#It's funny how the two fandoms are so different yet so similar lol
spacebar2 · 10 months
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So you're telling me
3,000 PLUS people saw my post and went "yeah that's pretty funny I'd reblog that"
Then got put on a hermitcraft archive thing???
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accio-victuuri · 6 months
March CPNs
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this month’s banner theme is tennis boyfriends! lol. when i saw it, i knew it would fit, cause this month was also when WYB went for the lacoste show and most interviews was him talking about tennis. and who is the other actor who mentioned this sport too? another coincidence! why is it always them? 😂😂😂 from new au pairings, coins, similarities and kadian drama— this month delivered the goods to us!
time to review and look back at the delicious candies we ate this month:
• the bone necklace potentially getting replaced because of some anti rumors and what it means.
• circle elements in xzs vlog is a nod to cpf comments that have yellow circles
• lacoste and bjyx
• yibo shows cpfs some love at chanel pfw
• here are some other pfw minor clownery. 🌸
a nice detail seen in his clothes/jacket are red and green flowers. you all know how we feel about red and green in this fandom. yeah, this must be a stylist’s choice blah blah blah but that just how cpns work. and it’s so cute too!
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descendants of the sun parallel! please! you all know i’m weak for this shit. chenwei will always reign supreme, but what if chen yu decides to go full on army or whatever.
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i also found it funny how fans are noticing the difference with their clothes. xz was revealing in his own way & wyb was all covered up. of course these are two different brands so the clothes and everything will not be the same. but that’s actually what’s good about them, how different they are. and yet— they complement each other really well and have the same values in life. they try and learn what the other person’s interest is so they can have a better relationship. 🤍
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posing with their female seatmates 🤣🤣🤣
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• a similarity we noticed too was that wyb was on his phone before the lacoste show, and it reminded us of how xz was doing the same at gucci mfw. i think we went 👀 because for xz, we were already clowning that he was messaging wyb or reading message from him then something similar happens to wyb. it could be a completely different thing and who can blame them for checking their phone while on “downtime” — but let us be with our fake story from these two incidents 😌😌😌
• on 3/5 chang feng po lang released a new character poster for wyb’s character wei ruolai. because of it, a new AU pairing was born. wei ruolai x patient #5. i swear. their characters look good together! some also pair wei ruolai up with xiao sa or chunsheng 😂😂😂
i have to say younger chunsheng before he went to military and ruolai match so well together!
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• same answers on fashion week interviews: comfortable dressing & the color black
• another perspective on the coin that appeared in zz’s vlog - relation to wei ruolai and war of faith trailer this is further “proven” when wei ruolai’s character posted was revealed and he was tossing a coin. look, i know it’s highly unlikely that the whole concept was a way to tease us with WYB’s drama. but it’s a nice double meaning and more! 🪙🪙🪙
• since there is a new character out for one of them, another new AU pairing was born! wei ruolai x xiao chunsheng 🤍🤍🤍
• the two of them being featured at vogue website as stand outs during their respective fashion week appearances. it’s not really cpn but more on them being the power couple 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 and i’m just so proud of them. years later, they still shine so bright and it has no signs of even fading.
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even with weibo engagement, both of them were on top during their respective events. no one could even come close. and why, it’s so hard for them to work together, or why no one would allow that to happen cause it will be game over. lol.
• our dearest tennis couple 🎾 ; this has become more prevalent in the fandom because of wyb’s lacoste ad!
• the inception possibility - tbh i’m just desperate to relate this movie to them and a cpn 😂😂😂
• the collab between cotti and dove - this is most likely a business movie that has no input from xz and wyb. these are big brands that take care of their company but what’s sus is how cotti posted the announcement of this collab at 10:05. you would think dove would be the one to do that since xz is their endorser. or they could use 10, 10:10 or 10:30 posting time which are equally usual time slots for brand announcements. but no. it feels intentional on their side to use that association. of course it led to some drama but we still made some lemonade out of it by going through some old endorsement CPN examples that was funnily enough, dug out by solo fans who are clowns themselves.
• some are clowning (slightly) over WYB’s alleged kadian a day after the cotti drama when he FW the post for olympics because it read a (14:38) lifetime zhanbo. but you all know how picky i am with kadians. the vcr was shared 14:30 so i guess he only had a narrow window to share, not sure if intentional or not. for me, personally, not everything is kadian. considering the topic too, this is a national/international event. i don’t think it should be used for cpn. i’d like to think WYB is more professional than we are. but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️
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• this bts video from war of faith! it shows wyb being active — moving around and doing some exercises. reminds us so much of how xz was like during SBMS bts that was released. they are so similar!
• GG’s weibo post the night before WoF premiere
• adding this to the list of brands they both use for their wardrobe: NANS. as usual disclaimer, these are clothes used in brand shoots and may have been chosen by hired stylist of the brand or their own. who knows. i just like archiving stuff like this, especially for lesser known brands that seem to only be worn by them. some examples below:
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lesser known because XZ/WYB are so popular so you would expect them to wear name brands. if not, a company that the general public likes. on weibo, the brand only has 132k followers which is pretty low and they don’t repost photos of celebrities who used their clothes— nothing about WYB or XZ or anyone else.
• 3/21, premiere date of WoF, WYB shares a new trailer for the drama. The weibo account of WoF posted @ 9:58 and WYB on 10:06. So the CPN is, did he miss? was this supposed to be 10:05? considering what XZ did the day before with his post. Personally, i’m relieved that he didn’t do it 10:05 to prevent drama with his so/os because this time is crucial. we can’t afford these sensitive ass fans turning away from him and not supporting his work. he is too smart for that, he knows all too well how these things go.
I like this interpretation from cpfs that he didn’t miss, it’s yibo, if he wants to do it 10:05 he will. but he has limits right now, those who know (us cpfs) will get the meaning and understand him. and we do. we always do 💛
•xz molsion live show clues: lego/puzzles, camping and chasing dramas
• xiao zhan calling wyb lai lai ( fake rumor )
• 3/25 XZS post where the 380 yuan fan makes an appearance and the 8th picture significance
• 3/26 fake rumor 🗣️🗣️🗣️
wls wants xls to call him “gege”, xls didn’t, so wls tickled him, xls had no choice so he called wls “gege” softly, after he said it he blushed so hard, and wls didn’t allow us to look 👀.fake rumor don’t believe it
• 3/27 IQIYI livestream/ watch-a-long event with WYB and him smiling when the host said side by side in the snowy mountain part one . part two 💛💛💛
• 3/28 we got to see a VCR of ZZ and his style looks similar to Bobo’s
• new lounge wear brand cp! bananain x miiow 😍😍
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• a cute coincidence that in episode 21 of WoF it is revealed that in his hometown, Wei Ruolai has a nickname: “gou gu zai” = Definition: Jiangxi dialect. Refers to a child who has just entered his youth. Young people, they are not deeply involved in the world, but they are full of energy. like a puppy, lively and noisy.
it is exactly like gouzaizai but that one is from Chongqing. i know this is a script and fiction, but the director himself said that when WYB went in as Ruolai, he was inspired by WYB’s personality irl. It also means we were all right, looking at Lai Lai as a puppy during the show.
it’s just so nice to know that GG already found out what WYB’s personality was like early on. that he is a puppy — and feeds more truth to the cpn that GG was the one who gave the 🦴 necklace. a bone for a puppy.
• XZ’s xinxiangyin live “clue” on what activities they do spending time outdoors
P.S: and that’s the 1st quarter of the year done! just like that! actually, a lot of things happened in the fandom and i’m happy that both the boys continue to be active and we always have content. i also wanna take this time to thank everyone who supports both of them + cpfs who interact with me & my posts i appreciate you! <3 i hope the community here continues to grow and we all have this safe space to be cpfs 🤍🤍🤍
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chubs-deuce · 8 months
I think I also saw a post explaining that if a ship in the fandom got too popular, the network producers would try and force that ship to become canon.
It's like, I love Charlastor, but I really don't want it to be canon. I feel like non canon ships are more fun!
yeah!!! 100% agreed, and I despise it when producers actually let that happen too :/ Glaring very hard at the grossly entitled people a good while back to tried to sway their preferred ship into canonicity by doing petitions....
I wouldn't want charlastor to be canon tbh.
It's, frankly, wild to me that so many people even equate shipping to exclusively mean "to root for two or more characters to get romantically involved in the source material", and any exploration of dynamics beyond that is then frowned upon, shamed or invalidated.
To an unfortunately large amount of people, shipping is little more than a popularity contest :')
To me, a huge part of the appeal in shipping is that it's a means to explore interpersonal character dynamics from a piece of media in ways we don't necessarily see happen in canon.
I LOVE non-canon ships for the fact that they leave us with SO much creative freedom! [more in-depth thoughts + what appeals to me about charlastor under the cut]
It allows us to hypothesize and experiment in-depth with how these characters would find their way from one type of dynamic into a different direction in so many different ways, without canon to give us one solid path to stick to.
One trope I'm very fond of in fanfiction in particular has always been slowburn with a touch of mutual pining - when a dynamic is truly given room to breathe and naturally grow into different directions and REALLY digs into the involved characters, it enables the authors to thoroughly lay out why and how their feelings change, what affected them in the process and how/when they eventually choose to act on them!
Character analysis is my bread and butter, so if a dynamic strikes my interest it's almost always because it has something unique about it far beyond just wanting to see them all lovey-dovey bc it's cute (though that can be part of it lol).
Charlie and Alastor as a combination are so intriguing to me because they're in many ways polar opposites, but simultaneously also have just enough similarities to leave a lot of potential for a genuine bond.
They combine the most conniving, manipulative, steadfastly and proudly immoral person with someone whose good intentions color absolutely everything she does, who also has the willpower and moral code to see it through.
They're like a forbidden, alluring dance, endlessly circling in each other's gravitational pull - which parts of them will prevail? Who will inevitably buckle to the other's influence first? What draws them in? What drives them apart?
I love watching Alastor's masterfully crafted plans get absolutely thwarted because he can't get a consistent read on her - a being who's - by her very nature of being part demon and part angel - a bundle of contradictions.
