#It looks to be in better shape than most I hope they can repair
memewhore · 2 years
I took a quick video of a random shrimp boat leaving the bay at Fort Myers Beach in 2019, as we were coming back in from our sunset cruise. The Kayla Nicole. I wondered about that boat YESTERDAY and I just saw it in a video of the hurricane wreckage on my fb feed, it was in the very first shot. 😮
My video, and a screenshot of it wrecked. ☹
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chrysoula · 2 months
Albedo spent sixty years rescuing Nahida from her cage, because he was looking for a challenge to test himself against. He didn't spend much time thinking about how, after the rush of satisfaction had faded, he would be in possession of a newborn god of wisdom who was so lost she tried to go back into her cage.
"Why are you here?" she asked, puzzled, as soon as the door to her cage opened. "There's so much-- You did so much, so why are you here?"
He stared at her as all of his sense of accomplishment washed away.
She began to gabble. "I knew something was happening, I could see your echoes, the ripples like a fish underwater, and I didn't know what you could want but I helped you when I could, because I wanted to see them beaten so why are you here?"
Because this is the finish line. But he knew better than to say that. Instead, he ran a rapid post-mortem on his plans over the last sixty years. When had the flaw been introduced, and how could he compensate for it?
"Okay," she said into the silence. "Now what?" Her eyes reminded him of glass marbles.
"I don't know what you want me to do," she said bitterly after a moment. "There's nothing I can do."
It was a worldview alien to Albedo. Ever since his mother abandoned him, he'd practiced turning his knowledge into power over the world around him. Before they called him a mastermind, they called him a meddler, and usually he didn't bother tidying up when he was done. 
"Oh. I see," she said, drawing her own conclusion and dropping her gaze. "You didn't come for me after all. How stupid I am." 
And even then, he struggled. He could see the potential shapes of the consequence he'd created and he didn't like them. He'd done something terrible and he had to repair it, but how--??
Tears began to spill from those green eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm just not good enough yet. I shouldn't... I shouldn't get involved." And, wiping her eyes, she'd turned to step back into the cage.
That, at least, he could respond to. "No, don't do that. It would only make things worse."
"What?" She half-turned, her mouth open in surprise.
"Would you like something to eat or drink?" That was probably a safe thing to ask in the situation. The government imprisoning her had been thoroughly disabled that morning. And newborns were often hungry.
"What?" she repeated, and then ran over to him. "Did you change your mind?"
Pleasantly, he said, "I think you did, but that's not an important detail at the moment. Why don't we sit down and talk about a few things?"
She promptly sat down, looking up at him with clear curiosity. He sat down on the ground too, refining his evaluation of her. "First of all, do you have a name of your own? One that doesn't belong to the Archon?"
"Nahida," she said, possibly for the first time. She looked a little surprised, in any case.
"I'm happy to meet you, Nahida. My name is Albedo." He gave her a friendly smile, and she stared at him like she was decoding his face. "Let's try to figure out what you'd like to do now."
"May I ask a question first?" She spoke with a respectfulness he didn't deserve. Not from her, anyhow. He'd have to earn it first.
"Please do. I'll do my best to answer it." While she formulated her thoughts, he began to synthesize some fish snacks he hoped she'd find palatable.
"Beyond your name, who are you?" It was a question carefully considered, and not the one he expected. But her earnest gaze remained fixed on him.
He considered his own response. It wasn't a question he was in the habit of answering. "Mostly, I plan things for other people. I'm quite clever and I've lived a long time compared to most, so I have certain advantages I enjoy sharing. In quite a few places, I'm considered a criminal, because what I help people do is often illegal. " He offered her the fish snacks. "I also engage in projects of my own, like this one."
She accepted one and nibbled on it. He observed as her eyes widened and she nibbled a bit more before finally making a face and putting it down. "I don't know how to taste it right. I'll work on it later."
"Is that what you want to do?" He saw this as a natural way of leading back to the core topic, but when she flinched, admitted to himself that such directness might have been a little cruel after already thrusting so much change on her unannounced.
"Do you think it tastes good?" she asked him uncertainly.
"Yes, I do."
She thought for a moment. "I'd like to learn to like it too, then. And I want to stay with you, please."
Did gods imprint? He'd never looked into the question. But the truth remained: she might be the god of wisdom, but she was also a powerful and traumatized child. If he walked away now, one way or another, she'd show up in his life again, the worse for it.
Calmly, he said, "Yes, I thought you might say that. Do you also want to rule Sumeru?"
She shrugged, curled up in a ball, rocked back and forth. "Sumeru is a dream to me, a world on the other side of pages and glass." Then she sat up again. "But you are somebody I never imagined existed. That seems more interesting than governing a country that doesn't want me to exist, all by myself."
"I agree," he said. "Still, having Sumeru on a stable footing may be useful in the future, so we should probably sort out the knot I made before we go on our way."
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brain-detritus · 2 years
Took Him Long Enough
Tech x reader
Tech is alone for the evening so he decides to run out and explore the underground marketplace on Ord Mantel. Due to an unfortunate accident, he’s been exposed to some ~mood altering substances~ and finds himself getting a little too hot under his armor. He’ll be fine if he can just make it home, where he’ll be alone, right? Yes, this is just another shameless flavor of sex pollen fic for the sluts. (It’s me, I’m the sluts)
NSFW, 18+ only
Warnings: rough sex, face fucking, dubcon if you’re REALLLLY squinting
Notes: ok so this is my first attempt at writing this kinda thing. My first fanfic actually so I’m super happy to receive any constructive criticism or notes on what you liked/disliked as far as style goes. A little bit of background- I always thought it seemed kinda uncomfortable for them to live on the marauder so I imagine that there’s an apartment above Cid’s that she rents out to them.
He actually made it back- his condition is worsening with each passing second. His goggles begin to fog up as he stumbles into the stairwell at Cid’s, giving her an awkward wave and a strained smile, trying not to look suspicious. The most he gets is an eye roll, a promising sign.
He all but trips over himself as he finally passes the threshold into their apartment. He was grateful the rest of you had left to run some errands for Cid- allowing him some privacy.
If only he had gone with you, he would be in a lot better shape than he is currently.
Truthfully he was working on a project before this. He had ventured out into the marketplace hopeful to find an essential part to repair Omega’s holopad. He had excitedly given it to her as a gift once he had saved up enough. Inevitably the thing met its doom at the hands of Wrecker. He hoped to surprise her when everyone got back.
It was a simple fix, but he couldn’t help himself from wandering into adjacent shops when something uncommon piqued his interest. He actually can’t quite remember what he was doing when he was exposed, all he had were blurred memories of broken glass jars and panicked apologies. His head was already spinning as the shop owner urged him to leave and seek medical attention for the overdose, clearly not wanting authorities catching wind of his side business.
Tech didn’t need a doctor, he needed to get home.
He briskly weaves through the crowded streets. He does his best to appear unbothered even as he was painfully aware of the growing discomfort behind his codpiece.He brings his fist up to his teeth to stifle any whines threatening to escape, the other still clinging tightly to that damned part for the holopad.
He feels a small pang of shame as he finds his thoughts drifting to you: your soft lips, the curve of your hips and the warmth between your thighs.
He fantasized about how the evening would have gone had you stayed behind. All the lonely nights he spent pining for you in his bunk or from his seat in the cockpit could not match the searing desire for you he felt now.
A crushing feeling of shame shook him out of his fantasy. You were his friend, it was indecent for him to think of you this way. Not only that, he felt it was embarrassingly hopeful. Despite the many less-than-subtle attempts by his brothers to get you two alone, he simply could not find the nerve to make a move.
Just the thought made him choke as he ducks into the next alleyway, shaking his head. He has enough to worry about right now, you were out and he could easily take care of himself. He just has to make it home…
He drops to his knees in the entryway. His limbs tremble beneath him as he struggles to catch his breath. He groans through his teeth as he notices just how hot the skin beneath his armor was. Wasting no time, he begins to strip off his clothes, pulling his right glove off with his teeth as his left hand fumbles to remove his belt. He utters a groan of relief once he is down to nothing but his pants and his boots. Finally alone.
Until he hears someone calling him from across the apartment. He freezes with hand at his waistband when he hears your voice.
He is mortified, sure you had left with the others. It was simply impossible to face you like this. What would you think if you wandered out into the hall to discover him on the ground, half-naked and…excited. What could he possibly say to explain himself?
“Tech, you better say something if it’s you or i'm coming out here swinging!”
He clasps his hand over his mouth to stifle a groan. Your footsteps grow louder as he frantically weighs the pros and cons of making a quick escape, only to find the decision has been taken out of his hands.
You’re standing over him and he hesitantly glances up at you. His eyes rake hungrily over your body. The exposed skin of your thighs, the way your shorts hug your hips, your arms folded beneath your breasts and your sweet smile. You looked so happy to see him.
It’s all he can manage when he finally meets your gaze. Your face softens with concern. Something was definitely off.
“A little less eloquent than usual, Tech” You teased, crouching in front of him. “What happened to your clothes?”
It was so hard to keep his composure. He really liked the way his name sounded when you said it. “I thought you would be out with the others…why are you here?
You cock an eyebrow as you look him over
“Because I live here; and I was waiting for you.”
You gesture vaguely to the living space behind you a considerable amount of tools and equipment were beginning to pile up.
“We have a lot of unfinished projects just waiting for me to trip over.”
Truthfully you stayed behind to get some time alone with Tech. You often suggested improvements to equipment or to the marauder so you could get him to yourself. You’re pretty sure he likes having you around but you’re not quite sure how much deeper that goes. Even if he wasn’t interested in you romantically it was still nice spending time as a friend.
He sits back on his heels to adjust his goggles and catch his breath.
“This is humiliating to admit but- from my understanding I’ve been inadvertently exposed to some kind of illegal substance.” shuts his eyes tightly in concentration before continuing. “I believe it’s commonly used as a party drug…in much smaller doses.”
He manages to choke out enough details for you to piece together what might have happened, blushing once you get a thorough visual of the side effects.
He assumed you would be disgusted. He could see no other outcome than this forever damaging your relationship after seeing him this way. He fully expected you to walk out the door, disgusted, as he internally mourned the future he had pictured with you.
Instead you’re just concerned. You move closer to him, pushing aside any awkwardness to check his vitals.You need to make sure he’s safe. You gently place the back of your hand against his glistening forehead, doing your best to ignore the obvious bulge in his pants.
“Tech, I’m so sorry. ”
His breath catches in his throat as you set your fingertips against his pulse. You could feel the muscles in his neck tensing up at your touch.
“Physically you’re going to be fine”
You offer a lighthearted smile, hoping to alleviate some of the embarrassment. You didn’t quite feel bold enough to offer him ‘help’, but you had to admit that the way he was looking at you was more than enough to tempt you.
“If it makes you feel better, you aren’t the first person I’ve seen like this. It’s actually pretty easy to overdo it with this stuff- not that you really had a choice”
Tech was speechless for the first time that he can remember. What could he possibly say to you in this moment? He absolutely could not share with you any of the thoughts running through his mind.
He wills himself to move, to speak, to do anything but sit there helplessly. He finds himself raising his left hand to meet yours, still pressed against his neck. The other finds its place below your chin, his thumb tracing the outline of your lips.
Your eyes widen in surprise at the bold gesture. His thumb stills and the hazy smile leaves his eyes when he realizes what he’s doing.
“Sorry” He flashes an apologetic look but makes no attempt to separate from you.
“This is not like me, I promise I’m not some kind of deviant-”
“I know you aren’t” You cut him off as you move to take his hands in your own. “Here, get up. Maybe we should get you into your bed…you could sleep it off?” You stand and pull him to his feet, hoping to restore some dignity to the sweaty, shirtless, mess of a man before you.
You give him a moment to steady himself; his muscles faintly soften as you absentmindedly stroke his palm. Maybe this was what he needed? Any physical touch seemed to be providing a degree of relief.
“Does this help?” your voice is gentle as you try to ignore the fluttery feeling in your stomach. You took note of how much bigger his hands were compared to yours. They were calloused and scarred from his work yet still had a gentleness to them as he held onto you.
“In a way” he answered thoughtfully.
“Though if I can be candid with you it only seems to fan the flames, so to speak.”
Did he mean just the physical touch? Or does he mean you? It’s possible that he's desperately seeking relief and you are the first warm body he’s run into. You push those thoughts aside, re-centering your focus on Tech.
“I could get you a glass of water? Maybe a shower would help”
He paused a moment. His brows knit together as he considered his options.
“Perhaps a shower would help, If you joined me?”
You expect him to laugh, to assure you he was joking, but he does not rescind the offer. His previous hang ups about pursuing you are silenced as his desire reaches a breaking point.
He steps in closer to you and you tilt your head back to look up at him. Has he always been this tall?
His amber gaze scans your features from behind his lenses.
“Unless that’s not your preference?”
He raises his eyebrows, anxiously awaiting your response. He knew it was a longshot but in this moment he felt that there is no other woman he would rather be with.
