#Jacob goodnight X reader
calmcoldevening · 4 months
More intimate than sex
Characters: Jason Voorhees, Bubba Sawyer, Jacob Goodnight
Tw: a little mention of bad childhood, cruel treatment in past
Even big boys needs some care and affection
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Jason Voorhees
• Devotion, sitting in each other's arms, weakness. He always had to be strong, because as a child, being weak, he fell victim to rude guys and became who he is now. Therefore, in adulthood, he tries to remain impartial and moderately rude. But with you, he can afford to be weak, he can cry for his mother while you gently hug and caress him. He can be himself.
• Jason has always been insecure about himself because of his face and appearance in general. Yes, he had an attractive and muscular body now, but it was just a shell for that poor, shaking boy. And you managed to get through to this boy. You gave Jason hope that he might be loved not for his looks, but for his kindness and actions. You've shone a light on his dark, raw life.
• Sleep together. Of course, he doesn't need sleep, but for Jason, it's literally a way for him to show that he appreciates you and cares about you. While you're sleeping, he's just watching you and protecting you. Jason holds you tightly in his arms, hugging you to his chest. It protects and warms you.
• Jason is not used to laughing, but it happens to you almost by itself. It's like you always know what to say to make him laugh. And your own laughter.. It's music to his ears. Jason is ready to do anything to hear it at least once more.
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Bubba Sawyer
• Face again. Bubba will need time to get used to the fact that you love him regardless of his face. Tell him more often how cute and handsome he is, and how much you love him. He is very vulnerable, so please grow this flower, and don't trample it.
• He is quite naive when it comes to some issues not related to killing people, so he is often afraid to show weakness, he does not want to seem stupid. Just be patient. Tell him if he doesn't understand something and just hug him, saying that everything will be fine and he will cope with everything. This boy is extremely introverted, so do not rush, but only carefully guide him.
• Family. Bubba loves his family very much, so things about family are already very personal to him. What could be more intimate than viewing your childhood photos and stories about the past?
• Sharing his feelings and thoughts can also be difficult, so it is very important for him that his partner understands, accepts and supports Bubba. This applies to any personal issues.
• I think Bubba is one of the supporters of platonic love, so hugging is a very intimate process for him. Not like when you just wrapped your arms around a person and stepped back, no. A long, warm and gentle hug, full of feelings and unspoken words.
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Jacob Goodnight
• Show feelings. He doesn't think he has the right to do that. And yet, it's different with you. When you're around, he wants to smile. A really kind, sincere smile. He likes your smile. A really happy one, not the one that his victims squeeze out in an attempt to delay their death. Your smile is pure, innocent. You look at Jacob with such love that it makes his heart beat much faster. Your eyes sparkle with care and tenderness. His most beloved eyes, which he wants to keep for himself forever and cherish. And yet, he wants to leave those eyes on your face. You are pure, there is no sin in you. You don't deserve to be hurt.
• Next to you, he turns from a violent man into a scared child who is looking for affection and care. His mother had been suppressing and humiliating him for years. You are his only ray of light in this dark realm, you are his world, his paradise.
• Jacob likes to lie on your chest, hugging you tightly, and there's nothing vulgar about it. You're not like the others. Pure, innocent. You really love him. You hug and gently caress his back while he lies on your smaller body and almost purrs. He feels so good in your arms.
• Jacob likes to hold you in his arms while you sit on his lap. A man shunned a woman for a long time because of the commandments of his religious mother, so it was difficult for him to get used to touching your body. But once he learns, he will hug you for a long time. Jacob was hungry for touch. He squeezes you tightly, burying his nose in your hair and inhaling your soothing scent with pleasure. You're his safe place.
• Jacob has trained his dogs to protect you. You're the only person they can't touch, except for him, of course. His pets cling to you, demanding affection and attention. Therefore, if at least one victim attacks you, the dogs will rush at the unfortunate one, while one of the animals will carefully lick your wound.
• Jacob let you treat the wound on the back of his head. It hurt, but he endured it. You treated her and bandaged her up. At least now it will heal and not continue to rot. He lets you treat all your wounds. Your touch is gentle, it calms him down. You are his personal angel, sent by God for his faithful service.
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horror102 · 1 year
“You thought they’d actually love a freak like you!?”
TW: Angst, self implied manipulation, stalking, obsession.
(Jacob Goodnight, Gabriel May,
Prompt: They stalked you anonymously and eventually you found out your secret admirer was a killer. How could you possibly love them? Watch as you reject them and they grieve-killing you in the process.
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(NOTE- I’m actually starting to love Angst!)
They stalked you, the tried there best to implicate there love anonymously! Poor little thing even tried to court you. But who could possibly love a monster?
At first they tried they were shocked! You were so kind and sweet not a bad bone in your body.
You’d give out huge candy bars to trick-or-treaters, you’d give compliments to people on a little stroll.
You’d defend people like them, and all of that made you perfect.
Jacob Goodnight
He wasn’t used to this, he was never used to healthy “love” So when he fell for his Nurse in the Asylum he hid not one bit of it.
If he was good enough to get something he would ask for thornless flowers just to give them to you.
He’d color silly little paintings.
He’d watch you, sneaking out of his compartment was hard since he was seven-foot but you made it worth every bit of it.
When you were on your long “mental health” break he broke out. Watching you in your home.
Watching you cook breakfast, make your bed, tilt your head in confusion as food went missing.
Grow anxious at the rattling in your backyard. But poor you, you didn’t know he would never hurt you. He was there to take control protect you
He’d make your husband die, from a fall off a bridge. But it was just a little coincidence he happened to die the same exact day Jacob appeared in your living room.
A bloody male ring on his finger, almost torn in half by the girth of his own.
Confusion written all over his delusional face when you screamed and threatened to call the cops.
But you told him in the asylum you would always be there if he needed help? Maybe you were a little startled! That’s fine.
Why does he hear sirens? They couldn’t be for him. He’d never hurt you and you know that! Don’t you?
Why were they telling him to put his hands up? If it wasn’t for you, he wouldn’t have to had slaughter all those men!
Wait, what did you just call him? “A monster?” Did you just say “freak!”?
Why’d you hit him, you didn’t have to throw a knife. Why hurt his feelings. He was just a little hungry.
When he confessed his love, while you were hitting him as he blocked it. You laughed. Was it so funny you were confused at first? He thought that too.
“Why would I ever love a freak like you!?” What? Why would you say that? That’s what mama always said.
Why are you saying such hurtful things? Why are you hurting me, someone who’s giving you there all? Why are you cursing? Why are you sinning!?
No, no, no, no, he can see the sin. He has to get rid of the sin, just wipe you clean, you’ll forgive him for this right?
Just like mama, he slaughtered the sin from your pure soul.
Sitting crisscrossed he cradled your body, crying. Digging your sinful eyes from your skull.
“Just like mama.” He cried.
Why would you make him do this?!
You shouldn’t have called him a sinner, you shouldn’t have called him sick, you shouldn’t have called him evil!
Was he too full of sin?
He sees the sin. And he is full of it.
Gabriel May
You were the only nurse he disagreed on decapitating Gabriel, he thought it was because you cared for him, because you held your own moral.
But oh how wrong he was, he was perfect to test, to torture and see what he could do, that’s all you had going through your mind.
But he thought you understood him, you didn’t see him as a parasite but oh how he was wrong.
As soon as he awoke, his mind thrashed wondering where you were, how you were, and who you were with.
He ran to the old hospital or asylum capture he was in, and scattered through the documents until he saw your picture a sigh of relief leaving his lips.
Immediately he stalked you, wondering how to approach. How to introduce himself, creating a hypothesis on how you’d react.
Finally he caught himself and went. It was dark, and the rain was pouring hard. He had no control over the lights flickering in his presence.
A stubble knock on the door was what he decided to do, hiding behind a bush as he watched you grab his letter.
He heard you read it out loud, oh how precious your voice was.
“Doctor (___) you have never treated me as a parasite and for that, I honor you- Gabriel May.”
As soon as you read the message you gasped, thrashing in the room distraught, he was a little annoyed at your reaction. Waiting for you to calm down so he could approach.
He had put a radio on your living room table and as soon as you noticed it, you approached it suspiciously.
Jumping back as you heard his whisper your name.
You gasped, hearing a subtle growl from the speaker. Backing away as your lights started to flicker, your back hitting a feminine chest.
You turned around only to see a past friend, Serena May.
You wondered your hand going towards her face until her whole body turned around only to reveal the ugly thing.
You ran pushing him down in the process, running towards the stairs.
He didn’t real quick enough, you managed to get to the room where you phone was before he decided to escape through the front door and come back in through the bedroom window.
You heard banging as you called the cops, not knowing where it came from until you heard glass shatter beside you.
He spoke through the phone, hanging up the police call.
“What are you doing!?”
He yelled his voice croaked and crackly.
“Stay away from me, you freak!”
He paused, what did you just call him? Before he could think he acted on impulse, thrashing toward you with a piece of fallen glass from the window.
Grasping your neck as he dug it in, finally grasping the reality of what he done he backed away, not covering the evidence of what he done.
His ugly morphed face drew tears from his deep sunken eyes.
Watching your face retort in terror.
He growled stepping back and admiring in distraught of what he had done.
Closing his eyes so the tears could evaporate and sank back in, jumping out the window and running away.
Wondering, his mind pounding.
Wanted to cry out but he couldn’t speak, and who would comfort a fucking parasite?
Norman Bates
He never told you about his mother, he decided this one will be a secret. This one he’ll throw in a safe and hide the key!
You were his, you were staying in the motel for a week. Young and lost kicked out from your parents.
You were using Norman you were scared he’d eventually find out but day after day he seemed to love you more.
He’d bring you dinner or lunchtime sandwiches, you’d have chats and he’d accidentally slip up about his mother.
You noticed but you knew he didn’t know you did.
He was a fucking weirdo, you’d caught him watching you through a peephole though never mentioned it.
You’d give tiny strip shows and then talk to him about how you hated creeps to make him feel bad.
You thought he was a stupid sweet little idiot.
Not one bad bone In his lanky body.
One late evening, you heard him scream. Not wanting anything to happen to your free rent you jogged to the palace not really caring enough to run full blast.
Knocking on the door and lightening your voice.
“Norman, oh Norman! Are you okay?!”
Immediately you heard light joking down the steps and the ruffling of a jacket.
The door creaked open and Norman appeared with a smile on his face.
“Sorry, mothers getting out of control.”
He told you, you tilted your head because he always thrashed or grew sensitive when you’d ask about his mother.
“Oh, well Norman are you okay?”
You asked, nudging his shoulder in a playful manner, he responded with a nod asking to go on a walk.
“Well if I was your mother I’d get pretty lonely, it’s understandable losing control sometimes.”
He paused and smiled again.
“I think mother would like you.”
I’m glad, I think I’d like mother too.”
His heart started beating fast, you began to stutter too. Almost as if he liked the thought of you meeting “mother”
“Tonight than, if you don’t mind.”
He said
“I would like that Norman, a-lot.”
Now you could live in a castle, god life was going great!
Later that night you got all dressed up, a nice dress with some flat slippers, you made you way up the steps on the exact time Norman told you too. Knocking on the door and on your second knock the door opened on its own.
You walked inside, the house was large in confusing so your first annual thought was to go up the large steps in front of you but first you called.
“Norman? Norman, are you here?”
You heard a thud, and a smile appeared on your face, you walked slowly but steady up the steep steps. Hearing thrashing, behind the door and seeing a woman silhouette
“Ms Bates?”
You heard loud cackling, and with a slam Norman appeared. He walked through the door with a wig, and a nightgown.
He smiled and took your hand.
“It’s very nice to meet you.”
You tilted your head, and coughed
“This is nice Norman a funny, but please take off the costume.”
Norman quickly frowned. And In the matter of seconds the lady pushed you down the steps, your body tumbling with a thud and lights shut permanently with the snap of your neck.
Before you died you heard yelling.
“No! Mother, why would you do this!? She just couldn’t understand! Mother no! I loved her. No, no, no!”
He stood there distraught, looking at your body on the floor, ready and sad. Having to clean up another mess, another burden that his mother made. Unbeknownst to him that the woman he “loved” was using him for money
What a fucking fool.
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oddheadd · 3 months
Yandere Ex Boyfriend x Reader
CW: Drug use, manipulation, suicidal stuff, Angst, a bit shorter :P
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He's doing it again.
I try not to break down immediately as soon as I hear his sick voice, slurring and barely managing to turn words into sentences.
"I... Need you to come here... I took too much..."
I let out a shakey breath. "I'll be right there. Got any Naloxone?"
He groans and I sigh, running into my kitchen and looking for it, left after we broke up. I grab the bottle and reassure him, before hanging up.
