thelemonzone42 · 6 months
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Hello, this is my first official book, written and illustrated by me.
Based on the Japanese legend, 'The Legend of The Bamboo Princess' and remastered in a Disney style, Kaguya Hime seeks out mysterious items from the help of a monkey, a kitstune, a prince and a princess. To learn more, go onto Lulujr.com, go into the order and type this code to get your book: SU1531036OB.
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cosmicmudd · 1 year
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Did I mention I bought one of those kids' create a story things and I'm drawing my sister's and I's ocs taking some dusks to the beach? No? Well it's super cute so far.
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illustoryart · 2 months
My first ever hard enamel pins collection is here! ❤️‍🔥
12 awesome pin designs for OFMD and lighthouses lovers 🏴‍☠️ 🏳️‍🌈
Preorder with special prices will be running till April 15th.
If you order more than one pin, all the additional ones will be shipped for free! ✨
Start of shipping is planned in early May.
Go get yourself some lovely pins! 😍
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djarincore · 4 months
The Object of My Desire
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SUMMARY: You're a hardworking scholar and the spoiled daughter of a corrupt nobleman.
The mercenary hired for your protection is more than willing to take your father's money, just not your bratty attitude. Luckily, he's got a few ways to deal with spoiled little girls like you.
PAIRING: fighter!price x wizard!reader
TAGS: DND!au, porn with some plot, f masturbation, dirty talk, cunnilingus, he bends you over a desk, PIV, rough sex, unprotected sex, slight breath play, creampie, slight jealously, reader gets called a bitch (not by Price but he does call you a brat whoops)
A/N: this is just a silly little idea that popped into my head while I tried learning more about DND! I actually rolled some dice to make some decisions/outcomes and it made the writing experience way more fun 10/10 recommend
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Winter’s gray sky cast a torrent of rain against the cobblestone roads and blew frigid winds through the streets of Moongarde. Despite the relentless weather, citizens continued to migrate towards the town's center in attendance for the annual Heroes Feast. 
You clutched your cloak tighter against your chest as you weaved through the crowds of people heading in the opposite direction. There were more important things to deal with than a stupid celebration—like the supposed danger you were in.
Having a father who enjoyed making enemies in high places certainly made your life interesting. Though, the threats on your life were, frankly, a nuisance. You had much better things to do than worry about silly threats from cowardly, old men. But, your father worried; he worried enough to hire a mercenary to guard you. 
You hoped he wasn't old and boring like the last one you chased away. Any guard who succumbed to simple illustory spells like fear weren't worth the gold your father spent. 
Ahead, a hanging sign swung forward in the wind. Carved into the wood was a crow perched on a branch, staring off beyond the borders of its design. The Ivory Crow—a dingy, little establishment you loathed to enter. 
With a grimace, you made your way up the creaking wooden stairs. Already, you could hear rowdy, clamorous songs and bellowing voices seeping through the cracks of its shabby, wooden walls. 
Before you could reach out to push open the swinging doors, they burst open and a man stumbled out, his weight nearly toppling onto you. 
“S’rry ‘bout tha’, m’ss,” he slurred, hiccuping as he ended his sentence. He grabbed onto one of the doors to steady himself, though he still swayed. 
“Move,” you demanded. His body blocked half the entrance and you weren’t interested in squeezing past him. He was covered in stains, presumably sweat and booze from the acrid smell of him. 
He lifted his head towards you, eyes half-lidded. “Hey, don’ tell me wha’ ta do,” he hissed. 
You rolled your eyes and raised a finger towards the man. The familiar warmth of magic pooled at your fingertip and was dispelled when you tapped his forehead.
He crumpled to the ground, eyes closed with his chest still rising and falling in a slow, steady rhythm. 
You wiped your finger against your velvet cloak and stepped over the unconscious body into the tavern. 
The inside was warmly lit by a large candle chandelier hanging from the tall rafters and more candles decorating tables. No one in the tavern seemed to have noticed your exchange. They were all absorbed in their own ideas of fun. 
A dwarven bard strummed her lute on top of a table, singing an unfamiliar tune and absorbing the adoring applause of drunken patrons who chimed in off-key. Couples, locked in heated embraces, cozied themselves to dimly lit corners of the tavern. 
If it wasn’t singing or lovers, there was plenty of conversation floating through the air to distract from anything outside. 
Your eyes scanned the tavern’s edge, looking for a lone figure at one of the tables. 
The mercenary gave your father instructions for you to find him at the Ivory Crow. Look for a bear on the pommel of his sword, your father had said.
In the far corner of the room, you finally spoted a vaguely familiar figure matching your idea of him, sitting on a stool with his back facing the wall and nursing a pint of ale between his hands. His eyes were downcast as he stared at the overflowing foam sliding down the metal pint. 
He seemed to be the only lone figure in the tavern, everyone else was joined by at least one other companion. 
His attire was shades of muted green and brown, darkened by grime and dirt. A sword tucked in its scabard leaned against the table. The pommel bore the crest of a roaring bear head.
