#It's been good peeps
bluegiragi · 1 year
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ghost gives konig a private lesson feat. soap as a very happy spectator.
read updates early on patreon
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ca-d · 8 months
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Harmony Grove // Salem, MA 🖤
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judasisgayriot · 2 months
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Pete and Patrick (+ILoveMakonnen+Prince the dog!) in I've Been Waiting (Vertical Video)
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coldshrugs · 2 months
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take a deep breath
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take a deep breath
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take a deep breath
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take a deep breath
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take a deep breath
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take a deep breath
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vierapril day 10: breath
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maretriarch · 2 months
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Just in time for 4/13 here's the second line of my r63 dolls, this time CREEPover themed with bonus accessories! in an ideal world they would come in adorable recuperacoon shaped packaging. and probably a sopor slime making kit because kids love slime. which one are YOU picking up from your local Goreget today?
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cowboykakashi · 2 years
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We moved into a new house that has a balcony so now his lordship can watch over us from on high
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whosectype · 8 months
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Oughghgh huge whiteboard doodle dump!!!!!
sorry for being so inactive, school and things have been taking up lots of my time asdjhaefhi
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l-crimson-l · 5 months
Ok so incoming gunpla post about tools:
So you’ve started building! It’s fun! It’s cathartic! And they look so cool!
You kinda want them to look Even Cooler.
You also don’t have a ton of cash and you’re feeling intimidated by how deep this hobby can take you (you’ve seen those cool customs online). No worries! Here’s a couple cheapish (<$40) tools to help you get rolling on taking your kits to the next level.
1) Sanding Sponge/Glass File
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These are great bc 1) they’re cheap and 2) do the job wonderfully. Specifically they’re for helping to remove Nub marks off the price you’ve cut from the runner. If you don’t know, Nubs are the leftover plastic still attached to the piece after you’ve clipped it from the runner, they’re important to remove bc of how the kit is engineered. Moving gimmicks or the sturdiness of the kit could be compromised if your pieces can’t fit flush.
The sponge is the cheapest option but it also runs out at some point and you’ll need to replace them. However, the glass file will simply just keep rolling. I bought mine from Newtype about a year and a half ago and it’s still doing great. I believe Walmart might have even cheaper options.
2) Gundam Marker
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So you know those grooves on a part that’s sunken in? Those are called Panel Lines! Using this pen (it’s basically a Micron pen) you can color in these lines to help give your kit extra depth. This is especially great on kits that are primarily a single color with few variations (think Calibarn).
All you do is draw in your line and then wipe away with your finger or paper towel or what have you. These are super cheap and you’ll run through half a dozen or so HG’s or even MG’s before you need to think about getting a new one. With this you also don’t need to worry about top coating or being mindful about what you’re applying it over (unlike other panel liners where you need to keep some chemistry in mind).
3) Single Blade Nippers
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So these are the most expensive item and while double blade nippers work absolutely, you’ll end up creating less work for yourself with single blade nippers as they can make cleaner cuts off the runner meaning you have less nub to clean up.
These ones I snagged from USA Gundam Store (they give a discount for snagging these) and they work great. Not the greatest durability over multiple kits as they really lose that initial sharpness over the first kit or two, but they stay sharp enough to do the job well. There’s several different options out there (some as expensive as $60 or so) but starting out a cheaper pair is great to have.
I used double sided nippers for the longest time but after switching I firmly believe they’re worth the extra $$ to invest in.
To elaborate on 2 bladed vs single bladed a bit: double blades cut from both sides (obviously) but what this means is that there is stress being applied to the piece from each side. This causes stress marks (if you’ve seen a white spot left behind after a clip that’s a stress mark) which either need cleaned up and painted over or it causes a crater in the part (especially easy to do when the nub is especially large) which either never gets fixed or you need to use tamiya cement to melt plastic and then puddy it innnnn and thennnnn sand everything againnnnn and it’s a pain.
Save yourself the headache. Singe blade nippers are the way. I especially hate those beginner nippers that look like this
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I hope this helps you dig a little further down into the plastic crack rabbit hole! With just a little extra effort you can really make your kits pop. You can do it!
As always I really love seeing all the new people building gunpla and making it their own (special shout out to that person who bedazzled their guncannon). Love ya friendos
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getvalentined · 6 months
Got an email to fill out a survey on the concept of tumblr Premium and related features, and while I'm assuming that I'm not supposed to talk about it too specifically in case some things mentioned in the survey aren't fully implemented, the features listed as possibilities sound pretty solid. Limit increases, monthly benefits (both for the user and as gifts for others), special badges and decorations, etc.
