#Jake does not like them vampires
lemissingmask · 11 months
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[ID: Sketch in black and white with only blood shown in red of Jacob Stone chained up to a wall by his wrists, and his head lolling forward in unconsciousness, as a silhouetted figure walks away through a door into a lighter area. There is blood soaked into Jake's shirt sleeves and front, and spattered over his neck and the side of his face. End ID]
Day 20: Dehumanization
Jake being held by a vampire and fed on regularly
Ficlet below the cut - warning: blood and hurt with very little comfort (there is a follow on later in the month)
Jake really hated vampires.
He had hated them from the start, questioned slightly his hatred after meeting a not actually evil vampire, and now he hated them absolutely, completely, entirely again.
There was no daylight in this place, which made sense for vampires, but it meant he had no way of knowing how long he’d been here.
The intermittent periods of unconsciousness from blood loss didn’t exactly help with that.
At least at this point he was so exhausted from the repeated feedings that he didn’t really feel, or maybe his mind didn’t register, the pain anymore.
His wrists used to hurt from the metal restraints, especially if he tried to move.
And there had been the waves of intermittent piercing agony and dull throbbing of the side of his neck, the insides of his forearms, the insides of his thighs…all the sites the vampires bit into him…five or six vampires or maybe more…it was dark and seemed to be getting always darker, like shadows encroaching from the corners of the room.
There was one vampire in charge.
That was the only one who ever fed from his neck, and he was taller than the rest. Much taller than Jake. He had a grip tighter and more relentless than the iron that bound Jake to the wall.
During moments of consciousness and lucid thought, Jake hoped to himself that Cassie had got out safe.
He remembered them coming across the vampires while trying to retrieve an artefact. He put himself between them and Cassandra, shoved her towards the door that Jenkins had just opened, but he was unconscious before he saw whether or not she got through.
There was every possibility she had not. That she was chained up in some other dark, cold room in this place, subject to the same torments that he was.
But she would have got through.
She definitely would. There was no way she didn’t make it out safely. Jake just couldn’t accept that as a possibility.
He would probably have seen her if she hadn’t, back on his almost successful escape attempt, back before these chains. Back when he had the ability to sit and walk and move around, before he had become nothing more than an on-site buffet for the vampires and the plaything of their leader.
That escape attempt had taken him out of the cell after punching two vampires who had come for him and making a break for the exit. He had made it all along a corridor to the elevator at the end. He had made it inside, hit the button for the thing to rise above the basement level, but before it could move the doors were wrenched open and the leader strode in, absurdly cliche leather coat swathed around him.
The bastard had laughed, amused by the attempted escape, by Jake’s efforts to fight back as four of the creatures cornered him in that elevator.
It had probably been a hell of a piece of work to clean the blood off the walls. And even more of a piece of work if the vampires had tried to explain it to anyone else who might be in the building, using that same elevator.
After that, he woke up chained to the wall.
Not once had they removed those chains.
He still tried to fight. To kick or headbutt or something, but it was always a wasted effort, and each attempt was weaker than the last.
They bit through the fabric of his clothes until it was torn too much to be in the way at all. If Jake lived long enough, the feeding sites would probably fester, become infected, with the patches and threads of his jeans and shirt shoved deep into the wounds.
And maybe he would live long enough… The vampires were keeping him alive. They were making sure that he stayed alive. And if they kept him alive longe enough, or his friends would come and save him. His fading mind fooled him repeatedly, making him think one of them was there, taking out the vampires, turning them to ash, coming to save him…
But if they hadn’t by now, they probably never would.
He heard the now familiar ping of the elevator doors opening and closing.
He counted the seconds.
One, two, three, four…
The door to his cell opened.
He readied himself to kick out at his assailant. Make it difficult. Make them work for their meal.
He threw a sluggish right thrusting kick towards the tall vampire who stepped up before him.
His leg was caught, yanked forward, straining his shoulders with his wrists still fixed to the walls. The monster held him there for several seconds before shoving him roughly back against the wall, his back and head slamming into the hard surface.
No time to breathe, not time to try again.
The vampire stepped up close, crushing him against the wall, pinning him into it.
Jake tried to resist as the vampire grabbed his hair to yank his head to the side, but he didn’t have any more resistance to offer.
The fangs sank deep into his neck, some blood spraying at the initial puncture, overlaying what blood had been left to dry on his skin before.
It was probably only a few minutes, but it felt eternal, the blood being pulled from his body, slowly, indulgently, until the darkness crept closer.
It would engulf him soon and bring the peace of unconsciousness, long before the vampire had finished.
“Stop!” Eve had reached her limit a long time ago, but even still she checked her anger and softened her voice when she repeated the word, “Stop. Please.”
“Stop?” Flynn frowned, “Stop what?  Stop why?  I thought we were-”
“Stop talking. Please. Just…stop talking,” she sighed, “Unless something you’re saying will help us find Stone.”
It had been over a week.
Cassandra had been the only one to return from what should have been a routine artefact retrieval, being propelled with unexpected violence right through the back door.  And then the door closed sharply behind her.
When they opened it, stepped back into the passage she had been in, ready to fight, it was empty.  There was no one there.
Some signs of a struggle, of a fight, but Stone was gone and there was nothing there to lead them to him.
They’d been following dead end leads for nine days now, and each passing hour gave whoever took him more time to hide.  The probability of finding him, and finding him alive, dwindled each day they failed.
Most of all, she was angry and frustrated because there was nothing she could do.  She had exhausted all her expertise and knowledge and even connections in the initial stages of the search, and they had yielded nothing.  The task necessarily fell on the librarians, who were far from the coherent unit they usually were, with Cassandra blaming herself for Stone disappearing, and everyone else trying to stay positive to lessen her pain.
Eve looked up from the book she had been failing to read on known magical entities in the part of Los Angeles Stone had disappeared in.  The back door had opened, admitting Ezekiel and Cassandra.
And they were smiling.  Or, as close to smiling as they had managed in weeks.
“We have something!” Cassandra declared, “The Monkey King’s staff has a very distinctive magical signature, which we theorised Stone would have too because of the mark it left on him, and so we…”
Eve half blanked out the complex mathemagics explanation that she launched excitedly into, relieved when Ezekiel summarised in English, “We have a possible location for Stone.”
He held up his phone, revealing a map with a red circle on it.
“Where?” Eve moved around the table as Flynn took the phone, examining the map.
“Multistorey office suite in downtown San Francisco,” Flynn mused, “Not where I would choose to hold my hostage.”
“This is assuming the spell actually worked, and the staff’s magic is a match to Stone’s.”
Cassandra shot Ezekiel a desperate look.
“Which it probably did and it probably is…so, what’s the plan?”
“We need a breakdown of everyone who has offices in there,” Eve began, her spirits rising with the very real, very immediate, problem to solve, “How long have they been there, are they a legitimate business, and so on?”
“On it!” Cassandra raised her hand.
“Security profile of the building,” he nodded, and disappeared with Cassandra to get to work.
