#Jacksonville moving help
easymovinglaborhelp · 6 months
Choosing the Right Fort Worth moving help: Factors to Consider for Your Relocation
Selecting professional movers to assist with your upcoming relocation is an important decision that requires diligent evaluation. While a trustworthy moving company with skilled staff and proper equipment can make the entire process smooth, safe, and efficient, the wrong choice could mean damaged belongings, unexpected fees, and major headaches. Use these tips to identify and hire the best Fort Worth moving help.
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Verify Licenses and Credentials 
The first step is confirming that all proper licenses, operating authority, insurance, bonding, and DOT registrations are active and valid for interstate and intrastate moves. Licensed companies have undergone vetting and oversight for legal operations. Review carrier numbers on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and check ratings with organizations like the Better Business Bureau.
Assess Experience and Specialties in Las Vegas moving help
Look for an established company with extensive experience specifically assisting moves in your city and handling your type of relocation - whether residential, office, long-distance, or specialty transport. Tenured companies with roots in the community tend to offer greater reliability and responsiveness. 
Evaluate Online Reviews Extensively  
While company websites will understandably highlight positive feedback, take time to analyze third-party review sites like Yelp and Google, which provide unfiltered customer commentary. Look for consistent praise around care for belongings, professional conduct, and adherence to timelines and budgets, with any complaints promptly addressed by the company.
Interview Representatives in Detail
Schedule in-depth consultations with top contenders to ask about their packing methods, equipment resources, employee training credentials, claims procedures and past customer referrals. Quality companies will provide transparent, thorough details. Assess responsiveness and overall comfort level.
Examine Value and Services
Beyond comparing basic rate estimates, look at exactly what services and support each mover includes with pricing, such as packing materials, storage options, mobile app tracking tools, and more. Consider added value when budgeting instead of basing decisions on bottom-line cost alone, which often backfires.
Clarify Insurance Protections 
Reputable movers carry liability insurance for damages and injuries and cargo insurance for loss and damage to belongings. Ask for written policy details, including coverage amounts and claims procedures. There should be no gray area regarding insuring your valuables.
Assess Security Protocols
Long-distance moves involve extra precautions against theft, including truck GPS, shipment tracking, and inventory protocols before loading and unloading. Discuss security steps, including employee screening methods, warehouse surveillance, and how lost or missing items get resolved. Prioritize safety.  
Get Binding Written Estimates 
Ensure you secure final quotes in writing after walkthroughs, tallying all items and services covered. Hence, projected charges are contractually accountable. Reputable companies stand behind original estimates, barring any significant service changes on your end. 
By weighing each factor - licenses, specialties, reviews, interviews, insurance, security, and contracts - you can land on the right Jacksonville moving help to meet your relocation needs with total confidence and peace of mind. Trust-only movers who demonstrate transparency, accountability, and readiness to put customer satisfaction first from start to finish!
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tribalyoungbrown · 2 years
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xo-hugs-n-kisses-ox · 25 days
(v.) to think deeply about something
After Edward left her, Bella Swan fell apart. Desperate to try and save his eldest daughter, Charlie brings his youngest daughter to Forks to see if she can bring her sister out of her depression.
Now, y/n must try to help her sister find her way back to the light while also trying to navigate her Junior year of high school in the odd town of Forks.
All rights reserved to their original publishers.
Now playing: Long Way From Home by The Lumineers
Chapter One: Forks, Washington
     Moving from Jacksonville, Florida, to the rainiest place in the continental U.S. wasn't an easy adjustment.
     Seeing your sister act like the walking dead was even more trying.
     All of it was because of that boy, who left her when things got hard. Mom only thought of "young love" and said "a little heartbreak builds character!"
     Phil thought Edward was an ass, but that Bella was being a little dramatic about her first heartbreak.
     Charlie and I shared a similar sentiment: Edward Cullen better not come back to Forks. If he does, I'll kill him.
     I'd get away with it, too. Charlie would shut down the investigation because he'd be glad the boy was gone and wouldn't hurt his daughter any more.
     I'd hurt him, especially but not limited to the fact that I wasn't quite sold about Bella falling down the stairs after she ran off. I don't think Edward pushed her, per se, but I don't think they told us the entire truth. Call it a gut feeling, or intuition, or whatever. I don't trust him or his family, aside from the good doctor. He's always seemed the most normal, from what I've heard.
     "Bella," I call, knocking on the door to her room. It was quit still, and I was waiting impatiently for her to answer. We had to go to school before we were late and got another day of detention.
     "Bella!" I shout, knocking on the door again. I hear some rustling and watch as the knob turns, only to find my sister with her pajamas on, her hair a mess, and looking like she had been through a hurricane.
     She blinked owlishly at me, almost like she was deciphering who I was.
     I sighed through my nose, trying to be sympathetic to her. I guided her to the bathroom and made her brush her teeth while I untangled her hair. In an attempt to keep it from getting ratty again, I braided it back tightly and wrapped put oils on the ends to try and keep it from frizzing up.
     "Sorry," she told me, staring blankly at the mirror. All the anger in my chest deflated, and for a second, I felt as hollowed out as she looked.
     Hollow, empty, devoid of soul.
     That's how she looked.
     Anger ignited in my chest again, but not at her. At her shitty ex-boyfriend who left her in the woods because he was a coward and couldn't break up with her properly.
     "Don't worry about it," I told Bella, "I'll get Charlie to write a note or something. I guess the driveway was extra icy this morning."
     The school day passed without much happening.
     Bella's friend Mike tried to get me to pass something on to her, but I couldn't hear what he said before Jessica pulled him away without a glance at me.
     I thought she was stuck up, but she wasn't a bad person.
     Lunch was subpar again, the cafeteria food being lukewarm at best and cold in the middle of the mashed potatoes.
     "I wonder if Charlie could threaten them into making the food better," I wondered aloud, poking at the food on my plate.
     Bella remained frozen in time, staring at the seat beside me as if she was waiting for someone to appear there.
     I sighed, shaking my head.
     I hummed to myself as I continued to poke and prod at my food u til the bell rang to get back to class.
     A few days pass.
     Nothing changes.
     Bella's still depressed and hardly living in the real world. She wakes up screaming from night terrors and Charlie's started to sleep in the couch so he doesn't have to get up from his bed anymore.
     I've started to develop insomnia, I think.
     I don't sleep until the early hours of the morning, since that's usually when Bella stays asleep, too.
     I'm awake from six thirty in the morning until two in the morning.
     My routine consists of waking up, getting dressed and ready for school, then getting Bella up and dressing her. It's about forty minutes allotted to each of us, and then an extra ten to get Bella's lunch ready and packed.
     I go to school with her, go about my monotonous but peaceful day, eat a silent lunch with my sister, finish my day, and go back home.
     When I'm home, I work on anything I didn't finish already. Sometimes I go in for work at the 24/7 diner at the corner of Wheatgrass and 74th, working the night shifts and getting home in time for Bella to stay asleep. I make my lunch from the food I got to take home from the Roy's Diner, I take a scalding hot shower, and I pass out for the four hours before I have to wake up again.
     Angela asked me how Bella was.
     She seemed like the only one that truly cared about my sister.
     Jessica was sour because she was ignored. Mike only wanted in her pants and was stringing Jessica along. And Eric was nice, but really only cared about the news paper and Angela.
     "Is she getting any better?" Angela asked me, sitting down beside me at the table I was reading at.
     "Not really." I replied, looking up at her for a minute. "Charlie's about to send her back to Jacksonville."
     "Oh," Angela said, looking sad at the news. "Is there anything I can do for her? I try to invite her out, but she never shows."
     I shrugged, "Not much to do. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make her drink."
     Angela nodded, her lips thinning for a moment before she got back up.
     She patted my shoulder before she left, and I immersed myself back into my reading.
     Working the night shift at Roy's was never boring. We got loads of interesting people here. Charlie called the diner "a drunk's dream." Sure, it was a little sleazy and a lot of greasy food, but it wasn't horrible to be in. If you ignored the obnoxious 70s disco decor.
     A duo of two men were sat in my section, both of them looking like hell.
     "Welcome to Roy's, I’m y/n. What can I get started for you?" I asked, my peppy customer service voice grating on my own nerves so late at night.
     They both had tanned skin in shades of bronze, and long, dark hair. One had it pulled up in braids down his back, the other's hair loose.
     "A Pepsi, please," the first man said, and he looked to the other boy, "Jared, what do you want?"
     Jared ordered a strawberry milkshake.
     "Be right back!" I told them, spinning on my heel and going to get their drinks.
     "How old do you think those guys in your section are?" Chelsea asked as I filled up the drinks. She was staring at the two I had just spoken to, and I shrugged.
     "Dunno, don't really care." I said, "They look grown enough, I guess."
     "Grown enough?" She parroted, laughing, "They all have to be at least twenty!"
      Again, I just shrugged.
     "Ugh, no fun." Chelsea said, rolling her eyes and disappearing into the back to go gossip with the cooks.
     "Here are those drinks," I said, setting them down before each of the boys. "Anything to eat?"
     "I want two number twos with lettuce, tomatoes, unions, and pickles, please, and a large fry." Jared told me, and I wrote it all down quickly. Two double patty burgers and a large fry was a lot to get down, but boys had large stomachs, I guess.
     Sam spoke next, ordering, "A number three with tomatoes and lettuce only, with a number four with everything and a large fry, please."   
     Spicy chicken sandwich with everything on it and a pulled pork sandwich, I wrote, then said, "Be right back, then."
      I handled my other tables until the food was ready, and I had to ask Kass to help me carry it all. When I set the food down, in front of them, they both thanked me and started eating. I grabbed their cups to refill their drinks, and when I was back to the table, most of their food was already gone.
     "You two sure can put food away, wow," I said, setting the drinks down again. Jared had ordered another milkshake, and a water. Sam still got the Pepsi.
     Sam smiled, looking weary but better. Color had returned to his face, and his eyes looked brighter.
     "We're growing boys," Jared joked, and I smiled.
     When they left, after ordering a slice of pie, I got a nice tip and a doodled wolf on the check.
     Bella went out with Jessica to see a movie, I think. I wasn't paying a lot of attention when she said it, I had a mountain of homework from physics and not nearly enough time to do all of it.
     Charlie found Bella's wallet and told me to go give it to her, so I went to Port Angeles to find her.
     I saw Jessica first, and she was watching in mute horror as Bella spoke to some strange man on a motorcycle.
     "Bella!" I yelled, people glancing my way as I stormed up to her to snag her by her arm and drag her away.
     For a moment, she looked hopeful, like she was expecting to see someone else.
     "Oh my god, you're stupid!" I yelled, dragging her back to my car. "Do you not think about anything anymore? He could have kidnapped you! He could have done worse!"
     "I just-" she caught herself, flinching, "I thought I knew him."
     "Good lord," I said, swearing at her for her recklessness, "I thought Charlie would have told you about stranger danger, but I guess not! Maybe it's time for a refresh!"
     Jessica trailed behind us as I berated Bella and lectured her over the dangers of strangers and dark alleyways and motorcycles.
     I folded my sister into the passenger seat of my car, ordering Jessica in the back seat.
     "But, uh, what about Bella's car..?" Jessica asked, staring at me.
      "I'll get it tomorrow. I don't trust Bella not to do something else stupid with it now." I huffed, reaching over to buckle Bella's seatbelt and peeling out of the parking lot.
     I dropped Jessica home safely and pulled into the driveway, marching back inside.
     "Your daughter has lost all her sense!" I told Charlie, "Dad, you need to tell her about stranger danger again before she gets herself kidnapped!"
     "Y/n, now wait a minute-" he started, glancing at the door as my sister came stalking in behind me.
     "Bella, you wanna tell me what your sister is talking about?" Charlie asked, and I huffed as she just sighed.
     She explained and got a stern talking to, but I wasn't satisfied.
     I started going everywhere with her, after that.
     When we weren't in classes, I was attached to her hip. Hell, I even started sleeping in her room with her.
     She still kicks.
     But the nightmares become less frequent when we have sleepovers every night.
     I make her take care of herself by doing it for her, forcing her to brush her teeth and wash her face as I do her hair in the mornings and at night, packing a healthy lunch for her, and forcing her to keep up with her studies.
     It's exhausting, but it's better than staying up until I cant anymore, and it's slowly getting me my sister back.
     And then Jacob comes back into the picture
     He and Bella are fixing up some old bikes. I have no interest in them, so I sit with them and listen as they talk.
     Sometimes I draw some still life pictures of them, sitting together and working.
     Sometimes I sleep.
     Sometimes I do my homework like a good student.
     Slowly, I started to trust Jacob with my sister. I started picking up more daytime shifts at Roy's, and I started to relax.
     The nightmares still happen, but they've gone down to about twice a week now.
     Sometimes she only wakes up crying, others it's the screaming again.
     But progress is progress.
     "Y/n, I sat a group of three in your section. Booth in the far corner, babe." Makayla told me as I passed the host stand.
     "Thanks, Mak," I said, hurrying to drop off my drinks to some travelers before going to my new table.
     Ryan comes barreling my way to drop some food off, and I spin around him to avoid knocking into him and his tray of food. I get to the booth in the back, seeing some familiar faces.
     "Hey guys," I smile, recognizing two of my favorite customers, "I haven't seen you two in a minute, how've you been?"
     Sam, who I learned later from Charlie, had been the one to find Bella after she was dumped in the woods by Edward. I didn't care if he knew who I was or not, not really, because I knew who he was. I couldn't do much for him, but showing my gratitude for saving my sister through the Family and Friend's discount was enough for me.
     "So busy," Jared complains, pointing an accusing finger at Sam, "He's had me doing chores for days and makes me take more if I don't do my homework! He's like my mom now!"
     Sam rolls his eyes as I laugh, reaching out to flick Jared in the forehead. The two of them have been coming to
     "You're working with me, I'm responsible for you. So sad for you." Sam says dryly, and I shake my head at their antics.
     "Strawberry shake and Pepsi?" I ask them, my eyes tuning towards their new friend.
     He looks rough, almost like Bella did. His long hair is pulled back in a hastily done bun, and his eyes are sharp and attentive. He looks at me oddly, his brows slightly drawn together and his eyes squinting slightly.
     "What can I get for you?" I ask him, an odd feeling rising in my chest as I meet his eyes.
     He's quiet for a moment before he takes a deep breath and orders a water.
     I nod, taking down his drink order and turning towards the kitchen.
     "Ooh, your friends brought someone new!" Chelsea crooned, coming to drape her arms over my shoulders as she watches me fill up the two cups in my hands. I roll my eyes.
     "Chels, why are you always back here when you're supposed to be doing your work?" I ask, dragging her towards the milkshake machine as I fill up Jared's strawberry shake.
     "I'm doing my side work! I got cut early." She says, smacking her gum in my ear. I cringe, reaching back to push her face away from mine.
      "Love that for you, girl, but get your smacking away from my ears, please." I told her, hearing her laugh as I add a cherry to the milkshake and a drizzle of chocolate syrup. She walks off to go finish cutting her lemons and I put all three drinks on the tray to bring them out.
     I set down the drinks and milkshake, turning the tray under my arm as I pull out my note pad to take down their food order.
     "Number three, no unions, large fry, and a chicken sandwich, unions, tomatoes, lettuce, with a large fry." Jared rattles out, and I jot it down quickly. I turn to Sam and notice a distinct lack of his friend beside him.
     "Chicken tenders and a large fry, number two and a basket of onion rings, please," Sam says, adding, "Paul will have the same as me, but without the onion rings and with fried pickles instead."
     I nod, writing it all down.
     "You want me to put a slice of pie in and bring it out later?" I ask, seeing Jared nod enthusiastically.
     "That'd be great, y/n, thanks." I again nod at Sam's words, turning away and hustling to the kitchen to put in their order.
     I service my other tables while the boys' food is being made, bustling around my section. I'm keenly aware of eyes on me, but I figure it's just someone waiting to get my attention so I can give them a refill.
     When their food is ready, I bring it out to Sam and his group.
     I set each of the baskets down before each of the boys, picking up their cups and going to get them refills.
     They each eat quickly, and every time I pass their table, my skin prickles.
     I try to see if it's one of them that needs my attention, but each time I look over, they're all engrossed in their food, or a conversation. Any time I look over, they're in tense conversation. I try and keep my distance so I don't disturb them, but I make sure to keep attentive to their cups and plates.
     I sigh after a while, deciding that I must be making things up. No one seemed to be looking at me.
     They ate quickly and I ran them their check. I was left with a good tip and a smiley face on the paper of the check beside Sam's signature.
     When I was finally cut to go home, I took a long shower and collapsed in my bed. When my eyes closed, I saw a picture in my mind's eye.
     Dark eyes framed by thick lashes. My vision slowly panned out, and I saw dark eyebrows. There was a slight wrinkle between them, like the person was frowning. Slowly, my mind put together a strong nose, then high cheekbones, full lips, and a strong jaw. Finally, I saw long, dark hair framing this handsome face.
     Slowly, I put a name to the face I saw in my mind.
     Why I was seeing Sam and Jared's friend, I had no clue. There was no denying that he was attractive, though. His angular face and sharp eyes made him look uninviting, but his sullen demeanor was softened by his full, almost pouty lips and well kept hair. His lack of facial hair made him look younger compared to Jared, who's scruffy chin made him look closer to twenty than to seventeen. The long, silky hair on his head had been messily pulled back, yes, but it served to make him look almost boyish, also.
     I was pulled out of my thoughts when my door creaked open, and I peeled my eyes awake to see Bella standing in the doorway. Wordlessly, I pulled back the blankets around me and scooted over. She shut the door behind her and fell into my bed, sighing as I reaching out to pull the blanket over her shoulders.
     I fell asleep shortly after, Bella's breathing steady almost immediately.
Word Count: 3157
Author's Note:
Hey guys!! This is my first fic ever! Please lmk what you think about it 🥰
Also, I plan to change some things about the story. I'm going on a mix of the books and movies, but I plan to change the timeline a little, change the logistics a bit, and make some of the characters a bit older because I don't like how literally everyone is like 16?? Anyway, I'll probably put out a chapter of all the stuff I change to get some feedback and stuff
All rights go to the original authors and publishers !
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raya-hunter01 · 7 months
Cruising Love Pt. 1
Two Shot Request
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Kayla)
Jimmy Uso x Trin
Roman x Black Female OC! (Robin)
Sefa x Black Female OC! (Cameron)
Montez Ford x Bianca Belair
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut,
Thank you for the request and for trusting me once again @royalkay23
Jey has planned a five-day cruise to the Bahamas and Puerto Rico for his girlfriend Kayla’s birthday. Jey is determined to make sure the trip goes smoothly as he’s enlisted his family and friends to help him plan the perfect wedding proposal.
His plans are in danger of going up in smoke as his toxic ex is also on the cruise and is desperate to rekindle their toxic burning flame.
Will Jey give in, or will he stand strong in his love and devotion to Kayla and leave the past in the past?
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Jacksonville, FL
Regen Seven Seas Cruises
Jey's POV
Damn it’s crowded and I wish we had got here earlier, but we were running behind schedule, but we made it. It really is a lot that goes into this cruising thing, but I’ll do anything for my lady.
“Will you stop looking at Kayla like she’s going to disappear,” Jimmy said as I looked at my girlfriend talking to Trin, Carmen, and Bianca.
“I’m waiting on Bianca to answer my text,” I said as I saw her looking at her phone, typing away with a smile on her face. “
“Stop worrying, you know Bianca got you. We all got you,” Sefa said looking at his girlfriend who game us a thumbs up.
“See Carmen is on it,” Jimmy said as I let out the breath I was holding.
The girls helped me plan this cruise for Kayla’s birthday and I want everything to go according to plan. WWE gave us thanksgiving week off this year and that made planning this trip much easier.
“Jey, everything is going to be beautiful, and Kayla will love everything you have planned, because she loves you. Then on top of that you know she’s going to say yes to your proposal so stop trippin’,” Robin reassured me as Joe kissed her on the temple.
“Keep him in line mama, we’re here to have fun and enjoy this break,” Joe whispered as I rolled my eyes.
“We are going to have fun-” I started but closed my mouth as I saw Kayla heading back over.
“What are ya’ll talking about?” Kayla asked coming to stand beside me checking her phone.
“Nothing baby, we just ready to get on the ship,” I said as she smiled brightly at me.
“I’m ready to get my birthday week started myself. Trin wants us to hit one of the clubs on the ship tonight,” she said I looked at Trin strangely as she shrugged her shoulders.
“Hey, ya’ll can do a boys night out too, ain’t nobody stoppin’ ya’ll,” she said as Kayla laughed at Jimmy shaking his head.
“A guys night out could be fun, maybe we could play pool,” Sefa added seeing how antsy I was.
“Uh, yea that’s cool I’m on board with it,” I said as the line finally began moving and thankfully, they were on a roll now. It took us about thirty minutes to finally get on and another twenty to find our rooms.
Kayla’s POV
“Oh, shit! Babe this is too much,” I gasped looking around our suite before going out onto the balcony.
“It’s your birthday week, nothing is too much baby,” he whispered gently kissing my neck as I blushed profusely.  “Thank you it’s really beautiful, everything is,” I whispered as I felt his smile against my neck.
“Not as beautiful as you, but just know before this week is over, I’m making love to you out here on this balcony in that shower,” he said pointing to the overhead shower against the wall.
“Oh, my now what will the neighbors have to say about that?” I asked turning around in his arms as we shared a brief kiss. 
“Don’t know and don’t care, but I know one thing they definitely gon’ know my fuckin’ name before this trip is over. Every night yo fine ass gon’ be screamin’ it,” Jey whispered before tasting my lips again.
“Oh, is that right?” I asked truly turned on as his eyes sparkled with mischief.
 “Damn right now go put on that pretty sundress for me that you bought. We gotta meet everyone on the deck in a few minutes, the dance party you girls wanted to check out starts soon,” he said as I felt even more giddy inside, my man was on it.
“Thanks again for all of this,” I whispered before heading inside to freshen up and change. This trip was definitely starting off right and hope it continues.
Deck Dance Party
Jey’s POV
I have to say, so far, the trip is going off without a hitch as we watched the girls on the middle deck dancing with fellow passengers without a care in the world. I still had one thing on my mind though.
“How bout Danielle texted me the other day talking about we needed closure,” I said to myself as I Joe raised his eyebrows at me.
“Damn, it’s like she has ESPN when your happy and tries to sneak in and fuck it up with that toxic shit,” he said as Jimmy scoffed, taking a sip of his beer.
“Uce, you and Kayla been rockin’ for three years. She’s loyal and held you down through a lot of shit. Don’t let nobody come in and fuck that up. The closure was done when you put her ass out and broke up with her,” Jimmy said as Joe nodded in agreement.
“I should have ended it better, I was so cold to her,” I said as Montez looked at me like I had grown three heads.
"Well if thirty thousand disappeared from my savings I'd be cold as fuck too. You went through that toxic shit for so long you feel undeserving of love and normalcy, but you are deserving. Let Kayla love you, just be happy man," Montez said as i nodded trying to truly digest his words.
“Kayla loves you and has held you down. Being a wrestler’s girlfriend or wife ain’t for the weak. Hell, she helped you build your brand,” Joe said as I smiled taking a swig of my beer.
“You should have seen her in the studio while I was remixing our old song. Do it again babe and yell louder, Iet’em know you feelin’ ucey,” I said mocking her as the guys laughed.
Danielle never understood my passion for wrestling but, when I met Kayla, I was thrown off by how supportive she was. I thought she was too good to be true and tried to close off my feelings.
Through it all Kayla never stopped being herself and each time I was in her presence another barrier would crumble and the deeper I fell in love with her.
The countless nights she sat up late letting me cut promos on her and giving advice. Like she actually cares and loves to come on the road to visit me and enjoy the shows.
“What’s got you over there in deep thought, Uce?” Joe asked as I smiled.
 “Just thinking bout Kay, and how much I love that woman. You know she’s already got her schedule mapped out to come on the road with me next month for a week to help out with my meetings with the WWEShop executives and Paul. She did me a couple of sketches of some new merchandise ideas I had.”
 “See that’s what I’m talkin’ bout, you deserve somebody like that on your team. Ya’ll grindin’ together, Uce.  Not somebody that has nothing to offer but sex, manipulation and don’t even get me started on the money she stole from you,” Jimmy said as Sefa watched me intently.
