#Implied Sexism
namisweatheria · 20 days
I feel like we don't discuss Nami's relationship with gender enough. Her entire character is so deeply informed by being a girl in a male-dominated pirate world and it's so interesting and so worth talking about.
The background creepiness of Bad pirate crews, which are most of them, how they tend to not have any female crew members at all, how they beckon any pretty young woman around to come play with them and join them. It's real bad. It's also like, a totally 2 dimensional portrayal of evil that is reserved for the most background of background characters.
However I think their ubiquity says a lot about how piracy is meant to be perceived by the public in One Piece, and is one of the strongest indicators of how prevalent misogyny is in-world.
It's very normal in One Piece for regular island inhabitants to have never met a Different class of pirate in their life. There's no reason for them to withhold judgement that maybe these pirates won't be like every crew that attacked before, and to wait and judge them by their actions. I mean frankly that would be irrationally weak self-preservation.
There are people who live peacefully under the flags of Yonkos who protect them, and feel loyalty and gratitude to them for it, but that seems to only be thing with very big name pirates. The East Blue, being the weakest and least populated, has no such plethora of powerful people and resulting turf wars.
So. Nami. Is very clearly implied to have never met any Different pirates before. I'm thinking about what that means. About how every group of pirates she stole from were creepy, dangerous men. How she started going out stealing when she was still a young child. How she didn't have a mother anymore to guide her or comfort her. How Arlong would grab her chin inappropriately, talk about her as a "human female", as property, and god knows what else.
How all the men in Arlong's crew treated her patronizingly, pretending they're all friends, teasing her and playing at respect when really not a single one of them ever stuck up for her or hesitated to accuse her of betrayal. Who were always ready to kill her if she refused to cooperate. Who grabbed her and intimidated her when they felt like it.
That's what she had to come back to after a close call with stealing from other predatory men, instead of the relief of home there was a dark, cramped room filled with endless hours of misery and isolation and blood. Where any one of her captors could barge in and demand new maps, work faster, where did you go, you took too long again this time. Endless threats and incursions.
I'm thinking about that her fight scene in Alabasta, where she tumbles and rips off her cape and uses it to catch her enemy's spikes, before leaping to her feet and running out the back door, all in one moment. How it makes her enemy reconsider her and think, "so the girl's not a total novice at fighting after all." What that implies about her experiences as a young thief. The times she wasn't fast or clever enough and had to fight and claw her way out. Why she always carried a staff and a knife. Why she was the only one before Chopper who had any medical knowledge or experience.
You know she was stitching herself up. And the weapons, how do you think she learned to use those? If any of the Arlong Pirates helped her it wasn't out of kindness and it wasn't gentle.
Then I think about Nojiko, and Bellemere's memory, and the only softness in a hard life. How easily Nami connects to every young woman experiencing hardship that she meets. How completely she dismisses the struggles of men unless they mean something to her and are going through something terrible. The way that Nami only has sympathy for women and children is easily noticeable in-text, but it's also something confirmed in those words by the author. And it's clearly because of the life she lived, the men who had all the power and only abused it, who saw her as nothing but a girl to take advantage of, without anyone aside from her sister clearly knowing and caring about any of it.
Nami clearly isn't bitter, she doesn't think the world owes her recompense, on the contrary she knows she is far from the only person in the world to suffer the things she has suffered. She is endlessly reaching out and kind, but only to those that she isn't sure would get help without her. Certainly, before Luffy, Usopp, and Zoro, no man ever reached out a hand to her without an ulterior motive.
I think when she sees a girl in trouble, a girl biting her lip to hold in a scream of grief, a girl running in the woods away from a monster, a girl captured by pirates, she sees someone who no one is coming for. Who no one will stick up for. A person without allies in a world against her. Whether it's actually true in this case or not, she runs straight for that girl anyways every single time.
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tiny-huts · 15 days
I am in complete agreement with the Astarion is (and all the other companions are) pan crowd. He is canonically pan and that should not be erased. But every post about it really needs to have at least one comment devaluing his attraction to men and denying the fact that he seems to have a preference for men (which is accurate to the lived experiences of bi/pan people. MANY people have a preference). Also many people need to realize that most people are not upset that you are having Astarion kissing your lady Tav but that most people are upset that many (not all) astarion x f!Tav works completely erase his more feminine mannerisms and stuff him into a tasteless hetero male love interest box which is like djddjjdjd not great and I do not trust it
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the-kingshound · 1 year
Putting the current angst aside for a second, I find it telling how the two major critiques to the game are that the characters are too nice to MC and that the ROs are too feminine (because they are nice. Because men aren't nice and don't say "dear" or "darling")
... I don't know
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contagious-watermelon · 2 months
if i hear one more person unironically identifying themself as afab or amab I'm gonna start biting
#theres times where it's useful to delineate (e.g. talking about the ways nb people are treated depending on which sex they're assumed to be#born with)#(tho i would argue that it's not agab per se but rather assumed current sex)#but PLEASE can i stop seeing people earnestly calling themselves ''afab nonbinary''#OR ALSO implying that they have some innate understanding of womanhood based on how they were raised#I've come across a bunch of nonbinary spaces online#where it's maybe 90% self-identified afab people#and they always have this undertone of ''well‚ we're not women‚ but we Understand™️ by virtue of our assigned sex''#which‚ maybe it's just me‚ but it always implies that trans women & transfems somehow are barred from understanding misogyny#bc of the fact that they were raised as boys & don't have the right body parts#(the ​''''right'''' body parts lemme be clear)#um yeah basically my whole issue with it (other than that it's basically recreating the gender binary‚ including the ''inexorably tied to#biological sex'' part)#is that it misgenders transmascs & trans men (me lol thats why i get angy abt it) by implying we have some sort of inherent connection to#womanhood by virtue of our sex at birth#and also feeds into the exact thing that terfs like to say; that trans women will never really understand sexism & that they're interlopers#bc they ''are amab'' / ''are male fakers''#anyway.#o.#trans#transsexual#transgender#afab#amab#agab#transphobia#transmisogyny#<- these guys mostly for the stuff in the tags in case people have those blocked & don't wanna hear me talking abt it#transmasc#transfem
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
when i say a character is a woman to me i mean it genuinely. it’s only a joke so far as all gender ever is a bit we’ve all agreed to play along with but like. no. he’s a woman. she’s a man. i understand them.
