#Idk like am I an asshole or is this a normal reaction??
shadowkira · 6 months
Me to my guy friend: please don't flood me with links for things I'm not a huge fan of
My guy friend: Okay! Here's hulk memes and memes about king kong and godzilla, also, neither of us play Tekkan but-
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Am I the asshole for how my previous 'situationship' ended? (I genuinely do not know what to call this situation so that's gonna have to do).
Okay so I (20F) met a guy that we will call Chris (21M) on tinder in Oct 2022. We were at the same uni, and we had good rapport over text, so we decided to meet up. He was pretty awkward but once we actually got talking he was a good chat. Nothing romantic or sexual was discussed/acted upon.
We hung out a few times after that. I kissed him once after a night out, which he didn't reciprocate or ever mention again. Given the complete lack of romance/sexuality coming from him, and the fact that he is a very socially awkward person, I took the hint that he wasn't interested and didn't know how to tell me. I felt that i made the fact I was interested clear and he hadn't taken me up on it, so I just dropped the subject. We continued talking as friends, and I genuinely thought that's all it was.
Come Feb 2023, I went on a night out with a different group of friends, during which a friend of mine, we'll call Tom, kissed me. I nearly had a one night stand with Tom, but I ended up not sleeping with him and just going home because I was too drunk. Being drunk and cringe, I made a pretty crude post to my tumblr before I passed out which was something like "someone is actually attracted to me? Nail me to a wall!" (Long deleted because drunk me is an embarrassment lol).
I woke up to texts from Chris, who had seen my tumblr post and was upset. I was pretty confused because 1. He doesn't even use tumblr, 2. I don't remember ever giving him my account name but it must have been in a screenshot at some point, and 3. I was not under the impression that we were dating... I let all that slide like an idiot because I was really hungover. Chris and I then had a chill discussion about what we were, and agreed to be friends. Cool! I thought that was the end of the drama. We chatted and hung out afterwards with 0 difference to how it had been before.
Cut to May, and I sent him good luck wishes before an exam. He says thanks and I just didn't think about it again, normal exchange.
Over three weeks after I'd wished him good luck, I woke up to a wall of text he'd sent me at 3am where he went into detail about how i had strung him along and wasted his time; that he thought I was manipulative and playing "mind games" with him for that good luck text, which he took as me trying to psyche him out before the exam and make him fail the module; that he didn't want to 'just be friends anymore' because the knowlege that i strung him along hurt too much; that I "ignored him as he walked past" (I still have no idea where or when this happened, I straight up did not see him wherever it was). He also went into detail about physical and mental health issues he'd been going through (that I wasn't aware of before the wall of text) saying that I'd been a great help with them during first term, then "ruined his second term". He went off that my lack of communication skills is a detriment to everyone around me.
I was completely blindsided by all of that, and honestly really hurt that he'd accuse me of trying to make him fail his exams, but I'm not sure that he's not got a point? Looking back, yeah maybe I should have straight up asked him if he was interested back in Nov. But idk I'd say kissing someone is a pretty fucking clear communication that i was interested, and he made 0 reaction to it, what was i supposed to think? I'm not in the habit of pushing people when they do nothing in the way of reciprocation. But, one of the issues he disclosed to me was that he had gotten an autism diagnosis in April and I can see how not being 100% clear and verbal in my communication may have been the root of the issues here, given that he was undiagnosed autistic for most of the time I knew him.
Anyway, was my lack of communication an asshole move?
What are these acronyms?
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Abbott Elementary S03E05 thoughts
That cold open was funny as hell - “Brother, sister, and maam” I burst out laughing in the first minute
What did Jacob and Gregory experience at Melissa’s bar??
“But that was last week” melissa are u okay? Are u refusing to admit your breakup hurt?
The bros <3 i lovee jacob and gregory’s friendship and the way it has developed SO MUCH
“Now im just one musketeer and theyre two assholes who dont invite me to things” IS SO FUNNY 😭😭😭
“Step practice is more important than homework, if any of ur teachers disagree i can and will fire them” Ava 😭😭 she’s been 10/10 this season but especially this episode, one liner after one liner, getting janelle that emmy I see you
Don’t mind me just a workwives shipper noting the difference in reaction barb has between ava touching her and melissa touching her
SISTER SLOSS I AM IN YOUR WALLS I HATE YOU HOW DARE U INSULT BARB - and the way Barb then covers her lips no it makes me so sad (AND the way she wears neutral colours the rest of the ep)
This whole barb scene is just great jacob moment after great jacob moment, but the darts skills are particularly relatable
It makes me so sad that jacob and zach have been fighting, I know a break up is the best thing but :( I thought they’d get married and janine would be a bridesmaid (if not maid of honour)
Honeymoon, hell, stuck here 😭💔
“It just so happens its never me” 😣 barb honey 🥺🫂
“WHAT IS A CHOIR IF NOT A SORORITY FOR THE LORD” see one liner after one liner!!!!
Okay this whole melissa story imma just summarise here - I don’t get it. Melissa introducing herself to someone is straight out of character (is it meant to be development? idk i dont get it), the fact they actually were qualified and janine and mel were wrong feels flat - it would’ve felt like a better end of the story if they were right, it didn’t even feel like there was a beginning middle and end just they suspected the teacher and were wrong. Something was missing, maybe it’s because Janine’s at the district idk, but this whole arc felt rushed and shoe horned in to the ep.
As soon as janine said she was making a tough decision I couldn’t wait to see what actually dumb unimportant thing it was so v happy to be right
Jacob just end it instead of dragging out the pain 💔
Jacob watching the eras tour! I’m desperate to know his favourite era
“Sorry I had to take that” “we saw you dial” lmao
“No sister sloss its the same one” “Same several” OOH THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING
I’ve actually wondered about Barb’s piercings for ages bc it seems ooc so seeing it addressed was for me actually
The gasps and the sponge squeeze LARRY OWENS U WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS
Love love love the casual non binary rep and that it was just normal
Barb opening up to ava 🥺🩷 I loved this moment so much, Barb’s faith is such a big part of who she is and to know that it hasn’t always been simple and straightforward and what singing in the choir means to her it’s just so 🥺
Not to make everything gay but the pause and look to camera for “I’m … friends with some of abbott’s more colourful teachers” barb did u almost come out? (And does colourful mean 🏳️‍🌈 [and does that include melissa] or shady (definitely includes melissa)
Ava setting up barb’s concert 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I’ll cry
Melissa was so so proud oh my goodness 😭 proudest wife ever
Give me Barbara’s full album
Let me hear her whistle tone
I’ll miss u larry owens please come back
Janelle and chris are coming for their emmys / nominations
Barb 🥺🩷
Idk what that melissa janine story was
Still need more mr johnson
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transvscollege · 8 months
Okay I'm gonna be so for real? I haven't written a blog in literal years. I just thought someone out there could find this useful or comforting if I documented my transition. I'm in college right now and reader? This is not even my first try at transitioning. I have transphobic parents and I am terrified that they'll find out I'm transitioning in school. I'll talk more about that later. We've just met, let me be normal before I start divulging you into my anxiety. I'm a sophomore in college. If my school had frats I'd fit right in, not in an asshole way, if that tells you anything. Unfortunately I wasn't blessed with a passable face. I'm gonna level with you here reader, I'm not skinny either, further complicating my ability to fit in. I've been midsize since I was 9. I could blame it on a few different things. I got my first device when I was 9 and I was an art kid, not an athlete. I started puberty too and I have a hormone condition that's made the whole experience worse than it could've been. On the topic of said condition, it's the bane of my identity. I realized I'm not a girl in 4th grade. Between me and you, it's because I watched Ouran Highschool Host Club. Loser. I didn't know girls could be boys though. But then I started trying to come out to my mom. Never my dad, he was not an emotionally sensitive guy. At first she'd just blame it on my period and starting my period so young. It isn't untrue that I got my period kind of young, I was 9. I think it's unfair to treat that like it discredits my identity.
But I digress, I'm getting kind of distracted. I found out I have PCOS when I was 13 or 14, I don't really remember anymore. If you don't know, the simple explanation is that cysts grow on my ovaries and my testosterone is too high. Sounds awesome right? I would only be so lucky. It makes me sad and angry and I break out all over my body and my periods are like I'm being ki11ed. Because of this, my mom blames my PCOS for me saying I'm trans? Dude...I'm 20 now. I've been dealing with this bullshit for 6 years now. It's definitely not the hormone condition. I quit birth control last year and got an IUD at the beginning of this school year. Best decision I've made for my body but I'm gonna be honest? Careful with hormonal birth control. It brainwashed me into acting like a woman and I am being so very serious when I say that. The point of saying all that though is that being trans is complicated. It's okay to change your mind a few times.
Moving on. I've realized the easiest part of transitioning is telling your professors your preferred name. Lightwork, no reaction. Fitting in and passing? That's where the challenge has presented itself. Some things I've learned about men
They keep everything in their front pockets?? Wallet sometimes in the back pocket but usually not.
WIDE STRIDE. It doesn't matter if they're tall or not. I'm a short king if you will. I cannot keep up with guys the same height as me. They step so wide and for what.
Hands in the pockets!!! And you know what? I started walking with my hands in my pockets and feel like it's made me look more masculine
Stop waving at people, just nod at them???
I will admit I can't figure out what the situation where it's okay to dap someone up is. I'm also autistic which has complicated my ability to discern such things. I'll keep you posted on that one. I imagine you're wondering why it sounds like I'm trying to fit in with straight men. That would be because I kind of am. I'm a criminal justice major, which is a department in my school that's dominated by athletes. I hate to stick out I thought I liked being different but I actually don't like when people are staring at me. It's uncomfortable and I feel like the longer they stare the more feminine traits they'll notice and the facade of manhood will be clear as glass to them. Yeah anyway that's all for today, I'll probably post again in like 3 days or a week idk. I'll try not to be so disorganized next time.
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newtthetranswriter · 7 months
Hello may I request a match up for Black Clover, Demon Slayer, and Jujutsu Kaisen please? :) I’m a straight female and my pronouns are she/her.