You approached swiftly, maneuvering your way past the overflowing tables filled with patrons and stumbling drunks trying to get to the bar. 
When you reached the mercenary, you stood at the edge of his table. His gaze lifted from his drink to you. Blue eyes met yours.
He wasn't as old as your last guard, and he certainly wasn't as boring to look at. 
There was no surprise on his face as he looked at you, no glimmer of recognition; his stern countenance gave away nothing of his thoughts. His gaze was almost intense, discerning, and calculating.
You broke eye contact first to look down at the round stool opposite him. It had a spot of liquid on the edge that made you grimace. 
All the other surrounding chairs looked occupied. So, you dug through your leather bag and pulled a purple cloth from it. 
You wordlessly conjured up a spectral blue hand and offered up the cloth for it to wipe away the liquid. The hand dried up the liquid and deposited the cloth on the table before vanishing.
The mercenary had crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall to watch you, legs spread wide. Inquisitive eyes followed as you took a seat, back stiff with hands tucked into your cloak, clutching it tighter to your body as if it were shielding you.  
“Ser Jonathan Price, correct?” 
He nodded once and said nothing. 
You fished a hefty pouch from your leather bag and tossed it towards him. The platinum pieces inside rattled as they hit the table. 
His eyes fell to the bag for a moment, then slid back up to you, not attempting to reach for the pouch. 
Maybe he was unimpressed. 
“There's your payment for today—one hundred platinum pieces,” you stated and cleared your throat. “Now, the rules for this arrangement are simple: protect me and stay out of my way.”
You think he understood. He didn't say anything otherwise. There was a slight twitch in your eye when he tilted his head like he was looking at an amusing, little oddity. 
After another moment his arms unfurled and a hand reached out for the pouch. He cradled it in his palm, hefting it for its weight. The coins rattled. When he pushed two fingers into the closed seam and spread it open, you scoffed.
“If you think I'm lying, don't. Your coin is there.” You crossed your arms, in an attempt to be as nonplussed as he was—it was a poor attempt. You couldn't help the frown that stuck to your lips. 
He removed his fingers from the pouch and rapped his knuckles down hard against the wooden table twice, making you flinch and catching the attention of a passing barmaid. 
Their exchange was quick. She turned her head toward him with a bright smile, flirty even as her eyes roamed down his figure. He pointed a finger down at his pint and flicked his wrist up to call for one more. She nodded and flitted back to the bar. 
“Easy enough,” he said when he turned back to you. His voice was smoky, low. Probably caused by too many cigarettes and shouting. He rested his forearms on the table, one hand still gripped around the pouch. “But drop the ser, m’ not a knight.”  
Your brows furrowed. You recalled the description your father gave you of him. A knight who served under the King’s banner for twenty years. “But you’re-” 
“I was,” he interrupted firmly, leaving you with no room to argue. 
Your mouth remained open, wanting to bite back, but when his brow raised slightly at the hint of a challenge, you clenched your jaw. Any attempt to delve further into the topic would only prove futile and a waste of time. 
You took in a deep breath through your nose and exhaled through your mouth. “Fine,” you acquiesced. “How do I address you then?”
“John’s good enough for me."
“Okay, John,” you ground out and stood from your seat. “I want to leave before nightfall.” 
He held his hand up, stopping you in your place. “We're not going anywhere yet, love.” 
You bristled at both the nickname and his order. The arrangement was supposed to be the other way around. You give him orders and he follows. 
“Sit, drink—I already bought you a mug.”  
On cue, the barmaid returned to the table with another overflowing pint in her hand and set it down on your side. She wiped her hand down on her apron and looked at John, her charming smile returning. “Anythin’ else I can getcha?”
“No, thank you.” He returned her smile with a grin of his own. He dug into the pouch and pulled out a platinum piece, setting it in her outstretched hand. 
Her eyes widened as she shook her head. “This is too much! The drinks are only ten silver!”
You crossed your arms and interjected, “I agree. That's far too much.” 
“Keep it,” he assured, waving her off. 
The barmaid scurried away with an even wider smile than you thought possible. Her hair and skirt bounced as she went. 
With her gone, he turned his attention back to you and gestured back to your stool. “Drink with me.”
The foam dribbling down the sides of the metal pint made you grimace. You didn't drink ale; it wasn't to your taste. You preferred the rich, sweet taste of Evermead. 
But, another part of you was tempted, not by cheap ale. It was the mercenary, the ex-knight, Jonathan Price. Stern to you, yet kind to the barmaid. Silent but still expressive. You felt the tug of curiosity, the desire to learn everything about this stranger and unfold his secrets. 
You sat, watching as he took his ale and the bob of his throat as he drank. 
He set down his drink, now half full, and nodded his head toward your mug. “Don't be shy, love. Go on.” 
Your hand snuck out from your cloak and grasped the handle, cold and slightly sticky. Slowly, to not spill, you lifted the mug and took a sip. Cold liquid slid down your throat. The ale was bitter, watered down, and made your mouth twist with disgust. 
