#Its very fruity behavior
peachykoii · 1 year
A Warm Meal 🥣🥣✨
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skayafair · 1 month
No but it's so mind-blowing how transparent everyone in this show is relationship-wise.
It doesn't take half a brain to clock Edwin as glaringly and gloriously gay. Idk how Charles didn't reply with "oh don't you worry mate, I knew all along" in ep.6 because again, OBVIOUS.
No one said anything about Charles but basically anyone who takes a single look at him instantly knows he's bi. Like, it doesn't even need confirmation at this point although his behavior is it on its own. It's funny even how so many people watched the trailer and went "I thought he was the fruity one".
Idk about Crystal but she's giving bi vibes too, especially with her first reaction to Niko sprites be damned and purple color theme. And I know purple most likely represents her psychic abilities but idc.
We don't know about Niko but several people in the fandom (including myself) felt her experience really reflects our own - aroace spectrum one, and also she's giving lesbian/sapphic vibes. And again, from what I've seen the fandom is pretty united in this.
Niko doesn't think twice making a date with a woman for Jenny because of course she's a lesbian, no questions asked.
Also is it just me or is the Cat King pan? I refuse to believe he'd limit himself in anything when it comes to this.
And that's just for starters!
Because everyone knows there's something going on between the boys™ and it ain't straight.
Crystal knows Edwin's jealous and the show is trying to sell it as "jealous as a friend who doesn't get all the attention anymore" but it's fooling no one (and I believe not Crystal either).
Edwin does gets jealous immediately when Crystal comes into the picture because Charles has a crush on her from the first sight and it's obvious.
Crystal and Charles are very clear with their feelings and intentions towards each other.
Charles immediately smells something fishy with the Cat King and Monty and turns his jealousy full volume, like even Edwin wasn't THIS persistent with prodding despite being more vocal about it.
Despite the fact that Edwin's coming out technically happens in ep.6, NO ONE bats an eye when he's starting to hang out with Niko A LOT. Charles, who - see above - was immediately alarmed by the Cat King and Monty, has absolutely no problem seeing how close his dearest friend grew with the new girl on the team. Partly it's because Niko is a member of their group and is friendly with everyone, including Charles, but STILL. Niko is the only one besides Charles who's allowed the physical contact to the point of pretty tight hugs and handholding. Yet it doesn't even cross anyone's mind that there might be anything but friendship between these two. BEAUTIFUL *sheds a tear*
So like. I'm ND so human relationship is usually even more confusing to me than to a neurotypical person, and I know it's very complicated as is, to everyone. That's why seeing a show where everything is so EASY and crystal clear without simplifying things to a cardboard state was such a relief and a comforting experience. It's just nice to have it easy for once.
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alumirp · 2 months
The Smallest Sugar Daddy in Town
we always see law as the sugar daddy its time to turn tables and change things, luffy as the sugar daddy BUT not dilf luffy but just regular luffy right
the catch its: he doesnt know he has that sugar daddy behavior. everyone else knows ofc but he doesnt. hes the son of a very rich senator and a even richer diplomat, real old money, and he has this...thing, going on with one of his friends, law
law, it's your really broke med student who is kind of a genius, but he's an orphan with little to no family who has to work really hard to be able to pay his tuition since he had a drug problem some months ago and couldn't get a good scholarship
they met at a bar where law works and law was nice to luffy who couldnt choose a drink back then, law helped him pick something fruity and sweet but with little alcohol so hes friends would pick on him for drinking straight up juice at a fucking bar and then Luffy kept coming back and soon they became friends, much to law's irritation bc the boy its just clingy and annoying and also has that really pretty smile that he uses everytime he wants law to go out with him and he knows law cant say no to that smile
next thing everyone knew was that law has a better job at a really good company where he did very little work and got a really good paycheck and that was..strange, bc law had no qualification to work at such company nor conections to just get the job so easyly or so they think, but they soon discover that the company is owned by... Luffyt. actually no, it's one of his father's investments, but the shares are all in Luffy's name for some reason so he just demanded they hired law and that what they did
and then law gets an apartment in which the rent it's just ridiculous cheap for a place that good, its big, clean, close from both work and school and also belongs to...luffy. and then comes the car, a gift this time, and then luffy is also the one paying law tuition
and law gets red like a tomato everytime his friend point out those things, when they call luffy his sugar daddy and make fun of him bc well, luffys younger than him. but he doesnt deny none of this bc well luffy is some sort of sugar daddy
of course law had tried to say no to all those gifts and everyting else (not for the job tho, he would never say no to such a good job) he like REALLY tried but theres monkey d luffy that cant take a no, its a lost battle so law just...aceppts it with red ears and cheeks and a heart beating so fast he thinks hes going to die bc hes been in love with luffy for a long time now, even before it all, the sugar daddy thing, had started.
they pretty much had kissed some times and touched each other but nothing more than that and law its starting to get anxious bc god knows he has the hots for luffy and hes about to die is he doesnt get dicked down reall good real soon so the day Luffy shows up at the company to visit Law, all happy and loud as ever, Law is quick to push that boy into the chair and sink to his knees, ready to spend rest of the day with a dick down his throat or else his name its not trafalgar d water law
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spinningalbinoturtle · 7 months
The fellowship of the Kinsey scale aka LoTR characters ranked from most to least fruity
Btw this is a joke (well sort of) so don’t take any of my stereotype arguments too seriously. Although I do genuinely think most of these characters are gay.
1. Frodo- Frodo is gayest the character. He’s constantly described as queer, his deepest connection is with Sam and their relationship is incredibly romance coded. Plus he reads poetry all the time, wears his sparkly elvish top and that fall in Return of the King movie? Homosexual. Not to mention he has THE gay haircut. Man looks like a starbucks barista. Galadriel is his gay icon.
Sam- although more masculine than Frodo and also bi Sam has the second most Gay EnergyTM. He’s a bit overemotional he spends the entire series simping over Frodo and is obsessed with flowers and poetry. When his wife dies he leaves his kids to spend eternity with his husband and the elves. Gay behavior
Legolas- Legolas is a petty drama queen and I love that for him. Loves his dwarf husband. Just look at his hair-no straight man cares that much about their hair. Gay gay gay.