I'm also extremely fond of Charlie 100% seeing through him every step of the way and still keeping him around - regardless of his motivations, he is a vital, helpful part of the hotel, and she won't give up on trying to win him over for her cause in earnest.
There are very few things as funny to me as the idea of Alastor -master manipulator - being so far up his own ego, obsessing over getting a figurative hold over this fascinating and yet frustrating princess, that it takes forever for him to realize he's the one being used all along, expertly playing right into her cards.
Simultaneously, there's so many other ways to write them!!! It's just so damn fun to explore all of the what-ifs.
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forlorn-crows · 3 months
*Throws my music student hat in the ring*
Because the piano has a harp within it, you could class the string ghoulettes as air ghoulettes, but on the same proviso, you should technically be classing the keys ghoul as an earth ghoul, because the piano is technically a percussion instrument.
My instinct is water ghoul, because the cello and violin have four strings like the bass guitar, and because they fulfil a similar role in the ensemble; they’re the accompaniment. But fuck it, quintessence and fire are stringed instruments too, so go for your life! Pick whichever speaks to you!
Or invent a new category of ghoul entirely? 👀
i have thought about the piano-technically-a-percussion-instrument thing, which is funny that, in this band, we classify keys as air and not earth, despite the non-electronic version the keys/synth are built from is a percussion instrument!
@askingforthesun made an interesting discussion point to me about assigning elements to instruments, in that it may differ also based on the arrangement or type of group the instruments are used in; while drums are the constant rhythm of a rock band, the piano serves a similar function with these four ladies, therefore could be considered earth in that way as well.
you and @divine-misfortune agree about the cellos being closest to the bass (excluding a literal upright bass lol), and i feel like i would agree they feel very water to me. almost like that deep sea, haunting feeling, echoing the piano lines and giving them depth.
i thought earlier if the group had a violin i might classify that as fire, light and sharp as they usually are.
vocals we could assume is air, but the quality of this voice in particular is really giving me quint energy. ethereal and all-encompassing.
i dont know that we'll ever really agree on the elements, but that's also similar to how many people view swiss, sunshine, and aurora--as multis and hybrids. not to mention the two 'transitioned' ghouls, delta and dew. and really, the main reason we have assigned elements is due to the ghouls' uniforms and the papas' assignments over the years!
it just feels different with these four; everyone was so quick to jump on the new names within hours of seeing aether and sunny were gone, because they're in the band; we aren't really talking about these ghoulettes yet bc it was a one-off type thing. it would be cool if we came up with shared names but i dont know if we will!
i think my headcanons are shaping up to be:
vocalist: quintessence cellos: water piano: earth or air
with overarching idea that they're very old ghouls that have been with the church almost as long as its existed, even before the clergy itself was founded, as the group that provides music for mass and/or special occasions. this would mean the pianist would most likely know the organ as well (which circles back to that air element possibility tho lol!). while other ghouls have played hymns and the like too, i think they must be the 'staple' group, so to say. fairly private otherwise, but very loyal to the church and the spirituality aspect. keen on preserving their history. all of them well-respected and revered as 'keepers' of this history, as well as musical skill.
they just seem like really cool ladies worthy of appreciation in our fandom lore <3
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incorrectinfinity · 1 month
Jojo rankings because I don't think I actually shared my opinions on these before. Fuck it we ball.
Part ranks (for the record I think every part has its own merits and good bits, and I don't hate any of them)
1. Diamond is Unbreakable
2. Golden Wind/Vento Aureo (I CAN FIX HER)
3. Steel Ball Run
4. Stardust Crusaders
5. Stone Ocean
6. Battle Tendency
7. Jojolion (I CAN FIX HER TOO)
8. Phantom Blood
The Jojolands would be in-between sbr and sdc as of writing
JoJo ranks (again, do not hate any JoJo)
1. Giorno Giovanna
2. Josuke Higashikata
3. Jolyne Cujoh
4. Johnny Joestar
5. Jonathan Joestar
6. Joseph Joestar
7. Gappy Higashikata
8. Jotaro Kujo (only in sdc, otherwise he is very beloved to me)
Jodio would be between Jolyne and Johnny, Dragona would be between Johnny and Jonathan
JoBro ranks
1. Yasuho Hirose
2. Okuyasu Nijimura & Koichi Hirose
3. Bruno Bucciarati & Guido Mista
4. Gyro Zeppelli
5. Ermes Costello & FF
6. Noriaki Kakyoin & Jean Pierre Polnareff
7. Robert E.O. Speedwagon (I AM SO SORRY)
8. Ceasar Zeppelli
Usagi & Paco would go between Gyro and Ermes & FF
JoFoe ranks (ok I actually hate some of these guys lol)
1. Yoshikage Kira
2. Dio Brando/DIO
3. Enrico Pucci
4. Kars
5. Funny Valentine (I hate him because he is an asshole in a not-fun way)
6. Diavolo (I hate him because he sucks as a villain)
7. Tooru (I hate him because Jojolion's ending is a mess)
For fun: What I actually ship (ranked by brainrot levels)
0. Jotaro x Therapy (MY OTP FOREVER)
1. Jonathan x Erina (they are the perfect tragedy and very under appreciated)
2. Gappy x Yasuho
3. Bruno x Abbacchio
4. Josuke x Okuyasu
5. Yukako x Koichi
6. Johnny x Gyro
7. Jolyne x Ermes x FF
8. Polnareff x Avdol
9. Jotaro x Kakyoin
10. Fugo x Narancia (depends on the day)
11. Paco x Charmingman (it's funny)
Also I appreciate Pucci x DIO as purely Pucci being in love with DIO one sidedly, not as a mutual relationship. I have a similar feeling towards Jonathan x Speedwagon but for different reasons. Oh and I did not add Caesar x Joseph because I swear to god I cannot remember Caesar's personality or even what he does it literally drives me insane idk how I did that 💀.
FOR RAGE: Ships I generally dislike for non-obvious reasons (most hatred -> least)
1. Hot Pants x Diego (Hot Pants is a very interesting and complex female character with a rich backstory and compelling ideals which is incredibly rare in jjba. Diego is a cunning and and tragic antagonist who was built upon his predecessor and made into such an insanely complex yet entertaining new form. This ship takes both of these characters and reduces them into nothing, especially Hot Pants. The scene shown as romantic between them gives me the ick. They both seem to mildly dislike eachother outside of their alliance and once they have that alliance I do not see any kind of chemistry. I could've disregarder this ship as nothing, a fandom shipper concoction that I would've simply ignored, EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT PUTTING THESE TWO IN A ROMANCE REDUCES THEM BOTH. I AM A DINOPANTS HATER THROUGH AND THROUGH.)
2. Jolyne x Anasui (the difference between this ship and Yukako x Koichi to me is that Yukako is a 15 year old who changed for the better and fully admitted to being crazy while Anasui is a grown man WHO HAS MURDERED TWO PEOPLE WITHOUT REMORSE. JOLYNE RUN.)
3. Fugo x Giorno (Giorno is aroace to me, also I read The Scene and I can see where people are coming from but I don't get it personally, sorry. On a different note this ship is weirdly popular considering that it was spawned from a single scene in a non-canon light novel so idk what happened there, no hate in that particular statement just intense curiosity)
4. Kira x Diavolo (I get that these two are recluses but that makes them getting together make even less sense to me lol)
5. Trish x Giorno (aroace Gio truther and I see them as the ultimate brotp ever)
6. Dragona x Usagi (aroace Dragona truther)
7. Jotaro x Tonio (I don't understand this one at all but I kinda find it funny so points there ig)
8. Jonathan x Speedwagon (I don't actually hate this one, but I see it much differently from how the majority of the fandom does. Jonathan is straight to me, but Speedwagon is very gay and very in love with Jonathan. The yearning is one sided, another perfect tragedy. The reason why this ship is here is because it overshadows Erina entirely due to its popularity, and has kinda made Erina a niche character in the fandom which makes me sad)
Btw if you ship these things idgaf you are free to do how you please as long as you don't mischaracterize Hot Pants in your lil Dinopants whatevers please I beg of you
Ok, rankings over. Nobody asked for this but when inspiration strikes, I write stupid stuff.
Last updated 8/9/24
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purgemarchlockdown · 7 months
5 for amane(excluding milgram songs and covers), 7 and 8 for es, and 20 for kotoko for the character ask game?
Hello! Can be done
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Very good of you to clarify cause I would of just said animal- I suppose I shall reveal my Secret Amane Song. Usseewa by Ado is an Amane Song. I know you could use it for Mikoto but consider- it's way more Amane to me. Like:
What is rightness? What is stupidity? I will show you what they are
I was an honor student being young Before I realized, I was already grown up
Ah, you are so perfect match to Those ordinary melodies of yours Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up! I deal things differently so no problem at all!
Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up! Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up! I’m your so-called genius
I know I just talked about how Amane is most definitely a "problem kid" but that's why this song works to me lol. I love Amane cause she asserts that she's the goodest girl possible and then goes and is Incredibly Annoying for her Own Amusement. Incredible.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Putting these two together since their similar questions- uh it's funny your asking me this cause how I write Es is pretty different from canon to me. I like it when fandom understands that part of Es' conflict comes from how their both Above the Prisoners and yet beholden to the system of Milgram. Powerless and Powerful all at the same time. It's something I find very interesting about their character.
Despise? That's kinda hard when most of the fandom doesn't really treat them As One. Hell I don't even treat them as one much. I tend to use Audience and Es rather interchangeably (they aren't but they tend to be the same cause...Es audience insert whole thing-) Maybe ignore their place in the narrative entirely? Unsure on this really.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Mahiru, not cause I think she would make Kotoko better but because I think they would make each other so much worse. I've talked about this before. I think they feed into each other's worst traits and I think that would be Cool to examine.
