#i bet he makes the best apple pie
Words cannot describe my desire to bake a pie with Alfred Pennyworth.
Please- I wanna make an apple pie with him.
He's like- peak grandfather figure energy-
I'm tired rn and all I can think about is how sad I am that I can never bake a pie with Alfred.
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pomefioredove · 5 months
lily of the valley
bonjour et joyeux premier mai! in france and belgium we give our loved ones lily of the valley flowers on may day to wish them luck in the upcoming year. sooo I thought... why not treat a few of my favorite boys?
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summary: gifting them a lily of the valley type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, epel, rook, vil, lilia additional info: platonic or romantic, reader is yuu, reader is gender neutral, not proofread
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𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
"...Oh? And what's this?"
your first "victim" of the day is none other than the strict and formal Heartslabyul housewarden himself
as a man of tradition, and an enjoyer of flowers, you figure Riddle is the perfect place to start
as you're already well aware of the gardening culture in the Queendom of Roses, you even make an effort to read up on botanical facts about the gift ahead of time, if only to impress him
and... well, you didn't have the time to paint these ones red
or is that only for roses...? these rules can be quite confusing...
When you hand him the gift, he's simply surprised. Flowers? But he doesn't remember asking you for these...?
Riddle inspects the sprig of lilies in his hand, rolling the stem between his fingers as you explain their meaning
and, much to your delight, he's pleasantly receptive
"They're not roses, but... I suppose they're very nice. Thank you,"
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𝐄𝐩𝐞𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐫
"Now, what's all this for?"
if there's one thing Epel Felmier is absolutely tired of, it's flowers
well... it's not that he hates them, it's just... they're a girly thing, right? not to mention that Vil keeps them everywhere- the lounge, the rooms, he'd bet even that creepy basement under the dorm has a pristine porcelain vase full of the seasonal picks
ah, but flowers from you...?
and ones with a special meaning, no less
he'll never admit it aloud, but he's honored you chose him, of all people, to call a loved one
and so, Epel doesn't fuss too much when you take the liberty of putting the sprig in his front pocket, displaying it like a medal of honor
he might even chuckle at the whole thing
this is almost like something an old couple would do... it reminds him a little of his grandparents, even
"Well... alright. Aren't you as sweet as apple pie today?"
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𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐞
"Ah? A gift for me?"
his immediate reaction? how delightful!
how long it's been since he's received flowers like this... ah, they remind him of his youth!
despite his initial excitement, though, Lilia soon becomes far more invested in the meaning behind the gesture than the gesture itself!
he's fostered quite an interest in other cultures and traditions, after all, and he'll be more than glad to listen to you talk about your own for hours, and hours, and hours...
his curiosity is quite charming, isn't it?
perhaps he and his cuteness can convince you to exchange more stories sometime!
Lilia takes such a liking to the tradition, in fact, that he passes it on to Silver, Sebek, and Malleus, giving each a new sprig of lilies with a brief (and somewhat confusing) explanation
(Malleus may have to ask you about that later)
but, of course, Lilia reserves the bragging rights of getting his own flowers directly from you
"Fufufu, I hope this won't be the last time I get flowers from you, Prefect,"
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𝐕𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐭
"Oh, my. For me? They're lovely,"
Vil has received wreaths of roses, bouquets of the finest arrangements, even entire rooms full of flowers from devoted fans and management
but... something about the measly little sprig of lilies you're handing him first thing in the morning is all the sweeter
if there's anything he'll give you credit for, it's your taste in flowers. you must have chosen the best of the bunch especially for him, the way it's practically glowing
as soon as he's done admiring your pick, he pins it to his lapel, and keeps it there for the rest of the day
this color just accentuates his uniform so nicely, doesn't it?
and once you're done reciting your knowledge about the flower, he'll be sure to add his own, explaining the symbolism of such a beauty
"Lily of the valley: a return of happiness... Hm, much like yourself, no?"
(he will not elaborate on what he means by that)
but he does have a little spring in his step for the next few hours
"Oh, and, dear? You can be sure to expect ten times as many of these from me at your door next year,"
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𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭
"Ah, such a lovely shape! you have an incroyable eye for beauty, mon trickster!"
quite frankly, it doesn't matter what day it is; to gift Rook a lovely flower out of the beauty of your heart is enough to send him into a never-ending soliloquy
and now you say these are meant for your loved ones? do you mean to kill him with your thoughtfulness?!
he admires the flower for as long as the day will permit, and then presses it for preservation
he wouldn't want to lose this precious memory, after all!
in fact, he'll frame it riiight next to his bed so he may wake up to the sight of your kindness every morning!
and, just to be sure you know exactly how his heart is overflowing for you, you can expect a poem and dozens of flowers waiting for you on your doorstep the next morning
really... where does he find the time?
if you ask, he'll insist he's only expressing himself to you in the same way you have to him
"I only wish to show my utmost appreciation for your beautiful heart, miel!"
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hunnymisworld · 4 months
How Haikyuu Characters would respond to you:
When you ask them for help in making the homework.
SFW | Fluff | Crack | Short AU
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C O N T E X T: You are a 1st year transfer student in Nekoma HIgh and you've already adjusted to your new environment as well as the new people you met whom you made friends with. You were having a hard time with a homework and decided to ask for help in your fellow classmates/seniors.
INTIMIDATING (he's smart and he's the captain of the vball team - WBK)
You hesitate to approach him because of his usual sly/serious facial expression.
He noticed you were trying to approach him so to your surprise he approached you instead.
"Hi Y/n, i see you've been looking at me and hesistating about something, is there something i can help you with?"
You shyly told him that you were struggling with chemistry homework and he didn't think twice in helping you.
"Sure! Here, let me see. I'll read it first then i'll explain it to you."
You see him nodding and humming as he scan through the pages of your notebook.
Believe it or not WITHIN 5 MINS. he suddenly closed the notebook and said "Alright, i see what your homework is about. Sit here beside me, i'll show you" while showing you a wide warm smile.
Mans a VISUAL LEARNER (he asked if it was okay for him to write on the back of your notebook - ofc you said yes)
He draws and writes things on the back of your note book and literally creates a framework guide for you to understand the concept of the lesson.
"Do you understand it better now?" (he won't mind to go over it again)
You easily understood what he taught you and you were amazed by how this man just made it easy like that. (Yes, effortlessly like that)
You thanked him and offered something to give him but he stopped you from there.
"No need y/n, I'm glad i was able to help you. Really, i mean it. You don't have to give anything" (but if you insist, i bet you he would agree eating ice cream with you after class - he ofc brings Kenma with him)
"If you're struggling with any homework, you can ask me or ask kenma. No worries, glad to be of help."
Didn't notice you at first cause he's busy playing video games.
"Oh Y/n, sorry i was kinda busy- what can i do for you?"
He's just sitting there looking up at you, gameboy in hand.
When you told him you were gonna ask for help with regards to the homework (he tried to hide it but he was flustered & flattered that you thought he was THAT good that you asked him for help yourself) he just nodded and offered to take a look at your notebook.
He silently scanned through the pages and after a while he explained the concept to you.
The way he explained it was so detailed that you felt like your brain was overwhlemed with the information but at the same time you learned a lot from him.
"Do you understand the concept now? If not i can send you a file with a complete guide in it. I made it myself, if you need any other notes you can tell me." (he really made NOTES everytime he and kuroo studied cause he doesn't wanna ask kuroo again - best believe this man has COMPLETE notes)
He showed a small smile when you thanked him and you offered to buy him ice cream but he suggested another idea instead "An apple pie would great though, but you don't really have to give me anything. It's alright y/n"
You insisted - you ended up eating apple pie with kenma and he tagged Kuroo along (Kuroo is eating ice cream)
When you checked your notifications when you got home, he literally ended up sending you ALL OF HIS NOTES. He attached a message saying:
" You're welcome :)"
You didn't have a hard time approaching him, he was approachable - But he was dumbfounded when you asked him about the homework.
"What homework?"
You were standing in front of him, (looking up - bc he was TALL) with a blank emotion in your face T.T (you thought to yourself: wDYM YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A HOMEWORK?!??!)
You were just in awe that he was clueless standing there (your jaw almost hit the floor) T.T
After a while of him trying to remember the homework, he was SHOCKED "RIGHT! THAT HOMEWORK!"
Asks you how to do it instead T.T
He suggested you both go to Kuroo to get help (HE REALLY SAID SOS T.T)
You both were tutored by Kuroo and both got PERFECT SCORES!! ^^
After that you became chaotic besties fr!! <3
You were greeted by him with a warm smile as you approach closer.
"Hey Y/n! How are you?" (a warm ball of sunshine fr)
"I see, alright here let me see that" (HE DIDN'T THINK TWICE)
He scanned through it and let you sit beside him as he was trying to figure out at which part were you having a hard time. (He does not mind if he would go over it all again for a number of times - he would understand)
He explained the concept to you in its simplest form and you thanked him after.
He offered to get ice cream after (HE INSISTED TO PAY FOR IT)
You were flustered, you thought you were the one to buy him ice cream (he disagreed and pain immediately so that you won't pay for it)
P R I N C E S S T R E A T M E N T/?!?!?!
"I noticed you were getting anxious so i offered to eat ice cream to calm your nerves down. Cheer up y/n, you'll get through your 1st year smoothly. If you're having difficulties just message me or tell me okay?"
Pls he is so caring and a type that would know how to comfort you.
Yes, he offered to be you tutor too (FOR FREE!!!!!!!)
YOU ACED THE HOMEWORK (at this point you can graduate with flying colors bc of how good this man is in mentoring you)
note: part 2??
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hazbininlove · 6 months
Hopelessly Devoted - Chapter 4
-about 7.2k (these chapters are slowly getting longer omg) now with music! You’ll know when to play the song, I promise.
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
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A week passes quickly before Lucifer even realizes it. Esther visited a few days after, though it was more so to speak to Charlie about Sir Pentious and deliver some letters between them. Lucifer had been busy at the time, in his manor.
Apparently Sir Pentious was asking mostly about his egg bois and wanting to find a way to bring his minions to Heaven with him. Lucifer doesn’t think it’s possible for artificial demons to make it to Heaven, so his best bet would be to make some new ones.
It bothers him a bit that Esther didn’t visit him. Charlie says that she asked about him, but when Charlie had offered to call, Esther had turned the offer down.
He wasn’t sure if he said something wrong the last time, or if it was something else. As emotional as the conversation had been, he thinks they’d ended on a good note. That note being a kiss on the cheek from Esther that had left him flustered for days.
He felt like a freshly created angel. He was far too old to be acting like this.
Lucifer groans when his phone rings, hoping it’s not one of the other sins. He’s not in the mood to deal with Mammon’s whining or Bee’s party invites that she knows he’ll never attend.
He lists his phone to his face and nearly topples over in his chair when he sees it’s Charlie calling him.
“Charlie! Hey! How’s it going?”
“Heeeeey dad,” she says nervously. “You have to promise not to freak out.”
“Char char, apple pie, that’s a terrible way to start a conversation,” he says, leg already shaking anxiously. “What’s going on over there?”
“You have to promise,” she replies quickly.
He sighs and rubs his temple with his empty hand. “Charlie, I’m not going to promise anything if you’re potentially in danger.”
“Nooo! No! Nope! No danger here! Just Uncle Azrael visiting again and wanting to speak with you! With Uncle Gabriel and Aunt Uriel?” Charlie’s voice lowers in tone so much in the end that Lucifer nearly doesn’t catch her mumbling.
He feels his whole body vibrate with rage and feels his horns and tail whip out from him. “What did you say?” He can hear his voice layer as his eyes shift to red, glowing bright as his irises disappear.
“Okay, so we’re freaking out! How about some breathing exercises to help us relax and then we can sit down and talk,” Charlie says through the phone.
Lucifer barely hears her as his phone is crushed in his hadn’t and he lets his magic swirl around him ribbons or red smoke and golden sparks. One moment he’s staring down at his desk and the next he’s in the hotel lobby, standing in front of his daughter with wings spread nearly wall to wall.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here unannounced?”
Azrael steps forward, hands help up in a reassuring manner as Uriel and Gabriel remain in their place. Lucifer barely spares them a glance as Azrael moves closer to him.
“Lucifer please, let us talk peacefully. We had a good time during my last visit, did we not?”
“I tolerated you here because of Esther, and because I know you wouldn’t start a fight. I never said I wanted to see them too,” Lucifer snaps back, tail whipping harshly behind him in anger.
“Well we’re here, so are you going to settle down and talk like the adult you’re supposed to be or are going to keep up this tantrum?” Uriel asks bluntly, lilac eyes dead set on him. She tucks a strand of her short white hair behind her ear as she speaks.
He growls at her in response but makes his wings smaller, at the very least.
“Forgive me if I’m not keen on three Virtues barging into my place and approaching my daughter while I’m not present,” Lucifer responds through grit teeth. Azrael takes another step towards him.
“Ignore Uriel, you know she can be brash. I understand what this may look like but we weren’t aware that you weren’t here. That is why I had Charlie give you a call,” Azrael replies. Lucifer calms his tail and allows his golden irises to return as he turns to his daughter.
Charlie nods in confirmation to Azrael’s words and places a hand on his shoulder. Lucifer closes his eyes and sighs, feeling his horns and tail recede and his eyes shift back to their usual red irises. He rolls his shoulders and retracts his wings as well before looking back up at his siblings.
“Thank you,” Azrael says. Uriel and Gabriel step closer to him as he continues. “Now, I came down because I wanted to get the chance to speak more with you, as I spent most of my time with Charlie during my last visit. Gabriel is here because he wanted to personally deliver a message to you, and Uriel… well I hope you remember how she is?”
Uriel pushes past Azrael at that, moving herself into Lucifer’s personal space throwing her arms around his shoulders in a bear hug. She squeezes him tightly, and he feels his bones ache at her strength.
“I can’t finally visit my little brother? Thousands of years and I’m finally getting the chance to come here, you bet your ass I’ll be here,” she says as she continues to squeeze him. Lucifer isn’t really sure how to respond, arms stuck at his sides due to Uriel’s tight hold and eyes blown wide.
“Uriel, I think you might break him if you continue,” Gabriel speaks up behind her. She scoffs but gives him one last squeeze and let’s go, her hands resting on her shoulders.
“Haven’t grown much in all these years I see, and your eyes are red now. I like it, they match your marks now,” Uriel says, one hand patting at his face.
Lucifer just stares at her incredulously. He wants to say a lot of things, but he knows Charlie would be disappointed and Azrael has already calmed him. He doesn’t want to test his brother’s seemingly endless patience. He knows better than most that every virtue has a vice, and Azrael is the eldest of his brothers. While he’s never fully fallen to his wrath, even during Lucifer’s time in Heaven there were vague rumors of Azrael’s anger, and one whisper of thousands of wings was enough to ensure he never wanted to be on the receiving end of it.
“Don’t give me that look,” Uriel says as she stares back at him. She uses the hand that was holding his cheek to flick his forehead. He winces away from her and rubs the spot. “Just as you aren’t allowed back up there, we weren’t allowed down here. But, since those idiots Adam and Sera decided to break that rule for their little power play, and Father allowed Esther down here, we figured we’d come down for an overdue visit too!”
“So I’m allowed back up there?” He asks.
“Absolutely not,” she replies, her smile still wide but her tone sharp. “I love you, little brother, truly, but don’t forget that Hell is a punishment of your own making. You are a Sin now, not a Virtue. If you are ever to enter the first gates, you’ll need permission from Father, and you know how he is.”
“So forgiving,” Lucifer replies sarcastically, rolling his eyes at her.
“Cheer up! Your soul’s redemption may not be possible but at least sinners can be redeemed! And your love life apparently,” she teases.
Lucifer gives her a glare but doesn’t move away from her or the next hug she gives him.
He hates to admit how much he missed them all. Uriel isn’t the first of his sisters he expected to see again, he’d actually expected Ramiel, but he won’t complain too much.
“Yeah about that, that’s why I’m here,” Gabriel spoke up, stepping forward.
He removes Uriel from on top of him and takes her place. Gabriel’s hug is much quicker than her’s, though still just as tight.
“Hey Sammy,” Gabriel says, patting his back as he does.
Lucifer wants to protest the usage of that name, but hearing it from Gabriel doesn’t sound as patronizing as if it were Michael saying it.
