#Jack Frost the santa clause
gritsandbrits · 7 months
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How can disney make of the best antagonists then completely forget about him? 😔
Jack's been on my mind recently and i remember his actor was also in a barbie movie so I decided to make a Ken of him. Ofc with artistic liberties because the real suit is a bit...complex.
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Seriously I couldn't figure out which goes where 😓 more under cut
I changed the vest to something more glittery, as if ice is crawling up his body. His suit is pretty much the same as in canon but slightly lighter. I used the Sugar's Daddy movie Ken, I think it just fits and the OG sugar daddy didn't exactly give gleeful troublemaker.
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I tried to make his face look older than the standard ken but still with that bit of childish mischief.
For accessories I made one of them old timer microphones since he strikes me as the sleazy entertainer type. Other accessory is the snow globe since that was a major plot device in the film.
I have a great time making these. Now I wished I actually had a jack doll for real!!
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kscribbs · 1 month
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I think we need to complete the quartet and see the dweebus and the tornado-us versions 👀👀👀
(yes I AM fishing for more kscribbs art no I will NOT stop bc I love it ur honour and also. I DO WHAT I WANT)
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Ask and ye shall receive!
(Some of the discolouration in ML Jack's hair is greyness, as well as frost.)
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10yrsyart · 2 years
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i was just thinking they would have an interesting friendship dynamic. Mischief Maker with a heart of gold Jack Frost, and Head Elf “I don’t get payed enough for this” Bernard 😂 they also both happen to have access to magical travel snowglobes yknow so..
Christmas Crossover AU
(comic one)
Jack: So, you come here often?
Bernard: Occasionally.. if necessary.
Bernard: Hey, nice hoodie. Did we do this one?
Jack: Uh.. well, technically-
(comic two)
Jack: Bernard, how's it going?
Bernard: Jack?! How'd you get here? Wait- don't tell me, I don't want to know. I can't talk, don't you know how busy we are right now??
Jack: Why don't I help? Wow some elves with my talents, ey?
Bernard: “Jack Frost” has a reputation here, so it's probably best to steer clear of Santa. And the elves. Actually, please come back later when I'm not drowning in work.
Jack: Aww what, don't you enjoy my company?
Bernard: That's hardly the p- IS THAT REINDEER ORANGE?!! (off screen): Sorry, Bernard!
(comic three)
Jack: So how long has it been since you had a real vacation?
Bernard: Oh, at least 500 years.. probably.
Jack: 500? Impressive! I wasn't even born as a human yet.
Bernard: Look'atcha, all green around the edges~
Jack: Hey, 400 years is nothing to scoff at...
Bernard: Please. You, my icy friend, are an infant.
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babygirl-olympics · 7 months
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serendippertyy · 2 months
I love your sona and Bernard ship it's adorable! ❤🦌.....i know it's like March but would you draw them again...maybe easter themed🐰🌸?
And if i may ask....can you please draw a couple Jack Frosts❄in your style.....(I'm shamelessly obsessed with him even if it is mid March lol)
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soo sorry this is so late my asks get buried a lot!! but I am here now and OMGG SHOW YOURSELF ANON I NEED YEAR LONG SANTA CLAUSE MUTUALS !! 🗣️💥
like I said this is late buut here they are spring themed!! so happy you guys like seeing them, it makes me more comfortable with posting them outside of christmas 😅
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and I'm still working on drawing jack in a way that I like, rn he's looking a bit like the joker tbh buut i hope you stick around anon because I would love to practice some more LOL ❄️
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the-arch-elf · 6 months
Hello Elves,
The kitchen is behind on lunch orders.
Somehow, several of the ovens have been frozen shut, and we are working on fixing the problem.
On a completely unrelated note, if you see Jack Frost walking around, please tell me so I can beat him with a staff- Sorry, I mean inform Santa of his visit.
Yours, Bernard
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lmelodie · 10 months
I've been hoarding this one for a VERY LONG TIME to eventually do a decent ass drawing of Santa and Jack with, but my skillset isn't quite there and I fear if I do not see this realized one day, I will explode:
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the jack and santa vibes here are IMMACULATE and i have been thinking about this for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS, Jack absolutely about to ANNIHILATE santa with a BIG OL SNOWBALL lmao.
(one day i wanna draw it too and do a bonus with jacqueline, even HIGHER than jack, tossing an even BIGGER snowball at him. the CHAOS. it brings me joy. sorry for these ramble messages it is late and i am tired and excited which is quite the uh. the uh. combo tbh)
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I never EVER draw the actual main character of this franchise, he's just not that interesting to me (sorry very not sorry). But! I think that, when necessary, I can bullshit my way through a decent enough Scott Calvin. Generic white man activate.
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viviennevermillion · 7 months
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Consider: Elven Prince Bernard and Elven Knight Bethina / Betty (they're hard to sketch so excuse the oopsies).