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golbrocklovely · 5 months
im pretty sure we've talked about this multiple times before and no hate to the girl this is probably just me being insecure about myself but honestly im not even surprised about the girl colby is dating clearly shes had some plastic surgery done but i was really rooting for him to be dating a girl that's natural and it sucks to see all this plastic surgery on social media. it seems like the only girls guys date on here are the same body type; big boobs, big butt, small waist.. i guess i just wish there was more natural body representation if that makes sense
i've said my stance on this a number of times but i'll say it again just to make it a bit clearer.
while i understand why you might think this way, bc genuinely i've been in your shoes before, allow me to explain why i don't think like this anymore.
i wrote way too much so i'm sorry in advance lol
this is the first time, ever, that colby has admitted to dating a specific girl. we've seen some that we can guess he was with, or maybe had something going on there, but no actual full on confirmations. so there is really nothing to base malia off of.
we don't know what colby's type is. i know a lot of ppl think they have an idea but reality is we don't know bc we're not colby/we don't know him like that. he has been with a lot of different girls over the years and none of them are similar in anyway, body wise.
now, i know you're not trying to say this, but how your statement comes across is us vs them. or really "anyone that's gotten work done is lesser than those that haven't." bc if there really was no difference between someone that hasn't had work vs someone who has, you wouldn't be talking about this at all. you turn plastic surgery into a negative when in a lot of ways it can be positive.
but that's not to negate the negative effects society has place on women to look a certain way and thus the absolute rise in plastic surgery, fillers, and botox over the years. societal standards of beauty are bullshit and misogyny harms all of us.
i do have to ask, or just raise the question of… do you feel this same way about katelyn? or kat even? bc they were both skinny, pretty, dark haired girls that sam dated/is dating. and yet, you aren't asking him to date a more "natural" shaped woman. i just wanna know why colby has to be the exception. i'm also sure you know men in your own life who have types. do you call them out for only dating those types? just wondering.
i'm saying this as someone who has been in your exact shoes years ago. when i first got into the fandom, i genuinely was upset at colby for his dating habits and felt like he would never date someone that looked like me and that also led to me not ever feeling like i could be reposted by them for merch pics, bc bodies like mine just aren't as accepted.
but i need to make it abundantly clear: you have to stop relying on snc to make you love yourself. and i mean that in the nicest way possible.
snc are two random guys who most likely don't know who you are. you cannot rely on them to bring your self esteem up or to make you feel worthy of love. you have to do internal work and find a way to love yourself regardless of others, bc at the end of the day - you only have yourself.
i love snc, truly, but i don't give a rat's ass if they would find me hot. i find me hot. and that's all that matters. anyone that doesn't find me hot… that's their loss. bc i'm cute, have a big ass, and i'm funny.
10s across the board if you ask me lol
but to bring it back to snc, or colby specifically, the amount of insecurities i have towards myself were not his fault. he was not the one that made me feel like shit about myself, so i cannot take it out on him to try and fix me. he is one person with his own set of issues, who doesn't know i exist. and while it's easier to blame him and wish he was the one stand out, wattpad bf i wish he could be, reality is he too probably also likes a woman with big tits and a big ass. and there ain't nothing wrong with that, since he probably ALSO likes a girl with a personality too. bc fun fact, women with big tits and ass can also have a nice personality.
i'm not saying any of this to be mean to you genuinely. i get your thought process and feelings 100%. i just think you are placing a lot of your frustration on the wrong person. society as a whole is to blame for why you and i don't like ourselves. if anything, colby has helped me like myself more. i think we should try not to let his personal choices feel like a strike against us, if that makes any sense. he isn't dating someone like malia out of spite bc of plus size/natural body type fans. he's dating her bc he loves her, bc he found someone that makes him open up for the first time in a long time. and that should be celebrated, rather than shot down.
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creedslove · 1 year
It’s so wild how agent Peña and whiskey are in two completely different universes yet I’m convinced they’re in the same one bc they are identical and I refuse to believe otherwise 🤣👨🏻! two entirely different characters but I always think of narcos and kingsman when I see one or the other. 🫨🫨🫨
P.s I love your little notifications when u are planning to post deserve it! It’s always something I look forward too!! Xoxo
And jeez! can’t a fandom thirst over a fictional character?! I mean if one is so repulsed by it then maybe this isn’t the platform for them cuz tumblr is a content platform for us fan geeks.
Keep up those posts and u Do u! They make me giggle btw 😘
You know anon, I actually thought of the same thing!!! Like the first time i thought of that I was planning the end of my deserve it series and i realized they have the cowboy background that's pretty much similar: the ranch, the animals, etc, though javi isn't much of a cowboy, it's a similarity.
Then, when i was thirsting over jack but couldn't actually find many gifs of him, i stared at a javier one and was like:
and it's funny because whiskey is so against drugs and javi works for the DEA so yeah, that's cool, isn't it??
Hehehe I like the little notes to let my besties know another chapter is coming, i just like how you guys get excited because i get so excited too and it always makes me happy!!!
I got off work now and I'll write some more but i don't think I'll finish tonight because i am so into this chapter i want it well written for you all 💘
Well yeah, idk what was up earlier but let's just ignore it and move on, I get a lot nicer messages than bad ones, lol!!!
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good-beans · 2 years
Ok, without any personal spoilers, Ochako and All Might for the character breakdown!
Lmao it turns out I had a lot to say on them so I put it under the cut :) Thank you for the ask!!
How I feel about this character: I love her so much!! I wish I posted more about her, but she has such a special place in my heart. Her very first scene gave me a wonderful first impression because she started out helping Midoriya, but she was still pretty awkward. Give me a character who's incredibly sweet and helpful but not the most charismatic and I'm in lol! Even though I knew they were setting up for love interest-ing, she was always her own person first -- yeah people talk shit about feminine characters needing to be “tough” to make them cool, but even before she showed her kickass side, she was beloved by being the sweet, pink, girly friend. Little by little I’ve seen my high school self in her, and so her moments of strength and optimism always hit a bit different. On a silly note, I'm also sappy that we look similar: I had like 6 family members see the art of her on my phone case and go "aw is that you?" 
-All the people I ship romantically with this character: My favorite ship for her is definitely with Iida! It's already clear what good friends they are, they'd make a really sweet pair ;-; They'd compliment each other in many ways, which I'm always a sucker for. I am not immune to the art with her and Asui -- I can see that being such a cute relationship. And I'm honestly not against her ending up with Midoriya (which is likely what will happen lol)! I mean, he definitely has a Lot going on between him and several of the boys asdfgbh but I think the two of them are real good for each other.
-My non-romantic OTP for this character: Todoroki :D I've seen so much content of them as the best of friends and it never fails to hit me right in the heart.
-My unpopular opinion about this character: I'll be honest, I don't know the typical fandom takes on her, so idk where this would fall? I think her parallels with Toga are amazing and I genuinely hope they can be on good terms in the end. The parallel gets a weird vibe because their similarities started with "had a crush on a boy," but I believe they're similar in a lot more ways, and it would be really beautiful to see them connecting and growing because of those...
-One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I haven't seen the really new stuff so maybe they do bring it up, but I always wanted more about her reason for becoming a hero! I think her original reason – making money for her family – was extremely noble, but I wonder if she ever questions it as the situations get more dire (aka, "why am I doing something this dangerous if I'm doing all this for my family? I can't help them if I'm dead...) Or have her motivations changed after being with 1A this long? When exactly did she notice they changed? 
-How I feel about this character: adfghh I fucking love this dude! I was so suspicious of him season one, but he's such a cool and unique character -- and just a funny guy 😂 He starts off larger than life (both in canon and to the audience) and little by little becomes such a real and normal man who’s trying his best in that world. He’s so aware of this character he’s playing, but not crushed by the burden because he’s the one that did it on purpose (unlike most hero stories where they’re forced into the savior role), and yet he is sorta crushed by it as time goes on! He loves the Symbol and can’t escape but doesn’t want to escape and that’s so cool.
-All the people I ship romantically with this character: I could never get into any of the ships with him, unfortunately. I don't know exactly what it is, but I can never see him dating, much less settling down with the way he is.
-My non-romantic OTP for this character: I really like him and Aizawa! They have a fun contrast of introvert/extrovert, public symbol/hates the spotlight, doing this for years/never taught a class before now – but they have so many similarities that bring them together in the end. They both live such crazy lives, it’s so nice to see them as reliable teacher friends ;-; I don't think you've gotten to it yet, but they have a beautiful moment talking about motivation to live that solidified their relationship for me.
-My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t see him as Midoriya's dad 😅 I see so many things ranging from making him a dad figure to literally shipping him with Inko to make him part of the family. It's sweet, but I just feel like he fulfills a different relationship/role model to Midoriya than a parent. Midoriya is such a crazy fan, it’d be weird and unhelpful for his all-time inspiration in that way to become a father figure, idk
-One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I just would have liked to see more of young Toshinori, or him with his mentor more. I'm so curious about the quirkless child that thought up the very idea of becoming The Symbol!
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94erz · 12 days
I agree about the Minimoni vs Namkook thing.
There's a lot to say about how this fandom (and this is not shade to you!! I know you don't do that) latched onto certain dynamics ages ago, dynamics that have drastically changed since, and they just don't seem to notice or care that what used to be there is simply not there anymore.
The most obvious example is (sorry!) fanfiction. The three main pairings (excluding the hetero/single/bully Hoseok of course) have stopped making much sense to be the most popular ones literally years ago. But people still persist.
Another example is the Vmin soulmates thing. I truly don't think it's what they would call each other anymore. It used to be true but I doubt that they are best friends nowadays - even just in the group, each have other members that they're closer to. But people always insist they're forever soulmates.
Another examples are these events from the very beginning being used as proof of the guys being super close. With Namkook, as you mentioned, people like their relationship because Joon is why Jungkook joined. With Koobi - there are a million examples showing that they're close to this day, but often the only thing that people have to say about them is "Jungkook cried so much when Hobi left!" and I just shake my head. It is a cute story!!! But their relationship has developed so much since then.
Sorry to say but even Namgi do this all the time. I'm sure they're close but the only thing they keep saying is "I knew him the longest" (Hoseok joined you guys like two weeks later hello) and it's just so funny to me. This one is different I guess since it implies the continuity. But still.