“Go ahead Uce, add your two cents in I can take it,” I said, his stoic expression even more judging than it normally is on TV.
 “Jey, you deserve happiness, and you need to stop thinking that you don’t. Danielle is the past, don’t let her spoil your future with Kayla,” he said as I smiled at him stealing a glance at Kayla out on the dance floor.
“Man, you better get yo’ shit together, all this stuff Bianca and I had to order and get shipped to Puerto Rico. If you fuck this up, she will kill you,” Montez said as we all laughed.
“I got it together man, I’m just thankful ya’ll agreed to help me get everything set up,” I said as he smiled.
“You know she loves to decorate and drags me along to help, but I love it too. I think that is going to be the business move for us when we decide to retire,” Montez said as I almost felt envious of him. He’s thinking about life after wrestling and is coming up with a plan.
“I’m going to order me another drink, anybody want anything?” I asked, getting up as Joe held up his beer.
“Get me a refill this gon’ be a long day,” he said looking back down at the girls dancing on the deck.
“Shit, you know it, I’ll go wit you,” Jimmy said getting up following me to the bar as I stopped in my tracks spotting a familiar figure from afar.
“I know this isn’t happening to me,” I whispered as Jimmy collided with my back. “Damn, why did you stop?” he asked as I tried to play it off as I saw my ex-girlfriend with her sister leaving the bar and heading towards the deck.
“Uh, I tripped over these damn slides,” I said as he laughed. “Man, come one let’s get these drinks and get back to the deck, we missing the show,” he said as I smiled but underneath my smile I was shook.
This was all I needed was Danielle lurking around and I knew if she saw any of us it would be a disaster.
“Aye, snap outta it Uce, we need to order,” Jimmy said going around me and heading to the bar.
“Just, avoid her ass at all costs and enjoy your trip,” I muttered to myself in denial. Deep down I knew at some point in time we were going to run into each other.
Yea, this definitely was going to be a long five days on this fuckin’ ship.
Four years earlier
“I do support you!” Danielle cried as the anger in me continued to boil.
“I begged yo ass to come on the road with me, you never have time even though you have no job. You just want to shop, max out my damn credit cards and flex on Instagram.”
“You told me I could get what I needed! Don’t make it seem like I just did it without your knowledge!” Danielle yelled as I growled.
How does me telling her that she can use my credit card when she needs something turn into you spending three grand a week.
 “That ain’t what I meant, and you know it. I’mma let you have that shit and move on. I want you to explain the newest most deceitful shit you’ve done to me,” I said as her eyes widened in shock.  “Yea, the jig us up, I can’t believe you didn’t think I would find out,” I hissed as she cried.
“Jey, I’m not feeling well,” she whimpered as I scoffed in anger.  “Cut the bullshit, explain to me how thirty thousand is missing from my savings,” I said pulling out my bank statement showing her the evidence in black and white as she continued to cry.
Yea, poor Joshua finally got some damn sense.
“Uh, I—I-Joshua,” Danielle stuttered as I slammed the paper down on the counter.
“Don’t call me that! Only my family can call me that and you ain’t my family, you never were!
“Yes, I am your family I-“she started as I bitterly cutting her off.
“You been stealing from me! Stealing from the person you say you love! Shit, who needs enemies when snakes like you are surrounding me!” I hissed as her crocodile tears made me even more pissed off.
“I’m sorry Jey, I didn’t want to hurt you, I can give it back,” she whispered as I shook my head in disgust.
“Danielle, all I want is for you to get out and stay out. You got an hour to pack what you can and get the fuck out.”
“Jey, we can work this out! I know I fucked up,” Danielle cried as I tried to keep my cool, but it wasn’t working.
“Yea, you fucked up big time and I’m done! When I get back you better be gone. Also, all my accounts have been switched so your cards won’t work anymore.”
“What am I supposed to do?” she whispered as Trin came into the kitchen where we were.
“Use that thirty grand you stole to start over,” I said as she cringed at my words.
“Hey, your door was open, is everything ok?” Trin asked taking in the tense scene. I can’t even imagine how we looked to her right now.
"Yea, thanks for coming sis. I just needed you and Cameron to look after the house while she packs her shit,” I said as Trin looked at Danielle shaking her head.
“Cameron is in the car talking to Sefa on the phone, his flight is delayed but she’ll be in shortly,” Trin said as I gave her a hug.
“Thanks, I just need to get outta here,” I whispered as she nodded tightening her arms around me.
“Go, we’ll call you when she’s gone,” she said as I felt a heavy load lifted off of my shoulders.
“Jey, you can’t just discard me!” Danielle screamed as Trin ushered me towards the door as Cameron walked inside.
“Jey you can’t do this!” Danielle cried as Cameron stopped me from turning around and answering.
“Ignore her, Jimmy is waiting at the house,” Cameron said grabbing my hand, giving a comforting squeeze as I felt my eyes burning. Yea, I needed to leave now.
“We’ll call you when it’s done,” Trin said as Carmen rolled her eyes looking at Danielle moving in slow motion around the living room.
“Girl, hurry up and get started packin’ your shit. We ain’t got all day and run them keys too because we don’t need you snooping around when Jey isn’t here.”
“A locksmith is on the way to change the locks; I don’t want to chance her having copies. I will get ya’ll a copy before I leave tomorrow night,” I said walking away, not really wanting to talk anymore to anybody.
Six years down the drain and right up under my nose. I’ll never let anybody close to me ever again.
Sefa and Cameron’s Suite
“I don’t think you saw Danielle; it can’t be,” Sefa said as I rolled my eyes. “I know what I saw and what I saw was that barracuda. Last thing we need is her trying to run up on Jey trying to reconnect, painting a perfect picture as to how she has changed,” I said as he groaned in frustration.
“Damn, why shit can’t be simple for once,” he said as I sighed.
“Because your brother can’t stay mad at nobody and that’s the problem.”
“Jey loves Kayla, and he wouldn’t jeopardize that, I just know it,” he said as I sat beside him on the bed.
“I know he loves her, but I also remember the hold Danielle used to have on him and it scares me,” I said as Sefa laced our fingers together.
“Jey knows what he has in Kayla and he ain’t messing that up for nobody, you’re worrying for nothing,” Sefa whispered as I tried to see his positive outlook but I knew that bitch.
If she ever saw Jey, she definitely would try to seduce him. Yea, this trip just went to shit.
Jey & Kayla’s Suite
Kayla’s POV
“Mmhm right there,” I moaned as Jey’s smiled against my neck gently biting as I rocked my hips against his fingers.
“Yea, you like dat shit don’t you?” he moaned as I whimpered in pleasure as he curved his fingers against my G spot. His thumb gently and urgently caressing my clit.
“Answer me princess,” Jey moaned using his other hand to grasp my chin bringing my mouth to his.
“Yes! I love it,” I whimpered grinding on his lap as he growled. “Fuck, you trying to make daddy cum too ain’t you?” Jey asked as I smirked. “Mmhm, I want you to come wit me,” I whispered as our moans and gasps of pleasure filled the room. “How long has it been since I made you cum?” Jey gasped as I continued to grind against him as his fingers and mouth sent shivers down my spine.
“This morning!” I yelped against his lips as he smiled. “Too long, cum wit me beautiful,” he groaned. “Mmm, I love you,” I whispered as Jey smiled. “I love you too princess,” he whispered as our lips met again in a passionate kiss as we fell over the edge together.
 Something so innocent got us both so hot. It’s purely ridiculous what this man does to me should be against the damn law.
“Damn, all I said was help me put on my necklace,” I gasped trying to catch my breath as Jey laughed. “Shit, you looked amazing in the dress, I couldn’t help it,” he said letting me go as I stood up.
“Yea, now I gotta change because you messed up my dress,” I said looking at the back in the mirror. “Aye, that was all you grinding up on this dick, dry humping like we teenagers,” he said with a sexy smirk as I blushed.
“There wasn’t nothin’ dry bout that humpin’ sir, and I didn’t hear you complaining a minute ago,” I said as he shrugged his shoulders.
 “And never will, I was just trying to give you a lil quick nut before your night out and you turn it into a two for one special,” he said as I laughed going over to the closet to find something else to wear.
“Now I gotta clean up and try this again, you stay your ass right there,” I said going into the bathroom as his laughter filled the room.
Yea, I really loved that man.
Club Tide
Trin’s Pov
The club was jumping but i was too focused on the information Cameron shared earlier about seeing Danielle.
“Ladies, the gentleman at the bar ordered you all another round,” the waiter said as we all looked to see a tall handsome guy at the bar smiling raising his glass.
“Aww that was sweet,” Kayla said raising her glass before throwing back her shot.
“Kay, you need to pace yourself,” Carmeron said as Kayla smiled. “Girl, it’s my birthday week. We turnin’ up all damn week,” she said as we danced in our VIP section.
“Yea, Kayla can handle her liquor, don’t worry Cam,” I said as I spotted Danielle by the bar looking over at us.
“Is that who I think it is?” Bianca asked as I nodded not wanting to draw attention. We both watched her smirk at us before she disappeared into the crowd.
“That bitch itchin’ for a beat down, I swear,” I whispered as Bianca sucked on her teeth. “I can already see, somebody gon’ beat that bitch ass before we dock back in Florida,” she said as I laughed.
“Let’s not give her that type of energy, this is Kayla’s week. Aye, let’s dance Kay,” I said grabbing her arm leading her to the floor as she smiled brightly at me.
“Girl, we gotta leave soon to meet guys,” she said as we began dancing.
“Come on, we’ll leave soon, let’s just have some fun and unwind,” Cameron said joining us on the floor as I saw Robin and Binaca scanning the room.
No doubt they were trying to watch for Danielle, but that bitch ain’t stupid enough to approach any of us.
Ocean Bar
Jey’s POV
This was supposed to be a fun guy’s night out, but all I’ve heard is how I need to avoid Danielle. Damn Cameron for blabbing. They talking’ to me like I’m a damn child, almost like they don’t trust me.
“Aye, I’ma head out if ya’ll keep nagging,” I said as Jimmy smirked. “You the only motherfucker I know that can ends up in situations like these. Your current and ex-girlfriend on the same fuckin’ ship,” Jimmy said as I frowned.
“Stop aggravating him Jimmy, he’s got enough on his plate,” Sefa said as Joe checked phone.
“The girls should be back over here soon, Robin just text me,” he said as I nodded trying to tune out Jimmy with his drunk ass.
“Man, don’t you fuck this up, Kayla deserves more than being second fiddle to somebody like Danielle. You don’t deserve her if you gon’ do that,” Jimmy said as Joe reached over and punched him in the shoulder.
“Shut yo’ drunk ass up-” Joe started as I interrupted him. “What you trying to say I don’t deserve her?” I asked, the alcohol clouding my judgement.
“Aye, go chill for a minute, you know he’s drunk and didn’t mean it Jey,” Joe said as I downed my shot and left the table.
“You talk too fuckin’ much,” I heard Sefa hissed to Jimmy.
“Uce, I’m sorry man, come back!” Jimmy yelled as I ignored heading out of the bar and heading up to the deck.
“Drunk ass just doesn’t know when to shut up,” I muttered not paying attention as to where I was going and collided with someone.
“You’re still clumsy as ever I see,” Danielle said as I jumped back in shock as she smiled brightly at me.
I didn’t know what to say standing before me was my past and internally I’m trippin’.
“Hey, Jey,” she whispered giving me a hug as I hesitated before returning the gesture.
“Hey Danielle,” I said as she rubbed my back before pulling away.
“It’s really good to see you, “she said as I nodded. “You want a drink, you look like you could use one,” she said as I looked at her like she was crazy.
 “I don’t think that’s a good idea, I’m here with my lady,” I said as she smiled. “Look, we made peace with the past, I mean you texted me back and told me we were cool,” Danielle said as I sighed at my words coming back to bite me in the ass.
“I did tell her it was cool and water under the bridge but is this really a good idea.
“Come on, I won’t bite. I know you have a lady and I have a boyfriend. Just have a seat and I’ll go grab us a bottle of Tequilla, I owe you,” she said as I contemplated her offer.
“Uh, I guess taking a shot for old times sake can’t hurt,” I said taking a seat as she went back into the bar.
The longer I sat, the more guilty I felt. “What the fuck am I doing?” I muttered out loud truly feeling like I was asking for trouble.
Just as I got up Danielle came back over with the bottle of Tequilla.
“Let’s toast,” she said pouring us a shot.
“Um, what we are toasting?” I asked as she smiled. “New beginnings,” she whispered as we shared a toast and drank.
The sly look on her face should have made me run for the hills but I stayed and took another shot.
“Let me find us music,” she said pulling out her phone.
“That ain’t necessary, I’m bout to head back inside,” I said as Get Up On it by Kut Klose began playing.
If you really, really want it
All you gotta do is get up on it If you really, really want it
“Do you remember this?” Danielle asked as I nodded. “Yea, I remember Dani,” I said as she smiled. It was the first song we ever danced to on our first date.
“How bout one more dance for old time sakes?” she asked as I went blank on what to next.
What the fuck had I got myself into.
The time has come for us, ooh, baby
To get real busy, baby
“Danielle this ain’t a good idea,” I said as she began dancing up on me.
“Come on, it’s just a dance,” she whispered wrapping my arms around her waist.
Oh, yes, it has, mm
And you don't have to be afraid of our love, oh, no
'Cause it won't hurt you, sugar
Oh, no, it won't, ooh, yeah, baby
Her hips rubbing against mine as I tried to keep it PG. I get myself in the most shit. Her mouth was dangerously close to my neck as I slightly pulled back.
“Danielle stop playin’” I warned as she smirked. “You know you can’t say no to me,” she whispered moving my hand to her ass as I groaned moving them back to her lower back.
Sefa’s Pov
“I’mma go find Jey, something ain’t right,” I said as Joe stood up to go with me.
“Nah, I got it Uce, keep an eye on Jimmy, Montez still out there dancing,” I said pointing at Jimmy who was nursing his beer.
“Alright, I’ll round him up and we’ll meet you on the deck,” Joe said as I shook my head at Jimmy before heading to find Jey.
“Let me find his ass before the girls get here,” I muttered hoping he ain’t did nothing stupid.
Going out onto the deck and around the corner, my eyes weren’t prepared for the scene before me as I saw Danielle wrapped up in Jey’s arms as they danced.
“What the fuck is he doing?” I hissed, not believing my eyes.
I like it girl, when we
Get real freaky, baby
Ooh, yes, I do, baby
And I'm on my hands and knees
“Hey, Sefa why are you out here?” Trin asked as I bout jumped out of my skin turning around trying to act unfazed and began walking back towards the girls.
“I was waiting for ya’ll, let’s go,” I said wrapping my arm around Kayla and Cameron steering them towards the club.
If you really, really want it (if you really want it, baby)
All you gotta do is get up on it (all you gotta do, girl)
Get up on this love of mine
“You sure everything is, ok? You look pretty spooked right now,” Kayla said as I nodded my head. “Yea, right as rain,where is Bianca?” I asked nervously as Cameron looked at me strangely. "She already went inside," Cameron said as I breathed a sigh of relief.
As I reached for the door, almost home free, I heard Jey laugh as Cameron cut her eyes at me.  I pleaded with my eyes for her not to say anything.
Wait, was that Jey laughing,” Kayla asked stopping in her tracks as I panicked. “Uh, I think it’s just some folks walking the deck,” I said as Kayla scoffed.
“You really think I’m stupid, and don’t know your brothers laugh after being with him for three years,” she asked moving my arm and heading back over to where I had been, with Trin and Robin following her closely.
“Stop her babe, Jey is over there with Danielle,” I said as Cameron’s eyes got wider. “No fuckin’ way,” she whispered as I nodded.
“Kayla, wait please!” Cameron yelled as we ran over to catch up her.
 “No, I wanna see what’s so funny, him and Jimmy must be out here doin’ something crazy,” she said, her smile instantly dropping.
There stood Jey and Danielle, still wrapped up in an embrace, their faces dangerously close.
I know he isn’t going to kiss her; snap out of it you fool.
Jey’s POV
“Jey, come on I won’t tell. Just one kiss,” Danielle begged as I finally came back to reality. “Look, I’m in love with someone, and I can’t do this. This ain’t right.”
 Pushing her away, my heart almost stopped as I saw Kayla staring at me in disbelief a few feet away.
“Shit, baby I can explain, it’s not what it looks like,” I said as she began walking towards us.
“How could it not be what I’m thinking, Jey? You out here hugged up with her, dancing and shit like you single,” Kayla said her eyes betraying her cool exterior. I had hurt her beyond belief.
“You need to leave Danielle,” I said as she rolled her eyes. “No, I’m staying right here,” she said as Kayla stepped between us ignoring Danielle.
“Babe, I can explain,” I said as Kayla slapped me. Ok, I more than deserved that.
“Oh, you bet yo’ ass you gon’ explain and it better be good,” Kayla said as I looked over and Sefa and the girls for some help. But by the looks on their faces I knew I was going to have to get myself out of this one.
“Uce, can ya’ll leave us alone?” I asked my brother as the girls looked hesitant to leave.
“We ain’t leaving Kayla,” Robin said as Kayla shook her head. “I’m ok ya’ll, I’ll catch up wit you,” Kayla whispered as I saw Danielle smirking.
“You better wipe that smirk off your face bitch,” Trin said as Kayla turned back towards Danielle.
“What are you looking at me for, take it up with your man. I can’t help he wants me," she boasts as Kayla laughed.
Kayla’s POV
This bitch really thinks this is a game, I’ll throw him and her ass overboard keep trying me.
“Look, I ain’t talking to you, I’m dealing with my man so you can take your irrelevant ass on,” I said as she got bold and started talking louder.
“I’m grown bitch! You can’t tell me what to do!” She said as I tried to keep my anger under control but failed.
“Bitch, I’m grown too! You got the right one today, keep fuckin around you gon’ be sleeping with the fishes! Now take yo’ ass on somewhere!” I yelled as Jey wrapped his arms around my waist.
 “Aye, baby, let’s go over here and talk, she ain’t even worth it,” Jey said trying to pull me away as I snatched away from him.
 “Let me go! If she ain’t worth it, why was you hugged up with her!” I yelled slapping Jey again as he staggered from the force.
“Ok, I deserve all of that and probably some more," he said as fought to get my emotions in check. I can’t believe he did this.  
“Can we please just leave and talk,” Jey pleaded rubbing his face looking sad and defeated and that in turn made me want to slap his ass again because he caused this.
“Danielle, you’ve done enough, let’s go,” Sefa said as I felt even more insulted catching on to the name he just said.
Danielle, I know this ain’t the dumb bitch that had his ass crossed up before I met him.
“Danielle, as in your ex- Danielle …Daneille that stole thirty grand from you?” I asked, as Jey nodded, looking like he wanted the world to open up and swallow him whole.
“Baby, let’s go talk, I can tell you what happened. You know I love you, it isn't what you think,” Jey said as I looked at him in disbelief.
“You so motherfuckin’ stupid!” I yelled truly frustrated as Jey ran his hands over his face.
“Jey what you begging that bitch for? “You know you still love me,” Danielle said as Trin and Cameron started towards her.
“Nah, I got it ya’ll,” I said finally turning around, giving her what she wanted, which was my undivided attention.
“This is my last warning or your ass gon’ come up missing. I suggest you get the fuck outta here,” I said pointing at her as she rolled her eyes.
“You better stop pointing that finger, or I’ll bite that motherfucka off!” Danielle screamed as I walked right up in her face, pointing my finger once again and mushing her head back in the process.
“Do it bitch!” I hissed as she gasped in shock, mumbling under her breath before making a dramatic exit as Jey pulled me against his chest to stop me from going after her.
“That’s what I thought bitch, you ain’t bout that life. Find you somebody else to play wit,” I said as Trin and Robin looked at me in disbelief.
“Let’s go now damn it!” Jey hissed dragging me off further down the deck away from everyone.
“We’ll make sure she doesn’t come back,” Sefa said as Jey sighed. “Thanks, we’ll be inside in a minute,” Jey said as I moved away from him.
“We will be right here,” Trin said as Robin was talking on her phone to Joe, I’m sure.
Jey’s POV
“Kay, I know it looks bad, but I didn’t kiss her.”  I could feel Kayla shutting down and I felt helpless. I should have just stayed in the bar or took my ass back to the room and none of this shit would have happened.
“Jey, she should have never been in your arms to begin with you put yourself in that position,” Kayla said avoiding eye contact with me.
“I know that now, and I’m sorry,” I whispered truly feeling like a fool. “Jey, is our relationship real?” Kayla asked as I felt like she slapped me in the face again.
“What the hell does that mean? You know our relationship is real, I love you Kay,” I said without hesitation.
“It can’t be, because if it was you wouldn’t have been out her Boo’d up with your ex,” she whispered her voice breaking as I felt my heart stop.
“Baby, it’s not like that, I promise.”
My own heart breaking seeing the tears flowing down her beautiful face. She had to listen to me, I can’t lose her.
“I’m done talking about it, I’m just going to follow your lead,” Kayla said as I felt the bile rising in my throat. “What are you talking bout Kay? “I asked afraid of her answer.
“Maybe I should go find me somebody to grind up on and almost kiss them,” she said as I growled.
 “Kayla, let’s go to our room and work this shit out,” I pleaded as she wiped her tears and smoothed down her leather pants.
“Good night don’t wait up, I’m going to have me some fun now since you’ve already had yours,” she whispered before walking away.
 She wouldn’t…Would she?
“Let’s talk Kayla! I shouted at her retreating form as Trin and Robin looked at me with disappointment in their eyes. “Kay come back!” I yelled as she continued to ignore me.
“You’ve done enough for one night. Go to your room and sleep it off Jey,” Trin said as I sighed.
“I gotta talk to her and tell her it wasn’t what she thought,” I said as Robin came over and gave me a hug.
“Give her some time, she’s hurt, Jey.”
 I knew I had made a mistake, but I prayed she was on her way back to our suite and not heading to do something she could never take back.
“I’mma go wait for her in the room,” I said as Trin rolled her eyes. “I could beat yo’ ass right now,” she muttered as I nodded my head in agreement too ashamed to speak.
I made the long journey to our suite with hope in my heart that Kayla would be there so we could talk. Opening the door, I was met with silence as I looked around the room.
Going out onto the balcony I sat down staring into the pitch-black darkness as my Montez’s words echoed in my head from earlier.
“You went through that toxic shit for so long you feel underserving of love and normalcy, but you are deserving. Let Kayla love you, just be happy man.”
 “Yea, way to go idiot,” I whispered alone in my own personal hell as I tried not to imagine Kayla with someone else.
The next morning
Kayla’s POV
I got up and left before Joe and Robin woke up. I needed to shower and get ready before we dock in the Bahamas. It’s still my birthday weekend and I planned to enjoy it.
I hope Jey is still asleep, I don’t feel like talking this morning. Opening the door quietly and going inside I was met with a worried remorseful stare from Jey as he sat on the edge of the bed facing the door.
“Where you been all night?” he asked as I ignored him going over to the closet to get my outfit out.
“Damn it Kay, where have you been?” he asked as I continued to ignore him.
 “Can we at least talk after your shower?” Jey asked as I sighed.
“Look, I crashed with Joe and Robin because I’m not built like you. I can’t forget I’m in an actual relationship and do something I know would hurt you no matter how pissed I am,” I said as Jey sighed in relief.
“Thank god,” he whispered as I rolled my eyes. “Look, I need to shower and get changed can you go?” I asked, not wanting to see his face at the moment. 
“What you mean go? We need to talk Kayla.”
“I don’t feel comfortable undressing in front of you so could you please leave,” I said as I felt the shock rolling off of Jey in waves, but I was hurting too.
“You don’t feel comfortable undressing in front of me? Your man of three years, really Kayla?” he asked in disbelief as I felt my chest tighten.
“Are you my man, Jey? Because you seemed to have forgot that you were last night when you were cozied up with your ex,” I said not backing down.  I know he didn’t kiss her; I know I may be overreacting but needed some space to process this shit. Jey sighed in defeat grabbing his shoes and heading towards the door. 