“That bad, eh?” He chuckled. You were alarmed to find his low, raspy chuckle disarming. Surely, the ale hadn't got to your head already.
You set the mug down, pushing it further away with your fingers, and wiped your lips clean of any foam left behind with the back of your hand. “I can't believe you like this.”
“Oh, I don't like this garbage.” He laughed, grabbing his mug once more. His thumb idly ran down the handle, throwing a glance out to the crowded tavern. “Just drinking to pass the time.”
“Surely there are better taverns to drink in.” You glanced around at the rowdy patrons once more. Two men were standing toe to toe at the table across from you, exchanging heated words. 
When he failed to respond, you tried following his eye. It led you to the opposite side of the room toward the barmaid who served you earlier tending to a group of adventurers. She pressed her hip against the table and chatted with them, laughing. 
“So, it’s not the drinks that bring you back,” you muttered to yourself, moving your gaze back to him. 
The small smile that tugged the corner of his lips as he watched her caused a strange feeling to stir in your chest. You clenched your hands together, forcing away the uncomfortable squeeze.
You stood abruptly from your seat, ignoring your chair tipping backwards and hitting the floor. His attention was on you again. The smile was gone.
“We’re going.”
“Haven't finished your drink,” he called as you stormed off. 
You ignored him, pushing straight between the two quarreling men. Your hands pressed hard against both their chests to pry them out of your way. 
The two men stumbled back, caught off guard. 
“Don't touch me, you little bitch,” the other snarled. His hand shot out to grab your wrist, narrowly latching on. 
His movements were sloppy, most likely from all the ale he'd been drinking. You were quick enough to snatch your hand away before he could restrain you. 
You were beginning to really hate this tavern. 
More patrons were beginning to watch the exchange, sitting back like it was some spectacle. 
But, you saw John rise from his stool. His hand grasping his sword as he approached the men from behind. 
“Let's settle down, gentleman,” he said with a tired sigh.
The man who tried grabbing you turned his attention to John. “Stay outta this,” he hissed, clenching his fists and setting his shoulders back. He was much larger than John, towering at least a head taller.
You didn't want to find out how well a brawl between the two would end. 
The spell sliped from your lips and the man stiffend. In that instance, your mind was linked with his as you forcibly erased any free will he had. 
Shut up and sit down, you commanded. 
The room went silent as the man lowered onto his seat. You clenched your jaw when your head began to throb, a sign of him fighting against your control.
“Quickly,” you beckoned to the mercenary. Your control over the man’s mind wouldn't last long and you didn't want to stick around to face his wrath. 
You turned and dashed out the tavern doors, followed closely by John who was laughing to himself. 
“Clearly you can handle yourself. Don't know what you need me for,” he said.
A light rainfall had started, coating you and the streets in water. You raised your hood over your head to shield yourself. 
The street was still bustling with citizens with their umbrellas. A good cover in case the man tried following the two of you.
“I only agreed to a guard to appease father’s worries,” you muttered, sidestepping a pair of children running past you, chasing each other with wooden swords. “But, dealing with pea-brained oafs is easy compared to defending myself from someone with a dagger.”
He only hummed in reply, walking in stride with you up the cobblestone street. The rain was beginning to dampen his hair and clothes, but he didn't seem to mind.
You could feel your concentration on the spell waning the further you got until it snapped. You tensed and reached to grab John’s hand. His fingers wrapped around yours without question.
“We have to-”
“You bitch! I'm gonna tear you apart!”
Your head snapped around to find the man burst from the tavern door with a roar. Your heart jumped. The man almost seemed to burn with fury as he barreled up the street in search of you.
“This way.” 
John tugged your hand and you allowed him to pull you through the street, weaving your way through throngs of people. He pulled you through unfamiliar streets that passed by in a blur before taking a sharp right into an alleyway, tugging you into the shadows. 
Your back was against the stone walls and you heaved a sigh. Your heart raced with adrenaline. This certainly wasn't anything you'd experienced while nose-deep in a book. “Gods, I-”
“Shh,” he hushed, placing a hand over your mouth. 
Your eyes widened. He was looking out towards the street and you realized how close he was standing, nearly pressed against your front. Your hand gripped his wrist; to pry it off or hold him close, you didn't know.
When he deemed the coast clear, his hand fell away.
“Don't do that again,” you said weakly. 
He looked down at you, an amused smile forming. “Understood. Mind giving me my hand back then?”
You didn't realize your grip on his wrist remained. You released him and slipped away. 
“I'll lead us home.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The sun was just setting by the time you returned to the manor. John had followed you silently the whole way. 
“Welcome back, ma'am,” Ann greeted once you entered the foyer. She was a maid you'd known since you were a child. Her warm smile was akin to that of a mother’s, though you'd never call her such. 
“Ann will run you a bath and get you some new clothes.”
She was already moving up the left side of the split staircase to fulfill your request.
