#Interview with an OC
thekinkyleopard · 4 months
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Interview with an OC
A Short Interview with Levi Anderson
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Hey Guys! I’m starting a new series and reviving an older one! I’ll be doing OC Fact of the Week as well as Interview with an OC twice a month! Just thought it would be fun so enjoy this short interview with everyone’s favorite snow leopard shifter, Levi 🥰💚 (if you ever have any questions for the OCs you can send me an ask or DM! Just make sure to note it’s for the interview 🥰
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First question, Levi, How would you describe your childhood?
“Oh boy, well, that’s sort of a loaded question because there were some really good moments that make me feel like I might have had a semblance of normalcy in my childhood, but then again….with how on and off again our mother was, I’d say it was, lonely, and confusing mostly. I never really understood why my grandma didn’t take in Connie and Erin….and I’ll never understand why my mother never loved us enough to fight harder….”
2. I respect that answer! Next question, who was your role model growing up?
“Well, my grandmother mostly, she taught me how to cook, and sew, and just lots of useful homemaker skills but I’ve also always heavily admired Princess Diana. She would have brought peace amongst the shifters and humans…she was truly kind, and I try to think about the ways she would approach certain things,”
3. Great Answer, Lee, Diana was a treasure for sure. How about this question, what was it you wanted to be when you grew up, when you were younger?
“Oh that’s easily, I had always wanted to be a doctor when I was a kid, I really loved helping people with their “owies” and making them feel better, especially my siblings before they were taken. However, when I got into my teens I realized how much it costs to go to school for that, and also that the medical industry is more money hungry than anything, so I chose to be my own boss and travel the world! Helping people organically!”
4. That would have been a really good career for you, I could see that. Here’s a less heavy question; how do you like your eggs?
“Hm, I really love a good scrambled egg but the way Remi makes over medium eggs is my top favorite way to eat them!”
5. Can’t go wrong with a good crispy over medium! Last question, if you were stranded on an island and could bring 3 people and 2 items with you, what and who would you bring?
“Hmm that’s tough…I suppose the obvious answer for who…would be Remi, and definitely Draeko, but see my last answer may surprise everyone, which is I’d def choose Biziil. He is the perfect person to be stranded on an island with because he was once stranded in the Arctic! He would definitely know how to help us survive….and as for supplies? Probably a good pair of gloves for climbing, and shoes!
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Again all great Answers, Levi! Thanks for taking the time today to indulge with me and the fans! 🥰💚
“I had a lot of fun thanks for having me ☺️”
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Interview with an OC: Danny Timber
Interviewer: Mr. Timber, hello! Please sit down, make yourself comfortable.
Danny: uh thanks, and it’s just Danny, or Dan, or Daniel, or you, yeah, Mr. Timber’s fine, really if that’s what you want to call me. Heheh...
I: *chuckles* I call you Danny, if that’s alright?
D: Yes! I mean, sure, uh...
I: well, go on; introduce yourself to the audience. This is your first appearance, isn’t it?
D: Oh, I, right. My name is Daniel Timber, though it used to be Nate or Nathaniel in early drafts and is subject to change. I’m currently 19. I’m male, 5’2”, my hair has been described as a mousy brown, and my eyes are a disappointing-
I: I quite like your eyes, actually. They’re a very lovely hazel.
D: uh... okay?
I: sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Go on, tell us about your family.
D: *clears throat and shifts in seat* Right, um, my Dad works in realistate and travels a lot. My mom used to stay home, but she was in a car accident and passed when I was nine.
I: Oh, I’m sorry for your loss.
D: ...it was a long time ago.
I: do you have any siblings?
D: One, an older brother. Drew is six years older than me. He moved somewhere to become a “starving artist” or something when he turned 18 and I haven’t seen him since. We weren’t all that close, so I’m not overly upset about it... did that come out harsh? It’s just he was always so distant- I don’t hate him or anything, but he always accused me of being moms favorite but she didn’t have favorites- not that we fought over that, but-!
