#If you think this way I am begging you to please log off and go outside go into the real world please
hamartia-grander · 2 years
Me: *writes a fic where the main ship argue*
Anonymous Ao3 User: Oh My God. How Dare You Write These Characters Having An Argument. Having Any Conflict Or Arguments In Relationships Is Toxic. This Means You Condone Abuse.
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andivmg · 6 months
My experience with Luke (Punz)
CW: toxic relationship, racism, dubious consent
I know in the past i said that i would no longer speak about him publicly, and when talking about my experiences with abuse and emotional mistreatment i begged to keep it anonymous but after reflecting on this for a week and seeing so many incredibly smart and strong women tell their stories. they have given me the strength to say his name.
this is really scary to talk about because of the copious levels of harassment i have received from his fans in the past so if this spreads or gets out of hand i will simply log off.
If you read my last post, i nicknamed him 1.
So aside from everything i said there, there were a lot of things i didn’t include because they would’ve made it obvious that it was him and it could potentially backfire on me so, i’m very afraid to post this. but i’m going to do it scared anyway, because it’s not fair that he gets to just go and live his life worry-free as if he didn’t practically ruin mine.
Because I already made a very lengthy post about him, i won’t include everything i said last time to avoid being redundant but if i repeat myself, please bear with me.
In our year long relationship i had to endure emotional neglect, gaslighting, verbal abuse, one instance where there was dubious consent, and much more.
Starting off at the beginning of our relationship, that’s when i was getting copious amounts of hate and harassment from his fan base (warranted or not), he decided that our relationship must be kept private. he said it was to “protect” me from his fanbase when in reality it was to protect himself. it was so he wouldn’t get all the backlash i was getting. this is funny because one of the things i got called out for was saying the B slur (derogatory term used against mexicans/latinos). I won’t get into the nuances of if i could say it or not as a puertorican because that’s discourse that does not pertain to this specific situation. But you know who definitely can’t say it? A white boy from Massachusetts. When i was getting cancelled for this and getting thousands of tweets calling me names, he decided that was the perfect time to say “I mean you are a b***** aren’t you? my little b*****.” Now, he said this completely unprompted. I was in the process of writing my apology and he just said that. I tell you this because i immediately shut him down and told him that there was no universe in which it was okay for him to say that word and especially not one where he could just call me that. While i was reprimanding him, he was smiling and laughing. he apparently found it amusing to call me a slur. regardless, he gave me a half-assed apology and said he wouldn’t do it again. and he didn’t. but this wasn’t the only time he was weirdly racist to me. this was my first time being in an interracial relationship so i was led to believe that this was normal by all the white people around me at the time. But, sometimes my spanish accent would come out and he would make fun of me and the way i pronounced some words. He also refused to visit me in Puerto Rico when i lived there or come meet my family when i really wanted him to because he “didn’t like the heat” or “it’s dangerous there isn’t it?”. Once, while we were watching season 2 of Bridgerton, he implied that the Sharma sisters were “too dark” for him to be attracted to them. This hurt me because they are brown skinned girls. I am a brown skinned girl. Then this, combined with the fact that he told me once he wasn’t attracted to me made me feel like my skin color was unattractive. These are only a few examples i can think of at the moment, but i’m sure there were more. Our relationship ended in 2022 so some of my memory is a bit hazy. But, I do remember feeling inferior to him throughout the relationship because he was white and I was not. I chalk that up to all the micro aggressions i had to deal with because i had never felt that way around white people before.
Another thing i had to endure was him constantly making me feel like he was embarrassed to be with me. Because i was cancelled, he didn’t want to associate with me too much. He did defend me on multiple occasions, I’ll give him that. But, he only did it because his name was getting dragged in the mud along with mine. Excusing my actions made him look better for being around me. In reality he didn’t really care. Because he was such a big content creator and someone i looked up to professionally, I took his advice as law. He told me to tone down my personality, to keep a low profile, to change things about myself to be more palatable to his audience. The same audience that spoke about me like “The pussy can’t be that good punz please stop defending her”. So i changed a lot of things about myself and my content to better suit what his audience liked. He made me feel like if his audience liked me, he would be public about our relationship and stop hiding it. He told me the reason why he wanted to keep our relationship a secret was because he didn’t want to get hate for it. But this wasn’t true. On my 20th birthday he went to Las Vegas for a twitch rivals event. That night i asked to facetime him to say goodnight and he refused because he was at a hotel room with his friends and he didn’t want them to know that we were together. It was as if my mere presence or the utterance of my name was a source of embarrassment for him. And he didn’t let me forget it. It wasn’t just a public thing at that point. He didn’t want people to know we were together, period. This was devastating to me because I would talk to all my friends about him. I was so proud to be with him and I was just one more problem to him. He made me feel so small and insignificant just because his fans didn’t like me.
He would berate me a lot. Not just due to getting heat online, although he did do that a lot. But in general whenever we would get into an argument or a disagreement he would always call me names like annoying or weird or stupid. He would raise his voice at me if i did something he didn’t like and call me an idiot. And that really hurt, i felt like i couldn’t bring up anything or do anything without getting insulted. If I hadn’t seen him in a few days because he was too busy streaming and i asked to hang out he would call me needy, clingy, and annoying. Granted, he might not have been wrong, but that is not something you say to someone you claim to love. He also insulted me when i was in depressive episodes. I have BPD and at the time i was not being treated properly for it. So, I was all over the place emotionally and he was what i clung to for validation, reassurance, and love. I talked to him when we first started dating about my disorder and told him that if it seemed like something he couldn’t handle that he could opt out of the relationship. I guess he didn’t think it was that bad or something idk because whenever i had really bad depressive episodes, he would tell me I was too sad to hang out with. He said that my sadness was a burden to him. Which would be fair. But, once my mother had a conversation with him about me. She told him that i am someone who needs a lot of love and caring. She said that if he wasn’t willing to put in that kind of effort into a relationship to just leave me alone. He reassured her that he would be there for me no matter what. He told my mother that he would protect me and my heart. He did not. He took all the warnings I gave him and ignored them and then made me feel like I was the problem. And even worse, he would say that i was pretending to be sad to get his attention when he would neglect for days at a time.
There were also some smaller things like the fact that he made me feel really guilty whenever he would spend money on me. Also, he would be really mean about my eating habits. For context, i used to suffer from an eating disorder. I was anorexic and had a really unhealthy relationship with food during high school and my first year of uni. This relationship began when i was recovering from my ED. For me, eating was really hard. So i had certain comfort foods that, while sometimes unhealthy, at least it was something to eat when i didn’t feel like eating anything. He knew this. Yet, whenever i would crave some of these foods he would call me fat. Constantly told me I’d gain weight from eating all that junk food. Saying that to someone with an eating disorder is crazy. Other smaller things were that whenever I would post tiktoks where i was lip syncing or just looking good he would yell at me and say i was looking for attention. Same with Instagram or Twitter whenever i would post photos where I looked hot. He never planned out a single date for us. I would beg him to get me flowers and he did maybe once but i’ll get into that in a bit. He would make fun of me in front of his friends to make himself look better. He let his friends say really degrading things about me in his presence. For example, once when i was showering, i overheard him on a discord call with George and Sapnap and i heard George say “if you don’t go in the shower and have sex with Andi, i will”. Once, when i was really struggling with my legs (for those of you who don’t know, i have arthritis and it’s very painful. at the time i wasn’t diagnosed but i was in a lot of pain) I literally could not walk. I had to beg him to take me to the ER because i didn’t know what was wrong with me. He didn’t want to take me but eventually i convinced him, and while we were there all he did was complain about how long it was taking and that he would have rather been at home streaming. Whenever I would talk about my interests that i was excited about like shows or books he would be incredibly uninterested and say that those things were stupid and he didn’t want to hear about them. I know all of these seem very silly or superficial but cumulatively it was awful.
Now for arguably the most serious thing i’m going to talk about. I want to preface this by saying i am just telling my side of what happened. You can come to your own conclusions about this.
On April 25, 2022 it was our one year anniversary, and i had made a dinner reservation for us. I expected him to plan something throughout the day for us to do. He told me he was going to spend the whole day playing Valorant so I got upset and cancelled the reservation. After a very heated argument, we calmed down and i asked him to come over. He came over about an hour later with flowers and drinks (I was 20 at the time so I couldn’t buy the drinks myself). He brought Smirnoffs and Trulys. For context, I am a lightweight. I always have been. I literally get tipsy on half a cocktail. And that day, I hadn’t eaten anything because i was in distress over our argument. So we get to talking and drinking. I blacked out after my second Smirnoff. Apparently I drank 3 but I genuinely cannot remember anything after finishing the second one. The next morning i woke up naked in my bed. I woke him up and asked him “Luke, why am I naked?” and he said “Because you didn’t want to put your clothes back on.” When I clarified to him that that was not what I meant, he got defensive and said that he didn’t realize how drunk I was. He proceeded to tell me that I initiated sex with him and that i was very enthusiastic about it. He said he didn’t know i could black out on three smirnoffs. He made fun of me for being a lightweight and continued to make light of the situation. Then he mentioned that i fell off the bed at some point in the night and that it was funny how drunk I was. I then questioned him. Because if he thought that me tripping and falling off the bed because i was so drunk was funny, how did he not know that i was too drunk? He responded by saying that i fell off the bed only after we were done. That day I broke up with him. I’m still really confused about what happened that night. I don’t remember anything and all I have to go on is what he said to me. We were in a relationship at the time and he says he didn’t know how drunk I was so I’m not sure what to call what happened. A while after that day, his friend that hmu while we were broken up and I started talking again and i confided in him about that night. He told me to be careful saying things like that because they could get me into trouble. I spoke to some of our other friends about it and they told me it was no big deal and that it wasn’t his fault that he didn’t know how drunk I really was. Because I don’t remember, I have been led to believe that this is not a serious matter. You can think what you want, come to whatever conclusions you want. That is just my side of the story.
I want to add that I’m not proud of how I acted after the relationship ended. I felt really angry at all the shit he put me through and I guess a part of me wanted him to hurt even a quarter of how I did. So I started talking to his friend and got involved with him. This backfired on me because his friend ended up really hurting me too so ig i got my karma. But the thing that hurt the most is that because of what I did, some of our friends took his side in the break up. I was told that I did something terrible by getting involved with his friend that he was already insecure about and that he didn’t deserve that. These are the same friends who were witness to the dumpster fire of a relationship we had and all the things he did to me. They turned their backs on me because of this one thing I did. But stood by and watched as he treated me like garbage for over a year.
I will conclude this by saying that while this relationship has been “over and done with” for almost two years now, I carry a lot of trauma from it still. I still talk about him in therapy and have had to put in a lot of work to heal from what he did and i still cannot say that i am okay. I am very blessed to now have a patient and understanding partner who has helped me heal from that trauma and i just want to quickly thank him for that. Nobody deserves to go through what I did. While yes, it was a toxic relationship, and I had a part in that, it does not excuse all the awful things he said and did to me. This is my truth, thank you for taking the time to read it.
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dreaming-medium · 10 months
Stray Kids Kinktober Day 9
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Stray Kids Kinktober Masterlist
A/B/O - Lee Know
Word Count: 11.1 K
Summary: It’s not your fault the Orange Needle Lily only grows in a protected part of the forest. While trying to gather ingredients, you’re confronted by a pack desperate for a healer to aid their injured pack member.
Running, you were running. Sweat is pouring down your back and the sides of your face. But, there’s no time to stop and wipe it off. 
Trees whipped past you with every step, branches caught on your clothes and tore small rips in the fabric, some leaving small slices in your skin. 
But that was the least of your worries right now. 
You knew you shouldn’t have been here. You knew.
How else were you going to get the ingredients you need? The Orange Needle Lily only grew in a remote area of the Enchanted Forest. 
A very well protected area of the Enchanted Forest. 
Normally, when you made these trips, you were able to sneak in, pick a large bundle of lilies and then slip out unnoticed. 
But from the rain yesterday, the ground was still damp, so you slipped and fell and made one of the loudest noises of your life. 
Every single nerve in your body lit up with fear the second it happened. Growls and howls sounded in the distance. 
So, you took off. 
The snarls have only gotten louder the farther you run from the original area. 
Everyone in the Kingdom knew to stay away from that area of the Enchanted Forest. The wolf pack that lives there has made their mark very clearly. Do not enter their land. 
And you fucked up.
Loud, heavy, galloping thuds gain on you. 
Your eyes scan the woods wildly to search for any sign of familiarity. Are you even running the right way back to your village?
A log is in your way so you hurdle over the top of it. 
You need to keep going. 
Run, run, run. Keep running. Don’t look back. If you look back for even a second you’re dead meat. 
A bone chilling bark comes from right behind you, two over snarls respond to it. 
Your village is so close, you can smell the fresh bread being baked. 
A dark figure jumps out in front of you and cuts off your path. 
You scream and backpedal to get away from its gleaming yellow eyes. 
When you turn around you see another dark figure already behind you. 
Your mouth opens and closes a few times, pleas for your life are stuck in your mouth. 
When the dark figures get closer, you realize they’re two enormous wolves. Of course the pack was chasing you. Of fucking course. 
Faster and faster your heart begins to beat. You gulp, hands clutching at your skirts to keep them hiked up. 
There’s two wolves encroaching closer and closer. Didn’t you hear three seats of snarls?
“Please,” you beg, your throat getting tighter and tighter with unshed tears of fear. “I was only trying to collect Orange Needle Lilies, look.”
To prove your point, you turn to reach into the pouch that’s hanging around your body. 
The wolf in front of you lets out a bone chilling bark. You yelp in response, hands flying up away from your body to show you mean no harm. 
“I am so sorry,” you plead, closing your eyes in fear and shrinking in on yourself. “I am a healer!”
With shaky knees, you take a step backwards and the wolf behind you growls. 
There’s a long series of snaps and a whoosh to your left. Your head snaps over to look but the wolves keep their eyes on you like prey. 
“You are a healer?” A male voice asks from behind a tree. 
“Yes! I am from Beckinsale. Please, I mean you no harm.” Tears form in the corners of your eyes. “Orange Needle Lilies only grow within your lands. Please, I mean you no harm. I need them for a tonic.”
From behind a tree, a man with jet black hair and fair skin steps out. He’s only wearing tattered shorts on his muscular body. Dark brown eyes study you carefully. 
“How high is your skill?” He asks with a raised brow. 
“Very,” you answer quickly. “I am the village healer. All ailments are brought to me.”
He thinks for a moment, keeping his eyes trained on you. “Can you cure infections?”
“Yes, if I have the proper ingredients.”
Why is he asking?
Suddenly, the larger of the two wolves barks at the man and growls after. 
“Easy, Changbin,” the man says. “She can heal Minho.”
The other wolf huffs, rolling its amber eyes. 
“You have an injury among you?” Your hands grab at the strap of your pouch nervously. 
“Aye, we believe it to be an infection.” He shuffles a bit. “Do you think you could take a look?”
A loud huff comes from behind you.
“What other option do we have?” The man grits out between his teeth to the wolf. 
The wolf snorts once more.
The man stares directly into your eyes, “You are coming with us. And you’re going to heal our packmate.”
Chills rip down your body, danger is licking at the back of your neck. Your eyebrows pinch together and you swallow nervously.
“Are you going to kill me?” you whisper meagerly. 
The man laughs, “We will see once our friend is healed, won’t we, Omega?”
Your jaw clenches with fear at the mention of your secondary gender. 
Orange Needle Lilies were used for a specific purpose: scent blockers. Just this morning you had run out of your tonic without realizing your supply of the flower had run out. 
The trip was necessary if you had hoped to block your scent at all. 
But with the small amount of the blocker tonic and the sheer volume of sweat dripping down your body, there was no way you were going to be able to block your scent. Especially not from a wolf pack. 
Lycans’ sense of smell were more powerful than humans. It’s most likely that even if you had put on the full amount of blocker, they would still be able to pick up on your scent.
“Come on, then,” the man says to you and there’s a sharp nudge at your back. One of the wolves was pushing you forward with his snout.
The man, who you now know is named Seungmin, walks on your left. The wolf known as Changbin is on your right, and Seungmin told you that the other wolf’s name is Hyunjin.
Neither of you have said a word since then, he just continues to lead you through the Enchanted Forest away from your village.
“You must have a death wish. An omega prancing into a pack’s known territory all by herself.” Seungmin breaks the silence.
“I told you it is the only place the Orange Needle Lily grows,” you murmur, clutching your satchel closer to your body.
“And it is worth your life?”
You answer without hesitating. “Aye.” The next sentence comes out quieter. “A scent blocking tonic saves the life of an unmarked omega.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the three sets of eyes shift to side-eye you. You keep your eyes forward and keep walking. 
Eventually, you make it to a small clearing in the woods. Four different hut-like houses sat in a semi-circle. There was a garden off to the side with fresh fruits and vegetables, tables and a spit for cooking over.
“Seungmin!” A voice called over. It sent chills down your spine. Nervously, you look over to see a larger man stalking towards you.
Golden eyes trained on you with an overprotective glint to them. The wind carries past him and his scent wraps around your mind.
Pine and bergamot floods your system. Alpha . He is a pure-blood alpha. 
You can’t hold his eye contact, you immediately look down at your shoes in the dirt. Instincts take over and you curl in on yourself in his overbearing presence.
“Who is this?” He growls when he gets closer to you.
“A healer.”
“You brought a stranger into our den?”
“I brought a healer to heal Minho.”
So many scents of different wolves wrap around your brain and overwhelm your senses. Alphas and betas, all of them, but no omegas. At least, none that you’re able to smell.
“She is not getting near Minho.”
“Chan, he is going to die if we do not have him healed!” Seungmin barks back at his alpha.
The pheromones that pour out of them make your skin crawl. Seungmin is only a beta, and yet he is standing up to his alpha so confidently.
He stands nose to nose with Chan, keeping his eye contact. Chan bares his teeth.
The same crackling and whooshing noise comes from behind you.
“Chan, someone needs to heal him. Our remedies are not working.” Changbin says to him.
Chan doesn’t break eye contact with Seungmin, but Seungmin doesn’t back down either.
“He will pull through, we do not need a healer.”
You bite the inside of your cheek and keep your eyes on the dirt. Your voice comes out weak. “What are you using on his wound?”
Chan’s head snaps over to you. “It does not matter to you.”
“Your protective nature will be the death of him!” Seungmin hisses. “Let her heal him before we all lose him.”
Chan bristles and snarls at Seungmin, but he doesn’t flinch away, he stands firm in his stance.
“We are crushing up Snow Weed and laying the paste on the wound.” Hyunjin answers you finally. 
You look up at the beta with alarmed eyes. “That will only create a cover over the wound, you are trapping the infection inside his system with no exit!”
Alarmed, you look over at Chan, who is eyeing you closely. “If there truly is an infection, your packmate is in dire need of care. Please, let me heal him. I mean you all no harm.”
The alpha stares at you. Ignoring your instincts, you hold his searing eye contact.
“Chan,” Seungmin draws his attention. Chan doesn’t look away from you but turns his chin slightly towards Seungmin to show he’s listening. “It is our only option.”
The alpha thinks for a long moment before he speaks. “You will heal him, then you will leave.”
“Aye, as you wish.”
“If you harm a hair on my packmate’s head, we will kill you, understood?”
You gulp. “Aye, understood.”
He eyes you closely for four more heartbeats. “Come then, omega.”
You could smell the infection before you saw it; you were also able to hear the sound of shallow, wheeze-like breathing the moment you stepped foot inside the hut.
A man lay on a bed in the back of the hut, a blanket covering him. A damp towel sat on his forehead to try and keep him cool. His eyes were squinted shut in pain, mouth open to intake each pathetic pant and gasp for air.
A thick layer of sweat covered his flushed face.
When you rounded the corner and took another step towards him, another person stepped in front of you with bared teeth. A beta– and a protective one at that. 
“She is here to heal Minho, Jisung. Back off.” Seungmin called out quickly.  
Jisung’s jaw clenches and he hesitates for a moment before taking a step away from you. 
Quickly, you walk over to the edge of the bed. You go to reach for the blankets, but you stop your hands over the top. 
You turn around and look at Chan, at the Alpha of the pack. “May I?”
His gaze softens for a moment at your sign of respect. Chan nods and you turn back, slowly peeling back the covers. 
Minho’s eyes squint tighter and he winces in pain. 
The gauze wrapped around his stomach is already soaked through with pus and blood. 
Your heart drops to your gut and you place your satchel of healing ingredients on the bed next to him. 
“I’m going to cut the gauze off,” you say out loud to the room before picking up a small dagger. 
The air thickens in the room as your fingers curl around the weapon. Gingerly, you reach forward and slice through the soaked bandages. 
Minho groans in pain and squirms a bit, he’s awake, but obviously feverish. Placing your hand on his cheek, it’s like you put your hands over a fire, he’s burning up. 
Once the gauze is off a gasp catches in your throat. Yes, the wound is covered in crushed Snow Weed, but the infection is leaking out all around it. 
The skin surrounding the wound is purple and angry. How has he survived this long?
“What happened to make him this way?” You asked, inspecting the wound. 
“Arrow wound,” Jisung answers quickly. “He told no one about it until he suddenly collapsed in pain days later. The infection had already taken root by that time.”
You look up at his face, twisted in pain. So, he’s a stubborn bastard. 
“I am going to need a fresh pale of water and a clean rag. Do any of you know of the Dusk Tulip?”
When you receive no response, you turn around and look over your shoulder. Five lycans stare back at you blankly. 
“Do any of you know what a Tulip looks like?”
Hyunjin nods. You zero in on him. “It is a Tulip that grows at the base of Maple trees. Dark purple in color. I need as many as you can get me.”
Hyunjin nods and immediately turns around to sprint out of the shack. 
Jisung moves quickly as well, gathering fresh water and a rag for you. 
You move briskly, dipping the rag in the cold water and ringing out the excess. 
“Hail, Minho,” you say to him. He doesn’t acknowledge you, but you know he can hear you. “My name is Y/N, I am the village healer for Beckinsale. And I apologize, this is not going to feel pleasant at all.”
Taking a deep breath, you bring the cloth down to wipe away the Snow Weed coating and the infection that’s seeping out. 
Minho grunts and tenses up. 
With great care, you clean his wound. The coolness of the water brings a slight bit of relief to his feverish skin. 
“Jisung,” you say without looking over at him. “Can you fetch a second pail of water, please?”
Wordlessly, he walks away to grab it. 
Chan has not left the corner of the room, he watches you work on Minho wordlessly. His amber gaze scrutinizes every single move you make. 
With the wound cleaned off, you watch as the outside edges go from purple to a deep red. You’re giving the wound a few moments to breathe before taking the next step. 
The pail of fresh water is placed next to you. You thank Jisung and dip the new, clean rag into it. 
You take the sweat covered rag off Minho’s forehead and begin to dab away at his flushed skin. His breathing is extremely labored and hot against your bare arm. 
You let your eyes roam over his face. Even pulled in pain, he’s absolutely gorgeous.
The rag with cold water runs all over his face. He keens and leans into it, eyes still closed. Your fingers push his hair off his forehead. 
“Chan,” you address the alpha. “You may need to hold him down as I draw the infection out.”
“It will hurt?”
You bite your lip and look down at Minho’s pained face. “Aye, very much so.”
Chan’s boots thud against the wooden floor as he approaches the bed.
“Apologies, Minho. Please know my intentions are not ill.”
Reluctantly, you move away from Minho’s side after placing the fresh, water soaked rag on his forehead. 
Chan stands over Minho, hands hovering over his shoulders, ready to grab him. 
You move your palms to slightly waver over the wound. Slowly, your eyes shut and you concentrate on the energy within you. 
Your hands begin to heat up and emanate a soft, yellow glow. 
Within a few seconds, Minho begins to groan in pain. Since your eyes are shut, you’re not able to look at his face and see the way he writhes in anguish. 
Chan grabs his shoulders tightly and keeps him down on the bed. 
The heat from your palm draws out the infection slowly. With each passing second, Minho’s grunts and growls grow louder and deeper. 
“How long will this take?” Chan asks through gritted teeth. 
“Only a few more moments, apologies. The infection was in his system for days.”
Since Minho is so lost in the throes of his mind, he doesn’t fight back nearly as much as you thought he would. Either that, or his pain tolerance is something out of this world. 
Sweat drips down your face from concentration. 
Once you’re sure the entire infection is clear from his system, you drop the spell and take a deep breath. Your eyes open and you look down at the wound. 
It looks entirely clean. 
Hyunjin comes barreling through the door before you can say anything. 
Both you and Chan’s heads whip around.
“Are these correct?” He holds out a bushel full of Dusk Tulips. 
“Aye,” you say, relieved, and take them from him. “Perfect. I just need to stitch the wound closed first before I can use these. Thank you.”
Pulling out a needle and thread, you get everything ready to suture the wound shut. 
