#Instagram Clone App
hardeep09566573 · 7 months
Instagram Clone App Script
In this digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives, with Instagram being one of the most popular platforms. For businesses looking to establish their presence in the virtual world, creating an Instagram-like platform can be a game-changer. In this article, we will explore the concept of an Instagram clone app script and discuss how Omninos Solutions can help you turn this concept into reality.
What is an Instagram Clone App Script?
An Instagram clone app script is essentially a ready-made software solution that replicates the functionalities and features of the original Instagram application. It allows entrepreneurs and businesses to create their own social media platform with features such as image and video sharing, user profiles, likes, comments, and more.
Why Choose an Instagram Clone App Script?
Cost-Efficiency: Developing a social media platform from scratch can be a costly and time-consuming process. An Instagram clone app script significantly reduces development time and costs.
Quick Market Entry: With a ready-made script, you can enter the market swiftly, capitalizing on the popularity of social media apps like Instagram.
Customization: Despite being a clone, you can customize the app script to match your brand's unique identity and requirements.
Proven Success: Instagram's success is a testament to the popularity of such platforms. By cloning its features, you tap into a proven formula.
Omninos Solutions
Now that we understand the concept of an Instagram clone app script, let's focus on how Omninos Solutions can be your ideal partner in bringing your Instagram-like platform to life.
Expertise in App Development
Omninos Solutions is a leading app development company with a strong track record in creating social media platforms. Their team of skilled developers can tailor an Instagram clone app script to your exact specifications.
Customization and Branding
One of the key advantages of working with Omninos Solutions is their ability to customize the app script to align with your brand identity. This ensures that your platform stands out and is instantly recognizable.
Cutting-Edge Features
Omninos Solutions can integrate the latest features into your Instagram clone app script, ensuring that it remains competitive and up to date with the ever-evolving world of social media.
Quality Assurance
The company follows rigorous testing and quality assurance procedures to deliver a bug-free and seamless user experience, just like Instagram.
As your platform grows, Omninos Solutions can help you scale your app to accommodate increasing user traffic and demands.
Ongoing Support
Their commitment doesn't end with the development; Omninos Solutions provides ongoing support and updates to keep your platform running smoothly.
In conclusion, an Instagram clone app script is a practical and cost-effective way to enter the social media market. By partnering with Omninos Solutions, you can bring your Instagram-like platform to life, customized to your brand's specifications and fully equipped with the latest features. Take advantage of this opportunity to make your mark in the digital world.
1. How long does it take to develop an Instagram clone app script with Omninos Solutions?
The development timeline can vary depending on the level of customization and features required, but typically, it takes a few months to have a fully functional app.
2. Is it legal to create an Instagram clone app?
Creating a clone app is legal as long as it does not infringe on Instagram's copyrights or trademarks. It's essential to consult legal experts to ensure compliance.
3. Can I monetize my Instagram clone app?
Yes, you can monetize your app through advertising, in-app purchases, premium features, and more. Omninos Solutions can help you implement monetization strategies.
4. What is the cost of developing an Instagram clone app script with Omninos Solutions?
The cost varies based on the project's scope and features. Contact Omninos Solutions for a personalized quote based on your requirements.
5. Do I need technical expertise to manage an Instagram clone app?
While technical knowledge can be helpful, Omninos Solutions can provide training and support to help you manage and maintain your app even without a technical background.
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jesscarioflips7 · 11 months
New video on youtube!
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world-store · 11 months
Threads vs Twitter: Why is Instagram taking on Elon Musk? Adam Mosseri reveals the truth
The timing of the launch of Threads could not be any better. On Saturday, Elon Musk announced the decision to put a rate limit on the number of tweets viewed by users per day – something that has been seemingly revoked in a hurry. The decision, which was taken temporarily to curb “extreme data scrapping”, was met with an uproar, and the days following saw a big spike in incoming users on…
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View On WordPress
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madrastech · 1 year
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capeladev · 1 year
Building front-end clones of popular web apps is a great way to improve our CSS skills. In this time-lapse, I’m trying my best to build a clone of the Instagram login form in one go. It is not 100% accurate as it was done by eye, but still, it is pretty close. #learnhtml #learncss #csstips #csstipoftheday #webdeveloper #ui #ux #uidesign #uxdesign #webdesign #html #css #html5 #css3 #csstricks #cssanimation #webdevelopment #frontend #100daysofcss #softwareengineer #javascript #reactjs #nextjs #vuejs #tailwindcss #animation #reels #code #100daysofcode
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nelsonseo567 · 2 years
Readymade React Native Instagram Clone App | Create App Like Instagram - AIS Technolabs
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Through our readymade react native Instagram clone app, users can create posts and react to their virtual friend’s posts with likes and comments. AIS Technolabs have created an app like Instagram to help you start an Image/Video-sharing app business. Connect with us now!!