“What's wrong with my clothes?” John glanced down at his attire, smoothing his hand down the front of his doublet, now soaked with rain. 
“They're filthy and soaked. Now go.” You used your hand to shoo him off and he followed Ann with a sigh, ascending the stairs. 
You went off to another area of the manor where you could take your own bath and wash away the grime of that tavern.
When the bath was filled and ready, you shed your robes and stepped into the warmth, sighing as the warm water enveloped your body. You ran your hand up your arm, over your neck, and down your collarbone. 
While you washed, your thoughts wandered back to John. A hand slipped down the valley of your breasts and between your thighs. 
There was no question that he was attractive. The mercenary was new and surprisingly exciting—an experiment to toy with. You wanted to win him, have him in the palm of your hand and study what made him tick. 
Your index finger brushed against your clit. The first hum of pleasure bolted through your body. Slow teasing circles were drawn over your clit until you ached for more. Two fingers parted your folds to allow your middle finger to dip in. 
You sunk lower into the water, chin rippling the surface, and let your eyes fall shut to embrace your own touch while imagining it was someone else's. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When you slipped out of the bath, satisfied, you redressed into a new robe. The loose low neck reached your abdomen, teasing the inner valley of your breasts. 
As you made your way to your room, you noticed the door was left slightly ajar. When you pushed open the door, you found John standing at your bookshelf, his fingers running down the spine of a tome. 
He was in a fresh set of clothes, loaned from a butler by the looks of it. The untucked, white dress shirt clung to the curves of his muscles, growing taut when he folded his arms. The black pants fit his form enough to show off the thickness of his thighs.
You shut the door and leaned against it, eyeing his form. The ache between your legs was growing again, wanting more than just your fingers this time. 
John turned around at the noise and you could see the buttons of his shirt were halfway done, revealing his toned chest with a smattering of hair. 
“Impressive collection,” he remarked. “I’d expect no less from a wizard.”
“I spent my entire life building this collection,” you replied absently. Your mind was wandering to other things—the veins on his arms, the bulge of his pectorals in the shirt. You were unashamedly staring through lowered eyelids, greedily taking in the sight. 
He was just as interested in your low cut robes. It was obvious in the way his eyes roamed your chest. 
You chose to close the gap until you were beside the bookcase, just a foot away from his side. 
He leaned his shoulder against the shelves and looked at you with a sly smirk. “Trying to charm me?”
Magic would make your game too easy.
Your hand moved to caress his jaw, smoothing over the soft hairs of his beard. He didn't move away, choosing to lean further into your touch. 
“I don't need to,” you hummed. Your fingers clawed up the slope of his neck and into the short strands of damp hair, drawing his face closer. “You're already mine.”
“That so?” His words fluttered along your lips in warm breaths. Strong hands fell to the curves of your waist, smoothing down to your ass and pulling you against his front. 
You felt the growing stiffness of his cock, trapped in his pants, press against your abdomen which only made the throbbing of your cunt worse. Instead of responding, you leaned forward and sealed your lips tightly against his, tasting smoke and bitter ale on his tongue. 
John was quick to respond, swiping his tongue over your bottom lip to get you to open up for him. His grip slid down your ass, roughly squeezing the soft flesh in his large palms. 
You rubbed yourself against his bulge, trying to satisfy the need growing inside of you. There was a needy, animalistic frenzy in his low groan, vibrating in his chest. 
He backed you up towards your desk. It was cluttered with more tomes you amassed over the years, threatening to spill at the slightest touch. Your prized spell book, a gift from your father, was also sitting open, flipped to the enchantment spell you used earlier at the tavern. 
John didn't seem to care much for your precious collection as he swiped the books off your desk to make room to set you down. They scattered to the floor.
You pulled away, intent on telling him off. That spell book was one of a kind—
He didn't give you room to argue, much less breathe. His lips were already diving forward to capture yours again, dizzying you, driving any thought out of your head. Your legs spread around his to accommodate his body as he forced your attention back on him.
John’s hands pushed aside the fabric of your robe which easily fell around your waist, exposing your bare breasts to the cool room air. Your hardening nipples rubbed against the coarse fabric of his shirt. 
Your hands roamed his chest in turn, running over the coarse hairs and clawing down his exposed sternum. You worked quickly to unbutton the rest of his shirt and pushed it off his broad shoulders. 
Once revealed, you trailed your eyes over his chest and down to a nasty scar sliced from his upper torso across his stomach. It was old by the scaring. You briefly wondered if it was the reason he was no longer a knight as your hand reached out to brush over it. 
John caught your wrist in an iron grip. When you looked back at his face, his stern expression told you enough to stay silent about it. With your short nod, the tension in the air lifted and he was back to work on you.
Another night then, you thought. You'd unravel his secrets eventually. 
When he released your wrist and pulled away, he moved down to his knees, untying the knot at your waist and pushing aside the rest of the fabric to reveal the rest of your body. With your thighs spread, he could fit his hand between your thighs, feeling the arousal leaking from your cunt. 
“So wet already?” 