He did it again.
Whenever he's left with a slight inconvenience, he starts taking drugs like a starved man. Sometimes to kill himself, sometimes to grab some attention. There have been countless times with me holding his hair while he throws up, giving him Naloxone while trying not to lose my own consciousness 'cause of my boyfriend literally dying.
His condition was hard on our relationship, forcing me into a miserable life of walking on eggshells and trying to keep him alive by giving him all kinds of attention and love, even when I didn't feel like it...
I decided to send him to rehab, and he was doing fine for a few months, hadn't even touched a can of beer.
Now I don't know how to look into his eyes, with his constricted pupils, his skin void of any color and his skinny, hollowed cheeks.
I zone out, not even realizing when I arrive in front of his building. It's old and probably moldy inside. I quickly run up a few set of stairs, and barge into his apartment, the pills ready in my hand.
"Baby? Is that you?" I hear his voice call out for me. I run into the kitchen and end up absolutely flabbergasted.
"Ah, there you are!" He smiles and hugs me tight, burying his face in my neck and... Inhaling deeply.
"Are- Are you alright?" I ask, confused. "...Why is the table set..?"
I pull away from the hug.
He looks... Healthy. His cheeks aren't as hollow, his skin has returned to it's saturated color and his pupils... Are dilated.
It doesn't smell like weed.
"Hey... What's the meaning on this? You seem... Fine."
"I... Got better. Now that you're here especially-!" He chuckles awkwardly. "I knew you'd come... For me. I knew you'd never leave me to die... And I wanted to thank you for all the time you kept me alive."
I stare at him, my brows furrowed. "...Thank me?"
He nods, with an uneasy smile.
I huff. "You're disgusting. You lied that you were dying, just to get me here?"
"...I- Yeah, but-"
I tear up. "Is this a joke to you?!" I yell. "All the nights I've spent taking care of you, just for you to try and kill yourself all over again for shit like me not kissing you goodnight?! Not sucking you off?! Don't call me. Even if you're dying, I won't come to save you again."
I say the last line calmly, setting the pill pottle onto the table with a loud sound, before turning to leave.
"No.. (Y/N) Don't leave..." He frowns. I ignore him.
He grabs my wrist. "If you leave, I'll actually kill myself. My blood will be on your hands."
"Go fuck yourself."
I roughly remove his hand and slam his front door shut.
My ringtone awakens me. I groan as I look at the id, and see his name, along with an old photo of us hugging burns my eyes. I pick up. "If you call me one more time, I'll block your number again."
"Baby... Please, help me..." I hear him sob into the phone. "Couldn't get the 8 ball... I took some pills and I feel nauseous... I need you, please just come here and- and jus hug... Just make me feel loved like you used to... I don't wanna die alone and sad, I want you by my side...."
I hold my breath. "...You're lying again."
Some time passes and he doesn't respond. "...You there?" I ask.
My heart drops at the lack of response and I immediately get up, throw some clothes on and head to his place again. I once again, burst into his apartment and this time see him on his bed with his eyes closed. I tear up as I drop onto my knees next to him. "Can you hear me? Jacob, can you hear me?!" I shake him but it doesn't bring him to consciousness. I take a note of the random medical pill packages on the floor and sit him up, shoving my fingers down his throat to make him throw up.
He gags, his eyes opening as he throws up. I then lay him back down and grab Naloxide from the table.
I lay next to him, the vomit I cleaned few minutes ago still present in my mind, feeling the acid in my nails and the smell. He has his arms wrapped around me tight. His heart is still beating. In fact, it started beating faster, he should be awake.
"...Why do you keep doing this?" I ask, my voice calm.
"...How else do I keep you around?" He asks gently, his voice a little hoarse from sobbing and wailing before on the phone. "I don't wanna live... If you're not with me."
I grit my teeth. "...I hate you." I whimper, before breaking out in sobs.
"...At least you're with me." He says calmly, burying his face in my hair while rubbing my shoulder to calm me down.
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A/N: Blehhh felt angsty and sad today. Hope you enjoy!
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xetswan · 4 months
The Switch of Daylight- Hot and Cold
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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Eight | Nine | Ten
Days have passed since I've seen Sam. Weirdly I feel like I need to be cautious around him now.
Bella noticed how short I've been with everyone, like I'm in the room with everyone but mentally I'm far... far away. She's been trying to convince me to go to the Rez with her to help her and Jacob fix up the bikes she got from the neighbor. Well she secretly got them. Charlie doesn't know.
I've declined every single time but for some reason today I feel like I just need a reason to get out of the house. "You really want to come?" Bella smiles at me as I pull on my leather jacket that I haven't worn in a while. "Yes, don't make me change my mind." I point a finger at her, causing her to chuckle. Leading us out of the house, she convinced me to drive my bike with her on the back. Something I wasn't entirely sure on doing but she's my older sister. I have to have some sort of respect in her "seniority." Even if it's only a 10 and a half month difference.
I give her my helmet since she's still human. When I take off I feel her grip my waist and I laugh to myself. "It's not funny, you have to warn someone before you do that!" She shouts over the sound of the wind hitting us. "It wouldn't have been as funny!" I admit to her, I feel her jab my side. She mumbles a "whatever," I speed up, getting closer to the rez.
We get to the garage that Bella directed me to. She trusted me to hear everything even though she couldn't herself. I park in a quick motion, letting Bella off and give me my helmet back. "Woah, I get the privilege of having both Swan sisters with me today?" Jacob teases as he pokes his body out from the garage. "Yeah, don't get too excited." I tell him, following Bella inside after putting my kickstand up, making sure it doesn't slide in the dirt. He puts his hands up in defense, we go over to the two bikes that look pretty good.
"You guys are doing fucking amazing." I comment, admiring the bikes. "Thank you, thank you." Jacob does a tiny bow, his hair slightly getting in his face. Then I remember things Sam said about him. About how he could be next turning into a wolf. My face scrimmages at the thought. About the fact that me being here could also be the reason he would turn into one.
"Earth to [Name]." The two wave in my face, shaking me out of my thoughts. I smile at them. "Yes?"
The rest of the day, they show me what they've been doing, showing how I can help as well. Quil and Embry pass by a few times. I watch how they all mess with Bella. How happy she looks compared to how she was just weeks ago. The nightmares also seem to be calming down. The slightest bit.
The next day I decide to join them again. We end up staying later than what we did yesterday. "Quil keeps asking to come over. I think he likes you a little too much." Jacob suddenly speaks up as we were walking to her truck. I'm not leaving with her, I have some things I need to do but I just want to make sure she gets home safe.
"Tell him I'm not into the cougar thing." Bella half-heartedly tells him. "What is it with you and age? I mean that Cullen guy was young, didn't seem to... bother you." You can tell he instantly regrets his choice of words, especially mentioning Edward. I notice her spirits shift. "Alright, we'll see you tomorrow Jacob!" I jump in, patting his back as Bella forces a smile.
"Goodnight Jake." She waves to him and gets in her truck. We watch as she drives off.
"I can't believe I said that." He curses at himself, kicking the dirt once her truck is out of sight. "It's okay, she knows you didn't mean anything by it." I rub his back, he flinches away from my touch out of shock.
"Dude, your hand is hot." He hisses. My eyebrows furrow.
"Hot?" I try to feel it myself but it's just the normal ice cold feeling it's always had since I turned.
"Yeah, are you running a fever or something?" He comes up to me, touching my forehead but when he does he tilts his head. "Now you're cold. What the heck?" He flips his hand over a few times, feeling my forehead. I laugh, shoving him away. "I think you're going crazy." I ruffle his hair to piss him off, and like usual it does. "Hey, that's messed up." He goes to fix it as I snicker.
"I gotta speak with your dad, I'll talk to you later." I punch his shoulder, jogging towards his house. I glance back to see him still fixing his hair, heading towards the garage.
My hand was hot? Maybe it was just so cold it felt hot? I open the front door to Billy's house, his head turns my way and he raises a brow.
"What can I do you for, [Name]? You got more questions?" He doesn't move his wheelchair my way so I take it as a sign to go over to him. "Not exactly? Do I feel hot to you?" I ask him, putting my hand in front of him.
I watch him as he takes a deep breath, slowly going to grab at my hand. I feel the usual flinch most people do as they feel the coldness of my skin. "No... why do you ask?" He looks up at me, letting go of my hand. "Jacob said my hand was hot when I rubbed his back. Maybe it was just overly cold and confused him?" I lean against the wall. "You're definitely not hot right now." He mutters, staring at the ground. The tv plays in the background. "If it happens again let me know." He tells me. "What does it mean?" I carefully question.
"Nothing good, that's what." He's angry. I start to rub my arms in anxiousness. "I'm sorry." I say, his eyes snap towards me. His eyes soften at the sight of me.
"There's nothing to be sorry for, [Name]. It's just a very unfortunate circumstance for you." He makes eye contact with me and I can tell he's mentally apologizing.
That night, Bella had another nightmare. Charlie and I rush up from our spots in the house. Her screams fill our ears, Charlie turns the light on, both of us going to either one of her sides. Gently shaking her. Her eyes open, tears streaming down her face. I help her sit up, sitting on the bed with her. She's told me the coldness I have soothes her when she wakes up. As if I'm him when she feels my hand on her arm.
Charlie hands her the glass of water, she takes a drink of it and I watch him pull the dream catcher from her bedpost.
"This thing's not working very well." He grunts. "It's... not as bad as it was." Bella whispers. "Yeah right. I know what it's like, you know. When your mom left me. I had a hell of a time. Imagined doing all kinds of crazy things, just to stop the pain." He admits to her, Bella avoids his look. She curls into my touch, I hold her a little tighter.
"But hanging out with Jacob seems to help get your mind off things." He states, more questionably though. "He's been keeping me afloat." She agrees. "That's good. He's a good guy." Charlie hypes him up, I roll my eyes while smirking, knowing it would give the kid a bigger ego.
He leaves the room and I go to do the same but Bella tugs on my arm. "Please stay with me." She pleads, I nod, plopping back down on the bed.
"I'm sorry for using you as a body pillow." She mumbles, cuddling into my side. It reminds me of when we were kids. Even though she's older I always was holding her. Protecting her. Our dynamic switching when certain things happen. "It's okay. It's better than being alone. The night time is the worst." I share with her. "I'm sorry." Is all she says before she closes her eyes, falling back asleep.
"We got lucky at the dump. You know how much a new crankshaft goes for?" Jacob informs us as Bella drives along the La Push cliffs. I'm in the middle as Jacob sits by the window, he studies a greasy motorcycle crankshaft. "Sure, I spend all my free time on crankshaft-dot-com." She sarcastically responds. "I think that's a porn site." I speak up, Jacob agrees with me with a laugh.
"These bikes are gonna be rolling soon. Where should we ride first?" He asks Bella, changing the subject. "Someplace sunny." It then clicks in her head that I wouldn't be able to go. "Like there's any place sunny around here." Jacob comments. "Actually I think around here might be good." She falls back on her word.
Then I see Bella look int he distance of the cliff. I glance over to see Sam, Jared, and Paul rough housing. "Isn't that Sam Uley?" She points ahead. "And his cult." Jacob bitterly says. Then two of the guys throw Jared over the cliff, Bella slams on the brakes.
Jumping out of the truck. Jacob and I follow after her. "Oh my god! Stop them!" She runs toward them. Jacob and I burst into laughter, which slows her down.
"They're not really fighting. Bella. They're cliff diving." He assures her. "What, on purpose?" Bella looks over at us.
"Scary as hell, but a total rush." Jacob nods his head. "I did it when I was apart of their supposed cult." I bump Jacob as I walk closer to Bella. We watch Paul take a running start, flinging himself in the air. "Most of us jump from lower down." Jacob bumps me back. "Think I could?" Bella asks us,s till staring at them. My eyes widen. "Man, first motorcycles, now cliff diving?" He questions my sister.
"You said it was a rush."
"Maybe on a warmer day. And not from the top. We'll leave the howling off to Sam and his disciples." Bitterness. We both look at him.
"You don't like them." Bella states. "They think they run this place. Acting all bad ass, calling themselves "protectors." Jacob scoffs, putting his hands in his pockets. "What are they protecting?"
"The tribe, the land, their right to be jerks. Embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids; now look at him." Jacob points at them. Bella and I look closer to see Embry, now with short hair.
Another turned... my face falls. "That's Embry? I didn't recognize him. What happened to him?" Bella looks back at him. "He missed some school- then out of nowhere. He's following Sam around. Same thing happened with Paul and Jared. They weren't even friends, now Sam owns them. Sam keeps giving me this look, like he's waiting for me or something. It's kinda freaking me out." Jacob tells us, well more to Bella. If only he knew what was really happening between them.