I: it’s okay, Danny. Breathe. No one is accusing you of anything, I promise.
D: right, right. I know that. I’m fine.
I: why don’t we move on to school. You’re in college now, right? Bet that’s exciting.
D: ... I’m not, actually.
I: oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to imply anything. I just assumed...
D: yeah, well. I was going to, but my best friend is going through a really, uh, rough time right now. Not that he’s holding me back! I honestly have no idea what I would even major in and I take some online classes, just nothing on campus, which is fine for me because Lex was always the social one anyway and- I’m sorry. I’m rambling!
I: no, no, it’s fine. This is about you, after all. Is Lex the friend you’re helping? And not to be rude, but do you normally go on tangents like that?
D: Ah! Uh, yes, Lex is my best friend, has been since we were like seven when he and his parents moved in next door! He’s great. We used to have camp outs in my treehouse when we were little. And about the tangents, it’s really only when I’m nervous. I’m not used to answering so many questions out loud. I’m usually more of an introspective kind of person and speaking is hard. If that makes sense?
I: it does, don’t worry. Now, about your story. Anything you can tell us?
D: Well, it’s going to be called “Dreaming in Lilac” I think.
I: any significance in the name?
D: Yeah, lilacs were my mother’s favorite flower. We used to sit out in the garden and she would tell me all about the different meanings.
I: and the dreaming part?
D: *shrugs* fancy wording. The title isn’t set. But really, I spend most of my time daydreaming.
I: Anything else?
D: *blushes* well, it’s kinda a love story?
I: oh, really now?
D: And that’s all I can say!
I: *chuckles* okay, Danny. Thank you for being with us! I hope you have a happy ending!
D: *shyly smiles* yeah, me too.
I: *turns to camera* thus concludes our first Interview With An OC, tune in next time when we speak with Alex ‘Lex’ Anderson and get his take on all this! I have been Conniving Author, thank you and goodnight!
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venatohru · 8 years
10-12 for an OC of your choice.
I am so sorry, I thought it’d be fun to interview Caleb and Tim together, and then I got a little bit carried away with this lol
If a lot of people, possibly innocent people, have to die in order to make a real change, is it worth it? Can you live with their deaths even if it helps people in the present?
C: I, um…I think maybe you’re asking the wrong brother. 
T: And I’m a doctor so…this is kind of the opposite of what I do. I try to keep as many people alive as possible!
C: Yeah, exactly. And even though I work with weapons - mainly blasters - (Tim giggles, and Caleb cracks a smile) You’ll have to forgive his immaturity, he’s three whole days younger than me, you see. Anyhow, as I was saying - I specialise in non-lethal weaponry. Mostly paralysers. Very effective, perhaps not the most pleasant thing to be on the receiving end of, but you know, at least you’re not dead. If…if I had to make that choice, and it was guaranteed to make things better then maybe I would. But I’m not sure I could live with myself.
T: Sometimes people are going to end up dead whatever you do. Like the Death Stars, or…Starkiller Base. A lot of the people that died were technicians or worked in the canteen, things like that. They didn’t get chance to evacuate. I’m not saying that was necessarily the wrong decision, but I don’t think it’s one I could make. Not on my own. 
C: Hmm, what about a dangerous medical trial?
T: Oh, well…if they’re volunteers, and they know the risks. But then that wouldn’t be a decision I was making on my own. And they’ve opted in. Naturally, I’d prefer it if every medical trial ran smoothly, but…you know.
Imagine there is a beast that craves attention. If you ignore it, despite being deadly, it will leave you alone. Could you live like that? Even if it possibly attacked others? Would you try and challenge something that unknown?
C: Do you mean Kylo Ren?
T: (laughing hysterically)
C: It depends, I guess. What happens if I give it attention? Will that make it happy or will it attack me, too? Because then I’m not sure how that would really help anyone. I’d be dead and it could still attack other people.
T: Maybe we could try to tame it. 