“I’ll go look into the history of the building and the location,” Jenkins said with a slight awkwardness that was explained after he followed the others from the room, and she turned right into Flynn’s unexpected embrace.
“We’re going to find him, Eve,” he said in that soft, gently, kind voice that was so rarely used that it held such a greater significance when it was, “Alive.”
He pulled back, taking her hands in his, “I’m sure of it.”
Eve hadn’t realised she had been so obviously afraid, so clearly rattled by this whole thing…but, maybe she wasn’t as good at hiding her emotions as she once was.
Stone had seen right through her when she was heartbroken over Flynn leaving again, and that was over a year ago now.
Her walls were getting progressively lower.
“If we don’t…” she began the sentence but there was no way to end it that she could voice.
“But we will.  Stone’s stubborn,” Flynn smiled at her, “Maybe more stubborn than me, and you know how bad I am.”
“I do.”
“So he’s going to be fine.  Whatever’s happened and wherever he is.”
Whatever happened and wherever he is were both solved only a few hours later.
“The basement,” Jenkins stated, “For many years, centuries, in this precise location, there was a vampire’s…ah…commune, of a sort.  Now, one of the listed occupants of the building is a company known as Angler’s Avenue.”
“So, vampire fishermen?”
“No,” Jenkins gave a disapproving look at the disruption, then seemed annoyed at himself before he continued, “Sort of.  The leader of that commune, who has gone by many names over the centuries, was known to many as The Angler.  So called not because of a love for that particular style of fishing, but rather because he would bait humans with a variety of temptations in order to take them into his commune.  Or, in most cases, simply feed upon them.”
Bewildered, Flynn raised an eyebrow, “And no librarian ever got rid of him?”
“Two attempted, and two failed.  The Angler has since been very much off the radar.”
“Not anymore,” Eve glared, “So, den of evil vampires in the basement of an office building…not done that one before.”
“Of course not.  If you had ‘done that one before’ none of you would likely be sitting here now,” Jenkins continued, “These are not vampires to be trifled with.  Some are very old, very skilled killers.  Going in even with a plan of attack and suitable weaponry is a considerable risk.”
“If we go in the day?” Ezekiel suggested, “They’ll all be sleeping right?”
“And they’ll all be there,” Flynn nodded, “At night some may be out, but not necessarily…we need a way to thin their numbers.  Take out several at a time, if needed…”
“Even the odds,” Eve concurred, “Is there an artifact we can use?  Something that creates a sort of sunlight or garlic spray or general vampire vanquishing aura?”
“What about the sun?  Can we harness some of that?”
“Maybe there’s a spell we can use?”
“Or, maybe we just lure a bunch of the vampires out of the basement?” Ezekiel said as if this was the most obvious plan possible, “Look, they’re in that office building as a business, right?  They don’t own it, and they need to keep looking legitimate to keep it and keep themselves from being noticed by the cops or librarians or whoever else has issues with kidnapping people.  So, we trigger some kinda security alarm or inspection or something else that will force at least enough to seem like a real company to leave the basement, then someone else goes in while they’re distracted.”
Eve nodded, “It could work…alright, Librarians, we have a plan!”
They drifted into his nightmare like fog over the ocean.  He knew what, who, they were but they seemed formless, and moved without really being seen to move.
They had been here before.  Eve, shooting a vampire in the heart with a bullet that steamed and hissed on impact, Flynn with Excalibur, slicing through the vampires just like Jenkins had.
But they had never been here at the same time, and never when he was alone.
They came when the creatures were here, catching them in their meal, appearing in his vision as his consciousness faded.
And they never actually reached him.
But now, here Baird was, her hands on his cheeks, looking into his face with painful concern and tears in her eyes.  And Flynn, holding his arm, his wrist, inspecting the chains and muttering words Jake couldn’t hear.
“Baird,” Jake’s own voice held no sound.  He knew he had tried to say the name, but nothing came out.
“Hey,” she smiled, “You’re okay.  We’ve got you now.”
Suddenly there was a weight to his right, dragging him down until he was caught painfully by two sets of arms.  The weight was his own limb, freed from one chain, and too weak for him to hold it up on his own.
Eve held him while Flynn worked on the other chain, then he was free.
The pain that blossomed through his shoulders, down his back, along his arms, was nothing in comparison to the burn down his throat as he attempted to talk.
He wanted to warn them.  To make sure they knew about the vampires.  That they were there and they might come back.
But his bare feet, where they touched the ground as his two friends practically carried him out of the room, brushed over ashes briefly.
There had been vampires.
At least some were now gone.
Ahead, a familiar blue light.  The back door.
Behind them, the elevator pinged.
Jake froze.
He knew what came after that sound.
One, two, three, four…and the vampire would be on them.  Sooner if he chose.  He would kill them.  Or, worse, so much worse, imprison them.  Turn Flynn and Eve into nothing more than sources of blood and sick delight as well.
They were still moving towards the glow of blue, not looking back, carrying Jake with them.
But Jake did look back, twisting painfully to get a glimpse of the elevator. He saw the vampire there, standing still.  Just watching, watching, and then he was gone in the dizzying rush of time and space.
The annex.
And Cassie, running at him, throwing her arms around him in spite of all the grime and blood covering his skin and clothes.
He hugged her back as best he could, raising one arm to her side but unable to do more. Eve was still behind him, supporting him from behind, keeping him from collapsing.
He looked beyond Cassie’s red hair to where he had heard Ezekiel’s voice, but he didn’t manage to say anything in response.
What blood he had left froze at what he saw.
Judson’s mirror. 
Cassie in the reflection, clear as anything ever was in that antique glass.
But where his own reflection should be, there was nothing.
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rosesanddecay · 10 months
Oscar Isaac Characters Eating You Out
Minors DNI
Featured Characters: Miguel O’Hara, Moon Knight System, Basil Stitt, Anselm Vogelweide, Blue Jones, Poe Dameron, Nathan Bateman, Duke Leto Atreides, Prince John, Santiago “Pope” Garcia x afab!reader (Pronouns and descriptions aren’t used for the reader)
CW: SMUT (did you look at the title?), pet names, slight size difference, fingering, face riding, mention of periods, slapping, toys, anal, dub-con, sub and dom roles, squirting, overstim/crying, untranslated Spanish, and possibly some other things (All are just brief mentions)
These are just some short, dumb little rambles/headcannons of mine, so it’s not written the best. Not proofread or heavily edited.
(Lmk if you want more in the future)
Miguel O’Hara - Across the Spiderverse
Miguel is a tired man, always overworking himself with the Spider Society. All because he’s extremely thorough, never leaving something to be completed at a later date. Because of this, it’s not often he gets the chance to destress.
So, when it comes time to pleasure, he’s just as thorough. Miguel makes sure you feel just as much pleasure as he does.
Of course, because of his lack of free time, Miguel doesn’t care where or when it happens, he’s eating you out.
You’re in his office? Bend over.
You’re on your period? I guess he’s not beating the vampire allegations.
