#Invasion from Russia
lonestarbattleship · 10 months
Just learned one of my favorite Ocean liner/Titanic artists, Anton Logvynenko, is dead.
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From the Titanic community, I've learned he is Ukrainian and joined their military last year, to protect his homeland from Russia. He was killed fighting in the front lines on November 27.
His post from his Facebook page talking about joining the fight: link
"Hello there ocean liners lovers!
I'm sorry for not being posting here my new artworks or any updates for a while... The process of creation one digital drawing takes about 3 months itself but now situation is more complicated.
As you may know, russia has attacked my country and they are trying to occupy the whole Ukraine and even move forward to Europe. So I joined our Military Forces of Ukraine to protect my homeland.
I hope to get back to you soon with my new drawings after our Victory. But till this happens I ask you to support Ukraine and our army in any suitable for you way.
Thank you very much.
Sincerely yours, Anton Logvynenko"
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Some of his artwork
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heedzhee-art · 4 months
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russians often fire a second missile with a delay in the same spot when targeting civilian infrastructure to kiII as many Ukrainians as possible, including the survivors stuck under the rubble, firefighters, medics, rescuers, journalist, etc.
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justacynicalromantic · 6 months
People be like "Russia is not imperialistic"🤡 - and then the most famous Ukrainian chef cannot open a restaurant of the most famous Ukrainian cultural food in Japan, because Japanese widely consider borscht a Russian dish and so would avoid the restaurant thinking it to be Russian🫤🫤🫤🤯🤯🤯
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irithnova · 7 months
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Russians pretending like the way they treat their ethnic minorities is some sort of Gold standard is fucking comical. Yes, Buryats, Tuvans and other ethnic minority groups being disproportionately mobilised in an imperial war by their coloniser so privileged Muscovites can never face the war themselves is so BASED ! Tell that to all of those Buryats/Kalmyks/Tuvans etc protesting and fleeing the country to escape being drafted.
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chaberkowepole · 2 years
Because I am still not over that "think of the poor uwu Russians!" post that gained 50k while posts of Ukrainian and Eastern Euro tumblr got maybe 400 notes in the entire year
I have compiled some great replies to that post. I didn't want to give it any more notes than it already has because it doesn't deserve it so I'm making a new one. I hope @wintersmitth, @snovyda, @redjaybathood @exaliade and @anubishoarmurath don't mind
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And last but not least, this:
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Thank you, @sapphiremoonandstars for demonstrating how to be a decent human being. Listening to Eastern Europeans and especially Ukrainians, questioning your world view and acting accordingly is exactly what we are asking of Westerners to do right now, it's the bare fucking minimum, thank you for understanding that and being an ally. There are still too few of you.
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silverfox66 · 1 year
russia has completed the preparations to blow up the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.
"The situation has never been as serious as it is now" - Budanov
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chaiaurchaandni · 6 months
Israeli forces have killed approximately TWICE as many women and children in 2 MONTHS in Gaza as Russian forces have killed in Ukraine in nearly 2 YEARS
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Israel's Gaza bombing campaign is the most destructive of this century, analysts say (archive.org)
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anastasiamaru · 2 years
Давно дивилися на світ ми.Та лиш тепер світ нас побачив,у пітьмі...
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agentfascinateur · 3 months
Freedom for Vladimir Kara-Murza
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Russia can offer no lessons until it lets people speak.
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snovyda · 2 years
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Bilopillya, Sumy region, after being shelled all night by russia from russia's own territory, using guided air missiles launched from jets, artillery and drones.
Two of the guided air missiles hit the town's police station and school. A policeman and a school security guard were killed.
Over a hundred of houses are damaged.
The air raid in Sumy region was ongoing for 6 hours.
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tchaikovskaya · 1 year
although it is often inaccurately used as a kind of shorthand description, the term "proxy war" does not actually apply to the war in ukraine. but i do think you have to have your head entirely inside your ass to reject the idea that the conflict at its heart is about spheres of influence.
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In USSR knowing foreign languages was a privilege of very selected few. Borders were closed and 99,9% of the population never ever visited any other country in their whole lives. Most did not ever travel beyond borders of their home region.
I was born in 1991 in Luhansk, the year Ukraine became Independent.
When it was time for me to enter my 1st grade, my mother selected for me a school that specialized in foreign languages - it was her belief and hope that soon many foreign languages would soon spread in our country, as business would enter and economy would flow, so knowing languages, especially English, would be a good boost for my career. Like any mother, she wanted a bright future for her daughter.
I - an ordinary child from a rather not-well-off family - traveled to Paris on a trip organized by my French teacher in my high school.
In university, I got into a program of language studying in China for a year - as part of many collaboration programs our university had with many other universities throughout the world.
All that was possible in our rather small administrative centre town with a population of some 500k people.
All these things were unfathomable for my mother and everyone else who grew up in the USSR.
I graduated Uni in 2013.
My mom could not have ever predicted that one year after my graduation, a whole war would start and we would lose our home.
And that the most common way my foreign language skills would serve me in life - would be writing posts on the Internet, telling the world about it.
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soryualeksi · 5 months
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That's it. I crossed my mental limit.
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So, we have some new (still not confirmed) info about yesterday events in Poland.
USA says that it's unlikely that missile was shot from Russian territory. NATO military aircraft tracked missile's air trajectory. It's confidential and public won't be informed yet.
Anonymous officials from USA said that it may be Ukrainian air defense missile. As we know, yesterday Russia shelled Ukrainian cities - another terror bombing on civilians and critical infrastructure.
One Polish military also said about Ukrainian air defense missile - it supposed be shot in defense during Russian terror bombing on Ukrainian cities. Lviv is located really close to Polish border, and this city also was a target of Russian bombing.
Okay, in the end it doesn't matter if it was fired by hostile county or by ally country, because NATO still must react!
We must reminding them about Article 5.
And no, it's not call to arms, it's not wish to escalate the war.
It's reminding about alliance.
It's about showing the hostile countries that NATO is united and ready to protect its members.
It's because Poland remembers what happened in 1939, and how we were treated by so called allied countries, by Western Europe.
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amandabe11man · 7 months
don't tell anyone but I skipped work today because I knew we might've been forced to raise NATO-flags along the city wall and I'm not gonna fucking participate in that shit 🤭
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Today is Holodomor Remembrance Day.
The moment I started writing this sentence an air raid siren started wailing outside my window (second one today, already, of course). So i guess our terrorist neighbours really haven’t forgotten about their genocide against us, despite always denying it, eh?
And while Ukrainians at home and everywhere in the world mourn millions of our people, who were starved brutally by totalitarian soviet regime, here’s a 10 minute video with English subtitles (!!!) on the history of Holodomor-Genocide. Please educate yourself. Learn history. Don’t let it repeat itself.
There are enough motherfuckers out there, doing exactly that by trying to deny facts and erase truth:
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