Gimli-a bear but in the dwarf way. Galadriel is also his gay icon. Loves his elf husband. Loves some sparkly diamonds and jewels. Lord of the GLITTERING CAVES you say? Sounds kinda fruity
Gandalf-he’s basically a minor god and thus does not conform to human ideas of sexuality and gender. Literally all the LGBTQIAs. Gandalf Big Naturals , Gandalf the Gay are just a few of this bitch’s many names.
Pippin-Y’all on this app have convinced me Pippin is not cis gender. I don’t know in what form trans, non binary, gender fluid? Honestly could be any one.
Merry-pansexual and very open about it. Just seems like a chill queer dude who smokes a ton of weed and is open to a relationship with anybody
Boromir-excessively emphasizes his straightness but has homoerotic battle moments and after battle showers with his comrades in Gondor. Very repressed bisexual
Aragorn- I think its funny if he’s the token straight but THE BIGGEST ALLY YOU WILL FIND. Literal king passes a bunch of laws enshrining LGBTQ rights cause all his friends are gay
Faramir- is transfem and you can’t change my mind. Lesbian with her wife Eowyn. Has bi-to drag queen-to trans character arc.
Eowyn-butch lesbian horse girl and ya know what? We absolutely love her for it. After the war she has a buzzcut.
Bilbo-ace icon. I’M SORRY if you ship Bagginshield but I headcanon him as ace/aro. Hates the idea of sex but wanted kids so he adopted his gay little nephew.
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obxone · 1 year
Edited-ish. ~575 words.
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Spotting him is never an issue, he stands out with his height alone, but that charming smile and cocky attitude exude rich boy energy, and it attracts almost anyone, and he knows it. You are in a teasing mood as you shuffle up next to him. Your shoulders press back against the wall, and your gaze runs over the clusters of partygoers. A smile tugs at the corner of his lips now that you are beside him. He had spotted you when you arrived, but he had stayed against the wall waiting for you to come to him.
“Come here often?” You finally let yourself look at him. Your heart beats wildly in your chest.
He chuckles, sipping from his solo cup and turning his head, so he is looking down at you. His blue eyes focus on the swell of your breasts that peek out from your camisole top.
"Cute.” He muses, already knowing you are seeking trouble tonight. He will give it to you, but he wants you to work for it a little. “What do you want, Maybank?”
“Absolutely nothing, Cameron.”
You bite your lip, the taste of your watermelon ChapStick mixed with the fruity mixed drink lingering on your lips. He smirks, dragging his eyes up to your face. His gaze darkens at the sight of your bottom lip caught between your teeth.
“Your little brother knows you are here?”
“My little brother is not my keeper.”
He turns into you. His body cages you against the wall. His fingers dip under your top, warm against the skin of your waist. You shudder at his touch. Your body reacts of its own accord, yearning for more.
“I have a question,” you say, clearing your throat. He does not speak again, and you can already feel your cheeks warming from your teasing behavior. Yet again, you are in over your head. “Did it hurt?”
You trail a finger up his forearm to his bicep. The muscles practically jump at your touch.
“Did what hurt?”
You lean in closer, tipping your head back to stare at him as you pluck his cup from his hand and take a sip. “When you fell from heaven?”
He snorts, rolling his eyes before taking his cup back. The electricity seems to crackle between you when his fingers brush against yours as he takes the cup. His mouth is on the rim right where yours had been a moment before. 
“You tell me.”
“Only a little,” you muse, your fingertips slipping under the sleeve of his shirt. “I have a few bruises to prove it.”
“Oh?” He smirks, licking his bottom lip. “Show me.”
A light playful laugh leaves you. “That requires a moment of privacy, I’m afraid.”
“Does it now?”
“Very well hidden beneath my clothes.”
“In these clothes?” His fingers tug at the thin strap of your camisole before trailing down to brush against the exposed length of your thigh. “I don’t believe it.”
You shrug, taking a teasing sidestep. It is a small step, barely there, and he takes the bait, body shifting to block you from taking another one.
“Upstairs, my room, in five minutes.”
“See you there, Cameron.”
“Don’t be late, Maybank,” he dips his head down, lips barely an inch from yours. “I’m not a patient man.” He palms your ass, squeezing it before turning and disappearing into the crowd. Your thighs squeeze together at the promise of another night with him.
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milli-string · 3 months
Lore and design are still in concept, but here is the imp in its human form ✨️ I guess she may be my semi-Stalker OC.
The outfit is supposed to be mixed with the idea of Blue-blood tail coat, the Workshop Master's Workwear, and Someone's Memory. I might adjust her outfit in the future.
I have yet to finish my original Imps lore overall, but to make it short, they're basically world observers.
Ending spoilers ahead!
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Another Lies of P OC, heh (with a small mascot insert).
She (or "it") is mostly used for funsies in my mini comics and drawings. She has her own separate fanfic AU from Uon.
Omp is the name! The people at the hotel didn't know what to name this strange little creature, and neither did P. So, they thought to name it "Omp." One of the hotel members believed she resembled an imp, so they tried calling her imp. However, someone misheard "imp" and thought they heard "omp." So now, it's Omp.
Omp found P at Krat Central Station when he was sleeping in one of the train carts (which happened to appear to be a secret workshop by Geppetto). She found him by following a little blue butterfly since she could also hear Sophia's voice (my imps can hear any divinity voices in each world they visit). When P woke up, Omp decided to follow him. P was confused about what she was, neither human nor puppet. In the end, they ended up traveling together, and the puppet grew curious of her. The two slowly bonded, and Omp grew attached to the puppet. Eventually, they began traveling together throughout the game.
After killing the archbishop at St. Frangelico cathedral, Omp desired to be closer to the humans in this world, especially with P. Her desire was so strong that with ergo, she was able to manipulate her body to look human. (When an imp grows attached to their companion, they would mimic their forms. In this case, Omp tried to be a "puppet" and "human." She did not know a puppet was an automaton until later on, and then decided to be "human" instead.)
She was able to adapt to the environment and learn the history of Stalkers and their factions. After the earthquake and the King of Puppet's performance, she hid her identity as an imp from Simon Manus and Geppetto and pretended to be a Stalker. She does not have a confirmed faction, and she took the animal "lamb" as her mask. However, her horns stood out, so Stalker enemies along the way would think she was a goat. So, they spread her name as "The False Lamb." Her mask would bleed black tears whenever her powers became overwhelming from ergo along with her imp-like abilities merging as one. (The symbol of "lamb" represents Omp's willing to sacrifice herself for P.)