“I’ll leave, but this ain’t over Kayla. You gon’ have to talk to me sometime because I ain’t givin’ up. I love you, and I ain’t about to lose you now,” he whispered before walking out the door as I broke down in tears.
Some fucking birthday..........
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andreafmn · 1 year
Because It's You | Jacob Black Oneshot
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Word Count: 11.1K Paring:  Paul Lahote x Female!Reader, Jacob Black x Female!Reader Requested: Yes [@nyctophilia710: "Could you do a Jacob Black x Pregnant Reader One Shot. Y/N was a girl who recently moved to forks Washington, with her father Charlie Swan. The younger sister of Isabella Swan. Y/N falls for a guy named Paul Lahote, ends up getting pregnant with his child, who then cheats on her. Heart broken Y/N goes to an old friend Jacob Black, who she hasn’t seen in years and to much surprise Jacob Black imprints on his pack brothers pregnant ex girlfriend."] Story Description: After (Y/N) Swan moves back to Forks, Washington to live with her sister and her father, she meets one Paul Lahote. Even if her heart had always been spoken for by her childhood best friend, she still falls into a whirlwind romance with Paul that ends with a pregnancy and a betrayal. Can Jacob accept her even in her situation once they are fatefully bonded? Warnings: foul language, teen pregnancy, cheating, implied sexual relations A/N: An eternity and three days later, I finally worked on this request, but at least it's a long one 😬😬 and even though in this household we are Jacob haters, I loved writing him here. Hope you enjoy and that I did the request justice. 💖💖 Also, I'm thinking of doing a part two to this. Should I? My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing or buy me a coffeeTikTok • Instagram • Business | MASTERLIST If you’d like to be tagged in any other story: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post!
Because It's You | Jacob Black Oneshot
Moving was something (Y/N) Swan was already used to. With her mother trailing her up and down, following Phil Dwyer until they finally settled in Florida. But the novelty of living in a hot crowded state had grown old and something inside her was calling to the coldness of Forks, Washington.
She didn’t understand the sudden urge to move back to her birthplace, but it remained incessant inside her. Growing every day that passed. Her skin itched for the gloomy nature of Forks. The rainy days, the freezing winters, the chilling winds, and the smell of the pines. Long gone was her love for the humid air, the bustling streets, and the burning sun of Jacksonville.
“Mom, can I talk to you?”  (Y/N) peeked her head into her mother’s bedroom one day.
Renee smiled and patted the empty spot on the bed beside her. “Of course, honey. What’s up?” 
“For some time now I’ve been thinking about moving to Forks with Bella and dad,” she confessed. “It’s not that I don’t like living here, don’t get me wrong. It’s simply that something keeps calling me over.”
“Oh, (Y/N), you don’t need to feel bad for wanting a change in scenery,” Renee consoled. “And I know that your father will be absolutely thrilled to have you there. And even though I will miss you a lot. I, more than many, understand the need to find a new pace.”
“I’m so happy you understand, mom,” she beamed. “I promise as soon as I can I’ll come and visit you. And I’ll call you as much as I can and send you messages.” 
“Maybe you’ll finally get Bella out of that weird funk she’s in over that boy.” 
“First loves are something that are hard to get over. That’s something you taught me.” 
“Oh, me and my ramblings,” Renée chuckled. “Do you need any help packing up?”
“I’ve got it,” (Y/N) smiled. “Thanks, mom.”
The girl packed excitedly, a morose feeling creeping up her back. It wouldn’t be her first time in the cold and rainy lands of Forks, Washington. But it would be the first time she would remain there for the foreseeable future. A mix of nostalgia and anticipation crept through her veins and made their home in her heart.
The hardest part was saying goodbye to her mother. She would miss the woman’s sporadic need to change things up. Whether it was a wall color, a couch, or even a state, their household was always in a constant state of evolution. (Y/N) could never say her life felt monotonous.
Still, she embarked on the seven-hour journey to Washington, ready to start her new life and answer whatever call the town had made to her.  She could feel it deep in her bones that there was a reason moving to Forks was the right decision for her, and she couldn’t wait to find out what it was.
Sleep overtook her two hours into the flight, her brain shutting down as tiredness flushed it. One second her eyes were focused on a book, the next, her head had fallen against the side of the plane and flashes of images started fluttering behind her eyelids.
But (Y/N) could not understand the visions that her subconscious played for her. She saw a gigantic wolf with russet-colored fur. She saw the back of a man with short brown hair and tan skin. She saw tears. But what jolted her awake was that she saw a baby. And the stewardess welcoming the passengers to Port Angeles, Washington.
She quickly gathered her things, unable to shake the image of that baby from her head. She couldn’t erase the image of the child’s coal black hair, its soft tan skin, its unforgettable big brown eyes. Every feature of the tiny baby had sewn into the very fibers of her brain. But she had to squash it down. To believe that what her imagination had conjured was only that, her imagination. (Y/N) was starting a new chapter and she did not want a silly dream to set off the tone for the rest of her book.
“I can’t believe how much you’ve grown,” Charlie Swan beamed as his eyes fell on his younger daughter. “I swear only yesterday you were a little girl asking to learn how to ride her bike.”
“Hey, dad,” she smiled, wrapping her arms around her father’s waist, sinking into the warmth of his body. “Can’t believe it’s been almost three years since I’ve seen you.”
“Yeah, three years too long,” he chuckled. “But I’m glad I’ve got both my girls with me now. Even if Bella is not quite herself right now.”
“Don’t worry, dad. We’ll get her back to being herself in no time.”
“I sure hope so, kiddo,” he sighed. “Now let’s get you home.”
Both Swans rolled suitcases and carried bags to the cruiser, joy wrapping around them comfortingly. (Y/N) had always loved visiting her dad. Even if it was only two months of the year, she enjoyed spending time with the awkward and lovable man.
Charlie had always tried hard to be a good father. He’d done everything he could to fit a whole year into eight weeks, trying with all his might to form a strong relationship with his daughters. He had always felt guilty for letting Renée take them without much fight, but he had believed it was the best decision for all of them. Even if he could only see his girls for a small amount, they would know how much they were loved.
“I have to warn you, kiddo, Bella is not herself,” Charlie finally spoke. “She’s kind of like the living dead. She goes to school, she goes to work, and she locks herself in her room. It’s like she’s stuck in autopilot and can’t turn it off.”
“Well, it’s her first-ever boyfriend. She’s probably still reeling from the fact that she lost her first love.”
“I guess,” he sighed defeatedly. “I just want her to get better. A boy is never worth your tears.”
It wasn’t long until they were parking in front of the house. The night was quiet, somehow unaware that there was now a new resident in its midst. Even the house had no idea that she had come home. Everything was just as she had remembered. From the couches to the curtains, to the dated kitchen, it was stuck in time.
“You’ve still got your same room,” Charlie smiled. “I wasn’t sure what you’d like so I kept it the same. We can change it up any time you want though. Buy some new paints and sheets or whatever.”
“Thanks, dad,” (Y/N) responded in kind. “And I’ll take you up on that offer. It’s been a while since I’ve liked bright green paint on my walls.”
“Alright, kiddo. Why don’t you go ahead and turn in for the night? Bella is definitely already in bed so you can try and catch up tomorrow afternoon after school,” he offered. “You start on Monday anyway, so you won’t see her until she comes back.”
“That’s done. I’m honestly exhausted and will probably sleep in,” she sighed contentedly. “Well, good night, dad.”
“Night, kiddo. Welcome home.”
Her childhood bedroom was truly exactly like the last time she had seen it. The walls were painted a painful neon lime green, the sheets a shade of teal that seemed too bright for the darkness of the night, and books and dolls littered shelves on the wall. She quickly felt like she had never left home. Only a couple of months into being sixteen and she had regressed to her thirteen-year-old self.
She could see herself spending her summer days in her room, playing make-believe, and imagining what it would have been like to spend more than two months living in Forks, Washington. She dreamed of how it would feel to spend the freezing winters bundled up in front of the fire and drinking hot chocolate. To watch the snow fall as she breathed in the scent of pines and damp soil. To know more of the souls that lived in the small town and the reservation.
After her eyes ran across the room, they fell on a little wolf carved out of redwood. She had forgotten it had existed, but looking at it then made a smile spread across her face. It was choppy and amateurly made, but it had been a sweet token of appreciation from a dear friend.
They had been but ten-year-old kids playing around the barn behind the Black residence. Jacob Black had been excited to show (Y/N) something he had made her, his face lit up with excitement. He dug into the pockets of his too-big-fit cargo pants and pulled out the little wolf.
“Mom used to say that wolves are a totem of protection,” he said sheepishly. “I want to make sure you have something that’s always protecting you. Even if it might seem like it’s all make-believe, but good vibes and everything.”
“It’s beautiful, Jake,” she had smiled. “I’ll keep it with me always.”
“Good, I don’t want anything to ever happen to you.”
“What’s that?” Bella had asked, joining the kids after going to the bathroom. She was already a head taller than the other two, and the fact that she was thirteen already was evident in how disinterested she had been to spend time with her sister and their friend. “It looks bad. Like you couldn’t have spent more than five bucks on it.”
“I made it,” Jake had peeped, his skin turning a deep hue of red. “I spent a whole month working on it.”
“Oh,” she had answered, taking it from her sister’s hands and inspecting it. “It’s cute.”
“Well, I think it’s amazing.” (Y/N) had snatched the totem back. “And it’s mine so your opinion doesn’t really matter, Bella.”
“It’s okay, (Y/N). You don’t have to say it’s good,” Jake shrugged. “I can take it back.”
“No, you have it to me, and I love it. You can’t take gifts back.”
She couldn’t believe she had forgotten the little totem had existed. She ran her fingers over the carved fur, the lopsided snout, the painted black eyes, and the slightly sharp ears. It was still as beautiful to her as she had thought the first time she had seen it. And it made her think of the boy she had grown up with.
It made her wonder how he looked. How tall he had become, how long his hair could have gotten, how broad his shoulders could have become. She wondered if his smile was just as bright, if his hugs were just as warm, and if his laughter was just as melodious. She wanted to know if he was still the same boy she had loved since she was a kid.
The next morning, rather the afternoon, she had woken to the sun beaming on her face. Even in the midst of the January snow, the sun was as bright. (Y/N) stretched out the soreness in her muscles, the seven hours sat on a plane taking a toll on her body. She rolled out of her bed, her eyes taking a second to adjust to her new surroundings. She wasn’t back in her room in Florida, wondering which shorts she would wear to take on the ravishing humidity and heat. She was in Forks now, rummaging through her suitcases for the warmest sweater she owned.
After she had gotten dressed, she noticed the note that had been taped to the door, her father’s scribbly handwriting evident from far away. She took the paper in her hands, a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth.
Thought you might need some wheels to get around, kiddo. It might not be too new, but it runs perfectly. You have Jake to thank for that. Keys are on the kitchen table. J
The girl took off in a run, excitement running through her veins. Before going outside and seeing her new car, she stopped by the kitchen grabbing the keys and a chocolate chip muffin. Outside, a 1971 baby blue C-10 Chevy pickup truck was parked on the driveway, a thin sheet of white snow covering the car. It had been the very car she had been obsessed with since she was a kid and she had started to love cars just like Jake had.
She sat on the driver’s seat, turning on the engine, allowing the car to warm up. Her eyes unconsciously closed, reveling in the rumbling of the car and the warmth that the heater blew. The truck sounded beautiful, as beautiful as she thought it would have been in the 70s, maybe even better. Her fingers traced the inside of the car. She touched the gear shift and the steering wheel. She grazed the stereo that had definitely been replaced and the soft leather seats that had been clearly upholstered. It was perfect.
Jake had outdone himself with the car and it had made her heart flutter that he had put so much care into fixing it. All she wanted was to thank him. And that’s exactly what she had planned to do.
She remembered the road that led to the La Push reservation like the back of her hand. She had spent so many summer days there while her father worked, and she had been excited every single day she went there. The same excitement she felt as she parked by the beach to wait until the high school let out and she could finally see Jacob.
She found a spot on the beach, sitting on a piece of driftwood, watching as the waves rolled in and out of the shore. Even in winter, the reservation was always just a bit warmer, a bit cozier. (Y/N) had always enjoyed the time she spent there just as much as she loved Forks. She loved going to bonfires and splashing around on the beach. She loved the people that lived there and how welcoming they had always been toward her.
A loud hooting broke (Y/N)’s trance, her head snapping to the right end of the beach, not too far from her, where three boys were shouting from the top of a cliff. They were all tall and of deep-tanned skin, their hair chopped similarly, and something she could only assume was a tattoo on the right biceps of each of their arms. She couldn’t believe they were thinking of jumping into the ice-cold ocean, much less than she could believe how little clothes they were wearing.
Her eyes focused on the way the first one jumped, going straight down with a joyful scream before he slipped effortlessly into the water. He disappeared for a second into the dark waves, before he resurfaced with a cocky grin on his face. As he swam to shore, the second boy jumped and her head snapped to see him plummet just as flawlessly into the water.
“You’re not from around here,” a voice called her attention. It was the first boy. His dark brown hair was dripping, the drops falling onto his bare chest. “I would have remembered a pretty face like yours.”
(Y/N) could feel her cheeks growing red, the warmth that filled her body pooling in her face. “I’m not from around here, you’re right,” she smiled. “I’m from Forks. But I used to come here a lot when I was a kid.”
“And why haven’t you been here since then?”
“I just moved back,” she responded. “I’m (Y/N) Swan.”
“The sheriff’s younger daughter,” he said with a grin, sitting next to her. “I’m Paul Lahote. And on behalf of all the residents of La Push, I formally welcome you back to Washington.”
“Well; thank you, Mr. Lahote,” she chuckled. “It’s good to be back.”
“So, are you back for a visit or are you back for good?”
“And why would that be important information, Paul?” (Y/N) smiled teasingly.
“Well, if you’re just here for a visit then I won’t ask you out,” he smiled deviously. “If you’re here for good, then I’m not leaving until you say yes.”
“What if I say now?”
“I don’t take no for an answer.”
“Good,” she grinned the same way he had. “Because I was going to say yes.”
That very afternoon (Y/N) went home with a smile on her face, a new number in her directory, and a forgotten boy pushed into a dark corner of her brain. Her head had been filled with the image of a new one. Paul Lahote’s face had engrained itself in her, sending a rush of dopamine and serotonin through her body.
It wasn’t long until weeks had passed, and she seemed to be spending more and more time with one Paul. She had started visiting the reservation more and more, but it had never been to see the one person she had promised herself to reconnect with. She was spending her time with the Lahote boy, doing much more than just talking. She was sure that she was falling in love. At least she hoped that’s what it was.
Her schedule had become packed. It had been completely occupied by school, long dates in Port Angeles and the rez, and trying to get her sister out of the funk that had started to make the house reek. (Y/N) had grown tired of it and so had Charlie. Bella needed to make a change, for herself and her family.
Though as more time passed it seemed that Bella had found something to occupy her mind. The older Swan seemed to be in the house less and less, leaving early on weekends and coming home late, mimicking her little sister’s behavior. If she wasn’t at school or at work, she would be out of the house with the one person (Y/N) had seemed to forget.
“Why do you think she hasn’t come see me?” Jake had asked Bella one day as they worked on the motorcycles. “She’s been here almost a full month and I have yet to see her.” 
“I don’t really know,” she shrugged. “She’s barely in the house when I’m there and I honestly haven’t asked.”
“I just thought…”
“Why haven’t you gone to see her? When I got here you were one of the first people on the welcoming committee.” 
“Yeah, and look how well that turned out for me,” he chuckled dryly. “I just want it to come from her to want to see me. I don’t wanna ambush her.”
“Is this about the little crush you used to have on her when you were kids?” 
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he blubbered.
“It was obvious you two liked each other. You would get so red in the face and nervous when she was around,” Bella laughed. “You would get all flustered and tongue-tied, it was cute.”
“Was it that obvious?”
“A blind person would have seen it,” she grinned. “But it doesn’t matter now.”
“What’re you talking about?” Jake questioned, his brows furrowing in curiosity. “Why doesn’t it matter, Bella?”
“She’s been dating one of Sam Uley’s friends. Uh, Paul Lahote I think he’s called,” Bella responded. She could see anger surging through him, his body shaking slightly with ire. “She basically spends all her time with him. I’m surprised you haven’t run into them here.”
“I haven’t,” he spoke through gritted teeth. “He’s not a good guy, Bella. You need to tell her to stay away from him.”
“You and I both know that no one can tell (Y/N) what to do,” she chuckled slightly. “And why shouldn’t she date whoever she wants? He hasn’t done anything bad to her.”
“But he will,” Jake spat. “Paul Lahote is bad news, and it won’t take long before he breaks (Y/N)’s heart.”
“Why do you care so much, Jake?” Bella pushed, for some reason growing annoyed at her friend. “She’s old enough to do whatever she wants. No, to be with whoever she wants. It’s not really my place to tell her who she can or can’t date.”
“You’re her older sister, Bella!” the boy exclaimed. “Why do I care? Why don’t you care enough?!”
“I do care,” she argued. “But I also know what it’s like when people start to comment on who you can and can’t be with. I’m not doing that to her.”
“So, you wouldn’t stop what happened to you from happening to her?” He was blind with anger now. He had closed any space between them, staring her down. “You would rather let her be heartbroken and try and protect her from getting hurt? You’d rather both of you be miserable than spare her the pain that I know she will be in? You have a chance to spare her heartache, Bella. You owe your sister that much.”
“What about you, Jake?” Bella added, standing her ground, and facing up to him. “Why don’t you tell her that Paul is such a bad guy? Why don’t you spare her all this hypothetical heartache instead of forcing me to do it for you? Or are you too scared to face her since she has someone else to occupy her time?”
“If she hasn’t come to see me, it’s clear she didn’t want to,” he said, his voice clearly broken. “But I am begging you. Tell her. It’s not a matter of how, but when he will do something to hurt her.”
“(Y/N) can make her own decisions,” Bella responded. “Heartbreak is a part of life. She’ll get over it.”
“Like you have?” Jacob called as the girl had started to make her way to her car. “If something goes wrong, it’ll be on you, Bella.”
“No, it’ll be on the both of us.”
But they didn’t know that moment would come sooner than they could have thought.
(Y/N) had not been feeling well for at least a week. Her body felt sore, and her stomach felt uneasy. Nothing she ate stayed down long enough to fill the unbearable hunger she seemed to have. She felt as awful as could be and she was ready to pass out by drinking the cold and flu medicine she was holding in the pharmacy.
But as she perused the aisles of the brightly lit establishment, her eyes fell on the sleuth of pink and purple boxes that were yelling at her. It was a hard thing to fathom, but it was a perfectly plausible explanation to how she was feeling. Her symptoms, and the fact that she had missed her monthly in January, were to the book the thing she was most dreading.
Time seemed to warp as she drove home, two pink boxes buried deep in her purse. One second, she was cowering from the cashier, embarrassed as she placed the boxes on the counter. And the next, she was making a beeline to the bathroom, locking herself inside as her father and sister called for her.
She had never thought five minutes could ever feel so long.
Five minutes and she would know if her whole life was about to change.
Dread was the only feeling that washed over her. As the seconds counted down, she could feel her heart dropping. Deep down, she knew what the answer would be. She knew that when the time was finally over, she would l have to accept her new reality. It was daunting. She was only sixteen and she was on her way to face one of the most life-changing events that anyone could go through.
(Y/N) could have never thought that a pink cross on a piece of plastic could be so permanent. She was holding the pregnancy tests in her hand, the two of them producing a very dark pink plus sign. There was no denying that they were positive. There was no denying that at that very moment, inside her body, was a bundle of cells multiplying to create a baby.
“Hey, kiddo,” Charlie called out from the other side of the door. His voice startled her, making the tests clatter loudly against the sink. “What was that? Is everything okay, (Y/N)?”
“Uh, yeah, dad,” she choked out as she finally opened the door.  “Everything’s fine. Just knocked over the toothbrushes.”
“Are you sure, kid? You look paler than a ghost.”
“I’m fine, dad,” she said, trying her best to give a convincing smile. “I actually just remembered I have to run out for a bit. Miriam just texted me and I forgot to give back her science textbook and she has a test tomorrow. I’m gonna go give it to her.”
“Okay, honey. As long as you’re okay,” he responded. Charlie could tell there was something lingering underneath his daughter’s smile, but he could see how hard she was trying to hide whatever it was. “Be careful on the road, alright? And don’t come home too late.”
“I will. I’ll, uh, see you guys later.”
In an instant, she was back in her truck and speeding down to the reservation. At that moment, she needed Paul’s comfort. She needed him to tell her that everything would be okay, and that they would figure things out together. She craved feeling his warm arms around him and listening to the soft coo of his voice as he calmed her down. All she wanted was him.
She reached the Lahote residence in record time, jumping out of the car and running to the front door. (Y/N) knocked against the blue-painted wood frantically, calling Paul’s name incessantly. She knew his father wouldn’t be home that night, taking night shifts was something he was prone to and that day had not been different. The girl rapped on the door, over and over again, until it finally swung open.
“(Y/N)!” Paul exclaimed in surprise. “What are you doing here, baby? I wasn’t expecting you.”
Overwhelming anxiety burst inside the girl and all she could do to not break down in front of him was to wrap her arms around his waist tightly. “We gotta talk, Paul,” she cried softly. “It’s… I don’t know how it happened l, but… I’m just so scared.”
“What’re you talking about, (Y/N)? You’re not making any sense.”
The youngest Swan couldn’t find the words to tell him. She wanted what she said to be perfect. For there to be no flaw to her monologue that could make him desist of the idea that this was what was meant to happen. That maybe it was a sign that they were always meant to meet and be together for the rest of time.
But a voice suddenly burst the delusion that (Y/N) had built in her head. “Paul, baby, come back to bed,” the voice whined. “Get rid of whoever’s at the door.”
(Y/N) released herself from Paul’s grasp, feeling as though his touch had burned her. He looks like a deer caught in headlights, surprise opening his eyes. “Who is that?” (Y/N) asked sternly, making the boy scramble for words. “Do you have another fucking girl in your room right now, Paul?”
“It’s not what it looks like, (Y/N).”
“Not what it looks like?! She just called you back to bed, baby,” she mocked. “I am pretty sure you’re not in there helping her with homework.”
Paul’s shocked expression didn’t last long. His agape mouth and huge eyes were instantly replaced by a stoic mask. “So, what, (Y/N)?” Paul spat. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Nothing wrong?!” (Y/N) yelled. “You’re cheating on me! How can you think you haven’t done anything wrong?”
“How could I be cheating?” he shrugged. “You and I were never exclusive.”
The girl felt like she had been punched in the stomach. Her chest tightened, squeezing out whatever little breath that was left in her lungs. She felt warm tears fall from her eyes before she could do anything to stop them.
“I thought you actually loved me,” she said with a broken voice. “Did I mean nothing to you?”
“Look, (Y/N), you’re a great girl, but you had to know this was gonna end sooner or later,” Paul said. “Let’s just call this what it is, a fling. We were just having fun.”
“It wasn’t a fling to me! I fell for you, Paul! I loved you.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N, but  I thought you knew what this was,” he sighed. “We were never gonna last long anyway.”
“I can’t believe this,” she said to herself. “I’m such an idiot. How could I have ever believed you?”
“At the end of the day, I hope we can still be friends.”
Now it was (Y/N)’s turn to be completely aghast. She had borne her heart to him; she had given him her time, her body, her soul. She had trusted that he returned the sentiment, even if it was a fraction of what she felt for him –that would have been enough. But he didn’t. He never had. And he was asking her to remain in his life as a friend with a sickening grin on his face.
She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, she wanted to claw out that smile he was giving her. Still, deep down, she wanted him to choose her, to want her, to need her. She wanted him to be devastated that he was losing her, devastated that he had hurt her. Instead, he was giving her empty promises of friendships, and devaluing her as nothing more than a way to pass the time. She was carrying his child and he wanted them to be friends.
“You know what, Paul? You can take your friendship and shove it up that girl’s ass,” she spat. “I don’t want you to call me, I don’t wanna see you, I don’t wanna even remember that you exist. You will regret this, Paul. You don’t even know how much right now.”
(Y/N) got into her car, ignoring Paul’s calls of her name. The last thing she wanted was for him to see her cry and revel in the fact that he was the one that had made her spill tears. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing just how deep her hurt was.