"Maybe you should just avoid them." Bella says.
"I try but..." I watch her observe him them hug him reassuringly. "Hey. If it gets worse, we'll go to my Dad. Or you can come stay with us." She looks at him, then he glances over to me and I nod, agreeing with her.
"Thanks." He holds onto her. "If this is how you're going to react, I'll freak out more often." He smirks, ruining the moment for Bella.
She playfully shoves him. I then look over to the cliff again. Sam is already directly staring at us.
Once he makes eye contact with me though he dives over the edge.
A&J M.L.
Taglist: if you want to be added lmk
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shiftingparadise · 3 months
I don’t know if your busy rn but there is a shortage in FEITAN x readers books and ya girl is dying. I know your inbox is like huge probably but anyways.. IF YOU DO TYSM AND IF YOU DONT TYSM FOR READING ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😻😻😻🥲🥲🫶🫶🫶🫶
Sorry it took so long. I hope you like this :) In this story, Feitan is similar to my others works. So he isn’t particularly very kind in the beginning. I’m working on your requests now, so if you have one don’t be afraid to send me a message or to ask one! Keep in mind that I have a couple left to do, so I’m only asking for some patience :3.
If you enjoy my stories it would be really great if you could buy me a coffee with the link in my bio 😇. HOWEVER DON’T FEEL OBLIGED TO DO SO. I’m only saying this because someone did a week ago and it felt really nice 🥹. I really enjoy writing for you guys either way 🤍✨
PS: I wanted to write another part of this, let me know if I should :)
Warnings: smut and angst.
Word count: 3455
“Be careful, don’t let your heart fool you”, my father took another sip from his coffee, “You’ve got to be sure he isn’t after our money”. “How can you say something like that?”. “I only want what’s best for you. You know that”. “I know him. He would never do anything to hurt me”, you slowly stood up. For some reason, your father’s office never seemed so small before. “Fine”, my father sighed, “Invite him over for dinner”.
You closed your eyes, tears streaming down your cheeks as you remembered the conversation with your father. You didn’t know. You really didn’t. How could you know that he was a Spider? That he was only playing a part? Right, in hindsight everything did seem a little fishy. The way he was suddenly there when you needed a shoulder to cry on. Or the way his name didn’t seem to truly ‘fit’ him. Jacob. He didn’t look like a Jacob at all. How could you be this dumb? Life isn’t like the fairytales and you were an idiot to think it could be.
“Where is she?”.
You couldn’t help but shiver. That voice used to be so familiar. So warm and soft.
“Boss told us to keep her in here”, the blonde that stood in front of the door answered. “It’s nice in there, Fei. She has a nice bed and lots of books”, a misguidingly soft voice answered.
The girl seemed so sweet, with her big glasses and her soft eyes. You couldn’t understand how she could be part of a gang like this.
“I don’t care”, Feitan coldly replied before walking past his comrades.
Your stomach started to turn. You couldn’t look at him. You wanted to keep your memories clean from any stains; to remember him the way you knew him. Kind and soft-hearted.
“Look at me”. “No”, you softly answered as you kept your gaze locked on the ground. “I said look at me”, his hands roughly grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look at him. “I don’t want to”, you almost whispered as you tried not to cry. “Look at me”.
You flinched as you felt the tip of his knife against your cheek. The same place he used to kiss you before wishing you goodnight.
You looked up at him with glossy eyes, not daring to say anything. “Are you scared?”, his cold eyes pierced through your skull. “Yes”, you softly agreed while studying his face. He was nothing like the man you used to know.
His facial features were so cold and distant. As if he was frozen in ice for hundreds of years. You couldn’t see half of his face, as it was covered with the coat he was wearing. It was decorated with a skull, making him even more morbid.
“Good”, he roughly pulled away as he lowered his knife to your throat. “Why are you doing this?”, your chin high. “Why?”, he repeated the question while once again lowering his knife. Letting the cold metal rest just beneath your collarbone. Your breathing got heavier as fear’s grip tightened around your body.
You didn’t know he wasn’t the head of this organization, that this wasn’t his plan. To you, he was the man with all the answers. The one who planned this whole scheme.
“If you want money-“, you were cut short by the back of his hand. “Only speak when I tell you to”.
He wasn’t that tall, but the way he hit you made him seem like the devil. Even though you couldn’t see, you knew there was this cruel grin on his face. You could tell by the way his eyes narrowed.
“Too hard”, his thumb grazed over your cheek. “Or you’re just too fragile”, he lowered his collar to lick up the drop of blood on his thumb. “Don’t cry”, he kneeled before you, “We’re going to have a lot more fun than this”. “Fei?”, the sweet-looking girl suddenly stood next to him. “What, Shizuku?”, Feitan sighed before standing up again. “Boss said not to hurt her, remember?”, her finger resting on her lip. “Tsk”, he clicked his tongue before leaving. “Don’t worry”, the girl cheerfully smiled, “We only need some kind of code. I’m sure your father will give it to us soon”. “Code?”, your eyes widened, “H-he won’t give it!”, you hastily got up from the bed you were sitting on. “Huh? He won’t?”, the girl widened her eyes.
You knew your father. He would never risk the nation’s, no the world’s, safety. Not even for his own daughter.
“You’re after the code for the nuclear weapons, right?”. “I guess… I don’t remember to be honest”, she looked down at the ground. “Listen, my father will never give that code. J-just ask our president-“. “But only your father knows that code, since he’s head of security”, the girl happily smiled, causing you to shiver. “Yo, Shizu”, the blonde angrily yelled from the door. “Huh?”, she looked behind her. “Shut up before you tell her our whole plan”. “Oh right”, she giggled before leaving.
“Get the girl, Phinks”, Feitan coldly sighed from behind your door.
You tucked your knees even tighter to your chest. You didn’t know what was going to happen. Were they going to kill you? Torture you?
“Get up”, Phinks roughly grabbed your arm and pulled you from the bed. “Let go!”, you tried to struggle, to break free from his grip. “You want me to get Feitan?”, he gritted his teeth. A threat he didn’t have to make twice.
You hastily stopped struggling, now following him into the main room of the abandoned building. The stones underneath your feet felt exceptionally cold, and the nightgown you were wearing didn’t really help to keep you warm.
“She’s freezing”, a voice too soft now greeted your ears, “Put this on her”.
You looked up to a tall figure. His hair was pitch black and there was this kind of cross tattooed on his forehead. He was an exceptionally good-looking man, but somehow his skin was just as cold-looking as Feitan. It didn’t match his kind voice at all.
“Here”, Phinks threw the coat at your feet. “I said put it on”, the dark-haired man smiled, “She can’t put it on when her hands are tied, can she? “Tsk”, the blonde picked up the coat before throwing it over your shoulders.
You scanned the room. There were about 10 people in the room. Some of them just looked evil, but others looked as innocent as a child. Especially a blonde-haired guy with big, green eyes.
“Your father won’t give us the code. Do you-”, the soft voice broke through your thoughts. “Who are you?“.
“Huh?”, you froze in fear as Feitan’s knife was once again pressed to the soft skin of your neck. You didn’t see him move. It felt as if he had just teleported to you.
“Tsk”, his eyes found yours, “How dare you interrupt boss?”. “Come now, Feitan”, the man now walked towards you, stopping before you. Without any warning, his fingers glided over your cheek, “You couldn’t contain yourself before, but you have to now”. Feitan immediately stepped away from you, discontent hidden in his eyes. “Feitan has a hard time holding himself back from… Fun”, the man smiled, “But it seems he did his best with you. I rarely get to see a hostage without any cuts or broken fingers”. “Lucky me”, you sarcastically answered while holding eye contact. “Yes, but keep in mind that luck doesn’t last forever”, he chuckled. “I’m Chrollo. Head of the Spiders”, he walked back to the stairs he was sitting on earlier. “My father isn’t going to give up the code. Not even for me”. “Yes, he made that very clear”, Chrollo replied. “Let me go and I promise my father will give you a generous reward”, your heart racing. “We have more than enough money. Besides, we can’t let you go. You know all of our names. Well… you’ll get to know them”. “What does that mean?”, you took a step back. “Feitan wanted you as a reward during this mission. So whether we’ll get the code or not, you’re not leaving”, Chrollo’s eyes glittered in the dark. “I-I don’t want to”, you started to panic. “Don’t care”, Feitan’s voice was only fuel to your fear. “From now on, you belong to Feitan”, Chrollo signaled Phinks to free your hands. “Keep the coat. I don’t think Feitan cares if you’re cold. You’ll be at least warm that way”, Chrollo spoke as if Feitan wasn’t there. “Right”, Feitan smirked. “At least get her some proper clothing, Fei”, Chrollo coldly looked at his Spider before dismissing everyone.
“Here”, Feitan threw a couple of bags on your bed the next day. “Proper clothes”, he leaned against the door.
After Chrollo dismissed everyone, Feitan took you with him to the house he was currently living in. It was a big and luxurious house. It wasn’t really decorated with furniture, only the necessary things like a couch, a dinner table, some paintings on the wall… And the room you were staying in was just as empty. There was a bed, a luxurious bathroom, and a big, walk-in closet that was empty of course.
“Proper clothes?”, your brows pulled together as you pulled a dress out of one of the bags. “This is a Prada dress?”. “I want you to look pretty”, Feitan looked up at the ceiling. “I’ll get you clothes every week. They won’t last long anyway”, his eyes now darted to yours.
Your stomach turned. You could only imagine what he was going to do to you.
“Wear this one for now”, Feitan slowly walked to your bed before handing you another bag. “For dinner. Hired some chef”. “I’m not hungry”, you clenched your jaw. “I don’t care”, he once again grabbed your jaw, “You’ll do as I say. Got it?”, his lips hovering next to your ear. “I’ve been kind until now, haven’t I? I behaved, so you’ll behave too”.
You didn’t answer, you just nodded in response.
“Good. Now put it on”, he leaned back. “N-now?”, you looked up at him with fear in your eyes. “Yes, want to see your body one last time before I have fun with it”. “What do you mean?”, you tried to keep your voice steady. “Put it on”, his cold gaze let you know his patience was running thin.
With shaking hands, you pulled out the nightgown you were wearing from when Feitan kidnapped you. You weren’t wearing anything underneath it, but that didn’t faze you. Feitan had seen your body many times by now. He used to place kisses all over it, making you feel like no one ever had before.
“This one?”, you covered your breasts with your arm. “Yes”, he got closer. You pulled out a beautiful, black dress from the back.
It wasn’t especially short, but it wasn’t long either. The fabric ended just above your knees. It was a tight dress until your belly, where it opened up like a flower. It was a beautiful dress, no doubt about it.
“I’ll close it”, Feitan guided you to a mirror before his hands glided along your waist.
His touch didn’t seem rough at all. It felt just as before.
“You like it?”, he took a step back when he zipped up the dress for you. “Hm”, you nodded in agreement. “Dinner’s at 7”, he cleared his throat before leaving you again.
You couldn’t eat. There was this lump in your throat that made it feel like you’d throw up if any kind of food entered your mouth.
“I thought sushi was your favorite”, Feitan was sitting on the other end of the table. “It is”, you hastily picked up some food, fearing what might happen if you didn’t eat. “It’s really good”, your eyes widened.
You didn’t realize how much your body needed some kind of fuel. You didn’t eat for at least 2 days now, and you only realized now how hungry you truly were.
“One of the best sushi chefs”, Feitan looked at the kitchen behind him where the chef was preparing more food. He seemed in distress, probably because Feitan made sure he wouldn’t tell a soul you were with him.
After dinner, Feitan guided you back to your room.
“Can I go to sleep?”, you softly asked as you sat down on your bed. “Sleep?”, he tilted his head, “No, it’s time for me to have some fun”. “Fun?”, your breathing started to fasten. “Fun”, his eyes lit up before roughly grabbing your arm and pulling you to another room.
There was nothing in the room except for a chair and a bed. Without any warning, he threw you on the bed and tied your wrists to it.
“What are you going to do?”, your eyes already glossy. “Whatever I want”, a knife in his hand as he slowly crawled on top of you. “I’ve wanted to take you like this since the first time we met”, his nose taking in the scent of your hair. “You know how hard it is to hold back when you’re this pretty? It was almost hard for me to finish at times because you were so boring… Always begging me to kiss you, to take you slow, … I hated it”.
You didn’t answer. There was nothing for you to say. Even when he showed some kindness earlier, you should’ve prepared yourself for this.
