#JUST a tad. in the sweetest way possible. come on now
dmitriene · 6 months
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john price didn't intend to be someone's sugar daddy, not knowing that well what it means, and not even planning to join a relationship — yet, that's till he meet you on a dating app his lads almost begged him to install.
or they even installed it themselves, taking his phone while they were off in some country pub, and it wouldn't hurt to open it at least once, price thought.
indeed, it wouldn't, because that's how he found you — the sweetest, soft thing his eyes ever fell upon and seen, reminiscent so much of all the images and scenarios he often dreamed about, but always pushed further away.
john thought you looked like a proper sunshine itself, well mannered darling with toothy smiles and small, yet so sweet description of yourself, and this is the first situation in his life in which he did not think twice, before deciding to write to you straight away.
he's an old man, price is a captain inside and out, with warm heart and sincere smiles, yet bloody hands and fucked up head — he's seen everything, experienced everything, which made him the jonathan price he is right now, and still, it didn't pushed you away a tad bit.
all the time you were such a sweetheart, from the text's in the app and down the road to the first meeting, and if john didn't experience falling in love before — that was it.
it started by itself, after the first meeting there was another, with each of them you became closer and closer not only mentally, but also physically, and against the background of falling in love with you, there's responsibility that began to shallow.
john wanted to pamper you — pay for your lunches together at every meeting, then for your grocery's delivery, then it moved to fixing some little financial issues you had or even buying you something you couldn't afford right now, all of this was just for you, and you hadn't to do anything to receive it.
he had a good amount of money, the one he didn't exactly know where to spend, but there's you — you help john relax on hard days, take care of his health, comfort him when things don't go as they should, and wait for every new message from him while he's away on another mission.
shouldn't he repay to you for being his little pocket sunshine?
his, he always thinks and says, yet you don't exactly belong to him, you never talked about what exactly are you two — friends, lovers, or something else, because price never voiced his feelings and never crossed any possible boundaries, until you did it first.
a little kiss on the stubbled cheek to thank him for buying you some silly things you wanted so much recently, a warm hug against his bulky body, an innocent act of holding hands.
before it turns into messy tongue kisses, squeezing grasps of calloused palms, itchy mustache rubbing against soft flesh of your neck, sucking blooming marks to form a patch down your shoulders and to your cleavage, kissing, biting, moving away unnecessary clothing that gets into john's way.
you became his entirely, body and soul, with buzzing warmth inside your stomach and pleasurable soreness between your doughy thighs, with red marks both from price's fingers and beard, while waking up huddled under his heavy arm and under cool, silky sheets of his spacious bed.
john price fell in love with you completely and irrevocably, just as you in him — welcoming him home each time with soft touches and featherlight kisses, freshly cooked meal and tidy environment, light giggles and sincere words of love and adoration.
a dream come true, a place for him to return to, with light walls that hold only precious memories, with your gasping mewls that reverberate here at night.
from his grounding touches, soft roll of his broad hips when he nestles against your back at nights and curl his hands over the curve of your waist, hoisting your leg to probe against your sopping warmth, burrowing inside your gummy walls softly as john nuzzles his face against your shoulder blades.
price adores you, without planning it all in the first place, but now he is sure that he would not have refused to meet you in any of the circumstances.
✎ 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵. 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴. 𝘢𝘰3.
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awkward-tension-art · 5 months
Clones as expectant fathers
I am an actual nero-cancer researcher. I have a job and a degree. And my ADHD brain saw sad military men and went “I want that one”
Clones: Rex, Wolffe, Fox, Cody and Fives
CW: pregnancy, the clones all have a ‘secret’ SO, They are expecting a baby, A little angsty with Fox, there's slight mentions of smut with Fives (if you squint), swearing, this is just supposed to be a good time, its not reader insert
Minors do not interact!
Terrified. Also overjoyed. But mostly terrified. 
He’s a soldier. Captain of the 501st, the most….adventurous of the GAR. His chances of dying on the battlefield and leaving his SO behind are higher than the average clone
And now he may leave behind his child? His kid may grow up without a father
He gets nervous. Anxious and antsy, and it's very VERY easy for Anakin to figure out Rex isn’t entire OK
Rex doesn’t even need to tell Anakin.
Skywalker takes one look at him and just KNOWS.
“Congrats, Rex.” “...on what, sir?” “If it's a boy, name him after me.” “WHAT!?”
Ahsoka needs to be told and she’s more excited than Rex when she finds out. 
“Come on Rex! Name them after me! The republic needs an Ahsoka jr!” “And if the baby is a boy?” “Don’t name them after skyguy, please!”
Most of the 501st don't know. Too many people knowing raises the chance of less accepting individuals knowing. And if that happens, Rex, his SO and his baby may be in danger.
It’s forbidden for the clones to have SO’s, not to mention babies. It could end with Rex being decommissioned or reconditioned if it was found out he had both
Rex will visit and help as much as he can every chance he gets. He feels terrible for leaving his SO for long stretches of time during the pregnancy. 
He WANTS to be there…he just can’t. Not while the war was going on
Despite his terror, Rex is…overjoyed
He didn’t think children were possible for him. He knew it could happen, but he didn’t think HE would ever know this happiness
The first time he feels his baby move in his SO, he’d get this sweetest smile on his face. He’ll kiss the baby bump and just murmur words of love in mando’a
He falls head-over-heels in love all over again
As the due date approaches, Anakin asks an important question
“Captain, I need to know when your baby might be born.” “...why, sir?” “Because I need to know when to take extended leave.”
Anakin tells Padme, and she is beyond sweet. Even visits Rex’s SO and the two have a wonderful friendship
All in all, Rex is both excited and anxious. But having so much support from Anakin, Ahsoka and Padme (and his other brothers who find out much later) helps him a lot
More relaxed. And by relaxed I mean he hides his anxiety better. And it doesn’t exactly hit him as hard
Partly because Plo Koon and the entire Wolfpack knows about his relationship already. 
So you bet your ass the pack celebrates when Wolffe tells them he's going to be a father
Plo Koon especially is excited
“How wonderful, new life being born during times of war” “I’m not naming my child after you, general Plo.” “Nonsense! The child will be a girl.”
During battle, Wolffe finds himself being protected by his brothers and General a tad more
At first he writes it off as a coincidence, but then Boost lets slip during a battle “You gotta get back to your little one!”
He gives his men a bit of a lecture. He’s not incapable of fighting or defending himself. He thinks the message gets across but Plo chimes in with, “Ah yes, the stern words of a father already!”
Wolffe would probably see his SO more frequently than Rex. Just because Plo would more than likely spend more time on Coruscant.
He’s definitely protective. As in, waking up in the middle of the night to check all the windows, protective. Keeping an arm around his SO, protective. Every symptom or sign of discomfort he calls a medical droid, protective.
He’s not stupid, he is well aware that by having an SO and a child on the way he's in violation of several rules. All of which, when broken, would have him decommissioned
But dammit, he's not letting that happen. Wolffe will be there for his SO and his baby, no matter what
Since he’s able to spend more time with his SO, he’s there to feel the first movements of his baby.
It sort of causes him to short-circuit for a second. It hits him that yes, this is a life that he and his SO both created. Out of love.
Wolffe makes a swear that he’s going to protect his baby at all costs
Grandpa Plo does as well, but the Wolfpack doesn’t know that
Fox (kinda angst)
First of all congratulations to the SO for actually managing to be Fox’s SO
They got to be something special for the head of Palpatine’s personal guard to break rules and regulations and find himself an SO
Speaking of Palpatine, congratulations to Fox! Your SO is now in even more danger!
No, seriously. Palpatine knows before Fox. No one knows how, but he knows.
And he absolutely will use Fox’s SO as leverage to keep him under control
And Fox knows this, so he behaves. More so than usual.
He’s not blind. Hes fiercely loyal to the republic, but one step out of line and the (very few) things he cares about will be killed
Which…is why Fox may come across as cold or uninterested when his SO informs him of their pregnancy
A part of him is terrified, he just won’t show it
He’s not going to be more affectionate or anything. He actually acts pretty normal. Which is standoffish.
Despite his…demeanor, he actually manages to be present for the entirety of the pregnancy. It helps being a Coruscant guard, which means he’s more present than all the other clones.
He’s not moving mountains or anything, but he’ll get snacks in the middle of the night in case of cravings
No one else knows about Fox and his SO. not even his own men. He refuses to tell anyone. 
Its for his SO’s protection
But Palpatine, the sick fuck, slips some words to get Fox’s nerves into overdrive
“This war is taking such a toll. So many dead children…so many grief stricken parents” “Sir?” “Oh nothing. Just stating the fact that the loss of an innocent life, such as…a baby, is always a tragedy. Wouldn’t you agree, commander?”
He found himself walking home a bit faster that day and hugs his SO a little tighter that night
Fox cares, in his own way. He’s just beyond stressed and anxious. But you wouldn’t know. He hides it behind a mask. 
It's actually Padme that finds out. And she feels somewhat bad for Fox. She thinks his anxiety comes from the fact that clones aren't allowed SO’s or children
Which, it is, but theres the added threat of fucking Palpatine.
She ends up getting him to tell her the truth and she swears to secrecy. Even offers to hire his SO as some sort of assistant, if only so Fox can be closer to his SO
Hear me out, he actually breaks down when he feels the baby move. He can’t fully handle it anymore and shuts down. 
This is a baby. His baby. They're alive and already so loved.
Something in him clicks and he accepts Padme’s help. 
His terror gets easier, ever so slightly. But he keeps his collected and calm front.
“General Kenobi-” “Ah! Commander Cody! Congratulations!”
Cody is a tad more relaxed than Rex, but more tense than Wolffe
He knows Kenobi isn’t going to punish him or force him back to Kamino for decommissioning, he’s still a little on guard.
But, since Kenobi knows, Anakin does. So does Ahsoka. Which means Rex knows.
More people in the 501st know than in the 212th which gives him the biggest headache
Waxer knows though. Cody had to tell someone that wasn’t a sarcastic general
He does a good job hiding his worry though
Cody is able to spend about the same amount of time as Rex with his SO
He doesn’t feel as bad as Rex when it comes to the lack of presence he has during the pregnancy
It's war. It sucks and he’d prefer to be there for his SO, but he’d also prefer SO and child have freedom from the separatists
I will say, he is pretty attentive when he isn’t off in space.
Foot rubs, shoulders massages, helping with cravings
One thing Cody does is that he’ll wrap his arms under his SO’s baby bump and lift it slightly, giving his SO’s back some relief
He really loves to do this because his SO just melts
Hear me out, Cody gets giggly when he feels the baby move/kick the first time
His palm is on the bump and he feels that first little flutter against his hand
404 Commander Cody has his amygdala broken from joy. Reboot?
He’ll actually tell Kenobi about it because he’s so happy.
“That's wonderful Cody, but I still question one thing.” “What is it, sir?” “How you managed to get laid to begin with.”
“Hey everyone! I’m gonna be a dad!”
Ecstatic is not a strong enough word
Also not subtle at all
There is a solid 3 hours until everyone in the 501st knows
He’s told Echo before the first hour. Rex knew within 2 hours.
Fives is BEYOND over the moon
He gets this small smile on his face that just doesn’t go away
Whenever he’s not with his SO, he definitely calls them every day. He wants updates on the little one
Also, seeing his SO with a baby bump? Unlocks something inside his brain.
Fives is incredibly horny when he’s with his SO. He’ll be rubbing their middle and getting a puppy dog look in his eye.
Only if his SO is in the mood of course! He’d never try and be forceful
He’s probably the clone that takes the distance the hardest. He debates taking a ship and making a run for Coruscant on more than one occasion.
In the end he settles to ask Anakin for extended leave.
Anakin is also extremely happy for Fives. Like with Rex, he makes a “name the baby after me” joke
Fives brings that up to his SO and nearly gets smacked. He also makes a “Fives jr.” joke and actually does get smacked.
When Fives feels the baby kick, he gets high on happiness. Actual mumbling incoherent words of love and affection in Mando’a
Lots and lots of “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum”
He also gets very VERY affectionate with his SO
Kisses his SO’s face a lot. Even as a greeting, he’ll just start peppering their cheeks with pecks
Also probably the only one ballsy enough to ASK his general for extended leave
“Excuse me, general Skywalker? I’ll need to take leave at this date.” “Oh, yea sure. You know what? That seems like a good time for all the men to take a break. Thanks, Fives.”
He’s also probably the only one ballsy enough to actually take his new born baby onto a fucking battleship to introduce everyone.
“This is your uncle Rex. This is your uncle Echo and your uncle Tup. That's your auntie Ahsoka!” “Fives what the FUCK are you doing?!” “Introducing the family, captain.”
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lizzy019 · 3 months
𝒞𝑜𝓃𝒻𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝑜𝓇 𝐼𝓁𝓁𝓊𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃?
Johnny Cade x Fem!Reader [Reader is described as confident… for the plot]
cw -> light praise, fingering, p in v, light cum play
Word Count -> 1.2K
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Sitting in the house aimlessly flicking through the TV channels, your eyes flutter lazily from exhaustion. It’s only 11:30 in the night, almost midnight.
The channel you’re watching currently shows nothing other than some drama show, but it tends to the ache of your boredom for the moment.
A sudden knock at your door has you jolt upright in bewilderment, but you shut off the TV and begrudgingly arise from your comfort on the sofa to go check who wanted your attention so late in the evening.
You unlock the door’s lock, swinging it open to see Johnny with a tired expression. Instantly, your back straightens as you look more presentable.
“Johnnycake! I didn’t expect to see you tonight. What’s up?” You asked benevolently, posture straight to push out your chest.
His eyes trail over your body mistakenly, taking in your lovely form in such comfy and careless attire. You’re so beautiful.. even with confidence oozing out of you.
“I- uh.. my parents are fightin’ again, wanted me to be the middleman and take the hits. Can I hang out here with ya, sugar?” He asked so politely, hands obviously fiddling in nervousness in his pockets.
You nodded with a warm smile, hand on his back as you pulled him in from the cold of the night’s wind. 
The way he so gingerly stumbled in from tripping over the little ledge on the door made you smile as you gently stabled him. 
You gently sat him on the sofa, replacing his jean jacket with a blanket to properly warm him. The next minute, you were cuddled by his side and let him use your chest as a pillow.
The two of you were all warm and snuggled, his hands occasionally coming to squeeze the flesh of your breasts.
This had you snickering occasionally, but also a tad bit nervous. To be honest, you were a bit of a prude.
“Johnny? What the hell are ya doin’?” You asked curiously, instantly reddening and panicking when he pulled down the shirt you were wearing just enough to have a breast pop out for him to access.
A surge of mortifying worry consumes you as he mouths your nipple, licking and sucking like it’s his damned lifeline. And honestly.. it was in a way.
All you provided for him was comfort and love, a place for him to stay in the midst of his life’s chaos. You were his everything, more than just physically, but also mentally and emotionally.
He wanted to pay you back.
Even if he was nervous too, you two started slow. Little kisses out of shyness until you both worked up courage to go farther.
You pulled away to tug at his shirt, signaling you wanted it off as he did as told. While he was scared to show bruises from his parents’ beatings, he loved and trusted you wholeheartedly.
A smile came to your lips, hands running all along his torso to simply admire him. Even if his ribcage was prominent from the lack of food in his household, he was still so handsome.
Johnny’s hands came to your shirt to take it off, but your hands flung to stop him. He got confused real quick.
“Huh? Baby, what’s a’matter? Somethin’ wrong, sugar?” He asked so softly, with so much concern too.
You could only give a shy chuckle, stumped but inevitably giving in to his word. You were embarrassed. Sure, you had confidence, but he was out of your league!
“I.. I’m fine, I promise! I’m just a bit nervous..” You assured him, one hand on his cheek while the other held his wrists from getting your shirt off.
Oh, his expression couldn't get sweeter. Eyes once filled with fear were now warm and comforting, hands moving to gently cup your hips and press the sweetest kiss to your soft mouth.
“Baby, I took mine off n you know how I feel about my body.. Can I see yours too? No judgment, promise.” He assured you with the sweetest tone.
How could you possibly say no to him of all people?
With a hesitant nod of your head and that benevolent smile on your lips, he gently took off your little tee and let his eyes widen.
“Damn sugar, what a sight.” 
Your face gets hot with embarrassment, a soft giggle escaping your throat as he kisses you more emotionally. Not lustfully or passionately, more like he feels lucky and cherishes you.
Kisses have turned into hickeys and love bites, his hand meticulously massaging your swollen clit as your hand comes to play with his cute pink nipples.
This lasts for who knows how long, and eventually he can’t take it anymore and chucks his pants off.
Your face gets hot in embarrassment and fear, what if he doesn't like it? What if it doesn't feel good for him?
You were shy and nervous, worried about things you knew you shouldn't worry about. Before you could protest, it was like a sword was sheathed on a pedestal, and his cock was inside your walls.
It was sharp pain for a moment, a cry escaping you before everything seemed to get better.
“Oh baby, yes! Feels so good, oh God-!” Johnny hiccuped through moans and gasps, hands finding your waist and holding you tight.
Writhing in the pleasure, you squirm and moan, lash out and cry, it was mind numbing how good this felt.
Sure, your mortification was prominent, but Johnny’s words did a lot to assure you of your preciousness. He was moaning your name, how could you feel otherwise?
The cord in your stomach began tightening, and it was doing the same to your inner walls. Pussy cramping his cock had him shivering, a guttural groan resonating deep from his throat.
“Oh sugar, I’m gettin’ close! Where do ya want it? You on the pill?” He asked in a flurry, eyes nearly spewing tears from the pleasure.
