#Im so fuuny
witchlingcirce · 4 months
Kit looking so much like Jace despite not being that closely related to him is so funny to me.
I think the best way I can emphasis this is that Amatis say's Jace looks exactly like Stephen (his father) and we see Arthur Blackthorn mistake Kit for Stephen.
those Herondale genes are STRONG. Curling gold blonde hair? Deep blue eyes?? There so crazy.
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skelerangart · 12 days
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trans on trans crime >:3
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did-sm1-say-catfish · 19 days
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love you, scar. keep hating :3
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visionthefox · 4 months
aphobic thinking of the day ahreee hahaha no no ok, but im just thinking- after anon mentioned NewMoon's new arc.. had me thinking of Moon as a whole..er- mostly his aro ace -since we are in pride !!
I got thinking on what he said last year, if he meets someone he may like , sure he may date em- but Moon never seems like the "romantic" nor the "flity" type , also his many gags at anything romantic was so clear to all .. he wasnt into romance not typical love stuffs - and he is believed to be sex repulsed
but then you have his other halves , KC and Eclipse- despite what most fan think, those are Moon's code- Eclipse more specially , is literally a "left over that became aware of itself" , so you see Eclipse with that more joyfull maliced, villain like act , sass that he most likely gaved to Lunar when he made him and Eclipse only keep the "smartness" so to say..but he had those when he show himself to us- he had trails of Moon still in him before he made Lunar- and after that we got the more calm- cold- paranoid version of Moon-Eclipse
then you have KC- yes tinder haha fuuny but-- yall know tinder is not to make friends! so.. yet another part of Moon- sure the homicidal code left there by Creator, yet another thing that became aware of itself - is showing desire for company..
so all of this to say.. is Moon fully sex reulsed? because Ace he is for sure! that no one will take away from him , but is the sex repulsed part that im wondering.. and no this is not because im aphobe - dont pull that on me, im only asking because too many parts of Moon have showed to want or have this likely to company .. maybe im looking too deep into jokes eh! puede ser!
but many solarmoon haters will pull the "he's sex repulsed" yet there's no much evidence- the gameplay is almost always not fully canon so we cant trusth it fully..
I think Old Moon was only a Demi Ace , who never found someone to spend time with, who never had interest in someone else, not like his other parts- Eclipse only showed interest in Sun and im saying this mostly without direction since he saw Sun as enemy - and KC mostly likely wanted to use his need of flesh in others ways , more to make and not to end lives..
and then we have New Moon. one would think that after he lost so many codes , he will be complete different- and he was.. for a short time, see someting I think when I ship em is that.. his system had to fill the holes left of ripping both KC and Eclipse out.. what ever that fill was had to be something related to it.
so say- killing coded? wshat about caring code? , now, anger and lust? what about calmness and self love?
is why he connected so well with Solar, not only is the only person he bonded in the most natural way, someone who didnt had that "you used to be" comment to give- but also someone who just connected so well- (because guess what! Solar is motly likely also a left over who needs other half to feel complete too!) so they like each other - not the romantic way- not the lust way (despite how I would love it)
is demi - ace love for the Win !! I see Moon as Demi, specially New Moon- and Solar too is someone who feels so Demi to me..
er yea. just that- got thinking of that last night- please no aphobe comments please- again im not attacking anyone who see any Moon as sex repulsed- yall valid too eh! im just bored and im a no one !
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p0sta1-dud3 · 8 months
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im so fuuny
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starsheet · 1 year
this is very messy. whatevr
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im SO normal about the idea of nsh and ui being um . silly little friends. adoptive siblings even
!!! OH and theyre based off of strawberry lizards (UI) and greeb lizords (NSH) nsh has 4 arms becauuuse uuuuh fuuny???
