking about. I was trying to piece together what happened the other day. Did Elizabeth touch me? Maybe I was hallucinating? It was my first high after all. I remember Lizzie hit Hallie for some reason then grabbed me and dragged me home. Everything else was a damn-near blur. I saw her in double vision the entire time. My head felt as though my brain was unhooked and just swam freely around my skull. It was a floating sensation. 
There was a little breeze throughout the backyard. It cooled my tingly skin. The breeze sent goosebumps all up my thighs making them shift around above my towel. The sensation went away as the wind died down. My phone rang out of nowhere, I wasn't expecting any calls. All I wanted to do today was read and get tan, why am I always being bothered? 
"Hello?" I answered sitting up and putting a place in my book. 
"What's up bitch!!! Whatcha doing?" It was Hallie. She sounds very happy, considering what happened 2 days ago. 
"Nothing much really. Just tanning. What's up with you?" I sat hunched over running my finger along the spine of the book just listening to Hallie's voice. 
"About the same. Just got off work. Had an early shift this morning. Are you doing okay? I forgot to call you after that whole fiasco with your crazy milf. Did your mom notice? What did you two do when you went home? Did it involve a certain cherry popping?" She giggled softly trying to not be loud. You could hear she was getting in her truck.  
"Oh my fucking god Hal, nothing like that happened! I think that it is. Mom wasn't home, and Lizzie did feel bad about hitting you. She told me. She just got overprotective that's all." I shifted my body to lay on my right side, putting all the weight on my arm. 
"Overprotective I can tell, but she came for me like a bull out the pin. I thought she liked me. She went nuts!" Her truck engine started and I heard a lighter flick on. 
"You realize why she went nuts. Your scrawny ass couldn't lift me up. She probably thought I needed help and you were doing nothing. But I know you were trying your best. Plus you're more like a bull than her! Haha! Remember when I had to sneak into the bar to come pick you up and you had a biker dude in a headlock just because he stole your seat?"
"No! That wasn't just that! He touched my ass too remember? And when you came in I had him in a headlock then bashed him over the head with a bottle." She laughed.
"Yeah, with the most expensive bottle in the damn bar might I add!" I snorted shaking my head over my best friend's antics. 
"Hey! It was the stupid bartender's fault for putting a 500-dollar bottle out where people can grab it. It wasn't tequila so I was fine breaking it. Do you want me to come over later? We can binge-watch movies again." 
I switched to put her on speaker. Just waiting for her to hang up. I love Hallie dearly but some days I just want to be alone. I don't need her constantly calling and asking to do things. I love hanging out with her in all but damn, doesn't she want to be alone too? She has a boyfriend, why doesn't she hang out with him? 
"Maybe Hal. I'll see how I feel." I huffed adjusting my glasses. 
"Uh-huh. Okay hun, I gotta let you go. Jamie's calling me." 
"Okay Hal, talk to you later." I hung up a little too quickly but I know Hallie won't take it personally. I hope.
                                          ╔═══ -ˋˏ *.·:·.⟐.·:·.* ˎˊ- ═══╗
I proceeded to try and finish off the chapter I was reading. My mind was being distracted, I kept hearing sloshing noises. I turned behind me seeing no one else in the backyard. I sat up looking in the other direction to the fence, Lizzie's house was on the other side. I saw a little shadow that turned out to be moving. It was Lizzie, or so I hoped. I couldn't see her fully. She never had anyone over. 
"Miss Addy? What on earth are you doing sitting in this August sun? It's 104 degrees out." Lizzie hung over the fence resting her chin on the wood. Her hair was dry and wavy. Her glasses covered most of her face with a brown tint. 
"I'm tanning. I don't think it's working honestly." I stood up meeting Lizzie's gaze. I stepped forward walking to where she was. I tried to straighten my back sucking in my stomach. Lizzie's hand reached out to my bikini strap pulling it away from my skin, letting it go to flick my skin. 
"Hm? I think it worked. You have some colour. You're really warm sweetie. You should come and take a break. I have the pool fixed. Why don't you come and relax with me." Her hand rested on my shoulder. Her hand was coldly damp. It soothed me for a little while. "Oh I don't want to burden you, it's the weekend after all. It's your days off." I really wanted to join her, but I didn't want to cramp her style. "Honey, I'd be delighted if you joined me. I'd love company, especially your company." Her thumb grazed my tan skin leaving my body. "Alright, Lizzie. I'll be happy to join you then." I felt a smile creep along. I was ecstatic, this would be the first time we would hang out. I opened the latch on our fence. My mom got it installed last summer, she and the girls would come over sometimes for drinks so she thought it would be easy access. I've never been in Lizzie's house or her backyard. It was neatly lawned, with stone lining the hot tub-sized pool in the middle with a gazebo covering the pool. My jaw almost dropped seeing what Lizzie was wearing, a burnt orange bikini. She looked immaculate. I've never seen Lizzie in anything like this. I've seen her in shorts and stuff like that but nothing like this. Her olive skin was accented with an orange colour. She was hot. 