His question made your mind tense in worry, but you were on birth control so it wouldn't be bad. You nodded your head to signal that you were indeed on the pill, hands finding his shoulders while your nails dug little crescent shapes into the flesh.
“Inside.. it’s okay, do it inside! Oh fuck, Johnny!” You cried out, with what little energy you had left as your orgasm hit you like a wall.
The pleasure had you dizzy, lightheaded from so much emotion and physical enjoyment that your mind just couldn't keep up.
Your orgasm obviously made him climax as well, and he shot his load deep to paint your walls white. It was nice in a way, being so close with someone other than a friend.
Johnny looked at your core oozing his cum and your own, and as if it was instinct, he scooped some out with two fingers and smeared it on your makeup.
While this had you stunned and a bit disgusted, the look on his face showed pure amazement and joy from such a sight.
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It was now 1 in the morning, you two cuddled up in your bed after a shower that you shared together. It was cramped, but it was cozy.
Johnny was constantly smiling at you, even with his damned eyes closed. You were so gorgeous, how could he resist a few peeks of his loveliest?
You’d fallen asleep, too tired from such a pleasure filled night to care about anything anymore.
“Sweet dreams, sugar.” Was all you heard before you fully drifted off into a heavenly sleep.
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gretavanlace · 1 year
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Crime and Punishment
Jake Kiszka x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: graphic sexual content, language, dirty talk, denial, dom/sub, anger, pet names, illusions to impact play, impact play (mild), masturbation, etc
Just a little something to tide my lovelies over. Thank you so much to my anon who asked for a quieter dom jake (I can’t find your ask, but I love you)❤️
“Jake?” You venture carefully from your seat beside him as he stares ahead, navigating the twists and turns of hills and back roads, wipers keeping time through the rain. “You seem upset. Are you alright?”
You know he isn’t alright. You fucking know. Worked toward it all evening, bratting this way and that. Mouthing off. Causing trouble. Flirting with Danny. Let’s be honest, flirting with Sammy, as well…innocently. Flirting with Josh, not so innocently.
You drank a little too much, danced a little too close, spoke a little too softly in an ear or two - and all while he quietly watched. All while he silently drank in your display, swallowing it down for safe, darkened, keeping.
“M’fine, magpie.” He offers with a gentle shrug “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Okay, so maybe he isn’t as angry as you’d feared, hoped? He’s still allowing your nickname, bestowed because he says you sing so pretty when you cum for him, to trip off of his delectable tongue. Perhaps his upset doesn’t run quite as deeply as you believed.
“You’re not angry with me?”
“Why would I be angry with you?” His jaw tightens, betraying him. Liar.
“Dunno.” You shrug right back, if he’s going to play it this way, so will you. Beginning to dig around in your purse, at last, you locate your lighter and cigarettes, flickering one to life with a deep, drunken drag.
Immediately, he rips it from your lips and flips it out the crack in his window, with a clipped, “You haven’t earned it.”
He knows you enjoy the most occasional smoke when you’re floating through a buzz, and this proves what you already knew - his placid demeanor is bullshit.
You clip your bag closed with a sly smile and sidle up a little closer, “Oh, so Jakey is feeling angry? Are you mad at your girl?”
With a firm hand, he pushes you back in your seat, and shakes his head, “Stop talking. Now. Don’t make me say it twice.”
Something in his tone tells you to listen…his warning sounds like it's riding out on broken glass, and his palm, flattened out on your chest, heavy like a paperweight, tells you to find your place, and find it fast.
The galvanic hiss of his energy pops and sparks into the night as you cruise closer to home, but that isn’t what knots your stomach into bends and hitches - his silence is what does that.
Normally, he’d be taunting you. Promising fire and brimstone, forewarning forthcoming doom, sounding the alarms in your head…if only to make your heart and your clit pound.
He prizes it - this ability of his to so easily make you sweat and ache…loves it all the more when it’s an impending punishment he can lord over your pretty head. That’s what you’d been aiming at all night - his wrath…but this, this quiet? Unsettling.
“Jacob Thomas…” you’ve tried on your sweetest tone, allowing a pout to color his full name in the way that never fails to make his cock twitch. Like a game of hide and seek. Come out, come out wherever you are.
“Shut. Up.” His knuckles turn white on the steering wheel and you do, in fact, choose to listen and shut up.
Gravel crunching beneath the tires signals your homecoming, jarring you out of your foggy reverie. What will happen now? You’d be dishonest if you said you weren’t positively fucking alive with racing thoughts of carnal possibilities. You’d also be dishonest if you said you weren’t a tad apprehensive…something in his manner is off. Have you pushed too far this time? Are you really in for it? Do you like the idea of roaring along his furious rapids without a paddle? Paddle. Now there’s an idea.
A caul of tense silence crawls over the car as he breathes heavily and deeply beside you. Finally, his clipped instructions break the spell.
“You are to go inside and wait at the foot of the bed. Naked. On your knees. Hair braided and clipped.”
You shiver at his ragged directive, he sounds like sex, and you can smell the lust seeping from his pores— masked almost entirely by his fury, but there all the same.
Turning to him to beg for just one touch is so tempting you can almost taste the words on your palate, but wisely, you settle on obedience, and squeak open the door before hustling it into the house.
If you had eyes in the back of your head you might have caught the faint smile that curls his pillowy lips as he watches you fumble to fit the key in the lock with shaking hands. You’re nervous, he decides. Good.
He finds you, kneeling and bare - fucking gorgeous. Your hair is woven and swept up, just as instructed. It earns you points, but certainly not enough to matter, and you seem to sense that as you watch him calmly prowl about the bedroom.
His jacket comes off first, shaken from his shoulders in the stillness, only to be rested carefully over the back of his chair. He loves this chair, sits in its overstuffed embrace and plucks at his guitar for hours. But tonight, he has other tasks to complete.
He rids himself of his barely buttoned shirt and lets it fall to the floor, forgotten…and then swaggers over to the dresser, carefully removing his necklaces and nestling them into the velvet case that houses his trinkets.
Boots, having seen better days just the way he likes them, are next. Kicked off and cast aside next to the closet door.
And all the while it’s quiet, quiet, quiet. Normally, he’d be scolding you, issuing soft admonishments that still somehow thunder in your heart as though he’s shouted them. Normally he’s bossy, and mouthy, and sexy as hell about it. Tonight? Silence.
Still, you wait - knelt, submissive, unresisting and docile. Patiently and quietly subservient as your nipples harden into aching peaks, desperate for even a flick of his gaze.
Without blessing you the glance you’re so longing for, he disappears into the closet, only to return with his black leather guitar case. You know this case, you know what it houses, and it isn’t a musical instrument. Though, he does coax lovely sounds out of you with the arsenal hidden inside.
At last, his voice comes, hushed and conversational, as he carefully places the case on the bed and flips the latches. “I shouldn’t, because you’ve been a dreadful handful tonight, but I’m feeling generous, so I will. You may pick your poison this evening, magpie.”
With precision, he chooses his arrows and lines them up along the duvet. Paddle, flogger, crop, switch, length of leather he braided and knotted with his own hands, and cane. You fear the cane most of all…the way it slices through the air audibly; a woeful song just before the pain explodes and sizzles through your system. Still, your eyes linger there once he’s given you permission to turn and look. Maybe you want that tonight.
Though he doesn’t tip his hand, Jake knows exactly what you need. He can sense all of that shameful desire swimming through your veins. He understands that you live in your head a little too deeply now and then. His grasp on your psyche, uncanny. You need this sometimes, this complete submission…his hands offering sacrament with each blow. His words washing you clean in their dominance, their degradation, their praise. He needs it too, to give you these things that might make another shudder and turn away.
He craves the way you blink up at him, eyes blurred with tears, lips swollen and dripping in sobs and breaths of reverence. The way your body yields to his touch, trembling with pleasure tinged in delicious, trustful fear. He is weak for the way you allow him to worship you this way…an outsider might see the opposite, might believe it is you who worships from your place at his feet, they would be terribly mistaken. It is he who prays.
Perhaps it has been a little too long, so you chose to act up in order to force his hand. Perhaps that is his fault. Perhaps. But you will never know it.
“Your behavior was uncalled for tonight.” He sighs, fingers skating across his toys while you contemplate. “For it, I should cane you until you can’t breathe. But, I’m feeling kind. What do we say?”
His fingers have begun to stroke through your bangs. “We say thank you.” You hush with a shiver, “Thank you for your mercy, sir.”
He nods, and then squares his shoulders, impatience edging at him. “Choose, or I will. You don’t want that.”
When your touch lands on the cane, he hides his shock well and bends until his delicious mouth rests against your ear. “Magpie wants my cane? Aren’t you just the prettiest glutton for punishment that I’ve ever seen?”
“Make it hurt.” You’re shaking with depraved anticipation, and he wants to huff a laugh - his lovely little masochist - instead, he tucks the cane away, confusing you.
“Well, darling,” he dips down and places the softest feather of a kiss upon the nape of your neck. “If you want it, that’s not much of a punishment at all, now is it?”
He has decided that, in honor of your wanton little show with his brothers, he will wield his authority in a different manner tonight. You will suffer, but not in the way you might have hoped.
Straightening, he takes your chin loosely in his grasp and tilts your face upwards until he is looking down the bridge of his nose at you. “On the bed, magpie. Right on the edge, legs spread wide open for me. I’d like to look at your pretty cunt.”
Without waiting to watch you comply, he turns and makes his way back to the chair he loves so well, and takes a seat casually. By the time he has settled in, you’re perched on display for him.
“So gorgeous, little bird.” He hums softly, popping the button of his pants. The parting of his zipper causes your entire body to jolt in hunger. “Look at that pretty fucking pussy. You’re so wet I can almost smell you.”
His hand dips behind linen and tugs his cock free. So hard and beautiful. Swollen tip leaking pearlescent drops of arousal that you long to lick away.
“Jake,” you whine, body rocking against nothing so subtly, you don’t even realize it’s happening.
“I told you to shut up.” He snaps, wrapping his fist around himself with a slow, easy tug.
“Yes, sir.” You breathe. A little groveling never hurt anyone.
“You will take what you’re given tonight, and you will thank me for it.” He’s stroking himself with intent now, and you couldn’t look away if you tried. You just want him so fucking badly. “And I so love to spoil you, don’t I?”
“Yes, sir.” You repeat, hushed, and fighting to keep your hand from dipping between your legs.
“And now you’ve ruined that for me, which wasn’t very nice.” He clicks his tongue. “My mean, filthy, little magpie owes me an apology, does she not?”
“I’m sorry.” You sound pathetic, and that’s fine for the both of you. “I just wanted—“
“I know what you wanted.” He interrupts, words rasped as he jerks his cock off just a bit faster. “I didn’t ask for your fucking explanations. Let me see that lovely little clit, I miss her.”
Reaching down, you spread yourself open without thought or hesitation. What Jake wants, Jake gets. Funnily enough, however, he feels the same about you…usually.
“There she is…” you watch his fist tighten around his length…god, you want it so badly it’s nearly difficult to think. Your thoughts, scattered and blurred with want. “Look how pretty and pink. And swollen, too.” He tilts his head sorrowfully. “Such a shame. I could so easily take care of her…if you hadn’t acted like such a whore tonight. And for what?”
“You know why.” You huff, growing slightly insufferable with desire.
“Watch that fucking tone or I’ll spread you out, tie you down, and correct you until the sun comes up.” His warning drives out harshly from between clenched teeth.
He watches the insubordination silently leech from your bones. “That’s a good girl. Can you feel it, baby? My tongue on your clit? Warm and wet, licking and sucking you until your cum is dripping down my chin? Hmm? Can you feel that?”
And fuck if you can’t. You’re conjuring the feeling of his mouth working away at you sinfully, the sounds he makes, groans and hums of bliss that muffle into your soaked flesh. They crowd your mind until it is fat full with Jacob and only Jacob.
“I’d love to taste you, magpie.” He sighs, fucking his fist faster still. “I’d love to crawl over there and bury my face between your thighs. Love to slip my tongue way up inside until my nose is buried against you. Until I can’t fucking breathe.”
“Please.” Is the only word you can manage, and even that comes out weak and warbling.
“Tough love, little bird.” He taunts. Tough love. And it’s only because I care…I don’t want to see you go completely off the rails, I’ve gotta keep you in line, don’t I?”
Your body twitches and writhes and shakes all on its own…you’ve lost control of your muscles. Your veins are searing with fiery need, nerve endings buzzing and sparking like downed power lines. Mouth open and panting like a cornered animal in need of something it can’t quite identify. You want to claw at your body until you can climb out of yourself; until you can discard your own skin like an itchy sweater in a room that’s just a little too warm.
But even if all that were possible, none of it would help, you know as fact, only Jake can soothe you now. Only Jake.
Suddenly, he rises, kicking his pants off along the way as he moves closer to you, closing in on your trembling frame like a gleeful predator.
His body, bare and stunning, glows ghostly in the shadowy moonlight that streams through the curtains. You can smell him now, spiced and soaked in something earthly…like perfumed soil, rich and damp, sifting through your fingers.
“You stay where you are.” His voice purrs out, like silk curling against your cheek.
He reaches behind you and takes up the small switch. Black and spindly, it could almost pass for a wand, fittingly - for his is nothing short of magic.
“I’d like to look at your cunt right up close while I’m cumming.” he whispers, dropping to his knees. “Hello little beauty,” his breath falls against you, though his words aren’t spoken for your ears. “How’s my sweetness?”
His eyes cast up to yours, “Such a beautiful pussy, magpie. Especially right now. Wet and swollen, pink and velvet soft…what I wouldn’t give to fill her all the way up. Pity.”
His arm begins a rhythmic pump against your calf as he lavishes his devouring gaze between your legs, hushing words of praise meant only for your cunt. Murmurs of, pretty soaked pussy, tight little baby, needs spoiled so badly, curses, groans of pleasure and denial that fall hot between your legs.
When your hands give in and reach to bury in his hair, your thigh is met with a harsh crack of the switch, wordlessly putting you in your place. No touching, that sting barks, and you heed the warning.
His frantic gasps and groans grow louder until, as if he can’t help himself, the flat of his tongue laps slowly and heavily from your slick entrance to your clit…the growl that follows is feral and ravenous for more, but he is nothing if not self-disciplined.
“Needed the taste of you on my tongue,” he’s panting now, jerking his cock hard and fast, and then his mouth is resting upon you, lips and cheek pressed right up against your dripping center as you thrust lightly into him, feverish for even a breath of friction.
He cums hard, shoving in closer and digging into your thigh with his hand that still clutches the switch. Crying out as he grabs and pulls at you, nuzzling into your cunt as he spills all over the floor between his knees and your feet, a chorus of his own gasps and obscenities the soundtrack to his release.
Once he’s regained some semblance of composure, he’s on you. Darting up from his place before you to grab you by the throat, decadent cum still dripping from his knuckles and onto your collarbone. He smears it into your flesh like heavenly oil, anointing you.
“You will wear me tonight and remember who you belong to, and you will fucking thank me for it.” He rasps, crawling over you, guiding you along beneath him until your head meets the pillow.
“Yes.” You nod, wide-eyed and grateful. “Yes. Thank you, sir. I’ll wear you forever. Cover me in you every minute of every day. Please, I want it, always.”
Down his hand slips, weaving a winding, serpentine trail of his release to mark his path, then he finds his spot beside you…pulling you in against him until his softening cock is nestled into the curve of your spine.
He will take care of you in the morning, you know without question…but tonight, this is your punishment, and you are more than willing to take it.
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @jakesgrapejuice @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @tripthelightjaketastic @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @thelvnternskeeper @paintmyhouse @tripthelightfandomtastic @tripthelight-fanfic @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @thewritingbeforesunrise @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @jordie-gvf-admin @calumspretty @gretasmokerising
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ashmp3 · 1 month
closing #heyteo 💌
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i want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who's ever tagged me in their posts! i can't put it into words how grateful i am for having such talented, sweet people around me that wanted to share their beautiful creations with me. i cherish them all and i hope yapping in my tags conveyed that. Honestly i could talk about them in great lengths (and mostly i did...) so this is why i feel like i think its right time to wrap this up - i feel bad when i can't sit down, talk my ass off and give my full attention to each and every single post. Sadly i don't think its possible for me to do it now which is why i am writing all this, with a tear in my eye honestly. I checked and saw i have 925 (and counting!) posts in this tag and first of all - that is CRAZY! I am so grateful you have no idea. I really, really cherished this little corner of the internet that i called my own so this is all bittersweet but i think it's for the best! Lastly, i don't plan on going anywhere just yet so of COURSE feel free to tag me in anything you think i shouldn't miss (especially Jeonghan and your selfies... of course) - you already know a block of tags will be coming your way! And for being my amazingly talented friends i wrote little thank-you notes for everyone that made #heyteo one of the best decisions i made on tumblr 💌 I appreciate you all SO so so so much!
