#It makes me want to go into academia but i honestly doubt it would be any better and I really don't want to write papers professionally lol
sarahjtv · 21 hours
My Hero Academia Chapter 425 Spoiler Talk
I'm enjoying writing about this stuff again, though I've got a headache going on, so I'll do the best I can for now. I might add in stuff later:
I'm very happy to see our Big 3 graduate finally! I was kinda worried Mirio wouldn't even graduate for a second, but I'm happy to see that he did and he gave a valedictorian-esque speech to everyone talking about rebuilding society so everyone can have a bright future like Sir Nighteye wanted. Ending his speech with a joke is such a Mirio Togata thing 😂. I'm going to miss that guy so much 🥹
Why are Deku and some other students just lying on the ground with their feet up like that btw? Did they run out of chairs or something? It's a weird, quirky little thing that's just there, I guess.
The narration mentions that it's June in the MHA universe now (Happy Pride, btw 🏳️‍🌈). So, if the War took place around April or May, then it's been at least 1 month since we last saw the kids at the hospital.
Our class 1-A is now officially Class 2-A! They're finally second years as they should have been. Everyone including Aizawa is alive, though saying they're well is debatable. Everyone is clearly still injured in some way, shape, or form. Most have several bandages and even Jiro looks like she has a prosthetic for her missing left earphone jack.
Quick note: I notice that Bakugo is actually wearing a tie with his uniform now. It's still not buttoned up, but you can tell that he's definitely softened a bit since the war. EDIT: Looking at it again, it might not be buttoned up because he has a cast holding his right arm, but it’s hard to tell from the scans.
Aoyama not wanting to return to UA is sad, but it makes sense. I'd argue that he earned his place there regardless of AFO's influence, but I can understand that he doesn't feel that way and wants to redeem himself and become a hero in his own way without being forced to betray his friends and teachers.
Replacing Aoyama will be Hitoshi Shinso! I think most of us predicted that Shinso would be joining Class 2-A, but I'm very happy to see that confirmed. It's going to be a bit of a weird start for him, but I think he'll get used to his new classmates quickly.
Another quick note: The second-year cloud girl, Fuwa Mitawa, is seen quite a bit in this chapter and her return is something Horikoshi promised many volumes ago, so I'm glad to see him keep that promise.
Those two first panels of Shouto make me so sad, y'all 😭... His hair is so messy and you can see bags under his eyes. It's hard to tell because of the leaks, but I don't know if there's even light left in his eyes. He looks so exhausted. What happened to Dabi, Endeavor, and the rest of his family? I have no doubt that he's been agonizing over them for god knows how long. I hate seeing him like this, honestly. He's my favorite character and deserves all the good in the world, especially after the harsh life he's been put through. I want to give Shouto all the hugs in the world 🩵.
I don't think Deku smiled at all this whole chapter btw. He tries to talk to Ochako at one point, but she interrupts him with a comment about his new haircut. He just looks sad this whole chapter. I bet he's still grieving and processing what happened. I need Izuku to open up to someone because he can't just bottle this up.
Then we have this mysterious man walking around a desolate town. We have absolutely no idea who this is, but apparently it isn't someone we know of. I want to say it's a grown-up Tenko Shimura somehow, but even that might be too farfetched.
Finally, there's Shouto and the Todorokis. Shouto reassures Deku that he's ok, but I bet my gatcha game currency that he's putting on a brave face because that final beautiful panel of him does not scream "I'm ok!" to me. If anything, I'm amazed Shouto doesn't look like he got any other permanent scars on his face at least.
It looks like Shouto is going to see his family at the hospital. Specifically Endeavor and what might be Dabi who's being kept alive in a big machine. It's hard to tell because the scans are so unclear, but I'm 90% sure that's Dabi in there. It's a miracle that man is alive given he was just a skeleton last we saw him. I'm 99% sure we're going to get a Hellish Todoroki Family Part 3 or something next chapter.
But, we won't see that until 3 weeks from now because we're officially on a 2-week break. There isn't a given reason why like Jujustu Kaisen got (Gege Akutami is sick, so he's taking 2-week break too), so I really hope Horikoshi is ok. It's either he's sick too or he needs time to think of the final chapters of MHA. Or both, that too. Regardless, any breaks given to Kohei Horikoshi to give him time to rest is ok with me. Just sucks for us as fans. Leaving us on THAT kind of a cliffhanger is just mean 😭
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Social justice, shipping, and ideology: when fandom becomes a crusade, things get ugly
by Aja Romano for Vox
“Shipping is as old as fandom itself. But traditionally, fans never expected their particular pairing to "become canon" — that is, to officially happen on a show or in a storyline. In modern fandoms, however, fans of movies and TV shows often root for their ships to become canon the way sports fans root for their teams. If the football fans’ goal is to see their team win the Super Bowl, the shipper’s goal is to see their ship "win" by entering the narrative as an official storyline.
These shippers collectively form group narratives about their favorite ship. More and more, these group narratives are evolving into unshakable belief systems that usually take one of three increasingly common forms:
1) The belief that the ship in question is unquestionably going to become canon
Historically in fandom, liking a ship meant just that: You liked a ship. Anything more than that would get you a lot of side-eyeing. In the Harry Potter fandom, the advent of Ron and Hermione becoming a couple in the sixth book led to a very famous (and still ongoing) meltdown among Harry/Hermione shippers.
At the time — fandom in 2005 — their unwavering faith that Harry/Hermione would eventually become canon was widely seen by fandom at large as extreme, because shipping was typically viewed as something that existed outside of canon and generally had no particular relationship to the course of canon at all.
Today, expecting your ship to become canon is more or less the norm. But there are lots of complications with this line of thinking. Even if a ship does become canon, it might not become canon in a way that fans like — Buffy/Spike, anyone? And of course it might not be guaranteed to remain canon. Breakups happen, actors leave shows, and, as The 100 fans were brutally reminded earlier this spring, characters die.
Serial narratives are fueled by drama, and they often create that drama by shaking up character relationships. Happily ever after is a rarity for couples in fictional stories, at least while they’re still in process. But fans pushing for their ships to become canon are typically looking ahead to what they call "endgame" — they believe that when all is said and done, after all the drama, their ship will, essentially, be the one that comes out victorious. Generally, they consider any alternative to be unpardonable.
Clinging to this kind of all-or-nothing view of a character pairing is, in general, a recipe for massive disappointment.
2) The belief that the ship should become canon because it involves an underrepresented identity
Fans of ships involving queer characters, characters of color, disabled characters, and other drastically underserved identities often lobby creators to acknowledge and embrace the validity of their ships. They frequently cite the sad but widely observed fact that characters who fall within these underserved identities rarely get to have meaningful canonical relationships written about them.
The problem with explicitly linking shipping to this kind of political platforming and social justice activism is that these arguments are often self-serving — that is, they’re more about having a specific ship become canon than about achieving social progress.
#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is a recent fandom trend directed at Marvel creators, but even though many Avengers fans have used it to advocate for general queer representation in the Marvel universe, the vast majority have used it to advocate for a specific ship — Stucky, or Steve/Bucky: Captain America shipped with his lifelong best friend.
Conflating ships that involve underrepresented identities with the desire for inclusion gets especially dicey when it leads fans to prioritize support for their ship over other intersectional concerns. For example, in Teen Wolf fandom, fans of the "Sterek" ship (Derek/Stiles) have frequently accused the show of "queerbaiting," or exploiting their specific queer male pairing without any intention of following through on it — even though the show’s creator, Jeff Davis, is a gay man who has already inserted several queer relationships in the show’s storylines, and even though Sterek, as it currently exists within canon, is a physically abusive relationship.
The prioritization of a ship at the expense of other intersectionality concerns is also present on The 100, which earlier this year featured a queer canonical relationship between main character Clarke and the warrior queen Lexa, a.k.a. Clexa. Clexa fans have been so focused on advocating for Clexa — even after the ship effectively ended with Lexa’s untimely death — that they’ve come under fire for ignoring the many elements of the show that some fans feel are racist and problematic.
In these and many similar cases, one might wonder if a given show’s overall progressiveness matters less to ideologically driven shippers than the ship itself.
3) The belief that the ship is already canon but the creators are unable or unwilling to confirm or admit it
This belief argues that the people in charge of the narrative are deliberately concealing the "truth" about a relationship. Because it involves an official cover-up, this particular ideological thread is particularly well-suited to ships involving real people (real person fiction, or RPF) and ships involving fictional queer characters. It almost always escalates into outright fandom conspiracies, especially if the ship involves a (perceived) real-life relationship between two same-sex celebrities.
Perhaps the most notable example of this kind of deep fandom conspiracy is the great Larry Stylinson conspiracy in the One Direction fandom, followed by TLJC in the Sherlock fandom and swaths of conspiratorial RPF shippers in numerous other fandoms, from Supernatural to Twilight to The X-Files.
