finniestoncrane · 8 months
Y’know, there’s one thing I don’t get about Arkham Rids. And it’s the whole bit about him being aro or ace or both. Lots of people say he’s aro/ace because ‘the base nature of (Catwoman’s attachment to Batman) disgusts’ him. And that’s fine. Honestly, I’m disgusted by it too sometimes. And so are some people who aren’t into BatCat in general. The thing that gets me is that people use this one line as evidence or something, and then leave no room for discussion, which I think is a bit stubborn. Yes, their overtly sexual relationship grossed me out too. Yes, I myself am arospec and aspec. But that’s the thing, it’s a spectrum. So while I understand that people get frustrated that he may very well be one of the few characters in media who is aro/ace, people have to understand that 1. It’s a spectrum. Attraction is a very complicated thing. 2. One line, does not a confirmed aro/ace make. And 3. I’m sure lots of allo peeps can be disgusted by a ‘base nature attachment’ as well. Lots of people, regardless of orientation don’t like hearing about what I can only assume Riddler interprets as an extremely sexual relationship that somehow breeded feelings. Which, to me at least, sound more like a demisexual sentiment that a flat out asexual one. It’s fine either way in my opinion. It’s just frustrating to me how some people aren’t open for discussion or nuance. Especially when I myself fall into said nuance.
hello lil beloved! i am not qualified in the slightest to discuss aro/ace spectrum stuff because i am a monogamous slut who loves romantic things
but as for the eddie, i think it's probably coming from two places:
wally wingert said in a cameo i saw once that he can't see the riddler flirting, he doesn't see him being romantic or anything like that. i think he might also have mentioned it in a behind the scenes interview or something? that plus i guess some people think that if he had a woman captive and didn't shoot his shot, then he's not into that? but that's a stretch and a little bit weird lmao
here's the thing though, there's so much eddie does say and doesn't say, and it's all down to how you interpret a character or their tone. some people go MAD for arkham!verse riddlecat, they see sexual tension between them and the way they talk. some people see eddie as canonically bisexual because he's depicted as such in other canon sources. some people see him being repulsed by catwoman or batman or sex in general. which brings me to the second point:
canon doesn't matter a tiny bit when people have their favourites. you can do what you want, you can think what you want. i headcanon arkham!eddie as bisexual, monogamous and autistic, because i can. and because the source material doesn't say that he isn't. and even if it did, it wouldn't stop me lmao which i think is where the big thing with eddie (and a lot of riddlers actually!) comes from. there's that little bit of a suggestion, a lil bit of hope and like you said, people cling to it, because the representation isn't anywhere else for them!
but ultimately people can do whatever they want for whatever reason forever and ever 💚 i know it's maybe annoying when some people won't hear you out about it, but also, they don't have to. which sucks for you, but they're entitled to be stubborn bub!
all that matters is that he's fictional and that people can do what they want with him u-u 💚
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Looooong post incoming...
THE INCREDIBLES and INCREDIBLES 2 have been on my mind, lately.
Writer-director Brad Bird’s 2004 superhero movie, done up at Pixar in the days they weren’t owned by The Walt Disney Company, was like a formative film for me. Like STAR WARS was for many kids growing up in the ‘70s and ‘80s, THE INCREDIBLES was probably that for 12-year-old me, among a couple other movies. (That same year, I was also blown away by SPIDER-MAN 2 and… Umm… I, ROBOT?)
And I’m one of the few weirdos that really, really dug the contested sequel. Well, contested by people online. It did get good critical reception and got an Oscar nom, made a truck ton at the box office, but it’s one of those weird “big” movies that came out, made tons and tons of money, but I hear few talk about it to this day. I feel some other recent Pixar sequels fit that bill as well, like FINDING DORY and TOY STORY 4. These absolutely massive movies that people raced to see, because they love the originals and the characters in them so much, but then seemingly… Forgot about? I think it has a lot to do with just how much stuff comes out now, that it kinda all gets lost in the shuffle. They don’t stick the way TOY STORY 3 did back in 2010, before we got so inundated with lots and lots of stuff oozing out of every pore: TV, streaming, other movies, podcasts, more streaming, etc. etc. Plus, there's that special sauce with the originals that tends to make them hit different than the sequels, no matter how good the sequels may be...
But no matter, I loved INCREDIBLES 2 and still do, even if I think it falls a little bit short of the original. That was a hard act to follow, after all. I did go over some of the few things about the sequel that I thought could’ve been expanded a bit, a few months back… And I’m thinking about them again.
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I think the main point of contention with INCREDIBLES 2 was the Screenslaver, and the whole twist being that he was a fictional character, a face that was created by a disgruntled telecommunications company exec who wanted to keep superheroes illegal.
I get it, in a way. Screenslaver looks cool, and that one action sequence with him in the strobe light cage with Elastigirl? I fuckin’ LOVE it. Such a dynamic, well-done action sequence. I guess it made people wish that both Bob and Helen, and the kids and Frozone and maybe those weirdo superheroes like Screech and Reflux, took this guy on. A slender, creepy mask-wearing mind control villain… It's what you expect in a superhero movie, the heroes fighting a rather weird bad guy!
And yet, in a way, I feel like Screenslaver being a mere face. A distraction. Makes INCREDIBLES 2 every bit as subversive as the original. Especially since INCREDIBLES 2 came out in 2018, which was literally a superhero/comic book movie-heavy year. Maybe the heaviest? You had AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, DEADPOOL 2, ANT-MAN AND THE WASP, TEEN TITANS GO! TO THE MOVIES, VENOM, SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE (!), am I missing anything? That year was S-T-A-C-K-E-D.
By contrast, in 2004, THE INCREDIBLES debuted opposite of SPIDER-MAN 2 and HELLBOY… And also BLADE: TRINITY, THE PUNISHER, and CATWOMAN… Much different times. Especially when it was greenlit by Pixar in the year 2000… What was happening in superhero movies that year? X-MEN had come out, and that was after a fairly successful BLADE movie… And years after BATMAN & ROBIN was lambasted and put the Batman movie format to rest for a good while. (Now it’s inescapable. Every few years, a new actor portrays Batman in live-action.)
THE INCREDIBLES stood out in 2004, I feel, not just because of the freedom animation allowed for the superhero concept (which put it above many of the live-action spectacles being made at the time), but also because it rung closer to a ‘60s spy movie than a typical beat-em-up extravaganza. It’s clearly set in a midcentury modern world, a stylized retro futuristic early ‘60s that is informed by the presence of superpowered beings. Or “Supers”, as this franchise has always called them. While there isn’t a wealth of material explaining how world events played out, it’s all implied and hinted at in both films.
By the mid-1960s, American animation had kinda been pigeonholed as an outlet for cheap, reliable kids’ entertainment on Saturday mornings. The closest thing to an American “spy” movie in the animated medium back then was, of all things, a FLINTSTONES movie: 1966’s THE MAN CALLED FLINTSTONE. THE INCREDIBLES almost feels like a lost animated movie made for a slightly older audience circa 1965, but dusted off decades later and done in CGI. That’s a Brad Bird staple. Born in 1957, he loves midcentury modern retrofutures, and just that setting in general. THE IRON GIANT is set in the late 1950s, he had a cancelled take on Will Eisner’s THE SPIRIT that was set around the time it was introduced, his long-gestating RAY GUNN has been described as a 1930s sci-fi noir retrofuture, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE is of course a ‘60s spy show and a series of feature films (Brad’s feels the most ‘60s out of the movies), TOMORROWLAND… Need I say more? Even RATATOUILLE, which doesn’t involve super heroics or gadgets or futuristic technology… It’s literally a movie about cooking! Even that movie has a retro vibe to it. It’s set in the then-present, but it’s timeless in its look and feel.
Anyways, THE INCREDIBLES plays as much James Bond as it does, say, Batman. You have the whole Nomanisan Island lair, close-quarters fights with armed men, Michael Giacchino’s score, it’s a just-right mix. The first INCREDIBLES has a rather conventional bad guy in Syndrome. An evil guy in an eye-catching suit, with all these various man-made powers, as opposed to other Supers’ natural-born powers. INCREDIBLES 2’s villain is merely an average woman, roughly in her 30s? 40s? She has no powers, she’s just a master manipulator, almost a filmmaker in that regard. I mean she’s an artist and a designer, that’s made perfectly clear the minute you see her, so it makes sense that she could pull off this elaborate show. Mysterio in SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME - which was released a year after INCREDIBLES 2 - needed drones and such to do that. That the Screenslaver is merely a brainwashed pizza delivery guy is part of her brilliance.
So, that’s what makes INCREDIBLES 2 stick out from the other superhero movies circa 2018. A year where the majority of the villains were clear-cut, like a big purple alien guy who wipes out half the universe… and here’s INCREDIBLES 2 with a very crafty woman who essentially puts on a big show. And that in the second half, it’s her and her use of mind control technology that are the big obstacle for the Supers. Not a creature or a conventional superhero bad guy. I think it works, honestly. Like, what’s a different kind of challenge? What if all the good guys got brainwashed, leaving a few… Namely the KIDS, to fend for themselves? That’s a very cool idea, honestly. But again, I get why detractors wanted the shadowy mind control guy instead. Part of me would love to see that version of INCREDIBLES 2, too, if it ever existed. According to interviews w/ the filmmakers, Screenslaver was a late addition to the plot. INCREDIBLES 2 was supposed to come out in summer 2019, but Disney had pushed it up a year, which apparently affected a lot of the decision-making. For some, it shows.
Maybe if INCREDIBLES 2 came out in 2008 instead of 2018, and had the same exact villain twist… In a world where other Disney Animation and Pixar movies with twist villains didn’t yet exist (i.e. Hans, Callaghan, Bellwether, Ernesto), it’d be received differently? I do not know. But that’s why it all works for me. I can tune out the succession of “twist villain” movies, and take INCREDIBLES 2 on its own merits.