“Me? Tech, are you sure you know what you’re asking? Maybe I’m misunderstanding-”
“Are the others wrong in their assumptions that you have-” he was sifting through his thoughts for the appropriate words “-romantic feelings for me?”
He tentatively squeezed your hands, hoping he hasn’t crossed a line.
“If so, I'll ask you to forgive me. After my exposure you have completely consumed my thoughts. Although truthfully, this is not much different from any other moment since we’ve met”
Excitement buzzed through your body at his admission. It was all you could do not to pull him close to you and kiss him all over.
“No. They aren't wrong” you admitted, shoulders tensed as you anticipated his next move.
Tech gently lifts your chin to meet his gaze.
“I can ensure the experience to be mutually pleasurable”
His voice is low and sweet as he cups your face.
You’re suddenly aware that he has been slowly walking you toward the lounge area behind you. Matching every step you take until you find yourself stumbling into the couch.
“I apologize for being so direct but I would love nothing more than to have you right here in this moment. If you’ll indulge me?”
He kneels in front of you, slowly sliding his hands up your thighs. His touch is excruciatingly soft. “I’ll do anything, Love. I would do anything you ask”
“I’m begging you, mesh’la” he lays his head in your lap, letting out a contented sigh.
“I need you”
He trails soft kisses from your knee to the hem of your shorts. His fingertips trace the soft skin of your inner thighs.
“You’re absolutely sure? This is what you want?” You confirmed one final time before giving in to your own desires.
“Yes” He breathes “This is what I want. Every single day this is what I want.”
You can’t help but take amusement in his melodramatic performance. It’s certainly over the top, and completely unnecessary as he’s already won you over long before this.
You bend forward, brushing your fingers into his hair as you invite him into a gentle kiss. He eagerly accepts, He brushes his tongue softly across your lips before gently moving past them.
You took a moment to breathe him in. An earthy musk mingles with his feverish sweat. Clearly he had been up early today working on the ship. He moans softly into your mouth, kisses becoming more fervent. His tender touch sends tingles through your body as he explores the bare skin beneath your shirt.
His attention drops to his hands as he hooks his fingers into your waistband. He retreats to look at you for final confirmation before quickly sliding your shorts down your legs.
He watches you squirm as he teases his fingers over your underwear. He slips his fingers beneath the lacy fabric, stamping light kisses on your inner thighs.
“Does that feel good?” He coos, having already found a comfortable rhythm between your lips.
You nod your head in response, digging your fingers into the grainy fabric of the couch.
Satisfied with your answer, he gently slides his hand down to your entrance.
“You are remarkably wet already” He pants, a cheeky smile flashed briefly across his lips.
Tentatively, he slides his middle and ring fingers inside of you, cursing as you clench around his digits. His thumb resumes his pace between your folds as his fingers slide in and out of your core. His cock strains against his pants at the obscene sounds of his fingers between your thighs.
Having collected a considerable amount of your juices on his hand, he reaches into his pants, in desperate need of his own stimulation. He groans as he begins brazenly thrusting into his slick palm.
Even as his need for release rings louder in his ears he holds out long enough to be sure you’re ready for him. He hooks his arm around your thigh and drags you to him, bringing your clothed heat to his mouth. Impatiently he pulls your panties to the side and leans in to taste you.
Under ordinary circumstances he would have gladly spent hours between your thighs, in fact he frequently caught himself daydreaming of just that. His mind would wander to you during any lengthy repairs to the marauder, usually becoming enough of a distraction to warrant a quick break to clear his head.
Tech finally pulls back from you with a groan as the pain from his erection becomes unbearable. He stands and plants his boot next to you on the couch. He extends his arm to steady himself against the wall behind you- still desperately pumping his length.
“Please” He mouths, only to guide your hand toward his discomfort.
“Of course, Tech.” Your mouth waters as you take him into your hands. You begin to slowly work his shaft. A twinge of satisfaction pools in your center as you listen to the string of obscenities drawn out by your touch.
You lean in to slowly lick the length of his shaft before taking him into your mouth. He bucks his hips in response, no longer making an effort to conceal his cries.
“Yes, just like that” his pupils are blown wide as he watches you bob your head up and down, whispering unintelligible praises between breaths. He presses his hips forward, urging you to take him deeper into your throat.
“Fuck, please y/n, I need to feel you”
He begs as he gently slips his hand behind your head to grab a fistful of hair. He holds your head in place as he rhythmically thrusts into the back of your throat. You gag as he quickens his pace, desperately seeking relief by pushing deeper into your throat.
You gasp when he pulls himself out of you, taking a moment to catch your breath.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry- I wasn’t thinking! I just-” He panicks. This is what he was afraid of, he had hurt you. He was sure he would never forgive himself as he watched you wipe at your smeared mascara.
“No, no. I’m fine.” you reassure him as you softly slide your hands up his thighs, resting them at his hips. You looked up at him meekly as you made your request
“I want you to use my mouth, Tech”
Your words elicited a visible shudder from the man, who only hesitated a few moments before repositioning himself at your open mouth. “anything you want, darling”
With your permission, he resumed his roughened pace, being mindful to allow you occasional breaks to catch your breath.
“You look…so...pretty…with my cock in your mouth” he groans between thrusts, his hand planted firmly behind your head as he vehemently chases his release. After a final few, deep thrusts he slowly pulls himself out of your mouth and kneels in front of you.
He searches your features as he brushes your hair out of your face, lightly cradling your head in his hands.
“Still doing alright?” his voice is heavy and his breaths are unsteady, all of his focus is now on you.
Before you answer, you raise your hands to his face, repositioning his goggles that had slid down the bridge of his nose.
“Yes” you begin pleading “Please, Tech. I need you to fuck me”
More than happy to fulfill your request, Tech lowers himself between your thighs and goes to remove your underwear.
“Your shirt” He mutters, fully focused on sliding your panties off to reveal your bottom half. You comply, swiftly removing your top and tossing it behind you.
With your heat sufficiently exposed, he draws his eyes to your chest. You feel the warmth of his breath against your lips as he leans in to meet them. A calloused hand greedily cups your breast as he sighs softly into your mouth. He lightly brushes his fingertips over your nipples, making you shiver.
He eases you onto his length, scrutinizing your features as you stretch to accommodate his girth. The scorching heat of your core sends a tremor through his body.
He allows his head to fall back, a hiss escapes through gritted teeth as he slowly bottoms out. You barely have a moment to adjust to him before he really begins rutting into you. Tension visibly dissolves from his body as he finally finds the friction he was aching for.
His pace is relentless, spurred on by your lecherous cries. He holds you firmly in place by your hips, fingers sinking deep into your soft flesh. It’s not long before a fervid sensation creeps behind your skull, causing your walls to clench around him.
Picking up on your body’s signals, he bends forward and cages your head between his arms, purring softly into your ear.
“Go ahead, pretty thing. Cum for me”
His words send shockwaves through your body as you reach the peak of your orgasm. He stays close, holding your shaking thighs and riding out the aftershock with you.
Satisfied with his work, Tech carefully repositions you. He pulls your back to his chest, supporting you in his arms. Carefully he lowers you down onto his pulsing length. His hand moves to lightly grip your throat, steadying you as he bounces you in his lap. His eyes close as he falls into a feverish pace, gasping and whimpering into your hair.
“I’m so close, love. Where can I…”
“Inside.” you gasp as you steady yourself on his forearm. “You can cum inside me”
His grip tightens around you, growing more flustered as he approaches his climax.
He plants an unexpected kiss on your temple as his thighs begin to tremble. You feel him pulsing inside you, on the brink of his long anticipated release.
A guttural moan escapes his lips as he paints your insides, embedding himself into the warmth between your thighs. The muscles in his arms twitch around you as his pleasure overtakes him. You listen to his labored breathing as he nestles his face into your neck.
He keeps you close as he comes down from his high, finally finding reprieve from his condition. Neither of you spoke as you listened to the sounds of each other's breath, slowly drifting back to reality.
His fingertips glide over the vulnerable flesh of your neck before he dips down to plant soft kisses below your jawline.
“Thank you” he hums, gently tracing shapes along the length of your arms. You stay like this for a while, finding comfort in each other's closeness.
He sits back into the seat and adjusts your position in his lap. Reaching beside him, he grabs one of the throw blankets and wraps you both in its warmth.
“Are you comfortable?” He asks, checking to be sure you’re fully covered.
You lay your head against his chest and hear his heartbeat steady.You feel yourself drifting off, only awoken when he finally speaks again.
“I hope you don’t think less of me after this”
His voice is unsteady as he pulls you closer to him.
“I don’t regret our encounter but I am deeply ashamed of my behavior”
Embarrassment bubbles inside you at his words. You had let yourself believe this was more than a quick resolution to his discomfort. You felt foolish for believing it all, of course it’s not his fault but you should have known he would have said anything to get relief.
The lump forming in your throat stopped you from answering, the silence only broken by the steady pounding in his chest.
“I had hoped our first time might have been much more intimate.” He continues, oblivious to your inner narrative.
“I was planning the perfect evening for us- granted that I ever gained the courage to ask you”
You leaned to the side so you could look up at him. He was already looking down at you through half lidded eyes.
“Although, I think we might have just circumvented that milestone” he adjusts his goggles and offers a bashful smile.
“I think it was long overdue” You give a quick squeeze to his hand. “It was nice, and I was happy to help”
He nodded then set his chin on the top of your head, squeezing you just a bit tighter
When the others got back you all gathered at the bar to get caught up on their usual shenanigans, Cid never sent them on a mission that would go smoothly. Tech immediately presented Omega with her newly fixed holopad. After a quick talk about the importance of keeping her things out of Wreckers destructive reach, Omega quickly ran up to her room stating she had a lot of reading to catch up on.
You returned to the bar to find that Tech had already gotten you a drink, a subtle gesture that did not go unnoticed. You thanked him and reached your hand out to give his a soft squeeze.
“Oh my god, I knew it!” You are all startled by Cid’s sudden outburst.
“Knew what?” Hunter questioned, clearly already annoyed with her after the unexpected terrors he faced on the last mission.
She nodded in your direction, a smug grin creeping across her face.
“They finally did it- Look at ‘em! Pay up, Killjoy” she turns to Echo with an outstretched hand
He looks between you and Tech, then rolls his eyes as he digs through his pockets for any loose credits. “You two couldn’t have waited another 14 rotations?” he grumbles as he places the contents of his pocket on the bar in front of him.
“I’m not sure what you’re referring to” Tech tries to play coy but he is thwarted by the flush on both of your faces.
“He’s talking about you two finally hooking up. Took ya long enough!” He laughs as he chugs the rest of his drink. “HA! I didn’t think you had it in ya Tech!”
He gives Tech a rough shove on the shoulder as you bury your face in your hands.
“You are as subtle and eloquent as ever, Wrecker” He says through gritted teeth.
Hunter brings his hands up to rub his temples, finally putting a stop to the nonsense “Okay, enough, all of you! You’re giving me a migraine”
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kyuriin-chan · 1 year
Adam Warlock x OC
Part 2
Word Count: 2.045
Warnings: Adam being cute, fluff, angst, slight jealousy, first kiss
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POV Seraphina
I got to know Adam better over the next few days and found his naivety almost sweet. He still had a lot to learn, mostly about himself and what he was capable of. I quickly grew fond of his mannerism and got used to his almost permanent presence.
When I was working with other people, you could assume Adam wasn't far and almost never let me out of his sight besides his own work. You couldn't see him, but I could almost feel his golden eyes burning into my shape.
Pete in particular tried to tease me about Adam chasing after me like a lost dog.
"5 bucks that Adam is sitting behind that building over here, staring at you", Pete laughed and pointed over his shoulder to a slightly taller building that had already been repaired. I could only roll my eyes and shake my head, "Pete this is getting old, don't you have other things to do?"
"Oh come on Phina, how can you not notice this! He's always around ready to protect you or whatever. It hit him hard and he's always glaring at me whenever I'm apparently 'too close'", Pete continued to laugh and wiggled along his eyebrows.
"First of all I am noticing him and secondly don't be ridiculous! He's just trying to understand everything better", I said quickly and closed the repaired junction box I was working on.
"He sure does understand that he doesn't like others touching you", said Pete and shrugged his shoulders with a grin, whereupon I laughed and gave him a light smack to the side, "stop it!"
POV Adam
With a bitter taste in my mouth, I watched Seraphina and Peter from a hidden building. I had recently completed my task and actually wanted to go back to Seraphina to see if I could help her, but when I found her, Peter was already at her side. I didn't like how close the two always were. Of course they had known each other for a long time, but why did Peter always have to touch her like that?
Whenever he hugged her or took her hand to pull her up or anything, my stomach clenched like I had eaten something bad. I had to hold myself back from marching towards the two and yanking him away from Seraphina.
Only I should be allowed to touch her like that!
A few days ago I saw two residents holding hands and hugging. I was a little confused because I've never seen anyone else hold hands, only hugs so far. Mantis had explained to me that the two were a 'couple' and that these actions were about love.
"Ohh but love is about so much more Adam! When you love someone you get butterflies in your stomach and you have to think about that person a lot", Mantis tried to explained after seeing my confused look, "you show affection to that person and would do anything for her, so holding hands is just a small part."