The obvious problem here is that, like all good conspiracy theories, those built on the insistence that a pairing is real but secret are designed to explain away every contradictory bit of "evidence" that a pairing isn’t real. And like all conspiracies, this level of shipping can lead to hardcore, alienating belief systems.
Ships often involve a combination of these three basic branches of belief. For instance, Harry Potter’s Harry/Hermione shippers believed their ship represented a philosophical approach to love and Harry Potter as a whole. And Sherlock’s Johnlock conspiracists consistently point to the progressive nature of their ship as a reason for its inevitability. As one fan put it, "What a minority of LGBTQIA viewers label as ‘queer baiting’ is but a tool that serves the slow narrative of how Sherlock Holmes and John Watson finally end up in a relationship."
Of course, combining these three ideological strains serves to make the overall shipper ideology that much stronger — and that makes interactions within and between different ideologies that much more fraught.
When shipping is treated as an ideology, it creates deep tensions between fans and creators
These days, because so many fans treat shipping as a serious matter of urgency, they tend to approach the fan-creator divide feeling utterly justified in their belief that a ship will be or should be canon. Yet creators and writers generally have no idea what kind of belief system has amassed around a ship until members of that ship approach them to try to discuss it.
When a single fan or a group of fans tweet at creators asking whether a ship will become canon, creators generally aren’t aware of the tremendous amount of background attached to said ship — the thought, speculation, love, emotional investment, and collective justification that has gone into a fandom’s perception of a pairing.
Creators and other cast and crew members who interact with fans tend to get asked basic questions like, "Will this ship be endgame?" But most can't answer, and often don't even know, because of the many factors involved in producing a storyline.
In other words, the creators are seeing only the tip of the iceberg that is a fandom's investment in a ship, and fans are seeing only the tip of the iceberg that is the behind-the-scenes production of the canonical storyline.
Add in the fact that both fans and creators usually believe they can see the whole iceberg, and the result is inherent miscommunication. Fans might come away feeling like creators are being evasive or brushing off their need to have their ship to be canon; creators might come away feeling like fans are placing too much emphasis on a single aspect of the plot at the expense of everything else they’re trying to do within a storyline.
This disconnect can lead to feelings of resentment on both sides. It can also lead to creators accusing fans of wanting to control their narratives.
The rise in ideological fan beliefs is less about control and more about equal partnerships
The modern state of fandom involves an uneasy imbalance between fans and creators. The two groups both encourage each other creatively but lack a mutual partnership and mutual understanding of how fans’ collective creation might contribute to a storyline.
Though it would have been taboo in the past, fans who engage with creators in 2016 tend to assume they’re on equal footing with those creators, thanks to their role as active consumers of the narrative: Here is what we want your TV show to do for us, the paying customers who watch it.
But creators tend to engage with fans via a top-down approach. They are still viewing themselves as the powers that be, the ones in control, even if the fans aren’t. This is how we wind up with the kind of supreme disconnect between fans and writers like the one that has existed between Supernatural and its fan base for most of the show's interminable run on air: A substantial number of the show’s fans are collaboratively creating a vision of a completely different show than the one being produced in the writers’ room.
It's possible that shipping as ideology has arisen in part because of these imbalanced power dynamics with creators. After all, if you’re worried the creators won't listen to you, or won’t consider what you have to say as equivalent to their own opinion, what better way to justify what you have to say than to package it not as once-shameful fan desire, but as ideology?
It’s easy to stand back from fandom and point to shipping behavior as a hallmark of fan entitlement. But it would be far more accurate to say that shipper ideology is ultimately about fans trying to find a way to gain equity with creators, to work with them in a tacit collaboration.
There’s no easy answer to this dilemma, but awareness is a start
For creators who are winging their interactions with fans, knowing when a ship has become a collective fandom ideology, and why, might help give you a bit of autonomy from your fandom. At the very least, it might help you remain neutral in your presentation of various ships and plot points and avoid unexpected pitfalls.
Meanwhile, for fans feeling fatigue over an embattled struggle to make a ship canon, and the crushing disappointment of setbacks or failure, it might help to remember that ships don’t have to be canon in order to be transformative and meaningful on both a personal and cultural level. Look at Star Trek’s Kirk/Spock: that ship never became canon, but it remains one of the most compelling ships ever created, and within canon it gave us one of pop culture’s most enduring symbols of love — their hands touching through the glass.
Henry Jenkins famously said that queer fanfiction "is what happens when you take away the glass." And, sure, it’s increasingly possible that savvy creators might go ahead and take away the glass for us. But that doesn’t negate the power of fans being able to do it on their own, without anyone’s help.
Shipping is exciting, fun, and often a progressive and empowering experience. And if a ship ultimately becomes canon, so much the better. But when shipping becomes an ideology, tantamount to a religion, it makes a story’s creators pretty much tantamount to gods. In essence, even though that level of shipping may grow out of a wish to maintain parity with creators, it’s ultimately de-empowering to fans, making them dependent on creators for validation.
But fans are validated through their love for the source material; they’ve never needed more than that. Turning that source material into a game to be won only turns all involved players into winners and losers.”
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sophsiaaa · 2 months
I've been wanting to make this post for a while so now that I'm on mid-sem break, I will. Let's talk Shigaraki and sex.
NSFW warning??
So, let's get the big question out of the way. Is Shigaraki a virgin?
I think, yes. 100%
However, that is not to say that he is an innocent, oblivious, 'omg what is sex? uwu' baby villain. This guy literally lives in a bar, in a seedy part of the city, and hangs around with criminals. He knows about sex - I daresay he knows quite a bit about it. Besides which, we see in-canon that he has a phone and a PC and access to the internet, so he's hardly sheltered (though, he's definitely sheltered in regard to actual real-life socialisation, but that's another story).
Regardless, I stand by my assertion that he is a virgin.
Exhibit A: Shigaraki is shown very overtly to hate 'basically everything'. Correct me if I'm wrong, but everything encompasses sex/romance/intimacy. His character, especially at the beginning of the story, is prickly, quick-to-frustration, and sort of single-minded. He is driven to complete one narrow goal set by AFO that he believes he wants: to kill All Might. I believe prior to our introduction to Shigaraki, he was much the same, and thus did not seek out sex. Given his hostile and loner-guy nature at the start of the series, I doubt he would have had much in the way of propositions on his occasional solo trip to the mall.
Exhibit B: whilst I have seen it theorised that AFO introduced Shigaraki to sex via getting him a sex worker to 'satisfy his natural urges', personally, I think this theory is unlikely. This is because everything AFO does is to create discomfort and frustration in Shigaraki's life in order to stoke his rage (the guy literally has him wearing dead hands despite the fact that they make Shigaraki simultaneously feel calm and like throwing up). Thus, I doubt AFO would have encouraged Shigaraki to indulge in sexual relief - or any kind of relief - at all. I doubt he would have even explained the birds and the bees and likely pawned that job off onto the doctor or the internet if Shigaraki asked any questions.
So, we've established that Shigaraki's a virgin, and an ultimate hasn't-even-kissed-anyone virgin at that. But does he want to have sex? That big question number 2.
Honestly, I don't think he much cares for it.
It's odd to say given the multitude of what is essentially sex-addict-Shiagraki headcanons out there, but I truly think he doesn't really think about sex. Shigaraki's sex drive is probably quite low. Now, since I'm taking an evidence based approach here, lets go for the obvious evidence that points to him not having much interest in sex and that is the fact that if he was interested in it, Horikoshi would not shy away from showing it. My Hero Academia is not a manga that shies away from the odd bit of fan service or the pervy character. Mineta is - unfortunately - living proof of this. And he's not the only one. Horikoshi writes many of his characters displaying sexual attraction/interest/engagement/awareness at one point or another. So, logically, if Shigaraki was a character who was interested in sex, Horikoshi would show that. Since he doesn't, I can only conclude that sex isn't really a big deal to Shigaraki, or at the very least, not something he thinks about enough for it to show up on-screen.
Now, do I believe that Shigaraki has zero sexual interest? No. I think he's watched porn before, and probably even jerks it every now and then. But do I think he would actively seek out sex? Nah. Honestly, I don't even think he'd go along with sex unless it's with someone he's got a pre-established emotional connection to that's been building for a long time.
Like everything with Shigaraki, I think sex would be intense. By this I mean, he wouldn't be the type to have a casual one-night-stand or a friends-with-benefits fling. If he's in it, his heart's in it. Because he is so angry and destructive, Shiagraki often gets mischaracterised as heartless and deliberately cruel (this is a conversation for a separate post), but in reality, he cares a lot about certain things and puts his all into them. With sex, he would have to care about the who for the what to matter.
