#Injuries for all my dear Decepticons
Hello, I just found you and I LOVE your blog. Do you got any headcanons kicking around in that wonderful brain of yours for any of the Decepticons? Anything at all is fine
I actually do have some fun headcannons for you my dear! I have some others planned out for the future (plenty for the Decepticons, don't worry) but here is one I was already working on.
Aching Scars (Decepticon Edition)
With how much effort Knockout puts into maintaining his frame it should be obvious that he has some issues with it.
Knockout has two main problems plaguing him, the first being a deep set self consciousness regarding his appearance, and the second being hyper sensitive plating.
He didn't exactly have a great life before the war began, he was a low caste bot who fought tooth and nail in order to become a doctor.
However in the early days when he was still fighting for his place in medical school, he was picked on, beaten, and verbally abused relentlessly for his origins and shabby appearance.
He couldn't afford anything better at the time so he just accepted the abuse silently, however the event still deeply affected him, and as soon as he had the shanix he got the best bodywork money could buy.
As for the plating issue, it is a result of severe energon deprivation during his sparkling years which caused his plating to become much more sensitive than it would have been otherwise.
He handles his self consciousness well enough by taking excellent care of his frame, but despite his efforts he still has some bad days where his plating just hurts.
On those days even slightly strong air flows can cause him discomfort, as for touch, he does everything to avoid it as the pain from such an action is often irritating at best and agonizing at worst.
Breakdown will help him apply special waxes to numb his plating and watch car races with him on the television afterwards in order to comfort him.
Like Bulkhead, Breakdown has been through some things and managed to come out relatively unscathed for the most part.
However unlike Bulkhead he has walked away not with joint pain, but back pain. (No, it is not because of his heavy set front)
Swinging around a giant hammer all the time and generally being stuck with heavy duty jobs has put a lot of strain on his back and he just has days where it bothers him more than usual.
Most of the time it's fine, he smiles, laughs it off, and ignores the aching protoform.
However after particularly active battles and his later confrontations with mech he has some days that just suck.
His back is painful and he can hardly walk without slumping over or leaning on a wall for support and to take a little pressure off his overextended cables.
If he can get away with it he will lay down on the floor on some relatively uninhabited part of the nemesis and just rest, sometimes pulling out a video on a dataslate to pass the time.
When Knockout eventually catches him (because of course he will find out about his best friend's situation) the first thing he does is pump some painkillers into his system.
Afterwards he will force Breakdown to wear a back brace and lay down on an actual berth for the remainder of the day, he might even bring a few snacks round for Breakdown if he is in a good mood.
Knockout covers for him by telling Megatron that Breakdown is assisting him in his work.
It's something that Breakdown greatly appreciates as he knows Knockout prefers to stay in the good graces of who ever is in charge and doesn't like doing anything that could get him in trouble.
After Breakdown's back pains ease up he always leaves Knockout a little something in thanks, generally some polish.
Arachnid... had a less than perfect sparklinghood.
She was not treated well by any means and was manipulated and hurt endlessly.
Her past has affected her mind in terrible ways.
Now all she knows is violence and manipulation, it is the only way for someone like her to survive. (At least that is what she believes)
Her actions emulate this, with her brutal killings and treacherous behavior whenever things start to go south.
She has no friends so to speak of and has no solid loyalties, but she still requires some socialization every now and then.
She sometimes likes to pretend that she is normal, that everything is alright and that she and Arachnid are separate entities.
On those days she will approach another bot and try her best to fit in, to be a sister or companion, a facsimile of what a family should be like.
It has never ended well, especially after the start of the war.
Since coming to earth she has stopped trying to seek out companionship in others as much as she can help.
However sometimes she still wants to see someone, anyone else, and will hunt down an Autobot or Decepticon to torment to satisfy her need for socialization.
Shockwave is a mess, at least mentally.
His emotions were suppressed long ago by the senate, however they still hold some sway over his actions, weather he likes it or not.
His long years alone on Cybertron took a toll on his mind, making his long dormant parental instincts activate once again in a desperate attempt to get him to seek out another bot.
He kept it controlled up until he came onboard the nemesis where he proceeded to spend as much time away from others as possible, deep in his labs in order to keep his 'illogical protocols' in check.
However, not taking care of his spark's needs left him gloomy and depressed, at least as much as he can be with his limited emotional ability.
He tries to drown it out in his work but it becomes harder and harder for him to ignore.
Thankfully (or unfortunately) after the creation of Predaking, Shockwave's erratic instincts gain something to focus on, at last granting him respite.
Predaking is the closest thing to a sparkling onboard the nemesis, as such Shockwave's parental drives imprinted on him without issue.
This has led to a strange relationship. With Shockwave an emotionless scientist, and Predaking a newborn, yet mature Predacon bound together in something akin to a Caretaker-sparkling bond.
It grants them both some healing and growth, with Shockwave learning to recognize his emotions again and Predaking gaining a somewhat loving protector and teacher until he abandons ship to reach his own goals.
Even after Predaking leaves, he and Shockwave still meet occasionally to satisfy their desire to experience family, even if it is just in each other.
Despite his flighty and cowardly nature, Starscream has accumulated nearly as many injuries as Megatron himself over the years.
He has lost his T-cog once, the scars from its removal still causing him pain on occasion.
He has been torn to shreds multiple times, to the point of getting a complete frame reformat in order to get rid of the most nasty scars.
And to top it all off he has had his trine ripped from him by the vicious tides of war.
All in all, he has issues.
But the most noticeable one is his extreme paranoia and loneliness.
Without the comfort of his trine he feels the need to be in control all the time in order to give himself a sense of security, even if his power is only in name.
The seekers have a very clear chain of command, but they are also all still family. But on the nemesis it just isn't the same, everything can change in an instant simply because of Megatron's mood that day.
He can't handle the never ending possibility of being thrown from the only familiar place he has left, but he also hasn't forgotten how quickly loyalties can shift.
Megatron has tried to get rid of him one too many times for him to ever feel safe with him.
He doesn't want to be alone because it is not how his kind are meant to be, they are social Cybertronians, incredibly so. But he also can't risk growing to close with anyone on board the nemesis as it could very well be used against him.
He wants his family, he wants to be loved, he wants his trine back.
On the days where it hurts too much he considers going to the Autobots, he considers crushing his pride and lowering his defenses if only so that he can have a family again.
Sometimes he nearly goes through with it.
But in the end he always returns to the nemesis and sobs quietly in his berthroom where none save Soundwave can bother him, too afraid to leave and too lonely to continue putting up his façade of strength.
Soundwave is not silent for dramatic effect, he physically cannot speak the way others do.
He was crafted for an explicit purpose, the process huge amounts of information from Cybertron's collective datanet.
He was not made to do anything other than monitor those he was instructed to look into and collect any and all data requested of him.
However eventually he ended up rebelling and was tossed into the gladiatorial pits in order to get rid of him in a way that would still have some benefit.
Against the odds he learned to be something other than a machine, he became a person and survived the horrors the the pits in no short part due to Megatron's kindness.
Soundwave and Megatron bonded in the pits and during their quest to gain sway among the masses. In those days he, Megatron, and Orion were brothers in arms, companions fighting for a better future.
He never wanted the war to happen, he never wanted the friendships he forged to be broken.
Everything from the war to his time in the pits has damaged him, not only leaving him with physical scars but also severe PTSD and anxiety.
He watched Megatron descend into tyranny, but he just can't bring himself to accept it, to relent and acknowledge that the friend he fought beside died long ago and now is only a husk operated by wrath and greed.
He pretends everything is normal, that everything is fine, that everything they do is for the greater good and that so long as he is loyal, everything will work out in the end.
Some days he can't ignore it, some days his spark screams at him to flee and his processors feel unsteady.
On those days he keeps to himself even more than usual and confides his Lazerbeak and Ravage, distracting himself from the reality and indulging himself in his own fantasies until everything calms down again.
Then he will return to work, pretending that everything is fine again until his spark forces him to see the reality once more.
The great and mighty warlord Megatron suffers from many mental issues that are so numerous as there to be no point in naming them.
Despite all that he is a strategical genius and highly charismatic, even after snorting copious amounts of dark energon.
However said dark energon has not done good things for his frame in the long run.
His old injuries from the pits and the height of the war have long since healed, leaving him with only minor aches and pains every now and then.
But once dark energon was thrown into the mix the only world he came to know is one of pain when he isn't high as a kite on the stuff.
His spark chamber aches as it is assaulted by Unicron's influence, and every part of his body burns with rage made manifest, causing him to act erratically.
On days where it is really bad he will retreat to his quarters and write poetry to describe his woes.
Often he finds himself growing sentimental during those times, remembering the days he spent with Orion before everything fell to pieces.
He doesn't want to hate Orion, how could he hate Orion? So to preserve the memory of his brother he separates him and Optimus in his mind and places all his hate and anguish on the Prime, as is shown in his rather disturbing writings.
Megatron lives in a state of delusion similar to Soundwave, unable to accept that his actions may be wrong and that Orion and Optimus are one and the same, only separated by maturity and memory.
Megatron tries not the think too hard on it, lest he destroy his own world view.
I know it's not the best but I hope you like it! I tried my best at making the Decepticons interesting and unique in their issues but honestly they are all so screwed up its kinda hard not to have some overlapping. Anyway thanks for the request! It was a ton of fun to write this!
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wifetomegatron · 1 year
Imagine a liaison aboard the lost light who calls people 'love' and 'dear' in a very soft, delicate tone.
based on this post because this is just too tempting to not write about, we must sound like debutants making their first appearance in fashionable society speaking in skittish whispers and sighs all the time when in reality organics speak in different octaves and wavelengths. definitely self indulgent cause me and my friends do this.
Imagine a liaison aboard the lost light who calls people 'love' and 'dear' in a very soft, delicate tone. In a ship full of battle-weary, pessimistic, cybertronians desensitized to almost everything, that single drop of warmth coming from a human whose touches feel like silk — feather light and alien, would be enough to make them putty in your presence.
The last time Brainstorm received a — " How clever, Brainstorm, thank you for your help." He had nearly popped a circuit trying to come up with a reply, stunned silent for what Perceptor claimed was the first time he was without one of his usual snarky remarks. Then it was Swerve, who wouldn't shut up about how you had called him 'darling' — Skids was adamant to prove to him that it was just how you spoke to people, even if the theoretician himself had his chest puffed out from being called 'dear'.
Then there was the time that you had scolded Whirl for nearly stepping on you, voice still painfully tender in comparison to the mechanical lilt of metal vocalizers —" Ooop! Careful there, handsome!" You had jumped, swerving just in time before his pedes crushed you. And the watchmaker froze, with a single optic pinning you in place. Then Drift had to chase him down several hallways, yelling that he wasn't allowed to just pick you up and run off.
An intervention was needed when a group of mechs were sent down a Decepticon outpost and returned with injuries. Apparently, everyone wanted to be pat on the arm and have you crooned — " Oh, you poor, brave thing" to them. With your brows knitted in worry, lips pout and slightly parted as they tell you all the heroic things they did. ( Ultra Magnus wasn't too impressed when said intervention from Rodimus was just a plot for him to cut the line and show you his battle scars. Someone in the back of the line had yelled that he wasn't even scratched. Judging from the infighting brewing, it was most likely Whirl.)
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Greetings, dear writer. May I request the next installment for the Bot Buddy with a Sonic Scream who's Soundwave's Conjux? I've been curious to find out if they and Soundwave will be reunited and just HOW Megatron pulled it off since he promised Sound to get them back. My dearest apologies if I messed up this ask request.
You didn't mess up, you did great!
Hope you enjoy!
Soundwave's Conjunx with the Sonic Scream reuniting with Soundwave
SFW, Platonic, Romance, Mention of injury, Angst, Cybertronain reader
It had been a hectic four hours on base.
The kids had been kidnapped by an unknown vehicle and the bots were scrambling to find out where they had gone.
Buddy was trying their best to calm down June when a Decepticon message was intercepted.
Megatron had sent the message.
“What does it say?”--Arcee
“Megatron will give the children if we… give him Buddy.”--Ratchet
Buddy’s back straightened at this.
“Fat chance.”—Bulkhead
Bumblebee and Smokescreen murmur in agreement.
Buddy quickly types something on their data pad and hands it to Ratchet.
“Buddy says that they are willing to do it. Buddy, we need to think this through.”--Ratchet
“Ratchet is correct. If you fall into the Decepticon hands, there is no telling what they will do to you, especially given that Megatron knows of your abilities.”--Optimus
Buddy vents frustrated clenching their servos tightly.
Optimus put a servo on their shoulder.
“We will get the children back Buddy, but as of now, we need to come up with a plan that secures everyone’s safety.”--Optimus
A plan was soon formed and set to motion.
As Megatron said he came alone with a canister with the kids to his side
Optimus walked through the bridge with Sonar by his side.
Optimus demanded the kids back.
Megatron wanted first.
Buddy slowly walked to the war lord.
Buddy walks up to Megatron with a slight pained look on their face.
Megatron’s optics soften a bit as he puts a servo on their shoulder.