I think after Disney didn't even manage to successfully nostalgia-bait me (and I'm someone who likes the Star Wars sequels and Season 5-8 of Winx Club so this really says something), we should have a medieval fantasy AU as a treat!
Ideas for what I might draw next / brainrot about:
Witch Sandra — like with a pointy hat and everything! Perhaps with Befana giving her advice but I don't think my skills are good enough to pull that off help
Alternative idea: Disney Princess Sandra who attracts little woodland creatures when she sings (her singing is awful for comic relief purposes and it still makes the finches flock to her)
Court Jester Cal "Do you think Riley will like me in this outfit?" Calvin
Noblewoman Riley
Court Jester Noel — in solidarity with Court Jester Cal
Royal Advisor Edie
Curtis as whatever the male version of a handmaiden is + handbook
Roy Enchantix! — like with big ass fae wings
Snow King Jack. Like, Elsa but shadier.
Mother Nature (we really need to give her a proper name. come on, this fandom is like 10 people, we can make it happen!) as a gorgeous nature spirit! Or maybe as a goddess? Both would work 🤔
What do we do with Scott? Do we just make him the king because the previous king died in his front yard? Can you imagine that?
I think Charlie would work as a knight
I know this isn't medieval but we can slap a Victorian dress onto Carol and have her beat someone up with a high heel but I'm not sure I can draw that 😂
Laura and Neil as regular citizens from some backwater village who don't believe in magic until Elven Prince Bernard plunders their fridge
Magnus Antas as like,,,, Tom Bombadil. A very evil, slightly more feral Tom Bombadil.
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goldenvulpine · 6 months
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You guys ever wonder if Saint Nicholas here punched Arius with his “Naughty” arm or if he punched him with his “Nice” arm?
I bet he did it with his “Nice” arm. He probably remembered the incident and specifically tattooed it to be his “Nice” arm for the Irony.
Easter Bunny must be tired of hearing about it but Jack would love the story don’t lie.
someone joked about how Mrs Clause gets choked in bed by the naughty arm and I can’t sleep any more knowing there are people that wanna be choked by Silver Fox Santa here
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gritsandbrits · 7 months
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A small ref of my oc Holly made in @elequinoa picrew. I just love using Meiker it reminds me of ol skool dressup games (and tbh elequinoa's the few that actually WORKS on mobile)
I pair her with Jack because i think he deserves someone speshul (and a better movie but that's beside the point). I was gonna make her Carol's sister but I decided on friend instead. Carol gets her a job at the workshop to cheer her up after a bad breakup, and Holly ends up paired with Jack to help set up the displays. Well HOLLY is, Jack is just foolin' around. One day he overhears her singing and decides to use it to his advantage by convincing her to hire him as a talent coach. Problem is Holly has stagefright and she doesn't trust Jack. But of course being Disney, Jack comes to genuinely like her. Like LIKE her, Like her. She's bout the only person besides Lucy to see him as an actual person. And Jack seems to be the only one really interested in hearing what y has to say and help her bring out her real voice.
I know Holly is THE second most cliche name for a xmas character but this is a movie where the easter bunny is a grown man in a suit. And im just like So SOOOO tired of seeing cynical bad faith takes on disney movies in general, gimme a cute Hallmark level romance PLEASE-
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couldtheycatchkira · 6 days
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10yrsyart · 1 year
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my bestie suggested more Christmas Crossover AU and i couldn’t say no to that 😂 the differing elf lore is funny to me so i had to address it somehow. i think that after dealing with North, the elves would flock to someone who takes them (semi) seriously. and Bernard just hits that balance of grumpy efficiency 👌
Bernard: Why am I here
Jack: You need to get out more, I'm getting you out more.
Bernard: My job is management and keeping out intruders. I'm not supposed to become one.
Jack. It's fine, I'm allowed in here. North is just out for the day.
Bernard: You brought me to see a bunch of gnomes?
Jack: No no, not gnomes, elves. Go on, say something to them!
Bernard: Encouragement really isn't my strong suit-
Jack: Then do what you do best~
Bernard: ...Right.
Bernard: You! What're your jobs around here?
Elf 1: (~)
Bernard: Bakers? Cocoa brewers? Excellent. And you?
Elf 2: (~)
Bernard: Musician, fantastic. Traditional positions huh.
Elf 3: (~!)
Bernard: “Haughty”? Of course he's haughty, all Santas are. They don't appreciate the nuance of the background workforce. We elves are the vital backbone of Santa's workshop. You all have important tasks to keep, so I’m expecting good results from you.
Bernard: And I don't like to be disappointed. Capiche?
(elves cheery excitedly)
Jack: Oooh, looks like someone’s got some new fans! North is gonna love this.