He swiftly cut the straps of your dress with his knife, causing it to slide down just beneath your breasts. “Stay still”, his knife firmly pressed against your throat as he noticed you were starting to kick your legs. “Please”, tears streamed down your cheek as he licked up a drop of your blood. “Don’t worry, you’re going to like this”, he looked into your eyes before cupping your cheek, “I’ll be rough, but I won’t be a monster. I know you’re body and when it’s ready for me. Even though you won’t admit it, I know you’ve been craving my touch. I saw it earlier when you were undressing in front of me… Your legs were rubbing against each other when I zipped up your dress. You only do that when you want me”.
Yes. No. Maybe. You knew he was right. Earlier… You wanted him, but you tried to push those thoughts away as much as you could. He wasn’t the man you knew. He was a psychopath, how could you want someone like him?
“Now, stay still”, his nails dug into the soft flesh of your waist as he pulled up your dress with the other. “Feitan, please”, another tear was streaming down your cheek. “Say it. Tell me you want me to stop”, his knee pushed your legs open as his digits hovered over your most sensitive spot. “I’ll stop if you do”, a devilish smirk in his eyes.
But you didn’t want him to. You didn’t care if he was going to be rough, or if he was even going to hurt you. You wanted him.
“See?”, he chuckled at a lack of answer. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? You’ve never been this wet for me”, he softly bit on your shoulder. You closed your eyes as you were still trying to fight yourself. “I asked you a question”, his hand wrapped around your throat as he bit your shoulder again. Only harder this time. “S-shit”, you cried out in pain. “I’m going to cover you in bitemarks for ignoring my question”, he loosened his grip around your neck while his fingers slowly entered you. “Fuck”, you arched your back as he left bite marks on your body.
You couldn’t deny it any longer. He made you feel good, better than he ever did.
“Tsk”, Feitan frowned when you came undone around his fingers, “Wasn’t expecting you to enjoy this”. “I-I’m not”, you avoided his gaze as your cheeks turned red. “Liar”, he softly hummed while undressing himself.
Your eyes were glued to his body. Now it was clear why he never took off his shirt.
“Who did that to you?”, you quietly whispered as you noticed his scars. For a second, his eyes widened while his lips were slightly parted.
There was this short-lived moment in his mind where he wanted to let you in and where he wanted you to care for him. An unwilling memory of your arms wrapped around him flashed before his eyes.
“Shut up”, his eyes went dark again, “Don’t talk”.
Afraid of being enchanted by your warm voice again, he thought it better not to hear your voice at all.
He didn’t ask if you were ready for him. It was unnecessary. By now, your legs are already wrapped willingly around his waist. “Feitan”, your eyes closed as his forehead was pressed against yours. “Don’t”, Feitan grunted as he got even rougher, “I don’t want you to enjoy this”.
That was a lie. He wanted you to, more than anything. It wasn’t his intention for you to enjoy this, and he surely didn’t want to leave you so perfectly. In his mind, he wanted to hurt you, to make you bleed, just as he did with all those before you. That’s what he enjoyed. Torture. Not this. This wasn’t like him, and it made him mad but there was nothing he could do. He didn’t want to hurt you, more so, it would even make him feel bad about himself.
“Sorry”, your lips pressed against each other as a whisper left your chest. “Fuck”, he grunted in agitation.
He didn’t know what to do, but this didn’t feel right.
“Tell me”, he clenched his jaw at the realization of how soft he had gotten for you. “W-what?”, you looked to the side. “Tell me you want me, please”, his eyes were glued to a bitemark he left.
He couldn’t lie. The bruises looked so good on your body, but only because you enjoyed it. If he did something like that while you were crying, begging him to stop…
“I want you, Feitan”, your soft voice melted something inside him as if a fire was lit inside his heart. “Even now? Even when you see who I truly am?”.
“Even now”.
Without thinking twice, he cut the rope that was holding you down.
“Touch me. Like you used to”, he softly grabbed your wrist before placing your hand on the back of his head.
You obeyed as you softly tugged at his dark hair.
“I don’t want to take you slowly like I used to, Y/N”. “You don’t have to”, your legs tightened around his waist.
That was all he needed to hear. Without any hesitation, his lips crashed against yours.
“You feel so good”, your breathing got heavier as you could feel he was getting close. “Yeah?”, his voice low, “Want me to breed you?”. You hastily nodded as you could feel yourself getting closer to your own climax. “Really?”, he chuckled, “You never let me come inside you before. Always crying about being scared to get pregnant”. “P-please Feitan”, you arched your back. “Don’t worry. I’m going to fill you up this time, whether you want me to or not”.
Your legs now started to shake as you came undone around him.
“That’s it. Good girl”, Feitan grabbed your jaw, “Now look at me and beg”. “P-please Fei, want you to come inside me”. “Want me to put a baby in you? Making you mine forever?”. “P-please”.
Feitan couldn’t contain himself any longer. With heavy breaths and low grunts, he let his head rest against your shoulder.
“Never felt so good”, he slowly pulled out, before placing a soft kiss on the bitemark he left on your shoulder. “Hm”, you happily smiled.
He didn’t know why he decided to act cold again. Honestly, he hated himself for it, but there was something inside him. A feeling he never felt before. Was it fear? Was he scared that you were going to leave him? No. You couldn’t leave him. He kidnapped you and you had nowhere to go. It was something else. He knew you weren’t going to leave, but he was scared you were going to hate him for what he did. Or rather, for who he was. You didn’t know the real him.
“Don’t think this will happen again”, he coldly got up, “You won’t enjoy this next time”.
You lowered your eyes as you watched him put on his clothes.
“Can I-“.
“Go to your room and shower. I don’t care what you do for the rest of the night”, he clenched his jaw before leaving you alone.
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slytherinshua · 8 months
genre. fluff. warnings. none. pairing. jacob x reader. wc. 385.
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A smile crept on your face as soon as you heard the first soft strums of the guitar from the other room. The smooth D chord followed by an A mingled with the sound of the hot water hitting your back. This was what it felt like to be truly relaxed, you thought.
His angelic voice came next, and though he only started out humming quietly, you could still hear it over the sound of the water. You sighed and grabbed the bottle of conditioner, squirting out a dollop into your palm before massaging it into your hair.
You finished the shower quickly, drying down and slipping into your soft pyjamas. You opened the door to the bedroom after brushing your teeth, feeling the cooler air hitting your skin after stepping out of the fogged up bathroom.
Jacob didn’t look up from where he was seated on the bed, guitar in hand. He knew you would come sit next to him anyway, which is exactly what you did. You climbed up on the bed next to him, and rested your head gently on his left shoulder.
He smiled and stopped plucking on the guitar strings, “Hi, darling.”
You whined softly, “Keep going.”
“Any requests?” He asked, kissing your temple softly.
“Star by Colde?”
He hummed and adjusted the capo, giving it an experimental strum before starting to play properly.
You closed your eyes, snuggling comfortably next to him. You could faintly smell the scent of his cologne that had faded throughout the day which relaxed your senses even more than the shower had. Combined with his mellow voice, you felt like you could fall asleep right then and there.
But there was one thing missing before you could slip into your dreamland.
“Hm?” He kept on strumming, turning his head to you.
“Goodnight kiss?” 
He smiled as he leaned towards you slightly, letting you connect your lips to his. Jacob’s voice was soft, but his lips were infinitely softer, and if you could have kissed him for eternity, you would have.
But instead, you broke off the kiss in favour of curling up under the covers. Jacob played another song before putting his guitar away and lying down with you, engaging in one final whispered conversation before allowing sleep to take over you both.
↳ tbz taglist: open!
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romance-lover77 · 1 year
Newt Scamander x Fem Muggle reader
Plot: Your’s and Newt’s daughter asks for a baby sibling
Warning: Smut +18 (sorry if the smut writing is horrible) Part 2 is the link below
You’ve been married to Newt Scamander for 5 years now and you guys have a little girl of 4 years, she is a half-blood since you are a muggle. You and Newt met each other during the dark age of Grindelwald since Jacob Kowalski was your store neighbor because you owned a bookstore and coffee shop. One day while Jacob and Queenie were on vacation for their Honeymoon. Newt appeared injured and you happened to find him and brought him to your apartment. You knew nothing about the wizarding world and you had no idea who Newt was. You healed him and Newt had asked if he could stay with you for a few weeks because he had to stay hidden. So Newt and you spent weeks together and in that time you guys bonded and he educated you about the wizarding world/magic and his magical creatures. You fell in love with his magical creatures and with him. He also fell in love with you, deeply. You guys got married when the dark age Grindlewald was over. Now living in London in a cottage with your daughter and your husband Newt.
It was night and you were tucking in your daughter to sleep and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Goodnight Lottie my sweetie” you smiled and Lottie smiled.”Goodnight mommy”. You were about to leave until Lottie spoke. “Umm mommy I actually wanted to ask something for my birthday since it’s coming up”. This really brought you curiosity since it was rare for Lottie to ask for anything, she was exactly like her father Newt selfless and always did the right thing. “ohh yea sure sweetie you can tell me, Me and daddy will try our best on getting you the present you want”. You smile happily. Lottie looked a little nervous and was playing with her hands which made you wonder why she was acting that way. “Well I was wondering if you and daddy can-can give me a baby brother or sister for my birthday”. You were in shock and blushing really hard since obviously your daughter didn’t know how babies are made and where they come from, it actually wasn’t that easy. You really didn’t know how to explain to her that it’s not that easy and you didn’t know if Newt wanted another baby.You would be happy to have another baby but maybe Newt didn’t want another baby. “Sweetie” you sit on her bed where she’s laying. “I’m sorry to tell you but that birthday wish won’t be really easy to grant, maybe me and daddy won’t be able to”. Lottie looked a little sad and looked down “why?”. You felt bad and said “well…. because babies are really expensive and right now we can’t afford to have one right now” . you really tried your best to come up with a lie, hopefully that she would accept it though you did wish you could give her a baby brother or sister. Lottie frowned and said “oh it’s okay mommy I understand”. You really felt bad, you really did and your curiosity took over. “Lottie sweetie, where did you get the idea of wanting a baby sibling?” Lottie, still looking down says “well it’s because I see other kids have brothers and sisters, always looks like they have fun and share. I want someone to share with and play with. and also uncle Theasus always tells me stories about him and daddy having fun as kids. so I thought maybe you know…”
Now you understand it all, Lottie felt lonely since she didn’t have any friends. She acts shy and antisocial just like Newt. She was exactly like Newt, special. and other kids thought Lottie was strange. Which hurt you because she was your daughter she didn’t deserve that. You disliked kids who picked on your precious daughter and hoped one day there would be kids wanting to be friends with her. Now you really didn’t know what to say, but now you wanted to do something about it. You hug Lottie who then hugs you back. “Oh sweetie I know what you are feeling, I'm sorry that you feel lonely, I just want you to know that I love you and that I'm here okay. And I'll see what I can do okay I have to discuss this with your daddy”.
Lottie felt excited and smiled “is that a maybe!?”. You chuckle “don’t get excited your daddy also has to be involved in this, I just want you to know if Daddy and me decide no, please understand. Like I said a baby can be expensive, but if Daddy and I decide yes just know that the baby won’t be here for your birthday it might take some time okay?”
Lottie smiles and says” I understand mommy!, thank you for considering it!”
she kissed your cheek.you loved seeing your daughter happy. “Alright now little missie you gotta go to sleep now it’s late, Goodnight”
You get up and as you're standing at the doorway Lottie says “Goodnight mommy!” you smile and turn off the light and close the door. Now that was the moment that you started to feel nervous that you had to ask Newt if he wanted to have another baby.
Newt has been a bit busy lately with traveling and helping magical creatures around the world. He literally just got back from scotland today and was now working on some paperwork that he had to do. He must be exhausted and you probably imagined this wouldn’t be the right time to ask and discuss but you knew that this had to be the time. So you go to yours and Newt’s bedroom, you see that his suitcase was in the ground and immediately knew that he was down in the habitats taking care of his creatures. So you go down there and see him without his coat on, only his waistcoat or vest and his white dress shirt sleeves rolled up. You thought he looked so handsome, still wondering how he fell in love with you. Newt was taking care of the graphorns and you walked up to him. “Hi honey, what are you doing?”
Newt looks at you and smiles “Hi love, i’m just seeing how the graphorns are doing, is our sweetie in bed?”
you smile because you know how much Newt loves yours and his daughter, you loved how he was such a good Father. “Yes she is sound asleep now and well I know that you’re busy but I came down here wanting to talk to you about something and it has to do something about Lottie’s birthday”.
Newt looks at you curiously and feels kind of worried that it might be something serious. “Is everything okay?”. you smile kind of nervously and play around with your hands and Newt noticed this. He knows that when you play around with your hands it means that you are nervous about something. Newt got kind of worried and frowned .”Oh no no, everything is fine umm you know what I’ll just wait until you come to bed, if not and i know that you are really busy, we can talk about this tomorrow, Goodnight..”. You just speed walk away without letting Newt answer back and you get out of the suitcase. Newt couldn’t focus on work seeing you nervous like this, he got worried so he tried finishing his chores as fast as he could so he could speak with you.