“It has been many years since we have last seen each other my friend.”--Megatron
Buddy has a tight smile on their face nodding.
They felt conflicted at what was happening.
This Megatron was not the Megatronus they grew to care for.
This mech was a stranger.
…then why did they still see some of their friend behind those optics?
Megatron was about to say something when a speeding missile came at them.
Buddy quickly grabbed the canister with the kids and shielded them as they were thrown back.
Dust and sand were sprayed everywhere as shots were exchanged.
Turns out the Cons didn’t like leaving their leader alone either.
All they could do was run and shield the canister.
Buddy wanted to scream but realized that with the kids so close it wasn’t the best idea.
And if they put them down somewhere there was a good chance, they would get squashed in someone’s underpede.
There was too much dust flying everywhere.
Something kicks them in the back making them drop the canister and land hard on the ground.
Buddy suppressed the scream as something digs into their back struts.
They could feel several servos holding them down and roughly placing a muzzle on their faceplate.
But that’s not what scared them.
It was the familiar claps of a shock collar that sent them into a frenzy panic.
Buddy tried screaming but the collar simply shocked them.
They squirmed and tried again to talk only to be shocked again.
They knew they were going to get captured.
Buddy only hoped that the kids were okay and escaped.
Suddenly the cuffs were taken off and the muzzle tossed aside.
They still didn’t dare to move until the collar was off.
They shakingly pushed back from the ground and looked at who got the restraints off of them.
They swore they were about to faint.
There knelt a couple feet away was Soundwave.
Buddy and Soundwave stared at each other.
Tears built around Buddy’s optics as a sad smile etched on their face.
They wanted to scream in joy that they found their Conjunx.
Sing to Primus that their beloved was here.
Soundwave slowly reached for their servo.
…He never saw the hammer coming.
The last thing he saw was Buddy being slung over Bulkhead’s shoulder looking like they were going to sob at any moment.
Back at the Autobot base…
Bulkhead sets Buddy down on the med slab.
Buddy barely registers Ratchet checking them up.
They look down to see Raf and the other children by their side.
“Are you okay?”--Raf
Buddy hesitates to answer, thankfully June intervenes.
“How about we give them some time to rest. Doctor’s orders.”--June
Buddy flashes her a thankful look as she guides the children out of the room.
They tap the slab loud enough to get Ratchet’s attention.
“Buddy? Is there something you need?”--Ratchet
He moves closer only to get trapped in their arms.
He wanted to move but the sniffling told him otherwise.
It had been a tough day for everyone.
For both Autobot and Decepticon alike.
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ricegobbler · 7 months
ok ngl I did this bc I’m bored. I might open requests, but idk yet bc I’m always busy. So I’m NOT opening any requests atm but I may soon!! I also didn’t do all the cons in this bc I’m so tired. So I’ll do the rest of them maybe tmrw.
Ok anyways this might be a lil bad since it’s my first time :( but enjoy either way!
Also I’m using ‘Y/N’ bc idk what else to use even tho I think I’m supposed to use it.
Warnings‼️: Mention of fighting(s), injuries, drugs (calling Megatron the druglord basically) slightly suggestive (mainly for Megatron and kinda for Knockout?)
(Megatron, Starscream, and Knockout)
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-Ah yes, our favorite drug lord☺️
-When he first saw you he thought of you as any other Decepticon on the Nemesis, a weakling basically.
-Every time he’d see you he wouldn’t really think much or care honestly, like I said, you were treated and thought of like any other Decepticon by the warlord. So the two of you wouldn’t rlly interact.
-But then, the first time you fought the Autobots in front of Megatron really changed his perspective of you. Yes, you still weren’t that special out of everyone else, but you did cause something special in his spark.
-After the battle, slamming Bulkhead into the ground, Megatron actually said something to you. Praising you for your strength and courage.
“I’m quite impressed, Y/N..” Megatron praised you, arms behind his back as he circled around you. “A fem with that much strength and power is quite…alluring~”
Your optics widened, feeling a bit of a shiver run up (or go down) your back. “A-alluring?…” You repeat, “Yes…very alluring..” he responded back, he then stood behind you and placed a servo on your shoulder, gripping it a little tightly.
“I’m quite glad to have you on our side~ you’ll be very useful….” He whispered into your audial.
-After that day he started treating you differently. Definitely favorite treatment. He wouldn’t get mad at you for your fails and would just brush it off, leaving the others (Starscream and Knockout) jaw dropped.
-Sometimes Megatron would com you to see him, privately. Whenever this happens the only thing that ever happens is some little conversation. Sometimes they’d be about the war, but mostly about each other and stories of both of your lives before the war. Sometimes he’d just praise you too tho, not that you minded though, praises from him were just 🙏
-I feel like he’d fall for some strong fem. Of course, he’d still be stronger. But he would love your strength, courage, wisdom and seriousness, and sometimes he’d get a little…riled up at the height difference between the two of you.
-When he finally confessed feelings for you (he wrote a poem and recited it to you💔🥹) you were treated WAYYY differently. Being called “my queen” or “my dear,” and he would fucking force the others to call you their queen.
-how he kisses?? Passionate. He’s so rough and touchy while kissing too omfg. PDA?? Hell yeah. He don’t gaf abt who’s around, he’d grab your waist in front of everyone and whisper the most…innocent..things to you!☺️
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-Our favorite high heel cunt!😝
-Just like Megatron, I feel like he wouldn’t really care about your presence, BUT, he would definitely talk to you about how everything goes in the Nemesis. While doing so I feel like he’d trail off and start talkin abt overthrowing Megatron💀
“-And then I get to overthrow that scrap of a warlord! YES! I will offline him soon and..” He paused and slowly turned his head to look at you, you just blinked confusingly and cleared your throat awkwardly.
“Are you alright..?” You ask, “I’m fine. Moving on!..” he responded.
-Yeah. Anyways.
-When he first saw your skills against Autobots, he was surprised. He’s never seen a fem do that much damage. Of course, he doesn’t say anything about it. He’s pretty quick to brush it off anyways.
-Sometimes he’d just fucking burst in your berthroom and tell you orders. Why? Bc he’s SIC ig😒
Starscream bursting into your berthroom, “Y/N!” You quickly turn your helm to look at him. “Huh”
“As your second in command I order you to do [whatever idk]!” He yelled, hands on his waist and everything.🤦🏻‍♀️
-But the more you two interact the more he realizes he doesn’t mind you being around. He seems more comfortable with you. How would you know? He’d rant to you about how he’d make you his SIC once he overthrows Megatron😭
-Then he finally falls for you. I honestly see him being hella nervous around you but tried showing off to you. One time he tried showing off he could take on Megatron, next thing you know you brought him to the Medbay-
-the way he’d confessed would be so sweet but funny too istg.
“Y/N…I..I’ve fallen for you.” He said, “you what?..” you asked, he quickly stood up, transforming into his alt and flew through the halls of the Nemesis while yelling back “I LOVE YOUUUU..!”
-After that little fail you found him in his berth in the corner like he was in time out and you just giggled. You gently rubbed his back and smiled. You also told him you fell for him and his wings fluttered.
-He’s quite silly, and you loved that. Secretly in his berthroom you’d praise him and cuddle with him (he rlly needs it🙁) he’d call you names like “my spark” or “love.” PDA?? Yes, but not in public. Sure, he’ll hold your hand sometimes in public, but in the Berth is the best place. How he kisses? Amazing. Not as suggestive as Megatron, but they’re so sweet. Soft kisses<33
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-The best flirtatious man ever😍
-He heard about your arrival from the rumors around the Nemesis, at first he was actually intrigued. He wanted to know what you looked like and what your personality was.
-Everyday he’d wait for you to come to the Medbay if you had any injuries. Of course, you didn’t. So what a shame 😢
-But he’d hear any new thing about you from either Starscream or the rumors around.
-But when the day of you fighting the Autobots for the first time he was finally able to see you in the Medbay to treat some wounds you had gotten.
You, covered in wounds, entering the Medbay for the first time and meeting optics with Knockout. “My my my….you’re the new fem, hm? Nice to meet you Y/N, the names Knockout~”
-curse his flirtatious side.
-when he finally treated your wounds and scratches he just smirked at you.
“Thank you,” You said to him, “No problem, doll~ it was wonderful to meet you..” he responded.
-After that, the more missions you went on and the more you’d get hurt you’d stop by to get treated. Even the smallest wounds you’d get, you’d still visit him! You mainly liked his personality though.
-The more you came by the more he got comfortable with you, he’d start ranting to you about random things. Once, he ranted to you about his paint being scratched by Arcee and Bumblebee.
-Sometimes when Knockout had no one to treat you’d come by and talk to him. You loved his sassiness, it was so funny😭 you’d also praise him too, saying how you loved him paint and how shiny it was that day. In return, he’d praise you too.
-whenever you two hung out you would just sit on the medbays bed and swing your legs back n forth since you didn’t reach the ground. Knockout found it quite amusing, he’d definitely tease you for it.
-When the two of you got close, you started falling for him first. Mostly because of his flirtation…yeah…like I said, curse his flirtatious side😢
-Of course he’d still flirt with you, making you flushed everytime you’d leave the Medbay after your daily conversations.
-When you finally confessed he just started saying how he knew something like this would happen. He also felt the same, so yay! Then he started teasing you hella again.
-He’d obviously call you things like “doll” or “dollface,” like omg.😍 How he kisses?? Also passionate, not rlly touchy tho..he just holds you by the waist n that’s it. Praises EVERYDAY. Only if you praise him tho. PDA?? Same like Starscream, not in public.
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blueskyscribe · 1 year
The reason the third set of Earthspark episodes were such a disappointment to me was that I expected all the plot threads from the previous two thirds of the show to interweave and instead a lot of them were just dropped.
Like why did Optimus need to keep Bumblebee's existence a secret? Why did GHOST think he was dead? And what consequences did Optimus face once GHOST found out Bee was alive? Seemingly none. Optimus showed up so little in the second batch of episodes that I kind of thought they'd retaliated against him and imprisoned or brainwashed him but nah, he's fine and it's never explained why Bumblebee had to fake his own death.
What was the Cybertronians' war initially about? It is unbelievable to me that this wasn't explored. First, it's interesting! Second, it would give us insight into the motivations of the Decepticon ensemble.
The show is a sort of a "what if" AU based on G1, and in G1 the Decepticons were warmongers who wanted to rule the galaxy and enslave everyone. However, if you've read MTMTE you might notice Megatron chiding Shockwave for dismissing the Terrans as "lower class beings" and conclude that the war was about classism. But ultimately the viewer shouldn't have to fill in the blanks from other media. Earthspark should address this within its own show, because the question "Can the Decepticons be trusted, can they be redeemed?" can't be answered without it. Like, if the Decepticons were just The Evil Bad Guys then it wouldn't matter, but if you want them to end up freely walking the Earth then it's extremely important to know if the average 'Con's motivation for joining the army was "I'm standing up for my civil rights" versus "y'know, I just love killing people." Especially since, unlike the easy-breezy G1 cartoon, in Earthspark the TF war resulted in human injuries and deaths.
Shockwave and Soundwave's complicated feelings about Megatron never get resolved or even addressed outside their solo episodes. Which is very odd in a series that put such an emphasis on working out emotional strife, what with the cyber-sleeves and all. In the finale the Decepticons team up with the Autobots and Terrans because Mandroid wants to destroy all robot life: a purely physical threat. And that was a cool fight. But it doesn't resolve any of the emotional baggage. This disappointed me because the emotional fallout of Megatron's side-switch was the most interesting part of the show imo.
Then there was the Starscream episode, which felt like the "Dear Princess Celestia" moral in the last two minutes of a MLP FIM episode without showing how the conflict played out in the previous twenty minutes.
Earthspark got renewed for a second season. (And I'm glad! It has a lot of potential, that's why I was pumped during the first two-thirds!) But they thought they might only get one season, and if that was the case they would have left us with all these dead ends.
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skylarkking · 8 months
"One In The Same"
A TFA Blitzwing x Mech!reader
Word Count:1k
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Chapter 11: A Con's Choice
"Decepticons! Fall back!" Megatron had ordered, sending them into a retreat. The Allspark was shattered, saved from being abused by Megatron.
Some of us, however, were not as lucky, and now I was chained to the stone walls of the Decepticons' new hide out deep inside a mine, and Professor Sumdac was their captive. In terms of condition, however, I was far worse off than he was.
It took everything in my power to stay functioning, even with Blitzwing being extremely gentle whenever he would check on me. It was a struggle just to vent properly, and I felt extremely ill, almost as if i had one of those infections organic lifeforms would get.
"You don't look too good." Blitzwing said as he gently patted my forehelm with a damp cold cloth. It hissed with steam when it made contact with the metal, a small cloud of white jumping off of me. "Primus, you're burning up."
"Why do you dote on that pathetic autobot?" Blitzwing asked.
"Will both of you SHUT IT!" Megatron snapped as he stormed over. "We aren't terminating Enigma. Not yet."
"But master, why would you keep such a useless thing?" Lugnut asked.
"Because he knows too much." Megatron said as he grabbed my helm and forced me to look up at him. "Far too much."