I’m very shy, distant, quiet, and a little awkward. Basically a huge introvert at first. However, once I get to know you better or I at least see that you’re comfortable around me, I’ll get comfortable as well :) And once that happens, you could say I become slightly more extroverted. I get louder, laugh more, and am overall less shy, distant, quiet, and awkward. I’m also very sensitive and have tons of trouble speaking up for myself. When getting yelled at or just insulted, I try and act unbothered but I think everyone knows that I’m holding in my tears at that point… (it’s really embarrassing ok don’t judge 🫠) But one thing I can say is that I’m somewhat funny. When I feel comfortable around people or just someone, I usually let more witty and funny comments out. The same goes for when I’m like shy Y’know? Its just that it’s much more less cause the last thing I want is awkward silence. Hobbies I have are photography, gaming, golfing, bowling, board games, jigsaw puzzles, and listening to music! My appearance usually consists of grey sweatpants, grey sweatshirt, and black boots— it’s usually my go to outfit since it’s pretty comfortable. At home, my hair is tied in a low ponytail. Outside however, my hair is let down. I let my hair down outside because I’m hella insecure about my side profile. I have a round face, curtain bangs, eye-bags, black hair, and really dark brown eyes :) some people say they look soulless but idk 🤷‍♀️ I think the only thing that’s preventing my eyes look completely soulless is the fact that I commonly express myself through reactions. I also tend to speak using a lot of “uh” or “um” because if usually when I don’t say those two words, I end up mixing up my words and my whole sentence just ends up sounding confusing 😬
A/n: Hello, I’m sorry this took so long but I hope you enjoy it. You are the first person to request Black clover so that was a nice change, I really enjoy it and hope more people request it soon. Anyway, have a great day and remember to hydrate or diedrate.
Black Clover: Finral Roulacase
Finral may come off as a player and like someone who cares to much for appearances at first but deep down he just wants someone who is kind and understands him
He doesn’t care that you like to wear sweats and relax all the time listening to music or reading, he loves relaxing with you
I can definitely see him trying to encourage you to get out of your shell and wearing your hair up outside of the hide out, but he won’t push it if you tell him to leave it alone
Finral just wants to take you to the most amazing places and show of his amazing girlfriend
If you’re at the hideout and Yami yells at you for something or Zora starts being an asshole, you bet Finral grows a back own for once and tells them to back off, he just doesn’t want to see you cry
He does enjoy when you start making jokes with Magna or Luck, the smile you get while laughing at their random arguments is the best thing in the world to him
Finral also loves your eyes, even if you or anyone else tries to say they look soulless, he just brushes it off and goes on to list how beautiful they are and that when the sun hits them just right they shine so magnificently.
Demon Slayer: Inosuke Hashibira
Inosuke is confused at first as to why you’re so quiet around him but after talking with Tanjiro and finding out you are probably shy, he tries to make you feel more comfortable
Making jokes and being his normal idiot self, somehow worked out the best way to make you comfortable is just be himself
When you start opening up and joining in on his jokes, he is so happy
Loves to try and get you to prank Zenitsu with him even if it’s just you distracting the blonde while he dumps water over the boy’s head
If anyone and I mean anyone makes you cry or almost cry they face his wrath, that includes the Hashira
Tengen makes a dumb comment that could be interpreted as an insult, Inosuke is trying to beat his ass. A demon calls you weak while out on a mission with him, that demon didn’t get another word out before its head was rolling across the ground
He’s very protective and will make sure you know he has your back
Also you are the only person he consistently call by their actual name, he never gets it wrong
Jujutsu Kaisen: Toge Inumaki
Toge completely understands being shy at first, after all he has to be careful around new people, cause they may find it odd he speaks in such a unique way
Once you are both comfortable around each other, Toge is his usual playful self and loves that you enjoy making jokes with him
He loves that you have such a wide range of hobbies, it means more fun date ideas
Going to the park and taking pictures of random things or each other, staying in and playing games while a collaborative playlist blasts in the background
Even if others may find it weird that you use filler words like ‘uh’ or ‘um’ all the time, he loves it because it show you are doing your best to communicate clearly even if you don’t have the same limitations as him
Toge just all around understands having trouble articulating what's on your mind so if you just need a break from talking he’s down to just cuddle or if you still want to express yourself he hands over his phone with an open notes app so you guys can type what you want to say
Also if he finds out someone made you cry or insulted you to the point you almost cried, they better hope he doesn’t find him because he will rock their world and he won’t even have to speak to do it, he’ll just beat their ass
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sybaritick · 8 months
i don't think i've ever posted my tav Vierlin here but here's some "art" (i am a writer not an artist i tried my best lol) and background about her!
tl;dr she's an enchantment wizard, originally from menzoberranzan but got into religious trouble and had to very quickly run off to athkatla to teach/tutor. galemancer because gale is into dominant women with issues, and the "wizard on wizard is hot" fic about them is right here.
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more fun details/art under the cut!
Gale absolutely gets something [sexual] out of the way she very easily takes the lead because it's what she knows and prefers, so. it's not even A Question how she wants to dominate him, it's the natural order of things to her. the way she wants him is at her mercy. clearly theres something sexy about that. (especially since, again, Gale just does not seem the type super into Normal Sex and even though weird bdsm enchantment-flavored wizard sex with Vierlin is definitely more normal than whatever he did with Mystra, it's still totally weird).
ive talked about my love of wizard/wizard w Gale before, but I love him insulting her wizarding education and he's not even like. intentionally trying to be an asshole (that's not how Gale is). however he is absolutely being an asshole, in the way he is to sorcerers and other magic users lol. he asks about her magic background and she talks about the structure of magic education in menzoberranzan and his reaction is 1) finding it interesting, and 2) oh but it's no blackstaff. oh you don't even learn basic abjuration. oh the class sizes are too big for students to truly learn enough. etc. she has the equivalent of like... wizard undergrad but never "finishes" her "degree" until post-game at a school in athkatla (where she is also an enchantment tutor to the worst upper-class brats in the city, for money).
gale is condescendingly giving her advice on her thesis but the advice is actually helpful, it's just presented in the most mansplaining way possible. but he also genuinely appreciates it and bc the thing she studies is about psychic harm and developing mental control spells that are harder to detect the usage of/(idk, that would require a higher DC to successfully detect/notice you are being enchanted? ill have to rotate it in my head a bit more) and despite this being a very Don't Create The Torment Nexus thing to study he's like oh it's ok. we need people who are brave enough not to let the moralizing administrators stop them from pushing forward all of the frontiers of magic. and, of course, he's a little horny about it because it's so sinister lmao. he's like "hm. you just see the ethics committee as a roadblock huh" (insult that is secretly a compliment) and she's like "yea" (knows he means it Like That). <3
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sunflower-kisses · 1 year
I think the worst part about MIL finally snapping and sending us each a message is the crazy crap she's made up. Like, I rant to know what the heck she's talking about lol. What crazy shit did she make up? What does she think happened at the hospital? How am I a hypocrite? Also wtf did she give up to raise them? She's their step mom and came in the picture when he was like 10 or 11. I'm not saying step parents who truly care don't sacrifice for their kids. But I'm about 900% sure she's never liked David. They threatened to kick him out Sr year. Was he drinking, doing drugs, destroying the house, being violent or disrespectful? Nope. He got a speeding ticket and struggled with his grades for a bit. Like that's not a normal reaction. I said something about it to him the other day and he mentioned there was a tense bit where it seemed like his dad wasn't himself and now he thinks Mil was in his ear. Just like now.
I'm trying not to think or dwell on it much. But she threw some low blows at us both. In her message to him her father, who we never had issues with and was a great man, "had her pegged from the first time her met her and never liked her" like what? Sony loved me. We used to sit and talk all the time before he passed. Funny how all these people she swears don't/ didn't like me are all dead. Also she said she always respected his bio mom. Really? You respected the woman who was driving drunk with her whole family and when his dad got out and took the kids she tried to run them over? That's who you respect? Idk. She said a lot of shitty things. Were choosing to not respond because she's not worth it and she'd just turn it against us anyway.
But I also want to be a smart ass. Like "keeps your secrets" OK. I will. That's why they're called secrets. Not like we have any. 🤷‍♀️ "you're husband is welcome here and we don't need his help" cool. Can we have back the 1k we "loaned" you when we were freaking 20 years old so you could afford to fix your teeth? Ugh. I want to be an asshole right back. I want to be petty. But I know it isn't worth it. Instead I'll turn my energy and focus to the little tornado I have to chase around every day. She not only deserves all our attention and love but she deserves us to not dwell on crappy people we can't change.
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
NCIS Reaction: The Curse
Wench (@scripted-downfall) reacts [with (maybe) occasional asides by Jezebel (@typicalopposite)]
Since this is apparently a running part of my reaction, today’s snack report: unfortunately paltry because I have zero appetite.  I am, however, having apple soda again, so all hope is not completely lost!
Beautiful crossbow, actually
I know he just found a body or something, but I'm still stuck on the crossbow because it was pretty
Body it is
[I bet it’s terrorists]  Ya know, we haven’t had terrorists in a whole damn episode; it probably is lksadjf;lk
Tony being good with maps gives me life
They almost left him :(
He had to run to catch up :((((
Not Tony complaining about their lack of funds again (Valid, though)
"How did he get so..."  "I believe 'mummified' is the adjective you're looking for"  Actually, my The Mummy-obsessed mind autofilled "juicy", but that's exactly the opposite end of things
[Ooffff flip phone]  I love flip phones.  Had a flip phone for years and I’d still have one if I could.
I can't tell whether to be happy that Gibbs remembered Tony's two-year anniversary as an NCIS officer or be annoyed that he was that dismissive of it. 
Going with annoyed given his subsequent, "Seemed like a good idea at the time"  [With Gibbs, as you’ll see in later episode, he is very protective of Tony but he’s very… I can’t think of another character to compare him to, but he does care about Tony]  
– – –
Here, we paused the show to have a “short” conversation.
Wench: Bobby?
Jezebel: If Bobby’s personality was more like Rufus.  Like Bobby combined with Hotch.  Or… Botch.  If you will
Wench: Well, that's both good to know but also... idk, maybe this is a flaw in my personality, but I always feel like constant ribbing goes too far.  Like, for a Dark Angel parallel, Max and Alec's banter might not have been bad, but it's constant and oppressive and too extensive to be just light-hearted banter.  Her initial "Alec, as in smart-aleck" isn't that bad on its own.  Combine it with everything else, it gets less haha, they're bantering and more damn, she's an asshole to him.  Here, the teasing would have been fine, but now it's kinda wearing.  And I feel like that being your work environment would suck.