In my previous piece on INCREDIBLES 2, I did kind of find fault with its rather rushed third act and how the film doesn’t really bite into the meatier political aspect it kind of teases. The whole idea of a society being dependent on superheroes, rather than getting up and helping pitch in to make the world a better place. (Not dissimilar to TOMORROWLAND’s message.) It’s really all just there to serve Evelyn’s character, which I’m totally fine with… It works in that context. But on the other hand, I feel like this could’ve gone further and explored the whole idea of superheroes being - to quote Jenny Nicholson in her review of JOKER - a “band-aid solution” to crime. And it being a PG-rated mass-market Disney release is no reason to keep me from speculating about this version of INCREDIBLES 2.
I get that Brad Bird probably just wanted to keep it simple and streamlined, and that the “who needs Supers anyways” idea is just a device for Evelyn, not there to make a larger statement. I do believe all art is political, even these movies, but how far the creators want to go with the politics is another story. Ultimately, Evelyn’s methods of getting her way are wrong, but she has points… What if a better society could be created that didn’t depend on superpowered beings having to clobber criminals or threats to save the day?
Clearly the world of THE INCREDIBLES needs superheroes, though, because you have things like mole men with massive drill-mobiles cutting through cities like they’re nothing. But I feel that in a world where we are hyperaware of the system’s flaws and how it’s mostly a failure by design and pretty much creates crime (I’m getting political here, heads up), INCREDIBLES 2 could’ve possibly said something about that. Instead of having superheroes, a stand in for the police when the police themselves or the military can’t handle the threat, what’s causing all the crime in New Urbem and Municiberg in the first place? What systemic inequalities are happening? How progressive is this world because of the presence of superheroes/cool tech? Why are there are robberies? What’s the poverty rate? Etc. etc.
And you may be thinking, this is just an animated family movie, it doesn’t have to be that deep… But I disagree. Plenty of family films, and good stories in general, don’t shy away from this kind of stuff. Art is not made in a vacuum. A lot of actual real-life kids LIVE these sorts of things, too.
But even PG-13 Marvel movies, probably because they’re released by Disney - and Disney tries to play moderate when it comes to political stuff (though they are still too far left for dinguses who yell “WOKE” at everything), don’t really go that far either.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR chips at whether there should be government regulation of superheroes or not, until it settles for being a story about two friends turning against each other over a family death… and then a few MCU movies later, none of that matters - the superheroes are ultimately needed to stop the big purple guy in space… THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER asks why, in a post-Blip world, a universe where half of all the living beings just ceased to be… Why are there still such inequalities on Earth, after Thanos’ snap and subsequent revival of everyone who was unalived? It’s all the catalyst for the Flagsmashers, and leader Karli herself. She was so nuanced as an antagonist, and you also had this ersatz Captain America guy who straight up murdered a person in cold blood. I was loving where it was all going, until a few episodes in, they just made Karli a straight-up murderer. All that nuance is flattened, and the final episode is just another big fight scene. Outside of Sam Wilson’s speech at the end, what really changed on MCU’s Earth? What did this Disney+ series have to say, really? Other than bringing up those very real problems we face in the U.S. and around the world?
I think INCREDIBLES 2 is just more interested in being about its characters first, which, again. Is fine. I don’t think less of the movie because of that. The first INCREDIBLES was about the family dynamic first and foremost, too, and not the spectacle. I don’t require Brad Bird to share all of his political views with me. I appreciate that the movie even posits the question to begin with, it’s ultimately why I’ve been thinking about it! Maybe Bird sees that world as simpler because it’s one where superheroes have been around since at least the turn of the 20th century, and things are different because of that.
This is probably why some people get a very Ayn Randian reading out of THE INCREDIBLES, when I think Bird’s conceit was merely “the villain is someone who uses technology to be a pretend-superhero”. It’s all there to inform Syndrome’s character, not necessarily to declare to the audience that people without powers CAN’T be superheroes. Syndrome kills several Supers so he can enact his plan and make everyone into Supers, because he’s big mad at Mr. Incredible, and that’s why he fails. He could’ve just grown up to make super technology to make other people super, not kill a bunch of them. Heck, if he had turned out better, he could’ve singlehandedly ended the outlawing of Supers… And not natural-born Supers… Imagine THAT movie…
The original movie, I feel, just doesn’t necessarily make a case for whether people born without superpowers can be Super. This dichotomy is just there to make the villain what he is, and hint at what he could’ve been instead of a villain. Sure, the Parr family and Frozone saving the day at the end upholds this apparent status quo, but I don’t think Bird was thinking about it like that. He had denied the Ayn Rand comparisons as far back as the release of the first movie.
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The likelier reading of this film, and some of Bird’s other films such as RATATOUILLE and TOMORROWLAND, is informed by Bird’s career trajectory. He was mentored by Milt Kahl, of all people! One of the greatest animators, one of Walt’s Nine Old Men… He was mentored by him as a teenager! But most of Bird’s career, as noted by Mark Mayerson, was a long series of denied opportunities. His aforementioned SPIRIT movie didn’t take off in the ‘80s because who during that period - a time when SECRET OF NIMH came and went, and when features like TWICE UPON A TIME couldn’t get an audience - wanted to sink money into an animated action movie of that caliber? RAY GUNN didn’t go through in the 1990s at Turner Animation, and Warner Bros. dumped THE IRON GIANT in the late summer of 1999 with an ineffective marketing campaign that caused it to flop at the box office.
Because IRON GIANT did so badly, Bird took his toys and left Warner Bros. He headed to Pixar with his superhero movie concept, and he got in despite those who didn’t quite want him around. John Lasseter was not fond of an outsider coming in with this very different pitch for a movie. Up until that point, Pixar was literally what I like to call “Team TOY STORY”. John Lasseter, TOY STORY’s director, also directed A BUG’S LIFE and TOY STORY 2. Pete Docter and Andrew Stanton, where instrumental in TOY STORY 1 & 2, directed MONSTERS, INC. and FINDING NEMO respectively. Lee Unkrich, an editor on TOY STORY, co-directed on TOY STORY 2, MONSTERS, INC. and FINDING NEMO. Lasseter fired Jorgen Klubien off of his CARS, which was in the works at the time, and took it over. Tight-knit building. Bird was an outsider, and Lasseter wasn’t thrilled about that. But luckily, Steve Jobs staved him off and also kept Michael Eisner’s doubts about THE INCREDIBLES at bay. Bird got to make his rather outre superhero movie at Pixar in spite of Lasseter, Eisner, etc…. And it was a big hit and an Oscar winner. Lasseter was singing a different tune after that.
Future directors didn’t have Jobs’ protection, though, which meant that Lasseter could fire them more easily… And he did… Brenda Chapman, Bob Peterson, etc.
So then after THE INCREDIBLES, Brad Bird really wanted to get a live-action adaptation of the novel 1906 off the ground, but that didn’t go anywhere. He took over RATATOUILLE at Pixar, made a big hit out of that, and then tried to pursue other endeavors. His MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE movie (GHOST PROTOCOL in 2011) did very well, but then after that, he made TOMORROWLAND and it bombed… And then took on an INCREDIBLES sequel. He is just now starting to get his cooler ideas off the ground, as his RAY GUNN is finally in production at Lasseter’s Skydance Animation. Funny how that works, right? The guy is over 60 years old and is just getting started.
If anything, his movies are more about that. He’s a guy with really cool, game-changing ideas for animated movies in an industry that isn’t interested in that… So… The INCREDIBLES movies being about superheroes who want to help people but not being allowed to by the system, RATATOUILLE being about an animal that doesn’t belong in a kitchen wanting to cook for people, GHOST PROTOCOL being about spies still trying to do the right thing and save the world after their unit has been shut down by the system, TOMORROWLAND being about people not subverting the system by pitching in to make the world a better place and also being barred from the utopia - by, again, the system - where they can make that happen… Yeah, it’s very clear that Bird’s movies are just him venting about his own hangups via fantastical concepts, not trying to espouse some sort of Ayn Randian ideology. How the hell do you get “if you’re naturally talented, you should hoard those gifts from the rest of society” out of THAT?
I think that’s what it is, and that’s what informs the world of THE INCREDIBLES. It’s simply an Earth where superheroes exist, and the system makes them illegal instead of finding other ways to correct accidents that have happened whenever they are around. Just outright ban them from doing what they do, instead. I mean, governments in real life ban all kinds of people for various reasons, strip away their rights, dehumanize them, criminalize them, etc… Sometimes mere circumstances, such as poverty, are viewed as personal failure and inherently criminal. There’s a level of relatability with superheroes for some people because of that. The late Kevin Conroy, for example, used his role as Batman in the 1992 animated series an outlet for his struggles as a gay man. X-Men stories, and the early 2000s X-MEN movies, are either interpreted as that or ARE largely about that.
But even then, Bird’s world still posits some interesting questions that it doesn’t fully answer. It’s busier focusing on the characters. This is more an observation, as I’m not trying to dock the original or the second movie any points… I just wonder why, in the sequel, the world the movies are set in was so quick to legalize Supers after everything that has happened. All it took was saving a boat and that was it? Not the defeat of Syndrome’s final Omnidroid? Not the other good deeds before that? I feel like that portion in the final third of the movie was strangely very rushed.