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allastoredeer · 3 months
its mysogynistic to not wear a dress?.....
Nah, not at all. Anyone should wear a dress or not wear a dress if they so choose. Personally, I don't like wearing dresses. Sometimes I do, when the mood strikes. But typically, I'm a suit guy all the way.
However, the implications that Alastor wouldn't want to wear a dress based on his ego implies some level of looking down on wearing dresses, like it's below him. Like there's some kind of belittlement that comes with wearing a dress. Like wearing a dress would bruise his pride, which does reek of misogyny, as it implies that there is something to be ashamed of in doing so.
And in that case, I find that so...opposite of his character. I mean, the closest relationships he has in the show are with women. Rosie. Niffty. Charlie, to some extent. His mother, based on what Viv has said. Rosie wears dresses. Niffty wears dresses. I'm sure his mother wore dresses. So the idea that Alastor would look down on wearing dresses (as is implied on him not wearing them due to his ego) feels wrong.
I mean, if you wanted to make this a character thing where he has internalized misogyny towards men wearing dresses, that's a different thing. But even then, I just don't see Alastor caring about men wearing dresses. Even if he, personally, just preferred not wearing dresses, I don't think he'd actually care about what anyone else is wearing.
If you mean you just see Alastor preferring to wear suits, as he does in the show, instead of dresses, yeah I agree with you there. I headcanon that while Alastor would 100% wear a dress, he just prefers wearing his suits. It's his style. It's what he feels comfortable in.
Men or masc-presenting individuals who don't want to wear dresses aren't misogynistic.
If the reasoning for that is because wearing a dress would bruise their ego a be a blow to their pride, yyyeeeaaaahh I'm guessing there's some level of misogyny behind it.
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roguetelepaths · 6 months
The way certain male characters in fandom are talked about as having traditionally afab sex characteristics/anatomy, not in a "trans headcanon" way but in a "meant to imply you think this character is weak/delicate/submissive" way... It bugs me.
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purgemarchlockdown · 10 months
Milgram and The Prince
(A Companion to my Rose Bride post you can read here, not necessary to read as I reestablish all the necessary points I made there here but it be nice to see another person read it) (CWs: Unhealthy Power Dynamics, Sexism, Discussions of Ownership in the context of Marriage, allusions to sexual abuse)
(Spoilers for Utena!)
So, as I discussed in the post linked above. In Revolutionary Girl Utena, There is a dichotemy between a Prince and Princess, with Princesses being (in the shortest way I can explain it) an unrealistic and unhealthy expectation for women to fit into a role that Lacks Autonomy and Power, and if they don't they get demonized and branded as a Witch, and Princes is an unrealistic and unhealthy expectation for men to have Complete Power, Autonomy and Control over Princess.
When we get into the Rose Bride we delve into the ideas of ownership, abuse and demonization, as the Rose Bride should Obey Whatever Their Betrothed Tells Them To Do. This Prince is who we are focusing on for this post.
"She looks gallant in a guy's uniform, but she looks perfect in a dress, too!"
Let's start off with Mikoto and John, as they're the best jumping off point when talking about the dynamic of the Prince and the Rose Bride.
Now, while the Rose Bride (and princesses) as a Role is very traditionally feminine and rooted in gender and well, misogyny. Mikoto actually has been heavily Associated with traditionally feminine characteristics and stereotypes. (Mikoto Interrogations)
T1Q4: Do you pay attention to fashion? A: Of course. No one would want to request something from a designer with no fashion sense, right?
T1Q10: Have you ever gotten angry at other people? A: I don't think I've gotten angry before. Isn't it kind of disgraceful to get angry?
Me, the newborn other you
In Isolation, these characteristics don't hint at anything, however when them put together, plus idea that John was "born" from Mikoto and how he even gets tied into with the rest of the girls by how he repeats his T1 Title and is the Only Guy that does so creates a interesting association with Mikoto and Femininity.