Omp's connection with P would be a "knight and prince" relationship. Oddly enough, she had a connection with P's old past self, "Carlo," but she wasn't sure why. All she knew was that she had to protect him. Though, sometimes, she would get carried away, and Gemini would find it very odd due to her overwhelming, guardian-like behavior. Then again, the two knew she wasn't quite human and was still adapting to the world. P liked her the way she was, and sometimes found her chatter and odd behavior humorous and entertaining.
Omp would attempt to be flirtatious, being charismatic, but awfully failed at them (mostly because she was doing this in front of a puppet, in which P had no clue how "flirting" worked). Gemini found this hilarious, and Omp would constantly be in embarrassment.
A very weird additional info, but my Imps have a strong and natural aroma of "honey and blueberries." (This is due to their natural diet by eating fruits constantly, and eventually their bodies mimicked the fruity scent.) Members had no idea why, but whenever she walked by, they always described Omp smelling very nice. Eugenie believed Omp must've bathed regularly, even though Omp did not. P did not understand scent, but as he became more human, he found her scent oddly "stress-reliving."
Real Boy Ending:
With the fall of P, Omp was devastated and heartbroken. She refused to let Geppetto win, and so she became the strings for P, known as the "Abyssal Strings." She used her small body to sit inside his chest cavity, where his P-Organ once was. Players would play as "Carlo" (NP) and fight the controlled Pinocchio.
Once the player successfully stopped P, Geppetto attempts to capture Omp for experiments. With Carlo's manipulation, Omp would be successfully captured and used to "save Krat."
Rise of P Ending:
Omp wanted to go home but realized she enjoyed her time in Krat. She had yet to explore more about P's growth as a human in a puppets body and the rest of the "fairytales." For now, she vowed to assist P and stop the Petrification Disease. She eventually became "The False Lamb" stalker and built a small guild of surviving stalkers to restore Krat. No one knew she was an imp, but they saw her as an odd person who could do amazing gymnastics across Krat.
Stringless Puppet Ending:
Omp realized P still had much to learn, and so she protected him along the way back to the hotel. Like the Rise of P ending, She still vowed to help P and stop the Petrification Disease. She still took "The False Lamb" name but did not build a guild of stalkers.
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
Hey it's good to write to you again 💖love your sense of humour it always hype me😄😄
I just went to Yoongi's concert, I'm telling it's magical, loud and fun. What made me even more excited is because I was traveling with my friend whom we just renewed our friendship that was broken because of misunderstandings, I introduced her to bts and as we were watching their content she suddenly said she like jikook, and in my mind I thought she is talking about them in a platonic way so when she elaborated she said she can see when people are fucking each other😁😂 I laughed then I showed her your blog she's been reading it saying you are very blunt😂😅 Anyway few day after she came and asked me if taehyung used to date Jimin or if tae has a crush on Jimin because she noticed at times tae would look at Jimin's lips and all, I said I thought the same at first. Do you think v had a crush on Jimin, Is that why Jungkook when it comes to yoongi, Rm and tae he needs to clarify that it is friendship turning down every ship moment that can be made? Because I noticed he has no problem with Jimin or jihope moments but always with the others he interrupts them.
Aahh vmin vmin vmin- the ship that could if only they would
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No one knows for sure what his thing was with Jimin. It was easier to label it as a crush for kicks and giggles back then. But as grown adults that they are now its a little bit 🥴
I mean sometimes the members themselves do admit some of the things they do and say is a bit fruity 🤷🏾
With Jungkook isn't it double standards for him to feel the need to go out of his way to demystify Jimin's ships while his own ships hang in the gay balance?
Minimoni are friends he says but Namjoon and I are thirsting over eachother's bodies- boys scouts honor
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Yoongi and Jimin are laughable he snorts but hey what's that in between Jins legs. time to jiggle jiggle
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He's made not letting Jimin's ships breath his entire personality and instead of Jimin whooping his ass as he should he's 'oh Jungkookie" melting away at him
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Not to say Jm enjoys it entirely cos clearly it gets a bit too much for him sometimes🥲
This 'double standards' is something I hear most teen same sex couples complain of so I find it interesting to see these things play out between them.
And it's definitely interesting how we the fans respond to this as well. We will praise Jungkook for being territorial but let Jimin exhibit a similar territorial streak and suddenly it's he's clingy, he's an attention seeker, and he acts like he owns Jungkook.
I'll take it a notch further and analyze this in light of Tae's reaction to this territorial behavior in both of them. If Jungkook acts territorial over Jimin with Tae, Tae backs away, acts like he's gonna cry most times and only puts up a fight on few occasions but should JM try to be territorial over Jungkook, Tae would square up with him more often than not🥴
Then there's Namjoon who used to back down and show some respect for the Maknae's feelings- and then suddenly doesn't care anymore. He legit said,
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I digress.
Sigh. Am I the only one missing Jin? Where's that one Taejin shipper please send me Taejin gifs😭😭😭😭
Tae can be intense and he's able to connect to people and things on a very deep emotional almost spiritual level. When he was young he used to desire this same level of intensity from the people around him often leading to him coming across as not having emotional boundaries. I don't know much about him personally, but I can deduce from certain things he says and does that he used to get this thrown in his face a lot.
This lack of emotional boundaries is what is often misconstrued as a crush by some of us.
But I think he just wants to hold hands on the pier with Jimin and discuss their deep deep affections for one another while the sun gradually set over the water
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It doesn't make them gay- may be lesbians for sure but not gay😭
And while Jimin equally wants a friendship like that and so reciprocate with Tae- he better not try that shit on Jungkook.
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You're gonna caress Jungkook's hands in the dime light, over soft music, while whispering to him how much emotionally attached you are to him- better be prepared to have his children while you're at it
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So to answer your question, I think Jungkook knows the difference between what's an unconventional quirky friendship and what's blatantly Gay.
And most of the time when he's reacting to these scenarios he's simply expressing his discomfort with the latter.
The day Jungkook goes cross eyed on Vmin is the day you know for sure those two are crossing some serious boundaries Friends shouldn't cross. Other than that I don't think he minds- nor should he.
The only reason he should be worried at all would be if Jimin is emotionally bonding with Tae and not JK. As it stands, that's not the case.