Only when she was in the safety of her truck and far enough away that he couldn’t see her did she allow the water to stream down her cheeks. It was an overwhelming surge of emotions –betrayal, heartbreak, sadness. All she wanted was to not feel that way, not anymore, not ever again.
In her distraction, she didn’t notice the person crossing the street. Only when she was seconds away from crashing into them did she look up and slammed on her brakes. The stranger braced themselves, their hands landing on the hood of her car, their face shielded by the hoodie they wore. Until they raised their head and (Y/N)’s world came crashing down.
The brown eyes that stared at her unmistakably belonged to the one person she had yet to see since she had come back to Forks, Washington. He seemed frozen for a second. Standing there in the middle of the night, staring at a specter from his past. All the questions she’d had about him, answer in a swift second.
Jacob didn’t understand what Sam had meant when he had explained imprinting. The shift in gravity, the way your whole being seems to incline toward that one person. Nothing else matters but them. He thought it was fiction. A way he could explain choosing his ex’s cousin after breaking her heart. But at that very second, he knew just how true it was.
The second he locked eyes with (Y/N) he felt it in the pit of his soul. He was almost sure he could see the way his world had changed, and everything became her, became about her. In that instant, he could feel her sadness. Whatever pain was tormenting her, he could feel it wrenching its way into his own heart. All he wanted was to wrap his arms around her and tell her that everything would be okay.
Instead, he kept quiet. He looked into her tear-streaked eyes, and he ran. He ran until his legs were burning with pain, until his lungs were begging for air, until his whole body hurt to be near her again. He understood Sam, but he didn’t want to. He had even gone as far as trying to force himself to imprint on Bella, that way he could forget the void that (Y/N) had created in his heart.
(Y/N) had avoided him for over a month. She had come home, and she had yet to even show her face to say hello to his father. She had preferred to run to the arms of Paul Lahote and forget the people that cared about her.
Most of his childhood he had hoped for a moment like this with her. A sign from the universe that she was the person meant for him. Even at his young age, he knew what love felt like. Jake had experienced it the moment he laid eyes on (Y/N). But she had made the decision to invest her time with someone he knew would only break her. A guy that would use her until there was nothing left and discard her the second he got bored.
And something told him that’s exactly what Paul had done.
He didn’t know where he was going until he was standing in front of the blue-colored door, banging loudly against it. “Paul!” Jake screamed. “Open this god-dammed door!”
“What the hell is up with people tonight?” Paul grumbled as he swung the door open. “What the hell do you want, Jacob?”
“What did you do to (Y/N)?” the boy said, fuming.
“What’re you talking about, Jake?” Paul pretended. “I haven’t done anything.”
“I just saw her, driving away and absolutely destroyed,” he seethed. “So, I’m gonna ask you again. What the hell did you do to her?” 
“Why do you suddenly care about her, Jacob? It’s been over a month, and you haven’t even said hello to her,” he deflected, a mischievous laugh leaving his mouth. “Could it be because you just imprinted on her? Maybe you should be worrying about that rather than trying to pick a fight with me.”
“We’re not talking about me, right now. Now, I’ll be the bigger man and not access your thoughts, because I don’t need them to know what a jackass you are and that you’re the one that hurt her,” Jacob retorted, squaring up to Paul and staring him down. “So, I will ask you one last time before I beat the shit out of you for absolutely no reason, what the fuck did you do to (Y/N)?”
“I just reminded her that what was happening between us was just a bit of fun,” he shrugged, chuckling. “It’s not my fault she built up a whole fantasy in her head about us.”
“She was in love with you, and you broke her heart,” Jake scoffed. “Tell me was it worth it?”
“What was worth it?”
“Losing the best girl you could’ve had by your side all for a night of fun.”
(Y/N) didn’t take much time to dwell on why Jake had run away, or why her heart wrenched tighter as he left. She could only process one thing at a time and the most pressing matter was the fact that she was pregnant, the baby’s father had cheated on her –or sort of cheated—and she was left to decide what to do all by herself.
The second she got back home, she ran up the stairs and into her room. Once more ignoring her father’s calls to her name. She simply wanted to sink into her bed and disappear, to make every bad thing that had occurred in the last hour disappear. If that was only a fraction of how her sister was feeling, she never wanted to know the expanse of that pain. All she wanted was for things to stop.
“Hey, kiddo. Can I come in?” Charlie knocked softly on her door. He couldn’t bring himself to pass the threshold. Not without her confirmation. It wasn’t until she nodded softly, her face mostly shielded by the pillow she held tightly, that he entered the room. “Talk to me, (Y/N), what’s going on? And I’m assuming this isn’t about a textbook.”
“It’s not,” (Y/N)’s broken voice peeped. “I screwed up, dad.”
Charlie sat beside her on the bed, wrapping his arms around her. She shifted her hold from the pillow to her father, enjoying the comforting warmth from his body, allowing it to ease the pain she felt. As she settled against him, he had started rubbing her back, letting her empty herself of tears on him.
“What happened, kiddo?” he said, trying his best to not let his voice break as he stared at his youngest daughter. It was the first time he had seen her so distraught, and it broke him just as much as he had broken when Bella had been in that kind of pain. “I’m sure we can fix whatever it is, but you’ve gotta talk to me, kid. I can’t fix it if you don’t talk.”
“You’re gonna hate me for it,” she sobbed. “And I can’t take you hating me, dad.”
“Honey, there is absolutely nothing in this world you can do that will ever make me hate you,” he said, staring deeply into her reddened eyes, a hand on her wet cheek. “Even if you tell me right now that you’ve killed someone, I could never hate you.” 
“You can’t say that, dad,” she chuckled. “You’re the sheriff.”
“No, but it made you laugh,” he smiled. “Now, come on, tell me what’s wrong, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) finally sat up, unable to face her father as she confessed what happened. She could not witness the look of disappointment she was sure would befall on his face. “I found out I was pregnant tonight,” she sighed defeatedly. “I went to see the father when I told you I was going to Miriam’s house, but I caught him cheating and I couldn’t even tell him. And now, I’m pregnant and alone, and I don’t know what to do, dad. I’m so scared.”
Instead of anger and displeasure, her father surprised her by wrapping her in a tight embrace. He cooed her as she sobbed into the hug, letting herself fall apart in Charlie’s arms. She had been so sure that he would yell at her, chastise her for being a stupid child. But he had never been that type of man, and he never would be. “Oh, honey,” he said as he smoothed down her hair. “You’re not alone, kiddo. You’re never going to be alone in anything as long as I’m around.”
“I screwed up, dad,” she cried against his chest. “I don’t know what to do and I’m terrified.”
“Well, we’ll go to the doctor as soon as we can and we can weigh out your options,” he offered. “It’s up to you whether you wanna keep it, if you wanna give it up for adoption, or if you don’t wanna have it at all.” 
“I don’t… I don’t think I wanna give it up, dad,” (Y/N) responded sheepishly. It was the first thing she had told herself. No matter what, she wanted to go through the pregnancy –with or without Paul. “Even if I have to do it by myself, I want to have this baby.”
“Again, you’re not alone, kid,” he smiled. “And if keeping the baby is what you want then that’s what we’ll do.”
“He’s right, (Y/N),” Bella added. She joined her father and sister on her bed, a soft smile stretching the corners of her mouth. “I know I haven’t been there for you for a while –I haven’t been me for a while—but you are never alone. You will always have us.”
“That’s right,” Charlie beamed, his two daughters wrapped in his arms. “We’ll take it one day at a time, kid. And let me know the kid’s name. I might have a way to scare him straight. You think a night in a jail cell would do?”
“That’s illegal, Charlie,” Bella laughed. “But, for him, I think it’s worth it.”
“He’s not worth even another thought,” (Y/N) joined. “But thank you for offering, dad.”
“Sure thing, kiddo,” he grinned. “Now, I’ll still make that doctor’s appointment as soon as possible and we’ll see what our next steps are. You’ll also have to tell your mom, but we can do that together. You should get some rest right now.”
“Thanks, dad. For everything.”
“You’re never alone, kid. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
“I’m so sorry this happened, (Y/N),” Bella said as soon as Charlie had left the room. “I should have prevented this.”
“There was no way you could have known, Bells,” she sighed. “Paul is just a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing.”
“But I did know. Not about the cheating but that he was a bad guy. Jacob told me.”
At the sound of Jacob’s name, her heart panged. The very boy that had been in her head since she was little. The very boy that had run away from her only an hour before. “Don’t blame yourself,” she added. “I don’t think I would have listened to you. I was so blinded by him that I would have probably fought you about it. It’s on me that I didn’t see the signs.”
“No, (Y/N). It’s on him for being a shitty guy.”
“I guess,” she chuckled. “But I’ve also been a shitty person. I’ve been here for such a long time already and I haven’t gone to see Jake. I’m a horrible friend.”
“Unfortunately, that I can’t spin,” she grimaced. “But so is he. Contact goes both ways, and he hasn’t come to see you either. And he’s been avoiding me for a while too.”
“I saw him tonight,” she added meekly. “I almost ran him over.”
“You did?! What happened?”
“He ran away,” (Y/N) shrugged. “He stared at me for a second and then he ran.”
“That boy needs to stop disappearing like that,” she sighed. “He came over the other night. Told me he was avoiding me for a reason that he couldn’t explain. I’m gonna go confront him about it tomorrow.”
“Can I come? I think seeing you yell at him will cheer me up.”
“I think having you there will make him more nervous,” she grinned at her sister. “And I don’t know if that’s better or worse.”
“Why would he get nervous?” (Y/N) questioned, her curiosity quickly peaking. “It’s just me. Bella’s little sister.”
“Are you serious?”
Bella was staring at her like she had muttered the dumbest words she had heard, but she had only said what she truly believed. Jake had always had a crush on Bella and (Y/N) was just her little sister. “He’s always been in love with you, Bells,” she said. “It’s obvious.”
“Oh my god, you are serious,” Bella said in disbelief. “You know it’s you he’s always been in love with. It's so painfully obvious.”
“What’re you talking about? He was always hanging around you when we were there, he even sought you out when you came to live with Charlie. Sounds to me like he’s always crushed on you.”
“Okay, first of all, the only reason he was always hanging around me was when you were around. He only used me as an excuse,” she retorted. “And when I came to live in Forks you were the first thing he asked me about. He’s been in love with you since we were kids, (Y/N). I honestly can’t believe you never noticed.”
“How could I if I really thought he liked you?” the girl cried as she covered her face in embarrassment. “Oh god, I’m an awful person. The only reason I went after Paul was because I thought I had no chance with Jake. Now I’m definitely never gonna have it.”
“Why not? You’re a great catch.”
“I’m a single pregnant teen that hasn’t even finished high school,” she told her sister. “Sure, great catch.”
“You’re also kind, you’re smart, you’re beautiful, and anyone would be lucky to have you by their side,” Bella said with a smile. “And if Jake can’t see that then he’s not the right guy for you. It’s not like he’s the poster child for perfection.”
“But why would he ever be with me when I tried to replace him with Paul? Jake knew he was a bad guy and that I chose to be with Paul over him.”
“Look, I don’t know how tomorrow’s gonna go, but I think it’s best if you do come with me.”
“Why? What could go wrong?”
“Just rest tonight and I promise everything will be answered tomorrow.”
“Okay,” she responded, still not understanding her sister’s reluctance to answer. “Well then, good night, Bells. I’m grateful you’re my sister.”
“I’m grateful too, (Y/N). Good night.”
The next day couldn’t come soon enough.
(Y/N) had spent the whole night tossing and turning in her bed. The daunting realization that she was growing a human being inside her weighing on her like a thousand bricks. She was set on her decision. She wanted to keep the baby and she would do it without Paul. But he wasn’t the boy that was running through her head anymore. Instead, she could not stop thinking about what Bella had told her. She was still hesitant to believe that Jake loved her. He’d never given her any indication that he did, at least not ones she had noticed.
“Ready to go?” Bella asked, breaking (Y/N) out of her trance. “Got the car all warmed up already.”
“Yeah, just a sec.” The youngest Swan gave herself a once over, trying to look perfect. No, trying to look strong. “I’m ready.”
The sisters talked and laughed like they hadn’t the whole time they had been reunited with each other. They had both led such different lives at that point that it felt like they had abandoned the other. But that wasn’t far from the truth. At the end of the day, they would always have each other’s back.
Bella parked her truck near the Black’s house, killing the engine before she turned toward her sister. “Look, I don’t know how to explain this, but you might hear some things that sound almost made up,” she said. “But they’re not. As crazy as it might sound, they are 100% true.”
“What the hell are you talking about, Bella?”
“I just –ugh—I don’t know how to tell you this without sounding like I’ve lost my mind,” she said, her eyes begging her sister for reassurance. “But, if you really wanna be in Jake’s world, it’s only fair that you know the truth. About him… and even about Paul.”
“Paul? What do you know about Paul?”
“Do you remember the stories Billy used to tell us when we were little?” Bella started, carefully picking her next words. “The stories about the reservation and their ancestors?”
“You remember the stories about wolves and cold ones, right?”
“Yeah,” she chuckled. “But those were just legends and stories to explain the divide between lands. What about them?” 
“They’re real, (Y/N),” Bella finally admitted. “Every single thing that they told us is real.”
“Come on, Bella,” the girl smiled, not too convinced by her sister’s words. “You’re telling me that you dated a vampire. And, what? That Paul and Jake are werewolves? That’s completely fantastical. Vampires and werewolves aren’t real. Next thing you’re gonna tell me that the tooth fairy and Santa Claus exist?”
“I’m serious, (Y/N),” she said firmly, her sister’s laughter dying as soon as she looked into Bella’s eyes. “I’ve seen it. It’s real”
“So, you’ve seen Jake turning into a wolf and seen your ex drink blood? What about that doesn’t sound made up?”
“Fine,” she resigned. “If you don’t believe me. Maybe you’ll believe Jake. Now, come on.”
(Y/N) followed Bella to the red cabin, her words swimming around in her mind. Talk about the supernatural had never been something her sister had been interested in, and there she was claiming that it was all real. It couldn’t be. It was just too much.
“We need to see him,” Bella said as soon as Billy opened the door.
His eyes ran from her to (Y/N), thinking over what his response would be. “He’s not in,” the man responded.
But Bella would not give in. She knew better. “Okay, I’m sorry,” she said before stepping aside and pulling (Y/N) with her. “But we really need to see him.”
(Y/N) didn’t understand what was happening. She felt like she was stuck in a bad dream where no one was making any sense. When her sister opened Jake’s bedroom door and she saw him sleeping, the girl felt her heart squeeze once more in her chest. Ever since their encounter the night before, it hadn’t stopped doing that. It hadn’t stopped calling for him.
“He looks exhausted,” (Y/N) whispered.
“I think I know why,” her sister muttered, her gaze falling on the four figures that were walking up to Jake’s house. “Wait here.”
“What why?” the younger girl questioned before following her sister’s sightline. “Why is Paul here?”
“If you still don’t believe me, you’ll believe me now.”
Bella marched out of the house, leaving her sister reeling with more and more questions.
“She told you,” Billy’s voice startled her. “You don’t believe her.”
His words seemed to want to be questions, but she could tell he was merely stating facts. “How can I, Billy?” she said. “We’re talking about the existence of supernatural creatures right in our backyard. Those things are stories you tell kids to feed their imagination. They can’t be real.”
“It is,” Jake’s voice joined. She turned to face him, any unease dissipating as she looked into his dark eyes. “I promise I’ll explain everything, but right now. I need to make sure your sister doesn’t get hurt.”
“What’re you…?”
Before she could finish talking, she heard her sister yelling outside. She followed Jacob out of the house, all in time to see Bella slapping Paul straight across the face. And everything that happened next seemed to muddle.
Where Paul stood in a split second was a silver-furred wolf baring its teeth toward her sister. Then, Jacob ran past her, jumping over Bella and transforming into a russet-colored wolf himself. The same wolf she had seen in her dream. The two animals fought each other, all teeth and claws, all snarls and growls. Even as it happened before her, it was still just as unbelievable.
Once the two wolves had disappeared into the tree line, did the older man of the group speak up. He told Jared and Embry –the two boys she had met that fateful day on the beach—to take her and Bella back to someone’s, named Emily, place. The duo quickly followed orders, jumping into the bed of Bella’s truck, never looking over to (Y/N).
The older Swan motioned for her sister to join them, telling her to get back in the car. But (Y/N) was still reeling. She still felt like she was trapped in a harrowing nightmare, waiting for the second she would wake up. All she could think of was the dream that had shaken her as she arrived in Forks. Because it hadn’t been a dream. It had been a premonition.
(Y/N) had yet to say a word, simply following the others to know what to do. Whatever they said or did, she wasn’t sure. The world around her had blurred and nothing made sense. At that moment, all she wanted was to know that Jacob was okay. The very fabric of what she knew reality to be had been changed and all she wanted to do was make sure that he was safe.
She didn’t even notice when she had entered the little house. Her gaze was far away, her mind completely disassociated from the situation. Emily, who she now knew was Sam’s fiancée and she couldn’t stare at, had offered her food or something to drink, but she couldn’t even respond. She simply shook her head and sunk into the background.
Everyone was speaking of werewolves and vampires like it was the most normal thing in the world, but it wasn’t, and (Y/N) knew that. And it seemed that Emily could tell that the girl was finding the information hard to digest.
“It gets easier,” she told her, breaking her out of her trance. “I know right now it might seem like nothing makes sense, but you get used to it.”
“I just saw two men rip their skin and turn into massive wolves,” (Y/N) finally spoke. “Don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.”
“I know how you’re feeling. When Sam told me for the first time, I was sure he had lost her mind,” she smiled. “Something tells me that once Jacob talks to you a lot of things will click into place.”
As Emily handed her a glass of water, Sam walked into the house, kissing her deeply. They were the definition of being in love. She couldn’t help but feel it when she saw them. It was what she had always dreamed of, and it was what she thought she had with Paul until the night before. It was what she had once wanted with Jacob too.
After Sam came Paul and Jacob. They were wearing matching scowls, walking as far from each other as possible. Paul entered the house, his eyes never landing on (Y/N)’s. Suddenly, the house went eerily quiet. Now knowing that they all shared thoughts, the girl knew that everyone was aware of what had happened between her and Paul.
(Y/N) felt like the walls were closing in on her and the looks of pity all the guys had given her finally made sense. She could barely breathe, and her heart hammered harshly in her chest. She needed to get out, she couldn’t be in the same space as him. Not right now. She tried to stumble out of the house, clutching at whatever she could to stabilize her body.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Bella tried to draw her attention, following her sister outside. “You’ve gotta breathe.”
But she couldn’t. Her lungs were aching, and her throat felt tight. Already, her vision was blurry with tears “I-I… I gotta…”
“Breathe, (Y/N). Breathe.”
“I can’t,” she struggled. “I-I… I can’t.”
Then, warm arms were wrapping around her, a hand running through her hair. “You’re okay, (Y/N),” Jake whispered. “I need you to breathe with me, okay?”
She nodded softly, her sobs choking her. Still, she followed the movement of Jacob’s chest, taking shaky breaths in and blowing them out seconds after. They could have been there forever and (Y/N) would have never known how much time had actually passed. But at some point, her breathing stabilized and she felt like her body was functioning properly.
“There you go,” Jacob smiled. “See? You’re okay.”
“I think I’m going crazy,” she chuckled dryly. “Nothing makes sense.”
“Let’s go for a walk, okay?” She nodded in response. “We’ll talk later, Bella.”
“Yeah, go ahead,” she said. “Make sure she’s okay. I have some words for someone else right now.”
Jake and (Y/N) walked side by side, neither daring to say the first word. The truth was, there was just too much unsaid between them and they had no idea where to start. There had already been so much change in a day that they didn’t know how much they could take.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” Jake finally spoke. “Firstly, for the way you found out about all of this. And secondly, for me running away last night. I’m sure you have a million questions.”
“I do,” she chuckled, staring down at the way the creek they were walking through rushed beneath her feet. “But I also want to apologize for not going to see you as soon as I got her. I actually tried… that’s when I met Paul.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, (Y/N). I didn’t seek you out either and I’ve been beating myself about it ever since,” he sighed. “I should have told you about Paul. I should have protected you from him, but I didn’t, and he broke your heart.”
“It’s not on you, Jake. It’s not on anyone but him. He knew what he was doing and that’s that,” she said. “But I don’t really want to talk about him. I want to know about everything else. You’re a werewolf.”
“Last time I checked, yeah,” he chuckled. “Only a few people in the tribe have the gene. It gets triggered when there are vampires in the area.”
“Bella’s ex and their family.”
“Yeah, and any that are passing by,” he confirmed. “Our job is to protect people from them. We keep it a secret because of the treaty our ancestors made with them decades ago. We can’t reveal their identity and we can’t reveal ours without revealing theirs. And people can’t fear what they don’t know of. ”
“Then, did they break the treaty by telling Bella?”
“They didn’t tell her about us, I kind of did,” he continued. “I was ordered to cut ties with her, but I couldn’t so I pointed her in the direction of the truth. She found out all by herself.”
“So, Bella knowing I understand. She already had knowledge of this whole world from that Edward guy,” (Y/N) started. “But why me? Why am I allowed to know all this? It can’t possibly be because she took me to your place. Billy would have stopped me from going outside but he didn’t.”
Jacob stopped in his tracks. That was the moment the truth needed to come out. He had to confess everything he’d ever felt for her and how the universe had decided to make it an unbreakable thing. All he hoped was that she didn’t push him away after.
“Being a shifter comes with more things than the ability to transform into a wolf,” he started, finally facing her. “You get superhuman strength and speed; you heal faster; you basically stop aging. And you gain the ability to imprint on someone.”
“Imprint?” (Y/N) questioned looking into his eyes for the first time since she had left the cabin. “What is that?”
“In the simplest of terms, it’s basically the moment you lay eyes on your soulmate,” he continued. His heart was beating faster, and he was sure his skin was flushing to a deep shade of red. “It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like gravity shifts all of a sudden. You’re not bound to the earth anymore, you’re bound to that person. You become whatever they need. A friend, a brother, a partner.
When I ran into you last night, when you almost ran me over with your car…”
“Sorry about that,” she chuckled. “That would have been horrible bad luck. To run you over with a car you fixed.”
“Eh, I would have healed,” he smiled. He was glad to see her lighter. Her laughter, the most beautiful music to his ears. “But when we looked into each other’s eyes I imprinted on you. That’s why I ran. That and the fact that I knew Paul had hurt you. I could feel your pain and your sadness, and as much as I wanted to comfort you, I needed to give him a piece of my mind.
But I should have stayed with you. I should have told you everything that I’m about to tell you now.
I love you, (Y/N). I’m in love with you and I have been since I even knew what love was. I have wanted to tell you since I gave you that whittled wolf I made, but I never had the courage to. And even if you don’t feel the same for me, I need you to know that, with or without the imprint bond, you have been and always will be it for me. My heart has been yours since the moment our dad’s brought us together and it will be yours until the day I die.”
Tears were now falling from (Y/N)’s eyes. She had waited for so long to hear those words and it made her heart swell as she finally did. But she feared he would take them back as soon as she told him the truth. Imprint bond or not, no teenager wanted to become a father, especially of someone else’s baby.
“You say that because you don’t know everything,” she sobbed, turning her back to him. “There’s another reason why I was crying last night that has nothing to do with Paul cheating.”
“(Y/N), nothing you say will change what I feel for you,” Jake said, running his hands over her arms. He tried to turn her back around, but she wouldn’t budge. “What is it, huh? Just tell me, (Y/N).”
“I’m pregnant, Jake,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “And I’m keeping it. And Paul has no idea. I went to tell him as soon as I found out and caught him with someone else. I don’t even know if he would care that the baby is his.”
“Is that all?” Jacob asked softly. “You think that’s enough to change my mind?”
“It would change anyone’s mind, Jake!” (Y/N) flipped around. Her eyes were red and streaming out tears faster than she could stop them. “We’re only sixteen. The last thing in our minds should ever be starting a family. We should be thinking about what college we’re going to or what countries we want to see, not about shitty diapers and feeding schedules.
