#Imbolc vibes
dorkbait · 3 months
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emo-altdemon · 3 months
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witchtickles · 3 months
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Blessed Imbolc
Herbal Associations: angelica, basil, bay laurel, blackberry, coltsfoot, heather, violets Color Associations: white, yellow, blue, pink, green Incense Associations: basil, bay, wisteria, violet, myrrh Crystal Associations: amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, onyx, turquoise Symbols: Besoms, white flowers (esp snowdrops), candle wheels, Brigid's cross, plough
What is Imbolc? Imbolc is one of the eight sabbats on the Wheel of the Year, and is a celebration of the first signs of spring. It typically occurs on February 1st or 2nd and coincides with lambing season and the appearance of the first flowers after the end of winter.
Imbolc is associated with Brigid, a Celtic triple goddess of healing, poetry, smithing, and childbirth. She is the patron of cattle and fire, and is associated with the hearth and home. Many domestic crafts and practices can be done in her honor, including beekeeping, growing of grains such as corn, barley, or wheat, and the growing and spinning of flax.
How do I celebrate? You can celebrate Imbolc by creating a Brigid's cross - these are traditionally made with rushes, but if you don't have access to those you can use any kind of stalk or stem, or even corn husks that have been trimmed into strips.
Candles are also symbols of the holiday and are lit in order to honor the return of the sun. Traditional colors for Imbolc candles are white, yellow, and blue.
Because Imbolc is associated with farmers milking domestic animals, you can also make butter to celebrate. As long as it is washed, homemade butter can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week and in the freezer for up to a month. The buttermilk can be used to bake a loaf of soda bread or to brine chicken for frying.
It is also a good time to perform any spells centered on new beginnings, divination, and love.
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dragenafernwood · 2 months
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Life rising from last year's death and decay 🌸
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2/2/24 - Groundhog Day!
Today is special because it is the exact midpoint between winter and spring. Some pagans refer to this day as Imbolc or Candlemas, although there are other names as well. The day itself changes a bit by date depending on how the wheel of the year rolls and when soltices and equinoxes fall.
So from here on out, the hours of sunlight will get gradually longer for us in the US. I can't say for sure how this works for people in other places but I'm excited that sunlight is coming back because I have seasonal affective disorder.
I have a book on Imbolc / Candlemas that I meant to have finished reading by now. Oops.
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I also officially transferred my Missouri license to Illinois. I decided to celebrate by getting some weed from a local dispensary.
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Shown here we have it in the package and some out of the package.
I got 1g Birthday Cake flower, 1g PB & J Fritter flower, 1 disposable value of Maui Wowie, a pack of mulberry huckleberry edibles by Mindy's, and a complimentary pre-roll of Hazelnut Cream for visiting for the first time as a new customer.
I have some work to finish but I've had a little. 🙃 Yay!
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thesylverlining · 1 year
Merry Imbolc, to all who celebrate!
One of my personal traditions (especially on solstice) is singing this song, "Winter's On The Wing" from the Broadway show of The Secret Garden. Dickon is one of my favorite roles in musical theater, and this song is just... life returning.
This version has a full dance troupe, which really captures the JOY VIBE!
...God I had such a crush on John Cameron Mitchell as original cast Dickon... and always wanted to BE him, which I NOW recognize as EARLY GENDER-WEIRD FEELS LMAOOOO like sir, magical fairy-like nature-boy conjuring spring, that is a FINE gender, would u mind if I borrowed it?
.......I say "had" but I STILL do (both crush and Gender Feels. I'd kill to be Dickon in a show. Or at least maim.)
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magickvibesonly · 3 months
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Happy Imbolc, magical ones! May the blessings of Brigid light your way this month! 💚✨🌷 Here's a little article about why Imbolc is such a special time for me…
Imbolc: When Hope Springs: https://magicvibesonly.net/2024/02/01/imbolc-hope-springs/
I hope you enjoy the post and the art! 🙌🏻💖
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kentnaturaltribrid · 3 months
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🧹🔥🔑🔔Sorry that the drawing part kinda is suck in that it isn’t exactly Even and all that. Tried, but the thing is when it comes to the complicated symbols and stuff like it then the quality of drawing and design becomes a little uneven. 🪞⚰️🌑🐾🪻
“Yeah. Uh, don’t worry though everyone here is dead.”
