#Im just rambling
cyrankaa · 6 months
still wishing the blackfyre rebellion had succeeded can you imagine how funny it would be. so westeros used to be ruled by targaryens but they were so lame they got overthrown by their illegitimate cousins. platinum blondes overthrowing platinum blondes it's a revolution literally nothing changes except the ruling family's name. oh and no dragons still
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h4venpha · 6 months
i think i find comfort in vashwood because of their unwillingness to say outloud how they care and love for one another. like CANONLY, theres so, so much they dont say, yet their actions reflect everything.
i’m pretty sure i’ve spoke on this before but i like to think that they never say more than they need to because of the world they live in, the type of people they are, the type of upbringings theyve had. it all stems back to them not really feeling worthy of the love they are offered.
wolfwood who only thinks of himself as some fucked up modified killing machine and that he believes theres no chance someone as kind hearted as vash would see the good in him, or what little there is left of the good in him. he’s done nothing but kill, he could never redeem himself, and yet vash isn’t scared nor shuns him for it even with his pacifistic ideals.
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vash who has seen the brutal truth of wolfwood’s being and still decides he loves him to the very end.
vash who doesnt believe he deserves any ounce of love or commitment because he only hurts those he gets close to. it’s happened before and itll happen again, like hes a walking time bomb and everything will blow up again and the people close to him will die no matter what he does. and wolfwood who canonly sticks beside him until the end! literally calls himself his guide.
vash who has never had true companionship in his 150 years of living, and wolfwood who follows him to the ends of gunsmoke.
just up until vol10, theyre still toeing the line of the relationship theyve created. but the exact moment vash shows up and chooses to prioritize wolfwood over going after knives (the fucking thing he’s been working towards since the big fall, over a hundred years ago) is the moment he steps past that line. its so extremely open and explicit, even wolfwood asks him ‘why are you here?”
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while what he says here is true yes, it also sounds like “you cannot die, i’m here to ‘save’ you because i want to live.”
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then to this when wolfwood knows and accepts he will die— the sheer HORROR on vash’s face when he realizes wolfwood wont allow him to save him.
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few pages ahead, vash’s monologue starts and these old panels come up. “deep down, he had become very close to me.” basically implying that back then, during the ‘shoot’ moment, they weren’t really close. and when vash accused him: “you’re the coward here.”, “you give up all hope so easily”, it was almost surface level in a way? talking to him at surface level
but now, so many chapters later when wolfwood really does give up hope, vash, with all of his developed love through out the story realizes how differently he feels now. wolfwood made him put a fucking gun to his head (giving up hope), and vash who only scolded and accused him, vs vol10 where when wolfwood gives up hope, vash feels straight terror, that he’s really going to lose him. (also the inverted panel is just so gorgeous.)
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the whole “isnt that right, wolfwood?” just proves my entire point that vash’s presence here in this fight steps over the line of vulnerability they had created. he knows how he feels, and he knows that wolfwood feels the same, even if hes speaking to him indirectly.
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babylonfelldown · 5 months
I saw a tiktok about Jon and Theon and it made me remember how fuking insane their dynamic is
They're broken mirrors of each other: both of them just want the starks to see them as family, they want to feel wanted, they envy and hate each other.
Theon is a trueborn son of a great house, an heir even, but at the same time he's treated as a squire and a ward when convenient, (he helps Ned and Robb), he's also seen as a hostage and a threat, never quite trustworthy. He says repeatedly that he never felt wellcome by the Starks and that the only one to have any affection for him was Robb. Theon dreams to be wed to Sansa, not because he loves her, but because them he would be a son for Ned. He envies Jon because even being a bastard he's loved by Ned (ln a way neither Ned or his actual father loved him), his sibilings (all of them) love him, even if Lady Stark doesn't like him, he is family in Theon's eyes.
Jon is a bastard, he's a shame that must remain hidden, it doesn't matter how much Ned or his sibilings love him, he will never be a true Stark in the eyes of westerosi society. He is trusted but his loyality is always at question, Jon is a threat to Robb's claim in many peoples eyes, like he wants his brothers birthright, and the worst of it all is: he does. He desperately wants to be a trueborn son, but he loves Robb deeply, more than he could ever wish to be legitimate. He envies Theon because he is a trueborn son, he is an heir, he will get to have a wife and children of his own, legitimate children that won't be called names.