“We did not shut the wound previously because we thought the Snow Weed took away infection,” Seungmin says from behind you. 
“Snow Weed creates an impenetrable covering for wounds. You should use it for when large chunks of skin are missing and cannot be sewn shut.” The thread goes through the eye of the needle. “It is still a smart move to put Snow Weed over a wound, do not misinterpret my words.
“In the case of infection, you need to let it come out of the wound, you were mistakenly keeping it in.”
Chan huffs and takes a few steps away from the bed now that he doesn’t need to hold Minho down. 
Minho’s face seems to have relaxed considerably. His eyebrows are no longer pinched together, lips parted in a sleeping manner. 
“Just a few more moments, Minho. This will not hurt.” You whisper down to him before making the first stitch. 
He doesn’t even flinch. But you were also known for being extremely gentle when it came to sutures. 
You stick a hand full of Dusk Tulip petals in your mouth and start grinding them between your teeth. Spitting the mass in your hand, you start to press the paste down on the now-closed wound. 
“Do you have any fresh bandages?” You turn to Jisung to ask. He nods and rummages through a drawer and gives you the roll. 
“I can assist and sit him up.” Seungmin comes closer to the bed. He gently sits Minho up whose muscles are so limp he may as well be a ragdoll. 
With the bandage secure around his stomach, Minho is laid back down on the bed. 
You grab the rag and dip it in water once more, dabbing any excess sweat from his beautiful skin. You run the rag over his cheeks, down his neck and around the top of his chest. 
After swiping over his scent gland, the smell hits you like a ton of bricks. 
A fresh citrus and woodsy aroma wraps around you like a python. All of your senses light up like a flame. 
Every muscle in your body seizes. 
Mate. Mate. Mate.
No way. He’s your…
Quickly, you place the wet rag on his forehead once more and start gathering up your equipment. 
“He should wake up in a few hours. Allow him to get plenty of rest. You can change his gauze twice a day. Apply more crushed Dusk Tulips to the wound if the infection persists, but it should be completely gone from his system.”
Your voice wavers and everything falls out quickly. Clearing your throat, you throw everything back into your satchel. 
Minho shifts around on the bed, his nose twitching. 
“ M…Mate… ”
You cough loudly and turn around to face the other lycans. 
“May I please return to my village now?”
Chan eyes you closely, then Minho, then back to you. With each moment, you can feel your heart rate increasing. He’s deadpan for a second and then nods.
“Aye, we will have someone accompany you back to Beckinsale.”
“No need,” you blurt out quickly and walk briskly towards the door. “It was a pleasure meeting you all.”
Before they can respond, you’re out the door, and back into the Enchanted Forest. 
Back in the hut, Jisung walks back to Minho’s side and sits on the stool next to the bed. 
“Thank the Gods we crossed paths with her,” he says, adjusting the blanket around Minho. 
“I have a feeling it will not be the last time we see her,” Hyunjin says cockily, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“What do you mean?” Jisung turns to him. 
“You will find out soon enough.” 
Minho was floating in a pool of pain for so long. His mind kept coming in and out to the sound of his pack member’s voices. 
They were talking to him, trying to get him to open his eyes. He just couldn’t. No matter how hard he tried. 
The infection took him by the heart and had him in its evil grip. 
For days he went in and out, he had no idea how much time had passed since he was shot with that arrow. 
All Minho knew was that he was going to be dead soon. That much was certain. 
Until the door to the hut opened and it was like he walked into a Holiday Bakery; cinnamon, apples, and vanilla twisted around his soul and sped up his slowing heart rate. 
What was that beautiful smell?
“She is here to heal Minho, Jisung. Back off.”
Who? Who was here to heal him? They brought a healer in? Chan allowed them to bring a healer to their den? 
The scent gets stronger and stronger. It’s almost enough motivation for Minho to pry his eyes open. 
“May I?” 
Oh, that sweet, melodic voice. Angels are jealous of that sound, Minho is certain of that. 
Your touch is so ginger, he could cry. Minho’s almost forgotten all about the wound drawing his very soul down to the Underworld. 
“Hail, Minho.”  
Every nerve in his body sings at the sound of his name tumbling from your mouth. He’s not even sure what you look like, but he knows you’re gorgeous. An angel, you have to look like an angel. If he was able to open his eyes, you would have a halo above your head. 
“My name is Y/N, I am the village healer for Beckinsale. And I apologize, this is not going to feel pleasant at all.”
Beckinsale? Are you sure you’re not a being of the afterlife here to hold him and keep him safe?
Y/N from Beckinsale who smells like the sweetest pastry he could ever hope to sink his sharp teeth into. 
A rag is dipped into water and the cool bite brings relief over his feverish skin. A sigh of relief comes from his nose. 
He falls into the feeling of you surrounding him. The way your scent wafts through his body and soothes his very soul. 
The pain of his wound is long forgotten about. 
“Apologies, Minho. Please know my intentions are not ill.”
Whatever you say, Angel. 
Minho is vaguely aware of the pain that grips his stomach, it’s searing, like it’s being cauterized. 
But your scent, your beautiful, angelic scent keeps his mind distracted and in the clouds. 
Second by second, the pain gets less and less. The weight that’s been sitting in his chest begins to lift. Heat still hovers over his body, but it only feels like he sat a bit too close to a campfire. 
Then, for the first time since his injury, Minho begins to drift off to a peaceful sleep. Not one where he’s riddled with fever dreams and infection induced nightmares. No, a dreamless sleep surrounded by cinnamon, apples, and vanilla. 
Will you still be here when he wakes up? 
He needs you there. 
He hasn’t even seen your face! You’re his fated other half! 
Minho tries with all his might to wake up, but the comfort of sleep finally wins when you run your beautifully soft fingers through his sweaty hair. 
There’s a slight spike in your scent. 
You pull away from him quickly. 
No, no, no.
Come back. No, please. 
“M… Mate.”
You don’t hear him, you mustn’t have. You’re still leaving, please don’t go. No, please. 
Your scent gets weaker and weaker. It no longer sits in the room with you. 
Minho gives up and falls asleep on the sweat covered bed. 
Y/N from Beckinsale. 
It definitely won’t be the last time he’s in a room with you.
“Now,” you put your hands on your hips after tying the tiniest bandage around a little boy’s knee. “What did we learn about running in the alley?”
“Not to…” he sniffles and wipes the snot leaking from his nose. 
You laugh and reach forward, wiping the tears from his eyes gently. 
“Exactly, now go on back home for dinner.” You laugh and ruffle his hair. “There’s a basket full of sweets by the door, make sure you grab one. I read in a book somewhere that they make wounds heal faster.”
His eyes light up and he hops off the table, running towards the door and grabbing an entire handful of sweets. 
“Thank you, Y/N!” he yells as he runs outside. 
Another laugh falls from your lips and you clean up the patient table he was sitting on. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you see an almost empty tonic bottle sitting on your workbench. 
It’s been three weeks since you healed Minho in the middle of the Enchanted Forest. It’s been three weeks since you had access to Orange Needle Lilies
And it’s been three weeks since you’ve found your mate. 
You need more flowers for your own safety. But if you venture back into their land, would they let you leave this time?
Biting your lip nervously, you pace around the floor. 
You should’ve asked. You should’ve said that was your one condition for healing him. But were you really in the position to be making demands? 
“Shit,” you mutter, still staring at the bottle. 
Not having the scent blocker is not a chance you’re willing to take. Especially since there’s an alpha in your village that has been eyeing you up like fresh meat for months now. 
You need those flowers. 
If you run into the pack, maybe they’ll spare you. You did save Minho’s life after all.
Within a few moments, you have your travel boots laced up and your satchel across your body. A dagger sits comfortably in your pocket. 
You’re out the door and walking into the enchanted forest before you can think twice about it. 
The air gets thicker the deeper you get into the woods, that’s something you always noticed. It gets heavier and inflates your lungs differently. 
A hum rings low through the trees. 
Get in, pick the flowers, get out. Get in, pick the flowers, get out. 
Your usual area is a clearing in the trees by a babbling brook. The sound of the water flowing over the rocks is usually enough to help conceal your presence to the wolf pack. 
You will not slip and fall again. 
With a racing heart, you lean down and start clipping the Lilies out of the ground. All of your senses on high alert to your surroundings. 
After only about 4 flowers, a twig snaps behind you. 
All of your muscles freeze, your blood runs cold. 
Slowly, you stand up and look around. Maybe it was just an animal that ran by. Could’ve been a rabbit, or a squirrel. 
“You have a lot of nerve coming back here, I will give you that.”
Or a wolf. 
“Seungmin,” you gulp and look at the ground nervously. “I apologize, I truly mean no disrespect, I just need these-“
“Flowers, yes, I understand.”
He walks closer to you, face completely unreadable. You look up from the ground at the beta. 
Tattered shorts and a mostly ripped shirt adorn his body. 
“You cannot keep coming here, Y/N.”
“Please, you do not understand I-“
His tone is somewhat begging. 
“Seungmin, they do not grow anywhere else.”
“You will have to find an alternative.”
Your jaw clenches and your heart squeezes. An alternative to a scent blocker? 
“I do not see the harm in my being here. I only require flowers.”
Your own bravery surprises you. 
“If we let you galavant all over our land, we would have to let everyone do so.”
“Galavant? I am picking flowers!” You sputter and frown, an angry look begins pulling at your face. You take a few steps closer to Seungmin. 
The beta bristles outwardly at your confrontation but holds his ground. 
“Do you forget that I saved your packmate’s life? I am only asking to come pick flowers. Flowers that will save my life.”
His eyebrows furrow in confusion. 
“Your life?”
“I am unmarked, Seungmin. If he catches a whiff I-“
You cut yourself off. Looking down at the ground, you sigh, throat constricting with frustrated tears. 
“Just forget it. I will not bother your pack anymore.”
Both of you stand in silence for a long moment before you gather yourself and brush past Seungmin. 
You bump your shoulder into his. 
It’s petty, but you do it. 
“By the way,” you start without looking back. “I can tell by the redness of your eyes you are beginning to fall ill with a seasonal sickness. Chew on onion stems to help keep the symptoms at bay.”
And with that, you walk away from the clearing. Only four Lilies in your satchel. 
“I am fully healed and you know it, you should have let me go with Seungmin.” Minho’s voice has a sharp bite to it. 
Chan continues walking away, not giving Minho the time of day. But the younger wolf walks after him. 
“Seungmin can handle one person by himself,” Chan responds, picking up the ax to cut firewood. 
“I am aware of that, but you will not let me leave the den. Why am I some sort of prisoner now?”
“Drop it, Minho.”
He splits a log in half with a mighty swing. 
“One measly little injury and suddenly you imprison me!”
Another swing. 
“It has been weeks and every time I try to go anywhere you look down upon me.”
“You almost died!” Chan whips around at him, fire in his eyes. “And if it were not for that human you would be dead.” He spits at him. 
The way he sneers when he mentions you has Minho’s blood boiling. Anger creeps up under his collar and into his mind. 
“Do not speak of her as if she is scum,” Minho growls. 
Chan’s eyebrows furrow further in anger. “I never said she was scum, you made that jump yourself.”
Both lycans stare each other in the eye, neither wanting to be the one that breaks the intense eye contact. 
“You do not even know her, Minho.”
“I do not need to!”
A whoosh followed by snapping comes from the edge of the woods. 
“Another pissing contest?” Seungmin sighs as he walks closer to the two brooding Alphas. 
Chan glares at Minho for a moment longer before looking at Seungmin, who was chewing on an onion stem. 
“Did you take care of the problem?”
“Aye, it was only-“
“Good.” Chan interrupts him and turns to walk away. He only just started chopping wood; why was he leaving already? And why did he cut Seungmin off?
“Who was it?” Minho presses, lips pursing in confusion. 
Seungmin’s eyes flicker from Minho, to Chan, then back to Minho before shaking his head. 
“A stray beggar. I took care of the problem.”
He shifts from foot to foot and then walks past Minho. The wind kicks up at that moment.
That’s when Minho smells it. 
Cinnamon, apples, and vanilla. 
Acting on instinct, Minho’s hand flies out and grabs Seungmin’s tattered shirt in a death-like grip. 
He yanks him to be nose to nose.
“It was her,” he grits out between his teeth. “Y/N was there.”
Surprise flickers through Seungmin’s eyes. His hand comes up and grabs Minho’s to try and get him to release his collar. 
Chan stops mid step and turns to look at them. 
“My mate was here. That’s why you would not allow me to go with Seungmin. Not because you were concerned about my health.”
Minho grips Seungmin even tighter. 
“What did you do to her?” He barks. “Did you hurt her? If you even laid a hand on her, I swear to the Gods, I will-“
Seungmin shoves his shoulder roughly. “You will do what? Nothing, now back off. I did not even touch her, she pushed into me as she was leaving.”
“Why was she here?” Minho presses.
“Drop it, Minho.” Chan growls.
He ignores him, “Why does she keep coming here?”
“Flowers.” Seungmin snaps at him, walking away from the two bristling lycans. “She comes here for Orange Needle Lilies, she uses them as a scent blocker.”
“A scent blocker?” Minho asks. Chan doesn’t respond. He stares him down, his alpha gaze does nothing to unnerve his packmate.
A feeling of dread begins to crawl up his spine and settles at the back of his neck.
Minho turns on his heel, his mind made up.
There’s a rough yank on the back of his collar. Involuntarily, Minho growls and turns, teeth bared at whoever grabbed him.
Chan looks down at him with an equally challenging look. 
“Where do you think you are going?” Chan barks.
“To Beckinsale,” Minho answers dangerously.
“No, you are not.’
“You are not my father. I am going to see my mate.” Minho shoves away from him.
“I am your pack leader and I am saying no , Minho.”
“To Hell with you, Chan.”
With one last push against his shoulders, Minho frees himself from Chan. They both stare at each other for a long moment, neither wolf saying anything, and neither want to give up. 
Eventually, Minho bares his teeth and rolls his eyes before walking away back into the hut.
That nagging, anxious feeling continuously pricks at the back of his neck, making all of his hair stand up on the end. 
Something is happening, something is wrong, he just knows it. 
The last of your scent blocking salve was used three days ago. 
Since then you’ve rarely left your home and if you did, you wore a high necked blouse or scarf. You made yourself scarce around the village. 
You’re going to have to return to normal life soon, and you will. But not now. 
Not when your heat is only a day or so away. It could hit any second now, you can feel the beginning stages thrumming within you. Your skin crawls with tiny pin pricks. 
This will be your first heat without scent blockers. And the thought of it is making you a humming ball of anxiety. 
There was only one problem– you needed food to make it through the next few days, and that meant leaving your home. Any other alpha or beta will be able to smell you from miles away. As soon as you step outside your door, you’re surely done for.
You bite your thumbnail and pace right by your front door. A tight, high-collared sweater adorned with a thick knit scarf on top rests on your body.
Why didn’t you go out earlier? 
Staring down out the window, you find your courage– you need food to get through this, there’s no way you’ll make it through without proper nutrition. 
Without another moment to hesitate, you open the door and make your way down to the local market. You wrap the scarf even tighter around your neck and keep your head down.
The sun set about twenty minutes ago, darkness creeping through the sky. 
You decide to take back alleys and less populated streets to the market– at the time, it seemed like the best idea.
It wasn’t until you passed by someone and a low growl came from their throat that you realized that it was, in fact, the worst decision you could’ve ever made. 
The growl was followed by a deep inhale.
Gulping, you try to walk faster to the market, the end of the alleyway was only about fifteen meters away. 
‘Shit, shit, shit.’ You think to yourself.
“Mmm,” the male hums from the back of his throat. “If it isn’t the village healer.”
Your blood runs cold. Out of all the people in Beckinsale, it had to be him. The Blacksmith’s son who had been eyeing you for months, maybe even years– preaching around the village about he was going to lay claim to you one day. 
Deciding to ignore him and keep walking, you pick up the pace, your legs carrying you faster down the alleyway. 
“Do not be daft, girl, I know you heard me.”
Fear creeps up the back of your neck and into your hair. Just keep walking, Y/N. Get into a more populated area. 
A strong, vice grip snatches your wrist and yanks you backwards.
Before you could scream, a hand clamps over your mouth and your body is slammed backwards into the alleyway wall. The stone connects with the back of your skull with a crack.
Rotten, nasty smells surround your nose and your body physically recoils away from it. The Blacksmith’s son was a huge, stocky man whose outward appearance accurately reflected his strength. The hand over your mouth was about as big as your face.
“Is that a heat I smell, little omega?” He leans down further, crowding your space. His greasy hair hangs in front of his eyes.
Alpha eyes getting darker and darker as the smell of your heat seeps through the collar of your shirt and scarf. 
His other hand comes up and rips the scarf away from your neck.
You squeal behind his hand and reach up, trying your hardest to pry it off your mouth to scream for help. Your nails scratch at his leathery skin, your entire body writhes around against the stone. 
Please, anybody come into the alley, please.
His head ducks down and goes right into the crook of your neck and takes a deep inhale. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes when you hear the dark growl rumble in his chest.
You shove as hard as you can against his chest, but he doesn’t budge. All those years working as a blacksmith has left him built like a brick wall.
“Holy fuck you smell so good,” he moans into your ear taking in your scent. You’re sure you couldn’t smell that good, not with the fear you’re feeling coursing through your veins and souring the scent. 
He leans back, eyes completely black. The tears in your eyes spill down your cheeks.
“Cannot wait to claim you as my omega.” 
Thick fingers reach up to the top of your shirt and in one sharp movement, he tears open the front, all of the buttons pop open and fly out onto the stone.
Another cry is muffled by his hand. 
Your scent seeps through the alley, filling the cracks in the pavement. 
Sobs wrack your chest.
“Good little omega…” His disgusting fingers trail down your neck.
Right as they’re about to touch your scent gland, one of the deepest, darkest, strongest growls shoots down the alley.
Both of you jolt.
Your eyes frantically look over at the source; scream after scream being muffled by the Blacksmith’s hand.
Bright, amber eyes glare down the alleyway with murderous intent. 
The very sight of them fills you with an unreal level of relief. 
“Get your vile hands off my mate .”
His voice is like a balm over your fear. You’ve never felt such instant relief to your emotions in your life. It’s like putting a safety blanket over your shoulders. A haze falls over your mind at the melody.
Mate, alpha, mate, safe, mate.
“Get the fuck outta here, she is unclaimed,” your captor snarls back.
Another snarl comes from the other man. 
He begins to take step after step towards the two of you, each one faster than the other. 
Once his face is visible, your heart leaps in your chest. 
Your mate came to save you.
His eyes lock with yours, they soften considerably as they gaze upon your fear twisted face, the tears still stream down your cheeks. 
It’s the first time he’s seeing your face. His entire world seems to stop. 
You try to whimper his name but it’s still muffled. 
Minho’s eyes flicker back to your captor, darkening once more. 
“I am giving you one last opportunity to let her go before I tear your throat out.” Minho snarls, still striding towards you. His boots click on the stone. 
“I would love to see you try–” The Blacksmith is cut off when Minho punches a sharp right hook into his nose. He stumbles and falls to the ground, clutching at his face. Blood oozes through his fingers. 
You’re able to breathe through your mouth finally. 
“Alpha.” Is the only word you’re able to utter at Minho, chest rising and falling with heavy pants. Your mate’s eyes snap to yours.
He takes in your form carefully, sweeping over each of your features lovingly. Your eyebrows pull together, your skin begins burning with a need to be touching him. You need him to hold you, touch you, kiss you– anything.
“Alpha, please,” you hiss.
He steps closer to you, taking his cloak off from around his shoulders. He wraps it around you carefully, closing the front.
Fresh citrus and woods envelopes you and you could cry even more from the relief his scent brings you. A gentle kiss is pressed to your forehead. 
“Just one moment, dear.”
Minho steps away from you, face immediately morphing into one of murderous intent as he looks at the Blacksmith.
The pathetic man looks up at him with a frightened yelp. “Get away from me!” He cries out.
Minho’s scent invades your senses, wrapping around you and putting you in a protective bubble. You’re vaguely aware of the sounds of Minho beating the living daylights out of the Blacksmith but you couldn’t care less.
Your heat decided to hit you like a brick wall the moment Minho stepped into your senses. Suddenly, he’s the only thing your brain knows. 
You sink down onto the ground, shrinking in on yourself inside Minho’s warm cloak.
Muffled screams and muted punches ring out in the background. But you can only mewl softly, curling further and further into the fabric. 
You don’t even register when the fighting stops. Two warm hands are grabbing you gently, bringing your chin up to meet dazzling brown eyes. 
Minho looks over every inch of your face, his thumbs come up and wipe the tear streaks off your cheeks. 
“Did he hurt you?” Everything about his voice is so tender; its a complete one-eighty from the way he was speaking to the Blacksmith. 
You shake your head, unable to tear your eyes away from his. Your lids droop, chest still heaving with pants. 
It’s like an unscratchable itch settles in your smalls. 
The longer you surround yourself in Minho’s scent, the wetter and wetter your slick gets the fabric.
“Alpha,” you murmur again, leaning into his touch. 
His jaw clenches and he cups you closely, his thumb swipes back and forth over the soft skin of your cheek. Every ounce of his self restraint is being tested. 
Minho’s cock jumps in his pants at the sight of you desperate before him.
His resolve on following Chan’s wishes broke about two hours ago when his wolf kept screaming at him to find you, that something was wrong. 
Chan be damned, his instincts kept you safe.
“Let’s get you home, Y/N.” He reaches forward and scoops you up into his arms.
As the fabric of his cloak shifts around, your scent mixed with his puffs out and into his nose. An audible moan pulls from his throat and he has to shut his eyes and focus on staying calm lest he wanted to take you against the alleyway wall.
The way your warm, homey smells blends together seamlessly with this outdoorsy ones sends Minho’s brain into a frenzy.
Mate, claim, mate, mark, mate. HIs wolf howls at him.
He takes a deep, shaky breath and stands up with you in his arms. You whimper and curl into him further.
Your head falls into the crook of his neck, your nose nudging at his scent gland.
It’s driving him insane.
“Y/N,” he strains out. “Where– Which way?” He asks.
You moan into his neck, rubbing your head all over him, further blending your scents. His knees almost give out right then and there. 
“Need you, Alpha.” Your hand comes out of the cloak and grabs at his shirt.
“I am right here, my little omega.” Minho presses his lips to your forehead. “Please,” he whispers into your skin. “Let me get you home and I will do whatever you need, Y/N. Your alpha will take good care of you.”
Releasing his shirt, you point in one direction down the alley. 
Minho doesn’t hesitate, he briskly walks in that direction, keeping you close to his chest. Throughout the entire walk, you motion in vague directions while nosing at his neck, leaving small pecks that make his legs turn to jelly.
You coo softly against him, squirming around every few seconds as your heat takes a hold of your body.
The timer on his self control is ticking down by the second. 
He’s been dreaming about you ever since you took care of him like some angel from the afterlife, and now that he finally has you in his arms, he never wants to let go.
Finally, you point to a small cottage tucked away in the corner of the village.
Minho heaves a sigh of relief and almost sprints up to the door, opening it and stepping inside so fast you would think someone was chasing him. 
The entire cottage smells like you in the best way. 
After spending night after night trying to recall just how sweet you smell, being inside your cottage feels like a dip in a hot bath. 
He makes his way through the house and into a room that holds a large bed in the middle. 
How can a cottage he’s never set foot in feel so familiar ?
With great care, he lays you down on your bed. When he goes to stand up, your arms lock around his neck. 
“No, Alpha, please,” you whine into his neck. “Need you so bad. I need my alpha.”
Minho audibly groans, he has to place a hand on the bed to stop his body from crumpling. 
“I will be right back, my dove. I only need to check the locks on the door.”
He buried his own face in your neck, inhaling your gorgeous scent. You keen and coo at his attention. 
“You will come right back?” You ask.
“Aye, I will. You will not even know I left the room.”
You press one long, last kiss to the crook of his neck before slowly unwinding your arms from around his neck. 
Minho peels himself away from you and goes back to the front door, checking each and every lock on the door and windows. 
He should take more time to really inspect each one, but his inner wolf is absolutely clawing at his self control. 
Mate. Mark. Claim. Mate. Mine. 
Sweat drips down the back of his neck, his hands shaking. 
But as much as his wolf wanted to claim you, he also wanted to protect you and never let a single thing ever happen to you again. He would make sure that you were never put into harm's way. 
The last lock is inspected and secure. 
Minho turns on his heel and practically runs back to your room. 
The smell of your arousal permeates the air thicker and thicker the closer he gets to your room. You smell so sickeningly sweet, he can’t wait to sink his teeth into you. 
Tiny whimpers invade his ears and each one sends a shot of arousal to his cock. 
He knocks on your door before entering. 
His mouth goes dry, his inner wolf howls. 
In the time that it took for him to check the locks, you pushed pillows and blankets into a nest, his cloak right under your head. 