Visit More Info : https://www.aistechnolabs.com/react-native-instagram-clone/
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Social Media App Development Guide
Social Media Apps are quite popular these days. For Business Owners they provide a community to market products, know customers and create engagement. For users they are a great way to share content. If you want consultation regarding development, you can contact Echo innovate IT, a decade old Social Media App Developer.
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bsetecusa · 2 years
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5 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for Social Media
Too many companies fail to adopt Artificial Intelligence and still rely on manual forecasting because they think that they dont have the necessary data, Nowa days its a costly mistake. Artificia Intelligence gives Data driven insights which is better than the spreadsheet generated analytics. For example, Integrating AI to supply chain management can reduce the errors by 20-50%. Though there aremany benefits of AI in socialmedia, here are the major ones.
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389 · 11 months
Another feature that could spark more discussions: Instagram’s network isn’t starting from scratch. It will build on the company’s own network yes. But over time, Threads will also let you follow discussions on Mastodon and potentially other services that adopt ActivityPub. Tumblr and WordPress, which share a parent company, have both said they will support publishing on the protocol. In a year or two, then, you might read WordPress blog posts in Threads — or read Threads posts in your favorite Mastodon client. It’s an almost unthinkable reversal from Meta’s extremely lucrative walled-garden strategy, which it has employed for its entire history as a company. But Mosseri told me that decentralization is the future of social networks — even if it means that someday a disgruntled Threads user will be able to take the following they build in the app to another network, never to return. “There definitely are trade offs,” Mosseri said. “You're giving up some control. But there are benefits. I do think over time, it's going to be a more compelling value proposition that other apps are going to offer. And I think that should attract more creative talent over the long run.”
— Casey Newton, in a Platformer piece discussing Instagram’s new Twitter clone, quoting their chief Adam Mosseri
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maggotfagg0t · 9 months
Introduction 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
Hello' I am Tobias or Toby, he/him you can call me ether one I don't mind. I am very talkative person, so if you'd like to just ramble to me about stuff that you like/interested in I'm always hear to listen, or if you just want someone to speak with. I try to be active on here, but you can also contact me on the other socials that will be listed below of course. I really like car seat headrest just a warning
Fandoms 𓆨
Some fandoms that I am in are
- Marble hornets
- everymanhybrid
- darkharvest00
- smiling friends
- rick and morty
- superjail
- Car seat headrest
- creepypasta
- Moral orel
- homestuck
- clone high
- bojack horsemen
Other interests 𓆑
Some other interests that I have consist of
Urban exploring
Adult cartoons
I listen to alot of indie rock, my favorite band is car seat headrest, it's one of my biggest hyperfixations at this moment. I am very car seat headrest coded. I also listen to alot of local metal, and punk bands that play around where I live, I go to alot of concerts and am very much involved in the punk scene and am punk myself as someone who listens to the music and follows punk Ideology.
Socials 𓆣
Discord: maggotfagg0t
I do have other socials such as Instagram and snapchat, but will not be listing them here due to privacy reasons, but If you'd like to reach out and ask for my insta or snap I'd probably give it to you. Just don't wanna list it here for the whole of Tumblr here.
DNI 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
just a basic dni, I won't not talk to you if you are in any certain fandoms since I know that alot of fandoms are toxic but that doesn't make it so all of the people in it are bad and I find it a little dumb when people say DNI if you like a certain Fandom, unless it's something where the source itself is problematic that I understand that. So almost anyone is welcome on my page.
unless of course you are a ped0, z00, or anything or that nature. Then you aren't welcome here, and if you are someone who shames people for their, gender identity, race, abilities, etc then DNI. I do not hate all paraphilles if you are actively working on getting help, + have never hurt anyone then you can interact, but you are on thin ice, though.