Truely insane dynamic of hatred and envy that culminates with both of them trying to one up each other on everything.
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tiedsh0es · 1 month
Can we talk about how no one is happier in Inanimate Insanity until they leave the show? Marshmallow, Lightbulb, Balloon, Taco, Microphone, now even Mepad.
It's brought up again and again. Even by OJ that the show changes you. That you can't better yourself until you get away from it.
The show is this cycle of anger, and cruelness from a host that uses it as a distraction from his past. Mephone is given so many chances to change. Even Mepad, who sticks by him because this is supposed to be the freedom from Cob's Mephone saved him from- is hardly even acknowledged by Mephone.
The contestants even try to be a little kinder towards Mephone because they know his past now- yet Mephone just returns it with more cruelty. Because that's the thing about Mephone he never once tries to change.
Never once tries to actually befriend the characters who try with him.
He's not without chances.
I believe that the only way Mephone can free himself from his own cruelty is with the end of his show. No more seasons, no more spin-offs. All this show is, is a distraction. Something to keep him as far away from his past as possible.
Yet can he do that?
He's driven away every single person that's ever tried with him. His show is the only thing he has control over. The only thing he's ever known since running away.
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xkingmox · 19 days
No but... Did anyone else notice how he looks less deranged when literally lighting up someone's house on fire in comparison to all of his appearances lately? Like he found a way to cause the same amount of destruction to Swerve's world his own world was destroyed with months ago and now that's bringing him peace, knowing he's getting his revenge in the most hurtful way possible and now he can focus on ending Swerve in that cage for all out
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fanaticalthings · 4 months
I love it when artists draw Bruce wayne all pretty. if there's anyone in the DC verse that deserves to be a pretty, pretty boy, it's him.
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long-lost-soul · 3 months
oughhh johnnie redmayne as a character makes me so sad,, like we’re introduced to him in hurricane as a kid who’s charming and reckless in love with being alive. he’s in a band, he’s in a gang, he’s got two older brothers that he definitely looks up to.
and then he’s dead. and as we learn in vide noir, it’s because of his recklessness. now he’s stuck wandering the desert as a ghost or something adjacent; not quite alive but definitely not all dead either.
and maybe it’s because of the way he died? vide noir is more than a drug after all. but maybe it’s because he doesn’t know how to die, that there’s no thrill in being dead, like he said? maybe the recklessness and zeal for life that killed him is keeping him from being really gone??
idk idk he’s just such a good character and i love him dearly.
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buckleyflower · 1 month
don’t you think it’s WILD that the arm Buck had to grab in order to get Eddie to safety under the fire truck was the one that had a goddamn bullet in it?
sick sick sick of the writers if you ask me…
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delicatebarness · 5 months
FATWS!Bucky confessing to one of his fears regarding an actual relationship with Agent!Reader -
Bucky: I’m not going to age the same as you are.
Reader: What are you talking about?
Bucky: I can’t live in a world that doesn’t have you in it.
Reader: You already have lived in a world that doesn’t have me for 80 years.
Bucky: That wasn’t living.
Reader: So what now? We spend the next who knows how many years being alone because neither one of us can allow the other to be with someone who isn’t them? But, at the same time, can’t allow themselves to be together?
Bucky: …
i cant read your mind | prologue
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zero-buds · 2 years
Everytime someone says bring back Nate, I shiver with dread.
And for someone who's a really big fan of Nate, I really would hate having to see him come back to Redemption. I saw on a Facebook group I'm in where someone asked how Nate would react to the Jackal Job, and I remember thinking that Nate, the Catholic man, would either not be a supporter or simply not be able to empathize or participate in the con without prejudice.
Look, OG Leverage has a place in my heart for a reason, but I cannot justify bringing back Nate at all. Nate's story could never fit into Redemption for a variety of reasons.
OG Leverage took the experiences Nate had and made a point in every episode why the man does what he does.