“Hey Gabriel,” Lucifer replies. Gabriel gives him one last squeeze before letting him go.
“Well, I came down because I did want to see you, but also because I have a message for you from Michael.”
And just like that, Lucifer’s mood sours again. He hears Azrael laugh a bit at the frown that has overtaken his features once more.
“Don’t give me that look. You’re lucky Michael had the sense to ask me to deliver it and didn’t come personally himself,” Gabriel says, seeing the look on his face.
Lucifer looks away with him, knowing he’s right but not wanting to admit it.
“Yeah, whatever. What does he want? And why couldn’t Esther just tell me this? Where is she?” Lucifer asks.
Gabriel winces a bit and Lucifer’s eyes narrow. “About that, it’s sort of related to the message. Michael has been worried about her. She said something to him and I guess after her last visit, he wanted to be sure she wasn’t rushing anything. So he has her doing some other tasks at the moment to keep her busy.”
Lucifer feels his eye twitch and the admission, has to make an effort to keep his horns and tail from coming out in anger again.
“So he’s keeping her from me,” he replies. Gabriel laughs a bit nervously at that.
“Not necessarily! He’s respecting her wishes for the most part. He just wants to make sure she’s thinking clearly.”
“He wants to keep her from seeing me.”
Gabriel says and rubs at his temples. “Sammy, you know it’s not that simple. Her being with you means she would fall, and as much as we want to see her happy, you have to remember that Michael is Heaven’s protector. It’s his job to keep all angels safe. And I don’t know what she said to him but it’s had him stressing out. He hasn’t stopped her from coming here, but he is trying to limit how often she comes.”
“He wants her to keep a level head,” Uriel speaks up again, joining Gabriel in front of him. He vaguely sees Azrael move closer to Charlie. “Your little love told Michael she’d fall for you, and he’s not too happy about it. The only reason he hasn’t locked her up again is because her coming down here is an order from Father.”
His heart shouldn’t flutter like this, but it does, knowing that she wants to be with him. It must show on his face because Uriel’s eyes narrow at him.
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself,” she says to him, flicking his forehead again. “Believe it or not, I’m with Michael on this one. I’m not too keen on seeing her fall after the things you’ve pulled. But ultimately it’ll be her choice! I just want to make sure she makes that choice when she’s completely sure of herself.”
“I don’t have to explain myself to you,” Lucifer replies, tone dark as he narrows his eyes at her. He grits his teeth and she smirks at him.
“Maybe not, but you sure may need to explain yourself to Michael,” she responds. She leans closer to him and whispers so the others don’t hear the next part. “She may forgive your actions but I do not, and forcing her to be around the product of your infidelity seems a bit cruel, even for you, little devil. Lust may not have been your sin but you sure embraced it when you had the chance.”
“You leave Charlie out of this,” he growls.
Uriel smiles down at him. “I don’t blame the Little Star for your failures. In fact, I’d like to get to know her, since Azrael already got the chance. From what I hear, the little star is quite the big dreamer! I like it!”
Uriel skips away from him and Gabriel steps in before he can stop her from getting closer to Charlie.
“She won’t hurt your daughter,” Gabriel says quickly, blocking him from going towards them. “Now I’m going to make this quick because I have other things to do. I wish I could catch up but unfortunately duty calls. Michael wants to caution you. He’s aware that Esther’s choice will ultimately be her own, but he will judge for himself when the time comes whether or not he feels it’s the right choice.”
“You know he won’t approve if she chooses to stay,” Lucifer replies.
“He won’t,” Gabriel agrees, knowing their older brother well. “But at the end of the day, even Michael has to obey father, and he seems to be leaving the choice open to Esther. Honestly, I think he’s more concerned about you hurting her again.”
“He says that like I chose to fall.”
“Actions have consequences,” Gabriel warns. “Choose your actions carefully this time, and Michael shouldn’t give you any trouble.”
Gabriel sighs as he turns away, heading towards the door.
“Why can I never win?” Lucifer asks him, though he knows the question isn’t really for Gabriel. “I’m created to temp sin, but also destroy it, and in the end I became it and was punished for it. Now it’s either Esther falls and I face Michael’s wrath for it, or I remain without my other half forever but I have my peace from Michael. Were the thousands of years we spent apart not enough?”
“Believe it or not, Michael does love you, little brother,” Gabriel says instead. “Everything he does, he does because he wants to protect us, even if it’s from ourselves.”
Lucifer watches as Gabriel opens a portal to Heaven and walks through without another word. As it closes, he feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up to see Azrael smiling at him. He sees Charlie sitting on the couch with Uriel, talking animatedly no doubt about the hotel as Uriel nods along.
“Come along. I’d like to catch up with you, and Uriel means no harm. You know her bark is far worse than her bite,” Azrael says, pulling him along the lobby and towards the elevator.
Lucifer does know that, but it doesn’t make her words hurt any less.
Uriel has always been blunt. She’s never one to mince her words and though she never means to be hurtful, she also doesn’t shy away from causing pain.
Her words are never meant to hurt, but if they do, it just means there’s truth behind it.
He knows Esther said she has no issues with Charlie, and he believes her because Esther wouldn’t lie to him, she never has, but she never said it didn’t hurt her. And as always, his thoughts turn to their relationship.
It had never been put in words before his fall. They weren’t married, they weren’t engaged, they weren’t dating, they were just together. They were in love and they were together. There were no other words back then to really describe it.
And though he understood as time went on what their relationship truly was, it hadn’t stopped the stupid decision he and Lilith made.
He forces himself to stop talking about it as he and Azrael walk together. His eldest brother mentions things about Earth, about how society has progressed, new animals have been created, and anything else he’s come across during his visits. It doesn’t surprise Lucifer too much, since sinners here typically bring the knowledge of their time alive down with them. Hell changes whenever Earth does. Lucifer recalls the days when everything was just small wooden homes, but everything was hand washed, food was found and caught just for that day, and it repeated. When technology started apparently on Earth, it didn’t take long for it to appear in Hell as well.
Hell mirrored Earth, it just only reflected back the worst aspects.
“I have missed you,” Azrael says to them as they sit in his workshop. He thankfully didn’t comment on the rubber ducks, but Lucifer can see some amusement in his eyes. “I know it doesn’t change what happened. Saying that we were only following orders doesn’t make it right to you, and though I’m sure you understand, that doesn’t mean you don’t wish it could’ve been different, or forgive us for it.”
“Yeah, well, we can’t all be a rebel. What’s a family without drama?” Lucifer says as he shrugs. Azrael chuckles a bit at his antics.
“I know why you didn’t, but I wish you’d have spoken to one of us before agreeing to Sera’s ideas. Even if it wasn’t Michael you spoke to, I wished you’d have at least spoken to me.”
“It’s not that simple,” Lucifer starts. “Just because I don’t think you’d start a fight doesn’t mean I don’t think you’d do anything else.”
“What else I would do, I’m unsure of. But the more I learn of Sera’s reasoning, the more I question why you agreed. Hell is not capable of an uprising, and I don’t say this because I think sinners or hellborn are weak, I say it because no one besides you and possibly the Ars Goetia would have a way to access Heaven.”
Lucifer doesn’t meet his eyes, but he feels Azrael already knows the answer he’s looking for. Esther seemed to have already caught on as well.
“Allowing the death of sinners won’t change the past,” Azrael says to him, a knowing look in his eyes. Lucifer hates it.
“Maybe not but it’s what they get for being stupid enough to choose evil,” Lucifer replies.
Azrael scoffs at him and moves closer. “Hell is their punishment. Anything further is just sadistic. I know you don’t enjoy death like this.”
He doesn’t. He hates the exterminations. He just hated sinners more, at least at the time. He was bitter and hurt and he thought that maybe if he allowed this, he’d one day be able to make up for his mistakes and go home.
Clearly it wasn’t the case. Ten thousand years and he’s still stuck here, and all the exterminations did was ruin the one friendship he had and drive a wedge between him and his daughter.
Charlie really was too good for this cesspool of madness.
“And if you want to cause problems for Heaven, you would’ve done so. You’re more than capable. You may not be allowed to enter but that wouldn’t have stopped you from forcing your way through.”
“Yeah, except I didn’t want to repeat the beating I got last time. I never wanted war with Heaven, I never wanted to see it fall. I just wanted a chance to prove I wasn’t evil. Barging in would kind of go against that,” Lucifer says.
Azrael nods along. “We are still debating Sera’s punishment, by the way.”
Lucifer looks at him incredulously. It’s been almost two months now since the extermination and they still haven’t figured out what to do? He thought they’d be quicker about it, but then again, in a place still so stuck in their old ways, he isn’t entirely surprised.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Azrael says, narrowing his eyes a bit. “There is much to discuss. While she should fall for her treason, we aren’t sure that dropping another powerful seraphim here won’t just cause more problems for you. While she knows what she did is wrong, she doesn’t seem very remorseful for anything other than the fact that she was found out. I fear she may try to bring harm to you or Charlie should she fall.”
“So should she continue to enjoy paradise in a cell, or should fall? She probably wouldn’t stay in the cell long. She’d probably be put on probation rather quickly and then back to her usual activities in no time! But if you drop her here, I can’t guarantee she'll remain alive.”
“Lucifer,” Azrael warns.
“Don’t start,” Lucifer snaps back. “After everything she did, if the sinners don’t get to her first, if she so much as looks in Charlie’s direction the wrong way, I can’t promise I won’t do something.”
“That is precisely why we’ve been debating her punishment for so long. Is the loss of more souls truly the goal here?”
“After the millions she’s killed? I don’t think anyone down here would cry over her death. Actually, there might be a parade! There were a lot of parties down here when Adam died,” Lucifer says, snickering to himself.
Azrael rolls his eyes at him, unamused by his lack of care. Though he never liked Adam, reveling in someone’s death was never something he enjoyed.
Well… he can admit there are some deaths he didn’t feel too bad about. But he didn’t enjoy it either.
There was a bit of amusement seeing their faces when they were denied access to Heaven but he’d keep that to himself. He never understood the self righteous people who thought committing atrocities under the guise of his Father’s name would grant them access to paradise.
“Enough of this. I wanted to also speak to you about Esther,” Azrael says. Lucifer’s eyes narrow at him again.
“What about her?”
“Don’t worry about Michael,” Azrael says to him. Lucifer’s eyes widen. It’s certainly not what he’d expected. “Father has already given Esther the choice. He knows he can’t keep you apart. The only reason she hadn’t fallen sooner is a combination of your misunderstanding and Michael’s interference. Should she choose to fall now, Michael will have to accept it. I’ll see to it.”
“Why? Why help me? Michael won’t be happy with you about this.”
“Michael can whine all he likes. At the end of the day, what Father has already made his choice. There is nothing to protect her from. Maybe protect her heart, should anything go wrong, but I trust that you’ve learned from your mistakes and will do better this time around.”
“I did,” Lucifer says, voice filled with conviction. “I won’t lose her again.”
“See you to it that you don’t,” is all Azrael says about it.
They continue to chat and catch up with each other about miscellaneous things. Azrael makes a few jokes about their time working together, and Lucifer can admit that he misses it. Michael may have been the brother he looked up to most, but Azrael was definitely the one he’d been closest to besides Uriel and Cassiel.
Ramiel spent a lot of time with Michael, and Gabriel was always busy. The other Seraphim were cool, but besides Sera who’s sphere was so close to his, he’d never spent much time with them. There were other angels with the title of Archangel as well, like Raphael who’d taken his place as the Virtue of Humility, but he never was around often, and even now from the sound of it, he spends most of his time on Earth instead of Heaven.
There was also Jophiel, the archangel of art and beauty, but she was usually with Metatron, guarded by Seraphiel. Lucifer was always in some kind of trouble, he wasn’t going to risk going anywhere near the highest of angels, the Chief of the Seraphim.
Michael may be the leader of Heaven’s army and above even some of the Seraphim due to his status as Father’s right hand, but Seraphiel was beyond a doubt the one to truly fear.
Back then, Lucifer feared going near him. Now, he’s pretty sure he’d burn even if he so much as glanced in Seraphiel’s direction.
The more he thinks about it, the worse it gets. If Seraphiel was ever ordered to, his power could probably wipe all of hell from existence.
Which really makes you wonder, if Father had wanted to get rid of evil, why hadn’t he used Seraphiel’s power of purification. It likely would’ve eradicated the evil that found its way onto Earth. He might’ve still fallen for his actions but at least there likely wouldn’t have been as many sinners, if any at all.
But no, apparently because Lucifer fucked up, Earth had to suffer with him Hell wouldn’t truly be a punishment if he wasn’t surrounded by his own unwilling creation.
Sinners really were the worst. Just because he supports his daughter’s ideas doesn’t mean he agrees with everything she says.
Once Azrael leaves, thankfully dragging Uriel with him, he spends the rest of the day in the lobby listening to Charlie and Vaggie brainstorm new redemption ideas.
It’s become clear that it’s likely Sir Pentious’s willingness to sacrifice himself for others he cared for that lead to his redemption, but they couldn’t clearly recreate that scenario.
Azrael had mentioned the possibility of a retrial, though they’d have to find a way to do that without making them die a second time.
Cassiel would likely be in charge of that. He was always the best judge of character between all of them. Which just reminded him that he’d have to face more of his siblings.
Thousands of years and he still didn’t feel ready for this. It felt like he’d inevitably have to face Michael eventually and he really didn’t want to.
Once Charlie and Vaggie retire to their room, Lucifer moves to the bar. Husk looks nervous in his presence but doesn’t say much but ask what he wants to drink.
Lucifer doesn’t even know. He asks for a glass of red wine and ignores Husk’s look of contempt for the drink. It gets placed in front of him anyway in a nice glass.
He swirls the liquid around a bit, unsure if he even wants to drink it, and looks up at Husk.
“If you had the chance to be with someone you love, but at the risk of getting the shit beat out of you, would you do it?” He finally asks. Husk looks confused that he’s even being spoken to, looks around a bit, before sighing and pointing at him.
“First of all, I don’t know why you’re saying it like we don’t all know who this is about. Second of all, if you really love her, getting the shit beat out of you by your brother should be worth it,” Husk says to him. Lucifer laughs a bit at his words and takes a sip of his wine.
“If a beating is what it takes, I’ll take the beating, even though I could take Michael in a fight. Bastard just had a whole army with him last time. No, my problem is that it’s Michael.”
“Daddy issues. Brother issues. Mo- wait do you have a mother?” Husk asks curiously.
Lucifer shakes his head. “Nope. Dad created us all, though he used different things to do it, which is why not all of us are related. We all just kind of woke up into existence. We never really had a childhood the way mortals or Hellborns do. The Seven Virtues and a few other Archangels and I were all created from the same material, which is why we all consider each other siblings, even if we aren’t all the same type of angel. Esther was created from a different material,” he answers. He adds the last part because he knows Husk still wonders about Lucifer and Esther’s connection, seeing as so many of the older angels are related. It’s a valid question, though still one that makes his stomach recoil at the thought.
“Makes sense I guess. So it took a whole army to take you down, huh?”
“I mean, I had some people to help me, who do you think the other sins are? They weren’t virtues or seraphs, but they were angels,” Lucifer answers.
Husk chokes on the bottle of whiskey he’d started drinking from and coughs as he pounds on the bar top for air.
“The fucking Deadly Sins are angels too?!”
“Why do you think they’re so much stronger than everyone else?” Lucifer asks incredulously. “They’re angels who agreed with my ideas, were tried, found guilty, and followed me down here. Lilith and I were the first ones down, and I’m without a doubt the unfortunate creator of this shithole, but they were the next beings to inhabit Hell. Satan in particular was the first to join. The order of the rings is the order they arrived in. Creating the imps was his idea, which I obviously helped with since I’m the only one with the power of creation. It’s why they all worship him.”
“How come they don’t look like angels?”
“Because they gave up their angelic forms,” Lucifer answers him. “I didn’t always look like this, you know. I mean, close but not quite like this. My eyes were gold, my feathers were mostly white with a bit of gold too. And obviously I didn’t have the horns, or tail, or snake. Well, I was always able to turn into a snake but my halo changed from gold bands along my hat to the snake and apple after my fall as a reminder of what I did and what I’ve become as the first demon.”
“What the fuck?” Husk asks.