"I... I don't know what you're... talking about." I rasped weakly.
"You may not be fully aware of it in your current condition." Megatron growled. "But you contain a millennia's worth of data, battle tactics, and so much more."
"Lord Megatron," the Icy persona of Blitzwing asked. "Vhat, do you mean by zat?"
"Enigma wasn't just designed to be a weapon." Megatron growled as he released my helm, a whimper of pain leaving me as it dropped down to a limp. "He was a prototype for the perfect Decepticon until Starscream attempted to manipulate his coding for his own purposes."
"And... Do you plan on extracting that information?" Blitzwing asked with a nervous twitch of his wings.
"Precisely. His body is of no use to me anymore. Once I've contacted our... asset on Cybertron, I will have him extract the information."
"But... that would hill him, wouldn't it?" Professor Sumdac piped up.
"I-i didn't mean offense!" Sumdac cowered.
"Lugnut, that's enough." Megatron growled, his crimson optics shifting over to the terrified human. Sumdac shrunk back and stared up at him with fear. "To answer your question, dear professor, it will kill him. Slowly. Painfully. A fate that all traitors deserve."
"Please..." I quietly begged, catching the Decepticons' attention. "I... I dont... want to die."
"But you must, Enigma." Megatron sneered. "You have no choice."
"There has to be another way!" Professor Sumdac said.
"Zere might be." Blitzwing said.
"Do you know something Blitzwing?" Megatron asked suspiciously.
"Ze autobot medic knows his processor inside and out, vouldnt he be able to extract the data?"
"Blitzy...." I whispered. "Please... don't... don't bring Ratchet into... into this..."
"The medic is useless in this regard." Megatron said. "Our inside bot will have to do."
"His condition is worsening." Professor sumdac said as he and Blitzwing looked me over while Megatron and Lugnut were elsewhere. "And I know nothing about Cybertronian processors or illnesses."
"So you don't know how to help him?" Blitzwing asked.
"I'm... afraid not." Sumdac said. "If he were missing an arm or something, I could. But this is illness since his internal repairs seem to have healed most of his injuries."
"Dammit." Blitzwing muttered. He then heard Megatron and Lugnut returning, and he quickly scooped up the Professor and returned him to the workstation before they noticed.
As the pair spoke to the professor about something, Blitzwing knelt down by my side  with a somber and apologetic look.
"I'm so sorry, Y/D." Blitzwing whispered.
"It... it's okay." I rasped.
"No... it isn't." He said as he gently touched the side of my face. "You're sick. Really sick. And... I can't do anything about it."
"Megatron... can only control... you with... with fear for so long." I whispered. "I won't tell you... what action to take... that is not... not my place. I... I'll understand no matter what." My internal systems blared with alarms as my internal temperatures began to rise again, the cool damp air causing a light amount of steam to radiate off of me.
Blitzwing paused as he became deep in thought, eventually coming to a decision. While Megatron and Lugnut were distracted, Blitzwing released me from my bindings and carefully scooped me up, his strong arms holding me close to his chassis and almost perfectly concealing my small frame.
Silently, he snuck out of the mines and made a beeline run for the city.
-with the Autobots and Elite Guard-
"we did a sweep of the entire planet," Sentinel huffed at the repair crew. "Not one trace of decepticon energy -"
A loud beep from a nearby console startled the mech, all bots that were present turning to look at the monitor.
"You were saying, Sentinel?" Optimus said with narrowing optics.
"Jazz, bring up the location of that signal." Ultra Magnus ordered.
"Yes, sir." Jazz said, the cyberninja tapping away and then freezing somewhat. "Uh, it's right outside."
"What?!" Sentinel barked.
"Bring up the external surveillance feed." Ultra Magnus said. Jazz complied and brought up a video feed of Blitzwing standing tall, his Hothead persona glaring directly into the camera.
"What is he on about?" Ratchet said.
"Hang on, he's holding something." Jazz said.
"Zoom in." Ultra Magnus said. Jazz complied, and the video feed juttered a little as it focused on the triple changers' arms, Ratchet's optics widening in a mixture of shock, fear, relief, and grief.
"Who's that?" Sentinel asked.
Previous chapter: Click Here
Next chapter: Click Here
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Knockout and Breakdown for "Oh fuck, oh FUCK" ?
Oh this is gonna be fun :) hope you don't mind I'm gonna take this as an opportunity to practice writing them for my fan cont. uwu
Knockout wasn't really sure if he was the biggest fan of Earth so far.
Sure, some places were pretty to look at, but most times it was too cold, or too sandy, or too muddy. He hated how flora got stuck in his seams, and he especially hated that if he drove too fast, the native inhabitants would harass him. What he wouldn't give to be able to go racing on his home planet Velocitron again.
At least as the Decepticon CMO, he didn't have to leave the Nemesis if he didn't need to. He was perfectly content to remain in the med bay by Megatron's orders. Then the elements wouldn't ruin his pristine chassis and the fleshy humans wouldn't try to give him a "speeding ticket", whatever that was.
He was in the med bay organizing his tools when he got a ping on his comms from Slipstream.
"Hello 'Stream, how goes the mission?" the medic greeted.
"It had to be cut short." Slipstream responded. Her voice was weak, but frantic. "Meet us in the bridge, we require medical assistance."
"Uh, alright. Is Breakdown- hello? Oh that son of a- did she hang up on me?" Knockout grumbled. He gathered a few tools and hurried over to the bridge.
Once he got there, he was met with the last thing he wanted to see.
Starscream, along with Slipstream and Breakdown, had been sent on a scouting mission just a few joors earlier that day. Now, here they stood in the bridge, and they certainly looked worse for wear. Starscream had passed out from his injuries, Slipstream had a broken leg, and Breakdown had nearly lost his arm, but was still doing his best to keep the two seekers from falling. Knockout had to keep a death grip on his tools so he wouldn't drop them out of shock.
"Oh fuck, oh FUCK!" Knockout cursed, rushing over to the others, servos flying over them assessing their injuries and closing up some of the smaller cuts. "You were only on a scouting mission, what in the Pit happened?!"
"We had a bit of a- ow- a run-in with the Autobots, kinda got outnumbered." Breakdown explained.
"Breakdown got shoved off a cliff by Wheeljack and grabbed onto me to try and keep from falling, like THAT was going to help." Slipstream spat.
"You were the closest thing I could hold on to!"
"How about the Autobot that was RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU."
"Enough arguing, both of you. I don't care how it happened, what's important is getting all three of you fixed up before you bleed out." Knockout scolded, pinching the bridge of his nasal vent. He lifted Starscream off of Breakdown's arm and started bringing him to the med bay, muttering about hating Earth's terrain and dirt getting on his fresh paint job. Breakdown and Slipstream hobbled along after him, refusing to make eye contact with each other.
Knockout grimaced, picking another leaf out of his grill. Fixing up his fellow Decepticons was a very messy job, especially now that there were so many new things on Earth for them to get injured by, and he absolutely hated it. Sometimes he wondered how he even ended up in this position; he studied to become a cosmetic surgeon, for crying out loud, not this!
Primus, he was tired.
Knockout turned off the shower, watching the grime and energon flow down the drain. He heard someone approach, but didn't look up to see who it was until he heard their voice.
"Hey, doc." Breakdown carefully greeted.
"You're supposed to be resting, dear." Knockout huffed, giving his conjunx a halfhearted glare.
"Yeah, yeah, I know." Breakdown sighed. "I just- wanted to apologize for today, we didn't mean to cause any extra stress. I know you're still getting used to this planet."
"It's fine." Knockout sighed, leaning his head against Breakdown's shoulder as they walked back to their quarters. "I hope we win this war soon, I want to go back home and take a long drive together without any humans tailgating us."
"I hear that." Breakdown chuckled. "Don't worry, doc, we'll be home before you know it. In the meantime, we should appreciate where we are right now. The cliff I tumbled down had a pretty nice view."
Knockout snorted out a laugh. "By the Allspark, Breakdown!"
"I'm just trying to lighten the mood!" Breakdown giggled.
"I don't know what I'm going to do with you, dearest~" the medic purred.
Knockout didn't really like Earth all too much, he decided. It was gross and cold, and speed limits were still the bane of his existence.
But for his conjunx, he was willing to give it a chance.
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cao-the-dreamer · 3 years
Old Scars
Inspired by @yes-i-write-fanfiction human daemon au taking place in TFA here, featuring Crusade from @pastelpaperplanes cause I’m a sucker for family feels. Enjoy!
Crusade asked the question during a quiet evening, curled against Carrier’s side while he sharpened his claws. The muted zing zing ziiing was soothing to hear, comforting in its familiarity.
Their daemon rested their head on Spada’s lap. The nimble fingers of their Carrier’s daemon glided through the thick locks, gently undoing the braids she had made a few days ago.
Through the bond, Crusade could feel the difference between flesh and metallic fingers running on their daemon’s scalp, the sensation not unpleasant, but still peculiar enough to pique their interest. The contact was relaxing, and they were not keen on interrupting it. But can one blame a sparkling to be curious?
The daemon raised her head, her grey hair shifting through the motion like a silver wave. As soon as they had been old enough to understand, Crusade had been taught that one always addressed a daemon with respect. Unlike Autobots, Decepticons did not and would not consider daemons as some sort of sidekick or even worse, a decoration. Thus, Decepticons spoke to daemons directly and not as though they were not here or not worth the attention.
And Crusade loved Spada as much as they loved Carrier. She was family.
“Yes, sweetspark?”
“What happened to your body?”
Spada stilled. Megatron stopped in his sharpening. Crusade feared they had asked the wrong question. But the silence barely lasted a second, just enough time for Spada and Megatron to register the question. And for them, there was no harm.
“I wondered when you would ask,” Spada said softly. “I suppose my appearance is unusual, isn’t it?”
“I dunno. I think you look badass.”
That drew a chuckle out of Megatron, and a grin out of Spada. That was quite the compliment, considering half of her body had been replaced with cybernetic prothesis.
It was the same compliment Optimus used to tell her, a long time ago.
“Why, thank you, my dear! These guns scared more than one mech away!”
To prove her point, she flexed her metallic arm, causing Crusade’s daemon to giggle. Vox was a rather quiet child, and Megatron had learnt to treasure each of their sounds.
Spada lowered her arm and rubbed her fingers on Vox’s forehead with all the love of a mother.
“To answer your question, it happened a long time ago. That was before you were born. We crashed on a planet and ended up gravely wounded. Had it not been for Megatron shielding me with his body, my injuries would have been worse, on that there is no doubt.”
“I know what you are thinking,” she added when she saw Crusade open their mouth. “Why didn’t I replace my missing limbs? You must know, Crusade, that unlike Cybertronians, we daemons cannot be easily fixed. What is lost is lost. The scars remain and remind us that, despite everything we went through, we made it out alive. I am not ashamed of my appearance, on the contrary, I am proud.”
Nudging Vox aside, she stood up and walking toward the two Cybertronians. Megatron took her in his cupped hands, so she could at eye-level with Crusade.
“Shame is an infection that will slowly rust your insides. Never let it settle, and never let others convince you that you deserve it. Your body is yours and yours only.”
Megatron stayed silent. He did not speak about the nights when Spada would lie awake, crying because of the phantom pain. He did not speak of the times he massaged the stumps to lessen the agony written on her face.
Of the two of them, she had gotten the short end of the stick, in the long run. Yes, Megatron had been literally torn to pieces, but he had gotten repaired with barely a scratch. No matter how noble the words, Spada would bear these marks for the rest of their life.
But he knew, with just a glance, that she would not hesitate to go through it again just to spare Crusade the same fate. Not for the first time, Megatron was glad he had someone who understood, who knew the visceral feeling of being ready to do anything to protect his child.
He brought them close, holding them carefully, until they fell asleep snuggled together, the Cybertronians and the daemons.
At some point in the night, Crusade woke up, startled by a nightmare, but before they could cry, Spada’s voice rose, and Crusade fell back in recharge, lulled by the song from another planet.
Má théim go coill chraobhach ag piocadh sméara nó cnó
(If I go to the woods plucking berries or nuts)
'Baint úllaí de ghéaga nó 'bhuachailleacht bó
(Taking apples from the branches or herding the cows)
Má shíním seal uaire faoi chrann ag déanamh só
(Should I lie 'neath the trees for some hours in repose)
Ó cad é sin don té sin nach mbaineann sin dó?
(Oh, what does it matter to those it doesn’t concern?)
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silkling · 3 years
Hey, Can you make (Bayverse) Starscream meets (TFP) Knock Out?
Knock Out came to with an aching helm and a curse on his lips. He groaned as he sat up, one palm dressing to his forehead and blinking away the static overlaying his vision. He looked around himself once he could see clearly, pausing when he noticed that he was in the middle of an organic forest. The realization made his upper lip curl faintly, and he looked down at himself. And that was when he froze in horror. His finish! It was ruined! There were scrapes in the paint and he was covered in all manner of dirt and other organic filth. He hated it. The medic scowled as he stood, red optics shining with rage. Whoever was responsible for this was going to pay very dearly, he decided. For now, though, he had to get back to base.