Minimoni are not Vmin. They are not the quirky unconventional same sex friends that Vmin are. So yea, if they start touching up on eachother and if Namjoon- NAMJOON- KIM NAMJOON- starts flirting and flashing dimples at Jimin he has every reason to be worried. I TOO WILL BE UNCOMFORTABLE AND I'M NOT EVEN DATING JIMIN.
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Smart intelligent successful TALL KIM NAMJOON?
Look, Jungkook is even better than me. I wouldn't let my girlfriend be friends with a KIM NAMJOON. Are you kidding?! I would follow them everywhere and put surveillance on them. Reinforce social distancing rules. 5 ft apart always and never alone in one room.
You think ill let my girlfriend be friends with an Rm, Yoongi, Jk you're mad. And then they'll just tell you casually, hey babe i'm gonna hang out at Rm's place- eh? Excuse me?! PARDON!
Hanging out doing what exactly cos I know yall be not talking about your feelings with them. PRAY TELL WHAT EXACTLY YALL BE HANGING OUT FOR?
I mean I'm not threatened by Yoongi per se but Agust D? Child no. No. No no no no no. NO.
Personally I don't think Jimin is in any way romantically interested in anyone in BTS other than Jk. I will fight him on this if he denies it🤧
But doesn't mean certain people in the band don't- sexually excite him beside JK. He's a rather healthy young adventurous spirited gentleman - with raging fiery hormones JK tries to keep under control
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If your boyfriend had sexy sultry eyes and a Jawline that looks straight out of a hentai anime imagining you would want to police him around too.
And look, Daddy is not wood.
Sticks and stones may break his bones but dare I say, tall chiseled 8 inch biggo excites him😝
I suppose curvy wide hips big booty breastina does it for him too😭😭😭😭😭
I think he finds Namjoon and Jk's physique ideal and attractive as men. And if he's dating Jk then I see how that would be a problem for Jk.
For Suga, I think it's more of how Suga treats Jimin. He treats JM like someone would treat someone they loved. Jimin admires Suga a lot. For his intellect, for his passion- JM has a tattoo of Suga's words on his body. Let that sink in and then put yourself in JK's shoes.
Jimin may be evasive but when he admires someone he praises them a lot. He praises their physique ifm he finds that ideal or attractive or intellect if he admires their ingenuity. He keeps praising and admiring JK. He keeps admiring Namjoon for more than his physique- come to think of it he's shown considerable admiration for Suga, RM and Jk more so than the others.
The only time I've seen him admire V in any way sus is when he said Tae has a huge shlong. I suppose that's enough reason for anyone to Stan V😭 If I hadn't seen it myself I would have said my man's exaggerating but that thing is humongous😭😭😭😭
Moving on from V's shlong,
Between V and Jimin I frankly don't recall who influenced who. We know Jimin today to be the most emotionally vulnerable one who's able to connect emotionally with others but if memory serves me right, that used to be V🤔
He's the one most of the members felt emotionally honest with and comfortable with and the one they seem to suggest helped them gain confidence to be themselves emotionally.
I don't know. Sometimes I feel JM and V are the same person. Different sides of the same coin. Their soul mate shtick makes sense to me.
Talking of soulmates, I find it interesting Tae Talking about twin flames in his new song May be. He said he would release it in 10yrs but I'm itching to hear the whole thing NOW. A. It's a really deep good song. The lyrics are fire, the genre is on point
You told me you are my twin flame, Our colors shimmer the same, when the world is cold in the winter, we'll melt each other away.
I have to praise him for the emotional depth most of his sings have- it's everything I desire in a song. A song that speaks to the human condition and evoke such strong emotions and is very soulful. Bravo mate.
But isn't it interesting how he's switched from soulmate to twin flames and yet still evoke the same imageries of the moon the way he's done when writing songs inspired by Jimin?
Not only is his dick massive his voice is massive too😭
Sorry what was your question?
Ah, JK interrupting JMs ships.
I don't know what to tell ya. He's a hater🤣🤣🤣🤣
You should watch him finding all the excuses in the world as to why JM shouldn't collaborate with the members on a song but somehow had no objection when JM said he'd make a song with him😭😭😭😭
You know when he was younger and he was asked whom he would entrust his sister to out of the group he chose himself? He couldn't chose anyone even when most of them chose Jimin💀
That was his sister. Now imagine his partner 🤣
There's no over analyzing this. I think it's just his personality. And he's been consistent with it. Remember the Perilla leaf debate?
Personally I think some members deliberately avoided answering the question- or answered it the way they did bcos of Jungkook 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣
When Tae said let's take turns I knew Jk was gonna throw a bomb and Jimin was gonna stutter 😭😭😭😭
And of course Namjoon and Suga will say they don't care- of course 😌
Cos if they did care then Jungkook would be vindicated won't he🤣
Ahhh Jimin- JM and his tiny, but why should it even matter if you're eating how would you even notice these things 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Boy's been traumatized straddling the line between the hyungs and the Maknae trying to explain to JK relax we are not flirting, relax he grabbed my balls don't mean I'm cheating. Meanwhile all JK seeing is them walking down the aisle in rainbow suits🤧
If everything we've been screaming on ship street wasn't making things clear, it's obvious from this clip alone the diverse views on boundaries that exist in the group.
It's clear, as I've been saying, JK has boundaries. Boundaries some members think is childish and ridiculous and so do not respect or adhere to which used to be a major cause of tensions within the group.
And for Tae to point out in support of Jungkook that sharing a chopstick or whatever those Perilla leaves were meant to signify was a sign of crossing boundaries should answer my question about him backing down when JK instills boundaries over JM with him but not so much when JM tries to instill boundaries with him.
It's double standard on Jms part and Tae is not the one. Do unto Jk what you want done unto you. If you think JK is childish for trying to instil boundaries with your friends what gives you the right to instill boundaries over JKs friends? Gotta love him. He's a no nonsense sort of person.
Now, we also understand why Namjoon stopped respecting JK's boundaries. It goes both ways.
When I tell you BTS has more drama and is better than the Kardashians whew🤭
Jungkook was the most gaslit member of the group. They constantly made him out to be this unreasonable possessive dude who couldn't keep his relationship a secret. Personally, I don't think a person's boundaries have to be negotiable. It's not something you negotiate on with them. And ridiculing them and calling their boundaries unreasonable and childish speaks to your own inability to take no for an answer which is generally toxic.
It's a good thing JM made his emancipation proclamation himself cos JKV and I were gonna have to break him free from the mold.