Jack: You know the elves don't do the actual toy making, right?
Bernard: Whatdo'ya take me for, an amateur?
(Bonus 1)
Curtis: This is the fifth stack of personal letters you've received this week, Bernard. This is all highly suspicious..
Bernard: Curtis, you wouldn't know “suspicious” if it hit you in the face with a bowl of waxed fruit.
(Bonus 2)
North: There's something wrong with the elves, I'm sure of it!
Tooth: How so?
North: These are the BEST. Cookies. I have ever eaten!
(Jack laughs quietly)
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multifandomfix · 11 months
Jack Frost Fluff Alphabet
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A = Aroma (What do they smell like?)
He smells like vanilla and peppermint.
B = Babe (What would they use as pet names? Do they use them a lot?)
He’s a sucker for pet names and will use them often. He’ll have a whole host of holiday/winter themed ones on hand, but he’s a fan of the classics as well.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
You have to (quite literally) warm him up to the idea of cuddling, but once you do, boy does he love it!
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? What would they think about living together?)
Settling down definitely isn’t the first thing on his mind, but you could get him to come around to the idea in time.
E = Emotion (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He mostly shows his affection through flirty jokes and some lighthearted teasing.
F = Flirt (How do they flirt? Are they smooth or awkward?)
He can be a pretty smooth flirt if he really puts in the effort to be.
G = Gifts (Are they a gift giver? What kind of gifts do they give?)
He isn’t big on gifts because he never seems to know what to get you, but on the rare occasion he does decide to get you something you know it always comes from the heart.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He’s really not all that fond of hugs. He doesn’t mind them as much coming from you, but it’s not his favorite form of affection.
I = I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It’ll take him a while. He’ll have to get past those walls he’s built up to let you in, but when he does say it, he’ll say it with his whole heart.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Oh he can get insanely jealous. It melts that icy exterior of his and boils his blood to see you laughing or flirting with someone else.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you?)
His kisses are usually very spontaneous and can get a little heated. He’s also a big fan of kissing the insides of your wrists.
L = Little ones (How are they around children? Would they want some of their own?)
He’s not the best with children, though they do seem to like him. He’d never really considered having his own, but if you’re looking to start a family with him, he could really start to picture it.
M = Meet (How did they meet you?)
He met you at the beginning of winter when you rushed out to see the first snowfall and he was so charmed by your adoration of the season that he couldn’t help but introduce himself.
N = Nurture (Are they good at taking care of you if you’re hurt/sick?)
Frankly, no. He’s not great at it. He usually winds up making things worse. It’s not as if he doesn’t want to help you though.
O = Out (What’s a typical date night with them like?)
He loves giving you the whole winter experience. Things like taking you to see the northern lights, snowball fights, ice skating, etc.
P = Propose (When do you/they propose? How does the proposal go?)
He proposes on Christmas. Claims that you saying yes would make the holiday less awful for him. It’s actually quite the romantic proposal, despite him trying to make light of it.
Q = Quirk (What small habit/feature/quirk do they have that you find especially endearing?)
The way he always seems to be warm, despite basically being coldness personified.
R = Routine (What does a typical day together look like? Routines, schedules, habits?)
With Jack there is no routine. He likes to whisk you off with him in the middle of the day, or surprise you with breakfast in the morning. Routine bores him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
He can be pretty protective. Overprotective perhaps. You often have to remind him that you know how to handle yourself.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, etc?)
He puts in a pretty decent amount of effort for anything he’s serious about doing, but if it’s something he doesn’t want to do, that effort will be greatly reduced, unless you provide him some incentive.
U = Unique (What’s something they’d only do for you?)
Deal with Santa. It’s his least favorite thing to have to do, but if you asked him for a favor and he had to go to Santa to do it, then he would.
V = Vulnerable (How long does it take them to feel comfortable being vulnerable around you?)
A good while. He’s not so easy to get to open up, but once you’ve made that first crack, it can all come spilling out of him.
W = Wardrobe (What would they wear to impress you?)
His usual suit is pretty impressive already. It’s sleek and sexy, but you like seeing him in anything blue. It just makes him look so good.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Jack is a terrible cook, but he does make excellent homemade ice cream.
Y = You (What are some things they would like in a partner?)
He’d like someone who would defend and support him. He can sometimes feel insecure, and to have an advocate would make him feel so loved.
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
Jack is a light sleeper. He’ll be the first awake at the slightest of sounds. He’s also a sleep cuddler.
For 🧪 Anon
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Jack Frost: @phantomofclownery, @creativegenius22
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shadow-turtle-234 · 6 months
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Courtesy of the OMITB Instagram page
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auroratigress · 6 months
I love Martin Short’s Jack Frost look. I’d call it Ice Punk.
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babygirl-olympics · 7 months
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Babygirl Olympics pt. 2!
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