The thing is, before I wrap this up (phew), we only have two canonical movies in this series, and a handful of comedic/gag-based shorts. The world of the INCREDIBLES is wide and ripe for exploring, I’d argue, but Brad Bird’s not getting any younger and he should pursue the projects he really wants to make. Again, RAY GUNN, his Western, his horror movie, his musical, etc. Pixar honored him by not having someone else throw together a second INCREDIBLES sometime in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Like, Disney could’ve forced Pixar to make one without him anyways, but no. They waited. And if there’s a third one to be made, or a prequel set during the “Golden Age”, they’ll likely wait for him to be available and willing to do it. Or if he gives it his blessing and leaves it to another director… Like Pixar did with TOY STORY 4 and INSIDE OUT 2, and almost did with FINDING DORY. I wonder if he was gonna do the same with INCREDIBLES 2, had TOMORROWLAND done great and he went straight for a sequel to that.
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I’d like to see more of that universe, but it needn’t be forced out of the filmmakers at Pixar. Maybe the little we know of it is what kind of stokes our imaginations when it comes to this series? Look at something like STAR WARS now… There’s a ton of movies and shows and expanded universe stuff, which arguably dilutes the magic of its universe... THE INCREDIBLES isn’t that big wide despite the original movie almost being 20 years old. THE INCREDIBLES doesn’t need to be that huge, but I would like to see a little bit more of that world. Maybe another movie - be it INCREDIBLES 3 or a prequel called SUPERS or something - or a Disney+ series, but not the behemoth something like STAR WARS or the MCU have become.
I feel it’s worth playing around in a little bit more. I’m also biased, because I love the movies, particularly the first one.
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thegreatwicked · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @pickleprickle!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Currently seven but there will be more oe shots soon...
2. What's your total A03 word count? 149,505
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently Star Wars and the DC verse are my top two, but I also write for Assassins Creed, the Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, and some Marvel.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Bet You Wish You Had Me Back (Shane Walsh x FOC) SMUT one shot
Unbreakable Bonds (Obi-Wan x FOC) Slow burn, eventual smut/romance
Shadows of Deception (Roman Sionis x FOC) SMUT. SMUT. SMUT.
After the Storm (Hux x FOC) One shot; smut, sex polle troupe... kinda.
1001 Lonely Nights (Dean Winchester x FOC) Smut, one shot
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I love talking to you guys, your comments make my day and make me want to write more!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I suppose it would have to be 1001 Lonely Nights, I don't currently have much angsty stuff right now but trust me thats about to change very soon as i'm dipping my toes into the murky Sith Obi-wan waters...
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I think it would have to be Bet You Wish You Had Me Back, and only because as of right now that story is complete.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I haven't but I'm sure theres someone out there with something shitty to say...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? YES. All the smut. All the time. Give me more of that sweet and spicy capsaicin.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I haven't but there cold be a good one out there I haven't gottent o or discoveed. Truthfully I'm not a huge fan and I much prefer leaving fandom easter eggs for you guys to find.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but that could be fun!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Oooh... Thats tough, I love my OCs... But If i had to choose I'd say Bruce Wayne/Batman x Selina Kyle/Catwoman. The Bat and the Cat.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I don't really know, I have lots of WIPs and I think I'm doing an ok job on all of them writing fairly frequently, for me its simple matter of 'It''ll be done when it's done' but lovely comments do tend to speed up the process. ;)
16. What are your writing strengths? I've been told my smut is very poetic and emotionally evocative and you can get a sense of more than just the physical interactions between the characters adn you have a feel for what they're going through and thinking. I've also been told I write very good first person. I like to write first person POV from established canon characters like Jason Todd, Obi-wan Kenobi, Darth Maul, etc because we don't often get a look into their minds and it's fun to wear their boots.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I really don't know, I know I tend to bite off more than I can chew...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? It depends, I have a story I'm writing from the POV of a British character and thats similar, but I feel like, if I can't do it right and believably then best not to do it at all.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Probably Lord of the Rings. MANY moons ago.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? It's a tie between Unbreakable Bonds and Shadows of Deception. I love them both because both OCs are different and both male leads; Obi-wan Kenobi and Roman Sionis are VERY different, despite being played by the same actor. That wasn't planed, I swear...
No pressure tags! @heyhawtdawgs, @split-spectrum. @firstofficerwiggles, @ladyinwriting18. @blueeyedheizer, @thenightmarketofdathomir @acciotwinz, @221bshrlocked. @littleredwing89. @murdockussy. @kittyofalltrades. @jedianjakenobi. @eloquentmoon. @amhrosina. @rebelbluerobin @anatee, @wickedscribbles on AO3 @thefamilybruno (you too, you fantastic writer you!)
If I tagged you then I've read your stuff and its amazing, have a lovely day you fantastic people you!
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turboacek-blog · 1 year
MCU Spider-Man 4 guesses
Written Mar 3 2023:
Since it's somewhat confirmed to happened wanted to put some some guesses to what might happen with little to no information
Daily Bugle & Friends
I think even if it's another news company Peter will make his money that way
And there I think we will still get Betty Brant from his high school as maybe an entry-level employee or even an intern depending on the time after NWH
She'll give that first taste of Peter knows her but she doesn't know him making it consistent but still weird
Then as maybe an IT guy Ned works there too
As maybe he got connections because he used to date Betty which can be one of those things Ned still remembers as it wasn't entirely because of Peter
Idea from the Spectacular Spider-Man Ned was a reporter there and Betty was a receptionist so they could pull from that
This is where Peter and Ned become friends again in a they just always click no matter the history
MJ will probably get introduced to Peter through Ned once Peter becomes friends with him, like maybe invited to a college party
Don't know if they'll somehow get their memories back but could just open the door for more friend stuff
MJ is still the romantic part of the movie but it's more like a rekindling kind of love story or star-crossed lovers where despite the spell MJ wants to be with Peter for whatever reason
I have no idea who should be the villain, with no way home they did do Green Goblin, Doc Oc, Electro, Sandman, and Lizard
I'm partial to the ps4 game so I would pick Mister Negative
I think its someone that could be another mentor like figure for Peter they could have that hasn't been used in live action yet
Tombstone for a more street level threat works to
Plus more of a unique story and doesn't have the mentor dynamic since this Peter is now grown up
And there's also the Venom/Symbiote tease which would be fun but I feel it's too close to everything else Venom movies, PS5 game might have Venom etc
Since Spider-Man just benefits from these appearances
I think the fan idea of Kate Bishop being somewhat included could happen as maybe she shoots an arrow to save him they talk for a bit then she's gone
Other characters like Ms Marvel don't fully work since Peter is older than her and not the same age like they are in comics a lot of the time but could be fun if they find a way to ignore the age difference
Shang Chi in the comics taught Spider-man martial arts so having some scene doing some martial arts with Shang Chi as a cameo scene would be cool
Edit: June 7, 2023
Other love interest
Just watched this video
And I now kind want Chat to be the “perfect” girl love interest for Peter before he goes back to MJ
Basically if Liz was someone that maybe was not a good fit for him but he liked and it didn’t work out
MJ also might not be the perfect fit but they liked each other so it worked out
Chat could be the girl that seemingly aligns with Peter on everything important but when it comes to love he can’t love her the same as MJ since they seem to really want to put them back together according to rumors and such
Ideally we wouldn’t get MJ to keep true to his decision at the end of NWH but it’s Zendaya lol
And I think instead of doing Gwen Stacy which seems to be the obvious new love interest as she’s becoming a bit overdone and I think keeping it more separate from Spider-verse and Amazing Spiderman is good
And I think Black Cat is a fun idea but I think that would depend more on the story as having a Catwoman like entity in Spider-Man stories are fun but MCU world I don’t know if it can really explain someone like her as easily plus I don’t think they would do it right tbh lol
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ironchosen · 5 years
⁂ - grab my muse by the front of their shirt, possibly shoving them back
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“hey, hey, careful with the claaaaaa--” claws! and there’s daphne. daphne behind the mask, black lace and warm, molten brown eyes. they’re not warm, now. the sheer flicker of anger, in fact, bings alana’s heart to a swift slam. thumpthumpTHUMP. she collides with the wall-- SLAM!-- and then daph’s leaning to smother the side of alana’s throat, her arm half pinning her, and stark’s little smile flicks out and dies. she gasps quietly, chest heaving against tight microfibers, all the weaves of her own work.
the shockwave rattles the building and shakes and shudders brick, leaves behind what’s almost sawdust in its wake. she can feel the flames licking the side of her cheek, and alana can’t help but think about how the flesh of a human cheek is so vulnerable, you can bite it right out with a tremendous CHOMP! her heart keeps flickering and fluttering, trying to calm down. the deafness goes half unnoticed until it comes back in a huge, loud whine, frequency screaming.
“alana.” it’s strange to hear. she’s so used to ‘handsome’ or ‘pretty boy’ it’s become her name basically. but through the loud screech is her voice, and through everything, that hand touching her face tenderly, is daphne. she falls in love every time, because if a feeling of overwhelming adoration is what love is, alana is sure this is love. “alana. look at me, handsome, okay?” and she does, still looking at those eyes under that dark mask. her hand presses to the big shot billionaire’s chest, feels the soft whir. blinky’s soothed, and daph says silently, “it’s okay, big guy. it’s okay. i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to hurt you.”
a hand reaches up, touches, tucks a strand of dark, messy hair behind an ear so carefully, “you okay, little guy?”
her hand lets go slowly, so slowly every part of alana’s body is as unharmed as it can be after being so shaken. there’s a gap in the building, now, the wind whistling through the smoke-filled air. when she approaches the edge and looks over, bodies strewn across pavement, stare unseeing up. daph follows suit after a second. blood paints cement, limbs akimbo, askew, an awful tableaux. daph places a hand on alana’s shoulder, equally as slowly.
she nods.
“as okay as i can be.”
the cat gives the man of iron’s shoulder a squeeze.