He paused as he heard jet engines overhead, optics narrowing. Now, was that one of the little squishies or was it one of the Decepticons? That question was answered when there was the sound of a transformation and a heavy metal form crashed through the tree tops to land in front of him. A red gaze landed on him, and Knock Out could see rage and disgust building in the flyer’s optics before he paused. The look was replaced with confusion and suspicion, and then he spoke.
“Autobots do not usually have red optics.” he growled, voice deep and with a permanent growl woven into it. “Yet I know of no Decepticon who wears such bright colors.” Those optics narrowed to pinpricks. “Speak, stranger. Who are you?”
It was at this point the medic paused. How did this flyer not know who he was? Knock Out was the only proper doctor in the entirety of the Decepticon army. (No, Hook did not count. He did not have the training or the license, for all he had the learned skill). All the others had been offlined in the War. He would have thought that every bot on either side knew him, if only because they knew what he was.
“I am Knock Out.” he said carefully. “And who are you?”
The flyer grinned here, the look savage and far to gleeful for his comfort. “I am Starscream, second in command of the Decepticons!” he announced.
Knock Out blinked slowly, once, twice, then a third time, before fury twisted his features and he let loose a litany of vicious, filthy curses in Cybertronian, combining several dialects and even throwing in one or two curses from the dead languages he’d enjoyed studying in his youth. It made Starscream rear back, optics wide with shock and and EM field buzzing with disbelief. After several long minutes, in which the Seeker could only stare in a growing sense of horrified fascination, (wait, Knock threatened to do what with an engine and an intake? Ouch. Starscream did not want to be in the place of whatever poor fool as angered the bright red Cybertronian), the Aston Martin spit out one last curse before his expression smoothed over and he turned to the Seeker. Starscream, by this point, had taken several steps back and was now hoping that this bot wouldn’t turn his ire on him.
“So sorry about that.” Knock Out said lightly. “I’m afraid I just understood how I got here, and the mech responsible for this mess is going to feel every bit of my wrath when I return.”
Starscream blinked. “I…see.” he said carefully.
Knock Out smirked. “I don’t think you do, so allow me to re-introduce myself.” He stepped forward, crossing an arm across his chest. “My name is Knock Out.” he said with a flourish. “Chief medic to the Decepticons.” he finished his introduction with a dramatic bow.
Starscream sneered. “Impossible!” he snarled. “The Decepticons have no medic. Our last one was offlined by Optimus Prime. This must be some puny Autobot trick!
Knock Out blinked. “Goodness, Sweet Rims actually offlined a bot that wasn’t just a Vehicon drone?” he mused. “This really is different.”
The Seeker reared back, reeling over the fact that this so-called “medic” had just called Optimus Prime Sweet Rims, of all things. Then the second statement caught up to him and he frowned. “Different.” he repeated in a deadpan.
“Yes!” Knock Out threw his hands to the air, the gesture wide and dramatic. “You see, my dear Starscream,” he purred, clasping his hands behind his back. “I am from another dimension entirely.”
Well, that was a new one.
“In my world, the Great War between the Decepticons and Autobots ended up being brought to a small organic planet called Earth. I assume it’s the same here.” he said, gesturing around them. “Recently, Lord Megatron, that is, my Lord Megatron became aware of the existence of the Iacon Relics. They’re powerful artifacts that were stored in the vaults of Iacon before it’s destruction, and sent away from the planet before they could come into Decepticon possession.” he said. “Lord Megatron learned that possessing the relics granted whoever had them a rather significant advantage, especially certain specific relics like the Relics of the Primes.”
Starscream snorted. “Get to the point.”
Knock Out sighed dramatically. “Oh, very well.” he drawled. “The point is: myself and my partner were sent to retrieve a relic that had only just began putting out a detectable signal. According to our data files on it, it had been created by the old Senate before the war. Unfortunately, the research notes on the subject were corrupted, but what little of the research was clear suggested that the device had been created to study the multiverse theory.” Here, he paused and glanced around himself. “Given that you’re Starscream, and the Starscream I know looks nothing like you, and you do not know me, and the Decepticons have no medic…” he trailed off, raising his hands, palms up as he shrugged. “It would seem that the device was for more than just researching the multiverse theory. The last thing I remember is grabbing it and making for the ground bridge, only for that Pit damned Wrecker to shoot the device in hopes of keeping it from falling into Decepticon hands. Then there was a flash of light and a surge of energy, and what do you know, I’m waking up here!” he finished, through his arms out with a flourish.
Starscream frowned. That…actually lined up. He had been sent ahead of Sideways and Barricade, who were also on their way to this location, because the sensors at the hidden Decepticon base had picked up a surge of unknown energy. If Knock Out was the cause of that surge, and given the fact he was here at its location he might very well be, then it would stand to reason that his story was actually true. Even aside from that, Starscream could pick up no deception in his field or EM field. Granted, bots could still lie even without their voices or fields giving it away, but Starscream was a master at lying, and prided himself on being able to sniff out deception like a turbo-fox sniffing out cyber-rats. Nothing he could tell suggested Knock Out was lying. Which meant his story was, at the very least, partly true.
“I see.” he said, voice devoid of any intonation.
The medic narrowed his optics at the seeming non-reaction, his arms crossing almost delicately in front of his chassis. Something about the way this Starscream had said that made his instincts itch. He didn’t like it. This version of the Air Commander was so very different from his. His Starscream was more skittish and wary, though that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, given how his Megatron treated his second in command, the Aston Martin was entirely unsurprised at his Starscream’s more lacking confidence. As of late, Lord Megatron had been….well, even more unhinged than usual. Given how Megatron had taken to lashing out at Starscream for ever petty grievance, it was no wonder the more lithe Seeker was jumpy. This Starscream had many of the same core personality traits, from what he could see, but his behavior was quite a bit different.
“You needn’t worry about me causing any issues in your world.” he said airily, forcing his processor back in track. He dusted some dried dirt of off arm, lip curling upwards in disgust as the stuff flaked off his armor. “I’ll find a place to lay low and stay out of sight of any locals, be it Cybertronian or human. I’m certain Lord Megatron will either fix the device if it was broken or retrieve it if it was stolen and find a way to bring me back.” he said airily. His tone was confident, and though his words sounded like it, he wasn’t bragging.
It was a fact. The Decepticons needed him. None of the others knew how to do proper medical care. Breakdown could certainly perform the simpler procedures, and most soldiers knew basic field care, but Knock Out was the only one who could handle the injuries that went beyond that. Without him, the Decepticons of his world wouldn’t be able to heal their injured soldiers, which would mean more ‘Cons would die and they’d eventually deplete their numbers enough to put the Autobots at an advantage. As vain as it may sound, Knock Out knew that, right after Megatron and Soundwave, he was the most essential member of the Decepticon forces when it came to keeping the faction running,
Starscream clearly didn’t like his tone of voice, however, because the Seeker growled in displeasure. “Oh? And what makes you so certain?”
Knock Out snorted, one optic ridge arching up. “Oh, don’t get so sour.” he admonished. “I told you, I am the Chief Medic to the Decepticons. I am also, however, their only medic. I can put mechs back together from scrap metal, if I must.” he made a vague gesture with his hand. “I do not mean to sound so vain, but I am very much needed by the Decepticon forces back home.” he said airily. “I’m the only trained, licensed medic they have, after all.”
Starscream stared at him for a long moment, and Knock Out did not like the suddenly considering look in his sharp gaze. “I see.” he narrowed his eyes. “So you’re a skillful medic, then?”
The red mech paused. “I’m not as good as Ratchet,” he said carefully. “But I was in the top of the field before the War broke out.”
Starscream smirked, then, the expression showing just a hint of teeth. Knock about suddenly had a very, very bad feeling. “I see.” the Seeker repeated, sounding sickeningly pleased.
There was the sound of pede steps behind them, and two mechs stepped out from the foliage. Starscream lifted his gaze, head tilting with a dark grin. “Barricade, Sideways.” he hummed. “I see you finally made it.” He flashed teeth in an expression that bordered on a sneer. “I’d like you two to meet Knock Out,” He gestured at the increasingly tense medic. “Our newest medic.” He finished with a vicious grin.
Knock Out tensed, his armor plating clamping closed and tight. Oh, he’d been right. He didn’t like this. “Excuse me?” he hissed.
He was ignored. The two new mechs glanced at each other, then looked at him, clearly unimpressed. “He’s a medic? He’s very…bright. Is he a ‘Bot? The silver one asked, sounding dubious.
Starscream hummed. “No, Knock Out here is a certified Deception medic. We’ve been unable to fix any injured warriors properly ever since Prime took out Scalpel. Our new friend here is from…somewhere else.” he smirked. “But he should fill Scalpels’s pedes quite well.”
The black and white mech shrugged. “Works for me. He’s real colorful alright, but he looks too sharp for an Autobot. And Autobots’s don’t have red optics, either.” he sounded bemused.
Knock Out, by this point, had enough if being ignored. His hand transformed into his saw, and the blade whirled to life. “I think,” he snarled. “You will find that I am not quite so willing to go along with you, Starscream. I’ll be found by my own eventually, so I suggest you and your little friends frag off and leave me be.” he hissed.
There was the sound of smaller transformations, and all three mechs were pointing weapons at him. “Weapon away, doctor.” Starscream said, sickeningly sweet. “You are outnumbered, and if you offline one of us the other two will have you subdued easily enough.”
Knock Out snarled furiously, his engine all but roaring with his rage, but he knew the Seeker was right. He did as he was told, and the two mechs behind him stepped up, one on either side, to grip his arms and force them behind his back. He glared at the Seeker, gaze promising pain.
Starscream only stepped closer, reaching out to tap the medic’s chin with a finger. “I think, Knock Out,” He said with a dark grin. “That you will find Lord Megatron reluctant to simply allow you to be stolen away now that we have you. Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if he orders Soundwave and perhaps even Shockwave to develop a way to ensure you cannot be tracked and retrieved by your friends.” He leaned in close, lips twisting in a mocking sneer. “You belong to us now, little medic.”
Knock Out was tense, his processor racing. This was bad. If that was true, then he doubted he’d be able to ever return home. Unless he could get away now, that is. But he likely wouldn’t be able to. He was the smallest mech here. All three of the duller Decepticons were taller and bulkier than he was. He wouldn’t be able to fight all of them. The medic growled, low and angry, and leaned forward against the hold the other two had on him. It caused their claws to dig into and scratch the paint of his arms, but for once he didn’t care. He got as close to Starscream’s face as he could, eyes holding dark promise.
“You had better pray to Primus that you never end up on my medical berth, Starscream.” He said, voice low. “Because while I may fix you, I will also ensure that your stay in my medical bay makes the Unmaker’s Pits seem like the Well of All Sparks.”
There was a rough laugh behind him, and then he was being yanked away from the still Seeker. “Come on, Doc. Time to get moving.” The silver mech grinned.
He was guided firmly through the forest, until they came to an empty road. He obeyed the cold order to transform from the black and white mech, and then they two larger bots followed suit and boxed him in. Making sure to keep the red medic trapped between them, they drove back towards the Decepticon base, the newest acquisition of the Deceptions firmly in tow.
Back at the clearing where Knock Out had appeared, Starscream remained frozen for a moment longer. Suddenly, he felt like he might have made his decision just a little too hastily, and he remembered the creative threats and curses the smaller bit had spat out. If Knock Out was actually capable of even half the things he had threatened in that little spiel, and Starscream got the unpleasant feeling he was, then he very, very much did in fact hope he never had to go to the medic for repairs. Though, given his luck as of late…he had a feeling he’d be seeing the doctor sooner than he thought.
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renegade-rhetoric · 3 years
Dear Cy-Kill what happened after you and Magmar got away from Quartex? And how will you able to break out your fellow Renegades with only a damaged Thruster with Magmar?
Ah good question my follower and it’s a bit of a long story so grab your Earth popcorn as you people say on your planet.
Before taking off Magmar asked how will we break our commades out I told him “I will recreate the accident that brought me to that strange world before our defeat. I had Doctor Go reverse engineering the Guardian's Anti-Phase-Displacer Blaster and combined it with Dr. Braxis’ Dimensional Interfacer and applied it to this Thruster we will hop to any level of our those with those Cyber-something life forms and recruit them to help us break our fellow Renegade and Rock Lords out of prison”. Magmar was very hesitant but agreed to the plan.
Meanwhile the Guardians were questioning my forces where were me and Magmar but they failed to answer. But my escape wasn’t too flawless however because apparently a Guardian and Heroic Rock Lord patrol saw the Thruster took off and Leader-1 rallied up all the Command Centers to find the Thruster I was in.
Unfortunately for the dimension processing to work I had to turn off the Stealth Device since it require a lot of power to proceed it so I took us to a unknown sector so they wouldn’t be able to find us. But Leader-1’s Command Center was right near it and chaser us down trying to stop us but however we got away before they can stop us but we passed out from the impact of the dimension hopping process.
After waking up we were orbiting a burnt out husk planet and we never seen it before so we knew it worked.