C: I don’t think it’s that kind of creature.
T: What if everyone leaves it alone? Then will it keep to itself? I mean I’d feel kinda bad for it, it’d be pretty lonely, but if the alternative is people getting hurt… 
If someone else stole something and you stole it back is that a good deed, a bad deed or one of equal worth? Are you better than the original thief?
T: What did I steal? 
C: Chocolate chip muffins, obviously.
T: (laughing) Was I starving? Because then I think it’s probably not so bad…unless the person I stole from was starving, too. Then I’d have to hope they’d share the muffins with me, I suppose? Although, to be honest, we should probably have stolen something with more nutritional value.
C: You would go for the muffins though. I’m not sure, I mean…if you steal to feed yourself or your family when it seems like you’re out of other options, that’s pretty different to nicking someone’s credits to spend on whisky or sabacc or whatever. And it depends who you steal from. If they’re no better off than you are…I don’t really think you can call that a good deed. Even if you’re desperate.
Interview my OC(s)! 
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siacatgirl · 10 years
Lynne Layton's Interview
I still can't stop posting more stuff about my OC. Probably because I'm trying to explore and develop her personality.
Anyway, have an interview with Aaralynne Claire Layton!
Everything's under the cut.
1) What gender are you? - I'm female. 2) What is your age? - 14. 3) Do you want a hug? - Of course! I like hugs. 4) Do you have any bad habits? - Well, I have a rather bad habit of adding Mr., Ms. or Mrs. to people's first names rather than their last. I kno' it's not appropriate, but I got so used to it I can't really get rid of it. 5) What is your favorite food? - Anything me Mum cooks. I love her cooking, it's so delicious! 6) What is your favorite ice-cream flavor? - Chocolate all the way! 7) Are you a virgin? - ...Aye. Why are you asking? 8) Have you killed anyone? - No!!!! Of course not! And never will! I've seen a plenty share of deaths in me lifetime, thank you very much. 9) Do you hate anyone? - ...No, I can't say that I do. Usually if I don't like somebody, I simply ignore them. 10) Do you have any secrets? - Not many people know 'bout it, but I'm allergic to honey. If I eat too much of it, I have trouble breathing and my arms get covered with big red spots which are terribly itchy. 11) What is your favorite season? - Summer, of course! It's warm and sunny, and you can sleep in t' mornings for as long as you want. 12) Who is your best friend(s)? - Me best friends are Aunt Flo, Dusty and Sniffer. They're also Dad's friends. They always help me out if I have any problems, and Sniffer even lets me look through case files sometimes. I like figuring out who's t' culprit before opening t' last page. 13) What are your hobbies? - Reading, riding bikes, solving puzzles and blogging. Oh, and listening to music too. 14) What is your favorite drink? - Me favourite is coffee, but I like tea and milk as well. 15) When is your birthday? - April 18th. 16) What age did you die? - I'm still alive, if you haven't noticed. And I have no intentions on dying. 17) Are you nice or mean? - I'd say I'm nice. Until I get mad, that is. 18) Are you social or shy? - Definitely social. 19) What do you think of your parents? - I love them both more than anything. Mum is a wonderful person, she's so sweet and cares greatly for us. She's a little strict sometimes, but I know she only want to do good to me. Dad is amazing too, and I don't even mind his split personality disorder. I love both of his personalities, just like Mum does. In fact, even Sherlock Dad can be a walking teddy bear if he wants to, but don't tell anyone I said that. 20) What's your weakness? - My weakness is blood. I've been afraid of it ever since I was little. Just looking at it gives me a feeling of nausea.
21) How long can you stay under water? - I don't know... But I doubt it would be long. 22) What do you do on a regular day basis? - Go to school, of course, and do my homework. Also I visit me parents in t' Mystery Room every once in a while. We don't live far from Scotland Yard.