“keep you guard up. it’s a concrete jungle out there.”
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thecatduet422 · 2 years
Happy News!
So, im pretty happy to announce AKA Knight is now sitting at 100 kudos on AO3...
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Considering how this is my first major fic i am MUCHO PROUD DAMMIT.
And im also having a ton of fun writing which, at the end of the day, that's all that matters lol
And since Im off of work for a couple of days, I figured I'd mention a couple of projects/ideas I plan to get to:
First Impressions: A collection of one shot/drabbles of Jessica Jones meeting different people after moving to Gotham. Connected to AKA Knight, but not important to the main story and can also be ready by itself.
Chapter One: Robin - Completed
Chapter Two: Officer Cash - TBD
Chapter Three: Selina Kyle/Catwoman - TBD
Chapter Four: Bruce Wayne (Chapter 4 in his POV) - TBD
Chapter Five: Dick Grayson (Chapter 7 in his POV) - TBD
After I get through these folks, any other characters people may want to see can be prompted/requested!
2. what's in a name verse (Bakugou x fem!reader): AO3 LINK
I plan on writing a couple more one shots for my what's in a name series, step my toes back into writing reader!fics. Which, is basically all I ever read anymore, but for some reason I find it intimidating to write? Idk, hopefully expanding on this verse a bit would help me with that:
Kacchan: Loving to get a rise from you, Bakugou Katsuki has been known to give you all sorts of nicknames. And thanks to Midoriya, you have the *perfect* one for retaliation - TBD
You: MAJOR MANGA SPOILERS - A resurrected Bakugou comes back only to find you... - TBD
That's whats in the works *for now*. I also wanna do more writing challenges as well, but we shall see what I can do lol. I dont wanna bite off more than I can chew
Anyways, thanks to everyone! Hope y'all have a great day! And as always, my inbox is always open!
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Does the Gotham Rogues ever like or have any interest in a s/o who is a magical girl? You know they wear a cute or beautiful dress and wield a magical weapon like a wand or staff
Honestly, I don’t think you need to ask me permission or even my opinion because it doesn’t matter. if you want to create a magical girl OC and have them be friends (or more than that) with the rogues, then you should go for it.
Don’t let anyone discourage you, this is a really unique idea and I would love to see your take on a magical girl in the gloomy and deary Gotham.
Since there’s multiple universes (you can even create your own verse) anything can happen, Scarecrow can be trans, or Catwoman can date Riddler, whatever you want! And of course, a magical girl can live in Gotham!
Just have fun with it!
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tarisilmarwen · 4 years
The main reason I’m concerned about that verse is, well, we both love superhero shows, but if they depict women in combat as a good thing, is that a sin and are we sinning by watching them?
Okay, I’m putting this under a cut because this is gonna get kinda long and rambly.
As I explained previously, the verse in question is about crossdressing, not women in combat, and the Bible doesn’t expressly prohibit women in combat though it holds that the ideal should be strictly men.
Granted, we live in a fallen world and so we deal in imperfect solutions and situations all the time.  But generally, when it comes to actual women in actual war and combat situations, the Bible leans no.
Fiction is less clear.  When it comes to a lot of media, there’s not always a hard line “sinful” vs “not sinful”, “bad for you”/“edifying” division.  There’s definitely media that has so much objectionable content that consuming it lends itself to sin but there’s also media that can be argued to be morally neutral.  (Examples: a gorn film like something in the Saw franchise I would argue has gratuitous and glorified violence, language, sexual content, and twisted messages to the extent that no I don’t think Christians should watch it, whereas say Avengers: Endgame, while having the occasional profanity and persistent action-violence is something more morally neutral.)
It’s all about what’s in your head and heart.  I would certainly argue that we as Christians should not mindlessly consume everything out there or that is set before us.  I would argue that we should make our own informed decisions about exactly what kind of content we are putting in our heads, discern our own comfort levels with objectionable material and messages, evaluate whether or not what we’re consuming is ultimately edifying us or improving our spiritual health and basically just seek to choose media that encourages a good spirit.
This is a tricky field to navigate, because one person or group’s tolerance for certain things is going to be different than another person’s (that’s why super-rigid Orthodoxists tend to have moral panic about things like D&D and Harry Potter, that depict magic and sorcery positively, also why my mother-in-law didn’t let my husband watch Teen Titans while it was airing, because it was “too violent”), and for the most part that’s okay.  It’s about using judgement, weighing the good and bad and deciding whether or not what you enjoy about something is worth the potential crap and pitfalls you’ll encounter in it.  The line is going to be different for everyone.
And the line is often about how things are depicted.  Hacksaw Ridge and Hostel both have graphically violent content, but in Hacksaw Ridge’s case it’s about showing the absolute hell of war and contrasting the messianic, pacifist character of the main protagonist against that awful backdrop, showing how there’s great heroism and faith to be found even on the battlefield, whereas Hostel is just an exercise in how exploitatively the director can murder helpless female characters.
Context and framing matter.
With superhero media, I would argue that portrayals of female superheroes as just as brutal and violent and savage as their male counterparts--often without a moral compass to boot--would be on the negative side of depictions, therefor straying into territory you could consider “sinful” to consume.  (Think Electra and Catwoman, the films, not the characters.)  On the other hand, take Wonder Woman, a character who is full of hope and optimism, who selflessly risks her life to save and protect others, and who is portrayed as strong and powerful but also gentle and very feminine... that would be a more positive portrayal.
Again, though, people’s lines are different.  The husband was totally okay watching Deadpool.  I watched it once and honestly, I could have gone my entire life happily never seeing it ever.  I didn’t watch the climax of Raiders of the Lost Arc for years because my mom determined it was too scary for me.  (She was right.)  I was only allowed to watch Lord of the Rings once I was 14, and could handle it.  (And even then I was a little squeamish about the gorey bits and would hide my eyes or flinch away.)  It’s all about using spiritual discernment.  If you think a particular film or show is going to make you stumble, then don’t watch it.  If you don’t see anything of value in its messages or content, feel perfectly free to skip out on it.
Trying to find hard line “sinful” versus “not sinful” nitpicks in things that are mostly morally ambiguous is only going to make you anxious, and take your focus off what actually matters and that is, “Is this thing that I am watching in-line with the character of Christ that I profess?”  We’re all going to struggle living up to that ideal, which is why we’re covered by grace.  But to answer the original question, no, it’s not automatically a sin to watch a superhero show where girls are shown to participate in combat.
You are definitely over-thinking that one.
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greenironmanrp · 4 years
Searching For Discord Partners
I need to get caught up but here I am anyway. Hiii ! I like discord rping and I basically want all the plots on them. I enjoy it.. And it keeps my little mind that likes to come up with plots busy. Also, there’s days that I just don’t want to be on my computer and bam. I can do replies on my phone.  So basically, here I am looking for more partners to have fun with. I don’t have any original muses because I like to make my muses with each individual plot. This is also my blog that I usually use for inspo for plots I have. Sorry it’s not ~pretty~. I’m also remodeling this blog, and I’ve posted in the tags before but now... I know what I’m doing lol.
ANYWHO, so what what am I looking for? Mostly partners who wanna be best friends and write real life stuff or smutty stuff. As for smutty limits, I generally have none except for the really disgusting stuff. I’m willing to try just about anything but I have nooo interest in a/b/o. Otherwise, I love any and all plots: pregnancy, affairs, friends falling in love, boss/employee, taboo relationships, master/slave, daddy kink, etc. I’m also interested in DC comic stuff like Batman/Superman/Catwoman/Batgirl/Robin/Poison Ivy/etc. The one marvel thing I will do is anything related to Iron Man because I love him. I’m also not interested in supernatural stuff!
I just ask for partners to be over 20 because I’m twenty-three. My only hard no is no taylor swift/demi lovato/ariana grande/harry style faces... I’m just not a fan. Also, please be understanding when I have slow moments.  I work ALL THE TIME. not really all the time. I get up at 5am and I get off of work around 1pm, and I work with kids so my energy is probably just not there some days. I’m sorry. If you want someone to reply to you 24/7, i’m probably not your girl. As much as I would love to, it probably won’t happen because I just have a lot going on right now. I just want to get that off the bat because I guess people don’t understand that or something? But I also don’t want to come off as rude when I don’t respond in a timely matter.  Just because I’m not posting 24/7 doesn’t mean I don’t want to like plan headcannons or plan what our charries life will be like in 20 years lol. I live for that shit!!! It makes everything fun ya know. Even if we don’t get around to a thread of them 20 years in the future, it’s fun to just talk about it and makes it seem like a legit ship and not something to waste time... If that makes sense? I love using zillow to find my charries houses, I love picking out their wedding dresses, wedding stuff in general, what their aesthetic is, what they’re wearing in a certain thread. You name it... But I won’t if someone doesn’t match that vibe?
So please, come at ya girl with any or all ideas you have. I’m open for anything and I would love if one ship turns into a little mini-verse
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jasontoddiefor · 5 years
In your Bat-dad/Manor-dad fic, how would Bruce deal with the kids if he actually started dating someone and got “caught” with them?
Short answer: He doesn’t have to. Long answer:
Most of the time, Selina preferred Catwoman’s life over her civilian persona’s. She could do whatever she wanted to do without wondering whether it fit the personality she had crafted for Miss Kyle. Of course, Selina had her fun messing with the Gotham high society. She was eating their salmon and lobster and dancing in dresses just as expensive as theirs all while they felt and acted like royalty, never knowing that they were joking with gutter trash.
But being Catwoman was liberation, an amusement of the highest degree – freedom in its purest form.
Selina knew that her understanding of life’s duality was the reason she got along so well with Bruce despite their very different career choices. Being Gotham’s darling billionaire bachelor turned single-father and its dark, all-consuming shadow at the same time was draining, especially if you had to hide it from your kid.
