#It is DEEP and it is CLEAR
dumbdolphin333 · 28 days
Apple: *is in the closet*
Said closet:
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heartnosekid · 6 months
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rainbow tripod fish larva (bathypterois grallator) | source
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emiko-matsui · 2 months
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Ragh Barkrock to Gorgug Thistlespring in Freshman Year VS. Gorgug Thistlespring to Mary-Ann Skuttle in Junior Year
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vee-thebee · 21 days
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stankworth · 9 months
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after many years of being strong // may you have the chance to be gentle again
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monobani · 17 days
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some Maria outfit variations I did for fun because I miss her leopard print :'>
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sylvienerevarine · 1 year
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hi this is hilarious
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sage-nebula · 3 months
Yes, Pearl and Marina decimated Frye and Shiver in that rap battle—and yes, Marina recognized what was going on and knew what Shiver was doing and played accordingly. She is 23 years old and, as Pearl said, has a big mind—she knew she was in a rap battle, and Shiver getting increasingly irritated to the point of trying to end it with Marina giving the classic sassy "I can do this all night" proves it.
But I digress.
Yes, Off the Hook won that battle handily. But that doesn't mean that Shiver and Frye are bad at what they do.
It just shows their inexperience.
Compared to Squid Sisters and Off the Hook, Deep Cut is pretty much still an indie band. They're really only known within the Splatlands, and only reached the level of fame needed to take over Anarchy Splatcast a couple years before Splatoon 3. And that's fine, I'm not dissing them—but it means that they don't really know what it is to work within the broader music industry as a whole, or go up against musicians who have experience working on a world stage. Shiver and Frye feel threatened by Off the Hook performing in Splatsville because they feel as though Off the Hook could replace them, despite the fact that Off the Hook is famous enough to have done a world tour and this is a single drop in the bucket to them. Not to mention, Pearl has close to a decade of experience as a musician by now. Frye does not. So for Frye to step to her . . . no wonder she got stomped. This isn't Pearl's first rap battle and it won't be her last.
Of course, not all the members of Deep Cut show this inexperience. Big Man knows there is a lot to be learned from seniors in the music industry, as shown by his collab with Squid Sisters and how he was "awestruck" by Off the Hook and didn't participate in Shiver and Frye's confrontation.
But Shiver and Frye's inexperience IS showing here. They have so much skill and talent! But if they want to go beyond Splatsville, they need to grow up a bit and not pointlessly pick fights with those who could help them. Picking a fight with Off the Hook in particular is silly af, because they LOVE collabing with less known artists to give them a boost, as seen with their Damp Socks collab. This didn't have to happen at all, but Shiver and Frye picked a fight, Pearl and Marina finished it, and, well. They got served the dish they asked for.
(But in the end it was still a collab, so maybe it'll still help in a roundabout way.)
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ewwww-what · 3 months
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an archdevil and a presidential candidate sneak into a gay bar
flatcolor + closeups below :)
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xxsircharlesxx · 5 months
Oki so like The Hobbit BotFA is on rn, I’m not watching it tho cuz certain people are dying (you know who) and I noticed something in this scene:
Basically, when Bilbo comes out and is like “Thorin!”, Thorin instantly turns around and looks at him with what I personally think is shock and adoration.
Because Thorin had literary nearly threw Bilbo to his death, and yet Bilbo is back, calling for him.
And then it looks as if Thorin is approaching Bilbo, like he wanted to maybe hug him or hold him or apologise or whatever. But you can clearly see him going for Bilbo.
But then Bilbo moves like “it’s not the best time currently” kinda thing, and carries on with why he’s here. But, you can see when Bilbo moves away Thorin instantly stops and listens. But it’s a very abrupt stop, maybe for a second thinking “is Bilbo scared of me?” Kinda thing??? Idk, but he stops instantly for whatever reason, so there has to be something behind that.
And that’s that for me. If you have any thoughts on it pls share! I wanna know others opinions :)
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heartnosekid · 8 months
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baby tripod fish (bathypterois grallator) | source
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sophsicle · 4 months
okay probably actually what i should do is delete tiktok. i am truly the master of my own misery here and i know that. it is in my power to remove myself from the presence of the content i find so infuriating and yet i consistently choose not to. BUT. like. what is with this new obsession with canon? like someone explain? i have seen like 3 tiktoks (and ill be honest it really only takes one 2 get me ranting at my empty bedroom like a lunatic) where people are out here complaining about how fandom is mischaracterizing the marauders and how knowing canon is the bare minimum work someone needs to do to make a headcanon which. like. who are you people and why has the concept of silly fun eluded you??????? the bare minimum work??? bro. if someone wants to write a story about some lil wizard guys and all they know is that they are some lil wizard guys and they have never picked up an HP book or watched a movie THEY SHOULD DO IT. and it wont ruin anything. the fandom will be fine. it'll be chillin. heck, maybe it'll even enjoy this baseless story. there are no mischaracterizations in fandom, a space in which the whole purpose is for people to be creative with the source material, there are just characterizations you like and ones you don't. if you want nothing but word for word what JKR has written that's weird but go off king, u should go read her then and stop making it everyone else's problem. like. stop making up rules you fascists. fandom is anarchy. nobody has to know anything or do anything or follow any other rule besides don't be a mean guy.
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sonknuxadow · 2 months
i think people give elise too much shit for her little outburst at the end of sonic 06 because if i was running a country at 17 and had been repressing my emotions for 10 years straight and one day i got kidnapped like 500 times and ended up befriending the guy who rescued me and while spending time with him i felt like i really got to be myself and have fun for the first time in forever and formed a really meaningful relationship with him only for some weird demon rat thing to show up and kill him right in front of me just to make me cry so the destructive fire god that my dad sealed inside my body would be unleashed and then in order to save the world i had to reset the timeline and forget we ever met i would have become the joker
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fictionadventurer · 17 days
The more I think about a post-WWI Persuasion, the more I think it would be a fantastic book, and that it would be a ton of work to write.
Austen is able to keep the book so short because she tells us a lot of what happens instead of showing us exactly what happens in most scenes. This provides a lot of scope for the imagination, which makes it excellent for adaptations--you've got a lot of room to flesh things out--but also puts a lot of responsibility on the adapter to figure out what those details are.
Adapting this to a post-WWI setting would mean a ton of research about the details of daily life, and how different settings in the novel were different in 1919 vs. 1814, not to mention the formation of the RAF and how the military situations would work for Wentworth and friends both during battle and when discharging home. But it gets down to an even more granular level the more you look at the details of the book.
Take, for example, the scene where Anne and Benwick discuss poetry in Bath. The original gives us this brilliant characterization of Benwick as a shy young man who's excited to get a chance to open up about his interests and emotions. He and Anne discuss certain Romantic poets, and the text mentions that Anne suggests some prose writers for him to try who address the topic of grief.
Translating this to an Edwardian setting gives them a chance to discuss all sorts of wartime poets and authors--but that means I would have to know wartime poets that Benwick would know, and authors that Anne would recommend besides, like, Chesterton. (Actually Chesterton would be a great recommendation for Benwick, but the scene would need to be more than just shilling for Chesterton). And that would require a bunch of extra reading on top of all the historical research this would already require. It would be brilliant if I could pull it off, but I know that I probably never could.
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
I hear your “I’m so excited for tlovm season 2! It’s going to be so fun!” and I raise you “The central theme of this season is bone-deep crushing guilt and grief”
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yayswag · 3 months
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rlly silly doodles based off of a post the hc goat @tegr1dy made about stan and kyle adult braces that had me laying awake at night 😭😭😭
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