His middle finger parted your folds, dipping in ever so slightly, causing your hips to shift forward, but he pulled away before you could feel him any deeper. He got to his knees, grunting as his settled.
Your legs hooked over his shoulders, leaving him face to face with your cunt. His heavy breath fanned over your exposed cunt. 
“What a sight,” he muttered to himself before leaning in to flick his tongue over your clit again and again. 
Your body trembled with static after every stroke of his tongue. Your fingers locked through his brown hair, tugging sharply at the roots. He hissed through his teeth at the sting, but even that didn't stop him. 
His hands gripped your thighs around his shoulders, digging into the soft flesh and then smoothing up until his hands cupped your ass to push you further into his mouth. 
One of your hands rested on the table to give yourself leverage as you rode his face. The hair of his beard burned against your inner thigh.
The pleasure thruming through your veins forced your legs to lock around his head as your orgasm came to its peak. 
“That's it,” he coaxed. “Come in my fuckin’ mouth, love.” 
John kept his mouth on your fluttering cunt, refusing to pull away until he had taken every last drop of your cum. Your hands weakly pulled on his hair, but his fingers dug deeper into your thighs as he forced his head back in. 
“Gods,” you panted, looking down at him between your thighs, devouring you like a starved man. “Fuck me already.” 
“Patience,” he huffed, flicking his tongue languidly over your clit once again. Your body stiffened again. “You think you can take me after one little orgasm?” 
As you clenched around nothing and his tongue continued to take long strokes over your cunt, you rolled your eyes and snapped back, “Don’t be so cocky.”
He rose quickly after your remark, yanking your body off the desk as he went and forcing you around. One of his palms met the back of your neck and pushed you flat against the desk. His cock pressed against your ass. The fabric of his pants were rough against your bare skin. 
His other hand clamped over your mouth and he growled into your ear, “No—no more orders. I'll give you what you want, but don't start cryin’ when it doesn't fit.” 
You ached, wanting to rub your thighs together but his legs were in the way. His hand moved from your mouth to the button of his pants to pull himself free. 
You could feel his thick cock press against your ass. Even without looking, you could tell he was nothing like the other wizards you'd have meaningless flings with in school.  
His cock notched at your entrance and he asked lowly, “Ready, love?” 
The hand over your mouth moved to caress the valley of your knuckles as your hand clasped the edge of the desk. Such an intimate gesture you almost wanted to embrace by turning over your hand and intertwining fingers. 
But, you didn't have time for much thought before he buried himself into you as deep as he could go without resistance. Which was only the tip of his cock.
Your walls clamped around him, refusing to let him bully his way deeper. You whimpered, white-knuckling the desk, and shut your eyes. Gods, he was too thick. 
“Shh,” he cooed in your ear. His fingers slid across your temple and into your hair, keeping your head against the desk. “You wanted this, right? You can take more.”
And he did give you more—and more, and more. Your clawed at the desk, welled up tears spilling down the side of your face, as he stretched you around his cock. You didn't breathe, not until his hips met your ass and you were completely filled to the brim. 
You gasped, filling your lungs with air. The edge of the desk pressing against your abdomen allowed you to feel him deeper. 
He grunted as you clenched around his length. “So fuckin’ tight,” he muttered to himself as he slowly rocked into your fluttering heat. 
The friction wasn't enough for you. As always, you wanted more. You wanted to be fucked, ravished, devoured completely and thrown into a sickening rapture. 
“More,” you moaned as his cocked dragged against your walls. You were needy and hungry for him to take you harder. 
“Does a brat like you even know how to say please?” He slipped out of you completely instead. 
You whined in protest, moving your hips back to fill the empty ache he left behind. His hands moved to grip your waist, holding you in place. “No, don't.”
“Too good to beg for it?” His fingers prodded at your entrance before he slipped two inside. They weren't comparable to his cock though—not as thick, not as full. “Come on my fingers then.”
His fingers curled against the sensitive spongey spot inside of you.
“F-Fuck you,” you ground out between your teeth, biting back a moan. 
“That’s not what I asked for.” His voice was stern; there was no room for arguments, no room for demands other than his own. 
You bit your lip. You weren't the one who was supposed to be begging—he was. Having John wrapped around your finger, desperate to please you like everyone else, was the end goal. But this? 
Strong, commanding, taking what he wants—that was who John was. And even you couldn't help but relent to that dominance. 
“Speak up, love.” You could hear the smirk in his voice. 
“Please,” you repeated with a little more desperation than intended.
“Good girl,” he praised. His fingers slipped from you, pulling a string of your arousal with them, and he licked them clean. With his hands back on your hips, he lined up his cock and thrust back into you. 
Your mouth hung open as your back arched into the desk. The pace he set was relentless. It rocked your desk, sending any books and papers left on it to the floor. But you didn't care anymore, not when he found that perfect spot inside you again and again. Your toes curled as warmth pooled in your stomach and your core tightened. 