“Yeah it’s a lot,” Lucifer agrees.
Husk stares at him incredulously for a solid minute before chugging his bottle again. Lucifer laughs and drinks more of his wine. He doesn’t have to ask Husk to refill it, the man is already opening the wine as he sets the glass down.
“I thought my life was a shitshow, and I lost my soul to a sadistic sociopath,” Husk says as he finishes pouring Lucifer’s new glass.
“Yeah well, billions of years alive leaves room for a lot of shit to happen.”
Husk taps his bottle to Lucifer’s glass and raises it in a mock toast before drinking. Lucifer lifts his as well before taking another sip.
“So, a whole army?”
Lucifer laughs again. “Yeah, it didn’t go well. Some Seraphim had to get involved eventually. I’m not the King of Hell for nothing,” he says smugly, giving Husk a prideful smirk. “I wasn’t God’s favorite for nothing. I wasn’t the strongest of the angels, I’m pretty sure if Azrael wanted to he could end me, but I was up there. I was a Prince, I was in line to take over Heaven should Father ever step down, I was the one given the power of creation, even if everyone thought the power should’ve been Michael’s.”
“Then why did you never use all that power here? I mean, you’re the king, by no offense, you rarely do shit.”
“Because Hell is as much a punishment for me as it is for you. I never wanted to create this place, and quite honestly, I still couldn’t give less of a shit about the sinners down here. Lilith cared, she loved sinners, but she’s also technically the first sinner so I’m not surprised. It’s why I let her run things. I’m more than content to let the rest of them destroy themselves with their own made up problems. If I stepped in, I wouldn’t be a king, I’d be a dictator. Hell might end up being a bit more peaceful but only because everyone would live in fear of stepping out of line. No, it’s much better to let you all live your lives as you see fit. At least then you’d have your freedom.”
Husk looks like he wants to ask more, even though he looks a bit more wary of Lucifer’s presence in front of him. Lucifer doesn’t blame him. If he had his way, Hell really would be much different. Overlords like Alastor would have no real power. But Lucifer gave humanity the gift of free will for a reason. If he led the way he wanted to, for his own peace of mind, there would be no point in that free will. He’d take it away from them as quickly as he gave it. Maybe it’s a bit sadistic, maybe becoming a demon truly did change him, but his hatred for humanity hasn’t changed in years. It isn’t about the change now just because he’s grown a soft spot for the ones in this hotel.
A knock at the door is what stops their conversation. They look between each other and the door before Lucifer stands to answer it.
He doesn’t expect to see Esther on the other side, but his eyes widen and his cheeks flush at her appearance. She smiles down at him, as beautiful as ever even in the lowlights of Hell’s reddish nights.
“May I come in?” She asks. Lucifer nods wordlessly and steps away to let her in. She nods in thanks and does so, waiting until he’s closed the door to continue. “Azrael told me of his, Uriel’s, and Gabriel’s visit, as well as Gabriel’s message. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.”
He shakes his head. “Not your fault that Michael’s an ass. But uh- not that I’m not happy to see you, but what are you doing here? I thought he gave you some annoying tasks or whatever to keep you from coming.”
“Oh, that,” she says, rolling her eyes and making a shoo-ing gesture with her hand. “I finished that. Michael underestimates my work ethic. And I’m quite tired of his games. I’m here to stay for a few days, if that’s alright. I want to work a bit more with Charlie on her plans for redemption.”
Lucifer’s heart warms at her words. He isn’t sure what makes him happier; the fact that she’s willing to go against Michael or the fact that she wants to spend time with Charlie.
He thinks back to Uriel’s words, about it being cruel to make Esther be around Charlie. It’s been on his mind all day, despite Azrael telling him not to worry about it. Hearing Esther say now that she wants to spend time with his daughter fills him with a warmth he wasn’t prepared for.
She truly is perfect for him in every way.
“Just here for Charlie?” He asks coyly, smirking up at her. She laughs at his antics.
“Perhaps I can be convinced to spend time with others,” she teases back.
“Should I expect a certain someone to come down here looking for you?”
She knows he’s talking about Michael, and shakes her head. “I left a nice little note for him, and told the others where I was going so he should have no reason to. Now, it’s been a long day for the both of us, I’m sure. Could I trouble you for a room for the night?”
“My room?” He asks, despite knowing what her answer will be. As he predicts, she gives him a blank stare, no longer as amused.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself. I still haven’t gotten my dance.”
He grabs her hand, looking over to the bar where Husk is still watching, and nods to him before leading her to the elevator.
He takes her over to his side of the hotel, up to his tower. He doesn’t take her to his room, but to the closest room to his. Lucifer leads her in, shows her the amenities, and stands there as she moves around the room.
He should leave, he knows he should, but his feet feel stuck to the ground.
“Did you need anything? Do you have enough pillows? Or blankets? I can get some more for you, if you need? Or some books maybe? I know you liked to read before bed and-“
“Lucifer,” she says, cutting him off. “Something tells me that’s not really why you’re still here.”
She moves closer to him and holds his hands in hers. It steadies his thoughts, but not enough.
“I don’t know if I have the words for what I want to say,” he replies.
She smiles softly at him. “So don’t speak,” she says.
Had it been anyone else, he’d take it as being told to shut up. Be he knows her, and she knows him, and he smiles gratefully and snaps his fingers.
The lights dim and a clone of his own appears with a guitar. She looks between him and the clone with a skeptical look, though amused all the same. He moves on hand to her hip, the other still held tightly in hers as he lifts them. Her other hand that isn’t in his moves to his shoulder without needing to be told.
“When I look into your eyes, it’s like watching the night sky, or a beautiful sunrise, well there’s so much they hold,” he sings, leading her into a waltz. She follows his lead effortlessly as they move, his clone singing lightly with him in the background.
“And just like them old stars, I see that you’ve come so far, to be right where you are; how old is your soul?”
She chuckles at his last line, knowing he’s even older than her. Not by much, granted, but still. Seeing the smile on her face makes him happy.
“Well, I won’t give up on us, even if the skies get rough. I’m giving you all my love, I’m still looking up.”
He twirls her away from him, watching as her other hand stretches out and she pulls against his hold, trusting that he’ll keep her steady and pull her back in. He does just that, bringing them closer again, this time with his hand resting on her shoulder blade.
“And when you’re needing your space, to do some navigating. I’ll be here patiently waiting, to see what you find,” he sings to her. He moves them to dance side by side, his arm around her waist and letting her lean her weight on his, before he moves in front of her again to list her by her waist and twirl her.
“‘Cause even the stars, they burn. Some even fall to the earth. We’ve got a lot to learn, God knows we’re worth it! No, I won’t give up.”
They move back into a standard waltz as he continues, hoping he’s conveying everything he can, as well as he can, for her sake. It almost pains him to mention his Father, doesn’t want to give his Father any credit in this, but she wouldn’t exist without him and if he’s allowing her down here to be with him, then it must mean something. He doesn’t want to think of the possibility of his Father not hating him anymore, not now, not with her in his arms, but he’ll allow this, if only so she understands how fully committed he is.
“I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily, I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make! Our differences, they do a lot to teach us how to use the tools and gifts we got, yeah, we got a lot at stake! And in the end, you're still my friend, at least we did intend for us to work, we didn't break, we didn't burn! We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in. I had to learn what I got, and what I'm not and who I am!”
He twirls her again as he sings the last note, staring into her beautiful dark blue eyes that shine back at him with an intensity as strong as fireworks.
He pushes her away as she spins, moving forward to hold both her hands again as they move around each other, arms coming over their hands and around each other's shoulders. He moves her so her back is to his chest as they sway a bit together.
“I won’t give up on us, even if the skies get rough. I’m giving you all my love, I’m still looking up. I’m still looking up!”
He dips her a bit, staring down at her before raising her again to lift her by her waist once more. She holds his shoulders as he does so before he lowers her back to the floor and spins her under his arm once more.
“Well I won’t give up on us! God knows I’m tough, he knows! We got a lot to learn! God knows we’re worth it!”
He presses closer to him, moving them back to the end of their waltz, hand resting on her hip again as he leads them gently around the room.
“I won’t give up on us, even if the skies get rough. I’m giving you all my love, I’m still looking up.”
He lets both hands fall to her hips before moving them around her waist. Esther’s own move to his shoulders, clasped behind his neck. His clone has disappeared and the music has faded as they continue to sway, foreheads pressed together and eyes closed.
Lucifer doesn’t want to let go, and Esther doesn’t seem ready to let him go either.
“Music has always been one of your better talents,” she says, breaking the peace and quiet. He groans a bit and pinches her side. She squeals a bit but laughs.
“Don’t act like you can’t sing. You just choose not to,” he says, resting his head on her shoulder. She takes his hat and tosses it across the room, using one hand to run her hands through his hair.
“I much prefer hearing your voice,” she replies. “Maybe next time I’ll join you.”
He lifts his head, a sparkle in his eyes. “Next time?”
“I told you I’d be staying for a few days, didn’t I?”
“You did,” he agrees, a giddiness at the idea of it. “I can give you a tour of hell. Not much to see, no where near as beautiful as Heaven, but that’s really just the Pride Ring because all the sinners are stuck here. We can go anywhere. Gluttony’s Ring is especially nice. So is Envy, but I’d much rather deal with Bee than Lev.”
“Slow down there,” Esther says, interrupting him. “I’m here to help Charlie, remember?”
“Right, yeah, that too,” he replies quickly. Esther chuckles and moves them to sit on the couch in front of her bed, facing the fireplace. He makes a motion towards it and it lights with a warm flame.
“How about we sit for a while and you can tell me about the others,” she asks.
He nods and they sit close, hands held together over her lap as he tells her about the other rings and the Sins that rule them.
He tells stories of each one, the good and more annoying ones, anything to keep her entertained. In response she tells him about her time in Primum Mobile. She hasn’t been back to their Sphere since his fall, something she seems to regret now, but she tells him about the other Archangels and Seraphs, and the new stories about them. She tells him more about Emily, the Seraphim of Joy that Charlie has befriended.
Time passes without either of them noticing. He isn’t sure which one of them falls asleep first, pressed together on the couch. Her head rests on his shoulder and his over hers as they sit there, exhausted but content.
The position is awkward and his body feels stiff when he wakes, but he hadn’t slept that well since before his fall.
Hurray! Another chapter! As always, I apologize if there’s any spelling or grammar errors.
Fun fact! While reading up on facts about the Archangels for this, Azrael was definitely the most interesting, and I think that’s why I like writing him the most, though I’m loving Uriel too. I’m headcanoning Azrael as the oldest of Lucifer’s siblings, because when I was reading about him, it said that not only is he from the third Heaven, but it’s believe he had about four thousand wings. And with life always comes death, which is why I see him as being the oldest of the siblings, though not the oldest angel.
I’ve also seen a lot of back and forth about whether or not Michael and Lucifer are twins, and most things said no, they aren’t even brothers. But, I like to think that even though they aren’t twins, as I’ve made Lucifer here the youngest of his siblings (and as the youngest of my siblings, I feel like this is accurate) I feel like when Lucifer was created, he was created in Michael’s image, which is why I think they’d look the most alike. Though their hair colors are different, I think Lucifer styles his hair the way he does because it’s similar to Michael’s. And as I mentioned I believe Lucifer’s eyes and wings would’ve been gold before his fall, I think Michael’s are the same. Technically all the siblings are royalty, but I like to think Michael and Lucifer were the favorites, Lucifer in particular as he’s the only one of his siblings who is a Seraphim, the highest rank of angels. So as always, I’ve included a little doodle of what I think a few of his siblings would look like! I also drew a more detailed picture of Esther but I’ll save that for next chapter.
Let me know if you guys like the inclusion of music! If not, I’m okay with removing it. I can make the story work both ways, but I wanted to try something new (and I’ve already collected a playlist of potential songs).
Thanks again for reading! Please let me know what you think! See you next chapter! ❤️
Taglist: @dreamcatcher62 @art3misa635 @cimadreamer
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Behind The Screen - Big Bad Wolf
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Okay Glenn, time to shine Give a man a minute, who said I had to wear all this make up You got a problem with men in make up? No, of course not, just me. Is this fake dirt? I hope you know if you got demands I get demands That's not really how it works... Anyway, are you ready yet? Ready? I was born ready!
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See how it went below the cut... prompt by @cawthorntales, final pictures can be found here
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No What do you mean no Where is the shirt I have abs. You don't need a shirt if you have abs. Plus this is my compromise. I wear this stuff on my face and... I get to send Grayson a shirtless pic No Why not Because we want him to like you Who doesn't like abs? I bet you like abs!
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Also you're meant to look menacing... But I don't want to look menacing, I want to look charming and breathtaking Glenn! This is to get you a little intro boost. Don't you want a little intro boost? You want an intro boost do you? I got it Wait, what are you doing Boosting "boosting" looks an awful lot like taking the jacket off Obviously, he has to get some shots of my tattoo and birth marks
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Lord save me from self assured sims You don't think I'll do bad do you If you strike a pose you're doing fine That's not what I meant. In the contest... Oh, right I mean... I know over confidence can come across as stupid, and sure I've used that before to throw people off the whole magic thing but I don't want him to think I'm some himbo just because I like looking good. Then you have the whole "dude is obsessed with plants" thing and what if the other contestants make fun of my green hair? How will I woo him with my plant knowledge if the others are laughing at me I mean there will probably be stuff that is tough to do but remember why you wanted me to put you up for it Because I want to find a love of my life Exactly. And hey, I bet every other contestant will be just as nervous, Grayson even more so. You have to try win over one guy he has to make a good impression on at least six Right, good point. Okay... I'll take those menacing ones now And put the jacket back on? It's either that or take the pants off GLENN! We were having a moment I'm just saying, under my pants is impressive to. Oh and after this I have to show you my lily plant because that's just started flowering and the apple tree looks like it'll have lots this season. Oh we should make apple pie! I can take him pie... No, I better stick with taking him flowers. Because if you make pie you'll eat it on the way there? Yep. Best let him find out I'm a glutton gradually
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31 notes · View notes
hom3landr · 2 years
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SFW Prompts
Jealousy - Getting the greatest feeling of safety from cuddling
Falling - Putting ear over their heart
Yearning- “Just let me look at you for a little bit”
Possession- “You need someone. Let me be that person. Let me be what you need.”
Mistletoe- Walking away with pink cheeks and a dopey smile
I Bet On Losing Dogs - Homelander is spiraling after losing his powers but finds an unlikely solace in the form of a grumpy dog.
Birthday Blues - Homelander hates when you keep secrets from him. But what’s merely a harmless fact to you pokes a sore spot that you never expected.
Apology- “You better apologize and you better make me fucking believe it.”
Homecoming - “Show me how much you missed me.”
Actirasty - Life with him is rarely perfect but there are moments so full of love that you nearly choke on it.
Martyr Complex - CW: CNC and Painplay
“If you were in my position, what would you do to you?”
Best Laid Plans - An undeniable truth about sex is that sometimes it’s just…not sexy.
Blow Me (One Last Kiss) - CW: Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Dubious Consent, Spoilers for S4 E1
Homelander teaches you an important lesson at one of his rallies.
That Unwanted Animal - You don’t love Homelander. Not even when he looks like everything you’ve ever wanted.
Nightmares are no strange occurrence in your household but you’re  knocked off kilter when one finally happens to you. Luckily John is there to assist.
Morning Musings
You woke up before dawn, so you take this opportunity to simply observe.
Your late night cry fests couldn’t go unnoticed by Homelander forever
Christmas Candy
A kind gesture leaves a bigger impact than you realize.
Chocolate Chip 18+
You had intended to give the candy as a simple gesture of kindness. However, once you’ve caught Homelander’s attention, fading back into obscurity is no longer an option
Dark Chocolate 18+
Homelander’s interest in you is evolving into a full blown crush and he’s not quite sure what to do about it.
Apple Pie
A short interlude between Homelander and his favorite baker.
Gingerbread House 18+
Homelander has a very merry Christmas
Madeleines 18+
After a hard day, Homelander enjoys his favorite baker's voice in his ear a little too much
Tea and Honey
Every relationship has its firsts. Homelander’s budding romance with his Baker is no different. Unfortunately, not all firsts are pleasant.