You also stripped yourself of all your clothes. Your beautiful nude form right in the middle of the bed. 
Fingers buried deep into your cunt. 
Slick drips down your folds and onto the sheets. 
Your fingers seem to be doing nothing to help your hazy state. There was only one thing that could help. 
“Minho,” you moan out, turning your head to look at him. A thin sheen of sweat covers your body. “ Please. ” 
His instincts decide to push him into the passenger’s seat. 
He’s striding to you as fast as his legs would take him, his hands already working on ripping his own shirt off. 
A growl tears from his throat as he climbs on the bed, stalking up your body with predator-like eyes. 
“Did you make a pretty nest for us, little one?”
You nod with a scarlet haze over the bridge of your nose and up your cheeks to your ears. 
Minho wastes no time smashing your lips together. He licks and sucks your mouth like it’s candy.
He cages you down on the mattress with his strong arms. Your free hand threads into his hair and keeps him as close as possible. 
It’s sloppy and disgusting, spit leaks out down your chin. Your tongues dance with one another, he licks around your mouth while you whimper and suck on his tongue. 
Neither of you can control the noises you’re making. 
Your walls clench down on your own fingers. 
“Been dreaming of you every single night, omega.” He growls against your lips before capturing them again. “Your scent has been driving me wild.”
Mewing, you bite his lower lip and pull back for it to snap back against his teeth. 
Slowly, Minho can feel the itch of his own rut beginning to tickle at the base of his spine. Your heat must be triggering it. 
“I have never smelled anything as good as you do.” Minho trails his wet kisses down your neck to lick all over your skin. He stops at your scent gland, his tongue raking over it in slow, long, wet, strokes. 
He’s taking his time like he would with a dessert. 
Every single lick makes you moan and keen into his touch. Your fingers start thrusting in and out of yourself faster and faster. But it doesn’t help, it only makes you burn even more. 
“Minho,” you pant, pulling on his hair. He fights against your pull, not wanting to be parted from your scent gland. “Minho!” You try again, whining. 
He growls low in his throat, one of his hands coming down to glide down the side of your body to your hip. His large palm rests against your red hot skin. 
The licks and sucks are sending you wild. 
“Alpha!” You cry out, his body jolts a bit and he finally lifts his head. Blacked out, hazy eyes watch you closely. “Need you to touch me please. ”
Minho smirks and keeps eye contact with you while kissing down your body. He bites your collarbones, kisses the skin between them, then underneath them.
When he gets down to your breast, he envelopes an entire nipple in his mouth and sucks hard .
You cry out, your head tilting back to arch off the bed. 
Minho has none of that, this alpha wants eye contact, he wants submission to him. He fists a hand in your hair and yanks your head so that you look at him. 
“Eyes on me, Omega.” He licks around your pebbled bud again, sucking harshly. “Perfect,” he says around your nipple. “Perfect for our pups to suckle on.”
Pride rips through you at your alpha’s words. Your heat has you in its clutches, the only thing your body wants is to make pups, breed, fuck, get pregnant. 
Minho switches to the other nipple, keeping his eyes on you. Your hand still in his hair cards through gently, pushing the strands off his forehead. 
After a harsh bite, you grab a fistful with a moan. 
Meanwhile, your slick is dripping down your fingers and staining the sheets underneath you. Every flick of his tongue makes you clench around your fingers. 
You start to thrust in and out in time with his licks. 
It’s still not enough. 
Your eyebrows knit together and you whine, trying to curl your own fingers to make you feel good. 
Minho notices your struggle and smirks. “Do you need your alpha to touch you?”
“Yes!” you cry out, frustration creeping down your collar. “I need my alpha so bad!”
Minho hums and runs his hand down your body to grab your wrist. He sits up after leaving one more mark on your chest. 
Carefully, he pulls your fingers out of your cunt with a wet squelch. 
“Fuck,” he groans under his breath as he watches your slick drip down your folds. The smell is absolutely intoxicating. 
Minho brings your hand up to his mouth, he licks all the way up your forearm, up your hand, to take your fingers into his mouth. 
His hips jolt forward at your taste. 
If he thought your scent was amazing, then your taste was otherworldly. 
His eyes close and he loses himself in your taste, suckling on your lithe fingers, tongue swirling around the digits. 
You’re panting while watching him. Wherever he touches you is the only place that stops burning with need and desire. 
“Minho…” you coo and your hips wiggle around impatiently. 
Bringing your hand out of his mouth, he stares directly at your glistening folds. 
“Need to taste you more.”
He practically dives in, tongue licking a long strip from bottom to the top, circling your clit to lap back down at your hole. 
Your entire body arcs and you scream out in pleasure. One hand flies down to pull at his hair again, your hips grind into his face. 
It feels so good .
Minho grabs your hips, thumbs pressing down on the bone to keep you still. 
He’s losing himself second by second in your juices. It’s like he’s drinking a honeyed ale, he’s getting absolutely drunk on you. 
The entire world could collapse around the two of you right now and he wouldn’t stop. 
His rut seems to have taken full control of his body. 
Mate, mark, claim, taste, fuck, breed. 
His cock is so fucking hard in his trousers but he doesn’t want to take his mouth away from you, not for a second. 
Over and over again he laps at your clit, each time you moan and pull his hair. 
Incoherent babbles fall from your lips telling him how good he’s making you feel, how much you need him. 
“Close, close, close,” you repeat like a prayer, a rubber band pulling tighter and tighter inside you. 
One of his hands moves from your hip to thrust two fingers into your pulsing hole. Minho’s eyes roll back in his head at how soft and velvety you feel around his fingers. 
His wolf howls at him to fuck you already, to sink his cock inside you and cum over and over again until it takes hold. 
But the man wants— no, needs— you to cum in his mouth. 
His tongue flicks over your clit at the same time he curls his fingers up to hit a spot within you and your body tenses. 
Instead of crying out, your mouth stretches open and no sound comes out. 
Your walls clamp down on his fingers and pulse as your orgasm rips through you. The grip on his hair tightens so much. 
As your juices leak out around his fingers, he laps it up greedily. 
Once the main waves of your orgasm pass, you finally let out a strained grunt, chest heaving with pants and moans. 
His name falls from you like a mantra. 
The itch within you was scratched, but just for a split second. The moment you come down from your orgasm, that burning begins once more. 
He knows it. He knows the only thing that’ll make it go away is his knot. 
His fingers slide out of you and he crawls over you to hover over your panting form. 
Your hair is frizzy and messy, eyes hazy and fucked out, swollen lips parted. Minho desperately wants this image of you to stay burned into his memory.
“Minho,” you moan to him. 
“Taste how delicious you are.” Gently, he pushes his fingers past your lips. 
Immediately, your tongue licks around his digits. The feeling causes him to buck his hips forward into yours. His clothed cock ruts into your soaking cunt. 
Both of you moan together. 
You suck on his fingers and taste whatever you can. 
He can only take it for a few seconds before he pulls them away and replaces them with his tongue. 
The taste of your juices is swapped between your tongues. 
“Need you,” you moan between kisses. “Need my alpha.” Kiss. “Need your knot.”
Once more he bucks into you involuntarily. He needs you just as bad as you need him.
“I will give you what you want.” He bites your lip. “My little omega.”
He pulls away from you. “Flip over for me, little one.” 
Immediately, you do what he says. 
Minho stands up from the bed to shuck off his trousers and heavy boots. His cock springs free and he strokes himself a few times, eyes following how you arch your back on your hands and knees, presenting yourself for him. 
His tongue licks his lips and then it pulls between his teeth. 
You’re so fucking gorgeous. 
“Alpha, please ,” you whine and look back over your shoulders. 
He crawls back onto the mattress and gives your ass cheek a sharp slap. 
“Be patient.”
Minho lines up behind you, fisting the base of his cock. He rubs it up and down your slick. 
The two of you moan out in unison. 
Mewling, you push your hips backwards to try and spear yourself on him. Minho is quick to slap your asscheek again. 
“Omegas who do not behave do not get their alpha’s knots.” His hand rubs over where he slapped. 
You whine and bury your face into his cloak still bunched underneath you. Your back arches more and you can’t keep still. 
Your hips twitch, hole clenching around nothing the more he rubs his cock head in your slick. 
“Minho!” You whine, the frustration is killing you. 
He clicks his tongue at your impatience. “Fine, then. I will give you what you want.”
His tone is dark and he shoves into you without further notice. 
Your walls stretch around him deliciously. He’s so big you think you can feel him in your throat. The pleasure shoots right into your thighs. 
Minho’s eyes roll back in his head at the feeling of your wetness surrounding him. 
He doesn’t even try to take it slow. His wolf holds the reins tightly and begins slamming into you over and over again. 
He’s thrusting so hard, his hips slap into your ass with each stroke. 
More babbling comes from your mouth. 
Minho reaches forward and grabs a fistful of your hair, lifting your head up from the cloak. 
Your tongue lulls out of your mouth. 
“Fucking look at that,” he moans in awe. “Only inside you for a minute and you are already cock drunk.”
Your eyes glaze over and you lose yourself in the feeling of him abusing your little hole. 
“Feel so fucking good wrapped around me. You were made for me, little omega.”
The only sound you are able to muster is a tiny ‘ mhmm! ’
“So fucking good for me, good for your alpha.”
“Only for you, Alpha!”
A sharp smack lands on your ass again, you cry out. 
“That’s right. Just for me. Just for your alpha. No one else. This cunt right here is all mine. ”
He looks down at where he can see his cock disappearing inside you to come back out coated in your delicious slick. It makes him feel insane. 
Minho can’t control himself anymore, not that he would want to.
It’s animalistic, the way he wants to devour you. 
He tugs on your hair and brings you up so your back is flush with his chest. The hand in your hair moves around to grab your throat. His other hand splays out on your lower stomach. 
“Can fucking feel my cock fucking you right here.” He presses down on your stomach and your head falls back against his shoulder. 
The moans you’re making are so involuntary. 
“Going to stuff you so full of pups. You’ll look so fucking good pregnant, carrying our children. So swollen and full.” 
At the base of his cock, Minho can feel his knot begin to form, it prods and catches on your entrance more every stroke. 
“Please, please, please,” you cry like a mantra. 
“You want that, little girl? You want to carry my pups? You want me to fuck a baby into you?”
“Yes! Please! Please, Minho! It feels so good!”
His inner wolf howls at your pleasure. It’s all he wants. 
“Close, Alpha. Please, mark me, please, please.”
Minho’s hips stutter at your words, but when his tempo comes back, it’s rough . Every stroke is unforgiving, he’s racing towards the finish line as fast and hard as he can.
Fuck, he wants to claim you so bad. It’s all he’s wanted for weeks since you first set foot in the hut. 
“My omega wants my mark? She wants me to claim her as mine?”
You nod in his grasp, he feels you gulp. “Yes! I need it. Need everyone to know I’m yours.”
Minho growls, his nose buries into the crook of your neck right at your scent gland. 
The idea of you wearing his mark proudly makes him feral: you in low collared shirts to purposefully parade your mating mark, you nursing your pups with that bite inches away. 
He needs it like he needs air to breathe. How can one person make him feel this way? 
His hand squeezes a bit on your throat. 
“I’ll give you my mark, Omega. I’ll claim you. You’ll be mine forever.”
He feels you clench down more. The knot at the base of his cock inflates more and more.
His orgasm is dangling in front of him teasingly. But he needs you to cum again, he needs to feel you clench down around him. 
The muscles in his abdomen are painfully tight. 
The hand on your hip moves to rub circles on your clit in time with his thrusts. 
“‘M close, Minho, please. Bite me, please. My mate, please. ”
His mind whites out. 
Sharp canines sink into your flesh around your scent gland. 
One of the loudest cries of pleasure ever comes from deep within your chest. Your eyes squeeze shut and your walls clench around him as your second orgasm tears through you like a train. 
Minho’s knot shoves inside you as his own pleasure peaks and hits him like a ton of bricks. The sweet metallic taste of your blood flooding his mouth, your scent keeping his brain on Earth. 
Cum shoots from his cock and floods your walls for what feels like forever. 
Neither of you have ever felt something so heavenly before. Two souls merge into one. 
Slowly, you both start coming down to earth. Minho’s hand around your neck starts massaging at the sensitive skin. 
You whine when he removes his teeth from your skin. 
He coos and laps up at the blood streaming down your body. Small kisses pepper the outside of the mark. 
Sweet nothings tumble from his lips. “Beautiful, beautiful mate. All mine. So sweet, so beautiful.”
Carefully, he maneuvers the two of you to lay down on your sides, his knot still buried within you. He has a feeling it will be there for a while.
He brings the blankets up over your exhausted bodies. 
Your skin is no longer burning with need, instead you’re in a content, happy bubble, your mate’s arms wrapped around you safely. 
Never in your life have you felt such comfort. You’re floating on a cloud.
His woodsy smell acts like a second blanket. 
Small hums leave you as you snuggle back into his chest more. 
Minho chuckles and kisses your bare shoulder. 
Your brain comes out of your heat-induced fog. But, instead of panicking, you find yourself happier than ever. 
One of your hands comes up to play with the fingers of the hand that’s by your head. His arm acting like a pillow. 
“I would have gotten shot with an arrow sooner if it meant I would find you.” He jokes, breaking the silence. 
You giggle. It’s music to his ears. 
He continues. “Your voice broke through the delirium of the infection.” Another kiss to your shoulder. “I remember thinking you were an Angel here to bring me into the afterlife.”
You flush, embarrassed at his sweet words. 
“And I remember thinking you were the most handsome man I have ever seen, even laying on your deathbed.”
He hums happily and leans up on his elbow. You turn around as much as you can to look up at him with a happy smile. 
“It is nice to officially meet you, Minho.”
Your fingers come up to brush over his cheek gently.
His heart swells, eyes shine in the candlelight of your room. 
“My beautiful mate.” He leans down and kisses you softly. “Thank you for saving my life.”
You’re hardly able to continue the kiss, you’re smiling too much. “And thank you for saving mine.”
His nose rubs against your cheek in a display of affection. 
“No one will ever harm you again, my dove.”
You laugh and brush your fingers through his hair. Kiss after kiss lands on your bare skin. He focuses more on your mating mark. 
It makes you feel giddy. 
“Well,” you giggle. “I think you may need to protect me from your pack leader.”
Minho chuckles. “He will get over it. I would like to see him try and keep us apart now.”
He leans down and presses your lips together. “My beautiful omega.”
“My handsome alpha.”
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samandcolbyownme · 3 months
We need more demon!Colby or vampire!Sam 👀
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Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, swearing, demon!colby, talk of death/dying, kind of a dark aesthetic, talk of demons, angels, etc. demonic attachment?, compulsion, mentions of police, kissing, hair pulling, choking, biting, scratching, unprotected sex, oral (f rec), filth - please read with care 🖤
With the way I wrote it, the reader is hinted at being bisexual - if you have an issue with that, please just move on. No hate or rude comments will be tolerated,
Word Count: 5.4k | Unedited
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
You walked into your apartment, saddened by yet another break up.
You never had issues with dating before. You never had any issues keeping anyone’s attention. But, for the last few months, you’ve been noticing a trend.
You meet a guy, or girl, and it’s going well for the first few days, sometime a few weeks, and then you’re back to square one because you felt like you needed to break things off, or they just said it wasn’t going to work out.
There’s never any clear reasoning either. It’s always the, it’s not you it’s me, I promise, and then you both go your separate ways.
You made your way to your bed, ripping the covers forward so you can climb in and pull them up over your body.
You sniffle, allowing the thoughts to take over completely.
Am I boring? Why does this keep happening? Am I annoying? Do I talk too much? Bad breath? Did I say the wrong thing? Am I not pretty enough? What’s wrong with me?
You let out a sigh, begging for the thoughts to just shut up, and eventually they do, you start to feel more relaxed, and eventually you fall asleep.
Colby stood over the woman’s sleeping body for hours, keeping her dreams on the happy side as he manipulates himself into it. He tilts his head, watching you as a small smile spreads across your closed lips.
“Just relax, my love. You’re going to be fine.”
Your phone buzzing in your sweatshirt pocket wakes you up. It takes a few seconds to register what’s happening as you roll over and rub your eyes, but eventually you pull your phone out, “Hello?”
“Where are you right now?” Your closest friend, Brooke, practically yells into the phone, “Are you home?”
You keep your eyes closed, still half a sleep as you mumble, “M’home. Sleeping.”
“Do you have someone there with you?”
Your eyes snap open and you sit up, “What did you just say?” You reach over, turning your bedside lamp on and you look around as she speaks, “I’m going to take that as a no, so just stay where you are. I’m on my way up, I’m going to call the police.”
She hangs up before you can say anything else and you’re left in silence, your heart racing faster at the thought of someone being in your apartment without your knowledge.
A few minutes later, your phone lights up and you instantly answer, “What did they say?”
“They’re sending a unit over, probably a few minutes. I’m unlocking your door now.”
You kick the blankets off, walking over to your door. You look out, watching as Brooke makes her way through and you hang up, “What exactly did you see?”
“Okay, so you know how you can see the parking lot from your bedroom window?”
You nod and she raises her brows, “Well I pulled in, and I seen like this shadow figure behind your curtain, and it was a lot bigger than you would be if you stood there. By the time I went to get a picture or a video, it was gone.”
“How many times did you call me?” You pull your phone up, going to the call log, “I woke up on the third call, but you’d think I’d wake up? I’m a light sleeper.”
“No I know, which is why this is so fucking weird.” She sighs, jumping when there’s a knock on the door, “Police.”
You sigh, “Okay, we’ll just let them do a sweep.” You walk over, opening the door to reveal two officers. The blonde one nods, “We’re here about a possible break in? I’m officer Golbach and this is Officer Webber.”
“Yes, I called. I’m Brooke, this is y/n.”
They walk in and Golbach turns towards you while Webber walks around the space, “What exactly happened?”
“We had plans for a dinner and movie night, so I come over and when I looked up at her apartment, because you can see it from the parking lot, I seen this tall, probably, almost six foot figure in the window.”
“What time was that?” Golbach asks, “Did, ah, it move or anything? Walk away, turn? Anything?” He adds as he writes down what Brooke is saying, “Probably about Seven, seven thirty? And No.” She shakes her head, “It was just standing there still, and when I went to take a picture. It was gone.”
“You’re the one who lives here correct?” He points to you and you nod, “Yes, I do.”
“Okay, and what were you doing while all of this took place?” Golbach asks and Webber comes out of your spare room, “It’s clear. No sign of forced entry on any of the windows by the fire escape.”
“I was asleep.” You state, “I woke up to my phone buzzing in my hoodie pocket.”
“Okay.” He nods and continues jotting stuff down, “Are you a light sleeper?”
You nod, “Yeah, you can ask Brooke. I wake up with the slightest noises. I hate it.” You look over at her, “Did you look at the right window?”
“Did I look- yeah, I know which windows are yours, y/n.” She sighs, “Also, how in the hell are you so calm right now!?”
You didn’t realize it, but you were way calmer than anyone else would probably be in a situation like this, especially with it being your apartment.
But it is weird because you would normally freak out just thinking about something like this happening.
“I don’t know.” You shrug, “I’ve had a day, okay. I-I just got broken up with for no reason, again. I came home after sitting in the parking lot of the convenience store down the street for an hour eating ice cream, and then I came home and went right to sleep.”
You were blowing off steam, and Brooke knew that.
“It doesn’t sound like it, but I have to ask. You don’t think this person should broke up with you would come here, do you?” Golbach raises his brows as you sigh, “No. They seem to not want anything to do with me, so.”
You see Brooke’s face fall, “Y/n.”
“Like I said, there’s no sign of forced entry. Did you lock your door when you got home?”
“It locks automatically each time it closes.”
Webber nods at your words, “You’re staying here tonight, right?” He looks to Brooke and she shrugs, “Do you think it’s safe to stay here, tonight?”
He nods, “I’ll go down and check the cameras in the office, but I’d say you two gal’s will be alright.” He makes his way over to the door, checking the lock, “You didn’t pass anyone on your way up or down the steps did you?”
Brooke shakes her head, “It was just me when I came up.”
“Okay.” Webber leaves and you look back to the blonde officer, “This is my card.” He hands you a white rectangle, “I’ll do a few drive-by’s tonight, I’m on the clock until six a.m., call if you need anything.”
You nod, “Thank you for coming. I appreciate it really.”
He nods, “Not a problem, now I just need a few more things from both of you, and the. We’ll be out of your hair.
You answer the questions, full name, social, date of birth, etc., same with Brooke.
By the time you’re finished, Webber comes back up, “Cameras were clear. There was no one on this floor, even after you got home.”
“Maybe you just got unlucky with a haunted apartment?” Brooke laughs slightly and you roll your eyes, “Yeah, just my fuckin’ luck.”
A while after the officers left, you were sitting on the couch, moving on to your third movie when you hear this light whisper.
You look over at Brooke, “Did you say something?”
She looks over at you, shaking her head, “No. I’ve been waiting the tv.” She points with her finger and you nod, “Oh, okay.”
You shake your head, “I thought you said something. It must be on the tv.” You check your phone, letting out a sigh, “I think I’m -“
“No. You’re not going to bed.”
“Why not?” You whine, “I’m tired.”
“No. You’re avoiding talking about what happened with Jace.” Brooke sits up, “I gave you time, now talk.”
You sit up, moving your blanket to cover your legs more, “He said, and I quote, it’s not you, I’m just not feeling like I need a relationship right now, end quote.”
Brooke nods, “And how does that make you feel?”
You laugh slightly, shaking your head. Your mood changes, “I don’t know what happened, Brooke.” You look over at her, “I never had this happen before. It’s like.. the universe is trying to keep me unhappy. Or something I don’t-“
She tilts her head, “I think you need to focus on yourself. Do you really need a boyfriend anyway?”
“It would be nice to not have to come home every night, alone. You at least have Liz, speaking of. Where is she?”
“She got stuck at work, they didn’t have enough people to cover third so she got mandated to stay.” She rolls her eyes, “But anyway. I think you need to take a little you time, focus on whatever it is that you need to focus on, and come back better than ever.”
You nod, chewing on your cheek. After a few minutes of nothing but the tv in the background, you take a deep breath, your voice quiet, “Maybe.. I’m just too fucking complicated for anyone to love.”
“No, y/n. That’s not true.” She moves closer, “not even close.” She turns towards you, “Probably unprofessional on his part, but you should go for officer Golbach.”
“No.” You shake your head, “Wait. Didn’t you just tell me to-“
“Shh, we’re starting over.” She laughs, “I seen the way he cared for you more than he would anyone else.”
“You don’t know that.” You shake your head, your stomach slowly turning at the thought of even thinking of the officer.
“I’m telling you.. fuck what I said before, give it one last try.” She leans in, “He’s an officer, y/n.”
You feel like you could puke, “Stop.”
“What? Does thinking about him ma-“ She stops talking as you rise to your feet, “I’m going to bed. You can stay, but I’m just..” you sigh, “I need to be unconscious for a few hours.”
She raises her hands, “I’ll be out here if you need me.”
You give her a nod, “Sorry I’m ju-“
“You don’t need to apologize, y/n. I overstepped.” She sighs, “You deserve happiness, and I promise we’ll get you to it.”
“Thank you.” You smile and head for your bedroom, stopping when you smell something vaguely familiar - Sandalwood vanilla.
“Do you smell that?” You look back at Brooke and she tilts her head, “Smell what?” You shake your head, “Nothing. Goodnight.”
“Night.” She calls from the couch as you close your door. You stand there for a second before turning around to get into bed.
You let out a sigh as you nestle your head onto the pillow, staring over at the wall that’s lit up by the full moon.
You roll over, staring out the window at the sky, just wishing you’d be able to fall asleep, and your wish was granted.
His hand runs through your hair, calming every vibrating nerve in your body, “I’m here, my love.” You kept your eyes closed, letting out a sigh, “I love you.”
Your eyes open, meeting bright blue ones. A deepish voice follows, “I love you. I will go to the deepest depth of hell and back for you.”
His lips press to yours and quickly move down your neck, biting and nipping your skin, which causes you to whimper out.
“Louder, my love. I want you to be louder.”
You comply, moaning out louder when you feel a hand slide down your body to stop between your parted thighs. His fingers drag up and down your folds, fingers circling your desperate opening, “P-please.”
“Please what, my love?” His fingers slowly push in and you gasp-
You sit up, looking around as if someone was actually there with you, but maybe it was just a dream, right?
You sigh, getting out of bed to walk out to the living room where Brooke is no where to be found. You furrow your brows, looking around for your phone to see if she texted you.
Liz got off early, heading home. Call me when you wake up.
You scroll down on your notifications and see a text from an unknown number, Just figured I’d check in. Any more disturbances at your place? It’s Sam by the way Golbach, officer Golbach.
You smirk slightly at the obviously nervous, text and click it, Nothing to report, sadly.