Okay bye I'm gonna watch it and akeke to myself again
Oh wait, your friend. I should say something nice- ho ho ho ho ha ha ha ha may the force be with you💜
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harukavoice · 9 months
candies i think the milgram cast would like:
haruka: dumdums / lollipops (ESPECIALLY the cotton candy flavor bc i doubt he getd to have real cotton candy often, i think he'd like the more mild and sweet flavors)
yuno: milky ways (she'd love the marshmallow and chocolate flavor its fluffy like her too)
fuuta: mike and ikes (they just fit his vibes i can totally see him grabbing a box when at the movies with his friends, theyre very redcore idk)
muu: gummy bears (idk she reminds me of chewy foods, shed squish them in her fingers when she was bored waiting for her current bite to finish)
shidou: peppermints (again this type of flavor reminds me of doctors, also its a chill and sorta old type of candy)
mahiru: recees (she LOVES peanut butter and chocolate, might like recees pieces too but im thinking of the cups)
kazui: skittles (im not funny i know BUT ALSO i think hed like fruity flavors, and its a classic)
amane: starbursts (theyre very practical they last a long time and have a strong flavor, i could see her getting some at school for good behavior and loving them)
mikoto: nerds (especially grape, he'll eat like 1/3 of the little boxes at a time, watches fuuta down the whole thing in disappointment)
kotoko: lemonheads (claims she doesn't think theyre sour but makes a face when she eats them)
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reverieaudios · 8 months
So we already know what Des is like after a few drinks, what about any of the others behavior, if they do have any alcohol at all? Any drink of choice?
I'll put it under the cut in case people don't wanna see it (just because alcohol and all that) also most of these I came up with on the spot lmao
None of them drink super often, but there's a few that I could imagine react interestingly to alcohol lol.
Gage gets extremely cuddly, and loses all self preservation instincts. The kind where you have to watch him or else he'll try to hug the scary biker gang guys at the bar
Ellis is usually the designated driver when going out for drinks with friends, but when they do indulge its usually something that you'd imagine an older guy in a suit would order while smoking a cigar lmao. Also they're a very flirtatious drunk, no one is safe
Law drinks extremely rarely, but when he does he skips all other stages of drunk and goes straight to sleepy
Cyril never drinks more than one drink around anyone that he isn't extremely comfortable around. He tends to lose inhibitions. And doesn't like clothes. He also really likes fruity, super sweet drinks but hides it like his life depends on it
Roman gets... ideas. The kind that involve breaking into a highly secretive government facility. Or a zoo. Whichevers closer.
Most of the others I feel like (if they did drink) they would kind of just be your average tipsy/drunk person
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protect-daniel-james · 2 months
WIP asks: what is your oldest? What is the one you will probably never finish?
Omg, do unfinished chaptered fics count?
AO3 tells me the oldest non-finished chaptered fic is Silent Freeway, an Alex Turner/Miles Kane fic from ancient times. I am kinda ashamed of it now, because ultimately it was too much for me to write about - I chose the light topics of mental health and psychosis with my poor English skills, and obviously it was a pain in the ass to write in the end. I wasn't brave enough to go back and read it but I can imagine the shit I wrote back in 2016 in English. It was too much drama for the sake of drama, no characterisation, no reasonable behavior... I will definitely never finish that one. I'm not that much into Milex, and the whole story seems childish today.
Fun fact - it has over 11 000 words making up 11 chapters. Yes, 11 chapters. Which means about 1 000 words per chapter (I was so proud of it back then, lmao). Good old days. Nowaydays I write a 11 000 word fic about Inzaghi brothers fucking.
WIP which I might actually finish one day is definitely Let's fade together, let's fade forever. No football. Historical Figures RPF combining two of my favorite fruity couples from late 18th century, Alex Hamilton/John Laurens and Frederick II/Hans Hermann von Katte. As the tag says, I imagine Heaven as a waiting room. A waiting room where Laurens and von Katte meet and talk and wait for their loved ones. I think it was a nice lil' idea, a fic that became known as "sad gays in heaven". Yeah, it is still rather naive and silly looking back, but I am still quite proud of that one. It's literally missing one chapter.
My problem is I get too excited about a new thing, and I am able to produce quite quickly a new fic when I am excited. A planned out multichaptered fic even. But then, the excitement fades - either because I find a more interesting new thing, or because the response is non-existent, and I see that something I was excited about and cared about isn't really interesting "to the outside". Now don't get me wrong, I'm not one to count kudos and comments because I know that the ships and themes I write about are very niche (I am well aware that if I write a Pedri/Gavi fic, it would get to 200-300 kudos, if I write a Grizione fic, it would be around 50, but if I write about Unai Emery, there will be like 5) - but even with this awareness, if a fic I truly was excited about doesn't really get a response, I just don't feel motivated to prioritise it, work on the next chapter, or write something about the pairing again (unless it's Unai and Football, because those fics I take as a form of experience, exploration, and almost academic work so I don't care if y'all aren't reading those; they are for me to explore the unexplored. although it's nice when people read and comment on them, and want to discuss its topics, obviously).
When it comes to unpublished WIPs, I don't really have many of those because I tend to start my WIPs when excited and then I usually work quickly (unless it's literally a 10 000+ words fic like the yacht fic or like the Inzaghicest one might be). One that I promised to do was a Henderson/Stevie G in Saudi Arabia engaging in bad, sleazy, desperate sex because they have no clue what they are doing there, but I haven't really started to work on that.
I started working on a Mourinho/Abramovich fic (with a flavour of Abramovich/Sheva).
"Mr. Abramovich - " José made a significant pause, spread out his hands over the edge of the desk that separated him from the addressed man. "I know you like him. Is easy to see." For a moment not a single muscle in Abramovich's face moved. Then, his eyebrows rose up, and he tilted his head, smiling; not just smiling but amused at such a simple yet daring statement. "Is it?" he asked, although José wasn't completely sure about the wording. It might have been just a simple, bemused repetition of the word he himself used to describe his reading of the situation - easy.