OG Leverage was about revenge first and foremost, then doing the right thing after, then building something more.
You know the reason why the stories never mentioned the disabled, the LGBTQ+, or the plain old voiceless of immigrant communities (this one was touched on but not really)?
It's because it wasn't Nate's story to tell. The original message was, if you are in a position where you have been wronged, then you should have the power to make it right. You deserve a second chance. That's why he always dealt with the scammers, the rich white men, the corporate greed, etc. He always tried to give people a second chance from a dumb or honest mistake, or to right someone's wrong.
That's why the Black Book was so important by the end of OG Leverage. It closed Nate's story with the idea that what has been wronged will be righted even if it meant taking a less than legal approach by others who are willing to bring justice to light.
Redemption is not that story. I mean it is, but it isn't. Redemption is the story where those less fortunate, those who are inherently going to lose no matter what they do, get a voice. They deserve a say in how they are treated, and they, as much as the impoverish and the naive, can have the power given back to them.
It's shown with victims like the elderly, the disabled, the people of color, the young who don't quite fit the social norm, and the LGBTQ+ community.
Through Harry Wilson, Redemption also shows us that those with power, need to take responsibility for their actions.  It is not enough to fight those in power, but that people like Harry - who do have power, are vitally needed to change the system.
Redemption does not need to see Nate to accomplish this story, but the fact remains that the message Nate started is still here, if not more refined and nuanced than ever before.
Nate should not come back to Redemption because his story was told in OG, and now, a new story can begin where the crew can be expanded and fight for what's right as well as give every victim of an injustice, an opportunity to tell their story as well.
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vraiment-amoureux · 9 months
my real number 1 kink is a guy being an absolute gentleman with me and being kind and modest and caring and uh yeah like. cute date and maybe with permission he can kiss my cheek <3
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virgil-anon · 4 months
something something hannigram and tomarry both showcasing will and harry with deer/stag imagery while hannibal and tom are the serial killer/murderers who view these stags as their one exception, or one solely interesting thing in their lives. harry and will being the protagonists who are constantly traumatized by said murderer boyfriend and many others around him.
something something parallels because harry and will represent humanity in a way that transcends anything hannibal or tom can comprehend because they are both lacking in humanity in a SOUL because of their own actions.
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Ok, so, while listening to Telemachus's line in Legendary "if I fight this monsters is it you I'll find?" I couldn't help but feel a thorn in my heart because and it is likely that that same line will return under a new light, in which the "Monster" is no longer Antinous, but Odysseus himself...hes the monster, the one Telemachus has to go through to find his father.
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928-2099 · 7 months
i have a bone to pick with miguel fic writers who pair him up with super young women with a huge age gap??? that is completely out of character???
that man is a devoted single parent to a daughter that otherwise would have been orphaned??? he adopts gwen when she's homeless despite having an EXTREME conflict of interest??? he gives margo a safe place to call her own in the society bc of her troubled home life??? why would you make him a weird creepy predator when that's not who he is in the movie at all??? that man is a protector through and through!!!
if we're talking about atsv dilf miguel, he would never even glance at a woman under 27, maybe even 30 and you can’t convince me otherwise. i understand the appeal of him being an older man, i really do. but please, enough with the barely legal, college-aged pairings.
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royjamierot · 10 months
the reason i love roy so much is bc i genuinely can't think of another character like him. he is a man who is so deeply ingrained in a culture of masculinity and anger but all his closest relationships are women. he's been praised like a god for years but he's deeply insecure. he wants attention and praise more than anything else from anyone. he's clingy but scared of being clingy. his best friend is the same man he hated two years prior. he plays princess and dragon with his niece and he's the princess. he hangs out with drag queens and women in their 60's. in a tough situation he knows when someone needs to be hugged instead of defended. he's just some guy. he's a professional footballer. i love him.
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miscellaneoussmp · 8 months
Okay, so my theory is that Acau was supposed to arrive the same day everyone else did. Hence why we saw "Train 3 arriving soon." but it got delayed along the way. Now, it's Quackity's job to make sure Acau gets welcomed properly and say how perfect the island is because the last few times a new person joined the island they were immediately told how awful can be.
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