You sit down, seeing the bubbles immediately pop up then disappear, Sadly?
You lean back, biting down on your lip as you think about what Brooke said to you, but then you suddenly feel like this is wrong.
Not wrong as in flirting with the law, but wrong in the, I don’t belong to this person, kind of way.
You let out a sigh, “Fuck!” You throw your phone over your shoulder, absolutely sick of feeling like you… well, you didn’t know how you felt, exactly, but your interest changes when you don’t hear the clatter of it hitting the floor.
“You shouldn’t throw things that are important.”
You stand up, whipping around as you immediately start backing away. Your voice is gone, banished with fear as the figure that spoke walks towards you, phone in his beautiful, ring clad hand.
His voice rings in your head without him moving his lips, “You know me. I’m not going to hurt you, my love.”
“We’ll get to that. But right now, I’m going to need you to tell Sam, that you’re a little busy right now.” He speaks and hands you back your phone.
A chill goes down your spine as your fingers brush against his to take it, and you begin typing, I’m a little busy right now.
“Good girl.” The man speaks, reaching up to run his thumb over your bottom lip, “I have been waiting ever so patiently to meet you.”
“Who are you?” Your voice is low, but you don’t shy away from his touch as his fingers gently brush over your cheek to push hair behind your ear, “I’m just Colby to you.”
“Colby.” You repeat and his hand pulls you closer to him, “Yes. You know me.”
“How.” You furrow your brows and he gives you as second to think, but you shake your head, “I don’t-“
Colby reaches up, cupping your cheeks with his hands as he stares into your eyes, “Think.”
Suddenly, Colby floods your brain with all the times you’ve seen him.
You’re sitting on the beach, fishnets ripped and a cigarette between your fingers. You turn your head slightly at the sound of a voice, “You know, there’s no smoking on the beach, right?” You scoff, watching the ashes fly down to kiss the sand, “What are you, beach patrol?” You laugh slightly and stop when he moves to sit next to you, “Beach patrol would be a lot easier for you to believe, my love.”
“I’m actually meeting somebody, so I’ll just take a wine while I wait.” You smile at the bartender and she nods, “One red, coming up.” You let out a sigh as you look around, waiting for Seth to appear. After some time, you decide to text him, but to your surprise, he’s not coming.
“This seat taken?”
You look up, smiling at Colby, “Actually.. no.”
“What do you mean that it isn’t me? That is the most..” you scoff, “Just tell me. Did you find someone better? Am I.. am I.. fuck, Nathan, just-“
“I just don’t feel anything anymore. I don’t know what more you want. I would love to like you, but I just.. we aren’t compatible, y/n. I’m sorry.”
You watch as Nathan leaves your apartment, tears falling as soon as the door shuts. You walk over to your window, jumping back with a loud gasp as a crow lands on the sill, but you suddenly felt better.
“Those were only a few times, I’ve been around a while.” Colby’s hand slides back, his palm flat on your cheek, “Are you scared?”
You stare up at him, “I.. don’t even know what’s real anymore.” You shake your head, “You’re not..”
“Go on, my love. Say it.”
“Why don’t I remember ever seeing you?” You ask but Colby makes you look at him, “One thing at a time, sweetheart. Please.”
It takes you a few seconds to even muster up the means to allow the words to roll off your tongue, “You’re not human.. but-“ you slide your hand up his arm, “You feel human.”
“Wait. You.. you were there after every breakup I had.” You step back, “Nathan, Seth, Taylor, Francesca, I-“ you bring your hand up to lay on your forehead, breathing heavy as you feel like you are about to pass out, “The crow.. I-“
“Shh, hey.” Colby moves to you, wrapping his arms around your body as your head rests on his chest.
You feel calm.
Like this is where you belong.
“Do you remember what I told you in your dream yesterday afternoon?” Colby asks, “I told you that you’re going to be just fine.”
He tilts your chin up, “I mean that.”
A knock on your door causes you to jump, and Colby’s grip tightens, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Y/n, it’s officer Golbach. Just doing a check in.”
“I can g-“
“No, I’ll handle this.” Colby walks you over to the couch, “Sit.” You plop down, watching as he walks over to the door and opens it.
Sam doesn’t say anything, he just stares at Colby, nodding his head, but you don’t hear anything. Sam turns and walks away, leaving without any kind of fuss.
“What did-“
“I just told him that he needed to come back at another time.” Colby walks over and sits next to you, “I need your full attention, my love.”
“You can make me do anything, can’t you?” You keep your stare on him, “Is that what yo-“
“No. Y/n, okay. The only thing that I have made you do, is text officer dingdong, and break up with that asshole loser, who we both know would have only ruined your life.”
You raise your brows, knowing he was talking about Mitchel, who now has a bad rap with things you didn’t need, “Yeah. Thanks for that one I guess.”
“Oh, and your dreams. But other than those three things, my focus is on keeping you for myself.”
“Why me?”
“What do you mean by, why me? Look at yourself, y/n. You are beautiful.” He moves closer and shift towards you, “I would never make you do anything you wouldn’t ever want to do.”
“My dreams.. you.. last night..” you swallow as you think about the sex dream with him, and he nods, “There’s others.. but I figured I’d just give you the less detailed one to test the waters, you know?”
“But why?” You stand up and Colby reaches for you but you turn, walking away, only for him to appear right in front of you, “Don’t shy away from me.”
You step back, looking up at him, “None of this, is making any sense to me, Colby.”
“Because I love you.”
“You don’t e-“
“Yes I do, y/n. I know you more than you know yourself. Considering I’m a demon and all, I know that there are devilish thoughts in the minds of the most angelic, and y/n..” he steps towards you, his hands moving to your cheeks, “I know that you have some wicked desires..”
His eyes move from your lips to your eyes, “So, let me ruin you.”
“Colby I-“ You shake your head, “Can you just.. I don’t know what you do, but just.. I need a second.”
He nods and by the time you blink, he’s gone with a slight feeling of regret settling in your stomach, but you push it away as you sit back down, face in your hands as you try and figure out what exactly it is you need to figure out.
Colby was gone for a two or so. You were on edge, trying to figure out if he was in your apartment or not, in the walls. In your head.
You were jumpy, nervous, but above all, turned on.
Evil, above all, is truly seductive, and you found yourself missing a part of Colby, but then again, you were also second guessing everything you thought, felt, or heard.
“Am I able to see you?”
You look around, letting out a sigh, “Yes.”
Colby sits down next to you, “How do you feel?”
“Don’t you already know?” You avoid looking at him, but you feel like you need to, so you do. His eye lock with yours and he takes a small inhale, “I need..”
He stops and you turn towards him, “Colby?”
“You’re going to freak out. I can already see it.” He laughs weakly, “I’m in line to rule the underworld, but I can’t do that if I-“
“No.” You instantly stand up, backing away from him, “I don’t-“ you feel tears in your eyes, “I don’t want to die.”
He’s instantly behind you, arms around your body and that calm feeling settles in, but it’s only for a moment and you push him away, “No. no. No.”
Colby stands there, eyes on you as you pace, “Why? Why me? Out of all the people in the world, you just had to come and fuck up my life?”
He remains silent as you continue your ranting, “I have so much to live for. I can’t just- what would I tell my parents my best friend, I-“ you stop, taking a deep breath, “Can’t it be anyone else?”
You look up at him and he shakes his head, “I’ve already left my mark on you.”
“Mark? On me?” Your hands start to feel your own body but Colby walks over, “Not a physical mark, sweetheart. The others just know to leave you alone.”
“There’s others?” You scoff, “Of course there is.”
“Y/n, my love.”
“Why do you call me that? Seriously, I just..” you shake your head, covering your hands as you groan into them.
There was this strange entity standing in your living room, a stranger. But in reality, you knew him just as well as he knew you, you just needed a slight nudge to know that.
“I chose you because you’re just so..” he presses his lips together, gently reaching up to brush your hair from your face, “You.”
“Yeah because that explains it.” You roll your eyes and Colby clenches his jaw, “You know me. I know you. Say the word and I’ll prove it.”
“Prove it.” You shrug and he nods, taking your cheeks between his hands as rests his forehead against yours, “Close your eyes.”
You close your eyes and the memory of you and Colby at dinner one night replays in your mind.
He shows you sitting across from Colby at The Whiskey Well, having dinner and talking about anything and everything. That eventually led into Colby telling you about his, what you didn’t know at the time, human life.
You swore you fell in love that night.
“Did you?” Colby asks as he moves his head back slightly.
“Did I what?” You ask, knowing damn well why he asked. He tilts his head and you nod, “Yeah, but then you made me forget, so what’s it matter?”
“It matters because I need you.”
“Well I don’t need you, so..” you step back, “How do I break this.. I don’t even know, curse?”
“I’m not here to make your life hell, y/n.”
“That seems to be exactly what you’re doing, Colby.” You chew on your cheek, “Did you mess with my dreams again while you were-“ you air quote, “Gone?”
He shrugs, “Only the second night. The rest was you.”
You couldn’t lie, going from knowing that he’s always been there, to knowing he wasn’t there at all, hurt. It felt like a piece of you was missing, like you lost your security blanket or something.
“I’m not here to hurt you, unless you want me to.” A smirk twitches on his lips and you shake your head. Colby scoffs, “You may look like an angel, but I know that there’s a fire deep inside that pretty little body of yours.”
His words caused a chill of excitement to shimmy down your spine, “You know.. I thought for so long that the universe was so ugly for being against me..”
Colby tilts his head and you lock eyes, “But in reality it’s a gorgeous looking demon with a bit of an obsession problem.”
He cocks his jaw, nodding his head as he chuckles, “I mean what can I say? You’re the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on.”
You smile, looking down as your mind begins to race again. Colby walks over, lifting your chin, “Don’t do that to yourself. If you want answers, ask.”
You take a deep breath in through your nose, “I hate this. I hate the thought of having to lea-“ you stop, taking in a shaky breath.
“There’s ways around it, y/n.”
“I hate this. I hate even thinking about it.” You avoid looking at him, mainly because there’s more to it, and you know he’d get you to say it regardless.
“I just hate..” you look up, “That I fell in love with the way you touched me, without even using your hands.”
He licks his lips, smirking as he tilts his head, “So what? Are you saying yes?”
You chew on your lip, swallowing before you take a breath, “I need to know what it feels like when you do actually touch me.”
You walk over to him, hands sliding up his chest, “Are you controlling me?”
He shakes his head as his hands slide to your hips, “This is all you, my love.” He pulls you in, lips on yours and you instantly need more. You fist his shirt, pulling him closer as you whimper, “Please.”
“You have the control now, baby.” Colby whispers, lips trailing down your neck, “As I said, I will go to the deepest depths of hell to make you happy. I will be your sickening desire. I am yours, and you are mine.”
His words are low as he bites down on your skin, “Mine.”
He lifts you up, arm around your waist as his lips find yours, “Mine.”
He takes you to your bedroom, laying you down on the bed, “Whatever you want. Whatever you need.” He whispers, pushing up your shirt so he can kiss your stomach, “I’ll get it for you.”
“I-I-“ you gasp as he pulls down your sweats, “no more making me do anything.”
He nods as he looks up at you, “Anything you want, baby.” He kisses back up your body, “I promise. You’re the only body I need. Your souls was meant to be mine.”
He moves his way in between your legs, “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to get my hands on you.”
“How are you real?” Your hands slide up his shoulders and rest against his neck, “Like I-“
“This is the body I died with, but trust and believe I can be anything I want to be.” Colby leans back, his eyes staring into yours, “But I just want to be everything you want and need.” His lips are on yours again, “Every inch of my darkened being aches for you.”
You whimper, hooking your legs around his waist, “I want to feel you. I need to feel you.”
He nods as he stands up, “Undress for me.”
Your eyes are on each other as you finish taking off the rest of your clothes, “You’ve seen me before, haven’t you?”
He nods, “But it still doesn’t compare to this moment right here.” He moves onto you, hips resting between your thighs as he slowly guides his cock into you without warning.
You gasp, throwing your head back as your nails dig into his shoulders and chest, “Fuck, fuck.” You moan loudly, chest rising and falling quickly as you feel yourself stretching to accommodate his cock, “Fuck you feel so good.”
“Words can’t even explain how you’re making me feel right now, baby.” Colby groans lowly, his hand sliding up to cup your throat.
You play your hand on his, urging him to squeeze, “You know me well enough. Just do it.”
His eyes darken and his thrusts are instantly punishing, ripping loud moans and pleasured screams before his hand cuts off all sound from your throat, “You sound even prettier than you look, my love.”
He groans, sliding a hand down to grip the outside of your thigh, “Do you like that?”
He looses a his grip just enough for a slight, “yes” to squeak out and he smirks, “Of course you do.” His lips crash onto yours and he groans into your mouth, “I fucking love you.”
Your back arches as he keeps your neck pinned to the bed, your cheeks start to heat up and you feel the tingling settling in as your vision starts to fade out, but all you focused on was Colby.
He lets go and you gasp out, “I love you.”
He stops, staring down at you, “You mean that.”
You nod and he shakes his head, “No, I mean. I can feel how much you mean that.” His thrusts resume, but they’re slower, “Fuck, you’re going to make the best Queen.”
Your heart skips a beat, but you’re not scared.
“I trust you.” You swallow, pulling him in to kiss, “This feels right.”
“I promise. I will take care of you.” Colby shakes his head, “Fuck, you’re the most important thing to me. The best thing I’ve ever got to touch, smell, taste.”
He pulls out, quickly moving down your body to throw your legs over his shoulders. His tongue immediately pushes between your folds and your hand flies to the back of his head, “Colby!”
He groans against you, gripping your hips roughly as he pins you down.
Your vision goes blurry as you arch your back, coming undone quickly with just the tip of his tongue, “f-fuck, fuckfuckfuck!”
“That’s it baby. Let it all go.”
Colby’s tongue guides you through your high, collecting every drop of your precious arousal before he kisses back up your body, “So fucking delicious.”
He pulls you on top of him, rolling onto his back as you straddling his waist to sink back down onto his cock with a loud moan.
You knew you were going to be littered with fingertip shape bruised, but that made everything hotter.
“That’s it.” Colby breathes out, “Fuck, just like that, my love. Look at you.” His eyes scan up your body to meet yours.
His hands slide up and down your thighs as you bounce, moaning louder and louder as you feel yourself coming closer to another orgasm.
Colby interlocks his hands with yours, bucking his hips upward and you squeeze his hands to hold yourself steady, “S-so close. Don’t stop, don’t stop!”
You throw your head back, screaming out as you feel yourself cum once more. Colby let’s go of your hands, sitting up to lay you back. His thrusts resume, guiding you through your high.
His thrusts come to a slow stop and he pulls out before laying next to you, “Brooke is going to be here any second.”
“She didn’t tell me she was-“
“Y/n? You home?”
You look over at Colby and let out a sigh before answering her, “Be out in a second.”
“Hurry up! I have to tell you something!” She yells back and you look at Colby, “You’ll come back right?”
“My love, I never leave.”
Thank you so much for being patient. I hope this is up to par and as always, I love you, and I will see you in the next one! 🖤🖤🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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delicatereader · 11 months
I need you (stephen!hayden x reader)
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• summary: Stephen is a little rusty in sex and needs some help
• warnings: well smut
• a/n: this is about hayden/stephen not the actual one. I didn't go deep with the smut bc I am just getting the hang of it so yea. enjoy! (btw I haven't proof read it so there are mistakes...
You've had an exhausting day at work, unfortunately you have to work overnight. All you want is a get away from this shit. There were only few others with you left. You peacefully working in your space, reading reports in your spinning chair when Stephen comes in.
He hastily grabs a chair and pulls it next to you to sit. You ignore him because you what was coming, he's gonna rant about how everyone thinks he's gay and no one likes him. You didn't think that way, you've had a cute crush on him for a while but didn't do anything because you worked with him and didn't have the time. You've always liked the way he talks and his glasses (you found them slutty and hot).
"What do you think of me?" he asks
"What do you mean?" you try to confirm, still reading the reports
"What do you think me?"
"You're kind, generous and hard-working!" you reply looking at him
"No like what do you think of me?" he repeats
You let out a harsh sigh annoyed.
"Like physically, do you find me attractive?" he blurts out
"What?" you respond in surprise
"Like am I attractive?" he asks again
"Yeah? why? did someone say anything to you?" you ask him concerned
"No..." he drags
"Spill" you demand
"Ok! It's been a while since you know..." he says
"What? I don't know"
"Since you know!" he looks at his pants and back up (twice)
"Sex?" you answer
"Shhhhh!" he silences you, making you giggle
"Someone will hear you! But yeah since I had sex" he continues
"So you want to start having sex again?" you ask
"Well yeah! It's been a long time" he admits
"How long?" you ask curiously
"Ummm...2 years?"
"What!? 2 years?! omg!" you yell whilst whispering
"I'm a bit rusty..." he says
You scoff as a response, "you will be"
"Oh shut up!" he responds
"Can't belive it! 2 years!" you laugh out loud
"Yep..." he says embarrassed, nodding his head
"Ok I won't laugh! I promise! you speak" you take a deep breath
"So everyone thinks I'm gay, I accidentally let people- no men stick their tongue down my throat and the girls I get run away when they hear the gay rumours" he explains his situation
"Well they just haven't seen your search history! trust me your straight!!" you confirm for him.
He leans back on the chair shocked
"How do you know my search history?"
"The other week you left early and forgot to log out. I did it for you" you smile at him proudly
"Anyways what am I supposed to do about this? I have some friends who might be interested..." you advise resting your head on you palms.
"No" he replies instantly
"Then?" you ask raising your eyebrows waiting for some details
"I need you" he mutters
"What?" you yell in shock
"You. I mean I don't know anyone else better. I'm close to you so it won't be that awkward!" he explains further
"What?! I can't!"
"Yes you can. Nat, Smith and Jade are leaving right now" he says placing a hand on your lap
"What?" as you respond you hear an elevator reach your floor seeing your colleagues leave
"It's just us! please!" he begs. You could see the desperation in his eyes.
"If I agree to this..." you drag
"I'll owe you a million" he offers
"Fine" you shrug even though you've wanted him for so long, you put on a act.
He instantly gets off the chair and kisses you
"Is that ok?" he asks
You nod in response
His kisses get more passionate and confident. His lips are awfully soft. His hands travel from your lap to your cheeks. He starts to kiss your neck, but whilst leaving a trail of kisses from behind your ear to you collarbone you get up and turn so he is in the chair. You're sat on his lap legs on both sides of him. He slips his around your waist and let's them travel your back and slip through your hair.
You pull his dark blonde curls, making him whimper. "You like that?"
The only response you got was a moan.
He starts to unbutton your shirt kissing your chest and around your bra. You follow his actions and pull his shirt off. He takes your bra off and kisses your breasts.
You slowly start to grind on him, making his head fall back in pleasure. "Fuck y/n!"
His breath starts to get heavier. He pulls his hand from your waist to tale off his glasses. Suddenly, you stop him.
"Whay are you doing?"
"Taking of my glasses?"
You lean against his mouth with a smirk
"The glasses stays on" you demand
"You have a thing for glasses?" He asks, locking his lips with a smile and carrying pire lust in his eyes.
"Shut up!" you say rolling your eyes at him whilst giggling
"We'll see who needs to shut up after this" he says with a mischievous smile leaning back in to kiss you
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sapphire-writes · 11 months
Running On Sunshine (hospital AU)
Do No Harm part 3 || masterlist || previous part || next part
pairing: doctor!Aemond Targaryen x doctor!Reader
summary: You haven't spoken to Aemond. Tensions rise between the two of you and come to a head at the arrival of a disruptive patient.
word count: 6.1k
warnings: NSFW mdni medical terminology, use of needles, discussion around addiction (specifically alcohol, rehab, recovery), fighting, blood, punching, explicit sex (p in v) fingering, oral (fem receiving), creampie, praise, dirty talk, spanking, language
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dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
note: here it is! long-awaited, thank you for being so patient as my brain jumps around 😂 hope you enjoy it!!
disclaimer: yall, I am not a doctor, I am simply a Grey's Anatomy stan. If something is off or incorrect please just suspend your disbelief! I am trying my best to make it as accurate as possible but its just for fun!!
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It’s been a few days since your ultimatum with Aemond. 
No texts. 
No calls. 
You pass each other in the halls and avoid eye contact, brushing past him close enough that if you extended your little finger you’d be sure to brush against the back of his hand.
You weren’t going to chase him. 
You’d told him what you wanted. Told him you’d wanted him. And he had stayed silent. If that was the end of you and him, so be it.
But that didn’t mean it wasn’t killing you inside. Watching him day in and day out walking through the halls of Citadel General in those stupid blue scrubs that he somehow wore like he was strutting down a runway not the hallway of a hospital. 
It didn’t help that observations often included surgeries he was a part of. Aemond was a model resident, often asked to assist the attendants. And he was hard to miss, always wearing his signature scrub cap with little dragons peppered all over it, mid-flight. You’d catch him glancing up at the viewing gallery, peering up over his mask every now and then. You never caught his eye, he was much too quick for that. 
“Switch with me,” you’d begged that afternoon after Baratheon had informed you of the plan to observe Dr. Cole’s surgery. There was no way Aemond wouldn't be there, Dr. Cole had chosen him as an obvious favorite. 
You’d been catching up on notes with Cory for the past ten minutes, the pair of you both trying to shove food in your mouths before your pagers inevitably went off. 
Labs. Observation. Notes. Scut work.
The never-ending revolving schedule of your internship. 
Cory reaches into her bag of salt and vinegar chips, clicking her mouse furiously, her brows pinched together in concentration. 
“I can’t,” she says through a mouthful, “Besides, you’ve already done this lab. If I don’t get these hours by the end of the week I’m about to take Jace’s place as Baratheon’s least favorite.”
You groan in frustration, letting your head rest against the keyboard of your computer. Nettles pops her head into the room, frowning at you both, “What’s wrong with her?”
Cory shrugs and you turn your head to face Nettles. 
Beep beep!
Cory groans, checking her pager, “Shit, I gotta go,” she says, crushing her chip bag and logging out of the computer before heading out of the room, “Sorry again, Y/N!”
You mumble something along the lines of don’t worry about it just as she disappears from sight. Nettles raises her eyebrows.
“McDreamy?” she asks, and you continue to pout, “Damn. Dick is so good we should change his name to McDick.”
“You suck,” you tell her, but you can’t stop your smile, “Definitely not your best work.”
“McOrgasm? I’m still thinking of one that truly encompasses the distress he’s causing you. Dr. Cum?” she makes a face, “Okay ew. Definitely not Dr. Cum.”
You groan, putting your face in your hands, “What am I going to do?”
Nettles walks towards you, slapping the back of your head. You lift your head, mouth open in shock, palming the place she slapped.
“Hey! I was recently concussed!”
“And apparently it scrambled your brains more than we thought!” she snaps, “See what you’re not going to do is spend your days moping over Dr. Sexy. I don’t care how good his dick was. You are a doctor. You are an insanely smart woman and you are in your internship.”
Nettles lowers herself to your height, taking your hands in hers. 
“He is very dreamy,” she says, her brown eyes empathetic, “But this is your time to shine. Not his. He’s not this important.”
It hurts---gods does it hurt---but she’s right. And you know it. You’ve been through situations like this before. You’ve gotten through things like this, and worse. Smiling at Nettles you squeeze her hands.
“Thank you.”
“Mhmm,” she says, smiling, “Always here for a reality check. You’re the sun, babe.”
You smile back at her, “I’m the sun.”
“Damn right,” she says, chuckling, “How’s Cece doing?”
“She was discharged this morning,” you tell her, beaming with pride, “Just finished her last round of antibiotics and her labs are clear. I’m working on her note now.”
Nettles plops down in Cory’s seat, reaching into the chip bag she left behind. Her hand comes out empty and she frowns. 
Jace opens the door, looking rather sweaty and discombobulated. He’s been running around the most, trying to get on Barartheon’s good side. 
“Hey,” he says, out of breath, “Can you guys help me in the pit?”
“No can do,” Nettles says, “We’ve got observation soon.”
You nod agreeing, but become curious noticing Jace’s panicked expression.
“Why what’s wrong?” you ask.
“Just…five minutes,” Jace says, “Please, I need someone. And I can’t find Sara and Cory--I just need someone, please.”
You turn to Nettles.
“The pit?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at you, “Really?”
“Tell Baratheon I’ll be there as soon as I can,” you tell her, “Besides, maybe it’s a good case.”
“Girl,” Nettles says, sighing and shaking her head.
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“I just really need your help,” Jace says, leading you through the emergency room, weaving between nurses and patients, “It’s just that…I mean I didn’t know the other day but now…”
“Didn’t know what?” you ask as he stops outside a curtain.
“-- he’s back again and family members--,” Jace says, brown eyes wide, “We’re not supposed to work on family members.”
