taetaespeaches · 2 years
The way that I’m already frothing at the mouth over Indigo is crazy
I’m literally so fucking excited!!!! After hearing the album and thinking about the songs he could perform I am just- no thoughts, just screaming
0 notes
minmindreaming · 3 years
Dad Mode | Chapter 1
Word count: 4.5k
Genre: Fluff (with the smallest sprinkle of angst)
Pairings: Dad!Namjoon x Teacher!Reader (feat Kid!Jungkook)
Summary: It’s been three years since the first time he walked into your classroom, small, shy son in his arms, already whining about the first day of class. Yet even as Jungkook now turns 6 you still feel yourself blushing around his cute dad, Namjoon. What happens when you find yourself alone with him? And the two of you struggle to keep your crushes at bay
A.N: 2 years later and I come back with a freaking Dad!Namjoon fic, of course...
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A soft giggle made the man turn around, his eyes wide as he looked around frantically. To the casual listener the sound wouldn’t have sounded any different than any of the other kids running around the playground, but Namjoon could pick that one out in any crowd. He stood up, looking over the large seesaw for his little trickster, but alas, once again he couldn’t find him. “Jungkook I swear to god… I lost okay? I lost, just come out” But the small boy was nowhere to be seen. Namjoon sighed heavily, not even being able to mask his worry as other parents played with their kids happily. “Jungkook… please I-” “Need some help?” The sun shone from behind your frame, blinding Namjoon for a second before he was able to focus his sight. Your smile was the first thing he noticed, as soft as he remembered, always shining with a sense of calmness that even his own nerves couldn’t beat. “I can’t find him…” he admitted without fear, he knew that after all this time there was no way you’d judge him You laughed softly, nodding as you crotched down to his level, looking around the area as you focused your hearing to find the same soft giggle Namjoon had been listening for, “he’s always been the best at hide and seek” you admitted, laughing a tad harder as Namjoon sighed in exasperation. Your eyes trailed towards the large plastic castle left of the seesaw, a few brown strands peaking up from the top floor of the tower, a small smile covering your lips as you spoke, “Kookie… I was about to go start with the class games… But I guess since you’re not here I’m gonna have to ask Taehyung to help m-” and like clockwork, those tiny brown eyes were staring right at you “No!” Namjoon’s mouth fell agape as he saw his son sliding down the castle’s yellow slide and running straight at you, as if he hadn’t just spent the last ten minutes making a fool out of his dad. You opened your arms and instantly the 6 year old ran into them, clinging to you with all the confidence in the world, knowing damn well that he was gonna be the one helping with the class games. “You promised I could help!” he exclaimed, pouting as you stood up with him in your arms “Well, you’re the one who was slacking in your duties to go play hide and seek” you answered, trying hard not to laugh at his shocked face. “It’s not my fault!! Daddy took too long to find me…” And now it was Namjoon’s turn to pout. You turned to the man, giggling softly as he stuttered, trying to think about something to say, something to protect his integrity as a dad… But Jungkook was right, Namjoon had absolutely no idea where he was. You shook your head softly at Namjoon, making sure he knew it was okay before you put Jungkook down on his feet, ignoring the small pout the boy gave you before he ran straight towards his dad’s side. “Why don’t you go get the rest of the boys into our room Kookie? I’m just gonna clean up here and i’ll be right there okay?” you asked as you smiled at him softly The boy nodded excitedly, always happy to help, and not a second later he was running towards the small kindergarten you had started a few years ago. You watched the boy with a small smile, even the sight of him bringing you a sense of joy you knew was special.  
“I swear, he makes me look so bad…” Namjoon groaned, patting down his olive chino pants as he stepped towards you “He’s one of the happiest little boys I know Mr. Kim,” you started, giving him a genuine smile, “he makes you look great” Joon’s eyebrows rose at your words, staring back at you for a second before his eyes softened, whole body relaxing just as his dimples appeared on his face, a small, shy smile on his lips. “He really loves it when you’re able to join for break time, it’s easy to tell, that cheeky smile of his doesn’t leave his face for the rest of the day” you commented, trying not to sound too excited yourself. After all, you were only talking about Jungkook Namjoon looked back at the building Kook had run into, a small smile on his lips as he nods, “yeah… I wish I was able to come more often I just-” “It’s okay,” you said, a hand on his shoulder as you started walking towards the building, “that’s why I’m here Mr. Kim” Namjoon watched as you passed him, his eyes mindlessly trailing down your frame, taking in the way your strands of hair peaked out out your messy bun.. How your cream coloured blouse tucked into the back of your light jeans. The way you always looked entirely too perfect for someone who spent the day looking after children. He caught himself staring, shaking his head lightly before he followed you into the small building and towards the main classroom where he could hear the children welcoming you excitedly. He waved goodbye to a few familiar parents as they started heading home or towards work, the large red clock on the wall signalling to him that class was about to start and he himself should be making his way to work. But he couldn’t help but head in for another peek. He leaned against the classroom’s door frame, smiling as he saw Jungkook running up to you the second you reached your desk, the boy clearly enamored with his teacher. Namjoon tried to hide the smile it brought to his lips, knowing that one came from a deeper place, more dangerous… It wasn’t everyday that he was able to see Jungkook this happy with someone else, of course it would make him feel a certain type of way, but he shouldn’t let that interfere with the somewhat professional relationship he had with you. Jungkook’s caught sight of his father, his large front teeth on full display as he ran towards Namjoon, tiny arms trying their damn hardest to circle the tall man’s legs. Namjoon patted his hair down softly, smiling, “hey, I’ll be back later okay?” he tried, but Jungkook put up no fight, “I know” he smiled up at his dad. He knew Namjoon was always there to take him home.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You were proud of the fact that you hardly let the kids see you anxious, knowing damn well how easily they can pick up on other people’s anxiety. But right now, listening to your favourite little boy crying his eyes out, it was getting really really hard to stay calm. You stepped closer to Jungkook's desk, the boy with his head shoved up against the wooden table as he tried hiding his tears from you, despite his wails being loud enough to fill the whole room. 
For almost an hour now you had tried calming him down, staying with him as he watched one by one the kids leave at the end of the day, his smile faltering with every single friend that walked out the door. But by the time the last one left, he could barely keep the sobs in. Despite the thousands of apologies Namjoon had already blasted your phone with, the man was still stuck at work. By now, you knew it was inevitable, and you couldn’t fault him from struggling to juggle his work and Jungkook, but the boy did not see it that way. “Kookie… Daddy is just late, you’ll be home soon okay?” you tried, flinching softly as Jungkook wailed louder, “Nooo… He left me here! He left me…” Your heart broke at the hurt you could hear in his voice, and as you looked at the clock once again, your mind was made up. You made your way to the other side of the room, dialling Namjoon’s number as you turned away from Jungkook. It didn’t take him long to pick up, and immediately you could hear the desperation in his voice, the man struggling to stay on the phone as he rushed into his car. “(Y/N) is everything okay?! I’m on my way! I’ll be there soon I-” “Mr.Kim,” you started calmly, not wanting to let him ramble on, “everything is fine, Jungkook is okay… I’m just…” you closed your eyes… trying to stop the blush making its way onto your face, this was what was best for Jungkook, “why don’t I drive him over to your house?” You could hear Namjoon pause, and for a second you regretted your decision, but just as Jungkook sobbed again the man spoke, “really?” “Yeah,” you continued, “I think Jungkook is just uncomfortable not being home, and I know it takes you longer to get here so it might be best for him if I just meet you at your home? It’s no trouble for me to drive hi-” “Yes! Oh my god (Y/N) yes, thank you so much, wow, I-” You cut him off again, the sound of him using your first name finally cracking you and making you blush, “it’s okay! He’ll just be happy to be home… I’ll see you soon then” you finished, perhaps a bit too rushed before you quickly hung up. You stared at the wall for a second, for the first time in years your crush coming back to hit you with full force. But you knew now was not the time to fangirl over the cute single dad at your work. Jungkook needed you, and you weren’t about to let a silly crush get in the way of making your little Kookie feel better. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
By the time you rolled into Namjoon’s driveway Jungkook was all but knocked out in the back seat. His cheeks were still stained with tears, eyes still slightly puffy as the young boy struggled to keep them open. He had panicked so much earlier… No wonder he was tired. You parked the car, looking back at him for a second with a small frown. The way he freaked out, the things he said… You know he was thinking back to his mother. You didn’t know the details, and you know Jungkook was too young to remember. But the boy was too smart for his own good, surely by now he had put two and two together. It wasn’t hard, seeing all his friends always being dropped off by two parents while he always only had Namjoon. You sighed as you opened your door, walking back to grab him from his seat just as Namjoon opened the front door, running down the steps. You pulled Jungkook’s sleeping body into your arms, signalling for Namjoon to be quiet just as the man was about to speak. But he saw you, softening his steps as he got closer, a sad frown on his face as he got a glimpse of Kook’s cheeks. You gave Namjoon an understanding smile, following him towards the house before you passed the sleeping boy to his dad. Namjoon held Jungkook close, his hands gripping the boy a tad too tightly as he whispered towards you, “will you wait here a second? I’m just gonna take him upstairs” You nodded as you stepped inside the house with him, standing by the entrance as you watched Namjoon quickly make his way to the second floor. You took the time to look around, smiling softly as you saw both their personalities plastered around the home. You could see Namjoon’s style within the earthy tones that filled the home, the whole clearly decorated to perfection, before hurricane Jungkook took over with his action figures and games, laying over every furniture piece in the home. Your eyes shifted towards the stairs as you heard Namjoon walking back down, finally noticing his appearance. The usually put-together, care-free man had certainly had a stressful day. His bleached white hair had been pushed back, the sleeves of his brown shirt rolled up to his elbows, collar opened a button-too-low. You blinked a couple times before looking away, acting as if you were still just looking around as he reached you. “Miss. (L/N) I am so so sorry for this. I had absolutely no way of getting out of my meeting earlier and…” he tried, pushing his hair back once more as you raised your hands to calm him, “no no, don’t worry! Really, these things happen” He looked at you as if he wanted to apologise once more, but caught himself. Honestly, at this point even Namjoon couldn’t keep track of how many times he had done so that night, and in his mind no amount of apologies could make up for what had happened. You swayed slightly as you looked around, the awkwardness finally getting to you and flaring up your nerves. “I should go…” you muttered, trying your best to sound casual, but Namjoon was apparently hellbent on making your heart flutter. “Wait! Uhm… Can I make you some dinner?” he started, your eyes widening at the proposal, “Jungkook might be too tired to eat but I’m sure you’re hungry. Please, it’s the least I can do” For what felt like forever you just stood there speechless. You knew that any second now you would become a blushing mess, maybe you could still get out of it somehow? But as Namjoon saw the gears in your head turning he double down, the sweetest puppy eyes looking down at you as he insisted once more. So that’s where Jungkook gets it from… You giggled at your thought, nodding your head slowly and holding back the other giggle that his bright smile enlisted. Maybe this wasn’t so bad. Namjoon was Jungkook’s dad, a client, you needed to be able to act normal around him. This little crush had gone on for way too long anyways. Namjoon led you towards the large kitchen, motioning for you to sit behind the large granite island as he made his way towards the fridge. You rested your chin on your hand as you sat down, watching him as he moved around, grabbing glasses and plates, only to stop as he looked for what to make. At this point you had known Namjoon for a while, and you had seen Jungkook play pranks on him enough to know when he got nervous. You leaned right to look around him, giggling softly as you noticed him staring at his weirdly stocked fridge blankly. His body picked up your giggle, and he turned around with a sheepish grin, clearly thinking about how he'd explain to you that he was a terrible cook. But he forgot that you were best friends with his kid. “You know, a little bird told me that you guys’ favourite meals come straight out of there, and not the fridge” you joked as you pointed to Namjoon’s phone sitting on the counter. The man turned to look at it, chuckling lightly as he knew there was no hiding things from you. He didn’t keep secrets from Jungkook and apparently Jungkook didn’t keep secrets from you either.  “Yeah… This household runs a little differently… I’m-” but he stopped himself. He had apologised enough tonight. Honestly, why was he even doing it that much? Namjoon couldn’t remember the last time he had been this nervous around a woman, especially after Jungkook was born. But whenever you were in the room he just couldn’t stop himself. It also didn’t help that you were kind, beautiful, Jungkook absolutely loved you, and you were so, absolutely, incredibly, ho- Breathe Namjoon. Without much thought he grabbed a bottle of white wine from the fridge, not noticing the look you gave him as he grabbed two glasses, chuckling to himself. He placed both glasses on the island across from you, only looking up at you as he was opening the bottle, and immediately realising what he was doing. “Fuck, I didn’t even ask. I’m sorry, I… Would you like some wine? Oh no wait you’re driving, I just, I-” You giggled at his reaction, shaking your head slightly, “it’s okay. It’s been a long day, I could have one glass, just one” He sighed in relief as you agreed, pouring both glasses before putting away the bottle and walking around the island towards your side. He passed it towards you before sitting on the stool beside you, a tad too close perhaps. Maybe this was where him and Jungkook had breakfast? For a second you dared imagine how cute the two would look, Jungkook asking for help to get on the stool, Namjoon feeding him as you grabbed both a glass of orange juice from the fridg- Why were you in that fantasy? You brought the glass to your lips to shut up your thoughts, the tang of the white wine making everything a little better. “Thank you Mr. Kim” “Namjoon” Your eyes widened slightly at his word, watching him as he chuckled, “you can call me Namjoon. I mean, we are having a glass of wine in my kitchen… And how long have we even known each other for, 3 years? I think it’s about time Miss. (L/N)” he grinned casually “(Y/N). You can call me (Y/N) then” you smiled, trying to hide the excitement of hearing it from his lips once again. “It has in fact been a long time though, 3 years this year… God I can’t believe Jungkook is 6” you whined, remembering the cute little boy that waddled into your class that first day. 
“You tell me, sometimes I think time is playing a trick on me…” he agreed. Namjoon took a sip of his wine before he turned his body towards you, his face a little more serious, “how was he?” 
You knew what he was asking about, and from the looks of it, he already knew the
answer. But you still wanted to try, “he was fine! A bit confused but you know he’s young and-” “Y/N…” 
You stopped, sighing before you told him the truth, “he thought you had just left him there… I had never seen Jungkook like that, he was terrified. I tried calming him down, it had only been an hour, but he was…” you trailed off, remembering how absolutely heartbroken the boy was. But as you looked at Namjoon, you could see the same exact feeling in him. “Is it because…?
“His mother… Yes” Namjoon sighed You noticed your own question, groaning at yourself for bringing it up, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry” But Namjoon shook his head, giving you a small smile, “it’s okay”. But why? Why was it okay? Namjoon rarely ever talked about Jungkook’s mother, yet somehow he felt inclined to tell you about it. Without thinking about it further he went on, “I haven’t talked about it much with Jungkook, but he knows. He was too young to remember, but he knows…” he sighed, taking another sip of his wine before he went on, “we were both young when she found out, too young to be having a kid. But I was so sure of it, I just wanted to be a dad. We actually tried, and it worked, for a little while. When Jungkook was just a baby he took up enough of our time that we didn’t really notice how badly things were going… But by the time he was two she just couldn’t take it anymore” For a moment, you found it hard not to feel resentment for a woman that would just leave Jungkook and Namjoon like that, but Joon didn’t seem to hold any grudge in his heart. “I was lucky enough to already have my career by then, but she was only just getting started. The pressure on new mothers is so insane… It wasn’t fair for me to make her give that all up for a life she didn’t want” He looked up at you, eyes widening slightly at the look of sadness you had, before he chuckled, shaking his head, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring the mood down. I don’t blame her, or regret anything, it gave me Jungkook and that’s all I care about.” You wanted to say something, to tell him he was doing great and everything would be fine, that you were there for him. But who even were you? The teacher? Was it really your place to say anything. “Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself? What made you open up the school?” he asked, clearly wanting to change the subject You thought about it for a second, smiling to yourself as you remembered the journey it took to open your small little school, “I had always dreamed of working for myself,  and after my Masters it just seemed like the right choice. I was definitely ready to take the leap and open my own place but god I was so scared” you chuckled, a small blush on your cheeks, “I’ve always loved kids, I mean, I studied for this you know, but owning your own business is a whole other beast… I just knew that I wanted to be able to help kids on my own terms, without all the bureaucracy that came with my old school. They treated the children like clients there, I would never have been able to stay with a kid like Jungkook if a parent was late, and that’s not right…” You looked up at him, smiling softly as you noticed he was giving you his full attention, “It’s crazy to think that i’ve been doing this for almost 5 years now…” “I mean, given that i’ve trusted you with my son for over half of those, i’d say you’re doing a pretty good job” Namjoon offered, his dimples showing as he smiled at you You giggled, nodding, “thank you for that Mr.K- Namjoon… It’s honestly been such a treat to be able to watch Kookie grow.” 
“It makes me happy too. You’re probably one of the most consistent things in his life… I’m just glad he has some other than screw-up ol’ dad to rely on” 
Honestly, how many times had Namjoon had this conversation with himself? Jungkook was lucky to have you, you were probably the closest thing to a mother he had, and a freaking perfect one at that. Namjoon could not recall the amount of times he caught himself thinking about that, only to tell himself to stop being a creep. But it was almost impossible for him not to fall hard. You are practically everything he ever wanted. “He really loves you Namjoon,” you started, smiling at him as your hand mindlessly reached for his, “you should see the way he talks about you… You’re his hero. He’s a very lucky boy to have you as a dad and he knows it. It’s time you figure that out too” you giggled softly, trying to reassure him. Namjoon stared at you for a second, his expression unlike anything you’d seen before, yet you couldn’t make yourself look away. “You really love him, don’t you?” he asked Your eyes widened for a second, a blush making its way onto your face as you finally felt the reality of your words reach you. Was it too much? You didn’t want to seem weird or like you were prying too much. But you couldn’t hide the fact that Jungkook held a special place in your heart, one that not many of your students had touched. There was just something about him that just made you want to be there… “He’s a special boy” “You’re special”
Namjoon looked down at your hand atop of his, his own turning slowly to be able to grip your wrist, pulling you towards him slowly. He looked up, eyes fixed on yours as he searched for any sign of discomfort, but the gaze of pure hope you had simply solidified his resolve. Without much more thought his other hand cupped the side of your face, pulling you in for a slow, deep kiss.
Your eyes fluttered shut, body leaning into his as you whimpered softly against his lips, the feeling of them on your making your mind go blank. You couldn’t stop yourself as you reached for his shirt, pulling him closer as your hands gripped the fabric tightly. And Namjoon was right there with you. He didn’t think twice about hoping off his stool, lips never leaving yours as he pushed your legs apart gently, moving to stand in between them before he deepened the kiss. Surely by now your whole body was on fire, hands gripping at every last inch of his shirt as you tried keeping yourself grounded somehow, trying your best to stay sane and calm, but as you felt Namjoons tongue running across your bottom lip, you lost it. “Namjoon…” you moan quietly Yet all it did was alert the man of exactly what you two were doing. “Fuck… (Y/N) I’m so sorry I, I didn’t mean to go this fast I just -” “No! I…” but how could you tell him you liked it without sounding too desperate? “Please…” you looked up at him, your hand gripping his shirt tighter. Namjoon stared back at you for a second, his eyes a tad wide before it finally hit him, and he wasn’t about to wait another second. He had waited almost 3 years already. His hands cupped your face, pulling you in for a heated kiss, the frustration of having waited this long apparent in how he held you close, lips moving as if in sync with yours. You two were practically drowning in each other,  you two pressing against each other in the most delicious of ways as the world around lay there forgotten. So much so no one heard the small steps walking down the staircase. “Daddy, what are you and Miss (Y/N) doing? The quiet voice made your flinch, both of you tearing away from each other so fast you were sure you could feel some whiplash from it, but it didn’t stop either of you from looking at Jungkook and shouting, “Jungkook!”  
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
The Studio - Namjoon
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Pairing: Namjoon x reader (nicknamed Vixen)
Wordcount: 9.7k words
Genre: smut, angst, fluff
Rating: 18+
I told you I’d be back really soon ;) Tonight there’s a lot on schedule! I’ve been working on this piece for two weeks, since it carries a lot for both Namjoon and Vixen, emotionally speaking. It means a lot for me too, since to me it was truly a challenge in terms of the different levels of knowledge that Joon, y/n and the narrator hold. I think I’ve grown a lot in terms of writing even from Tiktok Towel Trick, which I wrote last May, but I’m really proud of myself comparing to what I used to produce a couple years ago.
Now, let me introduce this fic. The piece takes place two or three months after the two have started sleeping together (ideally late January or February). In this piece Vixen visits Joon at the studio after a bad fight and Joon’s self-imposed isolation. The two feel like they’ve come to a dead-end as they wait for the other person to cut ties. Namjoon is suffocated by his job, his tendency to lash out at his closest ones when he’s stressed and his previous traumas; Vixen is locked in her head, shut out by Namjoon and repeatedly accused of infidelity, as a sign of Namjoon’s lack of trust. Will the two manage to work things out?
Description and trigger warnings: The piece was written referring to Namjoon’s Rkive as in his vlive log. There is ANGST. Loads. There is some crying and it is not Vixen’s. Longing and miscommunication. In terms of filth: so much dirty talking the walls exude holy water by now. Unprotected sex (STAY SAFE GUYS!!!!!!!!), DDLG/daddy kink, Masturbation paired up with Voyeurism and Exhibitionism, Fetishism (Shoes, tights and lingerie), Oral (female receiving), Cumplay (eating), Marking, Spanking, Angsty doggy fucking followed by a very soft ride on the sofa. That should be all. Fluff alarm: Namjoon doesn’t want to lose his little fox and Vixen just wants to cuddle her big teddy bear Joon. 
Wordcount: 9.7k
Here is my masterlist
Standing in the main corridor of the studios felt very strange. You looked around, uncomfortable, while the receptionist at your side stared at you, waiting. "Don't worry, he's busy all the time. We can wait, no big deal." The fact that you'd been greeted by Namjoon's driver at the entry desk had helped you get to the studios unannounced. "That boy always gets caught up on something. He shouldn't make you wait." He tutted, looking at you with a kind smile. 
"____? What are you doing here?" Taehyung smiled at you brightly, close behind him Hoseok and Yoongi approached with heavy-looking bags on them. 
"Oh, hi. I sort of stopped by for Namjoon." You bit your lip, smiling embarrassedly. 
"He's still in his room. I can show you the way." Taehyung said, grinning. 
Yoongi seemed to be observing him closely while Hoseok looked absolutely oblivious. 
"No, I only have to give him this." You showed them two small bags, one containing food and the other a few things he had left at your place. 
You tried not to let your heartbreak show. 
"Maybe you could bring them to him, I don't want to distract him." 
You smiled but you felt the tears welling up. 
Yoongi's glance moved to you. It felt scorching. "I think you should bring those to him. I think he'd like to see you." His serious tone made you realise that maybe he did know what was happening. Maybe he did know better. 
"I think he'd rather not see me right now." Your lips tightened in a thin line. 
Both the guys turned to Yoongi. "Go, I'll see you tomorrow."
They both patted him on the shoulder and waved at you, Taehyung hugging you close. "It'll be alright. I'll see you."
Taehyung smiled at you, his cute cheeks popping upwards. Maybe it had to do with the fact that you had just granted him an exclusive piece by one of his favourite photographers. Maybe he was just friendly, maybe he simply liked you because he deemed you a decent human being. 
Right at his heels, Hoseok gave you a cute wave, saying bye-bye in a cartoonish voice. 
Beside you, Yoongi shook his head, still sporting a fond smile. "Uhm, I never know whether I should introduce myself. Anyway, we've never met before, so– I'm Yoongi. " He said with a tiny smile, his cheeks jumping upwards. 
You introduced yourself with a small bow. 
"You are just like he described you. He talks about you a lot." He commented. You blushed, almost feeling like dissolving into thin air. You never thought you would meet his friends like this. 
Yoongi looked at your face. "You're exactly his type — in the best way possible." He blushed. "Let's go." He said, leading you. "I actually want to say a few things." He threw his bag on the floor, getting comfortable on the sofa in the common room. "How are you doing?" 
You stared at your feet. "Decent enough."
"I'll be honest, ____. He hasn't been doing good. Not even decent, in my opinion." Yoongi announced, as if trying to prepare you for what you were going to see. "I feel like telling you a couple things about him. He can be hot-headed, and an absolute pain in the ass. He is a perfectionist, and a terrifically clumsy one at that." Yoongi huffed out. "He holds himself to extremely high standards and punishes himself whenever he feels like he's not delivering. And he has the horrible tendency to lash out when he's stressed. He just takes it all out on those who are closest to him." Yoongi patted the spot at his side, inviting you to sit. "I'll be inappropriate, maybe, but I have to say it. You don't have to stay at his side."
The sentence was like a slap to your face. It had never come to your mind to part ways with him. 
"You don't have to put yourself through his tempers and tantrums. You need to be ready to handle those emotionally. If you aren't, I don't think you'll be able to go for the long run." Yoongi looked at you in the eye. "Sorry if I overstepped, usually people come to me to talk, I'm not used to giving unsolicited advice." He blushed and laced his fingers together, laying them on his thighs. 
"I don't want to let go of him, Yoongi." You confessed. 
"Then you should go bring this stuff to him in person. And remember, you don't have to be his therapist. If you want, you can be his partner, walk by his side, but it's not your duty to carry him." The man was incredibly smart and thoughtful. And sensitive. The more you got to know him, the more you understood Namjoon's adoration for him. 
"Thank you so much." You bowed your head briefly, placing your palm on top of his hands. 
He moved one on top of yours, patting gently. "Let's go find your grumpy bear, uh?" 
With a groaned "aigoo" He pushed himself up, standing on his feet like an old man before bending to catch the strap of his bag. "This way." 
He led you through the winding corridors until you recognised the door to Namjoon's studio. "Go on. Knock politely and be smart. Discuss. Negotiate. Compromise. And be kind to each other." He gave you the official salute and left. 
You found yourself staring at the door, wondering if he'd roar at you for interrupting him. 
The room sounded quiet. 
You counted to three. Knocked. 
"Come in." Said his voice with a weak rumble. He was probably distracted. 