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Unfortunately the Guardian’s attack damaged the Hyperdrive so we had to come down there. Little we know it was planet Charr where the Decepticons lived and so they blown our Thruster out of the sky.
I cooperated with them and hold me to bring us to their leader the one they called Galvatron where he was sitting on a nice throne there.
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He demanded who we are and that we violated Decepticon airspace. I told him I didn’t know about it. He said what stops him from killing me and Magmar so I offered him Astro-Beam and Stealth Device technology in exchange of giving me Magmar new powerful bodies, and help us free our comrades from the Guardians. Galvatron liked it except for my end part and so he tried to terminate me but I fired back and Galvatron challenged me to a duel if I can impress him then he might agree to those terms.
After a mighty battle after seemingly the end of me I managed to impress the Decepticon leader and I earned his respect. I passed out from my injuries but I was told he had the Constructicons rebuild my Thruster while I was out and had his top mechanics give me and Magmar biggest upgrades of all!
I felt like NEW GOBOT! After being modified with Cybertronian technology. So now I will show you what me and Magmar look like now.
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I quite look more handsome am I? Even though I am not the type of Gobot for looks but I must look my best for liberating the my fellow Renegades and Magmar’s group of Rock Lords.
Anyways Galvatron would tell me the Thruster is now rebuilt and cherished it as the Ultra Thruster with a brand new design with the ability to transform from shuttle to robot and back plus with a brand new base mode. It’s more powerful than ever and still uses its Stealth Device even in robot mode but I will go over details of Thruster’s robot mode for another time.
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Galvatron made ton of those Ultra Thrusters and fitted them with the same dimension hopping technology and so we went to go back to my dimension to Gobotron and we all leapt out of the Thruster and fly to the surface or Gobotron where Galvatron shouted “Decepticons attack!” where Van Guard saw that and said “Great Gobotron! We’re under Renegade attack and Cy-Kill brought new help too”. With the Decepticons help we easily tore our way through especially with their own Combiners. Unfortunately the Puzzlers Positronic Animus’ were gone! I don’t know what happened but they no longer had sentience but still took them back anyways.
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When the Guardians summoned in Courageous I transformed Thruster into his robot mode and easily got the upper hand, until Courageous knocked me down but however the Decepticons Combiners knocked it down and overpowered Courageous. Then the Decepticons combiners easily finished it off by ripping it apart by the Powersuits and soon Courageous was no more, although it’s occupants got away before it’s destruction. I watched Leader-1 looked in horror saying “No way… they destroyed Courageous” and I had Leader-1 at his mercy. Soon Gobotron was under Renegade and Decepticon control but however rather than ending it I wanted to the Guardians suffer a little so I brought them back to Charr and had the Decepticons do as they please with them.
However few got away which consisted of Sparky, Scooter, Van Guard, and some of Boulders Rock Lords such as Nuggit, Solitaire and some others I don’t feel like listing and thought of a plan to free their comrades but they’re gonna need help though which would been a big mistake for me…
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robots-and-writing · 4 years
The Road to Ruin (MTMTE Sunder part 3)
(TW: Needles, Surgery, blood, mind control, yandere, mentions of human experimentation)
Sunder left his beloved's room, human blood staining his hands. His room is directly beside it, and in the corner is a hole where he has a perfect, one way view of his dearest. Their set up is the same as last time, except this time a note is set on their chest. It's handwritten, in his scratchy yet legible handwriting.
"To my dearest most beloved little angel,
My dear, you've been out for a day after those nasty decepticons attacked us. I fended them off but they managed to injure you. I've dressed and bandaged your wounds and I will be back soon with some food and some clothes for you.
Your dearest Conjunx,
It was a messy letter, with a small bloodstain on the corner. But it would serve its purpose well. He checked his human supplies for anything he may be lacking. Blood transfusions ready to go in case of any injuries, water, food, and clothes. There was still more to get but the human would have to wait for them to arrive.
Sunder looked over to the altar dedicated to his beloved. Pictures of them adorned his walls, along with their name all over the walls written in energon. The altar had little keepsakes of them. One of their shirts he had stolen, a lock of their hair and a vial of their blood were his favorites. But his favorite thing of theirs? A recording. Taken without their knowledge back on earth, they had a lover there. They confessed under a tree to their old flame, and Sunder's spark broke in two at that moment. But one good thing came of that confession. A recording of his little angel, saying "I love you, more than anyone else. Despite your flaws and despite mine, we are meant to be."
Those words tasted like the most delicious memories, like the sweetest energon, and like the greatest victories. They repeated in his mind 24/7, and were what motivated him to continue on when it came to keeping as sane as he could be without them by his side.
But despite his best efforts, Sunder couldn't handle being without them. Seeing them with another person made his brain swim with thoughts of violence. He should use his powers to tear that wretched other human to shreds. But something made him stop himself.
What if my dear hates me?
Sunder wasn't exactly the friendliest looking cybertronian. Tall, broad and scary, with spikes and pointy bits sticking out of him, most humans would run away in terror. (Before being torn apart of course.) But after a few human experiments, his idea was made possible. Mnemosurgery works on humans. Not from a distance, that requires a brain module. But it could be done.
His first experiments were unsuccessful. Too many needles meant a full lobotomy and possibly making them brain dead. Too few needles and the results were more temporary and a much more thorough "coding" would be necessary. Some of them bleed out due to him accidentally hitting a major artery. Some starved as he didn't feed them right. And some couldn't handle being an experiment, so they threw themselves off the workbench onto the ground, committing suicide. It was a delicate balance.
At first he didn't want to alter his beloved too much. Just make them despise other humans. Then he realized that would just make them miserable. So then he wanted to make them like him. But that would be too easily undone. He had to go full in. Make him their guardian angel. Make him the only one they feel safe with. He is the only one they will ever love. He is what stops the universe from killing them.
Getting the human was a challenge. He could do it himself but that would run the risk of alerting the other Autobots to his presence and imprisoning him again. He could do something the humans called "Catfishing" but that requires patience. And that is not something he has ever had enough of. He finally settled on a bounty hunter. 10 million shanix, as long as not a hair on his precious human's head is harmed.
He got a ping from a famous bounty hunter. He had the human. "Rendezvous at the coordinates and bring the shanix." Sunder did, and the human was finally in his grasp. Kicking and scratching at his hand, they were a wild and untamed thing. Taking the human back to his ship he pet them gently on the head, far more gentle than he ever had been.
"Who are you? Why was I taken here? Are you going to kill me? I thought Autobots didn't harm us?" He only smiled.
"Are you even listening to me? I'd at least like to know if I'm going to die? Are you really just going to keep on petting me like some pet-"
"You're home now darling. And soon, you'll be whole. We're two sides of the same coin."
"Uh- WHAT? I have a partner, and I love them very much! Besides I don't even know who you are, now put me down before you break my arm or something?"
He deposited the human in a large glass enclosure, with a bed, sink and bathroom and a cup on the side of the sink.
"Is this... an enclosure? Am I a pet to you? Excuse me but I'm a person with a life to live, rent to pay, and a partner to love! I'm not for your sick entertainment!"
Sunder only looked at them with wonder and glee, like a kid on Christmas. He spoke in a spine-tingling, nerve-wracking voice, as if Satan himself was speaking through him.
"You my dear, are a unique creature. Small and insignificant in stature, yet bigger than anything in existence." His words did nothing to soothe them as he leaned in so close his eyes reflected their face like a mirror. "Humans are so short lived, yet manage to reek of sin. Even you! With your small head, and tiny little legs, you have managed to commit the worst atrocity of them all!"
"What did I do?"
"You promised yourself to someone other than me."
Sunder tilted his head in a way that was probably trying to get a better look at them but only brought tears of panic to their eyes.
"I don't- I don't understand! I don't think I deserve to die!"
"Kill you?" The confusion in his voice was true. Had his intent not come through clear with his words? "My dear! You are sorely mistaken. I am your Conjunx! Your other half! Or as humans put it, your husband?"
"HUSBAND!? Sir I hardly know you! And even if I did know you, I already have a boyfriend and I love him more than I will ever love you."
The hand Sunder had on the edge of the clear box the human turned to a fist, shards of glass bursting everywhere. It cut into the human and they hurriedly put their arms in front of themselves to protect their face.
"Now now. That walking pile of sin is far far away now. And there is nothing more you have to do with him."
"You're bleeding darling. And while your blood would taste delicious, I can't afford to have you fall unconscious or worse."
Reaching for them with the hand that didn't have glass shards sticking out of it, he held them firmly in his hand and took them to a corner of the room that had medical supplies. Sunder pinned them to the table as they thrashed around with blood dripping everywhere. One limb at a time, he picked the pieces of glass out of them and dressed and bandaged the wounds. Judging by the screams of pain the human made, it stung terribly. Then Sunder moved them to the medical bed and strapped them to it and moved on to cleaning off their face. He patched them up with expert precision as they cried out hoping someone would rescue them.
"Hello? Anyone? Please, someone help me! This can't be happening to me!"
"You speak as if anyone will ever rescue you."
The human finally stopped moving and let Sunder work as his words set in. No one will ever come for them. No one will ever save them. Ever. Ever. Ever.
The human didn't even react anymore to the sting of the cleaning of their wounds. Nor when he set them in his hand, this time loosely and just sat there petting them with a look of wonder and some sick form of love. For once, his mouth was closed.
Sunder looked back on the next two days as a time where he had what he thought he always wanted, but had been in denial of one fundamental truth. Having his beloved is meaningless if he isn't their beloved. Sure they didn't resist his petting, or him telling them all about the last person he ate the memories of. But they never reacted. They only drank when he forced water in their mouth. His dearest didn't even eat and became lethargic and entirely nonresponsive. That's when he knew. It's time for you to be perfect.
That was also the day he realized he had been conned. He woke up and they were gone. All that was left of them was a fresh bloodstain where he had broken the glass a few days ago. The vent nearest to the glass box was open as well, meaning they had truly escaped. Sunder cursed himself and his oversight. But now he had a human to catch.
The first place he checked was his room. And sure enough, there was a stack of boxes the human must have climbed down and the door was open. They must be terrified. If they stayed with me they would be worry free. And they were terrified. Straining his audials, he heard a faint and distant whimpering from a hallway further down.
"Oh dear human, why do you feel the need to run?" He put his hand around the corner of the hallway, just to hear their muffled gasp. "With me, you will never feel any shame from your sinful memories, and you will have eternal happiness by my side."
Now backed into a corner, they stood strong and tall, looking him in the optics with nothing but pure revulsion at him.
"Sunder, eternal happiness by your side? How is that possible?" His hand dented the wall unconsciously. Their words hurt, but he was not surprised. "You tore my family to bits, kidnapped me and forgot to give me anything but water for 3 days! I could never be happy with you."
Yes. It's time now my dear. Now It's time for you to be perfect. He didn't bother trying to hide his smile as he reached his hand towards them. There was no trying to escape him now, they were cornered.
Back in the present, Sunder had been scrawling mortilus' name on the walls in the blood of his beloved. The walls had been written over multiple times, in both blood and energon which made his entire room smell of rust. He checked on the human one more time before going into recharge.
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lets-try-some-writing · 10 months
Patient 1: Pretender Optimus Prime. (Ft. Pretender Bumblebee) Author's note: Enjoy my dear friend! I hope you enjoy it <3
Orion stumbled out of the portal, looking back at it for a brief moment as it disappeared. Where was he now? He got up, dusted off some sand that got on him, and adjusted his medkit. No matter where he was, he would help whoever. Decepticon or otherwise. That’s what a good medical bot in training would do! No matter the circumstances, they always help others. His fuel storage growled at him, notifying him that he hasn’t eaten in a good bit. He got out a small energon cube and from his medkit, munching on it as he walked around the area. He wasn’t getting any large energon signals.. As if yet. By this point he was prepared for anything! Nothing would scare him, or so he hoped. He hasn’t encountered anything too terrifying yet. 
He jumped in surprise when he spotted a yellow and black blur run past him, he calmed his nerves (or he attempted to) as he glanced in the direction where the thing ran off to.. “?” He sensed a presence behind him, and he yelped a bit as he turned to face the figure, “AH-” There was Bumblebee, or well this universe’s Bee, not expecting to see such a small bot here. He thought it was solely his and his sire’s territory. He wasn’t much of a threat.. His sire wouldn’t like it if he just attacked for no reason. He beeped at him, “Hello!.. I didn’t expect to see anyone here.” Orion Pax managed to recollect himself as he stood proudly, or tried to make himself less of a threat. He wasn’t that at all in hindsight, but he was blindly following his mentor’s advice, “Hello there.. Sorry, you scared me there for a second!” He said that he was taught to say, “I am an in-training medical officer, Orion Pax.” Bumblebee seemed hesitant, this bot could be anyone. He looked at Orion’s optics.. Oh. It was just a bot, still. He was on a bit of an edge. 