I think it's now the oldest actual draft that I have, but it's only 2 months old lmao. As I said, I finish my fics pretty quickly (after all, I usually write directly in AO3 - believe me, I did regret it a few times), and the one month due date on drafts works miracles.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 2 years
The Curator-Alpha!Bucky Barnes
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Bucky Barnes Alpha/Omega Oneshot
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As an Omega people always expected you to be something you weren't. They expected flirty and sweet, cheerful and bubbly as most Omegas are, but that just wasn't you. You knew it disappointed your mother, she had all Alpha boys until you, her only girl and only child not born an Alpha. She dressed you up all your life, never letting you express yourself in the least, pink dresses and heels, fruity perfumes that 'enhanced Omega scents' and 'pretty' jewelry, she made you everything you hated and it made you hate her. You fought against everything she wanted and it made her hate you. When you left high school and decided not to travel in search of your Alpha as so many did but instead get a job and an apartment in the city she was livid and she told you not to come back until you were ready to cooperate or you found your Alpha and he fixed your behavior.
You found a roommate who became your best friend, Natasha, and got a job as an art curator. Your boss was quite a dick, making you do all the work and taking all the credit but the pay was good, at least for your half of the job, and you were able to get your paintings on display every now and again.
It's not that you didn't want an Alpha, but you didn't want to be controlled anymore, you wanted someone to love you, not own you and you couldn't see any modern Alpha doing that. So when the day came that you smelled your Alpha for the first time you did what no Omega has ever done in the history of human kind, you ran.
You were at the opening of a new art gallery, having hired an assistant for the event to take care of sales of paintings so you could handle everything else, meeting clients and making sure artists were happy was your main goal until you smelled it. It was a rush of firewood, pine trees and gunpowder. It was delicious and you turned, running into the kitchen quickly.
You used the other exit, continuing to work while trying to avoid the smell and being so busy walking around that you didn't notice until the party was almost over as you passed it that someone had bought your painting.
"Kelly! Someone bought my painting?" The girl grinned.
"Yes, he was very taken with it, and so unbelievably hot! He asked if you were here actually, he wanted to meet you." You smelled it again when you got close to the painting and instantly knowing your Alpha had smelled you on it. "There he is. Mr. Barnes!" She waved someone over and you looked up to see a man with just shy of shoulder length brown hair, a dark beard and bright blue eyes, even if he wasn't your Alpha this man would have caught your attention. "This is Y/n, you bought her painting." He wasn't listening to a thing Kelly said as he stared at you, 2 men walking behind him as if body guards.
"Hello Y/n. I'm James, I've been looking for you all night." I shook myself out of my daze as he took my hand, kissing my knuckle and turned my hand, smelling the scent gland at my wrist. His eyes rolled back into his head as he did, his body relaxing visibly and a smile making its way to his face.
"Yes well, tons to do when it's your party, actually I should be going." I tried to walk away but he grabbed my upper arm, quite gently but enough to let me know he wanted me to stay.
"Please? Don't go? I've been looking all night-actually I've been searching for years. Let me get you a drink?" I found myself nodding before I could stop and he tucked my arm into his delicately. He led me over to the bar, gesturing for his men to stay behind.  "Tell me why you're running from me gorgeous."  I looked up from my drink, stunned and just as I was about to lie he held up his hand.  "Don't lie, please?  Our bond is still growing but I learned to spot a lie in anyone quite a long time ago, I just ask for the truth Y/n, please?"
I hesitated but took a deep breath, deciding to go with the truth.  "I spent my entire life being told what an Omega should be, how I should act and dress and talk and it wasn't me, I felt like I was being suffocated in so much shit that everyone else wanted me to be and I don't want an Alpha because I don't want it to happen all over again."  He didn't interrupt me, didn't laugh or even smile, he just listened which was strange for me from an Alpha.
"I'm sorry that's how you grew up, it does sound uncomfortable.  I don't want to control you however.  I want my Omega to be just who she is, because who she is should be perfect for me, right?"  I nodded, unsure of what else to do, completely shocked by this.  "The only time I need you to act a certain way is when I'm in a business meeting and that, for the most part, won't concern you one bit.  I never want you to be anything but happy with me, I also need to know that my Omega wants me to be myself as well-"
"Of course I do.  It's not exactly like an Alpha needs to hide though, shouldn't you be that way all the time?"  He shook his head.
"I run several companies, who I am to customers and employees and business partners, that's work me, I...I want to come home to someone I can just exist with and be happy."  In that moment I was hit with a rush of longing and loneliness that caused me to whine audibly, putting down my glass and moving to hug my Alpha. He wrapped his arms around me as I did, burying his nose into my neck and breathing me in deeply having not an ounce of shame in it, so I did as well.
"I'm sorry you feel like that." I mumbled before feeling him kiss the side of my head.
"I'm sorry you do too my sweet girl.  You're Alpha is going to take care of you, I promise.  Please let me?"  I whined again, nodding into his neck, content to stay in this position for the rest of my life.
"Y/n!"  I heard my boss' voice scream and I groaned, tightening my hold on James.  "Y/n!  There you are!  There are buyers upstairs-"
"Kelly is taking care of that tonight, remember?  I'm doing everything else."
"Well it certainly looks like you've found something to do but may I remind you that you're on the clock." I was about to snap back at the man, suddenly pissed off at being treated like this to a level I never had before. That was when I realized it wasn't my emotions.
"If I ever hear you talk to her like that again I will be sure that you lose much more than your job." James snarled at him, his scent shifting and showing how angry he is, a scent that made me weak at the knees.
"Mr.Barnes! I'm so terribly sorry, I didn't recognize you-"
"So you treat all Omegas like that?"
"N-No! I mean, I-"
"So just my Omega?" The Beta who likes to think himself an Alpha was cowering like an Omega, and I was loving it.
"No!  Of course not!  I didn't know she was your Omega, she's not mated-she wasn't!  I just need her to do her job-"
"She's been doing her job, so much so that she hasn't had 10 seconds to stop moving and take a breath to even meet me, do you think that's a good working environment?  'Cause I don't, you can go help that customer purchase something, can't you?  Or do you not know how to do that?"
"Of course I do!"  He snapped, not being able to resist being who he is, which is a bully.  James didn't say anything else, pulling me closer to his side and just staring at the man who seemed to realize what he had done.  "I apologize Mr. Barnes, I didn't mean-"
"My Omega is done for the night.  From what I understand from everyone else that works here she runs this entire place, doing your job and hers and gets paid half the money.  She is done here and I will be speaking to your bosses...and their bosses.  Come my love, let's get you something to eat, you're starving."  My mind questioned for a moment how he could tell before having a dumb moment and realizing he could feel it as he took my hand and pulled me away from my boss to the platters.