What am I? 𓆈
I am a male, I go by he/it
I'm taken so lady's back off 🙌
@ssunsear I love you
So yeah I'm pretty friendly and will just mainly just ramble about stuff on this app so talk to me if you like I'm really just here to meet cool new people :D
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hannahssimblr · 6 months
Chapter Eight
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“Will you have a Bailey’s dear?”
“Oh yeah, thank you, that’d be lovely.”
Claire’s mother Cassandra, who could genuinely be her older sister, strokes her hand down my cheek to my chin and makes an affectionate clucking sound in the same way that her daughter does. They’re alike in so many ways that it’s almost frightening, clones of one another, the understated beauty, the way they’re always touching you, the plump, pouty mouth. Cassandra is the most glamorous woman in Tullamore and everybody knows it. She’s soft cashmere and velvet, the colour champagne and the smell of vanilla, and tonight she’s dressed in beige and white, patient stiletto heels clicking across the tile in her enormous kitchen to get a carved crystal glass for my liqueur. 
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“She won’t be long, love.” She calls out to me as I perch on a settee by their roaring fire in the next room, its mantle adorned with eucalyptus leaves and a dozen white pillar candles. 
“Oh it’s fine.” I say. “I’m alright with waiting, your house is so cosy.”
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“Oh, thank you.” She replies, delighted, and hands me the glass, half a strawberry floating amongst the ice cubes. “We’re doing a white and gold theme this year for Christmas, since we had our walls painted in Elephant’s Breath last summer I thought we could keep it neutral.”
“It’s beautiful, you’ve done an amazing job.”
“Oh darling, you’re so nice.” She moves around the room looking for something, all long legs like a gazelle, and then peeps under the coffee table to grab a magazine. “I’m going to go into Barry in the other room, he’s watching a film if you’d like to join us.”
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“Oh, no I’m fine here.” I say, and she leaves me by the fire where I curl my legs up underneath me and watch the flames dancing in the dim lamp light, sipping from my glass while the logs crackle and I feel like a kid on Christmas in some 90’s movie like Miracle on 34th Street or Home Alone. It’s the day after Christmas so all of the presents have been opened, but Cassandra leaves fake ones under the tree. I think they’re just empty cardboard boxes but they’re wrapped in gold foil paper and tied up beautifully with silk ribbons with the kind of patience and care that I know I will never have for something so arbitrary as a Christmas present, never mind a fake one. I fantasise, the way I often do when I’m by myself in Claire’s house, that I grew up here and had this wonderful, perfect childhood where I got everything I ever wished for and life was always beautiful. 
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My phone goes off and I’m distracted from my daydreams as I take it out of my pocket to see a notification on my Instagram. I tap to open the app and read it, and it’s just Marnie commenting on one of my recent drawings. 
Ugh, so talented. 
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I hit the home button and the app instantly takes me to a picture Shane uploaded earlier in the day that I haven’t seen yet. I do a double take when I see it. It’s him and Jen. I stare at it for ages, taking it all in, the way that they have their heads smushed together in the frame, both of them grinning. The caption is: The state of us lol. 
It is disquieting to see it for some reason, and as I look down at my phone in my hand I remember my encounter with Jen in that cocktail bar back in November and how she’d mentioned some get together with all the old gang. Here is photographic evidence that it happened, and Shane went, even though he never told me that he did. I stare at the photo some more, Jen has commented underneath it, something about how bad they both look, and then I notice something else in the background of the photo. 
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It’s a hand on a table, the rest of the person off screen but I know instinctively who it belongs to by its long painterly fingers, my insides start feeling like something is bouncing around in my guts and before I can stop myself I have already tapped on Jen’s profile. It’s like my body is invaded by something, and it just takes over from my brain and starts performing automated movements, scrolling, tapping, scrolling, tapping. I go to her followers list and start trawling through hundreds of names, nothing familiar, nobody I know, until…
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I stop. There it is. NotJTurner. The little icon next to it is the back of his head, a black puffer coat on him, looking out over a winter sky streaked with clouds, and I want to snort with derision. He really is so pretentious, it pisses me off. I tap on the icon anyway. 