Orion nodded, “Oh! You must be this universe’s bumblebee!” He noticed an injury on the pretender’s leg, a small-ish cut, but it could still get infected with ease due to the sandy environment. He was not aware that this wasn’t a normal bot, the different mouth certainly tipped him off, but he was still a bit oblivious. Even if he knew he would still help. He said quickly, “I can help with that, I’m licensed with taking care of cuts like that!” He knelt down and opened his medkit, “Just stay still and I can help you.” Bumblebee looked a bit skeptical ‘this universe’s bumblebee’? It’s clear that this autobot didn’t belong here.. But he was so nice. Still, his sire taught him well and he didn’t let his guard down fully. Orion spoke as he delicately took care of the pretender’s injury, patching up any visible fuel lines and using a spare piece of metal to cover it like a temporary bandage, “I need to talk to this universe’s Optimus. Knowing him, he’s probably hurting and needs my help!” Bumblebee stared at him, “Why?” Orion said with confidence, “I sorta been sent around the multiverse, I’ve met a bunch of primes before! Like one of them is a morally grey jester god who may have committed war crimes but he’s very nice. His optics are so pretty I wish I could show you a picture..” The pretender was more than a bit confused, ‘morally grey jester god’? He honestly didn’t want to know. 
Orion continued, “I want to help them because I'm a medic, to give them a good checkup! That’s what we do. We help people. No matter what, no matter if they aren’t truly cybertronians, or done hideous things. Because we care!” 
“Medic in training.”
“Besides that, we help everyone!” Orion got up from the floor, “You're all fixed, I suggest asking your ratchet to fix you up fully, as this is only a temporary fix.” ”Thank you..”  Orion smiled, “Sorry, couldn’t let you keep walking or running like that!” “It’s fine… You care too much y'know..” Orion tilted his head in confusion, “‘care too much’? That’s sorta my job, being a medic is tedious and exhausting, but it’s worth it to see your patients smile!” Bumblebee patted him on the head, Orion accepted it happily and asked again, “now that I've helped you, can you help me find Optimus?”
“It’s the least I could do for you.. Medic.”  
Well, it wasn’t that much of a search as heavy footsteps walked towards them. Bumblebee got excited naturally at the signature of his sire and chittered happily, “Sire!” 
The older pretender was worried about his kin because he didn’t return from the hunting grounds on time. He assumed he forgot, which was fine but he just wanted to check in on his baby.
He froze when he saw Orion, and the two stared at each other a bit as Bumblebee hugged his leg. Optimus patted his larva on the head gently as Orion mentally prepared himself. “Hello there.. Sir.” The mouth was much more noticeable for Orion, and he couldn’t help but say, “Whoa.. you look like a cool insecticon with that mouth!” he caught himself, “Sorry if that sounded rude, I just thought it was cool.” Optimus’s expression softened as he gestured for Bee to run back home, which he did without much compilants. He knelt down to Orion’s level, and spoke. His voice was deep, yet elegant at the same time. "You are little more than a larva. You pose no threat. Larva should not be left unattended."
Orion was actually a bit startled at that response, but tried to keep his ground, “L-larva?” A stutter snuck out, but tried to stay ‘fearless’. "Well I'm a medic in training, not a ‘larva’ that you speak of sir. I've been sent around the multiverse to do medical checkups! Or that's what I like to say.. last check up I did was a optical exam on mr jester god he's very nice."
"A bit off-putting but he gave me a sticker for my medkit." He exclaimed, showing the pretender a sticker of a puppy that the horror god gave him. The older pretender nodded in acknowledgement, getting up. “Come along, you are stepping on hunting grounds. I don’t want harm to come to you.”He left out the fact that this was his and his son’s hunting grounds, but didn’t want to scare the already clearly frightened Orion, he wanted this new larva to be safe as he didn’t want for his son to think of Orion as a fuel source. Orion followed behind him as they walked, Orion said only a moment later, “Do you have time for a checkup? I need to do a medical exam, from the Optimuses I've meant you're probably hurting both on the inside and outside, I can’t do it inside I’m not a licensed therapist, but I am a licensed medic! I would love to help you..” “You never told me your designation, young one.”Orion sheepishly chuckled and answered the question, “My name is Orion Pax, I'm working under my universe’s Ratchet as his mentee!” Optimus had a small smile, “It’s very pretty. As for the checkup, I wouldn’t mind a brief examination. You are quite brave, why do you care so much about beings that shouldn’t be cared about anyways?”
That wording made Orion a bit upset, “Why does everyone say that?...” he sounded frustrated. “I do it because I care! I’m a medical officer, it’s my duty to care for people. No matter what!” “I admire your gall little one, but you shouldn’t be doing this. You're so small.. Too little.”Orion spoke up, and with determination he said, “I may be small but I still got bite! Don’t assume I'm weak. I can handle myself plenty.”
Optimus’s response was to chuckle, he found it charming. To see this invader from another universe who was clearly too sweet to be here, care so much about him and try to be so brave for his ‘patient’s’ sake. “There seems to be no way to stop you, well, I can’t argue with a cybertronian medic with such a strong sense of virtue.”
Orion nodded as they stepped into the military base, Orion looked around for a brief moment. Seeing Bumblebee talking to Ratchet quite excitedly, seemingly about how Orion patched him up. 
Orion held his medkit as Optimus sat down on the examination table, Orion glanced at the clearly confused Ratchet. “Oh, you must be this universe’s Ratchet! Greetings, I am Orion Pax, a medic in training and your optimus agreed for me to give him a checkup! It’ll be quick, I promise.” He smiled, and Ratchet simply nodded, honestly unsure of what to do.
“Do not worry about him, old friend. Orion is here to ‘help me’, in his words..”Orion got out his tools, and also a little notepad as he flipped to a page that had questions to ask patients, he was in medic mode and very very serious, but this just made him look charming then not. “Alright, now these are the questions I'm supposed to ask. Any encounters with strange substances, synth-ed, dark energon, etc? Be honest with me.” “None.”“Any recent injuries on the battlefield? So I don’t accidentally touch those sensitive places while I'm patching you up.” “That.. Well, I have been struck in the back as of late. My spinel struts are a bit.. Misaligned at the bottom. My own medic has fixed it mostly but there’s still some soreness.”Orion wrote that down, “Noted, back soreness near pedic plate. Anything else?” “That’s all.”“Alright! That’s good, not much external work, but we’ll see in the checkup..” Ratchet chuckled, “You're so focused Orion.” Orion smiled proudly, “Of course! I can’t let my patients be injured by my own servos.”
The other medic nodded, seemingly impressed. This only made Orion more happy to help, if he got approval from this Ratchet, He must be doing something right! Right?
Orion got out one of his tools, “I’m going to look at your optics now, the last Optimus I treated had some optic problems so I want to get this out of the way first.” “So be it. I know that I'm in good servos.”Orion did the optic examination, he exclaimed, in a bit of awe. “Your optics are so different..” Optimus held his nonexistent breath, he didn’t want the young one to question it, but by this point it was inevitable… “So pretty!” “Pardon?”Orion gushed, “I’ve never seen optics like it, it’s so beautiful! Your creators must've been so gorgeous!” he caught himself again, “Apologies, I shouldn’t question it..”
Optimus’s expression softened once again, he knew that Orion was slowly figuring it out, but he did not expect that response. It was honestly.. Adorable. This little medic was the cutest thing he’s seen. Sure, he disagreed with him being a medic at his age, but he truly had good intentions. “Thank you..”Orion grinned, “No problem! Back to the check-up, I can’t get distracted!!” he got out a scanner tool, it was a miniature version of it, as Orion would probably fall under the weight of the bigger one. “This is to check for any parasites underneath your armor, it’s really noninvasive so you’ll only feel a slight tingling sensation!”  
Optimus froze, ‘parasites’? Would his larva feeding on his fuellines technically count as parasites? Would they show underneath the scanner?.. He got a bit anxious at the thought. How would he explain to the youngling about them? Orion seemed to notice this anxiousness as he stood there without doing anything, just holding the scanner.
“Why are you waiting medic?”Orion’s expression softened, “I saw that you looked anxious, so I won’t use it until you're ready. It’s alright Mr Optimus, everyone feels a bit anxious from time-to-time!” Optimus couldn’t really believe how.. Both oblivious and not oblivious Orion was. It touched his spark that he cared so much about him, but it also concerned him. What would be Orion’s reaction?
“I give you my consent, thank you for checking in on me.”Orion nodded cheerfully and started up the scanner, started with the legs, and then chest.. And then the older pretender’s arms. Optimus held his nonexistent breath again. Orion’s expression at first was a clear shock.. But he looked closer and his expression was… happily surprised? “Why didn’t you tell me you had feeding bitlets!? Sure, ive never seen anything like it but there still babies!” Orion said in a panic, not sure what to do.. Optimus was just as shocked, he did not expect this either. Did.. Orion thought that he was anxious because he didn’t want the medic to see that he had ‘babies’? That he thought it was shameful?..
Well it seemed to be the case when Orion started to lightly scold him, “You should’ve told me these things! I should’ve done a fuel supply check first… You don’t have to be afraid of your medic when it concerns your kin!” “Aren’t they parasites?”“Parasites?! No no this doesn't look like parasites at all! I’ve heard of insecticons letting their young feed off of them. I don’t know if you are an insecticon, but you certainly have traits like one!” Orion exclaimed. Orion then said, finally connecting the dots.. “Your… not an insecticon are you?” “I am not, young one.”
Orion seemed annoyed now, “I might have treated you incorrectly then! Did I hurt you?!” his tone devolved into one of worry, and even guilt. Orion really thought he might have hurt the prime. 
“No no.. I am perfectly fine. You have taken care of me wonderfully. It would be a matter of time before you figured it out..”Orion, with full confidence exclaimed, “lay it on me! I can handle it.” “I- are you sure?”“Certainly, as per my contract. I cannot say anything that might reveal information about my patients! So your secrets are safe with me.”
Ratchet nodded, “He is prepared enough. Tell him the truth.” Optimus sighed, and he explained. He explained what Bumblebee, himself and Ratchet were; Pretenders. He then explained his mission, and what they're doing there. He also explained the ‘hunting grounds’.
Orion nodded, writing it down on his notepad, “Species; Pretender.. Got it.” He seemed in awe once again, Optimus was confused. “I’m surprised you aren’t afraid.. Perhaps you were more resilient then I realized.”Orion nodded, “Why would I? Your species is so cool!! I love how it works, I respect your mission so much, and I hope your larva grows up big and strong ok? I know the circumstances may be tough, you're forced to be all mean when you usually aren’t and that is horrible! Nobody should be forced to be a part of a war when they don’t want to..” He held the prime’s hand, “But be strong!” The older pretender was once again touched. He didn’t expect the response, but it was very very welcome. He realized that Orion did understand, even if he was a bit oblivious to what he had done, he was grateful. “I am… Truly touched by your gratitude. Be strong as well Orion. I don’t want to imagine anything happening to you and your pure spark.”Orion took it to heart, “I promise I’ll be strong! For both of us!” (chuckle) “For the both of us.”
Once the checkup was complete, Orion proudly handed the prime, and Bumblebee a sticker. “And since you two got the Orion Treatment™, you get a sticker!” he also got out two energon treats giving one to Bumblebee, “Andd a energon treat!” He cut another energon treat in half, and gave Optimus the treat and the cut in half one, he explained, “The half one is for the babies! I don’t know how much fuel you consume daily, but I think it will help!” “Thank you, it’s truly saddening that you have to leave so soon..”Bumblebee nodded his helm, far too busy eating his treat to say anything. Orion sighed, “I wish I could stay longer too so I could hear more about how pretenders work, but my sire will get worried sick if I stay out longer! Have to make it home before dinner.” “Understood, but I don’t want you to return empty-handed for your efforts.” 
The Pretender Prime got out a small necklace, one with a charm that had a lustrous blue glow. The charm was shaped like an oval, and had a marking in it. He placed it around Orion’s neck. Orion looked at it, “It’s so pretty.. Thank you!” “Thanks should be for you, that will keep you safe if you encounter any of my pretender brethren. It shows that you are kin.” Orion gasped in happy surprise, “So I'm like half pretender now?” Optimus patted him on the helm, “If you wish to pretend, sure.” Bumblebee finished his treat, and ran over to hug Orion, “Come back soon! I’ll show you around our hunting grounds next time!!” A portal opened, and once Orion made sure he had all of his supplies in his medkit, he waved goodbye to this universe to go back home to Nimbus Prime and his mentor. He couldn’t wait to tell them what happened, and he would cherish his gift dearly. And with that, this wraps Orion's first patient case. Who knows who he will care for next, it could be anything. But he will address them without fear, and with compassion. Because that’s what a medic would do, wouldn’t they?
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everdino · 4 years
Okay, i gonna regret it.
Before it start, i have to say, that i AdORE Eve's blitzbee sparklings, and also love to write. But, there's one thing. Up to this point, I wrote something like fics in my native language.  This is my first English text, so there are probably a lot of mistakes.  And, also, I probably couldn’t accurately convey the character’s character, but at least I tried.  Immediately I apologize for all the mistakes, I hope you enjoy it
Helix belong to @eve-of-halloween i don't own any character, only text itself.