Pick a time or a place, he’s there, willing to thoroughly please you in whatever way he can.
Miguel is on his knees with your legs over his shoulders. His claws gently pricking at the soft of your thighs as he holds you still.
If you squirm too much, he is glaring at you from overtop your heat, pinning you in place with one of his massive hands.
His tongue runs laps in your cunt, teasing your clit and slurping you up. He’s eating you like a starved man, letting out small growls every now and again.
Miguel will refuse to touch himself until you’ve climaxed multiple times. He has the stamina to keep going for hours, and this is just a warm up for him. Besides, he’d rather see either of your pretty lips wrapped around his length over his hand.
When you’re a trembling, sopping mess underneath him, he’ll finally stop. His lower face is shiny as he licks his lips and hungrily smirks at you.
“Don’t think this is over, mi amor. This is just the beginning…”
Marc Spector / Steven Grant / Jake Lockley - Moon Knight
Marc wants you to feel as much pleasure as possible, because while he denies it, a part of him is a people pleaser. He always puts his partners above himself, including during intimate moments.
Marc is experienced and he will take the time to know what you like. Marc practically memorizes your body and what gets you riled up. But if he has the choice, he has you on your knees as he eats you out from behind.
Marc has you bent over as his tongue hits that perfect spot, causing you to tremble and moan in pleasure.
He loves seeing you grasp the sheets as you bury your face in your pillow, to him it’s a sign of validation, evidence that he’s making you feel good.
His hands grab at your thighs and ass as he goes to town. If he feels you try to pull away, he’ll swat your rear until you stay still.
When his mouth starts to ache, Marc will pull up and insert his fingers instead. He’ll move them in the way that has your toes curling and has muffled screams coming from your pillow.
Of course though, he finishes the job with his mouth back on you, drinking up every ounce you give him. He’ll lick his lips clean and kiss your cunt in praise.
“You did so good for me, darling…”
Steven is the most insecure of the boys. He never had the chance to date before, so he’s always worried about making you feel good. He especially worries when he hears how Marc talks about your guys' time together. Steven wants to make you feel just as good.
But Steven isn’t as affirmative as Marc or Jake.
Steven will keep you on your back, his hands feeling his favorite parts of your body. He loves to caress you.
Steven likes to be thorough but also to go slow. He wants you to feel every little moment he makes.
His tongue hits the spots you love, but it’s methodical, careful.
Steven pleasures you as though you could fall apart if he were to be too rough. But if you grind your hips or grab his hair, he’ll go a bit faster.
He lets you have control, his goal is to make you feel good, so why wouldn’t he listen to you?
Despite being focused on you, Steven won’t hesitate to make himself feel good too. Whether it’s with his hand or just humping at the mattress in front of him.
He definitely gets pussy drunk, babbling as dines on you.
“So pretty… so pretty…”
Jake, on the other hand, prefers to be a bit risky.
As much as he loves private moments with you (like the other boys), the thrill of getting caught makes it more exciting for him.
He’ll absolutely eat you out in his car or in an empty alleyway. All because you dressed up pretty for him or gave him that perfect smile of yours.
Jake likes to be quick but efficient with you, at least in public.
Jake sinks to his knees and pushes you against the brick wall. His hand stays on your stomach, making sure you don’t scramble from his grasp.
He’d start slow, intentionally making you panic about getting caught, but as he gets quicker, you become a moaning mess above him.
Jake will smirk as he makes quick work of you, making you finish quicker than you thought possible.
“Tan perfecta/o, mi vida… tan perfecta/o para mí…”
All of them love you so much, so sometimes after a hard day, they’ll each take turns making you feel good.
Steven most likely starts, being that he’s the most gentle. He’s a good warm up and he’s good for calming down without actually stopping. But with the other guys there too, he definitely is being a bit more aggressive to keep up.
Marc and Jake will take their turns, teasing and riling you up. Just between those two alone, your position is constantly changing, there’s no chance you’re getting sore from being stuck in one place.
Each of the boys will make sure you feel good, prioritizing you above all else. They even monitor each other through the many mirrors littered throughout the apartment. They just want their darling to feel good <3
Each will take their time, only stopping when you’re an overstimulated, crying mess.
Soft kisses and cuddling definitely ensue afterwards.
“Our beautiful darling…”
Basil Stitt - Lightningface
Basil, the pathetic, desperate, possessive loner. He will do anything for your attention. He will follow your every order. You don’t even have to touch him, he’ll cum just from eating you out. He loves you that much.
Basil is aggressive as he eats you out, desperate to make you finish. Because if you finish, you’ll stay, despite his scars.
He moans and whimpers more than you do as you pull him deeper into your cunt. His hands grapple at every curve of your body, desperate to make sure you’re real, that you want him.
Why would anyone want a monster like him? Even his own girlfriend cheated on him before his accident happened.
As he tastes you, he desperately chases your climax.
He needs you to feel good. He needs you.
When your legs tense around his head and you start praising him, he starts crying and finishes as well, his seed staining the floor below him.
His head falls against your inner thigh as his tears fall fast. He grabs at you harshly, his fear causing his chest to ache.
“Imsosorry… staywithmeplease…”
Anselm Vogelweide - Big Gold Brick
Anselm is a weirdo, a big horny weirdo, let’s get that out of the way.
Anselm will touch you and do whatever he wants whenever he wants. This kinky switch of a man will eat you out in any way possible, and it’s never simple.
Per his request, he lies tied up with you over him. His arms are completely restrained as he lets you control the situation.
Your glittering heat flutters as he blows on you, smirking at every little reaction you have. He loves your noises, especially when you’re loud.
Eventually you sit on his face, and groaning happily, he licks up into you.
Your hips rock back and forth on his face, his nose hitting your throbbing clit harshly. You’re breathing heavily as Anselm eats you up, his beard scratching the back of your legs as your hips move.
Despite being such an odd man, he absolutely knows what he’s doing, like— he’s extremely talented with his tongue alone. With every squirm and noise you make, he’s watching you like a hawk.
Your high builds and comes crashing down quickly. But when you start to move off, he harshly demands you get back.
“We aren’t done yet, doll. If you don’t get back on, I’ll kill myself.”
Blue Jones - Sucker Punch
Blue doesn’t eat you out for your pleasure, no- it’s to prove a point.
He owns you, just like he owns all the people working for his club. And because he owns you, he has to make sure you know how good only he can make you.
You were in the dressing room when he approached you, his eyes hungrily scanning your body.
Whether out of fear or attraction, you do everything he asks. So when he asks you to strip bare, you do exactly that.
With his head between your thighs, it’s hard to remember that this man could kill you without a second thought. He’s just too talented with his tongue.
Running a club has its perks, including having lots of practice in making others feel good. With all this practice, this man will do anything to make you squirt. He sees it as a sign of victory, that his toy likes him the best.
Your back is arching as Blue hits your sweet spot. Your hips lightly hump his face and nose, chasing your high. His hands grip your legs, letting you ride his face more and more.
You squirt all over his face, causing him to hum in approval.