Jezebel: And that’s fair. He is very much a grouch teetering towards if not sometimes full on ass hole. But man’s had a hard life and let it make him a hard ass I guess you can say. Lol
Wench: Sure, but he’s mainly only being like this to Tony.  Kate has had a few interactions like this, but not nearly as many.  And Ducky — as mentioned — has to deal with Gibbs interrupting him a lot.  But still, way more Tony than anyone.
Jezebel: Well, Tony’s the one (other than ducky, I think) who’s been with him longer.  Yes it’s normally geared at Tony. And if Tony is your favorite, I’m guessing that would bother you. Initially, Gibbs was my favorite when we first started watching again because I knew the full backstories and what was to come before watching. So I guess I just view it as Gibbs being Gibbs, and they don’t seem hurt by it so it is what it is lol
Wench: I get that, but also… idk, again, maybe I’m putting myself into character roles (not just Tony’s) too much, but that kinda.  Sucks.  Like, I ramble to people and have them walk off without paying attention, or interrupt because what I’m saying is “unimportant,” and yeah, maybe it is, but it’s still something important to me.  So I see Ducky getting interrupted/dismissed, and I know how much that can, frankly, hurt.  (I recognize that me rambling about something frivolous when we’re hanging out doing nothing anyway is different from a rant in the middle of a crime scene investigation, but it doesn’t change things that much.  The point stands.)  Or I see Kate getting disciplined for asking for an explanation, and that irks me because I completely get the importance of understanding why you’re doing something.  (And yeah, I get that sometimes you have to snap to attention and follow orders, but not all of Gibbs’ little that was an order; I don’t answer to you things are in situations that are time-sensitive to that degree.)  Or my family reunions, with nastiness hidden under “teasing.”  You don’t go along with it and you’re “not a good sport” or “too sensitive”, but it’s so oppressive that it wears, and ignoring it becomes vaguely impossible.  There’s so much that it’s not just a slightly-mean-spirited-but-still-funny-haha joke; it’s more serious than that.  (This is the Tony parallel of the story.)  And seeing these dynamics played for laughs is a bit.  Iffy.  To me.
Jezebel: And all that is fair. And is it possible that you’re putting yourself too much in the characters’ shoes, but that’s both fair and kinda a big part of shows in general. And something I don’t think writers consider. Because, iirc, it’s never touched on that any of this bothers either Tony or Ducky, and both will fight to the death over Gibbs, as would Kate (except she has repeatedly fought him on her thing 😂).  And by fight, I mean also in a sense of if someone came and was like you’re a horrible person look how you treat them. They would be like whoa ho no stop! Leave him alone
Wench: I mean… tbf, them defending him doesn’t mean that much.  Just pointing out that Dean would do that for Sam
Jezebel: Fair, but Dean also expresses things Sam does to hurt him. Again, iirc, that’s NEVER touched on here.  (Ok, maybe not EXPRESSES, but you know they do.)   Also, to this: they are brothers and Dean has been raised to do NOTHING but protect and love Sam. And to put him about everything. Tbf, Gibbs is just Tony’s boss and Ducky’s coworker (I don’t think he’s his boss).  They don’t HAVE to care so much for him. They just do.
Wench: So, tbf, that was just an example of how someone’s personal willingness to defend treatment does not automatically make it good treatment… but, r.e. your point about them not having to care about GIbbs: that doesn’t change the fact that they do.  And they largely seem to respect him.  So his judgement still matters, even if it doesn’t have to.
Wench again, but a slightly separate topic: I do think that a large part of the issue is that this is the comic relief.
Jezebel: Yes!!!  It’s very…  I can’t think of the word. The show is a serious and sometimes dark show.  I think it might get better for you as it goes
Wench (continued from above): But they only show the filler, and not much of their other interactions.  So their relationships basically come across as "Gibbs 'banters' with Tony about disrespecting him" without actually showing the parts where he does the respecting that would counterbalance it.  (yet).  Or "Gibbs doesn't care about Ducky's rambling interests and seems to think him a bit doddering" without showing the conversations where that doesn't happen.
Jezebel: Fair
Wench: And I get that's not the focus of the show, so the writers didn't prioritize it... but it's still important.  It's the difference, imo, between direct characterization and implied characterization.  This show currently is very... surface-level.  There's no need — or desire, seemingly, on the behalf of the writers — for analysis by the audience; everything important thus far is simple and spelled out.  The script more or less says that Gibbs respects Ducky; thus, Gibbs respects Ducky.  And, since the script says it, they don't need to actually write it because obviously it's true.  That's the direct characterization bit, and, until it's directly contradicted, that's just the status quo.
Jezebel: Yes, and that’s what I mean when I said that the writers didn’t consider viewers taking the banter personally and it coming across as rude instead of funny.
Wench: Whereas I'm looking at the indirect characterization and seeing nothing to support this direct characterization.  There's not much underlying respect to their interactions.  Aside from when Ducky's actually giving facts about the case, every interaction has been Gibbs shutting Ducky up.  (e.g. walking out/hanging up on one of their conversations, etc.)  So, intellectually, am I surprised that none of the team is ever negatively harmed (ostensibly, at least) by Gibbs' personality?  No.  The side of their relationships that would make it healthy are just always happening off screen or something.  I'm just saying that the characterization is inconsistent depending on whether they're talking on screen or not, and taking the on-screen interactions as a sign of how they interact off screen makes things a lot less happy-funny-haha than it's intended.
Jezebel: Yeah, that all makes sense. Just, like I’ve said before, I don’t dive that deep into stuff, so that’s why I initially don’t get it. But I get it 🙂
Wench: That sounds vaguely like I'm browbeating you into agreeing.  Plz tell the reaction viewers (and me) that I'm not doing this alkdsfj 
Jezebel: I think I’m at the point where I see that you take the characterization very seriously, judging by what you’re saying.  And I take what the script says for what it says, if that makes sense.  
Wench: Yeah, I follow.
Jezebel: But I can tell you that it’s not that deep or whatever, and you can know it’s not that deep because you see in the script that it’s not supposed to be that deep.  This is just supposed to be comic relief.  But if you’re still affected by it like it is that deep, that’s fair, and who am I to say you’re in the wrong for that, you know?  Or anyone else for that matter.
Wench: Yeah, I get what you’re saying.  And I doubt I will stop commenting on them being mean to Ducky or Tony (or maybe even Kate, sometimes, especially if I start liking her more), but I recognize (and, technically, have since the beginning of the show) that it’s not as serious a thing as I’m saying.  I know it's comic relief and a very surface view of writing, intellectually, but I still want to remark on it, emotionally.  You know?
Jezebel: Yeah that’s fair
Wench: Ready to continue?
Jezebel: Yeah, but hold on let me heat up my (normal) food
Wench: ljlaskdjflkadjf rude
Jezebel: 😂😂😂😂
Thus concludes the “short” conversation that lasted 50 minutes.
– – – 
The British side of me is annoyed by the “lootenant” instead of “leftenant.”  (No, I’m not British; I was just raised on British Isles television.)
Abby is adorable
Kate's hair being so long and unrestrained bugs me
Abby is still adorable.
Oof, poor dude being charged as a deserter :(  BUDDY WAS DEAD  [Right ?!?]
Bravo, Tony.  Research skills!
Not them being mean about his research skills :(
Okay, the conversation about GIBs vs Gibbs is kinda funny [😂😂]
"You took the easy way"  Accurate. Go off, Tony
Tony and Gibbs in chorus is rather funny, ngl, but also.  Gibbs, leave off the "if" statement if it changes nothing about the outcome alkdsjf
I do appreciate Ducky chatting to the corpses every episode  [It’s gonna be sad eventually]  Oof  [That’s all I say]
Also, vaguely adorable that he remembered the case by connecting it to Gibbs
Once again, the emphasis on his rambling is a touch sad but whateverrrrr
Gibbs not listening to him even about the case tho ("No!  I just told you...")
aksdjflkasjdf "*heavy sigh*  Well, looks like we're gonna have to go to Hawai'i, boss."
Oof, the talk of ages  [I feel ya Gibbs]
I appreciate Tony giving shit back to Gibbs this time
Dude, his age is bound to be in his file somewhere
Tony... affectionately, shut up :)  [Tony done put him in his feelings]
Oof.  "He'll be exonerated?"  Um... 'bout that.
Damn, six years isn't bad!  Though, btw, Randy is automatically a bit suspicious.  Was he in the service?
Something about the wife's acting in this scene is also a bit suspicious, but I don't think it's intended to be.
[OH DAMN.  He died the day she was born; that sucks]
Damn, Gibbs, go off.
I will give you that Gibbs' acting does a bit to cover up the writing issues; he's clearly harsher and more serious when he's actually angry at someone than when he's bantering.  (e.g. that agent vs Tony/Ducky/et al)
This time, Tony's the one harping on a joke lakdsjf [😂😂😂]
Gotta love adrenaline-junkie!Tony coming back for an episode
– – –
Okay, midpoint reaction time…
I honestly think this episode is better in the writing.  It's really ironic that we just had the discussion above on the episode (other than the pilot) that's actually been not-bad on the "teasing" front.  For one thing, it's far less restricted to one person.  Gibbs, Ducky, Tony, Kate, even Abby... they've all had moments where they're teasing and moments where they're being teased.  For another... idk, it's all hanging together better.  There are moments where each character gets to be shown as blatantly competent on screen.  Gibbs, obviously, has one as the main character, but you've also got Ducky exhibiting his stellar knowledge of autopsies (past and present), and Tony rattling off random naval/geographical facts, and Kate handling research/next-of-kin interviews on her own, and Abby doing her own awesome lab stuff.  This is the first episode — except, again, maybe the pilot — in which I didn't feel like most of them were reduced to archetypes (the mad scientist; the jester; the techie; etc)  [🙂]
Storyline is interesting — no terrorists quite yet, though — and decently paced thus far; we’ll see if that continues.  Uh... it's getting late and I'm out of things to say rn; stay tuned!