What is happening is happening to me. I’m the one that’s pregnant and I can’t burden you with someone else’s child. I can’t do that to you. Why would you ever be okay with any of this?”
“Because it’s you,” he smiled. “And why do you think you or that baby could ever be a burden to me?” His hand cradled her cheeks, his thumbs wiping away the streaks that stained her skin. “I want everything that comes with being with you. The good, the bad, and the ugly. You’re all I’ve ever wanted, (Y/N). And I meant it when I said that there’s absolutely nothing you could do or say that would change that.”
“But I can’t do that to you,” she repeated, her voice breaking in pain. “I can’t do that to someone I love.”
Jacob’s mouth stretched into a wide smile, his eyes searching hers for any sign of deception, but it wasn’t there. All he saw was a girl in love that had been broken by someone else. “You love me?” he asked happily. “Is that what you said?”
“Of course, I love you, Jake,” she smiled softly, the tears still falling from her eyes. “I’ve loved you for so long it hurts. And that’s why it’ll hurt more to let you go.”
“(Y/N), I need you to listen to me and know in your heart that what I am telling you is the absolute truth,” he said lovingly but sternly. He needed her to believe him. He had lost her once and he would never do it again. “I want you. I want all that comes with being with you. I want to be there when you start showing; I want to be there when you go to the doctor; I wanna be there when that baby comes into this world, and I will be there every moment after. I will love that child as if it was mine because it’s part you –it’s already perfect.”
“You really mean that,” she smiled. Her hands were placed on his chest, her eyes gazing into the dark brown of his. “Why? Why do you care about me so much? I don’t deserve it.”
“You deserve the entire universe, (Y/N),” he beamed. “You deserve love and happiness, and I know I can give that to you.”
All the younger girl could do was smile as she stared up at him. If she had been dreaming, she did not want to wake up. Not now. Not after the nightmare was over. She needed to prove to herself that she was awake.
She stood on her tiptoes, stretching as far as she could while she pulled Jacob down by his shirt. She crashed her lips onto his and allowed herself to get lost in that moment. Everything around them stopped. The ocean had quieted, the wind had stopped blowing, and the sun had stopped beating on their skin. It was them and only them at that moment, surrounded only by their love and affection for each other.
“Thank you, Jake,” she smiled as they finally broke apart, their foreheads pressing against each other. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear those words.”
“I think I have some idea,” he chuckled. “I have been waiting since we were kids to tell you.”
“Maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess if either of us had,” she teased. “But, honestly, I would have it any other way.”
“I love you, (Y/N),” he said before kissing her once more. “I love you today, tomorrow, and forever.”
“Well, I love you more. And I don’t think I’ll ever be able to show you just how much.”
As they walked back to the cabin, Jake’s arm draped over her shoulders, (Y/N) stopped in her tracks suddenly.
“What’s wrong?” Jake worried. “You feeling okay?”  
“I haven’t thought of this, but what if Paul does want to be in this baby’s life? I mean, he has no idea that I’m pregnant.”
“Doesn’t matter,” he smiled. “If he does, he’ll have a lot to make up for. And I’ll make sure he is very apologetic for what he’s done.”
“You can’t just go around fighting him you know?” (Y/N) laughed.
“Don’t worry. He knows not to confront me with his fists –or paws—anymore.”
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
A Dangerous Game Ch 1
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, alcohol, dirty talk, semi public sex, dom/sub situations, daddy kink. Here we go! this is officially the longest first ch of anything ive written so dont expect all future ch's to be this long LOL. italicized chunk is a flashback
You were no stranger to FBI buildings and while you had paid the occasional visit to the home office in Quantico you’d spent the last fifteen years of you career split between field offices in Seattle and Jacksonville. Hence the little bit of hesitancy as you pushed the button in the elevator, hoping that you’d remembered the directions to the BAU correctly. You had experience working with a few agents from this unit over the years, whether it was directly on a joint case or simply a round of emails or phone calls when things looked like they might potentially be the same unsub. You were grateful to finally have accepted an official spot on the team, swapping out your days sweltering in the Florida heat for some much more enjoyable weather and to be able to set up a home base you were planning on staying in for a long while.
The elevator dinged and you stepped out of it, letting out a quick sigh of relief realizing you were in the right place, you were all of two steps out of the elevator when a voice broke through your concentration.
“I feel like I know you.” A bubbly blonde greeted and you glanced up, your heard tilting at how familiar her voice sounded, “wait, sorry, I’m being ridiculous aren’t I?” She laughed, “I don’t feel like I know you, I do know you. I was reading up on your file yesterday.” She stuck her hand out, “Penelope Garcia.”
“Oh!” You exclaimed, quickly taking and shaking her hand, “yeah, I’m pretty sure we’ve had a few phone calls over the years. You’re the tech analyst, right?”
“Yes!” She turned toward the door, pulling it open, “you’re probably looking to check in with Prentiss, c’mon.”
A somewhat familiar ‘face’ so to speak to help get you where you wanted relaxed you as you moved through the bull pen. It was no different than any other FBI office, you may be the new kid to the team, but you were far from inexperienced and you felt your confidence surging up at that reminder. Clipping a gun to your hip every morning was nothing new, interrogating high risk criminals was a part of your daily routine as your morning coffee was, you had this in the bag, there was absolutely nothing to worry about. If you didn’t click with someone on the team, who cared? You just had to come in, do your job and go home, you could make friends elsewhere.
Infront of you Penelope came to a brief halt, knocking on a semi open office door before a voice murmured a response from within.
“I brought you a present.” The words came out of her mouth in a slight teasing lyrical melody, pulling a small chuckle from inside the office as the two of you entered, Penelope stepping aside to gesture between the two of you, “Agent Wilson, meet Unit Chief Emily Prentiss.”
Emily finally managed to glance up from the case file in front of her, moving to stand in the same moment that you stepped forward to extend you hand. The second you caught eye contact there was a lightning fast freeze over both of your features as the two of you realized the person across from you was indeed the person you’d been tangled in bedsheets with less than ten hours ago. Your hand slid into hers easily and you only hoped the heat in your cheeks wasn’t as visible as it felt, your skin tingling in remembrance of how her hands felt other places on your body.
“Hi.” Emily greeted, finally able to shake out of it, glancing toward the clock on the wall “you’re uh… punctual. I wasn’t expecting you… for another half hour.”
“Figured I shouldn’t be late on the first day.” You replied with a small laugh, one that Garcia echoed, “uh.. Unit Chief.. that’s… impressive. Don’t see a lot of women in those positions across the bureau.” Garcia laughed again at your words, a grin on her cheeks as she swatted at Emily’s elbow.
“Please. Emily here’s not only our Unit Chief she’s also ran her own Interpol team in London. She is the definition of impressive.”
Yes, Emily Prentiss certainly was the definition of impressive. You’d learnt all about that last night, even if what you hadn’t learnt was her last name.
O’Shaughnessy’s Pub was exactly what you would call a dive bar. Main level equipped with a long bar mainly seated with regulars, classic tunes played from a juke box in the corner, the dinging noises from VLT’s or various games around the room along with the clacking of pool balls ricocheting off each other echoing through the room. It wasn’t particularly dingy, but it definitely wasn’t high class, mostly beer and cheap spirits, a few patrons here and there smoking, the rumble of conversation and the live music from the basement filling the air. You were still discovering your new home surroundings in Alexandria and weren’t exactly picky about atmosphere right now, you’d just wanted a couple of drinks and a nice order of chicken wings after unpacking the most important boxes all day.
You’d long since finished your meal, sipping on your third tequila soda when a cheer from a nearby pool table pulled your attention off the television behind the bar. Your eyes swept through the space, laughing to yourself over the boisterous way the men were acting over the pool win. Shaking your head you lifted your drink to your lips, taking another sip while your eyes returned to their original spot. Only thing was, that was when you saw her. The dark haired stunner of a woman sitting at the very opposite end of the bar. She seemed to be watching you, a sly grin on her face and you felt heat course through you, quickly ducking your gaze hopefully before she noticed you’d spotted her. It was only a few moments later that the bartender placed a fresh drink down in front of you, when you raised a brow to them, they simply nodded in the direction of the other woman who raised her own glass subtly to you before taking a sip of her own drink.
Emily had gotten there after you, surveying the crowd as she approached the bar. She wasn’t particularly out to find a conquest, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt after the stressful week she’d had. This definitely wasn’t her usual watering hole, relatively far from home, and certainly not anywhere anyone else from work would be, which is just what she wanted. The bar was mostly full of rowdy younger what she would call boys, and the regulars, casually chatting with servers and bartenders, alternating between games through the bar. She ordered her usual, slipping into a seat at the bar and only a few moments later her eyes landed on you. She’d never seen you there before and while you were relaxed, she could tell just by your body language this was likely your first night at O’Shaughnessy’s. You were attractive, no ring on your finger, perfectly in her preferred age range and by the way you were watching the tv behind the bar and not constantly on your phone she was pretty sure you weren’t meeting someone or waiting for a boyfriend. She watched for a moment, chuckling softly to herself at the way you immediately shifted your body away from a couple of the younger boys who approached the bar for a fresh round, you had zero interest in them, that was for sure. So she took her chance, flagging down the bartender to send you a fresh drink and couldn’t help but smirk at the way your cheeks flushed with surprise when it was delivered.
She gave you a bit to relax from the sudden intrusion, giving you the chance to settle your tab and disappear into the night in case she’d gotten the wrong impression. Instead you continued to sip at the drink, risking glances in her direction when you thought she wasn’t looking. When the bartender came around to ask if she wanted another drink she said she did, and tacked on another of whatever she had sent you, scooping up both and making her way around the bar.
The drink was placed down in front of you so quickly it nearly made you jump, your head shooting up to the warm body suddenly next to you and you felt your heart skip a beat at the sight of the other woman directly beside you.
“Looked like you might need a refill.” She greeted with a grin and you practically melted at the sound of her voice as she extended her hand, “Emily.”
“Y/n.” You replied, accepting the handshake and feeling the heat surge through you from the touch of her hand, tingles moving rather south within your body, “and thank you.” You laughed gently, “kinda feel like I owe ya one now.”
Emily chuckled in response, leaning against the bar as she took a sip of her drink, her eyes sweeping through the bar, taking in which games were free.
“What’d’ya say to a round of Buck Hunter, loser buys the next round?” She raised a brow in your direction and you laughed, slipping off your bar stool.
“You’re on.”
Buck Hunter may have been a game of pretend shooting, but the same approaches still applied. Emily could have chosen pool or darts, but she figured her experience in the field was about to win her a bet, a free drink and hopefully a lot more than that. She would easily be able to coach you through it, guiding just the way to hold the gun and the best times to shoot, the perfect excuse to get up close and personal. Sure pool could have worked, but most people already knew how to play, not everyone knew how to properly shoot a gun.
You graciously let her go first, your eyes dragging across her body at the way her muscles flexed while she played. Small chit chat flowed between you, what brought you out tonight, small talk that preceded flirtation, little teases or jabs here and there, cheers and compliments from you each time she made a shot. She very confidently hit everything but one, smirking at you with a gleam in her eye as she passed you the toy gun for your round.
She let you take stance in front of the game and before you could even raise the gun her hands hit your hips from behind, gently guiding you into the best spot to start in. You felt your breath catch in your throat as one of her hands trailed up your back, shifting one of your arms so you were positioned into what she thought was best. You blamed how close she was to you for missing the first shot before reassessing and hitting the next three while she chuckled softly, her breath hot on the skin of your neck.
“Nice shot.”
“Never said it was my first rodeo.” You teased back.
“You holding out on me?” Her fingers pinched gently at your hip and your breath hitched, “watch the left side.” She nudged at your body and you quickly refocussed, shooting right in time to take the virtual deer down, “good girl.”
The praise fumbled you, nearly missing the next shot and while you couldn’t hear her laugh over the noise of the bar you felt the sharp exhale of breath on your neck as she did so. You reclaimed your competency by taking down the next three kills with one shot each, focussing on the game rather than the feeling of her hand ghosting up and down your spine. It felt like with each shot she was inching closer to you, words and hands teasing you to the point of no return, fire surging between the two of you in a haze of passion and lust. You took the last three shots perfectly with no hesitation and Emily’s hand patted at your ass in congratulations,
“Someone’s a good shot.” She murmured.
“Call it beginners luck.” Placing the gun down in its holder you were about to turn around when her hands found your hips again, resting against your body and you could feel the heat from them dancing across your skin. Your focus was completely broken a second later when her lips met your bare neck and you did your best to hold back the gasp, your eyes nearly fluttering shut as she bit you gently. “Em…” you breathed out, only loud enough for her to hear, “not here….”
“Well… follow me.” She murmured, nipping at your earlobe before sneaking through the crowd and you followed her down the back hallway that lead to the bathrooms, which was where you figured she was leading you.
Instead she glanced up and down the hallway quickly, trying a door on the left side of the hall to find it open, dragging you inside before flicking it locked. You let out a quiet yelp, not that it would’ve mattered, the noise from the bar overpowered basically anything that would come out of the storage room. Within an instant she had you backed into the wall, a hand tilting your chin up to her face,
“Colour princess?”
“Green…. Oh so very green.” You replied breathlessly and she chuckled.
“Good girl.”
Once she had your confirmed consent her lips were on you in a bruising kiss, moving with fire against yours as she pinned you into the wall. Your hands looped around her shoulders, pulling her closer to you as the kiss deepened. She dared to run her tongue along the seam of your lips, planting her knee against the wall between your legs and you let out a small moan, accepting her tongue into your mouth. There was absolutely no doubt who was in charge right now and you were not complaining in the slightest. One of her hands wrapped around the back of your head, tangling into the loose locks of your hair while the other one clutched at your hip. Her thigh suddenly surged upwards and you broke the kiss with a gasp, the muscle flexing just right against your clit through the thin pants you had on.
“That’s it…” Emily chuckled darkly, her lips ghosting down the column of your neck, “ride daddy’s thigh like a good girl.” She husked into your ear, the hand on your hip moving you to get the best friction, guiding you to continue rolling your hips.
“Oh god…” You moaned out both at the sensation and the title she’d used, leaning more of your weight onto her as you continued to ride her thigh.
Her mouth made home in the crook of your neck, sucking, kissing and biting at the supple skin, pulsing pleasure through your entire body. You could feel yourself tingling, pussy clenching around nothing as your clit brushed over her thigh over and over again, certain that you were ruining your panties. She nudged you again,
“Harder, I know you want to angel, let yourself go.”
You let out a little whine, biting your lip as you ground down harder onto her, gasping as her hands ghosted up your sides, squeezing at your tits through your shirt. Fingers pinched at your nipples while she chuckled at the way you’d picked up your speed and she shoved her thigh harder against your clothed cunt.
“Head up.” She tilted your chin up, your head falling back against the wall, “let daddy see you come.”
“Oh god… oh fuck!” You cried out, your body shivering as the pleasure shot through you, thighs clenching around Emily’s leg and she chuckled darkly, a hand caressing down your cheek.
“That’s it.” She cooed, “good girl.” She waited a moment, watching the way your chest heaved before she pressed a kiss to your lips, “now what do you say we get out of here?”
“My place is only a few blocks away..”
The two of you barrelled through your front door, doing your best not to trip over moving boxes or piles of clutter as you made your way upstairs. Emily was quick to tear your clothes off, she had you completely naked and herself down to her underwear by the time you were in the bedroom. Her hand snuck between your legs, cupping at your cunt and she smirked down at you.
“Figures you’re this soaked already.” The tips of her fingers slid through your folds, teasing you, drawing more of your wetness out before a digit sunk in and you let out a breathy gasp.
“More… please.” You glanced up at her with begging eyes and she smirked, doing what you’d asked and sliding a second finger into your dripping pussy. “Fuck…” She pumped a few times, her fingers curling and scissoring within you, smiling when she hit that special spot and your knees nearly buckled.
“You have a strap?”
“Beside table.” You moaned and she pulled her fingers from you, making sure you were watching before she sucked them into her mouth, licking them clean and moaning over the taste of you.
“Get on the bed. You’re gonna be daddy’s good girl, right angel?”
“Yes.” You nodded furiously, scrambling onto the bed while she moved around it, collecting the strap and a bottle of lube from the bedside table, swiftly pulling it on, adjusting it to her liking before she dropped her bra to the floor and climbed onto the bed.
“Look at you…” she practically purred, fingers trailing up your legs as she settled between them, “such a pretty girl.”
Your body tingled under her touch, your breath catching in your throat at the sight of her bare and strapped in front of you. One of her hands teased at you while the other popped open the bottle of lube, smearing it around the toy. She leant over you, kissing you deeply while she began to tease you with the tip of her cock, rubbing it up and down between your folds, earning whines and whimpers from you that she swallowed through the kiss. Her cock rubbed up against your clit and you broke the kiss with a gasp, your hands clutching at her body as you started to beg.
“Please… oh god please fuck me daddy.”
“Alright angel.” She murmured, guiding the tip of her cock into you and thrusting until she was fully wrapped in your warmth and you let out a very satisfied moan.
“That feel good?”
“So fucking good…”
Your words were lost to moans and whines almost instantly as Emily began to plunge into you. Your skin was on fire, pussy fluttering with each thrust of her cock, nails digging into her skin as you clawed at her to be impossibly close to you. Her lips met yours again in a breathless kiss, teeth nipping at your already swollen lips as she continued to fuck you.
“More! Please!”
The words slipped from your lips before you even realized and Emily chuckled again, pulling out just long enough to flip you onto your stomach, pulling you up on your knees as she lined the toy back up with your drenched cunt. When she slid back into you she was not gentle, setting the bruising pace she knew you were begging for, your face buried in the pillows as you moaned and whined. One of your hands shot back to her body, nails scratching at her thigh as you began to shudder underneath her. Pleasure was coursing through you like it never had before, your entire body tingling and sparking as her cock dragged passed your walls. Emily was fucking you like no one else ever had and it was all you ever wanted in your life.
“So… so fucking.. uh.. fuck.. good.” You managed out and Emily smirked again, a hand wrapping around your torso she pulled you flush to her, nipping at your earlobe as her hand snuck up your body, pausing around your collarbone before she shifted it up to your throat, pausing once again.
“Colour angel?” Her breath was jagged, split up by each thrust of her hips as she continued to fuck you, whines leaving your lips with each pump.
“Green! Oh fuck green!”
Emily’s fingers squeezed at the side of your throat right as she fucked harder into your needy cunt, two of her fingers suddenly at your lips. You opened your mouth, eagerly accepting them, thinking it was her trying to make you be quiet. Instead her spit slicked fingers trailed down your body until she found your clit, rubbing furiously in time with each thrust of her cock and you were shaking in her arms.
“You’re so close baby, I know it. Let go for daddy.” She husked into your ear, biting at your neck again, “come on my cock…”
Her praise sent you over the edge, a loud cry leaving your lips as pleasure rocked through your body and you dropped down onto the bed, shuddering into the pillows. Emily smirked, her hands softly ghosting up your sides as she thrusted into you a few more times before gently slipping out of you, tossing the toy to the side.
“Holy fuck.” You let out a small laugh, your eyes already fluttering shut as you turned to glance at her, wicked grin on her face while she let you settle in her arms.
The last thing you remembered was catching your breath.
Somehow your first day at the BAU was a slow day, which you were honestly thankful for. You were able to spend the day going through old case files, reading up on the type of things they dealt with and getting to know the team. You spent hours pouring over their files, wanting to know as much as you could and to be as prepared as possible for your first case, you knew you wanted to keep this job and how your first open case went would determine that. You knew that no matter what, you’d worked your ass off to get into this department, you were meant to be here and now was your time to prove that.
It was past the usual punch our hour, everyone on the team had already gone home. But every time Emily looked up from her desk she saw you buried in another case file. Part of her cursed herself for not closing her office door but she’d sworn the whole ‘my door is always open’ thing was a literal thing when it came to her. She hadn’t done it on purpose, she’d just assigned you to an empty desk. It wasn’t until hours later she realized said empty desk was in direct eyeline of her own up in her office and now she couldn’t get the image of bending you over her desk out of her mind.
She tried to shake out of it, waiting for you to finally leave the office but you pulled yet another case file from the box beside you. You were committed, she had to give you that. You had both your laptop and a notebook open next to you, taking notes to remember and looking things up on the database that further intrigued you.
She was now certain that you weren’t about to leave anytime soon so she let out a soft sigh, beginning to pack up her things. She slid her blazer back on and finally locked her office, making her way through the bull pen to your desk and it wasn’t until she spoke you even looked up.
“You know, you don’t have to put in overtime just to be noticed, your resume did that on its own.”
“Jesus.” You jumped, “I didn’t realize anyone was still here.”
“If I’m leaving, it’s safe to say you should be gone.”
“I dunno, someone wise once told me you should never leave before your boss.” You basically grinned up at her and as much as she appreciated the tease the word ‘boss’ would ring in her ears forever, knowing that things had to change.
“I feel like that doesn’t really apply here.” Emily laughed softly, leaning against the side of your desk and you finally flipped the case file closed, tossing it into the box it had come from. “What do you think about this placement so far?” She was surprised when her question was met with a small laugh from you before you looked up at her.
“We really don’t need to do this.”
“What?” her brow furrowed.
“Talk about the elephant in the room.” You huffed, pushing back your chair as you started to gather your things, “you left long before I even had a chance to wake up this morning. I never thought I’d see you again. This is all just some… weird fluke.”
“So…” she glanced around the bull pen to make sure you were both alone, “you’re okay… pretending this never happened?”
“You’re my boss now.” You nodded, “whoever I met in that dive bar, not a member of the FBI. Clean slate.” You held your hand up in defeat as you smiled softly, “goodnight Agent Prentiss.”
“Night Wilson.”
@svulife-rll @ssa-sapphic @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @yesterdaysgone @hbkpop @cabotfan422 @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @andreasvu @softgamerking @httpjupiterbby @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry  @mysticfalls01 @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @alcabots @7thavenger @ladysc @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @disneyfan624 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @gamma-ray-bursts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @bookpillows @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @borg-queer @dead-of-niight
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chimcess · 1 year
Nachash || jhs (teaser)
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Pairing: Hoseok x Reader (ft. Taehyung) Genre: Supernatural AU, Demon!Hoseok, Med Student!Reader, Incubus! Hoseok, Horror AU, Thriller, Mystery, angst, smut Rating: 18+ (don’t interact if you’re a minor) Word Count: TBD (~25-35k) Release Date: Oct. 31st Summary: After the loss of both of her parents, Y/N decided to sell their home in Florida and move back to New York City, a place that she has little memories of despite spending 10 years in medical school there. With her return comes a spark of romance with a sweet man who gives her a strange sense of Deja vu. Her world begins to shift, and she begins to lose sight of dreams and reality. At the center of it all is Hoseok, his warm smiles and gentle kisses. But she can’t help but wonder if he is who he says he is and why a strange bar keeps popping up in her nightmares. Warnings: Strong language, death mentioned, terminal illnesses, bad medical terminology (I tried), Hoseok has a demon side (like physically different), Explicit sexual content, vaginal fingering, oral (f & m receiving), dirty talk, rough sex, manhandling, Inexperienced!Reader, Good girl reader, hard dom Hoseok, Hoseok is a menace, he’s also very sus, so much blood, low-key a yandere but not really, DARK ENDING, dubious consent (kind of mind control/mood control/memory wiping), main character death (graphic), graphic violence, this is not a cute demon romance, more to come...
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    nachash (noun) "snake; serpent". Derived from the Hebrew root n-ch-sh.
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 After graduation, the dreams stopped. I stayed with my parents for the summer, played in the Florida sun, and decided against going back to New York for my fellowship. Instead, I chose to stay in Tallahassee and start my career. It was safe there. He was gone. A few years later, I left for Jacksonville and my paranoia had started to fade.
Years had gone by, and my memories of his face began to escape me. His name was nothing more than a gentle whisper in the deepest pits of my mind. Even then, saying that would be an overstatement. My return to New York was in the wake of my mother’s death. My dad had passed away a few years prior, and our vacation home in Harlem, the same place I lived in so many years ago, had become prime real estate. I got a fellowship through Columbia upon my return. Life was looking up despite my grief, and I was ready to start a new venture in my medical career.