His studio was warm and welcoming, if a bit clustered. The lights were low and yellowy, coming from his desk and contrasting with the white gleam of his computer screen, still you could see everything perfectly in the slight penumbra, your eyes perusing your surroundings. It was easy to see why his apartment felt like a hotel room: he barely spent time there while this place really felt like home. It felt like stepping into his soul. Small sculptures and toys and collectibles were neatly lined in his bookcase together with some books. Then the baby shoes. Art catalogues. Candles. Art. A drape too big for the wall, but still there, a painting, probably from Yoongi, since you vaguely recognised his style. On the back wall, you noticed two drapes embroidered in traditional patterns. The floor was covered in thick cream carpets with geometric prints that reminded you of tribal symbols. And sweet lord, that was his wooden, swoon-worthy, customised low table, matching with the piece by the door holding one of his bonsai. A comfy couch with a fluffy, warm blanket, and embroidered pillows. You were mesmerised. You didn't have time to take it all in, your glance running from the upright piano to the microphone standing beside his chair. He didn't turn around, he kept staring at the screen, typing every now and then. His beautiful desk was crowded with stationery, electronic devices, a keyboard and all kinds of knicknacks. 
"What is– oh. Hi." His expression was ice-cold. 
"Hi. I was passing by, I wanted to bring you some stuff you'd left at mine."
His heart froze. This is the end then.
He'd been avoiding it for almost two weeks, hiding from you in his studio, even though the only things he could write were heartbreaking blue rhymes that had Jimin and Jeongguk exchanging pitying glances. 
The beginning of this tragedy was almost comedic in its stupid futility. It was just him incapable of perfecting a pre-chorus. A dumb verse or something. He had called you, talked it out but apparently all he did was just turn down your ideas and suggestions, snapping at you until you exhaustedly told him that you were tired and needed some sleep. He took that as you umpteenth sign that you didn't care about him — which you both knew was entirely wrong — and caused a huge fight which ended on you telling him to go fuck himself, at which he unceremoniously replied that he was okay with that since you were clearly already fucking someone else. 
You didn't bother correcting him, since no matter how many times you told him, he always seemed to get back at you being unfaithful and uncaring. You were done justifying yourself, apologising for things you had never done. 
"Uhm. I also brought you some food. I didn't know if you had already eaten."
He looked at you like you had finally lit a candle in a dark and cold room. 
Your heart broke some more. You asked yourself if there was any more breaking to do, at this point. 
You figured there was the moment you heard his hoarse voice speak. "Let's eat together."
You didn't have the guts to deny him. 
You laid the bags on the small table and took off your coat. He stood on his feet immediately, crossing the room in a few broad steps and hugging you to his chest. 
Let it hurt. You told yourself. It heals faster like that. 
His palms settled at your waist and his eyes closed. He breathed you in. He had never felt something really end. His exes were like a song slowly slipping into a diminuendo until they became silence. His interest burned out, his curiosity simply died down and the feelings never seemed to grow fully. They felt like a balloon which was never supposed to be blown that big. This thing with you was like a song being stopped mid-chorus, silence biting in where it wasn't supposed to be. Is this what the end feels like? He asked himself as he held you tighter, one of his hands climbing up and burrowing into your hair. He pressed your face into his chest, where his heartbeat was so strong and so loud that you asked yourself if you could somehow amplify it, if your body could register it and replay it once you were alone in your bed, mourning over this. "You feel taller." He said, noticing how your forehead reached his lips instead of slotting under his jaw. 
"I still have my heels on." You replied. 
"Wanna take 'em off?" He asked. 
You shook your head. "No, if that's not a problem. 
He breathed out heavily. He interpreted your refusal as a sign that first, you were keeping your tough-woman shield up — which he couldn't blame you — and second, you weren't intending to stay long. 
You tried to part yourself from him. "One more second, little Vixen. Just a second." He whispered. 
You allowed him. 
"Come on, dinner is getting cold." You said softly. 
He didn't let you go, he simply loosened his grip and dragged you to the sofa. He was willing to keep you as close as he could until you ripped the bandaid off, unraveling this small spell that had turned his life into a perfect, dreamlike snowball. 
Sitting on the sofa, he made you sit beside him, your side sticking to his from shoulder to hip to knee to ankle. 
It was all too much but you didn't have the strength to part from him. He bent down and opened the small boxes. 
It was fried chicken. 
Like the first time at his place, at two am, naked in his bed after he had owned you in every way that mattered. 
He loved fried chicken. And now it would always mean you to him. 
No chimaek after fucking with anyone else. He wanted to keep it for you, in case one day you decided to come back, and he would say he had never done that with anyone else, that he had been waiting for you. Because some part of him told him that you would come back. 
Both your brains were going on the same path, already mourning someone who was right there in that moment, but already felt so far away. The room was quiet but both your minds were screaming, thinking so loud that the silence was welcome. 
"I got you fried chicken. I know you love it." 
I love you, his brain replied. But his mouth stayed silent. It was too late anyway. 
"Thank you." He said brusquely. He reprimanded himself for sounding so harsh. 
"It's okay." You said quietly, using the lid to grab a couple pieces out of the ten or so. You didn't feel like eating and he always ate two thirds of the box anyway. 
He exchanged one of your wings for a leg. "You prefer the leg." He said with a shy smile, trying to make up for the coldness he had shown previously. 
You had been sleeping with Namjoon for three months now, spending all your spare time together at his place, sometimes moving in for the weekend, the both of you leaving your job early so you could spend Friday afternoon together and go on small dates. He usually had his schedule on Saturdays and Sundays too, so it wasn't uncommon for you to spend several hours alone at his place. You had made small improvements, making his house feel more like a home with small handmade crafts. And when he came back, you would usually try to keep it chill but eventually you ended up in bed, or on the sofa, or the kitchen counter. Or the carpet on the corridor leading to his bedroom. Or the shower. Let's just say that you would be all over each other. 
You thought how different it would be now, and how difficult it would be to get him out of your system. 
"How is it going." You asked quietly after you swallowed your first bite. 
"Tough. I'm polishing some stuff, but this is the part where I doubt everything and want to rewrite all of it." He explained, his fingers gripping the chicken with a precision and finesse that reminded you of his delicate, careful side. 
"You'll get through it. You're a pro by now. And I'm sure you have excellent taste. You know what you want and you'll find your way to it." You praised him, rubbing your shoulder against him since your fingers were dirty. 
He leaned his head on your shoulder, shrinking down to reach you. "Thank you."
The more time passed, the more you realised he still hadn't said sorry for what he had implied during that phone call. 
"That's okay."
"How have you been doing?" He asked, trying not to let his worry show. It still showed, though. 
You decided on being honest. "I've been missing you."
He paused eating. "I've been missing you too." He put down the chicken, using the ball of his wrists to press against his temples. "I'm sorry about what I said that day. I know my past relationships and nerves are not valid excuses for how I treated you, but I got swallowed in those and I dragged you in."
You looked at the leg and finished munching on it, stripping the bone of the last few strings of meat. You put down the naked bone, licking your fingers. "You never talked about your most recent ex." You commented. 
He picked up his head. "To put it simply, I was her side piece." He said, plainly. "She was getting married to someone else. And she messed around with me." He looked at his feet. "At the beginning I didn't know. It lasted around eight months, as she was waiting for her fiancé to finish his military service. After I discovered it, we kept going for a couple weeks, but I found the whole thing so upsetting and disgusting that we parted ways. Her fiance forgave her and they got married a while ago, a few weeks before I met you." He snickered sarcastically. "I even sent them flowers." 
You blinked distractedly. "Joon, I'm so sorry, baby." You brushed your forehead against his arm. 
"It's cool. I mean, it's not since I'm still traumatised by it. I've been talking about it with my analyst, but it's been a while since I last went, almost three weeks, because this project had been swallowing me whole — after chewing me a little, clearly." He had his exhausted laugh on. 
You felt like you needed to talk about the whole story about that girl, but right now he didn't seem in the right mindset to do that. For now, knowing that he knew he had a bias and he was tackling the issue with a therapist was enough.
"Have you been sleeping, babe?" All the breaking up was momentarily suspended. There was something to save here. You had a lot you still wanted to save from this. 
He seemed relieved when you called him that. Don't get your hopes up. He shook his head. "A couple hours at a time. Small naps when I'm tired."
"Okay, so once you're done eating, we're gonna take a good, long nap."
He didn't want to sleep though. He wanted to hold you close, kiss you, make sure that he did everything he could to make you stay. The meal continued quietly, and as soon as you were fed he asked you about your job, how it was going, if you had any new clients or if you had met any new artists. You replied to each question fully, telling him about curious accidents and little inconveniences. 
And he listened. He had missed your voice and it felt good to listen to someone who wasn't himself or the boys' voices over speakers and headphones. 
As you were both done with dinner, he guided you to the bathroom, standing behind you as you washed your hands. He took some soap, foaming it up between his hands before he caught your left palm within his, pressing and rubbing them together to clean you up. And then he laced his fingers with yours, lathering your digits in bubbles and making sure that the sticky sauce from the chicken disappeared completely. He moved to the other hand as you laid your head against his chest at his collarbone, tipping it back so you could stare at him. You were sure you had never adored someone this much. He turned slightly to look at you, smiling softly. He bent down and pressed his lips to yours gently. No man, no person in the world had ever touched you or kissed you like he has. No one has ever talked to you like him, showed you their world like he has. He reluctantly parted from your lips. 
He led your joined hands to close the tap, moving to the hand dryer. It felt all too intimate. 
"Let's get back to my studio, yeah?" He whispered in your ear. You nodded. 
He laced his hand with yours. 
Once you reached the studio, he quietly dragged you to the sofa, pulling at your arm so that you fell with your ass on his lap. He hugged you again. "I am so sorry about what I said. You have told me countless times that I'm the only one."
"You hurt me, Namjoon." You said quietly. 
It felt like a slap, his full name. 
"Let me make it right." He kissed your cheek and your eyes fell shut. "I want you."
And you wanted him too. You thought yourself crazy for wanting a man so complicated, someone who had disrespected you, who had repeatedly and blatantly demonstrated his lack of trust towards you. Still, when you needed reassurance, affection and devotion, your bodies always came into play, talking with a language so simple and obvious to each other that you simply nodded, whispering "I want you too."
With his index finger he turned your head, kissing you square on the lips and forcing you to part them, his tongue sweeping in your mouth, making your head spin with the intimacy and intensity of it all. 
Let him take you, if that would reassure him that you only thought about him, you wanted only him and no one else. 
His free hand curled around your thigh, climbing up under the tight knee-length dress you were wearing. The woolen grey number was the first thing to come off as he tugged it over your head and off his way. "You're so gorgeous," He murmured painfully, looking at you and taking in every small detail. "A work of art, little Vixen." He kissed your shoulder. 
You smiled shyly, trying to straddle his waist. He toyed with the lace covering your breasts and nipples, teasing them with his fingers until they pressed hard against the fabric. Next he fooled around with the waistband of your tights, making you stand between his legs as he dragged the nylon down your thighs and calves. He stared at your feet, where the garment bunched up, noticing your black stilettos. "Off." He whispered, tapping his foot against yours. Once you took off the shoes, he bent down to help your feet out of your tights. He bit your leg harshly, leaving a mark behind. "Heels on again, Vixen."
Smiling darkly, you slipped them back on, shivering a little, but so happy to wear your favourite black lace set and stilettos for him. 
"Walk for me?" He asked, making you put on a little show. 
And God, did you enjoy it. His jaw went slack at the Brazilian cut of your panties, exposing to his hungry eyes the perfect curve of your ass, the way it swelled fully before meeting with the back of your thigh. 
That was his favourite place to bite. And spank. 
You did a small catwalk with your back to him, reaching his chair, which you turned around from his desk to the sofa. Facing the chair, you bent forward, your thumbs catching the fabric of your panties at your sides and pushing them down as you bent forward, offering him the whole panorama. 
He groaned. "I'm gonna get an heart attack, baby." 
You smiled at him viciously over your shoulder, letting your lower piece of underwear fall to the floor. Next you dragged your full palm up the curve of your ass, smacking it playfully as your fingers made their way to the clasp of your bra. 
"You're gonna kill me, Vixen." He cried out. 
Bra undone, you let both strings fall down your shoulders, removing one side first and letting the garment dangle from the other side, making your arm fall and drop the delicate lace ordeal. 
Your smile disappeared in an innocent pout when you turned around, completely naked except for your shoes. 
"I'm gonna sit here." You announced, waiting for his approval. 
He nodded eagerly. "Make yourself comfy, Vixen."
You sat down, crossing your legs and propping your elbows on your knees. Shyness was not a word in your vocabulary in that moment. Your only intention was that of distracting him from whatever it was that was mauling his brain. 
"Are you going to make me wait, Joon." You teased demandingly. 
He stared at you, meeting your glance. "Stay there and sit still." He ordered before grabbing the hem of his sweater and pushing it upwards, taking off both sweater and undershirt in the process. His upper body appeared, a bit skinnier than two weeks ago but maybe it was just the distance and the slouching position. His sweatpants were taut around his lap and you bit your lip as your eyes traced the outline of his length. He laid his palm there, stroking himself over the cotton. "Missed you so much, baby." He groaned and huffed. His eyes closed, his hand grew tense, stronger and heavier. Licking your lips, you kept staring at him, squeezing your thighs as he touched himself for you. 
He was hot, all the time, but this… This felt like a fever dream. You were soaked. Thank god his chair was leather and it could be cleaned easily.
He moaned your name, his eyes struggling to open enough to look at you. His voice was so deep and needy, mixed with heavy huffs. "Namjoon." You whined. 
He opened his eyes fully, his hand coming to a halt. It was like a cold shower. He was reminded why you were doing this, why you had come to this, the sudden distance that had come within the two of you. "What is it, baby?" 
You pushed your ass against the chair, looking for friction. "Come here. Touch me." You begged. 
It pained him seeing you so needy and whiny and stressed. "Listen to me, baby thing. Listen very carefully." He wanted to reassure you but he couldn't come to you. "I need you to touch yourself, little one. Can you do that for me? I promise I'll touch you after you cum, baby, but I want to see you first." He asked, palming himself again. 
You licked your lips. "Can I?" You questioned innocently, placing your palm on your thigh, your fingertips grazing your crotch. 
"You can, doll. Do it for me." He growled, pushing his fingers under his waistband, grabbing his hard on at the base and stroking it as you parted your legs, exposing your wetness. You were beautiful, naked on his chair, dragging your middle finger along your dripping slit. Your other hand grabbed your breast. 
"You're a vision, Vixen. You're magnificent, pretty thing."
"I want your tongue, daddy." You mewled, your finger dipping inside, emerging covered in glossy wetness. 
He groaned, taking his cock out of his pants, moving the waistband to his thighs. “I’m gonna eat you later, pretty doll. I’ve been starving for weeks for that sweet cunt of yours.” His erection immediately sprung up, arching to his belly button, the lower tendon looking so inviting along that thick vein that always had him throwing his head back whenever you traced it with the tip of your front teeth. As your fingers met your clit, eliciting a whine from your throat, he used four fingers to press on the vein, his thumb already playing with the tip. His hands always looked incredible whenever he used them on himself, strong fingers and spidery tendons making the vision sinfully erotic. However, he was lost in you as much as you were lost in him, his lips parted, his breath panting while you opened your legs wider, using two fingers in small upward circles that teased the underside of your clit. You felt a chill run down your spine, your legs trembling and closing a little with an involuntary reflex. You giggled at that, closing your eyes and moving your grip to the armrest of the chair. Your upper body inched forward a little and your hand stopped. 
“Too much, babygirl?” He asked and you smiled brightly, nodding. 
You’re gonna miss it, the way she smiles when you’re doing it right, his brain reminded him and as a way to shut it up, he stroked himself faster, with more pressure, his spare hand brushing his abdomen and moving upwards, spreading over his pectoral, scratching the skin there before his thumb and forefinger curved around the base of his neck, pressing there. 
You observed the motion, unpausing the movement between your thighs and humming as he gave you his desperate stare, the one that meant that he couldn’t take it anymore, that he was on the verge of it and even the smallest addition to the current situation would have him screaming and cumming.
“Joonie, lemme get close. Cum in my mouth, Joon, please.” You whined. 
“No, naughty girl. Stay there and cum for daddy.” He groaned. “Come on, baby, I’m waiting for you.” He said, with a harsh and strained command. 
Arching your neck, you started moving faster, opening your legs as far as the armrests allowed, but they only allowed an inch more than what you already had. Huffing with disappointment, you closed them and propped the back of your right knee on top of the armrest and repeated the gesture with your left leg, spreading yourself wide, almost hitting a split with your legs bent at the knees. 
“God, you’re the dirtiest. You stretching it out for me? You’re so good, showing daddy how wet you are for him.” He teased, using that raspy voice that he knew always drives you insane. 
With short, quick breaths you brought yourself closer and closer to the edge. “Daddy, please, keep talking to me.”
His hand slowed down. “Need to hear my voice, babygirl?”
You nodded and he snickered. “Then I’ll talk to you, little one. You know what I’m gonna do after you cum? I’m gonna crawl to you and kneel between those wondrous legs of yours. I’m gonna push your ass to the edge of the seat and feast on you like I’m trying to die eating that pussy. And do you know what you’re gonna do, Vixen?” He provoked. 
You shook your head. “What am I going to do, daddy?” You questioned innocently, your words stumbling a few times as your breath got stuck somewhere in your throat.
“Oh, little fox, you’re gonna grab my hair and push that lovely cunt on my lips and tongue, fucking my face so hard and fast, pressing your sexy heels on my naked shoulders. I want to hear you gasp for air because I make you cum so good you forget to breathe, you forget how to speak.”
“Joon, I’m cumming.” You cried out, your legs starting to quiver and your clit getting too sensitive to stand the movement of your fingers, slipping them inside and pushing them in slow circles around your cervix. 
His fingers moved back to the tip, the other hand massaging his balls. “Take it, Vixen, that’s it baby. I’m cumming, ____.” He moaned your name, spilling his release on his lower stomach. 
You were still staring at each other with your chests heaving, eyes wild, hands stained by your pleasure. It was always the two of you. Always getting caught up in each other, always getting tangled in each other's fantasies with this constant lust pulling you in and never having enough. You wondered when the hunger would stop, when you would grow tired of his insecurity and possessiveness, when he would find out you're too kinky, too needy, too fucked up for a busy man like him to handle. 
He cleaned his hand with one of the unused paper towels from dinner, crumbling it and throwing it in the box with the garbage from dinner. 
"Joonie." You whispered, waiting. 
"Coming, baby fox." He replied, standing up and taking off his sweatpants and boxers, walking straight to you. You closed your legs, a bit cold and embarrassed now that your high was over. Standing right in front of you, he cupped your cheek, making you look up at his face, however, even though your head was tipped back, aimed at his eyes, your glance hung low, staring at the droplets smearing his abdomen. "What are you looking at, spoiled little fox?" He said, with a sardonic smile. 
"I wanna lick."
He grinned and scooped some liquid with his digit, bringing it to your lips. 
Parting your lips, you licked your lower one first, then you let your tongue dart out and swipe at his finger, carefully sucking it into your mouth before he lowered his eyes, staring into yours and smirking seducingly as he pulled his digit out. You smacked your lips and savoured his taste, your eyelids falling shut as you hummed at his flavour. 
His cock, once half soft, was now hardening again, swelling intermittently and slowly rising to his navel. But Namjoon's eyes were focused on your face. "Want more?" He asked once your eyes opened and your gaze focused on his face. With a sex-addled, lazy grin you nodded, opening your mouth. 
He grinned right back. "Such a hungry little girl."
Impatient, you grabbed his hips, pulling him towards you and licking his belly clean. He groaned, observing you closely. 
I'm going to teach her some patience and some manners, he thought darkly. However, he immediately reminded himself that he would never have the time, your liaison coming to an end.
With this unfortunate thought, he cupped your face. "I'm the one supposed to be eating now, ____. Let me take care of you, darling." He said, before falling to his knees. Immediately he pushed the back of the chair to the table, so that it wouldn't cartwheel out of his grasp. 
Once more you asked yourself how many times he had done that before, thinking about how the relationship with the bride-to-be must have been mostly sexual, since you don't usually have much romance and dates with someone who is taken. Even though he didn't know she was taken. Whatever. 
In that moment he was there, kneeling before you, placing your heels on his shoulders, cupping your ass and tipping it forward so he could easily and comfortably give you that first, glorious lick from your hole to your clit. "Taste so good." He said, nuzzling his lips side to side as he spoke, mixing the movement to the vibration of his voice. He bit the small tattoo at the top of your thigh, where it met your pelvis, just shy of your hip bone. "Sexy little thing." He kissed it. "Drove me insane since day one." As usual, he sucked at it, causing a dark purple mark to bloom over it. "Fucking perfect."
He laid his tongue flat against your slit drawing the tiniest circles with the whole length of it. 
You hand-combed his hair back, holding it so you could look into his dragon eyes. He looked vicious and dangerous and so cunning, so smart in the most atrocious way. 
"Namjoon." You moaned, your hips arching closer to his mouth. 
He snickered cockily, moving his tongue slowly back into his mouth, allowing only the tip to wander up your crevice and reach the apex of your labia. He delivered a set of ten licks, slow and curling perfectly against your nub. "Are you good, little fox?" He asked. 
You nodded and pushed his head back between your legs. 
He laughed loudly, fighting against you. "I'm not done talking, brat." He bit your lower belly gently. "I'm gonna pump your clit with my mouth, Vixen. I'll suck it twenty times, then I'll let you rest until I'm ready again. I'll keep going until you cum. Remember that after twenty I'll pause. This could easily turn into edgeplay, baby, so you'd better get very horny very fast. You okay, Vixen?"
He checked on you and you nodded, impatient to simply have him on your clit.
"Be verbal, little girl." He reprimanded.
"Yes, daddy."
"Good girl. Let's get started."
He wasted no time. He wrapped his lips around your clit and started sucking, sucking so hard that you knew the following day his jaw and ears would hurt. At pump fifteen you already knew you needed more than twenty to cum. And as twenty arrived you whined but you felt confident that the next set would suffice. 
This time you felt your edge at twelve, still you needed more. You were getting wetter and wetter, so soaked that his saliva and your slick mixed up and made you feel uncomfortable between your asscheeks. 
"Joon–" You said, at which he mumbled "language" in between two pumps. 
"Daddy, I want your fingers inside." You said, indulging his every whim. 
He fumbled around with his arms, securing you with his left, making sure that your backside wouldn't get too close to the edge of the seat, and cause you to fall. His right arm moved back to your front, his index and middle finger coming to your entrance and waiting, his drool sliding from his tongue down your slit and directly on his fingers which, now lubricated, slipped in with no friction or resistance. The pressure was mind-blowing, your head spinning. "Daddy, please."
"Please what?" He said, hitting his pause. 
"Make me cum. Let me." You asked, as meekly as you could. 
"Why should I, uh?" He teased. 
"Because I am a good girl." Because I love you, said an obnoxious part of your brain. 
"Then I need you to say it one last time, Vixen. I know I've tormented you, but I need to ask it once and for all. Is there anyone else?" He said, his voice almost breaking. 
"No, Namjoon. I swear to God, there's no one else. I promise it. I swear on everything that I love the most. Please." You begged, hoping that he would feel the desperate honesty in your voice. "Please. You're my only daddy. I have you, only you. I am yours." You said, and God if it felt right, if it felt true, being his, belonging to him. 
Tell him you love him, your brain said again, but you refused. 
He smiled brightly at your declaration. "We're done playing, if you want to, Vixen."
You simply nodded, batting your lashes at him. "I want to."
"Then hold tight because I'm not going to stop until you're fucking my face and screaming my name and shaking on this seat. Understood?" He warned you. 
"Yes, daddy." You replied. 
"Then hold tight, baby fox. I'm gonna eat you alive."
"Try." You challenged him. 
And that's when he pounced. His pumps became longer, impossibly tighter, and the small pause between one and the next became shorter. Your eyes locked with his, brows knitting together, lips parting in a mewl as you threw your head back. "Namjoon. Please, daddy." 
Smirking, he mixed the pumping motion with a barely-there curl of his tongue, teasing your clit with such delicate pressure that you couldn't even wrap your head around the incredible amount of tension that it was causing in your body. Your hands tightened in his hair, your moans dissolving into small giggles. 
He wanted to tell you how good you sounded, how pretty you looked, how he wanted to see this every day for the rest of his life. He loved seeing you this happy, this carried away. He loved your morning voice and your late night cuddles. He loved breakfast in bed and midnight snacks and three a.m. quickies. He loved watching you take off your bra from under your t-shirt before going to bed, he loved seeing you shiver as you went to the bathroom early in the morning, clad in his t-shirt, plain cotton briefs and a pair of socks even in the dead of winter, since he always kept you warm under the covers by holding you close. He wanted to confess it all: the heartwarming wonder he felt staring at you had when you focused while reading and studying, when you brushed your hair, when you got dressed before leaving for the day, when you stood at the kitchen counter, cooking, with your back to him, and again when you applied lotion all over your body after showering, when he kissed your nape, standing behind you and donning the zipper of your dress. 
However, he stayed silent, showing it all with the reckless ministrations of his mouth as your chest blushed, your hands grabbed his hair almost painfully and your hips snapped, your mouth opening in a silent scream. 
You hadn't even bothered telling him you were cumming. He knew anyway. His mouth became more gentle, resolving to small licks while his fingers massaged your walls deep and slow, perfectly responding to the contractions of your muscles. "Here, pretty thing." He murmured, his hair tickling the skin of your stomach. "I've got you, baby. Shhh." He calmed you down, your breath coming in heavy pants, your heartbeat going like crazy. He rubbed his soaked fingers against his thigh, briefly cleaning himself before coming up to your face, cupping your cheeks. "Are you okay, little one?"
You nodded with your eyes closed, getting sleepy. 
He caressed your face. "Open your eyes for me, baby girl, let me see your pretty eyes." 
With a beatific smile you tried to look at him, eyelids lifting, taking a few seconds to focus on him. 
"There she is, my moonshine." He cooed, pressing a kiss to your lips. "You look really happy, baby thing."
You simply moved your head in a nod. 
"Do you want more, little fox?" He asked, still fussing over you. "Can you take it just one more time, babe?" 
Licking your lips you nodded again with a giggle. 
He smiled. "You keep nodding, baby. Are you saying yes to daddy?" 
"Yes, Joonie." You whispered slowly. 
"Good girl. Can you walk, Vixen?" 
"Great. I want you to kneel in front of the coffee table, darling." He commanded, rising to his feet and helping you stand up. 
This would be the last time, he decided. 
He would allow himself your heaven just one more time, then he would hold you close for a few minutes, clean you up, accompany you home and let you go. He wasn't man enough to look into your eyes. He was weak and unfair. He turned you around with your back to him, his erection brushing against the small of your back. Once you were in front of the table, he moved your hair to the side, skimming the curve of your ear with his lower lip. "Kneel, Vixen."
You did. 