There are no photographs of him on the profile. The whole thing is this immaculately curated mood board, every picture taken with what must be some expensive DSLR camera, edited perfectly to fit the theme and capture city life. A man walks his dog while drinking from a takeaway coffee cup in the snow. Two girls climb out of a taxi on a wet night, the lights of the city smeared and reflected on the slick tarmacadam. A symmetrical shot of a skyline, a building with a hundred windows and then a vast expanse of clear cyan sky in the negative space it creates. The more I look the angrier I get and I don’t know why. All of these carefully selected pictures of this perfect Berlin life, everything so aesthetically pleasing, all of it so goddamned good. I hate that he’s good. He’s supposed to be terrible, he’s supposed to be as awful as the feelings he ran away and left me with.
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But I can’t look away. Dotted here and there among the street photography are pictures from exhibitions, some sculpture work he’s presumably doing at college and then like me, he’s photographed his sketchbooks, and they’re breathtaking. Deep, dark and moody, faces emerging from blackness on the page. The way he’s captured expression and movement would put stars in Ida’s eyes, and I linger on one page that just hands, some draped over the edge of a bathtub with wrists exposed, dirt beneath the nails, skin taut over the veins, knuckles rough and scabbed and yet they look like they’re ready to start moving off the page. He never showed me his work that summer, I never knew, he never told me it was like this, and I feel more humiliated than ever that I let him see my stupid, childish work that night after the graveyard. And I think of the way he looked at me and said these are really good. I huff out of my nostrils. What a liar. 
I start scrolling faster through the images, blood rushing through me and throb in my face and I know that if anyone asked me I’d have no way of explaining this reaction and this flood of strange feelings that have crashed over me, how the meagre act of looking at someone’s instagram profile could make me feel with such intensity. 
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I stop dead with confusion when I see something else among the other posts. Is that… me? Am I looking at my own face? 
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I become still and look, and keep looking. Is it really? I stare at the screen and wonder if I’m just making things up out of self-obsession, but it’s undeniable that the face in front of me is my own. Or rather, the faces. Somewhere in the depths of his profile, way down near the bottom is a photograph of a collection of drawings. There are five heads all arranged on a page, each one with a different expression, confusion, scepticism, surprise, contentment, and another that I become transfixed on because I don’t recognise it right away. The girl on the page has bare shoulders, long, unkempt hair that’s coming across her forehead in loose strands over her low straight brows. Her eyes are bright and engaged, and sparkling, as you might even say if you were feeling generous. Her head is tilted forward and the corner of her mouth quirked upwards to create this cheeky, mischievous expression that I never knew I had. When have I ever made that face? 
He’s made me look so free and so easy and so beautiful that I’m sure he’s taken creative liberties. I don’t ever really look like that. These versions of me are from somebody’s imagination, like they’re a character who’s wearing a mask of my face and has enhanced all of the best parts and ignored the way that my shoulders are always hunched and there’s a line etched between my eyebrows. When did he draw these? Why did he draw these? I read the caption. 
Old work. 
That’s all. Of course he doesn’t say anything about who the girl in the drawings is, or what compelled him to draw her, but why would he? There’s a big piece of me that wishes that he’d shown me these before, emailed them to me, anything. How old are they? Are they from that summer on the beach, or sometime afterwards? My mind drifts back to my bedroom in Tullamore where there is a sketchbook hidden away in a big plastic box beneath my bed that contains my own clumsy attempts at drawing him. I remember doing them in the middle of some emotional episode and feeling like I was in some way creating a bridge between our distance, relishing each little zing of pleasure I felt as I remembered another little detail about his beautiful face that I could put to paper. But you couldn’t waterboard those drawings out of me now, never mind convince me to put them up on the internet. 
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When I hear Claire coming down the stairs I hastily put my phone back into my pocket. “Hello gorgeous.” She says as she sweeps into the room. “Are you ready to hit the road?”
“Yes!” I say, and I grab my half full glass of Baileys from the coffee table so I can gulp it down in one go. It doesn’t even make me wince. “Let’s get moving.”