That was the beginning of my eventual end. I had cheated death all those years ago. Angela was my replacement, though I had no idea at the time. That thing knew she was waiting for me. It knew she would not let me out of her sight, so it took care of the problem. My fear gave it power, and it indulged itself in my torture. When I came back, it knew. 
This time I would not be lucky. Nothing and no one would get in its way. Soon, all memories of that night vanished. Angela’s name escaped me first, then her face, and finally what happened to her. Dauphine and its never-ending halls were gone. The thing that sat at the bar made sure of that before making his next move. 
It was mid-October when he came back into my life, all memories of his face wiped from my mind, and his game really started. My death would be his favorite. A death he rejoiced in for years to come only to be disappointed that nothing lived up to that night. 
Things like Hoseok lived for the chase, and I proved to be his greatest target.
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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First Afro-American ran for US President
“George Edwin Taylor ran for president a long time before Barack Obama.”
“Born in the pre-Civil War South to a mother who was free and a father who was enslaved, George Edwin Taylor would become the first African American selected by a political party to be its candidate for the presidency of the United States.
Taylor was born on August 4, 1857 in Little Rock, Arkansas to Amanda Hines and Bryant (Nathan) Taylor. At the age of two, George Taylor moved with his mother from Arkansas to Illinois. When Amanda died a few years later, George fended for himself until arriving in Wisconsin by paddleboat in 1865. Raised in and near La Crosse by a politically active African family, he attended Wayland University in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin from 1877 to 1879, after which he returned to La Crosse where he went to work for the La Crosse Free Press and then the La Crosse Evening Star. During the years 1880 to 1885 he produced newspaper columns for local papers as well as articles for the Chicago Inter Ocean.
Taylor's newspaper work brought him into politics--especially labor politics. He sided with one of the competing labor factions in La Crosse and helped re-elect the pro-labor mayor, Frank "White Beaver" Powell, in 1886. In the months that followed, Taylor became a leader and office holder in Wisconsin's statewide Union Labor Party, and his own newspaper, the Wisconsin Labor Advocate, became one of the newspapers of the party.
In 1887 Taylor was a member of the Wisconsin delegation to the first national convention of the Union Labor Party, which met in Ohio in April, and refocused his newspaper on national political issues. As his prominence increased, his race became an issue, and Taylor responded to the criticism by increasingly writing about African American issues. Sometime in 1887 or 1888 his paper ceased publication.
In 1891 Taylor moved to Oskaloosa, Iowa where he continued his interest in politics, first in the Republican Party and then with the Democrats. While in Iowa Taylor owned and edited the Negro Solicitor, and became president of the National Colored Men's Protective Association (an early civil rights organization) and the National Negro Democratic League, an organization of Africans within the Democratic Party. From 1900 to 1904 he aligned himself with the Populist faction that attempted to reform the Democratic Party.
Taylor and other independent-minded African Americans in 1904 joined the first national political party created exclusively for and by Africans, the National Liberty Party (NLP). The Party met at its national convention in St. Louis, Missouri in 1904 with delegates from thirty-six states. When the Party's candidate for president ended up in an Illinois jail, the NLP Executive Committee approached Taylor, asking him to be the party's candidate.
While Taylor's campaign attracted little attention, the Party's platform had a national agenda: universal suffrage regardless of race; Federal protection of the rights of all citizens; Federal anti-lynching laws; additional African regiments in the U.S. Army; Federal pensions for all former slaves; government ownership and control of all public carriers to ensure equal accommodations for all citizens; and home rule for the District of Columbia.
Taylor's presidential race was quixotic. In an interview published in The Sun (New York, November 20, 1904), he observed that while he knew whites thought his candidacy was a "joke," he believed that an independent political party that could mobilize the African American vote was the only practical way that blacks could exercise political influence. On election day, Taylor received a scattering of votes.
The 1904 campaign was Taylor's last foray into politics. He remained in Iowa until 1910 when he moved to Jacksonville. There he edited a succession of newspapers and was director of the African American branch of the local YMCA. He was married three times but had no children. George Edwin Taylor died in Jacksonville on December 23, 1925.”
Above written source=
George Edwin Taylor - 2014 - Question of the Month - Jim Crow Museum
The Brother tried and I knew all the Afro-Americans couldn't vote for him because voter suppression .
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easymovinglaborhelp · 10 months
Top Benefits of Hiring Professional Charlotte Moving Help for Your Relocation
Moving to a new home can be both invigorating and overpowering, particularly with regards to the planned operations of pressing, shipping, and unloading your effects. While a DIY move might seem cost-effective, enlisting the services of professional Charlotte moving help provides numerous benefits that can significantly enhance your relocation experience.
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1. Expertise and Experience:
Proficient movers offer an abundance of skill and experience that would be useful. They are knowledgeable in proficient pressing procedures, safe treatment of things, and exploring the coordinated factors of a move. Their experience ensures a streamlined process, reducing the risk of damage to your belongings.
2. Efficient Packing and Unpacking:
One of the primary advantages of hiring Charlotte unloading help is the efficient packing and unpacking services they provide. Movers use high-quality packing materials, ensuring the safety of your items during transit. Upon arrival, they handle the unpacking process, allowing you to settle into your new home seamlessly.
3. Time and Energy Savings:
A professional moving team can save you significant time and energy. Packing up an entire household is a time-consuming task, and professional movers can complete it swiftly and efficiently. This allows you to focus on other aspects of your move, such as organizing your new space or saying goodbye to neighbors.
4. Reliable Transportation:
Charlotte moving companies typically have a fleet of well-maintained vehicles designed for the safe transportation of your belongings. This reliability is crucial, especially for long-distance moves. Knowing that your possessions are in the hands of professionals gives you peace of mind throughout the journey.
5. Customized Services:
Professional movers offer customizable services to meet your specific needs. Whether you require a full-administration move, including pressing and unloading, or simply need assistance with heavy lifting, movers can tailor their services to your preferences. This flexibility ensures that you pay for the services you truly need.
6. Safety and Insurance:
Safety is a top priority for professional moving companies. They employ proper lifting techniques and use specialized equipment to ensure the safety of both your possessions and their team members. Additionally, reputable moving companies provide insurance coverage, offering protection in case of any unforeseen incidents during the move.
7. Reduced Stress and Anxiety:
Moving is inherently stressful, and professional movers understand the emotional challenges involved. By entrusting the planned operations to specialists, you can fundamentally diminish pressure and uneasiness related with the move. This permits you to zero in on the energy of your new experience as opposed to the difficulties of the move.
8. Cost-Effective in the Long Run:
While there is an initial cost associated with hiring professional Charlotte moving help, it can be a cost-effective investment in the long run. The risk of damage to your belongings is minimized, potentially saving you from costly repairs or replacements.
In conclusion, the decision to hire professional Jacksonville moving help gives a range of benefits that extend beyond the physical aspect of moving at Easy Moving Labor Help. From time and energy savings to the assurance of professional expertise, enlisting the services of movers can transform your relocation experience into a smooth and positive transition to your new home.
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tribalyoungbrown · 2 years
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codyrhodey · 1 year
Sweetheart | Kenny Omega x Male Reader
all fluff !!
Kenny and y/n grew up together. Both having a shared dream of becoming professional wrestlers one day.
Kenny was a year older than y/n, and when he graduated high school in 2007, the two slowly drifted apart.
Kenny went straight into wrestling, he tried going to college but quickly realized it was not for him. So he dropped out to pursue his dream.
Y/n decided to go to college, pursuing a degree in creative writing. His dream of being a wrestler had faded over time, but his love for wrestling didn’t go away.
Y/n’s last year of high school was definitely hard. He wasn’t the coolest guy by any means, and Kenny was usually too busy for him. He was traveling all over the world, meeting new people, and didn’t have as much time for y/n.
So when y/n went to college, and wasn’t at home when Kenny came to visit. The two drifted further and further.
There was the occasional call, to ask how the other was doing. But besides that, it was nothing like before.
There was no late night calls that lead to all nighters, or rewatching their favorite glee moments and giggling. There was no more cuddling and getting a little too close for two guys who are just supposed to be friends. No more “i love you, drive safe”s.
They became like strangers. It hurt both of them at first, even though neither would say it. So instead they just disappeared from each others lives.
Y/n had been writing his ass off for years. He’s had a few books published and helped write on a sitcom for a while, but that’s it. So when he was reached out to by Cody Rhodes to come be on the creative team for his new wrestling promotion, he jumped at the opportunity.
Y/n was sitting in his apartment in jacksonville. He moved in last week and hasn’t done much. But his first day was today, he’d be meeting with Cody, Tony, and some of the top wrestlers in the promotion.
Meanwhile as y/n was getting ready to go, Kenny was putting away his stuff in the shiny new locker room.
“Cody,” Kenny sighed putting his hands on his hips, “this is amazing.”
Cody smiled placing a hand on his shoulder, “i couldn’t have done this without people like you by my side.”
“And tony’s money” Kenny cut in.
Cody chuckled, “yes and tony’s money.” He rolled his eyes beginning to walk away, “oh-“ he stopped turning around, “don’t forget, we have a meeting in uh” he checked his watch, “15 minutes, with everyone and some new people in creative.”
Kenny nodded pulling out his phone, mindlessly scrolling as he followed behind Cody.
Y/n got out of his car grabbing his backpack from the passenger seat. He took one last deep breath before closing his door and making his way into the building.
Cody gave him incredibly vague directions on where to go.
“Fucking shit” he mumbled to himself pulling out his phone.
“Hello?” Cody answered.
“Hey cody! It’s y/n, um i just got here, i’m just not really sure where to go.” you trailed off, looking around the large room.
“Oh hey y/n! yea sorry about that, i’m kind of shit at directions, i’ll send someone out to get you, are you still by the front door?”
“mhm” you said rocking back and fourth on your heels.
“Alright give me like 2 minutes and i’ll have someone grab you.” Cody hung up the phone, sliding it back into his pocket.
He looked around at the people around him, before his eyes landed on kenny, “Kenny, kenny kenny kennny” he sang.
Kenny looked up at him raising an eyebrow.
“One of the new writers is here, he’s at the front door and lost. Can you go grab him for me?”
Kenny nodded standing up from the chair he was in.
“Be back.” He said walking out the door.
He pulled his phone out again, going into him and Matt jackson’s messages.
🏳️‍🌈Kenny: You almost here? We’re about to start.
🍗Matty: Yea yea i’m about to pull up, sorry.
(sent with voice text)
Kenny nodded to himself putting his phone in his pocket looking back up at his surroundings.
He didn’t know what this guy looked like or what his name was, but there was only one person standing in the lobby looking lost so he thought it was a safe assumption.
“Hey,” he tapped the guy on the shoulder. Causing y/n to jump a bit dropping his phone.
Kenny giggled, “sorry did i scare you?”
“N-no i knew you were coming.” He huffed bending over and grabbing his phone before turning around to face Kenny.
Y/n’s breath hitched in his throat as he locked eyes with the other man.
“Kenny?” He whispered, almost too quiet to be heard.
Kenny was staring back at him, wide eyed.
“Oh my god-“ Kenny started still in shock.
It had been 10 years since the two had seen each other and 9 years since they last spoke.
“I can’t believe it’s you,” Kenny broke the silence, the biggest smile forming on his face.
Y/n smiled back, excitedly pulling Kenny into a hug.
Kenny immediately hugged him back squeezing him tight. He missed him a lot, but assumed due to the lack of calls, he forgot about him. There was always something more with y/n but at the time Kenny couldn’t admit that to himself. He wasn’t out as bisexual at the time. While y/n was always out as gay, so even if at the time Kenny did know he liked him, he didn’t want to make y/n deal with being with someone still in the closet.
He continued to hold y/n close to him, rocking the two of them back and forth.
“Oh my god i missed you so much!” Kenny basically screamed.
“I missed you too Kenny but you’re crushing me.” Y/n giggled
“Oh shit sorry,” Kenny let go but not all the way, keeping his hands on y/n’s shoulders, “i’m just so strong” he smirked.
Y/n rolled his eyes, “so strong and still a sarcastic little bitch.”
Kenny brought his hands up to his chest, acting fake hurt, “how could you! I am incredibly offended, I don’t know how we’ll move on from this.”
“Whatever will i do without Kenny in my life, maybe the same thing i’ve been doing for the last 10 years.” Y/n said walking past Kenny.
“Hey! You don’t even know where you’re going!” Kenny shouted after him.
“Gonna follow this dude,” He pointed at Matt who had just walked in, “he looks more important than you.”
Kenny gasped running after the two of them as they all made their way to the conference room.
The meeting lasted longer than it needed too, Kenny almost fell asleep a few times. Listening to Cody speak for longer than 5 minutes was a chore, he felt like he was in a classroom. Cody’s choice of words perfectly matched his egotistical personality.
Kenny was sat next to y/n who was sat next to Adam Page. Y/n was taking a bunch of notes that Adam was very interested in. The two of them scooted closer to eachother halfway through the meeting, giggling at stupid jokes one of them would make.
Kenny was slightly annoyed but he didn’t know why. He didn’t wanna listen to Cody’s long drawn out speech, but he also didn’t wanna listen to y/n and Adam giggle to eachother.
When the meeting finally came to a close, Cody thanked everyone for coming and walked out of the room, Brandi following behind him.
“That was tiring.” Nick said, stretching in his chair, “I feel like i’ve been here for 13 hours!” He yelled dramatically slamming his head down on the table.
Everyones heads snapped over to him, “Nick, bud, it was maybe 2 hours.” Adam laughed out.
“Shhhh, let me sleep.” Nick responded.
Adam shrugged and stood up, “Well y/n it was very nice to meet you,” he smiled, “i have alot of trust that you will write amazing stories for us all.”
Y/n smiled, “thank you Adam, i appreciate it.”
Adam nodded at him before exiting the room as well.
“Sooo,” Kenny began scooting his chair closing to y/n’s, “you and Adam huh?” He nudged y/n’s shoulder.
“Shut up kennert.” Y/n groaned
“You like him?”
“I do not actually, he’s not really my type” Y/n responded shrugging.
“not your type? he’s beautiful!” Kenny said shocked.
“You’re sounding a little fruity there Kenny,” y/n giggled turning toward him so they were facing eachother, “maybe you have a crush on him.”
“Eh been there done that.” he responded in a non-chalant way.
“What?” y/n responded eyes wide, “you’re?” he brought up his hand and bent it at the wrist.
Kenny froze, y/n didn’t know he was bi, he totally forgot. Everyone he interacts with knows he ‘swings both ways’ so he didn’t even think about it.
“um, i- uh” Kenny stammered, “is it hot in here?”
“kenny, i’m literally gay” y/n chuckled, “i don’t care if you are”
“yea yea it’s just-“ he stopped, “it’s been a while since a new person found out about it, ya know?”
y/n nodded, “so if you’ve been there done that,” he mocked, “and you’re fruity,” he did the hand thing again, “then are you jealous mr omega?” He teased laughing softly.
Kenny stopped for a second. He used to have feelings for y/n, and he will admit he still looked absolutely amazing. But that bridge had already been crossed. There was no way there could be anything between them now.
“Kenny, i’m kidding,” y/n cut in, “but i would be very flattered if you were.”
Y/n stood up out of his chair, “so” he stared down at the still sitting Kenny, “wanna hang out?” He didn’t know why he was nervous to ask but he was. He felt his palms start to sweat and he was avoiding eye contact with kenny.
“mmmm,” kenny drummed his fingers on the table, “watcha wanna do?”
y/n let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in, “wanna come over? play some mario kart?”
Kenny nodded with a smile standing up out of his seat as well.
“Shall we?” He asked holding out his hand to y/n.
“We shall,” y/n took his hand and the two walked out together hand in hand.
They had been at Kenny’s for a few hours. Y/n insisted they went over there since he hadn’t unpacked anything yet.
The two were sitting on Kenny’s love seat, both of their legs up on the ottoman, y/n’s on top of kenny’s.
“Can we be done playing now?” Kenny whined throwing his arms up in defeat.
“You only wanna be done because you’ve lost the last 8 races” y/n teased.
“You’ve kept track?” Kenny’s voice went high. He pulled his legs up onto the couch crossing his arms over his chest.
“Well when you’re a winner,” y/n pretended to dust off his shoulders, “you wanna know your record, not that you’d know what being a winner is like.”
“Oh that’s it” Kenny lunged forward at y/n, tackling him onto the couch.
“Noo nooo” y/n yelled.
Kenny straddled y/n staring down at him, “any last words?”
y/n squinted his eyes, “you suck at mario kart.”
“you’re gonna get it now.”
Kenny started tickling y/n, squeezing his sides, expecting him to erupt in laughter but instead there was silence.
Kenny stopped, staring at y/n. He cocked his head to the side, “what?” he questioned, out of breath from his attack.
Y/n took this as his opportunity to strike back. He lunged forward causing kenny to lose balance and fall down onto his back. Y/n began to squeeze his sides, reaching under his shirt to make sure he got the ultimate tickle.
Kenny erupted into a loud unrestrained laugh. Wriggling from side to side, “y/n stop stop” he begged between laughs, “can’t breathe” he continued laughing.
Finally, y/n stopped, “i win again” he said smugly.
“I think i won” Kenny said softly gazing into y/n’s eyes.
Y/n was laughing so he didn’t hear Kenny.
Finally y/n stood up off of Kenny, offering a hand to help him up.
Kenny took it and stood up, the two of them stood dangerously close to eachother.
Kenny’s mind was racing. He felt like no time had passed between him and his old friend. He still felt that spark between them. He sighed, continuing to stare into y/n’s eyes, wishing he could read his mind.
Y/n stood there, staring back at Kenny. He was so beautiful. When they were younger y/n always had the biggest crush on him but Kenny was never anything but straight, atleast that’s he thought. Knowing now that he was some kind of gay, y/n thought about all of the moments they shared when they were younger and if maybe they meant more than he thought.
Kenny reached up, cradling y/n’s face in his hands, “you are the most breathtaking person i have ever seen in my entire life.”
Kenny couldn’t believe he just did that, but it was 20+ years of pent up feelings for the man standing across from him and his brain was no longer functioning.
“I’m sorry,” Kenny stopped himself going to remove his hands but y/n stopped him. Placing his hands over kenny’s.
“Just kiss me kenny.”
And so he did. Kenny pulled y/n into a kiss. Kenny’s chest felt like it was going to explode. When people described feeling fireworks, he knew this is what they meant.
Y/n gasped when their lips connected, his knee’s immediately went weak. This was something he had been waiting for for years. Kenny’s lips were soft and warm and he felt like home.
Y/n pulled away first, resting his forehead on kenny’s.
“Should’ve done that a long time ago huh” Kenny giggled, placing another short peck to y/n’s lips.
“Mmm not my fault.” Y/n reached his hands under Kenny’s shirt, for nothing more than to feel his warm skin, Kenny felt safe.
Kenny chuckled pulling y/n into his chest, “nothings ever your fault is it sweetheart?”
Y/n nuzzled his face into Kenny’s neck, shaking his head which caused Kenny to squirm. He pressed small gentle kisses to his shoulder.
“Can’t get enough of me huh?” Kenny asked quietly, continuing to hold him. He may have asked the question to poke fun at him, but he couldn’t get enough of y/n either.
“Making up for too much lost time omega.”
The two of them stood there in each others arms until their legs got tired. They then retreated back to the couch. Their limbs tangled together, doing whatever they had to do to remain touching.
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When Kristin Batykefer fell ill with a headache, sore throat and body aches, the other women in her house baked her cookies, served her homemade vegetable soup and took her four-year-old daughter to the park so she could rest.
“Support system like no other,” Batykefer, 33, wrote on a TikTok post that has since been viewed more than one million times. “Shoulda moved into a mommune a long time ago.”
Batykefer had no idea that her video — and the concept of mommunes, a group of single mothers sharing a house, bills, childcare and support, seen in the US for the past decade or so — would go viral. When last year she split from her husband and lost her job, an old family friend with grown-up children invited her to move into her house in Jacksonville, Florida, while she found her feet. Then Batykefer was contacted by an old college roommate, Tessa Gilder, 32, who was also going through a divorce, with two children, aged five and one. “Tessa was, like, ‘I can’t do it any more.’ I said, ‘Come here. You’ll be welcomed with open arms.’ Originally our plan was we’d get our own place together, but once she arrived we became like a little family unit and it’s just awesome. Our friends said, ‘Stay as long as you guys want.’ ”
The 1960s and 1970s saw the rise of communes where like-minded souls joined together to raise families in capitalism-defying self-sufficiency. In a 21st-century version, more and more women are channelling the age-old spirit of sisterhood to establish mommunes, to tackle the ever-rising cost of living and everyday motherhood grind. “We just help each other out,” Batykefer explains over Zoom. “It’s not ‘You do the dishes, I’ll take out the trash,’ it’s more when we see something needs to be done we just do it. As a mother that’s just what your instincts are. It’s so nice having three minds in a house thinking like that.”
Indeed, as the thousands of comments on Batykefer’s posts make clear, many women in relationships — even happy ones — are envious of her mommune’s roll-up-your-sleeves environment. “There are some comments saying, ‘My husband does all this for me,’ but about 95 per cent say, ‘Wow, how do I get part of this?’ So many are from married women asking, ‘Where do I drop my husband off? I’m joining!’ ” Batykefer says, laughing. “It resonates because there are so many what we call ‘single married women’ out there who are not getting the kind of help with the physical, mental and emotional labour of being a parent that we have. I definitely didn’t get this support in my marriage, it all fell on me. If I was sick, I still had to cook for us and make sure my daughter was fed and taken care of and entertained.”
Batykefer, who before her break-up was documenting on TikTok her family’s itinerant life on a renovated bus, is also revelling in living in an environment free of marital bickering. “Whenever I would be driving our bus when I was married, it was such a stressful, anxiety-inducing experience because of the negative energy, but I’ve just been on a bus trip with a girlfriend, driving the whole time, and it was so peaceful and amazing.”
There are 2.5 million single-mother families in the UK, according to the Office for National Statistics, a figure that has more than tripled since the 1970s, as the stigma about divorce has decreased and women have gained more financial independence. But several international studies show that single mothers are at greater risk of physical and mental health disorders compared with their married counterparts, mainly as a result of lack of support — with many women living far away from their extended families.
Financial stresses can also be overwhelming, with a recent marked rise in lone-parent families using food banks or relying on benefits. A report last month by the Institute for Fiscal Studies showed that half of such families are now living in relative poverty.
While there are no official, large-scale mommunes in the UK or US, many single mothers are turning to local mommune groups on platforms such as Facebook (the London branch has 700-plus members) to find others to team up with.
Sara Memba, 34, a restaurant worker from Barcelona who has a one-year-old son, is sharing a house with a friend with four children aged between one and eleven in south London after finding that landlords were reluctant to have her as a tenant. “Many don’t trust single mothers to pay the rent on their own or they think your kid is going to destroy their house,” she says. Memba loves her situation. “We can go to work knowing our children are well cared for and it’s great to find a person with whom to talk and share concerns, joys and different, sometimes contradictory, emotions. It’s fun for the children too — they have more playmates and adventures.”
In an ideal world she’d love to see flats built specifically for single mothers. “There’d be common areas and spaces adapted for children to facilitate socialisation between neighbours. It would make a very difficult experience so much easier.”
The author Janet Hoggarth, from East Dulwich, south London — whose latest novel is Us Two — struggled after her divorce from her husband of 11 years, when she was left to bring up her three children, aged five, three and one. When she discovered that her friend Vicki Hillman, who had a newborn, had split from her fiancé, she invited her to move into her attic bedroom. Another single mother of two who lived around the corner frequently joined them in the evenings and stayed at weekends.
“I was feeling utterly bereft. I was navigating a divorce that took ages while juggling the kids and we were all feeling quite traumatised. It was so nice to have another adult there who knew how you felt, who could help me fill out forms, talk to lawyers and bounce ideas off. Plus, when the kids are in bed at night and you’re rolling around the house alone, you have company, which was such a relief because most of my contemporaries were busy with their own families. It stopped my constant feeling of a racing heart and feeling sick in my stomach. It was like a weird miracle drug.”
After two years Hillman moved out because she wanted a bedroom for her daughter but the women are still close friends. “We rubbed along really well without any bitchiness. It was very reassuring, like being in a family, just a different version of it. It really did stop me feeling broken. There’s definitely a different energy in an all-mothers house — there’s no weird bouncing of egos and someone expecting a medal for having wiped down the sides or polishing their halo because they’ve taken the bins out. Everyone just gets on.”