"Did you just quit my job for me?  That's exactly the kind of behavior I meant when I-"
"I’m sorry."  He cut me off, taking my face into his hands.  "I know that that wasn't a great start but I refuse to let my Omega be abused and belittled.  I have a new job for you, one that if everyone here is right about what you do, will be perfect for you and will pay you accordingly.  I need a new curator at my gallery in the city, you'll have your own office, what that asshole was supposed to do will be done by a coworker and you'll just be doing what you're supposed to do, plus, your boss is a great guy, doesn't yell at his staff, pays appropriately, offers sick leave when needed for all designations, and I'm told he's pretty easy on the eyes."  He blinked at me rapidly and I couldn't help my giggle, leaning my head onto his shoulder.
"You're sweet but I don't just want to be offered a job because I'm your Omega-"
"I understand, and you're not.  I'm here tonight to meet the curator of this gallery and offer her a job, I've heard wonderful things about her and not so wonderful things about how she's treated, figured I could poach her easily you see...even easier still, it turns out she's my Omega.  See how that works out?"  He pulled out his phone and showed me his schedule that said at the bottom- 6pm: Meet with curator of Avengers gallery.  "I've been looking for 2 people all night and only realized 5 minutes before I found you that they were the same person.  Funny how things work out."
"It really is.  What the hell, come here."  I grabbed his jacket, pulling him down to me and pressing my lips to his hard, hearing him groan contently.  "In that case, can we go get real food somewhere?"
"I would love to treat my Omega to dinner."
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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avoidaboo · 10 months
postgame red hcs because i cant stop thinking about him. also, MAJOR SPOILERS FOR BRC. IF YOU HAVENT PLAYED THE GAME YET AND PLAN THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS starting with expanding on the red and felix are two different people hc because i stole it and cant stop thinking about it Again, red and felix are two very different people, red got rebuilt with some left overs of the original cyberhead (which were big parts have you seen that cutscene) (which the flesh prince also had dont ask) after felix found his body in an alley while going to the hideout with everyone else and took it with him. since faux is dead and his head is basically lost, he saw no problem with it. the flesh prince stitched him up and kaboom. he is back. tho he only activated a few days after however, red has now MORE issues since hes now more robot than human. the public shutdowns (which are basically the times where he just fucking passes out in public, e.g. by eclipse. or even screaming before passing out, like by dj cyber). everytime that happens, he gets into one of those dream levels but now theyre WORSE. aka theyre nightmare levels now and going through the entire nightmare is the only way of him waking up when that happens. sometimes it takes him more than one real life days to actually wake up from it, so yeah people usually worry ALOT. they are trying to figure out why its so often more to the public shutdowns btw: a public shutdown is basically a cyberhead passing out out of nowhere, they mostly happen when severely stressed, heat or just any negative emotion being to strong. screaming before passing out only occurs when fear or stress back to dream (or nightmare levels). red pretty much has to conquer them to wake up again, those nightmare only consist of faux and felixs memories. they are only unpleasant if its through a public shutdown. otherwise they are completely fine and sometimes are his memories he made throughout the story. so yeah im not leaving him completely traumatized. now to general red hcs: red can literally just unscrew his head at any time when he wants to, how is he supposed to change clothes at all? cyberheads are pretty much able to go without food for days red will unscrew his head just to wash it. he needs help with it tho cuz he cant risk water getting into his circuity again he never gets tired of “so no head?” jokes due to being more of a robot now, red doesn’t understand stuff like “social norms” or shit like “gender”. neither does he really understand masculinity or femininity either. so what im saying is hes agender (basically has no gender) and is pansexual :D red copies bels texting behavior to even irl. speaking of bel, she taught him rollerblading too! also theyre best friends red sees felix like an older brother, i have no real explanation for this i just think its cute now one last thing, solace and red are so fruity i cannot goodbye i MIGHT update this list if i dont forget about it
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flyingspicerack · 1 year
Random Mao Questions!
Have you ever just wanted to know more about my s/i Mao? No? TOO BAD! Under the cut are just a random amalgam of questions, answered about Mao from this OC questions generator!
What is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink? OK so Mao tries not to drink all that much because when they DO, they get carried away so they've tried to stay away from it. They like the sweet fruity stuff tho. (I know however when i was in japan i drank little canned sangria that was only like 3% alcohol and can see them liking to drink those!!)
Does your oc get a nice tan in the sun or do they burn easily? Yeah, I think Mao gets a little tan when they're in the sun, but they're not out in the sun often, or try not to be, tooooo hot. BUT YES.
What is your oc’s favorite color? Does this color have any special meaning to them? Mao's favorite color is is like a periwinkle blue (same as their sweater and also my fav color) They just like how it looks, no special reason.
Is your oc allergic to anything? Do they have an intolerance? Mmmmm I don't think so... not an allergy at least... I'm personally lactose intolerant and it would make sense if they were too... but I don't want to torture them like that... If anything, maybeeee... actually, you know what? I think red bean/azuki makes their mouth a little tingly, not enough to warrant a TRUE allergic reaction, but they just think its normal for it to make ur mouth a little bit numb
Does your oc prefer to sit around and chill or be up and moving, doing something? Mao is VERY sedentary. They love to be SITTING and SEATED!!!!!
Does your oc like milk? They like milk! Especially strawberry milk!!!!!!! They also like soy milk too and drink it out of those little boxes!!
What are your oc's eating habits like? Oh Mao is a MESS! They make crumbs out of food that physically cant create crumbs. They get shit and sauce on their face all the time, not matter how neatly they try to eat theres always a LITTLE bit of mess, but more often than not, its kinda sizeable. They also, unfortunately, have some disordered eating in that they don't particularly mean to, but binge eat. They end up doing the whole like, only light snacking during the days they're working and when they go home just gorge themself.... Wehhhhh
What motivates your oc in their job? THE KITTIES!! Oh of course it's the kitties, they want all of them to get adopted so so bad <3
What does your oc do when they can’t fall asleep? Mmmm... Depends on WHY they cant fall asleep. If it's cause theyre scared or paranoid, they'll get fresh air or go on a walk, if it's just restlessness, they'll just stay up until they cant keep their eyes open anymore... maybe charge their jo crystal idk
What is your oc’s favorite season? Winter, hands down. They love the cold, the snow, bundling up, the snow, winter seasonal foods, the snow <3
Does your oc notice it when others are lying to them? Usually. One thing Mao is very perceptive of is changes in people's moods and behaviors as they're happening, so I think they can typically tell when a lie is being told.