Your eyebrows concave together in confusion when suddenly the curtain pulls back. A man is lying in the hospital bed, a halo of platinum hair cascading onto the pillow he lays on. His eyes are red-rimmed and bloodshot, a lazy grin appearing on his face as he gives you a once-over.
“Nephew,” he sing-songs, giggling, “You brought me a present!”
Jace sighs, pulling the curtain from his grasp. Wait a minute. Nephew? Your eyes scan the giggling man as Jace snaps something at him. The silvery hair, the violet eyes. Seven hells.
How many Targaryens are there?
“Excuse me?”
“He’s kidding,” Jace says, forcing a smile and turning to his uncle, “You’re kidding.”
His uncle shakes his head, lower lip jutting out in a pout, “I’ve never told a joke in my life. She’s pretty Jacey, well done.”
Your cheeks burn at the compliment, at the way his eyes cascade down your body. You’ve never felt more exposed in simple scrubs. 
“Stop calling me that,” Jace snaps, cheeks reddening.
“I didn’t know you had it in you, Jacey boy,” he croons, “Thought Baela had taken your balls when she dumped your ass--”
“Funnier every time I see you, Aegon,” Jace interrupts, closing the curtain once more. 
Aegon’s mouth drops open in surprise before he’s hidden from sight. You raise an eyebrow at Jace, folding your arms across your chest. 
“He’s harmless,” Jace assures you, “Please, please just help get him out of here as soon as possible.”
“Well, that’s sort of difficult when we don’t know what’s wrong--”
“I know what’s wrong.”
You frown, raising an eyebrow at him, “You know?”
“Yeah, he’s fucking drunk. He’s always drunk. Just give him a banana bag, let him sober up, and get him out of here,” Jace instructs.
“How do you know he’s drunk?”
“Considering the fact he hasn’t been sober since I was eight years old, it’s not hard to guess,” Jace tells you, “He’s been to more rehab programs than I can count. Trust me on this.”
“I’m still going to have to do some labs,” you tell him, not willing to go against protocol.
“That’s fine, do what you have to do just…keep him out of the way,” Jace pleads, eyes widening as though he’d just remembered something very important, “And don’t let Aemond know he’s here.”
Your gut tightens at the mention of Aemond.
“Why not?”
“Just don’t. It’s better for everyone if no one knows Aegon is here,” Jace finishes, “Thank you, I owe you big time.”
“Yeah you do,” you confirm, and then Jace hurries out of sight, eager to escape the pit.
The curtain opens once more and you turn, meeting the curious gaze of Aegon Targaryen. You try to stop the scowl that threatens to overtake your face as he grins widely, a mischievous look in his eyes. 
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“Will you hold still!”
“You’re killing me!”
“Stop being so dramatic!”
“It hurts!”
“It won’t hurt if you stay still, Aegon!”
Aegon throws his opposite arm over his eyes as you attempt to find a vein for the third time. He’s too squirmy, too anxious that as soon as the needle pierces his ivory skin he’s flinching away and howling. 
“I’ve seen children do better than you,” you grumble, and he gasps in feigned shock.
“They let you torture children?”
“Hush!” you insist, and to your relief, he’s able to stay still as you start the IV, “There you go. See? That wasn’t so hard.”
Aegon peaks over his arm, glancing down at the tubes as you assemble them properly, making sure the drip is even. He frowns as you release the tourniquet. 
“I bruise like a peach,” he mumbles.
“Sounds like you need more iron in your diet,” you tell him, walking to the other side of his bed. You need to take his blood pressure and begin wrapping the band around his arm. 
“Can I have something for the pain?” he asks.
“No, you may not.”
“Not even Tylenol?”
“Hells,” he mumbles, “You should know, I enjoy it when women are mean to me, it turns it on.”
“Of course it does.”
“Mhmm. I eat that shit up.”
You’ve been trying not to look at his face for too long. If you look at Aegon, you’ll start thinking about Aemond. 
You’ve been trying very hard not to think about Aemond.
They don’t really look alike, despite the matching hair and eye color. Though he’s sitting down you can tell Aegon has none of Aemond’s height. He’s soft whereas Aemond is sharp. Their mouths may be the most similar thing about them, both awarded beautifully pouty lips made to be kissed. 
“What’s on your mind, doc?” Aegon says, eyes narrowing.
“You’re lying, I’m very perceptive,” Aegon insists, “Come on tell me. What is it? Doctor drama? Boyfriend drama?” Your face must give something away when he asks, because his eyes light up, “Boyfriend drama.”
It’s no use, you can feel your face heating up, “I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Fuck off.”
Your head snaps up at him, and you remove the blood pressure sleeve. Discarding it in favor of your stethoscope you place the end against his chest.
“Breathe in.”
“D’you have a girlfriend then?” he relentlessly continues.
“A fuck buddy?”
“Hells,” you mumble in frustration, trying to listen to his heartbeat. 
“Please tell me it isn’t my nephew,” Aegon says, making a face.
“What?” you answer, far too quickly, “No! Seven hells, Jace and I are friends! And I do not sleep with colleagues.”
“Everyone sleeps with colleagues,” Aegon argues, “How else do you meet people?”
“That working well for you?”
“Oh I don’t work,” he answers, “That’s boring.”
You choke back a laugh. The man truly is ridiculous.
“Alright then. Well, you’re all set once you’re done with your fluids we’ll check your vitals again and send you on your way,” you tell him, making a note in his chart, “I can have the nurses reach out to some detox programs if you’re interested.”
“I’m not.”
“Look, I understand a bit of your history from what Jace shared. But you should know, recovery isn’t linear, and relapse is completely normal-”
“I haven’t relapsed.”
You blink. 
“Your BAC was 1.06,” you inform him, “That’s more than a little buzzed.”
“I haven’t had a drink since Nyra birthed her last gremlin,” he insists, not elaborating on who Nyra was, “I’m just like this.”
Your eyebrows knit together. He could be lying, you know that. Addiction is one hell of a disease. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” he groans.
“Like what?”
“Like you don’t believe me.”
You’re silent for a moment, just staring into his violet eyes. 
“Your blood--”
“Fuck the labs,” he groans, “They always come back like that. I haven’t taken anything. I haven’t drank anything. Believe me, I’d be much more obvious.”
“How so?”
“Well for starters, a pretty little thing like you wouldn’t be so far away,” he comments, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin, “I don’t know why this happens. I think my body got so used to being fucked up, it just does it on its own now.”
“You’re being serious,” you comment, and he nods.
It goes against everything you’ve learned in med school, and in residency thus far. Your pager beeps and you glance at it. It’s Nettles. You’re supposed to be joining her soon. 
When you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras. 
You chew your bottom lip. Aegon raises a brow, already looking better with the intake of fluids. 
Fuck it. 
You quickly page Nettles, and let her know you’re needed longer in the pit. Hopefully, Baratheon doesn’t kill you for this. 
We’re going with the zebras. 
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“Okay so I’m going to send the sample to the lab and see what comes back,” you inform Aegon, “And if you’re being honest with me, we should have some answers for you.”
Aegon swings his legs over the side of the bed. 
“Why would I lie?”
You want to roll your eyes, but you’re sure if you do in his presence once more they’ll fall out of your skull. He gives you a cheeky grin as he notices your exasperation. 
“People lie all the time,” you tell him.
“To you?” Aegon asks, snatching your hand is his, “Never, princess.”
You hear Nettles suddenly, her voice flowing through the ER and your stomach turns. Surely, it's Dr. Baratheon coming to reprimand you for missing observation to spend time in the pit ‘trolling for surgeries.’ The curtain opens then, and to your horror, it’s Aemond who has discovered you rather than Dr. Baratheon. 
His eyes fall to your face first before he turns to Aegon. His gaze drops to your interlocked hands. Something washes over him, his expression cold and calculating. 
“Out,” he says, voice quiet as death. 
Aegon chuckles, but you can hear the nervousness he’s trying to hide. You can see it in the way he wets his lips, the way he pulls his hand from yours.
“Out, now,” Aemond repeats, “Don’t make me drag you out in front of all these people.”
“Careful now,” Aegon says, standing, “you know how mummy feels about you getting your hands dirty--”
Aemond steps forward, hands fisting Aegon’s shirt and dragging him forward. Your eyes widen in shock and Nettles yelps as Aemond pushes past her, dragging Aegon with him. 
The display has gathered the attention of several nurses and patients as Aemond continues to drag him through the ambulance entrance and out the automatic doors. You and Nettles remain closely on their heels as they exit the hospital.
Aemond releases his hold, sending Aegon stumbling into the road. 
“Seven hells!” Nettles says, a shocked expression on her face. 
Aegon laughs maniacally, bending over with his hands on his knees. He shakes his head several times, like a dog before looking up.
“Go home,” Aemond says, flexing his hand.
“Where’s that?”
“Wherever you’ve been staying I suppose,” Aemond quips.
Aegon is panting, staring at his brother.
“I’d like to see Helaena.”
“That’s not happening.”
“Helaena!” he yells at the sky, “She’s my sister, I know she wants to see me.”
“You’re not shaking her down for any more fucking money,” Aemond says, his voice louder this time, making you flinch, “Go home, Aegon.”
Aegon wets his lips, running a hand through his hair. His eyes meet yours. 
“You’ll call me? With the results?” he asks, and Aemond snorts.
“Another STI screening?” Aemond snarks. 
Aegon’s tongue pokes his cheek, an angry smile on his face. 
“Gotta make sure I’m all clear before saddling up with a fit bird,” he taunts, eyes falling on you as he says it, grabbing his crotch for emphasis. 
Aemond lurches forward his hand connecting with Aegon’s cheek. Nettles and you both scream as Aemond jumps back, Aegon spitting a mix of blood and saliva on the ground. He laughs again, smiling with bloody teeth. 
“Get him cleaned up and get him out of here,” Aemond instructs Nettles, before heading back inside and leaving the three of you standing there.
Aegon’s lip is split, along with a cut on his cheekbone. He spits again, wiping his face and nodding at you.
“No boyfriend eh?” he says, grinning. Your face flushes. 
“I wasn’t lying.”
His grin widens.
“One of us is,” he says, referencing your earlier conversation, “Guess we’ll find out who.”
Nettles approaches him, and he winces. She turns to you.
“You should go see if he’s okay,” she says, nodding to the doors. 
You run back inside leaving Nettles and Aegon, your eyes searching for Aemond. Hurrying to the nurses' station, they inform you which direction he took off in. A nervous sweat breaks out on the back of your neck as you hurry down the hallway. You spot him then, taller than everyone else, watching as he ducks into an on-call room. 
Quickening your pace you follow him inside. It’s quiet as you close the door, besides the sound of a noise machine echoing white noise in the dimly lit space. There are two beds in this room; truly the on-call rooms are in such sorry states. Small twin mattresses with paper-thin sheets and pillows that may as well be pieces of foam. 
Aemond sits on the bed to the left, his head resting in his hands. You close the blinds on the door, flipping the sign that says “Both Beds Occupied” along with flicking the lock. You don’t think he’ll want to be disturbed.
“Aemond,” you say softly. He doesn’t move. The knuckles of his right hand are bloody. 
Taking a step closer, you watch his shoulders rise and fall with the deep breaths he’s taking. Anxiety churns in your stomach, and you take a step back, placing your hand on the handle of the door.
“I’ll just leave you--”
“Don’t,” Aemond speaks quietly for the first time, raising his head. His gaze softens, his eyes somewhat glassy. “Please don’t go.”
Your heart starts to race, but you nod, stepping back toward him. Sitting beside him the bed creaks; you cross your ankles and place your hands on the edge of the bed. Aemond rests his chin on his hands, arms propped on his knees. The pair of you sit in silence for several moments. It begins to rain outside, fat droplets of water beating against the window. 
“You should get that looked at,” you finally say, nodding at his hand. 
Aemond merely hums in response, flexing his fingers. 
“Seriously, you’re a surgeon,” you continue, “What are you thinking, throwing punches like that?”
Aemond glances at his hand, curling and uncurling his fingers, “He brings out the worst in me.”
“Your brother.”
“Mhmm,” he answers, shaking his hand. It’s not as bad as it looks, thankfully. He could have done some serious damage.
“I’m sorry. Jace told me…well I’m just sorry.”
“It’s alright. Someone has to treat him. I’m sorry if he was inappropriate to you.”
“It’s alright,” you assure him, “We don’t get to choose how patients behave.”
“Aegon can be a lot. Take it from someone who knows him rather well.”
You sit in silence some more. The sky outside has begun to turn dark as clouds roll in, the sound of thunder audible in the distance. A storm is looming.
“I’ve missed you,” he says so softly you almost don’t catch it.
Your hands dig into the side of the bed, your heart pounding against your ribs making your chest feel painfully tight.
“Please Aemond,” you cut him off, eyes watery, “Please. Don’t say that if you don’t mean it.”
“I do mean it,” he insists, turning his head toward you, “It’s just…Y/N that day I didn’t give you an answer. And you deserve one. I like you. I like you so much. You’re an incredibly intelligent person, funny, adorable, and…” he trails off, shaking his head slightly as he chuckles to himself. 
“And what?”
“And that scares the shit out of me. I haven’t felt this way in a long time. I wasn’t expecting you. When I moved here I just planned on keeping my head down and then….then there was you,” he looked away, his eyes lit up in wonder, “I saw you in that bar, and it was like the sun came out.” 
Your lips part, your stomach flutters pleasantly at his words, and goosebumps erupt on your skin. He glances at you shyly, the tips of his ears tinged pink.
“And then I saw you here and you’re an intern, at the beginning of your residency I just….I mess things up. I don’t want to mess things up for you. Or with you.”
You reach for his hand, lacing your fingers through his, “Okay.”
“But…I miss you. I miss talking to you, kissing you,” Aemond continues, the top of his cheeks turning pink, matching his ears, “You asked me if I’m in or out. I didn’t answer, and I should have. I’m all in.”
“If you’ll have me,” he adds, “If you…if you want to give this a try.”
You smile at him softly.
“It’s all I wanted from the start.”
Aemond smiles, leaning toward you and connecting his lips to yours. You sigh against his mouth, as his hand snakes around the back of your neck, keeping you from going anywhere. His tongue runs along the seam of your lips, and you part them eagerly accepting the warm muscle into your mouth. 
Your hands bury themselves in his scrubs as he turns his head, deepening the kiss. His opposite hand reaches for your waist, sliding down to rest on the meat of your thigh. He rubs soothing circles there for a moment, before gripping you hard and pulling you on top of him. 
You straddle his waist as he scoots backward, pressing his back flat against the wall. He breaks the kiss for only a moment, tugging your blue scrub top over your head, before desperately chasing your lips once more. Shivering in the cool air, your nipples harden in your bra. You almost wish you’d worn something a little sexier, the plain black bra making you feel underdressed. 
Aemond eyes your tits like a madman as his skilled hands eagerly unclasp your bra, pulling it from your torso. 
“Should we be doing this--” you gasp, grinding against the hardness between his thighs. 
“Yes, yes we should,” he says, kissing you once more before pausing, his eyebrows knitting together, “Unless you don’t want..”
“No! I mean--fuck, yes, yes we should and I want to,” you whimper as his teeth graze against your neck, “But I mean, here…” Aemond continues his attention to your neck, his perfect mouth nipping and sucking the sensitive skin.
“No one’s coming,” he murmurs, “You locked the door, yes?”
You nod, fingers tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck.
“That’s a good girl,” he murmurs, groaning as you clench your fists, tugging at his hair.
He catches your lips once more and you arch your back, pressing yourself against him trying to get as close as humanly possible. Moaning against his mouth he chuckles softly, the sound reverberating against you. 
“Shh,” he croons, brushing some hair from your face, “You have to be quiet.” He nips your lower lip as he says it, smoothing his tongue along where he bit, “Something you have trouble with, I recall.”
Your cheeks warm at the memory of your first night together, the puddle he’d turned you into with such little effort. Lashes fluttering, you look up at him as he admires you.
“You’ll have to remind me,” you tease, earning a growl from him as he flips you onto your back beginning to pull your scrub pants from your body.
Eager to assist, you kick wildly trying to get the soft material off. Aemond catches your right calf in his large hand, trying to avoid being kicked.
“Careful,” he chuckles, pressing a hot kiss to your calf, helping you out of your scrubs, shoes, and underwear. 
“Sorry,” you manage to say through your giggles as he tosses the ball of clothes toward the opposite bed, “We’re a bit uneven now, wouldn’t you agree?”
Grinning, Aemond pulls his scrub top from his body as thunder crashes outside. The sky has darkened considerably and lightning flashes, illuminating the room. Aemond’s hands travel up your calves, hooking against your knees as he cocks an eyebrow at you. 
Your eyes trace down his exposed front following the planes of his chest, the chiseled outline of his abdominal muscles. You swallow, feeling yourself clench as your gaze rests on the outline of his hard bulge.
Nodding, you take your lower lip between your teeth, dragging your gaze back to his face. Aemond’s breathing is heavy as he sits on his haunches, eyes raking down your naked body.
“Fuck you’re beautiful,” he breathes appreciatively, “Gods…” He lets one hand move up your body, fingers dancing against the skin of your waist, up the side of your ribs to your breast. He explores higher and higher until with a desperate whine you reach up pulling him toward you.
You could kiss him forever.
You want to kiss him forever. 
The hand that rests on your leg curls inward, stroking the soft flesh of your inner thigh before inching higher. Your breathing has started to turn to pants as Aemond lets one of his long fingers part through your silky folds, spreading your arousal. 
“Seven hells,” he groans, swirling his finger against your clit, “All this for me?”
“Mhmm,” you tell him, biting your lip and trembling against him already.
Aemond only smirks, that familiar look of confidence in his eye, “Use your words, baby.”
“Yes,” you tell him, as the tip of his finger sinks inside of you, “Fuck-- just for you.”
“That’s my good girl,” he praises, pushing further inside of you, stretching you out on his forefinger. A second finger soon joins and he scissors the digits against your fluttering walls.
You’re trying to be quiet---really you are trying--- but it feels too good. He’s too precise with his movements, too insistent on bullying that sensitive rough patch that causes your eyes to roll back in your head. “Aemond…I can’t--”
“Shhh baby, I know, it feels too good to be quiet, huh?” he says, voice full of mock sympathy, “Don’t worry, I’ll make you cum really quick, let me take care of you, yeah?”
You nod furiously, a choked moan escaping you as Aemond presses a tender kiss to your forehead. Moving away from you, he keeps up his relentless pace with his fingers as he slides onto his stomach on the bed. Your eyes widen as Aemond glances up at you from between your legs, a cheeky smile on his handsome face. 
“Aem----oh fuck!” your concern is short-lived as Aemond presses his mouth against you.
His tongue traces lazy circles over your clit, groaning, “Hells, I missed this sweet little pussy,” he mumbles, taking the sensitive button between his lips and suctioning around it. 
Throwing your head back against the pillows, your back arches, and your mouth opens in a silent scream. The rain continues to pour outside, the drumming against the window matching that of your racing heart. 
“Oh yeah, I know that’s so good, huh?” Aemond mumbles between licks of your clit, his free hand snaking upwards to grope at your breasts, “Fuck you look so pretty…all whiny and desperate.”
He curls his fingers as he says it, massaging the tender spot inside of you causing your pussy to spasm against his fingers. His tongue traces nonsensical patterns around your clit, his lips sucking and releasing causing lewd wet noises to echo through the room.
“Next time,” he murmurs a quiet promise, “Next time, when I’ve got lots of time…we’ll see how long I can keep you like this.” His fingers pinch your right nipple, tweaking it harshly.
Your belly tenses, muscles constricting against his fingers as he returns his sweet torture on your clit, and you finish with a muffled sob as you turn your head, pressing your mouth against your shoulder. Aemond murmurs soft praises, talking you through your orgasm as your legs shake around him. 
“Fuck, fuckfuckfuck,” you hiss through your teeth as he slowly pulls his fingers from your fluttering pussy, bringing them to his mouth. 
You watch, wide-eyed as he sucks the lengthy digits, moaning at the taste of you.
“Turn around baby,” he says, sitting up, “Put your face in the pillow.”
Shakily, you turn on your hands and knees, before letting yourself fall to your forearms. Aemond slides his hand down your back, admiring the curve of your spine, spreading your cheeks wide. 
“Goddamn,” he murmurs, slapping your cheeks, causing you to yelp, “Sorry, couldn’t help myself.”
“You’re an ass man?” you tease, looking back over your shoulder.
“I’m a ‘you’ man,” he argues, grabbing his length and sliding it against your folds, “Now be a good girl, and let me take care of you.” The fat head of his cock pokes at your entrance.
“Please,” you breathe as he starts to slide in. Aemond pauses, groaning slightly.
“Fuck baby, you can’t say that all sweet right now,” he growls, “We don’t have time.”
“Please, put it in,” you whimper, cheek pressed against the pillow, drool forming a wet patch under your cheek.
Aemond’s hand cracks down on your ass once more, “Be a good girl you little brat.”
You whimper, your begging ceasing as he slides fully inside your tight, wet heat. The stretch of his fingers was nothing compared to his thick cock. Your walls tense around him, pulsating around his thick length as he bottoms out. Rocking backward, he slides nearly all the way out before thrusting back in. 
Electricity bursts through your veins, pleasure crackling through your limbs like the lightning outside of the window. The force of his thrusts sends your face deep into the pillow, muffling the sharp cries of pleasure you emit. You couldn’t stop if you wanted to, it feels too fucking good, the head of his cock rubbing ceaselessly against your g-spot as he ruts against you; he’s grunting softly, muttering praises all the while, his fingers digging into your hips. 
“Fuck,” he gasps as your knees slide down, legs shaking so bad you’re unable to keep them upright, “It’s okay baby, just relax I got you.”
Your legs bend against the mattress, thighs splayed, hip flexors burning with the deep stretch it awards you. Aemond never relents, just continues to slap his hips against the softness of your ass, his cock sliding effortlessly in and out, in and out.
“Aemond,” you moan, “Fuck it feels--”
“Yeah?” he groans, “How’s it feel baby?”
“S-s’good, Aem, fuck, it’s so good,” you whimper, hands fisting the sheets, the bed shaking with every harsh thrust. 
The bed grinds against your sensitive nipples and clit sending sparks of pleasure burning through you.
“Gonna make this pussy feel so good,” he says, leaning some of his weight on top of you, his face next to yours, “Gonna take you home after our shifts, you’d like that, yeah?” His arms hold him up, propped on either side of your head. 
“Yes, fuck please,” you agree, turning your face, and feeling him press a kiss to your shoulder blade.
“Gonna have you ride my face,” he promises, dragging his nose between your shoulder blades, “Wanna make that pussy feel so good, till you can’t fucking take it anymore.”
“Fuck Aemond,” you shiver with delight at his filthy words, at the promise of a repeat of the first night you’d been together. A promise of more. 
“Missed you too much,” he murmurs against your shoulder, sending warmth pooling in your belly, “Need you close to me.”
“I missed you,” you whimper, “Fuck, need you so bad.”
“I’m all yours,” he says, nearly whimpering himself, “Fuck baby, you’re so tight, feel so good clenching around my cock.”
“Yeah?” you ask, lifting your head slightly, and glancing back through hooded eyes.
Aemond maneuvers himself, leaning to capture your lips in a sloppy, heated kiss as he continues to pound into you. 
“Fuck….c’mon baby, one more time,” Aemond encourages as heat winds a tight coil of pleasure in your belly, “Can’t have my baby only cumming once, now can I? Come on, that’s a good girl.”
The pitch of your cries increases and you slam your face against the pillow to muffle your strangled cry as your whole body tense, pussy constricting like a vice around his cock as you come. It’s intense, it burns with a brutal passion that paints stars behind your eyelids. 
Aemond’s thrusts become sloppier and with a few more slaps of his hips, you feel his cock pulsate inside of you and the warmth release of his cum filling you up. You turn your cheek from the pillow, your body tingling with the remnants of your orgasm as you suck in a breath. Gently, Aemond pulls out of you, peppering kisses down the length of your spine as he does so. 
You hum happily as he slides out, placing his hands under your thighs and maneuvering you out of the frog-like position you were previously in. Your hip flexors ache, but it’s a good pain--well worth being fucked into the mattress. Aemond turns you on your back, brushing some hair from your sweaty forehead. 
“Hey there,” he says softly. The room is quiet, the rain has stopped. “Are you alright?”
“I don’t know if I’ll ever walk right again,” you tell him with a content sigh, “but that aside, I’d say I’m more than alright.”
Aemond chuckles, thumb smoothing your cheekbone, making you lean into his gentle touch. 
“Hold on,” he murmurs, standing up, walking to the adjacent bathroom, and flicking on the light. 
You watch him walk away, admiring his ass. He’s got a rather nice one. You hear him turn the water on and a moment later he returns with a washcloth. Not trusting yourself to stand, you simply spread your legs and let him clean up the remains of your combined releases. Your hips jerk as he carefully brushes against your swollen clit causing him to release a breathy laugh.