– – –
alkjfalkj Abby and Tony, the duo I needed
Damn, an actually enjoyable interaction between Kate and Tony  [☠️☠️]
Still loving Abby's fashion, lab appropriate or no
"What schmuck?"  "Our schmuck, unfortunately" alksdfj
WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT RANDY BEING SUSPICIOUS [😂😂😂😂]  One of these days, I'm gonna actually solve the case before they do successfully.  (I still maintain that the last one should have been a computer virus)  [☠️😂]
Not Tony harping on the funds again alskdfj  “First class toilet?”
“How old do you think Gibbs is?”  aslkdfj
Never trust chick flicks, I swea-  YES, GIBBS, AGREED  [☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️]
[I love that after that whole “short” interaction…. You have had twenty moments of Gibbs being different ☠️]  I know, I’m crying.  I’ve made a fool of myself.  Our readers will never trust me again.  (I SWEAR IT WAS ACCURATE IN THE OTHER EPISODES OKAY)
[I’m ded at how he said Gibbs] aklsdjf
“I don’t even want to hear the word ‘curse’ out of your mouth, DiNozzo.”  “Would I say that, boss?”  “You said it to me.”  [“You said it first”]
[She’s got the smirk of a guilty person.  GUILTY]  Tis true. But also, is this your reaction!?!?!?  :)))  [*silence*]  This was a joke; please keep doing it  [😂😂😂]
… [Well shit]  Damn, she's got receipts.  Literally.
Abby and Ducky, my dears, I love you
[Not a niblick]
This is called "how many times can we say 'niblick' in one scene" [☠️☠️☠️☠️]
I like her necklace again
"... my dear"  "... my darling"  I love them
He said the word "fraternize"; that's a yes on the romance (GOmens vibes)
"That wans't in your report"  "It didn't seem pertinent"  It's always pertinent, my dude.
Oop, Tony's flirting smile makes an appearance
"Do not 'sir' m-"  [*simultaneously* Do not sir me]  Oi.  [= Tony called me old and now my feelings be hurt]  alksdjf;lkasdjf ACCURATE  [The reading part still kills me. ‘Cause same my dude. My old dude]  :(  [I have to take my glasses off to read☠️]
You can tell things are getting intense; the music is picking up
I really want it to be Randy, plz.  I called it and I wanna be rightttttt.
Abby's getting so many good scenes; I love her  [Yessss]  Like her music too, btw.  [😂]
“Speaking of big boys”  [👀 that’s why people ship you two, Tony]  I mean.... Steddie quotes…  But also, no.  I don't like it.  Please, no.  [☠️☠️☠️☠️  Hurry up and appear McGee]  Yeah, I, uh… I don’t like it.  Their characters just.  Don’t work.  Imo.
Who’s snoring?  [☠️☠️☠️☠️ That meeee.  I’m Gibbs]  alskdjflaksdjf rude.  Don't you dare.  I need you to proof this before I post  [Ok lol]
"I'll get them to confess" mmmhmmm
Another good Kate-and-Tony interaction
aslkdjflkasdjf "hermetically sealed" gives me Now You See Me flashbacks.  "That's it: I'm allergic to hermetic seals"  
[Ooooooh…  I hate her]  Yeahhhh  [Get her Kate]  Okay, I confess, I appreciate Kate’s passion here  [Chick fight.  Pull her hair.]
alksjdf poor Abby, getting her animation slighted.  I knew I didn't like that petty officer chick; "petty" is right
[Hinky]  HINKY.  Such a good word.
[☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  Noooooo, I’m ded]  Did.  Did they legit say that she.  Walked by.  And distracted the other servicefolk.  Because she turned heads.
[So many.  SOOOOO MANNNYYY.  Episodes end with that elevator shutting.]  aksldjflkasjf
*elevator shuts*
– – –
Okay.  Um.  I’m aggravated.  Not because the writing/acting/characterization was bad, because it wasn’t.  But because.  After I spent all that time detailing how it’s been bad in the past.  They then went: PSYCH.  And changed the handling of the entire cast and character list.  I liked it better, don't get me wrong, but those were not the characters who'd been in every past episode since the pilot.  Jezebel, please tell me you agree.
Anyway... I enjoyed that episode, so I'm pleasantly surprised.  The Abby interactions with everyone else were delightful.  The team was a bit less archetypal/formulaic.  The comedic relief was lighter, less implied-to-be-harmful-even-if-directly-stated-as-not.  I liked Kate this episode; she had a lot of Max's positive traits and very few of her negative ones: smart, capable, and impassioned, but not rude, arrogant, or logic-blind.  Gibbs was a lot more of a grouchy mentor figure (affectionate) than a grouchy mentor figure (derogatory).  And the others, of course, I loved.  I always do, though, so that's not a surprise.
And I'm realizing that you're definitely asleep or something, aren't you, Jezebel.  [*silence*]  I think that’s a yes.
Okay, then.
This is great.
Ummmmmmm.  *nervous chuckle*  Not that I’m paranoid about posting my reactions without Jezebel beta’ing them, but I’m abso-freaking-lutely paranoid about posting my reactions without her beta’ing them.  Also, I literally cannot post this without her say-so because it has her words in it, and I have to get her consent.  But, I have work tomorrow and I kinda wanted to post this before I went to bed.  But, I’m tired.  But- [I’m awake, lol.  And 😂😂😂😂😂 I agreee (about the characters) It THRILLLS me that this happened this particular episode]  SHE LIVES!  Muahahahah, I can post on time.  This midnight conversation with myself is still staying in the reaction, however, because I find it hilarious.
Hope you enjoyed our wackiness, and the random way this show seems to thrive on proving me wrong… ‘Til next time!
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icharchivist · 1 year
icha!! it’s been a while since I’ve sent one of these in but! I finally started summer troupe act 2! so. here’s my commentary lol. only gotten thru the first 8 episodes but so far my feeling is this: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
that’s it. has anyone ever made the su(m)meragi pun yet. (I chose the first m in summer bc it’s the red m on tenma’s jacket)
ok for real this time I’ll go in chronological order but. I am naturally predisposed to like kumon I think bc seeing his sprite I immediately went oh I ADORE you in my head. like I saw him and was like YOU! I love you and I would kill for you. is that normal idc. also I had his bday card when I played a3 so special affection as he was the only rookie ssr I had. but it’s just! he’s just like :D how could I ever reject him?? he’s got such a lovely smile!!
these were the thoughts I had starting up and then. well and then I immediately bust out laughing bc.
me: nice to meet you kumon, my dearest, sweet summer child—
kumon, about natsugumi: “they only do comedy, right? no offense, but doing plays with nothing but stupid, empty gags sounds pretty lame to me.”
me: …ah. so you’ve chosen death, then.
just kidding I LOVE when characters r assholes. this doesn’t even make my initial impression wrong bc kumon is still such an absolute sweetheart but I think it’s so funny. immediately I was like. oh I cannot wait to throw tenma at him it would be hilarious. he’d take it as a personal challenge. and like he absolutely did so I was right lmao. juza chiding him immediately is very good. I do love how kumon is like banri hater #1 but speedruns his disinterest in like. 3 days it’s great. I just feel like even tho they’re very different ppl they actually would have things in common and hate to admit it. and kumon is like u have pretty hair! when he means to insult him lol. anyways the reactions to that comment r so good. yuki going “he sounds like a certain hack when he first joined” and then misumi doing an impression of tenma saying “im not a comedy guy” was sooo good, I definitely felt the voice was recognizably tenma even as I didn’t remember the line misumi was quoting so. that’s how u know it’s good.
I am sooo deeply interested in juza’s reluctance regarding kumon acting as well as how kumon brushes off his whole baseball team situation. like clearly it was more complex than him quitting. this is smthing I do have to say which is that I unfortunately got a little spoiled and so I know kumon has some kind of health issues, which I assume is the reason he quit. didn’t muku quit track and field due to a sports injury, too…? wild. but anyways the way kumon talks abt the baseball team and having that… settled is so. awkward and unsure and uncomfortable tho. made me remember like. ah. there’s a bunch of times I’ve not wanted to elaborate about suddenly fucking up something really badly, too…
idk. it’s very interesting bc juza clearly knows what’s up with kumon but seeing how he reacts to the baseball stuff I’m not sure if he knows… Everything? it makes me want to dig into their sibling dynamic a bit more
but then tenma steps in and invites kumon to the road show!! i clutched my heart I was like oh he’s come so far as a leader… sigh, even though summer troupe rightfully teases him, he’s quite reliable, isn’t he? im so going to extrapolate all of this into the tenma juza dynamic thoughts later ofc. but the way yuki and sakyo r both like “free labor” in response to tenma’s suggestion… adds one more point to my feeling that yuki probably has the like most financial knowledge regarding the troupe next to sakyo.
also ace pitcher for the baseball team!! that is really not something u just… quit. I am excited to see the full story there. it seems like kumon gets a lot of anxiety? which. extremely relatable i not only panic often but I can panic pretty hard. but tenma was so nice, being so oblivious like ah I bet u can’t sleep the night before a big trip! pfft. love that yuki knew he was looking up tourist info bc he could hear him muttering, but clearly since tenma didn’t know that he knew, it meant that yuki heard him and just. didn’t tell him to shut up. is he just used to ignoring tenma’s voice so he slept easily. idk.
like I said kumon and banri kinda feel similar in some ways to me. I rly love how they squabble. and that juza is like doing his own thing and they r like mutually fighting so jimins defense of his brother is kind of ineffective lol
i cheered when tenma was like oh guess I’m sitting with u kumon. and then I realized. ah. it’s rookie and leader as the leads. idiot. ofc they’re gonna set up a dynamic. the story was not responding to u wanting to throw tenma at kumon. (also, the train background also rly looks like an airplane?) but it’s been so long since I’ve seen the a3 kids and stuff that whenever tenma shows up I wanna reach through the screen and hug him. i love them.
also it’s so cute that kumon calls juza niichan. I get why the translation just has it as juza but. I can hear. and! kumon like almost immediately being proven wrong and apologizing was so fun. its also rly interesting to see how he’s sorta cautious and hesitant around tenma abt stuff while tenma is like. immediately nice! the kumon sprite when he’s nervous genuinely tugs at my heart so easily. it’s just like the side eye the uncomfortable vibes. please be okay. but I love seeing tenma be nice. like, kumon gushing over how cool juza is as lansky and then tenma praising juza’s fight choreography as due to his experience! he’s so. man he’s rly so. like it’s such a natural follow up to how very clearly tenma noticed and adored the specific quirks of his summer troupe in act 1… ofc he notices these things abt the other actors! not to get all teary abt it but. tenma… it’s kinda nice like this, yknow? to have someone that might be just excited abt what he has to say. although I love it when summer troupe teases him haha. but the way kumon was like oh wow! what was ur second play like! and tenma was like. we… we can talk about that later… like lmao no one wants to discuss sardine search.
