jarpadandjensens · 7 months
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J2 || jaxcon 2023
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laevigataaccept · 9 months
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TOMBOY 2 - 2 "NARRATOR" (Armoured Reference)
This is a base colour and proportion reference for my character Narrator.
A sniper by training, and RIO by necessity, she has seen the highs and lows of the Chronological Adjustment Guild's operations. Preferring to take on a guardian angel type role, she opts for an anti-materiel rifle in order to keep both her team at a safe distance, and to provide friendly forces with constant updates on new developments on an area of operations. She found her start as a saboteur for a PMC, leading asset denial missions to prevent the enemy from capturing downed friendly air assets. One fateful day, she meets "Canines", a downed-but-not-quite-dead A-10C II pilot. Having lost the majority of both of their friendlies on the field, she joins Canines on an ad hoc mission to steal an F-14 and finish the mission. After witnessing a harrowing slaughter and the sinking of their fleet, they part ways and go into hiding; but not before securely hiding their new plane somewhere nondescript. Years pass by and they find themselves working together time after time, though in different roles. Eventually, they are approached by, and coerced into joining the enigmatic Chronological Adjustment Guild.
Each of these variations on her design are simply how she might change her base colours and how she might paint her weapons for the kind of mission she is assigned to. Her signature pink helmet and full-face coverings remain the same through all theatres of war. I chose the JPC style plate-carrier for her as a defensive measure but also to maintain an extra level of mobility without sacrificing ballistic resistance in case she does need to get close. The abseiling harness is always present; and with her ever present helmet, they echo her experiences in the past, having typically been inserted via helicopter with her teams.
I found this sheet particularly challenging because there were so many standardized objects near her that I felt paranoid about the scale of things. I did my best to keep the proportions of her equipment consistent with her body, but it was definitely a new experience to push myself to be as meticulous as I could with the measurements. The colouring and detailing was actually kind of fun here, making me stop so many times to think "Oh, but would this feel natural to wear this like this? Or maybe there's a reason she likes to use X thing in Y manner so she made Z modifications to it!". I really enjoy this kind of thinking, and will definitely be trying this style of reference more often in the future!
Look Up and Listen <3
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imagescuisantes · 11 months
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civijimmy · 1 year
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Instagram sucks
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I just realized this morning that Hey Riddle Riddle is a play on Hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle 🤦
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monththroat3 · 1 year
The Best Strategy To Use For "Top 5 Crypto Exchanges with Low Trading Fees"
When it comes to purchasing and marketing cryptocurrencies, the exchanging fees may quickly include up, leaving you with a lot less profit than you had really hoped for. That's why finding an substitution with reduced trading expenses is crucial for any sort of crypto entrepreneur. In this message, we'll look at the best 5 crypto exchanges along with low trading fees. 1. Binance
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Binance is one of the largest and most preferred cryptocurrency substitutions in the world, and it's known for its low investing fees. The common trading cost on Binance is 0.1%, but individuals can reduce their fees through keeping Binance Coin (BNB). Along with BNB, traders may receive a markdown of up to 25% on their trading expenses. 2. KuCoin KuCoin is another well-liked cryptocurrency substitution that provides reduced investing expenses. The typical trading expense on KuCoin is additionally 0.1%, but consumers can easily minimize their expenses through storing KuCoin Shares (KCS). Along with KCS, investors can easily obtain a rebate of up to 30% on their exchanging fees. 3. BitMax BitMax is a reasonably new cryptocurrency exchange that has obtained level of popularity due to its cutting-edge function and low investing expenses. The basic trading fee on BitMax is 0.04%, which is considerably reduced than many other substitutions in the market. 4. Coinbase Pro Coinbase Pro is the qualified version of Coinbase, one of the very most well-known cryptocurrency swaps in the world. While Coinbase bills higher fees for its companies, Coinbase Pro offers considerably reduced exchanging expenses at simply 0.5% or a lot less every field. 5. Kraken Kraken is yet another preferred cryptocurrency exchange that uses reasonable rates for traders who are appearing for low trading fees. The common taker charge on Kraken varies from 0% to 0.26%, relying on your monthly volume. In 加密貨幣交易所 , finding an swap along with low investing fees may help you spare cash and boost your revenues when acquiring and marketing cryptocurrencies. The leading 5 crypto exchanges along with reduced investing fees are Binance, KuCoin, BitMax, Coinbase Pro, and Kraken. By using these platforms, investors can save funds on their exchanging expenses and produce the the majority of of their investments in the crypto market. It's worth taking note that while reduced investing expenses are significant, they mustn't be the only variable you think about when choosing a cryptocurrency substitution. You need to additionally look at factors such as protection, user interface, consumer support, and the variety of cryptocurrencies accessible for exchanging. Also, it's essential to keep in thoughts that some substitutions may deliver lesser fees for specific styles of business or for customers who meet particular criteria. For instance, some exchanges may use lower expenses for high-volume traders or for those who keep a specific quantity of cryptocurrency on their platform. On the whole, finding the correct cryptocurrency exchange can take time and investigation. Through considering variables such as trading fees, surveillance, and customer experience, you can easily find an substitution that satisfies your needs as a crypto entrepreneur.
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plutusias99 · 1 year
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A Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) is a committee consisting of members of both houses of the Parliament of India. It is appointed to examine a particular issue and report its findings and recommendations to Parliament. The JPC is usually constituted when a matter of national importance arises and there is a need for a comprehensive investigation or review.