Pain au Chocolat 18+
Much to Homelander’s surprise, a sleepy morning proves that maybe there’s more to you than meets the eye
AU Baker!verse
The Butterfly Effect - CW Dubcon, 18+
What if the mug broke? What if one tiny hiccup changed everything? An alternate version of Tea and Honey where one small accident changes Homelander’s and Baker’s stories forever.
Turkey Leg
Menace to Society - 18+
Movie Night - 18+
Lessons in Communication
RP Blog:
Season 4 Spoiler Protocol
513 notes · View notes
love-marimo · 1 year
Force Feeding Zhongli Seafood (Zhongli x Reader ft. Venti)
Lolita's note: yes i know, the title is quite misleading but bare with me because i'm having a manic episode and the form of art i chose to abuse tonight is writing.
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"Today's lunch is... creamy garlic shrimp pasta!" You beamed at the two guests you have sitting in your dining room. Suddenly the loud voices that you heard from the kitchen halted. You saw Venti look at you with a mix of surprise and disbelief as he holds back a laughter while he glances at Zhongli - who is quite flabbergasted at your choice of dish as well.
Quite isn't the right word honestly. He is about to break into cold sweat and grimace at the food right in front of him. But he does his best to keep his cool and smile at you.
"Ohoho~ Somebody is about to get hit in the jugular." Venti snickers, as he looks at you expectantly.
The thing is you already know Zhongli despises seafood. But you wanted to try something out today. You want to find out what he's like in the face of something he doesn't love. You prepared yourself for an argument, him lecturing you - anything. You're so used to him being so doting on you that you can practically order him to bend the laws of nature and he would do so without a second thought.
"My love... what is this?" He asked, a blank expression in his eyes. You can't tell if he's making sure he sees it right or he's questioning you.
"Garlic shrimp pasta, your favorite!" You repeat again, and Venti almost choked on the cocktail he's drinking.
"Hahaha! There it goes. What do you say, old friend? Are you ready to take the challenge?" Venti elbows Zhongli's arm and winks at him, and his brow twitches as he shoots a glare back at the Anemo Archon.
"Shut it, Barbatos." He snaps at him, clearly growing unamused by the minute. He looks back at you and smiles flatly,
"Dear, you know I have made you aware that I do not eat seafood?"
You feign innocence and you shrug, and Venti covers his mouth, holding back his laughter (to which he obviously fails, and that irritates Zhongli even more).
You don't know if you should laugh or keep it together, because Venti's presence makes this even more trivial than you intended it to be.
You set down the dish and watch them help themselves to a portion of the food. Venti immediately digs in and takes a huge sip of his cocktail.
"Fwah! That hits the spot. You know, this is going to be my new favorite. I bet this would go well with apple pie." Venti almost mockingly voices his appreciation, as if to get a reaction from the former Geo Archon.
You smile at them both, and you waited for Zhongli to take his first bite. You notice how Zhongli keeps the shrimps at the side of his plate and only eats the pasta. He thinks he's getting away with it until you ask him,
"Are you not gonna eat the shrimps?" Part of you just wants to stop this whole thing already, but you were determined to get to the end of this. You wanted to see him eat the shrimps, at least this once in your feeble mortal life.
"Yeah, they are so juicy and delicious, right?" Venti agrees, again, holding back a smile. And you both shared a look.
"I... this is delicious, yes, but, I do not eat seafood." Zhongli finally replies, smiling apologetically - as if he's begging you to let this go.
You smile and you walk over to sit beside him. You take a spoon and begin crushing the shrimps so that it would be at least bearable for him.
"Here, say 'Ahh'." You motion at him, and Venti finally goes from having a fit of giggles to having a full blown laughter.
"'Say Ahh'." He mimics you, and looks at Zhongli, who's slightly avoiding the spoon that your holding.
"I can't believe you're doing this. I mean, look at him, he practically has his mouth shut tight at this point and he looks like a spoiled kid who doesn't want his shrimpies." Venti laughs and finishes his drink, grabbing another portion of the shrimp pasta.
"It is not shrimpies...!" Zhongli almost whines, a scowl now evident on his face, and you and Venti both pause.
Zhongli has a visible pout in his face.
Indeed, it is a sight you should put in a picture frame.
But in a matter of seconds, the former archon redeems himself, clearing his throat.
"What are you trying to get out of me, you two?" He sighs as he gives in, opening his mouth to eat the spoonful of crushed shrimp.
Venti shrugs and tilts his head towards you.
"Dunno, ask them. I'm just following their lead." And at that, you raised a brow, and he laughs.
"I believe I expect a reason for this." Zhongli wipes his lips with a napkin and drinks from the glass of wine. He groaned at the aftertaste. Well, it certainly didn't cleanse his palate as he expected.
"Zhongli, I'm sorry I just-" He was about to give you an earful when Venti chimed in.
"You two are a straaange couple, indeed." Venti smiled. Zhongli closed his eyes, his breath hitching as he did his best not to lash out at Venti.
He heaves an exasperated sigh as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
"See, that's what you get for being too doting. They probably did this to piss you off." Venti comments.
Before the silence gets too awkward, Venti takes his leave.
"Welp, I'm outta here. Thanks for the lunch! I enjoyed it very much~" Venti waves at the both of you. You mouthed a 'sorry' and smiled at him as he left. When Zhongli wasn't looking, he waved his index finger, silently telling you how much you pissed him off.
"Sorry, this won't happen again, I promise." You placed your hand on top of his and Zhongli begins to lecture you again about how he used to battle enemies at the sea and how seafood reminds him of all the bloodshed it caused.
He said your name firmly, "I love and respect you. You know that. We've talked a lot about our likes and dislikes, and we confide to each other. So, please, don't do this again." Zhongli looks at you.
"I'm sorry."
He kisses your cheek and smiles at you.
"Apology accepted."
Later in the evening, as if the mischievousness of Venti possessed you,
"Hey." You began to tiptoe behind Zhongli while he was getting ready for bed.
"How was the shrimp?" You snickered. He sighs.
"What was it again? Shrimpies?" You tease again.
"Oh, my love, whatever shall I do with you... it seems that the fickleness of a certain visitor has stayed with you today." He turns to you, and he suddenly holds you close.
Before you could protest, you're trapped in his grip and he peppers kisses on your face.
"You made a strange choice today, my love. What do you think we should do about it?" He lays you down on the bed and starts acting more suggestively, his kisses growing more... irresistible.
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— Lolita
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 (mon amour)
valentine's day masterlist - bimbo and the bull
summary - you and ari make an apple pie together and also take a nap.
the gif and header I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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You were excited, and Ari had agreed to bake an apple pie with you. You had woken early and opened the gate for him to trot through. You smiled as he held your hand, and you both walked over to the apple trees, ready to be picked. He helped you grab the highest apples because you said they looked the juiciest. 
You were currently in the kitchen while Ari stood outside by the window looking in, “That looks good, my love.” You give him a large smile, putting the apple mixture in the dish with the pastry. Once you’ve finished decorating the pie, you place it into the oven and turn to look at Ari. You untie your apron and walk outside and over to Ari, smiling up at him as he grabs your hand. “Let’s go have a nap in our field.” You nod, snuggling into him as you both head toward the small field filled with the prettiest of flowers, and there lay a bunch of blankets and pillows. 
“I’m happy I have you, Ari… Living and having a life in the city wasn’t the best, but when I met you… It seemed like everything clicked together, and I no longer feel so empty.” You confess, sitting down on the blankets next to him. You look up at him, softly smiling as he looks down at you lovingly. You blink away the tears that threaten to spill. 
Ari reaches out and strokes your cheek, “I feel the same, my love. I’ve never felt like this in all my life, and I have you to thank for that.” He leans forward and presses a kiss to your forehead before lying down and holding you against him. The two of you slowly drift off to sleep, feeling safe and warm in each other’s arms.
You wake to Ari stroking your cheek and staring down at you with a soft look, “Time to wake, sleepyhead. Gotta go check on our pie.” You giggle, nuzzling into his hand before you both stand and head back to the house and into the kitchen. The smell of apple pie wafting through the air causes you and Ari to sigh in joy. You bend over to see how the pie is doing and smile as it looks perfect. 
You place oven mitts on, grab hold of the pie, and take it out, walking over to the window sill that Ari is currently leaning on. You wait until he moves to place it down carefully. Smiling up at him with how well it turned out, “It looks so good! And I bet it’ll taste even better with the apples you helped me pick.” Ari stares at you adoringly, wondering how he has gotten so lucky.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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be-compromised · 9 months
Secret Santa 2024 Masterlist
Thank you to everyone who took part in this year’s holiday fic exchange, from writers to beta readers to all you lovely people who leave comments! With an especial shout out to our heroic pinch hitters, Cassie and Caiti <3
All gifts and authors have now been revealed, both on AO3 and on the masterlist (here and on DW). (If any tumblr usernames are incorrect or missing please just let me know any changed you'd like me to make.) You’re now free to post, share, and link to your gifts wherever you like! If you could in some way link back to the exchange or the community, to direct people to all of the other wonderful fics as well, that would be appreciated.
If you feel inspired to fill any other prompts, or create stocking fillers or non-participant fills, please feel free. These just won’t be included as part of the Secret Santa exchange or on the masterlists.
And just to note that this is the first time we’ve run the exchange (mostly) on AO3. Your feedback is very welcome!
From all your be_compromised mods, we hope you have a happy holiday season and wish you all the best for the new year! <3
Beautiful Disasters by Ultra for dreamerfound/fadedwings Teen and Up (help, understanding, baking); Clint Barton & Natasha Romanoff, Natasha Romanoff/James Barnes, minor Clint Barton/Laura Barton Summary: When Natasha needs help, she calls Clint for back up, but this isn't quite the mission he was expecting...
Beyond Binary by Chaed for @iriel3000 Mature (sex, post-apocalypse); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: To Clint, Natasha is everything... she is also the only thing left. (A closer look behind the scenes of What If…Ultron Won? S01E08)
Catastrophe by @firlalaith for @yourlocalalchemistress Teen and Up (nudity, shapeshifting); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff) Summary: Clint gets turned into a cat during a mission.
chaotic calls & familiar feelings by @cassiesinsanity for @paperairplanesopenwindows Teen and Up (mild sexual content); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop Summary: Clint and Natasha just want to enjoy their retirement. The Team has other ideas, especially when their new archer and spy continue to fight like cats & dogs.
Detour to a Christmas Kiss by @cassiesinsanity for @quidnunc-life Teen and Up (fluff); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: Somehow, Clint managed not to stare with his mouth hanging open when Natasha emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a fluffy white robe. Nor did he make a fool of himself when they met in the small sitting room an hour later. He even managed to be the perfect gentleman throughout dinner. No, the problem started when he asked her to dance between dinner and dessert.
I Bet On You by @iriel3000 for @poppypickle Teen and Up (fluff, protective Natasha, jealous Natasha, bad flirting, attempted seduction, mission fic); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: Clint and Natasha make a bet about who can seduce the other one first. Early SHIELD.
I think the pie distracted me by maddestofhatters for @heroofshield Teen and Up; Clint Barton & Natasha Romanoff Summary: “Nat, I’m serious, when you get back, you have to come here.”
“You don’t even remember the name of the place.” She deadpans.
“So what. I’m telling you, this apple pie is the best I’ve ever had.” To prove his point he shoves a large bite in his mouth. “And last time they kept bringing me slices. I honestly think I ate the whole thing.” He continues with a full mouth.
“Clint, please don’t chew in my ear.” Natasha chastises. “And you don’t think that’s a little weird. A random restaurant giving you a whole free pie?” He hears faint gunshots coming from the other line.
“Are you in the field right now? I thought the job was done?” Clint exclaims, completely ignoring Natasha’s question.
-Clint's convinced he's found the best restaurant ever, Natasha is not so sure
it's not christmas til somebody dies by @quidnunc-life for @cassiesinsanity Teen and Up (assassination attempts, but like in a flirty way); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: Natasha takes her target’s choice of bar as a personal affront. Of course, there aren’t many options to choose from, being as they’re in Washington, DC’s bizarrely small airport, and it’s three days before Christmas, so most of the actually good places to grab a drink are crammed full of harried parents and idiot Hill interns knocking their expensive square-edges suitcases into people. Also, to be fair, it’s not as though the corrupt senator she’s here to eliminate knows that this drink will be his last.
Lost in Shadows by @caiti-creative-corner for Chaed Teen and Up (drugs, spiked drinks); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: Clint planned to spend his evening sprawled on the couch, a game on the television, and maybe some pizza and beer to finish off the stereotypical guy’s night at home theme. That was his plan . . . that was not how his night ended up going.
Mission: Home for Christmas by @caiti-creative-corner for @inkvoices Teen and Up (Christmas fluff); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff/Kate Bishop, Barney Barton/Laura Barton Summary: Clint doesn't think he can make it home for the holidays, but his family and friends decided to do something about that. In other words, what happens when the strays he's collected over the years decide to save him this time around?
Our Flag Means Death & Guns by @heroofshield for @alphaflyer Gen (pirate AU); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: On the high seas, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanov are an odd pair. But so is the crew of the Revenge.
Retreat by @alphaflyer for endlesstwanted Teen and Up (romantic fluff); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: Avenging takes its toll. Everybody is tuckered out and cranky; all Clint and Natasha want is a hot tub. Thor has a better answer: A field trip to Asgard.
the comfort that comes by @cloud--atlas for @caiti-creative-corner Teen and Up (werewolf AU, naked cuddling, non-sexual intimacy, possessive behaviour, fluff); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: It hadn’t actually been Clint’s mission that had been the long one. He’d only been away for four days. An Avengers call out; Doctor Doom in Hungary with Doombots and giant wasps and perhaps also sharks with lasers? She’s not entirely sure. As soon as Bruce had told her that the team had it under control, she had, uncharacteristically, stopped paying attention. In her defence, she’d been undercover in Madam Masque’s ludicrous crime syndicate for almost eighteen months with only Sharon and Sam as her non-villainous contacts and she’d really, really needed to just… watch cat videos and not think about anything important for at least three days. She’d missed Christmas – twice! She deserved cat videos.
She’d also needed to see Clint something fierce because it had been eighteen months – but… Doctor Doom. Giant Wasps. Sharks with lasers. And that’s fine! Stopping Doctor Doom is important. She gets that, she does. But… she’d wanted cuddles, okay? She’d really, really wanted cuddles.
the pull of the tide by @yourlocalalchemistress for @firlalaith Teen and Up (choose not to warn); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Kate Bishop/America Chavez, Steve Rogers/James Barnes, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts Summary: as a graduate student, clint met natasha on an island research station on the great barrier reef. when he catches a familiar flash of red hair almost a decade later, he feels bewilderment, nostalgia, and...is that hope? clintasha coral researcher/dolphin whisperer AU. 
Tumblr Dashed by @paperairplanesopenwindows for @cloud--atlas Mature (epistolary, celebrity AU, mentions of RPF shipping); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff/James Barnes, Clint Barton/James Barnes Summary: An archive of tumblr posts after the cult classic television show Avengers (2001-2004) finally became available on Netflix.
Two Hours And A Half by endlesstwanted for Ultra Teen and Up (non-sexual intimacy); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: Two times Natasha walked away from Clint, and one time she stayed by his side.
We’ll Go Dancing With Your Shadows by @poppypickle for maddestofhatters Teen and Up (karaoke); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: “You should come out with us.”
Natasha is halfway out the door of the firing range when Barton says it. It sounds casual, like he’s tossing out an idea that just occurred to him. But there’s something in his tone – some vague undercurrent of purpose – that makes her feel certain this idea did not just occur to him. So she stops short and turns around slowly, one foot still inside the room and one foot out the door.
“Where’s out? And who’s us?”
Or, Clint helps Natasha adjust during her early SHIELD days.
Windows to the Soul by @inkvoices for @lostemotion Teen and Up (magical realism, Red Room); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff/James Barnes Summary:They say that the eyes are windows to the soul. Most people, when they look into someone else’s eyes, can see at least what’s at the surface level.
Natasha learns that she might be turned into her worst fear - a soulless nightmare like the Winter Soldier - and chooses to run. Clint reads her soul on a rooftop in Berlin, sees the worst of her, and doesn't judge her for it.