(this isnt ship btw raised eyebrow emoji)
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
hello oli <3
lets just forget he ever existed and pretend that dream is a rumour for the sake of my very fragile sanity… its not a thing, i swear! hes fit but like im not attracted to him or anything. hes a lasting joke within our year and everyone always is like "awww i know u like him" even tho no one ik actually does
also i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE that you call him the complicated sad boi! XDXDXDXDXD its hilarious and amazing and totally accurate, although i wouldnt have called him particularly 'sad'? (hes sad if he doesnt like me :9) #hithimwithamachete its a movement now! #hithimwithamachetober ! this is the month, ladies and gentlemen!
thanks for the advice tho! its almost common sense at this point - hes not good for me, and i should know it. i do want a stable relationship especially its such an important year for me, but also i kind of want a tragic love story. even though its deffo a terrible idea. but id like to keep complicated sad boi as a friend, tbh. so many people have told me we'd be better off as friends, and honestly i hardcore agree. i get the feeling that if we got together wed get so toxic so quick.
im actually going to pick my shit and straighten things out w him tmrw so wish me luck! hopefully it goes well.
i love your answers, please keep the sass-filled pies coming <3 (also if ur feeling like it gimme another hilarious nickname for him, this was too fuuny-)
luv u always <3 sy-sy
lol sythe you are unhinged in the best way 😂😂 MACHETE just absolutely no context pls don’t hit him with a machete but i’m dying laughing
i called him a complicated sad boi bc those are the types of men that usually do me wrong lol but he can be complicated and unstable? complicated and fickle? idk. my nickname for him is now machete boi lolol
i’ve also totally had people like that, that i have a crush on but could never actually date. i think it’s a great idea to stay friends with him 🤙 but also, you’re young, so you’re allowed to have a few bad relationships for the sake of the romance of it all haha. i love giving advice over asks so thanks for popping in to give me an update 😅 one time an anon asked me if she should tell this boy she was in love with him and i was like YES DO IT and she never updated so to that anon, if you’re out there, did you do it?
luv u too!
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catboybatman · 2 years
if shes your girl why is she my hero academia?
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choiyeonjuns · 4 years
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adorasgayass · 3 years
No Strangers to Love: We Know The Game (And We're Gonna Play It)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
After an unbearable time apart, bitter exes, Lilith and Hooty, are forced to spend time together as they plan their rebellion against Emperor Belos. Will they get back together? Or will they be strangers to love once more? Will they run around and desert each other? Or will they never give each other up?
Read on ao3 | Co-written with @marashope
Notes: Exclusive art on AO3!!
“Hoot, so why are you here again, Swiftie?”
Swift Wind, Hooty’s ex-boyfriend from years ago, throws back his long, pink mane and spreads his wings out majestically and says, “I felt the call of rebellion!”
“Right,” Hooty drags out the word, not quite believing him, “How did you even get here, hoot?”
“Well,” Swift Wind begins to explain but his voice fades away as Hooty sees a different ex come into the room.
Hooty sucks in a breath but he does it too fast and suddenly, he’s choking. Everyone turns to look at him as he begins to cough loudly, “HOOT HOOT HOOT.”
Hooty flushes with embarrassment, pretending not to notice how Lulu is rolling her sparkling blue and grey eyes at him. He tries not to watch as she takes her seat next to Eda, pointedly avoiding looking at him.
"Lu- I mean, hoot, Lilith," Hooty hoots, raising an eyebrow, "I did not think you would show up, hoot."
"I am crucial to this plan, Hooty," she spits his name like a curse, "Though I could hardly say the same for you."
"Um, guys-" Luz tries to interrupt them but Hooty is already yelling over her.
"How dare you, hoot?" He shrieks, "At least I'm not a coward like you! You just ran away and hid who knows where!"
"Because I couldn't stand to see your stupid bird face!"
"Maybe you guys could do this later?" Luz wrings her hands nervously, trying to get back on topic but Hooty is only paying attention to Lilith.
"Well, I couldn't stand to look at you either, hoot hoot." He glances away from her. "Because looking at you is like looking at the sun."
Lilith opens her beautiful, thin lips to answer but Eda interrupts her, "That is enough, you two. No one wants to listen to this garbage."
"Actually," Swift Wind interjects, watching them with a smile, "I don't mind." Everyone in the living room turns to stare at him, including Hooty. Swift Wind just shrugs "Lin Manuel Miranda didn't seem to care."
“I don't know what that means,” Eda rolls her eyes, “But Luz is right, we need to get back to planning.”
Eda and Luz begin to explain the plan but Hooty is not listening, he is only watching Lilith. She is paying attention to the planning, pale fingers absentmindedly twirling her blue hair. She must feel him staring at her because she turns to look at him, holding his brown eyes in hers for only a moment before glancing away, cheeks reddening as she tucks a lock of hair behind her ear.
Hooty barely notices when the meeting concludes and people begin to disperse.