When she had learned about Bruce’s predicament, she had spent the better half of the night making fun of him. The rest of it had been quite entertaining as well.
Selina’s musings were interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. She could barely hear them. Anyone who wasn’t Catwoman certainly would have missed it. Unworried, Selina stepped away from the door she had been opening, almost letting the little bird crash into it.
“You!” Robin shouted accusingly as loud as the vibrant colors of his uniform.
The fact that the kid was still running around unharmed was a miracle or spoke profoundly of Batman’s fast reaction time. Only fools would run around colored like a traffic light. The only streets his colors would actually be an advantage in were the shiny roads of the Diamond District and the neon sign illuminated alleys of the Red Light District. Everywhere else, he was just an obvious target.
“Yes, me, little bird. Where did you leave the big guy?”
Robin crossed his arms and lifted his chin up. “Doesn’t matter.”
Selina mustered her surroundings and frowned. Batman didn’t let the kid get so far away from him. The eleven-year-old was too young for that still. 
“He won’t be happy,” she said.
“That’s between him and me. I’m here to tell you to stay away from my Dad.”
“Which one?” Selina shot back quickly.
Robin stamped his foot in anger and snarled. Maybe she had been wrong assuming the little bird wasn’t dangerous.
“What did I do to you, Robin?”
“You did nothing to me! But you know and you kissed Bruce regardless! How could you! I thought you were our friend! It’s bad enough he’s gotta go on all these fake dates already, but then you-“
Robin’s shoulders started shaking. Whether from the anger he held inside of him, he had quite the temper, or from frustration was hard to tell. If not for the green mask sticking to his face, he’d probably start crying.
“Oh, darling,” Selina said softly, a tone of voice she usually locked deep inside of herself. She wasn’t caring, she was selflessly kind – but this was a child and Selina wasn’t heartless. “I promise you, neither Bruce nor Batman would mind a kiss from me. They’d definitely say so.”
“But they’re together!” Dick protested.
Selina smiled, happily and honest. It was a strange feeling. “So? You should talk to them about this. Just because you’re…” Dating? Married? Involved in the world’s longest narcissist contest? “- already in love with somebody, doesn’t mean you can’t see somebody else as long as all parties involved know. You really shouldn’t be having this talk with me though. This is definitely a job for your parents.”
Dick stared up at her, measuring her up as if he was trying to figure out if she was telling a lie.
“Fine,” he finally replied.
“We good?”
“For now.”
With a tiny huff Robin turned away from her and took out his grappling gun to disappear into the night. Selina shook her head, then returned to her break-in. Batman better not show up now. She had just given him a perfect alibi that was way better than any lie he would have come with.
She deserved those pearl earrings as a thank-you gift.
AN under the cut!
I actually HC Bruce to be on the Demiromantic/Asexual! So most of the time he really doesn’t do relationships. You don’t need one to be happy and he’s super busy all the time already being Batman, raising a kid and running a company, so he doesn’t even really have time to go out with people. Most of his “dates” are either just for gossip papers, information gathering, or - another HC - him paying prostitutes to just go on a dinner date with him so he can have the newspaper pay attention to Bruce Wayne’s latest date instead of Batman going after the mob. He’s found his secretary on one of those dates.
Dick gets that this is part of the cover, but it still upsets him. Which kid wouldn’t be upset seeing one of your parents - who are very much together still - having to go out on dates while he can’t even spend some time with his actual lover? Hence Dick freaking out on Selina because he trusted her to be different. Thankfully, Selina just convinced Dick that their meetups are something both parties want.
So there’s no big conflict here! And no, BatCat won’t be the ship for this story. They’re really more friends with benefits here. Canon Verse Manor-Dad is a Gen Story all in all. I hope you liked this!
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
My Top 10 Halloween Episodes
Happy Halloween Everyone! 
I’ve been rewatching my favorite shows’ Halloween episodes as a means to prepare for the holiday (and get ideas for things to do!) and I’ve decided to compile a list of my Top 10 favorites. These are the episodes I consider the best, the most packed with spooky goodness and Halloween surprises, of all the shows I’ve seen. Let me know if there’s one I should check out!
#10. The Simpsons “Treehouse of Horror V”
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While I do wish Simpsons had stopped at Season 10 like most, I can still acknowledge its absolute mastery of the Halloween episode with this annual anthology. And like most, I can also concede that the best of the best, the creme-de-la-creme, is the 5th one: The Shinning parody of course, first and foremost, is absolutely classic and deservedly so. Having recently endured a week without power, and thus NO TV AND NO...NOT BEER BUT COFFEE...I totally get where  Homer is coming from. The other two segments, and other Halloween eps, are also strong as well. But you can’t have a proper TOP 10 HALLOWEEN EPS list without a Treehouse of Horror. So here it is!
#9. Spectacular Spider-Man The Uncertainty Principle”
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“Twas the night before Halloween, and no folks were stirring, not even Green Gob...lan.”
Spidey is one of the few superheroes with both the whimsical roster of characters and the appropriately spooky rogues gallery to make for great Halloween episodes. While Spider-Man and his amazing friends in 1981 started out with it’s own Goblin Halloween ep, my nod has to go to Spectacular’s ‘Uncertainty Principle’, a suitably creepy episode featuring all the stuff you want around this holiday. The cast in whacky costumes, spooky decor, and creepy plotlines about the Green Goblin and the arrival of the Symbiote. It’s even more horrifying in hindsight when you find out what’s really going on in the series finale...but for itself, it’s a suitably spooky time. Also, Spider-Man dressed as Spider-Man for Halloween.
#8. Angel “Life of the Party”
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“Some are saying it’s an even better ritual sacrifice than the one last year.”
The absolute master of the Halloween episode is uncontrovertibly the Buffy-verse. I have 3 entries on this list alone, and it was hard to resist including a forth. But for now, let’s start out with Angel’s sole incursion into the Halloween genre, an Office Party ep from their 5th season. Spoiler alert: Season 5 is about Team Angel taking over Wolfram and Hart and trying to use it for good. The Halloween party there is a big deal and Lorne is going nuts from planning it. Consequently, we get a wild ride of demon guests, LorneHulk, Team Angel doing crazy things, and whacky Halloween decor. Spike smiling and partying out like a loon is definitely worth htetheprice of admission.
#7. Friends “The One w/ the Halloween Party”
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“I am a woman who spent a ton of money on this dress and wants to wear it until she is too big to fit into it.”
I had actually never seen the Friends Halloween episode until this year. I definitely enjoyed it; the cast’s costumes are funny, the various Halloween antics are adorable - especially Rachel being pushed around by candy-randy kids - and the Halloween-y atmosphere is quite convivial. Though as a comic book nerd, I must point out how completely absurd Joey’s suggestion of ‘who would win, Catwoman or Supergirl’ being Catwoman. Like, seriously? A nonpowered thief vs a freaking Kryptonian? Even people who don’t read comic books should know the answer to that one! Were people in the year 2001 really that clueless? But anyway, on a more somber note, this was apparently the first one they shot after 9/11, and ended up Lisa Kudrow’s favorite, because a stranger thanked her for making them laugh. Aw!
#6. South Park “A Nightmare on Face Time”
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“Oh, and Kenny? Stay gold.”
SP has a number of Halloween episodes, but my favorite has to be this one from 2014. There’s two main plotlines and they’re both Peak Halloweeny goodness. First, there’s Randy reenacting The Shining as his new Blockbuster  video goes under due to Netflix stealing business, which is absolutely hilarious. Then there’s the boys as The Avengers, hoping to win a costume contest despite Stan having to FaceTime. This part is full of trick-or-treating goodness, with each of the costumes being perfect for the kid (WE HEAR KENNY’S VOICE! ALBEIT DISTORTED!) and the comedy of how seriously everyone takes Stan’s ipod battery dying being absolutely killer. Certainly wins the prize for Funniest Halloween Ep Ever. (Also, Kyle’s thor costume. Thor would obviously look so much cooler with that hat.)
#5. Buffy “Halloween”
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“It’s come as you aren’t night!”
The second of the Buffyverse Halloween entries on the list. Not just a great Halloween ep but a great Buffy ep too, this one is absolutely rolling in seasonal riches. Pumpkin patch vamp fight! Halloween decorated Bronze! Ethan Rayne turning everyone into their costumes is such a clever gimmick, and as usual with a Buffy ep they do more with it than just that. Noblewoman!Buffy, Military!Xander and Ghost! Willow are each a treat to watch as they try something new with their lives. I’m a little annoyed by the “not like other girls” sappy Bangel ending, but otherwise, this one is just golden. (My shipper heart rejoices in the Cangel Bronze Date and Buffy being awfully flirty with Willow as well, for the record). 
#4. Parks and Rec “Halloween Surprise”
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“You can’t plan your future, Leslie. You just gotta let it happen.”
Parks and Rec is another one with a plethora of great Halloween eps to  choose from (something about blonde female leads I guess). This one takes the spot for being the most substantial, plot-wise, of all four, including lots of changes in the story and a great lesson at the end - though also for having the best costumes (Rosie the  riveter Leslie! Princess Diane), the best celebration (Screening of Death canoe 4 Murder at blood Lake sounds like an absolutely delightful way to spend a Halloween) and the best ending (BEN PROPOSES TO LESILE OMG). The only thing it’s missing is April, who only cameos at the start. But she gets plenty to do in the other Halloween eps, so I’ll forgive it.
#3. Frasier “Halloween”
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“I’m  Waldo. From Where’s Waldo. You know, the guy you  can’t find because he blends into the crowd.” “I don’t know, but I’d love a demonstration.”