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dollywony · 2 years
bet - m.w
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pairing(s): mike x reader
summary: michael wheeler accepts a bet to make you fall in love with him before the school year ends but what ends up happening when he starts to fall too?
a/n: if you can’t tell I’m a whore for angst + i was typing this in the lab 💀
warnings: cursing, fluff 2 angst back 2 somewhat fluff?? 😭
wc: 2.25k+
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It had been three months since you and Mike had made it official. Three months since Mike Wheeler had made the bet with his friends.
A bet to make anyone of their choice to fall in love with him until the last day of school. If he had won, his friends would pitch in and give him 200 dollars. If he had lost, he would have to give his Atari up to his friends. And god, Mike Wheeler was not one to turn down bets.
That same day, Mike had approached you by your lockers saying he found you cute and wanted to know if you would accept his proposal for dinner at Bennys. You had said yes, for goodness sake you thought no one ever saw you as attractive. Especially someone like Mike Wheeler.
To say you were on the moon when you heard those words was an understatement. You felt as if your grin was going to leave a permanent mark on your face from how hard you were smiling.
Over the months you and Mike had dated, you felt like you knew him better than you knew yourself. Mike liked his mom's apple pie the best, he despised the fumes of nail polish, he kept his hair messy because he thinks the ladies love it, and so much more.
You were the same, opening up to Mike about almost everything. Your insecurities, your relationship with your parents, and practically everything else in your life. Like the time in third grade when your crush had laughed in your face when you had confessed your feelings.
You were the same, opening up to Mike about almost everything. Your insecurities, your relationship with your parents, and practically everything else in your life. Like the time in third grade when your crush had laughed in your face when you had confessed your feelings.
You were the same, opening up to Mike about almost everything. Your insecurities, your relationship with your parents, and practically everything else in your life. Like the time in third grade when your crush had laughed in your face when you had confessed your feelings.
You were the same, opening up to Mike about almost everything. Your insecurities, your relationship with your parents, and practically everything else in your life. Like the time in third grade when your crush had laughed in your face when you had confessed your feelings.
You were the same, opening up to Mike about almost everything. Your insecurities, your relationship with your parents, and practically everything else in your life. Like the time in third grade when your crush had laughed in your face when you had confessed your feelings.
Mike had cheered you up nethertheless, saying that he missed out bigtime. And you believed him. Mike made you feel wanted, he made you feel important.
It wasn't like Mike Wheeler was lying, he did see something special in you. Something he hadn't seen in other girls.
He liked that you weren't afraid to let him see who you truly were. Not just your perfect side, a side where a majority of people like to hide.
He saw someone who was refreshing to look at. He saw someone who made him feel free. He didn’t want stupid, silly hair gel, he would be more than content with a girlfriend who brushed his hair to help him maintain it.
Six months into their relationship Mike had gifted you a scrapbook full of images of memories and messages from him. You had bursted into tears when you were finished taking in every detail of the book. You felt pathetic with the bracelet you had made him but Mike assured you that he wasn’t disappointed.
Their could be no fucking way he was disappointed, he loved it. He loved the charms attached to it representing important key details in your relationship. A milkshake charm to represent the strawberry milkshakes you two always shared at Benny’s. A pie charm to represent the endless amount of times you stole a slice or two from Mrs. Wheeler’s freshly baked apple pie. A music charm to represent the love you both held for AC/DC. God he couldn’t be happier.
As your relationship was nearing the ten month mark, Mike had slowly forgotten about the bet he made with his friends.
That is until he was approached. “Mike you haven’t forgotten about our little bet right?” Troy had questioned stepping closer to Mike. realization slowly sank into Mike as he remembered the bet he had made carelessly months ago. “Oh.. yea right the bet! No I didn’t forget? What made you think that?” Mike shamelessly lied to his friends, scratching his neck.
As you were walking down the hall trying to reach the lab before the bell rang, you overheard Troy retort, “Oh you know, you and Y/n have been really close these days. I wouldn’t be surprised if you fell in love with that hag instead.”, laughing with his goons.
A fucking hag? Would it hurt him to look in a mirror? You had thought. You quickly hid behind the lockers trying to hear what they were saying. As you peered at the group, your eyes laid upon Mike. Huh, that was weird.
“Oh hell no dude!”, Mike's voice spewed out, disguising itself as grossed out. “Why would I ever fall in love with her? I mean, have you seen her? She looks digusting with those fucking eyebags and don’t even get me started on the daddy issues with this one. It's insane. You better prepare the $200 because I am not losing this bet.” Mike rushed out, as if these words were acid.
Nothing ran through your head. You didn’t hear Troy and his goons laughing and leaving. You didn’t hear the loud thud your chemistry book made when it fell to the ground.
All you heard was Mike's response over and over. The words rang through your head like an alarm. He didn’t love me. He thought I was hideous. As the tears began to bubble up in your eyes, you ran.
You didn’t know where you were going, but you had to go somewhere. Somewhere that wasn’t tainted by mike. Somewhere where your apparent lover hadn’t left his mark.
You kept on running and running. Wiping the constant tears away while running had exhausted you but nothing hurt more than his words. Then that was it? All the words he had told you, all the messages, everything?
Everything was fake?
As you approached your house, you barged in. you didn’t bother to answer your mother, concerned why you had so much rage in doing simple tasks.
You didn’t care. All that circled your head was that Mike never loved you. It was fake. All part of some fucking, stupid bet. As you scramble through your drawers, dumping out everything that Mike had gifted you, the heartache only grew.
You shoved all of the gifts he had made you in a tote bag. You didn’t care about anything else. How could you have been so stupid? How did you let yourself spiral down this mess?
Those were Mike’s exact thoughts too. As he heard the thud of your book, he had looked near your direction only to see your back as you ran away, Mary Janes clicking against the ground. He had known it was you.
Only you were brave enough to engrave your initials into the heels. As Mike had connected the dots, he realized that you must’ve overheard his conversation.
He should have explained a long time ago. No, fuck that. He should have admitted how he felt before falling down a hole he would never be able to get out of. He knew, he knew that this was a situation that was bound to happen but he was terrified.
Terrified on how you would react. Terrified that you wouldn’t give him a second chance.
Fingers grasping around the scrapbook Mike made for the both of you, you couldn’t help but think how could have done this all for a bet. A measly fucking bet. 
Shoving the scrapbook into the tote bag, you stormed out of your house, riding your bike into the middle of the woods.
Oh how you wanted to scream. Scream at Mike, scream at Troy, scream at anyone who was willing to listen. Scream how you felt. You weren’t even sure how to describe it. All you saw was red. 
As Mike scurried around Hawkins on his bike, wondering where the hell you were, he had caught sight of your figure running into the woods. He had ditched his bike wherever he was, he finally could explain himself.
You threw the bag onto the floor, dumping all the gifts out without care. As you ripped and destroyed everything in your sight, you kept on crying. Fuck. It hurt like a bitch. 
What have you ever done to Mike Wheeler huh? What did they gain from this? What was the whole fucking reason? Sure you weren’t the best looking or the most popular but you had never gone out of your way to harm them like they had done to you. 
As your eyes laid on the unharmed scrapbook, you slowly picked it up. Flipping through the pages frantically, you try to find any signs that showed that he truly loved you.
Maybe, just maybe he really did like you for one moment. You needed to cling into the last spark of hope you had. As you scanned the last page, the letter he had left you to read for your first anniversary was there, untouched. 
“Promise me, promise me you won’t read it until time comes.” Mike had said, gazing into your eyes. “I won’t Mikey, I promise.” You replied, hugging him. 
Fuck that promise. It was basically nearing a year. What’s the harm? Your relationship was practically over. 
Dear Y/n,
If you’re reading this, we’ve most likely broken up. To be honest, I didn’t really even know who you were until Troy pointed out that you existed. That’s really shitty to admit but, it’s true. But I am so fucking grateful that I met you. 
I know this is such an asshole move, but I got dared to make you fall in love with me. And I accepted because number one, I didn’t know who you were, number two, I treasured my Atari so much, and number three, I wanted that two-hundred. But now? Fuck that. Fuck my Atari. Fuck the two-hundred. They can have all that if it means that I can have you. 
These past few months have probably been one of the best months of my life. Meeting you, getting to know you, has been so thrilling. You’re like a fresh breath of air. 
I want us to try again if you’ll allow it. If you’ll allow it, I’ll do anything. I’ll restart everything, pretend I've never known you. Fuck maybe you’ll forgive me and we’ll progress from there on. I don't care. Everyday since the night at Benny’s you’ve been on my mind since then. 
You are a fucking pearl in the massive heaps of sand. I’d be a fool to try and not make myself look foolish to keep you than just to let you go.
So I beg you, y/n please give me another chance. I wont fuck this one up. I swear, every word I said to you, I meant it. Your smile, the fact that your lips taste like grapes, no. I love everything about you. I'll understand if you won’t accept my apology, but please. Please think it over.
                                                                                                    Forever yours,
Mikey ♡
Oh my god. You didn’t know what to believe. You heard nothing. All the leaves crumbling under Mikes converse, your intense heartbeat, the sudden thunder. Nothing.
As you felt someone’s gaze on you, you looked up. Regrettably, you immediately avoided eye contact. Mike. Fuck. How were you going to explain this?
“Y/n-” Mike started, a mixture of emotions in his voice. “Mike, no.” You said, getting back up. “Mike is this- is this real?” your voice cracked.
You were terrified of his answer. You were terrified of the thought of starting over. Terrified that this is linked to another bet.
But this terror didn’t overcome the terror of the whole letter being a joke.
“Y/n.. Why would you question that?” Mike's voice came out, hurt. As he approached you, taking off his sweater he spoke. “Of course the letter is real. Everything, every single thing I wrote out, I meant it. I love you more than anything.”
You felt his sweater around you, trying to shield the fierce bullets of rain pouring onto the two of you. “B-but then why.. Why’d you say all those things?” You blubbered out, avoided eye contact with the only person who gave you sparks. Sparks of love.
“Y/n, I didn’t really mean it. I know it was unnecessary, but I froze up and blurted out random fucking shit. I feel like an asshole. Really.” Mike stammered, cupping your face. As your eyes lock, you examine his face, trying to detect a lie.
None. You could tell that Mike truly meant this. But it still hurts. You’ve only told Mike about the problems you’ve been having physically and mentally and he used it against you whether he liked it or not.
“Mike,” you started, tearing up once again. “I think I’m going to need some time to think it over..”. Sobs erupted out of you. “You know? It’s just too much at once.” You said, removing your hand from Mike's grasp.
“O-oh yea! Totally no no it’s okay!” Mike had said, and he genuinely meant it. He had known that what he said had hurt you. He would by all means give up everything to go back in time to not say that.
“Just know Y/n, I’ll always love you and I never meant what I said. I fucked up big time.” Mike let 
out, eyes watery. “Thank you Mike.” You said, leaving, bringing the unharmed scrapbook with you. 
You felt guilty of course, Mike had seen that you destroyed mainly everything he gifted you. But that didn’t matter. What really mattered was if you were going to give him another chance. 
Mike didn’t ask for his sweater back. Neither did Y/n give it back. He hoped that this could be an opportunity for him. Any opening or signs he would receive from you, he’d run them to the ground.
He was letting go of this bet for you.
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frankenjoly · 5 months
bram and aya +
“I think they’re staring at you.”
“What do you recommend?”
or the word ‘royal’! up to you how many to do alsjfkfj
aaaanddd i combined them :3
“What do you recommend?” Bram asked, letting Aya lead him to a table she had called her usual spot upon entering the cafe. It was a small and colorful place near her school, mostly filled by other students with their friends, but in some cases their parents too. Would that mean no one would deem him as out of place? Unlikely, given how a handful of heads had turned to follow them with little to no regard for acting inconspicuous.
Most of them thought twice when meeting Bram’s best ‘mind your own business’ gaze, though.
“Hm.” Aya tapped her chin with her index finger, clearly considering all the options, since there was apparently nothing the vampire couldn’t straight up tolerate from the place’s menu. Sure, it wouldn’t feed him either, but that had been a given since the start. Not like it bothered Bram much, not when he could still taste food. “All the cakes are absolutely wonderful, but if I had to pick just one, maybe the apple pie? Or ditch those and go for the mochis. And for drinkin’...” She stopped for a second, glancing in the same way Bram was proceeding to look at. “Oh, yeah. I think they’re looking at you.”
“Have I not done enough to…” It was now his own turn to make a pause, properly choosing the words. “... appear fairly common-looking by modern standards?” 
The clothes he was currently wearing, if maybe more fancy than the usual while looking at everyone else, were appropriate to the times and weather. He had styled his hair so his pointy ears wouldn’t stand out much. And there wasn’t much he could do about the scars crossing his cheeks but those weren’t that strange either.
So what was the issue? Was it simply because he was a newcomer there? Would people who were familiar with Aya’s presence find off-putting that she wasn’t accompanied by her actual, biological father? Or--?
Speaking about Aya, her first reaction towards the question was giggling.
“I think they don’t have any problem with your looks, but the other way around.” The giggle turned into a big, amused smile. “Don’t be too obvious if you wanna take a peek, but for example… one of the ladies over there’s downright blushin’ and all.”
“Excuse me?” To be completely honest, Bram had understood what she meant. He just needed a few minutes to process the whole situation. Or hours.
“What? Bet they’re gushin’ as if they just found one of their fave romance novel main dudes just turned out to be true. Which kinda checks out, since you’re from ages ago and have that royal vibe thing goin’ on.”
Bram opened his mouth for a second, then closed it, then opened it again.
“You know I am no literal royalty.” Plus, calling her his princess was more about devotion and endearment and… yes, maybe a bit based on fantasy stories too, like the ones he had told another certain little girl back then. But still.
“I doubt they think that either.” Aya shrugged. “Anyway, whatcha gonna do with that sudden wave of popularity?”
“I--” Bram, meanwhile, let out a brief sigh. “Honestly, I have no interest in acknowledging those.”
“Why? Already got a sweetheart and whatnot?”
“You could say so.” He had barely finished speaking, when Aya’s jaw dropped.
(Also on ao3.)
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
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of pet-names and pumpkin patches | bradley bradshaw x f!reader
warning: mentions of sex, fluff, petnames, rooster is too good for this world, no use of y/n, uh-- yeah idk
disclaimer: I'm running on redbull and will-power at this point. I've been thinking about this all day at work and I had to get it out. I don't know if it even makes sense but uh, yeah! I hope you enjoy it none-the-less!
plot: You and Bradley (but mostly you) love October! What better way to spend the first days of the best season of the year at the pumpkin patch?
Soft voices permeated the air of the kitchen, singing in time with percussions, a jaunty guitar, and something that sounded like birds playfully singing to one another - perhaps a flute?
"If I had to do the same again, I would my friend... Fernando!" It was dramatic. There was flailing of arms, twirling of bodies, the cry and tremble of your voice echoing throughout the house. It was a one woman show. You and ABBA against the world. Well, the world was your kitchen - which was currently drenched in flour, dough and apple peel.
It was October. Your favourite season of all. The changing of the leaves was something you looked forward to every single year, without fail. Fall was also perfect for re-watching Gilmore Girls, and Hocus Pocus. You still hadn't managed to lure your boyfriend, Rooster, in to watching the latter. But you had been working on it since the beginning of September - or, as you liked to call it, pre-October.
When you'd uttered the term, Rooster had at first looked bewildered, until his honey eyes twinkled with mirth and adoration at your giddiness.
Elton John's 'Your Song' had suddenly started to play, and you turned serious for a moment - wanting to pay respect to one of your favourite song. You couldn't joke-sing Elton John... in fact, you were pretty sure it was blasphemy. Jesus was surely against it.
Whilst singing merrily along, you glanced at the recipe book splayed out before you. It held a recipe of apple scones with a caramel drizzle. A sweet kind of scone. It felt very autumn-y, and seeing as it was now the beginning of October - you felt quite justified in force-feeding your man some apple-cinnamon-caramel-goodness.
Chancing a glance at the clock above your kitchen counter, a frown started to make its way onto your face. Bradley should've been home twenty minutes ago. A sharp twinge of anxious worry settled deep within your chest, but you shook your head. Perhaps he'd been held up at work. Hangman probably made a bet, and Bradley probably took the bait - as always.