@jeonwonwoo -> my angel and the reason i even made this tag miss zaynab! We would be here for weeks if i started talking about how thankful i am for your existence. My no1 source of Jeonghan gifs, someone who perfectly matches my freak - thank you the MOST! (And ofc you can still expect me to go on tangents under your gifs i mean... that's what this blog is all about!) Love you!🩷🫶🏼
@kimsuyeon -> my talented lili, with the most wonderful gifs that are just so YOU! Always so wonderfully curated and colored, your idol + era collection is for the HERstory books if you ask me. Thank you for sharing them with all of us. i am so happy to have you around and i am thankful that you have been one of Thee contributors to #heyteo 🫶🏼🩷
@pink-vacancy -> i think it wouldn't be wrong to call you my yuna and mina supplier 🤭 cherry yuna is for the history books and you are the biggest contributor to that fact! thank you so much for always tagging me and making my tag a tad bit spicier and sexier with the gorgeous, stunning women you gif! love you and appreciate you SO much 💌🍒🫶🏼
@scouped -> MAX you are such an integral part of #heyteo through your many sideblogs and i am always so so sooo grateful for it! i love everyone but of course i love svt just a tad bit more so seeing your sets always made me so giddy and excited 🫶🏼 again, one of the people that really pushed me to make this tag in the first place so i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. love you!!! 💖🌟
@vcrnons -> j!!! my dear sweet darling J that wanted to kill me on more than one occasion. thank you so much for tagging me and sorry for all the things i said under your gifs its like they hypnotize me... And ofc i am excited to be annoying under your tags in the future 🫶🏼💖💖💖
@scoupsies -> my naya funniest sweetest most talented darling... You've been thee highlight of my user tag - and i promise i will still be yapping under your gifs like how could i not?! you best believe i will be checking you blog so i don't miss anything because well that would just be devastating for me. thank you so much for tagging me i love you & appreciate you SO much!!! 🫶🏼🩷💌
@neonsbian -> my wayv supplier and source of updates 🤭 thank you so much vinnie, for always tagging me in everything so far & i always enjoyed seeing my twin yangyang in the tag (for better or worse) 💖
@no1boa -> lulu! absolute master of gifs thank you SO much for always tagging me in your dreamy, beautiful creations. honestly i will miss them SO much... so expect me to go through your blog like a morning newspapers and look for new sets 🙂‍↕️🫶🏼🤍
@taeiltual -> i always say this in the tags but every single company would benefit from a BexTM master class on editing! Thank you so much for sharing your works and thank your for tagging me 🤍🫶🏼🌟
@facethesuns -> em your posts always make me feel like ground is shaking... Thank you so much for tagging me in your stuff & of course i am excited to keep yapping in the tags in the future 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️💖
@ningtual -> MY SUNWOO SUPPLIER oh henna this is for the better or worse because my blood pressure rises whenever i see him... thank you for tagging me in your beautiful aespa edits (and nunulino...) love you mwah mwah!!! 🫶🏼🩷
@talksaxy -> even though we haven't been mutuals for a long time, whenever you would tag me in sungchan you best believe i would kick my feet and get giddy... thank you so much for adding a beautiful fawn touch to my tag! & ofc expect me to be in your tags either way, and yeah this kinda reads as a threat but you can't blame me really can't you... thank you sooo much. mwah! 🫶🏼🌟💖
@28reas0ns -> oh wwill first of all i want to say i love your vision and how we both sometimes make similar connections... You have such an eye for the aesthetics and it was such an honor to seen every post you made so thank you SO much for tagging me it truly meant so much to me 🫶🏼💖🤍💖🤍
@isabelleadjani -> first of all thank you for using it for its intended purposes (selfies!!!). and second of all thank you for tagging me in your beautiful, gorgeous gifs. You always go one level up and its so evident in the way you present your sets. I would still love to get tagged in your selfies of course thats a no brainer really 🫶🏼 Thank you so much & i really appreciate your presence on here 🤍🤍🤍
@junmail -> oh its been such a delight to see all the junhui in my tag (along with others of course) so thank you SO much for tagging me and sharing your beautiful gif sets with me (and everyone else)🫶🏼💖
@doyeons -> BELLA!!! first of all. thank you for sungah and seohyun gifs that was kinda legendry don't you agree. Thank you for amplifying frommy gifs in my tag they made me so crazy but also... i am very thankful 🙂‍↕️ And you best believe i will still be under your posts like a pathetic little guy. Kiss!!! 🫶🏼💖
@eightshotamericano -> elly my local jeonghan enthusiast i want to thank you for tagging me in your posts i really enjoyed them always 💖 and i appreciate you for thinking of me, love you!🥹🫶🏼
@seonghwasblr -> I know there wasn't many but i still want to send my virtual thank you card for including me in your beautiful gifs of jeonghan my darling maja i really appreciate it!🫶🏼💖
@jeonwon-wonwoo -> maddie thank you for tagging me in your lessera gifs back in the beginning of the year - it was so sweet of you! 🫶🏼💖 again, a huge thank you to everyone who’s tagged me in their posts. it truly means a lot, and I’m so grateful for each and every one of you who’s taken the time to include me. I appreciate you all more than words can express 🥹🥹🥹🫶🏼🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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adammilligan · 2 years
okay no i have to get these thoughts out of my brain. if we think michael can jack off adam’s actual literal soul then i have to say i don’t think he would do it hard at all i think he’d do it all soft and slow and sweet because they both wear matching stickers that say fragile: handle with care and adam would fucking pass out for an hour afterwards. i think since souls can power up angels michael would also be getting a fucking high off of it and since they’d be so wound together in there adam would ALSO feel the energy high generated by his own soul through michael’s grace feeding it back to him and it would be like a constant infinite push and pull from one to the other. forget about their body for a second they’re literally going to find enlightenment in there you know what i’m saying. like don’t even worry about it i think it’d leave them both unable to move for at LEAST a day
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kokonoisgf · 3 years
Home - Kazutora Hanemiya x reader
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MINORS DNI - sexual explicit content - 18+ content
+ really wanted to publish something for his bday <3 I love Kazu a whole lot, he deserves the universe ugh-  this is smutty with fluff and a tad of angst <3 
+ soft kazu, slight angst at the beginning, “princess”, “baby”, “angel”,  blowjob
+ stay safe and drink water! I love you <3
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Lazily laying on his bed, the dim lights emanating from the street lights reflect through the large windows. Sounds of passing cars - driving hastily to places far beyond Kazutora’s reach, buzzing through his ears. Sandy-colored orbs gazing at the ceiling in doubt with à mixture of fear of yet another year passing him by. He’d be 28 this year, gaze drifting to the clock by his bed flashing in a neon color: 11:58. The sound of rain slowly eases his mind to rest. Truth be told, he never cared about his birthday, dark thoughts rummaging in his head at how he always spent it by himself in juvie, years after years. For him, it was like any other day, it wasn’t like his existence required to be celebrated. Somehow, even the sky seemed to cry, as the clock struck 12, thunder roaring outside, à flash bursting through his dark room.
A long-drawn-out sigh escapes his parted lips, one hand thrown over his head as he ponders his past, nightmares, and shadows of it creeping through his vacant room. Letting his hand fall by his side, he stares at the ceiling with lazy eyes, before a knock at his door stir him out of his spiraling misery. “Huh,” His voice is soft, filled with a pinch of confusion. His eyebrows perk up before making his way to the entrance. With one hand on the handle, he slowly opens the door revealing who could possibly be outside at such a late hour. 
Before he even has the smallest chance to react, that said person jumps into his embrace, his eyes widening tenfold. It’s you, it’s really you. Your umbrella clumsily laying on the floor, where a neatly placed bag filled with ribbon is standing by it. 
“Happy birthday Kazu!” You coo, your embrace only tightening as his scent overflow every pore of your being. Shock is apparent on his face, taking à good 5 seconds to process this, as he shakily wraps his arms around you. It’s embarrassing really, but he feels like breaking down; crying because he knows you’ve remembered. Even though to him, his birthday is just any other day, to you it’s something important. It hits him like à tidal wave, washing away his previous thoughts and worries leaving only pure bliss.
“Y-Y/N” He stutters, mind in a daze as you press feather-like kisses down his neck. “You remembered..” His voice is soft, like glass, shaking slightly as if to hide the fact that he was crumbling right under your touch. Pulling away just slightly to get a better look at his face, one of your hands slowly caress his cheek as you tiptoe capturing his lips in a chaste kiss. 
“Of course, it’s an important day after all” A single tear fall from his eyes, cascading to his mole and down his cheek. He looks at you with such love you could melt right there. Slowly, you wipe it away, as he leans down to press his lips against yours once again. The kiss is passionate, time seems to stand still, Kazutora trembling like a leaf under your spell. Tongues twirl together as you wrap your arms around his neck, itching one leg to wrap it around his waist. He feels himself unravel already, cock straining against the loose material of his grey sweatpants, twitching from your mere kisses. Gasping for air, he makes quick work of bringing your belonging insides before peeking at the gift, you snicker grabbing his hand “This one’s for later, I got a special one for now” 
Guiding him to the leather couch in the corner of his living room, you’re quick to nestle between his legs, looking up at him with doe eyes. A bead of sweat rolls down his forehead, gulping down excessive saliva, gaze flickering between your lips and your twinkling gaze.
“Is this okay Kazu?” You whisper, one hand softly caressing his inner thigh, head cocked to the side. His sandy orbs zeros on your lips, the way his name falls oh so gently from your mouth. “Y-Yea please-” He begs slightly,  mindless please slipping from his lips. His cheeks are flushed with embarrassment, desperately chasing the feeling of your mouth enveloping his cock. His long locks are tied up in a bun, two caramel-colored strands framing his features, god; you swore he was prettier than any work of art you had ever laid eyes upon. 
Humming, you make quick work of his pants and underwear, his dick slapping against his stomach as he bites his lips, the cold air of his apartment sending shivers through his spine. He’s been ridiculously hard ever since you jumped into his arms, your scent engulfing him whole. Cock leaking, the tip is engorged and flushed red. One prominent vein runs under it, a delicate finger coming to trace it, as he curses under his breath. He’s so sensitive, feeling all his pent-up emotions and needs curse through him.
“I love you so much baby a-ah-” He's cut off when your parted lips press a messy kiss to the head of his cock, the sweetest smile covering your face, conveying more than any words ever could. Inch by Inch, you ease hi length into your mouth, pulling whimpers and pleads from the man above you. He hisses at the warmth your mouth provides around his dick, one hand tangling itself in your locks.
“So desperate for my cock yeah? F-Fuck- taking me so well-” He knows the answer to his question full well, as your tongue eagerly laps at his length, hands slowly caressing his thighs. You had craved him, craving the feel of his cock kissing your throat and painting it white all day. A shudder runs through him at your neediness, gaze flickering to your mouth accommodating his cock so well. The rain still tumbles echoing through his small studio, mixing so deliciously with the squelching sound of your mouth wrapped around his cock. 
“So good to me princess-” Kazutora lets his head fall back against the couch, chest heaving as his hips stutter, release coming incredibly fast. Biting hard enough to draw blood, he feels the coil in his stomach unravel, a gasp of your name cutting through the rain.
“Fuck angel am’ gonna cum-” He warns, though a bit too late as his cock twitch inside your mouth, nails digging into the leather of his couch leaving small crescent moons, proofs of the bliss pulsating through his veins. Brushing à strand of your hair away from your face, his gaze imprints the sights in his mind as he desperately ruts into your warm mouth, chasing his orgasm like a starved man. It’s not too long before thick ropes of cum coat your tongue and throat as you eagerly swallow. A series of rather loud moans fall from his parted lips, eyes shut tight, orgasm washing over him. Eyes rolling in the back of his skull, one hand over his forehead, strands of hair sticking to his forehead, his gaze is glued to you. You pull away with a satisfying ‘pop’, looking at the man above you with heart eyes;  Parted lips, flushed face, you make your way unto his laps straddling him, as he eagerly wraps his arms around you, bringing you into the warmest embrace. Nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck, he inhales your scent; you smell like home. 
Slowly you untie his locks, watching every strand cascade down his shoulder, your heart almost leaping out of your chest at the sight. Excitement rushes through your veins as you hand him the small gift; a giddy smile covering your features. Diligently, he unwraps it, fingers working slowly as if afraid to break its content. As it slowly paints itself before his eyes, a silver key shines under the dim light of the living room's lamp. Blinking, his gaze flickers between your smile and the key, noticing a folded sheet of paper underneath. Picking it up, he reads its content :
The message reads in small cursive letters: “for our new home.” 
At this moment, the rain slowly comes to a halt and Kazutora swore he was the happiest man in all the universe.
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back to masterlist?
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seollenda-moved · 3 years
Hii I hope you're doing well, could you read a smut with dom mina and sub reader where mina gets jealous of another idol flirting with the reader, ending with some fluff if possible.
our poor minari...she just wants to know she's loved.
the surest thing (idol!reader x mina)
CW: smut; dom/sub, mild spanking, toys, edging
word count: ~1900
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you’d always been the sweetest–your reputation meant that if anyone wanted to get to know twice as a group, you were usually the “in”.
so when the leader of an up and coming girl group came up to you after a music show and showered endless compliments and friendliness on you, it seemed just to be another case of wanting to befriend you. and who didn’t like making friends?
“no, it was amazing to finally see you on the stage in person–i’d heard so many good things,” you said. the other idol casually took your hand, her beaming smile earnest.
“thanks, unnie.”
the brave term of endearment caused your cheeks to heat just a bit. you opened your mouth to wave off her gratitude when the girl’s gaze moved past your shoulder. her eyes widened slightly, and she stepped backward an inch, dropping your hand.
you turned to see mina walking down the hall towards the two of you.
her eyes lifted from observing your interactions, a graceful, if slightly cold smile on her features. you thought nothing of it–she had always been a bit shy and reserved, and meeting the face of such a new hot group was probably a bit socially overwhelming as well.
“mina!” you greeted her cheerily, and introduced the two to each other. mina drew up next to you, a hand wrapping around your waist. she pulled you into her side in an unusually brave show of possessiveness.
the new idol had noticed. the tips of her ears went pink.
“hello, mina sunbaenim,” she said, bobbing her head in a quick bow. “i was just telling y/n-nim about how much we enjoyed your comeback stage tonight…”
“thank you,” mina acknowledged her praise rather dismissively. a prickle of irritation poked at you now. shyness was one thing, but she was being a bit rude now, wasn’t she?
“y/n, we’re just set to leave,” mina said, glancing at you. her eyes barely concealed her tense displeasure. “you should go get changed.”
“oh, alright,” you said, gathering some cheer again. the hoobae looked a tad dejected. you wrapped your arms around the idol. “it was so nice meeting you!”
the girl had barely returned the farewell before mina had dragged you back down the hall to the dressing room.
she shut the door firmly and whirled around to face you.
“what was that?”
the few other members sitting around sleepily hadn’t paid you much mind, but now the heated, albeit whispered, tone of her voice drew dahyun and momo’s attention, being nearest to your conversation.
“yeah, what was that? why were you being so rude to her?” you shot back accusingly. rather than the regretful introspection that you’d expected, her cheeks flushed in greater irritation.
“as if you didn’t know what you were doing, flirting with a new pretty girl.”
dahyun’s eyes widened and she promptly towed momo with her to the opposite side of the room.
“flirting?!” you sputtered in disbelief. “she just wanted to be friends, at least until you scared her away.”
“she knew what she was doing, too, letting go of you when she saw me,” mina muttered, her hands loosening from their tense fists.
“when she saw you? what are you talking about, mina?”
she opened her mouth but promptly shut it again, her stormy eyes signaling a very clear we’ll talk about this later.
you’d rehearsed a very measured and mature way of breaching the topic for the whole silent drive home.
you unlocked the door and stepped into your shared flat first, turning to shuck off your coat and hang it by the door.
but mina seemed to have different plans. she stepped into you, pinning you against the wall. her eyes glinted in a manner which immediately made your breath hitch.
“they might not know that you’re mine, but you should.” her angry gaze bore into you. “isn’t that right, kitten?”
you hadn’t expected all of it to become this, but you couldn’t say you weren’t excited about it.
“o-of course.”
“i think you were asking for a little reminder,” she ran a thumb over your lip, pausing just for a moment. “colors?”
“green,” you breathed. a slow, devious grin spread over her face.
“go to the bedroom and get undressed.”
you weren’t quite sure which definition of undressed she had been looking for. you ventured to remove all your clothing–the undergarments from a performance day weren’t particularly fancy or flattering.
mina hadn’t bothered changing her own clothes either–her usual outfit departing a music show was comfortable sweats; today were a heather grey set. she’d discarded the sweatshirt, however, and wore a thin white halter tank top. her nipples stood conspicuously under the thin fabric of the shirt alone. her hair was up in a messy clip.
she smiled at you laid across the bed. her beauty was frequently soft, demure, kind.
but now she regarded you with possessive desire.
“lie back, kitten,” she said. you scooted backward at her command until your head was propped on a pillow. she pushed the blankets to the foot of the bed, her eyes raking across you until you blushed.
“my girl,” she murmured, kneeling over you. she gathered your wrists above your head, her grip firm. “so pretty, everyone wants her. it’s too bad you belong to me.”
she demonstrated this by promptly inducing a hickey just below your ear. the sudden intensity caused you to moan, though a flash of realisation made you whisper hurriedly.
“mina…we have music bank tomorrow–”
“guess the makeup artists will have to work extra hard, hm?” she only purred, kissing the fresh bruise and causing a shiver down your spine. “oh, what i’d do to you if i weren’t so considerate.”
she punctuated the statement with a pull on your nipple. you whimpered, the throbbing between your thighs intensifying.
“mina, fuck me.”
the slap across your thigh, though light, startled you with a jolt, your eyes flying open.
“have you forgotten your place, darling?” mina said coldly. “maybe a punishment is in order after all.”
“i’m sorry,” you breathed, averting your eyes. she held your chin and turned your face toward her. you could feel her gaze, searching with disaffected interest for any hint of insolence. but you had always been a good girl.
she chuckled, an idea evidently crossing her mind. she reached into the bedside drawer, and with your heart in your throat you saw her withdraw a small, egg shaped toy with a little pull tail on it. you knew what this meant. a likely agonizing wait for a release.
she ran a finger between your pussy lips, apparently satisfied with the wetness that had gathered so quickly. she pressed the vibrator to your entrance, your slickness helping you take the bulb with minor difficulty. the sensation of feeling something inside you made you sigh in brief restful bliss.
that is, until she switched it on.
her favorite setting was low and erratic on and off patterns. just enough to feel good until it became maddening, the unpredictable give and take causing you to wait at the brink until you were begging her to allow your release.
your hips bucked at the stimulation, a high keening moan escaping your lips. how long would your domme keep you like this tonight?
she sat back, her expression pleased.