I think many people hold onto Sope because of something similar. They used to be so much fun. I get people who still like them, but to me it's just a little like the Vmin soulmate thing.
Idk what it is but I think people don't want anything to change? And they keep rewatching old content, forgetting that it's just that - old - and that people change. But the guys are trapped forever in this perception based on when they were younger. Namjoon says he doesn't know the fool who used to say the things he wouldn't say now. Hoseok tried to show them he's more than just sunshinehe used to show himself us but people just. Won't. Listen.
The Jungkook being a baby thing is another example.
It would require a deeper analysis but the whole denial of them aging might be connected to this.
Ahhh all this to say yes I agree with your analysis of Minimoni, they're really good now!
And I also agree that Namseok are even closer. But that's just Jung Hoseok for you. He's closer to both Namjoon and Jimin than Minimoni are to each other probably.
Another thing - Jin and Hoseok got much closer over the last few years but the fandom, being stuck in the unchanging past, hasn't really caught on yet lol. 2seok bonded even while they were both away in military and that says something.
Sorry for the long ask!
Given I wrote up a whole essay I should have expected one in return if someone did respond to it so don't apologize LOL
But I agree with a lot of this too, I know it's been a while since we actually got to see the members together but chapter 2 was an interesting insight into member dynamics when they weren't forced to spend time together for work/content. And truly out of the 7 of them I think we got a good idea that some members are closer than others. That's not a bad thing, it's just reality. To me it's not a matter of any of them ''falling out'' but more like as they get older and became more sure of who they are and what they value, certain members who grew in similar ways will just be closer. Like in past convos I've had we came to the conclusion that as of right now, with regard to Hoseok, his closest connections seem to be with Namjoon, Jimin, and Jin. But in the past it would not be untrue to place Yoongi above Jin, but over the last few years Jin and Hoseok did get a lot closer and spent a lot of time together, and communicated a lot (especially during Jin's enlistment as he informed us of).
So it's the same for the others too. For me Namjoon's current main dynamics are with Hoseok and Jimin, and while I don't think his relationship with Yoongi has weakened, I do think it's become more reserved. If anything I think the disconnect between him and Jin is more noticeable. Whereas his relationship with Tae and JK have stayed pretty much the same.
I just think the ones who put in the most work will have the best relationships and dynamics, which are Hoseok and Jimin. They go the extra step to show up and reach out to the others and we get to see that often. We don't get that from the rest of them as much so we have less to go on so it's harder to tell. But I always have to keep in mind that we don't see and know everything, so we could always be missing something that would change this conversation, but of the stuff we do have I'm a little more confident about.
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rottentiger-art · 2 years
I see you out here posting Sparrabeth content 👀 what do you think about the comparisons of L to Jack and Misa to Elizabeth?
No but, I saw you liking them and was about to dm you to see if you wanted to talk about this lol
Where to start? There's so much to say. When comparing them I realize, hell maybe I do gave a type!
The obvious first, they're both ships with wasted potential. They also give me the vibes of het ship for queer people (the counterpairs being het ships for straight people) if that make sense.
Physically, they're very pretty much the same, taller dark-haired man, shorter blonde woman + they both have a big age gap, one significantly bigger than the other (lawmane 7 years and sparrabeth 22 years if I remember correctly).
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When speaking to each other, they almost always seem to be so unnecessarily close, specially Jack and L, that have no problem getting into Lizzy and Misa's face and invade their personal space.
Both L and Jack are seen by other characters as eccentric and weird and their sometimes cold and questionable actions provokes either admiration or contempt, while Misa and Elizabeth are judged first by their beauty and most characters seem to think of them as innocent naive girls, not aware of their dark side. L and Jack seem to be the ones that really see through them and can see the darkness behind those beautiful eyes. I really don't think Light and Will (their canon love interests) truly knew them, Light just knew enough to manipulate her and not let her become a threat, and Will for example always seemed surprised by Elizabeth's actions.
What the four of them have in common is that they're willing to do morally questionable stuff to get what they want/need.
Sparrabeth have an insane amount of sexual tension, eyefucking all around, Lawmane tho it's more subtle, as it's been pointed out (shout out to @gigantomachy1916 analysis of L, Misa and Sex in Death Note) L has only had shown sexual interest in Misa, in some scenes were faked, but others is undeniable.
Their dynamics are pretty alike as well, but their fanon dynamic are near identical. In fact, being the obsessive weirdo I am, having reading the majority of the fics on each ship's AO3 tag, I took notice of every similarity. Funny how two ships of completely different fandoms with completely different plots have so much in common.
They're both given the same tropes in most fics: Enemies to Lovers (for Lawmane it may go Enemies to Friends to Lovers, for Sparrabeth Friends to Enemies to Lovers), Unrequited Love, Infidelity/Cheating, First Time/Loss of Virginity, Not Your Damsel In Distress, Birds of a Feather, Deflecting for Love or Dating Catwoman (depends on the fic, Jack is not really the villian on most fics,but the world around Elizabeth sees it this way), I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting, but you get my point.
Another thing both fandoms have in common as seen through fic as well as posts, is that we both believe Misa and Elizabeth deserved better, and these ships allows us to give them that, it's also very clear we care more about giving our girls what they deserve rather than the romanticism (tho of course, that is a big part of it too). I've not seen a Sparrabeth fic where Elizabeth is treated as just a housewife-child bearer (like canon) or a Lawmane fic where Misa becomes L's unwanted useless sidekick (basically replacing Light's role in her life), most fics take the time to explore why these girls are so great and likeable, why they should have been allowed more power and autonomy, why they had the potential to be more. I mean, Misa not only had the eyes of a Shinigami, she also had a Shinigami completely devoted to her, yet they decided to make her a sillu girl too in love with a guy to take advantage of it (I think Misa is smarter than she lets on) and Elizabeth was made Pirate King, you mean to tell me she's gonna drop that title to live the life she never wanted? And for a man she's only going to see once every 10 years? And they wonder why we run for these ships instead.
I'm making a post about how I think Sparrabeth's relationship would have gone and how I don't believe they'd be a conventional couple, but that doesn't mean they'd be unhappy, quite the contrary, same thing could be said about Lawmane.
And this one only aplies to me, but they're also the kind of ships where I can't ship the canon pair but I ship the male character with their love rival lol a.k.a Lawlight and Wil x Jack (do they have a ship name??)
+Bonus comparisons:
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"I'm totally kidding,,, unless?"
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Sure it's really normal to talk this close to someone you don't want to kiss
Sorry if I rambled a lot lol TL;DR, Lawmane and Sparrabeth are more similiar than one could think, should have been endgame and deserve more recognition than they get
I would like to know what you think too!
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filaree-flower · 3 years
Convoluted Jade Winglet headcanons?
I'm curious!! /gen
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Noble anon and great friend, I am so glad you asked. This post will probably be long so <3 I'll put a tl;dr at the beginning.
Just a warning, in case someone hasn't read them - this will contain spoilers for the Jade Mountain Arc and Legends: Darkstalker!
TL;DR: The Jade Winglet is composed of multiple reincarnations of the Darkstalker: Legends characters. Moonwatcher is the reincarnation of Clearsight; Turtle is the reincarnation of Fathom; Kinkajou is the reincarnation of Indigo; and Qibli is supposed to be the reincarnation of Darkstalker, but Darkstalker never died.
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So, this used to be a big theory of mine when the JM arc was still coming out, but I still cling to it as a headcanon. I just see so many parallels between the characters of these arcs and the Legends: Darkstalker characters. It's been a while since I've actually read those books, but I think my knowledge is still sound enough to write this. If not, who cares, I disregard canon anyway /lh. I am referencing pages on the Wings of Fire wiki pretty frequently as I write this, so props to those guys.
The background. Page 14 of Escaping Peril mentions that SkyWings have specific burial rituals, in hopes that the spirit of the dragon will be free and can be reincarnated into a SkyWing. Though this is FAR from being the definitive canon for dragon afterlife, this is the main jumping point for my reincarnation theories. It appears to be at least accepted in the SkyWing tribe that reincarnation is a thing that can happen to the souls of the departed.
Moonwatcher is the reincarnation of Clearsight. Personally, I always found a lot of similarity in their personalities. With Moonwatcher being the first prophetic (and mind-reading, but Clearsight's thing was prophecy) NightWing in centuries, it seems fitting that this is how Clearsight's spirit would return to the world. Her connection with Darkstalker was not like the one he shared with Clearsight (due to the age gap, ofc, and I am NOT a supporter of shipping the two in ANY capacity), but I felt I drew parallels between Moon's genuine trust in Darkstalker and Clearsight's. If I remember correctly, Darkstalker compared Moon's temperament to that of Clearsight a few times, though I can't be completely sure. Furthermore, Moon's evident involvement in Pantala now gives me more ground to support my funny little headcanon. Clearsight, as the """""""Founder"""""""" of Pantala as we know it, might find her spirit drawn to helping save the broken continent. This idea is also lightly supported by her starting a relationship in canon with Qibli but since I don't really care for that relationship, it's... much more of a backseat thing.
Turtle is the reincarnation of Fathom. After all, the first thing Darkstalker did upon emerging from the mountain was call Turtle by the ancient's name and promptly try to beat him up. That would pretty much confirm that they look super similar. Turtle is, of course, an animus and a member of the royal family--big whoop, that doesn't seem too uncommon in SeaWings. But personality-wise? I'd almost assert they're the exact same. Both fear their own power, both are nervous and easily flustered. And both end up challenging Darkstalker. If the wiki's right, they also go through similar arcs of learning that it's ok for them to be happy.
Kinkajou is the reincarnation of Indigo. This one took me the longest to think of and, yes, it is the biggest stretch. Indigo was a SeaWing, while Kinkajou is a RainWing (although, it appears as though the last known location for Indigo was the Rainforest, so... perhaps not as far-fetched?). But Kinkajou is tough--like when Darkstalker attacked Turtle, she jumped in to save him. And Turtle did have a crush on Kinkajou but that whole agitating love spell thing ruined all chances of that being smiled upon fandom-wise for a loooong time (thanks, Anemone :/). Anyway, Indigo always believed Darkstalker was up to no good, and then Kinkajou was the one who damned him to a fate of being a tiny rainbow hybrid dragonet with a singular fruit.