Beep beep!
The noise snaps you both out of your post-coital bliss bubble and you hurry to find your clothes. Aemond reaches for his pager, desperate to get his scrubs on. 
Beep beep!
It’s your pager this time. Shit, Baratheon must be pissed. 
Both of you scramble, switching scrub tops as Aemond accidentally tries to put on yours, causing you to erupt into a fit of laughter that is only stopped when he grabs you by the waist and pulls you in for a heated kiss. 
“Stop, stop,” you beg, pushing against his hard chest, “Shit we have to go.”
“One more--”
“You’re insatiable--”
“Oh I’ll show you insatiable,” he says, lips tugging upwards in a smirk, “You just wait until tonight.”
Your cheeks burn as you yank on your bottoms, fixing your hair. Sex hair is not an option, not when Baratheon will be up in arms about your disappearance. Glancing at your pager, you read what it says before clipping it to your waist. 
“Okay, I gotta go,” you tell him, shoving your feet into your sneakers.
“Meet me in the lobby? When you’re done?” he asks, unable to hide his smile as you walk to the door on trembling legs.
“Okay,” you tell him, leaning forward, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, “And we could get dinner?” 
“Anything you want,” he says, cupping your cheeks and kissing you again, “Anything” another kiss, “At” and another one, “all.”
You hum happily, placing your hand over his, your entire body warming with his affection.
“I’ll see you then,” you tell him, unwillingly pulling away and unlocking the door.
You leave first, Aemond leaving a few moments later. Watching as he fixes the collar of his scrubs, you find yourself beaming. Aemond turns, catching your eye before turning down the hall, a small smile playing on his lips.
Gods, this is going to be a long shift.
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note: hope you liked it!! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
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neteyamslovrr · 2 years
Fly With You
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summary: Y/N desperately wants to ride along with Neteyam during the raids but he is hugely against it leading to some cruel words and meaningful apologies.
neteyam x fem!reader, one-shot, hurt comfort, 1.1k words
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Neteyam rubbed his face in frustration looking down at you and your pleading look.
“Please Neteyam, ask your father if I can join these raids. I’m as good a warrior as the rest of you!” You pleaded with him holding your hands together looking up at Neteyam with pursed lips.
“I already said no Y/N, I refuse to ask, and I refuse to let you go.” He stated in a harsh tone making you frown more then you already were. You both had been alone in the Sully’s tent arguing about the planned raid for hours, yet no progress had been made between the two of you.
You turned to sit on a small log like stool still looking up at Neteyam with an ever-hopeful look. He was your best friend, but not only that. You were to be promised mates soon, to be forever lovers to look over the Omatikaya clan. You were stubborn about following them to the raid tomorrow, you were just as good as a warrior and deserved to be there. But as stubborn as you were, so was Neteyam and he refused to allow you within a 100km radius from the raid.
“Do you not think I deserve to fly with you Neteyam?” The moment you said this you knew it pissed him off. The flicker of fury behind his eyes and slight shake of his head making his braid beads click made you nervously fidget for his response.
“You know I did not say that Y/N” Neteyam replied stoically not a single ounce of emotion in his voice. “You know I did not say that!” he slightly raised his voice pacing backwards away from you.
“It’s called inferring, it’s not hard to tell” you scoffed, rolling your eyes at him. Slightly turning in your seat to face away from your fuming lover. “I just want to be a good warrior! I need to help my people!”
“Why can’t you just listen Y/N?” He pleaded with you; a begging tone interlaced into his voice. Stepping towards you again he faces you. “I refuse to ask to let you go! You cannot come to the raid. It’s dangerous!” Maybe it was the fact that he said that you cannot come or the way he refused to even give you the possibility to let you join him. But it made you jolt up off your seat and be within fingers reach distance to Neteyam. You looked into his golden eyes watching them sparkle with frustration.
“Am I not a good enough warrior for you Neteyam?! Do I not fly my ikran well enough to fly with you?” You threw your hands in the air in frustration. Maybe you were trying to rile him up, get him to react. You just wanted him to agree with you. But the beast you awakened within Neteyam was not worth it.
“You know what Y/N- fine. You’re not a good enough warrior! Did you want me to say it right here? Loud enough for the furthest creatures to hear me! You cannot fly with the warriors tomorrow! Father would never let you! I refuse to fly with you! You are not good enough!” He spat in your face, his face burning and his heartbeat quick. He was left shaking with the anger inside him.
You looked up at him, never had you seen him this way, so angry, so upset with you. Your eyes burned as you held your tears in. His words hurt but you worked them out of him. Yet, that did not stop the ache in your chest, the feeling of your heart beating deep in your stomach.
Just as you were about to say something, you heard the rustle of the tent opening and there stood Jake and Lo’ak back from a flight together.
“I’ve got to go. Neteyam don’t follow me.” You rushed out of the tent smashing your shoulder against Neteyam’s chest.
“Wait no Y/N.” He quietly pleaded watching you whisp away as he facepalmed himself.
“I thought I taught you how to treat your woman well” Jake sneered flicking the back of Neteyam’s head.
It was now the day of the raid, and you laid sulking in your family’s tent recapping the argument between you and your lover. You knew you stirred him up yet that didn’t make his words hurt any less. ‘You are not good enough’ replayed in your mind over and over.
Neteyam knew he must apologize to you. None of the words he meant, he was just sick and tired of arguing with you and hit a breaking point. He saw you curled into yourself on your bed and his heart ached. This is not how he is meant to treat his mate; he is supposed to cherish her and yet here you lay in front of him.
“Y/N” he spoke softly sitting beside you. You shuffle to sit upwards still a great distance further then you would usually sit by him. “I need to apologize to you, I should not-“
You interrupted him by putting your hand on his knee. “Am I really not good enough?” the way your voice cracked slightly and the tears you had tried to hold in hopelessly fell down your blue cheeks made Neteyams heart feel like it shattered into pieces. He grabbed your hips and pulled you into his lap to face him.
“Y/N you are the best being Eywa has blessed upon me, I am grateful every day to share the same air as you. I wake up excited every day knowing I one day will get to wake up next to you for eternity. You are more than good enough. You are the clan’s best warrior and best to be Tsa’hik. I promise every word I said yesterday was because of my anger and was not a true reflection of the utter love I carry for you.” Neteyam held onto you tightly staring into your eyes waiting eagerly for some sort of response  from you.
“But why couldn’t I come” You asked with your head  resting on his shoulder so he couldn’t see the tears you were still crying. He lightly traced his fingers along the stripes of your back with a deep sigh.
“I cannot bare the thought of losing you, I fear a world where you do not reside in it, my beautiful Y/N.” Your quiet sobs turned into loud apologies to Neteyam as you pepper him with kisses.
“I’m so sorry my love, I was too stubborn with you.”
“Do not cry my love, the day is ahead of us.” He kissed your lips softly, smiling sweetly still tracing your back, and together you stayed intertwined with each other enjoying the others company until it was time for Neteyam to board his Ikran for the raid.
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rickittys · 9 months
𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧 ‘𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
genre: smut
warnings: phone sex, begging, dirty talk, masturbation, mutual masturbation
a/n: shimkongz drabble inspired by katie’s thinkin bout you
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a frustrated huff leaves your lips as you shift in your sheets for what felt like the nth time. everything in your room felt stuffy- the silence ringing too loud, the comforter swallowing your limbs, neither side of your pillow cool enough to remedy your steaming cheeks. you rolled over, pressing impatiently at your phone screen for the time. only seven minutes had passed from the last time you did so.
[ 03:47 ]
alright, that's it you decided internally as the pad of your thumb pressed against your lock screen. your fingers flew to your phone call icon, clicking on the last name on the log- your lover.
"cmon cmon please pick up," you muttered, your heart hammering. two and a half rings later, it fluttered hearing shuffling on the other end of the line.
"hey, baby," you could practically hear ricky's smile through the phone. your legs instinctively began to kick, restlessness mixing with yearning.
"mm, s'glad you picked up. missing you so much," you mumbled. you shifted onto your back, relaxing. "what time is it over there? i caught you at a good time?"
"around five in the afternoon," he answered. "but uhh, you okay? because it's four o'clock in the morning for you."
you bit you lip, sighing, "can't really sleep, i hate when the bed's without you. well, i hate being without you."
his deep chuckle made your thighs rub together, swallowing a whine. "it's only been a few days, babe. i'll be back soon."
"but i can't stop thinkin' 'bout you," you whispered. "need you right now."
"yeah? what about your fingers? the toys i got you? you're a big girl," his said lazily, though you picked up on lust dripping in his tone.
"it's not the same, please," you whimpered. your pressed your fingers past the hem of your nightie, circling your leaking nub. "just hearing you talk, it's...God you have no idea. i'd give everything for you to be here, it's so bad the way that i need it."
he groaned into the receiver, his voice hushed. "anything you want baby, i'll give it to you. i'll give it to you so good when i'm back that you'll be shaking. fuck, you're touching yourself already i bet."
you smiled at how quickly his resolve crumbled, your expression melting into a moan as you rubbed faster. your body twisted while your back arched, every part of your being lighting up.
"uh huh yeah, mhm ricky i am," you choked out. "please, tell me what to do. something, a-anything."
"use more fingers, baby. wanna hear you fall apart for me," he growled. "wanna hear you when you cum, can hear that you're soaking."
a broken yell was released into the air as your head tilted backward into the pillow. goosebumps ran across your skin from the cool air, your sheets flying as you squirmed from pleasure. the elastic in your womb was winding tighter and tighter, close to snapping as he egged you on.
"keep it going, angel," he pressed. through your moans, you could hear him beginning to unbuckle his belt. "can't wait to feel your perfect pussy around me again soon."
you jolted out of your slumber, your phone's ringtone chime interrupting your rest. rubbing at your eyes, your squinted vision adjusted to the brightness of your phone checking the caller id. your eyebrows shot up as you swiped to accept it immediately.
"gyuvin? baby?" you mumbled into the receiver, fighting off sleep.
"hi, lovely," you heard him say happily on the other end. "before you ask, don't worry i'm fine- just thinking about you."
as tired as you were, a small smile found it's way to your lips. "you're lucky you're too cute for your own good," you murmured lovingly. "but where the hell are you? it's really late, babe."
his voice held a tinge of fatigue as he responded, "oh yeah, just still at practice. comeback prep is kicking my ass."
"oh baby," you frowned. "come home to me, you've worked so hard. you know that right?"
he sighed with a hint of a whine. "y-yeah i know, always have my sweet girl to remind me. but um, i have a little problem, angel."
"what is it? are you coming home soon?" you rolled over in bed.
"as soon as i can yeah," he replied. "but i'm dealing with something hard." he swallowed. "r-really hard."
"...gyuvin. are you alone right now?" you giggled knowingly. you practically salivated at the thought of your sweaty boyfriend with a boner in his sweats.
"being here so late is driving me crazy, baby. wanna be at home with you under me or on top of me, wanna touch you so bad," his voice deepened with desire. "help me out a little, huh? what are good are the fantasies if i don't get the real thing? just don't tease too much, my dick hurts."
"my good boy, working so hard," you purred into the phone. "gonna spit all over your cock getting it so wet and pump you dry. the least i could do, a little reward before i sit on your face next. you'd like that?"
he panted and moaned, slick sounds reverberating in your ears. "so fucking horny, fuck. love feeling and hearing you, please baby, if you feel the same, then say so."
"of course, i do," your body was heating up as you cooed. you ran a hand down your torso, squeezing at the flesh slowly imaging him instead. "after you're all done, i'll take care of you. i'll do so many things to you and make you feel so good."
gyuvin voice broke and shuddered over the phone. "i-i'm fuck i-"
"cum for me, lovie," you whispered. "i'll be waiting for you."
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© 2023 rickittys
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jung-shook-iieee · 2 years
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Pairing : mafia boss jk × chef reader (f).
Genre : oneshot, mafia au, yandere.
Warnings : mafia Lord jk, he's really rough tho, smut (dub/noncon, facefucking, unprotected sex, degradation, spanking, bruising, slightly public sex, humiliation, light daddy kink), he's kind of obsessed with y/n , graphic descriptions of violence & gore, slapping, unhealthy dynamics,
Description : you stumbled upon something you shouldn't have, and now jungkook needs to make sure you stay silent.
Word count: 3.2k (of pure filth.)
A/N : it's dark for some readers so please do not read if you're not comfortable. But if you like it then please do vote and comment. Thank you. <3
A/N : well I do think this one needs a little editing here and there but I'll just leave it here as it is, maybe I'll edit in future. Please enjoy and do tell me what you think about this one. 💛
Working here, in Jeon Mansion as a head chef was and a golden opportunity for you. The pay was good, the ambience was soothing providing a great warmth while working, the people were good. There weren't many rules and regulations for staffs but a few were to be strictly followed.
One of the most important rules for all the staff was to not enter the basement of the mansion. This rule was set way past before you joined here. You've never seen the basement, only saw a few people go down.
The mansion was glorious by all means, decorated just like you've heard in the old tales but with the twist of modern taste. The mansion had two large floors, at the roof top there was small setting similar to an expensive restaurant. The first floor consisted a number of large rooms and a gym. And lastly the ground floor, where you were assigned to spent you working hourshours. It had a beautiful, spacious kitchen, dinning hall, gaming room and a drawing room. It felt good to work there.
It was past 12 AM, you just wrapped up, logged your shift and cleaning the mess you and your coworkers created while preparing for a small get together party, which your boss had hosted.
Wiping your hands off with a wipe placed inside of your apron, you head towards the bathroom, down the back and to the right. The blocked off stairs are just next to the door, your hips practically bumping the sign as you head towards the door.
A faint, distant scream jolts you out of your movements.
You pause, hand frozen above the door handle, chest heaving with your breaths that grow in intensity. You go still, listening for another sound.
All you hear is faint yelling, yelping and shuffles, all coming from the exact same place.
The stairs stare back at you with a vengeance, begging you to step over the locked chains.
It's only when the noises cease that you find yourself complying.
You manage to get over the chains, gown riding up as you slide your legs over, trying your best not to trip on the narrow stairs. You keep quiet, practically tiptoeing down each stair.
You can feel your heart racing, beating, like it's about to pounce out of your chest, an overwhelming sense of dread flooding your senses and drowning you in it.
As you head pass the top of the railing you see a very weird and scary surrounding, there was a door in front of you and when you turned the nob to open it, you see a hall of glass walls. the inside of it bar-like and art deco in design, red neon colored lighting illuminating the dark space. The doors are triangular in shape, coming together with a white tile as the top.
You're attention quickly wavers as you heard another loud growling and whimpering sound. It was rasped, a male voice. You walked in more and the voice only grew louder and clearer until you see.
7 men, standing close to a figure, all dressed in suits too fancy for a diner, bending over the frame like they're inspecting it. You're frozen, desperately trying to figure out what's below them, but one of them moves-
It's a man. A man you saw earlier in the evening. The man who barely eaten anything. The man who just sat at the dining table.
He's lying down on the floor, crimson blood staining the white of his button down. You can see his face is battered, beaten to a pulp, one of his eyes swollen over from the beating. There's a hole in his side where the blood is pouring from, and he's clutching it, gasping for air with a desperation you've never seen before.
The man above him has a gun, small enough to be concealed but large enough for you to notice- and he's clicking with it like a taunt. The man below him is fading, slowly losing himself, hand shaking above his fatal wound.
Tears are streaming down your cheeks. You don't even notice them, too locked in on the sight before you, the feeling of them dampening your hand as it covers your mouth the only real inkling of your physical reality you can hold onto. You're breaking out of your frozen state, turning to race up the stairs, but your own frenziedness breaks you.
Before you can even yelp, you trip, walking backwards and colliding with the hard door. The noise you make is loud enough for anyone to hear, and you cry at the realization- eyes wide like saucers.
They're staring at you. All seven of them. Eyes deadlocked on your shaking form.
One of them is... familiar.
You don't get the chance to react, before one of them is heading towards the door. You grab onto yourself, hoisting yourself up the stairs with desperate cries of fear, tears still falling down your red cheeks, you quickly tried to jump over the railing and run for your dear life but....but he grabs you. His tattooed hand have you by the ankle, pulling you down the stairs and pinning you against them.
"Please," You cry, broken sobs ringing through your chest, "I won't tell anyone, I swear. Please don't kill me, please, please."
His hand gravitates towards your throat, turning you around to face him with your back facing the stairs. He lands a slap to your face, piercing your skin in pain as your head retaliates with the force.
You whimper as he grabs you by the cheeks, squeezing them while he pulls you to look at him.
It's him.
It's him.
Jeon Jungkook - your owner, your boss, the man who hired you, the man who pays you. The man who was nothing but sweet and kind to you from the beginning, the man who always tried lifting your mood while you cooked for him, the same man who gave you extra money as a bonus whenever he felt that you've exhausted yourself way too much.
" I fucking told you not come here down. " He growled angrily squeezing your cheeks toughly. " Can't you listen this one thing huh? "
You sob, mumbling a multiple apologies. You don't even know why are you shaking your head. You gasp and breath, all together was getting difficult.
You hear shuffling sound and with one look you saw two of those men were dragging away the
Body to another room.
" Make sure she stay silent, jeon. We don't want any trouble from your side. " One of them with brown hair and dragon eyes walked towards you and he warned your boss.
" Don't worry hyung, she's a smart girl. She won't say a word to anyone. And if she does, then I'll take the responsibility. " He explained to him with stern eyes. Even though the person who warned Jungkook looked slight older, but still you could sense who's holding the actual power.
Jungkook turns back to you, he took in your condition, shaking from the fear and tear soaked face, eyes. His grip softens as his facial expressions calmed too.
" Honey- " He cooed, stroking your hair back from your face. He softly held your tiny face, " You have to calm down baby. "
When you're still hyperventilating, still sobbing and pleading, he lands another slap to your face.
"I said fucking calm down."
His voice is surprisingly calm. Deep and raspy, like he's talking from the back of his throat. He strokes the inflamed mark on your abused cheek, watching as your violent sobs turn into sniffles and whimpers.
" I'm not gonna kill you. " Jungkook promises as his doe eyes stared back at you, still wiping your fresh tears from your cheeks. " I just have to make sure you nothing about this right.? "
" I-I won-t. Don't. Prom-is-e. " You Hiccuped, too scared to even form a correct sentence. He tsked at your choice of words. He knew you were a smart girl, but you aren't even looking at him how can he trust you?
" Baby, are you sure? How can i trust you hmm? " He said softly patting your head, like you were a pet to him.
Your eyes widened with fear and you quickly shake your head, " No-No... , you can, I promise you can, please, please, I promise I won't tell anyone- I-I swear, please... " An ugly sob left from your mouth as you tried to make him believe you.
He stares at you, silent, pondering, doe eyes boring into your skin like the sun. They fold back up towards your eyes, but settled.
"I know you're not gonna say anything," Relief washes over you. "'Cause I'm gonna make real fucking sure you don't say a goddamn thing.
Fuck. Fuck. Your heart is going so fast you think you might faint, cries escaping your lips once again, fearful of what weapons he has in his mind and in his pockets. You subconsciously started dragging your body backwards. But he quickly notices and this time he didn't gave you a option and carried you like a sack on his shoulders. He walked out of the basement and took you to his room on the first floor.
He threw you on his bed, you scurried back like a scared cat. He stood there, starring at you, his thoughts conflicting whether he should do something or not. But he knew no matter what he did, he fucked up. He can't no longer hide his true self from you, and your too scared from him.
You held your down on your knees as you sobbed and mumbled sorry over and over again. It was making him frustrated even more. That's why he never wanted you to see the real him, you were too pure for that. But you chose this upon yourself, he can't help now. Can he??
" You know, we could have done a lot better. I had different plans for you. But you... " He sighed as palmed his face. You could see his brows furrowed like he was regretting this.
" You just had to go down there and witness all of that. You should have listened to me honey, just like every one does. " He sighs as he walked towards your side. " Don't move, be a good girl now. " He warned as he noticed you were ready to move back.
Just like a good girl you were, you listened. " Come here. " He said and you crawled towards him. He leans down, pushing more hair away from your forehead, lips pressing against the skin there: "Be good, and nothing bad has to happen. Okay? "
You nod, lips tightly pressed close, a whimper left from your throat as you see him Unbuckling his belt. He unbuttoned his shirt slowly and the taking the black shirt off. He leaned down pressed his lips on your trembling ones.
"Good girl."
Jungkook's hands reach down beneath his trousers, pulling out his cock, already half hard. He gives it a few strokes until it's at full mass, continuing to stroke the top of your head with his free hand.
"Open wide. "
With a shaking mouth, you comply. He growls with the first slide of his cock in your wet mouth, letting out a holy curse to whatever higher power there is. He's practically too big to fit inside, your jaw crying with pain at the sudden stretch.
You whimper, palms clutching hard against your nails. Your tongue slides around his shaft as you suck on him, his groans and curses echoing in your head.
"That's a good girl," He praises, "Wasn't so hard, now, was it?"
You continued whining despite tasting the saltiness of his precum at the back of your tongue. He threw his head back, feeling the texture of your velvety tongue on his hard cock. God!! He imagines this moment so often, countless dreams of you sucking the life out of him. He just want to relish the moment
He slowly and carefully holds on to the back of your skull, " this is nice baby... " He furrowed his brows as he guided your head a little faster. " But i think I'm gonna need a little more, you gonna do it for me? " He asked as he collected your scattered hair in a ponytail. You could only blink away the fresh tears forming, unable to do anything but nod.
He started moving his hips, thrusting mildly. But no matter how careful he went you still gagged on his dick, spit flowing over your chin then rolling off to your clothed breast. You were ruining your clothes.
" You're not gonna say anything now, are you??" He grunts as he started thrusting his hips faster, " You'll let me ruin you, right? I know you will not disobey me again. God!!! " His thrusts pick up pace, his heavy balls quickly slapping against your chin with each movement. You cry out with each thrust, gagging and spitting around his head- but it just makes him harder.
But to your surprise , he pulls backback, slipping his cock out of your mouth.
Jungkook grabs onto his shaft, stroking himself with fast pumps, before letting go to rub his cock up and down your face. The wetness of your own spit slathers your skin, your eyes closing instinctually.
He slaps his cock against your face, tsking at the sight. Your mascara ruined, black tears running down your cheeks, spit and cum coating your chin completely. You felt filthy.
"You look like a fuckin' whore honey. " He says, as he wiped the mess he created on your face. Before you could react he tore off your dress making you gasp in fear. He then quickly turned you around on the bed raising your ass up in the air. He smacked your ass a few times before plunging his thick tattooed fingers inside your pussy making your cry on the bedsheet.
" Fuck.. I have to taste you before I go insane honey. " He mumbles as he crouched down to your already bend form level. His face just a mere inches away your cunt, you felt exposed.....he blew his warm breath on your wet skin making you shudder with sensitivity.
He licked a long stripe of your essence and you heard him growl. He never knew you could taste this delicious. He could eat you everyday like this, only if you would let him. He was eating and slurping messily making you arc your back and eyes roll to the back of your head. You didn't wanted this, but you can't stop the butterflies you were feeling. The feeling he was giving you was new, no one has ever went down on you. And this feels heaven to you.
" Ahh... Jung- please.. No.. Stop... " You blabbered too lost in the pleasure. Your mind was turning blank, the pleasure was increasing making you loose yourself.
Jungkook ate you a good few minutes then pulled away his face and stood up. He came out of his trousers and stroked his cock a few times before rubbing it on your entrance. His dick was soaking up all your juices. " I've always wanted to fuck you like this honey. Walking in here all pretty, all shy, all polite- kept makin' me think how good it would feel to ruin that pretty little head of yours. Make you my own little fucktoy- so polite, so willing, so obedient, just fuckin' made for this, made for me..just me..weren't you?"
You whine out a " no-no. " And shaking your head.
"No? " He asked sarcastically, " You're saying that you never wanted this? Never wanted me to ruin you pretty? Because your pussy is saying otherwise honey. " He taunted, you felt shameful because he was right. Your cunt is drowning his cock with your wetness, It's humiliating, how your body reacts, how your pussy clenches around nothing, how your slick drips down your leg and onto the bedsheet. It's fucking humiliating and depraved.
" I think you fucking want this honey, don't lie. It's useless. " Jungkook grunts as he slipped his tip inside your heat making your wides with a gasp following soon. He was huge, so much bigger than you've imagined before. Yes, you did imagined him with you in this position but maybe under some other soft circumstances. Not like this, you never wanted him like this.
You're gasping, whimpering, whining as his cock slides inside of you, bottoming out within seconds. The stretch burns, his cock thicker than anything you've had before, practically tearing you open from the inside. " See baby I fit so well inside you, just I knew I would." He starts to move, too fast as soon as he starts. His balls smack against your ass with each brutal slam, cock hitting your cervix in a way that has you sobbing- mouth wide and agape, unable to control the noises you're admitting.