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woodlandwitchling · 1 year
Imbolc is coming up, witches! Try to livening up your spaces and take some time to take care of yourself. Now is a time to remind yourself that winter isn't going to last forever and soon the warmth of life will return.
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magickkate · 4 months
🌿✨ A Beginner’s Guide: Navigating the Magical Seasons and the Wheel of the Year ✨🍂
Hello, witches! Ever heard of the Wheel of the Year? 🌙🌸 Let’s take a magical stroll through the seasons and see how it spins its enchantment in witchcraft for beginners! 🔄🌷
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🔮 What’s the Wheel of the Year?
• Imagine a cosmic calendar divided into eight magical chapters, each representing a unique season and energy shift. This is the Wheel of the Year!
🌳 The Eight Sabbats:
• The Wheel has eight spokes, known as Sabbats. These include Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha (Midsummer), Lammas, and Mabon. Each has its own magical significance and vibe.
🌞 Honoring Nature’s Rhythms:
• Witches use the Wheel to attune with nature’s cycles. From the darkness of winter to the blossoming of spring, each Sabbat reflects the ebb and flow of energies.
🌼 Practical Magic:
• Incorporate the Wheel into your craft! Celebrate Sabbats with rituals, spells, and activities aligned with each season. For instance, plant seeds during Ostara for growth or embrace gratitude at Mabon.
📚 Beginner-Friendly Resources:
• Explore books like “Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner” by Scott Cunningham or “The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book” by Skye Alexander for practical insights into Wheel of the Year celebrations. (Wicca ≠ Witchcraft, Wicca is a religion, Witchcraft is a folk practice! The book by Scott Cunningham introduces the Wheel of the Year and how it is utilized in Wiccan traditions.)
🌱 Connect with Community:
• Join online communities or local groups to share experiences and learn how others incorporate the Wheel into their practice. There’s magic in sharing!
🌕 Celebrate at Your Own Pace:
• No need to rush! Celebrate the Sabbats that resonate with you. The Wheel is a guide, not a rulebook. Feel the energies and go with the flow.
🌈 Begin Your Wheel Adventure:
• Whether you’re a total newbie or a curious seeker, the Wheel of the Year invites you to dance with nature’s rhythms, embrace magic, and celebrate the enchantment of every season! 🌟🌿
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emo-altdemon · 3 months
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witchrog · 3 months
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Winter offerings in the forest. We're in for a dynamic mix of energies this weekend—no kidding. The standout force, heavy, intense, and assertive, is the ongoing Mercury Mars conjunction squared with Chiron throughout the entire weekend.
A standalone Mercury Mars conjunction usually ushers in a positive vibe. We become more enthusiastic, inspired, and geared up for action. However, it also heightens our awareness of sources of irritation and frustrating situations during this period.
In response to these situations, impulsive actions may come to the forefront, a surge of blood to the head, as Mercury and Mars square with Chiron in Aries. This dynamic creates a personal sense of woundedness or a feeling of not being able to attain our desires.
This can lead to the surfacing of frustration and anger, and with the Leo full moon in play, there's an urgent need to express oneself and step into the spotlight. The Sun square to Jupiter boosts confidence and encourages bold self-expression.
The weekend's energy might manifest as pent-up frustration, anger, or a release of intense emotions. Paradoxically, this is exactly what needs to happen—a time to share your feelings, even if it doesn't come out flawlessly.
The prevailing energy suggests that wherever you're harboring hurt, it needs expression. The challenge lies in channeling this energy productively, whether through creativity or thoughtfully sharing your emotions.
For some, the difficulty may arise in conflicts that unfold when speaking their truth. Communication is charged, decisions may be impulsive, but it's an unavoidable moment, driven by the need for necessary changes that involve expressing emotions.