Originally I was going to say here that Winter is the reincarnation of Arctic, but the more I thought about it, the less it fit and the less I could justify it at all. Seems like Winter is either a different or a new soul, after all. Good for him. Anyway,
Qibli, the one who should have had a used soul. This might sound weird, but bear with me. Qibli was not swayed by Darkstalker's promises, and Darkstalker is known to be viciously manipulative and convincing. Qibli turned Darkstalker down, Qibli stood against some of the best manipulation in dragon history. That's striking to me. Only someone who really knows the tricks would be so resistant, I think. And more than just that, Qibli was GIFTED with wording spells and I vividly recall him constantly wishing he were an animus, as though there was just a part of him he felt was missing. Except there was no animus soul to give him, because Darkstalker never died. And perhaps this was so much for the better. Darkstalker and Qibli are both witty, intelligent, and observant, but Qibli didn't end up with an old, dark soul--there was a new one required for his place, one that was able to survive and stay good-hearted in a place as vicious as the Scorpion Den with dragons as heartless as his relatives. A soul so similar to Darkstalker, yet without the treachery, was a key piece in defeating the ancient evil. Though I do headcanon that, had Darkstalker been killed, Qibli would have been the reincarnation of that soul.
So that's basically it, I think? Feel free to call my bluff or burn my crops for this, but I think it's a fun and neat thing to headcanon and think about based on 1 line of SkyWing culture lore that we got, lol. If you wanna ask questions or discuss, I am totally in.
Obligatory request to ignore any grammatical errors or typos, I finished writing this at 1:30 AM and I think I started at like. Midnight lol.
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tuiyla · 3 years
re: liking Faberry and Quinntana in fics - do you have any recs? 😃 even if not, what about them would you say pulls you towards reading/enjoying them? are there certain themes/tropes that stand out? i haven't really delved into fics, just a few here and there but i really do appreciate how writers can flesh out certain aspects of those relationships and turn it into something super great
Oh Anon I'm so terrible at bookmarking fics so I don't think I have any Faberry ones BUT I know I saved at least one Quinntana one. Actually, I'm just gonna recommend anything by tellmeagain on AO3 ('tis the damn season) and then:
The O-Axis by HeadCannon
Elements of Style by nirav
I'm sure other peeps have fic recs for both Quinntana and Faberry, please chime in!
As for what I enjoy about them, it really is the fandom being so talented. Like you say, they flesh out such interesting things. With Quinntana, it's funny because I actually rank it relatively low on my Santana ships list but I did want a midgame for them. I suppose I, personally, don't see a ton of romantic chemistry there but there's chemistry of every single other kind and I always want to see more of my girls. Quinntana have one of my favourite dynamics because there's so much there thematically and then of course the way Naya and Dianna played them was just amazing.
With them, I mostly enjoy post-graduation fics. Either set in season 4 or somewhere further down the line. I think they'd need to mature a lot before they stand a chance of making it work. I also love how writers focus on their respective traumas and how differently they deal with them. Quinntana, perhaps more than any other Santana dynamic are two sides of the same coin, processing things in equal but opposite ways and that makes for really juicy stories. I enjoy character studies in fics I read and there's so much potential there for Quinntana. And then of course Quinn's coming out being part of their journey, how Santana would help with that and how this aspect is again something so similar yet so different for them.
Faberry, well. I never quite know where I stand with Faberry but I always enjoy a good fic about them. It's delicious when people take the canon things, like them going from enemies to good friends and the love triangle and make it so, so much gayer. And like, let's be honest it was already gay. I generally tend to prefer fanon Rachel anyway because I do adore her character but the way the show treats and frames her just gets too much for my nerves at times, so fic writers who get her personality right and put her in better situations are my favourite people. I prefer Pezberry in many ways but Faberry fics allow me to still have Brittana and explore Faberry if they were nudged slightly to the right.
As for tropes, well, I'm a sucker for a love triangle ending with two girls pulling a Korrasami lol. Frankly I don't think Finn and Puck deserved Rachel and Quinn, so. That is already an appealing setup. From Rachel's pov, I like that she's relentlessly trying with Quinn and showing her such kindness. And I like my Quinn to be pining, pining so hard from an early stage but being in denial first to herself and then to everyone else until there's no point in lying anymore. Even in the actual show, I think there's a reading where it's Quinn who falls for Rachel first and rejects it at first because of her background and issues. You know what, I do have a Faberry fic rec, I think this was one of the first ones I read but it's quite the canon divergence and please take the content warning seriously. It's Much More Than by CopperTine.
I hope that made at least some sense and was what you're looking for haha. They're both fun ships, especially in fanon! I still feel like I'm new to Glee fanfiction myself, there's always so much to explore.
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Hi, first off I ship Zutara and I come in peace. I was pointed your way by a friend when I asked for people who ship kataang who are nevertheless willing to hear different views. I have lurked on blog a week and finally got up my nerve to ask how you or any other Kataang can deny that the last part of book 3 was completely Zutara but then stopped abruptly with no buildup? You can finesse tone on text so I'm not being sarcastic or bitchy, it is a serious question (1/5)
In The Southern Raiders, Katara realizes she has been wrong about Zuko. In Ember Island Players, she realizes Aang is not as mature as she thought he was, and in the finale, Katara does not care a whit that Aang is gone. I am serious and as someone who is no Aang stan but likes him, I’m actually annoyed by how little anyone cared about his disappearance. It went from “Aang’s gone!” to “Okay whatever, let’s find Iroh so he can kill Ozai.” (2/5)
Katara was all over Zuko (honestly, again not being a jerk) in the finale until for whatever reason, she wasn’t. She was giving him a pep talk about Iroh, she was going with him to Azula, she was healing him and saying he saved her not the other way around. I genuinely don’t get why this isn’t seen as romantic. I will grant you that Zuko would not have allowed Azula to kill anyone but I feel the point here was Zuko realizing his life was pointless if Katara was killed. (4/5)
And then literally at the end, Mai shows up after Zuko not talking about her at all for six episodes and declares herself Zuko’s girlfriend. And Katara kisses Aang after being annoyed with and by him arguably since The Southern Raiders. I get that Kataang “won” and I’ve made peace with that, but ... I can’t understand why Kataang shippers are okay with such a crap story. I swear on my gmom [sic] if they’d done this for [Zvtara], I’d be mad as hell. So I don’t understand, I really don’t. (5/5)
As always, I shall begin with a disclaimer: anon, you do not have to agree with this post. No one has to agree with this post, as it is strictly my own thoughts on the subject matter raised here! As per usual, I will not be putting this in the main tags - much less the Zvtara tag! - because I have basic fandom decency, lmao. If you (the general you, not anon specifically) do disagree with this post, that is totally fine, I simply ask that you are polite in expressing your disagreement (if you choose to do so at all! no one is expected to, lmao. i promise).
Alright. Formalities are out of the way!
I’ll admit I giggled a little bit when you say you lurked on my blog for a week, because I’ve actually talked about this subject numerous times in the past! I just found it funny you hadn’t stumbled across any posts about it yet, lol. So, as a heads up, know that I will be providing several links in this post since - again - this subject and related subjects have been analyzed a multitude of times before. I highly recommend reading them all! Mostly because I don’t intend to spend forever restating what’s been said over and over and over lmaooo. I will provide the resources, but it is up to each individual to take advantage of them.
To begin: your ask actually contains a few logical fallacies, anon! I do not mean this as shade or to belittle you - I fall victim to this issue all the time myself. Anyone who writes analyses or participates in debates does! Humans are imperfect and often like to cut corners to reach a conclusion. It is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about because - as the existence of your ask in inbox indicates - you are willing to learn more. So kudos to you, my friend!
Alright. So what logical fallacies am I talking about here? (For the record: specific definitions of logical fallacies were taken from here.)
1. Hasty Generalization.
“A hasty generalization is a general statement without sufficient evidence to support it.” Numerous claims are made in this ask that I have absolutely no doubt you believe to be true, anon, but there really isn’t any concrete evidence to support it! I will go into more detail later, of course, but let’s quickly look at one example:
“In Ember Island Players, [Katara] realizes Aang is not as mature as she thought he was…”
For the time being, I will ask but one question: from the show itself, not fanon, how do you know this?
2. Causal Fallacy
Ah, this guy. My own worst enemy, tbh! “A causal fallacy is any logical breakdown when identifying a cause,” of which there are several types. “One causal fallacy is the false cause or non causa pro causa (‘not the-cause for a cause’) fallacy, which is when you conclude about a cause without enough evidence to do so.” In your ask, you claim:
“I will grant you that Zuko would not have allowed Azula to kill anyone but I feel the point here was Zuko realizing his life was pointless if Katara was killed.”
Again, for the time being, I will ask only one question: from the show itself, not fanon, what led you to believe this statement?
“Another kind of causal fallacy is the correlational fallacy also known as cum hoc ergo propter hoc (Lat., ‘with this therefore because of this’). This fallacy happens when you mistakenly interpret two things found together as being causally related.” In your ask, you claim:
“Katara was all over Zuko (honestly, again not being a jerk) in the finale until for whatever reason, she wasn’t. She was giving him a pep talk about Iroh, she was going with him to Azula, she was healing him and saying he saved her not the other way around. I genuinely don’t get why this isn’t seen as romantic.”
I will ask one question: from the show itself, not fanon, why would you believe these are indicative of romance? (Consider the context the show is situated in, too - e.g. the war, Katara being Azula’s only available match in skill, etc.)
The reason I bring up the issue of logical fallacies is again not at all to make you feel bad, anon!! You were simply trying to express your point to me and I greatly appreciate you taking the time to do so. See, your ask actually presents a larger fandom trend:
Misconstruing fanon as canon.