Not only that but Mikoto is Heavily Sexualized In MeMe.
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A detail that's strange when even Yuno, who Wears Lingerie in Teardrop. Doesn't get sexualized in the same way Mikoto does. When Mikoto is on screen in MeMe the camera is Gazing at him. Watching him take off his shirt and bathe.
(Utena Scripts)
Anthy:  The one I'm engaged to can do as he pleases with me.
People haven noted that MeMe and Mikoto references a lot of classic horror and I'd like to mention that, not only is dying in a shower a common trope, especially in horror. It's a death that commonly happens to Women. To the point where, the TVTropes Page for Deadly Bath comments on it.
Whenever it's a killer or monster that's the cause of death, the victim is always a woman for some reason.
MeMe seems to be mainly referencing the 1960s Alfred Hitchcock film Psycho, and the most well known scene from the film is the murder of a woman in the shower.
Plus, said murderer, a character with a Very Demonized and Inaccurate Portrayal of DID, is also a transphobic stereotype who kills his mom and then dresses up as her to pretend that she's Still There.
Stepping aside the Many Issues with Psycho's Portrayal of DID and transphobia for a bit, these are More Examples of Mikoto being associated with Femininity.
But it doesn't even end there! Mikoto feels like a bystander in his own life, he's on a train going nowhere in Double. He's predicting his own fate in MeMe. He has no clue where his life is going and part of it is in the hand of someone he knows Nothing About. It's scary and terrifying and his agency is minimal and he doesn't even know who he really is at this point.
Why am I here? It must be a mistake? Take a good look at me Until you find me Why, hey why, I’m nowhere to be found So I will NEVER forgive you if this is happening to me even though I’m right Why, hey why, please let me out of here Please tell me it’s a mistake, that’s it’s a lie
I'd like to mention before I continue that Rypirotes actually pointed out this Exact Thing before! That Mikoto is the Damsel in Distress and John is his Heroic Knight. Or in my case, Mikoto is the Rose Bride, and John is the Prince.
Miki:  Her eyes are telling me... Miki:  that she wants to be set free. Miki:  I will protect you... Miki:  I will protect your beautiful sound, Himemiya-san!
Now the thing about the Princess/Prince dynamic in Utena is that it actually mirrors a dynamic present in Milgram, the Victim/Savior one. I mention this a bit in my Rose Bride post but I'm going to expand on it a bit more here.
We, the audience are very familiar with John positioning himself as Mikoto's savior, it's one of the first lines of Double we ever Heard.
Cling to me, hoist me up as your “savior”
Of course as we know Mikoto has been very Distressed about John and his presence. The loss of time and memory and control and the fear of not being the real "him" haunting him. Making him portray John in a more villainous and evil light.
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John is pretty upset about this, but less because he's being portrayed as a villain (though that frustration of trying so hard and yet being feared is a part of it) and more because he feels like he Ruined Mikoto's Life in his attempts to save him.
If only I were never born, if only Why, why I’m so sorry.
Utena:  Instead, I just kept on pretending to be the Prince who could save you. Utena:  I was just being conceited about protecting you.
As we know, John's statements in Neoplasma are Unreliable, as he seemingly tries to shift all the blame of the murders to him in an effort to protect Mikoto since he was Born to Do That.
John: That’s right. I’ll have to disappear eventually, anyway… Disappear, and take all of it with me. I… was born to protect Boku, after all.
The problem is not John wanting to protect Mikoto. It's that John in the attempt to protect Mikoto, harms him. It's not out of malice or some inherent flaw in his birth or anything like that. It's because John treats Mikoto as powerless.
John: It’s true that I was the one who wanted to destroy everything… and the weakness of Boku, who couldn’t stand up for himself all alone, might have been the origin of that. But… that’s all there is to it. Is that a sin?
While John puts Mikoto on a pedestal he also believes Mikoto to be weaker and needing protection, and no matter how True that statement may be, the way he helps Mikoto makes him feel powerless, confused and like a bystander in his own life.
Anthy:  Because I'm the Rose Bride...because I'm a doll with no heart... Anthy:  I thought that no matter what befell my body, my heart wouldn't feel the pain.
Welcome home, another day, another day with that hardly barely there of a smile You’re overdoing it, you’re already broken
John doesn't want to hurt Mikoto, he really doesn't. He just doesn't know what else he could Possibly do, he was made to take all of this on. That's what a Prince does.
Saionji:  So you want to be the prince who saves the helpless princess?
So he pushes people away, hides things from Mikoto, and so on. Because even though he doesn't really know what Mikoto wants from him, he believes this is the only way to help him. (Thank you Laniemae for drawing his paranoia in particular to my attention!)
Utena:  When you were suffering so much...when I had said we should save each other... Utena:  I'M the one who's unfair. I'm the one who's dirty. Utena:  I'm the one who betrayed you.
Hey, I just wanted to save you So why did it come to this?
Which just makes Mikoto's feelings of powerless worse and causes him confusion, worry and stress. And when that reaches a breaking point, John will need to clean up whatever mess gets left behind and the cycle starts again.
