aquarius-cookie-jar · 10 months
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fullcravings · 1 year
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Chocolate Salted Caramel Cake
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cruisepilled · 11 months
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tom cruise enjoying a frappuccino
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cpahlow · 9 months
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It's that time of the semester again, so I'm baking to de-stress.
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thelastsaiyanprincess · 3 months
May I ask what flavor of ice cream? 🙂
........don't make fun of me but IT'S VANILLA
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dolfin · 4 months
I made spiked hot chocolate that tasted like samoa cookies
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alwaysaglader · 1 year
You caramel drizzled my heart (Tyler Galpin X Reader)
Y/N's P.O.V
Pushing open the glass door of the all too familiar Weathervane cafe, I walked in past the "Closed" sign, looking around confused as to why Tyler wanted to meet me here, after hours.
Noticing my favourite person in the cafe was nowhere to be seen, I continued to walk up to my usual booth in the corner, only to be greeted with a beautiful bunch of sunflowers in a glass vase set on the middle of the table alongside a note that read "Will be right with you darling".
Smiling to myself, I sat down on the red cushion, admiringly running my fingers along the bright yellow petals of the flowers, that Tyler knows makes me smile the brightest.
Being dazed by the sunflowers for a moment too long, I did not notice the book placed next to the vase at an initial glance with yet another note in the first page. "Start reading darling. I know you don't like to be idle. I'll be right there".
Feeling myself smile even more, I leaned back into the cushion before starting to read, though my mind was running around in circles as to what my boyfriend was up to, knowing he has many tactics up his sleeve to make me smile and blush bright red, "like a beautiful rose", he would say.
After a few minutes of trying to focus on reading the words imprinted on the crispy white pages, I heard a familiar voice and with a glance I noticed my favourite mop of caramel coloured hair standing in front of me with this charming toothy grin.
"Happy Valentine's Day darling!!" he said cheerily, placing a big cup of hot chocolate in front of me with a caramel drizzled heart in the middle of the light brown coloured drink, which made me feel all fuzzy and warm at the sight.
"Tyler!!" I gasped, already feeling the blush creep up to my cheeks, before squeezing myself out of  the booth and to his arms, which immediately wrapped around me tightly, pulling me closer to his chest where I could hear the gentle beat of his heart. "Happy Valentine's Day Tyler".
In complete silence, we stood there for a few moments - rocking from side to side for a little bit, just hugging before I pulled back a little nuzzling our noses together and peeking a glance at the table.
"I love the heart you caramel drizzled on my hot chocolate" I whispered and pressed a loving kiss on his forehead, lifting a few of his caramel coloured curls away from his eyes, "you aced a perfect heart Tyler".
Slowly, he leaned in with a chuckle and cupped one side of my jaw, trailing his fingertips over over my skin. "A perfect heart is what you have darling".
"Someone is being extra sweet" I chuckled shyly at his words, catching his big orbs looking lovingly at me. His fluffy strands of hair was sticking up in the most adorable way.
"That is more of a messy drizzle of a heart" he said sounding a bit disappointed, "I've been practicing for weeks to make it perfect but this is as close as I could get...".
"I could have drizzled the caramel better" he pouted nuzzling into my neck. To cheer him up a little, I pressed a kiss on his nose and then nuzzled it with my own again, making him grin.
"Tyler Galpin, you caramel drizzled every inch of my heart since the day I met you" I smiled softly up at him, his eyes fluttering shut when I placed a lingering kiss on his lips.
When he drew away from me, he gave me a small smile with a little twinkle in his eyes, "Now who's being too sweet".  Grinning, I couldn't help but give him a playful shove, "I can't help it".
"You caramelised my heart Tyler" I told him, and felt him radiate heat again, cheeks glowing brightly as his piercing green eyes began to sparkle.
A lovesick feeling washed over me, numbing my senses and fluttering hard in my stomach as he leaned in towards me and pressed his soft lips against mine, kissing me so carefully.
Now grinning myself, I placed my head back on the place where his heart is to listen to the familiar beating, as I felt him bury himself deeper into my arms, where I'm now sure no-one will hurt him anymore, because I'll protect his broken soul, and will do everything to heal him the best I can.
Tyler's P.O.V
I found myself unable to stop smiling as I watched Y/N look back up at me with her sweet eyes  while I pulled out my laptop from my bag, as we sat back down on the booth, turning on a movie which made her squeal excitedly & bump her forehead against mine. Her eyes sparkled brightly, showing me her happiness. "Hot chocolate, sunflowers and high school musical 3! Tyler this is the most perfect date ever!".
