#Islam and Atheism
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vouam · 5 months
I love radfems that aren’t afraid to criticise certain religions.
I would like to see more of it tbh, a lot more.
I live in a country that is not very religious, and so sometimes feminists in my country don’t address it as much as they should. Think about the entire worlds population and the prevalence of religion in society, its impact on culture, the government, the law. Almost all of the oppressive ideology promoted by major religions is aimed at women.
Here’s just a few things that major religions promote/justify:
- Child marriage
- Sex slavery
- Purity culture
- Modesty culture
- Victim blaming
- Less inheritance for women
- Women’s witness testimony worth less than a man
- Silencing of women in public spaces
- Polygamy only for men
- Gendered stereotypes
- No financial freedom for woman
- Physical abuse
- Emotional and verbal abuse
The list goes on and on and on, this just scrapes the surface.
I honestly argue that these religions should be one of main things we address and fight against. They are the blueprint of modern patriarchy.
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theozgnomian · 7 months
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Added in Edit: Having had this up for a while, I have to say that it truly amazes me just how many of the religious (most of them in fact) are the epitome of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Not just stupid, but dangerously stupid. "Threat to the survival of humanity" stupid. Death cult stupid. So I'm adding a couple of tags to the blog, just for them.
Barnum was right. "There's a sucker born every minute." If you can believe in a god (or gods), an invisible, all knowing, all powerful being, based on nothing but your feelings and some moldy manuscript written before modern medicine and electricity, then you'll believe anything at all, no matter how ludicrous. And the evidence of that is in front of us every damn day. Trump. Republicans. Anti-vax. Anti-science. Climate-denial. Anti-abortion. Flat Earth. Steal from the poor and give to the rich.
Added it Edit on 04/02: Just had a porn pusher call on me to repent. Typical of the breed. Hypocrites, all of them. ROTFLMAO!
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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arseniccattails · 3 months
I suppose people seething about atheists, who claim that we only know how to criticize Christianity, want us to. What. Air our specific grievances with minority religions on a mostly Western platform, on main? Seriously? When you see us dancing around those details, it's often on purpose.
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aerial-jace · 2 months
Take 2 because I set it up as 24 hours instead of a week!
For the purposes of this poll, agnostic (does not claim to have or that it's possible to have certain knowledge of whatever their position is) does not count as a secret 5th option.
I, for example, fall under atheist because while I'm not convinced of the existence of any deity I remain open to change my mind due to a strong enough personal experience. Thus I only claim my belief to be provisional. Someone who does not claim certainty of their belief about their one god/many gods/everything being a god would fall under monotheism/polytheism/pan(en)theism respectively.
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angelic-shadow · 4 months
challenge: i want jews, muslims, christians, pagans, hindus and buddhists to say something nice about each other (faith, culture, etc). athiests and agnostics also welcome to participate if they so wish.
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This is just a reminder of how Christianity became so popular today.*
During the reign of Charlemagne, women were impaled on sharpened poles put in the vagina.
Slowly, over days, the pole would travel the length of the body through the organs, causing tremendous pain, simply because a woman was found collecting herbs in the forest. She was labelled a witch.
Their screams could be heard for days as an example to those who would not accept the foreign faith. Christianity became so popular because of sheer terror of what would happen if it wasn't accepted
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vouam · 7 months
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(I believe this happened a few months ago, absolutely heartbreaking. Rest in peace.)
This tweet is currently going viral with (of course) a lot of men claiming ‘this is because of culture, not religion!’
They clearly lack critical thinking skills because while yes, the religion does not state women should be killed for showing their hair, she is still ordered to wear it by the Quran and threatened with Jahannam (hellfire). A woman revealing her hair is seen as a dishonour to the family - the exact motive for this case. Misogynistic culture obviously is a factor too. The entitlement to women’s bodies, control over their life or death, normalised violence. This case is clearly a result of both religion and culture.
Religion and misogynistic culture thrive because of one another. They use religion to justify their misogynistic cultural views and then claim ‘it’s culture!’ when something bad happens as a result.