You got dressed for bed and were now laying in bed reading a book that you enjoyed. When Newt got out of the suitcase and locked it as soon as he got out of it. He looked at you reading and noticing how you were a bit shaky. He was about to speak when you looked at him and said “Newt I prepared your bath for you, you can take a bath now”. Newt frowned but he knew he should take a bath first so he can talk calmly with you. So he went to the bathroom.
As soon as he left ,you put your hand on your chest and took a deep breath. You are really nervous to actually tell him, thinking maybe he doesn’t want anymore kids or maybe he doesn’t desire you. And just thinking of making love with Newt makes you so nervous. You and Newt haven’t done it in a while since he’s been very busy with work and you thought maybe he wouldn’t like your body anymore, and you did gain a bit of weight. You were feeling really insecure.
Newt got out of the bathroom and was in pajamas, ready for bed. You tried not to make eye contact with him and he sat next to you in bed noticing how you were avoiding eye contact. Newt then says “My love, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about Lottie’s birthday?”
You gulp and slowly put your book down and still without any eye contact you say “ well….. you see, Lottie did something very unusual, she asked me for a birthday present”.
Newt smiles, his heart warmed because his daughter finally asked for something and thinking that he will happily give anything for his precious daughter.”That’s brilliant!, what did she ask for?”
That's when you gulp and stare down at your fingers and start playing with them. “She asked for well ummm… a baby brother or sister”. Newt’s eyes widened, being really surprised with the birthday wish his daughter wanted.
You noticed the silence and you started to feel the panic and imagined that Newt was going to say how he doesn’t wanna have kids with you anymore.
Newt then spoke with his eyes still widened “what did you tell her ?”
“Well I told her that I had to discuss it with you first but she shouldn’t get excited because a baby can be expensive and well it’s not easy to get a baby, so now we are here to discuss it”.
Newt is now blushing and looks away shyly now, him not making eye contact but you thought this meant that he didn’t want to have a baby.
he then says “what do you think?”
you then take a deep breath and with a shaky voice “well if i’m being completely honest Newt I want to have a baby, and our daughter said that the reason she wants a sibling is because she sees other kids with their siblings playing and that she wants to experience that.” you finally look at Newt in the eyes with a sad expression and Newt looks at you too and sees that expression, while frowning. “Oh Newt.. our daughter is so lonely and you know she doesn’t have any friends and it hurts me. This is a birthday present I am willing to give. I don’t want her to be an only child, I don’t want her to grow up lonely. I know sometimes you dislike your brother Theasus but you guys are there for each other and you guys had your fun times together. I want Lottie to have that.. but I would understand if you don’t want to have kids anymore”.
Newt then hugs you which surprises you because he barely hugs. He then whispers in your ear. “I am also willing to give Lottie her present”. Which sent shivers down your spine then he ends the hug and faces you again and cups your face. “who said I didn’t want kids anymore, I want to have many kids with you y/n even if it’s 8 or more”. Your face turns completely red, feeling your heart beat really fast.
You then clear your throat and look away in embarrassment “Well that means that we have to try and make a baby as soon as possible, it’s been a while since we’ve done it because you’ve been busy with work and we hadn’t had a chance and I’m sorry if i’m not as good as I use to be because i’ve gained some weight”.
Newt just smiles and thinks how cute you are just rambling but Newt did agree that he’s been busy and you guys haven’t had the chance to do it in a while. He’s actually been wanting to do it since forever and was always upset that work wouldn't give him a chance to make love to you. He missed your body so much, he missed caressing it and kissing it. He missed your soft lips against his. He missed you so much that when he would travel he would have to pleasure himself to calm himself down. He also didn’t want to bother you because he wanted to do it so much that he wouldn’t mind how late it would be to do it after he finished work but he knew how tired you were after being a stay home mom. Doing the chores in the house and taking care of Lottie, you would even sometimes help him feed his creatures when he was doing paperwork that he had to finish.
He just smiled and said “you have no idea how i’ve been wanting to make love to you ,my y/n. I don’t care if you lost weight or gained weight or whatever weight I love you, let’s make a baby”.
You smile and blush”I love you too Newt, i’m ready”.
Newt starts kissing you, both your tongues have a fight with passion. Newt starts to unbutton your pijama and lay you down on the bed getting on top of you. He then starts kissing your neck and you close your eyes in pleasure. You start helping Newt unbutton his pijama as well and taking off each other's pants and underwear, all clothing imaginable. Leaving both of you naked and all your clothes on the ground. You saw Newt’s erection making you feel wet down there and hungry for him. Newt then starts sucking on your tits, his tongue slurping them making you let out a small moan. He then starts caressing your whole body and especially your hips and legs. He loves how thicker you got and soft and plump you feel, making him get bigger down there. he kisses you again, your tongues touching and then puts a finger on your clit and starts rubbing it making you let out gasp mixed with a moan “ahhhh! oh my goodness!” You could literally feel his member get even bigger and rubbing your abdomen making you ache for him. Newt then with both hands cups your breasts and starts massaging them while kissing your neck, how much pleasure he was giving you. You literally couldn’t resist anymore. You need him inside you now. you start moving your hips back and forward aching for him. “Newt please I need you ! I can’t resist anymore” Newt agreed he also couldn’t resist anymore and now you were so wet. Newt lifts up your legs over his shoulders and spreads them finally putting his member inside you making you both moan. At first Newt started with a slow rhythm, pulling it out and back in slowly which still felt amazing for you until Newt started thrusting faster making you moan uncontrollably “AHHH!!!!! NEWT! OH MY!!!!! FASTER!!!PLEASE!!!.
Newt was also moaning and grunting in great pleasure. Both of your bodies sweating, the sweat making your skin sticky and making smacking noises, even more friction, skin to skin. Newt was going crazy because now he was pounding you vigorously that it made you eyes roll back making you feel euphoria. “AHHHH-TH-I-I-S F-E-E-LS S-O-O GOOD!. Newt also moaned “Ahh Fuck! Y/N you’re so tight. He started thrusting faster feeling like he was almost coming to an end as well as you. He felt your walls close around his member. “AHHH!!! I’M COMING!!!!” and you came onto his member, Newt still needed a few more thrusts until he came ,spilling his seed inside you. “BUGGAR! ah!”. Both of you panting and sweating, lowered down your legs. He lowered down and kissed your lips and you kissed back. He was still inside you, taking it out making you let out a whimper. Both yours lips separate and he stares at you with so much love saying “I love you y/n” and you too stare at him with love saying “I love you too Newt”
Newt just lays aside you, spooning you and the blankets over you guys.Newt's nose nuzzling your neck and cheek.
“Oh Newt that was amazing, how much I missed doing this”
“I missed it too we should make time to do it more often and I want to impregnate you many times”
You just giggled “first we have to keep trying for this one until I get pregnant, hopefully this is the target”
Then you gasp in horror, making Newt jump a little and freak out a little.
“What’s wrong ,my love?”
You then cover your eyes with your hands feeling shame. “Newt oh gosh, We probably woke up Lottie and she heard us, we were really loud this time and you didn’t put on the Muffliato charm, or did you? please tell me you did”
Newt got pale because he realized that he forgot to put on the Muffliato charm and you guys were really loud that probably even all the creatures could hear in the inside of his suitcase.
Newt slowly says to you “I-I forgot to do it, we were so in the moment that I forgot to cast it”
You also got very pale and covered your face in so much shame .Thinking how you probably traumatized Lottie and thinking what you would tell her if she asked what the noise was coming up from your room last night. you were hoping that Lottie was deep asleep and heard nothing.
It was the next morning and you woke up like being hit by a truck because you only got a few hours of sleep since the rest of the night you couldn’t sleep just thinking of your daughter Lottie might have heard you and Newt last night. You look at your right and see Newt still peacefully sleeping. He did sleep all night because he’s been very tired from work and plus obviously making love takes a lot of energy. Just looking at him sleep so peacefully makes a smile appear on your face and you reach out your hand to his face caressing it gently. You thought “how did I deserve you Newt?”. You get out of the zone, sit up from bed and stretch your arms. “Okay now to get up to make breakfast for both my loves”. you then proceed to stand up from bed but then there is a painful feeling on your abdomen which makes you fall onto the floor with a loud thump, You also start groaning from the pain and that loud thump woke up Newt. The first thing he noticed that you weren’t on the side of the bed and heard you groaning. He immediately got worried and jerked up from bed running to the other side and saw you there laying on the ground in pain. His eyes widened and kneeled to the ground next to you holding your upper half of you body to sit you up, just the slightest movement on your abdomen made it hurt. Making you groan “ah ah ow”. Newt again worried and scared asked you “love are you okay? what’s wrong?”. You look up at him feeling bad for making him worried. “I'm okay Newt don’t worry it’s just that my abdomen is in pain, I think since we haven’t had sex in a long while that I wasn’t used to it anymore and last night you pounded into me a little too hard.” Newt looked horrified and guilty for making you be in pain. “Love, I'm so sorry for hurting you…, you need some rest”. He proceeds to carry you bridal style and places you on the bed. Newt then starts to freak out and cover you with the blanket and fluff your pillow. “I'm going to make breakfast a-and help Lottie get ready and wash the dishes”. Newt starts saying all this too fast until you interrupt him to calm him down. “Newt Newt! please calm down, please don’t feel guilty, it wasn’t your fault i’m the one who told you to go faster anyways it’s because we haven’t done it in a long while and my body wasn’t used to it anymore. I’m gonna be okay, okay? Please don’t worry, like you said all I need is rest”.
Newt calms down and just nods while not making eye contact because he’s embarrassed. You smile and tell him to come to you which he does. You reach out your arms and pull him closer to you. Both your faces inches apart, you start kissing him and he starts kissing back. His hands on your hips and your hands cupping his face. The kiss ended and both of you separated. Just nuzzling each other's noses. “Newt, can you please make breakfast and help Lottie get ready for the day ”. Newt says “anything for you love” and kisses you one last time. Then he separated from you. While you read your book in bed he started to dress up. Putting on his trousers, white dress shirt, waistcoat and his boots. You must admit you couldn’t resist staring at him; he looked so attractive with his waistcoat. He then placed a kiss on your cheek saying “alright love i'm going to make breakfast and help Lottie get ready for the day”. You smiled ,whispered a thank you and he left the room.
He went to Lottie’s room and sat on her bed, where she was sleeping peacefully. He smiled because he loved his little girl and he hasn’t seen her for weeks since he went to scotland for work and arrived yesterday in the afternoon unable to see her since he had to be done with some papers for work for that same day, and take care of his creatures. He then gently starts moving her shoulder so she could wake up. “Sweetie… Sweetie, it's time to wake up”. Lottie opens her eyes slowly and looks up at Newt, it took her a second to realize that it was her daddy. When she did she stood up so fast in excitement and yelled, “Daddy you’re back!I missed you so much!”. She hugs him and he hugs her too. He smiles and says “I missed you too my sweetie”. Lottie then jerks back and is now facing Newt with such excitement “Did you see the dragons!!!?”. Newt chuckles by the excitement Lottie was showing. “Yes I did and they were huge, their skin was very dark, and very spiky and their eyes purple”. Lottie’s eyes widened with amazement and said “wow amazing!!!! I wish I could have seen it!”. Newt chuckles “one day you will when you are older”. Lottie was so much like her father, they liked and disliked almost the same things, Lottie was shy and antisocial like him, she loved creatures just like him, she even looked like him. Green eyes, freckles on face, same nose, same colored hair, but she did get some qualities from you, her mother. She got your face shape, she got your long luscious eyelashes and your lips as well.
Lottie then looked serious, looked down at her hands and started playing with them. Newt noticed this and frowned. He knew what this meant, because you would also do it and Newt learned that whenever you did that meant you were nervous and Lottie had gotten that from you. He asked “what’s wrong sweetie?”
Lottie looks up and says “I talked with mommy yesterday and I told her that I want a baby brother or sister for my birthday and she said that she would discuss it with you. Did mommy and you talk?”
Newt grinned now knowing why Lottie was acting that way. “Mommy and me did discuss it yesterday”
Lotties eyes widened “And!?”
Newt smiled softly, “mommy and me decided that you deserve to have that gift but just so you know it’s going to take some time”
A big smile appeared on Lottie’s face and hugged Newt so tightly. “Oh thank you daddy I love you so much! I can wait!”
Newt again hugged Lottie “I love you too sweetie”
Newt then says “Now it’s time to get ready for the day, I'm going to help you get ready today”. Lottie smiled and got up on her feet and started jumping on her bed “yay!”