again wild how ready kumon is to just square up with banri. I’m glad it did not actually happen. I was confused at first as to why kumon was to totally blown away by water me, and then I checked and it seemed like juza just came alone to see muku’s performance? tho muku obviously admires juza im kind of interested in exactly how close he was with kumon, since it doesn’t seem like they know each other That Well.
love how when homare is like let’s go to paris! for a road show, hisoka’s response is that it’s too far which is a pain. im taking the fact that he didn’t say anything else that he’s fluent in french and would be fine, so it’s literally just distance.
when kumon’s like asking to be tested to get in, juza tells him ”you can’t give up and quit in the middle like you did with your baseball team” which. I do think juza feels a lot of responsibility for mankai so I assume that’s part of him being a little harsh but I really feel the baseball thing is a bit more complicated. but yuki saying that kumon is tenmas responsibility… nice! honestly I was so surprised he actually had to ask to join natsugumi after he passed his audition bc like. I just assumed they’d adopted him already lol. anyways KUMON LIKES THE TRIANGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they’re sharp and pointy like his brother! so sweet.
for the rehearsals kumons va was very good at showing how rough he is regarding acting! I feel like kumon in general has this like, overexcitement in his voice that rly bleeds thru like even when he’s improved a little? god I love the acting in this game. tenma coaching him was so good… the way like u could see kumon directly improve and then audibly smile when tenma complimented him… so sweet! tenmas gotten a lot nicer hasn’t he.
when igawa showed up I had a fear response just bc. I don’t like tenmas parents. I think tenma can deal with them fine but that doesn’t mean I like it for him. wish he wasn’t the lead. but an audition chance! very cool… the famed director that’s like known overseas is called shirasawa, and I have to wonder if that’s a reference to like. akira kurosawa films? like… kuro-sawa -> shiro-sawa -> shirasawa. just a thought lol bc he’s the only like. famous in the west japanese director i know, though the time period here is quite different. I made a lot of leaps. again kumon I feel is kinda hyper cautious? like he takes initiative to step back, worried he’s a burden, and then tenma is like. no. I’ll do everything I’m cool as hell. love him. also love chikage offering to set up covert bodyguards for him lol,, I rly feel like once he got over his this troupe is temporary I’m here to enact revenge! vibe he’s now like. ride or die for everyone lol. it is so funny to see yuki and tenma quietly talk to each other like. that’s… weird, right? subordinates? like it is so funny. outside of spring troupe how well does anyone sans hisoka know chikage.
I did like that when juza and muku were discussing kumons condition, juza being like. we’ll be there for him and let him make his own choices. development compared to when he was like muku stay away from me without even like. taking his feelings into consideration. the scene where kumon is like my brother has perfect abs and trying to. show them. he rly loves his brother lol. it rly got me tho when he was talking to muku and went “the closer I get to everyone and the more they help me out, the more I really want to become a part of this company” tho!! the translation didn’t specify but I definitely heard him say tenma-san and natsugumi so I checked yaycupcake and that’s who kumon specifies as “they”? which I thought was so sweet. I rly like their dynamic. my vision is kumon panics at some point, locks himself in the panic closet, tenma goes to find him, gets locked there too, and they don’t really even have a deep heart to heart but tenma falls asleep there and kumon is moved anyways bc he kind of understands how deeply he’s being cared for, to the point that even if he ducks up they still like him. tho I don’t know kumon’s exact issues.
was worried muku was gonna talk abt kumon’s condition to summer troupe secretly so I was very glad he just said he was pressured! which literally anyone could notice. and I thought it was cute how summer troupe cheered him on. the moment I read kazuko and I was like ah… they’re all cute girls! one more tick towards my “all female summer troupe play” vision. love sakyo being like he’s got a lot of drive unlike SOMEONE abt kumon. and banri is like yeah I wonder who…? it’s great.
and kumons audition!! he reminds izumi of sakuyas first moments!!!! thinking abt how tenma joined summer troupe due to a deep admiration of sakuya in the first place. thinking abt how he’s teaching kumon now. and tenma calling him “student of mine” love it.
juza: …
izumi: he looks happy that his brother passed the audition!
me: …I think you might need some expression practice, izumi
again it’s so funny that kumon has to ask to join natsugumi bc I had totally assumed he already pivoted there post-road show. still this is very cute. and it’s wild that tenma is like oh? like he’s surprised. like. it’s so obvious how much he likes u guys lol. once again tho kumon’s a bit hesitant abt it and tenma and natsugumi r all like hell yeah kumon welcome on board. paused here bc it seemed like a good place to take a break! I am… very excited for what comes next.
KIRIII HI!!!! it's been so long but it's always a pleasure <33 take your time always, but what a pleasure to see your takes again!!
AND HELP. Someone should definitely make that pun, it's right here. come on.
AND HELP. I'd say yes it's normal to love Kumon at first sight, he's just So Shapped. He has a lovely smile, he looks radiant like the sun, he's a ball of energy, he's just. Everything about him is SO endearing i adore him. I'm so glad you felt like that right away, he deserves all the love (and i'm so glad he kept you company in the a3 server when you were playing!)
But yeah Kumon really has a stellar introduction, he's sweet but the way he immediately dismises Summer is like. hold on. no wait you don't know them like we do hold on. and yeah i love how they point out right away that it's just like Tenma because, yeah! it's just like Tenma! and now everyone can clown on BOTH Tenma AND Kumon at once! congratulation everyone! But god yeah i love how Kumon immediately goes to Banri's throat and then mostly is chill around him. i love how he can't insult anything other than his hair and how Banri is genuinely more affected by Kumon's comments on his hair than if Kumon had thrown real insult. so funny.
aw waaa 🥺🥺 of course i won't say a thing about all that's going on with the Hyodo, i'll just confirm to you that yes, Muku did leave the track team because of an injury yes! But for the rest, there's still so much to discover. But also oof mood on the "not wanting to elaborate suddenly on something you fucked up" thing.
:3c looking forward your reactions to the whole Hyodo arc then.
BUT YES YES YES!! This chapter really shows Tenma's growth so well and the way he tries to work it out with Kumon (while at this point, while we know Kumon is the Summer rookies, no one knows it yet, so Tenma is just helping out just because!! Probably also seeing himself out of the whole anti comedy thing like "oh my sweet sweet summer child" (literally) it's so sweet).
and yeah so true i think Yuki is the one with the most knowledge on that front, aside from Sakyo of course.
eheheh :3c. AND HELPP YEAH!! Tenma is so sweet and i love again how his dynamic with Yuki shines through in that bit like. truly the roommates who know each other too well at this point. rip.
AND DLKFJDFKL. the Kumon&Banri&Juza dynamic really is hilarious.
but waaa so cute :sob: so true on the hugs though, they really seem so huggable, and Tenma especially is so good this chapter. Like yeah of course the leader/rookie dynamic is expected but it's so nice to see them go through it rather organically.
YEAAH i love how he calls Juza niichan too <333 the perks of being able to catch a few of the words in Japanese when spoken. AND YEAH… Kumon at least completely speedrun his "comedy is alright actually" bit that Tenma half denied most of his own arc god bless. and you're SO right about everything you say about Tenma. Like, it really showcase just how far he has come and how he came to really notice and appreciate the good quirks everyone can have and ahhhhh he's so good. and i love that he can be here for Kumon and while Kumon is uncomfortable for now (probably the mix superstar + "i kinda insulted his whole troupe's thing while now i see i was wrong" embarassment) it's really sweet to see how into it he gets when they talk about those things. and they should talk about the sardine search more. Dance kitty cat dance.
yeah Juza came alone to Water Me. Oh if ever you feel like it, there's Juza's New Year SSR ( " SSR - [Chilling Out at Home] - "New Year's with the Hyodo Family") in the Archive that is set before Kumon's arrival, which showcase a bit the Hyodo/Sakisaka relationship before Kumon joined Mankai. obviously won't say much more about Muku and Kumon.
DLKFJDFLKDF i love this. Everything is a good reason to read more into Hisoka's multilanguage attributes.
oh the whole Hyodo drama muah. I LOVE how the summer troupe immediately steps in for Kumon though :sob: they really did imprint him on him right away didn't they. AND YEAH ANOTHER TRIANGLE ENJOYER HELL YEAH.
YEAAH the voice acting in a3 is so good at conveying so much character in how good or bad the whole acting is, like, how much you can feel them, as actors, behind those lines. Kumon especially since he's the personification of the sun itself so he just spills out sunshine everywhere when he talks he's so cute. and i LOVe how good Tenma is with him, he improved so much and got so much nicer :sob:
mood for Tenma's parents. and! for the diretor, That's actually very likely, that'd make sense at least :o could be just a reference without it being supposed to be modern and all. god this arc is good. And YEAH FOR CHIKAGE. really went from "this whole company means nothing to me and i will burn it down" to "anyway what can i do for my precious company right now", best character development. AND HELPPP. Yeah, i assume outside of spring and winter people don't know Chikage much aside from "he bailed on us at some point and we all saw him date the director, what was up with that". Spring at least knew something was off with him and Winter knew something was off with Hisoka because of him. but for the rest?? Esp the kids??? god Chikage speedrunning from weirdo stranger to weird uncle is incredible.
Juza and Muku working together for Kumon's sake 🥺 it's really so cute and it does show how they evolved in term of problem solving with other people. Kumon is so cute. And yeah this is so sweet!!! Summer really is doing a number on him right away!! Like it's just really soft how, Kumon wanted to join the company for Juza, to be with Juza, and all of that and just… how quickly Summer grew on him that now he's kinda here for himself instead. and for those people who cheered for him then. It's so soft. I love your vision on how this arc would go aaa
Muku is handling the situation so well!! honestly he deals with Kumon's situation with so much care i almost forgot he was younger than him at a time, Muku really tries hard to take care of him as he can there as a senpai. AND HELL YEAH for the all female summer troupe play. They're all ready for this. dFLKJDFDF SAKYO. And Banri is that Garfield picture isn't it.
