#Indian People
gregor-samsung · 2 years
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English Vinglish (Gauri Shinde - 2012)
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flower1622 · 6 months
On this page, everyone is welcomed. You can send me any message you want. If you don't like a character or is a big fan of one, you are also welcomed. Here, I accept different opinions and points of view. If you are a hater and likes to stalk my page, please get some help.
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thealiveshadow · 1 year
God forbid you people portray Indian people as queer, God forbid you show them as disabled, God forbid you show them without an accent to mock every five minutes, God forbid you portray them as something else other than a doctor, engineer, scientist or some mathematic genius, God forbid you depict Indian culture beyond cow piss-drinking, smell curry eating, demonic rituals, God forbid you portray Indian People as human.
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yashhzzz · 1 year
Bhai kya mood swings horhe hain kya indra-dev ke????????????????????
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glosackmd · 6 months
INDIA10801 by a Psychiatrist's view Via Flickr: her home her past her present her future Hyderabad Photography’s new conscience linktr.ee/GlennLosack
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timaeuslover001 · 6 months
its funny, societies o the past always looked the same in every culture.
the wealthy get to enjoy the most out of life: food, expressing themselves in various types of clothing, traveling for leisure and exploration ect while others (the people) suffer and struggle to barley survive.
nowadays is no diverse but the sad part is talking to some adults and they think the pay for "less important jobs" is okay.
For a teenager? yes, no bills ect, but for legal grown adult aitch bills its not okay> especially if you going to dominate most of their week because most jobs ask you to be open for availability.
but its not their fault when you ahve been convicted to think a certain way by others for a long time, its common to you.
but just a reminder, those "at the to" aren't smart, better or more intelligent or more important than you.
if anything, America needs a self esteem check.
and all this hating, and fighting each other isn't esteeming anyone. we need to encourage and help one another in these trying times.
NOW isn't the time to make enemies out of out of our neighbors, now is the time to be teaming together to STOP the corrupt officials in Capital Hill trying to dictate the quality of our living.
the very value of a human being.
is being dictated to by people who don't care about your mother, father, grandparents ect.
they show us all the time.
they let business have evil policies at work that make impossible to have kids, get married or even miss days off wrk for being sick.
a simple cold can get you fired now and they even WANT you to work sick.
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corythesaxon · 7 months
I wish my school did more to teach Indian students why they can’t say and do things on campus. Like I’m tired of their men being creepy as hell to the women on campus.
They’re always filming girls doing ANYTHING or telling women they can’t do their jobs because of their gender. Or you have the men telling women what to do all the time and ignoring them when they’re in the right.
Our school coddles the international students to an unhealthy degree.
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newswatchindia · 1 year
It is another matter that Modi government has made many impossible tasks possible but many efforts have also backfired. Whatever the government did on triple talaq including removal of Article 370 and demonetisation was not stopped but there was more opposition to the Farmer Bill and the Modi government had to rollback its decision. In such a situation, when there are many problems within the country, suddenly a debate has started regarding one nation one election.
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atomicballoonmoon · 1 year
One Nation One Election (ONOE) is a proposal to synchronize the timing of all elections in India, including those for the Lok Sabha (parliament), state legislative assemblies, and local bodies, to be held simultaneously. The idea is to reduce election-related expenses, enhance governance stability, and minimize disruptions caused by frequent elections.
The concept of ONOE was first mooted in 1959 by the then-Home Minister, LK Advani. However, it was never implemented due to various challenges, such as the need for constitutional amendments and the lack of political consensus.
In recent years, the ONOE proposal has been revived by the Narendra Modi government. The government has set up a committee to study the feasibility of holding simultaneous elections. The committee is expected to submit its report by the end of 2023.
The ONOE proposal has been met with mixed reactions. Some people support the idea, arguing that it will save money, reduce political instability, and promote better governance. Others oppose the idea, arguing that it will violate the federal structure of India and give too much power to the central government.
The feasibility of ONOE in India is a complex issue. There are many factors to consider, such as the cost of holding simultaneous elections, the need for constitutional amendments, and the political will to implement the proposal. It is too early to say whether ONOE will ever be implemented in India.
