#Irinaka Joi
delawaredetroit · 1 month
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"The more insecure the guy...the more he tries to hide himself and his weakness...The more he tries to look strong...All so...he can look down on others."
This Toga, the one who can pick people apart and illuminate their weaknesses, was severely underutilized by the manga. Sure, there were multiple other characters with a talent for reading others, but all of the other characters with this trait in BNHA had significant blind spots because they were committed to playing a specific role (Izuku, All for One, and Hawks). Toga was the only one who demonstrated this advanced awareness of others while only fulfilling the role of herself as Toga Himiko.
But this dialogue could have been so much more impactful on a character that wasn't a two-bit villain like Irinaka. This commentary on using strength as a way to look down on others also would be a scathing indictment of characters like Bakugou, All for One, or Endeavor...
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number1villainstan · 2 months
Setsuno: My boss, who is a grown man with a child, just whispered, “Oh, this is going to be so fucking efficient,” before spraying Febreze directly into the ceiling fan and proceeding to cough his guts out when it blew back in his face. Irinaka: Again?
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angie-starz · 3 months
More L.O.V+E cause I said so
This fic is my comfort place after the new chapter at this point;
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lostiolite · 12 days
mimic as glep
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Mimic: so how’s the hideously inappropriate crush on your boss going?
Chrono: uh, really good. I should be ready to kill myself any day now.
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fanofflames · 4 months
imagine Overhaul is in Fortnite, but Epic makes him armless or does an armless variant. So, Chisaki’s running around, sleeves flailing, all while Mimic is on his back, holding a gun and shooting enemies for him.
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orb-weaving · 13 days
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Hari you can’t say that.
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schlechtenhunde · 23 days
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autumn-themed shie hassaikai doodles (need that chilly weather to approach faster)
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quirkwizard · 3 months
Ideas for Quirk training for the yakuza guys? Maybe throw in Gentle and La Brava?
I'll stick with the Yakuza since I have more then enough ideas for them. Plus, I really like the idea of this being part of the Hero Haul AU and this is Kai taking his gang on a retreat in order to "build team work"
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Hojo, Tabe, and Toya: Hojo would be making his crystals while Toya would be trying to pull them off of his body. In between them, Tabe would be trying to eat the flying crystals before Toya can catch them. This would train Hojo's production speed and durability of his crystals, increase Toya's range and pulling power, and improve Tabe's ability to catch and eat moving targets.
Rikiya and Deidoro: This two have a special job. They are two go around to where any one else is training and start harassing them, with Deidoro making them lose balance and Rikyia draining their energy. This not only helps train everyone else by add extra difficulty, but could help improve their own powers as well, like increasing Rikiya's drain rate and Deidoro's range.
Tengai: Since Tengai already has enough defensive power and can use his shields reactively, he doesn't really need to train those parts. What he could do is try to get better and forming moving the shields. Things like trying to slowly inch it forward to a certain point or trying to form the shield around other objects as a way to trap them within the barrier, improving his ability to control and deny an area.
Joi: Considering the only known limit of his power is the size limit of his power, he could try and take over larger objects and make them move around. He could try to take over small parts of larger objects. It be like what he did in the hideout, but on a smaller scale. Barring that, he could simply try to get better at shaping and controlling the objects, like trying to solve a puzzle box while he is the box.
Hari: Since Hari can't really train his power on other people without ruining a whole afternoon of training, the best choice for him would be to simply practice on dummies. Namely ones that are constantly moving around. This could help increase the speed and accuracy of his arrows, making the condition easier to inflict, Heck, it could even help grow the Quirk to the point where it can start working on objects as well as people.
Shin: While I do like the idea of Shin going around and asking people uncomfortable questions all day, I think his time would be served better elsewhere. Since so much of his power is based around questions, it'd be good for him to try and figure out better ways to phrase his words. He could also try and learn psychological tactics to try and dig for what would be the best questions to ask someone and how to best exploit their secrets.
Rappa: While I figure Rappa's training would involve him punching stuff, that's not the route I'm going to take. His training would involve him using his hands for literally anything else. Look, I've said that Rappa has been wasting his power and this would be a good chance. Things like rapidly doing tasks with his hands or using them to practice throwing's things. I don't care if I have to duct tape tools to his hands, he's going to do something other then punch things.