These energies are potent right now, and at the core of the Leo full moon's essence is the acknowledgment of personal value and significance. It's a reminder that we all have something valuable to share. The tension from the Mercury Mars conjunction can serve as a catalyst.
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Previous Prompts
Here is post you can find all of the previous prompts for the entire year!
January Week 1
January Week 2
January Week 3
January Week 4
January Week 5
February Week 1
February Week 2
February Week 3
February Week 4
March Week 1
March Week 2
March Week 3
March Week 4
April Week 1
April Week 2
April Week 3
April Week 4
May Week 1
May Week 2
May Week 3
Bonus Prompts
Seasonal Magic
Other Perspectives
Eclipse Magic
Holiday Prompt
Witchy Vibes Playlist
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mortuarymorticia · 3 months
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
i am learning to reconcile that not all of my photos will be pretty, but that doesn't mean that i'm not being productive or making progress! so! have my laptop covered in queer, gothic stickers & the greek lemon chicken soup i made last night. i wish i could have shared it with you all! i've decided that this week is going to be maximum productivity. i have a presentation due on thursday & we're rapidly approaching finals (my college is by term, not semester.) i've picked my classes for next term (i'll post that later.) & i am just... manifesting good grades & vibes.
✦ Microbiology ↳ week seven homework. ↳ week seven study guide. ↳ week seven DE assignment. ↳ week eight lecture notes.
✦ Business Basics ↳ week eight lecture notes. ↳ final presentation.
✦ Marketing & Merchandise ↳ week eight lecture notes. ↳ week seven vocabulary list. ↳ final presentation. ❥ … write full moon circle. ❥ … prepare imbolc traditions. ❥ … fill my meds. ❥ … weekly planner spread. ❥ … dishes. ❥ … clean baldrick's food & water bowls.
🎧: nuvole bianche - ludovico einaudi.
📖 : nineteen claws & a blackbird - agustina bazterrica.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 months
The Week Ahead: January 29 - February 4, 2024
Lunar Phases
Monday, January 29, 20:43 UT - Disseminating Moon, 24°25’ Virgo
The key phrases for the Disseminating lunar phase are “teach, share, communicate;” and “ease up on efforts with our intentions.” Probably a lot of venting; make sure it doesn’t deteriorate into nagging and criticism.
Friday, February 2, 23:18 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 13°36’ Scorpio
The key phrases for the Last Quarter lunar phase are “turn away,” and and “tear down old structures that no longer serve us well.” A purging vibe - get rid of the toxins.
Void of Course Moon
Monday, January 29, 23:20 UT (Virgo) - Tuesday, January 30, 08:04 UT (Libra)
Thursday, February 1, 09:03 UT (Libra) - 20:37 UT (Scorpio)
Sunday, February 4, 03:24 UT (Scorpio) - 06:28 UT (Sagittarius)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Pallas Athene/Scorpio
Retrograde: Juno/Virgo, Vesta/Gemini
Post-retrograde shadow: Jupiter/Taurus, Saturn/Pisces
Monday, February 5, 05:10 UT - transiting Mercury enters Aquarius
Eighteen days of Mercury traveling in the sign of its exaltation, giving us brilliant insights untainted by ego or pride.
Et Cetera
There is one Opportunity Period this week: Saturday, February 3, 09:55 UT - Sunday, February 4, 03:24 UT. “This is a great time to bring focus, intensity, and commitment to your projects at hand.”
The Aquarius Cross-Quarter Day - Imbolc up here, Lughnasad down there - happens Sunday, February 4, at 08:27 UT. A very weird sort of chart which I am still trying to wrap my head around.
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fumblingmusings · 2 months
I think of each one of the Brit Isles lads to be associated with specific calendar events in the year in that Northern Ireland is Samhain and guising, Wales is Christmas and Mari Lwyd, Scotland is Hogmanay and those Stonehaven fireballs, Ireland and Imbolc and Brigid's crosses, England and May Day and the dancing and parades.
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Like there are just very different vibes going on for each of these which fit each character to a Tee I feel.
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