He kneeled behind you, moving the books and magazines on the floor, away from the two of you, while the traces of your dinner were thrown into the bag, which he would discard later. With an empty table, he pushed his palm from the small of your back to your nape, making your front adhere to the table and making sure that your hair was out of the way. "I know you love this table." He murmured. 
"I do."
"I do, too." His heart felt like a burden. Without further hesitation, he grabbed his length and rubbed his tip against you. "You ready, ____?" 
With a groan he slipped in, the filling sensation causing a loud whine on your behalf. "Quiet." He reprimanded. 
You got a little scared at his dark voice, knowing that at this point you'd better obey. However, it lasted little. Once he bottomed out, he growled, bending down to your neck. "You good, little one?" He said, his sweet persona back in place. 
"Yes, daddy."
He was breathing heavily through his nose as he sucked at the skin of your neck, marking you. As soon as he was sure the mark would bruise and stay for at least a couple days, he released your skin. "Do you want your spanks, baby girl?" 
Your eyes rolling with pleasure, you hummed. "I want them so much, daddy. Spank me, please."
He simply breathed. "With pleasure, little one." He knew no one would ever be this good to him. 
His chest parted from your back, a small shiver settling in instead. 
The first smack was harsh, angry. You clenched around him and he thrusted in violently, growling. 
The second one hit the tender skin of your outer thigh, where it met your ass. "Daddy." You whined. 
"Quiet." He chastised again, his voice strained. He hammered into you four or five times. 
"Daddy, it hurts." You cried out, at which he stayed silent, simply spanking you again, twice, without rubbing soothingly at your skin. You emitted a shrill huffing sound of complaint, at which he answered with violent ramming into you, using both hands to push you onto his lap. 
This was not how Joon usually did it. This was not normal. With worry distracting your mind, you turned your head, looking at him. His eyes were closed, droplets falling down his cheeks. Was it sweat or tears? 
"Namjoon?" You asked, alarmed. 
He shook his head, biting his lip. "You good?" He asked, eyes still closed. 
"Stop." You murmured. 
He obeyed, exiting your warmth and opening his eyes, still avoiding your gaze contact. "Did I—?"
"Look at me." 
He shook his head. "I can't." 
"Namjoon." You reprimanded. 
As your eyes met his, you noticed they were rimmed with tears, and he was biting his lip to hold back a sob, shaking his head in shame. 
Your initial shock was followed by an overwhelming sense of tenderness for the beautiful, delicate man in front of you. 
You quickly decided what to do. 
You turned around fully, facing him as you stood on your knees, your hands caressing his cheeks. "What is it, Joonie bear?" 
He simply frowned and hid in the crook of your neck, desperate. 
"What is it?" You asked again. 
He nuzzled even more into your chest, inhaling the damp feel of your skin. "I just want it to be a good memory." He huffed with a broken whisper. 
A memory? "Why would it be a memory, Namjoon?" You asked, confused. 
"If it's our last time, I wanna be good to you." He said, and you could feel every ounce of sadness in his voice. 
Last time? "Joonie bear, why would it be our last time?" 
His shoulders shook with sobs as he stopped holding back his tears. "I've been a bastard, it's okay if you want to go." He tried saying in his most composed voice.
You frowned in confusion. "No, Namjoon."
"You want to leave me. It's okay. I need it only one last time."
You shook your head, trying to grab his chin and make him look at you. However, he strongly opposed. 
"Joonie." You murmured, hugging his head and caressing his hair. "I'm not here to leave you." You whispered. "I want to be with you." You continued. 
He shook his head even more. "I was dumb. You have every right—" 
"No." You kissed his head, caressing his shoulders, hugging him tight. "I'm not going anywhere." 
He looked up at you, his face covered in tears. 
"Oh, baby bear." You cooed, touching his cheeks, kissing his forehead. "Don't cry, Joonie." He disappeared even more into you, hugging your entire figure, dwarfing you. "Don't cry, my love." You whispered, the word tiptoeing out of your lips. He sobbed harder. "I'm so in love with you, Joonie bear." You crooned, offering him all your soul in those simple, childish words. 
"You love me?" He asked, confused, alarmed, petrified. 
"I love you, Namjoon." You repeated. 
He completely forgot his messy face and brought his lips to yours, his mouth melting into you eagerly as your tongues spoke a language that came so natural to both of you. 
Breathless, he parted from you. "I love you. I love you so much." He pressed tens of kisses on your face with such speed and pressure that you felt like disappearing into him. 
"I love you too." You giggled, trying to clean his face. 
You both laughed, elated, his hands coming to your waist, holding you closer and closer. "I wanna make love to you." He whispered. "Let me love you."
"Missionary on the carpet or cowgirl on the sofa?" You asked. 
"Why choose when you can have both?" He wiggled an eyebrow. You smiled. He smiled back. "Let's get on the sofa." He replied gently. "You'll catch a cold with your sweaty back on the freezing floor."
"But no missionary on the sofa…" You cried out like a child. 
He smiled. "Do you want missionary so bad?" He kissed your temple, smiling. 
"I guess I'll be happy with anything you want." You pouted, still doubtful. 
"C'mere." He said, getting even closer. You slipped your stilettos off and he picked you up by the back of your thighs and with some strength you didn't know he had, he carried you to the sofa, careful not to step on your shoes. "I'm going to sit. Careful with your legs." He warned, plopping down as carefully and as gently as he could, mercifully avoiding to sit with your calves underneath him. 
"Don't worry, I won't make you ride me, baby." He kissed your brow. "You're too tired for that." He cradled you to his chest, offering you a bit of his body heat. "Can you push it inside you for me, love?" He asked seducingly, kissing your neck. 
You smiled and reached between your bodies. He was already pulsating, you knew he would come undone in a few strokes. Slowly, you lifted your hips and pushed his tip inside, making him groan. 
"You're always so tight, babylove. Fuck, you feel amazing." He sucked at your neck some more, drawing a twin bruise to the one you had on the other side of your throat. "I feel like a fucking teenager with you. I can never get enough." His hips jutted a little, pushing into you while his forearm around your waist pulled you down, his hand gripping your ass. 
"Daddy." You breathed out, your forehead pressed against his neck as he bottomed out. 
"Yes?" He replied, soothing you with long caresses down your spine. "Does it hurt, doll?" 
He had so many nicknames for you but you couldn't wait for your next. "No, daddy." He held your face away from his shoulder. "Are you sure babylove?" 
Your face stretched in a slight grimace. "Maybe."
He giggled and kissed your cheek, sliding down to your mouth. "I'm sorry, Vixen." He pressed his lips to yours once and then again. "I'm so sorry, baby. For everything." He combed your hair back. "I can't promise you I'll never hurt you, but I can promise I'll try to make it better every single time." He held you close as your brow furrowed. "I love you." He whispered, one hand cradling the back of your head, the other pressing on your lower back. 
"I love you too." You said right back. "But please, Joonie…" 
"Need me to move?" He asked.
"I want you to cum." You murmured. 
He smirked and nodded. "Want me to finger you?" He asked, already drawing short thrusts into you and helping you ride him with his forearm around you. 
"Yes, please, daddy." You whined.
His right hand left the crown of your head, coming to the top of your thighs and beginning to draw small circles at the apex of your labia, the flat of his thumb wide enough to cover your bundle of nerves entirely.
"Would you like to take your time, Vixen?" He asked kindly, knowing that sometimes it took you a bit longer than him to actually get worked up. 
"I just need you to keep going exactly like this. You're perfect, Joonie."
He grunted and started pushing into you from below. "Like this?" He said, his voice a tad strained. 
His thrusts were low and deep, curling just enough to hit your sweet spot. He realised you started holding your breath. Usually that meant you were close. 
He bent his head, looking down where your bodies joined. It was hypnotizing, his thumb drawing perfectly identical circles. He started kissing and licking any and every inch of skin that came close to his mouth, your shoulder, your chest, your neck, sucking whenever he managed to grip the skin for long enough to bruise and mark. 
When you started shoving yourself on him, bouncing in earnest, he kept his cool and stopped fooling around, staying focused on lasting long enough, doing the exact same thing, knowing that with a few thrusts delivered just right, you would become like putty in his arms and he could just get crazy and chase his high. 
With your lips parting in a high pitched moan, you pressed your hips to his two more times before your chest collapsed into his with a tired whimper. "Take what you need." You murmured before propping yourself with your forearms against the back of the sofa, lifting your hips. Your face was pressed at the crook beneath his jaw, your tongue blindly chasing the droplets of sweat sliding down the column of his throat. He emitted an animalistic groan before his palms thudded heavily against your glutes, gripping your hips so hard that both his knuckles and your flesh turned white. And then he started ramming into you from below. The sounds in the room were a mix of his grunts, the smacking of flesh and the wetness between your legs, but more quietly, under all those layers, in between a groan and the next, there were his whispered love declarations, which poured out of his mouth like prayers, until he was so close, so fucked out that he could only repeat 'I love you', over and over, interrupted only by a final howl as he spilled inside you. 
In all of this you had tried to stay quiet, shushing him and kissing his neck, not sure that you were allowed to mark him. 
You laid both exhausted, his body sliding sideways down the sofa, trying to rest on the seats, his head laying on an armrest as his ankles dangling from the other. You covered him like a blanket, your hair draping over his chest and tumbling down the edge of the sofa. 
You were both sweaty and messy with cum and drool, still you simply laid there, until you felt too cold and shivered. 
"Blanket?" You asked. 
He shook his head. "I'd better dress you and take you back at mine. I can go home tonight. There's no use working late. I need to rest anyway."
"Are you sure." You asked, touching his face. 
He kissed your wrist. "Sure."
"I have to clean your chair first. I should have some wet wipes in my handbag." You mumbled. "And I should clean myself too before I drip on your lovely sofa."
He hummed, tired, fake-crying as he said "I don't wanna get up."
"My bag is right beside the sofa, just stretch your arm backward." You directed him. 
He fumbled around a bit, moving the bag from behind his head to your side, where you could easily reach inside. After a bit of rummaging, you fished out your wipes, making a quick work of pulling him out and cleaning yourself. 
"Cold." He muttered with a pout, which you kissed away from his face. 
"Come on, baby bear, get up and get dressed. I wanna shower with you and shower you in kisses." You pampered him, trying to convince him to get ready to leave. 
He whined as you sat up, quickly dashing to recoup your underwear. Once you were wearing it, you cleaned his chair, quite happy when you noticed that it wasn't half as bad as you though. When you turned, you noticed he was staring at you, already completely dressed, your dress in his hands. You moved closer.
"Up with your arms, love." He said gently, and for a second you realised that your simple and emotional confessions weren't a mirage caused by arousal or desperation. 
You followed his instructions as he helped you wear your dress, slipping it over your head and helping you find both sleeves. Next he gripped the hem at both sides, delicately rolling the fabric down your body. Once it reached your knees, he let his hands skim back up your hips and waist, crossing his wrists behind your back before squeezing your ass. He stared at your throat. 
"Will I have to wear a turtleneck for the next ten days?" You asked, slipping the neck of your dress aside and checking the damage. 
"Sorry." He murmured. 
"It's okay. I like it. I'm just teasing you." You said with a playful smirk. 
"Brat." He mouthed with a snicker, bending down to pick up your tights. 
You tutted, stealing them from his hands. "Let me do these, they're tricky."
He simply stared, his body trembling with a new tide of arousal at the mannerism you used to put on the garment, rolling up one leg between your thumbs and forefingers, pressing your toes against the stitching and dragging the nylon up your leg. He had seen this scene in an old Italian movie, but seeing the gesture in real life helped him understand the frenzy that the main character experienced after such an act. After you repeated the movement on the other leg, his mouth practically salivating, he watched some more as you fixed the gusset and the waistband, stretching the garment around the curve of your ass. 
"Call me whenever you need to wear those." He whispered in marvel and agony. "I might take them off you just to see it all over again."
You smiled coquettishly, grabbing your coat and wearing it. 
He kneeled in front of you, holding one of your shoes. "When's your birthday?" He asked, making you lift one foot as he slipped your heel on. 
You frowned, the connection unknown to you. "Mid-november. Why?" 
He held your other shoe and you held onto his shoulder as you lifted your other foot, wearing the black stiletto. "I loved seeing those on you tonight. I might buy you another pair or eight as a birthday gift."
You shook your head and laughed. "I don't need a sugar daddy, I'm happy with my plain, regular one." He rose to his feet and you grabbed his cheeks, planting a big, fat smooch on his mouth. "I'm actually very, very in love."
"Hello, Actually Very, Very in Love. My name is Head Over Heels — he pointed at your shoes — in Love. Pleased to meet you."
You laughed and he felt his heart explode with joy, his nose brushing against yours with Eskimo kisses. "Your bag." He said, bending to pick it up. "My bags." He said, collecting his tote and the small paper bag with his belongings that you had brought him. He neared his desk, checking the various devices. "Equipment off, computer off–" He mumbled as he moved the mouse to shut down the system. Meanwhile you fixed the low table, putting the magazines back on top of it. He switched off his table lamp and moved towards the door. "Dinner." He reminded himself, picking up the trash bag by the entrance. "You ready, Vixen?" 
You hummed in confirmation. 
"Let's go." 
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duck-tan · 3 years
✨ get to know me tag ✨
Thanks for tagging @textsfrombangtan 🥰
when is your birthday? august 11
what is your favourite colour? i coincidentally have a lot of stuff in different shades of blue so lets go with that
what is your lucky number? Idk 7 maybe
do you have any pets? I have a 10 year old brother
how tall are you? I'm 5'3 small fuk u
how many pairs of shoes do you own? Soon to be 5
favourite song? My spotify's most repeated says film out
favourite movie? Your Name and almost all of studio ghibli
what would be your ideal partner? My taste in men is Kim Namjoon thank you very much
do you want children? Why
have you ever gotten in trouble with the law? lmao bye
what colour socks are you wearing? Listen its like 40°C outside i dont even want to wear clothes
bath or shower? Shower (also....lizzy are u ok)
favourite type of music? I'll listen to anything
how many pillows do you sleep with? Two pillows (one for the head and the other on the side) and i have a chonky penguin plushie whom i suffocate at night
which position do you sleep in? Do people sleep in a single position all night cause im rolling around
what don't you like when you're sleeping? Dreams that leave me disoriented when i wake up
what do you have for breakfast? Yes
have you every tried archery? I pretended to be Merida as a child and had that toy archery set but I don't think that counts
favourite fruit? Mango <33
favourite swear word? I can be very colourful in my native language
do you have any scars? A tiny one on my face
are you a good liar? A very professional one, yes
what's your personality type? My mbti says ENTJ
what's your favourite type of girl? Wdym a type of girl asfksh
left or right handed? Plain boring right
favourite food? Anything thats spicy
are you clean or messy? Depends on what we're talking about. Desk? Clean. Life? Messy.
favourite foreign food? I ate some spicy squid in thailand and i've been a huge fan ever since
how long does it take for you to get ready? 15 mins give or take 10
most used phrase? Lol ok
are you a good singer? Absolutely not
do you sing to yourself? Yes and i sing to other people too and no one can stop me
biggest fear? Someone destroying my potted plants
do you like long or short hair? I cannot manage long hair there's too much going on so short yes
are you into gossip? as long as I'm not involved ofc
extrovert or introvert? Extrovert
favourite school subject? Any subject but the teacher got too busy with something and never came to class (idk if this is happens in other countries lol)
what makes you nervous? Posting pictures of myself
who was your first real crush? Chris hemsworth
how many piercings do you have? Like 5
how fast can you run? I would answer this if i was in middle school
what makes you angry? Right now? The heat
do you like your own name? Yup!
what are your weaknesses? My weakness is my strength
what are your strengths? My strength is my weakness
what is the colour of your bedspread? White but with stripes of different shades of green
colour of your room? Turquoise on one wall and an almost white shade of blue for other walls
Wow that was long, doubt that anyone would read it all lmao
Tagging my lovelies @iminthisstanshit @yoongispatience @btsarmyline @silver-joon @rainiimomo @heyyouknowbts @a-jellyfish-no-one-wants-to-be @realkpopquotes
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blu-archer · 3 years
Hi... So, It’s 00:44. I should be editing photo’s for the day a head but I did this instead. I really shouldn’t have but... it happened... (If there’s grammatical errors... this is why.. forgive me.)
Because procrastination has just kind of merged itself as a part of my very soul and essence as a human being at this point. 
This is just a short thing to be honest, and its technically a ‘sick/snz’ thing, but really it felt really short and comes across as more as a comfort, small filler type thing... but it was fun to write sooooo anyway..
enjoy I guess
Caretaker: ???Jimin/Jin?? I don’t really know 
Sickie: Yoongi
word count: 2568.
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“Huh’ishh… snf… Huh’ihishew… huh’igxnsh!”
“You sneeze one more time and I’m sending you home.” Jin said warningly from his seat at the front desk.
Yoongi rolled his eyes, merely sniffling until he could get the chance to blow his nose. He didn’t remember the stores shelves being this dusty, but perhaps Namjoon just hadn’t had time to clean up while Yoongi had been away. He’ll have to do a deep clean once his magic has rested enough to manage it.
“I’m serious Yoon.”
“Jin. You don’t work here.” Yoongi replied dryly, not sparing the elder a glance. “and I own this business. You can’t send me home for sneezing.”
“You own half this business.” Jin corrected, clicking away at the latch on his pen as he stared through the gaps in the shelves at where Yoongi rubbed at his nose before putting up more jarred charms. “and I am married to the owner of the other half, which means I am also the owner of the other half.”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“It does. You wouldn’t know because you haven’t married Jimin yet. What’s mine is Joon’s and what’s Joon’s is mine.” Jin grinned teasingly.
Yoongi knew that he was mostly joking, just twisting things to get his way, but it was still somewhat relevant in some areas. Namjin was a typical ‘we’ couple the second after Jin had gotten Namjoon to love him more than his plants, which honestly hadn’t been that difficult.  
“Does that mean that Namjoon can go treat kids at the school, like you. You’re the nurse right.. does that mean Namjoon has the same qualifications?” Yoongi asked, his words laced with building congestion.
“Don’t make jokes like that. Joon would never be able to manage working with children, no matter how much he loves them.” Jin shook his head. “Poor baby would be so terrified of hurting them or something, probably wouldn’t be able to put up with half the rascals I have to deal with. Teenagers are the worst, and when it comes to creating excuses to get out of class... don’t get me started.”
 Yoongi joined him by the desk, having finished most of the restocking of the shelves. It was technically supposed to be Jin’s day off from work – which usually meant that Namjoon would call in for the day off as well, but they had had a last minute call pleading for someone to come charm and heal sections of a park that had been set a light a few days prior, and well… Namjoon wasn’t going to decline that. He had even taken Taehyung with him. Hopefully nothing gets set on fire again.
But that meant that Jin had welcomed himself to lurking around the store, “helping” Yoongi with the daily routine and customers. Helping had turned into pestering very quickly.
“This is proof that it’s not true then.” Yoongi shrugged, reaching for a serviette that had come with the lunch Jin had ordered in to blow his nose.
He pointedly chose to ignore the exasperated look that flashed across Seokjin’s face.
“How’s Jimin?” Jin’s tone wasn’t as curious as the question posed. “Still sick?”
Yoongi refused to meet the witches gaze as he cleared his throat and reached for his iced coffee. It was more like watered down coffee now, but he required any form of caffeine that he could get.
“He’s still a little sick, but he’s going back to work tomorrow.” Yoongi pursed his lips as he thought back to when Jimin had told him the day before.
The hybrid had put a real fight when Yoongi had suggested to take another few days to rest. One would have thought he had told Jimin to quit or something. He understood his boyfriends need and passion to do his job, but from what Hoseok had mentioned to him, it was precisely the fact that Jimin worked too hard that got him into the mess he had been in any way. He just wanted to make sure that his boyfriend was taking enough time to recuperate.
“You don’t think that maybe… he shared?”
“Yoongi..” Jin sighed. “Your nose is red. You’ve been coughing and sniffling all morning. You also haven’t taken off Jimin’s hoodie – which you usually do before opening because you don’t like mixing potions and other peoples’ scents over his, and don’t even try to tell me that your voice hasn’t been cracking since you entered that door.”
Yoongi looked away, taking another sip of his drink. “Could be allergies. ‘s dusty…”
Jin didn’t even have to say anything. His deadpan expression and tightly drawn lips told Yoongi enough about what the elder thought of that suggestion.
Maybe he was getting sick. After all, he and Jimin hadn’t exactly worked hard to prevent any contagion – especially after Yoongi had convinced the younger to let him be more helpful in all matters of care. It would actually make a lot of sense, but he couldn’t bring himself to want to acknowledge it. Jimin would feel so bad if he knew that he’d gotten the warlock sick, especially if it happened right before he had agreed to return from sick leave.
“I can’t go home. Jimin will feel guilty.”
“That is stupid reasoning.” Jin pulled a disapproving face. He looked at his friend, then shook his head. “I’m being serious Yoongi. You should rest now before it gets worst. We can close the shop for the day, Namjoon can continue tomorrow like he has been and Jimin would feel better knowing that you didn’t try hide this from him. You know that he will see you not telling him as some sort of annoying guilt thing. Don’t make a small thing big. He’ll probably be so happy to do whatever you young couples do now days again.”
Yoongi grimaced but didn’t waste the energy on commenting on Jin’s overly wistful words. Rather he put his mind to the customer that had just warily entered the store. He wasn’t going home. He had made up his mind and nothing Jin could say would change it.
“Kit’en?” Yoongi snuffled wetly.
Groaning and clearing his throat as he locked the front door behind him. He was about to call again when a deep, congested sneeze ripped through his throat – much louder and harsher than he liked. He really shouldn’t have stayed the full working day. He should have accepted Namjoon’s offer to have him just continue working the store for today and onwards, but if Yoongi was anything – it was stubborn. Of course he regretted it now though.
He walked into the kitchen and swallowed some of the medicine Jimin had been taking before he went to find the hybrid, who had remained silent. It was a bit odd that he hadn’t replied when Yoongi called, but it wasn’t rare enough for him to be overly concerned. Just curious…
It was when he couldn’t find Jimin in any of the rooms that his worry began to rise.
He called out again as he quickly paced through their cottage, being met by nothing but silence. He even tried to call but following the muffled ringing of Jimin’s phone lead him to their rumpled, vacant bed. In a final moment of panic, he called forth his magic, letting the icy chill of it flood throughout his body until a blast of wind shot off of him with staggering force. Usually he wouldn’t use his magic so raw, much rather preferring to have a physical object to make the effects easier to deal with, a skill that had been adapted centuries before from witches to fit a warlocks needs without the risk of magic drainage, but he didn’t stop for a moment to think. The magic had left him so abruptly that he had to lay a steadying hand on the wall while he breathed icy white breaths for the brief moment until the surged wave returned to him with just as much impact as it had left him with, causing him to break out coughing for air while the room tilted and swayed beneath his feet before returning to its previous temperature and stability.
Jimin was outside… in Yoongi’s studio?
That couldn’t be right. Jimin didn’t really go to the studio unless Yoongi was there. In fact, he was sure Jimin had told him that he didn’t like the studio space at all – something about there being too many scents.
Why would he be there now?
 He took a second to catch his breath before he went on his search. His nose had just started to run, and no amount of sniffling was going to help him. His head pounded against the cold, but he ignored it as best as he could.
None of it mattered.
What mattered was that it was cold. His studio specifically was always cold to a degree, and Jimin was uncharacteristically in there.
 “Love?” Yoongi called as loud as he could as soon as he passed the entrance, his voice cracking over the single word.
“ ‘oongi?”
Yoongi came to an abrupt halt just outside of the tiny, makeshift library that he stored all of his spell books in to see the familiar form of his boyfriend curled up on the oval windowsill with a blanket and pillow tucked around him as the dying sunlight painted his skin.
His hair was a mess and he swiped at his mouth and eyes languidly as a yawn broke widely across his face.
“Hey.” Jimin greeted with a warm lazy smile. “Good day?”
“It could have been better.” Yoongi answered honestly, moving into the small space so that he could wrap his arms around Jimin. The hybrid jumped at the icy feel of his skin. “I thought you didn’t like my studio.”
“It grew on me. Was the only thing that strongly smelt like you for a while, so it became more comfortable for me…Why are you so cold, what happened?”
Yoongi shrugged, his cheeks warming has he realised his actions may have been a bit impatient. There were other spells that he could have used, weaker ones that relied on words and physical additives rather than actual core magic, which would have left him with more energy and just overall less affected. He’d been unnecessarily rash.
He sunk his face into the hybrids chest, somewhat admitting defeat while forcing the younger to be pushed up tightly against the window as he was embraced. He felt fingers run through his hair and an ill-timed cough shook his entire frame. Jimin froze and Yoongi caved with two soft words. “I’m … sick.”
“Oh, baby…”
He felt Jimin card his fingers through his hair again, harder this time, letting his nails scrape lightly against the Warlock’s sculp as he held him close. Yoongi took as deep a breath as he dared. He couldn’t smell the usual spicy aroma that hung around the younger, but he melted into the bundle of warmth that was Jimin, succumbing rather easily to the uncomfortably angled yet intimate embrace.
“I’m so sorry I got you sick… we should have been more careful.”
“I’m fine.” Yoongi said, his voice muffled before he pushed away from Jimin so that he wasn’t bent in an awkward standing/leaning position any longer. “I was more worried about you, but you look better.”
“I feel better, mostly. There are still moments when I feel bad, but it’s a big.. improvement…” Jimin yawned, pulling his blanket up to smother it, then chuckled as Yoongi broke into a mirroring action, sniffling and resting lazily against his bookshelf afterwards.  “We should probably head inside now. Get something in you before we go to bed.”
Jimin gradually got to his feet, stumbling a bit as he stretched before opening his blanket to properly engulf Yoongi in its warmth with him. Jimin could feel a bundle of heaviness, completely unrelated to his cold, settle in his chest as he listened to Yoongi sniffle thickly on their way back into the house – making a quick dash when they had to cross yard with the cooling breeze. The warlock had a lot to catch up on in terms of his work and this was quite obviously going to set him back a bit further.
Not that he seemed to mind.
Jimin seemed to be more stressed than his boyfriend about the matter. To compensate for resulting in getting Yoongi sick he had tried to collect a bunch of blankets and soft materials that he had scattered around the house during the day, working to make a more comfortable setting for Yoongi in their room once he had gotten the warlock to lie down there. He had successfully gathered water and at least three of the fluffiest blankets they owned before Yoongi had him trapped beneath him against the mattress.