In conclusion - Shigaraki's well aware that BDSM doesn't stand for Bible Discussion/Study Meeting, but he's also a virgin loser who would not pin you up against the wall and have his way with you in a dark alley.
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This post [X] contains a pjo fan desperately wanting to believe that Percy/Annabeth isn't toxic.
A Percy/Annabeth shipper responded and honestly I don't agree with some of the stuff they said. They specifically mentioned percabeth antis a couple times and I felt I need to address a few things since they were missing the point about a lot of arguments I've made.
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It's far more than just the nickname. That's literally just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know why so many people get caught up on the nickname when it's like. some of the least shit Annabeth has done to Percy that we take issue with. For me, anyway.
Also, like it would be one thing if Annabeth was just using the seaweed nickname as an insult at 12 years old like most children do and grew out of it later on as she matured, but that's not the case. Read Riordan, from Annabeth at college (an adult):
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It's more of an indication to me of what Annabeth really thinks of Percy. She doesn't respect him. When he has achievements (ones in academia which he canonically has struggled with and felt shitty about), instead of being happy for him like a supportive friend/girlfriend would, she seethes in jealously and envy. She has to be better than him, because if he's stupid and she's less than him that means she's stupid too, and she can't have that as the daughter of the wisdom and strategy goddess.
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This comes from the passage in HoH where Percy mumbles that Tartarus smells like Smelly Gabe and Annabeth laughs at him.
I agree, its fairly flimsy because as far as we've seen Percy has never confided with Annabeth that his first step father was a piece of shit that liked to threatened to beat him into unconsciousness. It's a very traumatic thing and that takes a certain level of trust to share. She could've straight up not known and missed all of Percy's signals that he wanted to confide in her about it then.
One thing that trips me up tho is that a lot of people like to excuse the laughter saying that Percy is using jokes to cope with the trauma - and while we've seen other characters do that we literally never see Percy joking about Gabe's trauma. He never talks about it, barely even thinks about it. So I would say it's incredibly unrealistic to say that he was making a joke prompting laughter as a coping strategy.
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Yeahhhh that's the thing!! They never do talk. They never communicate about these super important issues!! If they did, then they could have a healthy relationship. But they don't! And that's the problem!!
You can say "you doubt she would be insensitive " and "you believe she would stop [calling him seaweed brain]" and that's wonderful and present in fanfiction and your beliefs but it's not canon? Like it hasn't happened and we haven't even seen anything alluding to something similar to it.
Communication is not just beneficial - it's necessary to healthy relationships especially when you partner may be doing something that hurts/triggers you. And since they don't get this stuff out in the air, it makes the relationship unhealthy.
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Yes. Percy enjoys being around Rachel, and the issue is that he directly contrasts that to Annabeth and his experiences with her come up lacking! Which is something that falls on both of them btw.
"They aren't trauma bonded... they spend time with each other outside of life threatening situations." / "They go on dates."
Yeah, Percy and Rachel did. Nice dates, that didn't involve killing or missions or quests.
Has Percy ever gone on a quest with Annabeth that didn't devolve to a mission or quest? Not that we've seen. There's nothing straight up mentioned in the text. They've been on outings together - ie. the failed movie hangout, the date in central part, etc. that start out fun but it always goes back to a quest or mission.
That's not Annabeth or Percy's fault to be clear (yes I'm repeating this twice) - but it does indicate that they cannot get away from that aspect of their lives and relax together. It's always war-fighting-gods with them, tarnishing the domestic moments. It's always hanging over their heads.
When you consider Percy's character (ie. his first words; "I never wanted to be a demigod," and his desire to have a normal life and be done with the quests, prophecies and missions it's not good. This is not Annabeth being abusive to re-iterate. Not her fault. It's more of a "we're not good together" because of external factors - Percy's not getting what he wants. On some level, he's not happy with the relationship.
Also, since we brought up that experience/convo with Rachel, there's something else I want to talk about. It's a lot less 'subjective.'
Percy's POV from TLO: "She [Rachel] was so much easier to be around than some other girls I knew. I didn't have to work hard, or watch what I said, or rack my brain trying to figure out what she was thinking."
I don't think we talk about this enough?? Like it's so telling about the nature of Percy/Annabeth's relationship. When they got together, Annabeth said, "I will never ever make things easy for you." And it's probably some of the truest things she's ever said.
In TTC instead of communicating with Percy and asking him to dance with her, she punches him. And a lot of people call Percy obvious in that situation, but they had just agreed to split up from Thalia and Grover. It's reasonable for him to be thinking that he would further split up from Annabeth to cover more ground and get closer to the demigods they were watching, instead of dancing together.
In HoH while they were in Tartarus, Annabeth intentionally brings up Rachel, and (from her POV) says that she likes to keep Percy, "on his toes." - House of Hades.
Meaning she likes to keep him on edge, guessing at what she's thinking and wondering if he's doing wrong etc. They're in the middle of Tartarus - you'd think that she'd give him a break there context considering but no. She adds to the mental toll he's going through after being kidnapped by Hera, brainwashed and being separated from his friends/family in close to a year on top of being in Tartarus and fighting a war where the existence of everything he loves hangs in the balance.
Idk if I'd classify this as abusive, but its definitely a massive red flag. You do not want to be in a relationship with someone who takes pleasure in giving you anxiety and 'on your toes.' That's definitely unhealthy.
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This isn't the case. There are multiple instances of Percy fearing Annabeth outside of active battle from his narrative.
“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” Annabeth interrupted, shoving aside the other campers. I thought she was going to punch me." - Battle of the Labyrinth. Context: Annabeth was very upset/worried about Percy, and he assumed abuse from Annabeth.
“Shut up, Silena. Hand me your dagger.” / I was afraid Annabeth was going to stab me with it. - Bronze Dragon. Context: Percy complimented another girl in front of Annabeth, and then assumed abuse from Annabeth.
He repeatedly expects to be hurt by her - in absurd situations! Like its not reasonable to hurt a friend/significant other in these contexts!! That's a strong red flag, and an indication of an abusive relationship. You have to ask yourself why does he think this way? Why does he think Annabeth's going to hurt him? Has she done that before?
Yes, she has. She has stuck him many times in situations where she has no right to do so:
"Um, who should I ask?" / She punched me in the gut. "Me, Seaweed Brain." - Titan's Curse. Context: Percy doesn't read her mind and doesn't know what she wants, so she hits him before telling him to dance with her.
"Annabeth alternately shouted, gagged, hit me, called me names like “Idiot! Stupid—dirty—moron—” and topped it all off with “Kill you!" - Staff of Hermes. Context: Percy saved himself and Annabeth from being killed, by travelling up sewer water. Annabeth gets livid and hits him multiple times.
"Annabeth grabbed his wrist and flipped him over her shoulder. He slammed into the stone pavement [...] Annabeth put her knee on Percy’s chest. She pushed her forearm against his throat." - Mark of Athena. Context: similar to botl case above, Annabeth was extremely worried about Percy and takes her emotions, her bitterness out on him physically.
"'You did an awesome job.' [Jason, to Percy]. / 'Back at you,' Percy said. / Annabeth kicked his shin." - Mark of Athena. Context: Annabeth kicks Percy while he's bonding with Jason to tell Percy to shut up so they can talk about the great prophecy.
None of those situations warrant striking Percy, but it does prove why Percy fears Annabeth. His fears aren't unfounded - they're built upon actual things Annabeth has done to him.
And if that's still not enough evidence for you, Annabeth has a tendency to place Percy in danger by using him as bait without letting him know the plan, literally shoving him head first into danger, etc.
The lightning thief, Annabeth uses Percy as bait to distract Clarisse + Ares warriors so Luke can get the flag. She doesn't tell Percy that he's being set up, nor does she give him any back up - which you'd think would be important considering that Percy had no experience holding a sword and shield. Reminder: Percy got electrocuted. He thought he would die.
Chalice of the gods, Annabeth shoves Percy off a cliff without warning. Percy gets his ass kicked by the river god, getting a bleeding head wound. (Do I need to remind you how bad head wounds are?) Meanwhile Annabeth sits on the side in safety tapping her wrist impatiently.
I elaborate about it more here. Yeah, I can see why he's scared of her. She puts him in danger with her plans without communicating anything to him. And he gets hurt.
And if that's still not enough, Annabeth has literally said, "I only attack my boyfriend like that." (Edit: - Mark of Athena). Can't remember where its from because it's from a short story someone quoted on tumblr to make an argument. You only attack your boyfriend? Domestic violence right there. Or a really shitty joke that's not really a joke because its a habit that she follows through with repeatedly.
So yeah. Even if you ignore the last point because I don't have the source, there is overwhelming evidence that Annabeth is abusive and Percy canonically fears her. This is not healthy relationship, and the flaws are not acceptable minor grievances you can dismiss by saying that they're just teens learning to be people.