There were no features listed that are already available for free, so they're genuinely looking at offering new features for paid users rather than following in Xitter's footsteps and locking existing features behind a paywall. Likewise, nothing listed would be obtrusive to the current tumblr experience or unfairly favor a paid user over a free user any more than dropping a few bucks on a Blaze already "favors" the person being Blazed. (Which is up for debate, since that whole feature is literally "LOOK AT MY POST, BOY" and is one of the most tumblr things that tumblr has ever done.)
I was extremely leery going into the survey, because "premium" features these days are generally not premium at all, but I'm feeling very positive about the upcoming features now. Overall—and I say this as someone who has worked in webdev and digital marketing, used to pay for icons on LiveJournal for multiple RP accounts, currently pays for ad-free here, and has been doing beta testing for so long I once had the personal email addresses of both the founders of deviantART—it sounds genuinely good! Nothing anyone can't live without, but a good number of fun things that would actually be of interest to the tumblr userbase.
Now I'm just waiting to see how many of the features floated in the survey wind up in the final package, and how much that package is going to cost.
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chalkrub · 1 year
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my silly sphinx siblings
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exsqueezememacaroni · 2 months
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blessed with perfect eyebrows 🙏🙏🙏 hail mary
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ryuubff · 1 year
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you just jnow hes giddy and cackling inside when saying all tht since HE gets to do it compared to the og timeline when you live in seperate houses…
and i think its funny like cooking dinner for solomon and him being like HIII HONEYYYY IM HOME and you kiss and hug like an old married couple Except that it doesnt happen because youre oblivious to it all and think hes joking on the phone. Well. peri would do that.
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emelinstriker · 3 months
I.. ima just place dis here
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"A-are you mad?"
please take ur boi he's living in my head rent free and I dunno what to do- ndndbdbdbdnnsbdjd
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(Edit: I just saw that apparently the images got mixed up on accident a lil cuz the first 3 didn't line up correctly- Like they were lined up correctly before I answered so I have no idea why tf they're now in the order of 3-2-1-4 ;w;)
First time ever I've received fanart of one of ma bois- so have some very general fun facts in one as celebration. c:
But HDFNGHFDGNHDFGNHFGNH I had to squeal a lil at first at how adorable this is HDSFNDHFNDHFNHFDNHF ALSO no worries he's been livin' rent free in my brain for the past year now since his creation, and he's been one of my fave OCs since :'D
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every-sanji · 2 months
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sysig · 11 months
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Just a few favourites, only a couple, I swear (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Lord Hater#Sylvia#Wander#SCII#ZEX#DAX#Emperor Awesome#Continuing to feel deeply normal about C. Peeps don't even worry about it I'm so normal about him lol#Definitely not thinking about him a lot or anything#Oh yeah and I guess there's a few others there as well lol they're also invited#The middlies of Hater and Sylvia and Wander were mostly getting back into the groove of drawing them since it's been so long#It's wild to me 'cause I know I doodled them for a good clip of time but it was before I was regularly posting so there's no evidence!#Lol - I just looked back at my original doodles and one of my notes reads ''Got 99 problems and C. Peeps is about 4 of them'' - accurate#I also recently realized that part of my love of DAX/ZEX's dynamic is probably rooted in my love of Death Glare.....parallels man every time#The subordinate/Keeper role who is solely devoted to their higher up and calls them Sir - and the one large eye! Lol#I've also found a surprising amount of like?? really gorgeous Rule 63 of a lot of the big names in the cast! I was surprised!#Lots of very cute Hater and Wander but gods Peepers is the absolutely cutest as a lady I can't get over it#Doesn't stop my rampant transmasc Peepers HC tho lol - I like him fine as cis as well here and there for flavour lol#But trans C. Peeps just feels the Most correct#I didn't see much of 63'd Awesome tho! Which I think is a shame Awesome has a very nice design#I actually really like Awesome! I think I like his fanon interpretation better but how fun his design is helps haha#A lot of things would've gone differently if there were more lady villains but I for one would've been about 50% more gay so there's that lo#Muscley shark lady 👉👈 Electric skeleton lady 👉👈 We've already got the lava lady villain! More!! Lol
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
when u didn't come back after 6 days i was worried this had happened to you
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Yeah, it turns out grimace really doesn't like people celebrating his birthday. Yeah, it was a warning shot. Yeah, I won't do it again.
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