When you finish, he licks a stripe through your arousal. Blue’s eyes meet yours.
“Bunny, do you act like such a desperate whore with all the clients?”
Poe Dameron - Star Wars
Lover of the sky, Poe is known for being quite flirty. With the constant travel, Poe has had his share of hookups and romantic partners.
Which is why, of course, Poe would do anything to make you feel as much pleasure as possible.
He’s cocky, sure, but when he brags about how loud he makes you scream, you know it’s the truth.
After a long day of travel, Poe is clinging to your cunt.
As his tongue runs laps through your folds, you tightly grip at his curls.
He’s already made you finish at least twice, and he’s desperate for another.
Your cunt is trembling from overstimulation, broken moans escaping your lips as you lazily try to pull him away.
With every faint tug of his hair, he pulls your body closer towards his mouth, not letting you escape.
His tongue circles your clit like a dehydrated man, wanting you to release and give every drop of yourself to him again and again.
When Poe gets you to release over his tongue once more, he doesn’t back off, speaking as he licks every drop.
“Just one more… Can you handle one more for me, baby?”
Nathan Bateman - Ex Machina
Nathan doesn’t eat you out normally, he much prefers using his fingers if he has to.
This man prefers making himself feel good above all else, he only tolerates making you feel good. Which is why he always makes you finish quickly or sometimes not at all, moving on to make sure he can get his pleasure from this exchange.
The only time he has eaten you out was when he walked in on you having a wet dream, mumbling his name as your legs spread under the blankets.
You wake up moaning loudly, Nathan tucked between your thighs, mouth to your aching core.
As he hits your sweet spot, you instinctively grab his head. His buzzed hair provides nothing to grip to as your hips sleepily grinds his face.
Everything feels extra sensitive and good, the lack of previous priority making you extra needy.
His beard provides a scratchy and satisfying feeling as his tongue laps up your soaked folds.
He doesn’t even acknowledge that you’ve awoken, now on a mission to make you finish on his mouth.
His hands grope at your waist and ass, gripping at all the soft flesh he can.
When you finish with trembling legs, he lifts his head, his beard glistening in your juices. His hand palms over his cock as he sits on his knees and stares down at you.
“Get up. It’s my turn.”
Duke Leto Atreides - Dune
Leto is a very busy man, but he does worship you when he gets the chance.
Constantly being needed by everyone, it feels nice to relax and give himself to the one person he wants to: you.
Sure, sometimes you’re under the table servicing him, but it’s not often he gets the chance to do the same for you.
He’s on his knees, worshiping your pussy like it is a divine god. Leto is praying to you with his tongue.
Leto is so focused on you, he can’t even acknowledge his own pleasure before he knows you’ve had some release.
He has to give his baby some extra care while he has the chance <3
His hands touch every inch that he can, worshiping all of you that he can.
Leto’s nose bumps your clit as he watches you like prey, he just loves your blissed out expression.
When you two make eye contact, he makes his assault that much more pleasurable. Whether that’s adding in his fingers or reaching deep into you with his tongue. Man loves his eye contact.
When you climax, he’s smiling and peppering kisses over your inner thighs.
“I still have time, shall we go for another?”
Prince John - Robin Hood (2010)
John is a man of pleasure, and he will devour you as long as he gets some in return. Just… never mention your ex or past relationships, he gets jealous.
He loves different positions and experimenting with you, as long as you’re both having fun or a good time, then he’s more than happy.
John, the whiny man, is begging into your cunt as you two eat each other up.
Your mouth is wrapped around his length as he laps up your warmth.
With each stroke of your tongue, he moves his in tandem. Every moan you gain from him, wonderfully rumbles your pussy.
His hands grasp and pull your ass cheeks, kneading the soft flesh.
John eats you like a starved man, because despite his regal status, you are by far the best meal he’s eaten.
At least that’s what he’d be saying if it weren’t the end to your guys night of pleasure, and John didn’t need an heir.
He probably isn’t the most thrilled to be eating his and your cum out of your pussy, but it's you, so he can’t complain.
Together, you finish and clean each other of every last drop, leaving both of you exhausted.
John pats his shoulder.
“Come, rest your head.”
Santiago “Pope” Garcia - Triple Frontier
Santiago loves to tease you. No matter the situation or place, he will edge you until you’re crying.
He likes seeing you as a whimpering mess, begging for some relief.
You were just on the cusp of finishing when Santiago pulled away, watching as you begged him to let you cum.
He’d chuckle and hold your hands hostage, not letting you get the chance to finish what he started.
As you start to come down from your high, he’d go back in, licking and eating your cunt out.
As you squirm, chasing your release, he’d cage your legs in place with his arms and hands. You’re not allowed to escape him or his constant teasing.
When he finally lets you finish, you’re a trembling mess, your hole clutching at his tongue as he eats every last drop.
“You’re so cute like this… maybe I should go again?”
Thanks for reading!
Lmk if you want me to add more of his characters or do a different set of characters (like Genshin men for ex.)
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sivyera · 6 months
Hii! Can I make a request please? Jacob Black and the fem imprint reader. The reader is a human.~ Thanks in advance if you write <3
ofc! i don't know any specific details so i'm just gonna write headcanons.
dating headcanons
jacob black x fem!imprint!human!reader
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when jacob found out that YOU are his imprint, he completely forgot about bella
it was indescribable feeling, when his eyes met your
he of course started spending a lot of time with you and the rest is history
he's overprotective, he knows how vampires (the cold ones) are dangerous and it's also a wolf thing (yk what's his, is his)
he hesitated from the start when you suggested to see his wolf form but it took you few seconds and you had a giant puppy in front of you
he lets you ride on his back as he runs through the forest
he's extremely warm so you don't have to worry about being cold, he's always right next to you, ready to hug you and warm you up
he'd make you a bracelet with a tiny wolf attached to it from wood (ofc) it was precise and beautiful work, he put a lot's of love in it which makes it much special
you often help him with his father like when jake is not around and has to do some things like when he's out on patrol or when he's helping fix someones motorcycle, doesn't matter
so you often cook for his father (and for jacob also) or clean his house or just talk
but be prepared for a LOTS of cooking, because they eat a lot!
billy, jacob's father has a special place for you in his heart, you are very kind to him and you make his son happy, he really appreciate you a lot
others from the pack also loves you, especially emily
baking with emily every sunday became a tradition and jacob always makes sure he's first one to taste your baking
but they also tease jacob a lot, paul does it a lot and sometimes it's too much so you have to separate them
the pack is your new family, they protect you a lot, because you are a human plus much younger then emily so
jacob often finds himself drained from the night patrols he sometimes has to take, so all he wants to do after them is lay down on his bed, wrap his arms around your waist and hide his face into your neck, which also happens pretty often
overall he's a real cuddle bug, he's like a baby sometimes; more like a puppy
you are his passenger princess and whenever you two are in his truck, his hand always finds it's way to your thigh
he loves forehead kisses, it's his way of saying 'i love you and you are safe'
whenever you have a sleepover, you will make pizza and eat it while watching some stupid romantic movie like the notebook, but he secretly loves it
while cuddling his arms has to be wrapped around your waist and your back has to be against his chest, that's the only position he feels like he protects you
...and he can reach your every body part
sometimes he teases you by slightly pinching your but and it always makes him laugh when you squeak and then hit his biceps
he rides you to school on his motorcycle and always picks you up after
sometimes you two ride on his bike through Forks at night, just enjoying the moment
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Mine- Carrington
summary: you tell your friends that you and your boy best friend are just friends. but that will change soon…
“should i wear the red or the blue bikini, y/n?” your best friend tara yells down from upstairs. you guys stayed the night at jake, johnnie, and carrington’s house because they were throwing a fourth of july party the next day.