"Would you like a drink, Miss Ad?" She flung open the screen door stepping into what looked like her living room. Her glasses came off resting on her head, her eyes looked tired. But her smile made you think otherwise. "I'll drink whatever you are Lizzie." I beamed back twisting a ring on my index finger. "Haha! You can't tell you are underage or anything. Don't say you want whatever I'm having. You'll for sure get ID-ed at the bar. Now, how about we try this again? What would you like?" Her arm leaned into the door. Her hips tilted showing off her soft hips. "Champagne if you have it. If not then a screwdriver." I awkwardly laughed off her comment still twisting the ring on my finger. 
"Champagne it is honey. Now, was that so hard? Go on, go sit in the pool. I'll be there shortly." She left from my sight. Like a good little pup, I darted over to the pool dipping my feet into the pool. It was then that I realized I was tan, the white underbelly of the pool showed my light brown skin. It was cold at first, but it felt nice actually. I sat on the edge of the pool letting the water hit my kneecaps awaiting Lizzie's return. 
"I thought it would be easier for us just to have the bottle." Lizzie returned with a bottle of champagne and two wine glasses. "Is that Dom Perignon?!" I was surprised to see her bring out such a fancy bottle. "For someone that isn't 21, you sure know your champagnes. What? Don't like it?" She joked planting down next to me feeling the soft hairs on her thighs graze mine. "No, no I've never drank it. I've just seen it on tv shows and movies. You shouldn't open a nice bottle just for me." Lizzie nudged me cracking the seal and popping off the cork. "Don't say that! A pretty girl deserves the prettiest bottle. Plus if it's your first time drinking champagne, I'd like it to be something nice and not shit bottles you'll drink in university dorms." She poured the glasses full handing me my glass. Her nails were neatly painted in a milk bath look. Her nails were trimmed short with a little white left over. As for my nails were sloppily painted in black with cracks where I'd chewed off. I'm trying to quit this nasty habit I've done for years. 
I took in a hefty sip almost finishing off the glass. I heard Lizzie's laughter seeing her glass fog up from her breath. "It's not a shot, did you even taste it?" She nudged me again this time she sunk deeper into the pool. "Come on Addy-baby, come in." Her hand landed on my thigh rubbing inwards. I jimmied myself lower feeling a little ashamed that I chugged my glass. "I'm sorry, a force of habit. I go to small parties. They don't serve actual drinks, just shots." Lizzie's hand grasped mine pulling my glass closer to her chest and pouring another glass. "Well then let's teach you how to drink an actual drink." Her glasses fell off her head landing on the bridge of her nose. It startled both of us, but it let out giggles of Lizzie and me. "Cheers Miss Addy, to our lovely blossoming relationship." Our glasses clinked together staring into each other tentatively. "Cheers," I smirked feeling her thighs shift against mine under the water. 
"How are you feeling since the last time I saw you? You were in pretty bad shape." Lizzie's lips pursed on the tip of the glass, sipping slowly. Which made me feel 10 times worse about my first drink. I mimicked her action sipping slowly; she was right. I didn't even taste it. It tasted like what I imagined. Sweet and full of bubbles. Like what gold would taste like. Fancy.
"I was okay, you were right. I just needed some water and crawled into bed." I turned my back placing the wine glass behind my back on the ledge. "See! Told you, take my advice baby. You were a total mess. You're friend didn't do anything but stand and watch." She huffed spinning the liquid in a circular motion. "Hallie was trying her best before you came. I'm heavier than her, she couldn't possibly lift me without help." My hands dipped into the water letting the rest of my body sink into my shoulders. Lizzie's body turned completely pressing a button on the pool, there laid little jets at our feet. It was becoming a very relaxing afternoon after all. "Yeah sure, if she had any weight on her head she would know not to let you hit the ground. You're not heavy Addy, you're very sexy." Lizzie's thigh crossed on mine laying it gently. I felt her, I felt her crotch through her bikini bottoms. Oh god, stop it! Stop thinking about that!  
I blushed again simply brushing her compliment off. "Come now Lizzie, I could lose a few pounds around my stomach. It's sad when I look down and my belly is bigger than my tits. I wish there was a way to transfer my fat to my boobs. Hahaha!" I joked sitting up straight looking down through the water. Lizzie's whole body moved onto mine. Her arm draped around my shoulders as her other hand laid directly on my belly. "Shut up now, I love your cute tummy. You're healthy, and your chest is perfect." Her hand fondled my stomach, her thumb rubbed above my navel where the top of my belly ring was. Her touch was faint under the water. I knew she was touching me, but it didn't feel like it. 