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zerotimenow · 1 year
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Rahhh, first post on hit media app, tumblr!😎😎😎😎😎😎
Anyways, enjoy some tech and echo! I was gonna make this into a comic about hearing aids (because you cannot convince me that half of all clones don’t have some type of hearing damage) but I got lazy and decided to make it into a drawing instead
If you wanna see more of my shit, go check out my twitter or Instagram (I’m the most active on insta) I’m always under the same name!
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I think what @staff doesn't fucking realize is that there's no market that they're not tapping into other than the market that left when they banned porn. People who are not on tumblr know about tumblr. Your website has an inescapable reputation. People are not going to come if you turn it into shitty instagram. But we are going to leave. There's no untapped market. people who want tiktok are on tiktok, people who want instagram are on instagram people who want twitter are either still trying to make twitter work or have moved over to mastadon and are avoiding tumblr either because of its reputation or because they want porn. the only way to get more people is to try to get the ex tumblrinas who left because there's no more porn to come back and you can do that by letting us go nuts show nuts again. If you're unwilling to do that, there's nothing you can do. You can run a million focus groups you can turn the site into a clone of a more successful site. It'll never work. Yahoo lost billions because of the porn ban. You're in the red because of the porn ban. You're suffering for users because of the porn ban. Appeal to the audience you have or die. It is better to be removed from the apple app store for being too horny than to destroy reblog chains, because you can at least leverage being removed from the app store for clout
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bsetecusa · 2 years
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How To Earn Through Social Media?
 Justin Bieber was arguably the first YouTube phenomenon turned pop star, shifting the way artists would be discovered and signed to major labels. Bieber is one of the most incredible selling music artists ever, with assessed deals of more than 150 million records worldwide, and is a Grammy winner. The Weeknd grew to be a celebrity after posting three songs under the channel name xoxxxoooxo. All because of the power of social media. That's how much power social media holds. Well everyone wouldn't be as successful as the Social media found stars like Bieber, Weeknd, Shawn Mendez, or Hip-hop Thamizha, but we have options to generate revenue from our social media accounts.
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novelmachine · 11 months
Been looking for Twitter alternatives, and other social media sites in general. I'm on the waitlist for Bluesky. No idea when I'll see that, and I haven't heard much about it either. I signed up for CuriousCat for funsies, but I don't think it's what I was looking for. I likely won't use it much. Now on to the juicy stuff.
Last night I signed up for Threads and I already don't like it. Right now, there are zero ways to control your dashboard. Or much of anything, really. Just the basic functions of Instagram, but with words. I'll see one or two posts from people I follow before an endless stream of thoughts from people I don't know or care about. Seeing the 4,508,877th member badge on my Insta page, as it relates to Threads, just hammers home how we're all just pieces of data to get swallowed up by the conglomerate. Not even bothering to hide the fact that it's all a numbers game. The app itself is clunky, lacking soul and personality. It's so boring to look at. A lifeless machine, and all 30+ million users and growing are the franticly spinning cogs.
I've signed up for Pilowfort a little while ago and I like it so far. Its closer to Tumblr. Given that Tumblr is always on the brink of disappearing, it wouldn't hurt to have a back-up. There are posts for everyone to see that live on your blog, but there are also individual communities that act as forums. Posts can have individual comment sections, which I guess helps keep things on-topic. I'm going to slowly transition to cross-posting both old and new posts there. It seems promising, and the interactions I've had with other users thus far have been pleasant. I've already seen a few guides and helpful tips for the internet refugees.
Then there's Spoutible. It was touted as black-owned, having no algorithm, and having mods that handled hate speech and bigots swiftly and appropriately. Those are some green flags. They also have a cute little whale mascot, so all that combined had me. It is the closest to a Twitter clone I've come across so far. The interface is easy to understand and navigate. Posts are limited to 300 characters, and can include pictures, gifs, videos, and polls. There are a lot of safety measures for you to customize your experience to avoid malicious accounts. One being a rating system ranging from Normal to Problematic to help distinguish normies from bots. To post something is to "Spout Off." The trending topics page is titled "Making Waves." I like the vibes, and I believe this app has a lot of promise.