Frasier is absolute peak sitcom comedy, especially with the Farce plotline. This one is a great, sophisticated classic, with Niles throwing a Library association ball - which means everyone must dress as a character from literature. Niles is Cyrano, Martin is Holmes, Frasier and Daphne are from the Canterbury tales, and Roz is O from the Story of O. The real conflict of the ep is “Is Roz Pregnant” and everyone mistaking who’s pregnant by whom. The  climax is Niles proposing to Daphne who he thinks is the one pregnant from an imaginary fling with Frasier. It’s funny, glib, and absolutely whacky, with some extra Halloween shenanigans to keep you occupied, like Niles’ weird old-timey theme and the parade of trick-or-treaters constantly interrupting the skits demanding candy. Definitely don’t miss this one!
#2. Gravity Falls “Summerween”
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“We’re getting older, there’s not that many Halloweens left!’
There’s definitely something about supernatural shows and Halloween episodes that just creates that extra level of quality. GF is a great show all around, and this little gem of a Halloween ep is one of the best of the whole series. It’s got everything: The Summerween Trickster, the trick-or-treating, the try-hard scares and the mad dash for candy. My favorite thing about it, though, would have to be the conflict between Dipper and Mabel about what to do for Halloween. They were always debating whether it were better to grow up too soon or try to stay a kid, and this one uses Halloween to illustrate that: Dipper torn between the Grown Up party and the Kid Trick-or-Treating, and the poignant way that rings true for all of us here in the US - that day when you finally realize you’re ‘too old’ for trick-or-treating - really makes this one strong. 
Hon Mentions: The other Parks and Rec episodes; Buffy All the Way; the camptastic Smallville episode “Thirst”, the How I met Your Mother Halloweens
#1. Buffy “Fear Itself”
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“Don’t taunt the fear demon!” “Why, can he hurt me?” “No, it’s just tacky.”
Like I said before, no one does Halloween like Buffy does Halloween. And this one is the best of the best, of the best. Everything you could want from a Halloween ep is right here. Pumpkin carving, check. Crazy party, check. Whacky costumes, check. Spooky real scares, check. The Gang’s costumes are a parade of awesome (ANYA AS BUNNY!) and the concept of exploring each member’s Greatest Fear is an absolute winner. I love every time a TV show tries to do a Greatest Fears episode, because it’s just a concept I get a kick out of - such a great way to explore our characters’ most primal needs! - and this is b y far the best. The atmosphere, the subject matter, the costumes, and  the writing, which is seriously killer in this episode (”Prepare to have your spines tingled and your gooses bumped by the terrifying...Fantasia.” “Maybe it’s because of all the horrificthings we’ve seen, but hippos wearing tutus just don’t unnerve me the way they used to”) all make this, in my opinion the best Halloween ep of all time.
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multiplechoicepast · 5 years
//Alright. I’m coming a bit clean under the cut here about my future here on tumblr and where I have been.
I know I kept trying to reboot and do what I could with this blog. And then I started my group and thought that I could really make something of it and it was going to be big. It wasn’t and I failed spectacularly on that front (which wounded my self-esteem and confidence even more), but not on the me front.
I’ve been lying to myself for years and struggling with depression and anxiety and a whole shit ton of issues. Last year I found out I have carpal tunnel in both wrists and both of my eyes have vitreal detachment. 
This year I’ve lost two very dear pets in just a matter of months from each other. It seems bad news is just piling up on me and I finally reached rock bottom. I couldn’t take it anymore and I recognized I needed help. So, in short? That’s where I have been. It is a very long process, but I’m on that path to a better and healthier me and getting the help I need along the way. What does that mean for the blog? Honestly? I’m still going to be moving on from here and taking some of my characters to their own blogs. It will be a work in progress for a while, but I will still be here on tumblr writing. I’ve been here since 2012 and no matter how long of a hiatus I might take here or there, I have stuck around through it all. Tumblr is like Ennis Del Mar and I’m like Jack Twist... I wish I knew how to quit it. I just don’t. So, that’s the truth. Even if I wanted to be here, I just couldn’t. I was barely even functioning just day to day in my life. But... Writing is my passion. I adore RPing and I truly do love so many of my muses and my RP partners. I just need a clean slate and doing single muse blogs is what I want to go back to. I will never look down on a fellow multi because you are all so valid and amazing, but the experience here on my multi wasn’t a good one. I need to start over and go from there.
I am sorry to anyone that I let down or disappointed on this blog. I had every and all intentions of doing great and many things, but I fell into a very big hole that I couldn’t bring myself out of. I only hope that you can understand this sentiment and that some of you will follow me going forward and we can continue to write. 
I will keep posting my blogs before I archive this one.
I currently have/can be found on the following blogs:
Bruce Wayne/Batman (Burtonverse)
Vicki Vale (Burtonverse)
Alexander Knox (Burtonverse)
Bob the Goon (Burtonverse)
Selina Kyle/Catwoman (Burtonverse)
Harry Osborn (Raimi-verse)
I am currently working on making the following:
George McFly
Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias
Eddie Blake/The Comedian
The Joker (Ledger)
Bane (Nolanverse)
The Phantom of the Opera 
Dr. Ian Malcolm
Thomas A. Wayne (OC)
Luke Luke (OC)
Gomez Addams
Lily Munster
Reaver (Fable)
Daryl Dixon
Eric Draven/The Crow
Duckie Dale (Pretty in Pink)
Greg Jenko (21 and 22 Jump Street)
Jasper Whitlock Hale
Edward Cullen
Bella Swan Cullen
Charlie Swan
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dcubang · 5 years
hey, i'm really sorry if this is covered somewhere and i just didn't see it. is this only for comics verse or is movie/TV verse ok too?
Hi there! 
The DCU Bang is for any canon or DC Comics character! From the DCU Bang FAQs: 
So, what’s allowed here?
The easy answer to that is: pretty much anything DC Comics! We’re open to slash, het, and gen, no matter your pairing preference. If you want to write Clark/Lex or Jason/Tim, that’s awesome, and if you’ve got a great idea for an epic Batman/Catwoman or M'gann/Conner, that’s perfectly acceptable as well. You can base your story off of any medium or canon - so whether you’re a diehard Young Justice cartoon fan, into Smallville, or someone who loves the comics, you can participate! The only thing explicitly not allowed is pedophilia for the sake of pedophilia - if it’s a plot point, it’s okay, but we’re not going to post stories that have sexual situations involving children (for our purposes, anyone under the age of 15). If you have a question about your pairing or specific idea, leave a note in the Page-A-Mod post, send an email to [email protected], or send a PM, and I’ll discuss it with you on a case-by-case basis.
What about crossovers, fusions, and AUs?
The only requirement for this Bang is that the primary focus of your story be on at least one character from the DC Universe. If you want to write Batman in Ancient Rome or Superman as a new member of the Hawaii Five-0 task force, you are more than welcome to. However, if you want to write a crossover that focuses on Harry Potter being a new member of the Justice League, this is not the place for it. The focus must be on a DC character. Crossovers with other comics fandoms are allowed, but the focus has to be on the DC character. 
I hope this answers your question! If you, or anyone else reading this, has a question, please don’t hesitate to shoot us an email at [email protected]! Email is the quickest and most reliable way to get in contact with the mods, and for transparency’s sake Tumblr and Twitter are only checked infrequently. :) 
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hadnothing · 6 years
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NAME: Zatanna Zabella Zatara. ALIAS: Zatanna. AGE: 29 - varies by verse. HEIGHT:  5'7" (170 cm).
GENDER: Cisgender woman. ORIENTATION: Pansexual.
IDENTITY: Public. RACE: Homo magi. CITIZENRY: American. OCCUPATION: Magician.
DISCLAIMER: I’m terrible at summaries, so this may be a wreck! Skips several canon arcs in the interest of providing a concise base.
           Zatanna Zatara is the daughter of Giovanni “John” Zatara and Sindella, as well as a direct descendant of Leonardo da Vinci and a member of the Homo Magi; she is also related to Nostradamus, Alessandro Cagliostro, Nicholas Flamel, Evan Fulcanelli, and Lord Arion of Atlantis. Sindella was presumed dead (this was later found to be false) shortly after Zatanna’s birth in a car accident, and as a result her father raised her alone in New York, in close vicinity to Arkham Asylum.
Zatanna became a successful stage performer, eventually discovering the fact that she had true magic while searching for her father, which also put her into contact with many notable heroes. Though she was eventually reunited with her father, they were forced to stay apart thanks to a curse from Allura. She continued her career as a performing magician, deciding to help those in need with her powers on the side. She also wound up assisting the Justice League of America on numerous occasions before being recruited as a full member.
Her first case upon full recruitment was to uncover her mother’s true identity; Zatanna later found that her mother was alive, having been kidnapped by her people to serve as (in rough terms) a power supply to fuel the city of the Hidden Ones. Sindella sacrificed her life to stop her daughter from suffering the same fate, leaving Zatanna to bury her and move on once again.
After surviving the Crisis, Zatanna and her father joined Constantine and Sargon the Sorcerer, among others, to battle the Great Darkness. During this, the Darkness attacked the sorcerers, killing Sargon first and then attempted to eliminate Zatanna. John Zatara cast a spell to release his daughter from the impending doom, sacrificing his own life in the process. Although the Darkness was defeated, Zatanna lost her father, which would (often literally) haunt her. Don’t worry, she winds up talking to his ghost. A lot.
After her father’s death, she resumed life as a performer and assumed her old costume, soon followed by the discovery of the secrets behind her magical talent. Later on, she also became involved in multiple incidents concerning superhero and supervillain memories, having used her powers to alter personalities and memories in the name of the greater good. This includes nudging Catwoman to a higher moral ground, erasing some of Batman’s memories, and so on - this would eventually strain many of her personal relationships, though ultimately most of her friends would forgive her.