The things Annabeth do are intentional. It starts in tlt, and she doesn't learn or grow out of it by cotg and beyond when she's an adult/ She doesn't have the reason/excuse of being a child anymore. The relationship is toxic and they shouldn't be together.
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explorationsoftheid · 11 months
Autism: A Senior Perspective
Recently there was a post on here where someone was saying how everyone automatically hates us because of our autism. How they may act nice to our face, but trash talk us once we’re out of earshot. How everyone will abuse, even kill us, because they can’t stand our autism. I replied that they were just wrong about that. That everyone doesn’t automatically hate us.
The more I thought about it though, the more I saw this was an opportunity for those of us who are older and are autistic, to share our perspectives, our experiences. I think it might help those who are young to know what we went through, how we coped, how our lives have turned out. Most importantly that it can get better.
I’ll start:
I’m 62 years old. Looking back with what I know now it’s clear that I was definitely autistic as a child. Today, my teachers would have pressed to get me tested, but in the 1970s, well autism wasn’t on anyones radar. I doubt my parents would have gone along with that anyway. They were the, “Straighten up and do what you’re supposed to”, and “Boys don’t cry” attitude so common of their generation. I had significant trouble with social interactions, I stuttered, and fought like hell to not melt down in loud and overwhelming situations. Public school was unfortunately full of those. I liked procedure and process, there was a right way and a wrong way to do things and I would get upset if someone broke ‘the rules’. I would obsess over particular subjects. Actually I drove some of my teachers nuts. They would give me a writing assignment and I would turn in a top quality report, but I would have somehow twisted what they wanted into what I wanted to write about.
High School was very confusing. People started dating and going to dances, and all that. I kept asking, only half as a joke if I had missed a class or something because it was all so strange to me. I went off to University and really did well there. My grades weren’t good, (I had to work well over full time to afford to stay in school) but I loved academia. The order, the quiet of the library, being able to study a subject that I was totally onto because I had chosen it as my major. The people I worked with, at all of my jobs, grew to understand my ‘quirks’ and were fine with them. I only wish I hadn’t had to work so much. My middling grades meant that by the time I graduated, I was mentally exhausted, and didn’t qualify for Grad School.
So, I got a job and had to move across the country. There I met someone who I have spent the succeeding 36 years with. They understand me, accept that sometimes I’m a bit odd. Sometimes I react badly to things. Sometimes I just have to say no, and they roll with that.
So I’m now approaching retirement. In the last few years I finally figured out that autism was the reason for all the trouble I’ve had over the years. I’m not lazy, or dumb, or anything like that, I’m autistic. I’m neurodivergent, and that’s the way it is. The worst time frankly was in my childhood and my teens. Since then I’ve learned how to deal with the world. I’ve found people who like me for me, people I don’t have to mask or put on an act around. I’ve found other autistic people and am not the only one anymore. I figured out what jobs suited my talents, and limitations (Retail? No! Computer Wizard or someone who makes things work in the background? Yes!) I’m approaching retirement and honestly things are going pretty well now.
So fellow Autistic Seniors, (That is to say anyone that thinks of themselves as older than most), what was your experience living your life as an autistic person? How have things turned out for you? What advice would you give to children or teens that are struggling to cope?
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spacedlexi · 4 months
sorry if this is a personal question ... 🐛... but what are you doing for college and how did you decide to go for it?
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im going to school for animation but im realizing how much i love storyboarding specifically (and how little patience i have for full animating/not having the time i need to make animations that arent quick and stiff to meet a deadline (also i want adobe animate obliterated off the earth)). ive cried about how much i love boarding LMAO its that serious. but i love working with Little Guys and putting them in Situations plus theyre characters i dont have to make up myself?? im adapting a script?? but i might still be able to have fun with it? and as a lover of visual mediums i get really excited about being able to control a camera/composition for Maximum Emotional Effect, plus the idea of leading a viewer through a scene. knowing "rules" and breaking them with purpose. im in an editing class rn thats got me really excited aha
it was NOT an easy choice to make. im going back to school so late because i kept telling myself i shouldnt do it and should pick something non art related but well.... here i am.... (my mom kinda pushed the idea even tho the concept of going into art school debt keeps me up at night 💀)
i stumbled around community college for a few years hoping something else would Click for me but in the end i just kept taking art classes. i knew i would be miserable doing anything else. its still Work but its a kind of work i still derive enjoyment from even when im tired or frustrated. i think i would hate the academia world when it comes to my more scientific interests, and i dont have the patience to put up with the bs of being female presenting in a male dominated field like engineering (plus my math brain got broken by a bad calc teacher so...), so instead im taking those inspirations and using them for my art :) im a little engineer at heart so being able to apply that kind of thinking to my art inspires me (and i hope maybe something i make one day will inspire some scientists too lol). plus i dont think i would be happy if i wasnt surrounded by other artists
i doubt my choices every day 😭 but i really do love it a lot. im hoping that my passion and vision takes me SOMEWHERE in the industry, but its scary for everyone out there right now... i mostly try not to think about it honestly
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the-whitches-art · 10 months
God its been a while. So since the new leaks and season 6 had brought a lot of attention towards My Hero Academia and my past obsession with it is renewed i might as well write some headcanons. And what is better than the clasic relationship headcanons for the todoroki siblings.
Relationship with Shoto is a weird experience.
You would have to be the one to propose and even when you do he still wont believe you.
He still sees that bastard of a father in him partially, so dont blame him for not believing you at first.
But after you guys have been together for a while, god help you both. I cannot say who would be more obsessed with the other.
Dinner dates, celebrations, small gifts every small and cheezy thing couples do, you guys do it twice as much.
He loves it when you play with his hair, or massage him. Any kind of gentle and loving physical contact to be honest, since he didn't got much before you.
If you pay attention to his scar, that would be a very intimate moment for him. Tho i cannot say he'd be that much of a sucker for that, he really appreciates the meaning behind the gesture.
Oh and expect to have to explain a lot of stuff to him. Like why some couples to something, but others don't.
He'd have some of a learning cerve when it comes to relationships.
Just dont get i the way of his dream, he'll be heartbroken if you do.
A hard case to write for sinc ewe dint have much information.
He doesn't seem like the guys to go for a hook up in university. So hed either be alone for a while or somehow have that uni dream of finding your dream partner during it.
So to be honest his family is a sensitive topic for him, so no meeting them for a long while.
When you do end up meeting them, hed go one by one, his mother probably first, then Shoto and Fuyumi. Hed keep you away from Endeavor as much as possible.
He does have a bit of anger issues, but he is well aware, so he might storm off once in a while. Then hed return with something as an apology, be it a flower, a chocolate just anything to make up for his outburst.
He's the sweetest though. He wont be as love sick as Shoto, but he would apreciate when you tell him how much you love him. He hasnt heard thay much so it means the word ro him when you do it.
But dont get me wrong he'd know when you lie, or ot isnt sincere.
We don't kniw much about her except she loves her whole family no matter what shes been through because of them.
She'd look for someone who is just as willing to start a family with her.
She just seems like the person that knew early on that wanted a good and loving family.
She'd want someone with relatively thhe same values as her, so there is less of a chance to end up like her parents.
With her work she is pretty busy, and i guess her partner too. So the ocasional dinner/breakfasts date is so well appreciated.
She definitely makes bento boxes to her partner, every time she gets the chance.
If her partner is a woman her mother will be very supportive (not only for her too), but her father i doubt hell like it. I say that for her specifically because the boys dont care at all what their father will think.
Honestly good luck being with him, he's a manace. And ton take that as teasing king.
He loves teasing tho, but sometimes he says too much and might end up hurting you if you take stuff to heart.
His goal takes first place, thats a fact and no matter who you are to him it stays that way.
Doubt he can even love you, not in a normal way that is. Its closer to care than love. And to get to that point it would take a while.
But lets say you got lucky, and you get him for yourself. Dont bother being jealous, he has no eyes for anyone else in that way, youre probably his first romantic partner anyway.
I read somewhere that he and his paryner use each other with a lot of trust and a little emotion in the mix. And cannot say that this is anything but true.
He has anger issues, but unlike Natsu he doent show it untill its boiling in him. So unless you are someone that can take shouting well. You better get away as fast as you can. Hed cool down in a few minutes tho.
I think the best way to sgow him live it first is acts of service, show him that you care. Then comes physical touch, once he lets you touch him. For him touching is far more intimate than anything else.
Touch his scars and he will literaly melt in your hands. Unlike for Shoto, his scars are far bigger part of who he is as a person now and what hes been through as well. So i guess it would be like you see him now, but don't disregard his past at the same time.
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lady-of-endless · 4 months
Hello! I hope you're doing well. May I please request a romantic matchup for One Piece?
My pronouns are she/her and I prefer men.