"You're probably the only one who thinks that Lizzie, so thank you for trying to make me feel better." Her body shifted once again now floating in front of me. Her hips were at my kneecaps, I parted my legs allowing her to come closer to me. Her face was half an inch away from mine. She took off her sunglasses throwing them to a ledge. "I'm the only one you should care about Addy." She bit her lip before her lips met mine without warning. It was blissfully maddening. She was rough. I couldn't possibly take control of her. God I wish I could have the courage too but I melted at the feeling of her holding me down. Her mouth was so dominating. She was rough on my lips but, her tongue was soft with every touch of mine. God, she was magical. It was everything I dreamt she would be. There it is again. That familiar touch I once felt while I was high. I knew I wasn't imagining it. She did it again. Her hand that once rested on my stomach climbed its way to my breast again. Squeezing it in its full form. Someone who finally made me feel beautiful, made my body feel beautiful. We took a breath out together, you could make out a tiny sigh Lizzie let out before she reattached her lips to mine. My throat let out a small moan, buzzing through my vocal cords. Lizzie didn't think I notice she slipped her balm under my bikini top grasping my breast bare. Fuck! Fuck! She's touching me! Me!! Oh god, stay cool! I didn't stay cool, however. I almost jumped out of my skin. I leaped back breaking our kiss momentarily. Lizzie had a confused expression plastered across her face. "Hmm? What's the matter? Are you okay?" Her grip around my breast loosened still not leaving its spot. My look must've startled her, I didn't know what I was showing. "I-I'm sorry Lizzie. You just caught me off guard. I didn't know what you were doing." Lizzie gave a tiny pout still biting down on her bottom lip. "Oh I'm sorry honey, would you like me to continue? I should've asked. I got a little out of hand." My brain shut off. It felt as though I was in a dream at this moment. My body reacted in some way I never knew I'd do. My hand pressed against Lizzie's as it was still under my bikini. "P-please. I'd like you to continue." I haven't stuttered in years like I was. I had speech therapy when I was small to better my speech. Sometimes it will slip here and there. "Good. Good girl..." With that, she leaned in. This time, I leaned with her. She tasted sweet, not sweet like the champagne. Tasted like vanilla and mint. Smelt strong like wood and floral. She was everything and more. Her other hand crept around my thigh, that part I felt vividly. Even under the water. It was heightened by 100. 
I felt so bare underneath Elizabeth, her warm complexion looked like she was wearing sunscreen with tiny gold flakes. Her brows were brushed and filled in, with light mascara. Nothing clumped on her like it would happen to me, I'd hide it with false lashes.        
 God, she's beautiful. She was warm and inviting, she made me feel very comfortable around her. 
"You're so beautiful Liz-..." I parted my lips against hers feeling her bottom lip graze mine. Her hand forcefully squished my breast warming my stiff nipple. Moving my nipple ring in circles. It frightened me; I have never had anyone touch me in that way. Yes, I was pierced so someone did touch me, but not in a sexual way. Not in the way Lizzie was. "Shhh..you're even more lovely Addy. You want me to touch you more?" Her body switched positions. Sitting directly on my lap leaving space between our bikini bottoms. I nodded pushing my head back to her lips. Her forehead met mine stopping me. "Use. Your. Words. Yes or no?" Her voice was stern and hot next to my ear. I nodded again breathing in shallowly. "Yes please..." My hands lay on her narrow shoulders caressing her collar bone. Lizzie unstuck her forehead to mine continued to press her lips onto mine dipping her tongue into my mouth again. She invaded my personal space, it wasn't like I didn't mind it. Lizzie can invade my space anytime. She was invading other places too, her hand was still laid on my thigh creeping up onto the flab where the string to my bottoms was. Her hand traced down the lining of my bottoms until she reached the middle below my belly button ring. Her nails dug into the cloth pushing down. 
Oh my god...I've always dreamt of this! God...Fuck!
I felt as though I jumped again, but in reality, my hips just bucked. She giggled unclenching her other hand from my boob pushing on my shoulder. "It's your first time, isn't it? I can tell. Your face is so red..and you're soaked-..fuck Addy..." Her middle finger dove deeper inside awaiting a reaction as she pulled out. My hands left her shoulders clutching her slim waist. She wasn't fat, her body was perfect. She was like the goddesses I'd read about in Greek books, and she was touching me. Just me. No one else around. Her thumb grazed my clit, pushing her middle finger back into my pussy. Lizzie laughed seeing my reaction. I tried to look away from Lizzie's face. Her forehead stuck to mine making my head lift. "Be a good girl Addy. I'll make you cum if you're good for me. Hm? Will you be a good girl for mommy?" I would have came right there. Mommy? Did she really say that? I never thought Lizzie was into that. I couldn't think much of it after her hand increased her speed into me. "Y-y-yes!" The warmth of the hot tub and Lizzie's breath hit me like I was going to suffocate. 
"Yes, what?" Her finger slowly slipped out of my folds too easily. My hips bucked, I was begging at this point. I didn't know what to say, does she want me to say it? I guess so. Maybe? "Yes, mommy..." Her lip curled to one side catching her teeth on her bottom lip. "Good. Good girl." Her fingers dove in deeper than before, I could feel myself clench around her middle finger. 
"Oh god...I'm gonna-oh!" Lizzie's other hand pressed my shoulder against the wall of the hot tub. It stung for a moment but I didn't mind for a second. "I know darling. I know. I feel it too." She pumped in and out of my pussy. I have never touched myself in such a way, I dreamt of her touching me. Just never thought it would escalate this quickly. "Oh, Addy. You look beautiful like this. Melting in the palm of my hand ready to cum. Go on then. Cum for mommy." 
There it was. 
I have came before, but not by another person. It felt a million times better when it was someone else doing it. To tell you the truth, I felt somewhat dirty. Like we've done something wrong. I'm over 18 and so is she. I liked her and I hoped she liked me as well. So why did I feel this way? Her hand left from underneath my bottoms leaving it empty. She was happy. So was I trying to catch my breath. 