Moving around the kitchen, you checked your almost-ready scones out in the oven - putting two bottles of apple cider in your weaved picnic-basket. You'd already filled it to the brim with a savoury pie, two small pumpkin pies, cinnamon rolls and water bottles. The only thing missing was the scones. You'd wanted them to be warm and toasty when Rooster came home, so you could enjoy them whilst they were still hot.
"Darling Harbour, I'm home!" that voice. God, that voice could make a smile appear on your face no matter how bad of a day you were having. Grinning, you almost skipped to the front door.
"Home from Australia?" you giggled as you wrapped your arms around Roosters' neck, smiling up at him. He chuckled, his hand softly stroking your hair out of your face, before his thumb swept across your cheek. He looked amused as he took in your flour-covered state.
"Sweetheart..." he began softly "What have you been up to whilst I've been at work, hm?" his thumb had traveled slowly from your cheek, until it rested on your plump lower lip. A shaky breath slipped past your slightly parted lips.
"I-I..." a shuddering breath ran through your body as Roosters other hand had found the back of your neck, gripping with just the right amount of pressure to make your cheeks flush with warmth.
"Yes, baby?" he hummed, his lips ghosting past your earlobe. God, this man was too fucking much. Your eyelids had fluttered closed before you could utter "Scones,"
"Scones?" Rooster chuckled, his warm lips trailing butterfly light kisses against your neck.
"I made scones for a picnic," it was breathless, it was barely spoken words.
"Aw, sweetheart..." The way his voice dropped. The way his words were drawn out and slow. God, why on earth was he so hot? "You prepared a picnic for us?" he leant back again to look at you, a grin stretching across his face.
"Yeah, but I'm kind of regretting it now. Let's stay home instead so you can fuck me senseless," you spoke matter-of-factly, which made Rooster clutch his belly he was laughing so hard.
"God, I'm so in love with you," he spoke tenderly, whilst you grinned up at him, your palms laying flat against his black t-shirt clad chest.
"Lucky me," you mumbled, leaning your cheek against his chest, letting his strong arms embrace you, his cheek resting on the top of your head.
"What did you have planned today, honey?" he mumbled against your hair, lips pressing in to a kiss as he inhaled your sweet scent.
"I thought, since it's officially October now, we could take some food out and pick some pumpkins and-- and maybe we could get some and then maybe tonight we could watch Hocus Pocus or something..." you trailed off
"but now I'm torn because you made me all horny and now I'm confused. Do I want to go to the pumpkin patch, or do I want to fuck? Can we fuck at the pumpkin patch?" you rambled, jokingly adding the last part just because you loved hearing Bradleys deep laughter rumble in his chest. It worked, and the feeling of his chest vibrating against your face had a shit-eating grin making its way onto your face.
"Baby, I don't think we can fuck at the pumpkin patch." Bradley tried to sound morose, but he couldn't really keep a straight face.
You pushed off his chest and offered him your best pout
"Aw, shucks!" he smiled down at you, before bending down and letting his lips connect with yours in a soft, warm kiss. You couldn't help the soft noise of content that spilled from your lips onto his.
"We're quite productive people... I think we can manage both, don't you think baby girl?" Bradley's face was still so, so close to yours as he said this, his words rolling on to your lips, in to your skin. God, he would be the death of you.
"You have to know that you're making it worse with all these pet names?" you sighed. He just smirked before turning you around.
"Don't let those scones burn now, darling Harbour!" he gave your ass a small pat before ushering the both of you in to your kitchen.
"Darling Harbour - you fucking weirdo..." you muttered under your breath. You'd never been called a location in Australia before, but it was oddly endearing. At least the implication of the name. A Harbour. It was sort of sweet even if it was a little strange. Your heart fluttered at the notion that he might find you to be a safe haven. Ugh, he'd turned you in to a love-sick fool. You used to be a cool independent girl. Now you might as well get a freaking Volvo and pop out a dozen of children. Christ.
The drive to the pumpkin patch was nothing short of serene. The radio was playing soft 70's songs, the two of you taking turns singing the lyrics. Bradley's fingers were intertwined with yours for most of the ride, his thumb softly gracing your skin over and over again, alternating between circling the skin and playing absentmindedly with your fingers. The sun was still rather high on the sky, but the temperature had already started to drop slightly.
The patch was everything you could have wished for and more ("oh my god Bradley look at the tiny pumpkin!! We have to take it home!"), and feeding your man so much food he could barely walk ("Jesus, babe - you made food for the whole dagger squad. I should've invited Payback!"). Giggling like two teenagers in love, you held hands and wandered through the field, enjoying the scenery and each others company. The sun was starting to set, and the golden hue made Roosters skin almost glow, his eyes - that were usually pretty, were now magnificent in their warm brown glow. You stopped to wrap your arms around his waist.
"I love you so much, Bradley," you sighed "Thank you for humoring me today. You must've been exhausted after work." you continued softly, your fingers gracing his cheek lovingly. "You made me nervous when you were late," you confessed with a lopsided smile.
His eyes were filled with adoration and love as he bent down to place a kiss to your cheek.
"You're heart-achingly sweet, baby girl," he muttered "and I love you endlessly," he smiled softly. "I never want to worry you, I should've sent you a text. Hangman bet me he could do 300 pushups faster than me, and that's just simply not true." you shook your head as laughter spilled from your smiling lips.
"God, you're ridiculous, Roos," you smiled.
"C'mon sweetheart, let's go home," was the only reply you got as he led you back to his car.
"Now, the pumpkin patch was a hit. What was next on the agenda? Hocus Pocus, or was it fucking?" he smirked at you as he helped you with your belt, his knuckles suspiciously close to your lower abdomen. Your breath hitched mid-inhale, and your eyes widened at his statement.
A rumbling laugh sounded from him as he started the car, a smug smirk on his face as his large hand massaged your thigh the whole way home.
• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •
hey! hope you enjoyed it and it's not complete sleep-deprived garbage lmao. my mother always used to call me 'darling harbour' as a child, and I always found it rather sweet. but perhaps it's just weird, lmao! anyways! please let me know if you'd like more stories with x reader, or x oc :)<3
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Epel Felmier - Masquerade Voice Lines
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Summon Line: I'm heading to a social gathering as a representative of Night Raven College? Y'mean lil' ol'... I mean, you mean, me? Alright! I'll do my best!
Groooovy!!: Heheh, it's fun dancing with you. Hey, won't you dance the next song with me too?
Home: I'm starting to feel all excited!
Swap Looks: Here, take my hand.
Home Idle 1: I saw a poster of Vil-san on the wall of a shop I passed... Makes me feel that I'm still being watched, even though I'm away from school.
Home Idle 2: I put in the extra effort into my self-introduction at the gathering so that I'd make a good first impression, but... Looks like I might have startled them, instead.
Home Idle 3: Malleus-san said that the gargoyles at Noble Bell College are completely different from the ones at our school... But I can't tell the difference at all.
Home Idle - Login: Yaaaawn... Eh, did I not get enough sleep? Yeah. I was so excited for this cultural exchange, so I wasn't able to fall asleep at all.
Home Idle - Groovy: Rollo-san doesn't smile at all, does he? And his brows are always furrowed... I bet he's tired from planning this event.
Home Tap 1: There's poison apples embroidered down the right leg of my tights. It's super cool! I'm totally gonna enjoy dancing in this!
Home Tap 2: I heard there's a Magical Shift Club here at Noble Bell College, too. I wanna know what they do for practice.
Home Tap 3: The City of Flowers have a ton of large buildings and shops. It's completely different from Harveston, even though we're both in the Shaftlands...
Home Tap 4: This vendor's pie is made from Harveston's apples, apparently. I'm super happy to see a bunch of people getting to eat my hometown's apples.
Home Tap 5: I gotta get a gift for Meemaw. This postcard looks good. I hope she likes it!
Home Tap - Groovy: I wasn't that confident in my dancing skills, but dancing with you's actually pretty easy. We're so in sync!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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applepiesupreme · 2 months
American Apple Pie
Pairing: Low/Mid Honor Arthur Morgan and female OC.
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Savigne Ricci is a temporary guest at the Van der Linde camp. Her path crosses with the enforcer of the gang, Arthur Morgan, and despite their differences, a relationship develops between them. Whole lot of smut and fluff, slow burn-ish.
AOC link:
Chapter 23
Antoine's was renovating and they were supposed to be closed for five to seven days, depending on how the construction went. 
Savigne decided, no better time to get rich.
The restaurant allowed them to prepare and store their own meals if they used their own ingredients and most people used that offer to make themselves lunch or dinner for their breaks. She did, too, but now she took out the pizza dough balls she had left to cold marinate ahead of time so they can warm up by the time she arrived at camp. Chef Ecco sauntered over, curious what she was doing and nearly lost his god damn mind when he saw she had prepared pizza dough, praising her to high heaven and exchanging recipes with what he thought was the best dough and best pizza recipe. He shared with her the shops he acquired his cheese from, then even gave her a pizza peel from the kitchen as a gift. 
Ruth and her flock watched from a distance with scowls and Savigne basked in their disapproval.
She went to the open market in Saint Denis to shop for ingredients, strolling around, sniffing and tasting the vegetables, cheese and spices. It was no Grand Bazaar but Saint Denis was becoming more metropolitan by the week and she was impressed with the new, “exotic” food that was sprouting in the market.  
When she arrived in camp it was early afternoon, most folks were out to do whatever they did during the day, so she prepared the fire for the oven – it needed to be very hot for the pizza - and changed into comfortable clothes. 
She prepared the sauce and the toppings, then poured herself a glass of wine and sat at the table, watching the water. Mary Beth came over and Savigne poured her a glass, too. Mary Beth shared the story of the latest novel she was reading and she listened.
“That makes no sense.” 
“What makes no sense?” Mary Beth asked. 
“The man’s too perfect.”
“That’s the point” was the amused reply.
“No I mean it’s not realistic. He’s gorgeous. Strong. Clever. Rich. And a gentleman. And apparently also…you know…a great…lover,” Savigne concluded.
“And – so he’s too perfect.”
“Ya saying men like that don’t exist?” Mary Beth grinned. 
“Have you ever met one? I know I haven’t.”
“Haven’t you?” was the teasing question.
“Are you trying to say that Arthur is perfect?” Savigne snorted. “Or that I am?”
“Perfection is boring," Mary Beth shrugged. "Besides, you’re perfect for each other, no?” Savigne shrugged. “Perfect” wasn’t the word she would use, but she had to admit that this was a relationship that should have failed and yet somehow didn’t. Who knew that she could fall into co-habitation with someone this easily, this comfortably? And someone like Arthur, too! Nobody would argue that both of them were difficult people to be around and yet, bizarrely it somehow worked. 
“You know how many bets I won thanks to you guys?” was Mary Beth’s gloating question.
“That’s right. Folks around here don’t understand you the way I do,” Mary Beth sighed. Savigne rolled her eyes. “Hey now, don't underestimate me. Ain't I the one who knew before either one of you did?”
“Hmmmmm…What else do you know, oh sage one?”
“I know the man is ensnared," Mary Beth pursed her lips, her eyes shifting to the oven. “Getting him hooked up proper, are we?”
“Why? Because I cook?” Savigne laughed. “It’s just food, what’s the big deal?”
“Just food,” she mumbled teasingly. “I don’t think Arthur has ever been spoiled like this before. It's not that you cook, it's that you cook for him.” She paused for a moment, then quickly retrieved her notebook to scribble in it. "Need to use this in my novel."
"You're writing a novel?"
"I am," she said smugly. "You're craftier than you look, you know. Maybe I should get some pointers from you."
“Right,” Savigne huffed, secretly pleased. “All I do is cook dinner. Happens to be my job anyway. You could even call it self-serving practice.”
The other woman hummed with a smirk. “Ain’t just dinner. It’s being cared for that he’s addicted to.”
“Not going to apologize for that!” Savigne mumbled, but her grin grew just a little wider. 
They watched Arthur arrive at camp and stroll over to talk to Dutch. Mary Beth drank the rest of her wine, gave her a knowing look and left. 
Savigne saw him walk over a few minutes later, eyeing the ingredients on the table. She got up and came around to hug him and kiss him on the cheek - a ritual she still stubbornly followed and he still stubbornly endured.
"You cookin' dinner?"
"Only if you're hungry," she said lightly. He grunted in affirmation and went to wash the sweat and dust off his hands and face.
She quickly flattened a ball of dough on the peel, spread the sauce, added the ingredients and pushed it into the hot oven. Few minutes later she placed it on the wood vegetable chopping block, cut it by pressing her palm on the spine of the knife and slapped his hand away. 
“You just watched me pull it out of the oven. It’s hot. Give it a minute.”
He grumbled a little and poured himself a shot of whiskey. She adjusted the corners of his napkin just so. “How was your day?”
He finally noticed the side-eye she was giving him as he was staring at the steaming pie and took the cue: “Yours?”
“Glad you asked!” she started with enthusiasm. “Antoine’s is renovating. So I’m going to have a few days off.”
She slid the chopping block over and announced: "Pizza Margarita from Italy! Bon appétit!"
“So I was thinking…” she said, getting up to prepare the next pie on the peel, “…we can do something. If you have the time.”
By the time she sat down he had already eaten half of it. She knew that expression on his face and smiled with satisfaction. “Good, huh?”
“It’s from Italy, course it’s good,” he shrugged, grinning at his own cleverness. 
She pulled out the second pie, cut it and put it on a separate plate. He eyed the plate with some resentment as she took it to Jack.
When she returned, to nobody's surprise, he was finished. 
She sat down and sipped her wine. 
"That it?" He was looking the rest of the dough balls. 
“Do you have the time to do something together?”
“I got time,” he admitted carefully, possibly already guessing where this was heading.
Satisfied, she jumped up to make the next pie. Her fingers, quick and nimble with practice threw on the ingredients and slid the pie into the oven with the peel. 
She sat back down as he served himself another shot of whiskey. 
"We can...I don't know...go to Strawberry."
He gave her a look. “Lemme guess…ya wanna go treasure huntin’.”
She slid the second pie onto the block, cut it, then snatched it from his grasp. “You’re going to burn your tongue, wait a minute, Jesus!” She sat back down and sipped her wine. “And yes, that’s the idea.”
“Savigne…” he started, exasperated, but before he could say more Jack ran over and asked if there was more. 
"How the hell did ya eat that whole pie so fast?" Arthur protested and she rolled her eyes at the irony. Jack admitted that his mom and dad had each taken a slice, too. Arthur grumbled darkly at that. She pushed the block in front of him and prepared the next one while the two of them argued. 
"Five minutes, Jack. Did you like it?" 
“I loved it!”
"Can't have loved it if ya gave it away," muttered Arthur as he chewed. 
"Don't listen to him.” she quipped. She cut the next pie and placed it on his plate. "Be careful, it's hot." He ambled away carefully. 
She sat back down to sip her wine and met his gaze. 
"Well what about me?" 
"You had two pies," she teased. 
He glanced at the last ball of dough. "You want me to take ya, that it?”
“Pffft. I want to know if you’re coming along,” she said as she got up to prepare the pie. After she slid it into the oven: “I’m going either way. It’ll be an adventure.”
“That so?” he said, eyebrows raised as he poured himself another shot. 
“That so,” she confirmed, pulling out the pizza a few minutes later and sliding it on the chopping block. "I can do everything on my own just fine, thank you very much," she added as she cut the pie.
He was clever and waited until it was pushed in front of him before he said “Y’ain’t goin’ alone." 
"Don't tell me what to do!" Savigne growled with some heat.
He was expecting that and there was clear amusement to his tone when he spoke over the chewing. "Or what?"
"Or I'll do it," she grumbled, taking another mouthful of wine. 
He finished his pie, drank the rest of his shot, pushed the empty block aside and put his elbows on the table, leaning in.
"Well then," he sighed, his eyes twinkling, "I might have to…you know…punish ya." He watched the red blotches blooming on her cheeks. “Think yer overdue for a lesson.”
“Thanks to you we can never go back to the bath in Valentine!” she hissed. “I’m pretty sure the entire hotel heard us.”
“Course we goin’ back,” he grinned, leaning back in his chair and pulling out a cigarette. “And wasn’t us they heard, was you.”
"I wasn't there by myself, was I?"
"I got no problem with it," he shrugged smugly. 