Here are some of the potential benefits of ONOE:
Reduced election-related expenses: Simultaneous elections would allow the Election Commission to pool resources and reduce the overall cost of elections.
Enhanced governance stability: Simultaneous elections would mean that there would be less frequent changes in government, which would help to promote stability and continuity.
Minimized disruptions caused by frequent elections: Simultaneous elections would minimize the disruptions caused by frequent elections, such as the disruption of businesses and the economy.
Here are some of the potential challenges of ONOE:
Need for constitutional amendments: Simultaneous elections would require amendments to the Constitution, which would be a complex and time-consuming process.
Lack of political consensus: There is no clear political consensus on the ONOE proposal. Some political parties support the idea, while others oppose it.
Violation of federal structure: Some people argue that ONOE would violate the federal structure of India by giving too much power to the central government.
Overall, the ONOE proposal is a complex issue with both potential benefits and challenges. It is too early to say whether ONOE will ever be implemented in India.
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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⁇ India Superstar ⁇ Panibottle... a local man ⁇ I don't need money, thanks to you... ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ( ⁇ tae gyearound the world in 80 days ⁇ )
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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shadow-bender · 6 months
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Please pray and raise awareness for Cole Brings Plenty, a Lakota actor and student. He was found on april 5th. This is such an awful and cruel act of violence, im having a hard time finding the words.
April 8th Rising Hearts has organized Braids for Cole, so please wear your hair in braids and bring awareness so that Cole and his family can get justice.
*edited to correct information*
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somethingsketchy3 · 2 months
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“Our child will always be a Bridgerton, but I should like them to know they are a Sharma as well” 💜🩵
the way this line lives in my mind rent free, like you don’t understand; the weight, the sentiments, the implications, in this essay i will—
ANYWAYS, i really hope to see baby Edmund in S4 👀
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flower1622 · 5 months
Someone: If a person is against white people because of their color, the person is not being racist. But if the person did that only with black people, the person would be racist.
My reaction:
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I saw a comment like this on a post making fun of Eminem because he was a white person that sings rap. So, white people can't sing rap anymore? I got so confused and a little disgusted with the person saying that only black people are victims of racism. Racism would be a prejudice against any color, right? Black, brown, yellow, white and many others. We live in a world full of diversity. We all have different opinions, appeareances, cultures, races, languages and religions. We are special on our way, even with our differences. That's okay and we should respect each other. Thoughts like this one I brought just put more distance between our differences. Everytime we have to deal with different people: work, friends, family, school or another one. As long as we can respect and live in society, that's fine. If a person doesn't like the changes with a character in a live action, it doesn't mean the person is being racist. There are fans who are too loyal to things they like that they don't like when producers change characters they love so much. It's alright. It's their opinion, just like it happens with others that don't care or like the changes made. It's okay too. We should respect every side. The problem would be if some of the "loyal fans" are complaining because of the skin color that changed and not the changes that are being made with a character like: Personality, story and appeareances (including the color), so yeah, if it's only the color, the person is being racist and that's not nice at all. So, please guys. Less hate and more respect.
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So my post on Oklahoma making it legal to take indigenous children from their parents without tribal consent is blowing up, and I'm glad people are horrified. But what I need people to know is that this might happen on a national level.
The Supreme Court is debating overturning the Indian Child Welfare Act.
What this act does is give Native American and Alaska Native tribes and nations control over the foster and adoption placement of their children. To overturn it would be to say tribes and nations aren't sovereign, and it would also allow the U.S. government to forcibly assimilate indigenous children into other cultures.
Spread the word about what is happening.
Read online news articles about this; the more traffic on those articles, the more likely the press is to write more articles.
If there are protests in your area, join them.
If there are indigenous nations or tribes in your area, ask them how you can help.
Donate to indigenous rights organizations like Native American Rights Fund.
Write to your representatives.
If ICWA falls, keep all of the above up. Don't just shrug and think it's over.
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thekadhai · 2 years
sound of bangles maa ke hath ki purnpoli and kanganon ki avaj 
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legalite-lamhe · 1 year
I met someone → We talk
↑ ↓
They leave ← I get attached
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