Newt helps Lottie pick out her clothes ,put on her shoes, and brush her hair then it was now time for breakfast.
They both got down to the kitchen and Newt started making breakfast while Lottie was on the table drawing. Newt was horrible at cooking even magic couldn’t help him but he was trying, he wanted to help you since he knew that being a stay home mom was also a hard job and also because you were sick. Newt made some kind of burnt porridge pancakes, some burnt scrambled eggs and banana smoothies. He literally did what you usually do for every Saturday Breakfast. As he was making the banana smoothies. Lottie asked him about you. “Daddy I just realized where’s mommy? why isn’t she here?”
Newt while busy answers,”mommy isn’t feeling well today so that’s why i’m making breakfast”. Lottie then furrowed her eyes with worry for you. She then asked while Newt was trying some of the banana smoothie to see how it tasted. “Daddy, is that why I heard mommy yell really loud last night? because she was in pain?”.
Newt eyes widened and spits the smoothie harshly by the shock. Newt’s whole face became red in embarrassment and shame. Lottie did hear after all and now he didn’t know what to tell her. He was hating himself for forgetting to cast that damn spell.
Newt couldn’t make eye contact with his daughter and just slouched a bit, looking at the floor. “w-well sweetie y-yes.. your mom was in pain last night and couldn’t sleep”. Lottie nodded her head in understandment which made Newt ease a bit but Lottie again asked “I understand but why did I keep hearing the bed make noises daddy?”. Once again Newt tensed up, unable to come up with a lie and answered. “w-well since her back is in pain I was helping your mommy and I was massaging her which made the bed make noise”. Lottie then said “ohhh that makes sense, I really hope mommy gets better”. Newt sighs in relief and calms down. Thinking that next time he will remember to put that spell.
A month has passed and you did get pregnant which made you and Newt so happy. You both had to explain to Lottie that the baby was in your stomach and in 9 months the baby would arrive. Lottie never felt more excited though she did feel a bit sad that it takes a long while. You and Newt had told all your friends and family about the pregnancy news. Everyone was Jacob, Queenie, Tina, Dumbledore, Theasus, Bunty, Professor Hicks and Kama.
Newt of course had made more time for you, and some of that time was making love and actually remembering to put the spell on everytime now.
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Love Song for a Vampire Pt.9
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader, Edward Cullen x Bella Swan, Jacob Black x Bella Swan, Embry Call x Reader
Warnings: major car accident
Words: 1874
Summary: Bella comes to a decision that tears her up but must be done.
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33  Part 34  Part 35  Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39
You slipped out of your house quietly as to not disrupt your sleeping parents.
Just a few days before Victoria’s army was expected to arrive and you couldn’t sleep. Nerves were bundled inside of you as you worried about the oncoming violence that would surely ensue.
Not scheduled for patrol that night, you knew another that was off-duty as well.
The Call residence was further into the hills, a little out of the way from the other houses of La Push. It was just Embry and his mom that lived there and his mom was already fairly familiar with you and the other boys coming around late at night. All she asked was that you guys be quiet if she was sleeping. Their mobile home wasn’t a large one and noise carried easily to her room.
Embry had sensed you coming before you tapped on his window. He lifts his window open and sticks his head out. “You know, people might assume you coming to my house late at night as a booty call.”
You flick his nose with a laugh. “Don’t be gross. I can’t sleep.”
Crossing his arms on the windowsill, Embry rests his chin atop of his forearms. “Worried?”
That was an understatement that made you snort. “Always. And it always seems to be centered around vampires.”
“Gotta be grateful to them though. If they hadn’t showed up none of us could be able to shapeshift into wolves. Which, ya know besides the whole imprinting thing, is awesome!”
Agreeing with that, you turn your attention to the night sky above. Being able to turn into a giant wolf was liberating. Feeling whole in your fur and one with your pack. Many thought the pack mentality to be bothersome, but it reassured you that you were never alone.
“I’m sorry.” whispers Embry. “I know it must be hard for you to be tied to Edward.”
You had nearly gotten yourself killed to try and break free of your destined mate. Consequently you had almost gotten Sam killed too. Reality was difficult, there was nothing you could do. “I just hope I don’t become like those wolves who had unrequited imprintations.”
His voice becomes hard. “Don’t say that. Don’t ever say that. It won’t happen. One of these days Edward will come to his senses and realize how amazing you are. He’ll love you.” Embry had his face buried in his arms but the tips of his ears were vibrant red.
Even though you doubted it, you smiled at the conviction in Embry’s speech. If Edward was willing to go to war for Bella, you doubted he would ever be with you.
Gently revealing his face, dark eyes gaze at you in a way that made your tummy tickle. If only fate had been kinder.
“And one day I bet you’ll imprint on someone who can return your feelings. Of course she’ll love you.”
It happened so naturally and without a skip in your breathing as the two of you lean in for a chaste kiss. Your first kiss at that. Not a long kiss, you pull away from one another. Down inside you were disappointed. As nice as it was, you didn’t feel any fireworks or the world shifting. Not like when you first saw Edward.
“Nothing, huh?” he sadly asks you after seeing the crestfallen expression on your face.
Your fingers slide down the chipped paint on the side of the mobile home. “Not exactly nothing. . . But. . .”
Shaking his head, Embry lets out a disappointed sigh. “You don’t have to explain yourself. I understand.” There’s evident hurt on his face but you knew there was nothing to do about it. He knew that Edward would always be your intended. One kiss wouldn’t be able to change that.
Quiet goodnights were exchanged, reassuring that there were no hard feelings. It was just one of those things. Something you had to do at least once to get it out of your system.
Above your head, accompanying you back home, was the sliver of a moon. Apathetic in it’s dark blanket but watching over you.
Why Edward?
And then there was Edward and (y/n) concerning her too. Edward had lied to her when he said that there were no feelings for (y/n). What else was he lying about. Their relationship was in limbo, uncertain and rickety as Bella tries to ground herself. Edward still wanted to be with her, right? After all they had been through together surely the presence of (y/n) wouldn’t do much harm to them. Maybe if (y/n) had been a normal, human girl. She wasn’t though, she was already a full member of Edward’s world,; filled with vampires and other matters of supernatural beings. Jacob had told Bella awhile ago that imprinting was the strongest force in the universe.
Everything about the arrangement was destined not to be. A vampire and a wolf. That already spelled disaster. You decided whoever controlled fate was a moron. A happy ending could never be in your future.
The Cullen house was on edge; waiting and holding onto their bundle of nerves that not even Jasper could get rid of. Graduation was supposed to have been a momentous occasion for Bella. With Victoria looming over her head it was hard to enjoy any of it. According to Alice, the battle was mere days away. How could she find any joy in her human life when people she cared about would potentially be hurt.
Bella frets, chewing at her thumbnail while Edward was perched at his large bay window to the darkness outside. Lacking true dark of night, there hung the moon giving off a comforting glow. Eyes of gold are fixated on it and Bella wishes she could hear what Edward was thinking about. There was plenty to choose from but self conscious Bella picked (y/n) as the subject of his thoughts. Edward and (y/n) hadn't even spoken much and yet they were destined to be soulmates. During training, Bella hadn’t a clue which wolf she was until Jasper called her up. Her wolf didn’t indicate anything feminine, she was almost larger than Jacob and had a fierce black muzzle. When she had attacked Edward, Bella assumed the worst. That jealousy induced by imprinting had gotten to (y/n) causing her to attack Edward. Thankfully it wasn’t so. Her lunge hadn’t been out of violence. Nevertheless it was terrifying and somehow beautiful. (y/n) moved with intention and grace where Edward struggled to keep up with her. If she wanted to, (y/n) could have ended him. Ended Bella so she could have her destined mate. Before the wolf pack had left to return to La Push, Bella caught the two flames that were (y/n)’s wolf eyes. There wasn’t any hate or resentment. Bella felt sadness and guilt emanate from her. She didn’t want this. She didn’t want Edward but because of what she was, (y/n) was automatically linked to him now.
Bella truly felt sympathy for the wolf girl. (y/n) hated this as much as Bella. What a tragic tale that was being weaved right before their eyes. Like one of the stories Bella loved to read. Only this was her life falling apart.
“You don’t love her, right?” Her voice didn’t belong to her. She hadn’t meant to ask that nagging question out loud.
Even as he went to sit next to her and cover her hand with his own, Bella noticed uncertainty on his beautiful marble face. “I love you.”
Slipping her hands away from him, Bella frowns. “You didn’t answer my question.”
Hurt reflecting, he shakes his head and looks down at his floorboards. “No, I don’t love her.”
There was something though. Something that he felt for (y/n). It was in the tone of his voice. Jaw quivering as the core of her heart was being scooped out, Bella can’t bear to look at him anymore. Clenching her teeth together to suppress everything, Edward moves himself an inch away from her. He could sense that she didn’t want to be touched by him right now.
“Bella. . . I swear, I don’t love her..”
“But you feel something for her. On a primitive level because she imprinted on you. Where does that leave me Edward? Don’t even try to deny it. Something is growing, whether we like it or not.”
Running his tongue over his bottom lip, Edward wants to talk about anything else besides this subject. “Look, let's talk about this after we settle things with Victoria.”
It was logical, but Bella didn’t want to be logical. This betrayal of affection hurt. It wasn’t fair. They hardly knew each other. Only spoken a handful of times. “I think we should take a break.”
Immediately Edward’s face crumbles. “Bella-”
She shakes her head, cutting him off quickly. “No, you’re right. Our relationship can wait until Victoria and her army are dealt with. That should be our priority. After, we can re-evaluate ourselves. This isn’t anyone’s fault. I’m not blaming you or (y/n).” Tears started to form making Bella swiftly brush them away before they fell. Back onto her feet, Bella retrieves her phone and keys from Edward’s dresser. She glances at the ring on her left hand. Encircling her slim finger was the ring that once belonged to Edward’s mother. For an engagement ring it was rather big, but the sentiment behind it had sent Bella over the moon. Now it only filled her with sadness. Hesitantly she slips it off and places it where her phone had once sat; internally promising the diamond ring that she would one day wear it again.
Convinced with her decision, she chanced a glance at a heartbroken Edward who could only give her a pleading expression of ‘don’t go’. If vampires had been able to cry, surely there would be tears running down his face at that moment.
It took all of her strength to leave the Cullen house and head to her dilapidated truck. Inside, Bella presses her forehead against the steering wheel and sobs. Fingers fumble to start her truck as she collects herself. If Charlie knew she had been driving while emotional, he would give her his attempt at a parental talking-to about the dangers of driving. The heel of her palm is used to dry her eyes as Bella begins the drive back home.
Almost seeing sight of her father’s house, it felt like a wrecking ball slammed into the driver side of her truck. Completely blind-sided, Bella sees stars explode in her vision. Her seatbelt prevented her from rolling around as her truck tumbled off the road. The side of her head smacked into the side window which had already shattered in a few places from the initial impact.
And then it stilled. Everything was eerily quiet as Bella winced in pain, trying to unbuckle herself. Her head was foggy though and her body sluggish. The driver-side door is promptly ripped open and tossed to the side. Already struggling to stay conscious, she squints into the dark; met back with vivid red eyes. Features blurred, but Bella knew from the eyes that this person was a vampire.
A male voice purrs “You must be Bella.”
TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch​ , @dangerouslittlefairy​ , @burn-crash-rqmance​ , @casedoina​ , @avadakadabra93​ , @daryldixonstorm​ , @blue-aconite​​ , @xanniestired666​
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pagesoflauren · 2 years
House of Stone (3/5)
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professor!Andy Barber x student!single mom!reader
Premise: Spin-off/sequel to Wooden Façade; Settling into his new life as a bachelor, Andy is helping his brother Ari prepare for his wedding to their mother’s former nurse. Between wedding planning and teaching, you enter his life and your eccentric one-year-old daughter catches his attention.
Warnings: mentions of sudden death, divorce, familial conflicts, spousal conflicts, pregnancy, and Parkinson’s disease; Laurie Barber slander; teacher-student friendship; romantic/sexual tension; awkward and cringey moments; blindsiding siblings (Ari and Bunny are menaces to Andy); Andy wears glasses and is a hot professor
A/N: Important to note that the events of Defending Jacob do not occur before, during, or after this series. Andy and Laurie are divorced and Jacob lives with Laurie.
Thank you as always to @eightcevanscentral
Read Wooden Façade here
House of Stone Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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By March, the spring semester is halfway through. With each passing day, you find yourself closer to the finish line, closer to graduation day. Closer to nights with Ivy, and closer to…
Your laptop chimes, startling you from the drowsiness making your eyelids heavy as you try to catch up on readings. 