What you have offered to me, anon, are fanon conclusions. To clarify: there is absolutely nothing wrong with fanon. I adore fanon interpretations (an example I have used in the past is Kuzaang - like, I don’t care that there’s no canon basis! I do what I want lmao!), but a line has to be drawn between exploring fanon interpretations and expecting everyone to take that fanon as canon. Again, anon, this is not your fault! It is not any one person’s fault, lmao. It is an issue of fandom as a whole, and all of us fall victim to it.
With that in mind, I will break down the different components of your ask. I will also do my best to be brief - as aforementioned, I and others have analyzed this issue numerous times before, lmao. To avoid confusion, it would be best to read through each or at least most links as they are provided!
Firstly, there are two posts I have made in the past that almost directly answer your overarching question here in this ask. Please read them prior to continuing, as I will occasionally reference them:
This post explains how Zvtara was not built up from TSR/EIP-onwards, and how their supposed “canon enemies to lovers arc” is a completely fanon construction.
This post explains the issue of the “canon Zvtara” rhetoric from rabid zkers (and you, anon, are absolutely NOT one, in case you were worried).
Alrighty. With that out the way, let’s get into it!
“In The Southern Raiders, Katara realizes she has been wrong about Zuko.”
Gotta start by saying that TSR is not about Zuko. TSR is, first and foremost, about Katara. Katara does not realize she was wrong about Zuko, because here’s the truth - she wasn’t wrong about him. Zuko did horrible things to the Gaang. Katara was not wrong to hold him accountable for that. What Katara does realize is that holding such rage so close to her chest is bad for her. This rage was not solely anger against Zuko, either; it was of course about Yon Rha, too, but it was also anger towards Kya and Katara herself. Essentially, TSR is where Katara realizes she has to forgive herself. Zuko is only one part of her journey (similar to Aang’s role in the episode, if a different end of the spectrum).
This post explains how TSR was fundamentally about Katara.
Additional resources about TSR:
This post explains Aang’s comments to Katara in TSR and how Katara herself recognized their validity.
This post explains why both Aang and Zuko were important to Katara in TSR.
This post is an extensive breakdown of Aang and Katara’s relationship within TSR.
“In Ember Island Players, [Katara] realizes Aang is not as mature as she thought he was…”
You provide no context for this claim, so I’m going to work with the assumption this is about their reactions to the play itself and the infamous kiss!
There is something important we must keep in mind when discussing EIP: the play they watch is literally imperialist propaganda. It is meant to demean the entire Gaang, and indeed it does exactly that. You mention Katara and Aang specifically, so I will recap what I have explained before about their depictions in EIP: Katara, an indigenous woman, is hypersexualized and portrayed as overly emotional (and thus “irrational”). This reinforces the Fire Nation sentiment that women of the Water Tribes are less intelligent and less suited for “responsibility” than Fire Nation women. Aang, a pacifist and the sole survivor of genocide who is also canonly the male character most comfortable with femininity and spirituality, is portrayed as a flighty, airheaded woman (this is a well-known imperialist tactic meant to emasculate the target, seeing as masculinity was often equated with power in fascist regimes; thus, they effectively belittled Aang before the FN audience). This reinforces the Fire Nation sentiment that the Air Nomads were foolish, weak people who deserved to die.
In other words, of course Aang and Katara were upset about how they portrayed in the play. It is understandable that tensions would be running high and consequently that mistakes (we all know the one) would be made.
This post explains how EIP belittles each member of the Gaang (and why the play is not indicative of Zvtara).
This post talks specifically about EIP and their portrayal of Aang and Katara.
Now onto the kiss. As everyone knows and no one has ever disagreed with, Aang was wrong to kiss Katara. Point blank!
But what people do misunderstand is Katara and Aang’s feelings regarding the kiss. Given your above quote, I assume you believe Aang kissing Katara supposedly made her realize that Aang wasn’t as mature as she once thought. On the surface, this seems like a logical conclusion! But digging deeper reveals… well, there’s nothing that indicates this conclusion at all. Even jumping ahead to the finale, when Zuko has doubts over Aang’s return, Katara demonstrates her faith in Aang (although of course she’s nervous - I won’t deny the obvious, lmao) as she says, “Aang won’t lose. He’s gonna come back. He has to.”
In other words, nothing in canon suggests that Katara believes Aang is immature because of what happened in EIP. She still trusts in his return, as she did even before she knew him (and arguably is more confident in him now, given the 60~ episodes of them growing closer). Furthermore, when Aang does disappear, Katara doesn’t have an outburst about how “immature” it was for him to “run away again.” The viewers know Aang didn’t run away, of course (fans who insist he did are not worth arguing with, anon - they don’t understand the show, rip), but that is a luxury the rest of the Gaang is not afforded. And yet even though Aang has vanished off the face of the planet, Katara still believes he will save the world. If anything, that signifies the utmost confidence in his skill and maturity!
To go back to the kiss itself, this post explains the true source of Katara’s conflict in turning down Aang (hint: she says it herself in the episode! you know, the whole war going on) and why the EIP kiss did not sink Kataang’s relationship.
Additional sources about EIP:
This post explains how the EIP kiss was resolved through narrative parallels.
This post explains how the EIP kiss is so often blown out of proportion.
“… and in the finale, Katara does not care a whit that Aang is gone. I am serious and as someone who is no Aang stan but likes him, I’m actually annoyed by how little anyone cared about his disappearance. It went from ‘Aang’s gone!’ to ‘Okay whatever, let’s find Iroh so he can kill Ozai.’”
As I already touched upon, Katara didn’t need a soliloquy to emphasize her connection to Aang once he disappeared. She trusts that he will return. She says so herself. I guess I just don’t understand how you got from Point A, Katara has consistent faith in Aang, to Point B, Katara and the rest of the Gaang didn’t care about Aang’s disappearance. It’s honestly a bit more like Point A to Point Z, lmao! If you would like to expand on your logic here, I would love to hear more!!
There are a few specific aspects I want to note about your rationale, though. You argue the Gaang moves from ‘Aang disappeared’ to ‘let’s find Iroh,’ but the Gaang actually went from:
1. Aang disappeared!
2. They search the entire island for him.
3. Okay, they couldn’t find him, so they track down June and have her try to find Aang.
4. June says to them, “No, I mean he’s gone gone. He doesn’t exist.” (And she clarifies to Sokka that she doesn’t mean dead, either - she means Aang has totally blinked out of their world.)
5. Only after all of this do they decide to track down Iroh.
The Gaang cares immensely about the fact that Aang is gone, and you could actually argue they waste time by trying to track him down. They don’t give up until June essentially tells them that some Spirit World shenanigans were involved. Even if you don’t think they reached that specific conclusion, I have to ask: What else were they supposed to do? They were told Aang didn’t exist! How are they supposed to fix that?
Well, they can’t. So they do the next best thing: they find Iroh, the man who knows Ozai better than anyone and is also one of the most talented firebenders in the world. In my opinion, that’s a very logical step to take.
“Katara was all over Zuko (honestly, again not being a jerk) in the finale until for whatever reason, she wasn’t. She was giving him a pep talk about Iroh, she was going with him to Azula, she was healing him and saying he saved her not the other way around. I genuinely don’t get why this isn’t seen as romantic.”
I’ll be blunt here, lol: in my opinion, nothing of what you listed in your ask is inherently romantic.
Okay. I am going to assume you’ve read the first two posts I linked earlier (“Zvtara did not have an E-L arc” and “the ‘canon’ Zvtara of rabid zkers has issues”), because I do not intend to rehash everything they contain, lol. Consequently, I presume you realize by now that there was no canon romantic interest between Zuko and Katara.
And as I always say, just because there wasn’t a canon romance doesn’t mean people can’t take fanon routes! Of course they can! That’s the entire point of fanon! But fanon is not canon, and I am strictly referring to canon in my discussions.
You claim Katara was all over Zuko, which in itself I don’t think is an accurate assessment, because she doesn’t really do anything with Zuko outside the three points you bring up (other than the June gag, which I addressed in one of the aforementioned linked posts). So I’ll go ahead and break down each instance you provide!
1. “[Katara] was giving [Zuko] a pep talk about Iroh”
Katara asked Zuko if he was okay. She asked him if he was genuinely sorry. She reassures him that Iroh will forgive him. That’s… all. Not to diminish the significance of this conversation, but it’s not exactly an intimate, romantically-charged discussion (unless fanon-ized). But on that note, let’s tackle the canon significance of this moment!
Katara knows firsthand the challenge of forgiving Zuko. And she knows that Zuko understands how hard it was for her to forgive him (note: Katara’s anger was totally justified, and anyone who disagrees is probably a rabid Zuko stan lmao). She also recognizes that Zuko is terrified it will take Iroh the same struggle to forgive him that Katara went through. This scene is not related to romance at all. It’s about compassion. It’s about Katara and Zuko’s friendship having progressed, slowly but surely, to the point where she’s not afraid to extend empathy to him anymore (seeing as the first time, beneath Ba Sing Se, did not go so well; you know - Aang died and all). It’s about Zuko recognizing his own fallibility (and the audience recognizing how much he’s grown). He questions how he can even face his uncle after all he’s done to the man, which is a far cry from his entitled attitude in TSR, where he demanded to know why Katara didn’t trust him when everyone else had forgiven him.
To make this moment, this moment about Zuko’s relationship with his uncle who is all but a literal father to him, this moment of vulnerability, of guilt, of remorse, of growth, to claim this powerful moment is about a nonexistent romantic relationship? In my opinion, that is incredibly reductive to what this scene is supposed to signify. And again, there is nothing wrong with people exploring such a possibility in fanon, but in canon? Nah. It doesn’t track.
2. “[Katara] was going with [Zuko] to Azula”
Don’t forget that at first, Zuko planned to take on Azula alone. He doesn’t request Katara to accompany him until Iroh tells him that he’ll need help. As such, Zuko’s immediate agreement with Iroh is reflective of his personal growth (Book 1 and 2 Zuko would have argued and insisted he didn’t need any help). It also demonstrates, however, that Katara was not obsessively on Zuko’s mind. He doesn’t choose Katara until Iroh points out that Zuko will need assistance in taking Azula down. This means that Zuko’s choice of Katara to join him is a tactical decision, not an emotional one. And by all accounts, it’s a damn good decision! Zuko witnessed firsthand beneath Ba Sing Se a) how powerful Katara was (e.g. that wave after Aang died) and b) how Katara was the only one who could take on Azula*.