Not all mommunes are so successful. Elizabeth (surname withheld), 34, tried briefly sharing a flat with an old friend in Liverpool, when both had baby daughters. “We thought it would be perfect, but even though we got along well, our babies’ sleeping schedules were completely incompatible, which made it impossible for them to do anything together. I had no child support and had to work crazy hours with a long commute and my baby in a nursery, while she had a generous settlement from her ex and didn’t work. The imbalance made life so much more stressful than it would have been living alone. I felt guilty I couldn’t be around to do more babysitting. I still think mommunes are a brilliant idea, not least because being a single mum is so horribly expensive, but just as with any housemate, you have to find the right person.”
Victoria Benson, chief executive of Gingerbread, a charity for single-parent families that offers local networks for single parents to connect, agrees that mommunes are one “creative solution to a big problem. But we need to see a better welfare system, an increase in flexible work, and more affordable and available childcare that works for all single-parent families.”
Batykefer’s mommune keeps on giving, as demonstrated by the TikToks of her and Gilder enjoying concerts, karaoke and home-spa days together on weekends when their children are with their fathers. Now they’re in discussions about filming a reality show about their set-up, with the hope of bringing in more income but also inspiring more mommunes.
“I just fell into this but it’s such an obvious idea,” Batykefer says. “Women have always helped women. Let’s make it even easier for them.”
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loveinequinox · 2 years
twilight fic:: edward x f!reader
[[Bella moved to Jacksonville, finally sick of Edwards antics and vanishing behaviour. It was hard for her, but necessary. You moved into Forks a few months later, the Cullens returning in search for Bella, find her gone. Depressed, frustrated and ultimately melancholic Edward wishes to be alone, but regressing to his more vampirish instincts, you become the victim of his misery.]]
tw: stalky man baby vampire
Forks. Rainy, gloomy, cloudy Forks. A constant overhanging grey shadow cast over the town, the slightest green tinge from the surrounding forests leaking its way into the mist. It was the atmosphere of a post apocalyptic block buster, or a depression pit. Yet this little gloom dump was your home, your heritage and claimed the majority of your memories. The town heralded the beginning of your family tree, with your great-great grandmother making her way to America from the Europes, alone and determined to live the American Dream, she set up camp in Forks. Working diligently as a house maid, waitress and eventually town council. Your family blended quite nicely into the operations of Forks. It made coming back to school here and seeing the run down buildings that little bit sweeter.
Easier even.
You had spent some time in Pennsylvania with your aunt and uncle, sure the weather wasn’t all that different, albeit sunnier but that wasn’t tough competition for Forks. Missing Lititz architecture and colour, Forks looked so drab in comparison. Still, this was home. These were your roots. You came home to take care of your grandfather after all, it was senior year, you’d survive these few months.
Unlocking the front door to the two story panelled house on the suburbs, you yell a ‘hello?’, pausing to listen for a response.
“There you are! Welcome, welcome. Oh, how I’ve missed you my dear.” Grandpa wraps speckled sagging arms around you. Arms that once chopped lumber and hunted big game.
Age was a slow and sad process.
“Hey Grandpa, I missed you too!” You hug him tight, his mind was still as in tune as it had always been. It was his body that was failing him, the arthritis gnawing at his bones and the parkinson’s forbidding any steady, sure movements.
“I was just heading to the store to grab some milk for coffee, I won’t be long Chicky.” Chicky. The adored nickname gifted to you by Grandma, long before her… passing.
“No Grandpa, don’t you move a muscle. I’m here to help for a reason.” Setting down your bags, you move back towards the door. “I won’t be a minute, turn the kettle on.” He looks as though he’d protest but instead smiles. Turning to complete the task assigned. You close the door behind you, skipping down the steps. Walking down the cracked pavement of the ancient house, you catch a glimpse of the police cruiser pulling up next door. Out comes Chief Charlie Swan. It’s been years since you’d seen that guy. He notices you walking by his home place, turning to greet you as is custom in small towns. His eyes narrow for a second before he wags a finger in recognition.
“Toms daughter, right?” Charlie locks the car with a beep before turning to face you.
“It is indeed sir. Good to see you again!”
“It’s been a while since you’ve been in town. You’ve grown Durrow, you remind me of-“ Durrow, your last name. He paused for a second, swallowing back rising emotions. “remind me of my daughter Bella. You remember her, right?”
“How could I not? Who else was going to help me on my adventures through the woods.” He gives a small smile. “How’s she been Chief? Haven’t seen her in centuries.”
“She moved to Phoenix with her mom a couple years ago, came back for a little while until her mom moved. She’s down in Jacksonville now.” His shoulders were tensed as an uneasy glance was thrown to the tree line.
“Well send her my best Chief.”
“John inside? Might pop in to say hello.”
“I’m sure he’d love the company, I have to run down to the shop for some milk.”
“I’ll go keep him entertained then.”
“Front door is open Chief!” Starting back down the broken pavement and pot hole road towards town. Chief Swan nods, looking at the ground, then grabbing a jacket from the cruiser and making his way to your home.
Was it always this bitter in Forks? Holy was it cold. Rounding the corner, the store front jutted above the street ahead. Cars bumbled by, some boy racers revving at the sight of a new girl in town. Such dogs.
Ahead a young woman with waist length umber hair stood on her phone. Why did that stance look so familiar? She turned slowly to you, head still in her phone as she began to walk towards you.
“Odile?” You half shouted at the young woman. Her head snapped up and a beaming smile met you.
“No. Way.” Her jaw now dropped, as she stood in shock staring at you. Your childhood bff, bestie forever, soulmate, platonic lover. Whatever you wished to name it, Odi and you had been inseparable till your move to Lititz. You tried to keep in contact, but in seperation people naturally grow apart and adapt to the others leaving. “Holy shit! You look so different!” Meeting in the middle, she ogles at your growth spurt and matured body.
“It’s been so long Odi, how’ve you been?” She meets your eyes again with a dazzling smile.
“Same old same old. Our old mischiefs sprinkled with maturity and easier access to alcohol and nicotine.”
“Sounds like you’ve been busy.”
“Hah! You could say that. Hey, do tell, what’re you doing back here?” She pulled the oversized hoodie around her tighter, the wind bringing a bitter chill with it as it nipped at her neck.
“Taking care of Papa, the arthritis is getting too much for him.”
“Awh poor ol’ John. You coming back to school?”
“I’m starting Tuesday.”
“Not too bad. I gotta run but let me grab your number first.” Quickly handing her your cell, she expertly punches your number in her phone. “We’ve got so much to catch up on. I’ll call you later alright? Great seeing you, girl.”
“Great seeing you too, Odi.” You smiled as she skipped off down the pavement, vanishing a few yards down around a corner towards the centre of town. Always the confident boss woman of your year, she was a force to be reckoned with even on her good days. Continuing the task at hand, you get to the store, making small talk with the clerk as you grabbed biscuits and milk.
You forgot how dark it got early in the evening during winter in Forks. The night already shrouded the town, coating it in shadows and highlighting its high points with a full moon. Thankful for the the layers on you, the cold didn’t bite too much, although your red fingers and numb nose would disagree.
As you passed Bella Swans childhood home you couldn’t help but wonder, where was she now? Last you had heard she had been messing around with a family that moved to Forks five years ago, that tad bit of gossip had come from Odi. You stopped and stared up at her bedroom window, a room where you had conjured up games upon games as kids. You wondered if that family had something to do with her leaving, from what Odi had said she was barely in classes and constantly getting hurt in some extreme ways. Depression etc. You felt sorry for her, remembering your time as kids when she was a care free little girl.
Her parents divorce must’ve affected her in more ways than one.
You’re passing the hedge between the two houses, lights illuminating the living room so you can see the shadows of Charlie and Grandpa. A smile comes to your face, crinkling the corners of your eyes. It was nice to be home. You couldn’t say you never missed Forks, this was home. It always would be.
Twigs snap in the forest and you snap your gaze to them, heart beat quickening. Sounds in the dark were not to be trusted, especially after what happened to grandma. You quicken your pace, walking across the front lawns instead of the pavement to grandpa’s house.
“Who are you?”
A small, velvet voice speaks from around the corner of the building, concealed in the nights shadows. You keep your head down, you remembered what you’d been taught. Don’t entertain them.
“I said, who are you.” The voice was commanding, dominating. The sultry, silky tone vanished, replaced with a rasping half shout. You ignore whoever it was, stepping up the steps to the house.
The door swings open, “You’re back! We were getting worried, it got dark.” Grandpa hollers your name to Charlie, followed by a “Shes back!” He turns down the hallway and into the kitchen, leaving you on the steps.
That voice says your name.
Then says it again.
They chuckle, shifting somewhere beside the house. You could feel their hard stare boring into your side. Gripping the milk and biscuits you move to hurry up the steps. “I’ll be seeing you.” Whoever it was turned and left. So silent yet you could feel the emptiness of their presence, the loss of that stare. You were shaking, heart thumping in your chest. Who the fuck was that?
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lboogie1906 · 5 months
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Ariana Miyamoto Born May 12, 1994) became the first Miss Universe Japan of mixed-race descent on March 12, 2015. The beauty queen, the product of a brief marriage between an African American serviceman and a Japanese woman. Her father returned to America and she was raised by her mother’s side of the family in Sasebo, Japan.
She and others of half-Japanese descent are commonly referred to as “hafus.” She endured racism throughout her childhood. Some children refused to touch her, fearing that her Black skin would “rub off” on them.
She moved to Jacksonville, Arkansas to live with her father and learn more about her African American heritage. She was surrounded by people who shared her skin color, but due to her limited English and Japanese mannerisms, she had difficulty adjusting to her new home. She spent two years in Arkansas and started high school there, she returned to Japan and worked as a bartender.
She has a wide variety of interests including volleyball, cooking, and motorcycle riding. She has her motorcycle license and hopes one day to be the owner of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. She is a 5th-degree Japanese calligraphy master.
The tragic loss of her friend spurred her to enter the Miss Universe competition to confront Japanese racial stereotypes.
Her crowning has been controversial. Her reign has been ignored by the Japanese media, She has been criticized by many Japanese individuals and organizations. Online commentators, for example, stated that she is not “Japanese enough,” does not have a “real Japanese face,” and is unfit to represent Japan. She responded to her critics by arguing that her becoming Miss Japan is a specific challenge to that stereotype. She believes that her Miss Universe Japan victory is a sign of racial progress and will help start a much-needed dialogue on what it means to be Japanese.
She competed at the Miss Universe 2015 pageant where she made it to the Top 10. She is married and has two children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
A Dangerous Game Ch 7
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, smut, oral, daddy kink, minor conversations of regular canon like violence.
You needed more than an extra coffee the next morning. The night had been late enough thanks to work alone, much less Emily keeping you up a few hours even longer, not that you would ever complain about that. What you would complain silently about though, was being stuck in a conference room in Medford while the team along with local pd tried to sort out what to do with the case. Your pen was twirling between your fingers and Emily was doing her best not to stare at your hands knowing how easily distracted she’d get thanks to them. She’d briefly been called elsewhere in the office for something, returning to find her seat had been taken by one of the locals. Doing her best not to roll her eyes she settled standing, it just so happened to be directly behind your seat, only because you were closest to the door of course.
Your phone was on the table in front of you, the screen suddenly lighting up as it began to buzz against the wood, your eyes darted in that direction and your hand shot out to ignore the call as you let out a little huff, settling back into your chair. A minute later and it went off again, this time Emily was able to catch that it was a Florida area code before you sent the call to voicemail, her eyes lingered a second longer when she realized she could see down the front of you shirt from this angle, a sense of pride swirling through her at the blooming hickey on the curve of your chest. Before anyone could catch her your phone went off again and her eyes darted back to it, this time you let out an audible sigh,
“Sorry.” You muttered, scooping up the device as you stood and quickly slipped from the room, shoulder brushing Emily’s as you did so. Her eyes couldn’t help but follow you, watching through the window as you wandered a few paces from the door, wrapping an arm around yourself as you answered the call. Her brow furrowed slightly, watching the way your expression changed as the conversation continued and then you pulled the phone away from your ear, swiping at the screen a few times before you quickly darted back to the doorway, glancing her way, “uh, Prentiss?” Your head tilted in the direction of the hallway and she nodded, moving through the room and following you a few paces before you turned back to her.
“What’s going on?” She asked, looking you over, trying to assess the situation.
“Old boss from Jacksonville just called.” You gestured with your phone, “they’ve got a cold case I was lead on that just reopened.”
“Okay…?” She raised a brow.
“It’s the same unsub from Miami.”
“Are you sure?” She asked, her heart jumping in her chest at the thought of being able to finally catch the bastard.
“Look at that crime scene and tell me otherwise.” You replied, flipping your phone screen to her so she could scroll through the emails Jacksonville had sent you.
“They want me to run point between the feds and the locals, can I go?” You asked, glancing up at her as you pocketed your phone.
“Uh, yeah.” She looked back at the team through the window, “just… not alone…” She paused for a moment to collect her thoughts, figuring out who would was the best for each case before she swiftly moved back towards the doorway to the conference room. You and Derek had been at the Medford crime scene, spotted by news cameras, whatever cover you had here was blown so it wasn’t a loss to have you off to Jacksonville. “Hey!” Her voice cut into the room, pulling attention of those inside it, “Wilson just caught a lead on our Miami unsub up in Jacksonville, team’s splitting up, I’ll head out there to check things out with her, Rossi’s taking point here. You good?” She asked, looking to Dave who nodded,
“Yeah, go.”
“We’ll be in touch.”
The jet was sailing through the skies of Nevada on the way to Florida, you’d grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, returning to the main cabin just as Emily was coming back from checking in with the captain. She watched for a moment as you glanced around the cabin, practically twirling on the spot and she let out a small laugh.
“What?” She asked.
“Trying to figure out where to sit, there’s so many options.” You returned the laugh, “it’s weird without anyone else here.”
“Yeah?” She raised a brow, “also means I can do this.”
Stepping toward you a hand slid across your cheek and she pulled you to her, her lips meeting yours in a soft kiss. Your hands instinctively looped around her shoulders, relaxing into the embrace, it was gentle, not as rushed and needy like practically all the rest of your kisses. You were alone, and you had hours until the plane landed, hours to yourselves, uninterrupted. You dropped the water bottle onto the table, your hand returning to gently tangle into Emily’s hair while her tongue slipped into your mouth. You let out a relaxed sigh into the kiss, feeling her hands trail down your body, fingertips gently tickling at your skin. Her hands cupped at your ass, squeezing the flesh as she pulled you tightly to her, rutting her hips up against yours and you broke the kiss with a gasp.
“Really?” You raised a brow, glancing down between you at the feeling of a bulge in her pants, “here?”
“What?” She grinned, “you’ve never wanted to join the mile high club?”
“I mean… this would be far superior than a cramped bathroom on a commercial flight.”
“Then I think you should take off your pants princess.” With another wicked grin her fingers swiftly undid your belt, slipping into your waistband as she backed up until her calves hit one of the couches and she dropped down onto it watching as you quickly tugged off your pants, “ah!” She suddenly warned, “keep the panties on.”
“Yes daddy.” You murmured, stilling the actions of your hands as you watched Emily undo her own pants just enough to pull her cock out. She squeezed at the base of it and your mouth watered at the sight when a few drops of lube leaked out, her hand smearing it around the toy, pumping it a few times while she undressed you with her eyes.
“C’mere.” She crooked her fingers and you practically stumbled over your feet to get to her, eagerly dropping into her lap, your legs straddling her hips.
She pulled you into another kiss, this one deeper than the first but she still moved with grace, her tongue tracing every inch of your mouth while her hands skated across your skin, fingers pinching at your nipples through your clothing before a hand tangled into your hair. She broke the kiss, tilting your head back so her mouth could suck at your neck, a few days alone meant she could mark you, teeth nibbling at your skin while you ground down onto her cock. She chuckled, her free hand sinking between your bodies, sliding your panties to the side so she could trace through your folds.
“Already wet for daddy, hmm?” She slipped two fingers in and you gasped.
“That’s my good girl.” She cooed, lips returning to your neck where she bit into your skin harder than before and you moaned, her tongue lapping across the mark to sooth the burn. Her fingers curled and twisted inside you, scissoring apart to make sure you were stretched out.
“Please.” You murmured, grinding down on her hand.
“Please what angel?”
“Please fuck me.”
“You wanna ride daddy’s cock?” She muttered, her nose trailing up your neck, nudging at your chin so she could steal another kiss, her lips hovering against yours as you nodded.
You lifted yourself up just enough for Emily to be able to line her cock up with your cunt, the tip nudging in as you whined before sinking down onto it, letting out a very satisfied moan. Your hands braced themselves on her shoulders, fingers squeezing probably a little too tight but she didn’t complain as you began to roll you hips onto hers, a soft moan escaping your lips.
“That’s it pretty girl.” She praised, a hand brushing your hair off your face while the other gripped at your hip, guiding you, “so fucking hot…”
Emily leant forward, her mouth latching onto the same spot as before while you lifted yourself up, starting to bounce on her cock. With every thrust the tip of it brushed across the sensitive spot within you, pulling little whimpers and shivers, your nails digging into her shoulders as you did so.
“Louder baby…” She urged, nose nudging at you again and your eyes cracked open.
“Unless you scream no one’s going to hear you.” She chuckled darkly, “let daddy hear those gorgeous noises.”
Her hips rutted up into you with more power right as she spoke and a loud gasp left your lungs, you head falling back, continuing to bounce in her lap. Emily couldn’t decide between burying her face in the crook of your neck to make sure the bruise lasted weeks and watching the glorious way you rode her, eventually deciding to palm at your chest through your shirt as her eyes grazed up your body, wishing that you were naked. She made a mental note to get you completely bare in her lap in the near future so she knew what was imagination and what was reality, you were absolutely stunning like this and she could barely imagine just how perfect you’d be otherwise.
Your moans became louder, more frequent as you rode her, your head dropping against hers as your eyes fluttered shut.
“Oh god… oh fuck daddy!”
“Gonna come for me angel?”
“Need… need more!” Your pussy clenched around her, body shivering and she chuckled, her hand tracing up your body until it met your collarbone. She easily flipped you onto you back with one quick push, resting one leg on the floor so she could drive into you harder, each heavy thrust earning a squeak from you while her hand crept up your throat.
“So fucking gorgeous princess.” She panted, “come for daddy, I know you want to.”
You whimpered, your body surging with pleasure while Emily picked up the pace, hips meeting yours with vigor while you whined and moaned underneath her. She barely let up on your throat, stealing your breath with a kiss, her tongue plunging into your mouth while her hand snuck lower, pinching at your clit, rubbing it furiously and you shrieked. Your arms clenched around her, your hips thrusting up to meet hers before stilling, your body shaking against the couch as you panted. Emily began to slow her thrusts, though she made sure each one was as deep as the last before she groaned, squeezing at the base of the toy and her cum spurted deep inside you.
“Fuck…” you muttered, holding her to you while you caught your breath and she laughed softly, pressing a kiss to the already darkening mark on your neck.
“Good girl.” She praised, waiting a moment before she slipped out of you panting. She slid between you and the back of the couch, wrapping a sturdy arm around your waist and pulled down the blanket from the back of the couch, wrapping it around both you. “Now get some rest, I know you’re exhausted.”
“Mmm…” You felt her nuzzle into the crook of your neck as you adjusted on the couch until you were comfortable and it wasn’t long after that that you drifted off.
Emily let herself get some actual rest, knowing the flight was longer than normal, gently shifting from behind you before tugging the blanket tighter around you, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. She cleaned the strap, tucking it back into her bag before pulling out her tablet and swiping through the files Jacksonville had sent, though she couldn’t resist softly adjusting you, shifting your head into her lap, letting her free hand toy with your hair.
You shifted, letting out a grumble, something was different, the side of the couch wasn’t as comfortable, not as warm and above you, you heard Emily chuckle, nudging at your knee though the blanket.
“We’re landing in twenty, you might wanna put pants on.” She teased and your eyes cracked open, shooting her a glare before you sat up, yawning and stretching your body out.
“Thanks.” You murmured when she tossed you your pants, tugging them up your legs, “you hear anything else from Jacksonville?”
“No.” She smiled softly, settling into one of the seats perpendicular to you, “but as far as I’m concerned this is your case, I’m just here for the ride.”
“Sure.” You chuckled, shifting over to the seat beside her, tugging the blanket with you. You did up your seatbelt but curled up in your seat, letting out another yawn, hesitating before you nuzzled into her shoulder, “this okay?”
“Yeah.” She teased, “god Wilson, why so tired? You’ve gotta start a better sleep schedule, what’re we supposed to do with you?”
“I’ll kill you.” You mumbled, wrapping the blanket around your body as you shut your eyes, twenty minutes was twenty minutes, you needed more sleep.
The check in with the local pd in Jacksonville was on the brief side, you introduced Emily to your old captain as he caught you up to speed on what they’d found so far with the case. You’d noticed the slew of reporters outside the precinct, there was no doubt everyone, unsub included, knew the FBI was in town to help on the case. They’d had the files sent over from Miami and were combing through both to link up all the dots possible before making the next move, that was when you realized the unsub had been using an alias in Miami and why you hadn’t made the connection previously. You sent off a bunch of information to Garcia to start checking under both names and mixes of the names to try and find a home or work address or more info and called it a day.
Emily let you take the lead as you left the station, tossing you the keys considering this was your home turf. You picked up dinner and headed over to the hotel, relieved that you didn’t have to do the usual dance around who was rooming with who and sneaking room keys to each other. After quick showers and fresh clothes you dropped onto the bed and enjoyed dinner while the tv played in the background. You tossed the now empty food container onto the bedside table, letting out a little yawn and Emily laughed.
“Are you seriously still tired? You slept like four hours on the jet.”
“Maybe if someone didn’t keep me up so fucking late on these trips..” you fired back and she rolled her eyes.
“As if you don’t like it.”
“I’m starting to think you’ve never heard of a quickie.” You teased back.
“Well what if I promise to be quick right now?” She raised a brow with a grin.
“Really? Again?”
“I may have eaten dinner but what if I want dessert?” With a wicked grin she wrapped an arm around you, pinning you down to the bed while her lips met yours.
“Em!” You giggled, though it very quickly turned into a moan as her lips began to trail their way down your body, sucking at your skin, teeth nipping at your chest before she settled between your legs.
Very true to her word she didn’t waste anytime, her tongue lapping through you, flicking against your clit until you were moaning, hips rutting up into her mouth. She knew exactly how to touch you and when to switch up to your clit, wrapping her lips around it to have you shuddering in only a matter of minutes. Grinning she glanced up at you for any protests as your orgasm rocked through you and when there wasn’t one she quickly got a second one from you before you were tugging her off you panting. With a soft chuckle she acquiesced, crawling back up the bed and dropping into the pillows beside you,
“Satisfied princess?”
“Good.” She kissed you softly, “now get some rest sleeping beauty.”
“If you weren’t so good with your tongue I’d fucking hate you.” You mumbled back, pulling a laugh from Emily before you nestled into the pillows, pulling the sheets up around you, her arm easily falling around your waist.
She was both impressed and happy to find you asleep only minutes later.
@ssa-sapphic @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @softgamerking @httpjupiterbby @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry  @mysticfalls01 @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @alcabots @7thavenger @ladysc @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @disneyfan624 @m00nkn1ghts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @bookpillows @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx  @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess  @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @bluetodie @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @midnight-sapphic @scorpsik
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di-writes-stuff · 1 year
Joel Miller x fem!Reader
Part 7
TW: Alcohol mentions, cursing, verbal arguments. Mostly just fluff and angst.
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As the doors to Jacksonville open, what you see is like a foreign land.
It was…humanity?
People being people.
Mothers going on walks with their children.
Men drinking together on a porch.
There’s groups of people riding in and out on horses, together.
Working together.
Helping each other.
No robbing, killing, betrayal. Nobody is afraid of the person standing next to them. There’s comfort.
There’s trust.
It’s been so long since you’ve seen something like this. Such a blatant lack of hostility. A world that doesn’t revolve around killing or being killed. A world thats civilized.