It’s an email from Andy, clearing up your confusion about a policy he lectured on last week. 
You smiled, sending him a quick thank-you email.
He replies once more:
No worries. It’s late, you should get to bed. Goodnight, mama bear. Hope baby bear’s well. - AB
It was strange how being on a first-name/nickname basis with your professor changed the dynamic between the two of you so much. There wasn’t a need to be so proper when you emailed or spoke privately. You didn’t feel the need to stand on ceremony or control your reactions. When he cracked the occasional joke during class, you laughed freely, and he always looked right at you. 
He checked in on you and Ivy more often, making himself available to meet with you to help with assignments at your convenience. It made things easier, alleviating the stress of needing to bend over backward to make meetings with professors on their schedules. Instead, you were able to find more of a balance between being a parent and being a student. 
There was a part of you that couldn’t deny the giddiness that came with the new evolution of your interactions with Andy. You hoped it wasn’t just him being accommodating or kind; you hoped there was something more, something he recognized and felt too. 
You knew it was silly to think that way. There was a clear line and neither of you have really crossed it. The closest instance of that was at your friend’s wedding in December when you danced with him. He got a little close, but nothing you felt was violating or uncomfortable. It felt…nice. Good, even, to be so near to him. 
You liked the way he held your body in his hands. In the chaotic haze of your double life, you found yourself stabilized and almost carefree until Ivy cried. Even then, when you heard her, you weren’t so frazzled and worried as you had been in previous instances where you felt like you had to rush to her.
Sighing, you knew you could go on until 6 AM with these thoughts, your mind running towards a nonexistent finish line. You may never get answers to your ruminations. Or, if you do get answers, they may be the ones you don’t want. 
It could all mean nothing to him. He could be doing this with no afterthought about you; something platonic to help you until you can fully stand on your feet as a paralegal. 
Deciding to fully put your thoughts to rest, you shake your head and close your laptop, turn off the lights, and head to bed. 
- - - – -
“Have a seat, Barber.” 
Making himself comfortable on the chair in front of the dean’s desk, smoothing out his tie. 
“What’s this about, Desdimone?”
“I’ll get straight to the point since you have a class in an hour; the university’s IT security team randomly audits professor’s emails to make sure everyone’s adhering to policies. HIPAA, appropriate behavior, you know the drill.”
Andy furrows his brows. “I don’t think I was aware of this.”
“It was in the contract you signed when we hired you and mentioned in your IT training during orientation when we onboarded you.” 
Biting the inside of his cheek, he realizes he has no leg to stand on to argue and decides to get to the root of the issue. Though he can probably guess which emails have called him into question, he feigns ignorance. “So, I assume there’s a problem with my emails?”
Dean Desdimone pulls out a folder and places two pieces of paper on the desk. “They were audited this past week. These are the emails we found between you and one of your students.” 
When Andy leans forward to read them, he spots your school email address at the top of the pages.
“You call her ‘mama bear’ and mention a ‘baby bear,’” Desdimone states in a matter-of-fact tone. “Care to explain?”
Andy sighs and relaxes in his chair; it’ll be easy to get out of this one. 
“Miss Y/L/N is a single mom. I call her ‘mama bear’ and her daughter ‘baby bear.’ It’s just me acknowledging that.”
“Do you think it’s appropriate?”
“There’s nothing more to it than that. As you can see, everything we talk about is strictly school-related. Any discussion about her daughter is only as it pertains to her being able to attend classes or counseling meetings with me.”
Desdimone leans back himself, pondering his responses for a moment. He taps his fingers twice, not looking convinced. 
“Come on, Desdimone, you know me. I’d never do anything like what you’re suggesting.” 
The dean shakes his head. “I know you’re a good lawyer, Barber, and this university is lucky to have you because of that, but that’s about it. I’ll let you off with a warning this time, but if this continues, then I’ll have to take action and remove her from your class.” 
Pursuing his lips, Andy agrees. 
With that, he’s dismissed from the meeting, face flushing when he thinks about how just two weeks ago, he let another nickname for you slip. 
He couldn’t help it. You’re soft, so sweet and he just wants to hold you all the time, like a teddy bear. 
He remembers the anxiety that settled in his chest as he sent the email calling you that for the first time. 
It’s no problem, Teddy. Goodnight. - AB
He was mortified, but you didn’t seem to be bothered. 
It was dumb luck that he was audited this week and not last week; he needed to be more careful. 
- - - - -
As students filed in for his evening class, Andy did his usual routine: busying himself at the podium with organizing his notes, making sure his bottle of water is filled, cleaning his glasses, and checking for last-minute absences in his inbox. He responded to students that greeted him on their way in but noticed something was missing. 
Or rather, someone. 
As his alarm beeped to signal the beginning of class, you hadn’t greeted him yet. 
Pressing his glasses up his nose, he looks up to the third row of the center section, the second seat from the left. 
It’s empty. You’re not there. 
He looks at his inbox one more time, hitting the refresh button. There’s no email from you saying you’ll be late or missing class. 
“Um…um,” he stammers, trying to find the words. “Let’s-let’s wait another five minutes before we start, just in case anyone else needs to trickle in.”
He feels like a fool saying that; despite giving you most of his attention, he knows what a full class for this evening time slot looks like: it looks exactly like the clustered arrangement of students in front of him. 
But you not being there was enough to make it all look so empty. 
He watches the door. He waits for his laptop to chime. He waits for his phone to ring; you never call, but maybe you will this time.
Five minutes pass, and he has no choice. Clearing his throat, he clicks to the first slide. “Let’s get started.”
- - -
As the last of his students exit the lecture hall, Andy’s worry escalates. 
You never miss class. You never miss an opportunity to communicate what’s going on with you and Ivy. Whatever’s going on, it must be an emergency. 
He begins to type on his laptop before halting suddenly and looking up at the end of the lecture hall. There, perched in the center of the ceiling behind the projection screen, is a camera. There are two others in the corners. 
He can’t do this here. As he packs his things, he realizes he can’t do it anywhere in the school building. He’s been audited already, and with the meeting with the dean earlier, he suspects there’s already a red flag on his shoulder. 
Deciding to not take any chances, he walks to his car and gets in. Opening his laptop again, Andy disconnects from the school wifi and uses the hot spot on his phone to get onto the internet, using a private window. It feels odd to have access to the information he’s looking for as he clicks through the university database, finding your name and phone number. 
Looking around in the empty parking lot, he dials and brings his phone to his ear, listening to it ring and waiting for you to pick up.
“Andy?” you ask on the other side.
He clears his throat, “Hi, yeah. How’d you know it was me?” 
“I…the phones do that now. With the Caller ID.” 
“Oh, oh, right…” he trails off, feeling like an idiot. He changes the subject quickly, “I just wanted to check on you. You…you weren’t in class.” 
“Yeah, um,” you begin. He hears a sharp inhale and your voice comes shakily as you continue, “I’m fine. Um, there’s just been a situation…with Ivy.” 
His heart nearly stops. “Is everything okay?” 
“Mhmm,” you hum, “She’s good. Safe.” 
“Teddy…” Andy’s voice comes out like a warning, sensing there’s more that you’re not telling him. “What happened?”
You begin to sob, harsh breaths sounding like static in his ear. “I-I can’t talk about it, it’s hard.” 
Closing his eyes, his heart squeezes and he knows he’d be risking a lot by offering, but he offers anyway. It’s almost instinctive; whatever’s hurting you, he needs to help somehow. “Do you want me to come over? Maybe I can help?”
You huff a little. “I think it’s a bit above your pay grade as a professor. It’s not much of a university matter.” 
“If there’s anything I can do, I’m happy to do it. You know that. Anything.” 
You’re quiet for a few moments. He pulls the phone back to see if the call is still going. Placing the phone back on his ear, he says your name. 
You give him the address before hanging up. Starting his car, he drives over without a second thought. 
Knocking on the door of your apartment, he’s barely begun to retract his hand before you open the door. 
“Hey, come in,” you say, stepping aside and allowing him to enter. He can see how you’re still trying to put up a front, smiling while your eyes are red and swollen. 
Shutting the door behind you, you offer him something to eat or drink.
“No, thank you,” he shakes his head, looking around at the small space you and Ivy call home. The kitchen lights are on, but there aren’t any dishes in the sink. “Have you eaten?” 
He turns as he asks the question, facing you. You look guilty as you shake your head. 
Andy walks into the kitchen, opening the different cupboards and cabinets before finding an appropriate pot. He goes through the drawers next, putting up a slotted cooking spoon and setting it on the counter. He fills the pot with water and puts it on the stove before turning on the fire. 
“What are you doing?”
He opens the pantry door and scans the shelves. He pulls out a box of mac and cheese, salt, pepper, and a jar of pesto sauce. 
“I’m making you dinner,” he answers, opening the fridge and taking out butter and milk. 
He also grabs the neck of a bottle of wine, setting it on the counter and rifling through the cupboards again to find a pair of wine glasses. 
Unstopping the bottle, he pours one for himself and one for you, far more generous than his own. He turns and offers you the glass. 
You give him a sad smile, walking over and taking it by the stem. Clinking it against his, you both take a sip as the water heats up. 
“Thank you,” you sigh after you swallow, leaning against the tiny island in the middle of the kitchen. 
“Not a problem,” he smiles, placing his glass on the counter. Gripping the edges of the worktop, he leans back and looks at you. “So, what’s wrong?” 
Pursing your lips, you take another sip before you answer. “It’s Troy–Ivy’s dad. It’s his parents; her grandparents.” 
You move around the island and stand at the dining table, looking through a stack of papers. Up until now, Andy had thought they were just school documents. Now, giving them a good look and seeing the manila envelope with your name and address, he knows something more nefarious is at play. When you find the paper you’re looking for, you read it, then hand it to him with watery eyes. 
Andy reads the top of the document and his heart drops. 
“They’re making a play for custody of Ivy,” you tell him, your voice trembling as you wipe your tears. “They…they did this last year when she was born.”
“What do you mean?”
“They didn’t want anything to do with us when I was pregnant, especially after Troy died. But then, when they found out she was born, they were coming over every day.” 
You laugh bitterly, looking up to the ceiling and shaking your head as if chastising yourself for being so foolish. “I thought…I thought I wasn’t alone anymore. I had Ivy, I had my aunt and my cousin, I had them.”
Andy dreads the “but…” that’s coming. 
“They hung around for a week, and at the end, they said they were going back home. I thought they were coming around to say goodbye, but they brought boxes and tried to pack Ivy’s things. When I asked what they were doing, they asked me to give her to them. And I know grief can make people do crazy things, but asking a mother who just gave birth to give her baby to you? That really takes the cake. Because fuck me, right? Just forget the fact that I’m the woman who carried her for nine months and pushed her out of my vagina–” 
You stop suddenly, seeming to catch yourself. 
“Sorry, I just…” you begin to sob, “I’m so angry and I have no chance against them. They’re trying to claim custody and I would give it to them partially, but they were awful.” 
You pause, pressing your hands to your face; Andy suspects the memories are replaying in your head. 
“I lost Troy, too. And I think they’re only doing this because his birthday passed two weeks ago. They don’t know her. They don’t care about her. If they did, they would’ve been around, they would’ve been helping me this whole time. They wouldn’t have left me alone. They only care about salvaging whatever pieces of their son they can get and–” 
You break down, hunching over and bursting into tears. Pushing off the counter, Andy wraps his arms around you, bringing you into his chest. You tremble in his hold but he keeps you secure against him, murmuring “It’s okay,” over and over again. Maybe it doesn’t feel that way, maybe it’s a bad choice of words, but he wants to do everything he can to make it okay. 
There’s a pause in your sobbing and you pull back slightly to wipe your cheeks before leaning your head against his chest. 
“I can’t lose her, Andy,” you mumble. “I don’t trust them, who knows what they’ve claimed to their lawyer? I have nothing, and if they take Ivy, I’ll have no one–”
He shushes you, pressing a kiss onto your forehead and stroking your hair. “Don’t worry,” he tells you, “You have me.” 
- - -
Andy smiled bashfully as you complimented his genius in adding pesto to boxed mac and cheese. He made a point to clear the dining table of any pieces of paper to help you forget the court case for the time being. 
“Thank you for this,” you tell him. “You didn’t have to. I warned you it was above your pay grade but I really appreciate it.”
He chuckles, scooping another serving before he shakes his head. “You don’t have to worry about it. I’m happy to do it.” 
Smiling, you take another bite and sigh. You enjoy the silence with him, professor-student standing be damned. This was nice. 
You hear whimpering from down the hall, more motherly instincts kicking in, making you get up from your chair and disappear down the hall to the bedrooms. 