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AND YEEEE ON THE IMPRESSION IZUMI HAS OF KUMON. associating him with Sakuya's enthusiasm and everything and having Tenma mentoring him… it's all very sweet.
AND HELP. hey maybe Izumi is right, we don't know (yet) what's in Juza's head! who knows!
AND RIGHT… Natsugumi really just took care of Kumon just because as if it wouldn't cause him to Be Attached just as quickly for it. it's so sweet.
Thank you once again for your detailled thoughts, it's a blast to read through and it makes me relive those arcs which is always so good. I'm glad you're having fun and are totally getting into the stuff that are being set up!! it's going to be a trip!
Always looking forward more of your thoughts, and thank you again for sharing <3333 Take care!
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butch-snufkin · 4 years
my family be like. no we will not physically stop you from using a cane but we will make you feel like a fucking idiot for it <3 also don't ask us to get you actual mobility aids that are well made :) 
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hanazuma-inactive · 3 years
Hi, I love your writings ❤. I really enjoy reading them.
Um, can I request Oikawa Tooru with virgin!reader who is (sub, bottom); (praise kink, but doesn't know he has and kinda shy when he knows it); (has shy, soft, and really submissive personality) (3rd year student) ? Reader with Oikawa is a couple of lover, and a roommate. They usually do some cuddles in their bedroom that always started with Oikawa teasing the reader. One day, when cuddling, Oikawa asked reader if he wants to do something more intimate than cuddling and really feels good.
Sorry if that is too much. Thank you
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king and his prince, (nsfw) oikawa x bottom!reader
pronouns: he/him (FEMALE ORIENTED DNI!!)
warnings: creampie, praise kink! flirty oikawa
a/n: oikawa is probs my least favorite character in haikyuu, im pretty sure i hated him at one point cuz of his personality. i later found out from many website i am unfortunately a oikawa kinnie (even tho i dont really think so but idk) explains all the self hatred lmao, again for the anon that requested it im sorry for the bad quality cuz i stayed up to write this at 6 am so undoubtedly there will be some mistakes
"y/n, my dear prince~ doesn't it feel good like this?"
"t-tooru…it feels good, i-it really does!" you said, messy hair and looking directly at your boyfriend.
"you look so beautiful when you enjoy it, keep up that pretty face won't you?"
oikawa tooru was too popular for your comfort at school. everyone liked him and they all had a good reason to, and that doesn't make you any different. you were shy and didn't catch a lot of attention so you were incredibly surprised that someone as popular as oikawa even wanted to talk to you.
you were smart and in fact smart enough to compete with oikawa. in fact the first time you caught his attention was when you corrected an answer, making him embarrassed in front of the class. he wanted to "settle this" only to find you harmless. later on he talked to you more and more. the contrast of personality of you two complimented each other pretty well. a cocky bastard who doesn't know how to shut up and a shy boy who likes to listen. inevitably the two of you grew closer as friends, so much to a point where you moved into the same apartment unit.
you didn't mind getting closer to oikawa, emotionally or physically with him being your crush and all so this was pretty much what you wanted, you just didn't think he would be the one to offer instead. being enclosed in a space together made oikawa get a lot more comfortable with you. random hugs here and there, maybe a little head pat, and sometimes leaning on each other's shoulders. it was practically a dream come true and you didn't think this could possibly get better until the man pulled something else out his sleeves.
one day you fell asleep watching the tv in the living room. the weather was a little chilly so falling asleep without a blanket near you wasn't the best idea. oikawa came home to find you shivering in your sleep so of course like the genius he is, he didn't decide to throw a blanket or carry you back into your bedroom and instead cuddled with you on the couch, leaving you wrapped around his arms basically unable to move when you woke up.
both of you would be lying if you said you didn't enjoy it. therefore, this whole cuddling session became a regular thing between you two. oikawa being the big spoon and you being the small one. it went on for a while until both of you realized this might not have been the most normal thing that "friends" did. at this point you're pretty sure oikawa had feelings for you, or else he wouldn't have done a lot of the things he has. after a lot of urging from his friends, he finally decided to confess to you. despite him being the playboy he is, he was quite nervous this time, due to the fact that he had to say it to someone he actually has feelings for. so just like that, the relationship between you two finally became official.
another day you guys during your normal cuddling session, oikawa proposed an interesting idea, and to be honest you saw this coming.
"babeeeee, why don't we try something more interesting this time~?" oikawa said, staring at you with his arms around you.
you knew exactly what oikawa meant, you weren't stupid, but you know that he likes it when you act all innocent so you decided to do just that.
"hm? what do you mean tooru-kun? i don't think i understand?"
"oh…baby boy i know you know what i mean alright~" just as he said that the brown haired man grabbed you in for a kiss.
your tongues started to intertwine immediately. this was very much oikawa's style, aggressive and dominant, but soft and caring when he wanted to. the kiss was generally messy but you could tell that oikawa was putting effort into this with all his tiny and intricate movements. a string of saliva connected you after he broke the kiss. leaving you panting and gasping for air while he's on the other side with a sly grin.
"you ready for the next part now?"
"t-there's more ah-!" you gasped as your boyfriend pulled down your pants at once, leaving your hard cock to bounce out.
"of course there is~ we have to tend to this guy don't we?" he said, holding your dick and positioning himself to suck your dick.
yet again attacked by oikawa's mouth you just couldn't keep it for long anymore. it's like his mouth is heaven made or something and it will continue to turn you on and make you cum without fail.
"a-ah! tooru..i'm gonna cum! mmghm!" you said, shooting all your load straight into your boyfriend's mouth, which of course he gladly swallowed right after.
"t-that's it right? i don't think i'll be able to handle more, you know…" you said out of both fear and excitement.
however all you got in response was a smirk from oikawa as he slid off his shirt to reveal his perfectly toned abs.
"almost done, pretty boy."
something about that word, made your half flaccid cock immediately rise up and become as hard as your boyfriends again.
"heh? what a strange reaction, could this mean…" oikawa leaned in closer, enough so that all the hair near your ears would stand up and said,
"my prince likes to be praised?"
you've heard about this so-called praise kink before but didn't exactly think you'd be into it this much. your face turned redder than they already are and you just wanted to cover your face and run away.
"aw, c'mon, it's cute! and if you like it-' oikawa said, spreading your legs open, exposing your asshole and angling his cock head to the entrance of it.
"i might just praise you a little more than usual, hm?"
your boyfriend was hot but this was undoubtedly the most attractive he's ever been. towered over you whispering praises in your ear as he prepared you with his fingers for something bigger that's about to come next. without a warning oikawa began to inch his way into your ass, moving and adjusting his cock to fit your tight asshole.
"you're taking me so well baby...keep doing just that alright? i know you're so good for me aren't you?" oikawa said, leaning closer at you.
at a loss for words due to how flustered you are, you could only give your boyfriend a little nod and covered your face with your arms while flashing a little red on your cheeks once again.
"y/n, my dear prince~ doesn't it feel good like this?"
"t-tooru…it feels good, i-it really does!" you said, messy hair and looking directly at your boyfriend.
"you look so beautiful when you enjoy it, keep up that pretty face won't you?"
the praises that he showered you with were too much. you were already so sensitive since it was your first time and all. now with all these lustful words turning you on, you couldn't hold it in anymore and came onto your stomach while your boyfriend continued to make slow but deep thrusts onto your prostate.
your head was still a little fuzzy but you could still feel your boyfriend jerking his hips faster and faster, ending with a long thrusts at the end which wasn't hard to assume that your boyfriend came inside you, just like how you wanted it. before passing out from bliss, a hand cupped your cheek followed with a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"you did so well baby…i know you're tired so rest now, i'll be here alright."
you couldn't be more happy, with such a loving and caring boyfriend. that being said, you fell into his arms once again and slipped into your dreams even thought they have already become reality.
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leupagus · 2 years
Since I'm already committing to working on a whole nother WIP I can't write this just yet, but please know that I want to
Gus: I do want to write that proposal scene though
Gus: like Finn's making plans to propose a month or so after James and Theresa get married
Gus: they attend the wedding, Finn and Liz both pretend not to be moved by whatever, the beauty of young love
Gus: then Finn is like "ok gotta get the family ring back so I can propose" but everybody's cockblocking him
Whetherwoman: Lollllllll everyone's in on it
Gus: oh hundo p
Gus: getting a taste of his own medicine
Gus: fully gaslighting this dickhead
Whetherwoman: Finn is just not a good planner, comparatively, okay
Whetherwoman: AFTER the wedding is at least a month too slow, come on
Gus: he's a very good SCHEMER but no planning is not his strong suit
Gus: again, this is canonical characterization
Whetherwoman: I believe you
Gus: anyway like two weeks go by with just progressively more bonkers excuses about where the ring is
Gus: and he's trying to keep it from Liz obv
Whetherwoman: Oh my god amazing
Gus: who's like "why are you being so WEIRD"
Gus: Finally Liz huffs off one night and Finn eventually goes after her to like, Hyde Park
Gus: where she's waiting in a CARRIAGE with ROSES and shit
Gus: there's a violinist
Whetherwoman: Oh yes
Gus: Finn: if he gets in the carriage with us I am killing you
Gus: Liz: No I paid for him to get his own carriage
Whetherwoman: Oh my gooooooooooddddd
Gus: and Finn like, knows what's up but he's just reacting right now
Gus: like "you're such an ASSHOLE I love you so much"
Whetherwoman: Mad as default reaction
Whetherwoman: "Do not know what to feel therefore mad"
Gus: yes that's exactly him
Gus: very emotionally aware, not very emotionally coherent
Gus: and they ride to IDK
Gus: a fountain?