"Get in the porta-hooty," Eda tells him as he tries to remember what was said in the meeting. "We need to leave now if we want to get near Belos' palace in time to make camp for the night."
"Oh, okay, hoot," Hooty says, avoiding Lilith's eye as he peels himself out of the house. He remembers the disgust on her face when she first saw him do it.
Eda's prediction was correct and the group of rebels reach the edge of the palace's grounds just after sunset. Hooty watches as everyone begins to set up their tents, purposefully avoiding the corner where Lilith is setting up hers. It takes a few minutes for everyone to finish setting up but once they do, they waste no time in going to bed, wanting to be well-rested for tomorrow. Hooty looks around for his own tent but when he can’t spot one, he turns to Eda.
“Where’s my tent, hoot?” His shrill voice makes the people sleeping mutter in annoyance, “I need someone to set it up because, well, I have no hands. Or feet. I’m pretty much just a tube, hoot!”
“I didn’t bring you a tent, Hooty,” Eda replies, rolling her eyes as she pulls out pajamas from her backpack.
“What?” Hooty is shocked, “How could you, hoot? I thought we were friends, Eda.”
“‘Friends’ is generous,” she tells him, “Besides, you don’t need a tent. Like you said, you’re just a tube.”
“Just a tube? JUST A TUBE?” Hooty shrieks, betrayed. Someone shouts “shut up!” a few meters away and he huffs, too heartbroken to listen.
“Stop being so dramatic,” Eda groans. “You’re going to get us caught. Just go share a tent with someone.”
Suddenly the campsite falls silent. Hooty looks around and sees that everyone has gone into their tents and zipped them up. He wonders what the hurry was.
“Will you share with me, Eda?” He looks up at her hopefully.
“Oh, Titan, no.” She makes a face. “I don’t get why you can’t sleep outside. You sleep outside of the Owl House every day.”
“That’s different, hoot!” he huffs. “Come on, hoot, please?”
“Absolutely not,” she says with finality before stepping into her tent and zipping it up.
Hooty sighs, resolved to begin preparing for a night without shelter when a familiar voice comes from behind him, hesitant and quiet.
“I’ll let you share my tent, Hooty.”
Hooty spins his tube body towards Lilith, who looks up at him with wide eyes, “A-Are you sure?”
“Yeah, it’s no big deal,” her pale cheeks turn slightly pink, “just stay on your side.”
“Right,” Hooty looks away, “Of course.”
He follows Lilith back to her tent, trying to ignore his fast beating heart. She sets up some pillows for him before lying down on the opposite side, keeping her back to him as he settles into place.
A charged silence falls over them as they lie there, so close yet so far apart. Hooty turns to glance at her, watching her shiver slightly in the coldness of the night. He would give anything to press his tube body against hers, to feel their heartbeats become one as they warm each other.
He tries to control the nervous crack in his voice as he opens his beak to speak, “It’s kind of cold out today, hoot.”
“It is,” is all Lilith says in return. Hooty is about to leave it at that when she speaks again, quieter this time, “Maybe we should think of a way to warm up.”
“Well, hoot,” he hesitates, “We could use our body heat.”
There is silence from Lilith’s side of the tent and Hooty cringes, certain that he has ruined any chance he had with Lilith. But then-
“That sounds like a good idea.”
Surprised, Hooty turns and sees that Lilith has turned to face him as well. Her eyes hold a strange expression as she slowly shifts closer to him. Hooty tries to keep calm as he tentatively wraps his body around her.
He feels both of their bodies begin to warm up as his breathing slows. A calm settles over him as he feels Lilith wrap her arms around him. She smells familiar, like dead batteries and feathers.
He closes eyes and hesitates only a second before whispering, “Good night, Lulu.”
There is silence for another moment before Lilith’s voice comes, just as soft.
“Good night, Hootcifer.”
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dgmagines · 4 years
UwU I love uuuuuuu -Friday
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💜💜💜💜 I LOVE YOU TOO BBY!! 💜💜💜💜💜
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dans-queer-ass · 5 years
maybe im editing
maybe its maybelline
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vveirdnobody · 5 years
Can I AU myself like an alternate universe where I'm not low key depressed 
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pixiecaps · 2 years
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roseprlnce · 7 years
so many people on like. this area of tumblr i am unfortunately adjacent to are so nasty and pointlessly negative and even though it’s not my problem i still hate how often i have to see it and i hate seeing people become victims of their bullying. 
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