I nodded thoughtfully and looked back at the seemingly happy couple. They seemed to say goodbye to each other and when the two pressed their lips together it almost caught my breath.
In that moment, I knew right away that that's exactly what I wanted to do with Seraphina. Put my lips on her soft ones and sink into her warmth.
So I spent the next few days trying to show her as best as I could that I liked her and wanted her for myself. Whenever we went somewhere together, I took her delicate hand in mine, albeit hesitantly. Guided her safely by my hand from place to place, hoping she liked me too. After all, she never pulled her hand away or spoke negatively of my advances.
But Peter was a different matter. He put his arm around her shoulders when walking with her or hugged her longer than the other Guardians. He made her laugh and the two always seemed to have a great time together. Of course I also made her laugh, but most of the time I didn't even know why.
The only thing I could do was glare at Peter from afar while my hands clenched into fists for better control of my anger.
"Hey Adam you got a minute?" I was finally snapped out of my thoughts and quickly turned to Mantis, "what are you doing up here anyway?" She surveyed the building and must have noticed that it had long since been repaired, so my presence here was unnecessary.
She was just about to peek around the corner of the building where Seraphina and Peter were when I quickly stepped into her line of sight, "n-nothing! Just taking a quick break... that's all."
She continued to look at me for a moment, but luckily she stopped prying and waved me after her. "We need your help with fixing some walls", she explained quickly and I followed her while my thoughts wandered back to Seraphina and Peter.
"Can I ask you something?", I asked a little uncertainly and Mantis turned to me with a smile, "sure just ask away!" We reached the road again and now strolled side by side while Mantis showed me the way.
"If you like someone... how do you get others to know?" I tried to formulate my question and then looked at Mantis, who seemed to be thinking about my question.
"Well for starters there are things that only couples do, like holding hands and kissing and stuff. Should be pretty clear by those actions I guess", she said thoughtfully and I started to fidget with my hands behind my back.
"What if the other person doesn't get that you like them?", I asked trying to hide my nervousness. "Well tell her of course! She won't know how you feel until you tell her Adam", Mantis laughed and I tilted my head slightly thoughtfully in her direction, "but you did say that those actions speak for themself..."
"Yeah but in order the be a couple both parties have to like each other and tell the other one how they feel", Mantis said quickly and I took in her words, "some people just like you as friends and don't want to be lovers." Her words stopped me almost abruptly.
Could it be that Seraphina only saw me as a friend?
An uncomfortable feeling spread through me. "You okay Adam?", Rocket suddenly asked who had appeared next to me and I immediately nodded without looking at him, "well then. This way golden boy, we got a lot to do." I quickly followed Rocket to one of the almost completely destroyed buildings and helped him with the walls.
After several hours we were finally done with most of the repairs and I was told we wouldn't continue until tomorrow. During all the work I had decided to somehow explain to Seraphina how I felt about her and hoped that she liked me as well. But when I was finally on my way to her, I wasn't so sure anymore on how to do it at all.
Only when I heard her soft laugh did I know that I had arrived at her and that my legs had led me to her as if by magic.
Of course, Peter was still with her and I clenched my jaw tightly as I watched the two of them. He had his arm around her waist and seemed to be telling her something. Seraphina also made no move to remove his arm from her hip and I felt insecure again.
Maybe I should just leave her alone with Peter. It doesn't look like they're looking for my presence.
"Oh and here he is! Golden boy is about to take you to your ship", Peter suddenly said when he had probably noticed me and I frowned at his remark. "Stop it Pete don't be mean," Seraphina said with a barely noticeable smirk on her lips and rolled her eyes. She crossed her arms and Peter just laughed as he said goodbye to us, "have a good night."
She glanced after Peter and then turned her attention to me, "you ready to go?" I looked uncertainly from Peter's ever-shrinking figure to her delicate one, and despite the butterflies in my stomach, I found my voice again.
"Do you like being touched by him?", I asked a little tensely and waited for her answer.
"Do you like...", but she interrupted me in the middle of the sentence, "I know what you asked Adam. What do you mean by that?"
Unsteadily, I shifted my weight from one leg to the other and then still plucked up my courage, "I don't like him touching you like this."
"Why is that?", she asked me after a short pause and I had to swallow hard.
"I want to be the only one touching you like this. I want to be the only one holding your hand when walking and I want to be the only one to lay my arm around you", I started listing until finally I just said, "I really like you a-and would like you to be mine."
Stiff as a board, I looked into her eyes while the butterflies in my stomach danced wildly. Her mouth was slightly open and she seemed to be surprised, which in turn made me doubt.
Didn't I show her clearly enough that I liked her?
"A-adam..." she managed to choke out and my heart immediately felt like someone had ripped it out of my chest.
So she only saw me as a friend...
"I-im sorry... I should go... Rocket might need me... umm with walls and stuff", I tried to escape from the uncomfortable situation and turned around quickly. I hadn't gone two steps far when I felt her warm hand close around mine and she tried to pull me back, "wait Adam you didn't even hear me out." I hesitantly turned to her and my golden eyes darted from her soft hand to her blue eyes that regarded me softly.
"I'd like to be yours", she finally said smiling, giving my hand a gentle squeeze to reassure me that she meant it.
"You... really? You like me too?", I asked again to make sure that she understood my request.
"Yes, I like you too Adam", she assured me confidently and a happy smile was now on my lips as well.
"Come on my ship's this way", she said and immediately pulled me behind her. The butterflies returned to my stomach only this time they caused a warm and comforting feeling that I instantly began to like.
"So there'll be a 'no touching' rule for Pete huh?", she asked smiling in my direction and I unconsciously squeezed her hand a little more. I pulled her closer so that her shoulder was almost pressed against me, "it would be nice if he could stop himself from doing so."
"You're so cute Adam", Seraphina just laughed and then nodded to me reassuringly, "I'll tell him don't worry." We were already standing in front of her ship in which she lived for the time being and her hand slipped out of mine. She stepped onto the ramp to her ship and then turned to me.
Both hands placed gently on my cheeks and she pulled me down to place my lips on her soft ones. I immediately melted into the tender gesture and wished this moment would never end. Slowly we parted again and I looked at her a little out of breath because I hadn't expected this gesture of affection.
"I hope you have a good night Adam", Seraphina bid her goodbye to me while I was still standing in front of her, as stiff as a board.
"I uhh... yes I wish you also a good night", I said quickly after catching myself, which elicited a laugh from her.
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Sooo yes I decided to add some more parts and hope you guys like my story ✨🌌
Feel free to comment your thoughts or prompts ✨
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saitama-division · 2 months
It was evening time in Saitama as the day of a certain model's birthday was slowly coming to an end. Still, there were a few hours left in the day, so it wasn't over just yet. That meant that the time of gift-giving was still on. After all, what was a birthday without gifts? It was for that reason, as she walked down the hallway with a nice buzz after enjoying some drinks and fun at her favorite nightclub, Afterlife, the famous supermodel, Lola, looked as there were a number of gifts outside of the entrance to her penthouse apartment.
Sobering up instantly (a talent she had perfected with ease), she dragged each of the gifts inside her apartment. Laying them all out on the counter in her kitchen, the model picked up the smallest one first. Opening it up, she pulled out what was inside.
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It was a small music box with a figurine inside. Upon opening it, a nice, little tune began playing out that lasted for about 30 seconds before it finished. Upon doing so, a hidden compartment opened up in the box, making the model open her eyes wide as she reached inside, pulling out a rolled-up letter, which read:
"Dear Lola,
Surprise! I hope you've enjoyed the melody and the craftsmanship of your new treasure. Now that you've uncovered the hidden compartment, you've found my little note.
Isn't it amusing how even the most unexpected places can hold the most intriguing secrets? Just like this music box, life is full of surprises, and I must say, I quite enjoy being part of yours.
So, as you celebrate another year of fabulousness, remember that the game is always afoot. And who knows what other mysteries you'll unravel in the year to come?
Here's to a future filled with luxury, charm, and maybe a dash of the unexpected—just to keep things interesting.
Hoàng Diêu"
Frowning upon discovering just who sent this music box to her, the gift became a lot less appealing to Lola, who pushed the music box away from her, nearly making it fall off the counter. Crumpling up the note that the Triad woman sent to her, the model frowned as she took a gander at her new penthouse, which had to be repaired after the fiasco from several weeks ago.
Refusing to give that woman a second that, she turned to her second gift, hoping it would put her in a better mood. This one was far bigger than the last one and was shaped in a rectangular shape, almost like a painting. Peeling the wrapping paper off, Lola's eyes grew wide at was inside.
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It... it was a painting of two figures that resembled Greek figures who looked strangely familiar. Looking at the back of the picture frame, a note was attached, which read:
"Dear Lola,
Hey babe! Time's just flying by, isn't it? Feels like just yesterday we were throwing weights around and now, boom, another birthday! I gotta say, I'm pretty stoked we crossed paths. Life's been a wild ride since then, and I wouldn't change a thing.
I was struggling to come up with a good gift for you, but I recalled you really liked the Heracles movie we watched last year, so I decided to hire a painter to make this. It's of Heracles and Hebe, the Goddess of Youth! But it's meant to resemble us cause we've got strength and beauty in spades, babe.
Hope you love it, and see you next weekend when we can get together again. I'm looking forward to it!
Lola smirked as she thought about her former boyfriend. Though the two of them weren't together in the romantic sense, they still were good friends who got together and partook of each other's bodies when they weren't busy. Truthfully, it was better this way. They still had fun without all the ickiness and seriousness of being in a relationship. Promising to treat him extra well for this, the model put the painting off to the side, promising to hang it up later.
She then turned to her last present, the one she had been waiting for, as she knew exactly what was inside. Ripping the paper off and opening the box, she peered inside and her eyes grew wide at what was inside:
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As she stared at the birthday cake that she hastily pulled out and looked at, the model felt a slight bit of regret that she was going to ruin such a beautiful masterpiece. But she quickly got over it. Looking inside, she saw that there was a letter written by the one and the only, Luis, which read:
"Happy Birthday, Lola.
May your day be filled with the simple pleasures that make life sweet.
Luis Kōkyū"
Lola looked at the assortment of gifts that were given to her, she narrowed her eyes at the one Dieu had given her, sweet as it may be, the simple fact that it was from someone she could never forgive for what she had done filled the Model with disgust and anger. She had half a mind to throw it out, it wouldn't be that cruel considering it was Dieu who sent it, nothing was ever simple with that woman and she'd rather not take the risk of waking up to see her penthouse destroyed yet again.
Moving on from that, Lola sighed and shook her head with a small smile, leave to Karada for going above and beyond for her despite them no longer being a couple. The painting was definitely...something and very much like the Bodybuilder to incorporate Greek Mythology into his gifts.
Finally, moving on to the real star of the showcase, Lola licked her lips and grinned at the sight of the delicious cake Luis gifted to her, just sitting there all pretty and waiting to be devoured. However, Lola held herself back from taking a chunk out of it, the cake was big enough to feed more than one person and the blonde knew a couple of hungry ladies that she would love to share this with.
As if on cue, the sound of her doorbell rang throughout her penthouse and Lola smirked to herself, it was time for the party to really begin.
Thank you for the gift!
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adamsvanrhijn · 5 months
hello, since you're into competitive swimming I have a question to ask that nobody answers me. I want to go swimming everyday this summer to get some movement in but I am worried about two things:
1 my skin and chlorine. i worry that it's going to get very dry
2 my hair. I have very fragile thin hair. I wash it every two days. Obviously this shouldn't be possible if I swim because water gets into the cap. Is there something swimmers put into their hair to protect it so it doesn't fall? I heard chlorine is super bad for hair
thank you in advance 😁
unfortunately yes your skin is likely to get dry if you are swimming every day. i think this happens regardless of chlorine but chlorine makes it worse! likewise your hair is likely to get damaged! however you have Options to minimize the impact of this!!
for your hair — if it is very fragile and prone to breakage i recommend a fabric swim cap made of lycra or polyester in an athletic shape which i do not know how to describe but looks like this:
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(this site is us based swimoutlet.com and while they ship internationally if youre outside of the usa you probably have better options)
if you can only get a silicone or latex cap, aim for silicone and a long hair cap no matter what length your hair is if it's past like, your ears. latex will not be your friend for delicate hair
you are going to see people online recommend putting conditioner into their hair before swimming and while this works for your hair, it is not very considerate to the pool and other swimmers because product Will get in the water. it also makes it hard to keep a cap on
instead, rinse off and drench your hair with cool clean water before putting your swim cap on so that your hair has already absorbed water — you don't want pool water to be the first thing that gets your hair or skin wet!!
put your hair up or braid it using something gentle like a scrunchy and then put your swim cap on! that's the most you realistically can do before you get in the pool — if your pool is outdoors or has a transparent cover wear water resistant sunscreen though
once you are out of the pool, immediately take a shower! what works best for me is to wash my hair, suit, and body with swim shampoo (more on that momentarily) and then i do tend to use swim conditioner that i rinse out as per usual, and then like once a week i use like a repairing or deep conditioning product on my hair.
then use moisturizer/lotion on face and body once you are clean!!
makes a big difference compared to doing nothing.
re: swim shampoo. it usually costs more than regular shampoo. it isn't Necessary per se because you can use regular shampoo amd body wash to get chlorine and pool water out of your hair and off your body, but there are certain chemicals in swim shampoo that can like, neutralize and dissolve chlorine which gives another line of defense so to speak. i will google this and say what they are later. personally i have a lot of fine breakage prone hair and i have always had way better results with swim shampoo!! swim shampoo matters more than swim conditioner, a regular conditioner or leave in you know works for your hair is fine!!
i hope this answers your question other than me needing to double check chemical names later!!