“um, go with the red it’ll look good with your hair!” you yell back.
you would’ve given a better response, but you were busy texting your best friend, carrington.
you were close with jake and johnnie, and loved their friendship, but carrington was your best friend for life. you guys would text everyday, send pictures of your outfits of the day, and literally were always on facetime.
tara ran downstairs in her outfit as you walked upstairs to get changed.
you slide on your bikini bottoms as you hear lip gloss by lil mama play-your ringtone.
“y/n! your phone’s ringing, it’s carrington!” tara yells while putting on extra mascara.
you practically run down the stairs to get your phone and answer it before it rings out.
“heyyy!” carrington says. him and jake were in the middle of costco picking up alcohol and jello packets for the party later.
“heyy!” you reply.
“what are you wearing to the party, y/n?” carrington asks.
you move your camera up a little to show him your navy blue string bikini. he stares at you blankly, speechless. “you look great!” he says.
“thank you! i have to go set up the keg, but ill call you back if i can!” you say goodbye to him as you hang up, going to get the keg barrel.
you haven’t told anybody but johnnie and tara this, but you have a BIG crush on carrington. the way his blue eyes look at you and the way his curly hair bounces when he laughs hard, you just find him so attractive.
sometimes, you think he likes you too, but you tell yourself that he doesn’t, so you don’t get your hopes up.
you distract yourself from the thought, going back to assembling the beer keg as tara hands you the pieces as johnnie watches lazily.
“y’know y/n, you should go for carrington. he so likes you.” johnnie says breaking the silence.
“nah, i know he doesn’t.” you reply shaking your head.
“he does, he told me.” tara interrupts your racing thoughts.
you guys ramble on about carrington like teenage girls until carrington and jake arrive home with bulk boxes of tequila, beer, and jello packets.
madness is the only way to describe the house right now. there are over 200 people in jake webbers house and backyard and you’re 3 drinks in, stumbling around the backyard.
“jake, do you even know half the people here?” you ask.
“eh not really. most of them are johnnie or tara’s friends.” he says, then he elbow bumps you while walking over to talk to nick sturniolo and larray.
“hey!” you hear a voice from behind you say, one that you recognize almost immediately.
“carrington!” you exclaim. he wraps you up in a friendly hug. you inhale his scent, his valentino cologne mixed with costco tequila.
“can we go over here to talk, it’s kinda busy right here.” he says, nodding to the pool area.
you nod as you guys walk over there, talking about life.
you guys ramble on about different movies, restaurants, and you guy’s shared love for the vampire diaries.
“hey, y/n, you looked really pretty today.” carrington says. you blush so hard, looking him into his blue, icy eyes. “you look pretty too.” you reply.
“why don’t we go inside, maybe get some pizza, and a coke?” carrington suggests. you’re starving, so you nod and he holds your hand, guiding you into the house.
“this pizza is good, where did you get it?” you ask him.
“costco!” carrington exclaims, wiping a little bit of sauce off of your chin. you giggle and blush in return.
“hey, can i take you somewhere?” carrington asks.
“of course, carrington.” you reply.
he guides you up the stairs, leading you to his room. his room looks just like you imagined it. a plush bed with colorful posters on the wall, as well as pictures of him, jake and johnnie framed on his nightstand.
“your room is nice!” you say.
carrington fails to respond as he looks you in your eyes, a glow radiating off of him as he looks at you.
“y’know y/n, i’ve been keeping a secret from you, but i’m gonna tell you now. i think your the most beautiful girl in the world. i’ve liked you for a while, i’ve just been scared to say anything. and i know it just sounds like something i would say while i was drunk, but i’ve only had like one drink. i love you y/n.” carrington says.
he looks into your eyes, searching for an answer. you try to reply but can’t form words, you’re just so happy.
“i feel the same way about you, carrington, well besides the girl part.” you both giggle as he grabs your hand, rubbing little circles around your hand with his thumb.
you lock eyes with him, as he leans in softly and places a soft, passionate kiss on your lips. you lean into him more, elongating the kiss.
his tongue presses against your bottom lip, waiting for entry into your mouth. you guys’ tongues bump against each other occasionally, and you feel a smile forming on his lips.
you finally pull apart, smiling at him.
“so, y/n, can i take you to dinner tomorrow night?” he asks you politely.
“yes, of course you can!” you reply.
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minhosimthings · 9 months
Enha reaction to you calling them “bruh” or “just a friend” in front of others (but make it smutty for my own delusions ofc 🙈)
Ooh I am loving this!!! Thank you for the idea darling I hope you enjoy this 😚❣️. Sorry for the late response! I had some things to work on!
More under the cut!
Heeseung would freeze in his spot, his eyes literally stuck on you, his ears unable to believe what you just told your sister. 'Just a friend'? His brain was malfunctioning too hard at it. Did friends usually fuck each other in club bathrooms and did friends usually lick melted cream off of each other's lips?
"Just a friend huh?" Heeseung would slam you against the wall, reaching his finger up your skirt and swiping them through the wet folds. Your moans of his name was heaven to him but he wasn't going to put his dick inside you until you admit to him that you called him a friend just to rile him up. He knew you liked your sex best when he was mad.
"If you fucking wanted my dick, you could have asked whore." Heeseung growls in your ear, pushing his fingers in deeper, "I would have fucked you right infront of them."
Jay.exe has stopped working the moment you call him "a best friend" in front of your friend who was getting married and had invited you to dinner. He laughs along with you, not even a glance towards you however, throughout the evening. Although he does sneak his hand onto your thigh and rub it a few times under the table, making you squirm in silence, he remains emotionless towards you. Just maybe a little lean in to kiss your cheek where he whispers, "I'll teach you what best friends do tonight."
And you regretted ever playing the prank on him as you tried to untie the tight knot enveloping your hands as Jay dove into your cunt with his tongue, making you cum one-two-three, you stopped counting after a while. And every now and then when you were about to reach your climax, he's look up with a shit eating grin on his face and go in again.
"Best friend aren't I darling?" Jay would smirk at your panting figure dying to run free from the rope, "Best friends don't really deserve dick do they?"