The warlock had distracted him from his coddling after sneezing openly to the side with enough force that Jimin had reached out to steady his seated figure with concern, only to be tugged onto the bed and rolled on top of with the accompaniment of all of the blankets he’d piled on the elder moments before. He had wanted to complain, that he needed to make food for them or to get them the medicine, even if Yoongi had mentioned that he’d already taken something – or at the very least more tissues, because they’d definitely be needed those. Yet Yoongi had merely rested his cheek against Jimin’s shoulder, sniffling into the base of the hybrids neck while he wrapped his arms tightly around the dancers frame.
“Yoon… you need food…”
“ ‘need you.” Yoongi whispered lowly, yawning into Jimin’s chest. “I missed you today… just… just stay. Please.”
Jimin snuggled down, embracing the warlock as entirely as he could. Their limbs becoming a mesh between the blankets. If this was the comfort that his boyfriend needed, then who was he to protest?
Even as Yoongi drifted off to sleep, the ice that had filled his veins from earlier thawed with the warmth that bled through him by the mere presence of the Calico cat. The dying sunlight still blared down on them, but neither of them could bring themselves to care. If anything, it helped in making the pair sleepier. Jimin rubbed his nose through Yoongi hair and down over his cheek, pressing soft lips to the elders temple, then his cheek, then nose.
Yoongi squirmed and let out an amused groan, pushing Jimin away before pulling him close once more. He’d never get used to the effect that Jimin had on him. How a simple gesture made him feel as if he could wield all the magic in the world. He’d tried to explain the empowering feeling before, but he had never been able to put it into words.
“I’m sorry.” Jimin whispered, pressing a final kiss to Yoongi’s head. Although his tone had dipped into the same seriousness from before. Then in an even softer voice, he added. “Love you, Yoongi… ”
Yoongi was already half asleep, his body giving in after the events of his day, but the tender words pushed him further. He slipped into a dark content sleep, filled with that familiar warmth and spicy scent that he had grown to depend on.
He’d let out a soft sigh, barely catching Jimin’s final words of ‘rest well’ before he was completely submerged into his dreams.
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kmelanin · 4 years
untitled document-teaser
Hiiiiii!11!!!!!!1 How are you guys.
 im currently working on a story, do I know where its going? no is it finished? no
But im really in love with it at the moment, and im sad that I don't post much, so heres a teaser! I don't wanna post a whole part, because I want to get further in it, before I start posting. 
teaser 1.
It was soon almost nine at night, which was closing time. You had a half hour to tattoo the last two people. You go to the front desk where Cyn was sitting on her phone. Jazyn went home, complaining that her body was aching from giving so much energy to the whole day. 
You look down at the list, seeing the last two names written in english, 
‘K. Taehyung’
‘J. Jungkook’
You would be lying if you said seeing their names didn't make your heart race. You looked around and saw no one sitting down in the waiting area. You frown in confusion. 
“Outside, they wanted a smoke before sitting down for the tats.” Cyn nods over to the front door. You nod your head and walk over. Opening the door, the little bell above rang, catching their attention. You look over and see the red headed boy blowing smoke out of his mouth, and the other inhaling.
“Cigs are actually disgusting.” You mock them. They both smile at you throwing their cigs down and walking towards you. You shake your head and walk back inside, with them behind. 
“You both can come back since you are the last two.” You say quickly giving Cyn a hug. Cyn then starts to shut things down, so she can go home. 
You go to your bag and pull out some gum. You pass one to them.
“Your breath smells like hobo ass, aka cigs. Chew.” You give them a sarcastic look of disgust.
“No cigarettes around you, alrighty.” Jungkook grabs the gum, following Taehyung.
“So what would you guys like?” You ask sitting down at your little corner desk. They both sit in the extra chairs that are next to your desk and the tattooing chair.
“Just the number seven, right here.” Jungkook says pulling his collar down on his white t-shirt. He points right above his collar bone on the left. 
“And here.” Taehyung says pointing right next to his ear, right where his sideburn would be growing. That's when you notice the slight haircut he got in the time you have been apart. His sides were cut very short, especially where the sideburns grew. It then registered to you, that no matter what these boy do, they will be drop dead fucking gorgeous. Jungkook gave you this soft yet intimidating vibe, it gave you goosebumps just thinking about it. Taehyung, well he gave you straight hard, dominating chills. He can easily change from a baby face, to daddy 2.0. 
God bless their parents.
“Yn?” Jungkook asks, waving a hand in your face. You shook out of your thoughts and smiled a bit embarrassed. 
“Right, sorry. I'm a bit tired, I've been tattooing since around noon.” You laugh it off, and grab your sketchbook and begin drawing the number seven in a few different ways. 
They both grin at each other, both admiring your cuteness. 
“Wait, that's almost nine hours, have you eaten?” Taehyung peeps up after a moment. 
“Mhm…” You nod, erasing a bit and cleaning up the pictures. After you were done, you showed them and let them choose. They eventually chose the most simple one, making it easier for their other friends to agree and come. 
You find out that they are a part of a group of friends, sometimes mistaken for a gang. Yoongi and Namjoon and them, along with three others. They all want a tattoo they all can get, so the younger two getting something small and simple, will hopefully force the others to shut up and just get the tattoo and be done. 
    While tattooing them both, you realized how fucking nice their hands are. Yes you had a hand thing. No you didn't care what anyone said. But they topped it off forsure, adding tattoos and rings to the equation. You glance down at Jungkook's hand and hold his collar down. Shit.
    You suddenly got goosebumps at the thoughts. Thankfully you were grabbing more ink at the time. 
    You were finishing Jungkook up when a thought popped into his head. 
    “How old are you?” His voice cuts out the slight silence. Taehyung smacks him on the arm, making Jungkook blush. “You know, for honorifics.” He gets nervous. You just laugh at them. 
    “24, November.” You wipe the left over ink off of his neck. 
    “Damn, I'm december, you're barely older than me.” Taehyung laughs. 
    “Of course, I'm still the youngest.” Jungkook shakes his head.
    “Haha, well you're all done.” You sit back, a bit upset. You want to continue tattooing.
    “Thank you Noona.” He mumbles. You quickly reach up and flick his fresh tat.
    “Ah! What the.” He grabs his neck a bit and looks at you.
    “Absolutely not.” You cross your arms and frown, showing him that you were serious. His eyes widened and bit.
TEASER 2. hehe
“I'm hungry as shit. I'm going to get food.” Joon says packing up his bag. He nods towards you and Jungkook, then leaves out of the door. When the door shuts, you turn your attention back to Jungkook. He looks back at you, and he quickly bows a bit. 
“I guess I should get going too.” You could tell he was feeling awkward. He spun on his heel and headed to your door.
“You don't have to, I have nothing to do all weekend.” You shrug, stopping him in his tracks. He looks back at you with wide eyes.
“You want to hang out?” He questions you. 
“If you want to.” You shrug. You look at him up and down. You loved how different his style is compared to Joon. Jungkook had on black joggers, with a chain in the belt loop. Then a black oversized t-shirt. Tattoos peek out from his shirt, you notice that there's tattoos all over his collarbones. Tattoos run down his arms. Everything about him, gives you hot bad boy vibes. But his face, his personality- based on how long you've known him- , was so soft. 
Maybe he is a bad boy, maybe they all are. And you were dancing on thin ice.
Of course he wants too, Jungkook thinks. He didn't understand why your presence makes him so nervous. 
“I'll text Namjoon, and we can go to the skate park.” He nods, pulling his phone out. 
Before he met you, he could walk up to any girl, look at any girl, get any girl. Now he's rethinking everything. He can't look you in the eyes without wanting to jump on you. He can't get the images of you and Taehyung heavily making out with him in the club. He lost count on how many times he jerked off to the image of you and his friend, let alone the remembrance of the feeling of your ass grinding and rolling against him. 
Everytime you talk to him, his heart beats entirely way too fast. It makes him stumble and mumble. Even the guys would tease him until cheeks turned red.
Just the other night, Taehyung caught Jungkook in the hallway one night. Everyone else was either gone, or sleeping.
“Going to the shower to paint the walls again?” Taehyung laughs a bit, shoving Jungkook's shoulder softly. Jungkook smiled a bit at the joke, and shook his head.
“That joke is so old, Hyung.” 
“You know what won't get old?” Taehyung asks him, walking closer.
“Mhm?” Jungkook asks, nothing thinking anything of his advances.
“Her delicious ass lips on mine.” Taehyung's hand comes up and grabs Jungkook by the neck, pinning him to the wall. Jungkook didn't realize that he was backing into the wall. 
Taehyung wasn't being too rough, he knew what Jungkook liked. Taehyung pressed his body against his, replacing his hand with his face. He runs his nose gently up his neck and up, grazing his lips against his. Jungkook moans out at the teasing, wanting some type of relief. 
“Just imagine Kookie, all of the kisses,” Taehyung places a tiny kiss on his lips, causing Jungkook to chase him a bit, but Taehyung's hand stops him. “The scratches she can give you,” His other hands grazed down Jungkook's arm. “The hickies.” Taehyung grabs Jungkook's growing bulge, knowing how to make the younger one break. 
As expected, a huge moan rips through the younger one. Taehyung suddenly being overthrown and being pushed into the other wall. The smile on Taehyung's face was covered by Jungkokos lips. Taehyung doesn't waste any time and kisses him back. 
This happens all the time. Between all of them, and all remain really good friends.
Both smacking lips, and moans against each other, with the thought of you in their mind.
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breadoffoxy · 4 years
Changing Tides | 3
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Summary: At a young age you thought you had your life all figured out. You would marry your crush and become a world renown artist. It was perfect. That is until a childhood friend, your clumsy cousin, an intimidating rival, a nosy neighbor, an art prodigy, a beautiful dancer and a perfectionist workaholic destroyed those plans for better or for worse.
Pairing: some f. reader x Hoseok, f. reader x Jungkook, and f. reader x Jimin
Genre: Slice of Life, awkward teenage years to college au, eventual romance, angst, fluff
Word Count: 1,535
Warnings: Mentions of arguing parents and divorce
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“Hurry up slow-poke!”
“Shut up you stupid muscle bunny!” You grunt under the stain of your one box as you slowly trudge through the doorway. Ahead of you is said muscle bunny carrying two heavy boxes with ease towards the moving truck. His white shirt is wet with some sweat but that only makes the back muscles you pretend not to notice clearer.
“Here let me help.”
Hands reach towards the box in your hands. Even though the person is blocked from your vision you know that voice and clumsily try to dodge out of his way.
“No way Joon, this is a delicate box!”
A sigh of defeat is all you hear. Even he can’t deny his powers of destruction as he already destroyed a vase. It was ugly as hell but both of your parents argued over it. Good riddance you say.
“Why don’t you get the car playlist ready?” If there’s one thing you can trust your cousin with it’s that.
“On it.” Namjoon pulls out his bulky new mp3 player he spent forever saving up for as he heads for the shaded porch. He’s discussed to you the finer points of what he thinks of digital versus analog but the large portable music library has its plus.
The box you are carrying disappears and you see your childhood friend carefully organizing it into the back of the truck. “That should be it right?”
“Yeah, that should be it. I’m just going to double check my room really quick.”
The boy smiles at you, and all of a sudden it hits you. You won’t be able to see that smile nearly as much anymore. Just a few weekends here and there when you have to be swapped between your parents. You can feel your eyes getting watery as you try to commit the boy who turned into a young man in front of your eyes to memory. You made plans for how the two of you would rule your new high school but all of that is for naught now. From his sweet smile that coined his bunny nickname, to the glitter in his eyes, and even that small scar on his cheek, you want to remember it all.
The smile Jungkook wears slowly slides away and his gaze turns to one of concern. Oh god you promised yourself you wouldn’t cry. You quickly plaster a smile on your face.
“Why don’t you help Namjoon out with some music?” Jungkook glances between you and your cousin a couple of times. The concerned look is still there. You can tell he’s torn between hanging out with your cousin who he idolizes and figuring you out, which you know he can do too easily.
As if sensing your plight or just being completely oblivious to the air around you, Namjoon yells across the yard, “Hey Jungkook, have you heard the new Drake song?”
And that hits the nail on the head and Jungkook’s eyes sweep back to your cousin excitedly. You’re a little jealous how quickly the two bonded over music as it was yours and your cousin’s thing, but you’re happier that it helped the shy boy out of his shell a little. Namjoon wasn’t a bad role model as long as you didn’t sneak through his computer. Your eyes will never be the same after that.
“It’s so good I can’t believe it!” He jogs over to Namjoon and your smile turns real for a little bit as you watch him.
Quickly, you head inside and your face goes into a neutral expression as you pass the defeated form of your father in the entry way. He didn’t take the divorce well. You don’t blame him but you also don’t have much sympathy either. The whole process deteriorated your relationship as a side of him came out that was hostile and demeaning.
“Hey Kiddo.” You stop in your tracks and turn to look at him. He hugs your tense form barely for a second before stepping back. “Take care of yourself. Call me if you need anything.”
And that’s that. He walks away into the hallway leading to his office and doesn’t look back. The hurt that strikes you shocks you and you dash towards your room. The tears slowly come at first and once you’re in your room the tears come flooding down. Your hand comes up to your mouth to muffle the tiny sobs as you cry at the things that were. Fifteen years you have spent in this house with both of your parents, with this room as yours, and now it is devoid of what makes it you. Just your bed and a couple decorations remain. There’s no telling how long your dad will leave it as is and not refurnish it to his own purposes.
The tears eventually slow, and through your sniffles you spot something peeking behind your desk. Lethargically, you move across the room and kneel down to get a better look.
“Now how did you get down here?”
Wedged between the wall and your desk is one of your old sketchbooks. A few of the pages are bent at awkward angles. You stick your hand behind the desk but have a hard time reaching it. Determined to get it you crawl around trying to get into the best position and stretch your arm as far as it can go.
“Aha!” Your fingers finally grasp the edge of the book. The victory sound turns to a grumble as it barely moves when you pull it. And then something that feels like a hand slaps against your butt, which makes your head canter into the desk with a thunk.
“Hahaha…Oh my god I’m so sorry!” Jungkook’s laughter morphs into an apology after hearing your yell of pain. Your eyes are shut from the surprise of what just happened but you feel him kneel down next to you. His fingers probe at your head carefully.
“Can you just move the table back a little bit?”
Quickly he stands up and does as you ask. You pull the artbook out easily and scoot back until you reach the corner of your room. Curling into yourself slightly you finally open your eyes and glance at the once again concerned looking Jungkook hovering over you.  You pat the ground next to you and Jungkook sits with his knees just slightly bumping yours.
“Your spending too much time with Namjoon. Don’t go breaking me now.”
Glancing over to the boy, you find his gaze immediately. It’s too heavy and it feels like your drowning in his brown eyes. Emotions rise up which nearly trigger the water works again. You close your eyes and take a deep breath to try to get some control. You hate how much you will miss him.
A weight falls on your shoulder and you tense slightly before relaxing. You open your eyes back up to see Jungkook’s head resting there as he carefully takes the sketchbook from you. Slowly he flips through the pages and the nostalgia hits you. Along with the feeling every artist gets.
“Ahh these are worse than I remember. I was so bad.”
Jungkook continues to flip through the pages. “Yeah, you’re a lot better now, but for a kid these were pretty good.”
The pages stop turning as it comes to a familiar self portrait of yourself. With the lightest touch Jungkook traces a finger along the drawing of a smiling you with headphones.
“This one is still my favorite.”
“Haha and I say it’s still the worst.”
Before Jungkook could refute you, you snatch the notebook back.
“Hey, I’m not done- whoah no stop!”
Jungkook head rises quickly from your shoulder and tries to stop you from ripping the page out. He scrambles on all fours to try when you just turn to stop him but it’s too late. The boy freezes with his eyes wide and mouth open. What you did was just blasphemy.
“Take it since you like it so much.” You smile sadly as you hand it to your friend. He takes it as if you just handed him the most precious artifact and still looks as if he is in shock. “It can be my good-bye present, or I guess more like a see you later?”
Gently, Jungkook places the picture on the ground next to him and the next thing you know, strong arms are pulling you into him. You wrap your arms around him and the both of you can feel each other shaking. You can feel something wet drop on the crook of your neck where his head rests, and you know he can feel the same as well.
Namjoon awkwardly hovers at the door unsure of what to do. Sadly, he watches the scene in front of him. Outside your window he can see the forms of his mother and aunt waiting near the moving truck and car. His eyes shut to give the two of you a longer moment, but eventually he opens them and moves into the room.
“Sorry y/n, but it is time to go.”
Jungkook gives you a final tight squeeze and then slowly lets you go.
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bangtanstanst · 5 years
Only You
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Communication is key, especially in an office romance.
pairing: namjoon x reader, some jimin x reader banter
genre: fluff, office!au
warnings: none
word count: 2.5k
anonymous requested: “Make me.” + “That was barely even a kiss!” + “I’m not jealous.” with Namjoon.
a/n: hi everyone, I hope you’re having a great day/night! I really hope you’ll like this week’s fic♥
requests | masterlist
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You let out a surprised laugh, covering your mouth with your hand in the hope that the rest of your colleagues won’t hear you. “That did not happen.”
“I swear! They were fully going at it in his office,” Jimin replies in a whisper, grinning mischievously. “And it’s not the first time I’ve seen them do it,” he adds as he leans back in his chair, twirling his pen in his hand.
You snort, shaking your head at him. “They’re married, I’m pretty sure they’re doing worse at home,” you remark.
“Jesus Christ, please don’t tell me you and Namjoon have so much as considered doing it here,” Jimin returns, eyebrows raised in disbelief.
Laughing, you shake your head, wildly waving your hands back and forth to deny his accusation. “God, no,” you reply through more laughter. “I’m just saying, them having sex is really not that scandalous.”
He lets out a breath, though he shrugs. “Still, it doesn’t mean it’s okay to do it here. Or sanitary, for that matter,” he insists, idly rearranging some of the paperwork on his desk. “For all you know, he’s bent her over your desk for a few rounds.”
Your laughter dies down and you pull a face, hands shooting up from your desk. The picture of your boss and his wife just… doing the devil’s tango on your desk? Yikes. “That’s it, I’m working at your desk now,” you decide, taking the stack of paperwork you’ve been sorting through and plopping it on Jimin’s desk, pushing him to the side so you can both work on the same surface.
He lets out a surprised laugh. “I was being hypothetical!” he defends, trying to push your chair back to your own desk. You manage to stay in your spot, though, he gives up after a few seconds. “Get away from me, I need to work,” he huffs instead, grabbing his pen and jabbing your upper arm with it.
“Karma’s a bitch, you’re stuck with me now,” you return with a grin, turning to your paperwork. When he pouts, you quirk an eyebrow at him, unable to hide your amusement. “I thought you liked being desk buddies with me.”
“Not anymore, I don’t!” he returns, though you see a small smile tugging at his lips. “You know Seokjin will be on my ass if I hand in a report late again.”
“Then stop gossiping about him!” you say through a laugh. “Take it as an educational moment, Jimin. Do better next time.”
Mock-frowning at you, he puts his fingers to the corners of your mouth, turning your lips down as best as he can. “You better wipe that smirk off your face, young lady. This is a serious workplace environment.”
You swat his hands away, rolling back to your own desk. “Fine, you’ve convinced me,” you huff, jumping up from your chair. ���But I’m cleaning this whole damn desk first and you’re helping me.”
His laugh comes out above the background noise of ringing phones, chatter, your colleagues typing away at keyboards. “Deal,” he relents. “You get the supplies, I’ll empty your desk.”
With a nod, you’re off to the break room, where you know you can find some cleaning supplies. It’s across the office and you have to pass the desks of your hard-working colleagues, serious frowns on their faces as they stare at their desktops or the paperwork in front of them. Ah, what a great time there is to be had in accounting.
The break room is relatively crowded, with a small group of people chattering by the coffee machine, sipping from the disgustingly bitter liquid it has excreted. You spot Namjoon among them and you smile as his eyes catch yours, his own smile only making you that much happier.
“Morning, guys,” you chirp to your colleagues, and you receive a mix of different voices returning the greeting. Crouching down at one of the cabinets, you rummage around until you find some cleaning spray, snatching a dish towel from its spot on the kitchenette counter.
“Spilled something?” one of your colleagues asks just before you dart out of the room.
You stop and turn to look over your shoulder, shaking your head. “Jimin was spreading some dirty, dirty rumours and now I want my desk clean, if you know what I mean,” you reply, at which a laugh travels through the group.
“Good luck!” sounds a different colleague’s voice as you walk out of the room, and you chuckle, simply putting your thumb up as you walk away.
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“Psst,” sounds a voice next to you for the third time in two minutes. You keep your eyes on the Excel sheet in front of you, head aching from concentrating on the tiny numbers on the screen for two hours straight. “Y/N,” Jimin insists.
Your eyes stay glued to the screen, mouse selecting one of the cells. “Hm?” you reply absently.
“Seokjin’s wife came to visit for ‘lunch’,” he whispers, at which you immediately look away from your desktop, eyes wide as they dart around the office.
“Why didn’t you just say so?” you gasp, looking at him. “Did you see anything?”
“I’ve been sitting right here this whole time, what the hell do you think?” he hisses back, glancing at Seokjin’s office door. You turn to look as well, craning your neck even though you’re pretty sure it won’t help you see or hear through the walls.
“Do you think they’re starting right away?” Jimin whispers and you jump, his voice suddenly incredibly close to your ear. You glance at him and let him put his chin on your shoulder, the both of you staring intently at your boss’s office.
“They can’t be, right? I’m sure they’re eating first.”
“But what about cramps?”
You giggle at the serious tone in his voice. “Isn’t that for when you’re going swimming?”
Jimin snorts. “Oh, you didn’t see what I saw,” he insists, his hair brushing your cheek as he shakes his head. “When I say they were going at it, they were going at it.”
You glance at him from the corner of your eye, disturbed yet intrigued, and your smile doesn’t fade. “I’m sure they –”
“Hey, babe, you ready for lunch?”
You jump once more at the sudden sound of Namjoon’s voice. As you look up at him, Jimin takes his head off your shoulder, leaning back in his chair to greet Namjoon with a smile and a nod, and your boyfriend returns the sentiment.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” you reply, getting up from your chair and grabbing your jacket from the backrest. “Jimin, you wanna join us? We’re checking out that new café on the fifth floor.”
He smiles at you and shakes his head. “Nah, you guys go ahead. I wanna finish this report first,” he replies, gesturing to the papers strewn about his desk. “Have fun, though!”
“Alright, good luck! Just don’t get too distracted spying on the boss, okay?” you tell him, shrugging on your jacket.
He chuckles, taking the high five you offer him. “I’ll do my best,” he replies, at which you laugh, and you give him a last wave before slipping your hand in Namjoon’s and walking off.
“How’s your day going?” he asks, looking aside at you with a small smile.
You glance up at him, shrugging. “I’ve been working on that new account I brought in last week,” you reply, looking ahead of you as you approach the elevators, joining a small group of colleagues waiting for the doors to open as well. “But it turns out to be a little more complicated than I thought, so now I have a bit of a headache.”
He sends you an empathetic look, thumb reaching up to massage circles into your temple. You sigh and close your eyes, leaning into his touch just slightly as you come to a stop in front of an elevator. “I have some Advils at my desk, if you want them,” he says, thumb moving down to softly wipe across your cheek.
You smile, shaking your head. “Lunch with you is more than fine,” you reply with a grin. “But I’ll be sure to come begging for an Advil when I do need one.”
He returns the smile, nodding firmly. “You better,” he says as the door opens and your colleagues file into the elevator, though the two of you are left behind when it turns out the small space is too full for you to enter.
“It’s really too bad we’re not desk buddies anymore,” you say with a huff, hitting the button to summon a different elevator. “I’ll have to go all the way across the office now.”
He chuckles, though he quickly suppresses the laughter and puts on a frown. “Yes, way too far,” he confirms with a serious nod.
You narrow your eyes at him. “Kim Namjoon, are you mocking me?”
His eyes widen comically as he shakes his head, much too frantically for him to be serious. “What? Me? No way. I’d never mock you.”
You snort at him, clicking your tongue as the doors slide open in front of you. “That’s what I thought,” you say, walking into the elevator and leaning against the wall as Namjoon punches in the button for the fifth floor, not letting go of your hand.
“Speaking of desk buddies,” he starts, leaning against the wall beside you. “Why were you and Jimin staring at Seokjin’s office?”
A laugh escapes your lips and you shake your head. “We thought he and his wife were doing it in there,” you reply casually, waving away the question. “That was why I wanted to clean my desk earlier – Jimin got the picture of them going at it on my desk in my head, and… ah, well, you get it,” you finish with a chuckle, looking up at him. He’s laughing along with you, though you narrow your eyes when you notice his smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
The doors ding and slide open before you can ask him about it, but that doesn’t mean you want to let it go. When you exit the elevator and Namjoon starts to head towards the café in the corner, you tug on his arm. He stops in his tracks and turns around, eyebrows raised.
“What’s up, Joon?” you ask before he can open his mouth himself, tilting your head. “Are you okay?”
His eyes widen ever so slightly and his smile falters. He looks left and right, then takes a step towards you, taking your other hand as well. “I’m fine,” he tries at first, staring down at your hands. There’s a slight squeak in his voice that makes you think there’s more to this.
“Namjoon,” you insist. He looks up at you with a frown, as if he’s evaluating whether he should say whatever is on his mind right now, and you try to think if you’ve noticed anything strange about him before. But the weird look in his eyes only appeared when…
“Is this about Jimin?” you ask with a gasp, a small, amused smile tugging at your lips. “Are you –”
“No, no, it’s –” he starts, though he stops himself and sighs, closing his eyes and shaking his head. “I’m not jealous. I swear I’m not jealous.”
You grin at him, finding it absolutely adorable how his cheeks flush a light red colour and he avoids eye contact. “You’re jealous,” you conclude. He’s about to protest, but you speak before he can do so, “It’s okay to admit it.”
He lets out a long breath, shaking his head, though he looks into your eyes this time – you’re making progress already. “I shouldn’t be, though,” he mutters, sighing once more. “It’s ridiculously unreasonable. I completely trust you, I completely trust Jimin, and I’m still…” He averts his eyes as he shakes his head again, lips pursed into a straight line.
You tilt your head, choosing not to say anything just yet, knowing there’s more to come.
After a short silence, he lets out a frustrated sigh, cursing under his breath and looking back at you. “I’m sorry,” he says eventually, letting go of your hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “I don’t know why, but I can’t help but think back to when we were desk buddies and we- well, we happened,” he continues, his hand dropping down to his side. “And I guess I’m also a little sad that we don’t have that kind of fun at the office anymore.”
You nod slowly, taking his hand in yours again. “I totally get where you’re coming from, so don’t hate yourself for it, okay?” you start firmly, at which his shoulders seem to relax, the frown on his forehead easing up.