What is your oc's go-to ice cream flavor? Mao doesn't go for one flavor all the time, they like to try the weird or uncommon ones, so it's always something different, truly.
What does home mean to your oc? Is it a place or people? Home is a person, or people to them, an arbitrary feeling and not a place. That being said, they've been feeling homeless for quite some time now </3
What are some places your oc really wants to visit one day, but hasn’t had the chance to do so yet? I think Mao would like to visit Hawaii maybe? Or somewhere in the continental US just to say they did? But they don't really have a desire to travel, i don't think.
How does your oc take their coffee? They prefer tea over coffee, but if they have to have coffee, it'll be with a fair amount of cream and sweetener, usually some type of flavor shot i think... PROBABLY A LATTE
Is your oc more dominant or submissive in bed? Ok... so Mao is naturally more submissive but is also a virgin, so like... has never done anything before so they would 100% be willing to try anything... SO when Mao and Ichi eventually DO get saucy together, it'll end up more of a 70/30 split of Mao being more sub vs dom with him >3
Who is your oc's faceclaim? M.... me.... as of right now i guess....
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frenzys-show · 5 months
More Autism3 content, this time its headcanonssss
Longarm is nonbinary (any prn, preferably they/she) and sapphic/bambi-lesbian Sentinel is bigender (he/she) and biromantic Jazz is transfem (she/her only) and panromantic Longarms love language is physical contact, they jus wraps their partner(s)in her arms and never let's go for a good while. Jazzs is gift giving, usually music she writes!! Sentinel is iffy, but he does enjoy giving compliments even if she kinda sucks at it. He's trying!!
Jazz is high empathy auDHD who gets very easily overstimulated by sounds and touch. Her special interest is music. Longarm is autistic with a BIIIIG love of learning (special interest), bro will STUDY their partner to understand behaviors and signs of stress. Although she kinda sucks at expressing their own needs and stresses until they blow up. She masks A LOT Sentinel is a narcissist with PTSD. Though Percy suspects she may also have autism, just a itty bitty amoint but not too serious. His special interest is musical plays.
Sentinel turned the closet in his office into a lil sensory room for Jazz to go to when overwhelmed. It's got weighed blankets and music that helps her calm down. Longarm has a whole BOX of fidget toys under their desk in her own office, Cliffjumper likes to "borrow" the pop-its and pea pods Jazz hates arguing, big turnoff for her. That's why she usually acts as a mediator to try and calm things!! So things dont escalate and she gets overstimmed!!
Longarm is very organized and urges sometimes for Jazz to be as well Jazz? Habing organization?? You mean organized chaos!! Sentinel is probably the next neat besides Longarm.
Longarm is a lightweight, one drink and she's tipsy. Buuuuut they can't exactly handle alcohol well and it usually ends with a hangover the size of Ultra Magnus's forehead at the end Sentinel is heavy. He knows how to drink. Takes SOOOOOO much to get her drunk Jazz doesn't usually drink, but it's usually fruity stuff like Pina coladas!! Or martinis!! She knows how to limit herself from getting drunk tho, usually being the one to lead Longarm and Sentinel back home Longarm likes to wrap her arms around her partners when sleeping, so Sentinel usually wakes up and panics for half an hour before going back to sleep. Jazz dgaf bc she's the heaviest sleeper you'll ever meet. Worst yet? She snores Jazz gives Sentinel and Longarm dancing lessons. Longarm is pretty quick to understand while Sentinel gets frustrated
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tomwaterbabies · 7 months
there are dozens upon dozens of reasons why connecting with (or generally just Listening To) all kinds of queer people outside of small online circles is incredibly enlightening. but i will say an unexpected, and most welcomed, outcome of it for me, was becoming less dysphoric about how i talk and act etc etc.
im a very animated person. im effeminate, im dramatic, i talk with the "fruity accent", i do gay little poses and flourishes. i assumed for many Many years that this was the result of being raised female, which made me feel like these sort of Gay Man Behaviors didnt really truly belong to me like they would a cis gay
As i talk with other transmascs though, even other mlm transmascs, it has become more and more clear to me that it is NOT a case of being raised a woman- certainly not entirely anyway. there are of course reasons for certain "queer traits" or whatever to exist- and i dont pretend to be an expert on why even IM like this. but its cool that somehow ive harbored parts of my true identity for years without knowing it, and without having to attach "well, you were a girl once" to it
all to say its also really, really funny to go into larger and sometimes local queer communities and instead of finding solace in shared experience i saw how unlike a lot of other queer transmascs i was and got incredibly excited that i really am a flamer
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erinelliotc · 7 months
I usually say Eddy is my least favorite of the Eds trio because if they were real people I would find him absurdly annoying and he would piss me off as hell similar to what happens with Double D. But honestly it doesn't make sense since I often find myself kinda obsessed with him, or at least very interested in him, in analyzing him and writing about his character.
As a character, I find him extremely interesting and funny even when he's being annoying. A lot of my favorite scenes in the show are him just being himself, like, screaming, yelling, laughing, being fruity, inconvenient and chaotic or even just saying normal things because I think the tone of his voice (bless Tony Sampson for his impeccable work) and the way he behaves in general makes everything he says and does hilarious, and damn, his provocative way also has its charm (I think both Double D and I have a strange and ambigous relationship with provocative behavior as it pisses us off but also attracts us somehow, like "this person is so annoying but for some reason I feel kinda dependent and stuck with them, and kinda enjoys their provocations, why???", idk xD maybe it's an ISFJ thing, or maybe we're just both a bit masochistic for some reason). I also think Eddy is the one who has the deepest and most interesting backstory and the greatest character development. So yeah, I actually love Eddy even though I probably wouldn't enjoy his company in real life most of the time, but he's really enjoyable to watch on the show. But I don't know if I can really say he's my second favorite even though I'm actually not as interested in Ed as I am in Double D and Eddy (and EddEddy). It's just that I think Double D and Ed are the most lovable and easy to get along with of the trio, but yeah, Eddy has his own charming and conquering way.
Maybe I shouldn't worry so much about putting them in a specific order of favorites. I know Double D is my favorite Ed and that's enough. And I love both Eddy and Ed in different ways and for different reasons.
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