The truth is I've been kind of ambivalent to Twitter, even years before the Elon fiasco. When I first joined, it was for following my middle school and high school friends. After I graduated, those relationships fell off one by one. My dashboard morphed into a cascade of influencer updates and artist promotions. All I could offer was superficial consumption and meaningless life updates. Posting became a competition of who could be the funniest or who had the hottest take, and your whole psyche takes a hit when you just can't hack it. Maybe a restart was inevitable, and necessary for all of our sakes. I'll be taking Twitter off of my Linktree and other socials for the time being, and I don't see the point in linking any of these new socials until I've had enough time to play with them and figure things out.
TLDR: I'm not a tech genius. I simply operate on vibes. Bluesky is mysterious, more data needed. Threads is bloated and leans heavily on the algorithm. Pillowfort is a nice comfy space, just need to get used to it. Spoutible has potential and immaculate vibes.
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the-final-sif · 2 years
Kind of related to the situation, but I want to ask a serious question on something you mentioned, about making fake media look 100% authentic through clone apps and screenshoting to fuck up the metadata of the picture. It's scaring the hell out of me, have we really reached a point that there are ways to fake evidence and make it look real even if that evidence is tested by actual professionals? In other words, if the evidence can no longer be proven real or fake by computer pros, that all we have left are character witnesses? The sheer idea that someone could fake something about me on some app I am known to use and destroy my life just by using some app clone software they found on google is making me freak the fuck out!
Sorry if I'm not making sense, but thanks for all the info you post! Helped me calm down and look at the situation with a clearer mind
Well, so, I think the problem here is that you've forgotten a key element: evidence absolutely can still be proven real or fake, just not by people on twitter. An actual courtroom is different from a court of public opinion.
This is not new by any means. People have been able to pass off convincing fake information since information has existed as a concept. Since any method of documenting information has existed, there have been ways to fake those methods.
I've mentioned them before, but the Cottingley Fairies are the perfect example of this. It's a series of 5 photographs taken by two young girls, appearing to show the girls interacting with fairies in the 1910s-1920s. The photographs the girls took were extensively examined for any signs of alterations, and the girls were even given a camera with plates set up such that no alteration was possible. The images produced were examined by experts, and nobody was able to find any sign of editing or alteration to the photos.
How did they do it? Easy, the girls had cardboard cutouts made from a popular children's book. The photos were unaltered, but they were photos of cut outs. Not photos of real fairies. The girls were 9 and 16 and playing a prank for fun. They admitted to how they did it much later in life, and explained that they had been too embarrassed to admit that it was a prank at the time.
That evidence was both fake and undetectable by experts through examination of the photographs. Much like screenshots, screen recordings, etc, can also be fake in ways undetectable to experts. You set up an app clone, write whatever you want, then screen record that. The app clone is the cardboard fairy cutout. That's part of why I urge people to not leap to conclusions based on whether they think a photo or video is edited, rather than considering whether the underlying content has been altered.
However, here's the thing, this only holds up on social media. Once you actually get into a court of law, this no longer works. Because in a court, the actual company who has the data (ie, twitter, instagram, phone companies, etc) can be asked to provide logs of what actually occurred. And that's what actually happens. Nobody goes into court with a screen recording and gets to submit that as evidence without some method of authentication.
The issue at hand isn't that there's no way to know what is or isn't reality, the issue at hand is that people often aren't willing to take the time to authenticate information. Some people aren't willing to be skeptical of the things that they are told, and run with information before they've been able to verify it. They conflate an image or video being unaltered with the underlying information being unaltered. They then misrepresent this information to others in a vicious cycle of misinformation. It is a real and present issue, and it's not new.
Back in 1920, the photos of the fairies were published to mixed reactions. Some people believed wholeheartedly that they were real and empirical proof of fairies. A lot of people didn't. Some people pointed out possible issues, and got dismissed by believers. It was a topic of conversation for awhile, and then it died down. People believed what they wanted to believe for a long while, and the truth finally came out in the 1980s.
The difference between what happened back then and what happens today isn't a difference in how willing people are to believe misinformation or how easy it is to create misinformation, but rather a difference in how quickly misinformation can spread, and how much misinformation people are exposed to. That's what worries me.
I don't have a solution for this problem as a whole. But what I can say is all of us can do our part to evaluate sources of misinformation, be careful about what we spread and how we spread it, and do our best to provided corrections when we feel we are able. Deep breaths, question things in a responsible manner, and be ready to wait for the actual truth of a situation to come out.
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