The dynamic of the Rose Bride and the Prince is one built on a Horrific Power Imbalance. You don't want to be The Rose Bride, and you don't want to be The Prince either.
"Instead of a princess to be protected, I want to become a dashing prince."
It might be strange to have Kotoko here when the Prince as an archetype both in and out of Utena is associated with men, however the thing about Kotoko is that she idealizes The Prince.
Voice:  but because of the strength of her admiration for the prince, Voice:  the princess made up her mind to become a prince herself! Voice:  But is that really good for her?
Now let's get something out of the way before I start this section, Kotoko has gone On Record saying she isn't exactly attached to the concept of femininity. (Kotoko Interrogations)
T1Q10: What do you think about the word 'feminimity'? A: It's one of the means you can take. It's something you can freely choose depending on the scene, so it's not something to cling onto.
This is Perfectly Fine Actually, as is Utena wearing the boys uniform and having "masculine" interests. Every time we see Utena in girl's clothes in RGU it is when she's at her lowest point and being denied who she is.
The problem is not that they present outside of the gender binary/aren't attached to it, but that they idolize Unhealthy Ideals that Reinforce a hierarchy of power.
Anyways, as established with John, The Prince as a role is one built on having power over someone. By positioning yourself as someone's "savior" you hold power over them and, even if you don't want to, harm them as a result.
Kotoko has seen the world to be cruel and unfair and the systems in place to not be enough to keep law in order. She's frustrated by how powerless she is and acts to make the world "better."
Utena:  You don't see Himemiya as anything but the Rose Bride either, do you? Touga:  Is that wrong? Utena:  It is wrong! Utena:  Cut it out with that "Rose Bride" or "possession" nonsense.
Kotoko: Yes. I hate evil. Hurting innocent people with violence, taking away from others, killing people… I hate all this evil behaviour! The law being unable to judge some sins, there's too many of these cases in this world. Having clearly bullied and torturing the weak, but exploiting loopholes in laws, there's so many sinners who still live in such a carefree manner!
It seems like Kotoko might have some unresolved and buried trauma here, as while Kotoko herself says she wasn't bullied. She also stated that when she was already the person she was now back when she was around Amane's age.
T1Q18: Have you ever been bullied in the past? A: No. Are people who've had such pasts the only ones who're allowed to hate evil?
Amane: I see…… You look scary at first impression, but I quite like the way you treat everyone equally regardless of whether they’re older or younger than you. You don’t just treat me like a child or anything like that. Kotoko: Treat you like a child? Hah, you’ve got to be kidding. Back when I was your age, I was already the person I am today.
1moremilgramfan's analysis on Kotoko's clothing in Harrow over here is a fantastic dissection of Kotoko's character design and this aspect of it in particular but my point is that Kotoko tries her best to look strong and powerful, even when she's in emotional distress. She must look strong and powerful and not Weak.
I wonder what that reminds me of.
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Kotoko idealizes the idea of there being some quick and easy way to save the whole world. Even if it isn't her that does it in the end.
I've chosen the awaited hero
But for now, if the system in place can't do it then She Will. She will the dashing prince that saves the helpless princess. She'll be the savior of the weak.
Let’s end this! “HARROW” “HARROW” I can’t forgive the evil hurting the weak It’s unforgivable, I won’t allow it, I sweared
But as I said, by positioning yourself as someone's Prince you begin to hold power over them and it's easy to start dehumanizing them and putting your wants and ideals above what they want. Their safety is reliant on yours after all. They can't fight back if you do something that harms them.
Utena:  That's right, I've got to protect Himemiya. Utena:  If anyone can return her to being a normal girl, it's me. Utena:  I can't let anyone else have her. Utena:  Not even my own prince.
Kotoko: From the begin I've never asked for your understanding! My actions, one by one, are bringing earth closer to peace. Useless Weaklings should just shut up and let me protect them!
And Kotoko seems to take a lot of joy and gratification in protecting people. She doesn't care as much about the victims as much as what she Gets Out of Saving them. Their wants are not as important as hers.
...Fufu... This feels so good.
Touga:  While she was engaged to you, the Code required her to obey you. Utena:  You're lying... Touga:  The Rose Bride answered the wishes of her master. Touga:  To make her an ordinary girl was merely what you wished.
By doing so, she perpetuates the cycle of violence she hated so much in the first place. You can see this in T2, by persecuting the guilty voters and physically harming them because she believes she's justified. Exerting power from them in a physical way and wanting to vote more people not forgiven so she can continue handing out righteous judgement.
Kotoko: I handed out retribution to the prisoners you chose to not forgive. Following MILGRAM’s system, I didn’t finish them off right away. You still need time to think, after all. …What’s with that face…? Aside from following your will, I’m deciding to leave the rest up to you. But… You’re too soft-hearted. I would have chosen to not forgive more prisoners. It’d be better if I were the prison guard… Well, just one thing is missing, I guess… I’ll stay put for now. I’ll wait until your next judgement is over, and then I’ll take action. Don’t worry, I’m on your side. Let’s bring judgement to the unforgivable evildoers.
