#Israel is our home
that-rad-jewish-girl · 4 months
“They came in on humanitarian aid trucks!”
“This is a war crime!!!”
“They massacred 200+ people!”
It’s actually a war crime to take hostages babe. It’s also a war crime to kill people you take and/or attack civilians. All of October 7th was a war crime. You cannot enter another country and slaughter random civilians dancing at a rave. You cannot go door-to-door in a village and burn people alive. That’s a war crime.
On the other hand, it is not a war crime to attack an entity involved in war, even if it would normally be a crime to do so. For example: attacking a refugee camp is not a war crime when the “refugees” are hiding hostages. If a hospital is being used as a base for terrorists, the hospital is now legally fair game for war. When we have satellite videos of Hamas members driving UN vehicles and operating out of an UNRWA building, those vehicles and that building are up for grabs.
They will literally video themselves wearing press vests while firing rockets into Israel. But if they die, they won’t be reported as a combatant death. The headlines will read “Israel Kills Member of Gazan Press”. And people eat it up.
At this point people have two options:
1. You’re a sheep. You do no real research. You follow blindly.
2. You’re a Jew hater. You are antisemitic.
Which one is it? Maybe a combo of both.
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Many of us still care about the horrible state of Ukraine. We still support you, we still see you suffering.
Right now, Jews are fighting to be seen as human, our right to exist.
We are fighting a battle right now, for our lives. Yes we are paying attention to Israel, but not because it's "worse, or bigger". It's our home and we are also fighting for it to be safe.
We do not forget Ukraine needs help, support and vision.
Please understand Jews are having a difficult time all over the world, just for who we are, it's not even isolated in the warring area. So we may be talking a lot about us, but we still know you need support too.
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mylight-png · 22 days
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chaiaurchaandni · 10 months
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Alessandra Sanguinetti, "Portrait of Modern Palestinian Childhood," 2004.
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historyistold · 3 months
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I've been trying and trying and trying to get back into fandom shitposting and metas and writing—escaping and finding some enjoyment in being here, but I just… can't. Fandom seems so unimportant now. What's the point of getting invested in any it? None of it's real, none of it truly affects our lives. And it doesn't change the real world; it doesn't change that so many people have died and are dying still—or that those I thought would protect Jews are engaging in the very tactics the Nazis and so many before them used to justify their genocides against us. I'm struggling to find the motivation to do anything besides wallow in the pain of losing family members, the slaughter of my people, and the danger posed to me, personally, within the diaspora. To be honest, finding any joy in life feels futile and wrong.
And this is why I'm so angry at all the random goyishe fandom blogs posting about how evil white Israeli colonizers control the world and are lying about what happened to them (but also how it would totally okay if had happened, since they deserve it). Because these supposed progressives? It's all performative bullshit for them. It doesn't affect their lives in any actual way. They can post about how (((Israelis))) are the real baby killers; they can deny the murder of Jewish children and rape while in the same breath claiming it would be justified if it was true. They can parrot every Nazi talking point in all but name, from Blood Libel to Holocaust Denial to the Elders of Zion, and still believe they are on the side of social justice. Then they can go back to their petty fandom drama feeling good about themselves and forget all about it, while everyone I love and everyone like us suffers the consequences of their actions for years to come. We'll live with the trauma and the pain and the loss—and they'll go on with their lives feeling morally superior to the people they intentionally, callously hurt.
Just... fuck them.
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al-kol-eleh · 7 months
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Aviva Klompas
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I mean come on, with a company that big you’re bound to have the odd dozen or so employees that participate in terrorist massacres. You just learn that if Steve in accounting asks if you want to see pictures of what he did over the weekend, you politely say no.
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tomi4i · 6 months
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This is our home, our land 🇵🇸
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jewreallythinkthat · 5 months
Jewish food 😂😂 more like stolen land and food
Girl (gn) I hope you've never eaten a bagel in your entire life, you wouldn't want those nasty Jewish cooties we garnish them all with 🥱
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that-rad-jewish-girl · 5 months
If your activism involves defacing a Holocaust memorial, you are not, in fact, “just anti-Zionist”.
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If you support hamasshole, you also support:
Shirah law
Child soldiers
Child Abuse
No Freedom of Speech (you seem to really enjoy this though, ironically)
Women pumping out babies just to die from martydom
No choice of clothing for women
No women's rights
No doing many activities as a woman
No use of any substance (alcohol and weed)
Killing innoncent gay, lesbian, and trans people in horrifying and beyond embarrassing ways
Being the above is of course a death sentence
You are literally property of men (women)
No birth control
Legal r@pe
Women having to be escorted by a male
You support the genocide of Jewish Peoples and Israelis
You support the abolishing a country
Suicide bombings done by children
Terroism and guerrilla warfare
Destroying Western culture
Human shields, like children
This is what you represent. This is what you support. You seem to really like your rights and freedoms.
You do NOT sound good. This is NOT liberation, by any means...
You guys are really bad humans.
Can you not see it?
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mylight-png · 27 days
Another hostage has been brought home!!!!!!
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sw1tchbackli · 10 days
10 Women Have Been held Hostage By H@m@s For 11 Months 😡.
We Know What H@m@s Is Doing To Them 😡.
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by Hallie Lauer
City of Pittsburgh operations could come grinding to a halt — buildings dark, public transport riders stranded, firefighters unable to enter burning buildings and paramedics unable to administer life-saving drugs — if a proposed ballot measure seeking to cut all ties to Israel is passed in November, challengers to the provision said in legal documents Tuesday.
City Controller Rachael Heisler and the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh filed separate challenges to a petition that seeks to change Pittsburgh’s Home Rule Charter to ensure that the city cannot invest in or buy services from any entity doing business with or in Israel.
The petition — submitted with more than 12,800 apparently valid signatures — seeks to put the issue before voters as a ballot referendum in November.
While the petition lists neither the name nor address of a submitting entity, it is believed to be the product of the pro-Palestinian “No War Crimes on our Dime” group. The group’s website outlines the reasoning behind the ballot initiative and says it’s backed by the Pittsburgh Democratic Socialists of America, although as recently as Monday the website had claimed backing from a group identified as Keystone Progress.
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Hallie Lauer
Staffers for prominent local officials signed on to ballot referendum to end Pittsburgh’s ties to Israel
Keystone Progress reached out to the Post-Gazette after the initial publication and said that their organization name was used in error and that the group is not financially backing the ballot referendum efforts.
Both challenges submitted Tuesday claim the referendum violates state law and certain business provisions of the Home Rule Charter and could create undue strain on city operations.
If the petitions make it past the challenge phase, a referendum will be included on the November ballot, asking Pittsburgh voters to decide whether the charter should be amended to prohibit “investment or allocation of public funds, including tax exemptions, to entities that conduct business operations with or in the state of Israel.”
If approved by voters, the prohibition would be in effect until “Israel ends its military action in Gaza,” allows humanitarian aid to reach the people of Gaza, and grants “equal rights to every person living in the territories under Israeli control,” according to the language of the referendum.
The No War Crimes on our Dime website argues that even making a change in one city, such as Pittsburgh, could send a message about the management and allocation of public resources. “Israel’s war machine is dependent on American weapons and money. … That means we have the capacity, right, and responsibility to stop the violence today by making our government impose a ceasefire and push for equal rights.”
Organizers of the initiative could not be reached directly for comment.
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al-kol-eleh · 6 months
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Nicole Lampert
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