Gus: there's probably a fountain in hyde park
Gus: she hands him out of the carriage and somebody releases doves, Finn has a rage blackout
Gus: he's only somewhat mollified when she makes him give her his jacket so she can kneel on the ground because it's gravelly
Gus: like at least she hasn't been kidnapped by pod people
Gus: and she gets on one knee and presents a ring box saying, "The Right Honorable Finnegan Thomas Kirkwood, would you do me the honor of taking my hand in marriage"
Gus: they've gathered a mediumish crowd, multiple people are filming
Whetherwoman: She's so awful I love her
Gus: Finn's trying to drag her to her feet as she's saying she doesn't have much, but she can offer him all her heart
Gus: in this like, deeply offensively obvious midwestern accent
Whetherwoman: Oh noooooooo
Gus: talking about how he knows british people don't believe in feelings but she has more than enough for both of them
Whetherwoman: Finn: "get up get up getupgetUPGETUPNOWYOUASSHOLE"
Whetherwoman: Oo is she just, like, dangling limply at some point
Whetherwoman: Because he can absolutely just hoist her over a shoulder if he feels like it
Gus: he does eventually get her to her feet
Gus: and is like "I hate you, I am going to have you murdered by police dogs"
Gus: and she's like "so that's a yes then?" like super gleeful
Gus: and all he can do is put the ring on and say "Peace! I will stop your mouth" and kiss her
Whetherwoman: YEP YES PERFECT
Gus: and pop his foot obv
Whetherwoman: oh my god
Whetherwoman: Wait at what point does he realize it's the family ring
Gus: oh he knows the minute he sees it
Whetherwoman: It'd be hilarious if he doesn't look at it, just crams it on his finger
Whetherwoman: Realizes like halfway home
Gus: awwwwwwww
Gus: okay that's actually so cute too
Whetherwoman: She presents the ring box and doesn't open it
Gus: lol
Gus: "it's a surprise"
Whetherwoman: So by the time he grabs it and opens it he's too mad to actually look at it
Gus: Finn: Fine. FINE! Since my mother has apparently consented to the family ring being SHIPPED OFF to the ANTIPODES, I will wear this, whatever it is! WHATEVER, I LOVE YOU, LET'S GET HITCHED I GUESS
Gus: Finn, two hours later: ... oh my god
Whetherwoman: Lolololol
Whetherwoman: Liz, who has not stopped squirming in glee for a second since she realized he hasn't realized yet: yes, my darling dearest, whatever is it?
Gus: yes exactly
Gus: she just wants to prank him until the day he dies
Gus: and if that's not love then really what is
Whetherwoman: Too true
Gus: that old adage, marry the person you want to annoy forever
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clawsnoir · 2 years
Do I want to know what concern trolling is supposed to be? I am very confused about your reaction, so let's try this again: bat is very idiotic in the movie, especially around kitty and he is activly trying to not be a moron around her. English is not my native language, and I'm ace. Since it's from his perspective, is it supposed to be confusing? Why start genuinely kissing him?
I watched the movie last night. Spent a large chunk of my night reading about the. You wrote nice stuff about them. I don't get the reaction to my question. I've refreshed your Tumblr like an idiot every few hours. Why are fandoms like this.
concern trolling is when people send messages expressing fake concern over a non-issue in order to provoke someone.
as to 'why are fandoms like this' idk, but I am particularly sensitive to people coming into my inbox using a certain tone because they want to downplay the batcat relationship. if that wasn't your intent, cool, but I've had to deal with my fair share of assholes these past months and it made me jumpy.
if you're still interested in an answer to your question, it's below the cut.
batman does spend most of their shared screentime antagonizing her, but it's not necessarily without reason. selina is willing to open up to him but only to a point - and bruce is a deeply paranoid man with trust issues. allying himself with a criminal is not something he would do under normal circumstances...but again, he genuinely just cannot help himself re: selina because he is fascinated by her. but fascination doesn't equal trust, and selina's hesitance to be honest about her ties to penguin's drop operation and her relationship to the mob are very good reasons for him to be suspicious of her.
selina is equally fascinated - one of her many admirable qualities is her perceptiveness, and she immediately recognizes batman as another 'stray'. someone who has been touched by the darkness of gotham and who has responded to that trauma by striking back in his own way under the cover of darkness. similar to what she's doing, though she would never call herself a vigilante.
selina is genuinely into how socially bizarre and blunt he is. he doesn't lie to her, he's careful about how and when he touches her, and while he is obviously attracted to her he's also resistant to acting on that attraction. he's deeply repressed and she wants to know why - she wants to see what would happen if he let go of all that tightly wound control, his rules and restrictions, and just...gave in to what he so clearly wants.
selina is desperately lonely. I've talked about this before but she so eagerly throws herself into allying herself with batman because she wants a partner. his ignorant comments get on her nerves but she's willing to forgive him because she can see his potential. and in the end, his potential is realized, literally due to their relationship.
so. yeah. she is genuinely into him even though he's an idiot. bruce being a weird creep is not really an issue for her in the slightest.
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i’m trying to put something complicated into words and again, idk if this feels like the safest place to say this but idk?  anyway, often when a famous person does something (or a series of somethings) problematic and shitty, i see a lot of people getting really upset and emotional, which is very understandable, but i just like. have pretty much no reaction.  there’s a reason for that--
so i am a casual fan of dinamo and today during the milan game some fans were throwing up nazi salutes, and i can’t articulate how beyond exhausted i am, not that this stuff happens, but because my first thought was well of course that happened.  i’m exhausted because my default is expecting that at some point, some beloved thing or event or person will erupt in some weird antisemitic shit, whether it’s nazi stuff or totally normal, progressive, chill seeming people whipping out a “the jews control the world with their money” type trope, or god even knows what, i’ve seen it all. it’s exhausting.  and i also think that being exhausted is a luxury because i’m seeing it on social media or on tv or whatever.  i can’t even imagine seeing that in person.  my friends and i talk about how cool it would be to go to a dinamo game together.  what if we went and i saw that?  i honestly can’t even imagine how i would react and how i would feel.  but like, this is my default--to expect that everything i love is going to get somehow tainted, and that there’s nothing to do but either a) stay away from it out of fear or b) just keep chugging along and blocking it out.
(note i’m not saying that this is the only team that has nazi ultras cause it’s obviously not and obviously most fans of any teams don’t condone this stuff! this is just an example that is relevant to my life)
anyway my life navigating the world, whether in person or virtually, outside my relatively safe (relatively) new york metro area bubble is literally just me assuming that at some point i am going to find out that a place i like is not a safe space, that a person i respect thinks despicable things about my people, culture, traditions, and would think them about me, for literally no reason.  that’s the default and i’m certainly not alone in thinking this.  it’s a tradition of trauma heaped on top of trauma and hypervigilance begetting more hypervigilance.  so this is why when some cool person turns out to be a terf or something else really shitty along those lines happens, i barely even have a reaction.  i’m just like yeah, of course that person is a fucking asshole, because i am used to finding out this kind of thing about people. And i honestly can’t imagine what it’s like to live a life where you’re truly surprised, shocked, and not too jaded to be upset that someone is a bigot.  That’s like a fucked up privilege, you know?  and it’s one that i lost at age 5 when my friend made a shitty remark to me and i’ll never get that privilege back. 
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jungshookz · 4 years
EEEK cee imagine grumpy!yn and jimin where jimin falls asleep on the floor in their lil hangout spot bc he stayed up the night before and yn jus secretly admiring jimin’s adorable sleeping face while caressing his hair THEN jimin wakes up when yn leaned in for a kiss on his forehead :3:3:3
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➺ pairing; sunshiney!jimin x grumpy!y/n
➺ genre; of course this is fluff!!! fluffier than the clouds that jimin makes y/n look at and tell him what animal she thinks it looks closest to :D (he thinks it looks like a bunny and she thinks it looks like a.,,. idk man that’s literally just a lump) 
➺ wordcount; 1.3k 
➺ p.s. you’ll be able to find this in the teeny tidbits masterlist later on :’) 
(unfortunately i wasn’t able to track down the original maker of this gif but this is where i sourced it from! all credits go to the original creator of course :-))
                                     »»————- ☁️ ————-««
“oh my god, do you hear that?” yoongi gasps, placing a hand on your shoulder before holding a finger up in the air, “that’s incredible.”
“what are you talking about?” you frown, looking around as well before shrugging his hand off your shoulder, “i don’t hear anything.”
you and namjoon exchange confused glances and he offers you his own shrug before looking over at yoongi for further explanation
“exactly. it’s nothing. it’s… silence.” yoongi whispers, “i haven’t heard it in so long because jimin’s always destroying it with his motormouth-”
now you see what he’s going on about
“hey, cut it out-” you roll your eyes before shifting your shoulder slightly so that jimin’s head isn’t at a weird angle and that he won’t wake up with a weird kink in his neck, “he was up all night working on a paper and he’s tired.” you murmur, reaching over and pulling your cardigan up so that it covers his chest a little more
“you know, you were way more fun before you started dating jimin.” yoongi scoffs, pursing his lips in disappointment as he leans back against his palms, “when two people are making fun of someone, it’s all fun and games, but when it’s just me doing it alone, i look like an asshole-”
“oh, cry me a river.”
“see?? why can’t you be like that when you’re talking about jimin?? i miss the old y/n.” 
you move to shove yoongi down to the ground but you stop yourself when you realize that you could accidentally wake jimin up prematurely 
poor jimin was up until six this morning working on a dumb twenty-page report for one of his courses - he read his schedule wrong and it turns out that the report was due this tuesday and not next tuesday, and to be honest, he’s really not sure how he even made that mix-up in the first place because he’s usually always on top of things (you were on top of him when he was typing all of this into his phone so that might’ve had something to do with it)
and he normally gets up around seven-ish on a regular basis which means he literally only got an hour of sleep before he had to get up and get ready for the day
you already knew that he had pulled an all-nighter (you even offered to stay up with him and make him coffee if he needed it but you ended up falling asleep around twenty minutes after you’d made your bold offer) so you weren’t too surprised when you looked over halfway through lunch to see that he’d fallen asleep leaning back against the tree with his mouth wide open
yoongi nearly persuaded you into dropping a chunk of dirt into his open mouth but luckily you decided against doing that
and it didn’t look like he was very comfortable which was why you scooted yourself closer to him and gently pushed his head down so that he could rest on your shoulder
but that was an hour and a bit ago and jimin’s still fast asleep
and you’re pretty sure there’s dried drool on your arm but that’s okay
“-you know, it’s like i don’t even know who you are anymore.” yoongi tuts, shaking his head at you, “one minute, you’re happy to roll your eyes and insult jimin to his face, and the next, you’re cozying up to him like his girlfriend and straight-up fawning over him-”
“i- i am his girlfriend, you dolt-”
“i know, but like- well, you know what i mean.” yoongi flicks his wrist to dismiss you before turning his nose up towards the sky, “you get it.”