She ran her palms over her face, annoyed how quickly and violently she blushed. Also annoyed how pleased he was with himself. Arthur had strutted out to the lobby that day like he had conquered Rome while she had run straight for the exit, not even attempting to pay the bill that week, mumbling that she was going to retrieve the horses.
“God, I can never look Bill in the face again,” she whined.
“The man works in a hotel,” he drawled. “‘M sure he’s used to it. ‘Sides…I liked it.”
"You know what - we’re doing separate baths from now on."
He hummed to himself, inhaling the smoke. "Ya actually think a door's gonna stop me," he mused, leaning on the table, the muscles in his wide shoulders rounding up. 
"You wouldn't dare.” He just chortled at her disbelief. "I think you're missing the bedroll, Mr Morgan.”
"That how you treat yer guide?”
A smile bloomed on her face. “So we’re going?”
He sighed. “Reckon findin' a pile of rocks gonna spare me years of naggin’.”
This stumped her because it implied that he thought they would be together for years to come. It’s just a figure of speech you fool, she mused and it was, but that didn’t matter much to her heart. 
She lied awake for a long time thinking on that, annoyed that her mind would start writing an epic novel because a few uttered words but unable to stop it. What would life be outside the gang with Arthur? What could a man like that do? He was good with horses, she thought, he could breed horses. Or maybe train them. He was good with a lot of animals, so maybe he could be a rancher. Or - twist of fate - bounty hunter. She scratched that possibility off the list. Too dangerous. Farmer? No, didn't seem fitting. It was hard to imagine him outside of his current environment, as if being an outlaw was part of his identity and this life was his natural habitat. What if he missed the social interaction with the gang? Sure, they had a fine time now but that's because he still had that. Removing the gang would rob him of all his friends and family and she couldn't picture him enjoying life without all that. Then again, he did enjoy solitude in nature, didn't he? Maybe he was more of a loner than she assumed. 
She jumped when he spoke up. "What ya cookin' in yer head?"
"I'm just excited," she said, irritated how much of a light sleeper he was and how, even with his back turned, he always knew when she was awake. "I'm going to be rich tomorrow."
He turned to face her and shifted closer. "Might have to rob ya then," he whispered.
"What if we really find a treasure?" she said more seriously a while later. We could do anything we wanted. We could both just pack up and go away. Start somewhere new. Together. She thought on how to ask these things and couldn't make the words come out. 
"I'll eat my hat, tell ya that," he mumbled sleepily. 
"Wouldn't mind seeing that" she sighed and settled into his chest before she drifted off.
The next morning they set out early. It was a long ride to Strawberry and they wanted to arrive before they lost the daylight. Arthur watched with fascination as Savigne whipped out a list and rattled off all the items she had decided they needed. He shot down half of them saying they're not traveling to Canada and there are towns in between, also game to shoot. There were some things on the list he just listened to incredulously like "extra matches, extra soap, extra boots, extra sling in case Cricket's basket sling got ripped etc" and dissuaded her only by reminding her how much Cricket would suffer under this "extra" weight and added that this was not how adventures worked. She relented. 
She prepared the horses as Dutch called him over, saying there is a job he needs Arthur to be on and when Arthur said that he will take care of it when he returns, Dutch’s eyes sought out and blazed at Savigne as if she had said it. She took some satisfaction in that.
They trotted out in the brisk morning air and she was unreasonably excited. 
"You know, this is my first time doing anything in the countryside," she remarked. "Are we going to camp under the stars?"
"Course we are," he said from ahead, "or was you aiming for a hotel, Princess?"
"I prefer the camping."
"Won' be glamorous, I tell ya that," Arthur grunted, sounding unsure what she was so excited about. 
"That's the point," she quipped. 
He waited patiently as she stopped several times to watch animals through her binoculars and then wanted to get off to look at some flowers she hadn't seen before. 
Overall it was a pleasant ride, cool and relaxed. There was a lady by the road who needed help and Savigne gave him a questioning look but he rode on as if she wasn't there and later said that she's always there and it's an ambush. This sobered her a little to dangers she wasn't aware of and she was glad he was with her.
Late afternoon they arrived to the outskirts of Strawberry but instead of heading into town, Arthur aimed north and a mile or so out said they needed to rest the horses by a stream. He told her not to go too far, that there were wolves and cougars around and Savigne didn't need to be told twice. 
An hour after they broke rest they arrived at a hill and for the first time she saw the three rock formations in the distance, reaching to the sky. 
Unfortunately her good mood turned when they arrived to the foot of a bridge. Arthur went right over it with Frost and she lingered behind, preparing. On the other side he noticed she wasn't following and came back. 
"What's the matter?"
"I need to prepare," she told him, locating her blindfold. 
"Crossing the bridge."
He watched her put the blindfold on. "The hell ya doin'?"
She pulled it off, exasperated. "Why don't you go ahead, Arthur, I'll be there in a few minutes."
He didn't move, intrigued. She put the blindfold back on, arranged it just so and took a couple of deep breaths. 
She was about to lean over Cricket's neck when he spoke up, startling her: "Savigne, y'afraid of heights?"
"So what if I am?" she said, frustrated and pulled down her blindfold again. 
"Nothing," he said, his voice somewhat softer. "Just didn' know.'"
"You go ahead," she said, "Cricket will take me over, he knows what to do."
He looked like he was going to argue, then decided against it and left. She swallowed, tightened the blindfold and leaned over Cricket's neck, whispering for him to go. She felt him walking, slow and easy. The timbre of his hoof beats changed as they mounted the bridge and she shuddered. Slight sweat broke over her brow and she ignored it and instead, mentally went through the ingredients of chocolate pudding.
Cricket stopped once he was over and she took a deep shaky breath, sat back up and took off her blindfold. 
Arthur was waiting on her and he didn't comment further, just gave Cricket an appreciative look which she felt very proud about and they continued. When dusk set, he said they were camping there for the night because the rest of the way was too steep and treacherous to navigate in the dark. 
He prepared the fire and said he will see if he can hunt something even though they had food and left. She fished out the canned beans, canned tomatoes, vegetables and her spice set and prepared vegetable chili. 
He came with a rabbit and cleaned it and she prepared to grill it with salt, pepper and thyme while he washed off the blood on his hands.
When he returned they waited for the rabbit to cook, then she served him a bowl of grilled rabbit, chili and a slice of the sourdough bread she had baked in preparation the day before. He ate the whole thing in his usual hungry, no-nonsense manner and wiped the bowl with the bread, saying this was some fancy camp food and asked for more. After, the lighted his cigarette and pulled out the whiskey and she took a small glass, warming it in her hands.
The stars were out and it was a warm night, slightly breezy but overall calm and beautiful. 
"You know, I envy you," she said at some point. "You live like this all the time."
"I like being out here, that's true," he said, gazing at the sky. "Quiet."
"You can camp wherever you want, you can travel the whole country if you want to. Must feel very free."
He scratched his beard. "Yeah, it does."
"You think I could do it?"
She blinked at his short answer. "Why, because I'm a woman?" she asked evenly.
"Cause ya can't shoot," he said with a grin. 
She huffed. Then, carefully: "You ever think of life outside the gang?"
"Sure," he said, the campfire dancing in his eyes.
It had its challenges, to be with someone like Arthur. She couldn't read him, he was wildly different in his upbringing and values, and worst of all - he rarely expressed his opinions or his plans for the future. Sometimes - most times - he acted like he deeply enjoyed her company and that was all it was. Other times he made her think she was profoundly underestimating her importance to him. It was like being in a dark room and trying to feel her way around.  
"What does that life look like?" was her careful question.
He gave her a long look. "Hope to find out soon."
They were quiet for a while, watching the Moon move up. She was happy to be there, happy to be with Arthur, happy to be outdoors, in the country. Away from of camp he seemed more at peace, calmer, more balanced.  
"Ready for bed?" he said finally. 
She was tired from riding all day and nodded. She crept into his arms in the tent and was almost immediately asleep.
The next morning she was standing at the edge of a cliff, looking up at Arthur's amused face, then back down at the ravine. Then at the ledge across, then back at him. She took a step back, her palms sweaty. 
"Ughh...let's check the map again."
She took it out and spread it with trembling hands. 
"I'm not sure..."
"Clearly says we gotta jump over," he interjected smoothly.
She bit her lip, looked back at the ledge. "That can't be right, it's too far."
"Ain't that far," he lazily scratched his beard. 
She glanced back at the ravine. Her foot started tapping. The day felt unnaturally hot, so she loosened the top button on her blouse. 
"I'm thinking..."
A grunt of ‘go on’. 
He shifted on his feet, unperturbed. 
"…that maybe we should come back another time."
His eyebrows rose at that. 
"Clearly we don't have the equipment we need for this."
His gaze shifted to the ledge, then back at her. "What equipment ya need?"
"You know...climbing equipment. I can read a book. In fact, let's go to the library in Saint Denis! I can look it up and we probably need some pins and foot gear and hooks and a rope of course, scratch that, several ropes, then we need to practice somewhere, can't just start he-"
"Ain't comin' back here," he said casually. She opened her mouth to argue and he added: "Y’ain't either."
"But..." she sputtered.
"It's a jump. Ain't that far." The corners of his lips curled up.
"It's really high though."
He took off his hat, fanned himself a bit. "Thought you said you can do everythin' on yer own."
She pressed her lips together. "I can!"
"'Cept that," he said, pointing his hat to the ledge. 
"I can do that, too! I just need to learn-"
"How to climb the Rockies?"
She wanted to slap him so bad, her palm itched.
He put his hat back on. "I can do it." A thoughtful palm on his chin, "But..."
"But what?" she asked, annoyed. 
"Why would I?" The hint of a grin. The brute. 
"What do you mean, why? I told you we'll share the treasure!" She flapped the map shut with a huff. 
"And if there ain't any?"
"Well we won't know until we look."
A few moments passed. Who knew when she might get time off again from work? He was such a prick, using her fear of heights against her.
"Need more'n that if I'm riskin' my neck," he sighed in a regretful tone.
"What, you want the whole thing?"
A dismissive shrug. "A whole of nothin' is nothin'."
"God! What then?"
He gave her a look. A long moment passed. She would have laughed if she wasn't so frustrated. 
He shrugged. "It's my price." Then a smug "Ma'am."
"This here isn't Cricket, you know."
He turned away. "Well then, let's head back while we got the light."
"Stop!" she laughed, defeated. "Stop! What do you want, a promise?"
"That'll do."
"You're insufferable, you know that?"
"What'll be, miss?"
"Alright, fine, I promise," she chuckled.
"Promise what?"
"I promise whatever. Christ, get over here already!"
He sauntered over, obnoxiously proud of himself. "Give it here."
She handed him the map and he stuffed it into the pocket of his jeans. She grabbed his arm before he could set off. "You better be careful," she added somberly. 
"Yes ma'am."
"I'm not kidding, be care-"
He jumped the gap and landed casually on the ledge. "God dam it!" she gasped, hand on heart. She ran as close as she dared. "What do you see?"
"Another ledge."
"Why, this here suppose t'be the only one in America?"
She cursed under her breath at how impossible he was today. "How far?"
He didn't answer and just jumped out of sight. Her heart flipped. "Arthur!"
"Calm down woman! You'll hear me if I fall, believe me."
"Very funny," she called over, but then decided it was better not to break his concentration. 
She sat down at a comfortable distance from the ledge, pulled up her knees and started to tap her foot. Should have gone for that climbing gear, she thought, waiting and reminding herself to breathe. The minutes ticked by so slowly on her pocket watch, she was starting to believe it was damaged. She jumped to her feet, went over to Cricket, petted him anxiously. Then she repeated it with Frost because you can’t just pet one horse and not the other. Then she went back and sat down again. Then she jumped up, checking her watch. It had only been five minutes. 
Five minutes after that she was so restless that she crept to the edge of the ledge and called out to him. He didn't answer which made her really nervous. Now she was running between the horses and the ledge and doing the same actions over and over again. Sitting down, getting up, petting Cricket, petting Frost, calling out to him, sitting down, getting up - she knew she was being stupid, but the compulsion was so strong, she couldn't resist. 
After what seemed like hours he called back. The relief that washed over her made her knees buckle. 
"What took so long?" she called, trying to calm her heart that was galloping in her chest. 
"Ain't easy hoppin' around with all this gold!" came the answer. 
"What?!! You serious?!!"
He jumped into view. Empty handed. He gave her a grin and she was compelled to find a gun and shoot him. 
"I fucking hate you!" she yelled. Then: "Be careful!"
He jumped back to her side and she swung her arms around his back. 
"Whoa woman," he chuckled, "y'alright?"
"I was worried," came her muffled response. 
Then she stepped back and slapped his chest. "You're enjoying this way too much!"
He clicked his tongue in amusement. 
She bent down, hands on knees, trying to regain her breath. "All that and we got nothing."
"Didn' say we got nothin'." 
He fished out a piece of paper. When she unfolded it, it turned out to be another map. 
Her eyes widened and she got all jittery. "Oh my god, ohmygod I knew it! The treasure map is real!!"
Arthur rolled his eyes. "No it ain't. Just someone's idea of a prank."
"You telling me somebody jumped around these ledges here just to set up a prank?" she said with clear disbelief.
He threw out his arms. "Clearly."
She looked at the map, her excitement undimmed. "Only one way to find out! Where's this, I wonder?"
"I know where it is and we ain't goin' there," he said, wiping his brow. 
"Why not?"
"You say that about everything!" He gave her a side eye. "Just tell me where it is, then."
"The hell I am," he huffed and walked away. "Knowin' you, you'll just run off there first chance."
"You're such a brute," she hissed. Then, calmer: "Charles might know." She saw the slight tensing of his shoulders as he was walking towards Frost. "He might even take me," she added with a drawl. 
"He ain't takin' ya if I say not to." He was fishing for his water canteen in the saddle, trying to hide his annoyance. 
"I might cook him a prize," she quipped, sauntering over. "If he hunts a rabbit, I can make him kouneli stifado. Greek rabbit stew." She knew she was pushing it because Arthur was irrationally possessive of her cooking and pettily disinclined to share it. The only person he made an exception for was Jack.  
"Woman..." he gave her a hard glare. 
He huffed and stuffed the canteen back in, then gave her a long, intense look, walked over to the side, squared his feet and said "Come here."
Her eyebrows rose. "Don't think I wi-"
"Ain't you promised?" was the low growl. 
She blinked. "You're collecting now?"
"I am. Come here."
She eyed him head to toe to gauge if he was being serious. 
"Now, Savigne." he said, his tone more serious, less playful. 
She walked over and stood in front of him, suddenly excited. He cupped her chin and gave her a long crushing kiss. When he broke it, she was breathless. His eyes crawled over her body. "Strip." He said with a low voice.
"Ain't nobody 'round for miles." She almost shivered at the way he was looking at her. Then again the command: "Strip!"
She stepped back and started to unbutton her blouse. She glanced around nervously, there was nothing but rocks and trees. But it was daytime and in the open and he had asked her to take off her clothes, this was way outside her comfort zone. She stripped out of her blouse, her boots, her jeans, then her underwear, standing stark naked in front of him, resisting the urge to tap her foot. He watched her with hooded eyes, hands on gun belt. She hugged herself with the instinct to cover her nakedness but he waved an arm.
"None of that."
She bit back her argument and dropped her arms to her side, twitching nervously on her feet. He would take any objection as a challenge and enjoy squashing it, so the best thing to do was to comply completely. 
He came to stand in front of her, then slowly circled her, his left hand gliding over her leg, her stomach, a breast, a shoulder blade, her spine, a butt cheek, waist. Despite the urge to cover herself, she felt her exhilaration still present, pulsing in the background. His other hand smoothly slid off her tie and he ran his fingers through her hair to loosen it over her back. After a full circle he kissed her again, aggressively. 
"On your knees," he whispered into her ear. 
She sunk down, feeling herself getting wet. She looked up at him. His face was unreadable but his eyes were dilated and full of want. 
He dropped his gun belt to the ground, then very slowly unbuttoned his jeans, watching her. She didn't break eye contact and kept very still. His cock sprang to his hand, eager and ready but he was calm and calculating as the fingers of this other hand glided over her jawline and his thumb pushed between her lips. She suckled at it without looking away and his jaw muscles clenched at the action. He moved closer and she didn't need to be told, she leaned in and closed her lips on the head, twirling her tongue. 