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calendulacraft · 1 year
Simple Slow Fashion :: taking out a too-tiny mini skirt
Picture this: you are searching through a pile of second hand clothing and find something super cute but ... way too small.
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A couple of months ago I was in this exact predicament when a friend gifted me a pile of clothes that no longer fit her, or were in need of repair in some way. One item in the pile was this white mini skirt that had shrunk & shrunk over the years, making it unwearable to either of us.
Looking at this skirt I had a vision of what it could become with a little needle work. I saw myself taking out this skirt in a visible   (and hopefully) fashionable way by adding panels of floral fabric on either side. So, I selected this and a few other items from the pile and took them home to be mended, up-cyled, or totally transformed and thus, fuel for this and future mending tutorials I will be sharing with the tumblr crafting community!
We have all heard of "taking in" clothing, especially in the context of hand-me-downs from older siblings. In this tutorial however, I want to do the opposite: "take out" this skirt and gift it to my younger sister.
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She in return was the model in the pictures you will see throughout this post. Thanks Jana!
Step One ::
To begin we must do the most difficult part --- cutting up a perfectly good garment in the hopes of improving it. It is really important to plan well before taking scissors to clothing. As I want to add to the structure of this garment rather than taking it down to scraps, I was careful to leave the whole front of the skirt as is.
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That is to say: to embark on this mend cut just behind the seam of the front of the fabric and keep the front pockets intact.
I did this by first marking with a pin where I wanted to cut then turning the skirt inside out so that I could clearly see the in-seam. Cut carefully, please!
Step Two ::
Now, I needed to add the extra panels to each side that will widen the skirt. Ideally, you would be making this alteration for yourself, or have the model nearby from whom you could measure just how much to add. My sister was far away while I worked on this skirt so I had to guess-estimate how much to add. It turned out I was pretty close but now wish I had added just a quarter inch or so more to each panel. Oh well!
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Remember, the hips are a particularly curvy area of the body so you will likely need to add a bit of a curve to these panels. More than likely the edge of the front and back of the skirt will have a bit of curve to them from which to guide the shape of the panels.
Step Three ::
Now, sew! You can either sew by hand or with a machine. I did a combination of both because some sections of the skirt had many layers and I didn't want to force my machine.
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I suggest trying on the skirt throughout the process. I wasn't totally sure how much fabric to add to each side and solutioned this by making panels extra wide and adapting as I worked on this skirt. I am about the same size as my sister but it would be best to have exact measurements of the person you are tailoring this for.
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Take note that denim clothing often have little metal studs to hold the pockets together, these will definitely break a needle on a sewing machine if you try to go over one.
Better be safe & slow than sorry and sew around the pockets by hand.
Step Four ::
Optional, but fun.
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I wanted to add a little bit more presonalization to this project and replaced the tags with one of my own design to match the panels I had added to each side.
And, here it is! From way too small to a perfect fit:
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I am very pleased with how this turned out and so was my sister who has a deep love for 1990's and early 2000's fashion. Normally I am very shy about modeling my designs so I do appreciate her love of being in front of the camera. She was also kind enough to model my mending kits!
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Throughout this entire project I found my handy sewing kit to be very helpful. In fact, I use my kit in just about every mending or upcycling project ... and if you are interested in acquiring one of your own, you can find one in my shop.
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ravendruid · 1 year
Be In My Eyes - Chapter 8
You can read the previous chapters here or on AO3. This is a big one with some emotional scenes (at least for me). I know it might be a sensitive subject to some people, so I'd like to issue a content warning for mention of dead parents. I added a second warning before it starts, and after it ends, in case anyone wants to skip that part. Thank you so much for reading this. It means a lot to me <3
Greyskull Keep was first and foremost a student dormitory, even if in the shell of an apartment building, and like any other college dorms, not a lot of money and thought was put into its furnishing: the appliances were good enough so that the students didn’t have to worry about finding repairs, and the cabinets and counters built from cheap wood materials. That said, Keyleth was still glad to have a fully furnished kitchen she could cook in, even if a small one.
One of the things Keyleth loved the most about holidays was gathering her family and cooking with her dad, so it was bittersweet to see the display in front of her: half of the island was covered with an assortment of vegetables and other ingredients for the main meal, and the other half had everything that Vax needed for his pumpkin pie.
“It has been a while since I’ve cooked,” Vax admitted nervously. He had changed into an older set of clothes, albeit still black, and was wearing Keyleth’s pastel yellow apron with embroidered bees and flowers of all colors.
“It’s just like riding a bicycle,” Keyleth grinned at him as she started cutting the squash on the counter in front of her.
“Is this a bad time to mention that I don’t know how to ride a bicycle?” Vax chuckled nervously, holding the bag of flour in one hand and a measuring cup in the other.
“Oh, no.” Keyleth looked at him in amusement. “Well, if it makes you feel better, I didn’t learn until I was ten.” She admitted with a blush, and Vax snickered in reply.
 One of the first things Keyleth noticed as they started cooking was that Vax was really handy with a knife. The second thing she noticed about him was that he always managed to make a mess regardless of what he was doing. After Vax spilled flour and sugar on the floor a few times, his pumpkin pie was finally ready to go in the oven, and he set it aside so he could quickly clean up the mess he had made.
“Is there anything I can do to help you?” He asked Keyleth with a smile. 
“Here,” Keyleth handed him a bowl of potatoes. “Can you cut these into cubes without making a mess?”
“For you?” Vax leaned in closer, his hand resting on hers on the knife handle, making Keyleth’s stomach jump. “They will be perfectly cut and not a single drop on the floor.”
Altogether, it barely took two hours to have a fully finished meal on the table, which Vex’ahlia had decorated with napkins, candles, and a small centerpiece shaped like a black witch’s hat with purple ribbon and a wooden flying broom leaning on it. Displayed proudly in the center was the main dish, a large vegetable casserole that Keyleth had worked hard on, and around it were several other smaller sides, like gratin potatoes – which Vax had kept his word and not a single drop had fallen to the floor –, butternut squash and apple salad with dried cranberries, and spicy cauliflower rice.
“Keyleth, this is amazing,” Vex said with a smile.
“It smells so good. You did an amazing job,” Vax clapped her shoulder with a smirk. 
“T-thank you, guys.” Seeing the twins’ awed faces was a much better reward than Keyleth had ever hoped for. “Let’s eat!”
“So, Keyleth, how do you usually spend your Harvest’s Close?” Vex asked, spooning a large serving of casserole onto her plate.
“The town where I’m from, Zephrah, hosts a big, shared festival every year where all the farmers and producers of the area bring their products to sell and display. It’s a way to show everyone in town the efforts of their labor, the season’s harvest, no pun intended,” She chuckled. Keyleth started feeling some anxiety when she saw how entranced Vex’ahlia was in her story, but when she looked at Vax, who was equally, if not more, enraptured, it all vanished. Vax was looking at her with such adoration and admiration like he needed every word she spoke as much as he needed air.
“We usually have a large potluck, and everyone in town brings food and drinks. My dad and I are in charge of plant-based main dishes since we have a small community of vegetarians, and I’m always the dessert table supervisor, so I have to make sure the little ones don’t go poking their fingers in the numerous pies and cakes we have.”
“Vax used to do that when we were young.” Vex rolled her eyes at her brother, and they all chuckled. 
“Do you have any other traditions at your festival?” Vax’s eyes were glimmering, and Keyleth noticed how Vex’s head whipped in his direction in shock.
“Uh–We do,” she ignored it and continued, focusing her gaze on her plate and only glancing at Vax a few times to boost her confidence. “Besides the display stalls for selling produce and other products from the farmers, we also have artisanal sellers, games for the kids to play, and entertainment for everyone. Then when the sun sets, we light a giant bonfire and share stories and songs around the fire. And we have a large cherry tree in the center of town that we always fill with so many fairy lights, and when night comes, we light it up as well, and it almost looks like it’s daytime. When I was young, I would lay down underneath it, my stomach hurting after I ate so many desserts and candy, and I would imagine the fairy lights swinging with the breeze were the last fireflies of summer saying goodbye. It’s funny because I would always wake up in my bed the next morning, thinking it was magic, until one day when I found out that my dad would always carry me home at the end of the night because I would fall asleep under the tree.”
“You sound like you miss home a lot,” Vex pointed out sadly, to which Keyleth nodded.
“Are you going home for Winter’s Crest?” Vax asked.
“Well, yeah. We have the entire week off, and my dad would probably fly to Emon and drag me home if I didn’t go.” Keyleth joked. 
“Your dad sounds amazing, by the way.” Vex stared at her plate, petting Trinket, who was sitting straight next to her, waiting for his share of the meal.
“He’s pretty cool.” 
“Pretty cool? He came all the way over to help you move in.” Vax snickered, “That sounds like an amazing father.”
Keyleth was about to ask the twins about their father, but she noticed the warning look that Vex gave her brother, and she realized that she had never heard them mention any parents. Several questions flooded her mind – How about your parents? Did your mom teach you how to cook? What does your dad do for a living? – but by the time she decided to ask the twins how they usually celebrated Harvest’s Close, they were already enthralled in conversation about school, so she dropped the subject for later and enjoyed their company and the amazing meal.
“What the fuck was that at dinner, brother?” Vex asked, sitting at the end of her bed with a huff. 
“What are you talking about, stubby?” Vax smiled, sitting opposite of her. 
“You were drooling all over Keyleth.”
“What?” He laughed. “You’re insane, Vex.”
“Did you just laugh? I haven’t heard you laugh in months. Are you two fucking? Is that why you spent all day with her?” Vex asked in scorn.
“Keyleth and I are just friends, Vex’ahlia,” Vax’s smile fell. “Besides, you were the one who pushed me into baking that pie.”
“I didn’t force you to go get groceries with her or spend the afternoon in the kitchen cooking together. The pie takes 20 minutes to make.”
Vax rolled his eyes at her and leaned in, placing his hands on her shoulders. “We are just friends, stubby.”
“Good, because I have to share a room with her, and the last thing I need is for you to start fucking my roommate, okay? That would be so fucking awkward.”
“What about you and whitey?” Vax asked, cocking his head.
“What about it?” Vex swallowed dry.
“You two have been hanging out a lot, haven’t you?” Vax wiggled his eyebrows in amusement.
“We are just friends, brother,” Vex’ahlia said coldly, getting up from the bed.
“I’m sure he would love to be much more than that,” Vax got up and pulled her into a hug, “but if he touches you, I will have to kill him.”
“Please, I can take care of myself,” Vex sneered, looking him in the eyes.
Vax knew his sister could take care of herself, she had to do so many times before, but he also knew she loved and appreciated how protective he was towards her, especially when men were involved.
“I just don’t want him to hurt you, that’s all.”
“I’m not mom, Vax. I won’t fall for his smooth talk.” Vex pulled away from him, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “You’re the one who needs to be careful, brother.”
“What do you mean?” Vax stepped back in shock.
“Even the prettiest roses have thorns.”
“I told you, we are nothing but friends, and even if we were, it’s my heart, and I get to choose who breaks it.” Vax huffed in frustration, turning his back on her and storming off the bedroom.
*CW: Mention of dead parents starts here.*
Keyleth finished putting away the last of the clean dishes from dinner, turning around to see the half-eaten pie on the island in front of her. Memories flooded back to her, of meals and pies, of her and her dad cooking early in the morning, of them picking up fresh produce the day before. She furrowed her brow in concentration, trying to recall her mother’s presence in the kitchen with them, the touch of her fingers on Keyleth’s hand as she guided her through the pumpkin patch, or the glimmer of her eyes when Keyleth showed her the perfect pumpkin that she had picked from the ground herself, but all she could remember was an empty face, an empty touch, a pair of dull and cold green eyes that belonged to someone else.
The first Harvest’s Close after Vilya’s death was the hardest. Keyleth was too young to remember much of it, so all she could remember was an overwhelming feeling of emptiness inside her as if something important was missing from her life. It wasn’t until she was a teenager that those feelings started to subside, and, as Keyleth grew up, she learned to relish the moments she had with her dad, so being away from home for the first time, especially on such an important holiday, was being very painful for her – a much as she tried to hide it from the twins.
But now she was finally alone since the twins had disappeared to their respective bedrooms, and all the overwhelming feelings of the day finally rushed through her heart. Keyleth couldn’t remember what her mom looked like anymore, what she smelled like, or what her voice sounded like. She couldn’t remember the mornings when she would open the soft yellow curtains of her bedroom to let the sunlight in or how her mom would always say, “Good morning, sunshine!” as she did so. Keyleth couldn’t remember the warm chamomile tea with honey her mom would make her every night before bed or how her voice sounded rough and exhausted after a day of work as she read her bedtime stories.