Ultimately, Zatanna would remain a reserve member of the Justice League, joining them whenever her magical expertise was needed and continuing her performing life. Though she turned down a full membership offer with the League, she has remained a constant guardian against more mystical threats, often struggling with balancing her busy and well-publicized schedule with the darker elements in her life and her personal relationships.
BLOG DYNAMICS:             Obviously fine with pre-established things, love them actually. For folks with strong canon connections that might want to play out canon events or mess with things earlier in canon timelines, I love that too!
As far as purely comic interactions go, this doesn’t really matter, obviously, and there will be no changes to her family background - but for things I’m using a face claim for, in the interest of respecting Mendes’ background as well as the Zatara immigrant story, it turns out there is a Brazilian version of Giovanni (Giovane), and so her family origin will be referenced as Brazilian rather than Italian in the (probably very rare, but still) event it comes up. This is out of respect for the face claim I’ll be using, as I had difficulty finding any Italian women that suited both the aesthetic and had resources to a usable level, and I don’t want to distort Camila’s origin. 
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phirephox666 · 7 years
Weekly Fic Recs - FMA
After doing these recs for a couple weeks I figure I have enough recs to do that I can do these bi-weekly for a bit, so! Bi-weekly fic recs commence! This Wednesday’s fics are FMA, a whole bunch of Ed/Roy, mostly. Enjoy y’all.  
Weekly Rec Lists 
i'm giving you a nightcall by clairedearing
Edward/Roy, Alphonse/Winry, Reincarnation Au, Modern Au, Superhero Au, Complete, 124k
Edward Elric (the second) has always had to balance the two sides of his life; on one proper flesh and blood hand, he's a genius working as a crime scene investigator, putting his younger brother through university. On the other not-actually-flesh-and-blood hand, he's also the red-hooded vigilante Fullmetal, protecting Central City from criminals and assholes like 'the Dragon'. But mutilated bodies have stared showing up, and now he has to deal with his estranged sorta-maybe-ex-boyfriend (who's in charge of hunting down Ed's alternate persona), keeping the public from various levels of hysteria, and stopping a mysterious group who seem to be echoing the one his mother used to belong to...
the catwoman to your batman by clairedearing
Edward/Roy, Vigilante Au, Complete, 6k
Ed had his mission - to escort the Ishvallan refugees to the camps. Then he could get back to his research. Except, a mysterious masked man keeps screwing everything up.
Diplomatic Excursions and Other Ways to Die by Tierfal
Edward/Roy, Post Canon Au, Complete, 53k
Conceptually, attending Emperor Ling's coronation celebration is simple enough. In practice, it involves far too much trekking, yearning, bleeding, burning, hoping, running, and dodging of diplomatic catastrophes for Roy's tastes.
Catalysis by aventria, iluxia
Edward/Roy, Edward & Roy, Edward & Maes, Edward & Alphonse, Trisha Lives Au, Fix It, Friendship/Gen, Families of Choice, Backstory, Worldbuilding, WIP, 210k
Work in progress. "Search for the value of that which you seek, for alchemy already knows." Alchemy knew what Edward wanted when his fingertips touched that circle, but Edward did not yet understand how value differs from price, how equivalent differs from equal. The Gate calculates with one small difference, and Trisha Elric lives - but the cost may be too high for Edward to afford.
[ In which Edward Elric becomes Roy Mustang's ward in a different context; Trisha Elric is alive but is as good as dead to her sons; Alphonse Elric grows in a human body under Izumi's tutelage, struggling to understand just what it is they have done right; Hohenheim's past is more complicated and intertwined with the tapestry of Amestrian history; Envy dances a very fine line between his loyalty to Father and a growing obsession/addiction; and Amestris is so not ready for this bloody revolution. ]
Part 1 of Catalysis 'verse
Button Up Your Overcoat by Skinner (psiten)
Edward/Roy, Edward & Alphonse, Edward & Team Mustang, Fix It, Friendship/Gen, Bamf Riza, Complete, 140k
Ed could untie knots in the fifth and sixth dimensions -- blindfolded. He could convince the military he fell through a rabbit-hole, and he could even shut down a Drachman invasion (with a little help), but he can't seem to avoid dating Roy Mustang (and maybe is kind of okay with that). But here's hoping they can collar a General trying to trigger a three-way war, and that they can stop him before he destroys the world.
Making himself walk instead of run took every ounce of composure he had, especially when he got far enough to see the city blanketed in a strange layer of dust and dark thunderclouds. The weather had been clear for miles around. Those clouds had the smack of weather alchemy about them.
He had to find his brother.
The Universe Just Doesn't Know What the Hell to Make of Edward Elric by queerstang (rosethomass)
Edward/Roy, Soulmate Au, Soulmate Marks, Complete, 5k
Everyone Edward's age gets their tattoos, gets to know who their soulmate is, and it's just one more thing to remind Edward of all the things he's lost and never got to have.
Major spoilers for Brotherhood.
Two Months and Counting by Tierfal
Edward/Roy, Harry Potter Au, Magical Au, Worldbuilding, Complete, 4.4k
Given that Ed is past words and beyond belief, surely it's fair to break the rules right in half.
[Vague situational spoilers for '03/CoS.]
Part 1 of Bending the Rules
The Maestros of Misuse by Tierfal
Edward/Roy, Harry Potter Au, Magical Au, Fluff, Complete, 6.7k
Ed spends a day with the Improper Use of Magic Office, and no one loses their mind more than a little.
[Vague situational spoilers for '03/CoS.]
Part 2 of Bending the Rules
The Twelfth Cup of Coffee by Tierfal
Edward/Roy, Coffee Shop Au, Modern Au, Mundane Au, Complete, 44k
The thing with Roy is founded on coffee snobbery and stupid text messages and seriously awesome makeout sessions in the car. Oh, and the love of a lifetime, or whatever.
From the Worst of Times by Batsutousai
Edward/Roy, Edward & Roy, Edward & Team Mustang, Roy & Team Mustang, Bamf Roy, Bamf Ed, Complete, 38k
"From the worst of times," someone had once told a young Roy Mustang, "always come the greatest of gifts." There were times in his life that was all he had to cling to, but it always seemed to hold true, one way or the other.
This Lion is in the Garden by Xyriath
Edward/Ling, Xerxian Ed, Royalty Au, Arranged Marriage, Complete, 26k
Ed’s duties as a prince of Xerxes right now really aren’t that complicated. Establish favorable relations with the nation of Xing. Learn to get along with his betrothed. Don’t offend anyone. Especially don’t offend anyone. What he didn’t predict was getting along with his fiancé perhaps a little too well.
Son of the Desert by ShanaStoryteller
Edward/Roy, Edward & Alphonse,Trisha/Hohenheim, Ishvalan Ed, Ishvalan Al, Friendship/Gen, Bamf Ed, Backstory, Worldbuilding, Complete, 10k
Every time Edward sees the circle on the back Mustang's hand, he wants to scream, wants to reach across the desk and shake him, wants to wrap his hands around the older man's throat and ask if it was worth it, if this desk and his rank is worth the screaming, crying, writhing, burning bodies of his people -
"Something to say, Fullmetal?" Mustang drawls.
Edward snaps the file shut, "Nope."
Part 1 of Ishvalan AU
Sins of the Father by ShanaStoryteller
Trisha/Hohenheim, Hohenheim & Edward, Hohenheim & Alphonse, Edward/Roy, Ishvalan Ed, Ishvalan Al,  Friendship Gen, Worldbuilding, Feelings, Complete, 8k
Hohenheim has been gone for fifteen years. It's time for him to go home - his wife is waiting for him.
Dreaming in Red and Gold by Batsutousai
Edward/Roy, Post Canon Au, Complete, 96k
When Drachma agrees to meet for peace talks at Briggs Fortress, General Roy Mustang is the one sent to represent Amestris. It just so happens that the Drachmans have their own Amestrisan, who is far too skilled at turning the most tedious of discussions into an exciting time.
But Not Buried This Time by Tierfal
Edward/Roy, Post Canon Au, Bamf Ed, Complete, 95k
Once Ed decides that he is categorically not going to rot on the Drachman tundra, dragging his ass out of the jaws of death is actually pretty easy.  ...except when it's not.  At all.  Which is most of the time.
(AU from end of Brotherhood.)
Come What May by Batsutousai
Darius/Heinkel/Edward, Edward & Roy, Edward/Roy, Friendship/Gen, Families of Choice, Post Canon Au, Bamf Ed, Military Au, Complete, 
After the Promised Day, with his alchemy still intact thanks to Hohenheim's sacrifice, Ed finds himself and his chimera team getting dragged into the shadowy world of military secrets in an attempt to keep Bradley's legacy from causing a civil war.
Part 1 of Our Sinner's Redemption
Reverti Ad Praeteritum by Batsutousai
Edward/Roy, Edward & Roy, Edward & Alphonse, Edward & Maes, Friendship/Gen, Mute Edward, Bamf Ed, Bamf Al, Time Travel, Fix It, Complete, 289k
Unwillingly forced to serve as a human trial for a crazy alchemist experimenting with time travel, Edward Elric finds himself standing across from Truth in the moment it takes his leg from him. Armed with the knowledge of what's to come and burdened with guilt for the choices he'd made as an adult, Ed sets out to fix every mistake he ever made and save every life they ever lost, no matter what it takes.
a terrifying clamour of trumpets by ShanaStoryteller
Edward & Alphonse, Edward/Roy, Edward & Izumi, Bamf Ed, Fix It, Complete, 12k
Edward grabs Marcoh’s arm and says, “That stone – what can it heal, exactly?”