These actions are harmful and dehumanizing, the victims are not people but a means to an end. It doesn't matter what Happens to them or even to Herself, as long as righteous judgement is brought upon those who "deserve it" for whatever reason she can come up with.
Kotoko idealized the idea of being a savior, and in the process, turned herself into a tool to harm.
Akio:  I've taken enough risks to buy the power to change the world. Akio:  That's how the world works-
"It's alright now. Please go on playing make-believe "Prince" in this comfortable little coffin forever."
Now, again you don't want to be the prince. as The Prince is an unachievable ideal that harms everyone and perpetuates cycles of violence.
However unlike the Rose Bride, the Prince Has More Power and Agency. Whoever is engaged to the Rose Bride has power over her. So, if your worldview can only perceive the roles of Prince and Princess, Savior and Victim, then of course you would want to be The Prince.
Let's talk Shidou Kirasaki.
Now, similar disclaimer to Amane's in the previous analysis. Since I've delving into the abuse the Prince perpetuates in a bit more detail. I am once again stating that while I Will Not discuss csa and sa in general here since we have no proof of Shidou doing that and for the sake of tact. However it will be Alluded to vaguely in the dialogue, especially since I'm focusing on the perpetrators of that abuse.
Once again, do what is good for your health and stay safe.
Now, unlike most of the princes in Utena, Shidou isn't doing this necessarily out of malice, he is not as bad as Akio Othori and I'm not going to pretend he is.
However even if his actions aren't necessarily done out of Malice it doesn't mean he doesn't benefit from it nor does it mean he doesn't harm anyone.
Now I talked a lot about Amane in my Rose Bride analysis but as I mentioned their, people are always constantly presenting themselves to Amane as "her prince," and are frustrated and upset when Amane shows that she can't be the victim they want her to be and Shidou is no exception to this.
22/10/24 (Shidou’s Birthday)
Amane: I warned you. I can no longer turn a blind eye to this wickedness taking place right in front of us. You’re bringing ruin unto yourself. Do you understand? Shidou: No, I don’t understand. It’s my job as an adult to teach you that throwing a temper tantrum isn’t going to make everything go your way.
In fact Shidou parallels her abusive parents a lot in his behavior by constantly ignoring and outright dismissing Amane's feelings and thoughts because he believes that Amane is "just a child."
Amane: ……*sigh*. Is that right. I don’t think I’m going to get along with you, Shidou-san. I don’t agree with the fact you refuse to acknowledge that I have my own free will, and that I should be held accountable for my actions, just because I’m a child. I may have only been alive for 12 years, but all the choices I’ve made, even if they weren’t the best ones, were entirely my own. What point is there in you getting sad when I have no regrets myself? ……please give me back my test. It seems you don’t have the concentration levels required to be my teacher. I’m going to get Kotoko-san to teach me instead. Shidou: Amane…… I don’t think that’s true. However smart you may be…… you’re still just a child.
Shidou doesn't see Amane as a person, he sees her as "child" and thus has less agency than Him. He's the one who should be making decisions for her because he's an adult. Whenever she reacts in a way he doesn't like he dismisses it, she's having one of the Worst Periods of Her Life right in front of him and he's dismissing it as just throwing a tantrum, something silly and childish.
Akio:  A child like you can't appreciate my ideals.
This isn't the only person he does this to, as Es also experiences his belittling and patronizing way of treating children. (Molech)
Shidou: Ah, well… I was just thinking about how despite being a child, you’ve really done your research on this. Es: Hey. [footsteps] You trying to make fun of me, is that it?  Shidou: What? Oh, no. I wasn’t trying to do anything like that. Es: You were. Something’s been on my mind ever since the very beginning… “Es, this. Es, that.” It’s the belittling way you refer to me…  I’m the prison guard, you know that? Shidou: Oh, I’m completely aware of that. But, you’re still a child in actuality. Coming from me, who’s almost twice the age as you are, I just…  Es: What is it? Shidou: For a child like you to be entrusted with this sort of role… My heart goes out to you. 
In a way he's exerting power over the both of them through this, he's an adult, more responsible and powerful than the both of them. It's, frankly, dehumanizing.
If the Rose Bride is an object to be projected on, the Prince is the one doing the projecting.
And as explained in the Rose Bride post, coffins in Utena represent cycles and eternity and to grow you need to break out of it. Shidou is stuck in his own coffin, keeps on trying to return to a life that Doesn't Exist Anymore and when he's faced with that knowledge and the way he's harmed the people around him because of that he continues to spiral.
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He wants to die but he can't do it himself so he pushes the responsibility onto someone he doesn't consider as a person.
Shidou: I feel sorry that you had to be given this role. And, I truly apologise for being so insistent about sentencing me to death as well…  But, you’re perfect. You’ll give me the ending I’m most suited for. 
He wants to make up for his mistakes as a parent and pushes that onto someone he can project onto, even though that person has made it very clear how unwelcome and even painful it is for him to do that.
Shidou: Yeah. I’ll do what I can. I can’t have a child making a face like that.
He wants to live but he can only live if someone else is in pain because that means he has a reason to continue existing.
But there are lives that need safeguarding So hey, prolong my life, I’m indispensable
Shidou has fully admitted that he thinks his crime is a selfish one, he did it for himself. No matter How or Why he killed, we know he didn't value the people he killed that much.