“As long as you know that you and I are just on a whole other level than me and Jimin. I don’t even have the room to love anyone else like I love you, my heart is just too full,” you joke, making him laugh softly. You smile when he starts to play with your fingers, his cheeks still a little red. “I’m just glad you told me. Now I know I should plan in some more time to make up for all that fun we’re missing.”
His bright smile, including the dimples you love seeing so much, returns, and he nods. “I’m glad,” he says through a sigh. “Sorry again.”
“Stop apologising, Kim,” you insist, squeezing his hand. You stand up on your tiptoes and press a brief kiss to his cheek. When you move to pull back, though, he tilts his head just right so he can kiss you very briefly, warm lips pressed to yours.
You raise an eyebrow at him when you pull back, faced with his bright grin. “Starting the fun already, are we?”
He laughs at your words. “You consider that fun?” he mock-protests, staying rooted to the spot when you turn around and try to pull him off to the small café. “That was barely even a kiss!”
You look over your shoulder and send him a wink. “We’re at the office, babe, it’s all I can do right now. Sorry.”
He narrows his eyes at you and tugs at your arm, hard enough to make you stumble back into his arms. “Bullshit,” he shoots back, a mere second before he leans down to press his lips to yours, hands still holding yours.
With a sigh, you lean further into him, just for a second – before you realise you’re still at the office and you pull back. He chases your lips by leaning further down, however, and he only stops and opens his eyes when you take his chin between your fingers to gently push him back.
“Joon, we’re at work,” you tell him, lips brushing against his. “Stop tempting me.”
He just grins, taking your hand and moving it away from his chin. “Stop interrupting the real fun.”
You chuckle. “Make me,” you say, though your eyes flutter closed and you lean in, completely contradicting your words. He gladly goes along with it, though, and soon captures your lips with him again.
Oh, well. You’re not actually on your own floor, anyway. Plus, if Seokjin can do stuff in his office, you can do it here.
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a/n: thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked it!! Let me know what you thought and what you might want to see next, I’d love to hear from you :) I hope you have a great day/night wherever you are!♥
requests | masterlist
Tagging @nambewb and @moonojoon to let them know it’s here, let me know if you want to be added to the list :)
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BTS as Halloween themed characters Part 1:(Namjoon)
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*note: you are a witch
It is Halloween night in the year 1808 and you are currently out on the town with your pet cat Shadow scuttling at your side. The streets are made of broken cobblestone, which loudly click under the heel of your black boots. Your ankle length cloak billows in the wind as you briskly walk towards the dimly lit shop at the end of the street. A brown leather bound journal is tightly wrapped in your arms and is clutched to your chest as you march towards your good friend Namjoon’s science laboratory.
You reach the heavy wooden door and rap your hand aggressively on the door several times before it flings open revealing your angry looking friend Namjoon in all of his doctorlike glory. His long lanky arms and are covered in a crispy white doctors coat and his long, thin legs are wrapped in freshly starched black dress pants. His soft looking brown hair is messily strewn about his head like he has been running his hands through it all day.
“Joon-ah...I know that is it is late, and you are probably very busy with your experiments right now but I desperately need your help with something.” You huff as you flop down into a dusty wooden chair beside his desk, which is covered in the precisely filleted remains of a cat.
Shadow hisses from behind you at the sight of the open cat corpse pinned to the table and scratches at the wooden door while staring at you, waiting for you to let her out of the room. With a flick of your hand the door swings wide open and your cat scuttles out of the building and settles onto the pavement by the front door.
“Do you really have to pull out all of its organs like that?” You ask with your nose wrinkled in disgust as you place a nearby towel over the dead cat, effectively hiding it from sight, but not memory.
“Yes actually, I have to make the most accurate anatomical models and drawings that I possibly can if I am wanting my experiment to work. Everything has to be perfect for tomorrow night-“ Namjoon says as he wipes his bloodied tools off on a dirty rag and sets them back down on a metal tray.
He turns back to face me and leans back so he is resting the back of his thighs on the edge of his workbench. He crosses his long arms across his chest and looks at me with his tongue pressed to the inside of his cheek, obviously getting annoyed with me for interrupting and insulting his work.
“As much as I would love to hear all about the weird fucked up shit you are planning on getting into on this fine Halloween night, I have a serious problem that I need your help with, Namjoon.” I say with a deep sigh.
He gestures his palm outwards like he is waiting on me to tell him what the problem is, so I do exactly that.
“So, I was trying out a new spell for bringing plants back to life and I may or may not have accidentally...resurrected a dead mouse that just so happened to be laying next to the dead fern I was working on reviving.” I can see the clear shock on Namjoons face as I tell him what I have done, truly I am not even sure myself how I managaed to defy the very laws of the universe with that spell.
Plant resurrection is one thing, but to resurrect an animal is an entirely other thing. The laws of both magic and nature simply shouldn’t have allowed it to happen to start with. That is exactly why I am here talking with the greatest scientist I know.
“Okay, now you have peaked my interest. I need you to tell me exactly what you did...absolutely everything you did. From the spell, herbs, exact time of day and the precise situation that it happened at. It is very crucial that you do not miss even a single factor here.”
“Okay, I can do that I guess. But can you please put the little guy out of his misery? He is suffering and it is all my fault..” I sniff as I pull the small brown mouse out of my cloak pocket. I cup the creature in the palm of my hands and watch as it struggles and gasps for breath, chest heaving irregularly with every inhalation.
Namjoon’s annoyed eyes soften and he gently takes the mouse from my hands and places it on his work table. “As much as I would love to dissect him and figure out what his tiny little magic fueled body looks like on the inside after quite literally coming back from the dead, I can not in good good faith torment his soul and body any more. I will kill him quickly and painlessly, and in return I expect that you will tell me exactly what you did to make him like this. With some tweaking and just the right situation....this kind of magic could be used to save lives.”
As Namjoon listens to me explain the spell and situation that occurred just minutes before he works quickly to put together a concoction from the many glass jars and bottles on his wall. He mixes liquids and powders and stirs the mixture over a candle flame until it has dissolved to a slightly smoking purple elixir which he places in a small vial.
He picks up the mouse and takes the smoking glass vial and pours a single drop out onto the tip of his finger and presses it lightly to the struggling mouses lips. The creature lazily licks his finger and immediately it’s breathing begins to grow shallow and faint. Within seconds the mouses chest has stopped moving and it has gone limp in the palm of Namjoons hand.
“Rest well little guy, your suffering will not be in vain. You will revolutionize both science and magic and will live on and in spirit and save countless lives.” Namjoon says as he pats the mouses small head and gently presses its eyes closed with the tips of his long bony fingers.
With tears streaming down my cheeks I whisper a quiet thank you to Namjoon as he gently places the dead mouse in a small box with a lid and hands it to me.
“Shall we give him a proper burial in his honor for all of his pain and suffering?” Namjoon says with a sad dimpled smile on his face.
I nod my head and wipe my tear streaked face with the back of my sleeve and take the small wooden box from him as we make our way out of his shop.
Shadow meows quietly as the door creaks open Joon and I make our way down the cobblestone street with the wooden box in my hands and a candle in his. As we walk to my cottage in the woods to bury the martyr mouse, Namjoon casually grabs my hand in his and squeezes it tightly before entwining his fingers in mine.
*Other members coming shortly, hopefully!
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ot7-hoes · 5 years
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A/N: Hey there! So, we already posted this but we noticed its now blocked, even though written stuff is supposed to be ok. So, here it is again. We have more things we’re working on so stay tuned!
Taehyung x Reader x Jimin Office! au
Word count: 5,060
Warnings: Dirty talk, blow job, fingering, semi-public sex, threesome, double penetration, Hard Dom! Taehyung, Soft Dom! Jimin, Sub! Reader
Summary: Office gossip spreads quickly. When one of the geekiest guys in the office hears you making fun of him and his friend, they decide to prove you wrong.
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You sit at your desk, rubbing your eyes, taking a break from staring at the computer screen. “Miss Y/L/N, can I see you in my office?” Your boss, Mr. Kim said. You sigh, knowing if he’s calling you into his office it’s anything but good. “Yes, sir.” You say, standing up and straightening out your skirt and blouse before strutting to his office, a false sense of confidence shrouding you. You step into the office, and he closes the door behind you. You take a seat, and he circles around to his desk chair. “Y/N.” He sighs, fixing his hair slightly. “Namjoon.” You reply jokingly. You had to admit, you enjoyed being in his office, although it didn’t happen often. You two had been close friends for years, but once you got to work that had to change. He wasn’t allowed to show favoritism, so you both kept things professional around the other employees. “I’ve been getting complaints about you gossiping about some of your colleagues, is that true?” He asks seriously. “Joon, everyone gossips, you know that.” You reply, leaning back in the seat and crossing your legs. “Who was it, anyway?” “Well, Park Jimin said he overheard you and a few others talking about him and Kim Taehyung.” He says. Those bastards. The two dorkiest guys in the office. They didn’t talk to anyone except each other, and whenever approached by a female colleague, they’d freak out like school kids, dropping their paperwork with a yelp. “Those guys? Who doesn’t talk about them?” You chuckle. Namjoon looks at you, his face expressionless. “Y/N, you can’t do that anymore. Got it?” He says. You roll your eyes, nodding. “Yes, sir.” You say before standing up. “Well, now that that’s out of the way, want to come over later? Yoongi and Jin are coming over, we’re having a little party. You in?” He asks, completely slipping out of his boss persona. “You know it.” You smile, giving him a high five before leaving his office. The rest of the day passes by slowly, and you thank any god that exists when the clock hits 5 pm. You sigh in relief, shutting down your computer and packing your bag. You say your goodbyes to a few of the co-workers you tolerate, your heels clicking as you make your way to the exit, when you’re stopped by someone calling you. “Y/N! Miss Y/N! Wait!” You hear. You turn around, seeing Park Jimin waving his arms above his head. You sigh, rolling your eyes and turning to meet him. “Yes?” You ask, irritation laced into your voice. “Um, can we talk? In uh, in the break room?” He stutters, looking everywhere but your eyes. “Fine, but make it quick.” You sigh, following him to the room. He opens the door for you, and you see Taehyung sitting at the table, his hands folded. He doesn’t look like the normal Taehyung you know, though. His glasses are placed on the table in front of him, his normally slicked back, blond hair tousled, and his over sized jacket hanging on the back of his seat, along with his tie. You had to admit, he looked really good. You heard Jimin lock the door behind you, and watched as he walked around, closing the blinds around the room. The whole time you felt Taehyung’s gaze on you, and you were very confused. “Y/N, sit down.” Taehyung says, his voice octaves lower than normal. “Um, okay.” You say nervously. You sit down in the seat across from him, watching Jimin as he paces towards the seat next to Taehyung. He takes his glasses off, messing up his soft crimson hair. He slides his jacket off, and you watch as his fingers loosen his tie, pulling it off and unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt. He sits down, taking on the same position as Taehyung. You look between the two men, confused. The two quiet guys you’ve grown to despise were gone, and what was left before you were men that you would gladly get on your knees for. “Um, I’m confused here, what’s going on? Why do you two look so different? If I didn’t know better I’d say you’re totally different people.” You chuckle, leaning back in your seat. “Nope, I can assure you that we’re Jimin and Taehyung. Crazy, huh? How someone can look so different by just a little clothing.” Taehyung smirks. “I mean, you guys should dress like this, you’d be eye candy for the office instead of being jokes.” You sass, annoyed that they’re wasting your time. “Well, if we dressed like this all the time no one would be able to concentrate.” Taehyung says. Cocky son of a bitch. You liked it though. The difference between the Taehyung you knew and the one sitting before you excited you. You liked him. Jimin sat next to him quietly, his eyes roaming your body for a moment. “That’s actually what we wanted to talk to you about, Y/N. The jokes. You’re spreading things about us that aren’t true at all.” Jimin pipes up. “Yeah, Mr. Kim told me you tattled. So?” You ask, crossing your arms. “Well, why don’t you tell us what you said about us?” He asks. You laugh at this. “Are you serious? I don’t have to tell you two anything.” You laugh. Taehyung huffs in irritation. “Well, Jimin, looks like we have a brat on our hands.” He says deeply, looking at you while running his tongue over his teeth. “You’re right. We definitely know how to handle brats.” Jimin says with a smirk. “Now, I’ll ask you one more time, Y/N, tell us what you said about us.” “No.” You say, standing your ground. “Hm. Okay then. Well let me just say what you said.” He says, sighing. Taehyung turns expectantly towards Jimin. “Y/N here said we can’t talk to women. She said we’d probably apologize for dirty talk since we’re so shy, and that we’re probably so shy because of how small our dicks are, and that we’d never get laid.” Jimin repeats your words from you conversation at the water cooler. Taehyung scoffs at the words, turning back to you. “Oh, baby, you have no idea how wrong that is.” He says deeply, causing chills to shoot down your spine. You have to admit, you have a thing for deep voices and nicknames, and you couldn’t help but seeing the two men in a different light. “So why exactly am I here. You want to whine to me about it? Ask me to stop?” You ask. “Oh no, baby girl. We’re here to prove you wrong.” Jimin says. “Prove me wrong? Ha! That’s not gonna happen. I bet you guys are small as hell and this ‘baby girl’ shit is just you trying to pull some joke on me.” You scoff. “Oh really? Hm. Ok then.” He says, sighing and standing up. He walks over to your side of the table while Taehyung keeps his eyes trained on you. “Baby, don’t you think your shirt in buttoned a little too low? It shows a lot of cleavage. Who are you showing off for, huh? Is it Mr. Kim? I saw you went to his office earlier. He’s fucking you, isn’t he?” Taehyung says, raising his eyebrows. “No, I’m not fucking him. We’re friends.” You reply, feeling Jimin’s presence behind you. “Friends? Friends with benefits? I wouldn’t be surprised, you do seem like the kind of girl who’d do anything for some good dick.” He smirks. “Are you calling me a slut?” You ask. “Hm, I don’t know. We have to find that part out. What do you say? Do you want to see some good cocks?” He cockiness pisses you off and turns you on at the same time, but you refuse to give in. “Your tiny baby carrots? Yeah, right. But sure, I’ll play along. Come on. Why don’t you guys 'prove me wrong’.” You say, adding the quotation marks. “Really? Alright.” Taehyung says, standing up and moving next to Jimin. You turn around in your chair, the two men standing side. You can already see the imprints of their hard cocks through their pants, and you have to say, you’re quite impressed. “Hm, alright then. I was wrong. You guys are alright. Are we done here now?” You ask, standing up and grabbing your bag. “Ah ah ah, no no, baby, we’re far from done.” Jimin says, grabbing your bag from you as Taehyung pushes on your shoulder, making you sit back down. “There’s more to prove wrong. What were the other things you said? That we can’t do dirty talk and we never get laid? Isn’t that right?” Taehyung asks, his finger placed under your chin. “So what, you want to fuck me? Is that how you plan to prove me wrong?” You ask teasingly. “Still going to talk like that, huh? Brats like you get me so fucking hard. It’s so nice to put a brat in her place.” Taehyung growls, causing your heart to skip a beat. Fuck, just his voice is going to be the death of you. “Alright, so what, are we going to my house?” You ask, standing back up. You’re quickly spun around, being bent over the table. “Oh no, baby girl, we’re gonna fuck you right here, right now.” Taehyung growls, his fingers intertwined tightly in your hair. “Well, might as well get the shit show started so I can go home and enjoy the rest of my night.” You say, only provoking them even more. “What a brat. You know what, kitten? Brats like you deserve to be punished.” Jimin says. You can’t lie, their dominance is making you wet. You feel a harsh smack land on your ass, causing you to whimper. Another slap echoes through the room, your knees becoming weak. “Eight more, baby girl.” Jimin whispers in your ear, taking your earlobe between his teeth as another smack rains down on your ass. It’s only then you realize that its Taehyung spanking you. You yelp each time his hand connects with your ass. When he’s done, he lifts the bottom of your skirt, bundling the fabric around your hips. You’re embarrassed, the cool office air hitting your wet core. Taehyung leans back, admiring the red marks blooming across your ass cheeks. You feel exposed, remembering only now that you’re wearing one of your skimpiest pairs of panties. Its laundry day, and you ran out of your comfortable panties, so you sucked it up and put on your black lace thong. “Shit, baby girl, do you always wear stuff this pretty?” Jimin says softly, tracing his finger over your clothed core. “So wet too, such a dirty girl. Did you like your punishment?” He asks, his finger pressing gently against you. “Of course she did. I bet this little slut just loves being put in her place.” Taehyung says, and you can practically hear the smirk on his face. “Why don’t you get on your knees, baby girl? I want to feel those pretty lips wrapped around my cock.” Jimin says deeply. You instantly comply, dropping to your knees as your face becomes level with his clothed erection. You watch as his fingers fiddle with his belt buckle, hearing Taehyung take a seat next to you. “Look at how eager she is, Jimin.” He says, his index finger tracing over his lips as his dark eyes watch you intently. “I know. She looks so pretty, doesn’t she? Too bad such a pretty face has such a bratty mouth.” Jimin says, pulling the belt out of the loops, working on his button. He lets his pants fall, bundling around his ankles. You can’t help but stare at the tent in his underwear, your mouth watering at the sight. His hand palmed over him member, his eyes hooded as he looks down at you. “Well, baby, why don’t you get to it?” He smirks at you. You waste no time, slipping your fingers under the waistband, tugging them down to join his pants. You watch as his thick cock bounces once its freed from its confines, hitting his toned stomach. You stare in awe, a chuckle sounding from next to you. “Baby girl, if you don’t suck his cock soon you might end up getting punished again, and this time we wont go so easy on you.” Taehyung says, his deep voice causing your panties to get even damper. You reach up to wrap your hand around him, the weight of it causing your breath to hitch. He wasn’t too long, pretty average, but he was very thick. Your fingers couldn’t even touch when you wrapped around him. His head falls back, a soft moan slipping out of his lips at the contact. You can’t wait any longer, leaning forward, your tongue sticking out to give a small lick to his red tip. He hisses, looking down at you. “Don’t tease, kitten. If you tease me anymore Tae will tease you until you’re crying for release.” Jimin says, his fingers tangling in your hair. You still don’t entirely believe his words, and you’re interested to see if they’re true or not. Even though they transformed in front of your eyes, you still don’t believe that the two dorks you’re used to could turn into these two sexual demons before you. You decide to wait a little bit to test if they mean it or not, and wrap your mouth around Jimin’s member. His fingers tighten in your hair, a groan sounding as you take him all the way in. His girth has your eyes watering and jaw already aching. You pull back, making sure to press your tongue against the large vein that runs on the bottom of his shaft. You bob your head on him a few times, enjoying the beautiful moans that tumble from his lips. You suck harshly as you pull back, your tongue flicking over the slit. “Fuck, ah, dammit kitten, I said no teasing.” He moans. “Don’t worry, Jimin, she’ll get what’s coming to her.” Taehyung smirks. You feel Jimin’s thighs start to shake under your fingertips, his cock twitching slightly on your tongue. His hips move gently with the rhythm of your head, thrusting softly into your mouth. It doesn’t take long before he doubles over, his hands forcing you to take all of him as his cums down your throat, the salty sweet taste something you think you could get addicted to. He pulls away, breathing heavily, his face flushed. “Damn, your mouth feels so fucking good, kitten.” He gasps between deep breaths. “Stand up.” Taehyung says, getting out of his chair. You do as he says, his tall frame towering over you. “Bend over the table.” He orders. “Am I gonna get spanked again?” You ask. “Did I say to talk? No. I said bend over the table. Disobey me again, baby girl, and you won’t like what happens.” Taehyung growls. You decide not to test him, turning to bend over the side of the table, your bunched up skirt leaving your clothed pussy on full display. “Spread your legs, baby girl.” He orders, and you comply. You whimper as a warm hand cups your core, fingertips gliding over you as it pulls back. “You’re fucking dripping, baby girl. Did sucking Jimin off really get you this wet?” Taehyung whispers in your ear, his body leaning over yours as he presses his bulged against you. You bite your lip as he grinds against you, griping your hips tightly. You whine into your arm, pressing back against him. “Damn, baby girl, I can’t wait until we’re balls deep in that tight little pussy of yours.” Taehyung growls. His words startle you. We? They both plan on fitting inside of you? Taehyung pulls away, kneeling on the floor behind you, his face mere inches away from your core. “Fuck, baby, you smell so good.” He says. His fingers hook into your panties, sliding them of and tossing them to Jimin. “I want to taste you so bad, but you’ve been such a fucking brat I don’t think you deserve it. Do you?” He asks, his hands gripping your ass cheeks. You’ve given up on testing them. These quiet men have made you more needy than you’ve ever been, and all you wanted was some sort of release. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I said that. Please, please just touch me.” You whined loudly. “Aw, look, she’s so needy now. Begging for a touch.” Jimin chuckles, sitting in a chair across the table from you. You cry out as you feel a harsh slap to your swollen clit. “Do you think you deserve it? How much do you want it? Tell me and maybe I’ll be nice.” Taehyung says, rubbing the area slowly now. “S-so bad! Please, Taehyung! I need it so bad! I can’t take it anymore!” You cry out. “So needy. Alright, don’t worry, I’ll give you a little something.” Taehyung says, his warm breath fanning over your pulsing clit.  You whimper, your back arching, your body chasing for contact. You feel soft fingertips circle your entrance before dipping inside of you. Two fingers slid into you easily due to how wet you were, and you sighed at the pleasure of having something inside of you. Taehyung’s fingers are long, reaching all the right places inside of you. He quickly starts to pump in and out of you, curling his fingers inside of you as he pulls them out. He stands up, leaning over your body as he finger fucks you. You moan, hands gripping the side of the table as you feel his hot breath on your neck. His fingertips press against your sweet spot, causing you to arch your back. “There it is. Such a naughty girl, still tight. We have to loosen you up a bit before we really get to the good part.” Taehyung says in your ear. He slides a third finger in, causing you to gasp. Your hands search for something else to grip on, ultimately one finding Jimin’s hand and the other tangles in Taehyung’s hair. The force of his pumping has you rocking against the table, and your head raises, giving Taehyung access to your now exposed neck. He bites down on your neck softly, leaving rough, open mouthed kisses all over it. Your mouth hangs open, your eyes opening as well to meet Jimin’s. You see him biting his lip, his hand wrapped around his hard cock again, pumping it slowly. The way Taehyung’s fingers are working on you, stretching you out and pumping at an unbearable pace, you feel so close to your end. “Look at you, taking his fingers so well like a good little slut you are. But, you did tease me. I told you that you’d regret it.” Jimin smirks. “T-Tae…” you moan, too lost in the feeling to listen to Jimin properly. “What is it, baby girl? You wanna cum? You wanna cum all over my fingers? Want Jimin to take a taste too? Is that what you want?” Taehyung asks. “Yes! Yes, please!” You cry out, so close to losing yourself. “I want to cum so fucking bad!” “Too bad.” He growls, pulling his fingers out of you completely and stepping back. You’re left standing there, your high quickly disappearing as Taehyung walks around the table to Jimin, two of his fingers in his mouth. You stand there catching your breath, completely shocked as Taehyung pulls his fingers out of his mouth, popping the last one into Jimin’s. “What the fuck?” You cry, standing up. Jimin hums around Taehyung’s finger, pulling away when hes done tasting you. “Like I said, kitten. Don’t tease me, or Taehyung would punish you.” Jimin smirks. “But, that was torture! I was so close! That’s not fair.” You pout. “Its entirely fair. I may not be too nice, but I’m always fair.” Taehyung says. “Have you learned your lesson now, kitten?” Jimin asks. “Yes, sir.” You stress the sir sarcastically, but you see him noticeably tense. “Hm, well normally, Taehyung is Sir, just call me Daddy, kitten.” Jimin smirks. “Wait, what?” You ask, taken aback. “Yeah, yeah I like that. Every time we meet privately, you address me as Sir, and Jimin as Daddy, that way we know who exactly you’re screaming for.” Taehyung says with a wink. “Wait, what do you mean 'every time’?” You ask. “What, you thought this was a one time thing? Trust me, once you get a feel of our cocks inside of you, you’re gonna be begging for more.” Taehyung says, a mischievous smile plastered on his face. They both circle the table,  Jimin hopping up and sitting on the edge while Taehyung stands behind you. “What do you say, kitten? Are you ready for us?” Jimin asks, his fingers running over your sides. You nod, still a little uneasy about the situation, but you’re so worked up from Taehyung’s fingers earlier you need something. “Why don’t you go in first, Jimin? I’ll slide in after you. Let her get used to you first.” Taehyung mumbles into your neck, nipping lightly at the skin. Jimin grabs you by your hips, your legs straddling his on top of the table. His cock sits upright between your stomachs as his fingers quickly unbutton your shirt. His lips connect with yours in a heated kiss. You realize this is the first kiss this entire time, and you relish in the feeling. Jimin’s lips feel like absolute heaven, not even breaking apart as you shimmy off your shirt, Taehyung quickly fiddling with your bra and sliding it off. Jimin pulls away, causing you to whine. “Its alright,  kitten, you want another kiss?” He asks softly. You nod, pouting. “Aw, don’t worry, kitten. I’ll kiss you again soon. I just really need to be inside of you right now. It’s almost painful l how hard I am.” He says. Taehyung lifts your hips, hovering over Jimin. Jimin grips his cock, lining up with your entrance. He lowers you down, and your mouth hangs open at the feeling of being full. “Oh my god.” Jimin says softly, throwing his head back. “How does she feel, Chim?” Taehyung mumbles into your neck, his hot breath fanning over you. “So, so fucking good.” Jimin groans. “You think she’s good for me to slide in?” Taehyung asks. The words make you whimper, the idea of being stretched out even more both scaring and exciting you. “Its gonna be a tight fit, but go ahead.” Jimin says, lifting your hips until just his tip is still inside of you. “Hold onto me, kitten, its gonna get uncomfortable, but I promise it’ll feel good after a little bit.” Jimin says, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You do as he says, wrapping your arms around his neck and placing your hand on his shoulder. Taehyung’s hand rests on your waist above Jimin’s, and you can feel his tip at your entrance. They lower you slightly and you gasp loudly as he slides in next to Jimin, you holding onto Jimin tightly. “Sh, kitten it’s okay.” Jimin coes, turning his head to connect his lips with yours. It’s a deep kiss to distract you from the pain of Taehyung sliding all the way in, a deep groan escaping his lips. “Holy fuck.” He groans. He places hot kisses on your neck, both of then staying in place, allowing you to get used to having both of them so deep inside of you. After a while you feel the need to move, desperately wanting to be fucked. You lift your hips, causing all three of you to moan at the feeling, then lower yourself again. You keep moving your hips, going slightly faster each time. You lean back against Taehyung, your head resting on his shoulder as he nibbles on your neck, his hand playing with one of your breasts, tweaking your nipple. Your fingers tangle in Jimin’s hair as he takes your other nipple in his mouth, sucking and nipping at it as his thumb rubs circles over your clit, both of them simultaneously thrusting into you. The sensations are overwhelming, noises spilling out of your lips, not caring who can hear or even where you are. “You feel so fucking good, baby girl. So wet and tight. Do you like it, baby? Do you like Jimin and I stretching out your slutty little pussy?” Taehyung growls into your neck. “Y-yes!’ You moan. Taehyung’s fingers roughly pinch your nipple, causing you to gasp in pain. "Yes what?” He asks. “Yes sir!” You cry. “Good girl.” He growls before going back to sucking on your neck. You can feel the build up, Jimin’s thumb on your clit and both of them pounding into you causing it to approach rapidly. “D-Daddy, I need to-” You moan, causing Jimin to lift his head. “I know, kitten. We both know. God, we can feel you clenching around us. Tae, do you think she can cum now? I’m so close.” Jimin says. “Yeah, me too. Where should we cum, baby girl? Do you want us to cum in you or on you?” Taehyung asks. You remember that neither of them are wearing condoms and you stopped taking your birth control a few weeks ago. “O-on me, sir.” You reply. “Alright, we’ll hold it in so you can cum on our cocks.” Taehyung says. Jimin’s thumb rubs you faster, both of them pumping into your faster. Soon you’re falling apart on top of them, causing both of them to stop as you clench around them, Jimin’s thumb continuing to rub you to ride out your high. After you’re done they lift you quickly, pulling out entirely and placing you on your knees on the floor. You look up at both of them, ready for what they have to offer you. “Where, kitten?” Jimin asks, both of them pumping themselves over your body. “Anywhere.” You smirk. “Good. Open that pretty mouth.” He groans. You open your mouth, sticking your tongue out as both of them move closer. A few more pumps and they both let out deep groans, releasing mostly into your awaiting mouth, some getting on your cheeks and chin. Once their completely milked you close your mouth, them both watching you intently as you swallow every drop. You all sigh in exhaustion, you standing up with Jimin’s help. Taehyung holds your panties, kneeling down to help you into them, your legs too shaky to do it yourself. He pulls them all the way up, holding your waist and placing a kiss on your cheek before steeping away. Jimin holds onto you, helping you into a chair. You sit and watch as the get dressed back into their clothes, deciding to do the same. You reach for your bra and shirt, pulling them on and grabbing your skirt, standing up slowly and getting all fixed up. You look up to see Jimin in front of you. “You did so well, kitten. Probably the best we’ve ever had.” He smiles. “Would you want to do this again?” He asks, both him and Taehyung looking at you, their eyes full of hope. You smile and nod, the idea of having them inside of you again already turning you on again. “Perfect. We’ll let you know. Be ready for any time. You’re our toy now.” Taehyung smirks. “See you around, baby girl. Very soon.” He says, waving as he exits the room, Jimin following behind him, leaving you alone in the break room. “You’re late! What took you so long?” Namjoon asks, pulling you into the apartment. “I had to go home and shower, relax.” You sigh, rolling your eyes at him as you join the others in the living room. “Oh, I saw you with Jimin and Taehyung earlier.” Namjoon says, causing a shiver to shoot down your spine. “What, were you telling them how dorky they are to their faces?” He chuckles, sitting down next to him. “Those nerds? You actually talked to them? I’ve never met them, but from what you guys say about them I’d be too creeped out to even go near them.” Yoongi mumbles, grabbing a chip from the bowl on the table. “Yoongi! That’s rude!” Jin shouts, hitting him with a pillow. You can’t talk, your cheeks bright red. “They…they’re not as dorky as you think.” You mumble, looking at the ground. “Um, yes they are. You’ve seen them, Y/N. They’re super nerds.” Namjoon says. “No, that’s just them at the office. They don’t always looked like that.” You say, instantly regretting it, knowing you’ve said too much. “In the office? How do you know that they aren’t always nerdy? What, did you hang out with them?” Namjoon asks, looking at you intently. All eyes are on you, and you’ve never felt so embarrassed in your life. You were never good at hiding things, and they all knew it. “Holy fuck. I know what it is. She fucked one of them.” Yoongi shouts, pointing at you accusingly. “No way! She’d never do that! Y/N isn’t like that!” Jin shouts, hitting Yoongi again with a pillow. You curl up  into yourself, unable to answer. “No way.” Namjoon gasps. “Which one?” You can’t answer, only hiding even more. “Y/N, which one? As your boss I need to know this.” Namjoon says. “Why do you need to know? A boss doesn’t need to know that!” You cry, slapping his arm. “Ouch! Fine! As your friend I need to know!” He cries. You sigh deeply, gathering all of your courage to answer. “Both.” You say quietly. “Both? What, at the same time?” He asks, the others looking at you in shock. You nod slowly, burying your face in your hands. “When? Today? I didn’t see you guys leave the office though. You guys went into the-” he cuts himself off, his eyes wide. “Joon, what is it?” Jin asks, you scooting as far away from Namjoon as possible. “You fucked them in the break room? Where everyone eats lunch?” Namjoon screams. You don’t dare to look at him, the fear of his wrath terrifying you. “Well, I take back what I said. Y/N is a lot dirtier than we thought.” Jin sighs.  