Father support
- I must admit, with your ability to absolutely rash and ridiculous actions you have surpassed your own sire - grumbled the ex-con, dragging on his shoulders his reckless sparkling. Despite a frown and a rare growl due to the weight on his body, in his voice were clearly heard excitement and even fear. Young Prime grinned hoarsely:
- May be. But still, if not for this rashness, neither I nor my siblings would even be born.
There was only silence in response, apparently Blitzwing thought too deeply about his words. - Yes. Here I have to agree. - triplechanger finally answered after a while.
It all began so well. He and his little bug came to visit their son and see their grandson either. However, a small, but very annoying bunch of Decepticons, who lost contact with their own kind, had different plans.
Cons attacked suddenly, taking advantage of the confusion of the bots. For Blitzwing, they were just a toys, that didnt represent anything serious. But even so, they managed to knock out Helix at the last moment and take him as prisoner. Unfortunately for them, the former con noticed this. Making sure, that Bumblebee and sparkling retreated safety, he rushed right behind the Decepticons, for his son. And all because Helix thought it vital thoughtlessly attack the enemy, initially not appreciating the situation, and, as a result, damage his leg. Thinking about it made Blitzwing frown harder. Why was this so familiar to him? Oh, yes. Bumblebee.
Long story short, now they unknown where, with the destroyed small ship of the Decepticons, without the Decepticons themselves nearby (which was very suspicious), without communication and with a damaged leg of Helix. Wonderful.
Not a new situation for the triplechanger, but Bumblebee at least had his stingers.
- How badly is your communicator damaged? - Blitzwing asked, moving far enough away from the scene of the accident. He planted Helix on the ground and crouched next to rest for a little. Just because young Prime is small, doesn't mean he's as light.
- Not as bad as other injuries. Probably, I can configure everything in a couple of hours. If someone don’t find us before - answered Helix.
This was encouraging. Blitzwing once again checked the systems, slightly jerked his cannons. His ability to transform was still in the ranks, unlike Helix, who had not fatal, but very unpleasant wounds on his side. Of course, Blitzwing could take his son in his arms and fly up, but he was afraid that he would attract unwanted attention. Not to mention that he had no idea where they were or where to fly. All the attempts of the elder mech to contact anyone (It’s worth noting that, by “anyone” was meant Bumblebee or Hornet) were unsuccessful. With a sigh of exasperation, the triplechanger leaned against the stone, closing the optics to gather his thoughts. Helix was silent, which was unusual for him, as well as for Bee.
- Are you okay? Does it hurt? - the father inquired anxiously, opening the optics and peering at his son. Young Prime twitched when he realized, that Blitzwing were talking to him and looked up. - huh? oh no no I'm fine. Like...it's certainly not my best condition, but it could have been worse, right?
- You're pretty quiet. - Blitzwing noted rather persistently. - What bothers you?
Helix looked away. - I'm just worry. Do you think Stormy and Vantage got out of there safely? And sire? They were pursued?
Taking a deep breath in order to remain in his "cold" consciousness, triplechanger nodded encouragingly to him - I am sure of that. Your mech friend stepped back with Vantage as soon as the cons appeared. And Bumblebee...- he stumbled. But as for his own conjunx, he was no longer sure. You can't underestimate the small bot, Blitzwing was convinced of this more than once on his own armor, but he could still get into trouble, possessing the same reckless character
- I suppose your sire also handled the remaining bunch of these morons. - he concluded. - They'll be fine, Wing....Helix - mech corrected himself. A warm sensation of pride, mixed with light nostalgia, spread over his spark. His little sparkling, part of him and part of his dear Bee, became something more, than just the petty son of a traitor. Traitor...Blitzwing didn’t give a damn about what others thought him to be, but the realization, that his sparklings could be judged for his crimes forced his cannons to heat up.
No one dared blame HIS sparkling
Meanwhile, Helix smiled at him, in gratitude for his support, and looked away again. His wings and shoulders were down, his knees pressed to his stomach, which made him visually smaller than he was. Something was wrong. Blitzwing felt it and it started to make him angry. He was angry that he could not help him, because he did not understand what exactly was the reason. But despite this, he did not let the hothead appear, forcing himself to be cold-blooded.
- So, we are without communication - Before the former con had time to say something, Helix began to speak first. - We are without communication, without energon, I can’t fly. We don’t know where we are and don’t know if others can find us. -
The young prime took a deep breath and spoke again, hiding his trembling voice. Trying at least:
- I don't know how my conjunx is and how my sparkling is. I just very very stupidly fell, injured a fragging leg. Allowed these bastards to capture myself. And now, not only me but you are in danger!
Blitzwing fluttered his wings, revealing his optics in surprise. - Helix ..- he began, but young mech interrupted again:
- Which damned prime of me is if I framed those who are dear to me? I should have made sure everyone retreated safely. I had to think before doing. I should not have allowed myself to be captured. - he growled. - But I didn't! I'm not just bad prime, I'm a shitty carrier, and just a reckless idiot!
- Helix..- Blitzwing said much louder, wanting to stop this stream of unfair judgments about his dear sparkling, especially since these same judgments come from this very sparkling, but Helix didn't stop.
- Sentinel was right about me...-
- NO. HE. WAS. NOT! - The sound of a loud whirr pierced the air as triplechanger face began to spin.The scarlet visor lights up with a bright red light, from the anger overwhelming him.
- This big-chin cretin was never right about you. Like you right now talking wrong bullshit about yourself! - growled Blitzwing, clenching his hands into fists. However, anger quickly waned when fleeting fear swept through Helix's optics. The face spun again, revealing an icy personality, and the former con spoke darkly and sternly:
- Your judgments about yourself are fundamentally wrong. You cannot be good or bad prime. Trite for the reason that you simply did not have experience. You cannot be a bad or good carrier, Vintage is still very young. Although, even here I have to say that you take good care of him, based on how I or Bee took care of you in due time. - he paused for Helix to process the information and continue: - Yes, you acted very thoughtlessly and stupidly. But everyone makes mistakes. Yes, I agree that this mistake could become fatal, for which I am dissatisfied with you, but even this case does not give you the right to say such shit about yourself. Besides, - his optic softened - Recognizing your mistakes is already the path to success. The next step will be to realize how to fix these mistakes. As for my safety, here you definitely can not worry. I have experienced even worse days, the only danger for me now is to allow any harm to you. Because no matter how high in status you are, you are still my sparkling, and for me, as a creator, the main priority is your safety. Mental including. You understand me? -
Helix nodded silently. To Blitzwing's relief, he looked at him with a certain interest.
- Being prime is probably hard. I don’t know and never will, but I know that you will succeed. You have already done a great job, making me and Bumblebee proud. Do not let anyone judge you for your height - suddenly his face spun - I judged and then a couple of very very unpleasant stingers made me regret - he laughed with his crooked scarlet smile, after the face spun once again: - Also, do not let yourself be judged for your origin. You are not me. And I hope you never will. You are better than me, you will make this world a better place. Like your siblings. You all making this world better.
- I..- Helix hesitated, looking a little embarrassed - do you really think so?
- Yes, i am.
- Thank you. Really...- the young prime perked up noticeably. Something deep inside the triplechanger noted, that his gaze resembled that gaze of his own sire, but he decided to drop such thoughts. Not now.
- I'll try...to be better. - finished Helix.
- Of course, you will.
Then was silence, but there was no awkwardness in it. Helix came to his senses, taking off this unusual manner of self-criticism, new forces appeared in him.
- So, - the young prime spoke up. - How about a little while before my leg stops hurting? Then we will try to contact the big-chin cretin again, maybe some exploring.
- Sounds like a good idea for me. - Whirr - And if you call once Sentinel "big-chin-cretin" make sure he knows what I came up with! - giggled black face
- Ya got it - Helix grinned back - Now wanna hear how me and the boys doing stupid things in your absence?
- Yes Yes, tell me, boy! - Blitzwing nodded his head vigorously, his wings trembled merrily. Soon, he realized how much he hated being in silence as soon as Helix spoke. And he was terribly happy that most of his sparkling took this trait from the little bug.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Some time has passed since the moment of their conversation (more precisely, the Blitzwing monologue). Helix moved his leg in different directions trying to find out if it hurts or not, while the former con wandered around, in new attempts to contact the others.
- Its sucks, - Young bot concluded, realizing that he still could not get up. Blitzwing wanted to help him, when he heard a quiet sound, which he regarded as a jet engine.
The cannons at the same moment fell into combat mode starting to charge. - Stay close - he growled, trying to determine where, and most importantly, from whom the sound was coming. By the edge of the optics, he noticed how Helix activates the blade on his hand. The probability that this was a con is clearly higher than that it was a bot, since the bots only have three jets and one helicopter. his monocular began to move trying to detect the sound source. When he noticed an approaching jet, he began to doubt its hostility, but he didn’t want to hurry, so that he would be completely convinced of his guesses.
However, these doubts disappeared when Helix jumped in place: - Stormy!! - he shouted. Blitzwing waited a bit, peering into the jett, then raised his cannons, calming down. The blue-yellow jet transformed in the air and literally rushed towards them. - Helix! Are you okay?!
- Nearly! - answered the happy Prime. Young bots collided with each other, hugging tightly. - My leg hurts a little but I'm fine!
- You have no idea how much we were worried. Bumble bot almost went crazy. And I understand him perfectly! - more excited, than judgmental, Jetstorm said
- Is everything okay with Vantage? - Helix asked worriedly.
- Except that he missed you terribly, then he’s okay - Smiled Stormy
Blitzwing stepped aside so as not to interfere with the two bots in love. There was a faint smile on his face when he heard about the Bumblebot. He will hear a long and extremely emotional lecture on why he should not have done this...alone. Bumblebee will obviously be offended, that he could not join the rescue mission. Little caring bug. He turned and saw Helix's happy smile. That smile, like the smile of Bumblebee, Hornet or the twins, was the reason he was still here. To tear the faces of those who dare to take that smile from their faces.
Whatever it takes.
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autobotmedic · 5 years
{ Dear anon who requested a drabble for “Deadlock” from me months ago I hope you’re still around to see it, now that I have fINALLY gotten to it, or rather, continued writing it from the back of my drafts. I have a lot of emotions, but anyway, here it is. PLS DONT RE BLOG.
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     Whether in an operating room or on a battlefield, a medic needed to focus on his actions alone, with awareness of surroundings taking second. Personal elements could not hold priority at all, be they emotions, or personal injuries, and Ratchet had eons of practice keeping that mindset. He would continue to ignore weary limbs, despite his shaking to get back up each time he was unable to catch his balance from an attack. He would not stop fighting to keep Shockwave occupied, no matter how his vents shuttered in a wheeze at every impact to his sore form. His nanites had barely begun to recover from the remaining Predacon’s brute strength before he had entered the Omega Lock’s control station, but he cannot give out yet. Both of his homes are at stake, and he must help protect the one he assisted in endangering.
     “... Catch!” A familiar sportcar’s voice reached his audials over the crashing of metal, causing the Autobot and Decepticon scientists to pause, then react almost simultaneously-- one aiming to fire, the other yelling Smokescreen’s name in warning. The younger bot was struck by the blast, and in moments, everyone pursued the fallen Star Saber... except Ratchet. The medic crumpled when he was released from Shockwave’s grip, and was unable to bring himself to rise.
     He was so tired. His systems begged him to rest, so they could heal what they were capable of mending without interruption. It was almost tempting to allow it, just for a moment of relief... Yet the medic chose to override it, and tried to stand once more. He failed. Since he cannot stand, Ratchet’s optics focused on the others in the control station. Shockwave was down, Bumblebee had the sword, and was on his way to Optimus.
     The doctor then turned his helm to examine the progress of the lock itself... It was already activated, and ready to fire. His gaze returned to the quarreling leaders below, and his comlink opened, “Optimus, you must use the saber to destroy the Omega Lock. It is the only way to save Earth.” If any of the Decepticons managed to trigger it, it would only take a moment to cause devastating harm to countless humans (and other organic life) before they could stop it, IF they could stop it. Bumblebee had lept to deliver the blade, using it would be the quickest way to protect--
     He suddenly realized the scout was in the direct line of fusion cannon fire, unable to dodge. 
     No. Scarred white and red metal trembled as he pushed himself upright, though he remained on all fours. 
     No, n o. He cannot catch him, for he cannot fly, he had not even managed to stand. Ratchet could only watch, jaw open and spark tightening as the muscle car’s chassis was destroyed, and he fell, fell until the pool of Cybermatter swallowed him. He has lost another patient, another friend... He would never be able to return his voice. 
     Round optics shuttered briefly as the aching of his chest increased, emotional pain added to physical injury, internally matching the same emotion he heard in Optimus’ tone as he plowed into Megatron. 
     When they opened again, Optimus had been knocked over the edge of the Omega Lock’s circular frame. He almost pushed himself from the platform in a furious impulse (although he had no idea what he might have actually been able to do once he got down, he had already fought to the last of his strength). But he did not, because Bumblebee’s form reappeared from the cyan liquid. And he yelled. In his own voice. 
     Bumblebee survived, and could speak.