Don't do that. Whatever you do, don't call Jake Sim your best friend or anything other than "baby", "my boyfriend" or "my future husband". Because he will fuck you right there and then on the table, or he will start reciting, in heavy detail, the pleasures of your sexual indulges. He'd be shocked at first, when you call him your best friend as a prank, but two can play at the game, so he begins to call you everything he normally doesn't.
"Hey dude, can you pass the fork please?" He'd say, nudging your shoulder. Much like Jay, he'd also put his hand on your thigh rubbing it perhaps a bit too hard for you not to moan out loud. His hands on your thigh, caused a kind of friction to envelope your body, making your folds wet and thirsty for him. However-
"Not some much of a 'bro' now am I slut?" He'd whisper, pushing your head into him even more, all while thrusting his hips into you, sucking dick in the bathroom never seemed more fun to him than now, as he was fucking your throat out, "keep going baby, keep going until all of them hear what we're doing."
There is a word in the Oxford Dictionary called 'ignoring'. Now let's just replace that with Park Sunghoon instead. This mf would not forget about you calling him 'dude' for approximately five weeks or more if you keep teasing him. And of course, with no dick to fill your poor pussy, you'd resort to the old methods. The fingers. But Sunghoon would find you and he'd torture you.
"Oh not so cocky are we now?" He'd smirk at your shivering figure, pushing your fingers deeper and deeper into your cunt with his hand. You weren't getting dick, not yet. If you had to resort to masturbating, masturbating it would be.
"Oh darling I'm sorry, we're just friends aren't we? I can't fuck a friend now can I?" The bastard would show off his vampire teeth at you, pounding your pussy with the vibrator at the highest setting, the feeling had you at the brink of insanity, the overstimulation was too much and get Sunghoon, being the sadist he is, wouldn't stop, "Not so much of a friend now huh baby?"
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
Mr and Mrs Knight
Steven Grant (Marc Spector + Jake Lockley) x Curvy!Fem!Reader
TW/CW: NSFW, body dysmorphia, smut, suit kink, glove kink, fingering, PiV sex, creampie, squirting, misuse of The Suit™ (and truncheons), cosplay, established relationship, fluff
A/N: I am unashamed to admit that suits are fucking hot and the shit they do to me is what I imagine straight men feel when they see a VS model in lingerie. And Steven is hot. So is Marc. And Jake and Oscar in general you get the rest. Imagine the Mrs Knight suit looks something like this. (Also featuring the headcanons by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction for Jake's craftiness!)
Taglist: @mundivagantsoul @belle-oftheball34 @steven-grants-world @denile-xo @whatevenisagrapefruit @hagridnmegamind @sapphire-and-ruby
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It had been a banger of a night. A fun Halloween bash at the museum, amazing costumes, great food. Donna even seemed to be in a decent mood. But of course that woman could have been faking it.
You and Steven decided to go with matching costumes. In a gross abuse of Steven, Marc, and Jake's status as Moon Knight, you'd convinced him to use his "Mr Knight" suit as his costume.
Jake helped you make yours to match. Finding the majority was easy enough at thrift stores (despite Marc's insistence that you should buy a new one), the mask was what was the pain.
That's where Jake's expertise came in. Sure his main skill was in knitting, but that didn't mean the man wasn't nuanced in other ways to make clothes. You couldn't count how many times Jake would stitch up the seams of your favorite jacket that you just refused to throw away, or how many times he'd hit you with that smug smile when you blubbered about how awesome he was for giving extra life into your jacket so you could wear it juuuust a bit longer.
Your mask turned out to be almost a perfect replica of his, complete with glowing lenses to match Steven.
You were nervous when you got dressed, looking in your floor-length mirror at your reflection.
Your hair was pinned back neatly to allow you to pull the mask on or off (because unlike Steven's, which was magically suited--pun intended--to be comfortable) without much problem, and you would still appear "flawless" as Steven put it.
But right now, you were having second thoughts. You weren't sure you liked how the skirt fit you. Or the blazer.
The waistband of the skirt squeezed your waist and the rolls of your tummy, the creases in the fabric seemingly emphasizing every imperfection you saw in yourself.
Your transparent white stockings were not helpful either, the bands squished the fat of your thighs in a way that made them look like muffins, even moreso than your tummy. They kept rolling down so much you had to buy garters to wear beneath your skirt just so they'd stay up...
You frowned at your reflection as the skirt rode up your legs, showing off the cute lace trim of the stockings and your squishy thighs; honestly if you weren't careful, or you bent over the skirt would bare your ass to the whole party.
You were tempted to go and grab that last minute shitty vampire costume you had stashed away, when Steven walked in, already dressed immaculately in that gorgeous white suit of his.
He adjusted the tie, not looking at you as he does so.
"Hey, luv, I'm fairly ready. I can help you with your makeup now, if..." His eyebrows shoot up and his mouth feels suddenly very dry at the sight of you all dressed up.
His tongue darts out to swipe at his bottom lip, moistening it as he clears his throat.
"You look good."
"Oh.... Thanks." You mumble shyly, trying to pull the edges of the blazer down to cover the rolls poking out of your skirt a bit more.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong, beautiful?" He said softly, moving up to you.
"I... I look like a marshmallow." You sigh hesitantly, your tone full of self-deprecation.
"Hey, now." Steven smiled sweetly, wrapping his arms around your waist as you tucked your face into his lapel.
"You're the most gorgeous marshmallow on the planet if that's the case." He told you, kissing the top of your head.
He felt something press down on him, and he looked up at the mirror, getting a full view of your back, but he saw Marc's face staring back at him with a cringed expression.
(Dude, that was the shittiest compliment ever. What woman wants to hear her being compared to a marshmallow??) He hissed.
Steven was about to retort, before you started bubbling out on laughter at how silly his compliment was.
"That was so corny." You snicker.
Steven gave a smug smirk at Marc before looking down at you with a soft, lovesick smile.
"Yeah, well, you love my sense of humor, eh?" He winked.
"Yeah... I guess I do." You smile back.
"Now, then! Your makeup. Let's sit you down so I can work on it for you!"
Whenever you had your doubts about your appearance, Steven, Marc, or Jake would pipe in and alleviate your worries. Sometimes all three at once, though rapid switching would often cause problems for them (like migraines).
You kept your eyes closed as Steven carefully applied your highlighter to your cheekbones, the brush tickling your skin, his shaky breaths ghosting over your face.
He would mumble some curses when he messed up, but would correct his mistake.
When you had asked him where on earth he learned to contour and highlight he shyly admitted he watched half a dozen tutorials on YouTube to get it perfect for you.
You felt the coldness of the liquid eyeliner as he painted on the wings with the white liner, the silver and gold glitter further adding to your look.
"'Kay luv, open your eyes so I can apply your mascara." He murmured, looking down in your makeup kit for the said cosmetic.
Once he did, he pulled out the black tube and made sure there was no excess before he carefully combed the white creamy substance on your eyelashes, lightening them up to enhance the face he'd helped apply for you.
Once he was finished with both eyes, he leaned back and allowed you to blink, smiling that puppy dog smile of his in satisfaction at his handiwork before placing the mascara tube back in the kit.