A hand wrapped around your neck once again, wrenching your back against his chest and forcing your head to the side. The sweat of your bodies melded you together. John’s fingers pressed on your throat with enough pressure to make you see stars. His gruff pants burst along the shell of your ear. His lips grazed the back of your neck as another hand moved to toy with your clit. 
You cursed as your body seized up and you came around him. You held onto the arm pressed against your chest as you rode out your orgasm. 
With a few more sharp thrusts, he spilled inside of you, flooding you with warmth. As you caught your breaths, he cupped your jaw and turned your head towards his to pull you into a searing kiss, still full of passion just like the first. 
You were almost boneless, sinking into the kiss and his arms. “Bed,” you murmured, resting your head against his shoulder when he released your jaw. “Now.”
John clicked his tongue as he slid out of you. A mix of your arousal begin to leak down your leg. You flinched when his hand cupped your sex to stop anymore from escaping. 
The action felt more possessive than anything else—something you weren't used to. Interest stirred in you once again. 
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victusinveritas · 6 months
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Happy 84th birthday to esteemed Canadian novelist and poet Margaret Atwood! She is pictured here attempting to burn an 'unburnable' copy of her novel "The Handmaid's Tale" with a flamethrower. A single unburnable copy was created last year to raise awareness about increasing censorship; her dystopian science fiction novel, which centers around one woman's quest for freedom in a totalitarian theocracy where women's rights are completely suppressed, has been the subject of numerous censorship challenges since its publication in 1985. The unburnable copy was auctioned off after Atwood's flamethrowing attempt, raising $130,00 for PEN America, a literary and free expression advocacy organization. As Atwood famously asserted in her poem "Spelling": "A word after a word after a word is power."
Born in Ottawa, Ontario in 1939, Atwood is the author of 15 books of poetry and numerous novels, including Cat's Eye, The Robber Bride, The Edible Woman, and Oryx and Crake. She won the Booker Prize -- which honors the best original novel published that year -- for "The Blind Assassin" in 2000 and has been shortlisted several additional times. She has also won two Governor General's Award, Canada's highest literary honor. This year, the American Academy of Arts and Letters elected Atwood as a Foreign Honorary Member of the Academy.
Atwood’s classic dystopian novel "The Handmaid's Tale” is available at https://www.amightygirl.com/the-handmaid-s-tale
There is also a t-shirt featuring the iconic artwork from the novel’s first edition for teens and adults at https://www.amightygirl.com/the-handmaid-s-tale-t-shirt
To introduce kids to the power of their own words, we recommend the 'IlluStory Create Your Own Book Kit' for ages 5 to 10 (https://www.amightygirl.com/make-your-own-book-kit) and the creative writing guides "Writing Magic: Creating Stories That Fly" for ages 8 to 12 (https://www.amightygirl.com/writing-magic) and "Dear Ally, How Do You Write a Book?" for ages 13 and up (https://www.amightygirl.com/dear-ally)
And for books for tweens and teens about girls living in real-life oppressive societies with little respect for freedom of expression, visit our blog post "The Fragility of Freedom: Mighty Girl Books About Life Under Authoritarianism" at https://www.amightygirl.com/blog?p=32426
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rainbowpopeworld · 7 months
Trick or treat!
@grievingangelhopefuldemon Happy Halloween!! 😇😈
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tremilatre · 8 months
Dai un'occhiata
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sealcub · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Creations by You Illustory Publish Your Own Book, New, Sealed Box.
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basic121sun · 1 year
YouTube에서 '세상의모든지식' 보기
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chalemee · 2 years
the truth
I can no longer be here I have to make changes and they are not changes that come from me but changes my soul needs i never believed in those sad stories and the disturbances of humans but as long as you do not live through it you can never explicitly explain that experience it is too late now my soul has spoken and even though it shakes me and it hurts my body and heart I must be set free. I was a fool to believe it was ever my choice or that I had an option there are many things I need to change but first thing's first I must make space for the angels of light who serve the highest guard; second is making the relationship that I have become so fond of transmute into something of better service or make it obsolete to my existence just as anything that no longer serves my highest good I am sorry dear self I allowed so much disrespect and this honor but I truthfully believe that this next season I will rewrite my entire genetic code and I will be who I am really meant and suppose to be to honor my creator and carry my ascension with honest humble love.  I am sorry if you don’t make it but you are hurting me far more than benefiting me and your words are just manipulative and I refuse to accept your fake illustory love I am done watering my beliefs my soul and sense of self worth down. In order to meet you and fulfill your needs because you obviously have no regard for mine and only for what I can do for you. I will be authentically and unapologetically myself  and a reminder to you and anyone who reads.  