Of course, besides the fact that Katara was the only match for Azula, who else was Zuko going to choose? Sokka and Suki, while talented in their own right, were no competition for Azula. Toph, while the greatest earthbender in the world, was needed to metalbend the airships. Katara was the only (and the best!) option.
Also, on their trip to face Azula, the only thing they talk about within their three lines of canon conversation are Azula and Aang. Not exactly a romantic flight, lmao.
*Zuko never saw Aang fight Azula on the drill.
3. “[Katara] was healing [Zuko] and saying he saved her not the other way around”
Actually, this is what the transcript says:
Zuko: Thank you, Katara.
Katara: I think I’m the one who should be thanking you.
You’re right about how their lines refer to them saving each other, but you posit it as a romantic moment, when the lines are actually pretty straightforward. Zuko thanks Katara as she heals him from the partially-redirected lightning strike, and Katara thanks him for trying to redirect the lightning away from her and in doing so saving her life. In terms of canon, there’s nothing romantic about this, lol! (Which I talked about extensively in the E-L post, if you need to reference it again.) The reason being is that you have to take the show itself into context when you do analysis. If there was no canon romantic buildup between Zuko and Katara, why would these lines in canon (not fanon! fanon is free rein, lmao) be interpreted through a romantic lens?
Well, they wouldn’t be interpreted as such. Plain and simple.
“I genuinely don’t get why this isn’t seen as romantic.”
Because looking through a canon lens, they aren’t romantic. That’s all. You are of course welcome to view them as such through a fanon lens!! It’s just about recognizing the line between canon and fanon.
“I will grant you that Zuko would not have allowed Azula to kill anyone but I feel the point here was Zuko realizing his life was pointless if Katara was killed.”
I asked earlier what content in the show itself led you to believe. I have wracked my own mind, and I cannot think of anything that would point to this conclusion. Zuko was in Katara’s good graces for 5 episodes. That’s 8% of the show. Not exactly a lot of time for Zuko to start believing his life would be pointless if Katara was killed, is it?
This post explains the improbability of Zuko having a crush on Katara within canon.
This post explains how Zuko’s racism towards the Air Nomads in TSR and the finale is, well, exactly that - racism (and not a sign of a crush on Katara).
And, of course, as has been said a million times, Zuko taking the lightning for Katara out of romantic interest would completely undermine his redemption arc. Since it has been said over and over and over, I will be brief: Zuko taking the lightning is significant because it is a selfless act (one of his only in the series), and it directly parallels his selfish act of choosing not to intervene when Azula killed Aang with lightning beneath Ba Sing Se. This moment demonstrates Zuko’s growth, how he has learned to accept unconditional love from Iroh and the Gaang and Mai and even Ty Lee and sure, even from Appa and Momo, too. To make this moment of pure selflessness about a nonexistent romance? To force a fanon romance in replacement of canon redemption and canon platonic significance?
Such a decision speaks wonders about a person’s priorities, in my opinion, as well as how amatonormativity impacts them.
Furthermore, Zuko’s choice cements Katara’s position as his surrogate sibling, as she is Azula’s primary foil. Zuko chooses the sister who heals over the sister who harms. I won’t go too much into it here, because it has already been talked about extensively before! Thus, I offer you this post that explains how Zuko and Katara - in canon - are positioned as surrogate siblings as well as Azula’s role in this matter. I also offer this post that lays out through screencaps how Zuko and Katara - in canon - treat each other like family.
Additional sources about the final Agni Kai:
This post in part discusses fanon misinterpretation of the final Agni Kai and why such a lens is not true to canon relationships.
This post explains why the final Agni Kai is not intended to be romantic.
This post explains how the final Agni Kai is primarily about Azula and how reducing it to be a big Zvtara moment is detrimental to both her and to Zuko and Katara themselves.
“And then literally at the end, Mai shows up after Zuko not talking about her at all for six episodes and declares herself Zuko’s girlfriend.”
This point could probably get a post of its own, lol, but fortunately I and others have already written a few! I will link them below - first, however, I question your choice of “declares.” Technically, yes, Mai does say outright that it doesn’t hurt how the new Fire Lord is her boyfriend, but your phrasing implies Zuko resisted her proclamation. When… he doesn’t. In fact, he embraces it, asking if that means she doesn’t hate him anymore (read: he asks if they’re back on good terms again). Zuko clearly doesn’t have a problem with the girl he loves wanting to be with him again - so why do some parts of fandom so adamantly insist he does? (Not you, anon - I am referring to the rabid fanoners, lol.)
Also, regarding how Zuko hasn’t talked about Mai for six episodes, we’ve gotta be realistic with this assessment in terms of canon:
1. It was the crux of the war. They were either going to live or die. There was no time for romance at this point! Sokka and Suki weren’t professing their love on the battlefield, lmao, so it’s not exactly strange that Zuko didn’t bust into a monologue about how he missed Mai. I think they were just a little bit distracted by the possible end of the world, lol, and all that jazz.
2. Zuko probably thought Mai was dead. He knows what Azula is like. He knows his sister doesn’t have time for people who get in her way (Aang can testify to this, lmao). So can you blame him for not wanting to think about how the girl he loved had died (to his knowledge) to save him?
You gotta cut the kid some slack, lol. Anyways! Additional sources about Maiko:
This post breaks down the notion of Maiko and “deserve.”
This post rationalizes through a canon lens why Mai’s arrival at the palace surprised Zuko.
This post is the mother of Maiko metas, explaining in tremendous detail why their relationships works, is relevant to canon, and was well-implemented for what its role was.
“And Katara kisses Aang after being annoyed with and by him arguably since The Southern Raiders.”
What in canon has led you to the conclusion that Katara was annoyed with Aang? What specific moments from TSR to the finale made you think Katara was annoyed with Aang and remained annoyed with Aang? Are there any, or are you thinking about fanon interpretation? (Canon vs fanon strikes again!)
In TSR, Katara explicitly thanks Aang for understanding her perspective. Nothing there is indicative of annoyance (and as in the links provided earlier, she was not angry at Aang/Zuko/etc. so much as she was at herself. well, she was a little bit angry with Zuko, lmao). In EIP, Katara is understandably angry at Aang’s decision to kiss her, but Aang completely backs off, and we see in the part 1 of the finale that there are no hard feelings or weird tension between them. Katara in fact actively expresses concern for Aang after Zuko sporadically attacked him when she demands of the firebender, “What’s wrong with you? You could have hurt Aang!” Even when Aang and Katara do butt heads later in the episode as Aang tries to think of a way to defeat Ozai without killing him, Katara doesn’t stay frustrated. Like I said - when she and Zuko are flying to Azula, she demonstrates her unwavering faith in Aang through her belief that he will return. So… where is the annoyance that you feel was present?
With all this mind, i.e. looking strictly at canon, Katara wasn’t annoyed with Aang during this time. Thus, Katara kisses Aang because she loved him. Because he backed off and gave her the space she needed to make a decision about if she wanted to be with him (hence Katara being the one to initiate the kiss). Because the issue was never about if she reciprocated his feelings (they both knew they loved each other) but rather it had to do with the war. At the end of the finale, the war is over, and there is nothing that prevents them from being together. Simple.
This post explains how Katara’s feelings for Aang develop throughout the series (and were not neglected, as rabid zkers like to claim, for some reason? again - you are not one of them, anon).
This post also covers Katara’s interest in Aang throughout the series.
“I can’t understand why Kataang shippers are okay with such a crap story.”
I mean, you definitely don’t have to ship Kataang. It may not be your cup of tea, and that’s totally okay! But as the above links demonstrate, Kataang was a fantastic story. It was well-implemented into the narrative from Day 1. The soulmateism is unparalleled!
Also, it’s worth noting that A:TLA itself was essentially pre-written. The writers knew how the story would end from the get-go, including that the show would end with Kataang. A few Zvtara gags were thrown in to add a sense of “who will Katara choose?” drama as the show aired, but Zuko and Katara were never planned to end up together. One reason so many newer fans are fine with Kataang from the start is that there’s no tension of waiting a week for a new episode when you can watch all 61 episodes straight through on Netflix, lmao. It’s even more obvious now than when A:TLA was airing that Aang and Katara will end up together, if that makes sense. (Although I talked about this in the E-L post linked earlier, so you probably understand this point already, as it was explained in detail there!)
All of this is to say that Kataang is not a “crap story” in terms of writing (again, personal taste is a different matter) because it was woven in from the beginning and had powerful narrative significance! (Kataang represented numerous complementary components of the series, such as yin and yang, push and pull, air and water, Oma and Shu, etc.)
Now. If you really and truly want to understand why Kataang shippers like Kataang, anon, consider reading some Kataang fanfics or exploring some Kataang headcanons. I read fics involving Zvtara more regularly than you might think, lol, because… well, it’s just a ship. I understand the appeal of romantic Zvtara and I can actually appreciate it when it’s well-written! I’m sure if you’re willing to put in just a little legwork (you don’t need to go the whole mile, lmao - ‘tis just fandom), you’ll realize why people like Kataang, even if it isn’t exactly your thing. You have the range, anon!! You got this!
I hope I managed to answer your questions, my friend! As always, you do not have to agree with anything I have said here. It is totally fine if you and anyone else disagrees! Everything above is simply my own perspective on the matter. Thank you for taking the time to read my response and all the different links I provided! I hope it has expanded your understanding of the subject at hand!
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gb-patch · 4 years
Ask Answers (February 22nd, 2021)
Hello! Here’s another collection of anon ask answers all put together in one big post.
This might be strange considering how upbeat yall are about the fandoms for your games in general, but is there any particular trope or ship you WOULDN'T want us writing/drawing/etc. in relation to your stuff? (IE, any canon you don't want us 'overwriting' or something like that?)