23) Do you love someone? - Mum and Dad, of course. No doubt about that. 24) When was the last time you wet your self. - ...What do you mean exactly? 25) What's your favorite band? - Spice Girls. 26) Ever worn a dress? - Aye, I used to wear them often before I went to school. 27) Willingly? - ...Most of the time. 28) What do you consider fun in the day-time? - Being with me family and friends. What else do you need to be happy? 29) At night? - Watching some mystery film together, with Sherlock Dad complaining half t' time about how boring and predictable they are. 30) Ever kissed anyone? - ...Does kissing Mum and Dad on the cheek count? 31) ...Of the same gender? - What on Earth are you talking about? 32) It's clear you're gay. - Say what?! 33) What's your favorite thing to touch? - My big, soft pillows! 34) Anyone loves you? - In a romantic way? I don't know, to be honest. I don't really think about it. 35) What's your favorite colour? - Green, I suppose. 36) When was the last time you cried? - Umm... I can't remember... Sorry. 37) Do you have a pet? - Unfortunately, no. Dad doesn't allow any pets at home. 38) What did you name your pet? - As I said before, I don't have a pet. But if I had one, I'd name it Marble. 39) Are you crazy? - No. Definitely not. 40) What are you? - I'm human, if it isn't obvious. 41) What´s the end of your own story? - I don't know yet. My story's just started, so I guess I'll have to wait and see. 42) What´s your nickname? - Lynne. But my school friends also call me "Little Miss Marple" due to my love of detectives and solving skills. 43) Do you consider yourself a happy or a down person? - A very happy one. 44) If you were a superhero, you'd be...? - To be honest, I can't decide what power I'd like to have. There are so many of them, and all of them are awesome. But I'd definitely like to be able to fly. 45) Favorite movie? - Gravity Falls. It's not a movie, actually, it's cartoon series, but I love it nonetheless.
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venatohru · 8 years
33 for Ruby
If you could wipe certain memories from your head, would you? Why would you? What memories?
R: No. If you’d asked me before the war, maybe I’d have said yes. I don’t know. That day in the Memory Den, reliving...what happened back in the Vault...I’d be lying if I said I’ve never wondered about it, but when I got that holotape from H2-22? That goodbye message, he didn’t just go away somewhere. He died. I know we’re not talking about erasing every memory that makes me Ruby Irving here. But really, that’s the thing. Every memory makes me Ruby Irving. And I didn’t come all this way to die.
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venatohru · 8 years
Oh for the ask prompt! Evelyn Lavellan: 18, 20, 22, 27-28
Interview with Evelyn Lavellan
18. Have you ever done something morally wrong? If it’s morally wrong do you regret it? 
Yes, there are things I regret doing, and I aim to do better. As we all must.
20. Are there people in this world who, no matter how much time and penitence is given, should never be forgiven? 
The legion doused the pyre around her with lamp oilAs Andraste called out in a great voice:"Maker of the World, forgive them! They have lived too long in shadowWithout Your Light to guide them! Be with Your children now, O Maker!
It can be difficult, but if Andraste could find it within her to ask for their forgiveness then we, too, must try.
22. How do you feel about having an intimate relationship with someone you don’t love? What if they love you in return? Does that make you feel guilty?
That’s not the kind of relationship that would interest me. 
27. How far would you go to achieve a dream or ideal? Does it matter who suffers? Does it matter if you suffer?
How far would the Inquisitor go, or how far would Evelyn Lavellan go? The Inquisition does what needs to be done, for the greater good. It is inevitable that some will suffer, but their suffering does not go ignored. It is not meaningless. This has not been an easy fight for any of us. (Evelyn indicates the absence of her left forearm)
I argued that we ought to do more, but this was a cause for concern for...certain individuals within the Inquisition.
28. How long would you wait for the one you love? A year? Fifteen years? Forever? Could you honestly be loyal to an unfulfilled love?
(chuckles) Is Commander Cullen going somewhere without me? I suppose it depends on the situation, if there was any hope. In that case...I’m not sure about forever, but I could wait.
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