"God you look so cute. You want more champagne?" 
"No. I'm...I'm...I think I hear my mom." I caught my breath lifting myself out of the water. Lizzie looked startled. "I didn't hear anything Ad." 
"Yeah, she's in the kitchen. I can see her in the window. I have to go. Um...thanks for the...drinks. See you later." I hopped out onto the cold grass. The grass wasn't cold, I was just in hot water. I felt like I was running, probably because I was. I slammed the fence door running into the back door. 
What the hell was I thinking? How could I? What if my mom saw us? Oh god! No! That was wrong on so many levels. I can't do it again! 
Lizzie was right. I did get some colour.
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sunnyie-eve · 9 months
15 || Lucky You Found Us
Series: Trust | Maze Runner (Thomas x OFC)
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: none
A/N: Might be a few mistakes
As Thomas gets ready to press the button a truck horn causes everyone to look at it drive through hitting a helicopter. It sends debris flying through the air so everyone falls to the ground to avoid getting hit. Everyone takes the time to start running, "Freeze!" A soldier points their guns at the groups. Thomas thinks quick tossing the bomb at them so they can run away.
"Thomas!" Elizabeth yells as Minho holds her hand running away.
"He'll be fine." He reminds her as they run, they let go of her hand to pick up a gun on the ground. "Get outta here! Go! Go!" Minho tells them all and of course Elizabeth tries to stay with him.
"Minho, let's go!" Thomas runs past him grabbing Elizabeth with him.
"Minho! Come on!" Elizabeth yells as they all get behind a crate.
Minho gets stunned, making the group panic. "Minho!" Elizabeth slips out of Thomas' grip running to help him.
"Elizabeth no!" They yell at her as she picks up a smaller gun, shooting only to get stunned too.
"Minho! Elizabeth!" Thomas runs to help them but Jorge stops him.
As Elizabeth is dragged away like Minho, all she hears through the gun shots is Thomas yelling for her and Minho. The group stands back watching the craft take off with everyone on it.
When the sun came up the next day everyone looked at the mess around them and the good supplies. "What do we do now?" Fry asks, looking out.
"Well, we pick up what's left of us. We stick to the plan. We get you kids to the safe haven. Then we start over, I guess." Vince stands up.
Thomas shakes his head standing up with his bag, "I'm not going with you." He tells Vince.
"What?" He asks, confused.
"I made a promise to Minho, I wouldn't leave him behind. I made a promise to Elizabeth, she'll be okay and I won't let anything happen to her. I have to go after them." Thomas tells him.
"Hey, kid, look around you. Alright? Wicked just kicked our ass. You think about where you're headed." Vince tells him.
"I'm not asking anyone to come with me. But I expected you would understand a little. Especially about Mary's daughter." Thomas tells everyone.
"Thomas, listen to me. I've known Minho and Elizabeth for... Well, as long as I can remember. So, if there was any way that we could help them... trust me, I would be up there standing next to you. I love Ellie to death but... This, what you're talking about... is impossible." Newt tries to get Thomas to understand.
"More like suicide." Jorge walks up to them.
"Maybe. But I know what I'm supposed to do now. It's not just about Minho and Elizabeth. It's about all of us. It's about everyone Wicked's and ever taken, everyone they will take. They'll never stop. They'll never stop, so I'm gonna stop them. I'm gonna kill Ava Paige." Thomas tells them his reason and they get it and agree.
"Well, that's a good speech, kid. So, what's your plan?" Vince asks so everyone looks at Thomas.
For months Wicked had us on the move and kept talking about a city that we were supposedly heading to. Wicked put me nowhere near Minho because Janson said so. Speaking of that asshole, he took any opportunity he got to hit me. He loved to bring up killing my mother and Thomas failing to get Minho and I. He knew exactly how to get me a raise out of me so I could get punished.
On the train I start to hear shooting outside making me wonder if they finally found us. "Aris, Sonya." I say making them look back at me.
"It's gotta be right?" She starts to smile before we get jerked coming to a stop.
"Minho! Elizabeth!" I hear Thomas yelling banging on cars.
"THOMAS!" I scream as everyone starts shouting, shaking their chains. I didn't know how Thomas was to get both of us because we were in different cars.
I hear them working on the car while Wicked shoots at them. Suddenly we feel the car getting lifted up and I cry for two reasons. All of us got saved but WICKED still has Minho. Finally when we get to wherever they were taking us and get the door open Thomas walks in.
"Aris." Thomas rushes over to them. "You guys okay?" He asks them.
"Yeah, we're fine." She tells him.
"Thomas..." I say his name making him rush back to me.
"It's okay. I got you no." Thomas bends down hugging me.
"Minho, he's not in this car. They still have him. Wicked hasn't let us be near each other for six months." I cry to him and he holds my head.
"It's okay. You guys are safe." He tells the whole car while Newt hugs me while someone gets the bolt cutters to get us out.
As soon as they walk me out Vince sees me rushing over to me, "What happened to your face?" He cups my face.