Personality: Leo, INFJ, 1w9, HP house Ravenclaw. Making an effort to understand myself and others is important to me, so that leads to long periods of pondering my actions, as well as others’. I love having me time, though I enjoy being with those close to me from time to time. I'm very supportive, encouraging, reserved, clumsy, easily flustered, athletic, conscientious, witty and sarcastic. Though I unintentionally come across as intimidating, I'm rather gentle and caring. I'm pretty stoic and some misinterpret it as being emotionless (I honestly just want the best for everyone). I rarely lose my cool. I’m adventurous and have completed a dream of mine–living/working in a country that doesn’t speak my native language. I actively search for things to be thankful for to remind myself that there's a lot of beauty in the world, and I'm glad to experience it. I adore challenging myself both intellectually and physically. I am happiest when seeking out information, reason, and understanding. I’m really kinda superstitious…
I work as a foreign language teacher, so my job requires me to have patience, be understanding, be able to think on my feet, and be creative. I'm incredibly determind, which helps push me through difficult days. I strongly encourage those I teach to speak their minds and have open discussions.
My love languages are definitely acts of service and words of affirmation. I don't dislike physical affection when it's from my s/o, but I don't tend to seek it out. Quality time is fine, especially when we're just doing our own thing but sitting near each other. I will always appreciate gifts but hate feeling like I owe others.
Likes and Dislikes: I love discussing topcs that revolve around enigmas. It's not as important to have others agree with me as it is to explore the unknown with them. I like practicing the languages I know, biology, demonology, genealogy, reading, museums, Victorian history, singing, alternative rock and metal music, and exploring my surroundings. Cats and rodents are top tier pets. A large portion of what I read/watch relates to the occult. I dislike storms, large bodies of water, and people who always turn disagreements into arguments.
Hobbies: Writing horror stories, DnD, reading, singing, listening to music, playing the piano, dancing, watching horror movies, drawing, and yoga. As an avid horror fan, animated movies are for sure a guilty pleasure of mine.
Appearance: long wavy auburn hair and my eyes are more of a honey brown. I always wear round glasses. I'm pale with freckles on my cheeks and nose. 5’9, lean, more of an hourglass shape and have a bit of muscle. I mostly wear black and white, but also lilac :) My asthetic is a mix between grunge and dark academia.
I hope this wasn't too painfully long! 💜💜
Author's Note: Thank you for your request! Please dont apologize for the long description, it's helpful and very enjoyable. Hope you'll like it!
I ship you with... Mihawk!
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(lovely gif is not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
- Your ambitious personality draws him in, thinking of how beneficial is to collaborate with someone as ambitious and capable as him. Not to mention your ability to not lose your cool.
- He's feelings go from doubt, to fascination, to respect and then to attraction. He also takes time to understand himself and his feelings so it will definitely be a slow burn.
- He likes that you take time to ponder and then act. Whenever he sees you deep in thought he can't help it but wonder what's going on in that pretty mind of yours.
- Please be a little sarcastic with him too, he'll secretly like that.
- The fact that you try to find the beautiful things in life is something that he wants to learn from you but won't admit. You'll see him try though.
- Unintentionally intimidating looking? You two would look like such a power couple, oh my. Also your grunge and dark academia aesthetic goes so damn well with his aesthetic.
- He thinks that you are a magnificent woman. As days go on and he discovers more about you, you slowly become his muse.
- Because he knows just how determined, analytical and creative you are, he'll probably propose you to come with him to Cross Guild meetings. You'll be a fine addition and a great advisor. (this also gets him the chance to show you off)
- I think that even some of your likes and hobbies will perfectly match his. So perfectly that Mihawk is a bit doubtful at first. He's a bit confused, he always thought that his likes were a bit well, unique.
- Will love to spend a late night talking with you about enigmas and the occult over a glass of wine.
- He will ask you if you could play the piano for him after he had a long day. You may not notice but he looks the most enamoured when you're playing the piano for him.
- Oh and expect reading dates. He takes pride in his library so that's where you two would spend most of the time together.
- He takes note of your dislikes. During stormy weather, Mihawk will invite you next to him to keep you warm. He will start reading to you so that you'll hear his voice instead of the wind and the thunders from outside. He hates it when disagreements turn into arguments as well, so expect him to always come to you and discuss calmly whatever disagreement you two might have.
- Dear, to me you sound like the perfect match for Mihawk, I have nothing else to say.
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randoimago · 7 months
Day 27 - Enemies to Lovers
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Character(s): Kendo Itsuka
Type of Request: 31 Days of Oc-Trope-R
Note(s): I did my best to keep her in character with this concept. It kind of borderlines Enemies to Lovers and Rivals to Lovers.
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She doesn't quite know how it started between you two. Maybe it was because she didn't really care about the rivalry that you claimed to have. Honestly, she viewed you as another Monoma to deal with (which also probably added to your hatred of her).
But it's so annoying how you try to one up her all the time. She doesn't get why you're trying so hard. And then, out of spite, she tries harder and usually succeeds, pissing you off more.
It's interesting for others to watch and see just because neither you or Kendo seem to have this temperament. It's only when you're both interacting with the other that it's a bit scary.
And then you two are assigned partners during a training exercise. It goes as well as anyone expects. You're both trying to make plans that clash with the other. And then when an olive branch is extended, it catches fire because now your compromises make another disagreement. Vlad King has enough and throws you both into detention because of how badly the training went.
Neither of you have a great time with detention. You're both stuck in the same room and having to write lines. At least there's no school counselor to put you in a "get along" jacket. But Kendo uses the silence to take a deep breath and think.
She doesn't know what it is about you that gets under her skin. She doesn't know what she did to make you hate her so much. But she knows that should you both ever need to fight an actual villain that there wouldn't be any second chances.
"Hey," Kendo speaks up and you ignore her. She should've expected that. "Your idea was good. For the practice." she states and you scoff.
"Yeah, I know." Kendo bristles at your comment but forces it down. "But you had to argue instead. Little miss perfect." It's Kendo's turn to roll her eyes.
"Yeah cause your idea was you going off alone to look cool when the other team targeted you."
"It was so I could be bait while you'd be safe and get us to win," you argue and Kendo pauses. You were thinking about her safety? Her lips purse at that idea.
"Pitting yourself against two people is stupid. If this wasn't training-"
"Why would we end up in this situation outside of training? Two heroes-in-training conveniently against two villains-in-training?" You reply and roll your eyes. "Look, it was a plan for that specific combat training. Everyone knows you're physically strong so it makes sense for me to act aggressive to throw them off."
"I still didn't want you to sacrifice yourself for me. Even if it's a stupid training session," Kendo states and sighs. She really misjudged your intentions.
"You think I can't take on two guys at once?" You ask and Kendo realizes that it does sound like she's underestimating you.
"Maybe I don't want you to be hurt either," she states and you fall silent at that. "You know, I don't know what I did. But I don't hate you. I never wanted to be your enemy," she says with a sigh and you sigh back.
"Do you think I hate you?" The look on her face says enough. "I don't hate you. I just want you to notice me. Everyone in class knows how strong and smart you are, I'm not trying to upstage that. But I want you to know that I'm strong too. That you can rely on me."
She severely misjudged you.
"I see... Maybe we should start over?" She suggests and you shrug.
"I don't really want to start over. I mean, we've both annoyed the hell out of each other. I doubt you'll be willing to forget that." She almost argues but realizes that you're right. "After detention, let's go out to eat somewhere. Vlad King said we'll get a redo of the training," you suggest and Kendo nods.
"Yeah, sounds good. We can plan then. If we end up against the same team, then they will probably underestimate us because of how we acted," she adds and you give her a smile. A smile that makes her realize that she really likes seeing it.
"Good. It's a date." She barely processes your words before she realizes how badly she misjudged your intentions towards her.
And then she puts the pieces together and realizes that you didn't hate her. You weren't fighting to take her spot. You were pushing yourself just as hard so you could prove you're strong for her. And now the ball is in her court as she feels like an idiot for not realizing all of this sooner.
"Yeah. It's a date."
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scoopsgf · 2 years
That previous message is so weird like "he hadn't been in her life for so long" and the 'so long' in question is about a year and a half at most since they last saw each other... even if you were to argue that it doesn't count because he left by season 3, that's still just 2.5 years? Like if we were discussing Jess and Rory meeting as adults in their 30s, by which point Rory would've clearly changed from who she was when she was in Chilton, I would understand this assessment but that isn't the case? And like you said, what that line is connected to is very important in that scene. It's pretty obvious that Jess picks up on Rory just not being happy with her current situation: living with her grandparents and having to sneak Jess INSIDE their house because she can't be open with them about having guests, being disconnected to Lorelai, not going at Yale or ANY university, being in the DAR at which even when she explained it to him she quickly tried to dodge questions the first time by saying it's "all temporary"? If Rory had like switched majors or even universities, I honestly don't think Jess would've ever even reacted this strongly because if Rory had been happy with her decision, it would've obviously been fine. But she's not, that's the point. And we keep seeing her unhappiness and depression regarding the whole situation even before Jess comes back and sees her.