That's it, baby," Jungkook's grunting, head tilted back in pleasure, "Take this fuckin' dick, all up in that tight little pussy." jungkook leans his body and wrapped his hand around neck to arc your back a little more. You gasp as his hold get tighter with each thrust.
You didn't even fight," He muses, "Didn't even fight to keep me out of this dirty cunt. That's how I know you're made for this. You already know what you're good for."
You gasp, letting out "ah, ah, ah's" with each rough pound he lands inside your pussy. Your knuckles are turning white from how hard you're grabbing the bedsheet unable to stop the way your body reacts to the stimulation.
"God, you're gonna fuckin' cum, aren't you?" He groans, smacking your ass, his rings leaving a nasty mark- "I've beaten the shit out of a man- I'm still fuckin' covered in his blood and sweat, and you're about to come? Fuck, you're such a whore, a good little slut for me."
You don't know why that builds you up faster. You're disgusted by how that makes you climb faster, how that makes your cunt clench, how your orgasm starts slicing through you like a knife- it's intense, how you come. You're twitching and trembling, he's barely able to hold you still with both hands, still fucking into you like his life depends on it.
"God, fuck yeah, gonna cum up in that cunt," Jungkook's grunting, moaning, cock twitching as you clench around it, "Gonna fill that little pussy up so fuckin' nice, never gonna want another cock. This pussy belongs to me, now, honey, and you're gonna fuckin' let me use it whenever I want."
His pounding gets sloppier, messier- and then he's yelling. His cum spills deep in your cunt, so much that you can feel it filling you up from the inside. He's left panting, moaning and gasping, still clutching onto your waist.
Jungkook pulls you up by your neck to sit up, level at height with him, pressing his nose against your neck.
"Mm," He moans, "Not gonna say a fucking word, are you, honey?"
You shake your head. Still shaking. Still trembling. Still processing.
He slammed his lips on yours and devoured you until he was sure he made you dumb.
"That's what I thought." One last peck on your lips and he says "You're learning fast. We're gonna have so much fun."
@yellabella77 @taegularities @emojkluvr
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writingsofwesteros · 2 months
Modern Aegon who’s your number one subscriber on OF.
All you do is edge yourself on camera and praise the audience as if they’re doing it. Your face is concealed. Your audience is small but you make a lot… thanks to Aegon.
After realizing he had a strong praise and voice kink, quickly became addicted to you. Aegon pays a pretty penny to have private discord calls with you where all you do is tell him how good he is. You don’t even need to turn. On your face cam half the time, but his is always on. You have no idea where his money comes from. Sometimes, despite trying your hardest not to, you worry if he’s going broke just to masturbate to you.
Tonight he dropped almost two grand on buying you out for the night. He likes to have a slow set up to his scenes with you. Role play was new to him, but he can’t go without it now. After about thirty minutes of playing out a scene where he’s come home from a rough day and you’re his sexy stepmom who’s comforting him, it gets to the sex.
With a wand to your pussy you go from playing hard to get with all the “Oh, we can’t! You’re my stepson!” To “I’m on the pill, so you don’t have to wear a condom, baby” Real basic porn dialogue, but it’s what he likes.
You turn up your wand as you tell him “It’s so good… you’re so good!”
“Am I doing enough? Is there more?” His face is flushed as he begs you through his monitor, hand pumping his flesh light quickly.
It’s a trick question, you’ve discovered, when he asks you if there’s anything more he can do. One time, you said ‘Nothing, it’s perfect,’ and it took him out of the scene entirely. You had to talk it out with him and after apologizing to him profusely, that somehow made him cum.
“Keep touching me, please don’t stop! I need you, I need you so bad, baby—“
You can see it in his face that he’s close, what he says next only confirms that “O-Oh, mummy!”
“You’re such a good boy! Make me cum baby. It has to be you!”
With a loud moan, he cums. You haven’t hit your peak by a mile. But he doesn’t need to know that. You let out a sharp cry and pant into your mic the way he likes. As he starts to come back to himself, he lets out a laugh and pants “I needed that.”
“I know baby, I know. You work so hard… when can I see you again?”
Aegon runs a hand through his sweaty hair and says “I don’t really know. My dad he uh, he’s dead. And I think my mum wants me to step up more. So, I don’t know when. Is that okay?”
You tell him it’s all going to be alright and that you won’t drop him just for being inactive. After offering your condolences, which felt weird to do with a wet pussy, you tell him goodnight and log off.
The next day on the news, you see that the Targaryens have just suffered a loss in the family. Viserys Targaryen has just died, and his eldest son is set to take over the company and all assets. When you see the son, you nearly pass out. It’s Aegon. Holy shit.
The hottest !!
Aegon really is such a baby boy and wants praise !
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“So, this is what you do when you make deliveries?  You run to the local rest stop and suck off men on their lunch breaks in the bushes?  Shut up.  There’s no need to deny it.  I have video of you totally naked being spit roasted by those two construction guys while that trucker was waiting for one of your holes to open up….
“I saw our van sitting empty.  I went into the shithouse to find no one in there.  I saw this truck driver come out of the bushes and I asked him what’s going on back there.  He said, ‘Cum Dump Curt is back.  You should see him.  He’s taking load after load.’  You come here so often you have a reputation… and a nickname.  Look I don’t care what you do off the clock, but when you are on the company’s dime, you belong to the company. 
“I was able to log into the company’s system here, and I pulled up your schedule.  You were on deliveries all day.  I checked the van, and luckily for you, you completed that before coming here and being a whore.  I would have fired you right now had that been otherwise.
“I should just do that.  I have the video; I can do it.  I don’t know.  What do you think I should do with you?  Hunh?...
“…Oh please.  I ain’t going to forget about this.  You want to keep your job, you need to start begging.  And make it convincing….  Shouldn’t begging be done on your knees?...  I don’t care who sees you.  You didn’t care when you were strutting around naked taking load after load.
“Now beg.  Really beg.  Here let me make this even more humiliating.  Move back a little.  I want to get out.  With me standing inches in front of you, grovel for your job….
“You are saying a lot of how you need this job, and how losing it will affect you.  I get it, your life is pathetic, and you are a piece of shit for having such a fucked-up life.  But what about me?  What about my needs?  What’s in it for me? 
“…You’ll do whatever I ask?  Well, that’s blatantly obvious.  And being Cum Dump Curt, I assume you will be desperate enough to eventually get around to begging me to use your holes?  Am I right?...  Fuck, you have no shame.  You are willing to whore yourself to me to save your job.
“The question is now, are your ass and throat worthy of my cock?  The answer is obviously no.  I’ll tell you what, when I logged in to check out your schedule, I input a personal day off for you tomorrow.  With me not working on Fridays, that will give me three days and the rest of today to find out if you are worthy.
“…What?  You thought I drove 20 minutes out of my way to check a company van out?  No I came here to drain my balls, not knowing you set up shop.  We are going to start with me stirring up that spunk stew and dumping my five-day load in your ass.  Get back in those bushes, get naked, and get on all fours with your ass up high.  You do exceptionally well this weekend with the hell I am already thinking to do to you, you will not only get to stay in your job, but you may wind up with a raise.”
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cameronspecial · 1 year
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 12)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.4K
Summary: Applying to university can be stressful, especially when you might have to go long distances. Sweet Birthday surprises are always the best kind.
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“Have you guys made a Common App log-in yet?” Mason questions the group, shoving a hand full of chips in his mouth. They all nod, except for Lacey. Y/N vocalizes her answer, “Yeah, I also made a UCAS one. You know, the one for UK universities.” Y/N, Mason, Rafe and Lacey are all sitting around the Y/L/N’s kitchen island working on their university applications. Rafe is signing into Common App, but he brings one hand down to discretely feed Sparky, who is begging for food under the counter. “Sparky! Are you guilting Daddy into feeding you? You know you aren’t allowed any more treats today, Bubba,” Y/N chastises, picking up the puppy and placing him on her lap. Rafe puts his hands up in defence, “Hey. Don’t blame me. I didn’t know that he wasn’t allowed. Look what you did, Bubba, now I’m in trouble with Mommy.” Sparky excitedly tries to get into Rafe’s lap and get pets from his father. “Where are you guys applying to?” Lacey asks. She isn’t applying to any universities because she is planning on going to culinary school and working different internships. 
Rafe looks at the list he formulated, “The Ivies, Stanford, UCLA, a few other American ones, Oxford, Bath, Cambridge, University of London, and Middlesex.” Shock crosses Y/N’s face when she realizes he is applying to a few UK universities as well. “Cameron, you know you don’t have to apply to UK unis just for me.” He looks up from his computer and smiles. “I know, my rose. But I want to,” he promises to her. He doesn’t continue the conversation, instead going back to his application and eating his cookie. “My rose, could you read over my essay, please?” He slides over his laptop and watches as she brings it closer to her. She scans the first line of his essay: My Girlfriend, My Hero. As she continues to read it over, she feels tears try to break free from her tear ducts. 
He writes about how he is inspired by Y/N’s good doing and hard work, which pushed him to try to be a better person. He talks about how this caused him to focus more on his swim training, which led to his incredible win. He speaks honestly about how she helped him realize he wants to start thinking more about his future and how he isn’t hundred percent sure if university fits into that puzzle. It is filled with a few cliches and it is a little cringy, but it warms her heart that he chose to write about her. She makes comments on grammatical errors and where he needs to alter the writing, then hands the laptop back to him. “This is really good, Cameron. I’m honoured that you chose to write about me. Although, I’m not sure if this is what the university is really looking for,” she says, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Rafe shakes his head and wraps his arm around her, “If they don’t accept me because of my essay, then it’s like I wrote: I’m not too sure about going to uni anyways. I’ll take it as a sign that I’m meant to be your house husband. I am the one that can cook, anyways.” Y/N giggles at his joke, trying to keep her guilt and worry down. 
Lacey heads out to go shadow The Wreck’s kitchen and Mason goes up to his room to watch the latest season of whatever he is binging, so Y/N and Rafe make their way to the gazebo with Sparky. She sits down on the love seat and he sets himself beside her. Sparky jumps up on her lap and places his head on Rafe’s lap. “What’s up?” he whispers to her with his lips placed on her hairline. 
“What do you mean?”
“I know something is wrong, my rose. You forget that I know you inside and out.” 
“What if we can’t do long distance?”
“Of course, we can do long distance. Plus, that’s why I applied to some UK unis, so we can be together.” 
“But I don’t want you to throw your life plan off track just because my dream is to go to England. You wanted to go to UNC and then work for your dad.”
“Yeah, but our relationship made me realize that I’m not okay with just sitting back while my dad plans my whole life story for me. I want a say in what happens and if that means going to school in the UK or not going at all, then so be it. I think it’s the universe's way of putting me where I belong.” 
“I didn’t know you felt that way. I’m glad you realized that before you made an irreversible life decision.”
He nods in agreement with her and pulls her into his lap, making sure that Sparky doesn’t get hurt, “You want to know what I felt insecure about? When we fought the night of my swim comp, my dad told me that maybe it was better I found out sooner rather than later that I couldn’t comfort you. However, Halloween night, helped me realize that wasn’t true. I was able to help you out of your panic attack without having to be told what to do and what was happening.” 
“You really thought that? I’m glad you know now it is not true at all. Even if you couldn’t comfort me, you always knew how to make me feel better. Like setting up movie nights, baking me cookies or giving me popsicles.” 
“True, it was a little silly. But now we both know we were wrong with what we thought and it is okay to feel the way we do. Talking will help us fix these feelings.”
She revels in his embrace and listens to the soft music he put on for them. They decide to spend the rest of the evening in the gazebo together, talking about their fears and how they can help each other get past them. 
November 4 is the day Rafe Cameron entered the world and this year, the day is when he is going to enter adulthood. Rafe hadn’t planned anything special for the day; he only wanted to spend the day with the twins and Sparky. Y/N has other plans for the special day. He is always doing things to surprise her and make her feel loved, so she decided to throw him a surprise party. It isn’t going to be as big as the ragers he throws; instead, it is going to be on a smaller scale with all the people he loves and who love him. A pool party at the Y/L/N’s is the only way to go even with the slight autumn breeze. The heated pool will be sure to warm the partygoers. Everyone is setting up the decorations while Y/N is in charge of getting Rafe to the party location. 
“I just need to stop by the house before we go to the restaurant. I forgot my wallet and I am not going to let you pay for your own birthday lunch. We have to use the back entrance because my dad is getting the locks change,” she informs, walking him toward the pool. He takes her hand into his, “You know I really don’t mind paying for lunch. All I want is to spend time with you. Although, seeing our baby would be nice. One of these days you are going to have to let him stay at my place.” Y/N couldn’t answer his question because the party guest yell “Surprise!” at their appearance. Rafe’s genuine reaction is a delight. “You did not plan all of this without me knowing. You can’t keep secrets from me.” She gives him a massive grin, “I know. I don’t know how I kept it so secret. I hope you like it.” “I love it, thank you.” 
Rafe and Y/N take time and mingle with all of the guests. At some point, Sarah and Wheezie pop up in front of the pair with an instant camera to take a picture of them. After all that, Y/N and Rafe strip down to their bathing suits with the plans of going for a dip. He wraps his arms around her waist and places his chin on her shoulders as they look out towards the pool. An idea pops into his mind; a Cheshire cat smiles spreads across his face. He unwinds his hands from their position and quickly pushes her into the pool. The sudden surrounding of water surprises the girl. She looks at him with annoyance and reaches a hand out for him to help her out. “It’s the least you can do,” she pouts, waving her hand to exaggerate her point. He falls for her trick, taking her hand. 
She uses all of her strength to pull him into the water with her. Y/N laughs her head off as he surfaces from the water. “Why does this feel familiar?” he inquires, swimming closer to his girlfriend. She wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, “Because this was the start of the dominion fall that lead to me falling for you. That movie night was my favourite make-up of yours.” 
“Well, I’m glad I decided to be a dick and pushed you in,” he jokes, giving her a sloppy kiss on the cheek. She brings her lips close to his ears to whisper, “I have your gift in my room. I want to give it to you in private though. Maybe after cake?” “That sounds like a plan.” The evening is spent in the pool, playing chicken, marco polo, watching the boys try to show off on the diving board and many more activities. Aunt Millie brings over Franklin and Bella after their naps, ready to play. “Come on, Bells. You can do it!” Rafe encourages from inside the pool. He watches the young girl nervously make her way toward the end of the diving board with her life vest on. She looks at him with trust in her eyes and sees his outstretched arms ready to catch her then jumps into them. He catches the girl and brings her over to the shallow end where Franklin and Y/N are waiting. 
“That was amazing, Bells. You did so great!” she praises the little girl, giving Bella a kiss on the cheek. Bella looks at her cousin with a smile and her face quickly changes to remembrance, “Oh, Rafe. I want you to open your gift.” Bella hops out of the pool and waddles her way over to the table with the gifts. Rafe hops out of the pool to dry himself off and takes Franklin out of Y/N’s hand so she can follow him out. Bella makes her way over to him with a wide smile on her face. She hands it over to him and watches as he opens it. Inside is a watch with Lighting McQueen on the face of it. It is obviously a children’s watch and probably not very expensive, but the look of joy on Bella’s face makes his heart swell. “I picked it out myself. Do you like it?” she confides. He picks her up into her arms and presses a kiss to her hair, “I love it. It’s so cool. I love Lightning McQueen.” He puts on his watch and sees Lacey beckoning him over as she places the candles on the cake. 
He goes over to where she is with Y/N, Franklin and Bella in tow. He looks down to see the blue icing on the cake that says “Wow, you are getting old.” It is a definite sign Lacey is the one who made the cake. His eyes are instantly drawn to the cookies on the dessert table because he knows Y/N is the one who baked them. The party guest all gather around to sing happy birthday. They cut the cake and Y/N settles herself with two slices of cake onto Rafe’s lap on the patio chair. He takes the plate out of her hand, taking the fork into his as well. He holds up a cake-filled fork for her and as she moves her mouth closer to the fork. He takes the opportunity to bring the plate closer to her face too and smashes the cake into her mouth and face. “Ugh, Cameron,” she groans, taking a napkin to wipe it off. He brings them to a stand and starts to bring her upstairs, “Isn’t this a good excuse to go upstairs to your room?” Y/N gives him a confused look then nods once she puts two and two together.
She has him sit on the window sill and she goes to her desk to get his gift. “Close your eyes,” she orders when her back is turned. Rafe obeys and holds his hands up with his palms facing up. He feels a weight being placed on them and opens his eyes. The wrapping paper is white covered with roses and a purple bow on top. He opens the gift, making sure to be careful with the paper. The first thing he finds is a scrapbook with his name and the date range from his birthday to the day before his current birthday. He opens it up to see pictures of his growth in chronological order. He finds photos from every milestone that he had. “If you go to the back, there is a section on the start of your relationship,” she notifies him, helping him turn to the page. There was in fact a part dedicated to the two of them with all of his favourite pictures of them. He smacks his lips against hers. “This is the best gift ever. I love it! Thank you,” he thanks her. “There is more to the gift.” He puts the scrapbook down to see a leather journal underneath. His initials are imprinted on the front and the pages are completely empty. 
“It’s a journal for you to document your life as an adult. Now, you have something that documents your childhood and to document your adulthood.” He looks at her with adoration in her eyes as he realizes the amount of time and effort she put into his birthday gift. “These are amazing. Thank you, my rose. Let’s go back to the party now. Can I keep these up here?” “Of course, let’s go back down.” The pair rejoin the party with dopey smiles on their faces. 
Taglist: @itsalexwin​ @sublimepenguinpeach-blog​   @gillybear17 @terraeluce​ @f4ll-for-you @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist
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pondermyorb · 6 months
You and I are walking in the woods when I wander off to go look at some interesting plants. You are standing then waiting for me, but I don’t come back after a while. You start calling my name and I say here. You look for me and I move. I can see you but you don’t know where I am. You call for me again and I’ve moved. You’re starting to get annoyed. You wanted to make it to the top by lunch time. I can see you’re getting annoyed but I want to play so I tell you to remove your shoes and socks. You question me instead of doing it immediately and then are grumbly and annoyed while you do it. I move. You still can’t see me but I’m closer and can see you clearly. I tell you to remove your shirt. You make huffs and puffs but I can see you’re starting to get hard in your cargo pants. Now I tell you to remove your pants and underwear. You get a ripple of goosebumps and do as I order with very little protest this time. You then notice my clothes and a small plastic bag on the other side of a log. You start calling my name but this time I don’t answer. I then tell you to kneel and sit back on your heels. You do, and you start feeling a little whoozy. Unbeknownst to you, I put half a sleeping pill in your water about 30 minutes ago. You are in the perfect spot and once you pass out I come over and tie your hands together and throw the rope over a very sturdy branch above you. I make a pulley and pull you up to standing but your toes barely touching the forest floor. I then tie your feet to a spreader bar. It took me much longer than expected to hoist you up, so you are already coming to. As you awaken you look at me and see me holding a knife and a birch branch. You try to ask me what that’s for, but you’re still too out of it to speak clearly . I start explaining anyway. The birch branch is for your disobedience and grumbling earlier. You get 5 swats per grumble or groan about removing your clothes. You earned 50 swats which is a perfect even number. You start to try and beg me not to. That that is way too many. I look you dead in the eye and you can tell by my face there is no getting out of it. You start to look around and see if you can figure out how you’re trussed up. You notice you can’t really move because your legs are spread and you’re on your tippy toes. You are looking at your hands and I ask if you still have good blood flow to your fingers. You look at me and nod taking a big swallow of fear and nervousness. I’ve shaved the branch down to an appropriate smoothness and go behind you. You feel as I lightly rub it on your ass cheeks and you know you will deeply regret the disobedience. I tell you to count out loud and thank me after each one. I start and you count “one, thank you mistress” “two, thank you mistress” and so on. By 50 you can barely get it out and are sobbing. The pain is so bad but it also clears the mind so well. I stop and you thank me profusely for the correction. I ask if I can now get to what I was planning on doing before you so rudely grumble and disobeyed me. You say “please mistress” and I get some lube and start stroking you. I bring you to edge after edge and tickle you in between. You get so overstimulated and mindless there’s nothing to do but hang there and moan. Then I let you down and you feel jarred out of sub space. I was not prepared to have to punish you so I didn’t bring anything to aid the healing of your ass. I give you your clothes and tell you to get dressed so we can finish our hike. We both have our clothes on and walk oof into the sun for lunch.
Ffuckk this wass an amazing read, couldnt help but touch as I read~
Absolutely loved the part with you spiking my drink, I’d let you have full access to all my food and drink if there was the slightest chance of you slipping me anything to fuck with my head or make me pliable for you~
Shittt broght myself to the esge just thinking about bein your free use free to drug fuck doll…
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pathetichimbos · 11 months
Thanking the gods that I tend to hyperfixate on more obscure characters because I really don't think I could survive being in one of these modern fanspaces.
Remember back in the day, when someone would make an AU, and the entire website would flood with fics and fanarts of it, and people wouldn't be meekly begging the creator for permission to use it? Everyone just had that sense of community that let them share things, and people weren't so obsessed with credit and ownership? All you had to do was link back to their post/blog and no one questioned it?
Or when a writer/artist, big or small, could say "I need space", or nothing at all, and disappear for a while to focus on themselves, and everyone minded their business, wished them well, and patiently waited for their return?
Remember when fandoms were a safe space from the real world, where we could all gather and enjoy the media, with the occasional ship war or two, and we weren't constantly being policed about how we participate?
I have seen so many posts nowadays that are absolutely batshit fucking crazy. And don't get me wrong, I know fandoms have never been perfect, I've left plenty over the years for being toxic, but it's no longer a disappointment to find a toxic fandom, it's the expectation.
People will post that NO ONE is allowed to interact with their blog/post if I don't like ALL of their favorite characters. They call people names, accusing them of racism/homophobia/transphobia/etc all because they don't happen to like every character they come across! How fucking insane is that!? I personally have bought games and movies that I don't like and don't want anything to do with simply because they had my one favorite character in it! And guess what?? I don't like any of the rest! I don't dislike them, but by God they are not my fixation and I am sick of being policed by strangers on the internet who think they have the right to tell me how to enjoy something.
And don't even get me started on the way these people get excited to call someone a pedophile or a predator. They go out, looking for things they think are 'problematic' just so they can point fingers and go "you're a predator!!" Half of these people don't even know what that word means anymore. I hate to tell you this, but if someone ages up an anime character that has been 16 for 24 fucking years, they are NOT a predator. Why are people so concerned with aging up characters? Are they not aware that there are real-life, actual factual children being abused? I have seen a person come onto someone's post and accuse them of being a pedophile. OP then pointed out that they were not a predator, as they would know since they were an actual factual victim of a pedophile, in which the commenter then told them they deserved it. All because they aged up a character that has been 16 for literal fucking years now.
How fucking sick can people get?
I genuinely avoid triggering a hyperfixation on popular characters/movies/games because just witnessing these things makes me sick to my stomach. This purity culture that has swept through the internet and real world is insane, and I hate it. I hate it with my whole heart.
Please, I am begging you, if you find yourself acting like this, log off and touch some fucking grass.
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duskwoodgirl4life · 2 years
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It's not how I wanted the chapter to go towards the end but due to mental health it is what it is
Trigger warning ⚠️⚠️ contains stronge language ⚠️⚠️
Chapter 6
Jake took MC home once they had gotten back home MC couldn't control her urges any longer. She pushed Jake up against the wall and kissed him deep her hands found their way under his hoodie. Jake's hands ran through MCs hair and the heat between them was rising. MC grabbed Jake's hand and pulled him towards her bedroom clothes flying off as they went.
After a few hours later MC and Jake both lay on the bed catching their breath Jake intertwined their hands. MC turned to face Jake still holding hands with each other.
Jake: MC, I know this might sound stupid but I need to ask you, will you be my forever?
MC: Of course I will Jake but only if you will be my forever too?
Jake: I can't say no to such a beautiful women
Just as they were about to share a kiss MCs phone buzzed, she leaned over to check who it was. It was Phil sending her another message begging her to meet up with him as he was in trouble.
Phil: MC please I am begging you I need your help so bad right now, I am in trouble
MC: why should I care if your in trouble we are not together anymore
Phil: please!!! This is important MC I'm in trouble with my taxes
MC: So what? You made your bed now lie in it I'm busy fucking my boyfriend
MC put her phone down and grabbed hold of Jake again, in a fit of passion their hands were all over each other. Later that afternoon after their intense activities MC and Jake were making something to eat when there was a knock at the door.
MC went to answer and the two officers from the other day, they had come back to let us know about the investigation. MC stood tomome side and let the officers in.
Officer Baine: good afternoon MC, Jake we are here about Phil
MC: Okay, just tell us when the court date is, we will be there but I promise we will be putting up one hell of a fight.