What Keyleth could remember, though, was how long it took for her dad to pick up the small habits of her mother in an attempt to fill the void. She remembered how it took him months to greet her the way her mom did every morning, how he always forgot the honey until he saw Keyleth get up one night and walk barefoot to the empty and dark kitchen to add honey to her tea. Keyleth smiled melancholically at the memories of her father, exhausted after a day of work, asking her if she would like a bedtime story, and Keyleth, too scared she would forget her mom’s voice if he did read to her, had told him no, she was okay. She wasn’t okay, though, and deep down, she knew that when her dad kissed her goodnight, his heart tightened in his chest for not being able to fill that emptiness inside his little girl.
Keyleth fell to the ground with a soft thud, her back hunching against the dull cream-colored counter as she pulled her knees to her chest and buried her head between them. Her tears were warm and fast, and her shoulders shook as she tried to stifle a sob, then another one, and a third one until she couldn’t hold it anymore. 
A pair of strong arms wrapped around her, and the familiar scent of soap filled her mind as she was pulled into someone’s chest, not needing to open her eyes to know who it belonged to. Vax ran one hand up and down her spine comforting her, the other tight against the back of her head, pressing her deep against his sweater. “Let it out.” He whispered barely loud enough, the air of his voice soft against her head, and Keyleth cried harder, burying her hands into his clothing and pulling him closer to her.
She didn’t know how long it took for her to stop crying. What was probably only a few minutes felt like hours, but eventually, Keyleth’s sobs turned into sighs of exhaustion, and she realized she was practically sitting on Vax’s lap, his sweater damp from where she had buried her face. He was still holding her tightly, his hand now rubbing circles on the small of her back, and his slow, steady breath puffed warmly against her hair.
“I’m sorry,” Keyleth’s voice was weak, and her eyes were still glimmering when she pulled away from him.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” his voice was soft and warm, and Keyleth wanted to bury herself into his chest and cry again. Instead, she let him pull her to her feet and drag her to the couch.
“Your sweater–”
“It’s okay,” Vax smiled at her lovingly as he sat on the couch, pulling her with him.
Keyleth sat down by his side, slightly turned so she was facing him, and Vax wrapped one arm around her shoulders, pulling her against him. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I–” Keyleth’s eyes welled with tears again, and Vax squeezed her hand reassuringly. “I miss my mom,” she finally voiced what she had been trying to hide all day, and tears streamed down again. 
For the second time that night, Vax’s arms wrapped around her and pulled her into his lap, pressing her head into his chest as he pressed soft kisses to the crown of her head. 
“I miss my mom too.” 
From the tone of his voice, Keyleth could tell he understood her pain, so she brought her teary eyes up to meet his and said softly, “I’m so sorry Vax.”
“It’s okay.” He replied with a sad smile.
“I’m here if you ever need to talk,” Keyleth nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating, and Keyleth held tightly against him, feeling the hardness of his chest against her hand. 
“I know, Kiki. And I will always be here if you need me.”
*CW ends here.*
Keyleth’s heart pounded so loudly in her chest that she knew Vax could hear and feel it. She didn’t want to let go of him, and Vax didn’t seem to want to let go of her either, not from how tight his arms were around her, so she let herself cry again until exhaustion took over. 
When Keyleth woke up the next morning, it took her a few seconds to realize Vax was asleep underneath her, his arms still surrounding her tightly, and her cheeks flushed red as her heart sped in her chest. Vax felt warm and soft, and his breathing was so relaxed and slow that if Keyleth didn’t have her ear against his heart, she would have guessed he wasn’t alive. She felt comfortable with him in ways she had never felt with anyone else, so once the initial embarrassment vanished, Keyleth found herself being lulled back to sleep by his steady breathing, smiling at the thought of his arms wrapping around her, how his warm his breath felt against her hair the previous night, and how kind he was to her all the time.
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cloudbattrolls · 1 year
Eat Your Young
Gallen | Suunaq Industrial Complex | Present Night
A sprawling industrial complex covered the plain, its buildings and roads nearly equaling the size of a small town.
It had stood there longer than some of the actual settlements in the surrounding area, growing piece by piece over several millennia. Power plants and offices jostled for space, interspersed with streets that had been paved and patched more times than anyone could count. Everything was kept in a state of high repair; the finest quality droids maintained the infrastructure, though there were no imperial drones to be seen. 
Ever since its earliest nights, the complex had been filled white butterflies that did not seem to feed from or pollinate any flowers; not that there were many to be found in such a place. Any attempts to catch and study them ended in the insects dissolving to nothing, so trolls let them be.
Most didn’t have the time or energy to wonder about what little wildlife surrounded them to begin with. 
For marked over each of the complex’s entrances, on the identification cards of all the trolls who worked in that place, was the jade symbol of QPIN - each and every troll there in the corporation-gang’s debt. 
Debts paid - in part - by blood. 
Debts paid to one of the Queenpin’s right-hand executives, Inshii Suunaq.
Three tall figures gathered under the glare of a street lamp, all coming from different directions. 
A woman, hourglass-shaped with a band covering her eyes and a cowgirl hat on her head, dressed in a crop top and shorts. A man, broad and powerfully built, wearing only knee-length shorts and no shirt. A person dressed in a beautiful violet sherwani, the tallest of all, wide with soft roundness instead of the man’s dense bulk. 
The woman spoke first as they faced each other on the sidewalk, the night air quiet around them. 
“Damn, I hate this place.” Rhyssa complained, hands on her hips. “I can’t even see it proper and I still hate it. Would it kill ya to decorate a bit, Shii? The vibes are just awful.”
“I don’t have time for excessive frivolity.” Responded the false violet in a deadpan as they led the other two away. “Trolls can put up ornamentation if they like; I don’t forbid them. Excessive levels of depression are unproductive.”
Rhyssa groaned as she followed, her boots’ spurs jingling softly. “Sugar, you’ve been contributin’ to depression in trolls for a long time without tryin’. I love you, but ya are kind of a robot when it comes to fixin’ a place up.” 
Gallen hung back a few steps as the three of them made their way down the sidewalk, letting the other two banter. He was grateful he couldn’t speak, and that he likely wouldn’t be asked to sign very much, or type; if his siblings picked up on his dread, everything was over.
Everything might still be over if he couldn’t carry out the plan Klirro and Tuuya had concocted for him. All his isopods wriggled anxiously in his skin, though he tried not to let it show. 
Rhyssa hung back, head tilted, the wasps fluttering around her to serve as her eyes buzzing in concern.
“What’s eatin’ ya, Gal?”
I don’t know how things are going to be from now on, he signed honestly. 
I hope this makes mother better, but what if it makes her worse? What will we do? How can we care for her? For once, I wish we were more like trolls. Trolls know how to tend to their lusii and quadrants. 
All we were ever meant to do was serve her. 
We were never taught anything else. Unlike Lleios, we weren’t given the ability to learn much beyond what we were made to do.
I think she did that on purpose, he signed, suddenly angry as he had the thought, eyes narrowing, gestures sharper. I think she wanted to keep us dependent. 
She let me learn about religion, she let me watch trolls come to my altar all those sweeps, but she knew I could never truly understand them. 
Only Lleios could.
Gallen looked at Rhyssa, whose hand touched her mouth in shock at his words, and he saw that Inshii had stopped walking, looking back at the pair of them as their fins flicked.
The isopod swarm folded his broad arms, blue eyes hard. He wasn’t backing down. 
Even if it weren’t for the mission, even if Klirro had never found him, even if he had wound up killing Tuuya after all - these doubts had brewed for centuries, and he was done ignoring his problems.
“Gal! What’s all this hullabaloo?” Rhyssa protested, her own hands flapping in distress as she buzzed with worry. “Where’d this come from all of a sudden, huh? You’ve never - never said a blessed thing - ”
“Now is not the time for such topics.” Cut in Inshii, hard enough that their sister’s hands dropped and her buzzing quieted. She folded her arms, sullenly silent, and Gallen stared the butterfly swarm down, their violet eyes hard.
“Gallen…we will discuss this later.” His oldest sibling’s tone held a practiced neutrality, one he knew was barely holding back anger. Their fins twitched almost imperceptibly, but he caught it.
“Mother needs us now, and she needs us united.”
As if they’d been properly united for sweeps. As if they’d really acted together since Lleios had died.
Killed by a troll, of all things. A troll they had loved. A troll who betrayed them…yet they had wanted him to, so they could die.
Gallen’s fists clenched at the way his youngest sibling had chosen to leave the rest of them behind. If they hadn’t done that, none of this would have happened. 
The cold pavement cut his bare feet repeatedly, as it usually did. What did he care? He regenerated his skin nigh instantly, barely noticing as the three swarms drew closer to Inshii’s laboratory.
The thick glass doors slid open with a slight hiss as the false violet led the way in after flashing their ID to a scanner, barely making any sound despite their size. Gallen squinted as they walked into the harsh lighting and gray-white walls and floors, the smell of disinfectant prominent.
There were a few trolls to be seen, but most of Inshii’s staff here were highly specialized robots. The ones that were present shied away from the trio automatically. There wasn’t any fear on their faces or in their movements; they did it instinctively, knowing better than to be close.
“Can we at least eat before this?” Commented Rhyssa, slightly impatient. “I’m assumin’ those ain’t snacks, and I’m peckish.”
“Obviously those aren’t snacks.” Said Inshii in a slightly weary tone of voice. “Food doesn’t work in the laboratory. If you knew anything about science you’d understand just how intensive and time consuming this process has been to replicate. I’ve needed my finest staff on this and had to hire a few extras, which is not kind to my payroll.”
“Ooh, lemme play ya a song on m’banjo, saddest one in the history of the empire, Shishi.” Said Rhyssa, singsong and mocking, actually taking out her instrument as if she was about to start strumming.
Inshii rolled their eyes and ignored her, so Rhyssa pouted and put it away. 
Gallen stopped and looked around, not in any hurry to get to what came next. He put his hands in his shorts’ pockets, feeling for the hundredth time that the vial of cloudy liquid was still there. 
“Come on.” Called Inshii impatiently. “You’d think we were dragging you to an atheist convention.”
He opened his mouth to huff silently, not wanting to let himself feel amused, and kept walking.
He couldn’t. He had to…he had to…
Gallen twisted inside, hundreds of small legs wriggling and grasping at each other. 
He followed his oldest sibling, just like he always had for millennia. 
Obedient Gallen. Peaceable Gallen.
Even before mother had taken his tongue, he’d always been like that.
Inshii led him and Rhyssa down a narrow hallway, their precise steps echoing in the near-silence. The faint buzz of electric illumination was the only sound.
Then the lights flickered for a second.
Gallen blinked, looking at his sibling inquiringly. Inshii sighed, their brightly colored fins flicking. 
“That’s how much power this has taken. We have backup generators, more than enough…but that’s happened plenty of times over the past few perigees. All Lifeweaver had to do was make a troll body that could meld with a swarm. I’ve had to achieve far more than that.”
“What d’ya mean?” Rhyssa asked, sounding genuinely curious as she ran a finger through her shoulder-length hair.
Inshii’s eyebrows raised in mild surprise, but they stopped, facing their sister with their arms crossed.
“When Mother fell and fused with a mother grub, she became undead. Etuuya was alive when they were merged with Lleios’s remains, integrated over multiple operations so they wouldn’t die of shock or blood loss. 
I don’t have that luxury; she’s weak and unstable enough that if I fail now, I might not be able to try again and keep her mind intact. 
She can’t be killed…but suffering eternally in that carcass of a body, her mind slipping more and more until she forgets us all? She might wish she was dead.” The butterfly swarm said bluntly.
Rhyssa had taken her hat off to hold it, as a gesture of respect. Gallen bowed his head to go along with her, and so he could compose himself.
Klirro was right. Tuuya was right. Everything Inshii said confirmed it.
If he could do this, even with the hell that would come of it, everything would get better.
His hands shook as Rhyssa put her hat back on.
Inshii’s face softened slightly, an unusual sight.
“Don’t worry, Gallen.” They said in a marginally warmer tone, as caring as they had been capable of since the ten had died all those sweeps ago.
“I’ve accounted for everything; I will not fail. She’ll finally be well again.”
No, they hadn’t accounted for everything. They had no idea what their little brother had in his pocket. A substance modeled from the same scientific notes Inshii had used for this project. 
Another one of Rhomox Vannyn’s discoveries.
Inshii kept walking a little longer, then stopped in front of a plain gray, unmarked door, flashing their ID card at a scanner once more.
Gallen would have whistled if he could, so instead it was tuneless air blown through his lips as he walked inside, and Rhyssa herself made a softly impressed ‘aaah.’
Inshii looked a bit smug, despite their sibling’s frequent insistence that they didn’t indulge in such trollish things.