“a test of your self control,” she said, stepping off the bed. “let’s see how well you resist temptation. i’m leaving you untied, but if i catch you touching yourself or climaxing, you’ll endure this every night for a week, kitten.”
her expression betrayed no faltering in her resolve.
“yes, ma’am.”
the next twenty minutes were an increasingly unbearable hell. she began to prepare for sleep, changing into her favorite silken pajamas, washing her face, applying skincare. she sat at the vanity opposite the bed, watching you watch her as she brushed her dark hair carefully before the mirror.
you stayed quiet, ever obedient, even as the sensations of the vibrator inside your increasingly pent up pussy began to hint at an aching pain. you began to squeeze your thighs together subconsciously, seeking any type of relief, when mina snapped at you.
“legs apart.”
you knew she was watching your reflection, seeing how your arousal dripped from your trembling pussy, your whole body tensed in sweet agony.
she’d finally finished her routine, by which you couldn’t contain your whimpers anymore. you’d have been ashamed if your mind wasn’t overtaken by need, pleads falling from your lips as she sat down on the bed next to you again. you opened your eyes to see her watching you, amusement in her eyes. you tried at a pitiful appeal to her.
“please, i need to come, i can’t take this…”
she pressed lightly on your clit, making you see stars and nearly lose control right then and there. you realized only afterward that you had let out a yelp. you squeezed your eyes shut.
“what a good girl.”
she palmed your breasts lightly.
“should we let her have what she wants? does she deserve it?”
“please, i belong to you, i’m yours alone,” you babbled helplessly. “i’ll be good, i promise.”
“all right.” her whisper was suddenly close against your ear. “come for me, darling.”
she turned the vibrator up one setting and that was enough to finally tip you over the edge, crying out in pleasure of an intensity that bordered pain. tears squeezed from the corner of your eyes as waves started from your orgasm and wracked your whole body in blissful convulsions. mina murmured sweet nonsensical praise into your ear as you came, pressing your wrists into the pillow again as to restrain you through your climax.
“you’re so pretty like this,” she purred. you could only pant, coming down and unable to put words together in any sort of coherent response. you only moaned, turning towards mina and curling in on yourself. she laughed softly.
mina was always sweet about aftercare, gently cleaning you up and tipping water past your dry lips. she remembered to wipe your makeup away, settling for this briefer routine seeing your exhaustion. she finally finished, switching the lights off and settling into bed next to you, pulling the covers up over the both of you.
you wrapped your arms around her neck immediately, scooting close against her. she ran her fingers through your disheveled hair, quiet for a moment. she inhaled and sighed, the sound of her thinking through something and about to speak on it. you waited patiently, nuzzling her neck so she knew you were still conscious.
“they know they’re hitting on you when you’re with me. and they don’t care.”
the quiet distress in mina’s tone surprised you. you drew backward to look at her properly by the dim lights of the city behind the blinds. sadness had come across her delicate features, suddenly vulnerable in this late night.
“the men not caring, i’d gotten used to, but another girl?”
you pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek as her eyes fluttered shut.
“regardless of if they do or don’t know, they all mean nothing,” you reminded her gently. “i love you, and you alone.”
“i’m sorry,” she said softly. “i don’t know what got into me, i wasn’t fair to you…”
“it’s okay. i understand.”
she blinked away tears, returning your simple kiss. “i love you.”
“i love you so much, mina.”
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Sebastian convincing you to have another baby...
Pairing | Sebastian Stan x reader
Summary | Seb wants another baby, but he still has to convince you into wanting the same thing.
Warnings | smut, breeding kink, fluff, oral sex (fem receiving), unprotected sex, mentions of birth control, creampie, swearing, cockwarming
Requested ✖️
Y/e/d/n = Your eldest daughter’s name
Y/d/n = your daughters name
Y/s/n = your son’s name
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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The idea of pregnancy gave you many things to think about, the gruelling and simultaneously tiresome journey had been one hell of a rollercoaster. The countless times (approximately two) that you had endured the swelling of your feet, and the divine hunger for the strangest combinations of food, had left you with three beautiful children.
First you had birthed a little girl, that sparked a new light behind your husband’s eyes, and reinvented his world. She was the princess he adored, and the one that you loved to watch Disney movies with, even if she insisted on Frozen every singular time.
And then, after her, you had a pair of perfect twins. They brought sound and restlessness to the household, after your daughter demanding that she wanted a sibling. Deep down, you had wanted more at the time too, but now, you felt as though your life goal was fulfilled.
Your family was everything that you had ever wanted, it felt as though you had been taken off an idealistic screen and transferred into reality. And if that had happened, you wouldn’t be one to complain, for all your greatest wishes had come true.
But if you were to ask your husband, he would make it very clear that he wanted more little devils running around the house. There was a joke that Evans and Mackie had with you every time that they saw you on set, clothed in a tight catsuit to fit your role. They would act amazed at the appearance of you not bearing one of Sebastian’s gorgeous children, their false shock earning laughs from your various co stars.
It wasn’t the fact that you weren’t open to the idea of another child to grow within your womb, however, it was more out of fear. You were well aware that you had been blessed with the birth of your lovely twins, though you were scared that you would endure the premise of double labour again, and it wasn’t exactly the kind of pain that you were willing to experience for a second time.
Being practically split in half once was bad enough, but twice, one instance straight after the other was bound to be the worst torture that a mother could be provided with. As you stirred your evening cuppa, watching as your kids were all huddled playing a board game after their dinner, two arms found placement around your waist, lightly tugging you back into a strong chest.
“Look at our babies.” Your husband mumbled into the crown at the back of your head, his fingertips rolling circles beneath your shirt. “Aren’t they the sweetest?” He asked, pressing a delicate kiss upon the back of your neck. The feeling of his stubble making your body shake wantonly, but you withheld from making sounds, not wanting to draw the attention of your children.
“When they’re quiet.” You agreed, watching as your eldest helped the twins with beating her. “They’re the most important people in my life, and then, it’s my annoying husband, who cannot stop trying to get in my pants for five minutes.”
“That’s called love; your husband loves you.” Sebastian stated, nibbling on your ear lobe as you ushered a sound of approval, clutching onto his hand that was firmly planted on your side, as his tongue traced the shell of your ear. “And I’m sure he’d love to show you how much, if you stop being mean to him.”
“Mean?” You laughed, taking a sip of your drink before spinning in his arms, allowing him to push you flush against the counter. “I can show him mean.” Biting your lip, you traced the seam of his sweats, that appeared to be all that he was currently wearing, brushing your hands up and against his well attended to torso. “But later.”
Seb groaned, leaning his head back, as he moved closer to you, pushing his thigh between your legs, glancing over your shoulder at the kids. “We could put them to bed right now, and then go to our room, then, you can show me how much of a horrible wife you are.”
“As much as I love that idea bubs, the twins need to be bathed, and you have to help your daughter with her math homework.” Leaning forwards, you pressed a kiss on his bicep, moving out from the entrapment of his arms, and lightly patting his ass.
“You know I was joking about you being mean, but now I’m seeing some truth behind my earlier words.” Sebastian plodded away, and towards the open living space, plopping down on the sofa, as he watched his offspring on the floor, smiling at their kindness to one another, though he was sure that tomorrow would be another story.
With one last look, you headed upstairs, going to the main bathroom, and began to slowly the run the tap. During the time you allowed it to run, you grabbed some pyjamas for your babies, as well as a couple of towels and flannels. By the time you had returned to the bathroom, and put everything down ready, the tub was half filled. And so you stopped the stream, putting in a tad of cold water before descending down the stairs.
“Honey, help y/e/d/n with her school work, I’m gonna get these two trouble makers ready for bed.” Your husband nodded as he pursed his lips, trying to ignore how you leant down to pick the twins up, pretending as through the top of your breast had not been caught by his eyes.
And with that, you got the kids cleaned and ready for the following day, meeting Seb at the doorway of y/d/n’s and y/s/n’s room, giving them each a kiss on the forehead before tucking them in for bed.
As you were walking towards your own room, Sebastian lifted you from behind, carrying you the rest of the way. “You can’t keep it in your pants, can you Mr Stan?” You laughed as he dropped you upon your double bed, him instantly kneeling at the end of it to peel your shirt off.
He trailed kisses along your legs, humming from the much desired contact, as his blue eyes flickered up at you. “That’s your fault, you deprive me.” He muttered against your skin, reaching his fingertips up higher to grasp at the sides of your underwear, pulling the material down.
Your husband blew hot air upon your pussy, grinning to himself as it instinctively clenched around nothing. As he moved closer, he breathed in your scent, rubbing the tip of his nose along your clit, before diving in to feast, sneaking his tongue through your slit, instantly prodding at your entrance, causing your head to wind back, and your hand grasp his hair.
“We should have another.” He mumbled against you, and you were almost too delirious to complain, although a light groan emitted from you, as you fought with yourself whether to let him continue eating you out and not respond, or do the responsible, adult thing, and speak about it.
With much resilience, you pulled his head away, licking your lips at his slick stained chin away, tugging him to be laid beside you. “Is that really want you want Seb?” You asked, biting your lip, wanting to hear his thoughts in hopes that it would relax you for the possibility of you bearing more of his children.
“Of course it is draga.” He answered, his icy pools making your own freeze, he cupped your chin, bringing your lips to his own, placing a few pecks upon your lips, before continuing. “I know that you’re nervous, but I will look after you every step of the way, like I have done both times before. Anyways, I feel like directors take a kick out of challenging themselves with making their actresses appear not pregnant, look at both you and Scar through the years.”
You nodded, understanding that your career wouldn’t take the brunt of things. “I want another but... I’m scared. Just, what if I have two again?” You rambled with your hands, and he clasped them between his own, pausing your panicked hand signals, and rubbing his nose against each set of your knuckles.
“The chances of that aren’t very high my love. But if it happens, then maybe this time you’ll let us call them Wanda and Pietro...” his words earned him a light eye roll and a tender hit on his shoulder, as he rolled on top of you, causing you to squeal. “Remember, don’t wake the kids.”
“Kinda hard when I can feel how hard you are.” You retorted, moaning as he began to suck at the spot on your neck that made your knees shake, his hands drifting beneath your shirt, as he began to raise the material up your torso, and over your breasts. You whipped the material over your head, discarding it as his attention turned to your boobs. “I’ll never get tired of these.”
He hummed, before leaning down, taking a rosey pebble to be captured within his mouth, sucking on it as his fingers fiddled with the other. “Seb, I just need you in me.” You prodded his hips with the heels of your feet, pleased when he leaned back, pulling down his sweats, so that his erection bobbed upwards, the head already leaking precum.
“You want a baby that bad?” He asked in a brisk voice, clambering back onto your awaiting body once again, grasping his base with his heavy hand, dragging his tip to circle around your clit. “Want me to fill you up, so that you grow nice and full with my baby.”
A furrow made its way onto your brow, as you held onto his biceps, lightly rolling your hips up against his leaking head. “Honey.” He paused his movements, staring carefully down at you, reading your expression. “I’m still on birth control.” You informed him, watching as his eyelashes fluttered, and he pressed down unto you again.
“A little practise never hurt gorgeous.” Sebastian spoke, slipping his cock into your entrance, sinking into you as you moaned out his name. “Fuck, so tight, even after three kids.” He groaned, putting his hands either side of your head, as he began to thrust in and out of your pussy, breathing heavily through his nose.
“So big.” Your hands grasped at his naked back, casting down to grasp his ass, causing him to suddenly buck deeper into you, emitting another series of moans out of you. “Love your cock.”
“Yeah?” The romanian smugly asked, his lips drifting up the tip of your nose, before running them back down to your own, biting onto your upper lip, as one hand continued to brace his weight above, and the other moved down to fondle with your clit, causing you to tighten around him, your eyelids blinking repeatedly. “You love my fat cock inside of you, about to pump you full of my cum?”
“Yes Seb, love it.” Your eyes screwed shut, tears slipping out the corner of your eyes, as he made his administrations harder, hitting his hips languidly against your own. “Love it so so so mu- ah - ch.”
“Cum angel. Coat my cock, pretty girl.” You complied, reaching your high, as your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer as your essence pooled around him. “Want me to make you round with my babe, want me to make you full of my cum?”
“I do, I do, I do.” You squealed, your breath hitching as he stilled for a minute, filling you with seed. “Fuck.” You breathed, your chest rising and falling, as he remained in your for a moment, before pulling out, but you stopped him, clasping his back with your sweaty hands. “Stay.”
“Okay.” Seb said tiredly, his skin flushed as he rolled over, so that you were laid on his chest, your head falling to below his chin. “So beautiful, you know that?”
“Mmh.” You hummed, drawing circles upon his skin. “I’ll come off my birth control tomorrow, then, we don’t have to just practice.” He leant down to press a long kiss upon your lips, sneaking his tongue through their natural seam, gently sucking on your own.
“That sounds more than good to me darling.” He stroked down your back with his talented fingers, pulling you closer again. You felt his dick twitch within you as he felt both of your mixed juices trailed down his balls, that huffed from the sensation.
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dead-boys-club · 2 years
a/n: I ✨️ apologize ✨️. I redid this literally 7 times and I still may delete it and do it again; this is genuinely my worst benkei post.
64 + Benkei for anon ♡
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Going on dates wasn't something that fit into your schedule and relationships weren't exactly top priority; was it your schedule or because you'd been pining after the same guy for three years? The world would never know. You'd turned down a handful of suitors in the sweetest way possible in the short time, always coming up with some excuse. You ignored Wakasa anytime he brought it up,  dodging him in the gym while eliciting a low groan.
When you told him it wasn't ever going to happen, you didn't expect to be sitting in a Cafe the next day, waiting for a storm to pass after Keizo asked you on a date with flowers and shy eye contact.
'I should have checked the weather,' he sighed, hands coming up to rub his face. You looked over to him and for a moment, you took in the differences. At the gym, he was pretty energetic and a bit loud, helping some people out and doing what he needed. Here, though, he was quiet, just a tad bit shy and almost hesitant in his actions. It was like a switch.
'Don't be upset,' you offered, showing a small smile, 'we can't control the weather. At least we weren't caught in it, right?' You weren't complaining, you were content just spending the the time with him.
He nodded slightly, gaze shifting to you then out the window. 'I guess you're right but.. it kind of ruins the rest of the plans.' The idea of going to one of the theme parks had made your heart flutter considering it was one of your dream dates but you didn't mind. You weren't sure how to ease his stress, though.
'I've got an idea,' you chimed, perking up, 'how about.. we spend the rest of the date at one of our places? Get warm, watch some movies.. I'll even order us takeout, on me!'
You were excited about the idea, only to huff a little when he chuckled.
'That sounds great, actually, but on you? Do you really think I'd let you do that?'
Your lips pursed in a playful manner. 'Well, why not? You paid for lunch.. and you were going to take us to the park. It's only fair I get dinner.'
Keizo cooed over your expression but shook his head, leaning to rest his elbow on the table. 'Because I asked you out. I want to take care of it.'
Arguing was futile and you knew that, both of you a little too stubborn for your own good. You easily gave up on getting him to agree and nodded, getting up from your spot. 'Then.. I'll pay for our next date. Cmon, the rain is letting up.'
Reaching for him, you gave his shirt a small tug, attention on the window to watch how the clouds were slowly starting to break. You didn't realize the words had made the male short circuit briefly. He hadn't expected you to want a second date after this one but he wasn't going to complain. Getting up at your tugging, he didn't let you out of the Cafe before his jacket was on your frame with the hood up, protecting you from the little shower.
'You really want to go on a second date?'
You looked up at him when you heard the question, nudging the hood back just enough to see him correctly. 'Well, yeah.. why wouldn't I? Oh- wait, do you? I'm so sorry. Do you want to go out again, Kei?'
You were suddenly panicking a bit, not sure if he even wanted to see you again; what if you weren't what he thought you were? Had you messed it up with being too straight forward?
'No, no! I do, I want to,' he reassured, laughing softly before it trailed off, 'I just.. didn't expect you to want to? Truth is, I've been trying to ask you out for a year now..' Keizo cleared his throat as if to cover up the last part but you'd heard and you melted.
Stepping closer to nudge against him, you bit into your lip to hold back the bright smile before commenting. 'I've.. kind of had a crush on you for.. a few years now. So, I'd.. yeah, I'm pretty happy to see how this goes.'
Keizo was, needless to say, over the moon at your confession. Looking down at you, you could see the buzz of delight in his eyes and the smile he gaze was something that made you want to skip. 'Can I hold your hand?' He asked, sudden and like he was trying to push down all the shy feelings from before. Despite everything, he was still surprised when you linked fingers with his own, your free hand coming up to hold his arm; having you so close made his heart skip a beat. He cursed it, though, feeling like a teenager again with all the weird, awkward shyness.
You managed to end up at his place first, happy to shed your coat and be back in the warmth; you tried to ignore the wet material that clung to your ankles, looking around the familiar place.
'Do you want something else to wear..? I may have something,' he offered, not even bothering to hear your answer before disappearing down the hall to rummage through his clothes. You only blinked a few times, head tilting upon his return. 'My shirt but the shorts are Waka's.. they should fit?'