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Part 7: An itch that can't be scratched
A collab with @aspaceformyself @aspaceformyselffics09
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What happens when you are at a point in your life where you need to change direction, but are uncertain of the road to take? Would you take a random road or would you wait for a sign? And what happens if at a bend of the path, you meet someone that seems at the same point as you, a traveller, needing the same change of direction as you? Would you choose to take that road together? What happens when you meet, at the crossroads?
WC: 2102
No specific warning. Just enjoy being in Joon's mind.
It’s been 12 hours since they have landed. All in all, the day was hectic but it was nothing Namjoon had not expected. Sitting at the desk of his hotel room, he pushed away the box of pizza from in front of him. For some reason, even with how physically draining and mentally tiring his day was, he’s not hungry at all. He saw the boys eat with appetite earlier and he pretended to be too busy to join them for diner. He’s been doing that for days now, ever since he went into a mental block, with his anxiety and his insecurities sitting like heavy weights on his shoulders. The truth is, they would have asked him questions about his recent loss of appetite, about his recent reserved nature. He’s pretty sure Jin noticed already, by the glares he served him along with the constant looks of concern directed towards him. Jin knew, he always knew it and figured him out even before he could figure it out himself. He thus didn’t believe his weak excuses and showed his disapproval to his leader by raising an eyebrow. Namjoon might be the leader but Jin is still the bigger brother and he took that role seriously. Namjoon is very grateful for that.
And this also explains why Namjoon is now sitting with the pizza gone cold in front of him showing no signs of touching it anytime soon. Sighing, he looks at the phone sitting on the far edge of his desk, reaches towards it and grabs it, taking it closer to him. He then slowly turns it around and looks at it from all its angles, carefully inspecting it.
How did he end up with Kwon Jiyong’s phone at the end of the evening? He was still confused how the mix up happened. He remembered clearly till the moment where Jiyong sunbaenim asked him to use his cell phone to take a picture of them both, is this the moment where their phones got swapped? They exchanged phone numbers, they took selfies together. It might have happened then, he might have given him the wrong phone. Or did it happen when they left their phones neglected on the table in front of them? He doesn't remember using his own cell after that moment, being rushed outside by the managers to catch their departed flight. He doesn’t see another explanation for this mistake. Now that he actually is looking at it, their phones look so alike, including, the colour, the display, the size, etc. No wonder the swap happened.
And as he continues to fiddle around with the phone, a familiar contact resurfaces on the contact list and a bright smile adores his face when he thinks about the conversation he had the night before with one of Jiyong’s friends. That was a strange, unusual name, perhaps a nickname. Miso was it? At least that's what the contact was saved as. At first, his thought was that she was crazy but he would be lying to himself if he says he didn’t find it amusing. She sure did have a fun and refreshing attitude. Can he call it that? Yes he can.
Although he knows he doesn’t have the right to do so, he couldn't resist the temptation and he opened the gallery, hoping to see a picture of that Miso girl. Man, Jiyong sunbaenim’s phone is totally unguarded. It made Namjoon chuckle slightly. There were so many folders in his gallery. Mostly of pictures, landscapes, urban scenery, paintings and anything that interested Ji. Or so he thought. He scrolled past the pictures wondering if there are any pictures related to the Miso girl. The only picture he saw so far was the one she had on as her display picture. She was quite cute he has to admit. And as he continued to scroll down, he found a few pictures. There was one with Ji smiling gleefully, leaning and resting his arm on her head while a big scowl was fixed on Miso’s face. The first thought that entered his mind was, “She’s tiny … tiny but pretty”. A small smile came across his face at that thought. And he giggled to himself. One thing was sure, she has some character! He really enjoyed the way she was answering his comments and his mocking remarks. It was entertaining!
She probably didn’t believe him when he revealed his name to her, as she hasn’t replied yet. How would she react, knowing she was fangirling over him, to him? Namjoon bets she’s the kind of girl, too stubborn to surrender even when the evidence is served to her, she would be too proud for that. He can totally imagine her like that. It’s either that or she’s too starstruck to react to his introduction. He can’t help but let a smirk plaster over his face. At the back of his mind, he was itching to talk to her again. Why? He doesn’t really know. But one thing was sure, she made him briefly forget his insecurities that night. She was like an escape route. If she’s not going to reply to him, he will try to catch her again later tonight.
As he was smiling wide, the phones started to buzz. Panicking, it slips from his hands. What’s happening? It’s not the first time Jiyong’s phone buzzed today, why is he so shocked now?
It was all so sudden that, the phone accidentally slipped from his hands and almost hit the floor. But Namjoon saved it in time. He was getting good at being clumsy. And as he flips it, he realizes that it was his own name with a text message that was displayed on the bright screen. He thought fast, it’s probably Jiyong sunbaenim. He opened the chat conversation:
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Relieved that his phone is in good hands, Namjoon puts Jiyong’s phone on the table, leans back in his chair and looks up at the ceiling while his mind drifts in and out of his thoughts. Sighing heavily, he closes his eyes as his fingers tap restlessly on the edge of the chair’s handle. He slowly begins to hum a tune.
“That’s it”, he thinks to himself and continues to hum. Maybe this is the way. To relax, to ease himself. That reminds him, he should have asked Jiyong how he managed to stay mentally stable as the leader of a successful group. Maybe he can help and give him some advice. Maybe one day, he will ask him, talk to him. After all he had a real nice time with him at the event.
He continues to hum the melody, motivated by the sudden inspiration. He even took some time to record a bit of it over his laptop. It wasn’t much, but a bit better compared to absolutely nothing. Regardless he was proud of himself. He doesn't push it when the inspiration leaves him as he stumbles over a mental block once again. He felt it on his skin. Call it weird but he did. He felt it literally leave his body almost like a coat that you suddenly take off your shoulders on a cold evening. But it’s okay, baby steps, he reminded himself. For now, that was enough. Whether it’s good enough or not comes later. Thus shutting off the bubble of self doubt simmering at the back of his head. The only thing he wants to focus on are the good things and be positive for that creative moment he had.
He finally stands up from the desk, grabs his towel and a few fresh clothes. Maybe a shower will refresh his mind. He then makes his way towards the bathroom and slips inside. That’s when he changes his mind. He deserves a good bath. So tonight that’s what he’s going to treat himself with. A long bath in warm water, some epsom salts for his sore muscles. It’s gonna be amazing!
Soon after the said deserved bath, Namjoon makes his way back to his room and settles down on the bed and opens the temporary phone he was given. He was then met with a flood of texts from Jin. Chuckling, he replies to them, telling him not to worry so much and that he’s okay for tonight. He then places the phone on his nightstand ready to sleep and call it a day. And before he could close his eyes, he found his gaze trailing towards Jiyong’s phone as if on auto pilot. There had been no messages since he last spoke to the owner himself. He stares at it for a while before he closes his eyes.
That’s when Jiyong’s phone buzzes once again. It was funny how quickly his hands flew towards the phone to grab it and look at it. It’s a text message from his mother. He doesn’t read it. Instead let’s it buzz a couple more times. But every time a buzz goes off, Namjoon finds himself constantly sneaking glances at the phone. What’s he hoping for? Why does he seem disappointed? Was it because he was expecting a message from a certain someone? He doesn’t even know her to be honest. He knows that the ideal thing for him to do right now is to turn the phone off. He really doesn’t need it after all. But another part of him, is just hoping to hear from her again.
Yes, that’s it. That must be it. He was even prepared to text her himself if she doesn’t. And suddenly, just like that as if the universe heard his wish, the phone on the table buzzed once more and the name flashing on the screen read, “Miso”.
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namjooncharms · 5 years
Destined ( 1 )
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( The Red String )
Pocket!Size Jimin x reader, soulmate au, ( slight supernatural au only mentions of it )
description: it's one thing being a fan of bts, but how does one cope being ones soulmate, when they've become a tiny version of themself
note: okay im doing it. I'm gonna do an AU to this where its the reader that’s pocket sized and that will be a bts x ot7 reader. 
~ 2 Months Ago ~
being an I Army is difficult. rarely the chance comes up that you get to do this because there were rarely concerts in your town or near your town. you’re staring at the computer screen seconds away from purchasing the tickets. your finger hovering over the purchase button, it wasn’t their first time in your country but it was the first time you were able to afford to go, you and Y/B/F/N had decided you were going to go more like you forced her, plus it was 2 months away anyway, and it was to enjoy yourselves instead of doing the same every weekend. and this weekend, and your love for BTS were getting the better of you. it popped up on the screen and you let out a small noise pressing the process button. and within minutes it had sold out BUT you had still managed to get your own ticket. two tickets. but yours mattered most.  screaming happily you rolled around on your bed until you had nearly fallen off.  
you had actually bought the tickets. you were going to finally get to a BTS concert. the last one before they went on a break. 
~ Now ~
the man looked over your ticket, nodding his head for you to enter and you did followed by your friend. she wasn’t as enthused as you were, having not been a fan at all but you had talked her into going by saying you’d buy her ticket. you walked in and you wet your lips as you looked around, smiling to yourself seeing all the other fans. as twenty minutes go buy and BTS are ready to come on stage to perform, the screaming all but stops when a man in a suit walks out instead.
he was talking but the screaming was so loud you could barely hear him, and before long BTS were on the stage, the screaming, if possible, had gotten louder. And there he was. Park Jimin, so real and so close to where you were. he was close to namjoon as they spoke out to the crowd and while one of the other members spoke, namjoon spotted you. you were too focused on jimin, your heart beating WILDLY in your chest, missing the fact that namjoon whispered it to him. and the young man’s head whipped around, turning and your eyes met. and it was like everything was right in the world, but also burning bright and clearly. but the eye contact was soon gone because your best friend has grabbed your attention and before long the concert began. 
after being home for no more than twenty minutes you close the door to your room over so your roommate won't bother you. usually he didn't but there were days when he did. you set your bag down gently on the edge of bed and you walk over to your desk. your throat hurts from all the screaming you’ve been doing, your mind can’t seem to get away from the eye contact and the burning you’d felt within yourself when your eyes had met jimin’s. you smile giddily to yourself and you let out a happy noise, quite content that even eye contact was everything. 
you were just about to sit on your chair when a very small “mmph” had been heard and you whirled around. your bag had fallen over almost towards the edge of the bed and a small blonde..person wait.. small blonde person? you slowly walked towards it as this.. tiny person stood up and brushed himself off. your feet had more or less taken you to the bed and you got down onto your floor and peered at him. he wasn’t looking at you yet, but he was looking around the room.
that was of course until he turned, and spotted you. a large grin curling his plump lips upwards. his smile, like you had seen so many before, always with his eyes, they were almost closed. “jimin?! park jimin?!!” you asked and he nodded. “hi!” he waved with both his hands, and he began speaking, quickly to you still smiling the only problem is, he’s speaking korean, and although you liked the music, and watched a few kdramas here and there, your korean wasn’t very good. you notice that the bottom of the sweater he was wearing more or less covering his hands all except his tiny... tinier fingers. you heart began pounding and you almost collapse onto the floor. “i’m.. i’m dreaming..”
jimin’s head, his tiny little head does a tilt to the side. like he doesn’t understand you either. this is going to be a serious problem. “joonie hyung saw the red string” he points at you and you frown, not understand. the only thing you did understand was joonie hyung.  “i..i’m sorry.. i don’t speak korean ... i’m so, so sorry.” you breathe and he smiled. this can’t be happening, it’s not happening. you’re dreaming, did you come home and pass out. to prove the theory you pinch your arm and let out a small whine when you don’t wake up. “it’s okay.” you hear him say and when you whine, jimin makes a face rubbing at his arm. 
jimin is now pouting up at you, his cheeks puffed and his lips puckered out. and he’s so cute this close up even as small being. a tiny crease between his eyebrows catches your attention and you can’t help but giggle. by god he’s adorable. you perch your face closer and jimin made a little gesture with his hands to show you the phone and you nod. you’re still unsure how this is happening. but it’s then that you actually realise. he’s tiny. “why are you tiny?” you asked and he looked up at you. “why... are... you... small?” you asked and you make gestures with your hands and he grins shrugging his shoulders. 
his tiny covered hands point to his chest and then to yours. which confused you but you set your phone on the bed and he begins reading out numbers for you to type out. which thankfully you understand at least. once you do you dial the number and a voice comes over the other end. one you recognise. “joon hyung!” jimin speaks and despite his situation, he smiled when he heard namjoon reply. “jiminie.” he sighed with relief. “are you okay?!” namjoon asked and jimin nodded, despite not being able to see him. “i’m okay hyung! i found her!” he grinned up at you, his eyes closing like they always do when he smiles.  you hear the sigh of relief. “we thought something had happened to you, jimin-ah!” it sounds like the other voice is scolding him. which is quite possibly the cutest thing you’ve ever seen and he looked up at you. 
 “ahh, well no not... not really hyung but she’s so beautiful up this close. but... she’s so big. tall. and i’m tiny, i don’t know what happened. i was heading out to get her, i was all covered up and i reached for her bag to get her attention and then... then... now i’m... now i’m small, ’m literally tiny.” he said and you wished you could understand him, understand everything he’s saying. but he’s still smiling at you so softly that you’re unsure if you’re imagining it or not. 
there’s a beat of silence. “tell her to bring you here to us, okay? come back here, jimin.” it’s an order but it’s not said to be rude or demanding in any way, they’re all just worried about him.  “she can’t understand me, hyung. she doesn’t talk korean!” he said and he sighed, hearing namjoon sigh in response. “excuse me... miss?” his voice caught your attention and you look down at the phone and then at jimin and then at the phone again once he pointed. “uh... yes?” you ask. “can you... bring jimin to the hotel please. please keep him safe, i don’t know what’s happening but... please. “ the voice said. “namjoon? kim namjoon?” you asked breathless and jimin nodded eagerly. “i’ll bring him. but what.. what hotel?”
silently promising that you will in fact, keep him safe. because you want to protect this tiny little thing. “i’ll keep him safe.” you finally say and jimin beams at you again. the name is quickly spoken and you’re given a number and pass code to get in. you lift jimin up and place him in your pocket because when you try to put him in your bag, he whined out. speaking english for the first time since you’d met the tiny version of your bias.  you let out a small breath watching him pop out every now again. the blonde tuff that verges out of your pocket always catches your attention until you reach the hotel.
once you’re clarified to go up, you do but your breathing spikes and jimin looked up at you. a smile securely on his face and you knocked on the door. you couldn’t believe this was happening, park jimin... your bias, was tiny, in your pocket close to your heart and you were standing outside BTS’ hotel room door. the door opened revealing the leader who you had talked to maybe an hour or so before. “hyung!” jimin’s small voice came from your pocket and you looked down at him and then up at namjoon, he cursed in korean then in english. “shit.”  when he spotted his tiny friend. then he looked at you, and  smiled at you and moved to allow you to enter.
jimin tugged at your pocket and you looked down at him, “out... can..i get out ?” he asked and you nodded your head at him, carefully lifting the tiny being from your pocket and holding him securely in the palm of your hand. you turned to look at namjoon. “it’s.. nice to meet you, except from the circumstances of course. come through. everybody’s waiting.” he said and he led you through, still holding a now sitting jimin in your palm. you walk further into the room and are now surrounded by BTS. and that’s it. you think, you’ve died.
because this can’t possibly be real.
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boymeetsweevil · 7 years
BTS as (weird) babies in your daycare
Kim Seokjin
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The oldest of the bunch
brings two designer brand lunchboxes in to school
his lunches cost more than yours do
he eats all his food and then will go around the lunch table asking the others for small bites of their meal and they usually give in to him because he shouts “but we’re BROTHERS >:O” if they say no the first time around
the one that likes to take you by the hand while you’re in the middle of paperwork or something and bring you to see that castle he was working on
you compliment him on it and then you’re dismissed like:
“Wow jin that’s a great castle you did a great job stacking the blocks”
“Thank you teacher can you leave now?”
And you go back to your paperwork feeling kind of small before you remember that you are more than a decade older than the tiny child that sent you away
not the bossiest child (that’s jimin) but is a close second
is the most catalogue looking child you’ve ever seen
when you’re bored in the classroom during naptime and you play with your phone, he’s the one who only slept for 20 minutes
he then proceeds to come over and sit in your lap for a chance to play with your phone
You open up snapchat and play with the filters with him in the dimmed playroom and listen to his little chime-like giggles
his selfies are 80x cuter than yours before the filters and when the little dog ears come out to play you have no chance
Always brags about his older brother being able to use shoes “with no velcRO and long LONG lOng stringlaces” (=shoelaces)
hoseok always yells back that there’s no such thing as shoes without velcro “unless youre a growned-up and your hyung isn’t a growned-up i saw him at the park hes just a kid too!!”
Always brings in crafts that he made with his au pair for the class
currently has an obsession with hearts so he has been bringing in crudely cut heart shaped cut outs with scribbly stick figures on them
everyone got one, even you
he also made sure to draw himself into everyone’s heart as well
in the one he made for you its clear he drew himself first because he’s normal sized and you’re gigantic and bending horrifically around the edge of the heart because he didn’t plan the spacing well 
Also brings in the best group snacks when its a holiday or his birthday
cries when you tell him its not okay to sit on the other boys when they bother him
Always wants to be your helper and repeat what you just said to the class like he’s your assistant he is SUCH a teacher’s pet
“can i be teacher jinnie?”
“ummmmmm...not right now, maybe later okay?”
“oh...When im bigger???”
“uh Yes! when youre bigger”
“okay....Teacher im bigger now”
gives you wet cheek kisses :’)
He has the CUTEST laugh and when he laughs you laugh because its one of those rolling baby laughs that just doesn’t stop and you find yourself chasing him around the playroom to hear his giggle even though your feet hurt
drinks more milk than anyone in the class
as a result he has the NASTIEST farts
Min Yoongi
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The one who has been coming the longest but still takes a good 45 minutes to stop sulking after being dropped off before he’s in the mood to play
will legit stand by the window to watch his mom drop him off every fucking morning like he doesn’t know where she’s going and if she’s coming back
when you come over to see if he’ll play with the other kids, he just turns and pouts at you and whines a little and turns back to the window
When he’s not in a funk though he is the most mature kiddo
Plays the best by himself, and is very simply entertained
brought in some homemade maracas for his show and tell day
it was literally just a recycled cardboard container with dried beans in it that he had scribbled all over with 40 different markers
keeps calling it “makaka”, you try not to laugh you fail
he just sat on the edge of the rug in the playroom and shook the box of beans softly to himself for an hour
when the shaking stopped you came over to see if he was alright and you realize he fell asleep
is surprisingly chatty
probably has the best vocabulary or is tied with joon
but also probably ahead of joon in terms of working vocab because while joon knows how to use “extraordinary” he also can’t grasp what the slide is called and yoongi has him beat there
sometimes will ask if he can start nap time early and drags the pillow and blanket the parents bring in from home up to your desk to make a more convincing argument
is always patient zero and gets fevers really easliy
when that happens you have to carry him around while you putter through the classroom and rub his back while he sleeps it off
you have to shush the other kids while he sleeps because theyre always so loud when they ask “Is Yoongi SICK???? :(”
he sleeps in your lap during nap time on those days and you stroke his fat fever-rosy cheeks when he whines in his sleep from the heat
cries whenever taehyung says his drawings are ugly
but they are, especially if he draws you 
theres always this weird expression on your face and sometimes you think about it when youre up late at night and then you cant sleep
is full of full facts about insects because his dad reads about them before bed
and is apparently always at the library
you saw him there once and he almost exploded because what are you doing outside the school
“teacher what are you going here”
“i came to get some books just like you”
“but i thought you couldn’t leave the school”
“i can leave the school...”
“wont you get a time out?”
“um no sweetie”
Yoongi has a huge sweet tooth and gets super excited on fridays when his mom packs him like chocolate milk or something 
can never open the little carton so he brings it to you and just vibrate next to you until you poke the straw in
pretty sure you saw his eyes roll into the back of his head once while drinking it
has fallen asleep with the carton in his hands on multiple occasions
when you bring your guitar in for music days he sits at the front and listens SUPER intently and always tries to come over and touch it while you’re playing so have to be like
“yoongi, sweetie, please sit down”
“um okay. teacher ? im gonna play the giddar too okay?”
“while I’m playing it?”
“Yeah :)”
“no yoongi.”
“Okay...teacher?” REPEAT 1-6
Jung Hoseok
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This kid is all over the place oh my god
srsly he is always tripping on shit because he is always running
and his jeans are a little too long because they're hand me downs from his sister and he refuses to let his dad put a belt on him in the morning
loves to hold hands but his hands are always so so so sticky
like wtf
he will want to hold your hand during walking field trips and you want to just yank your hand away and wipe it on your jeans and douse it in hot water but you don’t because he loves to hold hands and his hand is small and soft and warm and you don’t want to hurt his feelings :’(
you compromise by helping him when he’s at the sink and make sure he uses soap
probably the one who won’t stop putting his hands down his pullups
not in a weird way but in that way where kids will develop some weird habit/quirk that they do on autopilot for comfort
He probably tests your patience the most because is also: THE LOUDEST
he is that kid that screams bloody fucking murder when you turn the lights off for naptime,  every day :)
but not to be funny because he’s scared of the dark
he was originally placed somewhere else but he kept getting up in the middle of nap time to drag his blanket and pillow over to you to sleep nearby
when you asked him what he was doing he said that he sleeps near his big sister when he gets scared and you have to bite your knuckle not to cry when you realize he counts you too
Speaking of big sister, dawon goes to the day care for older kids on the floor above ur classroom
sometimes the teacher upstairs will let her come down to say hi
she stands by the doorway and watches him play with stuffed animals for a few minutes before going “hooooooobiiiiiiiiiii” and he drops everything to run over and she pets his hair and asks if he’s being good in that way where you can tell kids are parroting some random adult 
tbh this is your least favorite time of the day because he always wails because she can’t stay but he really misses his big sis and makes you tear up a little too
Sometimes another teacher will come in for “Body Time” and does yoga stretches with the kids
hobi is such a whiz at body time and always does the stretches with a surprising amount of control
its probably his second favorite thing next to running in literal circles in the tall grass during outside time in the spring
He’s a bit of a perfectionist because if you move his dominoes out of the little rows he made, even by just a fraction of a millimeter he. will. lose it.