I do not need of anyone's love nor embracement but my own. I acknowledge that while I am nothing at all and I am less then spec in the universe I am also in everything I am humble enough to know that things will be revealed in due time. I will keep my promise to love you forever. It will have to come to end and our love will be from afar if you choose to not make drastic change. Because I can not tolerate nor allow any creature being or human of low frequency to ever touch me or gain access to me again especially when they hurt me because I have a soul contract and soul that loves me so very deep that hurts when I hurt. This all starts with the man I have continuously chosen to love over myself and forgive past countless transgressions that should have not been forgiven but your time is up I need immediate radical change no more cutting slack your family may cut you slack but I am a woman who does not have family to lay back on. I only have a tribe of women that I must lead and be strong enough to care for us and if this means to never be married then blessed be. Because I believe in and endless love that is unconditional but not one that makes a fool of the weaker more vulnerable party or makes less of the other and I certainly do not believe in temporary unfulfilled conditions nor desires  and being selfish with love  I must prioritize myself and align myself with my highest purposeful good for my creator and the part I play in this creation. So I do not need someone of this world but one who truly understands the power of christ consciousness the power of words and the true meaning of love one truly wants to be a believer in the arts of energy, love, forgiveness, passion and creation.  We can not forget compassion I believe there's a lot parts that I am lacking and I am choosing to be by myself because you don’t give me peace you only cloud my judgement with your worldly desires and in this time you can decide what you truly want because I expect the man that I marry if I ever marry to be the head of the house I aspire to be self sufficient but I expect my husband to not only worship the ground I walk but provide and protect and love me for who I am with my imperfections and insecurities and lift me up on my hard days like I will for him in his darkest hour and this something you don’t desire you ache for comfort and not going above and beyond and unfortunately I can not give myself the luxury to work as the same pace as everyone I don't have stable parents who care for my bills I have to be independent and self sufficient and I am not willing to continue giving my body to a boy who does not appreciate me nor see me for who I am truly am but is too busy in looking on what he can change to better satisfy his own self instead of really listening to me and I hate the fact it took me so long and I had to go through sooo much when I should of said fuck off from the first petty fight this does not mean I don’t love you. Because the truth is that I love you and I really do love you and I mean that whole heartedly but I was not what you truly wanted and you are not what I need take it as break but I would understand if you want to break up but you need to change I am not interested in being with someone who waste their time away who does not hold any true ambitions nor desires nor treats humanity with the highest respect despite our differences I believe we are all the same. These values I do not find in you they do  not correlate nor resonate with who you are as a person.  You are someone who is not interested in working together but just waiting me to see me grow more beautiful to enjoy the fruit of my labor while believing in different values in marriage and in beliefs of faith and creation with much love Heydy. If you read this first stop before you try flipping the tables because if you get the point this is me fighting for our love and myself I want you to know that I appreciate the small changes you have done but you keep asking me for me to better take care of you financially and if that is truly what you are looking for i suggest you come to terms with the facts that we have different values and beliefs and just because you enjoy my body and you claim you love me that does not give you the right to keep using me. I expect a man to truly be a man and face his own internal issues and not just say I will deal with them believe in healing and in growth because if you dont you will never be truly happy but always lack something. You said we all know what we have to do and this what I have to do.  I honor your time and your hard work but their are things you have done that are not correct I have issues and I knew why I told you I did not want a relationship and now I am telling you that I love you but this is what I need and I hope you understand so you can make a choice but with this choice that does not mean I will blindly believe you because I do expect radical change and do not ask me how. Because all the things I have asked that you are not doing and that you haven’t stopped doing have showed me you have no respect for me. I have lost all my friends over you and I am fine with that because it only showed me they where not truly my friends but it has been because of the way you are and psychological shit you play on me so if you truly love me cut the bullshit and be honest with yourself and me so we can figure out what we will be doing next.  
I love you with all that I am and I will always love you but this is the way I choose to communicate I love you Andy.