"Janson and some other guys. I'm a fighter." I laugh making him hug me tightly.
"I'm just glad we finally have you back." He rocks me side to side. "I gotta get ready for the speech. Let the others know you're okay." He leaves me.
"I'm gonna go get Fry." Newt rushes off leaving me with Thomas.
I turn to Thomas and he wraps his arms around me, "Six months." He says in my hair as I hold him tight.
"You kept your promise." I look up at him smiling through the tears.
He looks down at me cupping my face, leaning down kissing me. I wrap my arms at his neck pulling him closer to deepen the kiss.
"Thomas, we have to get Minho back. I can't leave him with them." I cry, making him kiss my forehead.
"I know. I'm not giving up." He says walking is to listen to Vince's speech.
"I know you've all been through hell. I wish I could say our troubles are over. But we're not through this yet. WICKED's still out there. They're not giving up. Cause you got something they want. They took you because you're immune to a plague that's wiping out the human race. And they think you're worth sacrificing to find a cure. Well, I don't. So I'm two days... when we get this tub of a rust seaworthy... we're getting the hell outta here. We're gonna go to a place where WICKED will never find you. A place you can start over. A place you can call home."
Thomas takes my hand leading us away, "Let's get you some new clothes and clean your cuts."
We pass Breana and Jorge, making me let go of Thomas to rush over to them. "It's good to see you again." Jorge gives me a hug.
"A fighter I see." Brenda laughs seeing my face.
"Duh. You're looking good. How are you feeling?" I hug her.
"Good. You should go clean up." She shoves me towards Thomas so I leave with him.
"Has she been perfectly fine for the past six months?" I ask Thomas.
"She's been Brenda. Worried about you a lot." He says as we join Newt and Fry.
"That's nice to hear. I've liked her since we met her." I laugh as Fry runs picking me up so I hug him back.
"You like everyone." Thomas says as Fey puts me down.
"Not Teresa. Never did because I felt different around her." I explain making him chuckle as Brenda joins us.
"What's funny?" She asks us.
"I said Lizzie likes everyone because she said she's liked you since we first met but she said she never liked Teresa." Thomas explains to her starting to clean my cut.
"I never did either." Brenda gives me a high five. "And I've liked you since we met too. You saying Minho was struck by lightning let me know you're a good one." She says as some of us go to Aris, Harriet, and Sonya.
"Took you guys long enough to rescue us." Aris tells Thomas so we join them.
"So what happened?" Thomas asks the three of us.
"You're lucky you found us at all. They had us on the move a lot. It felt like something big was happening." Sonya lets them know.
"Any idea where they were heading?" Newt asks.
"They kept talking about a city." I tell them.
"I didn't think there were any cities left." Harriet looks at me.
"That's because there aren't. Not still standing anyway." Brenda speaks up.
"Apparently there is one left because that's where we had to be heading. That's where they're taking the rest of us... taking Minho." I tear up.
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icharchivist · 1 year
As a Belial stan, I admit I fell for him because I saw a stupid meme that was my first introduction to him and Gbf in general, then couldn't get him out of my head, but the more I learned about him, the more I grew to love him
And I can confidently the atrocities only add to his character
The fact that he chose to cope with what happened to him by just digging his heels in and making the bad choice every step of the way like someone going for an evil run in a video game, despite tons of evidence pointing to him having the capacity to care for people (unlike Lucilius who checks a lot of boxes for sociopathy), it just. He's so awful and so hot and all the little things that make him Belial, including the tiny little quirks like collecting rare stuff and enjoying cicadas, they just make him so
It's difficult to put into words, but the way everything comes together just makes him such a compelling character. Also the balls and his tits. I'm not gonna pretend I'm a saint here
But they didn't have to go so hard on him and still they did! He could've just been horny and not tragic, or just tragic and not horny
But they went that hard and because of that he's now living rent-free in my head until the end of time
Anon you summed it all SO well!!! Honestly, pretty based Belial Stan experience.
I feel like Belial is extremely hard to sum up because there's a lot about him that's like... He's charming, so you kinda humor him when you read along the atrocities, but therefore, it leaves you just vulnerable enough that when he reveals why he's like this - all the tragedy that motivates him, and all the ways he specifically chooses to make himself worse as a result no matter how much pain it brings up - it genuinely hit like a truck.
I genuinely think the built up was really brilliant, because he's so entertainingly bad at first that you don't expect just how hard it's going to hit you when it happens.
I saw Belial in memes and people talking about him and stuff, and i found him particularly amusing and pretty charming, so i admit i was interested from the start. (also i had a dream of kissing him like, the day before i unlocked wmtsb in the story, which was coming out of NOWHERE because i hadn't met him yet at this point. This didn't help me going through wmtsb.)
And everytime he was being The Worst on the screen, even when he would genuinely make me angry, i still found him too charming to completely hate him. I was just obsessed with the way he talked and was taking the situation.