The space was vast, a tangle of pipes, vats, and scientific equipment whose names the isopod swarm couldn’t even begin to guess at. Dials all over the room glowed from within, and somewhere a machine beeped softly in long intervals. 
Long hair flowing as they moved more quickly, the false seadweller walked over to the largest vat of all, one taller than their nearly eight foot height, horns aside.
Gallen knew, with a sudden surge of fear, that that was it.
Rhyssa turned completely toward it as well, the wasps she used to see beating their wings frantically as they hovered over her shoulders.
Inshii looked at the various readout screens on the vat and what they saw must’ve pleased his oldest sibling because they nodded and took out a beautiful old glass container shaped like a chrysalis. The glass shone jade and white where it was not clear.
Gallen shuddered as he saw several of his mother’s green flukes wriggling within. Just like the one that had taken over Tuuya.
He signed a question.
Isn’t that - 
“Vassiq’s work, one of the last she ever made.” Said Inshii quietly, holding the container with reverence. “One of the few we have left.” 
Gallen couldn’t cry as trolls did. He had no heart. 
Still he trembled, isopods pressing against his skin.
Vassiq. The fly. Dead because she’d tried to kill Ozryel with the other ten, her eggshell destroyed and her corpse burned. Dead because she’d just wanted to be free. 
She’d been the best artisan of them all.
How could Inshii stand there and use their sister’s work to hold her killer? 
Rhyssa was unusually still, even her wings beating slowly from the parts she used as eyes. 
“Will you offer us a prayer, Gallen?” Inshii asked, solemn.
He looked at them in shock, his face rippling in surprise. Inshii had never thought much of religion.
He wished he had incense to light, an altar to kneel by by. He wished he could believe there was anything holy about what they were about to do.
Still he closed his eyes and put a hand to his chest. 
He prayed Inshii was wrong, that his mother could be laid to rest after all.
He prayed whatever afterlife she went to was a kind one. A peaceful one.
He prayed his hands would not falter as he did to her what Rhomox Vannyn had done to Lleios. Wipe away the mind, leave the body behind.
Gallen hoped so hard for all of this that he hurt, and then his hand dropped from his chest. He nodded at Inshii, glad he couldn’t speak.
Rhyssa sniffed. With no tears to shed, she tugged at the band covering her wasp-filled sockets instead.
“I hope this works.” She mumbled. “It’ll be like old times. When we were all together, and everythin’ was perfect.”
Everything had never been perfect. Their siblings would still be dead. Ozryel had driven them to desperation when they were alive, had refused to listen when they’d tried to reason with her.
Gallen regretted not helping them. Not taking a side. If he had…
If he had, it probably wouldn’t have made a difference. 
Nothing he’d done for his family ever had.
Inshii pressed a button, and the lid of the vat slid back with a faint sliding noise, impressively quiet for how large it was.
He could smell it now. The organic stench of nutrient-rich solution used to grow facsimile bodies.
Inshii stepped onto a ladder bolted to the side of the vat and he held up a hand. They raised their eyebrows, fins flicking.
He signed, Can I go up after you?
“Don’t be silly, Gallen.” Inshii said, tongue clicking. “There’s no space. I’ll bring her down so we can witness her awakening. It will likely take a minute or so.”
Good. That was all he needed. 
He nodded to show he understood.
Inshii went up the ladder, their sherwani rippling from their movement. He - and Rhyssa - watched them intently. 
What would their sibling bring down? What body had they made for Ozryel?
Though he writhed with nervousness, resignation settling heavy into his chitin, Gallen couldn’t help but be curious. He’d known her current shape for so long, it was difficult to imagine her in another. 
He and his sister watched as Inshii took a fluke out of the glass container…and used their other hand - now in a rubber glove - to gently pick up a troll-shaped body. Viscous drops of amber fluid slowly dribbled off of it. 
The view was partially blocked by their sibling, but Gallen could see the body’s eyes were closed, that it had long white hair and pale horns that resembled his mother’s. 
They moved their arm. He could only assume they were putting the fluke in.
No noise. Nothing. 
Inshii carried the body down in both arms, container put back in their sylladex, its - her - eyes still closed. She didn’t move.
Vial in his hand, Gallen lunged.
Rhyssa cried out and Inshii barked an order to stop. Neither moved quickly enough to stop him as he forced the contents down Ozryel’s throat.
Then his sister tackled him to the hard floor, snarling and buzzing as she swore and stung him over and over, ripping through his skin to the isopods beneath. 
Gallen did not fight back even as dozens of his isopods thrashed and died. He lay there, letting her wound him, staring up at the pale ceiling and the dark pipes running along it.
He wondered if he was about to wake up in his eggshell, a sparse few isopods once more.
“Stop.” Inshii’s clipped voice said through his haze of pain. “Let mother handle him. The serum is working.”
Rhyssa gasped in relief and Gallen’s hopes sank in dread as he saw his mother’s pale gray fingertips moving, noticed the syringe in Inshii’s hand as they gave him a narrow-eyed violet stare.
“I don’t know why you’ve done this, but I can guess. You’ve betrayed us, gone over to Tuuya and their allies. I’d ask you why…but I don’t think I care.”
Feebly, Gallen tried to use his arms to sign an answer, but Rhyssa stung them and they collapsed into dying isopods.
His mother’s eyes flickered and opened, glowing a solid, brilliant green. Shorter than all of them, slim and almost petite, she vaulted out of her oldest child’s arms to land on the floor with a thud, her feet bare. Her only clothing was a pale teal dress, and she still dripped fluid on the floor as she stepped over to him. The pincers at the edges of her lips snapped in fury as her eyes shone with rage and delight.
“My only son.” She said, with a dry and raspy voice, different yet unmistakably familiar, unused to speaking aloud. “My last son. Why do you turn on me? The only mother you’ve ever had?”
Her tone was gently chiding, almost fond, but Gallen knew that meant nothing.
He spoke in the silent language of swarms, isopods forming shapes and symbols that all of his family read without comment.
“So misguided.” His mother said, still soft. “It isn’t your fault. You were tricked. You forget your siblings’ cruelty. They were unkind to you too.”
Gallen shook his head. She was lying. He had to remember she was lying.
Ozryel clicked her tongue.
“You’ve been very bad. You need a time-out.”
She knelt down next to him and put a hand to his chest. Right where he had when he’d prayed earlier.
Green flukes came out of her wrist, squirming over his remaining isopods to secrete liquid that dissolved him, segment by segment, leg by leg. He soundlessly screamed in agony, bereft of the tongue she had taken so long ago. The voice she’d silenced for the crime of not taking a side.
“Leave one.” Said Inshii, voice hard. “He can stay here. Otherwise who knows where he’ll go when he comes back in the cavern.”
Rhyssa snarled. “Yeah, what Shii said. We can’t let him outta our sight.”
“You don’t give me orders, children.” Murmured Ozryel in a tone of saccharine warning. “I’ll concede the butterfly is right this time. Just mind your tone, or I might think you intend to join your brother.”
Rhyssa opened her mouth, and as Gallen’s troll eyes melted away, he could see the hurt on his sister’s face before she closed it again.
In less than a minute, there was only one of him. A single white isopod, shivering as his mother picked him up in one hand. Helpless to resist her firm grip, she squeezed him so hard he nearly cracked, his legs struggling against her cold hand.
She leaned in to whisper so he could hear.
“Next time I won’t be so generous.”
His vision in this state was too poor to grasp what happened around him, but the next thing he knew, Gallen was locked in a dark, airless box with needles puncturing him all over his body. 
He couldn’t move. Couldn’t see, or hear, or feel anything but pain and constriction.
The isopod prayed.
He prayed for the people he had failed so terribly.
He wished with everything he had that his mother would finally die. 
Ozryel patted the box she had locked her son in, with a soft, needle-fanged smile, then set it aside.
Pausing, concentrating, she clenched her fists and there came a great cracking of bone, a sliding and warping of flesh as wings sprung from her back. Insectoid, yet shaped as if they were feathered, they shone with iridescent hints of rainbow color.
“Fly with me, children. We make for Hanhai.”
Rhyssa scratched her head.
“The desert? What d’ya want there? Thought we were goin’ after Tuuya and their lot.”
Inshii’s eyes also narrowed, then their expression cleared.
“Ah. Their daughter’s cavern.”
Ozryel gave her oldest child a feral smile.
“Kotenkha’s as well. One of her spawn fought me in the second worm’s body, allowing them to escape…it is long past time I gave that bloodline their due.”
The mother of swarms stepped outside the building, squinting as her eyes adjusted to the starlight she had not seen in over four thousand sweeps.
Ever since a wretched jade woman with a komondor lusus had shot her out of the sky.
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koolatron · 2 years
Mini Fridge: Best way to keep your Coca-Cola mini-fridge organized!
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If you're looking to buy a mini fridge, you've probably heard of the Coca-Cola brand. The company makes some of the most popular fridges on the market, known for their high quality and durability. However, if you're new to buying mini-fridges, there may be some confusion about what exactly this product is. In this article, we'll explain what makes a coca cola mini fridge unique and how much it costs! We'll also cover how much space each type takes up in your home before showing off some great examples ranging from $50 to $500, depending on the size.
What is a Coca-Cola Mini Fridge?
A mini fridge is a perfect size for storing beverages and snacks, but it can also be used to keep your food fresh. A Coca-Cola Mini Fridge is a popular choice because they're small enough to fit on top of your refrigerator or in any other small space. These fridges come in different colours and styles, so you can choose whatever looks best with your décor! The features of this Coca-Cola Mini Fridge include: Two shelves in each compartment—one for bottles/cans/jars, one for cans only (no bottles). An adjustable temperature control knob that lets you set the temperature from 2° Fahrenheit to -10° Fahrenheit.  A door at both ends, so there's no need for two separate doors when opening up one side: push down on either side until it opens up easily!
How much does a Coca-Cola mini fridge cost?
The price of a  coca cola mini fridge varies depending on its size and features. For example, most miniature model costs around $100, while larger ones cost anywhere between $200 and $300. Consider buying an appliance with a specific colour scheme; this may help save money by preventing costly repairs later.
What Are The Features Of The Coca-Cola Mini Fridge?
The Coca-Cola Mini Fridge is a mini fridge that looks like a classic Coca-Cola bottle. It has a door that opens to reveal a mini coca cola bottle and also features wheels so you can move it around quickly. In addition to being shaped like this classic product, this model also comes with an automatic ice maker and cooling system if you want to make ice cubes or frozen drinks at home.
How do you clean a mini coca cola fridge?
It would be best if you cleaned your mini coca cola mini fridge australia regularly. You can use a damp cloth to wipe the outside of your refrigerator and then use a soft brush to clean it. A vacuum cleaner is perfect for cleaning out any dirt or dust accumulated on the surfaces inside your mini coca cola fridge.
Benefits of buying coca cola mini fridge
Coca-Cola mini fridges australia are a great way to store your drinks. They are also great for storing food and make an excellent addition to any home or office.
If you want to keep your drinks organized and organized, then Coca-Cola mini-fridges are a perfect choice!
Where can I buy a mini coca cola fridge?
You can buy a mini coca cola fridge from the koolatron.co.au website. 
Coca-Cola mini-fridges are worth it!
If you're looking to keep your drinks cold, it's hard to beat a mini fridge. They are cheap, easy to store and clean, and can be used for more than just drinks.
The best part about Coca-Cola small fridge is how flexible they are. You can use them in any house room—even if it's only a closet or laundry room!
We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of the benefits and features of the coca cola mini fridge. We are sure that once you have one, you will never want to go without it!
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yaqinnailtooswuxi · 2 years
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An introduction to the functions and usage of nail tools
With the popularity of the nail industry, nail products are constantly updated. In the past, we used nail scissors to trim our nails. Now we have various tools instead, and nail scissors are less and less able to meet our needs. Next, let's take a look at what most of the nail tools are.
Introduction of nail tools
Knowing the essentials of manicure tools and learning how to use them correctly is the beginning of manicure. Nail tools are not disposable and must be sterilized before each use.
Use of cuticle forceps
Cuticle pliers: also called finger skin pliers, it is made of stainless steel and has different shapes to choose from. It is only used when trimming nails in the early stage of nail making. Use the finger skin pliers to cut off the dead skin and flesh thorns that have just been pushed, so that the fingers look Beautiful and neat. However, the cuticle forceps are relatively sharp, and they are better used with thrusters. However, when using the finger skin pliers, you should be careful not to pull, and should be cut directly to avoid damage to the finger skin, and do not cut too deep.
Use of nail files
Nail file: Used to trim the leading edge of natural nails, always in one direction, never back and forth. This nail file is a colored file that is used to trim the desired shape first, then sharpen the sides first and then the front to the desired shape. It is also possible to polish the cuticle on the surface of the nail, but if the nail cap is relatively thin, do not over-polish.
There are also some polishing tools and drill bits of various materials: mainly for polishing nails, for polishing around the nail skin and the top of the crystal nails, making the nails smoother, and for polishing the nails. The effect is better, and the efficiency is higher than that of sand bars. 
