cryptocism · 9 months
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current affliction: any moody-looking photo on pinterest is instantly used as reference for drawing The Guy
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shademarbleclaws · 2 months
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pr*ship dni
theyre so brothers :(
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zoomar · 8 months
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15. Guiding the motion of convergence
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spaceoddeity · 3 months
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anxious-witch · 10 months
Just read Inertia.
Probably a mistake at 1 am in the morning but it is so beautifully written it literally brought me to tears and had me getting really too deep into Jan's shoes (as someone whose family is conservative Christian and I myself am queer it was honestly the catharsis I didn't really know I needed. )
Thank you <3
I am really, really glad you enjoyed it and that you could relate to Jan, although I am sorry you had to be in that kind of position. Religious trauma is tough and conservative parents even more so.
I wish you the same happy outcome Jan will eventually have in the fic as well ❤️ thank you so much for such a sweet comment
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Would anyone like to hear my utter incomprehensible ramblings about comparing Shigaraki Tomura 's character and it's development - more what's currently happening with it and his it's the same disappointing mess that happened to (obscure? I think at least kinda obscure) comic book character Thaddeus Thawne/Inertia???
I have....I have big thoughts ™
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cavendishbutterfly · 2 years
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An Eighth Year Fic | Read Chapters 18, 19 | Rated E | 83k | Updates Mon, Wed, Fri
“It’s just so odd, being single,” Hermione said to Harry one afternoon in the library. “I don’t want to date anyone else, but I could.”
Ron had a similar conversation with Harry a couple of days later in the common room.
“We’re just a couple single blokes now, huh?” Ron said, nudging him as they sat together at lunch. “Maybe we wingman for each other some Hogsmeade weekend, see what we can get up to?”
“Yeah,” Harry said absently. He glanced over to Draco, who was sitting further down the eighth year table and smirking like he’d heard every word Ron had said. “Just a couple single blokes.”
Tags: Rated E, Eighth Year, Getting Together, Secret Relationship, Incarceration Policy, Grief/Mourning, chapter-specific warnings in the notes, Fluff and Angst, Sexual Inexperience, Draco and Harry are little shits, this is both a love story, and a story of healing
Start at Part 1
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The bar of if I will make something is like not there, there isn’t a filter or hurdle if I have the supplies. If I have the clear idea in mind I will do it immediately in one go or risk forget it exists entirely, my creative process is akin to demon possession.
✨ On a slightly different note, I am going to make the critter Bart I drew earlier into a patch because I want to put him on my jacket, So I’ll clean the drawing up and make it a patch tomorrow. The Thad patch is also done just going to have to wait till tomorrow to take pics of it. 🤙🕶
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lqb2quotes · 4 months
The producer of old age is habit: the deathly process of doing the same thing in the same way at the same hour day after day, first from carelessness, then from inclination, at last from cowardice or inertia. Habit is necessary; but it is the habit of having careless habits, of turning a trail into a rut, that must be incessantly fought against if one is to remain alive... one can remain alive long past the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways.
Edith Wharton
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quirkyplutonian · 10 months
So I just found out my classes for next year are wonky and I have to redo half my schedule. But I won't prob change it for weeks
How am I supposed to explain to anyone or my parents that I'm not technically procrasting, but that on sunday I was up until 4am to finish a podcast project, monday I could barely get anything done due to sleep deprivation so I started on my didn't-know-i-had physics homework, which took not only monday night but also all of tuesday, and now wednesday I have to add sound effects into my podcast because i got a little extra time becaus I was one of only two people to get it done by monday,
but now I'm also behind on my two survey/discussion classes, so I'm going to have to spend most of thursday getting that done. Meanwhile, there was a critique apparently due last week I missed but only one person did it so far so I guess it got moved and I might as well finish it friday,
Oh, and I've also got a new project coming up as part of my final, I have a game prototype to finally flesh out into a small Alpha and submit, I've got a group project that I haven't even begun communicating for (no one els ein the group has, so...), and there a possibility I've got a portfolio critique coming up too but I've only really gotten three things uploaded to it and the home page isn't done but I haven't gotten an email for it so maybe not,
then I have more physics homework to do and, oh, I forgot I also had a lab write up for friday.... and probably a few things I'm forgetting.
And then, once those things are out of the way, I can fix next semesters schedule. And THEN, after that's out of the way, I can focus on packing for the winter and starting my study abroad app and emailling for reccomendation letters and adding things to my portfolio and thinking of gifts for everyone for christmas and get my stuff for my winter class and get my stuff for my spring classes and come out to (and probably, sadly, break up with) my boyfriend and figure out what shifts of my job to take next semester if any and figure out which clubs i'm staying in and leaving and trying out and -
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fantastic-nonsense · 4 months
speedsters have terrifying powersets. like it's all fun and games with the superhuman speed and stamina until you remember that they can freeze time, steal the oxygen from the air, and more-or-less universe hop at will
Wally literally turned Thad into a living statue as revenge for Bart's death and we're all just supposed to nod and go about our day like we didn't just read about one of the most terrifying concepts known to man
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bat-kidsarebi-kids · 10 months
“ohh liking AJR is cringe, the general consensus is AJR is cringe” don’t care + didn’t ask + cringe culture is dead + hating popular things doesn’t make you cool + i’m glad growing up wasn’t traumatic for you + if you want to be big like your plans why’re you so tiny and why’re you so mad
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tell me they don't deserve a solo series together
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like dc c'mon man look at the potential
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possamble · 3 months
I know it's going to seem strange and alien to how shipping fanfiction usually works but would you ever be interested in writing "bad" endings? Like, in the sense that things in a ship don't work out and both people have to figure out a life without the other as a partner? You write pain and heartbreak and calcified self-hatred so well, I'd be interested in seeing you write it if that interests you.
I actually do explore that kind of stuff, just almost never in my fic writing 😅 mostly out of a sense of like... not wanting to upset people, since I'm playing with shared toys in our collective make-believe game? Also, fanfic is mostly my escapist fantasy, so I'm never that inclined to break characters up (unless I personally believe they'd be better off separated, which is rare but has happened)
It likely won't happen for farcille unless I'm doing a long "reconciling years later" type thing with flashbacks to the breakup, which admittedly I have thought about
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toffeeheart · 2 years
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Lineart and flats under cut
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Vast organisations produce a sense of impotence in the individual, leading to a decay of effort. The danger can be averted if it is realised by administrators, but it is of a kind which most administrators are constitutionally incapable of realising. Into every tidy scheme for arranging the pattern of human life it is necessary to inject a certain dose of anarchism, enough to prevent immobility leading to decay, but not enough to bring about disruption.
- Bertrand Russell, Sceptical Essays
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