Joel and Ellie gave you a glimmer of that. That trust, that comfort, that protection.
But seeing it on such a big scale? It hits you like a freight train.
“So, Joel, wanna introduce your friends or…”
Tommy’s voice is a bit uncomfortable. The three of you have been standing at the entrance of the town for a while now, mouths hanging slightly open as you take in the slight before you.
Joel turns to look at Tommy, introducing Ellie and explaining the situation to him before getting to you.
“And this is Y/N, my…uh, my…”
He trails off, words failing him as he tries to explain what exactly you two are.
Friends doesn’t cover it. It doesn’t begin to cover it.
But then again, it’s not like you two are anything, officially.
Doesn’t prevent his face from burning at the thought.
“This” is the word you two have been using to refer to it. Your bond. Your connection. Your…feelings. It’s just been this.
Partners feels too cold.
It really hits Joel that he has no idea what you are to him. He cares about you, of course he does.
He trusts you too.
He can’t let himself admit it.
Not even in his own mind.
Those three words that haunt his thoughts whenever he looks at you lately.
Tommy has a bit of a smug smile on his face as he claps Joel on the shoulder.
He knows what the look on Joel’s face is.
It’s the same look he had when he brought a girl home for the first time.
“Don’t think too hard, ya might hurt yourself.”
You try to laugh at Tommy’s joke, but Joel refusing to name exactly what you are to him sends your mind spiraling with possibilities. You have no idea what you are to him.
You’ve never talked about it.
It’s like politics at the dinner table. The line neither of you dare to cross.
And you aren’t quite sure what he is to you either.
Joel is…he’s…
All you know is you…
Turns out you can’t admit it either.
Joel lets out a slightly uncomfortable chuckle, swiping his brothers hand away. His eyes slide over to you carefully, quickly flashing away when he finds you were already looking at him.
Ellie’s trying to very best not to laugh at the situation, the smile on her face obvious as she holds back.
Tommy continues to lead the three of you around, explaining what this place is, a commune of sorts, it seems.
As you stand in front of a bar, The Tipsy Bison, the blonde woman that nearly shot you earlier comes up to you.
“Hey. I-uh. I’m sorry about earlier. I’m Maria.”
You nod, understanding completely.
“It’s fine. Can’t be to careful.”
Introductions are made again, and Joel stops after saying your name this time around.
Tommy speaks again, sounding a little nervous when he does. “Well, Joel. This is your sister in law.”
You smile at Joel’s shocked expression.
“You’re married?” Joel asks incredulously, surprised that his little brother got married.
And if he’s being honest?
A little sad that he wasn’t there for it.
Tommy laughs at his shocked response. “Yeah man. Trust me, I didn’t think she would say yes either.”
You all laugh for a moment before Maria leads you into the bar, sitting you down at a table and bringing a few beers for the adults, and milk for Ellie.
As you sit you place your hand against the table, your fingers brushing against Joel’s.
You both forget to move them for a moment, contact has become less of a rarity between the two of you.
In fact, it’s starting to feel right whenever it happens.
You notice Tommy staring at your hands, and both you and Joel shift uncomfortably in sync.
It’s almost scary how similar you’ve become over the last couple of months.
You and Joel are like two pieces of the same whole. Yin and Yang. The halves of the moon.
Joel, he completes you entirely.
And you do the same for him.
There’s a moment of awkward silence. It’s obvious to everybody in the room that something is going on between you and Joel, painfully so.
Maria clears her throat.
“So, we’ve got a place you can stay for the night, if you want. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s got a couple rooms. Beds, too.”
Those words sound like a chorus of angels.
Four walls and a roof.
This place might just be Heaven.
“Yes. I mean, thank you so much. That’d be great.” You quickly accept the offer, knowing Joel well enough to tell he wasn’t going to be so willing. Accepting help isn’t something that comes naturally to him.
You look over at Joel, praying he won’t disagree.
He’s about to decline before he looks at you, seeing the hopeful look on your face.
And suddenly, the word no is the last thing that he can think to say.
He nods, standing as Maria gets up to show you guys to the house. Tommy excuses himself to go do some work, and you follow his wife back onto the street.
“I’m guessing it’s been a while since you three have slept in a bed?” Maria asks.
You smile, shaking your head as you remember countless nights spent on the floor.
“You’ve got no idea.” You reply, enjoying the ease with which she talks to you. There’s not even a hint of a threat in her voice, and you can’t remember the last time you met a stranger like that.
You look up at Joel, watching as he looks around the town.
“Thank you, for letting them help us.” You speak to him quietly, and his looks down at you, a tiny smile appearing on his face when he sees you.
“It’s nothin.” He says casually, but you know better. You know there is nothing that man hates more than not being able to provide for himself. For the people who rely on him.
And letting them help him?
It feels like he’s passing him responsibilities to them.
It’s stupid, but it does. Yet, he does it anyway. And the reason why scares him a bit.
He’s doing it for you.
He’d do anything for you. There’s no point in denying it, not at this point, not when he knows just how much he cares for you. Letting himself care about you, get attached to you.
It’s the scariest thing Joel’s ever done.
Yet, he wouldn’t take it back for anything.
Not when he knows you care about him. It feels too good. Knowing he has somebody. That he has a person.
That you’re his person.
He doesn’t even realize you guys have entered the small house until you start walking up the stairs, too lost in his own thoughts. His thoughts of you.
“Here’s a room for you, Ellie. And, here’s yours.” Maria motions to a door on the left.
You and Joel go to enter the room and drop your packs off, and you freeze in the doorway.
When Maria said beds, she meant two. One for Ellie, and one for you and Joel.
You can feel your stomach drop and your face heat up as you stare at the single bed sitting in the middle of the room.
Joel’s whole body stiffens next to you when he sees the bed, knowing what it means.
Maria thought you two were…something.
Deep down in him, a thought occurs.
Aren’t you?
He pushes in down before it can grow.
“I, um, I can take the floor.” Joel speaks first, staring down at his boots as he does.
You sigh, looking at him.
“Joel, no. I can sleep on the floor, you take the bed.”
He gets ready to argue back before Maria interrupts.
“Oh. I- Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. I thought…I just assumed you two…it seemed like..I’m so sorry. Listen we can find another place.” She trails off, forcing the humored smile off her face.
You turn around, not wanting to put her to more trouble. “No, no, it’s fine. I’ll take the floor.”
Joel glares at you.
“No, I will.”
You sigh.
“You’re older. You’re getting the bed.”
Joel’s eyebrows furrow at your reasoning. He wonders for a moment just how old you think he is.
Too old for you to…
He refocuses on the conversation at hand.
“I’m not sleeping on that bed while you lay on the floor all night.”
You roll your eyes.
“I appreciate the chivalry, but you’re taking the bed.”
“No, I’m not.”
Maria escorts herself as you continue arguing, laughing a bit when she turns the corner.
If you two aren’t together yet, you will be soon.
“Joel.” You say, taking on a warning tone.
“For the love of God Y/N, if you sleep on the floor I am too.”
You throw your hands up in annoyance, looking at the bed again when Ellie pops her head in the doorway.
“You two argue like a married couple.” She comments, snickering a bit before suggesting a compromise. “Besides, why don’t you just share it, it’s a big bed.”
Both you and Joel look like a couple of schoolgirls with how red you turn.
“Ellie!” Joel says chidingly.
She just laughs, returning to her temporary room.
You stare at the bed again, careful not to look at Joel.
…She’s not wrong. It’s a big bed.
How the hell are you supposed to say this?
“I mean…listen, I’m not saying we should, but she’s got a point.”
The gravity of your suggestion hits you after you say it.
Sleeping with Joel.
Being that close to him.
You haven’t been…well, intimate, since all this started.
So the idea of sleeping in the same bed with somebody?
It’s a bigger deal than it should be.
Especially when it’s Joel.
Speaking of Joel, he hasn’t said a word.
“I-I’m sorry. I just meant, you know. It’s a big bed, and we’re both always sore, and I just thought maybe-.”
“I’ll take the left.”
Joel’s voice interrupts you, his words shutting you up.
You were almost hoping he would say no. Now you actually have to do it.
You feel anxiety build in the pit of your stomach as you think about it.
But, it’s a little exciting.
You quickly force yourself not to think like that.
You also force yourself not to watch as Joel sheds his jacket and stretches, the muscles in his back clear through the thin fabric of his t-shirt.
You try not to watch.
Not very hard, though.
Your fast agreement sends heat rushing through Joel’s whole body.
Deep down, he was hoping you’d suggest what you did the whole time. He feels bad about it. Almost dirty.
You’re not terribly younger than him, but still.
He feels gross.
He also feels like he’s being watched. He turns around to see you watching him like a hawk, your face painted pink with blush. The look in your eyes, and the way you avert your gaze the second he looks at you.
It tells him everything he needs to know.
A small smirk forms on his lips.
He doesn’t feel quite so bad after that.
He goes to leave, not before brushing past you in the doorway.
“Ya gonna drop off your bag?”
The question is innocent.
So. Innocent.
His tone, on the other hand?
You don’t know how he manages to make it sound like that.
It sends heat rushing to your face.
You drop your backpack on the floor wordlessly, walking out of the room. Joel trails closely behind you.
You poke your head into Ellie’s room.
“You doing okay?” You ask, trying to distract yourself from Joel.
She nods, reading what looks like a diary. You smile to yourself.
“Anything good in there?”
She snorts at your question, “Not really, just a bunch of stuff about boys. It’s pretty weird. Like, her biggest worries are grades and some guy named Kyle. He’s a douche, by the way.”
You smile, hiding how sad her reaction makes you. That girl has never known a normal life. Her whole world has been turmoil since she was born.
“Yeah, well. Most teenage girls are pretty lame. Actually, most teenagers are in general.”
She finally looks up at you, putting the book down.
“Are they all this obsessed with guys?”
You laugh and shake your head. “No, not all of them. I wasn’t, at the very least.”
You wince are your own words. You’re no better than a teenage girl now. Joel seems to consume every thought you have.
Joel, who’s leaning on the wall behind you, waiting for you.
His breath fans over your neck.
It sends shivers running down your spine.
Ellie huffs, picking up the diary again. You turn around and face Joel.
“Maria’s waiting out there.” He nods his head towards to hallway as he speaks. You begin walking that way, forcing yourself not to freeze when you feel Joel’s hand ghost over your lower back, leading you gently.
He drops his hand when you come in eyeshot of Maria, and you curse yourself for missing it’s presence.
Maria speaks evenly, not giving away that she notices the tension between you two.
“Hey. Um, I’m really sorry about the whole bed thing, again.”
Joel pipes up behind you. “It’s fine, really. Thank you again for all your help.”
He placed a special emphasis on the word really that makes your heart beat a little faster.
“Alright, if you’re sure.” She responds. “Anyway, if you guys aren’t up for it, I understand. But, there’s a little gathering at the bar tonight. Nothing big, just the adults around here. We get together, drink, swap stories, all that good stuff.”
She notices the unsure looks on both your faces.
You’re prepared to decline, and Joel nearly does before Maria speaks again.
“I know it sounds weird, but it’s nice to see people, well, being normal. Really. Just…think about it. Okay?”
You both nod slowly.
Joel’s still ready to say no.
You’re not quite so sure.
“Thank you. We’ll uh…we’ll talk about it.”
Everything you and Joel do has become something you do together.
Ellie was right.
You really are like a married couple.
And you’d be a lying bastard if you said it didn’t make you a little giddy.
Maria nods and says her goodbyes before leaving.
Joel sighs loudly when she does.
“Not a chance.” He says, hoping to squash any ideas you had about convincing him.
“Oh, c’mon. Imagine having one normal night. One where your not watching your back the whole time for some clicker or robber. One where you can just relax.” You didn’t realize how much you wanted to experience that until you started vouching for it.
Joel gives you a look that you’ve come to recognize as his way of calling somebody an idiot.
“Yeah, cause being in a crowded bar, surrounded by people I don’t know is my idea of relaxing.” He answers sarcastically.
You lean over the counter you two are currently standing on opposite sides of.
“Please, Joel? It’s not like I’m gonna go alone. We don’t have to stay long, I just…listen. I wanna see it. See what Maria talked about. People acting like human beings instead of animals. You gotta understand that, at least a little?” You give him the same look from earlier.
The one he can’t bring himself to say no to.
The one that drives him crazy because your just so damn beautiful.
The one he can’t let himself look at too long.
Joel sighs, running a hand through his hair.
The smile that spreads across your face is one of the best things he’s ever seen.
Joel Miller feels like a fool.
A clean, trimmed, combed fool.
He blames you.
He showered. He trimmed his beard. He even cleaned up his hair a bit.
All to try and impress you.
He is a fool.
And he’s waiting to walk you to a bar.
It’s not a date. He’s had to remind himself of that quite a few times now.
But by God, it’s starting to feel like one.
You walk out of the hallway, your hair falling over your shoulders instead of your usual braid. You’ve replaced your ratty old flannel with a tighter shirt for the night. One Joel assumes Maria gave you.
It’s nothing special.
In fact, it’s not really anything at all.
That doesn’t stop Joel from staring at you the way he is.
You say it so casually.
Like you don’t know his palms are sweaty and his heart is racing right now because of you.
And maybe you don’t. But to Joel, it feels impossible that your still completely oblivious.
You’re not.
You see him staring, you see everything. You even see the way the fabric of his shirt rustles every time his heart pounds in his chest.
You know.
Ellie pokes her head out of her doorway.
“Have fun on your date!” She shouts, her teasing hasn’t stopped since she found out where you two were going, and Joel’s gotten the most of it.
You just shake your head and laugh, but Joel seems a bit more annoyed.
“Not. A. Date.” He annunciates each word, and you’d guess he’s said that more than a few times tonight.
He ignores the voice in the back of his head that agrees with her.
As the two of you walk out the door it’s quiet for a while. Not uncomfortably so, you’ve both gotten used to walking together in silence.
“Thank you, for coming with me.” You laugh a bit before continuing. “I’m sure you’d rather be doing anything else.”
He looks at you, something like love glistening in his eyes.
“It’s nothin. Besides, this…it ain’t too bad.” He admits, hoping you catch his meaning. Of course he’s not looking forward to the event itself.
But you?
That part, he definitely doesn’t mind.
You smile sweetly, looking down at the ground. You reach the bar fairly quickly, and Joel holds the door open for you as you enter.
Maria was right.
It’s nice. More than nice. It’s incredible. People are mingling everywhere, laughing, drinking, chatting.
It feels too good to be true, but here it is, right in front of you.
Even Joel has to admit, it’s refreshing.
Both of you immediately veer towards the bar, where you’re greeted by Tommy.
“Hey!” He turns to you, a smile on his face. “How the hell did you manage to drag him here.”
You laugh a little, sitting down next to Joel.
“Aw, it wasn’t too hard. Just needed a little convincing.”
Tommy quirks an eyebrow, giving his brother a knowing look.
“Huh, guess you’ve got a magic touch, then. Joel might be the most anti-social man I’ve ever met.”
Joel rolls his eyes as if he’s heard this a million times before.
“Yeah yeah, how about some drinks, hmm?” Joel asks, clearly trying to shut up his younger brother.
Tommy laughs, handing over a couple bottles of beer, and two glasses of whiskey.
“On the house. Have fun, you two.” He flashes Joel a teasing look when he tells you to have fun, causing him to groan.
You sip at the whiskey, finding that it’s a hell of a lot less potent than the shit you’ve been drinking from Joel’s flask.
Both you and Joel stick to yourselves, talking like you always do. You start to lay off the booze when you feel yourself getting a bit fuzzy, not wanting to end up with a hangover tomorrow.
“Already? Damn, your a lightweight.” Joel nudges you a bit with his shoulder, laughing when you glare at him.
“Oh shush. I’m not that bad.” You respond, sighing when Joel looks pointedly at your meager pile of empty bottle, only a few sitting next to you.
You slap his shoulder and he laughs.
God, you love his laugh.
You could get drunk off his laugh.
Joel Miller is so much more intoxicating then anything you drank tonight.
“C’mon, you’re really telling me you can’t handle one more?”
You sigh, giving in and flagging down Tommy, grabbing another beer from him and downing it quickly.
You’re definitely tipsy.
Joel is too, but he doesn’t show it as much, and he certainly takes more to get there.
The song switches to a slow dance, and you turn around, watching as people move to dance. There’s an older couple right in the middle, probably in their sixties.
The way they look at each other, it’s like they never left their honeymoon.
You don’t let yourself look at Joel, but he’s the only thing that comes to your mind when you watch them.
You’re distracted watching couples swaying to the croony old music.
Tommy comes up behind Joel, speaking quietly.
“You’re a fool if you don’t ask her.”
Joel turns around, pulling his gaze from your face.
“I can’t.” He responds. He feels pathetic, but he can’t bring himself to do it.
“You can. You just won’t.”
Joel sighs. His brother is right, and it takes a lot for him to admit that.
Tommy slides him another shot, a knowing smile on his face.
“C’mon, man.”
Joel brings the cup to his lips, downing the shot quickly, turning to you before the liquid courage dies away.
He stands, the blood in his body rushing to his feet as he does. Every sense he has feels heightened when you turn to face him.
You tilt your head, confused for a moment when he extends a hand towards you. You look down at it for a moment before looking back at him, realization crossing your face when you realize what he’s doing.
It feels like his voice is the only sound in the room when he speaks.
You smile like a giddy teen at prom, taking his hand.
“I’m not very good at this.” You warn as he leads you to the outskirts of the floor.
“I’m not either.” He says, a smile playing on his lips when he feels your arms wrap around his neck, his own slipping around your waist.
You’re not sure if it counts as dancing, more like swaying. But it sends your stomach fluttering all the same.
“Thank you.”
Your voice is soft and shy when you speak, even meeting Joel’s eyes takes effort tonight.
He just nods, his mouth dry as he holds you. He wasn’t supposed to let it get this far. He was supposed to stop caring. He was supposed to consider you a partner. Nothing more. A comrade, almost.
And now?
He’s too far gone. Lost in you. Everything about you pulls him in, your voice, your laugh, your smile.
Joel doesn’t consider himself lovable.
He never has.
But you make him doubt that. Even if it’s just for a second. On late nights spent by the fire when you spend hours talking and your eyes meet, everything stops. You make him think maybe, just maybe, you could feel the same way he does.
But it fades, it always does.
Your heart races as you lay your head on his chest, desperate for an excuse to stop looking into his eyes, the ones you always find yourself coming back to.
On the contrary, Joel thinks his heart stops when he feels you settle into his arms.
It’s been months of this.
Months of pining.
Months of anticipation.
Of waiting for something to happen that will finally cross the line you two have drawn in the sand.
Months of patience.
It’s all getting to be too much.
You hear his heart hammering in his chest and you look up, the alcohol in your system making you a bit bolder than you would usually be.
His eyes snap back to you when you say his name.
Holding back from each other. It’s a task your not sure you can do anymore.
One your not sure you want to do anymore.
Your right hand slips from the back of his neck to the side of his face, the left falling to his chest.
He leans in despite himself, pulling you closer to him. He should stop this. He doesn’t know how to do this. How not to be alone.
He can’t bring himself to do it.
Your lips brush slowly, softly, tentatively.
His hand moves to cup your head, and he kisses you. Really, kisses you.
And suddenly, Joel Miller is your whole world. His body pressed firm to yours, the warmth that radiates off of him.
His smell.
His hands.
His lips.
His kiss.
It’s so careful, yet so firm. His lips move against yours like God made them just for this purpose. The taste of the liquor he was drinking overwhelms your senses, and you gasp despite yourself. You lean further into the kiss, standing on your toes to deepen it.
And Joel. He could do this forever. He could be with you forever. He wants to be with you forever. He wants you. He needs you.
He needs you.
He’s come to rely on you, in a way.
The one mistake he can’t afford to make. The one he swore to himself he wouldn’t make.
Joel Miller loves you.
He pulls away suddenly, fear of his own feelings flooding his brain. He moves you back, dropping his hands back to his side. The hurt look on your face shatters him, but he can’t. He can’t stay. He can’t tell you why he stopped.
He can’t explain, because explaining would require confessing.
And that.
That would be the last straw.
And so he leaves you standing in the bar, confused, hurt, and alone.
It’s been hours since you got home and showered. You’ve been laying in bed, bathed in darkness, waiting. Worrying.
You wish you weren’t.
You wish you could say to hell with him and fall asleep.
But you can’t.
You can’t because you need Joel as much as he needs you.
Because you love him.
The thought is overwhelming. It’s foreign and it’s kind of terrifying.
But nonetheless, you’re laying in bed, waiting, praying, for Joel to come home.
The door to the bedroom opens, and you hear his familiar heavy steps. You breath a sigh of relief, not turning around, not daring to utter a word.
And the bastard gets in bed.
Like he didn’t do what he just did.
You can’t help it. Anger rushes through your body as you sit up and grab the pillow, smacking him with it.
He jumps, sitting up and turning to look at you.
“What the hell are you doing?” You ask, whisper-screaming him as to not wake up Ellie. You’re grateful for the darkness when you feel tears begin to form in your eyes.
“I thought you were asleep.” He says guiltily.
Your seething at this point.
“No, Joel, you asshole! I wasn’t asleep. I was up, I’ve been up this whole damn time waiting for you to get back. Because I care. I actually care, I don’t just pretend to.” You say, tears now dripping down your face as you throw the pillow at his chest. You wipe your face furiously, hating that your hurt.
Hating that all you want is to be back in that bar. Before he left. Back to that perfect moment.
The moment you thought he might actually care. That he wasn’t as bad as everybody, including himself, made him out to be.
He catches the pillow, grimacing when he feels a wet spot, one he figures out is from your tears.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He whispers, shame coating every word he says.
You throw your hands up, getting up from the bed and pacing. “Oh, well if you’re sorry then I guess it’s all okay! I guess it doesn’t matter that you left me and didn’t say a fucking word. That you’ve acted like you cared for months all to just, what? Leave the second you get what you wanted out of me?”
He runs a hand over his face as he gets up too, trying to walk over to you when you point a finger at him.
“Get away from me.”
You’re dead serious. You want him away. Far far away, so that you can’t think about what it felt like to have him hold you.
“I never pretended to care. I do c-“ He begins, desperate to explain, but even more desperate to keep his secret.
You cut him off angrily “Oh shut up, Joel! Just shut up. You didn’t care. You still don’t care. People who care don’t do that. They don’t hurt you. They don’t fucking humiliate you. Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was? Us aside, standing there, watching you storm out and leave me. It was cruel, Joel. You’re cruel.”
You’re words hurt more than he ever would have though they could. And they’re not true. He never once pretended to care about you. In fact, the only thing he ever tried to pretend was that he didn’t.
“I’m sorry-“ He began again, trying to explain.
“No Joel! Stop saying your sorry! Stop apologizing! You made a fool of me. An absolute idiot. I thought…I thought you…”
You can’t say it.
It would be weak.
It would be pathetic.
You thought he loved you. For a second, you did.
He sees right through you. He knows exactly what you thought.
And he knows it’s true.
And he’s angry.
Furious, even.
Not at you, though.
Joel is livid with himself.
“I do, Y/N! I did and I do. And I realized it. It hit me tonight like a fucking freight train. And it terrified me, because I am not a good man. I’m mean, and I’m guarded, and I’ve got blood on my hands and a lot of it. And you deserve better then me. Than what I can give you. And God I want to be that for you, I wish I could. But I don’t know how to love somebody, Y/N.”
His chest heaves after he finishes speaking, the silence deafening.
He just confessed.
Not directly, but with all the clarity in the world, Joel Miller told you he loved you.
Your eyes soften, and you step closer to him, almost subconsciously, everything about him drawing you in.
“We can learn.” You speak gently now, every ounce of anger drained from your voice. Being mad at him is exhausting.
You raise your hands to cup his face, leaning up and kissing his forehead with every ounce of softness you can muster.
“Come to bed.” You whisper against his skin, moving away and climbing into bed, listening as he slips under the covers next to you.
You roll over, facing him as he lays on his back. Your eyes droop, and the last thing you hear before sleep takes you is Joel’s voice.
“Thank you.”
A/N: Okay so this is super long, so if you read the whole thing thank you. I really hope you enjoyed.
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