Accepting them, you smiled. 'Thanks, Kei.' Trotting off to change, you realized just how different it felt being in the home without it being one of those awkward friend gatherings; you'd been dragged along by Wakasa far too many times. You shook the thought off and changed, giggling at the way the shirt settled on your frame. You wouldn't mind getting used to wearing Keizo's clothes.
Keizo, on the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off of you when you came back down the hall, having an internal crisis at seeing you in his shirt. He went to speak but a loud crack of thunder cut him off, the power going along with it.
'Guess there goes the movies?' You chuckled, making your way to sit on the couch, feeling around so you didn't fall. The latter followed suit, sitting by the arm with a sigh.
'I'm sorry.. the entire day has been an absolute disaster.' He leaned forward on his elbows, rubbing his face with a frown, not even sure how to make up for it at that point.
You simply hummed and moved closer to him, tapping his arm. 'Can I hold your hand?' He obliged silently, letting you lace your fingers with his once more before you nuzzled up to his side. 'It hasn't been a disaster.. things like the weather are out of our control. Besides, we're still together and I don't want just sitting around, talking. We both have pretty interesting backgrounds..'
Looking at you, taking in the features he could see, he really could let himself sit there and fall for you all over again. You seemed so happy to just be sitting there, holding his hand with nothing else and it made him happier than anyone would ever realize. 'I wouldn't consider gang activity to be interesting.'
'Oh yeah? You think you're the only one with gang activity and violence in your life?'
Now his interest was piqued, raising a brow. 'There's no way.'
'Story time?'
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wienerbarnes · 3 years
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Pairing: 40s!Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 2,460
Warnings: SMUT 18+ !!!!! if u are a minor dni w this or my blog plssss, also getting caught... if that bothers anyone
SONG (Spotify link): Hayloft - Mother Mother
A/N: based off of the song hayloft by mother mother! some nice smut in a barn for yall😌 enjoy!
Bucky kisses you sweetly behind the club, the jazz seeping through the cracks of the backdoors the two of you snuck out of and the cold air having no effect on  you as you embrace each other.
Bucky thinks you look like a dream in red, his arms tightening around your waist, bringing you impossibly close as he continues to kiss you deeply, tongue slipping out to tease your lips and ask for a taste. Your soft hands feel gentle and loving, one on his shoulder and the other holding his cheek, and he doesn’t want to move from this spot.
The hand moves from his cheek to his hair, a bit damp from sweat as they’ve been dancing all night, and shivers run down his spine as your nails scratch against his scalp. He pulls away from your mouth, knowing his lips are tinted red as your lipstick is a little out of place, and moves to plant wet kisses down your neck. He buries his face into your neck, sucking on the sweetest spots of your skin and you breathe out next to his ear, the sound causing his hands to grip at your waist.
He moves up and takes your ear lobe into his mouth, a hand moving lower to rest on your behind and you mumble out, “Come to my house.”
“Whenever you want, darlin’.”
He pauses. He pulls away slightly to meet your eyes. He imagines the implication you're making but can’t possibly believe you want him to go over to your parents house at ten at night.
“I’d be happy to walk you home, baby,” He begins, wrapping the arm that was touching your bum around your shoulders lovingly.
“We have this little barn next to the house. I want you to meet me there tonight.” You tell him.
Barn. So you must not live in the city. He’s lucky he asked to use the car tonight.
“I need to grab my friends so we can leave in her car, she’ll drop me off first. And I’ll wait for you in the barn.” You explain further.
“Okay.” He finds himself agreeing.
He knows the area where you live. Far from the city, but a nice, quiet, private area for a family to live. Something he’d like when he’s older.
He didn’t think he’d be driving miles away for a girl he’d only met tonight at the club, but he also didn’t think a war would be on the way, and who knows what’ll happen after that. He thinks he needs to start living a bit more adventurously and doing things his mother would frown upon. Like driving to dame’s house late at night and sneaking into her parents' barn to cop a feel.
He sighs to himself as the roads get lonelier and lonelier, signifying he’d be arriving soon. He feels like he’s about to lose his virginity all over again, he’s so damn nervous. He turns the headlights off and slows down as he sees the barn in the distance. The last thing he needs is to wake up your family with the purr of his engine and by shining lights through their windows.
He parks a small walk away, hiding the car underneath a tree. He shivers a bit as the wind night wind blows; you held onto his jacket at his request.
Very quietly he approaches the barn and he slowly drags the door open, slipping inside to see a few lanterns lit, illuminating you, perched up all pretty on a bale of hay. You’re in your undergarments, a silky dress that exposes your shoulders and gives him a view of your cleavage, the hem ending at the middle of your shin.
Your hair is a bit more put together than it was at the club and your lipstick is cleaned up and bright as cherries once more.
“Wow.” Is what slips out of his mouth, only realizing he said something when you giggle.
You stand from your seat and walk over to him, grabbing his large hands in your own and leading him back to where you were.
“We need to be real quiet; we can’t wake my daddy up.” You whisper.
“I’ll keep you quiet, babydoll, don’t you worry.” He whispers back, leaning down to kiss her.
Her hands raise to his shoulders as she gently pushes him down, encouraging him to sit where she was previously, and he does. She kisses him again when she takes a seat in his lap, straddling him. The dress shifts and rides up over her knees as Bucky’s hands immediately move to her hips.
He kisses you the same way he did outside the club, soft, wet lips pressing against each other over and over again, his tongue slipping between your teeth and playing with your own tongue.
His fingers inch from gripping the skin on your hips, down to your soft thighs, to the hem of the dress, moving it up slowly, almost to keep you from noticing. You pull away and your lips latch onto his neck, trailing all around the area, leaving red prints in your wake. He takes the opportunity to peek down and shakily move the dress up past your hips, exposing the thin, red underwear covering your modesty.
“Christ.” He mumbles, a reaction to the combination of the little number you have on and the feeling of you sucking a love bite onto his neck.
A giggle into the warmth of his neck, “You like?”
“I like,” He groans back, lifting the fabric higher and higher until you pull back to remove it, exposing a red bra, the lacey details on the trim and the bow in between your breasts giving him goosebumps.
“Your turn, Bucky.” You pinch at his sides, and he can’t help but plant another kiss on you.
He starts undoing the buttons on his shirt but he’s so damn nervous his fingers twitch just a little too much. You help him, soft hands glide over his rough ones, and he can’t help but take advantage and reach to grab at your hips again. He squeezes at the soft flesh under his fingers while you undo the buttons for him, only pulling away when he has to slip the shirt from his shoulders and remove the white cotton top he had on underneath.
“You’re a dream, doll, you’re so beautiful.” He compliments, feeling himself melt under your touch as your hand drag and scratch lightly across his chest, shoulders, and back.
He scoops you up and shushes you when you squeal a little too loudly - after all, he doesn’t want your daddy to wake up - and lays you down on the hay, ignoring the little twigs that poke at the both of you.
Your legs are tangled together with his as he slips his tongue in your mouth and yours in his, hands roaming each other's bodies as though it’s the first time either of you have done this before. He reaches a hand under your back and you arch it a bit, allowing him to unhook your bra and press your chest to his. He feels your hardened nipples through the fabric against his chest and he swallows as he finally tosses your bra to the side.
He doesn’t waste any time in diving down and capturing a nipple in his mouth, licking and sucking and kissing while his other hand gropes and squeezes at the opposite breast. You gasp and shiver under him, the combination of the cold, night air and the warmth of his hands and mouth making you shake and sweat all at the same time.
Switching between your breasts to ensure they receive equal love, Bucky thinks he’s obsessed. Your skin is delicious; so soft and smooth and heavenly, he could kiss it and bite it and lick all day long if you’d let him. He’s so consumed by you that he doesn’t even realize you’ve unbuckled his belt and undone his pants until he feels a small hand grasp at his shaft and begin to rub.
A small moan escapes him and you press your lips to his to quiet his noises. You keep rubbing and rubbing and rubbing, feeling him get wetter and slicker with every touch. His hands stay at your chest, but his focus turns to kissing you deeply and passionately.
Your other hand joins in his pants, reaching a bit further to caress at his balls. He can’t take it and doesn’t want to embarrass himself so early in the night, so he sits up and plucks your hand out of his pants and steps off the hay. He kneels on the ground in front of you and you sit up on the haystack, hands reaching to cup his face so as to not be away from his skin for too long.
Desperate kisses laid on his cheeks and mouth as he tugs at your hips so you’re sitting at the very edge, knees spread open for him to fit between. His rough hands hook around the hem of your underwear and tug, the sound of the stitches stretching hitting his ears and he tries to tug them down your smooth legs, your soft lips making it hard for him to concentrate.
He grabs the hands that are on either side of his face and kisses them sloppily, bending down a tad further on his knees in order to hook beneath your legs and bring them up and on his shoulders. A gasp sounds from you as he dives in, licking between your legs like it’s his last meal.
So many men at the mine and his father’s friends talk about it; about putting your mouth on a woman like this. He remembers hearing it for the first time as a teenager, blushing at the conversation but feeling proud that his father didn’t kick him out of the room, deeming him old enough to hear such topics.
They’d talk about how they loved it, how they hated it, and Bucky thinks back on his father’s friends, the ones who couldn’t stand going down on their wives, and how stupid Bucky thinks they are.
He could eat you like this forever. You taste, your smell, the way he feels your thick thighs clench around his head, the muscles flexing beneath his fingers as he keeps one hand on your thigh and the other wrapped around your stomach to keep you in place. You’re perfect.
He glances up to see you have a fist in your mouth, eyes shut tightly, using all your might to keep quiet, and it makes Bucky shiver, tingles flowing through his spine to his groin, and he moans into your heat.
As much as he’d like to feel you come in his mouth, he doesn’t think he’ll last long enough to even get inside you. He reluctantly pulls away and sloppily kisses you, half-hazardly pulling down his slacks and underwear the rest of the way down, tugging off his socks in the process.
You lay back on the hay stacks once more and he props one knee up, the other leg keeping most of his balance on the ground. He hooks your legs around his body, the limbs tangling together, tied up in knots, as he rubs his dick through your folds, slicking himself up even more.
It’s not long before he pushes in, slowly, because he hears your pained whine at his size. He hears himself moan, louder than he had intended to let out, and bites his lip to hold it in, remembering what you said about your daddy.
He leans forward, caging you in, and one of your soft hands grip at his forearm, the other scratching at his back, silently begging for him to start moving.
He pulls out almost completely before thrusting back in, moving in and out and gaining speed as he hears your gasps and moans in his ear.
Veins are bulging out of both his arms, your nails creating crescent shapes in his skin. Continuing his pace, he brings his head out of your neck where he was planting sloppy kisses and looks at your face. Eyes closed and eyebrows brought together, your mouth is open and the red lipstick you had on earlier is now almost completely gone, the tint still present on your lips. He knows where the lipstick went, he has it on his own face, on his neck, down his body, around his fingers, prints around his cock - he lets out another small moan at the thought of it.
He feels your legs tight around his own, restricting his movement, so he hooks one of your legs in his elbow, bringing it up higher and moves his own leg onto the bale of hay, immediately moving to quicken his pace, fucking you harder and faster than before.
A loud moan escapes you at the feeling of him so deep inside you, no time given to adjust, and in the moment, Bucky’s free hand slaps over your mouth, moans now muffled by his rough palm.
Little do the two of you know, it was already too late. Your daddy creeps outside the house, shotgun in hand, after being woken up by noises coming from the barn. It’s those damn cats again, he thinks. He knows it’s those damn cats, but he still needs to check.
He creeps outside to the barn, clad only in his long johns and a t-shirt, and hears the noises clearer as he gets closer.
Everything happens so fast.
Your daddy swinging open the door to the barn, the sound of a shotgun cocking, your loud gasp at being caught, Bucky’s curses as he quickly pulls out of you.
“What the hell?!” Your father screams.
Bucky doesn’t dare answer, only snatches his pants and shoes off the ground and fumbles to collect himself, simultaneously trying to make his way to the exit as quickly as possible. He didn’t even grab his underwear, his bare ass and semi-hard cock uncomfortable in his slacks from tonight.
He doesn’t focus on that feeling for too long though, not when a bullet flies past his head and into the wood behind him. He runs, one hand carrying his shoes and the other holding his pants up, not even buttoned or buckled.
“You better run, Buck!” He hears your voice call out, sounding more amused than scared, and he assumes this kind of thing has happened to you before.
Another shot rings out into the air and Bucky considers himself lucky to have missed it. Unlike you, it seems, this is his first time getting caught having sex and then being shot at.
You gave him one hell of a night to remember, though.
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milkiane · 4 years
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so i am feeling incredibly emotional rn so, here’s an appreciation post for my favorite people. (this have been in my drafts for three weeks now) -- so why not post this along with my sleepover <3 sleepover bash
need i say more? no— but i will anyway. asteria, my mean cheerleader girlfriend, you are the first moot i’ve ever had, and honestly, i wouldn’t have it any other way. you're my favorite person in the entire world, and pls i am getting so emotional rn, i hate you >:-( i’ve told you everything at my previous letters but i just want you, and everyone else who’s about to read this, to know that you’re my platonic (and quite possibly romantic) soulmate, and my other-third, because pansy owns the shit out of us. love u lots, don’t say it back <3
my favorite headcanon writer 😩 pls alyssa, i’ve had, and still do, have so much fun talking with you. i really, really, love your company, i love your writing, and most especially love you. you were one of my moots that talked to me with such ease and comfort despite being a tad bit younger than you, and it’s been fun ! you’re like one of those seniors who befriends juniors, but still have this amazing (and envying) friendship with each other. not only that, but you being my friend, and me being a dumbass, made our own version of the golden trio with @weasleyyy ! now, this is a story i’ll tell my kids. love u, even if you choose to chomp me <3
gHAZAL ! now, are you thankful for me being a half-asleep dumbass who thought you were rose because of your similar urls before, or what ? because i definitely am PFT SJSHSJSHSJN anyways, i’m so happy to have you in my life. i’m a sucker for your chaotic and impulsive energy, and your little thoughts about the hpu. just like rose, thank you for acting just as yourself around me, a smol bisexual mess, because i really do appreciate it, and now you made me a fanclub— which btw, i still cannot get over with. i wheeze everytime i remember it. i love u, madame gazelle, even if you’re a mean li’l fuck ! <3
AAAAAAAAH heather, you are officially my unofficial soft british best friend, and no, you do not have a say in this, because you’re stuck with me forever. thank you so much for helping me with terms i need for writing. you’ve been the best, you’ve supported me through every ups and downs with my writings ever since we’ve met. it wasn’t even too long ago ! but you’ve welcomed me like i was a long lost friend of yours. love u, h, the lily to my marlene <3
aliciaaa !! you’re honestly like an older sister i’ve never had. i’ve never had anyone to rant about my marvel fangirlings with, but i am so glad that you were so open with my rants and conspiracy theories. you’ve never judged me or shown any disinterest with my rambles, you’ve been so supportive and you continue to give me the same energy as mine. it’s a very little thing to fuss about, but lish, you’ve got to know that it means so much to me. i’m tearing up— blame the hormones. but really, i’m so grateful for you and your company (and your maxibaby fics). love u to the moon and back ! <3
isa isa isa isa isaaaa, pls i love u so much. that’s all i want to say, but ofc, i need to say more. you have been one of my best friends— we clicked the moment we spoke to each other and i was incredibly happy to be your moot. i couldn’t even believe it at first because you’re this rly cool writer with tons of followers and i’m just another user in the crowd but like, everything i want to say is beyond the words that want to come out of my mouth, so i’ll leave it with a thank you for choosing me to be one of your mutuals. thank you for blessing me, and the others, with your lovely fics. never stop doing what you love, i’m here for you always. always was, and always will be. i mean, it should be with the jointed graves and all. love u <3
SOOOORINNNN. sometimes i question what’s happening inside your head. like one second your posting angsty fics and thoughts, and next thing i know you’re posting a dancing prongs gif. i’ll never understand, i reckon, but that’s alright, i’ll love you just the way you are, even if you break my heart with your angst. tell me who hurt you and i’ll beat them up. i love u so much, i’m still listening to your playlist, because it’s astronomical. sending you some forehead kisses <3
vivian !! i’m still beyond grateful for you and your artistic and writing talents. you’re such an angel, and i’m so incredibly happy to have you in my life. you’re a sweetheart. you’re every sweet-soft-fluffy nickname there is, because honestly? i cannot speak well, or think straight because i don’t think words can describe how lucky i am to have you. well, i love u, and that’s all i could comprehend <3
karis ! you’re honestly one of my fave moots because you never fail to make me so appreciated and loved. your out of the blue messages always make me feel so happy because you’re so wholesome and nice. i’m very, very, glad to have you in my life. thank you for always being there to be my personal therapist and my human diary— who listens to all of my writing ideas, even if i have tons of wips to write. thank you for inspiring me to write again, without you, i would’ve never find my passion for writing again, so thank you, thank you for being the sweetest person there is, i love you ! <3
ANYA ! darling, you are one of the very first mutuals i’ve ever talked to, you’ve welcomed me with open arms when i was new here and i wouldn’t change anything in the world. i’m so glad that you were the first person i’ve ever talked to because you are practically the human form of a squishmallow. don’t question me, you’re my squishmallow. anyways, you’re such a lovely person and i’m very happy to have you in my life, love you ! <3
cHARLY-CHAR !! hehe you are like one of those nice, cool, senior students in school, you never fail to make me so giddy and loved. i’m so happy to have you in my life, and i’m wishing you all the happiness and love in the world because you truly do deserve it, especially when you’ve been nothing but so kind and friendly. pls i feel like crying because i don’t know what i did to deserve you. I BLAME U AND UR AMAZING WRITING SKILLS FOR MAKING ME SOFT >:-( i love you tho <3 — also thank you for that play fighting blurb with fred, i didn’t know that i needed to bite his cute butt until i read it.