And ironically i remember that for a short instant, i got EXTREMELY pissed at him after he stole Sariel's wings and started to tell Sandalphon it was his fault Lucifer died, and for a brief instant i was feeling pure, unfiltered rage.... but then it led to his monologue, and then to his fake suicide, and i remember this was genuinely the moment where i was so distraught because of the quick succession of emotional highs i couldn't even try to keep up a sort of playful dislike anymore. I was just, so genuinely shocked by the absolute emotional roller coaster, that i was just there begging "please please it can't be happening please where is he, no, please no, don't let him be dead"
So when he reappeared and planted a bomb on us, almost killing us, instead of being mad, i was FULL OF JOY because i was just "aha! classic Belial! love you!!!" (and then of course the recontextualization of the Sariel incident made me fully at peace with him in the end.)
And it's so. so interesting to me because i wouldn't have Belial any other way. I love that he's a horrible person, i love that he makes all the worst of choices, but i also love that he is motivated by an honestly pretty sad backstory in itself, and that we saw enough of him to know he /is/ kind, deep down. He just choses not to be because he's the king of self sabotage.
It's SO difficult to put into words and even more so to put into words for people who haven't experienced wmtsb. You can take some of his scenes out of context, the sillies, the horrors, the serious, the sweets, the sads, all of them, but nothing would ever equate just experiencing the way the story is told and getting enthralled by all of that in quick successions of one another while this fucker also dares to be charming and sexy as fuck.
And honestly, learning that Belial literally came from the fact the writers were facing a writer block, and they took a risk with him because the only thing that could unblock them during the writing process of this tragedy was to be able to have a villain they could just put all sort of heavy but funny scenes on, really made it all even more of a tour de force. By 000 Belial is such a complex character that it's just. incredible to think this guy almost didn't exist, both because of the circumstances of his existence and the fact they almost veto'ed him for how sexual he is.
Worth it, truthfully. And now the guy lives rent-free in all of our minds and we're out there talking in depth about him at every turns.
oghh. He's just so fascinating but i somehow just feel like he needs to be Experienced to be Understood. This is what makes us Belial Connaisseurs, if you will. truly, one of a kind.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
20 and 30 for the ao3 wrapped?
Which work of yours have you reread the most?
Man, this makes me wish there was a good way of filtering my AO3 history so I could actually find out, numerically speaking...I'm honestly not sure and if I try to just go off my own brain there's going to be a hell of a recency bias. It's easier for me to think of the fics I haven't reread more than the ones I have. I do a lot of rereading of my own fic. (So sue me.)
If I had to guess I'd say either when it catches up or maybe walking shadows? but honestly I think it hurts at first (but it ain't that bad) is probably up there too.
Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Didn't see a new fandom coming out of nowhere and hitting me like a truck! That was unexpected!
Other surprise...I was surprised in a good way by the reception that this world is gonna break your heart got. I never expected that fic to have much of an audience, but it got one, and by and large people seemed to like it. That was a nice surprise, particularly since that one had been kicking around my brain for a while.
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neuro-gal-thoughts · 9 months
I'm trying to remember when I began to hate Septembers. They used to feel like such a curse. I would often fall into a seemingly out of nowhere bout of depression in September. Or something really awful would befall me.
Not to say every year it comes and bad things happen to me, but they certainly were on a streak in my adolescence and young adulthood. Regardless, I tend to brace for stormy weather when I realize September is approaching (or I get pulled over and ticketed for speeding and realize it's September 3rd T-T).
Towards my 30s, Septembers mellowed out. There were a couple years where I barely even took in September.
So last week, I took note of August coming to an end. Generally, feeling grateful that I no longer dreaded living in September because a dark cloud cast over me so heavily all I could do was sleep during the days and stay up all night, unable to face the world like a nightcrawler.
Hell, I would go to the grocery stores at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning, back when stores were open 24 hours. It was peaceful to walk down empty aisles (save for a few tired employees who were perfectly fine ignoring me as I ignored them, lost in our own late night worlds). To drive on dark, quiet, nearly empty roads.
Back to last week, I only allowed myself a few moments to think about September approach on Friday. On my drive home from work on Thursday morning (yep, still a nightcrawler but I get paid to work these hours), a throwback playlist played Green Day's "Wake Me Up When September Ends" right as I hit a red light.
The truck in front of me had a license plate starting with the letters "DAD-F" followed by the last two digits of my birth year.
That moment made me realize I had to do a final farewell for my dad. Billy Joel Armstrong's song about losing his father. A license plate with the word "DAD"?? "F" as in his Female daughter. And the year I was born.
If I was to prepare for a rough September, how about processing my Father wound some more?
My dad didn't die, but for the last 3-4 years I began unpacking my relationship with my dad. Which snowballed into decentering men and checking myself. Confront my internalized misogyny.
And so I waited until September came to truly let myself think about my dad. I wrote my dad a goodbye letter, coming to the realization that my relationship with my dad essentially ended when I was 12-13 (6th grade) in that process.
At that time, he was having an affair and he and my mom were being generally awful to each other and their kids. And it wasn't that my dad cheated on my mom that made me realize that my dad wasn't my dad anymore.
It was a specific day, one in which my dad wasn't catastrophically awful to me and my siblings, but something about his behavior really stuck with me and that day never left me.
He'd been flippant about watching me and my siblings, usual asshole Dad behavior where he wanted to go out and blew off taking care of his kids. My siblings and I walked to the gas station to buy ice cream and my dad drove off to a buddy's place to play cards and get caught up in his gambling addiction.