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eandtheks1 · 1 year
Child Protective Services (CPS)
This is a bit of an oldie but very interesting and I hope it will help another person. Several years ago my husband, John, at the time was removed from our home because he was abusive. (I will discuss this at another time (August of 2016?) As our divorce started he was regularly more neglectful and abusive towards our 3 children. At the time, I became ill with what they thought was a cancer mass…
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jv-club · 1 year
The Hey Riddle Riddle Collector’s Set is complete! JV is delighted to welcome the ridiculously fast and funny JPC as this week’s Boy of Summer, along with a conversation about Catholic school Religion classes, early-onset improv magic syndrome (a term we just now made up), and what we can confidently say is one of The JV Club’s all-time-greatest “Boys of Summer” covers. And for all you HRR lovers out there, the end of this description takes you all the way to… Jupiter!
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How to listen to The JV Club with Janet Varney
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jarpadandjensens · 1 year
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J2 find out how to sign Jerk and Bitch
chicon 2023 〈(⁎→‿ฺ←)ノ・:*☆
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Jembrana Tuan Rumah Turnamen Petanque se-Bali
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JEMBRANA - Bupati Jembrana, I Nengah Tamba membuka turnamen Open Jimbarwana Petanque Competition (JPC) ke-5, Sabtu (20/8/2022) bertempat di Parkir barat Stadion Pecangakan Jembrana. Turnamen berlangsung selama dua hari, dari 20-21 Agustus 2022. Turut hadir Wakil Bupati Jembrana sekaligus Ketua KONI Jembrana, I Gede Ngurah Patriana Krisna serta Kadis Dikpora Jembrana, I Gusti Putu Anom Saputra. I Nyoman Suardana selaku ketua panitia mengatakan ada 3 kelas nomor yang dipertandingkan, memperebutkan 11 medali emas dalam event kali ini. Masing masing single putra, single putri dan tripel open. “Jembrana dipilih sebagai tuan rumah dalam turnamen kelima ini, hampir seluruh kabupaten berpartisipasi kecuali Kabupaten Bangli. Total atlet yang terlibat 157 atlet,” jelasnya. JPC mulai terselenggara sejak tahun 2016. Hanya tahun 2020 dan 2021 turnamen ini tidak digelar karena adanya pandemi. “Event ini agenda tahunan Petanque Provinsi Bali diikuti atlet se-Bali. Kita gelar di Jembrana sekaligus memeriahkan HUT ke-77 RI dan HUT ke-127 Kota Negara,” ucapnya. Event ini jelasnya, juga digelar untuk menjaring atlet-atlet berprestasi ketingkat nasional. Sekaligus persiapan cabor untuk menghadapi Porprov Petanque digelar di Tabanan nanti. “Kendala kami saat ini belum memiliki lapangan Petanque yang ideal dan permanen. Berbeda dengan beberapa daerah di Bali yang sudah memiliki lapangan representatif. Saat ini kami berbagI lapangan dengan fasilitas parkir stadion. Kita berharap bisa dibantu untuk penyediaan lapangan, mohon dibantu dan diperhatikan,” katanya di hadapan Bupati Jembrana. Sementara Bupati Jembrana menyambut baik terselenggaranya Jimbarwana Petanque Competition (JPC) di Jembrana. Melalui Event ini sebutnya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai ajang silaturahmi dan mempererat tali persaudaraan antar sesama pecinta Petanque. “Sekaligus saya berharap, melalui kejuaraan ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan minat pada olahraga Petanque.  Serta yang tak kalah penting tentunya untuk menjaga anak muda Jembrana melalui kegiatan positif dan bermanfaat,” pungkas Bupati Tamba.(bpn) Read the full article
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imagescuisantes · 11 months
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unpretty · 6 months
I was excitedly surprised to see someone else talk about hey riddle riddle because I don't know anyone that listens to it! I found it in my podcast app back in 2018 instead of through recommendation so tbh it has always felt like I am the only one in this plane of existence that listens to it even though that obviously is not the case
it was my most listened podcast of 2023! and they've got over 7,100 people on their patreon so CLEARLY there's a lot of us and yet i also never see posts about HRR. there's probably tons of people posting about it all the time but none of them are doing it on tumblr. here are my three emojis to describe the podcast:
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imminentinertia · 11 days
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The sound is atrocious and the subs worse and I don't give a fuck. It gets at least 5 points for this brilliant and exceptionally realistic morning after look alone:
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The chemistry is chemistrying and the metaphors are metaphoring when Vicky and Nune spend time together
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(Actual frame from episode 3)
5 episodes, about 15 minutes each, it's cute and amusing and sprinkled with a bit of hotness, even. The ladies aren't hyper polished femme, they're both a bit messy. And they make liver jokes (the translation being what it is I'm definitely missing nuance, but to my knowledge eating liver is a Thai metaphor for having sex, and the characters are playing with liver lines. I love it when girls get to be a bit dirty).
Since it's so short they cram a lot in and it's a bit rushed. The plot is a bit ludicrous. There isn't enough time to get invested in the story. I don't give a fuck about that either.
C'mere, little show, let me hold you.
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some1willrememberus · 1 month
[Official Teaser] Sea you soon รักสุดท้ายที่ปลายเกาะ | JPC Media
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themynock · 2 days
Z is so unhinged these last few episodes and honestly it's one of the most deeply relatable portrayals of when you're having a total crisis but you still have to keep on trucking (literally, in Neoscum's case) and hold it together and get stuff done but you're not really going to be able to be normal about any of it
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