He lifted his hand and shook the bottle of setting spray so you wouldn't accidentally sweat it off or wipe it off with something during the night (or god forbid it rub off on the inside of your mask).
"Close em again for me."
You couldn't help but smile at his level of gentleness and politeness.
You restrained from physically recoiling as the cold setting spray hit your skin and quickly dried.
"Now, do you want to put on lipstick now or when we get to the party?" He asked as he watched your sickeningly gorgeous lashes flutter open. All the white, silver, and hints of gold on your face enhanced your eyes and their color, the very depths of them stealing his breath away.
"We can do it now. I have liquid matte and regular lipstick." You reply, smiling once again.
"Which would you prefer?" Steven asked you.
"Whichever you think would look best."
He sucked in a breath that his lungs were suddenly starving for, and grabbed the liquid tube.
His hand gently cupped your chin as he brushed the satiny lipstick onto your lips, carefully lining them so it wasn't too much. He'd even dipped his finger in your cosmetic glitter and applied a very gentle amount.
"Gorgeous." He breathed.
"Aww..." You giggle, thankful for the glitter and makeup that hid your blush at his praise.
"Now then... Let's go, shall we?" He said, taking your hand to help you stand and slip in your white heels.
As the two of you left, Steven could hear Jake in the back of their headspace.
(Que hermosa... Be careful, hermanito. If she bends over, I just might take over for the rest of the night and have that ass for myself.)
Mr and Mrs Knight. That's what you two went as for the party. You two even won the prize for best couples costume!
Sure it was just a gift card to some restaurant, but it was exhilarating to hear how people adored your matching outfits.
And you couldn't help but notice all night that Steven simply couldn't keep his hands off of you.
He would get like that sometimes; working himself up like that, but trying to be subtle. You knew it was only a matter of time before an awkward boner would be the cause for the two of you to leave early, so you excused yourself to the restroom under an excuse to check and see if your makeup needed retouching or if you could go the rest of the night without your mask.
But you got a little nervous when two women went into the lavatory after you, and you felt trapped within your stall. You simply couldn't stand the glances from other women you were getting all night. You were afraid these two women who were clucking at each other like hens were amongst the ones judging you.
And your fears were confirmed.
"I can't believe that such a handsome guy would pick a blimp to be his girlfriend." One of them scoffed as she applied a fresh layer of brick red lipstick. As if she didn't have enough on already.
You felt your heart sink further inside of you as the other joined in.
"I know, right? It's gotta be her tits, only thing I can imagine. Maybe her ass, too." The other laughed as she touched up the false blood on the corners of her mouth.
"Either that or she gives good enough head that he can overlook the fact that if she ever got on top she could crush him." The first one snickered.
Your hands knotted in the mask you held in your hands, threatening to tear the stitches Jake so lovingly sewed in for you to wear tonight. You bit the inside of your cheek harshly as the two gossiped further.
"Ugh, and the sad thing is, he's cute, for a bookworm who won't shut up." The second sighed.
"Ugh, I know... I can look past the blabbering if I can see what he's packing."
"Right? I wonder if he's as good with his mouth as he is with his stupid history facts." The first giggled.
You gritted your teeth. You couldn't take much more, you knew that. Insulting you, you could take and bottle up to deal with later, probably in the heat and privacy of your shower.
But talking about Steven like he's some kind of... sex toy? No. Hell no. If you were anything, you were insanely protective over your boys. Even bordering on possessive at times (of course the same was true for the boys about you).
You were done.
You slammed the stall door open and sort of enjoyed how startled they seemed when they saw you, their jaws dropping when it hit them that you heard everything.
You hurriedly wash your hands and slip your gloves back on, gripping your mask in your hand tight as you spare them a backwards glance before leaving the lavatory to find Steven.
You felt sick to your stomach and you wanted to go home...
When you found him, his brows knitted upwards in concern at how tight-lipped and tense you were when you gripped his sleeve tight.
"Ey luv, what's wrong?" He murmured to you, leading you away from the crowd.
"I... I just want to go home." You say, the words those women said about your body weighing down on you, and the things they said about Steven burning hot in your gut. You weren't sure what to feel with this cocktail of emotions.
"Hey hey, okay we can leave." He says, kissing you on the forehead.
"Let's go."
The walk back to your flat was... Difficult. You could barely hold yourself together, suddenly hyper-aware of every roll and stretch mark on your body, even the slight double chin you had when you moved your head a certain way.
It wasn't until you were in the lift of your building that you finally broke down, your reflection staring back at you in the walls of the tiny space, crushing down on you with every imperfection you saw.
You couldn't keep in the bubbling sobs, or the fat tears that rolled down your cheeks and ruined the makeup Steven worked so hard to put on you.
He cradled you against him and cooed to you, saying sweet nothings and whispering nothing but praise for your looks, rubbing your back and kissing your hair.
In the various angles of the reflections, and the oppressive feeling weighing down on Steven... He could see and feel Marc and Jake.
Both looked pissed. Marc almost looked violent.
(If anybody talks like that about our muñeca again...) Jake trailed off.
(Oh trust me, I'll do the honors.) Marc growled.
The walk back into your flat felt horrid. You didn't just cry, you ugly-cried. You ruined your makeup, your hair fell out of the pins, and your skirt rode up more with every rushed step you took to hurry up and get in to get into some baggy clothes that didn't showcase your body.
You didn't feel cute or sexy anymore, you felt... ugly.
And Steven didn't like that one bit. Marc and Jake retreated, knowing that their anger at your injured self-opinion wouldn't help. This kind of situation was a Steven situation. He knew best how to be the sweetest person on the planet with you.
But right now he wasn't feeling particularly sweet. Sure, you were upset. But he couldn't help but get a good look at you as you walked ahead of him, the skirt riding up so much that he could just barely see the black and blue panties you wore beneath, your cheeks peeking out from the edges of the fabric, the garter straps clinging desperately to your stockings in effort to keep them up your gloriously plush thighs to keep them up.
He felt hot beneath the collar, his trousers getting uncomfortably tight as blood flowed straight to his cock.
The moment the door closed behind you, your hands, trembling and rushed, went to unbutton the blazer to get it off of you quicker, sniffles and tiny sobs sneaking out of you in the process.
However, your actions were halted when Steven placed his hands gently on your shoulders from behind, his thumbs rubbing soothing circles through the fabric of your blazer, trying to soothe you.
"Love. You're gorgeous. Beautiful." He breathed, resting his forehead against the back of your head, inhaling the lingering scent of your shampoo.
"Steven, I'm... I'm not." You sniffle. "I'm fat, I can barely squeeze into a pair of jeans, I can't even shop at normal clothing stores for women. I get looks when I wear anything tight, and--and the things I hear people say about me--"
Your voice is broken off when you hiccup, feeling another sobbing fit try to get out of you.
"You don't understand what I'm sayin', luv." Steven smiled into your hair, ever patient.
"You're the prettiest girl in the world to us. You don't need a flat belly, or toned thighs to be pretty. You're funny, you're warm, and you're soft."