Also, I have to note on this, but another recurring misinterpretation of this line is people saying that Jess was just trying to have Rory live up to some pedestal that he put her on. And he says this immediately before going away and LEAVING HER ALONE. Exactly what pedestal is Jess even having Rory on if he sees her like once a year or more (and in the revival 4 years)? It's not like he calls up to regularly check if she's living up to some ideal image he has of her 😭
god you’re absolutely right. it’s not as if a person typically does a 180 and becomes someone completely different in a year and a half, or even in two and a half years—she’s still gonna have the same core values underneath surface differences. like, they both changed of course (and im talking about their characters in s6 here because that’s when jess says “I know you better than anyone”, which I’m assuming is the moment anon was referencing): jess became calmer, less edgy, more open and vulnerable; rory became filled with self-doubt and grew listless. at the end of the day though, she’s still that hard-working girl who fought tooth and nail to get into yale and was so excited at the opportunity. jess doesn’t even have to know rory now to know how much yale meant to her, how important becoming a journalist and seeing the world and being successful was to her. none of those were phases or things subject to alteration with time—those were definite ambitions that she was adamant about working toward, so naturally jess is gonna be super concerned when he sees that she’s abandoned those goals in favor of working with the DAR and partying with logan. like you said, dropping out isn’t the same as doing something like switching a major: it was completely out of character for rory, and someone who cares about her as much as jess does is naturally gonna ask her what the hell is going on.
as for rory living up to jess’s expectations… that actually makes me wanna laugh because, as i’ve discussed multiple times, jess was the only one of rory’s boyfriends (and maybe the only person in her life at all) who didn’t have any expectations for rory whatsoever beyond wanting her to just… be herself. he didn’t want her to become some doting housewife the way dean did, and he didn’t want her to give up on her dreams to follow him across the country like logan did (or be a side-piece stowed away in a house somewhere, just sitting there waiting for him to come and go at his leisure). jess didn’t even want rory to be like him; he encouraged her love of academia even though he personally despised it, and his values were different from her own—he was a workaholic, yet he never pushed that on her; he was more cynical and he never pushed that on her either—but he respected and understood hers. that’s why all of this is so ridiculous. the bottom line is that jess does know rory, and it’s not like he was reaching by asking her what was going on (because something was wrong) so i don’t understand the complaints? especially when his concern for her and his success in life is what spurned rory to return to yale and get back on the right track? genuinely baffled that people think he was out of line when he was literally just someone who loved her expressing concern…
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sarahjtv · 8 days
My Hero Academia: Chapter 424 Spoiler Thoughts:
MHA is finally back from break and we have a calm after the storm chapter. Let me put my thought on Tumblr for a bit:
So, let's get this out of the way: Tomura Shigaraki/Tenko Shimura is dead. Like, DEAD, dead. Unless Kohei Horikoshi pulls the rug under us, I think he's made it clear that Tenko's not coming back. Those last 2 pages were it for his conclusion. He did add one more panel of Shiggy and some dialogue from Deku to say that maybe Deku really did "save" Tenko, but that's all we got. I'm still unsure how to feel about this, but I appreciate Horikoshi giving Tenko a bit more of a conclusion after the last chapter. But, the story isn't over yet, so we'll see if he's mentioned again.
Bakugo's parts were the best parts of this chapter. I'm glad to see him alive and well after everything (I highly doubt Horikoshi would keep him dead again anyway) and that his parents are there for him (Mitsuki yelling at him was funny ngl). Sucks that his right arm will never fully recover, but maybe that rehab will help him get to a good enough place. Also, his moments with Deku and All Might were incredibly sweet and a great conclusion to their little storyline. Seeing Bakugo genuinely tear up and look back on his and Deku's relationship throughout the years honestly moved me because it shows how far this young man has come (the artwork on his face is so good btw; Horikoshi has always been great at expressions in particular). Katsuki Bakugo's character development is one of my favorites in the series and he deserves #1 in every character poll he gets.
Deku continues to be Deku till the very end. I loved Izuku nerding out about how he gets to share a hospital room with All Might because of course he would. It's also nice to hear that A.) All Might reassures Deku that even though he doesn't feel like he saved Tenko because Tenko died, he still might have in the end and B.) Deku still has the embers of One For All which doesn't make him Quirkless. I assume this means that Deku is basically back at the start when he first got OFA. I'm sure his strength is still there at least, but it's probably not nearly as powerful as it was in the final battle.
Also, Deku's haircut 😭! I know they had to do it because it got messed up in the final battle and surgery, but please let his hair grow again before the manga ends, Horikoshi! I want his cute, bushy green hair back! There's also a scar on his right cheek covering his cute freckles I can't. His eyeball popping out of his socket when he sees Kacchan cry was hilarious, though 😂
All Might also telling Deku and Bakugo that they're the greatest heroes to him and everyone else is a really nice full circle on their initial dreams when the story started.
And then there are the two panels we get of Shoto and Ochako. I assume we'll touch on their epilogues next chapter, but I'm curious how they're doing because Ochako looks solemn and we don't even see Shoto's face because his back is turned to us in a dark light. I bet they're reflecting on what happened to Toga and Dabi respectively. We're still not sure if either of them really died, so it's a coin flip as to whether they did or not. There's also Shoto's whole family situation that needs tying up which is a whole other can of worms. I really hope this gets covered in the next chapter.
Finally, we see Deku and the others returning to UA which is currently being rebuilt. I'm guessing we'll see how everyone else is doing post-war too either in the next chapter or later. While we need to cover the main 4 (Izuku, Bakugo, Shoto, and Ochako), we also need to see how everyone else is doing because they weren't the only ones affected by the war. Everyone has battle scars of some kind.
And while the chapter is called "Epilogue", it's not over yet. We clearly have more story to cover and bows to tie as neatly as possible. Horikoshi can't please everyone (no one can, really), but I can tell that he's doing his best and that he still genuinely cares about his story after nearly 10 years. I'd say we have the rest of June at least and the end of summer at most until MHA finally ends. This was a really nice "wrap-up" chapter and we have more to go until the end. Despite its flaws, My Hero Academia is still peak fiction to me and some of the parts in this chapter cement that. It will always have a special place in my heart. I will be sad to see this series go, but I will be there until the end.
EDIT: I just saw Horikoshi's comment this week and it basically confirms that we have more story to come. He doesn't say how many chapter but he says "I'll keep going for a little while" and that we're returning to school life; the "Academia" part of the story. I'm really glad he's not rushing the conclusion because there's a lot of stories and characters to give finales to. I'm also really curious to see how school life is post-war, so I'm glad that'll be explored.
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tsunderesalty · 4 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thank you for the tag, @mrsmungus and @oceangirl24! Sorry I'm late on this!
❣️How many works do you have on AO3?
109, as of today! A whole lot of very varied fics with multiple genres, tropes, and fandoms and ships! I've been working on a lot of OC stuff as of late, and that's become a decent chunk of my fics. Well, if you consider 1/20th a decent chunk XD
❣️What is your total AO3 word count?
I swear I did not plan on this happening, I didn't stall for time just to reach this number, but my exact word count is 420,000!
❣️What fandoms do you write for?
Ah, fuck, there's a lot! Off the top of my head (because I'm too lazy to check Ao3), I'm trying to do more DC, Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, Demon Slayer, Chainsaw Man, Attack on Titan, Marvel, and OC stuff!
❣️What are your top five fics by kudos?
Skull Signs - 553 kudos
Just Accept It - 525 kudos
Penguin Promise - 413 kudos
What Hurt Brings - 378 kudos
Putting Down The Book - 353 kudos
❣️Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try my best to respond to comments, but sometimes I let them slip and fall under an avalanche that I'm too tired to dig myself out of.
❣️What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Last Words, cuz it straight up is just bad ending through and through. Even the happy moment is sad.
❣️What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A Wooden Castellan, maybe? Just some good ole birthday fluff!
❣️Do you get hate on your fic?
Hate on my fics? No. Hate because of my fics? Yes. We all met Evil Anon way too many times.
❣️Do you write smut?
Eh, a bit. It's not really my forte, and tbh there are times where I feel pretty left out because I see so many people writing smut and having fun with it and I'm just like "...I can't do that. I don't really write smut."
Gah, sorry for whining
❣️Do you write crossovers?
I think I have two crossovers?
A Detroit: Become Human x Wenclair fic I did by myself and a Ace Attorney x SCP that I'm writing with my best friend, @axolotlsupremacyowo!
❣️Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, and I honestly don't see why anyone would want to.