ZOE ZOE ZOE ZOE ZOE ZOE ! I LOVE YOU. i feel so complete when i read your peter fics. i always look forward to them because it’s not everyday you find someone who actually writes him so good, and i know we don’t really interact much, but i feel like i got to know you more through reading your fics. u better trust me when i say that i’ll be your personal hype woman and maxibaby supporter, because i am, and i will forever be ! love u <3
amelia, you bitch, i love you. to be honest, i've never really expected us to be friends, but ofc, here you are, simping for me and now we're besties. you've been, and still are, so fun to be around with-- only because i get to tease the shit out of you >:-) anyways, thank you for keeping up with my utter bullshit, i'm here for you always, i hope you know that. love ya ! <3
wAHH-- sasha, hi. pFT JSADHJSAHDJH SORRY BUT PLEASE I LOVE YOU, DID YOU KNOW? it's been so painfully awkward at first because believe me, i'm the most gauche person you'll ever meet if we talk for the first time, but as soon as we grow accustomed to each other, you'd wish that you never spoke to me, because i'm this hot fucking mess, so thank you for keeping up with me. you're one of my favorite mutuals in here. i love you more than puppies and hello kitty pancakes <3
+ my mutuals who’ve been such amazing people, we haven’t talked as much as the tagged moots but i love you all just as equally, you lot mean the world to me, and i’m willing to go on the ends of the earth for all of you <3
@anchoeritic @babyjordy @frankenkyleluvr @ronsbadidea @kc-needs-coffee @nevilles-top @weasleyclaw @sweetnspicysimp @redbullchick @willowbleedsonpaper @weasleysandwheezes @daffodilmoons @incorrectpeterparker @dracosaccount @cedrics-grave @pad-foots @peepeepotter @oldschoolkiddo @spideyspixies @daltonacademia @eunoniaa @love-peachh @george-fabian-weasley @mayonnaise-and-anarchy @darthwheezely @thotbutpurple @l0ttadreamz @daisyyy2516 @prettywhitedoves @band--psycho @widowdays @loveboyhalo @gxtitobxby @fandomvariousness @nothinghcppens (i passed the 50 tags rule, eek— i’m sorry, i love all of you whom i didn’t get to tag, though 🥺)
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rottingflovver · 4 years
Nikolai and fyodor with a female s/o who has a child and the father like left them- like how would they react and take care of them- idk if that made sense but if you somehow end up doing this thank you wjbskqhq 💖💓💞💞💛💞
I misunderstood for the first half and thought you wanted an s/o that left the boys alone with a child like 💀 I thought you had a death wish or something geez, but this is way cuter and way more precious!!!
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Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Characters: Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor M. Dostoevsky
Format: headcanons
Tw: minor blood mention
A/N: dbejdhs this is very wholesome but my mind hit a blank with most of it
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A child, huh?
Nikolai literally loves children so much
"You have a child?? Can I see can I see can I see can I-"
I'm so sorry, you don't exist anymore, he will just be a doting mother to the kid now, it's like you evaporated out of existence
He's doing every trick he knows 一 from pulling a bunny out of a magicians hat to making his hand appear at a random place, disconnected from his body, he's going all out
If possible (and if you allow him) he's going to teach basic magic to the kid
He's also making sure they have enough to eat and get enough rest every night, it's very important after all
Although...he can be just a tad bit frightening
Sometimes he gets so excited to come home to the two of you again, he'll barge into the house covered in blood head to toe
"Oops! I'm so sorry my little doves... I'll go clean up right away."
You tell your kid it's ketchup
They don't believe you
Even though he's the absolute sweetest and super ecstatic to spend time with the kid, please, never leave them alone with one another
Nikolai has strange philosophies, and he wouldn't be opposed to making others adapt it, especially little children with how easy to influence they are
He also has no filter, and will start talking about anything in front of them
By that point it's best to cover his mouth, but be careful, he can bite
Being around a child constantly has awoken his inner playfulness, a genuine one, and he definitely enjoys every minute of it
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He would offer to kill the guy for you
It's not a problem for him; a simple few hours spent typing away at his laptop and he will know everything there is to know about the guy: name, last name, address, embarrassing child secrets, you name it
If you agree to it, well, the man that left you will no longer roam this earth
But if you refuse, Fyodor will understand, but don't expect him to be completely docile about this. He'll send a member of the Rats to mess with the man's life in one way or another
He's not...the friendliest towards children
Aka he doesn't know how to act in front of them 一 he treats them like tiny adults, which is hilarious, but Fyodor please, a five year old can't drink coffee and discuss philosophy with you
Somehow though, since he's very still, if your child is a baby he's very gentle when holding them
+ will probably fall asleep, along with the baby
It's very precious
He claims to not like children, but they somehow flock to him
Your child will immediately adopt to Fyodor being their father, with little or no complaints
However, all of the actual caretaking, save for babysitting, will have to be taken care of by you
He doesn't know what children eat? How could he? Plus he's not washing them, that's gross
If you do complain about wanting more help regarding them, he can always ask Ivan to help out; he's a butler after all (essentially)
Also, for some strange reason, he always seems to finish his work earlier more frequently 一 coupled with going on fewer dangerous missions. A genuine smile can be found on his lips, if you look at him while he thinks he's alone. He can try as he might, but it's obvious that both you and the child have significantly grown on him (almost as if the three of you were a real family)
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redvoid-40 · 3 years
So, I decided to write a part 3 of my FyodorxMary citrusy thingy; now with the actual lemon in it. For all the other rat Fyodor simps out there, enjoy! Let me know if you like it. ;)
(this is a direct continuation of part 2, so you might want to take a look at it before starting to read this)
TW: heavy NSFW content; some heavy pressuring into not-so-healthy sex by Fyodor (borderline non-con?), a tiny bit of yandere tendencies at the end.
Part 1 /  Part 2 / Part 3
Fyodor never thought it was possible to derive pleasure from servicing another, but having his tongue and fingers in Mary’s pussy did things to him he couldn’t explain. The way she whimpered his name, how her body trembled beneath him, the warmth and wetness of her cunt spasming around his fingers… it all made him dizzy with desire. Even the way she tasted was lovely - a bit salty, a bit citric, but still ridiculously pleasant on his tongue. It tore a deep moan from his throat as he squeezed a third finger inside her, chuckling at the gasp that left her pretty lips. She really was a tight fit.
“Take a breath, relax…” Fyodor cooed, smiling up at Mary as he slowly moved three fingers back and forth inside her cunt. “There’s still another one coming.”
Mary’s eyes widened, and she tried to pull her hips back, but Fyodor’s free arm locked around her waist, keeping her trapped against the mattress. He understood her trepidation, but she needed to understand that all of this, this burning stretch of too many fingers inside of her, was in her benefit. If it was up to him, he’d shove his cock inside her without gentleness or hesitancy. But Fyodor wanted Mary to enjoy this too. And if she was to revel in the feeling of taking him whole - and, by God, she would -, he needed to prepare her. So she should just stay still and be thankful for it.
“Fyodor, I don’t think I can take it,” Mary whispered, staring down at him with wide eyes that were equal parts aroused and scared.
“Of course you can,” Fyodor said, fingers gaining speed as they moved in and out of her, making loud, squelching sounds that went straight to his cock and all but physically forced him to thrust his hips against the plush mattress for some sort of relief. “Look at how wet you are. Look at the mess you’re making on my fingers,” he said, purple eyes darkening as he stared at the delightful amount of liquid gushing out of Mary’s cunt. “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
Fyodor dived head-first back between Mary’s leg, mouth closing over her clit as his fingers continued to push their way in and out of her, in and out, in and out, in and-
Mary screamed, arching her back as Fyodor made good on his promise and shoved a fourth finger inside her without warning. She tried to pull back from the sudden stretch, but once again Fyodor tightened his hold on her with a growl against her cunt, disallowing any escape. Her head thrashed side to side, but he kept his fingers inside, unmoving as his tongue attacked her clit mercilessly, trying to numb her pain with pleasure.
“Fyodor, Fyodor, please,” Mary whimpered. “Please, please, please!”
Fyodor’s eyes rolled back in his skull as he almost came from Mary’s voice alone. Her pleas were the sweetest melody he had ever heard. Neither Tchaikovsky nor Rachmaninoff could ever hope to achieve such perfect sounds, and Fyodor cursed himself for not having the forethought of setting a sound recording system alongside the hidden cameras in his room to record her voice and make it his lullaby.
“Please what?” Fyodor spoke, voice rough with his arousal, and face glistening with hers. “Use your words, Mary. Tell me what you want.”
“Please,” she said again, teary eyes clouded with infinite pleasure. “Please, keep moving.”
Fyodor smiled, eyes crinkling at the corners in delight. “As you wish.”
Slowly, he started moving, using his entire arm to ease his fingers inside of her. Fyodor groaned at the sight, enjoying the way Mary’s cunt squeezed the four digits together, fluttering around them as it struggled to adapt to the stretch. Tears made her eyes glisten prettily and her entire body shook on the bed, overwhelmed by him as Fyodor kept playing and pulling sounds from her with the same reverence and care he showed when playing his violoncello.
Fyodor lowered his head back to the pink, glistening nub between her folds as his fingers gained speed once more, pumping in and out of her increasingly fast, until Mary couldn’t differentiate pain from pleasure. Chest heaving, she could only grab onto the sheets as she took whatever Fyodor gave her with buckling hips and shaking thighs. It made him double his efforts, veins popping on his forearm as his hand thrusted rapidly inside of her, and deep moans vibrating in his throat as his tongue see-sawed all over her clit.
“I-I’m close, I’m so close,” Mary whined, back arching off the mattress. “Fyodor, I’m gonna-!”
The words melted in a loud moan as Mary arched her back, thighs clenching around Fyodor’s head as her climax washed over her. The Russian moaned loudly alongside her as drank in her orgasm, loudly slurping everything she gave him while his fingers continued their assault, pushing her pleasure to new heights until it bordered on painful overstimulation.
“T-Too much,” Mary said, trying to pull away from Fyodor’s hand and mouth. When he didn’t allow her any leeway, she began pushing gently against his scalp. “Fyodor, please.”
Fyodor chuckled against her clit, amused at her protests, and didn’t ease his actions in the slightest. He had heard women could have multiple orgasms in a row, and he was determined to find out.
“Fyodor!” Mary called again, fist suddenly clenching against his hair, tearing a groan from his throat. He had always enjoyed a bit of rough handling from his partners, and having the gentle woman grab him like that made him rut his hips against the mattress like an animal. Mary really was testing his limits. 
Fuck, yes, Fyodor thought as he enforced a second orgasm over Mary, making her body spasm uncontrollably as she tried to escape him, crying and begging for a reprieve. He smiled, permitting himself a few more cruel thrusts of his fingers to enjoy her pleas for mercy until finally loosening his hold around her waist, allowing Mary to finally scurry away from him.
Breathing hard, Fyodor sat back on his heels as he stared at the dazed woman curled on his pillows; her unbuttoned blouse and bra still hung over her shoulders, and she glowed with a thin layer of sweat as she stared at him with blown eyes. The vision made Fyodor smile. His face was messy with Mary’s essence, but still he raised his fingers to his mouth, gaze locked with hers as he licked off every drop of her essence so he could appreciate her taste like the nectar it was.
Legs shut in front of her, Mary watched him with wide, watery eyes, like a rat cornered by a hungry, mischievous cat. It’s nice, Fyodor thought, smiling widely, to be the cat for once.
“Come here, Mary,” Fyodor said, hands slowly unbuckling his belt. His fingers ghosted over his clothed erection and he hissed; he was so hard, even the slightest touch was torturous. “Spread your legs again. It’s my turn now.”
The blush on Mary’s cheeks spread to her neck and the top of her breasts as her eyes zeroed on his hands. His smile erupted in laughter as those intelligent, beautiful eyes of hers widened dumbly when he - finally, thank God - pulled his cock out of his pants.
“You see now,” Fyodor began, crawling over Mary as his hand pushed her knees open. “Why I needed four fingers?”
Fyodor heard Mary swallow thickly, gaze glued on the erection between his legs as she nodded her head. He knew he was big - too long, too thick, too much please stop it hurts, his partners said - and he knew it seemed to bring much more pain than pleasure to anyone who was dumb or desperate enough to fall into his bed. Which was why he hoped the pleasure he had given Mary was enough to lower her cognitive abilities, so she’d fit in at least one of those two categories. He didn’t know what he’d do if she backed out now; for a first, he didn’t wish to pressure someone into doing his will against theirs, but he wished even less to let Mary out of his bed until he was done with her.
The sound that left Mary’s throat was that of a wounded animal, but the way she bit her bottom lip spoke more of curiosity than hesitancy. It made Fyodor raise an eyebrow, pleasantly surprised with her reaction.
“You want it?” He asked, pinching her chin to raise her gaze to his.
“I must admit, I’m a tad scared,” Mary said as she laid her warm palms over his pectorals. Then she smiled, planting a soft kiss on his lips. “But yes, I do. Just… be careful with me. Please.”
Fyodor closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Truthfully, he didn’t want to be careful at all, and he doubted he would be able to once he was inside her. If Mary’s cunt felt so impossibly wet, warm and tight around his fingers, he bet it would feel like heaven once it was squeezing his cock. And seeing how much she enjoyed his earlier treatment of her, he knew Mary could endure his rough handling further.
Still, he didn’t want to traumatise her, didn’t want to watch her leave his room with sobs stuck in her throat and tears tracking down her face, like so many others before her. So he decided to meet her halfway. He could be kind to her, offer her a way out if his desires became too much. However, Fyodor hoped Mary wouldn’t use it, because he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stick to such a noble resolution once he was balls-deep inside of her.
“Checkmate,” Fyodor said once he pulled back from the kiss. It caused Mary to furrow her eyebrows prettily at him, and he couldn’t help but smile. “That’s your safe word. Repeat it for me.”
Mary smiled back, soft and full of warmth. “Checkmate,” she said, enunciating each syllable carefully.
Fyodor nodded and, in an uncharacteristic moment of softness, kissed her forehead as he dropped his forearms by each side of Mary’s head, caging her. He moved his right hand to the base of his cock and guided it to her pretty pretty cunt, shuddering as he ran his tip up and down her slit, smearing her essence all over it. He was about to thrust inside when-
“Wait,” Mary whispered, pushing gently against his chest. “There’s a condom in my skirt’s pocket. We should-”
Without warning, Fyodor began to push in, making Mary’s words wobble into a breathless gasp. He went slowly, letting Mary adjust as much as possible as he carved a path inside of her, inch by inch, by inch, until he met resistance. Breathing heavily, Fyodor looked down at the spot where they joined and was unsurprised at finding there were still a few inches of his cock out. Still, he groaned at the gorgeous sight, letting his weight fall on her as he buried his face on the crook of her neck. Mary felt even better than he anticipated, and it took everything he had not to fuck into her like an animal to force the rest of his cock inside and tear her apart. She felt too good, all of her did; her soft breasts squished against his chest, her breathy whimpers on his ear, and most of all, her tight, sopping wet pussy squeezing his cock like it never wanted him to leave.
“Fyodor,” Mary breathed out in his ear, letting her short nails dig in his shoulders. “C-Condom.”
Half-mad with pleasure, Fyodor giggled at her words. He had never dared to fuck anyone else bareback in his life - didn’t trust those unclean sinners to be free of disease or using proper contraception -, but he knew there was no other way to fuck the woman beneath him other than raw. Mary was crazy if she thought he’d hinder the feeling of her velvety walls spasming around his cock with a tight barrier of latex. And even crazier if she thought he’d miss the chance to watch his cum drip out of her pink little pussy.
“No,” Fyodor said. “There is no way I will not feel every inch of you squeezing me. I could feel the thread of your IUD, Mary. We’re safe from pregnancy.”
“T-That’s beyond the point,” Mary said, voice stuttering as Fyodor slowly dragged his cock out, only to push it back in, putting a bit of force at the end of the movement to try to shove everything he had inside. 
“I know a proper lady like you would never have any disease to give me,” Fyodor cooed, giddy with pleasure. “I promise I’m clean too.”
Fyodor swallowed Mary’s next words in a bruising kiss as his hips snapped against hers, already tired of her protests. Clearly, he was not fucking her hard enough if she still had enough neuron capacity to speak so many full sentences.
Mary’s whole body shook with the impact of Fyodor’s thrust, and she wrapped her arms and legs around him to hold on for dear life as his movements gained speed. Her head fell back to let out a loud moan that threatened to pierce through the walls and echo into the rooms next to theirs.
Mary’s reaction made Fyodor grin, and with sweat sprouting all over his body, he sat up, wrapping his hands around her waist for purchase as he began pounding into her, entranced by the way her breasts bounced up and down with every thrust.
Fyodor groaned and moaned, teeth clenched as he fucked Mary, doing his absolute best - or worst - to fully sheat his cock in her, revelling in the gasps and moans that escaped her lips every time he slammed against her cervix. Still, no matter how hard he thrusted, her cunt refused to take the last inches of him.
That just won’t do, Fyodor thought, narrowing his eyes. Without warning, he pulled Mary’s legs from around his waist and shoved them over his shoulders. The new angle allowed Fyodor to fuck her deeper still, pulling a scream from Mary’s throat as she finally took the entirety of his cock.