     Shock from one moment to the next, combined with weariness, left the medic as silent as the rest of the Autobots. There was no cheering from any of them as the warlord they had fought against so long, was defeated by the scout he had left for dead so many vorns ago. Was it a form of universal retribution? Would it provide peace to Bumblebee’s own trauma, as well as a war? Only time would tell... Ratchet hoped the fame, and possible targeting from loyal followers, of being responsible for offlining Megatron would not be a severe burden in the future. Bumblebee had already endured so much.
     The medic had managed to stand, repair systems allowing it after the short break to mend, and he found himself watching alongside both friends and drones as the Decepticon’s leader disappeared into Earth’s atmosphere. He tensed at Starscream’s words, surgical blades prepared to reform at his hands, and continued to watch in silence as Shockwave restrained the seeker. All remaining enemies retreated as Optimus and Bumblebee climbed up to join the other Autobots. Ratchet limped closer, blue optics locked on the muscle car.
     “Bumblebee...” he rumbled, astonishment lingering. Arcee completed his thought, “Your voice.”
     If the doctor’s helm was not clouded by injuries and processing everything that had occurred, he may have found amusement in the scout’s confused reaction. In the heat of the moment, he must not have realized-- 
     “Ratchet, I have my pipes back!” Ah, now he has. 
     Ratchet’s frame shivered during the hug he suddenly received, reminded of soreness from every dent and scratch and blow wherever the younger had latched onto him. Still, despite pain, he waited to be released rather than prying Bumblebee away, and a wince blended with a chuckle, “Yes. Yes, we noticed.”
     The scout pondered briefly, before stating, “The Cybermatter.”
     “It is the only possible explaination,” the scientist agreed, small smile remaining on his scarred faceplating.
     “It would seem the old field medic made good after all.” Ratchet nearly coughed dismissively at the Prime’s words, but it would have hurt, so he did not. Besides, he did help create what had healed his voicebox... Optimus was correct, as usual.
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seekingjets · 6 years
Request by twitter user robogirl28:
Soundwave/Shockwave and a battlefield confession. 
“Well, this is rather a mess.” 
Shockwave notes as seekers fly above. The rush of heat and sound enveloped in not so distant eruptions. Gunfire and destruction raging on past the borders of his vision.
Soundwave does not respond immediately, busy clutching the tender site of an injury. Freshly sealed by Shockwave but hardly healed, even the slightest movements would cause discomfort and it showed in their face. Mask missing, the visor cracked and useless in Soundwave's lap as they struggled against expressing pain.
“You stop that.” Shockwave moves to adjust the other, firmly denying the empath their attempt to sit up. Though only with one hand Shockwave has strength enough to guide Soundwave back into a lounging position against the rubble. “I've already contacted the necessary channels. Once this area is secure we will be evacuated. Remain at ease.”
“Understood.” Without their mask to guard them it's a strange experience - witnessing the movement of their expressions. The shifting gaze and pinched, pale mouth, neither settling as the war carried on across Cybertron without them. “You do not seem comfortable, is there additional pain - are your symbionts in danger?”
Soundwave shakes their head, chin lowered with a hand resting protectively over their chest compartment.
“Enigma.” They answer, watching Shockwave with a fluctuating focus. “Your actions. Illogical.”
“You think so?” Normally Shockwave's antenna would shift curiously at such a statement,  but currently he was missing one. Torn off in the skirmish which followed Soundwave's injury. Their armed escort through the city under siege had either been killed by the Autobot assault or had fallen deeper into the battlefield in the chaos. Of course what Soundwave was likely referring to was Shockwave's decision to engage with the Autobot force which had jumped their small entourage in order to prevent Soundwave’s potential destruction. Putting himself in grievous danger and even sustaining damages until they joint effort managed to overcome their shared enemy. (The body not too far away, already gone cold as the caravan moved on to join Megatron’s front lines).
“I would disagree, I believe my actions were quite logical.” Something erupts in the east and the distant rumble of collapsing buildings frame the moment. Soundwave watching Shockwave with emotions they cannot contain and that Shockwave cannot understand. “Inaction would chance a higher probability of losing you. Such would not  be acceptable.”
Soundwave makes a strange face, but then again, all expressions were strange to Shockwave. Like surprise, but brittle. Startled even before quickly shriveling into an awkward glance downwards. Bothered by something.
“Understood.” They respond, a firm nod and a militant tone. “To further the Decepticon cause.” No, that wasn’t right. No, that wasn’t only. But Shockwave struggled against the pull and push of crossed wires -  likely a concussed processor that short-circuited trying to make sense of his irritation at such a claim. Soundwave resting back against their makeshift bed of toppled building and peeled road, satisfaction so apparent on their features. Proving once more that emotions were messy things that should be drained out of the mind before they caused such troubles as Shockwave was having.
“I am not so war-born as our fellow Decepticons, but I do hope you can understand. My actions were out of a singular wish to protect you.” He explains with easy terms and a mannered tone overlooking the intelligence officer. “I do not afford others such considerations. Only you, Soundwave.”
Shockwave keeps himself from commenting on the rise in color across Soundwave’s paler features. A reaction to some stimuli Shockwave does not yet comprehend - turning with a look of alarm on the uncovered face that Shockwave fears something is wrong.
“Query: you care for me?” The voice is low with strain having nothing to do with injuries. How perplexing.
“That is a redundant question, I believe I have made myself quite clear that indeed. Yes. I do.”
Shockwave does not have a mouth, so the image of a smile is such a strange thing - how the manipulation of taunt fibers could change a face so minutely. Yet have such a devastating effect on Shockwave’s ability to process that Soundwave was indeed smiling at him.  There must be something malfunctioning with his fuel pump as it sped swiftly in reaction to the delicate visage.
“Permission to reciprocate sentiment?”  
“By what means?” Shockwave does not have a mouth, so the sensation of a kiss rests strange where Soundwave’s exposed lips brush the corner of his helm. The soft nature of the touch sending sparks and tangled data in a panic across his thoughts. Unable to shutter his optic from the sight of Soundwave’s proximity - or unwilling to miss even a moment as he greedily gathers and stores the sensation and recorded flush of his spark for his personal archives.
“Oh.” He responds once Soundwave withdraws carrying delight as comfortably as Starscream wears complaint, and it is not a terrible look. Oh dear. “Sentiment.”
“Sentiment.” Soundwave repeats, settling back into their resting position, watching Shockwave’s fluster with bright amusement. “Acceptable?”
“Well I suppose I will require further testing on the matter. But yes. I do believe we are in agreement.”
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Decepticon!Mech!Reader x Arcee
You were stuck; there was no other way to put it. You were deep in the mountains and your commlink wasn't working. You growled, kicking a nearby rock and watching it roll away. You sneered at it, visibly upset with the situation.
You told Megatron that there would be no signal, that once you were groundbridged there that there would be no way out. But does anyone listen to you? No, no they don't. You growled again before clenching your servos into a fist. Dear Primus, why does this have to happen to you of all mechs?
You heard twigs snapping in the distance, and quieted down to listen to it. From afar, you could hear someone talking.
"Ratchet, I don't see any signals nearby. Autobot or Decepticon." She paused, and you chuckled quietly to yourself. She didn't have any signal either. "Ratchet? Ratchet can you read me?" The Autobot groaned, and you smirked. In the middle of nowhere with no signal? It sounded perfect, almost too perfect.
And then you groaned. You didn't have any signal either, so you both had the same setback. "Fragging Decepticons, fragging Megatron." You grumbled to yourself. Suddenly you were tackled to the ground, and you groaned in pain as the femme stood on your back. You lifted your helm off of the ground and smiled. "Arcee! What a pleasant surprise."
You heard her growl before lifting her pede and pushing your face back into the dirt. "It's not so pleasant on my side, Con."
You moved your arms and pushed yourself up slightly, enough to speak. "Now that was rude, Arcee. How are you ever going to get a mech like that?"
"I don't need a mech," she stated simply. You smiled as a teasing look sparkled in your optics.
"Oh, so you're into other femmes?"
She quickly stepped off of you and back in disgust. "What?—No! I'm not into femme's—"
"It's okay Arcee, I promise. I'll keep your dirty little secret between you and me."
She growled at you and flipped you over so that you were on your back and held you down. "I'm. Not. Gay."
You glanced down at where her hips rested over your interfacing panels. "I sure hope not, because I like this position."
Arcee looked honestly disgusted as she jumped off of you aimed her blasters at you. You quickly held up your servos in defeat with wide optics. "H-Hey! I-I can help you get out of here!"
Acree paused and raised a brow at you over her gun. "Oh really?"
"Y-yeah. I know the way out. On your own, it would take weeks. With me, it would only take a few days."
Arcee scoffed at your obvious bluff. "I don't have a few days, (Y/N). I have a few hours. At most."
As she turned to leave, you panicked. "Wait! Please don't leave me behind! I—I don't know where I am."
She didn't even turn around. "Figure it out."
You froze as she began to walk away again. "You don't have GPS," you argued. "And neither do I. Together we must be able to get back, and then you can get back to your precious Jack." That got to Acree because she froze for a moment before turning back to you.
She pointed a digit at you warningly. "If you slow me down, or do anything—and I mean anything—the last thing you will see is my blaster pointed at your helm."
You smiled at her devilishly. "Of course. I do want to make it out of here alive, you know."
She simply huffed and turned to walk away, you scrambling to your pedes and chasing after her. "This better be worth it."
She paused to look at you over her shoulder. "I promise, it will be."
You had been walking for three days straight. No sleep, no energon.
"Arcee! I'm hungry!" You whined as she paused to look around.
"Then go find some energon."
"But then you'll leave me! I don't want to be alone! Can we at least take a break? I haven't recharged in forever."
Arcee groaned and came to a complete stop, sitting down and staring up at you. After a moment she spoke. "Well? Are you going to sit down or just waste my time?"
You quickly sat down and laid back, relaxing into the dirt as it sank into all of your joints. "Oh, Primus this is what I've been wishing for my whole life."
"What? being able to sit down after three days of walking?" Arcee asked sarcastically as you closed your optics and sighed in bliss.
"No, relaxing." You stretched out and heard your spine crack against the ground. "By the Allspark that feels good."
It was blissfully quiet for a few moments, and you allowed yourself to completely relax. "Turn over," you shot your optics open and turned to Acree, confused. "Go on your stomach."
You were hesitant at first, but complied and rolled onto your stomach. You heard her step closer and tensed, expecting her to attack you. Instead, she knelt down next to you and placed her servos on your back. "Hey, what are you—"
You were cut off by her pushing down and cracking your back. You groaned and melted into the dirt. "Holy—do that again." You mumbled into the dirt. You heard her scoff before moving her servos down. Her gentle touch made you shiver and your audio receptors twitch. She suddenly pressed down and another crack sound echoed through the forest. "Oh my Primus, this is better than interfacing."
You heard her muffle a laugh and smiled to yourself. Arcee wasn't that bad. Too bad she was an Autobot. You froze and felt Arcee's servos do the same. Arcee was an Autobot. You were supposed to have killed her by now. But for some reason, you didn't want to kill her. Not anymore.
"Are—Are you okay?" You heard Arcee question while her hesitant servo touched your shoulder plating.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just remembering that Megatron is going to kill me for letting you live."
"Letting me live?" She echoed with a light snarl.
You pushed yourself up, moving to sit as you looked down at her slightly. "If I wanted you dead you would be by now. That, or I would have died trying."
Arcee froze and looked up slowly. You then noticed how close your faces were, and started to lean in slightly. You noticed her lean in as well and your faceplates got closer...
"Arcee? Arcee can you hear me?"
She pulled back swiftly, causing you to sigh in disappointment. "Ratchet? I can hear you loud and clear."
As the Autobot medic begin to open up a groundbridge, you stood up and began to walk away.
"Hey (Y/N)! Where are you going?" You heard Arcee call after you. You shrugged as you felt something heavy weigh on your spark.
"Nothing. I just thought your Autobot friends wouldn't take too kindly to seeing a Decepticon next to their teammate." You continued walking but paused when she called out to you.
"Wait! You could become an Autobot, they'd gladly let you join their ranks." Her plea sounded almost desperate, and it broke your spark. How could you become so attached to someone in less than a week?
You looked over your shoulder and made a weak half-smile. "I don't think they would Arcee, but thank you."
"For what?"
You looked down and shrugged. "I don't know. For being there, for helping me, for letting me relax, for opening up your spark, if only a little," you shrugged again. "I guess a 'thank you for everything' would work, but I'm not very thankful for all of those injuries you gave me on the battlefield."
"But what if I convince them that you've changed, that you can be trusted—"
"Sweetspark, I never changed," you cut in with a small smirk. "I was always like this." You turned to walk forwards again as you heard the groundbridge open behind you. "Maybe once the war is over I'll take you out on a nice dinner, how's that sound?"
At this point, you both knew it was just wishful thinking. Even if the war did end peacefully, you were a Decepticon. You would be charged with war crimes, and if you weren't executed, you were going to be in jail for a long, long time.
"Yeah, that sounds nice, (Y/N)." Her tone was soft, and it was almost blown away by the gentle breeze.
"Great. Does six work for you?"
"Six sounds great."
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