❣️Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but @mrsmungus did do a podfic for me, which I absolutely love! (She also sends me voice messages where she sings really nice songs amazingly, even if she doesn't think so!)
❣️Have you ever co-written a fic?
As I mentioned above, I co-wrote a fic with @axolotlsupremacyowo, but that's one of three! We did a thing last week where we started fics by ourselves, then swapped them with the other person to finish them! It was so much fun and I can't wait to do it again!
❣️What's your all-time favorite ship?
To be perfectly honest....I have zero clue. I have a lot of ships that I love, and I would struggle to pick out a favorite!
❣️What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ah, I wanted to finish an old MHA fic from...January of last year, I think, but I doubt I'll ever return to it at this rate. It's just not on my to-do list.
❣️What are your writing strengths?
Oh great, here we go! Ugh. Well, I'd say dialogue and characterization is something I'm pretty great at.
❣️What are your writing weaknesses?
Low confidence, honestly. I don't write well because I don't think I will write well. It's a problem.
❣️Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I do my best to avoid it, because I really don't know any words in any other language! If I find myself needing to do it: I write it like this.
"Random phrase!" [Character] said in [Language].
❣️First fandom you wrote for?
My Hero Academia.
❣️Favorite fic you've ever written?
Not choosing. You can't make me.
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amethystunarmed · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you @marypsue for tagging me! (I'm sorry it is so late) This got VERY long, so I will put it under a cut.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
54, my god.
2. What’s your total word count?
188,134. Which seems both enormous and not enough lol.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, I'm in a major Hatchetfield kick. Those musicals have me by the throat. But I am also working on a Stranger Things series too! However, I'm probably most known for my My Hero Academia stuff, I know a couple of those absolutely did numbers when I wasn't looking.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Oh I'm pretty sure I know. *checks Statistics* Yep I was right. My top five (and six and seven) are all from my Truth series, which is a MHA Dabihawks AU where Hawks joins the League of Villains.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try! Sometimes I get overwhelmed and fall behind but I swear I always read them and love them and am so touched.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ummmm... Deadass, I think it was the first fic I ever posted, back in high school. It was a Doctor Who fanfic, about a Weeping Angel who feel in love with a human, and tried to stop killing for him, but was so hungry she ended up killing him instead. It's almost ten years old, but you can find it here.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I am once go back deep in my archives for this one. Back in 2015, I posted a Supernatural fic that was pure fluff, Karaoke. It was my idea of a series finale where everything was beautiful for once. Riiiiip.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I definitely have before, but only like once or twice and I immediately blocked them. It is always heartbreaking though. :(
9. Do you write smut?
Once that I posted! Though I may have an unfinished draft or two, lol
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes, absolutely! My crossover tend to be characters experiencing scenarios from other universes, rather than character meeting.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Mostly by the AO3 scraping stuff, though I have found some suspicious posts with stuff from the Truth series on other sites, but nothing really definite.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes and I dropped my phone when the request came in. I was so excited.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah I have!!! My go-to partner in crime is @little-engineer-who-cant, we've been writing together since middle school.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh god, this is hard. Ummm... I suppose the first ship I ever really super got into was Ten/Rose in Doctor Who, so it holds a special place in my heart.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Honestly, one I really loved was an Adventure Zone Wicked au. There were a lot of great concepts in that one, but I never really got anywhere with it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue! I love dialogue. It tends to be what I write first and then I go back and fill in the blanks.
I feel like I'm also pretty good at exploring concepts, like, taking things to their furthest extreme and exploring what it means in the universe.
Also angst. I love angst.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I just want you all to know what I am seeing in my head, not have to describe it. I really have to work at imagery, and making scenes feel alive.
Also fuck fight scenes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I would do it if I felt confident that I or another person could edit it to be accurate. If I am google translating or something, I'd rather just do English italics or say what characters the language are speaking. I don't want to butcher another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
As mentioned previously, the first fic I published was for Doctor Who but god as a kid I wrote myself into stories all the time! Should have known I'd end up a writer. Probably Yu-Gi-Oh or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Ohhhhhh these are so hard. Ummmm... To be honest, I am so incredibly proud of I Need a Shovel to Love Him. It is one of my recent Hatchetfield fics and is an exploration of grief, and it probably the closest a piece of writing has ever been to exactly what I pictured in my head when I wrote it.
But! Trying to ignore the bias for recent works, So Few Men Can Carry It is probably up there. It is an OC focused story in the Truth universe, and I loved discussing healthcare in a world with professional superheroes and plan to do more original stuff with that concept, because I love it so much.
I'm going to tag @little-engineer-who-cant again, as well as @snarky-wallflower and @starpirateee. (Does anyone else like to be included in these? I need to make a list!)
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celestialtitania · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you @kasienda for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
The current number is 51 and honestly? it still blows my mind.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
151,239, made up almost entirely of one shots lol.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
There's a lot of them but in recent years, it's mainly been miraculous ladybug, my hero academia, and the occasional percy jackson.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'M HIS BEST FRIEND (no, it's me!) (MHA)
A Preposterous Predicament (ML)
Mind Outta Body (FT)
Ma Douce Souffrance (ML)
my colours on you (ML)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I'm really good at responding right after I publish a fic. It's afterwards that I sometimes forget to respond, or simply don't have enough time to respond. I always appreciate every comment I get though!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angstiest ending huh? A bunch of my fics are angsty but the one that I think ends in the most angst would have to be dance with the devil, drink with the demons, without it being outright whump lol.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Happy? Happy. Um....I'm gonna say party like it's your heroes' birthday just because there's a party and it's sweet and yeah lmao. It also has the wholesome family/friend vibes that keep me from forever being confused about the correct fluff to angst ratio.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've been extremely lucky and have been able to avoid it for the most part. That's not to say I've gotten no hate ever, but it was minimal enough that I pretend it doesn't exist. Fervently hoping it stays that way!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. Maybe. No. The idea has crossed my mind but I haven't been able to write it as of yet. Maybe I never will. Who's to say really?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Kind of? I did it exactly once. But not in the traditional way, it was more of a, "take the world-building idea of percy jackson and put it into a fairy tail quest" so I'm not sure if it actually counts.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. Or at least I hope I haven't!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I was asked once, many moons ago, but then they never got back to me, so I assume they dropped the idea.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No? Unless we're counting those fic fights/telephone things where one person starts and another takes over. There was also this one time, I was writing a fic with a few others but we never managed to finish, so I don't really count that one.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
All time? And I'm only supposed to pick one?? Next time, give me a tough question, will ya? Wow uh, I don't know if it's my favourite ship, perse, but it is the ship I've shipped the longest + one I've actually written for, so I'm gonna go with lovesquare. *shrugs* probably typical of me, but it was the only ship to get inside my head so badly that I've written over a dozen fics for them, instead of more gen stuff, which is my usual go-to otherwise.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Well, if we look at my gigantic list of unpublished fics, there's probably plenty of WIPs to choose from there. As for published, well I don't want to say I never will but yeah Forsake the Divine (If You Can) seems to be a pretty solid choice, if only because there are only 1 chapter and a half left to go and it's all outlined too, but I've kind of fallen out of the fandom (it's very dead) so idk if I'll ever manage to put it together.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characterization is definitely a strong suit. And judging purely from my comment section, I feel okay assuming that I'm pretty good at making the emotional beats land too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description definitely. It's been pointed out to me more than once that I'm so focused inside the characters' heads that I forget to interact more with the world around them. Nature wants to be incorporated and I'm working on that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I hate it. It feels so strange to me to have a few words in a different language and then abruptly switch back to English. The only thing that I feel I have to do in another language though, is honorifics. Whether it be -san, -kun, or Madame, I think I get super extra about it. I once delved into such a rabbit hole trying to figure out what honorific even a side character uses, just for a throwaway dialogue!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ooh, officially? Fairy Tail. Unofficially, hidden in the depths of my laptop? Yeah, it was Percy Jackson. My childhood favourite that still haunts my thoughts to this day.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Ironically? This is the second time I've been asked that today and the choice is still just as difficult. Or maybe it's that my actual favourites are still unfinished and hence unpublished. For now, I'm going to say Enduring, it's the fic that was most different genre-wise from what I usually write, and I'm very proud of how it turned out. If I ever manage to finish it though, my favourite will probably be a life unlived or maybe I'm just doomed to never have a favourite, because there will always be something new I'm looking forward to reading (meaning I have to write it to be able to see it). Tagging (no pressure!) @shortmexicangirl @rosiesared @ck2k18 @heartfulselkie @coffeebanana @mdelpin @kiliinstinct @lady-charinette
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justapurrcat · 2 years
73 questions
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? I would say 6.
describe yourself in a hashtag? #iftheworduncomfortablewasaperson
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? Tom. But I would be super awkward about it.
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? "Wrong Person, Wrong Time."