"I thought I put you through enough by having you watch High school musical 1 and 2 with me" she smiled shyly, which made me puller her closer than possible, peppering her face with a million kisses, which made her giggle more, making my heart flutter with every sweet sound she made.
"Darling, I enjoyed every second I got to cuddle you through both the movies while you sang out every song... and this time we get to sing together" I smiled, watching her eyes light up like the beautiful crystals they are as I felt myself get lost in her eyes, so mesmerised, falling deeper and deeper to an infinite pool of love. "We?".
"I learnt the lyrics for every song in High school musical 3 so we can sing together" I confessed shyly as I watched her smile grow with every passing moment what got my heart missing a pulse or two. Y/N did something to me I couldn't define, but it felt like some kind of force, something that I couldn't fight against.
She smiled brightly with rosy cheeks, her expression softening as her eyes looked at me up and down. Her face up close was even more beautiful than when I looked at her from a small distance. Y/N dealt with me like this a lot. She knew I tend to daydream in front of her, but she never knew it was about her.
Only when she carefully cupped my cheeks into her palms, as if I'd break any second, did she pull me out of my daydream about her. "Tyler shall we start?".
"Yes yes" I pulled back with slightly reddened cheeks to which she quickly pressed a kiss on my lips, what made me smile, my heart fluttering at her adorableness. "Let's start".
Being cuddly, I slowly pressed myself against her and wrapped my arms around her body to hold her, listening to the change of her breathing pattern. She'd stir for a second and then relaxed while being held in my embrace as close as possible as I let out a happy sigh in return.
There was nothing more I loved than to hold Y/N.
It was the best feeling to be in her arms, where I feel safe.
Halfway into the movie, the song I've been waiting for started playing, as Y/N gave me a puzzled look when I stood up extending my hand to take hers. "Darling, can I have this dance?"
With bright red cheeks this time, she nodded, as I took hold of her small hands, giving each a little kiss and placing them around my neck. Then I placed my hands on to her waist and pulled her closer as we started to sway back and forth gently to the beat of the music. We shared a small kiss, and smiled, feeling happy.
After a few moments, I swiftly twirled her around to which a small giggle escaped her lips as I caught her in a hug, and felt her growing boneless in my arms, relaxing to the warmth of my body and the steady beating of my heart.
"You are my person Y/N" I blurted, and felt my cheeks go red in embarrassment when my emotions suddenly poured out of me, as if I finally opened myself up to her, this time all the way.
When I drew away from her, she gave me a small smile, shyly looking down. "I am?".
My hand closed in on hers, fingers sliding between the gasps of her digits. With our hands intertwined, she finally dared to look up at me with her beautiful pair of eyes that still showed me the world. "Yes, you are".
"You are my 'I messed up, what do I do now' person" I said, pressing kisses on her hair. "You are my 'wanna grab a coffee together?'person" I placed a big, sloppy kiss on both her rosy cheeks, making her giggle sweetly. My heart fluttered in adoration.
"You are my 'for you, a thousand times over' person" I cradled her baby-soft cheeks between my palms & pressed a long kiss to her forehead to which Y/N smiled softly with such pure eyes that it took me aback a little.
"You are my 'let's go watch the sunset' person" I continued slowly but with lots of smiles and giggles, which cheered me up, honestly. Y/N is always so happy when I kiss her, and vice versa. The gesture just makes my heart warm and makes butterflies tickle the walls of my stomach. "You are my 'I am hungry, Let's go get something' person".
"You are my 'I have something to tell you' person", my fingers tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, making her even more beautiful than she already is, as I trailed the back of my fingers over her cheek to caress while keeping my eyes on hers, "you are my 'what would I do without you?' person".
"You are my 'I can only talk to you about this' person" I whispered, resting my head on top of hers as we stood, enjoying our own little bubble.
"You are my person Y/N" I held her hands and placed them on my chest where she could feel every beat of my heart. Every beat which is present because of her.
"I know I am not close to even deserving you Y/N" I said, my eyes filling with tears "but god, I want to. I want to spend the rest of my life trying to deserve you".
Neither one of us said anything to each other for a while, we just looked deeply into the other's eyes. Y/N had that look which made my heart beat in my throat. It was the kind of look that said more than words, more than gestures. It was something that just spoke to me.
"There will never be another" I vowed. When I said this to her, I made sure to look deep into her eyes to make sure she understood every word I spoke, "I promise that I will love you for the rest of my life".