When you come back, Ivy is in your arms, bleary-eyed and wrapped in a blanket with her hair in all different directions. You smooth the strands down and bring her to the table. 
“I think she knows that I’ve been stressed,” you say, sitting down. When she reaches for your bowl, you stop her to prevent food from flying everywhere. “Oh, no, no, hold on.”
“Here,” Andy says, reaching for her. He pulls her out of your lap and into his. Picking up his spoon, he shakes off excess noodles and brings the edge of it to her mouth, letting her feed easily. 
She does her exaggerated hum of satisfaction, happily slapping his hand for more. “Mmm! Deedee!” she giggles. 
“You want more?” 
“Mo’!” she replies. 
He laughs as he feeds her again, and you decide to just enjoy the moment. You and Ivy will have a hard few weeks ahead of you, but Andy reassured you that he would be there every step of the way. 
You nearly burst into tears after she eats a few more bites and rubs her eyes. Yawning, she squeaks before pressing her face into Andy’s chest as her eyes close. He adjusts her in his lap to make her more comfortable before he continues to finish his bowl.
You can’t deny how he made it all better. With this looming over you and the prospect of losing your daughter, he holds all your pain in his hand, taking it from you and letting you see this. 
If the judge could see the three of you now, they’d realize Ivy has everything she needs. 
And so do you. 
- - - - - 
“Alright, baby bear,” Andy mutters as he places Ivy on her bed. He arranges the blankets around her, making sure she’s tucked in and comfortable. “Sleep well.” 
He steps out, shutting the bedroom door behind him, and meets you in the living area. 
“Thank you. I know I’ve been saying that a lot this evening, but I–”
“You know I don’t mind,” he smiles.
“Of course I do.” 
Putting on his jacket, Andy picks up his work bag and slings it over his shoulder. “I’ll be in touch tomorrow about the case.” 
You purse your lips, seeming to remember everything. It had all gotten away from you in the hour that you spent watching Andy cook and eating with him. “Yeah…I’ll…wait for the call.” 
“It’ll all be okay,” he says, bringing you back into his chest, caging you between his arms to hide you from the sting of reality. “I promise, I’m gonna do everything I can to make this go our way.” 
Pulling away, you look at him with a curious expression. “‘Our way?’”
“I…” he buffers for a moment, failing to find the right words to explain himself. The truth is, there is no explanation. “Your way. I meant…”
Your body surges as you throw your arms around his neck, bringing him closer as you press your lips to his. 
He’s stunned for a moment, frozen as his face reacts with raised eyebrows and flushing cheeks but his body doesn’t move a muscle. His heart races and he shuts his eyes, kissing you back the way he wanted to when he had you on the dance floor at his brother’s wedding. 
The two of you pull away and you step back, covering the lower half of your face with your hands. “I…I’m sorry, that was uncalled for and wildly inappropriate. I don’t know what came over me–”
Smiling like an idiot, Andy doesn’t have the patience to listen to a bullshit excuse from you. 
You kissed him. That was all the blessing he needed. 
Sweeping you into his arms again, he kisses you once, twice, and a third time, loving the feeling of your hands in his hair as they creep up his neck, engulfing him in you. 
You step back again, laughing shyly. “That was…”
“It was…”
“Nice.” “Good.”
“I agree,” he nods. 
“Good. Um…”
“But we probably shouldn’t do that again.”
You nod as well, “Right, yes, I agree.”
“At least not until after you graduate.”
“Oh, yes, good point. After I graduate.”
“Because then you won’t be my student anymore.” 
“Mhmm, yup.” 
Silence falls over the two of you and you begin to walk towards the door. “Um, I’ll wait for your call tomorrow.”
Getting the cue, Andy nods and heads toward the door, stepping out into the atrium of the apartment building. “Yes, I’ll keep you posted. And I’ll see you next week. Don’t worry about the paper, by the way. If you need more time, I’m happy to give it to you.”
“Oh, that won’t be necessary. But thanks, anyway.” 
He stands there and you look at him. Neither of you wants to say goodbye.
You blink, smiling at him and leaning your head against the door. “Goodnight, Professor Barber.” 
“Goodnight,” he breathes. “Goodnight, Teddy.” 
Lingering your gaze on him the entire time you close the door, you can’t help but lean against it as it shuts. You cover your face with your hands and smile, skin heating up in giddiness. 
If it wasn’t for Ivy, Andy never would have made it to your apartment tonight. Things would have looked so differently for the two of you. 
He gives you hope; a second vine crawling over your heart, protecting you from anything that could hurt you. 
An ivy. 
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Permatag: @caffiend-queen @fckdeusername @lou-la-lou @bangtan-serendipity @lovemarvelousfics @rainbowkisses31 @richonne4life @damnndeanndamnn @meetmeatyourworst @tinyplanet-explorer @vivien-1211 @unknownmystery22 @nerdygirl8203 @xoxabs88xox @mariaenchanted @gotnofucks @denisemarieangelina @myoxisbroken @kelbabyblue @pspice639 @maynay43 @just-another-wretched-egg @jennmurawski13 @avantgardium-leviosa @random-butterfly @rachelderivia @kenzieam @bluemusickid @asiaaisa77 @angrybirdcr @inactivewhore @velvetcardiganbucky  @madbaddic7ed @mysweetlittledesire @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @buckymydarlingangel @mayasreadingnook @severewobblerlightdragon
Chris tag: @onetwo3000 @patzammit @astheworlddturns @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @maeleeme @tvckerlance @thiskindahotkindamusic @fizzahocleirigh @marantha @justile
Wood & Stone Taglist: @ghotifishreads @buckysteveloki-me @blackwidownat2814 @wsoldat @sn0wpiercer @aynanasstuff @fluffysmutmnstr @emerald-evans @abbatoirablaze @justalonelyslytherin @mrswidowjohansson @majo240820
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kevingotabigasschin · 2 years
Imagine having powers like Carrie White and Jacob Goodnight becomes interested in you
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ava-valerie · 3 years
Ahhhh you write for Jacob Goodnight!! 🥰 I love our handsome boy. Can you do some NSFW headcannons about Jacob with a small, cuddly s/o?
I just saw a slasher movie and decided... it's time to write this super old ask 🤭 Jacob needs more luv! 💖 I give him LUV! (And everything he wants)
** Headcanon **
NSFW below the cut (18+ readers only)
Tags: @omg-im-such-a-masochist @amofbebbanburg @sophiewolfheart-blog
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Jacob has a new treasure captured
It's... you
You are so small and innocent, he couldn't resist hiding you from everyone else
His little secret
Just for him
The world outside is full of sinners, so he won't allow that you ever leave
So pretty and tiny
He makes sure that you are comfortable, though
By bringing you pillows, blankets
(Don't get me wrong, you are still captured in a cage)
Most of the time he just stares at you adoringly, not sure how he should approach you
The other night, you are sleeping, he can't resist anymore and opens the cage
He needs to feel you
Smell you
Have you
Jacob scoops you up in his huge arms and inhales the scent of your hair as you slowly wake up
His body tenses as the lust in him grows to a point where's no return
He never was allowed to give in to pleasure, and now he has this sweet, little angle in his arms
Who smells like salvation
He drops you on top of a dirty old couch and kneels between your legs
You can see the massive bulge in his pants throbbing and you gasp at that sight
(He's one big dude)
Without any hesitation, he slides a hand in his pants and pulls out his cock
Hungrily stroking it while staring at you
You feel a rush of heat in your body
This is evil. This is wicked. AND still arousing
When you struggle out of your pants, he exhales an excited groan
You both are touching yourselves while looking at each other
Eventually Jacob grabs your hands and holds them aside while lowering himself on top of you
He thrusts his cock inside your pussy, out of control and so very hard
The sex is quick, hot, and quite brutal
(It's the first time for him, so he doesn't have experience)
He orgasms twice and still pounds you
Cum runs down your thighs and you hold on his shoulders tight
When he finally gets out of breath, he cuddles you close in a tight grip
Pretty, little angel
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calmcoldevening · 6 months
⋆。゚☾ ゚。 Masterlist with slasher boys i write 。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
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☾ Michael Myers
☾ Jason Voorhees
☾ Jedidiah Sawyer
☾ Bubba Sawyer
☾ Thomas Hewitt
☾ Vincent Sinclair
☾ Bo Sinclair
☾ Lester Sinclair
☾ Pyramid head
☾ John Kramer
☾ Amanda Yang
☾ Mark Hoffman
☾ Brahms Heelshire
☾ Hannibal Lecter
☾ Will Graham
☾ Harry Warden
☾ Eric Draven
☾ Jacob Goodnight
☾ Asa Emory
I finally wrote it haha. Hugs you all
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horror102 · 11 months
Cold blooded- Black Adam x Reader
God bless America- Homelander x reader
Dead man walking- Rick grimes x reader
You think I'm psycho- Loki x reader
Sweet blood- Leatherface x reader
In the arms of an angel- Michael Myers x reader
Come back to me- Arthur Morgan x reader
Pumpkin pie- Michael Myers x reader
Two faced- Two face x reader
Christmas puppy love- Joe Goldberg x reader
Manipulator- Bruce Wayne x reader
Shazam!- Black Adam x reader
Fate- Doctor Fate x reader
Silence kills- Kane x reader
One shot one kill- Simon Riley x reader
Behind the mask- Sniper mask x reader
Trucker- Bo Sinclair x reader
Confused love- Jacob Goodnight x reader
74 notes · View notes
People who secretly get off more on simple touches than sex :
Carrie . Hold . Her . Hand . Just hold it . Even better squeeze her hand a few times before slowly lacing your fingers together . The sheer act of intimacy is enough to make her body sing . Positive affection ? From something so simple will send her . So do it and do it often , she’ll melt against you . And god forbid anyone say anything where she can here . She’ll send the nearest sharpest object into someone’s eye for even daring to poke fun at such a sweet moment between the two of you .
Martin . This vampiric boy is a slut for physical touch . Yes , sex and blood are his bread and butter — but truly he wants something a bit more . He wants to be held , to be petted and touched . Fingers through his hair , the way digits interlace when two palms press together as if your saying a prayer together — hold his hand .
Jacob . I don’t care who your are , Jacob is a large man compared to you . Touch starved and skittish he’ll come to desperately rely on your tiny hand on his . The sheer size difference sets a fire inside of him that makes him hard and leaking in the most shameful of ways , but the act of hand holding is so innocent that he can’t bring himself to stop . And you don’t even have to interlace your fingers , just let him capture your hand in his own .
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
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Imagine # 771
Gif NOT mine.
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - @cvasquez (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2021
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slashersins · 4 years
Do you think you could do playfighting hc with the sinclair brothers, jacob, martin, and carrie? I really your hc for the other slashers and in curious about these ones too!
continuation of play fighting !
this is gonna be funnnn !
bo sinclair
oh you wanna fight ? well now you’re fighting . bo doesn’t play fair , and he loves to win . he’ll be enjoying watching you lose again and again , and you will be roughed up .
he’s going to flex on you , remind you of how strong he is compared to you . he’s going to make you feel small and helpless and he’ll love every minute .  if you don’t walk away with bruises and bite marks he didn’t do his job . 
also , prepare for this playful scuffle to end up in dirty , rough sex . he’s got a power trip going , and making you submit is the only thing on his mind . he’ll dirty talk to you while you fight and then again while you fuck .
vincent sinclair
he isn’t one for play fighting . as much as he likes it when you submit to him , he doesn’t want to use violence , even playful . he has to wrestle with the to be wax figures enough as it is , and it doesn’t give him a power trip like it does bo .
if you find him in a playful mood , he’ll put up some of a struggle , but ultimately let you win , knowing full and well that he could easily over power you . and maybe that’s why you like play wrestling with him so much . 
lester sinclar
honest to goodness , it’s a fun silly , happy time . laughter and play growling . jonesy barking happily as she watches you play . it’s going to involve tickles and kisses and you’re probably going to get filthy . 
he loves play fighting . loves picking you up and rolling around . he’s strong enough to win every time , but that’s not fun . it’s always a mix of winning and losing . and no matter what , you’ll end up giggling and cuddling .
jacob goodnight
don’t . . . please don’t wrestle with him . at least until he’s 100 % comfortable . it might bring back unwanted ptsd flash backs of abuse . he needs to be comfortable . keeping it light and soft is the best bet . just be careful . this poor sensitive boy will break down . 
martin ( 1977 )
martin doesn’t like play fighting . he doesn’t want you to struggle against him . he’d just prefer aggressive full body cuddles . 
carrie white
play fighting with carrie is more like cuddling in a field of flowers and rolling around . there’s no fighting . just giggling and clinging and kissing and laughing . you end up with grass and flowers in your hair and both flushed and sun kissed . 
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