“Throw down”, someone’s value Cannot be the same as another
You're in my way, hurry up and die.
The value comes from what they give to him, and in the end, their death was much more valuable to him than their life.
"The One Who Will Revolutionize the World"
Frankly, it's kinda pathetic to be a Prince.
It's is a coffin that one can stay in forever if they don't do anything. Something that harms you and everyone else...mostly everyone else. It's a role that brings about stagnation and immaturity. You can never revolutionize the world by being a Prince, all your doing is just perpetuating a cycle of harm.
Maybe Kotoko and Shidou will stay in their coffins, who knows really with them. They don't seem particularly in a hurry to get out, they don't even seem to notice their trapped in the first place.
Mikoto though...well...John really does want to understand, and Mikoto really does want to know what's happening.
And maybe that's enough.
Anthy:  But, you're a... Utena:  I came here to meet you. Utena:  So don't be afraid of this world where we'll meet. Utena:  ...Himemiya...Himemiya...Himemiya! Utena:  Himemiya! Anthy:  Utena...sama...? Utena:  Himemiya...we finally...meet.
END NOTES: I don't usually put these but since I plan to make this two part series one post minus the utena I might as well talk a bit.
I end this and the Rose Bride one so sappily but that's mostly cause I always need to remind myself after writing these that it's a Breakable Cycle. You write 2k+ words about characters being trapped in coffins and it Gets To You.
I'm so sorry to Fuuta for leaving him out of this...Mikoto and Kotoko kinda took your place...I know your literally a hero in your MV but I could not find a way to put you here without bloating it too much.
Funnily enough while the Rose Bride post had a lot to talk about The Prince is weirdly easy to summarize, the longest part here is when I talk about the themes of the Rose Bride and how that intersects with Mikoto. Though maybe that's just me. Another reason to write the compilation I guess.
I Swear there was more quotes about children and adults in Utena- I suppose it's a lot of its themes on adulthood are communicated visually and/or involve sex so like...yknow. Plus I'd have to explain the cars and it would take me all my effort to not put the Shiori car quote.
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kawaiimunism · 3 days
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gay-otlc · 1 month
Say it with me: The fact that closeted and non-passing trans men face misogyny for being perceived as women does not mean that closeted and non-passing trans women have male privilege!
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studyingfornclex · 10 months
Would anyone be interested in reading the essay I wrote about the romanticization of abuse and sexism in LGBTQIA manhwa and manga?
Edit: posted it
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star-on-a-beach · 1 month
Memory of a BRUISE
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"I fought like hell. I fought and it still wasn't enough. I fought and some say it's still my fault. The men say it's still my fault, because they see the bruises on my knuckles and not the rest of my body."
I don't know how memory stats work so instead you get a little blurb. Poor gal /gn
Im sorry about this. But also, who next?
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shinechermont · 5 months
Her love
Chapter 4- The "advantages" of marriage
Tw: (implied) dubcon, sexism, racism
Diana’s new house was totally different from what Carla was used to. She could tell it just by the size of the walls surrounding her house - they were almost the height of her house. 
It was from that moment that she knew that Harold was a rich guy.
‘He is an empresarian’, Diana said when she presented him to her. Well, that made sense with what she was seeing.
She rang the bell and waited for someone to come. No one but the yellow skeleton herself appeared to welcome her.
“Dee, what is this?”, Carla said thoughtlessly, what made her friend blush - maybe in embarrassment - as she laughed.
“Mweh hehe- I know this can seem too much… but it is just Harold’s fancy taste”, Diana said as she opened the gate for her friend to come in. “Maybe we can have some tea in the backyard?”
Carla nodded, and then looked around. She didn’t know about the inside of the house, but she could say that the outside was… well… dead.
There were no plants to be seen - she was so used to see plants everywhere in Diana’s old house that just seeing the extreme opposite of it was.. eerie.
The backyard didn’t change much. To say it wasn’t sterile it had a bit of grass and some small rocks forming patterns, but that was about it.
“What do you think of it?”, Diana asked, as she sat down on a table that conveniently already had a teapot and two cups on it. “The yard.”
“It is, uhm… completely different from your house”, Carla said, not being able to not point that out.
“I know, but Harold isn’t very fond of plants, you know?”, the other said, serving tea for her friend and herself. “He says that plants make too much of a mess for his own taste.”
“But how about your own taste?”, Carla asked, not being able to hold herself back.
Diana seemed a bit.. guilty for being sort of called out? “Well, I made a deal with him. When I missed my plants, I could just go to my house and stay there for a couple time.
Carla wasn’t sure if that was a good deal, but she decided to not comment on it.
“So”, Diana said. “How have things been? It has been weeks since we last saw each other. I would have written to you but the honeymoon was too busy! ”, she smiled sheepishly.
Carla sighed. “To be honest I don’t have much to say. The last weeks were pretty average to be honest. But hey, it should be me the one asking questions here. How did things go in your honeymoon?”
“Well, as we said, it was very busy. We traveled to Paris, but we also went to the cities around it.”