Also won’t eat food that touches or crusts of bread or fruit skins
but he will eat orange slices without fail as long as you “make them into pieces first teacher :’(”
always gets stung by bees?????
because: yoongi likes bees a lot, he thinks theyre cute and interesting and he always takes hoseok by the hand to the nearest hive to tell him facts and point at things with a pudgy finger
but you’ve told the kids time and time again not to go near beehives but yoongi loves bees too much and hobi startles easily and either jostles the hive or pisses off a nearby bee
Kim Namjoon
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Is the only one that can read
you were super shocked when you came over to him one day looking intensely at a book and he was confused and you were like
“what’s the matter, joonie”
“i can’t find the kittens in the picture”
“What kittens” and you read the little blurb on the page and see the word mittens and you’re like oh shit he can kinda read
so now you make sure he reads a different book from the bookshelf each day
jimin is always demanding to be read to and joon is happy to do it even when jimin switches pages on him in the middle of the book or asks to start over or start another book
Has those little baby glasses that tie behind his head so he can see
he always drops them though because he fiddles with the tie in the back and they get too loose throughout the day
He’s one of the more affectionate kids in class and will cling to your leg when he’s having a rough day
doesn’t want you to pick him up unless you’re sitting because he’s scared of heights
will sit on your lap any time its free though
often competes for lap space with kookie and often loses because kookie runs faster or joon will fall because this is joon we’re talking about
hes a good sport about it and stands next to you and asks kookie when his turn is next very sweetly
No surprise but namjoonie is always falling
but he never gets majorly hurt
maybe he scrapes a knee or a hand or something minor
he doesn’t cry much either hes a tough cookie!!
he’ll tell you a fact about prehistoric jellyfish with a wavering voice and watery eyes while you put his bandaid on
Baby Joon LOVES LVOES LVOES apple sauce
he cannot get enough of it and MANY of the stains on his little cords (his favorite clothing item) are apple sauce stains
Namjoon is sadly that kid that will eat anything though so you’re constantly watching him to make sure he doesn’t eat anything deadly
when he’s being too quiet or still in the corner of your vision you walk up quietly behind him and just stick a hand out and he spits whatever it is into the napkin in your palm with a goofy smile
eats his boogers probly :(
Joons mom always brings little treats for you because she was worreid that he would be bullied or isolated when she first enrolled him in the class but he’s doing well and she’s glad for the atmosphere you’ve set up
sometimes she sends him in with your treat if she’s too busy in the morning so he’ll totter in with his glasses and what looks like some homemade cake and your can’t help but scoop him up and plant a kiss on his cheek and tell him to tell his mom thank you
his best friend is probably jin because jin knows the alphabet and appreciates namjoon’s knowledge
jin helps joon get over his fear of the swings, but he’s still scared of heights i assure you he will start to wail if you take his feet too high off the ground
cries when he spills his apple sauce which is often but he always has a spare
 but! you’re not sure if his mom packs it because he loves it so much or because he’s bound to drop one
Park Jimin
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When he first came in to school you gasped because those cheeks were a gift from above and the little always-there pout was so cute
he lives for praise, he is such a ham and he loves the way the old ladies at the front desk always try to bribe him with candy for a cheek pinch
he’s a shrewd little business man and won’t let anyone touch his cheeks for less than 2 soft caramels
Park Jimin is as bossy as they come
but everyone in the classroom has no problem with it except maybe you sometimes
he is always going “Teacher! Come here!” from somewhere in the room and you always have to go “You want to try that again, Park Jimin?” and he goes “Teacher! PWEASE come here!” and ur like...ok
Fairly independent
his dad assured you he knows how to cut with regular scissors but jimin continues to use the kiddie scissors and then act like he can’t do it and blink up at you for help
he just wants you to watch him do it
can also put on his own snowsuit without help but still wants you to do it for him because he LIVES for the personal attention
Is a tiny bit violent?
will yell really loud if you take his truck or his dino dolly
or if you make him try to take off his favorite faux cowhide sweater when its time to paint
never hits/kicks/bites tho
the one time it looked like he might hit jungkook you were there in an instant to pull him away and give him a calm and quiet but stern lecture about why his hands are not for hitting or hurting
he had frustrated tears welling up in his eyes when you brought him back to JK and had him use his words
“Kookie, I dont like when you take my toys when im still playin wif dem”
JK: *is preverbal*
and you pry the toy out of jungkook’s freakishly strong baby grip and return it to jk
Jimin’s best friend is probably tae
their moms are friends and they regularly have play dates at each other’s houses
sometimes they come in together in the mornings if one mom is busier than the other
they sleep next to each other during nap time
Chim cries when he can’t sit next to tae during snack time
Has a very adult palate for a baby
i.e. he loves vegetables
is kind of nosy and will come over to your desk when you open your lunch bag and ask to see the vegetables
you make sure to always pack a veggie because the one time you didn’t his eyes widened and he said “mama says you die if you dont eat no veg-ables”
asks if everything is a “veg-able”
jimin: *points to sandwich* veg-able?
you: no
jimin: *points to kimbap/turkey leg/piece of cake/bag of chips/an apple* veg-able?
if you did bring a veggie that he doesn’t already have in his lunch, he’ll ask for a bite
normally you have to tell kids no when they ask for your food because you’d end up with everyone asking for a bite and no lunch, but no one else likes veggies in the class. 
so sometimes you slip a sliced cucumber to him and he holds it in two hands and runs back to his spot to eat it and then comes back like an outdoor cat looking for more food
Has a lovely singing voice
its high and pretty, kind of angelic and he tells you that he sings for his grandma a lot
you praise his singing so naturally he loves music day too and if you sing a song he sings with his mom at home he gets so excited
yoongi is enthralled when jimin knows the words to a “teacher song” before its been taught to the class
Kim Taehyung
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idk why this is so pertinent to my idealization of him as a child BUT: Has the biggest head out of anyone in the classroom sorry
is so so so cute, might even be your favorite..
he’s super agreeable
loves to cuddle, eat all his food in his little stackable lunch containers, naps well, plays nicely with others, listens pretty well
he always pees himself :(
and you don’t understand it because his dad came in and bragged about how much of a big boi his son is at home in the bathroom using the toilet but at school? NOPE
he has like 8 changes on clothes for this reason
you can always tells when he’s about to pee himself because
he stands in the middle of the room and just goes “sorry teacher” really softly
your heart breaks when you hear how sad he is that he wet himself but you’re also a little irate because you’re convinced no one deals with as much pee as you do
you give him the talk every time which consists of your wriggling him into some ridiculous pink overalls while trying to make eye contact with him so you can tell him that when he feels like he has to go, he can just go to the potty
Tae carries a blanket around at all times!!!!!
he takes it everywhere with him and uses a different one to cover him up during nap time.
cries on the days that his dad drops him off without it because it has to be washed
the blanket was purple at one point but now it is straight up grey-brown
is surprisingly good at walking/running with it and not tripping on it
Jimin  started calling him tata
so now everyone calls him tata
Is probably the class sweetheart as well
when he’s out sick, literally everyone goes “where’s tata” at random times of the day even though you went over who was “at school” and who was “at home” and said he was at home
tae is so so so so good at drawing its crazy
hes way above his age grade in terms of drawing BUT he has a little trouble getting a pencil into his grip 
so you have to help him finagle it into his little hand but once he does WOOO here comes a dragon with you on its back holding a big ol sword
Is that one kid who manages to run around naked the most
its probably because you’re always in the middle of changing him when someone else distracts you and you turn around and all of the sudden he’s naked as the day he was born from the belly button and waddling back to where jimin is playing with flubber on the rug
you have to run over and scoop him up but also hold him at arms length because hello? pee?
he thinks this is hilarious and flaps his arms like hes flying
Everyone kisses tae
like when the kids get to that stage where they all try to kiss each other because their parents probably kiss them and they're like imitating their parents
everyone goes for tae
he takes it like a champ
but his face is probably v sticky after wards so you pull him over and take a wet wipe to his face
might ask you for a kiss and you place one on his LARGE forehead lol
His grandma comes in often with dolls she made for the class
tae shows them off proudly during his show and tell days and makes sure everyone plays nicely with them or theyll break because theyre normally made from soft yarn
He has a major thing for stickers and is always asking you for stickers to adorn his whole body with 
you are constantly telling him to take stickers off his face and sometimes he puts them on his eyebrow and you sigh because crying is inevitable at that point
you have limited him to 3 stickers on any given day and they go on a piece of paper labeled “Taehyung’s Tata’s stickers”
was mad when you tried to write his full name on the paper because he is tata at school >: (
Jeon Jungkook
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the youngest! a true baby
when he first came to the classroom he was right in the middle in terms of age so like he technically aged out of the nursery down the hall but he wasn’t at the normal age minimum to enter your classroom and you were like Ummmmm i guess he can come? because you didn’t have very many kids so what’s one more right?
Started walking and running in the same day during his first week at the classroom!!!
you were worried he’d be too small to keep up with the other kids and might be hurt with their type of play but nope
he was constantly crawling after them trying to keep up until one day he just...stood up and you were like omg and pulled your phone up
when his parents came to pick him up you showed them the video and his dad cried
Now he’s the fastest runner in the class
he doesn’t really talk yet
hes still preverbal but you can tell he gets whats going on around him
the others are good about it
although you did have to have a day where you addressed the question they kept asking you
“Why doesn’t kookie have words?”
“he’s too little. but he’ll talk when he’s ready”
it was a short talk
He knows two words
no and something that is the approximation of hyung but you’re not certain
if he wants your specific attention he just goes “AH” really loud
says no to everything even when he means yes
this means that when you ask him if he wants to eat snack he says no and then cries when you put his lunchbox away thinking he may actually not be hungry
despite being the best at toddling, he always wants to picked up
he is such a teacher’s pet its crazy
its probably the one piece of evidence that he is the least mature of the group
and also because he misses the presence of his mom
he will settle for sitting in your lap when you’re at your desk
or when you’re trying to read to the group during “carpet reading time”
he will try to turn the pages for you but it took him a while to realize you weren’t always done reading when he turned a page and you’d have to fight him to turn the page back so you could finish
now he waits for you to say “you can turn the page now kook”
He is so so so shy omg
if a teacher from another classroom comes by to borrow something, they naturally try to come over and say hi to the one kid who you’re carrying on your hip or sitting in your lap and he just turns and smushes his face into your armpit until he suspects they’ve left
he does, however, have a weird obsession with the handyman that comes in to repair that one tricky light in the back of the art closet
kook will stare at him until he leaves and its cute because he’ll leave your lap or whine to be put down and toddle over to watch him work from a “reasonable distance”
the repairman is kind of gruff looking but he always turns and spots kook watching him like 8^O and will snort
one time he handed kook a rubber band that he had in his breast pocket and kook kept it clutched in his little hand all day
actually waves goodbye when he leaves its so precious
Kook is very sensitive to touch and stuff
so in the winter when he has to wear layers he cries a lot if the t-shirt under his sweater bunches up the wrong way
like he’s so finicky about tactile stuff
he can’t have bare feet ever
wears slippers all year, even in the summer
also cries if the classroom gets too loud and covers his ears
you think maybe he may have some sort of sensory sensitivity
won’t eat the bananas in his lunch unless you mash them with a fork for him
cried when you cut open a pumpkin to show the kids the seeds inside and later roast them because the smell was too strong for him
you had to put a tiny face mask on him to get him to calm down and he resembled a ninja turtle the whole day
He loves hobi very much and is always super giggly when hobi pays extra attention to him
always follows him around and is constantly bumping his nose on hobi’s back because he follows him THAT CLOSELY
always fights with jin
meaning he constantly swipes toys out of his hands and then sometimes gets sat on as punishment and cries until you heft jin off him
you don’t know why they always fight
is so good at hidden item picture books like Ispy
you will zoom through them because he finds everything immediately and you wonder if maybe hes a genius
you had a hunch one day and put him down in front of a 400 piece puzzle and he did a surprisingly good chunk of it in the span of the school day and went straight to it the next day
I was trying so hard to write this and couldnt think of anything and then i remembered yesterday that my friemd Worked in a daycare for the last three years??? so a lot of this is real life stuff which is funny but also really extra
all pics are from weheartit...
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shytiff · 4 years
Small September Wins
1 - its JK's birthday, and BTS also got #1 Billboard 🥺 and then dave uploaded a video of him shaving his eyebrows. Somehow theres a lot of stuff happening as Sept starters! I hope all goes well in this month. Aamiin. DL, 6P
2 - DL, e (exercise), finished to 4 padi (took a while, but i still try to be proud), watched in the soop ep 2 yay!!!
3 - DL, e, edited 3 articles, 5P. Drank janjiw’s hazelnut latte and im still not sleepy (its currently 11 pm). like usually bcs i dont move a lot and its a boring routine day to day, im not 100% “awake”. most of the time im running on probably 90-95%, like there’s still that feel of tiredness looming behind, a slight feel on the head. (except after exercise or freshly woken up and bathed) but after coffee, my head doesnt feel the usual tiiiny weight, my eyes somehow feel like they’re fully open lmao. i see the bed and im not even thinking abt laying down and sleeping. my head feels clearer, if that makes sense. is this how other ppl feel all the time? but i feel sbux’s coffee doesnt quite have the “effect” on me like janjiw do. maybe bcs it’s arabica vs robusta. and today my back feels somewhat strong and not tired!! my legs were sore from yesterday but i can sit and do stuff for a while and not feel like ugh on my back
4 - DL, edited 1 article, MPI briefing
5 - DL, planned to run and i even changed but the weather turns SUNNY all of the sudden, and when i change back into normal clothing the suns gone lmao, watched parasite (and afterwards seeing the posters and tidbits about it), ordered damm eat (quite good, but the butter rice was a bit lacking), attended ma 50th anniv on zoom and wadah gerabah (kdm's seminar on financial planning)
6 - DL, e, 2P, ordered koper bebek pak boss (kgn!!! Taste good and oily as always just the way i like it), finished listening to Tentang Anak: Montessori just bcs i was curious
7 - DL, 2K (kompre lisan kak shela), A, the lecture was all day long so its a great distraction while im fasting, the dinner was spicy chicken so i was chugging a lot of water and my stomach was half water half food
8 - DL, D (Dhuha), 15K
9 - DL, 5K, met up with atikah and lau @ mcd citra 7, talked about coding design and branding (a refreshment from medschool vibezz), did delirium ppt for thursday submission (amazed i didnt do it 2 hrs before deadline)
10 - DL, pelatihan apd, google meets with shiko to do delirium ppt, edited 2 articles
11 - DL, E, 8K, wow nemos first webinar is finally published
12 - DL, e, joons birthday!!!!, eidcp (shock and pain), in the soop 4, mpi briefing, played among us with shiko
13 - DL, 20K, 3IKK (Cicil soal DK IKK)
14 - nugas EA bersama manusia2 terstruktur dan rapih anti deadliner club im like wow so this is how other rotations work? lmaooo
15 - DL, did KMKP QA together with B9, cicil DK IKK but my progress was sooo slow, slept in early even though i dont deserve it since i can feel the looming fatigue
16 - DL, lazed around the first half of the day wtf tif ingat kompre :((((, read kak diptas note on acls but i forgot it already (its only been a couple hrs) fkdigital obesity, did DT EA
17 - ask something for the first time in mpi class by my own will lmao. Todays class was very spontaneous. Listed sponsors contacts. DL, 3k
18 - DL, sent soal pld to alya, qc soal pld, finished ppt 1 hr before discussion, slept in until 9 am, my mood feels better after playing among us and werewolf with candra jiwa. i was alive until the very last seconds until i finally died and the evil won. i for sure CANNOT be a detective. Played until 12 am. my sour soul was cheered up, so glad i joined
19 - DT resume submission while lying in bed, kompre briefing, in the soop 5 while exercising (Emi Wong, standing HIIT), rapat sponsor nemo, read PPK Primer, diskusi asinkronus, my will to do things deteriorated again
20 - DL, hamstring and glutes sore af, 4IKK, read some PPK Primer, played among us with dajen and anak merpati, group call w shiko
21 - DL, did geriatri assignment, cicil ikk (even though turned out i did the wrong questions ffffffff), cbl at night from 19:30-21:00. Tried indomaret point's baper coffee and it did make me focus more on my laptop and deadlines to catch. Bts tiny desk concert omg!!!
22 - DL, cicil IKK as always~ geriatri discussion, drank indomaret points caramel latte and studied a bit for kompre. Somehow my stomach is less bloated when i drink coffee the night before :/
23 - DL, 1A, kompre study, dk ikk 17:00, coffee (palm sugar, indomaret point). Im not drowning in assignment... Yet
24 - DL, EA task training and simulation, cbl from 13:00-17:00 powered by sbux vanilla latte, passed out until 20:00, ate sum food, did DT
25 - wtf its friday already?!, DL, task training, spontaneous J-2 announced meeting with dr Dyah, tried ara's cake, rapat nemo and sponsor nemo, caramel macchiato~, ICORPS RSUI, cicil ikk terosss
26 - DL, have no will to do stuff, read some bitly kompre, ordered burgushi chicken mentai, cicil IKK
27 - 1A, alhamdulillahh finished reflection after a lot of stumped moments, it literally took me a day to make wtf. Its only 2 pages. And thats about it lmaooo. Played among us with solid
28 - DL, 1A, woke up at 11 am lmao, horein sam, cicil dk ikk, group call shiko. Didnt do a lot od things today but my mood is definitely better
29 - DL, will sleep at about 11 pm ish (slept through prof men’s lecture huhu) --> after posting this played my phone and slept at 12, anamnesis practice with ness ren, finished tugas harian geri
30 - DL, anam geri, finished status, and then did nothing else except reading painter of the night :(((( i didnt even do ikk. I got no fighting spirit today
0 notes
jikook-kills-me · 6 years
It Leads to You (Jikook-fanfic)
I’ve noticed that the previous chapter are missing and no longer accessible on tumblr. So if anyone wants to read them they can read them here for the time being. Till I fix the problem. 
Chapter 12
“Joon what are you saying? Please say that you are joking that it’s not true” Jin sobbed wiping the tears that were steadily leaking out of his eyes
“I wish I could hyung.” Namjoon replied his face hidden in his hands shoulders slumped like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.
“Joon, then Jimin….? Jin trailed off. He took hold of Namjoon shaking him. “What would happen to Jimin then?”
“You already know.” Namjoon slumped like the life was sucked out of him.
“I won’t let the history repeat itself. I won’t let it. Do you hear me?” He shouted his voice cracking.
“Hyung....hyung calm down. You won’t be of any help in this state.” Namjoon hugged Jin trying to calm his boyfriend soothing his emotions through his mind.
“Joon you don’t understand, Tae…he will lose his shit if he lost Jimin.” Jin suddenly whispered sounding calmer than before.
Namjoon let go of Jin looking at him in disbelief. “Is that what you are worried about? Of Tae losing his bond mate and channelor?”
“Ofcourse not!” Jin said offended. “Do you think that lowly of me? I don’t care about that Joon, what I meant was Jimin as a person.” Jin sighed.
“I think we all would. Lose our shit I mean.” Namjoon murmured embracing Jin again.
“He doesn’t deserve this. Why is this happening to him of all people? Was losing his parents not enough? Being a bond-mate and a channelor at the same time wasn’t that enough? Why a past life’s mistake haunting him even in this life? Wasn’t losing his life once retribution enough?” Jin sobbed against his boyfriend’s chest who in turn tightened his arms around him trying to hold him together.
“Jin love is not a punishment. It’s something to be celebrated.” Namjoon said rubbing a hand down his back.
“You can’t blame me if I think of it as a curse for them right now.” Jin sulked.
After sometime they let go of each other. Namjoon sat down on his abandoned chair with Jin taking the one beside it.
“But seriously, what are we going to do about it? If we can just stop them from falling for each other…” Jin was cut off mid-sentence.
“We can’t. You know there are millions of spells to make people fall in love but there isn’t a single one out there that can make them fall out of love.” Namjoon said giving Jin a look.
“Fine.” Jin huffed. “Then we can keep them apart. Stop them from meeting.” He suggested.
“That won’t work either. I told you their souls are synched, nothing in this world can keep them apart. Just think of their first meeting. What’s the likelihood of meeting in an alley? But they did. No charms, repelling spells or intervening friends can pull them apart if fate wants them together.” Namjoon said as he drew a pattern on the table with his fingers unable to look Jin in the eyes.
“Then what are we going to do Joon-ah? I don’t want to lose Jimin, hell I don’t think I can lose Jungkook either.” Jin said dejected.
“Right now, all we can do is support them and when the time comes we have to be the ones to protect them and hide this from the council.” Namjoon looked Jin in the eyes as he said this determination shining through.
“Never in my life I thought you would go against the council.” Jin said and it was obvious he was surprised because who wouldn’t. It was Namjoon they were talking about; the youngest person to ever be a guardian, the perfect role model the council’s very own prodigy child and he was the one talking about opposing them. The world must be coming to an end
“Well you have to if it’s your kid who’s in danger.” Namjoon said amusement lacing his word. He expected the smack on his shoulder and the windshield laugh that followed.
“I told you I was drunk when I said that.” Jin said covering his face.
“Well I wouldn’t mind adopting Jimin as a son or having a kid, if it’s with you.” Namjoon said softly making Jin smile,
“I wouldn’t either.” With that he closed the distance between them pecking his lips once twice until Namjoon took control pressing their lips in a kiss so deep that it made Jin’s toes curl.
“Well, all that worry for nothing.” Jimin said as he stretched on the couch.  “All we have to do is to not fall in love and voila we have a happy Jimin. No dreams, no restlessness and no stress.”
Jimin and Tae were back at their apartment after meeting with Namjoon at the archive. Jungkook took off soon after they returned with the excuse that he had an assignment to finish which Tae was sure was just that an excuse. Tae always told people that he had eyes this big for a reason, he never misses anything. Maybe that’s why Tae saw what nobody else did; The hopelessness in Jungkook’s eyes and the dejection on his face. He was sure this turn of events affected Jungkook more than it did Jimin. Jimin was happy and he couldn’t blame him but seeing Jungkook sad was also not what he wanted.
“What about Jungkook?” Taehyung couldn’t help but ask.
“What about him?” Jimin turned towards him sitting up in the process.
“Where does he stand in this ‘happy Jimin’ life?” He frowned.
“He is my friend Tae so obviously, he is still going to be a part of my life. Nothing in the law forbids befriending a mortal anyway.” He said flopping back on the couch.
“Hmm. I thought you are going to kick him out now that everything is resolved.” Tae said sitting by Jimin’s legs on the couch who in turn utilized the same legs kicking him off it.
“What did I do?” Tae whined.
“I am not that heartless. Besides I like Jungkookie...” At Tae’s suggestive look he yelled “…as a friend you pervert.” He tried to kick him again but Tae caught his foot and pulled him down.
They lay panting on the floor after the childish-but using their magic-pillow fight they had obvious by the feathers covering the once clean floor. Taehyung looked at Jimin and asked. “You know the law only forbids you from falling not him right? What if he does?”
“There is no way a guy like Jungkook is going to fall for someone like me Tae.” Jimin continued before Tae could interrupt. “And no, it’s not because I think of myself not up to par or him being out of my league.”
“Then?” Tae asked wrapping his arms around his best friend.
“It’s because Jungkook is not someone who jumps headfirst, he thinks and then does. He won’t fall for someone when he knows there is a dead-end that the feelings won’t be reciprocated. He won’t hurt himself like that.” Jimin answered as he buried his nose in Tae’s hair.
“But what if he does? Fall I mean.” Tae asked.
“Then I just have to turn him down.” Jimin murmured with no hesitation whatsoever.
“Ouch.” Tae whispered.
Jimin smacked the back of his head. “What’s gotten into you idiot? It’s not like he actually was falling for me or something.”
“Right.” Tae chuckled. If only you knew Jimin.
Fuck! Why do I feel so empty?
Jungkook was lying on his bed books long forgotten on his desk. It’s not like he was able to focus in the first place or had anything to study for. He just needed a distraction, anything to take his mind off the person who was unknowingly clinging to every thought that was important enough to make it to his cerebrum. The distraction tactic didn’t work, well when had it ever? When it comes to Jimin its like Jungkook’s mind has a sensor that gets triggered over miniscule things that remind it of him chanting ‘Think about me, think about me’.
Jungkook sighed. No matter how hard he tried-and he had been trying for the better part of the day-his thoughts just keep going back to Namjoon’s words. Jimin’s reaction flashing in front of him whenever he closed his eyes. It’s not like he had any expectations or had any deep-seated feelings that got crushed in process of uncovering the truth. Then why was there this ache in his chest? Why was he feeling so empty like he lost the purpose of his life? It’s strange because his life purpose is not tied to a person, is it?
Jungkook sat up, he just couldn’t get a better handle on his feelings which come to think of it wasn’t what he was musing about in the first place. When did, his feelings get in the middle of this mess? He was worried about Jimin occupying his mind and now he had to worry about his feelings overshadowing everything. Was he hurt? Maybe, if the throbbing in his chest and the tears prickling his eyes were anything to go by. But why? When did he start tearing up?
Hell Jungkook! Get a hold on yourself.
Jungkook wiped the tears that managed to escape his closed lids. Park Jimin why am I always crying over you? He chuckled.
He stood up and went to the window sliding it open and feeling the light breeze on his face. It reminded of the dream-no memory where he was chasing Jimin in that cherry blossom field. Jimin. Why does his thoughts keep coming back to him? His thoughts keep going round and round.
Jimin clearly said that there was no chance of them being a thing, of him ever falling for Jungkook. Which made him think, was he hoping for him to? He knew he had a teeny tiny crush on him but then why the thought of not having him hurts so bad. Is it possible that his feelings are more involved than he thought they were?