Of course we would want the fan content people make to not be racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, harmful, etc. But in terms of generally doing non-canon pairings or adding in headcanons or stuff, we really don’t mind that. People are welcome to have fun and explore their own ideas.
for the 1.2 Android update was it meant to download as a  separate app? I really want to keep my previous save files but they don't show up (also thank u for the updates I'm really excited to get back into the game!!)
We had to change the name of the file and unfortunately for some phones that meant it’s treated as a brand new game. I’m sorry your saves didn’t transfer over to the new version. You can try to look up your specific phone and see if there’s a way to access save files for games on your device and then transfer those saves over to the new build manually. It may or may not be possible.
I'm having some trouble figuring out how to get the update from Itichio without losing my save files? Is it the same game or a folder I can put in the properties? Sorry if this question is not worded well or if this isn't the avenue you'd want to take technical questions on
Are you using Android? If so, the above answer may apply to you. If you’re on PC or Mac, the save files will automatically still be included.
Hey. I really loved playing our life. It was a fun experience and I never thought I would like it this much. I do have a question, I am currently replaying the game and I am choosing choices I never chose at first. In step 2 during the road trip arc, I decided to ask Cove about what he liked to see on people. One of his response was anklets and black eyes. My MC have just happens to have black eyes. Do Cove say black eyes cuz my mc have it or it was just a coincidently programmed into the game?
He uses your eye color intentionally! If you changed your eye color he’d change what he said.
Will step 4 have 10 moments like steps 1-3? 
Step 4 is only an epilogue. It plays like the openings/endings of the earlier Steps where it’s a bunch of scenes all in a row, there aren’t any individual Moments.
hi! who was/were the artist(s) for our life? 
who is the artist for Our Life: Beginning and Always?
Main Sprite and CG Artist: Addrossi
Main Background Artist: Vui Huynh
Main Interface Artist: Winter Slice
Other artists who helped out can be seen in the credits of the game.
In the new ol, there are two main love interests... Would it be possible to pair them together or is that weird? 
You can’t stay single and pair them together. If we are going to add all the extra content to have a route where the two LIs get together, it’d be a full poly route where them and the MC were all dating. And that’s not a for sure option yet because it’d add a lot of extra complications. But either way, in OL the relationships all gotta be about the MC, haha.
In OL2, there will be extra LIs in form of DLCs? Like Dexter and Baxter. 
Maybe! We’ll see how it goes.
Since Cove will have 2 diff body types in s4, will the storyline and dialogs reflect this? Or all of it will be the same? Btw love the game and sorry for bad english. Hope this doesn't sound rude 😅 
Some descriptions and pieces of dialog will change, but it won’t impact the story really. And you don’t need to apologize! It’s all good.
Will you ever release the transparent sprites of the Our Life characters? 
Probably not, I’m afraid. They’ve got a lot of pieces and it’d just be kind of hard to deal with, aha.
Something I was curious about, what was your inspiration for making a game with so much customization?
Initially, the idea was just about having a romance where you actually grew up with the LI. But it was pretty stressful to try deciding how fast the relationship would progress with it taking place over such a long period of time and with no real storyline carrying it. People might not wanna play a game where the characters don’t get along as kids, but other people might not bother with a game where kids immediately liked each other. So the obvious answer came, just let the player pick themselves how it goes. From there we simply continued to add more flexibly with the MC due to the same thought process of wanting to make sure people were onboard with how their life was going.
What made you decide to change the artstyle for ol 2 so much? I of course respect all your decisions and will buy the shit out of everything related to ol 2, but i love the original style and i m honestly not a fan of the styles shown on patreon, despite me liking the painterly style in general. (I don t mind the style being changed, just that the examples shown so far all feel like there s something wrong with them.) 
We’ve always used different art styles for each of our projects. They all have distinct looks from each other. It’s just nice to do something new. I’m glad you really like how the first game looks, though. And those samples were only general concepts, rather than the exact options being decided between. We wanted to see reactions to different options. The art style we’re going with won’t be exactly like those, though I personally like all of them. I think players are gonna enjoy the style Our Life: Now & Forever when it’s revealed.
Hey! Is it ok to ask what gender ourlife2 protagonist will be and if we'll be given the same opportunity to customize an MC? Totally understand if you're keeping this under wraps for now if u don't wanna say! 
OL2 will have the same type of MC customization as OL1, but even more refined! So their gender will be up to you.
Hi! I happened upon Our Life on Steam by pure chance. It is such a great game, I am super excited about the DLC, and I just want you all to know that you are awesome! :D I have a question, and I'm sorry if it's been asked before. Do you have plans of making more games similar to Our Life, with customizable player character? The customizable player character was probably the one thing I personally have been desperate for in romance VNs. So glad there finally is one and would love to see more.
Thank you! And yep, we do have plans for more games like Our Life, most notably is another game in the franchise- Our Life: Now & Forever. We’ll also likely have other, non-OL, games with customizable MCs, though we may still have some games with set MCs in the future as well.
On the patreon dlc just curious but is it possible to play it without actually sleeping together/getting the nsfw content? I just want to spend more time with Cove 
Yeah, you can still choose not to go that far. Though the event is shorter if you pass on the 18+ stuff.
At the beginning of Step 2, did Cove end up accidentally falling asleep in your bed? Or did he fall asleep on the floor? 
He fell asleep sitting on the floor with his body/head leaning against the side of the bed.
This may seem like a weird question, but what exactly is the difference between "direct" and "relaxed" on the comfort scale?
Direct is blunter and more teasing, relaxed is lighthearted and goes with the flow.
can the MC have tattoos in step 3? 
Not in Step 3, but you can in Step 4.
how would Cove react if he visited somewhere like North Carolina in winter where it can get in the 20s(F) at night sometimes? 
He would be shocked and unprepared for what serious coldness is really like, haha. The poor beach baby would wanna go home.
Hello! I just joined the PATREON!! It’s amazing! I love your games! I have a question, approximately how much after will the nsfw be out? After or before the dlc 3 and step four? Sorry my English isn’t the best!❤️❤️❤️ 
Thanks so much! The NSFW DLC will be out after the Step 3 DLC but before Step 4. And you don’t need to apologize for that ^^.
This might be obvious but, will step 4 have dlcs? Also, where will the nsfw dlc happen? Won't bother me at all if it s in in our or his house but i do think it d be moderately funny 
Step 4 will have the Cove Wedding DLC and the Derek and Baxter romance DLCs each add a lot of new content to Step 4, though they’re also partially set in Step 2 and Step 3 respectively. The NSFW DLC happens in Cove’s room.
I keep wondering what would've happened if Mr. Holden met Lizzie first instead of the MC. I can't see that turning out well somehow lol. 
It wouldn’t have made a difference. He met the MC’s parents first and they told him about their two kids. He wanted the MC specifically to be Cove’s friend because the two were the same age.
Even though we have a way to go I'm really excited for OL 2! I was curious though, is the next main character going to be adopted again? I thought it was really clever to make the first main character adopted so when players are customizing,  they can make them look how ever they like without worrying about pesky genetics. Just wondering! 
The OL2 MC is not adopted. We wanted to go for a new dynamic. Instead their parents are their biological single mother who is partially customizable and an off-screen sperm donor father. So the mom will look generally like the MC and any other traits not from her can be assumed to come from whoever the father was.
—– —– —–
Thank you so much for all the asks ^^
FAQ   If you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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kyleesdollplace · 3 years
my 2022 (and/or beyond) doll plans
i don't usually share this stuff, but since everyone else is i figure, why not!
sew some period-appropriate dresses for Beckie - her meet outfit got lost years ago and she's had to make do ever since, poor thing
sew a play dress or two for Samantha - i love the dresses I have, but three of them are very fancy!
make a surfboard for Joss - started this project ages ago and had some trouble, but i might be ready to tackle it again!
finish the Halloween projects i started this year but had to stop due to health issues -_-
sort out my storage situation so that everything is easier to find - i have a small bookcase that holds all my AG (and similar) books, and I'd like to be able to convert the two lower shelves into a doll closet configuration
maybe finally buy some fabric and cushion foam to finish my doll couch and make it look pretty
and for the really big stuff (dolls I'd love to get as soon as money allows, which isn't that often tbh)... i'm not actually the best at coming up with original character ideas, for dolls, at least, so these are all sort of fandom-based, fair warning
get an Evette doll and transform her into preteen biracial baby sapphic Sybill Trelawney from Harry Potter... i know, i know, "harry potter, ew, cringe", but listen. LISTEN. Sybill Trelawney is such an underrated character. She's so funny and actually impressively smart and HER PREDICTIONS ARE ACCURATE SHUT UP plus how cute would a collection for a divination-oriented little witch be?? I could make mini tarot cards, rune stones, books, a crystal ball (i actually have such a good idea to make that omg)... plus her 60's/70's floaty hippie-vibes wardrobe reminds me of my aunt and would be so fun to create! ...and I may or may not have always wanted a good excuse to make a doll-sized Hogwarts uniform.
transform a #74 into Crutchie from Newsies he's just my favorite, ok? I love Crutchie. I can relate to Crutchie because I, too, have a "gimp leg" and love my friends
I'd love to have Makena, too! Not to turn her into a different character, probably, but just to have. Her face mold is so sweet, and AG has never made a doll with hair twists before, so that adds extra appeal to me. And I'd really love to start adding some diversity to my collection, lol. Most of the dolls I own were chosen because they have similar features to me, aside from Saige, whose story resonated with me because of my mom, and Fairy Fantasy, who was actually bought for my sibling. Suffice to say, not a ton of diversity in my little doll family yet! Keiko (Emerson) is Chinese, but I don't think my mom is actually aware of that because when I took her out of the box my mom STILL said "she looks like you :)" -_-
a CYO 80's character with CCD who loves all things supernatural and paranormal, and has a special interest in "creepy crawlies". Her name is Dusty. (...she may or may not be heavily inspired by Dustin from Stranger Things. leave me alone /lh)
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