“I know, right? Those were good weeks in the end, mweh hehe.”
Carla took a sip of her tea. “I am glad that things went well for you, Dee. Harold must really like you to take you there”, she teased.
Diana looked away, taking a sip of her tea. “Well, how are you taking care of my plants?”
The change of subject made Carla get a bit weirded out. “They are all healthy. The book Nora wrote really is helping me out to make them stay alive, hehe.”
“I see. Thank you so much  for doing it for me”, Diana said, putting her hand over her friend’s in a caring way. “If you have any problem with them, don’t hesitate calling me, okay?”
Carla felt her bone cheeks getting a bit warmer. Dee was looking at her so tenderly…
“Well, well, well, there you two are!”, a male voice approached. It was Harold. “At this point I thought you went out to buy groceries.”, he then turned to Carla, “How are you doing? Is the house hospitable enough?”
“Yes”, Carla said politely. “I, uhm, really like the patterns the rocks do.”
“That is good to know! See, dear?”, he turned to Diana, “The house can be cozy even when it doesn’t have plants in it.”
“Yes, dear. It is pretty clear to me now”, Diana said with an exasperated smile.
“May I join you?”,  Harold asked.
“Of course. Could you pick a cup, so you can join us?”
“Why don’t you pick it for me instead?”, Harold said. “After all, you are the woman of this house. Besides, I really want to talk to your friend.”
“Sure thing”, Diana said methodically, but she kept her happy expression as she walked away.
Harold took his wife’s seat without even thinking twice. “So, Ms. Serif, how was your day?”
“Well, it was nice. I spent most of the time on my job, and after that I went here”, Carla explained.
“Oh? Where do you work?”
“At the police station. I am a secretary.”
“Oh! It seems to be a… tough job.”
“I am just a secretary. I answer people’s calls and write notes to pass them to the officers. I don’t see anything tough in that.”
“Well, but the cultural difference between the people in there and the people that call you don’t make things awkward?”
“Sometimes, yeah”, she admitted. “I can deal with it.”
“That seems like a phrase of a tough person would say. You should really be proud of yourself, Mrs. Serif. Not so many monsters, let alone female monsters, can get where you went. My darling, for example, poor little thing, she barely lived inside her little house.”
“She was a nurse”, Carla pointed out, not liking where the conversation was going.
“An underpaid nurse. But I helped her make it to a better life. And she is so much happier now.”
Carla just nodded, taking a sip of her tea.
“What were you two talking about anyways?”, Harold said, not liking the silence of the conversation.
“About your honeymoon. It was in Paris, wasn’t it?”
“For sure”, Harold said with a smug smile. “I can’t help but give my wife the best. Our first night was the most pleasant of it all, but poor little thing, she was so sheepish with the ambience and all.”
Carla frowned, putting her cup of tea on the table. “Do you really feel like it is appropriate to say such things about your wife, let alone to her friend?”
Harold laughed sheepishly, as he noticed he was being called out. “Oh, I am sorry about it. I thought it was common for monsters to have open talks about it.”
“No, I think not. It is shameful for humans and monsters, in fact.”
“I see…”
The two stood in silence, until Diana came.
“Why did it take you so long?”, Harold asked. “Nevermind, I remembered I had something else to do. I won’t be able to join you two anymore.”
“There is no problem”, Diana said comfortingly, and Harold walked away, with an unreadable expression on his face. “What happened?”
Carla didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want to have heard what she just heard. Harold never said things like that in the meetings they had before the marriage… She wondered what kind of things Diana listened to everyday…
“Nothing much”, she said. “He said there was just some paperwork he had to fulfill.”
“I see”, Diana said, sitting down and sighing. “Well, do you want some more tea?”
Cross (Carla) by jakei95
Dream (Diana) by jokublog
Harold... is a mystery
Fanfic is inspired by zu-is-here's, junipers-insects' and iatetheglue's works
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cheesecakeyuri · 6 months
@maopll @venusandsaturnsrings @yandere-daydreams @blackopals-world hey! I admire your writing work and fic on tumblr. I wrote this piece for a literature assignment not too long ago so I wanna know what you think as more active authors.
236,000 humans drowned this year. Do you mourn one? … I mourn all.
I’m responsible, named on the grave, cause of death: The harsh of the wave.
Is Poseidon to blame? No, it’s his wife! Amphitrite! Take note! This water is called she!
For millennia those men brave our rouges and our storms.
Millions lost yet billions borne.
Rán trawls her net over their boat thus yanking them into their final bed of rock and sand.
Ganga and Marina cry, their tears; typhoons
Eingana watches with mixed expression as she sees all her creation fight forces they can’t understand.
Mazu protects what’s hers, leaving the sanctity of her lagoon to do so.
Praised for beauty and poetry yet feared for the fact we she are of the few things one can’t command.
Those dead in deep water can’t be found.
The ocean leaves no trace, nor nothing that can save its face.
Families left, no peace for ones gone, unable to rest, it lingers in minds, a burden one cannot heal.
A wish to not be helpless, nights spent under the waves accompanied only by fish.
Over time it was a slaughter, bodies lost, souls gone, left to the sea.