My relationship with my dad up to that point had been a childhood filled with happy memories mixed in with complicated, bad, painful memories.
If I could sum up my relationship with my dad into my teen years with one word it would be: strained.
There were bad memories because of course I was an emotional teenager and having someone who was narcissistic like my dad led to stupid arguments between us. But, unlike my childhood, not really any good memories to be had.
After hiding from my feelings by trying to numb them out and ignore them in my 20s, I was able to start working on it in my 30s. Admitting I want my father's love. That I miss the affection and attention he gave me when I was a small child.
That I hate him for being a shitty dad. For being abusive. For being neglectful. For not caring about his kids, not caring about me. For being selfish. For making shitty decisions and expecting other people to clean his messes up for him. For making his resentment so obvious and venomous.
Understanding that his resources for good parenting (much less surviving at many points in his life) weren't the best. Understanding that I can still hate him for being a shitty dad while also having compassion for the struggles he faced in his life so that I can understand that the hurt inflicted upon me was not my fault.
Accepting that I will spend a lifetime working on trust and love because I was shown so little.
And for my own inner peace, to try to see if this helps, I wrote my dad a goodbye letter. Accept that the father/daughter relationship I have always wanted will never be one that I have with my dad. Allow myself to feel my emotions over my dad when they crop up.
They don't carry as much weight as they used to and they don't occur as often as they used to. But I do want to allow myself to feel my feelings when they happen.
And there were signs for me to let my relationship with my dad evolve into what it is becoming now. I don't need to pretend anymore.
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multifanforever · 2 years
[slight human cuss warning and abuse/violence. If you do not like, then please keep scrolling.]
(Y/n)'s P.O.V
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birth day to mommy................ happy birthday to you." I blew out the candle on the small cupcake I had managed to save from my papa. My mommy loved cupcakes. So every time it's her birthday, I blow a candle for her.
"Get up here you fucking brat!!!" My papa screamed. I carefully set the cupcake down and ran into the living room. My papa was laying on the couch drinking his super coffee. He chugged the bottle he had in his hand.
"Get me another beer!!" He threw the empty bottle at me and I immediately ran over to the fridge and got another. My mind went back to when mommy was still here. Papa was really nice. He got me toys, and candy, and dresses. But when mommy was hurt and  went up, papa was mad. He yelled and hit me. It was scary. I don't even know if that is my papa.
"WhAt ThE FUCK aRe yoU DoiNG OvER thEre?!?!?!? GIve mE my FUckIng BEER!!!! Or ELse yOuer GOnnA gO intO THe ClOsEt!!!!!" I ran over and gave him the bottle. He yanked the cap off and began to chug that. I was about to run away, but papa pulled me by my hair.
"ANd whErE dO yOu thInK YOU're GoIng?!?!?"
"P-papa! Let go!! You're hurting me!!!" I screamed. He threw me across the room and I hit the counter with a cry of pain.
"Fucking asshole. Should have killed you a long time ago." I heard him mutter. I curled up into a ball and silently sobbed. I want my old papa back.
(Time Skip)
It was time for school. I didn't know how to do my hair, so I combed it out and left it down. I got my backpack and snuck out the door.
The walk was nice. But I didn't really have much strength to walk. I haven't had food in a week. When I made it to school, I saw no one there.
"Oh no! I'm late!!" I ran across the street quickly. But I didn't see the fire truck that was coming my way. Luckily, it missed me and I made it to the other side. Someone stomped up to me. I looked over half expecting papa. But it was the fireman. That meant that I was almost hit my a rescue bot.
"What the heck kid! What are you doing running into the road for?!" He demanded. I look away from him.
"Sorry." I whispered. He sighed and put his hand on my head. I look up at him.
"Be careful. We don't want you to get hurt. I nodded and ran into the school.
Heatwave's P.O.V
By Primus that little girl came out of nowhere!! Thankfully I JUST BARELY managed to swerve around her. Kade hopped back into the cabin.
"That kid is gonna get herself killed like her mother." I heard him mutter.
"What? What are you talking about?" I demanded. He sighed.
"Girl lost her mom to a car crash. Died two days after it. Don't know how she's doing now though." That shocked me. That five year old girl lost one of her parental units.
"But she's so young! Does she even-"
"Yes she does heatwave!! She was in the backseat when the crash happened!!" I was taken aback yet again. Sure Kade had snapped at me multiple times, but this one was different. I stayed silent and thought about the kid. I wonder what she's thinking right now.
(Y/n)'s P.O.V
School is over. Nothing interesting happened. It was normal for once. I grabbed my backpack and walked out. I was walking down the street when something caught my eye. It was paper money! I grabbed it and saw that it was a five.
"What do I do with this?" I looked around and saw the diner. My tummy grumbled. Guess I'm going to the diner. I walked up to the diner and saw the fire truck sitting outside. I don't know why, but I walked up to it and put my hand on it's tire.
"Hello Mr. Robot. I'm (Y/n). I really like you. You're my favorite." I stared at the truck a bit more. Then I walked into the diner. BIG mistake.