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pinerbbs · 2 years
Ball arena
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Jack, Un Mouton à la mer, 99 (jeu de cartes de paris et de plis), Baby Dinosaur Rescue, Uptown, SteamRollers, MOW, Homeworlds, Cœur de Dragon, Petits Peuples, Insert, K2, Elfenland, Go Fish, Dragon Castle, L'Année du Dragon, Sobek, Skat, Tinners' Trail, Sapiens, Cardiceo, Go, Nicodemus, Kahuna, Expédition : Northwest Passage, La Marche du Crabe, The Boss, Dinosaur Tea Party, Fleet, Origin, Tournay, Battle of LITS, Gear & Piston, Bahama Taxi, Boomerang : Australia, Twin Palms, Zooloretto, Room 25, Tobago, Monster Factory, La Glace et le Ciel, Detective Poker, Cloud City, Niagara, Mercado de Lisboa, Squadro, Rainbow, Dots and Boxes, Farm Club, Stir Fry Eighteen, Polis : Fight for the Hegemony, Blue Skies, Pyramid Poker, Roppyakken, Illustori, Gaïa, Boomerang : Europe, Crime Zoom : Sale objectif, Cinco, Les Inventeurs, Through the Ages, Senet, Kalah, Noir : Killer vs. Hyde, Imhotep, Reversi, Signorie, Not Alone, Quoridor, Celestia, Solar Storm, Éruption, Boss Quest, Steam Works, Art Decko, Seikatsu, P.I., Taluva, Diced Tomatoes, Médina, Dungeon Twister, Sevens, Madeira, Splito, Iwari, Quetzal, Toucan do it, Eminent Domain, Off the Rails, Les Bâtisseurs - Antiquité, Dragonwood, Le Barbu, Quarto, Mr. Voir tout Lucky Numbers, Bärenpark, Res Arcana, Projet Gaia, Les Cités Perdues, Living Forest, BANG!, Railroad Ink, Tarot, Backgammon, Mémoire 44, À la Gloire d'Odin, Puerto Rico, Through the Ages - L'histoire vous appartient, Innovation, Viticulture, Hand and Foot, Next Station: London, L'Île des Chats, Dame de Pique, Pandemic, Solo, Takenoko, Alhambra, Century : La Route des Épices, Just One, Chakra, Dice Forge, Jaipur, Love Letter, Belote, Beyond the Sun, The Crew, Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done, Sushi Go!, Toc, Papayoo, Noé, Roll for the Galaxy, Wizard, The Crew : Mission Sous-Marine, Tigre et Euphrate, Parks, Carnegie, Blood Rage, Chromino, Mille Sabords !, Dice Hospital, Get on Board: New York & London, Rallyman GT, Bubblee Pop, Cribbage, Tichu, Saint Pétersbourg, Nidavellir, Loco Momo, Downforce, Tzolk'in, Jump Drive, Copenhagen, Sea Salt & Paper, Clans of Caledonia, Carcassonne : Chasseurs et Cueilleurs, Ultimate Railroads, Coinche, Martian Dice, L'Ascenseur, Bandido, Régicide, Atout Pique, LAMA, Marco Polo II : Au Service du Khan, Teotihuacan : La Cité des Dieux, Space Station Phoenix, For Sale, Can't Stop Express, Shifting Stones, Sushi Go Party!, Targui, Saboteur, La Fin des Artichauts, Arctic Scavengers, Hardback, Les Voyages de Marco Polo, Stella – Dixit Universe, Koi-koi, Tokaido, Yokohama, Break the Code, Draftosaurus, Marrakech, Abyss, Diamant, Échecs, Railways of the World, Letter Tycoon, Codex Naturalis, Thurn et Taxis : L'Aventure Postale, Conspiracy, Santorini, Hive, Via Magica, Clash of Decks, Desserts parfaits, Sobek : 2 joueurs, Fluxx, Happy City, La Granja, Dice Theme Park, Hugo, Russian Railroads, Les Bâtisseurs - Moyen-Âge, Little Factory, Trek 12, El Grande, Fruit Picking, Luxor, Troyes Dice, Tranquility, Lueur, VektoRace, City of the Big Shoulders, Scopa, L'Île Interdite, Haiclue, Almadi, Machiavelli, Super Fantasy Brawl, Quantum, Troyes, Skull, Similo, Chimera Station, Cacao, Krosmaster Arena, Trekking the World, Red7, Non merci !, Go Nuts for Donuts, Rami de Liverpool, Number Drop, Tash-Kalar, New Frontiers, Oriflamme, Roll'n Bump, Dames chinoises, Président, Puissance Quatre, Color pop, Automobiles, Dungeon Petz, Colt Express, Coloretto, Dungeon Roll, Keyflower, Perudo, Deus, Flaming Pyramids, The King's Guild, Complots, Equinox, Space Empires: 4X, Caylus, Buttons, Lewis & Clark, Pingimus, Ice Cold Ice Hockey, Rage, Schrödinger's Cats, Dobble, Nippon, 13 Indices, Big Monster, Butterfly, Les Loups-Garous de Thiercelieux, Onitama, Star Fluxx, Battle Sheep, Tarot africain, Welcome to New Las Vegas, Chocolate Factory, Reflection, Libertalia, Bataille Navale, 99 (jeu d'addition de cartes), Concept, Lords of Xidit, Jekyll vs.
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cognitiveinequality · 3 years
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[by @dhanypramata on Twitter]
random things i used to do when i was a kid... 😂
Pin the hairpin to the mouth 
Hit the neighbor's fence to make a sound 
Climb the stairs on all fours 
Prick the bouncing needle into the finger 
Make a circle by hand, do not touch the water 
Balance the on & off buttons
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hudsonlucas-art · 4 years
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motivation and inspiration
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illustoryart · 5 months
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Still looking for loving home for these two artworks! 😳
If you want to own my signed original, this is your chance ❤️
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embee27 · 7 years
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So the game began Once in 2001 Inktober #day22 My own prompt list: childhood memories #inktober2017 #blackink #penandink #inktoberindonesia #inktober #jakeparker #namatakberupa #illustration #illustory #estorie #childhood #memory #studio_027 #hijabographic #kartunmuslimah #komuka_
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jasenlex · 4 years
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ISOLATED COMIC BOOK PANEL #2993 title: BOY COMICS #35 - P17:6 artist: NORMAN MAURER year: 1947
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