The old man’s eyebrows rise to his forehead, and he looks like he already knows the answer when he goes, “Why do you ask, Edward?”
There's no metallic footsteps so there’s no way Al’s close enough to hear them. “I’m sick,” he admits after another moment of deliberation.
Accidents Happen by metisket
Edward & Alphonse, Edward & Harry Dresden, Alphonse & Harry Dresden, Crossover, Crack, Friendship/Gen, Complete, 14k
It’s not so much the strange children falling from the sky that are worrying Harry. It’s more that the children don’t seem to think the situation is all that weird.
“No matter where I go,” Ed said thoughtfully, “there’s a goddamn pyromaniac there waiting for me.”
Repaire du Diable by Batsutousai
Darius/Heinkel/Edward, Edward & Alphonse, Post Canon Au, Complete, 9k
Ed and Al weren't the sort to settle down, despite their best intentions, so they travel, eventually finding Noah again, this time working with a circus that has its share of familiar faces, but also some new ones. Can the Elrics finally find people to settle down with?
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phantomzone3000 · 7 years
Lady Death is in the Top 5 toughest female super heroes
Lady Death top 5 most powerful female super heroes
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She might not be a household name like Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Black Widow or Jessica Jones but Lady Death has a dedicated following. During the late 1990's to the early 2000's there was an influx of popularity of female superheroes more so with the independent comic labels. Comic labels such as Harris Comics with Vampirella, Top Cow had WitchBlade and of course Chaos comics had Lady Death; these heroines were made the face of their respective company. This growing popularity of female superheroes was called the "Bad Girl Movement". If you ever get the opportunity read Lady Death. I highly recommend reading Lady Death be it the original chaos series or even the Avatar medieval era. The Avatar books are not bad either but the Chaos Comics are the standard for Lady Death reading and collecting. Her Chaos books can get a little pricey. Lady Death is very collectible the stories and the art work are premium so it is worth it. Lady Death was created by Brian Pulido and some of her best and most iconic art work was done by Steven Hughes. These books are for a mature readership they are very violent and they have a very high sexual undertone to them. In fact Chaos comics promotes Lady Death as being the female Super hero that has the largest cup size. There was a self titled animated movie featuring Lady Death and it was really good you could pick that up or stream it. It will give you a good idea of who Lady Death is as a character. How does Lady Death match up with other female super heroes?
I am going to start off by talking about the female super heroes I am sure Lady Death can defeat in a one on one battle. Along the same light as Lady Death; having most of the same readership as Lady Death is Vampirella. I actually like vampirella about the same as Lady Death. I own just as many Vampirella books as I do Lady Death books. The two heroines have cross over many times and i have read every time there was a guest appearance by either of them on their respective books. They almost always have a battles between one another. The fights are good and Vampirella holds her own but Lady Death always win the battle often killing Vampirella.
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There has been a Vamperilla and Elektra crossover book but to my knowledge Elektra has never crossed over with Lady Death. I'm not sure there is a lot Elektra can do with Lady Death. Her martial arts would not weaken Lady Death; nor would Elektra's weaponry. Outside of some spooky magical weaponry given to her by the HAND I can not see Elektra lasting too long.Although Elektra being immortal would make for a great storyline crossover. So in that regard it would not be a complete loss for Elektra because Lady Death would kill her but she would come back to life. Death Lady would demolish Catwoman or Batgirl. They are not really in the same league as a Lady Grim Reaper demi-goddess. Their high intelligence and stealth would keep them alive for some time because they are smart enough not to engage Lady Death directly. But it would only be a matter of time before Lady Death catches up to either of them.
If Lady Death enter the world of the Avengers you would be hard press to find a heroine to vanquish her. Daisy Johnson (aka Quake) of Marvel's Agents of Shield would find it impossible to defeat Lady Death in a mortal contest. I think perhaps she could knock Lady Death back a few times with her wave pulse powers. Daisy would need the help of SHIELD and Ghost Rider to bring down Lady Death. Black Widow a SHIELD agent as well as an Avenger would do little to Lady Death. The battle would be similar to fights with Catwoman and Batgirl. Black Widow is not as stealth minded as those Dark Knight femme fatalés. I think Black Widow would be more direct and that would prove fatal. What about Carol Danvers, Ms. Marvel? Now we are talking, this would be a drawn out battle. Ms. Marvel has super strength, flight and near invulnerability. She received her powers from Kree biotechnology. It could really go either way in victory for both characters. I see Lady Death with a fraction of an edge over Ms. Marvel because of Lady Death lack of sympathy and more visceral approach. I think Ms Marvel being your typical super hero would hold back and try to appeal to Hope inside Lady Death and that is where Lady Death would get Carol Danvers. Mary Marvel (Ms. Shazam) would be a identical fight. She would hold her own because she gets her powers from magic and she is very powerful. She has similar powers to Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel. But she is a little too goodie two shoes and lacks experience. What about someone who is experienced in fight demigods on a regular basis? How would Xena the Warrior Princess fare against Lady Death. I do not think these two characters have ever crossed paths in the comics. In my opinion Xena could surprisingly hold her own against Lady or any high powered superhero. This would make for a very interesting story arch. The back drop time periods are about the same. There is a lot of mythology in both stories. Lady Death alter ego is named Hope a attractive Swedish blonde in her late twenties. Xena scribe Gabrielle an attractive blonde in her late twenties has a magical evil doppelganger named Hope. These two version of Hope look similar to one another and that would make a great crossing over point for a story line to begin. Ultimately I do not think Xena has enough offense to hang with Lady Death. When we think of Lady Death we are talking about someone who went to Hell itself defeated Lucifer AKA Satan, AKA The Devil; kicked his ass, kicked him out of his realm and governed it as the queen for awhile. Not only can she defeat most female super heroes but she would make short of most male super heroes.
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So who would defeat Lady Death in a one on one battle? First up is the Maiden of Might herself, Kara Zor-el, Supergirl. Supergirl has very similar powers to Ms. Marvel and Ms. Shazam characters that I stated Lady Death would defeat in close contests. A battle between Supergirl and Lady Death would be a very close, world moving war as well. Supergirl can be harm effectively by Lady Death's Magic. I even believe Supergirl can be cut by Lady Death's sword. With all this said i do think when its all said done Supergirl would be victorious over Lady Death. Superman and Supergirl have a No Kill Policy; at least they do on paper. Superman has kill countless villains; in fact he kills Zod every time he spots him. I think Supergirl can muster the visceral rage enough to defeat Lady Death and would not hold back. Supergirl is more in touch with her Kryptonian side and is a lot more amoral than Superman. The DCTV CW version of Kara Danvers Supergirl not so much but in the comics she is more alien the Kal-el. The Supergirl of Superman/Batman by Michael Turner would fare better in battle with Lady Death than the DCTV CW Arrowverse Melissa Benoist Supergirl. Both versions of Supergirl would win. i think Supergirl ultimately could raise to the occasion with heroics and bravery that would give her the edge. Probably the most interesting fight for Lady Death would be with Wonder Woman. Actually Lady Death seems to be made to be a wonder woman adversary. She would fit in nicely in the Diana's heavily mythological themed world and vice versa i would have loved to see Wonder Woman in the chaos Universe battling Lady Death. Wonder Woman does not even pretend to have a No Kill Policy, just ask Max Lord or Ares. Wonder Woman can summon the power of the Gods and take the fight to Lady Death at a higher level than Supergirl. Wonder woman could bring the same heroic and bravery to the fight as Supergirl. Diana uses swords just as lady death and can easily have the sword endowed with magic to combat lady death's blood thirsty magic sword. The Princess of Themyscira  would have an easier time vanquishing Lady Death than supergirl.
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Putting Lady Death back in the Marvel Universe more specifically the X-men Universe we can can find a few heroines that could really ruin our Grim Reaper's day. I think Lady death would have hard time with Jean Grey (or even to a lesser extent Emma Frost). Jean Grey would just get in her mind and change her or send her away. Jean Grey could destory her mind if she so chooses. Then there that whole Phoenix force thing that Lady Death would have to contend with. Even if Lady Death somehow kills Jean Grey; it would not mean much because Jean is essentially immortal. In fact killing Jean Grey would be the last thing Lady Death would want to do because this could open the door to her becoming the Dark Phoenix. I have given much thought of a fight between Jean Grey's teammate Storm verses Lady Death and honestly I do not know who would win this one. The battle would be epic essentially Death verses Mother Nature. This is nearly a philosophical question. It is nearly impossible to say who would win that one. We are going to chop this one up as a draw between these mega power characters. Leaving the X-men's school for the gift but still staying in Marvel Universe and hopping back over to the Avengers neck of the woods Lady Death finds her toughest foe yet. These two character have nothing in common and no connection what so ever. This character is the She-Hulk of course. There would be very little Lady Death could do to Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk. Hope's magic does not really matter to the Savage She-Hulk. Lady Death's sword would not hurt The She-Hulk. Most of Lady Deaths offense would only fuel She-Hulk's rage making her more powerful. She Hulk would quickly pound Lady Death into oblivion.
I have Lady ranked as 5th toughest female superhero. Lady Death is actually more of a anti-hero to be perfectly honest. I have two characters from DC comics defeating her. I have two characters for marvel victorious over her. Storm and Emma frost are up in the air. Every other lady super hero would fall victim to the Lady Grim Reaper.
buy Lady Death “Vandala” here
#Lady Death #Chaos #DCcomics #Marvelcomics #Supergirl #wonderwoman #Vamperella #Quake #DCTV #Agents of Shield #She-Hulk #Xena #Witchblade #Ms.Marvel #MaryMarvel #Ms.Shazam #Blackwidow #catwoman #batgirl
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