The use of nail sanding caps
Nail sanding cap: As the nails grow over time, carefully observe that there will be uneven patterns on the nails. This sanding caps can solve this problem. At the same time, it can also polish the barbs on the edges of the nails, including dead skin. and clean up. After cleaning, the nails will become clean and tidy, and the nail bed will become slender at the same time. The repair of nails is done over time and every once in a while, so it is also necessary to have this sanding cap at home.
The introduction of these tools above, I hope it will be helpful to you who do not know nail tools. If you are interested in these products, please contact us:+86-13921164676
Or send an email to:[email protected]
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tunnelwash · 2 years
How to Bring Back Car Shine with Car Wash Service
The easiest way to bring back car shine is by using the concierge car wash in Christchurch service. Car washes will clean and polish your vehicle, removing dirt and grime from the surface of your car.
They will also use brushes or machines to remove any stubborn spots that may have accumulated over time.
A clean car is a happy car, and that means it's going to run better, last longer, and keep you happy. With the right car wash service, you can bring back the shine on your vehicle and get it looking like new again.
It Saves Time
If you're anything like me, time is money. I'd much rather spend my free time doing fun things than waxing or detailing my car. But let's be real—who has all day to wash their car? I certainly don't!
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So if you're looking to save some time while maintaining your car's shine, then consider hiring professionals at a local concierge car wash Christchurch service to do it for you.
The good news is that when it comes down to the cost per hour spent on different tasks such as washing vs. waxing vs detailing (or even doing them yourself), paying someone else costs less per hour invested than trying your hand at tackling these tasks yourself!
Have you ever wondered how much it costs to wash your car? Most people don't think about this until their vehicle is dirty and they have to pay someone else to do it for them. Taking care of your car isn't just about keeping it clean; there are many other expenses associated with owning a vehicle, including maintenance, repairs, and insurance.
Increasing Resale Value.
The resale value of your car will be greatly enhanced by keeping it clean, waxed, polished, and in good shape. The interior should be vacuumed regularly, and the upholstery kept clean with a mild detergent.
The exterior of the car should also be washed regularly with quality soap or shampoo. You can use regular water to wash away dirt immediately, but if you want to give your car a shine, then you have to polish it using special glazes that come with polishes sold as cleaners for cars.
Staying Roadtrip Ready
You can use the concierge car wash Christchurch service to keep your car looking good and running smoothly. Car washes are great for:
Keeping your car clean
Making it look shiny and new
Preparing your car for sale, if you're selling it in the next few months
Keeping your engine running smoothly so that you don't have to spend money on unexpected repairs in the future
Now that you know how to bring back the car shine, we hope you will use this information to keep your car in top shape. It's important that your car looks its best and stays road trip ready so it can be enjoyed by everyone. We hope this article has been helpful!
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nyansatan · 3 years
Brothers accidentally breaking mc's glasses. Mc says they're ok without them but they just walk into a wall ... twice trying to leave the room.
As someone who is blind as a bat without my glasses, I relate to MC's struggle here, lol. I hope you like these headcanons and thank you for requesting!
He was about to clean your glasses for you when he hears a loud crash downstairs and then a string of curses from Mammon. He immediately turns into his demon form, yelling the second born's name, his fist tightening around the glasses.
The snap of the glasses bring him back to reality and he looks at the glasses in his hand. Or what's left of them.
"Ah, looks like my anger got the better of me. We'll get them replaced right away."
You honestly don't have to go withouth your glasses for more than two hours before Lucifer already has a new, identical pair ready for you.
He was running away from Lucifer, trying to save his ass from a long and boring lecture, so he wasn't looking where he was going. That's when he crashed into you. Your glasses fell to the floor and he rolled on top of them, breaking them in half.
"MC! Are ya hurt?"
He is more concerned about your well-being than about your glasses. Though he does get worried when he sees Lucifer approaching you two - he knows the repair fee will be taken from his wallet.
You come to his room but he can't hear nor see you since he has his VR headset on and is absorbed in a fantasy world. The sight is quite funny honestly and you stand by the door for a few seconds, just observing his antics.
But you can here for a reason and to get his attention, you tap his shoulder and that's when it happens - he turns around too fast and accidentally bumps to you hard enough to send your glasses flying.
"M-MC! I didn't see you there. I'm sorry, let me get your glasses."
You hear him whimper when he picks up your glasses from the floor. As they collided with the floor, the lense of your glasses got damaged beyond repair.
He feels extremely bad about it, even though it was an accident and promises to get you a new pair. You have to reassure him it's okay before he stops blsming himself.
This man needs to clean his room. Somewhere between studying in Satan's room and putting your glasses away when you took a break, you managed to lose your glasses. The two of you had been looking for your glasses feverishly since you can't possibly continue working without being able to see the text.
And you do find them - only it's when Satan steps on them. He picks up the pieces of your glasses, scratching his neck sheepishly.
''Well, looks like I found your glasses, MC. Let's take these to Solomon and see if he knows a spell to fix them for you.''
He will hold your hand as you go look for the sorcerer and refuses to let, certain that you will get lost or run into traffic or something.
He wants to try them on, as a joke, just to see if they will look as good on him as they look on you. (Of course they do.) He keeps posing and asking if you think he looks cute but you can't say because all you see is blur without the glasses.
One of the brothers - most likely Mammon - gets jealous of the moment you're having and tries to take the glasses from Asmo which leads to one of the temples snapping off.
"I didn't mean to break your glasses, MC. Come on, let's go shop for a new pair together!"
Will take you to get new glasses just as he promised, holding your hand the whole time and taking his role as a judge very seriously.
The two of you were sitting in your room with the TV on but not really paying attention to whatever show was playing. Beel snacked on mini sausages he had brought with him.
You felt your eyes get tired from the flashing lights, so you place your glasses on the floor right next to Beel's sausage plate and rub your eyes. That was the first mistake.
Beel doesn't look where his hand goes nor what he puts in his mouth until it's too late. Even you hear the nasty sound of when he puts the glasses in his mouth and bites once, twice before he spits the pieces of the glasses out.
''This isn't sausage.''
Doesn't really feel embarrassed about it since it could happen to anyone (no it couldn't) but he does feel bad for breaking your glasses. Clumsily attempts to put the pieces back together with tape until you figure out something else.
You and Belphegor were napping in his bed, arms and legs tangled together, holding each other closely. Too tired to get up and properly put your glasses on the table, you had set them on the bed. Nothing bad will happen, you figured.
Well, you were wrong. Belphegor tosses and turns in his sleep a lot and he manages to roll over your glasses, his weight bending them in a shape that can't be worn no longer. He realizes what has happened after he wakes up and feels slightly embarrassed about it.
''If you don't want anything to happen to your glasses, don't leave them on the bed, MC.''
Now, he knows how blind you are without your glasses, so he takes them to Lucifer immediately so they can get them replaced on the same day.
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chanfictions · 3 years
How would yanderes Itachi, Deidra, Pein and Konan react to the reader having depressing thoughts because of too much stress and she just wants them to go away? I have my exams from tomorrow and I barely got like, 4 hours of sleep TvT
Hey anon, I hope you're doing okay with your exams hanging over you. I know it's stressful as hell. I'm sorry if these are a little on the dark side (and let me know if I misinterpreted your request - I was assuming the reader wants their yandere to go away here. I'm happy to swap things around for ya so just message me if I got it wrong). Sending virtual hugs and tea if that helps. Feel free to send me another ask if you want something fluffier than this to give you a boost to get through your exams!
Ever observant, Itachi saw the downward spiral coming before you really felt it hit you. He knew the stress was starting to eat you alive and cripple you -- you stopped smiling, and he hated it. He seemed to be more anticipant of your needs, manifesting tea on your nightstand and tucking extra blankets around you to fortify your protective nest.
He sat with you at night as you stared with hollow eyes into the darkness with your head in his lap, wanting to escape from the chaos and crushing weight of your own thoughts. Despite wanting nothing more than to be left to steep in your own despair, asking him to alleviate your suffering was better than telling him to leave you alone, as the latter would only earn you a cold, crimson glare and an attitude adjusting genjutsu. If you asked for help, he would at least send you somewhere pleasant, speaking softly to you while brushing your hair out of your tired eyes.
"If you look at me, I can make it stop."
No matter what was ailing you, be it sadness, general malaise, or simply the stress of being at the mercy of one of the most powerful ninja in existence -- those were simply problems to be solved. He took a very methodical approach to fixing you, because that's all he saw. His toy, his pet, his companion was broken and simply needed to be repaired.
"Just leave me alone," you mumbled quietly with your hands tangled in your own hair, staring blankly at the floor between your knees as you sat upon the edge of the bed you hadn't left in days.
He spoke to you in that deep, rumbling monotone while running a cool hand idly across your scalp and untangling your fingers from the mess, eventually tilting your chin up to force you to look into those deep, hypnotic eyes. "No."
You were going to tell him what was troubling you, one way or another, and he was going to fix it.
"Go away," your voice was muffled by the pillow you had buried your face in. Your room was dismal and dark after having pulled all of the shades shut to hide from the horrifying spray of sunlight that assaulted your face when all you wanted to do was sleep to avoid facing the emptiness and stress that had been plaguing you.
Deidara's primary method of dealing with any of your unpleasant moods was distraction. If you were lost in a void in your head and paralyzed by stress, he would drag you from your blanket cocoon and take you on a flight atop one of his clay creations. Creating the fireworks display of a lifetime, he hoped to at least elicit a little gasp of appreciation or the tiniest hint of a smile.
"How can you possibly be sad when you're in the presence of such beauty?" He exclaimed with a satisfied smile and an arm curled tightly around your back to keep you from having any unsavory ideas of taking an unassisted skydive. He didn't understand the state of mind you were in, thinking his art was the solution to every problem because sometimes, it seemed to work. Sometimes the playful displays and comically shaped critters were enough to coax a smile from you, even if it was just for a moment.
She was obsessed with you to a fault. Your laugh, your smile - she craved the happily ever after ending for the two of you after her life had fallen to shambles in the midst of war. When she met you, you became her pillar of stability. She clung to you like the last bit of flotsam in a raging sea of storm and chaos. She needed you, and would bring down a nation if it meant keeping you by her side.
When the smiles and laughter faded as you slipped further from her, missing your homeland, missing your family, stressed about how much longer Pein would entertain letting her keep you as a pet, wishing she would just leave you alone to wallow in your suffering, she doubled down on her efforts and affections. Leaving you alone in such a state was out of the question. Your suffering was her suffering, even if she was the source. She would crawl into the cocoon of blankets and darkness with you, wrapping you in a tight embrace that you might not even want, and stay right there with you until your smile returned, speaking to you softly and petting your hair. She couldn't stand the thought of you leaving her, even if you were only gone because you were lost in your head. 
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girls4keigo · 3 years
A Bird Whisperer’s Guide to Fighting Villains and Falling in Love | Hawks x Hero!Reader
Summary: Hawks needs help to defeat an upcoming hero attack in Tokyo. What better hero to ask than the one he’s been crushing on for months
Warnings: F!Reader, Hero!Reader, Fluff, Cursing
Reader plays hard to get. Reader has a nature quirk and can control natural elements and talk to animals. Reader is a popular hero
a/n: hi! this is my first post i hope you all enjoy! :)
You sighed, trying to keep your composure while talking to a bunch of big name heroes. The fundraiser events that your agency made you go to were unbearable. Standing around for hours listening to the most mundane heroes try to impress you with their line of work. But hey, if it helps boost approval ratings I guess it’s not that bad.
For the past year you’ve slowly been climbing the ranks of the hero world. With a powerful quirk and unique fighting styles it was hard to go unnoticed. By now you were familiar with how the industry treated female heroes. It seemed as if the general public cared about anything but your hero duties.
It was all love, relationships, “Who are you dating?”, “What’s your skincare routine?”
You honestly didn’t expect any different but geez, it sure did piss you off. And now that you were in the top 3, you weren’t expecting any of it to die down. Might as well just get used to it.
You continued to chat when suddenly your ear twitched as you sensed a certain birdie approaching.
Oh God.
“Hey. Mind if I steal ya away for a little?” Hawks’ signature smirk appeared on his face as he approached you.
Hawks seemed to really be latching onto you for quite some time, well since the new hero rankings were announced. You were on your way to surpassing the number 2 hero and had gained a lot of notoriety in the past couple of months. 
He was clingy for sure, always play flirting, inviting you to lunch, showing up at your agency unannounced. It was obvious that he was just trying to get a reaction out of you. You’d be surprised if he admitted to actually having feelings for you. Well, not that you cared anyways. Your job was to save civilians, defeat villains, and do things that any other normal hero would. Love was simply not on your agenda.
Holding back a heavy sigh, you complied and stepped off to the side with Hawks.
He seemed delighted by your decision, using his feathers to fetch you a glass of champagne off of one of the caterer’s trays as you two walked over to the bar area.
“So your agency makes you come to these lame things too, huh?”
You didn’t answer, not very interested in the direction that the conversation was going in.
“You look nice.” He bit his lower lip, dragging his eyes vertically across your figure.
“Thank you.” You replied, taking a sip of your champagne.