In response to these comments from men, maybe do something about the mistreatment of women rather than play mental gymnastics because its culture not religion. Have some accountability. It’s still your culture and your religion, women are dying and you don’t care.
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asocial-skye · 7 months
this is strictly between christian denominations ex. anglican and catholic
reblog with your answer and your religion
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theozgnomian · 3 months
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I just saw someone call this post "Islamophobia". Let me just say, if that's your honest opinion, then you're an idiot with zero critical thinking skills. I "respect" no religion and no god. Islam has left as big a trail of blood, death, ignorance, and horror in its wake (in the name of god no less) as any other major religious sect. Never try and demand that I have to make nice with a monster that wants to kill or enslave me, be it Islamic, Christian, or any other flavor of religious mass insanity. Blocked on sight.
Added in Edit: How can you tell a Conservative is lying about something? Easy, they're talking. Think about that before posting a bullshit reply.
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gryficowa · 4 months
The strangest thing about being an agnostic is the fact that you don't just piss off Christians, but also atheists, because you honestly criticize the faith you grew up in (For me it's Christianity, that's why I mentioned Christians) and how fucking hypocrites they are, and talking about it out loud makes Christians angry because it is an attack on their faith, or "Not all Christians are like that!" because according to them, being a bigot and trying to force God down your throat in order to "convert you", or treating you like shit because they think you're stupid is something God told them to do
And less daring to explain why you don't like God himself (Because of his narcissistic personality, if you don't obey him, you are evil, even if it's an order to kill someone, and you have too much empathy, it's bad because you disobey the order) then you they will come and say that you have to criticize Judaism and Islam, yes, christians still deny that all three faiths have the same God, but from different time zones
You piss off atheists because you talk about Christians and how they frustrate you, or because you don't attack Islamists, please, I won't attack a faith I don't know, I have some inhibitions
Christians and atheists have one thing in common, they are Islamophobic (Not all of them, but it's something they both have in common and it's terrifying), and yet they attack each other, which is comical
I also met atheists for whom you are not religious enough if you do not obey the church 100%, so my mother is not Catholic although she is older than these freaks in cassocks
This pisses me off, Christians and atheists think that if you are religious you automatically have to listen to people who lie about the Bible, my mother believes in God, not in the church, so according to them she is not religious -_-
Moreover, according to Christians, you are an atheist, but according to atheists, not so much
As an agnostic, you don't need God to live, you won't say 100% that he doesn't exist, because let's face it, we don't know the world 100%, although he may not be the only higher being, because it should be mentioned that Judaism was the first faith with one God , and Yahweh was not entirely of their faith, in short, they took one God from paganism and began to say, that he is the only God and the rest are impostors
So yes, we cannot confirm or deny whether there is a God or whether he is the only God as the Abrahamic faith says
Since there are hints of reincarnation, or the existence of spirits themselves, and this is not from any Abrahamic faith, you can guess that we cannot 100% say whether things from other faiths are lies or not, you can believe in one God , but don't harass others for believing in more, even if it's a sin, it's none of your business, because it's their life and you have no right to interfere with it with your shoes
So yes, being an agnostic is just weird
You are pissing off both, believers and atheists, because you have the nerve to talk about what you don't like about the behavior of believers, just as you are talking about atheists, it pisses me off because Christians used to persecute atheists (And tortured them in order to convert them), so that's it sucks that atheists do the same to other people today
And that's depressing
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paperlunamoth · 1 year
I can't believe that some people still need to hear this: Islam is not compatible with feminism. Islam is not compatible with LGBT+ rights. Islam is not compatible with any component of any form of liberal or leftist ideology. The founding "prophet" of Islam was literally a child molester, slave owner, warlord, and all around absolutely shit human being. The hijab, niqab and burkha are blatant and profound symbols of female oppression. You cannot complain about rape culture and then claim that there is nothing wrong with how Islam expects women to present themselves and why. The reason for Islamic modesty is literally the explicit belief that women are responsible for how they are sexualized by men and that women are responsible for men's actions. As in, this explanation is part of the religion's scriptural canon.
Stop defending a religion that passionately despises you, people like you, and people you care about.
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evenmorepolls · 15 days
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