Fully inside her, Fyodor froze, fingers digging on Mary’s thighs as he stared at her; purple eyes blown wide with pleasure as he willed himself not to come just yet. Her cunt felt like heaven, and if he could, Fyodor would be inside her all hours of the day, letting her sit prettily on his lap and be his perfect cock-warmer as he stared at those too-bright screens for endless hours. He’d bet time would flow much faster like that.
“Too much, Fyodor…” Mary whimpered as she looked back at him with her mouth open as her chest rose and fell in quick, shallow bursts of air. Fyodor couldn’t help the smile that pulled on the corners of his lips at her plea. Mary was so overwhelmed, so sensitive... and still she didn’t resort to her safe word.
“You’re taking me so well, Mary,” he praised, voice soft and warm as he ran his thumb over her cheek. “I can’t quite believe you’re real.”
Mary, little minx that she was, clenched her velvety cunt around him, drawing a broken moan from his lips. “Well, you’re feeling pretty real to me.”
Fyodor chuckled at her words, folding his body over hers, forcing her to bend obscenely to accommodate his affections. “Come here,” he whispered, holding her face in place. “Kiss me again.”
She did and Fyodor melted, hips moving in and out at a mellow pace. Once again he felt pleasure build up in his lower belly, filling him so quickly he knew he could burst at any moment now, and this time he would not stop himself.
“I’m going to come inside of you,” Fyodor whispered against her lips, causing Mary’s eyes to widen. He liked the mix of dumb desire and palpable panic in them. “I’m going to fill you up, Mary. And you’re going to take it, won’t you?”
Mary moaned, shutting her eyes tightly as she tried to turn her face away, then stilling when Fyodor’s hand fisted her hair to hold her head in place. “Answer me, Mary,” Fyodor demanded, with words that trembled because of the moans struggling out of his lips. “Tell me you’re going to take it,” Fyodor clenched his teeth, nostrils flaring as his hips lost their rhythm, moving fast into Mary, making her eyes roll back in her skull. 
“F-Fyodor, again,” she said between moans and whimpers. “I’m going to c-cum again. Please!”
Fyodor’s eyes widened, and he quickly shoved his hand between their bodies to play with Mary’s clit again. He didn’t believe he’d be able to draw a third orgasm from the woman, but by God, hearing her pleas made him want to make her cum again, cum all over his cock and squeeze the soul out of him as he followed her down into ecstasy. But he was so close, far too gone into the heavenly feel of her pussy spasming around him, that he didn’t know if he could wait for her. She felt too good, too good, too fucking good.
“Tell me!” Fyodor growled, purple eyes wide and crazy. His hand moved frantically over her clit and the headboard slammed loudly against the wall as he fucked her so hard the entire bed moved with them. “Tell me you’ll take everything I give you and then ask for more. Tell me you want me to cum inside you! Tell me you l-”
Fyodor’s words dropped into a deep moan as he arched his spine, throwing back his head as the pleasure became too much for him. All the build-up exploded in white hot ecstasy that made his brain - always moving so fast, always working and planning and scheming - short-circuit. For one glorious moment, there were no thoughts running through Fyodor’s brain, only pleasure. Pure, orgasmic pleasure that could rival ascension to Paradise itself. 
Then the pleasure gave way to a heavy fog as his vision tunnelled. Fyodor was barely able to move his head to the side to avoid head-butting Mary on his way down into unconsciousness.
Mary positively squeaked when Fyodor suddenly dropped, body limp and heavy on top of her. 
“Fyodor?” She called, letting her legs settle comfortably around his waist as she raised her fingers to his neck. She let out a sigh of relief at finding his pulse going strong.
Breathing hard, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and laid a hand over Fyodor’s head, letting her fingers play gently with his hair. As Mary played with the silky strands absent-minded, there was no helping the petulant pout on her lips; she had been so close to cumming again...
Oh well, she thought as she gazed down at Fyodor’s lax features. He looked even more beautiful when he was asleep, face pale and placid with soft, rosy lips half-parted to let out warm gusts of air over her chest. It was hard to dwell on her frustration when she had such an angelic-looking creature so close to her.
The key word being “looking”, Mary lamented. She knew she couldn’t trust the man in any way, knew he had his own agenda and second intentions when he had agreed to help her - well, when Eric had hired him to help her. Still, despite hearing the alarm bells and knowing they rang for a reason, she now found herself in his bed, sore and satisfied, with his semen leaking out of her and making a mess of them and the sheets.
It’s just a brief distraction. For both of us, Mary thought to herself. It should be fine. It’s just once.
At that thought, Fyodor stirred on top of her, slowly regaining consciousness. He pushed against the mattress with wobbly arms until he was looking down at Mary with dazed eyes.
“How are you feeling?” Mary asked, reaching up to run her thumb over his cheek soothingly. 
Fyodor ignored her question, eyelids drooping as he leaned into her touch. “How long was I out?”
“A couple of minutes, less maybe,” Mary answered. “Must have been a vasovagal syncope. It’s not uncommon during eh… extraneous activities.”
Fyodor snorted, turning his face to kiss her palm before fully sitting up. His eyes were still dark as he smiled lazily, hands grabbing the soft flesh of Mary’s thighs and pushing against them to open her up for his viewing pleasure. Mary blushed, following his line of sight down to the absolute mess between their bodies and how his cum was leaking out from the infinitesimal space his softening cock allowed. Slowly, Fyodor pulled out of her and Mary hissed at the friction; now that her body had cooled down, she was feeling incredibly sore, and she expected to be a bit of blood mixed with both of their essences.
What she didn’t expect was the way Fyodor’s breath hitched as he stared at the result of their… activities, nor how his fingers floated softly over her labia, gathering the juices leaking out of her before pressing two slender digits in, pushing his cum back inside as his lungs seemed to struggle to breathe. 
“Fyodor?” Mary called, letting out a whine when his fingers reached her cervix and stilled for a moment to feel her walls clench around them before slowly pulling out again. She stared wide-eyed as brought his fingers up, glossy with their combined essences and a speck of blood, and closed his lips around them. Fyodor’s lids fell shut as he hummed in some sort of trance, savouring their combined tastes.
“I believe,” he began, pulling his now-clean fingers out of his mouth as purple irises stared at her through half-lidded eyes. “That I finally understand why the French call this la petite mort. It did feel like I had died and ascended to heaven.”
Mary felt her face burn as she turned away from Fyodor’s smouldering gaze. He chuckled softly, and the sound reverberated through her bones as he laid his open palms on her hips, thumbs floating up and down the soft skin in the area between her most intimate parts and her thighs.
“You’re bleeding a little, and there are some bruises,” Fyodor mused, voice soft. If Mary didn’t know better, she’d even call his tone apologetic. “I’ll try to be gentler next time.”
Those words caused Mary’s eyes to widen as she turned back to him, letting out a high-pitched little noise at how close Fyodor’s face suddenly was to hers. Still smiling, he captured her lips in the softest kiss Mary had ever tasted. It made her close her eyes as she melted beneath the man, fingers running up his shoulders to rest on the back of his neck. Fyodor’s moan echoed inside her lungs as he relaxed above her, trusting her to bear his weight for a little more before pulling back to stare into her eyes.
Fyodor smiled at her, in a way so child-like and carefree that it made Mary’s blood freeze in her veins.
“Wait here,” he said, giving her a last peck on the lips before standing up from the bed. “I’ll bring a towel to clean you up.”
Mary watched Fyodor disappear inside the bathroom of his private en-suite with an indescribable weight pushing down on her chest. Wait here? She thought, thoughts running a mile a minute. Next time?
Mary pushed herself up on her elbows, letting her open blouse and bra finally slip from her shoulders, and stared at the bathroom’s ajar door as the sound of running water reached her ears. Slowly, she laid her feet on the floor, hissing at the burning pain between her legs and the sticky feeling of Fyodor’s essence inside her. With a deep breath, she pushed herself up, but her legs buckled under her weight and she fell to her knees by the bed.
“I told you to wait,” Fyodor said as he marched out of the bathroom, naked as the day he was born and with a wet towel in his hand. “Come here,” he purred, kneeling by her side. 
Fyodor wrapped his arm around her torso, pulling some of Mary’s weight to him as he laid his head on the top of hers; purple eyes still heavy with the fog of pleasure as he stared down at the area between her legs, pink and puffy and still leaking. Humming, he pressed the wet towel gently against Mary’s core, and she couldn’t help the sigh of relief that escaped her at the cool touch of the fabric against her heated centre.
“Good?” Fyodor asked, pulling her tighter to him.
“So good,” she moaned, burying her face in the crook of his neck as she relaxed against his body. “But I think I need a shower. And I need to change your sheets. I… I made a mess.”
Fyodor laughed, but Mary did not recognise the sound; his joy sounded carefree and almost honest, something she did not expect from a man such as him.
“We made a mess,” Fyodor corrected, helping Mary to her feet. “And we can worry about the sheets later. I’m already filling the tub for us.”
Mary’s eyes widened. “Oh?”
“What?” Fyodor asked, looking down at her with the silliest, most childish expression of confusion she had ever seen on the face of a grown man.
“I just thought you would rather I leave you be after we, well… I didn’t take you for one who enjoyed aftercare,” Mary explained. “You don’t have to force yourself for my sake, Fyodor. I promise it won’t hurt my feelings if you’d rather be alone.”
Fyodor froze as his hold on her tightened uncomfortably, and his expression morphed into something akin to displeasure. It remained there for less than a second before a bright, dumb smile stretched on his lips.
“Are you trying to get away from me, Mary?” He asked in a teasing tone that was anything but friendly.
“That’s not what I said at all,” Mary said, pushing agitation down her throat in favour of a tone of dull confusion. “Why would you put those words in my mouth?” 
Fyodor’s smile lost its edge, softening alongside his grip on her flesh. “Just a joke,” he said, even though it was clearly not.
Mary opted not to make any more comments as Fyodor guided her into the bathroom. She didn’t want to antagonise the man who would be the answer to her problems and, if she were to be honest with herself, the idea of a nice soak in a bathtub with such a beautiful and intelligent man was stupidly appealing to her.
“Come on now,” Fyodor urged, smiling softly. “I’ll even rub your shoulders as an apology for being so rough.”
Mary moaned in delight. Yes, this was quite appealing indeed.
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ellewords · 3 years
Hi Elle! It's been quite awhile since I dropped by. Uni has been so hectic 😩 There are so many writers too who aren't as active now due to uni workload. Well anyhow, I saw you have another written on the margins abt first dates, and I hope youre doing well! Here goes Ushijima on your first date
▪︎Let's be real, awkward as heck, but you see him trying tho 🥺
▪︎Prior to your date, he asks you to dress up✨ (gives you a hint that it'll be prddy fancy 😬)
▪︎Fetches you at your house, and you see him all lookin a little more dashing than the usual 🥵
▪︎When you finally settle in his car, he reaches for the back seat and brings out a beautiful boquet of roses surrounded by carnations 💐
▪︎Gives it to you with a small, nervous smile 😩 but ofc you love it! So you thank him, and see him exhale through his mouth, all relieved and has a soft smile as he starts the car engine and holds the steering wheel. Then he looks back at your blushing face and gives you a reassuring smile
▪︎He brings you to the restaurant of a 4 star hotel because our man's a heck of a spoiler 😌
▪︎You knew you needed to break the ice more since the guy is kimda clueless but still he still would want you to have a good time nevertheless,. So he tries to answer your questions and attempts to ask things about you as well. There's something about his little awkwardness that makes him more charming <3 he tries real good okay 🥺
▪︎You had a great dinner but, even a greater drive home. The both of you were more comfortable in the car, rather in that fancy place. So there were a number of jokes, giggling, soft laughters, and ice breakers.
▪︎He steps at the break pedal and you're now infront of your house, both peeking at your home.
▪︎You look back at him but he was already looking at you. "Thank you so much for tonight, Toshi" you say with a soft genuine smile. "I really had a great time, and these flowers are beautiful. Thank you."
▪︎Still holding your gaze, he responds "Thank you for allowing me to take you out y/n. I had a wonderful night..." His smile grew just a tad bigger "...with a wonderful girl."
▪︎You couldn't hold his gaze anymore and eyes wondering at the ground and other psrts of the car since you got so flustered. You just give him a shy smile, looking at him under you lashes, while he's still looking and admiring your beautiful face.
▪︎He pecks your forehead "Good night, beautiful." 💜
▪︎You gracefully get out of his car, and when you're inside your house, you practically run to your room bec you're basically screaming inside and loosing all your screws 🥴😫😵
— from elle ! okay you can’t keep making me imagine ushi in those outfits because i will actually scream >_< i just know he would look so so good ugh what do i have to do to get an ushijima in my life ??? literally what ?? because i will actually do it :<< anyways, thoughts + additions ( i’m picking up where you left off for this one ) under the cut as usual :)) tysm for sending this in and i hope you are having a lovely day and uni isn’t treating you too terribly <33
notes : timeskip!ushijima x f!reader, headcanons, pure fluff, wc: ~0.5k
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okay so while you are screaming into a pillow, dancing around your room, trying to find a vase for the bouquet he gave you, ushijima is freaking out just as much, though not exactly outwardly or directly
like the true gentleman he is, ushijima waits for you to enter your home before actually leaves your street ; baby boy just wants to make sure you get back inside okay
anyways, ushijima doesn’t strike me as the type to go up to a stranger, or someone he’d only just met, and ask them out on a date. no, he has to have liked you for a while now. so him asking you out on that date is the culmination of months of pent up emotions and trying to convince himself that what he felt towards you didn’t go beyond friendship.
which is why he spent the entirety of his drive home with a small smile on his face, replaying the events of the night in his head : the way you looked in that dress, the conversations the two of you had, the way you smiled when he kissed your forehead
for a while, he never really got what the phrase “butterflies in the stomach” could possibly mean. but after your first date, he understood it perfectly ; the way you made him feel like he was floating on air, the way his heart fluttered.
ushijima would be the type to turn his phone off during the date, wanting all of his attention on you alone. so when he finally gets home and turns it on for the first time that night, he’s immediately greeted with tons of text messages.
a lot of which were from the adlers’ groupchat, his teammates asking how his date went. ushijima never really told them directly that he was interested in you, his teammates kind of just knew every time you would come and watch them practice or go to one of their games that you were basically off limits ; hoshiumi tried flirting with you once and oooof—-
anyways, he texts the team back with that same giddy smile he wore on the drive home but now it’s coupled with a light blush on his cheeks as he recounted the general details of the date ; he uses emojis (that isn’t the smiley face or the thumbs up) for the first time and that’s how the team knew his night went well.
even as he prepares for bed, he’s still thinking of you, already preparing on how he’s going to ask for a second date. listen, it would break his heart if this was just a one time thing :(
but luckily for him, it isn’t. you text him just before he goes to sleep, inviting him out on a second date, maybe something more casual or just a nice, quiet night in. a grin spreads across his face, immediately agreeing
needless to say, his dreams that night were the sweetest — all of them filled with you <3
tldr; ushijima date me challenge.
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
a question: what are the hq characters like on a first date?  |  written on the margins masterlist
taglist : @haikyuutothetop @crystal-lilac @tobioespresso @sushijimawakatoshi @itsmeaudrieee @pantherhappy @jesssobs @mysticstrawberryballoon @cloudedsky_29 @sakusasimpbot​ @aoirohi @kokogxddess
join my hq taglist here. <3
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delu-jean · 3 years
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐔𝐩 𝐓𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮
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(Jea x fem!/reader) -> Angst -> 4.2k 
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You and Reiner picked some flowers. They lay in one of the baskets you brought. They sat beautifully, making you reminisce the night Jean had given you that violet. Though these flowers were a lot larger, and the hue was more vibrant, the meaning behind that violet shone brighter than those characteristics combined. You grinned at such a thought, while Reiner kept on climbing the tree. 
You felt bad since you weren’t helping him gather the apples. Someone needed to hold the basket, making sure they didn’t touch the ground. Since the tree was becoming more barren as the years passed, the less fruit it would bear. So, you had to make sure no apples went to waste. Still, watching him do all of that hard work made you feel guilty. He reassured you (before), saying that it was better for him to actually do something right (since he trampled a lot of plants when picking flowers). So you let him be. Watching as each fruit fell. 
“It’s been a while...do you remember this place, Y/n?” 
“Of course I do…” you then gazed at the scenery in front of you. Being reminded of that one moment, that last moment you had felt such peace in Marely. The moment where Bertholdt had scurried to get you, the moment where you never thought that things would take such a turn. 
You looked at Reiner to see the guilt which struck him. Not only that, but the guilt then crept onto you. That peace was one which could never come back, along with Bertholdt himself. You felt burdened to say the least. Knowing how his best friend had died, yet not being allowed to tell him (since Jean’s cover would blow). It saddened you knowing how much weight was on his shoulders. Never knowing what had truly happened, but instead, escaping with survivor’s guilt. 
“Ah, two coming!” 
“Got it!” you caught them in your basket. Time passed as more apples stacked. He then decided to break the silence once again. 
“Do you ever wish that we could be kids again?” 
“Of course I do,” he nods in agreement. 
“If I could change one thing...just one of the many things in our childhood...it would be the fate we held in the military. Wishing things could have been different, and that you all could’ve been here,” you noticed how he didn’t say “we,” but instead said “you.” That meant he had wished you were all here, but not necessarily himself. You were going to question him, until he spoke yet again. 
“For Bertholdt to see such a sight. To see how grown the both of us have become, and...to see his family...just once more. Maybe even confess to Annie if he had the guts to,” you saw the pained expression he had which made you feel the same. 
“Bertholdt would be happy for us, especially since we’ve grown so much with the time given.” 