Heatwave's P.O.V
She........ spoke to me? And she said I was her favorite....?.............. Pch, wait till blades hears this. She looks so calm though. It's like she never knew anything. It's....... odd. Then I heard screaming from inside the diner.
(Y/n)'s P.O.V
I walked into the diner and sat on a chair. I looked around and a pretty server person came up to me.
"Aw. What are you doing here sweetie?" She asked. I hold up the dollar to her.
"I'm here to eat!" I said smiling. She smiled back.
"Where are your parents sweetie? I'm sure they're looking for you." She asked. I was about to answer when someone responded for me.
"I'm her father. I'll take it from here." Uh oh. My papa sat down in front of me. I knew I was in trouble.
"What the hell are you doing here you ungrateful bitch." He demanded.
"I-I'm hungry! I wanna eat!" I said.
"You do eat! I give you food every day you little pig!" He said trying not to burst.
"No you don't. I didn't eat nothing for a long time."
"That's it you little-" he grabbed my arm tightly and began dragging me away. I tried to get free of his grip, but he slapped me. I screamed very loudly. If I didn't have everyone's attention before then, I certainly had it now. Then a man with really red hair ran in. So did the fireman from earlier.
"Let go of the kid!" The red haired man shouted. Papa scoffed.
"I'm her father! I'll do what I want with her!"
"Look Mr. (l/n). Unless you wanna be arrested, you gotta let the kid go!" The fireman yelled. Everyone in the diner had gotten out. I was still trapped in papa's grip. I whimpered.
"Shut up you little Fucktard!!!" He screamed. I began to cry. That's when the red haired man threw a punch. Papa let go of me and hit the red haired man in the chin hard. The fireman took over and red haired man retreated. He came over to me.
"Come on kid. Let get your out of here." He held his hand out to me. But I stayed under the table. I was scared frozen. He sighed and grabbed me. I clung to his shirt. He ran out of the diner just as the police man got there.
"Hea-Um. Hayden! Take the people to safely!"
"Can't." The man now known as Hayden said. He adjusted me in his hold. The officer looked at me. Then back to the car.
"Chase!" Another man got out of the car. He had black hair.
"On it sir." He ran into the diner. I still sobbed and clung to the man. The officer walked up to us.
"(Y/n). It's been a while." I blink and clear my vision from my tears. I see that it's the same officer that saved me from the car a long time ago. I cried more.
"Hayden, take her to the hospital. We'll meet you there in a bit."
"Yes chief." Hayden opened the door to the fire truck and eased me off of him. Then he climbed into the drivers seat and took me to the hospital.
Heatwave's P.O.V
I stood waiting for the results on (Y/n). I don't know why, but I was suddenly attached to this little girl I only just met. A nurse walked out and came up to me.
"You're the one that brought little (Y/n) in correct?" She asked. I nod once.
"Ok. Well, she's malnourished. The grip he had on her arm will cause bruising. And she has scars all over her body. Besides that, she should be fine for now." I nodded. I really couldn't trust my voice right now.
"Would you like to see her?" The nurse asked. I nodded again and she led me to her. As we approached her room, I heard her crying. I bolted to her room and picked her up. Embracing her in a tight hug. I stroked her (h/l) (h/c) hair as she cried into my chest.
"Well, I'll leave you two be then." The nurse said, closing the door behind her as she left.
"H-Hayden.....?" I looked down at her and she looked up to me. She sniffles before saying the five words that changed my life forever.
"Will you be my papa?" Those words struck a cord in me. I don't know what it was. But it just got me.
"Yes (Y/n). I will be your papa."
(5 Years later)
"Dad!! Hotshot is being a dummy again!!" You pouted as Hotshot held your (fave stuffy) above your head.
"Oh! You're almost there! Just reach a bit more!" Hotshot taunted. Heatwave walked over a glared at him.
"Hotshot. Give (Y/n) her stuffed animal back." Hotshot immediately gave it back and gave a sheepish face. Heatwave held out a hand for you to get on. And you happily did. Heatwave walked away from the young recruit.
"Where are we going now papa?" You asked looking around the halls of the new academy.
"We are going to your room. You need your sleep. It is very late after all." Heatwave said and opened the door that led straight to his own room. He placed you in your shelf room bed. But of course, you pouted.
"But I'm not sleepy papa!" You said. Heatwave chuckled at your stubbornness.
"Will you go to sleep if I stay with you?" He asked. You though about it for a little, but agreed. Heatwave activated his holoform and walked up to your little makeshift room.
"Alright. Which story do you wanna hear?"
"I wanna head the one where you first came to earth."
"Alright (Y/n). Anything for you."
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flawlesskorra · 4 years
I never thought I'd play lovestruck cause I was a bit cautious over the style and not being able to customise /have a lot of choices but a lot of people highly praised it so I was like ok ok gotta give it a shot -
HOWEVERRR I definitely didn't plan to pick up anything bad boy/gangster related again and yet here I am at 3AM playing gangsters in love gushing over chance and the gang
However I won't be spending any "hearts" on any scenes cause in one chapter where I chose a heart scene and all I got was a glass of fucking water I'll never trust this app again
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vole-mon-amour · 3 years
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