Jungkook rubbed his face. That is not why he came home, that is not why he rushed out of their apartment. He wanted to put a stop to his thoughts not indulge in them. Even if he has feelings for Jimin-hypothetically speaking of course-then there is no way he is going to act on them, the price is too high, the loss would be too much. Jimin’s powers meant a lot to him, Tae means a lot to him and Jungkook is not going to let his selfish desires get in the way of that, no matter the hurt it would inflict upon him. He can bear a bit of heartache he is man after all. He is not ready to lose his memories of Jimin either or see such an ethereal being be exiled just because of him. He won’t act on it, his hypothetical feelings.
With his mind made Jungkook went back to bed. Even though he still had no idea how involved his feelings were or why he still, keeps thinking of Jimin and why his heart was yearning for him but he at least had a solution, well more like a precaution. Jimin was his friend and he is going to keep it at that. Besides it’s not like Jimin will ever fall in love with him. He is too smart for that. He won’t put himself in jeopardy. So, he had nothing to worry about.
That was his thought before the tiredness overcame him and he went under.
Unbeknown to him he left his window open, the curtain in the light wind inviting a presence in. Everything went still after the thud that implied that someone or maybe something did breach his privacy and entered his room uninvited.
The presence stepped towards his bed avoiding the patches of light. It ran a finger down the slope of his nose to his cheek and got a hold of his chin inspecting his face through sharp glinting eyes. It ran a hand through his hair and then wrapped it around his neck.
It whispered. So fragile, so breakable.
Jungkook woke up with a start. He was sure he felt a hand around his neck. He coughed and looked around noticing the open window. He got up and went to close it.
What he didn’t notice was the shadow just receding on the wall outside the window. He was sure he heard a giggle somewhere but blamed in on his tired mind. He dragged himself back to bed.
Maybe he should have looked more closely, maybe he should have turned back.
Then he would have noticed the red eyes watching him from a distance glowing in the darkness of the night like a beacon.
Little one, you have a lot to learn. Were the whispered words before it disappeared leaving behind only rustling leaves and silent night.
Jungkook came to the witches’ apartment the next day determined to be as normal as they were supposed to be. The previous night's thoughts though still fresh in his mind there was no doubt within him that he can pull off being friends just fine. When he rang the bell he expected to be greeted with Jimin’s smiling face even Taehyung’s chirpy voice but what he wasn’t expecting was Kim Seokjin  slamming the door open and then running back inside all the while yelling that his food would burn.
Jungkook stood stock still outside the apartment for quite a few minutes contemplating if he should go in but the realizing the open door was invitation enough he squared his shoulders and walked in. Nothing and by that he mean literally nothing could have prepared him for what greeted him inside when he stepped in. He stood in what was once supposed to be the living room-the hidden couch was proof enough-but now was definitely a rainforest. Jungkook turned around taking everything in.
He was quite literally smacked out of his thoughts by Jin’s hand.
“What are you standing here for JK?” Jin asked.
“Hyung I am not dreaming, am I?” Jungkook rubbed the back of his head soothing the point where Jin had hit him. He couldn’t stop looking around. Everything was just so….green.
“Your dreams aren’t that special to deserve an appearance from me.” Jin huffed “But if you want I can pinch.” He moved to pinch his arm.
Jungkook jumped two steps back. “Who wants to dream of old guys anyway?” He shot right back.
“You brat! I am only 5 years older than you.” Jin moved to hit Jungkook again who took cover behind plants covered table.  
“That’s what I said. Old.” Jungkook chuckled dodging Jin’s attempts to land a hit on him.
“What’s all this commotion about?” Tae said as he entered the room and was hit by a swinging branch right on his nose. “Ouch!”
“Ooopps.” Jin chuckled. Tae’s pained yelp brought Jimin out as well who was a bit more careful stepping into the room. “Hyung why is the living room like this?” Jimin said his eyes wide observing the plants upon plants covering the expanse of his living room.
“I was making strength and endurance potion and needed some herbs but I was just too lazy to go back home and get them from GemForest….” Jin said caressing a plant like it was his child. “Oh little one don’t be afraid, no one is going to hurt you here.” He cooed.
“So, what? You brought the forest here?” Tae asked still rubbing his throbbing nose making his voice nasally.
“Don’t be ridiculous. I only brought a patch.” Jin said still running a hand through the leaves.
“You call this a patch? Are you even allowed to do that?” Tae asked his voice rising in irritation.
“Of course, I am. Who do you think I am? I am a Lavender Guardian; this forest falls under my protection.” He turned towards Tae fixing him with a look.
“I am sorry hyung, I didn’t mean to raise my voice. I am just not feeling so good.” Tae slumped down on the ground grass covered and all.
Jimin sat down beside him rubbing his shoulder. Jin chanted something waving his hands in the air and then blew on his hands, making the plants disappear in a shimmery green smoke. Jungkook didn’t even blink an eye. Guess I am getting used to having witches in my life.
“The spell is still giving you trouble?” Jin said as he sat down across the duo.
“We were perfect at this spell at GemLight hyung. I was so sure I could do it here as well, I feel so inadequate now.” Taehyung covered his face with his hands making Jimin hug him around his waist.
“Energies Tae, it is the difference in energies that’s why you can’t do it as easily. I told you, no matter how much power you use it would make no difference you’ll only tire yourself out.” Jin explained.
“Then what am I supposed to do? I feel like giving up.” Tae laid down on the floor pulling Jimin with him.
“Get a feel of your powers. Sense it, understand it than use it.” Jin guided.
“How are we supposed to do that.” It was Jimin who questioned.
“That’s what you are here to learn now, isn’t it?” Jin smiled expecting the whine leaving his donsaengs’ lips. “Come on, it’s almost time for us to go.” He ruffled both of their hair.
“You guys are going somewhere?” Jungkook who up until now was quite-which was a feat in itself-voiced out.
“Yeah. We have to go to GemLight. Today is new moon.” Jin explained standing up.
Jungkook stood up as well. “Is this like werewolves and full moon? Is new moon your weakness?”
“It’s not like that Jungkook. Witches don’t have a weakness.” Tae laughed. “We just have a circle today so we have to go.”
“Circle?” Jungkook asked but this time he was looking at Jimin.
Jimin sat down on the now clean couch patting the space beside him. “Circle is like a way for us to recharge our powers. Mostly trained witches chosen by the Elders perform it every month so it’s a half circle and the all the Guardians every 6 months in a full circle. It’s quite an honor to be leading a circle.” He told Jungkook.
“Are you going to be leading it?” Jungkook couldn’t help but ask.
“No. We-that is me and Jimin-aren’t trained yet but maybe one day. Jin hyung though, is a guardian so is not needed for this circle. He’ll lead the full circle.” Tae explained as he sat across them.
“Do you want to see it?” Jimin said noticing the interest gleaming in Jungkook’s eyes.
“I-uh...I don’t want to get you in trouble.” Jungkook pulled the hair at his nape.
“We can’t take you with us since there will be council members there but you can still see everything from here.” Jimin assured him.
“I can?” Jungkook blinked his eyes opened wider than normal excitement shining through.
“Yes, you can.” All three witches present there answer in unison.
“Hyung are sure about this?” Jungkook asked Jimin fumbling with the chunky glasses Jimin just handed to him. “I mean these look so ordinary.”
Jimin sighed. “What did I tell you about spells Kook-ah?” Jungkook shrugged. “I don’t know it just feels weird when I put them on. My head feels heavy.”
“It’s supposed to be that way for mortals like you. I told you should drink the potion beforehand.” Tae who was filling cups with the said glittery potion told Jungkook.
“Do you guys have a thing for glitter or something?” Jungkook scoffed.
“What?” Jimin turned to look at Jungkook.
“I mean there is just so much glitter in your spells already and now this potion is glittery too.” Jungkook said as took the cup Tae was offering him sniffing it.
“Hmm, I never thought about that, did you Jimin-ah? Tae responded drinking the whole concoction in one go.
Jimin shrugged. “Drink it Kookie. I swear it tastes really good.”
Jungkook took a deep breath taking a sip of the potion Jin said would bring him strength and endurance to sit through the circle finding it to be really pleasant on his taste buds. The taste was something Jungkook couldn’t explain like a mix between honey and chocolate or maybe it was apple and vanilla? He couldn’t be sure but it was really good just like Jimin said it would be.
“Good?” Jimin  asked. Jungkook nodded making Jimin laugh and ruffle his hair.
“When Tae and I were younger and weren’t allowed to attend circles, we used to beg his parents to at least let us see. Jin hyung  would always make us these drinks beforehand and remembering it now I think that is one of the happiest memories of my childhood. The anticipation, the excitement.” Jimin said a faraway look on his face.
Jungkook had so many questions at the tip of his tongue just waiting to be let loose. He wanted to ask Jimin about his childhood about his parents. He wanted to get to know him so bad. But before he could even breath a single one out Jin’s voice permeated the silence breaking the moment and with that Jungkook’s chance. “Alright everyone ready to go?”
Jimin and Tae nodded their heads.
Jin closed his eyes chanting something, Jungkook’s finite hearing could only pick out ‘sight’ and ‘seen’ and ‘hidden’ and maybe ‘passage’ but he wasn’t sure. Jin opened his eyes and the colour made Jungkook gasp. Jungkook had never seen such a rich green colour. It was beautiful.
Jin took no notice of Jungkook’s awestruck state but Jimin did and he nudged him whispering a ‘You can close your mouth now.’ If he didn’t know any better he would have thought Jimin was jealous. But pfft that was highly impossible  because why would Jimin be jealous, right?
Jin clasped his hands together blowing on them then slowly opening them. There was a greenish ball glowing in his hands, he let it hang in thin air and then began widening his arms. Jungkook could see the little ball taking a shape of a square and when it was sufficiently large enough Jin pressed on the edges like he was taping it.
After he was done he said. “Tada, your very own VIP screening for your very first circle.”
“You can see everything through the screen Kook-ah. The glasses are for your safety so no unhinged magic accidently touch you. Also it has functions like zooming and 3d and 4d quality. You’ll feel like you’re right there with us.” Tae instructed.
“Uh-ah. Should I say good luck or something?” Jungkook asked innocently.
That made the witches laugh and only then did Jungkook notice that Jimin and Taehyung were wearing really dark-like midnight blue dark-robes? Is that what they are called?   Except for Jin who was wearing a pure black one. With their heads covered by the hood. The only splash of colour on their dark clothes was this weird symbol embed on the left side of their robes. All of them had a different symbol stitched with a different colour like, Jimin’s was this pale blue and Tae’s maaroon while Jin had forest green. He’ll have to ask them about it later on.
The witches bid him goodbye and disappear in a mist of glittery smoke shimmering blue red and green.
Jungkook put his glasses on and settled himself on the couch in front of his VIP screen. He prepared himself to watch his very first circle and different powers working in harmony.
He couldn’t wait.
A few key points in the end. I mentioned eye color change and their energies in the chapter. Chanelors- Pale blue Casters - Maroon GemWitches - Pink for Wisdom and Green for Nature Elementals- Yellow (they all have the same eye color but have tattoo on their hands defining their element) Shields - Grey
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fairyscribbles · 7 years
Gone Wolf - The Third Floor - (Jongin, Pt. 1) [CHRONICLES OF THE WOLF SERIES]
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Well well well, look what the cat dragged in...
Enjoy, babies! ♥
[ Jongin | Gone Wolf ]
  \ Confusion
The loud burst of his materializing disoriented Jongin even more, and he cursed under his breath in confusion.
Why was it so dark?
He blinked, trying to figure out what was happening. To orient himself again. The last thing he remembered was seeing someone freeing Sehun, who was almost delirious with pain. Chanyeol got shot. Kyungsoo got shot. And Minseok... he was passed out. Jongin managed to help him, but he sensed a threat from another wolf - someone who wasn't part of the pack.
The wolf was just like them. He had some kind if special skill, and it must have thrown Jongin off.
He straightened from his crouching position, letting his eyes adjust. The room he'd teleported into was relatively empty. The bed was made, the chest drawer was clean, and the desk was neat. But there was evidence of life; someone stayed here. Jongin let his curiosity get the best of him, and he roamed just a bit, sniffing as he went. He picked up a small trinket on the desk, glaring at it curiously in an attempt to figure out what it was.
"Okay, thank you, sister! Good night!"
"Shit..." Jongin scrambled, but he couldn't manage enough energy to teleport out. He ended up diving underneath the desk, curling himself as small as possible as the door cracked open.
Your sigh echoed in your dark room, and you maneuvered through the familiar territory in the dark before plopping down on your bed and flipping the switch for the lamp. A dim yellow light Illuminated the small space, and finally, you settled back against the pillows.
It had been a long day, drawn-out unnecessarily because of the new rules the capital seemed to be implementing. Which really just meant an extra pile of rules on your already smothered life.
Wait... your broken clock, the only thing you'd been able to acquire from outside the walls of the monastery since their rules began getting stricter a few years ago... it was moved.
You slid out of bed, picking it up and replacing it in its place by your notebook. "Huh."
"Argh, ow!"
Oh god. You flew back, falling onto your bed in shock when you spotted the shadow underneath your desk.
Whatever it was made frantic hissing sounds, urging you to quiet down. When a mop of messy, dark hair popped up from beneath the tabletop, you had to slap a hand over your mouth to keep from alerting the entire building.
"Please, I swear I don't mean you any harm! I just- I'm lost! Don't scream!" he begged as quietly as he could, his hands slapping together in a gesture of prayer before coming up on either side of his head in a universal sign of defeat.
You couldn't even if you wanted to. Which you did. And you also wanted to ask how he could possibly be lost in a monastery that also served as an all-girls orphanage, but you were too petrified by the glowing gold eyes piercing through the dimness of your lamp light and staring into what felt like your soul.
The man - the non-human man - remained crouched down, still half underneath the desk while he waited for you to react.
"You're not breathing. God, I said don't scream, but I didn't want you to stop breathing!"
You realized belatedly that he was right, and you had to rip your hands from your mouth to draw in a shaky, overdue breath to fill your burning lungs. "Wh-what... are you...?"
He blinked, over and over again, but those wide eyes never changed their gilded hue. There went your hopes that it was a trick of the light. "C-can I get up first?"
For some reason, you nodded. Which you shouldn't have because you realized that you probably had a better chance of incapacitating him while he was still on the ground. Your theory was only confirmed when he stood to full height, stretching his limbs and running his hands through the flyaway strands of dark brown hair. He was too tall for you to successfully take down, and while his tiny, uneasy grin was disarming, you only became more wary of the silent strength you could feel in his form.
"Please, I don't have anything. Just... find someplace else."
"N-no!" He cried out. When he heard the slight echo of his voice, he clamped his mouth shut. And you picked up the slightest wince scrunch his face.
"Y-you're bleeding."
You pointed to the wide rip in his shirt, on his left side, and he looked down as if just finding it himself. "Oh. Yeah. I... I'm a little disoriented." He blinked again, then wrinkled his nose. "I'm not picking anything up right. But I swear, I don't want to steal from you. Or attack you. I just... need to know where I am."
You eyed him suspiciously. "Tell me what you are first."
He sighed, scowling. "Then you tell me?"
You nodded. You had an inkling, but then that meant there was truth in your books. And that was just something so beyond your wildest dreams that you couldn't quite contain the excited clenching of your fists.
"I'm... a were."
You made like an owl, eyes blinking wide. "The gold eyes... What kind?"
He seemed disgruntled that the information hardly swayed your questions. "You said you would tell me where I am."
He groaned, rustling up the hair on the back of his head in frustration. "Wolf."
Your breath of awe almost made him uncomfortable. "So... this place..?"
Jongin's brain scrambled even more. There were none that he knew of in town. There was a small church, but no nuns, and you - with your plain green dress, that exposed your calves, and the light cardigan tugged up to your elbows - did not at all resemble a nun.
"The... capital..." You explained with a perplexed frown. "Where did you think?"
Holy shit. How did he manage to teleport so far? What had gotten to him? And for the love of all that was good, why couldn't he manage to focus his eyes, to make his ears pick up the surrounding noise, to smell even you who was only standing a few feet away?!
"Are there guards around here?"
You shook your head. "N-no... Just the nuns who are running their rounds for bed."
"Are you a nun?"
Again, you shook your head. "No. I live here eith the other girls."
He nodded. That was only peripherally important information, but he couldn't help but ask. "Okay..." He flexed his fists, trying his strength. He felt considerably more able than a few minutes ago. Maybe if he tried to port out of this place now, he could at least make it into the forest halfway back. "Thanks... for not screaming."
"Thanks for not killing me," you offered back.
Jongin chuckled. "Look, I'm sorry for dropping into your room..."
"How'd you get in here..?"
Jongin's eyebrows furrowed. "It's hard to explain that part..."
"Humor me?"
He nodded, sighing again. "Yeah... okay. I'm gonna try something... but if it works, I'll be out of your way."
Your head tilted to one side. "Oh... like... hopping out of my window? Because I'm on the third floor, so..."
Jongin let out a burst of laughter. "No, no. That's not how I got up here either, but that's good to know. Here..." He kind of wobbled towards your open closet, now noting that his ankle felt like shit; not quite broken, but twisted at the least. "Thanks again, umm..."
Jongin ended up smiling at your openness. It was a nice feeling not to be feared or persecuted at first sight. Your helpfulness, curiosity included, was a breath of fresh air. "Thanks again, ___."
"Wait. What's your name?"
His smile widened. "Jongin. Bye, ___. Hope this satisfies your curiosity."
With a grunt of effort, Jongin gathered what energy he could muster, waving one hand at you in departure. You returned it, your mouth falling open at the swirling energy you could apparently feel. With a burst of black smoke - a blackening in Jongin's vision - he disappeared.
Jongin was dropped about fifty feet from his house, the warm, yellow light easily illuminating his way home. He almost laughed out in relief, as he slowly started limping his way to the house, when he realized...the feeling of uneasiness was still there. Like there was something missing that could make him glad to be home.
There was something that was missing to make his home feel like....home.
He was slowly reaching his home, and he could clearly see a person standing in front of the door, waiting for something, and Jongin smiled. Junmyeon hyung always knew when to come.
The alpha of the pack noticed him coming, and with a tense smile he met him halfway, his eyes already checking his body for injuries.
"Joon-hyung..." Jongin muttered when his leader came close, and he hummed in reply.
"Welcome back, Jongin."
As if he couldn't help himself, Junmyeon reached out and grabbed him around the shoulders. Jongin smiled at his alpha's burst of affection, and he patted him gently before pulling back.
"Did I worry you, hyung?"
Junmyeon sighed. "Well, you and a couple of others."
Jongin echoed the sigh. "I got lost. I went a little too far."
"How far?"
Jongin shrugged. "Can we talk about it later? How's Sehunnie?"
Junmyeon's nod was shaky. "Ahh... yeah. Let's go inside."
Jongin's chest burst with a growl when he saw his brother whimpering on the living room floor, his back still hot red with the silver paths pouring around it like if they were his own veins. Forgetting about his journey for a while, he sank to his knees next to Sehun and reached out to touch him, before pulling back.
What if he hurt him?
"Did Yixing-hyung...?" Jongin's voice was thick with pain, as he looked around for the healer when Junmyeon shook his head.
"He's resting...he just took care of Minseok, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo." Junmyeon pointed at the exhausted man slumped over the couch, breathing heavily. Jongin sighed, running a hand through his hair.
"Where is that woman? She might know how to help him."
"We... thought the same. Tao has her upstairs."
"Tao?" Jongin's jaw almost cracked with the way he was holding in his anger.
Junmyeon nodded. "Yeah. The one who showed up to help you."
Jongin wanted to argue that, but he knew they couldn't have survived - his brothers barely making it mostly intact - without this strange wolf. "So why the hell did he take her to our home?"
Junmyeon said nothing, just stared at Jongin, as if expecting him to understand. His eyes were drawn, his sigh unhappy but accepting.
"You're fucking kidding me."
"You know how it works, Jongin."
"Yeah, but I thought there are limits to where you can find your mate. For example, why the fuck would you want a mate who was trained since childhood to perfection in how to kill you?" Jongin snarled, his eyes still an angry shade of red. Junmyeon smiled a wry smile at the younger pup.
"Why would someone want to imprint on a thief? Who would someone want a mate who was keeping herself to a high councilman? Why would someone find a common flowerpicker interesting enough to imprint?" Junmyeon rested his hand on Jongin's shoulder.
"It's not about the job they do, or what they've done in the past. It's about them, and them alone." Jongin groaned. Why did Junmyeon know the answer to everything?
"Yeah... I guess." Jongin couldn't help but wonder what kind of mate he would end up with when he finally found her.
And for reasons unknown, your face popped into his head. Jongin had no time to even consider it because Sehun shifted, groaning loudly.
Sehun's eyes fought to stay open, as he reached out for Jongin.
"Don't move around a lot, Sehunnie. Yixing's at your side in any minute." Junmyeon told the youngest one while pouring more water over his injured back. At the sound of his name, Yixing groaned and moved to kneel beside the last hurt member of the pack.
"Sehunnie, Sehunnie, what have they done to you?" Yixing lamented softly, his bright fingers running over the silver etched on Sehun's back.
Sehun flinched, but Jongin's hands on his back made it easier for Yixing to stay on the wounds. Sehun was panting from the pain, and it made Jongin's jaw clench.
"Dammit. What about Chanyeol hyung? Minseok hyung? Kyungsoo hyung?"
"Chanyeol is already upstairs with Jimin, and he'll just need some rest to recover. Kyungsoo is slowly coming back to himself, but the arrows were poisoned with wolfsbane and Minseok hyung is just severly exhausted. He'll need to rest a lot..." Yixing muttered off calmly as he treated Sehun's lower back.
"Just like you will, hyung." Jongin noted as the healer's hands shook when he tried to finish healing the younger's back.
"It's...not..healing..." he muttered quietly under his breath, as he grit his teeth and pressed on.
"What?" Junmyeon's voice was disbelieving, but one look at Sehun's back confirmed that the wounds weren't getting any better.
"Hyung, we have to talk to her."
Junmyeon gritted his teeth. "Shit... You're right... but you stay down here. I don't need anyone else injured, including her."
"I'm not gonna do anything!" Jongin protested.
Junmyeon stood. "Take care of Sehun, Jongin-ah."
Jongin almost growled at his leader, until he heard Sehun cough, trying to speak up. He leaned down so he could hear better as Sehun coughed out a strangled "where were you" in the middle of tiny gasps.
"Teleported too far. Teleported into a monastery. Get this, Sehun." Jongin grinned at his brother, trying hard to take his mind off his injury.
"Totally freaked the crap out of a girl there." Victory trumpets sounded in his head when he saw Sehun smile, but he dared not to laugh, in case it would hurt him.
"She almost called the guards, but then I turned to face her and she apparently got so dumbstruck by my looks that she gave me the time to stylishly port away. And that's how you get chicks, Sehunnie." Jongin ended his story with a wink, to which Sehun shook in laughter.
"Dumbstruck by your looks...I told you...you're too ugly, Jongin..."
"No, stupid, I meant the good kind of dumbstruck," Jongin griped, glad when Sehun gave him another tiny chuckle.
"That's what you think."
He was glad his brother could still manage to pick on him. It meant he wasn't hurt enough to incapacitate his sense of humor.
"How bad is the pain, Sehunnie?" Jongin touched his forehead, frowning at the heat that met his palm.
"I'm good," Sehun muttered. "Just... you know, gonna lie here and let the magic happen. You know I heal fast."
"Yeah, sure..." Jongin said, unsure whether or not to alert him of how bad it looked.
"You're looking at me like it's that bad..." Sehun smothered his face into the small towel playing his pillow. "Shit. It's bad, isn't it?"
"Maybe a little worse than it's usual." Yixing allowed, his hands coming up to work on his shoulderblades again. There was sweat forming on his forehead and Jongin knew it was only a matter of seconds until the healer will keel over in exhaustion. In prevention, Jongin moved closer to Yixing, and the older wolf noticed, smiling at him thankfully. Jongin knew Yixing wouldn't listen to him when he'd ask him to take a break, opting to faint sooner before he'd abandon the youngest wolf, unhealed and in pain.
"Hyung, stop. If it's not working, save your energy..." Sehun groaned.
Yixing shook his head defiantly. "No, Sehun-ah. We'll figure it out, I swear."
Jongin watched for what felt like forever - Yixing trying in vain to heal the deep gashes glinting silver in the light, Sehun's forehead shining with sweat. When Junmyeon finally stomped heavily down the steps, he stood with relief. Only to frown in disappointment at the despair on his alpha's face.
Junmyeon shook his head. "She doesn't know anything..."
"And you trusted her when she said this?"
Junmyeon glared down at Jongin.
"There is nothing else I can do. What should have I done, Jongin? Torture her?" The look on Jongin's face not entirely dismissed that option, which made his alpha groan.
"No, Jongin. Just because they do it doesn't matter we have to, too. And then again, she is the captain, not a weaponsmith. We don't know what the net was made out of." Junmyeon's statement was final, and not moments after that did Yixing's light flicker, and the healers eyes closed when he toppled over, right into Jongin.
Jongin bent down, scooping the healer up with a grunt of effort. As much as he hated to admit, his alpha was right. He lugged Yixing against him, the healer hanging limp at his side with one arm hooked over Jongin's shoulder. He heaved him up the stairs, not even trying to smile at Sehun, who just gave him a nod.
"See you tomorrow."
"I'll come back down here to bring you upstairs."
Sehun scoffed. "Joon hyung will do it, right?"
Junmyeon nodded, smiling wryly. "Yeah. Go to bed, Jongin. You've had a long night too."
He was reluctant to leave his best friend, but then again, what good would his presence do? He sighed as he gently laid the healer on his bed, covering him up and closing the door, making sure it was shut all the way. Yixing will need a lot of rest after this, and after Jongin stretched and felt all the blood and dirt crack on his skin, he decided he needs a shower.
With the water cascading around him, his head hung and eyes closed, his thoughts skipped back to the monastery.
Why did he teleport exactly there? He had the whole world. He could've gone anywhere, why right into that room?
In the capital, no less. He didn't even realize he could push that far. Or maybe it really was a freak surge of energy, with help from that new wolf.
Jongin let his mind drift to you - your curiosity,  your lack of fear about him, your eyes...
Jongin's hand slipped from the wall to run through his hair, his sigh heavy and tired.
He didn't understand. He didn't understand any of it and Jongin really hated being left in the dark.
He changed into his pajamas after drying off and checked himself out for any other injuries. Aside from cuts and small bruises that were littered around his torso, he was basically unharmed, in a much better condition than Sehun, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol. The bed looked so inviting, the soft mattress swallowing him whole and he basically groaned when he lied down and covered himself up from the cold.
The last thing his swirling mind saw was your face, curious and unaffraid of the wolf that appeared in her room
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