Kai: Overhaul was easily the hardest to come up with anything for. How can you go up any further from one of the strongest Quirks in the series. The only thing I could think of was the fusion aspect of his power. For all of his power, Kai's fusions seems very incomplete. Less perfection combination and more heinous hybrid. So maybe he could try practicing on some non-living objects, like trying to turn a bunch of metals into an alloy by trying to piece them together or something like that.
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badcaninecemetery · 21 days
there's a guy making you uncomfortable, so you snap your fingers and the shie hassaikai pull up to the scene.
setsuno, tabe, and hojo are tight. these three share a deep and powerful bond and friendship, as well as a deep devotion to the shie hassaikai. but most importantly they share unbreakable respect and gratitude for overhaul. so they would do anything for overhaul and the shie hassaikai. if someone's upsetting you, those three are the first to pounce forward and take care of the problem.
sakaki's all for being reckless and fun, but he'll get angry if someone's not playing along right. if you nod towards the guy and make a cutthroat motion, sakaki's getting pissed and charging forward.
mimic would take this as not only an insult to you and overhaul, but to the yakuza. he'd be instantly angry, unable to keep his cool. that guy might not last long because mimic's buff arm is flinging out and snatching the guy up by the throat— "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO OUR GIRL?"
katsukame's relationship with overhaul is that of a loyal friend and younger brother figure, so he'd do whatever necessary to protect you. he'd be very sly and snarky to the guy before he's stomping forward and taking this guy out.
rappa would be so enraged, it's not even funny. he would think it's unchivalrous and insulting to prey on someone who could be misconstrued as "weaker," making the entire situation an "unfair fight." he'd call the guy pathetic, wouldn't even waste his time. he'd just swoop you up and carry you away from him.
tengai expresses a strong loyalty to overhaul (addressing him as master overhaul and scolding rappa whenever he doesn't take overhaul seriously). his loyalty would extend to you as well, so the idea of someone disrespecting you would irritate tengai. he would simply stand before this guy, slowly shaking his head and crossing his arms. "how pathetic you are to not take no for an answer, especially to someone infinitely better than you could ever achieve."
nemoto also falls under that complete and total devotion to overhaul. someone making you uncomfortable is the same as someone making overhaul uncomfortable, which would infuriate nemoto to unspeakable levels. he'd embarrass and humiliate this man with his quirk, and he'd do it to whatever extent you desire.
kurono has the strongest bond and deepest care for overhaul. he clearly wants overhaul's success, happiness, or whatever you want to call overhaul's dream. if you're injured or upset, it could trickle down to overhaul, and he doesn't want that. he'd do whatever overhaul needed, and that would also include protecting your wellbeing.
overhaul, ultimately, wouldn't say a word to this man. he'd stretch his arm out, glove off, and meld him into something—perhaps a well? a fence? something that he could easily rearrange his body around to keep him alive but forever trapped. and, of course, he'd make sure to break those vocal cords so that no one knows what happened to him. hives line his arm and face when he turns to face you, but he stiffly links arms and walks you away, muttering. "how filthy. i can't believe he even thought he had a chance."
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darklylucid · 3 months
Guess who just bought themselves an 'emotional support plushie' off Amazon? Me! I did!
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This is what it looks like on the Amazon website...I'm supposed to get him in the mail this Friday, and I will update with pics!
(It's a lot cheaper than, you know, actual therapy...*cough cough*)
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underratedmhapoll · 1 year
Bonus Poll - Pick a Shie Hassaikai Member at Gunpoint
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number1villainstan · 9 months
Irinaka Joi (aka Mimic): You'd willingly step foot into and buy from a restaurant knowing that it's a money laundering scheme run by the guy who tortured you as a kid? College Student Eri: I'd torture a four-year-old myself for 500 yen fresh okonomiyaki
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angie-starz · 3 months
More art for L.O.V+E
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rothinsel · 1 day
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Tumblr is still such a joyful community, with new people still browsing my art both old and new - I feel bad about not keeping it updated!
Here's a whole batch of goodies I did for Wink a BNHA Vintage PinUp Calendar ! It was a fun mix of favourites old, new, and some untested characters I had no excuse to draw before. This was SUCH a delightful piece, and I could squeeze all my little hints at various ships, including my developed affection for our Jeans Man.
Truly though, just look at our favourite performer, is it really a surprise he has fans hopeful for even just a small peek (here politely censored for Tumblr by a little bartender)?
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Nemoto: I pull women
Chrono: I pull men
Mimic: i pull my ass outta bed, every goddamn day to be disrespected? I think the fuck not.
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