Y/N and I continued to look at each other for a little bit longer before I let my own eyes flutter shut and then leaned my head a little to the right to properly kiss her.
"I love you Tyler" Y/N suddenly whispered against my lips, causing my heart to do flips and jumps. It took so long before she first said those three words to me. And she doesn't say them without a reason.
"You are my person too Tyler" Y/N whispered back at me, and looked at me with her eyes clouded with love, which took me aback a little because I had never seen these emotions so intense.
Grinning, I brushed my hand over her hair, as my arms held her close to my chest, as if I wanted to protect her from the outside world and everyone else. "I love you too Y/N".
"You will always be my forever" Y/N murmured and shyly looked down with slightly reddened cheeks before looking back into my eyes. Once I looked at her I could feel the happiness blooming inside me, as if her eyes were the calm, beautiful morning after a night full of storm.
"If not you, then no one else" I smiled wetly as I grabbed her face in my hands and pulled her closer to my own, just to press my lips on top of hers in need for her love. Y/N froze in shock for just a second before she caught up with me and kissed back.
When our lips were locked, moving gently, I could feel my head spinning, my emotions encircling me like a tornado.
Her heartbeat was audible when I kissed her, causing my cheeks to glow even brighter. We were always so excited to be alone and to show each other love.
After a few minutes we pulled back and just stared at each other while resting intertwined, letting our heartbeats match.
A smile that reached both her eyes was plastered on her face, looking peaceful and at ease with me. My own smile couldn't be held down and became visible as I pulled her closer to my body and brushed my hand through her hair.
Our eyes kept staring at each other, drowning in the colours of our irises, heartbeats changing until they were beating on the same rhythm. It felt like I couldn't breathe.
We stood like that for about 30 seconds, just staring at each other like we saw water burning in front of us. My thoughts were blank, clouded and unclear, as if the feeling of love fogged up my senses.
"My heart is perfect because you are in it" I heard Y/N whisper in that angelical kind of voice that got me swooning over her as she pressed a kiss right on the place where my heart is located. A wave of warmth consumed me. It was something only she could make me feel like; it was something indescribable but so incredibly good. I could only define it as love. Pure love.
At that moment I felt the safest I had ever felt. There was something about the way she kissed me, about the way she wrapped her arms around my neck and kept me close. There was something about her that silenced the demons in my head and made me feel normal, like a normal person.
My armour, that I wear to get through every day, fell off.
Every time I see her smile my heart forgets it was broken.
Each of us is a story waiting for a devoted reader who will take us off the shelf and embrace all our plot twists and I don't know anything about the future of my story but I find myself sitting with her on the beautiful side of hope.
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normal-internet-user · 9 months
Words cannot describe my desire to bake a pie with Alfred Pennyworth.
Please- I wanna make an apple pie with him.
He's like- peak grandfather figure energy-
I'm tired rn and all I can think about is how sad I am that I can never bake a pie with Alfred.
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littlehornedoak · 7 months
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happy thanksgiving!
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fullcravings · 1 year
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Caramel Fudge Layer Cake
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specters · 9 months
had a regular complain that no one knows her order by heart anymore bc a lot of the people order taking are newer like what do you want me to say... Waaah now you gotta say your order to get what you want bc we cant read your mind 🥺 life must be sooo hard
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eoghankidney · 7 months
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OREO Ultimate Turtles Cheesecake When we say 'ultimate,' we mean it. This delectable cheesecake boasts an OREO Cookie crust topped with a nutty layer of caramel and a classic cheesecake filling. Drizzles of melted chocolate and caramel-pecan sauce finish it off in style. 1 package caramels, 24 OREO Cookies finely crushed, 2 ounces semi-sweet baking chocolate, 1 cup chopped pecans, 3 eggs, 6 tablespoons butter or margarine melted, 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, 1/2 cup milk, 3/4 cup sugar, 3 packages cream cheese softened
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dreamylittlevalentine · 7 months
Baking brownies for everyone 🥰
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monkeymeghan · 11 months
I’m at the hospital, they just took my dad back for surgery about 25 minutes ago. We had to get up at 3am to be here by 5, the hospital is an hour away. Fun times. So if you could send prayers or good vibes or anything positive his way it would mean a lot.
After they took dad back, I went downstairs to Starbucks for breakfast. I know my drink is usually $7+, but all of the prices have gotten ridiculous! Thankfully I was recently gifted a Starbucks gift card, so that paid for breakfast today.
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screamingay · 6 months
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