Officer Grant: Yes we are here about that but not how you think, the charges against you and Jake have been dropped
Jake: What!!! But now?
Officer Baine: while we were investigating Mr Hawkins we discovered that he was being investigated by another team for tax fraud
Officer Grant: we now know the whole thing was a pack of lies, you will not have anymore problems from him
MC wasn't quite sure what to think. She knew there wasn't anything good about Phil but to dodge his taxes that was massive. After Jake had shown the officers out he came back and gave MC a hug.
A few weeks had gone by, Phil had been arrested for tax fraud, he was still awaiting his court date. Jake's shop was busier than ever, business had really picked up, everyone recommended him and always left positive reviews.
The group chat had blown up again and it had been quiet for ages, news started pouring in saying Hannah had gone into labor. I fought to hold back from saying anything but it was becoming harder and harder.
Lilly was begging me to help, why I don't know what the hell does she really want me to do, ride in on a horse and say everything is going to be okay.
I couldn't hold back any longer and decided to make one comment and I would be logging off from the chat.
MC: Lilly what the hell do you want me to do? I am not getting involved in this shit, not after what Hannah and Phil did to me. Leave me alone and stop sending me messages. I am not interested in what's going on, okay!!.
MC offline
MC put her phone back in her pocket and went back to work, lost in what she was doing. She didn't notice that Jake had closed the shop for the day she came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.
She could smell his scent. It was so intoxicating it made her smile as she held his hands. Jake took her hand and gave her a hug. He could see that she was stressed with everything going on.
Jake: It's going to be okay
MC: it doesn't seem like it, the group chat blew up before Lilly begging me for help just because Hannah had gone into labor
Jake: What does she want you to do?
MC: I don't know, I just told her to leave me alone and logged off
Jake: come on, let's go upstairs and I'll make us some dinner
MC: your so sweet, I love you
MC stopped in her tracks. They had never said I love you to each other yet, her whole body froze not knowing what to do or say.
MC: Jake, I..I…
Jake: I love you to MC
He walked back over to her with a smile on his face and kissed her deep wrapping their arms around each other.
The next morning MC and Jake had decided to have a lazy day. It was Sunday so they just stayed cuddled up together watching Netflix. While MC was picking another movie MC phone rang it was Lilly.
Jake: let me answer you keep looking for a movie
Jake picked up the phone and answered
Jake: Hello Lilly what's up?
Hannah: Jake? Is MC there?
Jake: What do you want?
Lilly: It's Hannah, she's having to raise the baby all on her own she needs MCs help
Jake: not a chance Lilly, don't you get what your sister did to her? Hannah slept with Phil behind MCs back
Lilly: I know, but I was hoping
Jake: Lilly stop calling if Hannah needs help you help her your sister, or better yet just get a nanny that way you can both go back to being the stuck up snobs you both are.
Before Lilly could say anything Jake ended the call and went back to MC who had found a movie to watch.
MC: thank you Jake, that was amazing
Jake: your welcome
MC: You know, I've got a much better idea come on
MC grabbed Jake's hand and led him into the bedroom, they didn't come back out till it was time to make dinner. It was MCs turn to make dinner tonight so she made a homemade lasagne with garlic bread. Jake had lit some candles and had a bottle of wine ready to pour into the glasses.
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Not counting the enemy.
Part 13 of Adventure Log+ (sequel to Link's Thought Brambles - it will be better if you read in order! Warning for some strong language).
Doesn’t matter.  She needs to rest.
Erl does too, I guess, but she’s the critical one.
First house: four.
Second house: safe. Two people.
Third house: safe.  Kids.  Lots of kids.  Don’t forget.  Safe kids. 9 kids. 13 people.
Fourth house: one.  One safe.
Fifth house: five.
Sixth house: three.
Seventh house: seven.  Numbers.  Match.
Eighth house: four.  Again.  Like we came back.
She needs to sleep.
If they’re not- not here when she wakes up, we go.  Can’t keep waiting for them.
For all we know, Daile never made it. He could’ve died on the way, and then there’d be no one rushing here to meet us.
Please, master, listen.
I’m listening.
You were not responding.
To the word ‘master?’  What was I supposed to say?
A simple acknowledgement perhaps.
I’m not up for snark.
‘Snark’ is not my intention, master.
Fine.  What IS your intention?
To suggest you wake the Princess to take a short rest yourself.
Not a chance.
You need rest too, master.
I’m used to hunting.  Used to going without sleep for a long time.  Used to being… watchful.  She’s not.
She is every bit as resilient as you are.
Doesn’t mean I’ll foist burden on her.
YOU are foisting nothing.  You never have.
No cryptic words now, please.  I don’t have any room to think about it.
You have… I’ve never had a master behave as you have.
Sorry to disappoint you.
I did not indicate disappointment.
Surprise, then.
Yes.  That.
Another 15 minutes or so.  Then I wake her up.  And I’ll feel terrible because it won’t be nearly enough sleep but we have to go.  She needed a little.  She needed to process.
We head west.  Next farm over.  Hope they aren’t all like the last ones we found…
25 dead.  16 safe.  Safer.  Alive at last look.  Yeah.  That last one’s true.
Stupid hard farmhouse logs.  Hurts to lean on for long.  Wiggle.  Better.
Shoulder.  Head.  Ouch.
I need to lean.  Just for a few minutes.  Can’t afford to lay down.  Just a little… little breather.
Glow’s still far off.  Hasn’t moved.
Zelda’s safe.  Nothing here.  Not anymore.
NNN!- no…
Stand up straight, Link you dumbass. F#$%.
You are more tired than you claim.
No ‘master’ this time, huh?
You did not respond well to it before.
I figured it was like Zelda.  Where you HAVE to call me some title because it’s not in your protocols or something.
Very nearly.  Use of your honorific is certainly preferred.
By who?
You’ve spoken to her.
I have.
Damn.  What… does she say?
Many things, master.
I… “Oh GODdess.”  Fi, I am getting so tired of having to beg for scraps of information from you.  Please.  PLEASE.  Can we skip the part where I ask you s@#$ and you don’t answer until I find the one thing you’re willing to say?  “Hh-hh-“ I’m-
Breathe, Link.
Wait.  Just wait.
I… am… so grateful for what you told us.  I’m sorry I’m so short with you.  I’m not usually like that.
It is stress, master.
“Heh.  Hehehehehhh- hhhh-  yeah.”  Yeah, I know.  I don’t like finding people dead.  Apparently I like it even less when the dead walk again and I have to put them down.
And you know what I really, really hate?
I hate all of her effort having been for nothing.
The slate.  The shrines.  The guardians.  The Divine Beasts.  All of it.  A trap?
That is the most likely-
Yes.  I know.  You said so.  An 89% probability the spell around the castle was cast by the fortune teller.  Who also said the power to oppose the calamity was dormant underground.
The Sheikah’s now-ancient technology made the battle 10,000 years ago swift and decisive.  It had never been so easy for… any of my masters or the spirit maidens.  They had never had such an abundance of power aligned with them.  And yet even then, the dark beast which emerged tore the land asunder and injured my master.
So you’re pretty much saying any trap sprung means I’m dead.
I won’t make it.
Do not jump to that conclusion, master, I implore you.  Past iterations… have overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.
But none of them have ever failed.  Right?
I hesitate, master.  There are inconsistencies.
How can there be inconsistencies?  It seems pretty simple, you’re in your master’s hand either way, right?  Either they win or they don’t.
On the surface, master, I would agree with your supposition.  But reality does not bow to thoughts—not even mine.  Not even Hylia’s.  Reality insists upon there being ‘calamities’ which you have both won and lost.
What- what do you mean?  How do you KNOW?
My memories, master.  I possess three distinct sets of one particular event.  And… multitudes of other, less critical ones.
You..  “Hhhhhah…” You remember the same thing three different ways, you mean?
Well… how do you know it was real?  I mean… memory isn’t perfect.
MY memory is perfect, master.
Okay, fine – but what about dreams?  Do you dream?
I do not.
In those memories, one version of my master prevailed.  He destroyed the evil one, known as Ganondorf at the time, allowing the kingdom to heal.  However, that was not the end.
…I’m listening.  You have about… 7 minutes, though, before I wake Zelda.
That should suffice.
I hope you can accept the knowledge that it is possible to travel backward and forward through time with certain magical artifacts.
Please, master.  They’re sleeping.
My master returned through time to seven years before the event.  I existed in my pedestal through that time, without the happenings from before occurring at all – no evil.  No Ganondorf.  No removal from my pedestal. No great battle.  Not until over a century later.  And yet the first memory must be real in order for the second to have happened…
…Yeah, okay, I follow you there.
And yet, master… and yet… I recall languishing.  Languishing in neglect and despair, for… my master was gone.
You mean because he put you back in your pedestal?
No, master.  He was gone.  He had returned through time to before he’d ever removed me from my pedestal, and yet…. I remained.  In both places.  Languishing in one world, my spirit broken with his absence, and waiting in the other for the next time my master would take hold of me, whole.
In the world where I languished, I did so for many centuries.  I diminished.  I became less than I was after my first Hylian master re-forged me in the fires of the Sacred Flames, and less even than I once had been before that, when the Goddess forged me for herself, for the great war against Demise.  In that world, I never had a true master again.  Once, a child’s hands took me, a power entering me from sages’ magic, a power neither my own nor my wielder’s—I was merely its conduit, and my wielder a set of hands to aim me.  I could not speak to him.  I could not speak to anyone.  I was all but dead.
And yet… there was a third world emergent from the others, one amongst multitudes coalescing from many small points in history, many places in which my master unintentionally caused small paradoxes.
I appreciate you not interrupting master.
I’m riveted, please don’t stop.
Very well.  In this third… conjunction of worlds, the evil one cast me from the hands of my master and erected a magical barrier.  My master could not reach me.  The Spirit Maiden attempted to penetrate the barrier and failed.  My master fought and fought and fought but without me, he tired and could not deal a killing blow.
He lost.
This, as I said, was one of the three, a conjunction of many paradoxical events in time.  It is the only one in which my master has succumbed to his ancient foe.
The Spirit Maiden-
The Princess-
She took me up.
She and the sages of that era slowly drove the evil one back into the dark realm from which his power sprung and sealed him there—undefeated, but contained.
She used me as the final lock on that seal, as another had before he breached the realm itself, but the dark power flowing from the evil one’s dark world shot through me, festered within me for unimaginable ages—for so long these events were obscured by the mists of time and became legend.  The power damaged me, master, after so many long years.  By the time my next master took hold of me, I was no longer capable of communication.  I had barely any power left in me at all, and his circumstances were so dire he never flourished.  He never was able to fully restore me.  He did try.
… Are you… I mean, is that the whole story?  Are you done?
It has been seven minutes.
WH- “Gph.” Eight is okay, seriously-
I could go on for days.  Years.  Suffice to say, master, in two of these sets of memories I was far less than a mere shadow of what I am now.  In only one did I remain… whole.  Yet here I am.  I contain these memories.  I know these worlds. 
And so do you, master.
“Pff.  No, I really don’t.”
You have… channeled… at least one quite distinct memory from that last world I mentioned.  Something regarding a distinct pink lagomorph which was incapable of ‘hopping.’
“Huh?” What the frick is a lagomorph?
A rabbit, master.
Hippity hoppity.
WH- no, no.  You don’t get to be cute.
You are smiling, master.
“Heh-hh.”  Yeah.  Good job.
I exist to aid you, master.
I don’t remember any pink bunnies.
You did while you were delirious—when the arrow still lay within you.
But I was delirious.
The memory was quite distinct.  I recognized it instantly.  I was not with my master at the time, but I have access to the memories of my wielders.  I know of it from that.
… Okay.  So, I can remember things from your previous masters.
You can.  You have.
She is so trying not to outright tell me I AM all of them, isn't she? All of her previous masters.  They’re me.
...It is complicated, master.
That’s closer to a ‘yes’ than I’ve gotten out of you yet.
It has been ten minutes, master.
We can get back to this later.
I’m really, really sorry to have to do this, Zelda.  “Hey.   Hey-“
“It’s me.  I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry but we can’t keep waiting.  It’s almost dawn.”
“Mmmm.  Hh.  Link.”
“H- heaven- I didn’t intend to rest so long!”
“It’s okay, it… it must’ve been later than we thought.  I definitely didn’t let you go much more than an hour.  You needed it, though.”
Oh- slate.  Yeah.
“Oh- my.  You two have been talking.”
“Link, it’s not dawn yet.”
4:47 am.  “Wait, what?”
“Why did you think-“
“Well, look!”  Damn sky’s red!
She’s giving me a funny OH!  OH S#@$- “What the hell?!”
“Link.  The Sun does not-“
“Rise in the West, yeah, yeah I know!”  Holy crap, why am I so stupid?!  “Is it fire?!”
“Smoke.  I- I don’t see any.”
“I’m waking him up.”  Up, Erl.  Sorry, man-
“Get up, man.  Sorry.  Really, though, we have to MOVE.”
“Nn- need to sleep more.”
“Sorry, man, you just can’t.  Look!”
“Oh- ohhh. Oh no, no.  No-“
“Yeah. Rionee!”
“Link, wait-“
“We’ve no plan!”
“We go there and we hack whatever’s doing that to pieces.”
“You- you can’t do that, Sir!  Princess- it’s a fire, it’s fire, it’ll spread on the plain.  We all need to move out right now, right now or we’ll be burned to death!”
“Erl, man, that’s NOT fire-“
“I can’t.  I can’t chance it.  No.  I go back.”
F U C K.
“You cannot take Rionee away from here.  I am quite sorry, and I shall see to it the crown compensates you for necessitating your involvement in our mission.  But I cannot allow you to take Sir Link’s horse.”
Dammit.  Dammit man, don’t you keep inching toward her.
“Ww- w-w-we’ll all be killed!”
“I don’t know what to tell you to make you stop moving toward Rionee, but you have to.  If you don’t stop, I stop you.”
“You wouldn’t do that.  Sir.  Sir Link.  You- saved me.  You wouldn’t harm me, you wouldn’t.”
“Didn’t say I’d hurt you.  But I’d stop you.”
He’s still eyeing her.  Looking all around.  Trying to figure a way out that gets him the horse.
Dammit, we can’t even trust him to ride her WITH us, now.  He could try to bolt.  I’d have to ride with him, or Zelda would.
Yeah, that’s it, isn’t it?  “You and I’ll take Tass, Erl.  Zelda takes Rionee.”
“I’m not riding into that with you, no Sir.  Sorry, Sir.  I can’t do that. I c- c- ant.”
“With all due respect, good sir, the only other option is for us to simply leave you here.  Is that your preference?”
Aw- no, no way-
“Y- gmph- y- yes.  Yes, please.  I can’t go there.  I can’t do that.”
Holy s#$@.  “Man- come on.  Seriously, for your own sake, what if there are more of those things coming this way?”
“Y- you didn’t- didn’t see what I saw!”
“We saw plenty, believe me, and you do NOT want to be alone out here trying to deal with it!  You got lucky once!”
“N- no.  NO.  I won’t.  I don’t want to see him again.”
“Good sir… your brother is gone.”
“NO, not HIM.  No- no.  Waiting.  WATCHING. In.- in- the RED.”
“What?”  I thought that was his brother waiting outside, turned into a ReDead.  What the hell is he talking about?
“The- the- the- the- MAN.”
Specifics would be good.
Don’t be a dick, Link.
“Erl, there was someone else?  Not your brother?”
“Of course- of course- not- not Mizral MizRAL Misral, my brotherHH hh- hhh- hhhhhheehhhh-“
We should’ve been more careful.  I didn’t realize.
“Who was it, sir?”
“I don’t know.  How would I know?  Just a man.  Someone.  Thought- but n- no.  Not Sheikah.  Hair.  Hair wrong-“
“Well, actually not all- Sheik… ah…” …have white hair and why is Zelda glaring at me like that?!?
“Please ignore my knight and his highly insensitive interruption.”
Oh.  Ohhhh.
“Why did you believe him to be Sheikah?”
“The- he had- a thing.”
Waggling your finger at Zelda’s hip isn’t going to help much.  It’s the only slate in existence.
“He had a piece of ancient technology?”
“Y- yes, Princess.”
Maybe I should’ve taken a nap after all.
“What kind?”
Indeed, master.
“D- dunno.  Round.”
“Round?  How large?  Was it lit, like the slate?”
“Lit up, yeah, not like that.  It was gold and then it was that- that- horrible purple- the- the mud-glow.”
… Zelda’s thinking-face.
“P- princess- this big.  Like this.”
“… Zelda?”
“It- sounds like an ancient core.  Except for the color, of course.  I could be wrong.”
What is an ancient core, Princess?
“Fi asks what an ancient core is.”
“It’s- the energy source.  The one which powers a guardian.  They vary in size and capacity, it seems.”
…I would like to examine the properties of such a core.
“In good time… very well, Fi, but at the moment…”
Her eyes look lost on mine for once, looking back and forth as if one of mine will have the answer she’s looking for.  I’m sorry.  Really sorry, I don’t have it.  What does it matter if this person has an ancient core?
Those lost eyes on Erl, now.
“Good sir… please forgive me for continuing to pry, but what did this man do?”
“He- he just- watched, Princess.  I swear.  He smiled.  And he watched.”
“Did he see you?”
Yes?  … Really?  “He didn’t try to hurt you?”
“He didn’t do anything but watch, I swear.  That mud, it was all around him.  And THINGS came out of it.  One grabbed my brother, and it was like everything was just sucked right out of him, like.  All the blood.  Moved through the air.  Hit that- thing you- the core.”
“Which… this man held?”
“Y- yes.”
I have next to no information on the operation of the Sheikah technology.  My master did not wield me long in that age.  However, this would seem to suggest the object held by this man was able to absorb spirit energy.
“Is that a thing?”
“… Sorry.  Yeah, you said so, so it’s a thing.”
Thank you, master.
“… Like a poe?”
Astute, master.
“Wow.  Okay.”  I really wish I could sit down.  I think if I sit I might not get back up for a while and that’s just not okay.
Rionee- here, girl…
“Y- you’re leaving?”
“Is… there anything else you can tell us, sir?  Any idea why you were spared?”
“I- I ran.  Hid in the house.”
It doesn’t sound right, does it?
Not right at all.
Why would this guy get away with just hiding in the house if whoever or whatever this was was looking right at him?
Okay, Link.  Think about this.  Check Rionee over-  check her wound like you would anyway but keep an eye on Erl, too.
I mean there’s no reason not to trust him, right?  He was with us this whole way and he never tried to hurt us or anything.  Right?
And he wants to leave.  Can’t say I blame him.
But why would this watching-man let him go?
Maybe so there’s a witness.  Maybe someone wants us to know what’s happening?  But why would they want to do that?  What would they get out of it?
I am uncertain master.
Am I being paranoid?
F#$%.  I can’t seem suspicious.  I can’t.
Zelda’s checking the slate, it’ll seem-
“It’s still only 4:58 am.  We- we ought to decide soon.  What to do.”
She’s looking at me.
I think that’s the first time she’s ever given me a look I didn’t like.
What does she want to do?
Can I incapacitate him without really really hurting him considering he might actually just be a helpless farmer and totally innocent?
If he is not aligned with you, if you strike him with my energy he will be affected.
Okay, s$%$.  I need an excuse. An excuse to pull the sword.
You are quite quick master.
Yeah, but he’s… almost in arm’s length of Zelda and I need time to focus energy either way, right?  I’m not unharmed so it takes me time.  You don’t do it for me.
I regret to say that’s correct, master.
“Hhh.  Ah, well.  Either way, Link and I must be off and shortly.  Tass-“
Yes.  Yes, good.  Good, keep moving and he’s looking at me like he’s terrified but now that I don’t believe him something doesn’t look right does it it doesn’t
“S- Sir Link?”
Oh f@#$.
Looking over his shoulder.  Zelda’s acting casual.  Good… good.
“I- have I offended you?”
“What?  No.  What makes you say that?” …Shit, did I JUST SAY THAT?
Damn, Link.  I guess you CAN lie if you need to.
“You- your sword-“
“What about it?”  Focusfocusfocus don’t telegraph
“You’ve… drawn it, Sir!”
 don’t telegraph just like the melee “I need to pray” when I was against the wall “for you.” Focus focus harder this time
“F- for me?”
Attention split “Yeah, man- you kidding?” talking acting casual “You’re staying here” serious but casual “so if anything shows up” focusfocus “you’ll need all the prayers you can get” focusfocus almost I feel it
“I- I- th- thank you.  Thank you, Sir Link.”
Nodding focus nodding “You’re welcome.”  Focusfocusfocus grip heSEES “AAAH!”
IN THOSE TREES “S#$%, can you see him?!”
“I cannot!”
Holy S#$%, Link! This guy- he- “He was with us the whole time!”
“I know, Link!”
“The whole TIME!”
“I know!!”
“Hh-hh- hh-“ where the hell did he go?  He could be unconscious.  Or running.  You’d think we’d’ve heard something, though.
I don’t- dammit, if we turn and ride away from here he could intercept Daile and the others!
“Zelda.  Daile.”
“Yes.  It occurred to me, too.”
“We can’t let him go.”
Into the copse then.  No, not copse, really- it’s the head of a heavily wooded area and dammit, if I’d circled westward I could’ve shot him in front of the house instead.  But no, instead I’m a total total idiot and Zelda and I TALKED in front of this guy for hours!
…No.  No, we didn’t.
Because he only heard a little of the conversation.
The slate.
Praise, praise, praise Hylia.  The slate!  We were talking to Fi so much.  Half the time I didn’t even BOTHER to talk out loud, Zelda was reading.  Praise you, Hylia.  You’ve already lifted my dumb ass out of the sands of stupidity, haven’t you?
So… he heard Zelda.  He did.
But not the rest of it.
Not the rest.
And there’s not a f$#$cking sign of him.  “I don’t see anything.”
“Nor do I.”
And her sight’s way better.
But don’t say it out loud, Link.  Don’t.  He… might be listening.
Rap her shoulder.
Yeah.  Back out.  Come on – just in case-
No, he’s not back out here with the horses, but they’re freaking out, they trotted east a bit.
Zelda – rap rap – come on, mount.  Rionee and Tass.  Alone.  The way we should be.  No third rider.  I’ll explain later, but we… we have to ride…
Not the way we were going to.
But toward our allies.
Margil, Beraya, Chee, and the tech lab.
He let us take our slow half-circle.  He was trying to pity-convince us to let him take a horse back south toward them.
He was going to kill them?
Why not kill us?  He was with us so long.
Maybe he was going to misdirect them, too.
And if he was trying to misdirect them, then he WANTED us to go west, toward the red sky, while he got to separate from us.
…I think.
I’ll check with Zelda later.
It’s reasonable master, but I do not understand this person’s motivations.  I, too, do not understand why he would not take the opportunity to strike.
Unless his description of the man watching with the ancient core or something was just a flat-out lie.  Maybe we really have no information about it at all except that this guy’s against us.
It’s possible, master, but I have noted in my long life that those of wicked dispositions frequently enjoy bragging.  I find it likely he did, in fact, describe himself.
“Good girl, Rionee.  Sorry.  Sorry about that. Zel-?”
“I am well.  Up and on.”
“Yes.”  Good girl.  South by southeast.  “Hup, girl!”
“On, Tass!”
We ride like the wind this time again.  My goddess, I’m sorry Rionee. 
And I’m so sorry—whoever is to the west.  I don’t know how to choose except to pick what seems to be worst for the bad guy.  I just don’t know anything.
Keep looking, Link.  Turn.  She’s doing it too.  Good.  Let’s do that in a pattern, Zel.  Yeah, she sees me.  Keep watching.
I don’t know what I’m looking for.  A man who can outrun a horse?  I have no reason to expect he can do that.  I don’t even have a reason to expect he’s magic.
Yes you do, master.
Do I?
This entire situation displayed signs of advanced magical prowess.  Dark magics similar to that of the Sheikah in far ancient times—the magics in the ancient Shadow Temple.  Dead Hands.  ReDeads.  Masterful illusions.  It’s possible the face we saw on the man calling himself ‘Erl’ was in fact not his face.
Yeah.  Yeah.  I’ve heard the Yiga can disguise themselves, too.
The members of the Yiga clan at the festival successfully disguised their weapons’ appearance, but could not disguise the fact that the illusion existed.  I detected it.  I detected nothing in any of the locations on this plain.  And… there is the presence of Malice, master.  There is magic at work here—dark magic.
Dark magic.
Hiding his face.  Maybe.
My count might have been wrong.
Not 25.
26 dead.  15 alive at last look.
Well… technically that last number’s still 16.
I’m just not counting the enemy.
Read Next: Not yourself.
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This chapter took a while because I was writing so much other stuff (for the most part - I was also a little discouraged by some of how chapters 11 - 13 were received).
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