“i can honestly say i truly don’t, yoongi.”
yes, it’s fairly evident to see that you’ve changed quite a bit since getting together with jimin, but you like to think that you changed for the better!
you don’t wake up with a scowl on your face every morning which is definitely a good sign, right?
and now instead of staying silent during lunch and looking like you want nothing more than to watch the world burn, you actually contribute to conversations with everyone else and genuinely enjoy talking to them as long as jimin’s right there next to you 
of course, you have to admit that you still have a slight issue with PDA (which is why you’ve been moving your shoulder and trying to get jimin to wake up without making it seem like you’re purposely trying to wake him up) but that’s a conversation for another time
the point is, things are good with jimin
things are really, really good with jimin.  
you crane your neck to look back down at your boyfriend again, reaching over to brush some of his hair away from his eyes
his nose twitches slightly and he mutters something under his breath before turning his body towards you and snuggling into your warmth, wrapping his arms around your elbow and squishing his cheek against your shoulder
“cute.” you hum, reminding yourself to suppress your grin of delight so that no one teases you about how squealy you’re being right now 
you find yourself leaning down a little so you can give jimin a kiss on the forehead, your lips lingering against his warm forehead for a second before you pull away and look back to make sure that no one just saw you do that (god forbid anyone see you show even an inkling of affection for your boyfriend!) 
luckily it seems like the late afternoon sun beaming down on you guys is making everyone feel a little lethargic so no one was paying attention to y-
“did you just kiss my forehead?”
you freeze immediately when you hear jimin suddenly speak up and you clear your throat obnoxiously before raising your shoulder so that he gets his head off of it, “what? no. i think you were probably dreaming or something because forehead kissing is-” you chuckle lightly, pulling your legs up slightly and dusting some dirt off your calves, “it’s not something that i… i don’t do things like that, so- no. no, i didn’t kiss any foreheads.”
your eyes widen in surprise when jimin suddenly lies down and flops his head down on your lap, grinning up at you with twinkling eyes as he reaches up to poke the tip of your nose, “you soOoooOo have a crush on me.”
side note: it’s truly baffling to you that jimin never wakes up groggy
he’s always ready to go as soon as his eyes open and it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever
it’s almost like he has an on and an off switch somewhere and if that’s the case you would very much like to find his off switch so you can shut him up before someone else decides to chime in to the conversation 
“we’re- we’re dating, jimin-” you scowl, flicking his hand away from your face before clearing your throat again, “...obviously i have a friggin’ crush on you if we’re in a goddamn relationship-”
“what are you grumbling about over there now, y/n?” namjoon interrupts you from across the circle, glancing up at you and jimin for a split second from behind his screen, “i’m trying to get some work done and i can’t focus with all the secret muttering-”
“y/n has a crush on me.” jimin teases, crossing his arms over his chest before closing his eyes again, “a super FAT crush on me.”
he cracks an eye open just to see your reaction and he’s pleasantly surprised to see that your entire face is basically beet-red from this fun little game he’s playing
what do you have to be so embarrassed about??
you already said yourself that the two of you are dating so it’s an obvious fact that you have feelings for him
he just likes to remind everyone that you, a typically emotionless, cold-hearted robot, have feelings for him!
“oh, we know!” namjoon plays along with a grin, loving that you look like you want nothing more than to curl into a ball and just scream, “you think we didn’t see that forehead kiss?”
“park jimin, you sick... twisted man.” yoongi purses his lips as he shakes his head slowly, “look what you’ve done to her! you’ve ruined her!!” 
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reasons why i think eternals was the worst marvel movie yet (y'all have been waiting for this ik) + my opinion on the rotten tomatoes rating
disclaimer: if you wanna throw hate then do not read this any further because this is just a long rant about how eternals is just plain fucking BAD. i do not intend to cause any drama but i just wanna give us true believers the multidimensional perspective back which we seem to have completely lost after endgame, very contrary to what should have really happened. i am not here to demotivate anyone, i am just really mad so bear with me, or else you are free to leave. thank you and if you have read this far then i am guessing you wanna read further so please, be my guest.
intro: so, firstly, ik eternals are pretty important in the comics and they have some real interesting roles to play in the infinity saga and shit but... BUT, they are basically gods. and all we really got to see was that they are a bunch of 7k year-olds going around and saving humanity, swearing to not interfere but they did. frankly, i think introducing all-powerful beings in something like the mcu seems like a cheap dc move. it's too comical and kinda plays with the fairly humane characters we already have in the movies, don't get me wrong, they are amazing in the movies but they are just- a tad too spandex for me iykwim. like even moon knight is a regular person. if i were to talk about the rotten tomatoes rating, i'm- not as shocked. ik it was gonna get a bad critics' rating but the audience would love it. idk, i think as compared to iron man, the movie was- atrocious- to say the least. chloe zhao, whose major genre of directing was supposed to be indie kinda ended up directing and writing a superhero movie. listen, i am not saying that i don't like indie movies, fo god's sake i was crying at the endings of god's own country and cmbyn! it's just that- you know- like- dune and the king would mix well, but if you mix dune and ladybird- like- ykwim?? it's just that. i didn't watch nomadland but ik it won an oscar so it must be something i might like but eternals was- how should i put this in a way that people don't @ me?-like, marvel is KNOWN for its graphics. damn, my cousin (he's been into marvel since iron man) said that he watched shang-chi, didn't understand what the fuck was going on but liked it because the water dragon was pretty. like- you understand what i'm saying right? like, even my father had the same reaction, so did my mom (although she understood what was going on but the graphics were fucking mindblowing). i think throughout the movie, i was searching for those two marvel signatures- the graphics and the dialogues. i guess the whole thing lacked that, adding fuel to the already burning pyre that was my anger at the plot holes. we'll get to that.
plot- the most basic and ill-written plot marvel has ever given? eternals. a celestial is about to emerge from within the core of the earth and it happens after the blip? like uh- excuse me? humanity is currently low and it's okay to kick it out of existence at that time? and no one decided to mention that arishem was the bad guy? so were the celestials? they didn't promote any life or shit, they were power-hungry assholes who destroyed life to have the universe o themselves. also the eternals are useless robots? like ikaris step aside we had vision before these mfs decided it was okay to kill him and torture wanda. and thena was having visions, okay but why didn't she react like a normal mc? why was she ready to kill everyone? ik she's the war goddess but we all know thena isn't dumb or erratic in any form or way. killing gilgamesh was fricking unnecessary, like why? also, where were these guys when thanos was around? like he finished off half of all living creatures and sersi was crying because ikaris left her three millennia ago?? like ma'am?? is he all that you have?? you just let gilgamesh and thena go because you weren't able to get over a rando laser eye? they weren't supposed to be a thing in the first place, but a female character just cannot live without a male supporting her. wait- let's shift this to the next topic.
relationships- so, like they made peggy male dependant, they did the same with sersi. like she kept hopping from dane to ikaris and then ikaris to dane like ma'am?? if you're going to make this gritty and realistic like dc rather than wholesome and fantastical like marvel, at least make the leader a little reliable because that's what a leader is supposed to be. also, why the FUCK was everyone looking for ikaris' approval when ajak had left sersi in charge like- huh? listen. like, ik y'all are new to the platonic besties routine marvel but gilgamesh and thena was pretty dumb, also, sprite, who looks like a literal frigging kid, is in love with ikaris? excuse mE, let a kid breathe? i DO NOT appreciate adult-minor relationships, no matter how leftist i am (ik sprite is a full-grown adult mentally and as old as everyone else but then why is she a kid??? like in atla, aang was a kid but he was 100+ years old, but he was still in love with katara, who was his age- ykw? ik i'm not making any sense- this is just too weird). even leftists who are super open-minded peopl don't appreciate that (i'm a leftist fyi), and it wasn't even like a little girl fangirling at her crush it was like full-on in love, that wasn't okay. sersi and ikaris was just plain bland. don't be blinded by that love for marvel, this was bad. they totally screwed up their chance on making druig and makkari the ultimate ship in the movie.
music score- oh boy don't even get my classical music ass started on this- the absence of the triangles, weak as fuck woodwinds, couldn't even hear those drums, like don't rumble, roar, like the string section just didn't sit right with me, it was basically just brass and effects like i could see the his dark materials meets game of thrones but THAT ISN'T MARVEL THAT'S THE POINT ISN'T IT. the percussion was okay, not as strong as this movie should have had, depending on the fact that it's practically based on 7k year-olds and THEY'RE FROM OLYMPIA GIMME THE GODDAMN ORCHESTRA!!! it wasn't eve as catchy as shang-chi, like, not even fucking CLOSE. like what would have actually worked was something like assassin's creed, damn that's the perfect mix of culture and majesty that the eternals (not the movie eternals but like eternals in general) truly deserved. idk, i see marvel heading towards a more innovative side of music and i appreciate that, like shang-chi and black panther, endgame and ragnarok are perfect examples and eternals should have matched the epicness of these movies if not even more. like the og theme's gonna remain OG okay? it's not antediluvian like everyone thinks it to be. like with tws everyone started throwing shade at it but LISTEN. these are SUPERHEROES, they deserve MAJESTY not TECHNICALITY and PERPLEXITY and MYSTERY. and eternals are GODS, so they deserve EVEN MORE. like i get effects are taking over music but the real epicness comes from the perfect mixture of brass and strings and that just did NOT happen in the score, like, at ALL, for me.
i don't like the rotten tomatoes rating MAJORLY because the audience liked it. like, i was expecting a similar reaction as my mom gave (which just deemed the movie a fucking abomination so yeah) but i did not get that rage from people, in fact, people are liking this movie or i guess i have just seen only people who are liking it, actively talk on social media due to the fear of sparking a discourse. i can understand because our fandom is big on collectivization and stuff but kudos to the critics for rating this one as the worst one yet, because, critically and from the view of a comics fan speaking, it did NOT live up to the expectations in any way and i have listed the main reasons above. it's just not the perfect marvel movie package and comparing it to shang-chi and black panther, even just with music scores, just feels like insulting the masterpieces these movies are. my overall opinion on this movie gets even worse but i love the way chloe went all out with the direction and the way they got us the representation in the movie. it was a brilliant effort but just not on the right path, for me, personally.
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