A low moan fell from his lips. He had never asked her again after the first time she had done this and she hadn't offered, curious how long he would go without asking. She knew he had enjoyed it greatly that night. But that night she had initiated it and she had been in control. Today he wouldn't allow her that. 
His hand cradled the back of her head and he urged her to take him in further and she relaxed her throat and did that, moving up and down his shaft. His eyelids fluttered and he moaned again, whispering her name as he kept their gazes locked. She moved slow and suckled gently when she reached the head, then back down, taking him in further and getting more and more wet herself, the tingling between her legs now clouding her mind with need. His lips fell apart and he started panting louder, a slight tremble to his legs. Her hands crawled up to his thighs, resting on his hips and she finally sheathed him completely in her throat and he cursed softly, his eyes gliding to his cock disappearing and reappearing between her lips. She felt him harden even more and swallowed, feeling another shudder go through his legs with it. 
He inched closer, moving against her now, gently pushing in and out as he held her head in place. She continued to hold the eye contact as he increasingly became more excited, a flush creeping up his face, the fingers on the back of her hand curling into a fist on her hair, his peals of moans more lustful. There was a look of dominance on his face, a look of power and it turned her on immensely. But in the back of her mind, suddenly the urge to rebel. To turn the tables. 
She tasted his precum and felt him slowing down. His legs trembled as he fought the urge to come. Given that he had told her to strip, she imagined he had other things in mind. Well but so did she. She raised her tongue to increase the friction and he moaned absentmindedly at that. Then she removed one of her hands from his hip and slowly moved it to her breast. His eyes glided over, fascinated as she gently brushed and cupper her breast, then continued moving her hand over her stomach. His breathing gained pace again and despite himself, so did his pumping. She hummed and his eyelids fluttered with pleasure, but his eyes were glued to her hand as she moved it lower still, over her upper leg, the inside of her thigh, then back up, up until she separated two fingers and glided them further, over her folds, then curled them at the knuckle and pushed them in. 
He hardened in her mouth and bent forward with a gasp. She thought she had him but suddenly her hair was pulled back with a sting and he slipped out. “Gettin’ bold, are we?” he growled, dropping on his knees in front of her. He bent her head with the grip in her hair before he crushed her lips, then left a trail of kisses down her throat before a suckled on a breast hard enough to make her arch and whimper.
”Turn around,” was the rough command. She scrambled to turn her back to him, remaining on her knees. The slap on her buttocks felt like someone had pressed a sheet of fire against her skin. She took a sharp breath and his left finger slid into her and her intended gasp turned into a moan. His cock pressing against her back was rock hard and distantly she marveled at his self control. She squirmed against it and he groaned with the friction. The harder slap that followed made her jump. The finger in her curled and she moaned so loudly, she could have sworn that she heard and echo of it bounce around. His large hand fondled her sensitive cheek as he curled his finger again and she whimpered, torn between pleasure and pain.
There was something obnoxious about doing this in a clearing in broad daylight, stark naked while he was completely dressed behind her. Obnoxious and exciting at the same time. The things this man could make her do! He removed his finger and pushed his cock into her. She was so wet, he slid in comfortably despite his size. His left hand found hers and pressed it flat on her belly, keeping it there as he pulled out and bucked back in.
”Feel that?” he whispered against her ear. “Feel me takin’ ya?”
She felt him under her palm, moving in and out, splitting her and moaned again. “Yes.”
His right hand squeezed her inflamed butt cheek, his left hand still on hers as he continued his slow pumping. She whimpered with excitement and pain and he hardened in her. He pushed her left hand down to her folds, placing his fingers on hers to make her caress herself as his bucking sharpened. She panted when he suckled her earlobe. She felt herself getting closer and he knew her well enough to notice it. His right hand flew up to her chin to turn her face. “Wanna see it,” he whispered as she moaned uncontrollably under the assault of his fingers, moving her own.
He must have seen her crest that peak dozens of times by now but his appetite for it never slackened. The hunger to see her vulnerable, naked, completely at his mercy, in submission to his power and to the need only he could grant her was voracious.
Suddenly, just at the verge, his fingers forced hers to still and his bucking slowed down. She moaned with frustration. “Ask me for it,” was his low command.
Savigne flustered at his self control to pull back even now, when he was as close as she was. It was freakish compared to hers. Her muscles clamped around his cock, trying to force him on. “Please,” she whispered when he wouldn’t relent.
”Please what?”
A distant part of her rebelled and he must have seen it on her face because he slowed even further and removed her left hand from her folds. She panted with need, stuck between the primal need to scratch that itch and her pride. His right hand dropped to her breast, fondling it as he glided in and out of her with agonizing slowness. This was his new thing now - forcing her to ask him for things. Breaking that wall brick by brick. 
”Please…” she swallowed, “…let me…oh..." she shuddered and whimpered.
"What's the word, little bird?" he sighed into her ear, kissing the cheek that was turned to him, his beard scratching her shoulder.
"...sing." she gasped. 
He hummed with approval and pushed her to fall on her hands, jerking her ass towards him. He pulled on her shoulders, arching her back as he increased his pace. In the back of her mind, the notion of how she had started off the year not understanding what the big deal about sex was only to become a woman who let herself be stripped and taken in broad daylight in a clearing. You think you know yourself, she thought dimly but all her thoughts scattered like smoke in the wind when he leaned over her, beard scratching her back, fingers gliding over her folds. He relentlessly brushed, caressed, massaged until her moans turned into guttural gasps and her final cry bounced between the walls of the chasm. A moment later a rumble on her back, a stuttering of grunts in her ear and the wetness of his warm seed inside her. They remained like that for a few moments, panting and baking under the sun. He sat back and pulled her with him to sit in his lap, his hands circling her waist and pressing her into his chest. She lied against him, trying to come down from her peak, her nakedness completely forgotten.
”Enjoyed this trip more than I thought I would,” he drawled and kissed her neck.
"So…about this next spot..." she panted.
He chuckled darkly. “Tell ya what. You make me some of that kuneli stuff, maybe I'll think 'bout it."
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bangtansmauyeondan · 1 year
THIRTY-FIVE | S04 E02 — The Night is Still Young
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Pairing: In-Studio Director!Jungkook x Stage Director!Fem Reader
Genre: rivals au, social media au, frenemies to lovers, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, crack.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: explicit language, mentions of abandonment, alcohol consumption, harmless scheming, dare, bet, smut
Summary: It has always been the battle of the best between you and your college rival, Jungkook. What happens when years later, you cross paths again working for the same network broadcasting company, and the competitive flame is rekindled? Well, a whole new drunken bet that determines your futures wasn’t in your line of vision but here you are… and you have until 35.
SERIES TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @babyboo22 @dionysusenthusiast @luaspersona @timelessruins @royallyjjk @sandraviolante-blog @quarter-life-crisis2 @jub-jub @pb-n-juju @jeonxgoogiee @sugaluvmyg @lookformyvoice @fairy-jaykay @juju-227592 @such-a-wh0re @hoseoksluv89 @exhibitachol @kleirielk @era-genius @hyuneyeon @jjkw-7 @ktownshizzle @parkinglot-nights
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @snoozeagustd @persphonesorchid @thatbangtanjagiya @taestefully-in-luv @pamzn @wrmnssoul @ygbubs @halesandy @jayhope88 @bnagtanx1306 @pinkseokchim @busanbby-jjk @babycandy111
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“Don’t worry about your car, I’ll drive it back to yours tomorrow,” DK gave you a quick hug before you hopped up on Jungkook’s car.
Your boyfriend made sure you’re safely inside before shutting the door, turning to DK and Mingyu before giving them a manly pat on the shoulder each. “See you later.”
“Drive safe, bro.” Mingyu waved him off and stood on the sidewalk with DK until they saw him drive off.
The four of you agreed to meet up at DK’s place for some barbecue but ended up sharing a feast at a newly opened restaurant a few blocks away. Dinner was filled with laughter, banter, and lots of stories from your college days. You and Jungkook were still laughing about them in the car as you drove off.
“... and then Soonyoung kept on insisting the word was ‘EPIK HIGH,’” you were almost crying from laughter on the passenger seat.
“What was he trying to guess again?” Jungkook couldn’t help but chuckle, because your laughter was contagious.
“Jeonghan said ‘apple mango,’ but Mingyu misread his lips as ‘apple pie.’”
“Ohh… apple pie - Epik High…” Jungkook burst into laughter imagining the whisper challenge game that their friends did at their graduation party. He knew he had fun that night but his memory was clouded by the kiss you shared underneath the lamppost outside, when he attempted to walk you home.
“I can’t believe you don’t remember any of it!”
“I do remember that I kissed you outside that night though…” he glanced at you with a small smile that got you flustered. Jungkook noticed the tinge of red that graced the apple of your cheeks, “What? Did I make your heart flutter?” He smirked.
“Stop!” You avoided his gaze and distracted yourself with the strap of your purse. “Focus on driving, bun.”
“Yes, ma’am…” He replied in a sing-song voice, internally smiling at the term of endearment you used on him.
“Wait… I just remembered–”
“Oh yeah, I have–”
Both of you started at the same time.
“Ladies first… what did you remember, hun?”
“Okay…” You adjusted yourself in the seat to get a good look at the backseat of Jungkook’s car. “Did you bring your gear with you?”
“Yeah, they’re mostly in the trunk. Why?” Jungkook curiously eyed you while tonguing his lip ring. “Do you need anything?”
“Mingyu said when you tried to ask me out all those years ago, but accidentally insulted me instead, you had a great big plan in mind.” You started. “He said you wanted to go on a photowalk and take my photos.”
Jungkook pursed his lips and nodded, “Yeah, I think the photos would turn out better because you’re the prettiest muse.” He shook his head in disbelief, remembering the day and his words clear as day. “Ugh, I can’t believe I worded that incorrectly back then! So stupid, Jeon Jungkook!”
You were momentarily entranced as you took a good look at the man sitting next to you. The streetlights reflected in his eyes, making them a bit more sparkly, like they hold the entire galaxy in them. The soft yellow glow illuminating his face highlighted his beautiful features, too.
“The night is still young, bun…” You smiled up at him before reaching out and tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. You’re loving this slightly longer hair on him. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
As if on cue, the traffic lights turned red, giving Jungkook the perfect opportunity to cup your face between his palms and leaned in for a soft kiss. “Yes, let’s do it!”
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“I had so much fun, bun.” You and Jungkook walked hand in hand as you made your way to your front door. “We’re always so busy with work, that we sometimes forget how good it feels just to walk around and take the outdoors in.”
“Hmm…” Jungkook hummed in agreement. “I’m a bit sad though.”
You let out a small gasp, stopping in your tracks. “Why?”
“You didn’t even let me get a decent photo of you,” he pouted.
“Why do you need a photo of me?” You teased, momentarily letting go of his hand to key in your door code.
Jungkook rested his hand on the small of your back as he guided both of you inside. “Why would I not want a photo of you?” He replied softly, a tinge of hurt still apparent in his voice.
“Hey…” You turned around to face him before wrapping your arms around his neck. Like clockwork, Jungkook automatically wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned in to rest his forehead against yours. “Are you seriously sad that I didn’t let you take my photos?”
“Hmn…” He closed his eyes and heaved in a deep breath. “I just want to freeze these moments with you, you know? I want to see you, all sides of you, from all angles.”
Jungkook’s words would have reduced you into a mushy puddle if they could. The sincerity in his voice, coupled with his warm breath tickling your cheeks, were enough to set your heart ablaze. His close proximity made you hyper sensitive too, especially when his fingers grazed the exposed skin near the waistband of your jeans.
You ran your fingers through your boyfriend’s hair from the back of his head, putting just a little pressure on his scalp, causing a small groan to escape from his lips. Without missing a beat, you gently pulled him down towards your face for a sweet kiss.
Jungkook kissed you back, one hand sneaking underneath your shirt, splaying across the small of your back. The other, resting on your jaw, angling your face as he deepened the kiss.
“Jungkook,” you whispered breathlessly between kisses.
“Yes…?” Jungkook continued kissing you, planting soft pecks on the corner of your lips, your jaw, and the sweet spot beneath your ear.
“You can see all of me now…”
Jungkook stopped to catch his breath, eyes roaming across your face as if seeing you for the first time again. His mind began getting hazy as he got all worked up, not sure if he’s reading too much into things, or if you’re really saying what he thinks you’re saying. “Baby…” He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, before tilting your chin up to look straight into your eyes. “Please tell me you want this as much as I do.”
“I want this,” you reached out to touch his face, his eyes closing at the contact. “You can see all of me now…” you smiled up at him.
Jungkook pulled you closer to him, feeling your heartbeats against each other. “All of you?”
“All sides of me…” you kissed his nose. “From all angles.”
Finally, you captured his lips again.
A/N - Idk let me know if you want to see more of this couple as the night deepens, and I could probably let you in on the fun next update! ;) PS - I’ve missed you! Come talk to me!
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punsmaster69 · 11 months
"...You're right. It's not a good idea."
"It's a GREAT idea!"
undyne climbed further up the tree. while she hurled apples down haphazardly, papyrus tried his best to catch what he could in a basket.
me and flowey spectated from the sidelines.
"She's gonna KILL someone with that aim."
"you wanna bet on how many apples make it out alive?"
with far more force than required for apple-picking, an apple immediately smashed to applesauce in front of us.
"YOU come do it then, punks!"
"How the hell do you expect ME to climb?!"
"You stumble on flat ground, sure, but I 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 you can do stairs."
"How is that relevant?!"
"This is, like, basically the same thing!"
"𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗹𝗹!"
"I don't need help from that-"
she glanced at paps.
"..Uh, very...nice.. friend of yours."
"Good! I didn't plan on helping you, anyways!"
(silence of glaring at undyne.)
(silence of undyne glaring back.)
"..Wait, why aren't YOU up here helping, Sans?"
"Why not?"
"If he falls, one of us can catch him. Easy!"
"....Howdy, Toriel!"
"It's... going."
"Sans? He's right-"
i snatched my phone back from flowey.
"gimme just a sec, tori."
"..why did you pick up my phone?"
"YOU'RE the one who didn't notice the ringing."
"..Why is Toriel "fluffy lady" in your contacts?"
ignoring him, i re-answered tori's call.
"heya. what's up?"
"How is the apple-picking going for you all?"
undyne conked papyrus in the skull with an apple, but it still made it in the basket. he seemed relatively unaffected by the hit.
"going well enough, i'd say."
"how's shopping going for you three?"
"We have found nearly everything we need! Me, Alphys, and Frisk should be returning shortly."
"Ah! My child, please do not climb the shelf!"
"Allow me to get it for you. Hold my phone for a moment, will you?"
"Hi Sans."
"sup, kiddo."
"Did you know your name in her phone is just a bone with a blue heart?"
"And your contact photo is-"
"What are you telling to him??"
"...It is not a bad photo, I promise."
"It's you, sleeping.."
with a deafening 𝙘𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙠, a bone collided with an apple above my head.
"Sick shot, Paps!"
"Do it again!"
"Sans?? Is everything alright? That was quite loud."
"yeah, i'm good. nearly got clocked by an apple, though."
"Oh dear. Who is throwing them?"
"...I do not know who else I expected."
"Please tell her to be more careful.."
"hey, undyne."
"tori says to be more careful."
she paused mid throw, instead switching to a mild toss.
"Should I grab some apples as backup while we are here?"
"there's a decent enough of them surviving."
"Well.. if you say so."
"I will see you in a bit, Sans!"
"seeya soon, tori."
"Do not get hit by any apples!"
"i'll try my best."
"...Papyrus, you might have to catch your brother."
"WHAT?? WHY???"
"He's totally 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯 for Tori."
"That's quite the lovestruck look for just a 'friend', dude."
"not making any look."
"You BETTER not be!"
flowey's face contorted into a look of disgust.
with a loud thump, undyne jumped down from the top of tree.
"The denial is strong with this one."
"not denying a thing."
she flicked me in the head.
"Whatever, nerd. Keep telling yourself that."
"C'mon! Let's go wash these up before they get back!"
undyne grabbed flowey with one arm
(he hissed like a cat. it was pretty funny.)
and ran inside, papyrus and the apple basket in tow.
i'm no dessert connoisseur by any means; store bought stuff is usually just fine for me.
but, now i'm totally convinced.
there's no going back after trying homemade apple pie.
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