“Yeah...I guess so,” he then picked the last of the apples and came down. In the process, one of the better apples fell, cracking with the contact of the ground. Funny enough, it reminded you of Bertholdt. Since he unfortunately was one, if not, the sweetest apple. One who just had to fall far from the tree above.  
You both stepped into your house. Feeling tired as your arms limped, along with Reiner’s. You started to look around, wanting to see if Jean was at home. Lurking through the bedroom, and even checking your closet. Unfortunately (for you) he wasn’t. It’s almost as if he was gone with the wind. You felt a little bummed as Reiner stepped into the kitchen. Placing the baskets down, and washing his hands (readying himself for the session yet to come). He then asked you in a loud tone, hoping you would hear. 
“What are you doing Y/n?” 
“Oh, I’m looking for a pot!” you shouted back. 
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“In your bedroom?” 
“Haha, yeah,” you were still feeling upset...but then remembered that you were the person who told him to leave (secretly regretting it qwq). 
You then walked over to Reiner, ready to help him make the pie. You both washed the apples, peeled, and chopped them. Reiner was a little klutzy with the knife, handling it like a weapon in battle. You found it quite funny, and guided his hands. Hoping he wouldn’t cut himself. To your surprise he didn’t, and ended up seasoning the fruit with different spices, sugars, and ingredients. When that was done, you put him in charge of kneading the crust. You (of course) mixed and measured the ingredients, and after doing so, told him to be gentle with the dough. Hoping his rough hands would maintain, and not ruin such a delicacy. 
You started to heat the filling as you monitored him from afar. He really was a quick learner, yet still needed to work on some of his skills. You wondered how Jean would’ve made the pie. If he would’ve added his own flare, or crust designs. Just thinking about it made you excited, hoping you both could someday. Reiner then started to roll, and place the crust. You both then finished your tasks. Thrilled with the results of your hard work. 
“Phew, thanks for your help Reiner.” 
“No problem. That was...a lot harder than I thought it would be.” 
“Mhm...oh yeah! I left some filling here for you. I tasted it and thought it wasn’t sweet enough, but I kept it that way since you know...Bertholdt preferred ‘natural’ sugars,” you smirked as Reiner tried a spoonful. 
“Haha, yup. Reminds me of Bertholdt. Also it's really tasty.” 
“That’s good! Okay, let’s put it away now,” you put both the filling, and crust away. Letting both rest separately so you could bake them tomorrow (before meeting the families). 
“I’ll pop it in the oven before leaving.” 
“Sounds good. Thanks for letting me help...or contribute at least. Sorry if I was a nuisance.” 
“Haha no, thanks for helping in general. Two pairs of hands are better than one, and you gave loads of help,” he then smiled, slipping his coat and shoes on. 
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow.” 
“No, I insist. I’ll come instead. You’ve been walking me home a LOT as of recently. Let me come get ya instead,” he seemed hesitant when you answered. Not sure as to why, you tried asking hoping you could hear his reasons. But instead he pestered you, insisting on grabbing you instead. Now you could understand Jean (in some way). Not being able to understand him directly...was making you feel frustrated. Not only that, but you weren’t able to understand why he was acting like that. 
Regardless, you eventually gave it. Though you found it suspicious, you decided to say no more. Not wanting to add tension, and instead, respecting his choice. 
“Okay fine. Get me near ten-ish?” 
“Alright, sounds good.” 
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You got up, did your morning routine, got dressed, and had a filling meal. Each year, you and Reiner didn’t wear anything formal. Rather, you both stuck with a simple semi-formal outfit (didn’t want to be too formal, nor too casual). You never wore the same clothing, but rather, switched it up while trying to stay coordinated. This year, you decided to match in white, and beige. You wore a dress shirt, your sleeves puffed, filled with lace, two ribbons (on each side), a beige skirt which reached your legs, and a straw hat. While Reiner wore a beige cardigan, beige slacks, a dress shirt, along with a fleece vest. Though it was a semi-hot day, it was hotter than cold. So he decided to hold his cardigan for the majority of the time. He also brought a black leather watch, and a brown fedora (type of hat). You decided not to go all out since you wanted your interactions to seem civil. Nothing up top to make the families feel comfortable. 
You first went to the Galliard’s. Porco was home and didn’t seem happy with Reiner being there. Though there was some awkward tension, Reiner did his best to ignore any dirty glances. Trying to remember this visit wasn’t about Porco, but instead, Marcel. 
“You know, Marcel was a boy with less aspirations for himself, but instead for the people around him,” Mr. Galliard stated. 
Last night, Jean didn’t make his way back. You were a tad sad. Not being able to sleep with him there...felt unnatural. You really didn’t feel at ease in your own home. Constantly wondering where he was, if he was okay, or if he really had business. You honestly weren’t sure, but regardless, tried sleeping since today was important. 
“I never saw my son as a child, rather, the embodiment of an adult. One with the thoughts, and responsibility of a grown man. I felt, and still do feel guilty though...he never got the chance to be one. To experience the childhood he should have.” 
“Mhm,” you nodded after he said that. 
“I truly regret not making him live the life of a child, and it pains me that he was instead forced to be an adult,” his wife then put a hand on her husband’s. Giving him a stare out of grief, yet relief as she then eyed the both of you. 
“If my son had seen where you both are, he would be proud. He would be amazed with the work you both put in, and know that we are as well. We’ve seen the work Reiner puts in with Porco, doing his best to serve Marley with their titans. Along with you, Y/n. As you encourage and guide the Eldians to be the best they can. Both in the battlefield, and themselves personally. We truly are indebted, and hope you two will continue in the work you do for as long as possible.” 
“Ah I see, I’m glad our efforts have paid off. I have to agree though, Marcel truly was a great person-” 
“Tch,” Porco snarled as his mother then elbowed him. Reiner then continued to talk. Telling the three about the gift chosen, how you both thought it would suit Marcel, and who he was. Not just a comrade, but a dear friend as well. The pendant shone beautifully, and had a glint just like Marcel’s. The framing around the jewel caved around like it was a crown. Smooth, and precise edges, along with a clean finishing. The back also had an engraving of his name, along with leather straps which could detach. Framed in the box it came with and accompanied by two letters. 
“You can read them whenever you would like. Although, I do recommend doing so when alone,” you told them, and then made your way to the door. Porco decided to escort you out. Though both you, and Reiner expected a cold gesture, he instead gave you an unexpected one. 
“Thanks...for the gift. It means a lot.” 
“Yes of course, no need to thank us,” Reiner responded for the door to then shut. 
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You both went to Annie’s house, hoping her father would be home. To your dismay...he wasn’t there...like always (on that day specifically). You tried knocking the door yet again, but to your “shock,” there’s no response. You see...on this day specifically, he refused to see either of you. He knew that your gestures were filled with good intent, but just...couldn’t bring himself to do it. He would always see you both whenever else, knowing that the topic wouldn’t arise. 
“Let’s get going...Mrs. Hoover is expecting us.” 
“Got it...Y/n.” 
Still, it saddened you to say the least. The poor man was so hurt, and he couldn’t bring up the topic. Though you wanted to console him, even with the time given, it seemed like it wasn’t going to happen. You placed the box on his doorstep, leaving a note telling him of the gift, and why you chose it. Hoping he would keep it with him, and store it safely. 
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“Ah Y/n, Reiner! I haven’t seen you both in a while! Come, come inside!” Bertholdt’s mother said, for the both of you to enter their house. Pulling out chairs while her husband did the same. His father then started to brew tea, while the three of you (Reiner, you, and Mrs. Hoover) sat down. 
“How have you been?” 
“And I as well,” Mr. Hoover then placed the tea. The two lovers smiled at each other, and then sat beside one another. You were glad they weren’t in tears, nor upset. His parents (surprisingly) seemed to have taken his death unexpectedly. Not as something light hearted, nor sympathetic, but rather...very “well” in your opinion. They mourned when you had returned with no trail of Bertholdt, but got themselves together. Making good of his passing instead of sulking. 
Reiner then pulled out the basket of apples, handing it to them. While you showed the bouquet full of flowers. You also held the pie in your hands while his mother went to grab a vase. 
“It looks lovely Y/n, I’m assuming you used the apples?”
“Oh, I’ve been well,” you responded. 
“Yes ma'am. Bertholdt’s favourite.”
“Speaking of my dear son, my one and only child… Oh how he loved such delicacies. I wish I made him more when he was with us. Not only that, but he was one himself, and I wished we would’ve handled him with more care. Being more fragile with such a thing….” 
You see, his parents were really invested into the whole “Honorary Marleyin,” and “warrior candidate” events. They just wanted their son to exceed, and to know that he could go above and beyond. But in said process, instead of doing that...it gave the opposite effect. Making him feel less if anything. He knew they loved him, but their encouragement...seemed more discouraging to Bertholdt if anything. Disregarding his feelings, and thoughts to the opposition, convincing him that he was strong enough and could do it. 
Never considering his doubts, nor fears. Instead, brushing them off and telling him he could excel. There was no comfort whatsoever, instead, expectations and tension which were burdened to him...and him alone. 
“That was probably why he was so timid...because of how we treated him…. I truly do regret such a thing, but I was relieved to hear how he was a great and loving person to the both of you. Even if we didn’t get what “we wanted” from him, he received the things that he wanted for himself. Pushing himself to his limits, and persevering...without us.” 
“Yes, he truly was an amazing person. The closest friend I’ve ever had,” Reiner said with a sincere tone. The father then stepped in, saying: 
“Bertholdt would’ve loved to see how you both had grown to be so mature, understanding, and great in general.” 
“Since he loved you both so dearly, he also would’ve been glad at the decision you two are making, about becoming one. Also, congratulations on that. I hope you both have the happiest of times while you can. Though, I won’t lie, I wished Y/n were the one to marry Bertholdt (she said jokingly). But even so, I’m happy for both of you. Reiner, you’ve got yourself one lucky lady, and Y/n, you a lucky man.” 
“Yeah...I guess so,” Reiner responded. 
You then thought to yourself. Would Bertholdt actually be content with the engagement? Though his mother had thought “yes,” you had thought “no.” He probably would’ve opposed, saying that the marriage would’ve been pointless, and unsettling. That being the case, his opinion gave you yet another reason for your opposition. 
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You both were done for the day, and were relieved for that. You were glad that two out of the three were there, liked the gifts given, and that you were able to show respect towards your comrades. So being that, you both were now walking. Yes, your destination would be home, but you weren’t sure as to what detours would be made. Both you and Reiner actually. One thing you were sure about, was that the man beside you seemed frustrated. Even though he should've relaxed since your tasks had just finished. 
“Y/n, I don’t want to assume...but…were you the person who might’ve leaked things?” 
“Oh...no. It wouldn’t make sense for me to, in all honesty…” 
But then at the same time, she might’ve assumed so because of how long you were taking. Thinking you must’ve made a decision (by now) and just didn’t want to be vocal about it. Of course, that wasn’t the case and you made it clear to Reiner. He then decided to switch up the conversation, trying to avert from the unwanted thought. 
“I forgot to ask, but were you able to get home safely that night?” 
“Oh, yeah.” 
“That means...oh gosh,” that’s when you both realized that the only person who could’ve, and would’ve done so...was his mother. You also remembered what Alexandra said, about his mother being ecstatic about the engagement. That point secured your thoughts. She was probably very excited, and had no malicious intent involved. She just wanted the best for her son, and you as well (thinking Reiner was the best for you). Regardless, it kind of annoyed you. Especially since you hadn’t made the decision, and she inferred you had instead of asking/confirming. 
“That’s good.”
“And you?” 
“Yeah, I did. I walked Gabi home first, then made my way.” 
“Ahh I see,” yout both walked further for him to ask:
“Where were you the morning after? I thought you’d be at HQ, like you always are.” 
“Ah well…” you couldn’t tell him about Jean, so instead, told him about Alexandra. 
“Well, a friend of mine came over. We caught up and….” you couldn’t say that you were talking about him (his looks to be more specific), so instead, brought up the first few things which came to mind. 
“She um, congratulated me.”
“Oh really?” he seemed glad and you went on. 
“Not only that, but that most of the town knows…and that your mother seems ecstatic.”
“Oh no…” You then saw a burdensome look on his face. 
“Haha yeah. She also asked if I had a wedding dress, or ring. Which I found kind of funny-” He immediately cut in. 
“So what was your response?” 
“That I have neither.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Hm?...the real question is, what do you mean Reiner?” you then stared at the gentleman, awaiting for his answer. 
“Oh...it’s just that...you do have one.” 
“Not a dress of course, but a ring.” 
He then Proceeded to tell you that he did have one ready. He felt guilty knowing that you had told her “no.” He thought that maybe you had felt bad, being that your answer was “no,” even though he did have one prepared. After all, ladies did take marriage as a big deal. And even though it was one out of friendship, he didn’t want to make you feel left out. Being considerate of such a big event. 
Though you could’ve (and most likely would’ve) married someone after Reiner, it still was your first wedding. And your first anything should always be taken seriously. 
“If I knew you were going to be bombarded with the other ladies bothering you...I would’ve given it sooner,” he fished a box out of his pocket, and handed it to you. 
You then opened it to see a fairly modest design. It was a simple gold band. One with a centered jewel in an oval shape. There were also two other smaller stones which accompanied the ring, and the band sat in a black, velvet box. It was a very beautiful ring, and Reiner could tell you liked it (based on how you sat in awe). He was glad he got such a ring, knowing how simple you could be, and that it seemed to suit your personality. 
“I’m sorry for not being able to get you better, but I hope that it’ll be enough for you to show other ladies. And hopefully...you don’t feel the need to humble yourself when with others,” you could feel the sincerity coming from him, and were thankful. But...you ultimately just...couldn’t accept such a gesture. 
“I’m sorry Reiner...but I can’t accept this.” 
“Oh, why is that?” 
“I just...can’t,” he then took the hint, and instead asked: 
“Is it because you aren’t sure yet?” you then nodded, not giving him anymore context. He also did the same. Nodding and letting you be. 
“But I insist...you should keep it.”
“Oh, really? And why is that?” 
“Well haha, my mother will pester me less. But of course, only if you want. If not, I can take it back. I understand your decisions, and will respect them for when you’re ready.” 
“You know what...sure, why not,” you didn’t want to be rude, and you also wanted to be less of a burden.
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 After receiving the box, Reiner does what he thinks is best. He shields you from others on your walk through town. Although they found his gestures quite adorable, he thought the opposite, but was glad there was no attention regarding the ring. Covering the box made you tense less, and his efforts were greatly appreciated. He understood the townspeople's intentions, but didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.  
“Hey reiner...when it comes to deciding, how much time do you think I have?” 
“According to what my mother said...maybe a couple months. That is...if you want to have a um...child of course. If not, really whenever. As long as I don’t die,” he chuckled and you nod, laughing yourself. 
“I see, well...I’ll be sure to relay my decision whenever.” 
You took notice of how tired Reiner was. His eyes drowsy, posture limp, and in general, was very out of energy. You decided to halt, stopping in front of him. Making his pace lessen as you stood still. 
“Why do you look so tired? I know it’s not because of any drills,” you laughed as he looked to the side. 
“Don’t worry too much about it...it’s nothing.” 
“Yeah, of course.”
“Come on Reiner...tell me! I feel like I play a part in it…. I’m not sure as to what, but yeah,” he then looked back at you. Though he contemplated his thoughts, he decided to be honest. 
“Okay fine. As of recently, I've been pushed around by my mother, a couple elders, along with the civilians, and troops in general. Meeting whenever my mother arranged things, taking the time to accept gifts, being congratulated, and having conversations even when I don’t have the time. Though it should be fun, it’s really not. Especially when the warriors are on my ass for being late, and then I show up to meetings with a bunch of gifts. At first they were okay with everything, but as time progressed, they were uh...pissed with my appearances.” 
You felt bad. Your delay was really taking a toll on Reiner, yet you felt like you couldn’t give him your answer. The pressure was immense, you would be letting people down, and the Braun’s would be in an awkward (gossip-ish) position after your rejection. But then again, you didn’t want to marry him anymore. You had Jean now, plus, Reiner was only doing his best  since he wanted to make things right. Being your friend, trying to help build a future that might satisfy you when he’s gone. Imagining you living alone without benefits he could’ve provided, made him feel guilty. He already put you through so much, and although this wasn’t a huge step to redemption, it was one skid closer. 
But honestly, you cared less (for the marriage, not his efforts). If you said no, the entire thing would be off his plate. Yet...you felt bad seeing how much effort he put in. You saying no would mean all of that effort being drawn to waste. You then decided to ask him what he would do with both responses. Towards both rejection, and the acceptance of his proposal. 
“Reiner...what would you do if I said yes?” 
“To my proposal?”
“Well I would marry you,” he smirked at such an obvious question. Not making fun of you, rather, just pointing out the obvious. 
“Oh...yeah haha. Anything else though?” 
“Maybe have a child...I mean of course, like I said...it’s up to you” seemed embarrassed to bring up the subject, which made you laugh. 
“Okay...then what would you do if I said no?” 
“Honestly I’m not sure, but, if that’s what will make you happy, so be it. If you want to love someone else, I won't stop you. If you want to love yourself, and you alone, I will support you. No matter what you do...I just want to be a good friend is all. Make up for all I’ve done.” 
Just through that, you saw how serious Reiner was when taking this path to redemption. Though, not in the way you would have both envisioned, he was truly trying his best. Being a good friend, and doing his best to get you what, and where you needed to go. You were very touched by his sincerity, and words in general. Reiner was truly a great friend. Though questionable at times, and it would take time for you to wholeheartedly trust him, he was getting there. And would probably at one point. 
“Thanks Reiner.” 
“No need to. I’m content either way, so it’s really up to you.” 
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