After you both had made your way over to the bar he instructed his order to the bartender, asking you if you wanted anything and keeping the same dumb smirk on his face when you denied.
“Rarely ever see you in a color other than green. I mean, I guess it’s your entire thing but I really dig this red look you’ve got goin’ on” He mused, as he watched the bartender carefully make his drink.
He wasn’t lying. He’s been eyeing you since you walked in, you look good.
“What do you want, Hawks?” You asked, visibly annoyed.
“Damn.” He chuckled, “Small talk isn’t your thing, noted.”
You side-eyed him, getting impatient with his overly relaxed demeanor.
Catching the hint, he got straight to the point. “There’s some trouble going on in Tokyo.”
Now you were intrigued. You took another sip of your champagne, “Petty villain attacks like always, isn’t it?”
You turned towards him, he got a good look at your face before he answered.
Fucking pretty, he thought to himself.
“That’s what I thought at first but it’s getting harder to believe that as I do more digging.” He looks around before inching closer to you, trying to keep his volume to a minimum. “The League is planning something big next week. The ‘Rain of Terror’, they’re callin’ it. They’re trying to ease the amount of big attacks in the city to let our gaurds down. And frankly, I think it’s working.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “How do you know all of this?”
“I’ve got connections,” Was all he said, with a shrug.
Ok, whatever. You’ll confront him about that later. “And this ‘Rain of Terror…’ what does it entail?”
“Shit,” You muttered.
“Big ones. Huge ones, actually. I don’t know how the fuckers did it but they found a way to make these huge, bioengineered clouds that ‘rain’ bombs.”
You grew uneasy. Raining bombs? Over the entirety of Tokyo? The amount of destruction it would do to the earth, to civilians, made you panic. Hawks sensed your uneasiness but continued anyways, “I want us to team up. Your quirk would be useful with the entire controlling nature n’ weather thing.”
He loosened up from his serious expression, talking a bit louder and showing a teethy smile, “Plus I think we’d make a pretty good team. I’ve already got a plan so we’ll meet up at yours tomorrow.”
“As in my house? Why not anywhere else?” You questioned.
“Well,” He grabbed his drink and used his free hand to rub the back of his heck, “This isn’t really the typa thing we can talk about in public. Mass hysteria, panic, that type of thing. And my living situation is pretty…complicated right now.”
You felt a small tap on your shoulder, followed by the voice of your high school aged sidekick. You turned to the younger hero. “Uh..Y/N? It’s time to go. I gotta be back by 11.”
You sighed before turning back to Hawks.
“Kids and their curfews, right?” He commented.
“Fine. I’ll have my agency send you my address. Don’t come during the day.” That was the last thing you said before finishing your drink all in one quick sip and making your way to the exit. You could feel his eyes on your backside until you left the venue. And the singular scarlet feather rushing in front of you to open the car door for you was really the cherry on top.
You rolled your eyes.
“Woah.” Your sidekick mused, “He seems to really like you. You should give him a chance, he’s hot.”
You giggled at her comment, “He doesn’t really like me, y’know? He flirts with every female hero.”
You heard a slight tap on the window leading up to your balcony. You already sensed him flying towards you when he was about a mile away, but your bedroom? Reluctantly you walked over and opened the sliding door.
“Never heard of a front door?”
“Well that’s no fun, is it?” He said, displaying his signature smirk. You looked cute out of your hero clothes. Hair tied up and messy, and in big comfy clothes.
Adorable, he thought to himself. He walked in as if it was his own befroom, slipping off his shoes, gloves and jacket and placing them in the corner of your room.
“Make yourself comfortable I guess.” You deadpanned at him, “And we’re still going downstairs anyways.” He shrugged.
He couldn’t help but be taken aback by the layout of your room. There were plants in almost every corner, on every shelf. Vines growing on your walls, half read books strewn across your bedside table and dresser, your pet birds of all different shaped and sizes flew freely around your room, chirping every once in a while. “So you’re a bird whisperer, huh?” He said, looking around.
“I’m an animal whisperer.” You said, “That’s kind of like my entire thing.”
He let out a hearty laugh before making his way out of your room.
“Tea?” You asked, heading towards the kitchen as the winged hero made himself comfortable on your couch.
“Sure.” He picked up your remote with one his feathers, flicking through the channels.
He turned his attention to you a couple moments later as you took a seat across from him at your coffee table, setting down two mugs of green tea.
He explained his plan carefully, paying close attention to all details and pausing for any questions you might have. You had to admit, as much as an annoying asshole this guy could be, he knew what he was doing. You could tell he plans his strategies very carefully, as much as he likes to come off as lazy and laid back to the general public. He was a damn good hero. And you hated admitting it but he was right, utlizing his speed and your ability to control weather, it wouldn’t be all that hard to stop villain attacks.
Hawks also couldn’t help but admire you. You seemed attentive, always paying close attention to detail and asking a lot of questions. I mean he already knew you were good at your job, watching some of the viral videos of your fights with villains.
When the day finally came, it went as smoothly as planned, of course with a little bumps along the way. Still, the few civilians that were hurt only had minor injuries, and you and hawks made it so only a couple bombs hit the ground.
You, Hawks, and some other minor heroes who had joined mid-battle regrouped to talk about how to resolve the collateral damage.
“It’s not too much to be honest, I’ll have it all repaired by midni-“
“Wow! What an incredible display of courage from Hawks and Mother Nature, currently sitting at number 2 and number 3 of Japan’s Hero BillBoard Chart!” A loud reporter exclaimed, accompanied by a camera crew.
Of course.
You tried your best to ignore and keep talking to fellow heroes until a microphone was shoved in your face. The face of the reporter gleamed as she talked to you. “Tell me Mother Nature, how does it feel working with number 2 hero Hawks?” You winced at the question, but answered nevertheless.
“Hawks is a  diligent hero with a lot of experience under his belt despite being so young. It was great working with him.” You answered, forcing a smile on your face.
“There’s speculation that you two planned this together..is this true? How were you able to predict this attack? More importantly, are you two dating?” Those questions hit you like a truck.
“Um..no comment.” Was all you could answer with.
Nevertheless, the reporter persisted, “Well there has to be something going on. It’s just my opinion but you two seem perfect for each other.” She giggled at the camera, “Please! The public is dying to know!”
Before you could even muster up an answer to the reporter’s overwhelming question, a giant scarlet wing came between you and the reporter, blinding both her and the camera from your view.
“Hey. She said she doesn’t wanna talk about it. Let’s respect personal boundaries, yeah?” Hawks said in a nice but slightly defensive tone.
You blushed, looking up at him. As nice we he was trying to sound, he looked angry. And damn right he was. How dare they talk to you like you’re no more than just some D-list celebrity? You’re a fucking hero, who cares about dating speculation when you just saved Japan’s largest city? And how dare they ask questions about him when you were the one doing most of the work. He was enraged, and it was his natural instinct to protect the thing he cared for.
Before you knew it, he latched his arms around your waist, pushing you into his chest.
You were flustered. “What are you-“
“Let’s go.” Was all he said before flapping his wings, sending you guys soaring through the air.
You held on to him for dear life, damn was he fast.
Hawks smirked to himself, feeling your rapid heartbeat against his chest. You were trying your best to hide your blushing by burying your face in his neck, granted that probably made it worse because he could already tell by how hot your face was.
God, she’s adorable
As soon as you two landed on top of a building, you pushed him away as quickly as possible.
He chuckled, putting both of his hands up in defense, “You’re the one making this awkward y’know? Plus you owe me for saving your ass.”
You were angry. Was it because of the downright rude questions that the reporter asked you not too long ago, was it because you knew tabloids would be posting all about you and Hawks for the next couple of days, was it because you were..warming up to that damned bird?
And then you started. “Just so you know, this..us..is not a thing. It will never be a thing. I wish you’d just stop flirting with me all the damn time. Just move on to the next female hero. I actually don’t care what you do. Just leave me alone. I don’t understand why you have to be so clingy, it’s annoying.”
Hawks did nothing but smile, listening to you ramble.
“You know…I-“ He interjected, only to be interrupted by you.
“And geez, you’re so goddamn entitled. I owe you? I don’t owe you anything. I didn’t even need your help. You’re no different from any other guy, you’re fucking insuffer-“
Hawks shut you up with a gentle kiss on your lips.
“You talk too much.” He said in a low whisper, before pulling on your chin to kiss you again. You kissed him back, resting your hands on his chest, completely indulging in the moment.
Fuck. Your knees were weak. As much as you wanted to keep going you pulled away, blushing furiously and refusing to make eye contact with him.
“Oh? So now you’re shy?” He chuckled, pulling you closer to him. He tried to catch your gaze but you just moved your head away from him each time.
“Someone might see us. This is bad,” You were able to muster out.
“You’re so fucking cute.” He said, making you blush even more. He continued, “I don’t flirt with you for no reason, y’know? Sure, sometimes it’s just to tease..but I think you’re amazing.”
You felt like you were melting in his arms. Unable to find the right words, you panicked. You were gone in seconds, manipulating the wind so it could carry you back home, the same stupid blush unable to leave your face.
“Call me!” He yelled.
That damn bird.
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Old habits die hard (Rey x Reader)
Summary: Once a scavenger, always a scavenger. Rey keeps accumulating spare parts and scrap metal. You find it cute but you don't know why she does that.
Word count: 745
A/N: it's been a hot minute since the last time I wrote something, so this is a little warm up drabble and oh boy, I've lost practice. But anyway ways, hope you like this little thing.
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Rey spent her whole life scavenging and saving spare parts on Jakku. Now on the Resistance she often did the same, unconsciously saving metal parts in her pockets. When helping fix the ships she would take the old and damaged components to her quarters, clean them and store them. “Just in case.” She always said.
Every time you visited her quarters you found yourself amazed and somehow concerned with the amount of scrap she kept. Hers looked even smaller than the usual Resistance ones that had only space for a small bed, a desk and some storage crates, however webs hang from the walls full of what seemed to be metal part, a capacitor here, a compressor over there, a few broken X-wing components and all kind of ship parts you didn’t even recognize.
Rey could easily assemble an engine with all that trash.
"So what is all of this, Rey?” you finally asked after months of wondering in your head why she kept all of that.
"Spare parts," she told you, her eyes stayed glued to whatever she was repairing.
"Yeah, but why do you keep them here?"
"Just in case."
"But this one's broken, Rey.” You chuckled while taking what looked like a burned comlink In your hands. “It's not useful anymore. Actually, most of this is useless.” You said looking around the scrap filled room.
"What are you talking about?” Rey finally turned around in her chair to face you, a surprised expression over her soft features. “Most of them could be fixed and even if not they are really valuable."
"But this?" you raised an eyebrow as you showed her the small device.
"If the transmitter it’s in good shape, could be worth at least a few rations…"
"But you don't need to do that anymore.” You cut her off, walking over her and carefully sitting over her lap. “You're with us now. You're with me, my love." you murmured gently caressing the side of her face. "You don't have to worry anymore."
Rey’s eyes seemed to shimmer with appreciation, fond of your touch and your words.
You were right and she knew it. Rey’s life had changed a lot since she joined the Resistance and since she met you. Sometimes she forgot she didn’t have to work her ass off all day to have something to eat, she forgot she had a new family of friends and that she wasn’t alone anymore.
"Sorry, it's just, in Jakku I used to look for this kind of things every day.” Rey said. A soft smile curved her lips only for a second. “I guess old habits die hard."
“Guess so.” you told her with a smile before stealing a quick kiss from her lips. “Sorry, old habit.” you playfully told her afterwards.
“Is that so?” Rey chuckled softly. “Is there any other ‘old habit’ you’d like to show me, my love?.” She asked, a teasing tone in her words and in her eyes.
“Maybe.” you said. “But those I’ll have to show you later, I have patrol duty this evening.”
“That’s a shame.” Rey said disappointed.
Then her eyes scanned the room filled with mechanical parts. “You know, you’re right, I should probably get rid of all that stuff.” She met your eye again, a grin over her lips. “Perhaps that’ll keep me busy until you return.”
“Sounds good to me.” you laughed.
Over her shoulder your eyes caught a strange piece of metal over Rey’s desk.
“What’s that?” curiously you asked.
“Oh, it’s just a thing I’ve been trying to fix but it’s a lost cause.” She sighed. ”I’ll throw it too, don’t worry.”
You reached for the small metal scrap and took a better look at it. Rey was right, it was definitely a lost cause, what once may have been a piece of gear or even an info disk was now deformed and burned. However, all that damage over the time created somehow a new form that resembled a flower.
Maybe not all the things Rey scavenged were bad or useless after all.
“Can I keep it?” you asked her, still holding the metal piece in your hands, admiring every little metal petal.
“Of course but didn’t you just tell me this was all trash? Why keeping that one?” She chuckled.
“Just in case.” you smiled and stood up, already on your way to the exit. With a wink you left the the room, leaving your laughing girlfriend behind.
Tagging: @1-800-depressedlesbian , @xgaygremlinx , @deputy-orange-juice , @natasha-danvers
(In case you want to be tagged or untagged for specific things or everything I write, just let me know)
(This is an old tag list sorry if I'm missing anyone)
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