What do they feel? The grains of sand or the teeth of a fish, The scales of an eel?
A body of death becomes a feature of new life.
A reef on the bones of the deceased.
The creatures do not know or care, It’s home now.
Their Thieves of remains, they desecrate the dead yet provide them purpose.
Perhaps they deserved to die? Men are not sinless creatures after all.
Especially considering how they treat us, isn’t that right Magwayen? they treat us with more than just spite!
How can they assume us to be kind when for centuries they’ve used us?
Sending fleet after fleet onto our surface and tipping their waist into our swash!
They have no right to treat us this way when the tears we cry are of the same pain
They doom our icecaps we so graciously froze just so they could come to fruition, I refuse to accept this!
How half of them refuse to take the blame while others drown
How they make shallow promises of prevention and change
yet you find those same mouths wet by lies of the above line
And those sinking cry why!
Hypocrites! all of them!
Notice how they call their most powerful, important, and feared things she!
Yet they call upon the husbands for safe passage through OUR waters!
They boast their achievements of deep-found treasure, but they turn coy at the mention of how they got there!
People are left to rot when the stem of their problems is of their own kind.
The lot of them are savage! Acting as gods pretending as if they too are not animals.
Everything in the universe is made from the same dust, and yet the humans audaciously claim they are of the most importance!
People beg us for mercy, to save them from their self-inflicted fate
They do this so much so, they forget they are the ones to blame!
We should send our rain and waves to condemn all for their ignorance!
Humans call the ocean treacherous and harsh! The foam of the waves is a sign of rough sea!
We will send raging storms, floods, tsunamis and even cause droughts!
All to make them fear us and come to terms with the fact they are ultimately powerless in the face of Mother Nature!
Mother! Not father! We will prevail in the face of man. We will leave them no time to even attend to the damage!
We will cull those who seek to conquer our home and make all who come after fear us!
Caging them inside a trap-like purgatory
They deserve it for all they’ve done to us!
The end of men! We will bring forth a matriarchy like no other!
No longer will we desire for respect and fame
Sing in Joy for the day of our redemption has come!
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legends-of-time · 7 months
Strength of a High and Noble Hill (Outlander Story) - Masterlist
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19th and 20th Centuries
17th and 18th Centuries
Fraser Descendants (family tree)
Major Character Death, Minor Character Death, Period-Typical Homophobia, Period Typical Attitudes, Period-Typical Sexism, Period-Typical Racism, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con
May 1744
He wriggles his toes, feeling his environment. He quickly realises how much his surroundings are constricted, his legs are tightly bound and he is being cradled in someone’s arms. He opens his eyes and sees a woman leaning over him and realises she must be the one holding them. She’s humming softly with a warm and happy smile. He can see that her skin is clammy and there are bruises under her eyes, the eyes that are amber, golden-brown as well as smoky topaz, but that doesn’t dim her smile as she gazes upon the person in her arms. She’s white and her brown hair surrounds her face in messy curls.
What if Claire and Jamie’s first baby survived and what if it had been a boy. How will the story change?
Chapter 1: Birth
Chapter 2: First Months
Chapter 3: Peaceful Family Life Disrupted
Chapter 4: Goodbyes
Chapter 5: New Beginnings
Chapter 6: A Fish Out of Water
Chapter 7: Conflict
Chapter 8: Sister
Chapter 9: Returning
Chapter 10: The Truth
Chapter 11: The Loss of Hope
Chapter 12: Coping with Change
Chapter 13: Finding Him
Chapter 14: Moving to the Past
Chapter 15: Loss
Chapter 16: Lost Family
Chapter 17: A New but Old World
Chapter 18: Reunited at Last
Chapter 19: Big Brother
Chapter 20: Coming Together
Chapter 21: Fathers
Chapter 22: Dreams
Chapter 23: Fathers and Their Archaic Ways
Chapter 24: River Run
Chapter 25: A New but Old Face
Chapter 26: Caught in the Act
Chapter 27: Family Time
Chapter 28: New Beginnings
Chapter 29: Waiting
Chapter 30: Old Dreams
Chapter 31: Inferiority Complex
Chapter 32: Community Swelling
Chapter 33: Purpose
Chapter 34: First Sight
Chapter 35: Is it Happily Ever After?
Chapter 36: Gifts and Awkward Conversations
Chapter 37: Unravels
Chapter 38: Lay Up Trouble For Yourself
Chapter 39: War Wins Land, Peace Wins People
Chapter 40: Life Goes On But The Threat Looms
Chapter 41: Building Arsenal
Chapter 42: Romeo and Juliet
Chapter 43: Baggage Weighs You Down
Chapter 44: Misunderstandings
Chapter 45: Should auld acquaintance be forgot?
Chapter 46: Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ
Chapter 47: Best Not To Tell
Chapter 48: Putting a Reluctant Ring on it 
Chapter 49: Unrequited
Chapter 50: Death and Rebirth
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fanfiction.net access
Ao3 access
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simptasia · 1 year
“kate was a bitch” “ana lucia was a bitch” “charlotte was a bitch”
look me in my pitying eyes and tell me sawyer isn’t a bitch
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