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? That I write fanfics.
what’s your wake up ritual? Don't have one. I just check my phone, regret not dying during the night, get up and skip breakfast.
what’s your go to bed ritual? I do my skincare routine, come up with many brilliant ideas I will not follow the next day, read/write on my phone until I pass out.
what’s your favorite time of day? Evenings (especially is the sunsets are pretty) and nights.
your go to for having a good laugh? Oh dear, I laugh so rarely I honestly don't know.
dream country to visit? Japan, absolutely. Now that I mentioned it, I might need to brush up my Japanese...
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? People not getting annoyed by my presence and saying they genuinely enjoy it and actively search for it... what's your plan?
heels or flats/sneakers? Sneakers, but I love heels and those who rock them.
vintage or new? Vintage.
who do you want to write your obituary? My best friends.
style icon? I... don't know, actually? Do the models in dark academia moodboard pics count?
what are three things you cannot live without? My phone, my cats, my friends.
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? Oregano/Mint/Paprika, it depends, but mainly these three.
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? Mmm... my mom (because she hates cooking, but she's being doing stuff for other people her whole life), my grandma (she's from the place where lasagne were "invented", so it would be a huge test), and my grandpa (who loved to cook, so I would love to hear his opinion).
what’s your biggest fear in life? Being useless and unworthy of love.
window or aisle seat? Window.
what’s your current tv obsession? I don't have one at the moment.
favorite app? Tumblr.
secret talent? I can sew and sing a little, I guess?
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? Meh, everything makes me uncomfortable, merely existing is adventurous enough for me.
how would you define yourself in three words? Dreamer, afraid, over-thinker.
favorite piece of clothing you own? Anything that's purple or lilac.
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? Black/white tank.
a superpower you would want? Teleportation, no doubts on that.
what’s inspiring you in life right now? Writing? Seeing where that can bring me? Idk next question.
best piece of advice you’ve received? "Make fun of it before others can, so they won't be able to hurt you"... given to me by myself.
best advice you’d give your teenage self? "No" is a nice word and you should say it more. Also, stop apologizing for everything. And DON'T make your eyebrows thinner!
a book everyone should read? The "My Brilliant Friend" tetralogy by Elena Ferrante.
what would you like to be remembered for? Nah, just forget me, it's embarrassing.
how do you define beauty? I don't.
what do you love most about your body? You mean despise the least? Probably my eyes, but on alternate days.
best way to take a rest/decompress? Listen to music, nap, cuddle a cat, if you have one.
favorite place to view art? In a museum.
if your life was a song, what would the title be? The Autumn of Violet Lilies.
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? Piano.
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? On my nape.
dolphins or koalas? Koalas.
what’s your spirit animal? A cat.
best gift you’ve ever received? A corset. It was technically mine, because I made it, but I got to keep it.
best gift you’ve given? A handmade doll.
what’s your favorite board game? Dixit.
what’s your favorite color? Purple in its every shade.
least favorite color? Orange.
diamond or pearls? Pearls.
drugstore makeup or designer? Both.
blow-dry or air-dry? Air-dry.
pilates or yoga? Yoga.
coffee or tea? I drink tea, darling.
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? Farthingale.
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? Milk.
stairs or elevators? Stairs.
summer or winter? Winter.
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? Pizza.
a dessert you don’t like? Pudding.
a skill you’re working on mastering? Living.
best thing to happen to you today? I got to spend some time with my best friends.
worst thing to happen to you today? Waking up still alive.
best compliment you’ve ever received? Unbelievably, something about my writing.
favorite smell? Flowers, especially lilies, roses and violets, chocolate, mint, vanilla.
hugs or kisses? Hugs.
if you made a documentary, would it be about? Historical garments.
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? "Tear Along the Dotted Line".
lipstick or lipgloss? Lipstick.
sweet or savory? Savory.
girl crush? Idk, I fall in love with everyone, I'm a bit of a whore under that aspect. Right now, Simone Ashley, Gemma Chan, Anne Hathaway and Sharon Alexie.
how do you know your in love? When you go "oh shit, this ain't gonna end well".
a song you can listen to on repeat? Anything by Taylor Swift, really... right now, it's "The Lakes".
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? My cat.
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? Beginning this new job.
tagged by @silkscream and @indouloureux thank you lovies 💜
tagging: @ahoefortomholland @jahayla-parker @thollandsdarling @buckybarnesandmarvel @spiderboytotherescue and whoever wants to do this⁓
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particular-one · 1 year
hello!! could i please request a romantic matchup with twisted wonderland and honkai star rail?
my name is alex and my pronouns are they/them, my mbti is intp-t, my zodiac is virgo.
personality: im really shy and kind of awkward when socializing others bcos im not really good interacting with them so i just stay in the sideline where i observe people and their behavior and thats the reason why people depict me as intimidating and hard to approach and also bcos of my stoic expression too but when im with my close friends, im really bubbly and more comfortable with them. im really quite moody sometimes and i also tend to overthink things. i always listen to my friends whenever they're having a problem and just be there for them sometimes pitching in some advice now and then. im also the type of person to run away from their problems and tend to push people away bcos i dont want to burden them, i also laugh at small things, im also the type of person to read a body language very well bcos of my observant nature. i also get insecure with my appearance too. im also blunt with my words i do not sugarcoat things
romantic preference: i prefer to be match with a male
my hobbies/likes: writing stories and reading books, poetry composition, learning about stars and outer space, watching horror videos on yt, staying up all night writing down my ideas about my next stories, sleeping, i also have a fascination to ocean and i tend to stare at it, dark academia, i also like abandoned places especially if its haunted, i also love matcha green tea, i really love a meadow full of lavenders.
my dislikes: loud people including loud places too, vegetables (depends on my mood), cheaters and playboys, worms, hot weather, arrogant people.
what i look for in a partner: someone who is very loyal since i have trust issues and soemone who can be my safe haven when things get so overwhelm
my love language: acts of service and quality time
that's all and thank you!! ^^
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hello alex! and yeah, definitely!! sorry for taking quite a bit with yours, i hope you like your matchups :>
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ trey is, without the doubt, one of the sweeter guys in night raven academy. he usually treats everyone with much respect and admiration, so your first meeting went very smoothly. trey is a sweetheart even minus the romantic context, so it is expected that he'd do things out of the ordinary for you, like getting you something from the bakery or just helping you out on your work. although your friendship didn't exceed from the usual polite gestures and greetings, the instance that probably shifted his entire view of you positively was when he overheard you giving advice to the younger heartslabyul students. he was surprised how you were able to impart such words of wisdom, and since then, he's been really interested in you and actively makes an effort to talk to you. as a partner, trey is very big on a specific love language. well, scratch that — he probably demonstrates his affections for you through every love language possible. quality time? trey would go out of his way to spend time with you even if he was busy with his own commitments, because you were his priority. words of affirmation? he makes handwritten notes to accompany the small mementos that he buys for you. with trey, he likes to shower you with as much love as possible, but he rarely goes overboard to the point of discomfort. trey is quite the loyal and considerate guy and he can tell almost immediately if something is off, in which he'd try to figure out how else to cheer you up. dates with trey might involve baking together — honestly, it might just be him baking while he listens to you talk about what you like, but he always wanted you to taste test his baked goods anyways. he'd also bring you on picnics with these freshly baked goods and the both of you would just relax outdoors and bask in the fresh air. learning about your fascination with stars, trey offers to go stargazing with you late at night! the both of you would just stay up as he listens to you point out the names of the stars on the sky.
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ gepard is the type of guy who'd act very knightly around you, mostly out of respect and his duty as a soldier. though gepard is not the best conversationalist, he saw past the initial view of stoicism and intimidation and approached you with the notion of befriending you, especially since his sister kept hounding on him to make friends outside work. since then, he hasn't regretted meeting you — if he were being honest, he laughs a lot when you're talking with him, which serval instantly picks up that something is definitely up — that he gradually develops a crush on you. as a partner, gepard is the very reason why chivalry isn't dead. he is big on acts of service, so he treats you a lot to make sure you're feeling as pampered as possible. when gepard had tried courting you at first, he had definitely tried to win you over by serenading you, but serval had to be the one to push him away then pull him aside and tell him that this awkward charm and very... questionable singing was not going to charm you. still, it magically worked and the both of you went out weeks after that anyways. up until now, gepard likes singing to you in private with songs that reminded him of you, and though it starts off disastrous, he honestly likes expressing it in that way. gepard isn't an avid reader, but he likes to ask book recommendations from you! secretly, this is because he likes to surprise you with annotated copies of them, where he highlights quotes and statements (especially those with a romantic connotation) and just write "reminds me of you!" or "the way i feel for you :)", things along those lines. he's very sappy when it comes to you that he gets easily flustered if you do something remotely romantic for him. he'd reach for the stars and gift wrap one for you, if he could.
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