You made a shocked squeak when his hands snake around you, his gloved hands gripping at your belly and squeezing the plushness there through your clothes.
Your denial died in your throat when Steven rolled his hips into you, his hard cock throbbing as he rutted into the curve of your ass.
"You wouldn't be able to get to me like this if I didn't find you the most gorgeous woman on the planet. You wouldn't get Jake to say the filthy things he tells you in bed. You wouldn't have Marc snuggling you and resting his head in your lap or on your belly..."
His breathing got heavier as he rocked his hips into you further, a bitten-back whimper dying as he swallowed hard.
"You've been driving me insane all night. This skirt looks so good on you." He says hotly in your ear, his fingers rolling up the hem of your skirt to reveal your panties and garters, making you gasp again.
"Those stockings huggin' you so tight. Been thinking about how badly I want to have my head between your legs, tonight." He growled.
Before you could say anything else, his gloved hand went up to your mouth and he tapped your lips, begging for entrance. Powerless to resist him, you let him press his fingers into your mouth, your tongue wetting them effectively before he pulled them away, and slipped down into your panties
He dragged one of his fingers up your puffy lips, parting your folds before he turned his attention onto your clit.
"S-S-Steven--" You whimper when he starts to circle the little nub.
"Hush, now. Let me show you, eh?" Steven said, biting at your earlobe softly.
You couldn't fight it, you couldn't fight the warm nectar that gushed out from you at his words and affirmations. All your mind could focus on was how wonderfully his fingers toyed with your cunt, deftly rolling, pushing, and pinching your clit in every way he knew that brought you the best pleasure, the fastest.
Your mind practically went blank when he curled two fingers into your weeping hole, the leather around his digits making them thicker than they normally would be, and providing a luxurious texture to your clit as he massaged you with his palm. His mouth trailed down your neck, breath hot on your skin as he bit down and sucked.
It wasn't like when Jake did this to you, no. Every one of them had different methods, different touches...
And Steven was particularly good at balancing out the sweet and the hard, paying more attention to your own pleasure than his. Sometimes, he would get so lost in pleasuring you he'd cum in his pants without even being touched.
This time was no different... in no time at all, he had you cumming so hard you almost fell to the floor, your slick gushing out and soaking the glove.
He smiled sweetly into the skin of your neck as he eased you forward, so you could press your palms on one of his desks, thighs quivering as you recollected yourself.
You barely saw through your haze clearly enough to catch Steven licking his glove clean through the reflection in the mirror on the desktop, his eyes closing in satisfaction at your savory taste.
You half expected him to drop to his knees and eat you out, next, but he doesn't. He just stands there for a moment, staring at you with a lidded and loving gaze, curls falling forward over his forehead as they always do.
That's when your self-consciousness rears its ugly head, and you pinch your legs together, and try to wiggle away from his gaze, to retreat to the safety of the bathroom and escape from his heated staring.
But in a flash, Steven is on you again, his hands gripping at your hips and that's when you feel the hot, heavy weight of his leaking cock slap against the barely clothed flesh of your ass as he rolls your skirt up completely over your hips.
"Steven!" You squeak.
"Hey, now... 'M not done showing you yet." His voice croaks out, heavy and barely coherent as the silk fabric of your panties brushes the head of his dick.
He groans, giving one more roll of his hips against your ass, smearing more precum on the fabric and skin, there; before he gripped the base, lining his cock up to your weeping hole.
"Fuck, luv. So soft. So wet f'me." He said, voice strained from barely contained arousal.
You squirmed, still feeling inadequate despite Steven's words and assurances.
God, you wanted him. You wanted him so badly. But right now you just felt so... so...
Your thoughts cut themselves off when he reached behind him, and from beneath his coat pulled out one of his engraved truncheons.
Placing it in front of you and gripping it with his other hand, pulling you tight against him as he thrust sharply into you, sheathing himself in one whole go, the tip of his cock slamming upwards so suddenly you felt his tip smush your cervix before he eased back.
"B-baby--" You whine, despite yourself.
"Not runnin' away, luv." Steven grunted into your hair as he thrust into you, his hands gripping tightly on the truncheon, using the bar to squeeze against your belly and hold you against him while he fucked you raw.
You couldn't fight the snapping of his hips or his raw need for you, right now. You couldn't hold back the moans and whimpers he wrenched out of you with each punctuation of his hips.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck--" You hear him wheeze as his thrusts get more and more desperate.
There is a metallic clang as he tosses the truncheon to the floor in favor of gripping your thigh and lifting your leg so your knee was on the desktop.
You let Steven guide you so you're practically laying face down on the desk, his cock still spearing you open, pussy fluttering around him at the change in position.
You were taken by surprise when he grips your wrists next, ripping off his tie before slipping it over your hands, before tying them together at the curve of your back. Not tight enough to cut off circulation, but tight enough you couldn't squirm free.
He hesitated a moment. As nice as it would be to watch the soft flesh of your ass bounce and ripple while he fucked you... He didn't want to do it like this.
So, without further hesitation on his part, he gripped you, lifting you off your feet and rolling you so you were laying with your upper half on the desktop, pulling your legs up so your calves rested on his shoulders, all without dislodging from the warm tightness of your cunt.
You whimpered as he does this, and try to wriggle from his tie so you could cover your face, your running makeup and smeared lipstick.
Your pitiful, chubby face--
"Hey, hey..." His voice is soft and shaky as he leans in, cupping your cheek with one hand as your thighs squish against the both of you.
He caresses your soft cheek with a thumb and he smiles.
"Don't hide from me, sweetheart. You're gorgeous and I want to see you."
"Steven, I..." You whimper as your pussy clenches around his shaft, making it twitch inside of your tight, gummy walls.
His eyes rolled back with a groan.
"I'm not gonna stop until you see what I see." He grunts, dragging his cock out slowly until only the tip remains inside of you, the rest of your cunt squeezing desperately around nothing.
You're barely given a moment of respite before he snaps his hips into yours again, fucking you relentlessly and hitting your sweet spot over and over withe every arch of his hips.
Some of Marc's precision was bleeding into him as he aimed the tip of his cock like a weapon against your g-spot, pounding into you hard and fast, stoking the fire in your belly so hotly that you felt the embers scatter throughout your veins, every nerve in your body aflame in pleasure.
His left hand kneads the soft skin of your thigh, squishing and rolling the plush flesh beneath his gloved fingers before he slips his other hand between you, circling your clit mercilessly, making you shriek with every sharp thrust of his hips.
He loved how your body jiggled and bounced with every thrust; how your tits were bouncing so hard that they were spilling out of the top of your bra cups, your blazer falling completely open around you, now.
Despite still being fully clothed, you felt utterly naked beneath his gaze. Fresh tears burned in your eyes as he crammed his cock into you over and over again, his fingers working your second orgasm out of you faster and faster with every swipe of his fingers.
"It's okay, luv." Steven moaned, turning his head to plant a kiss on the inside of your knee, the leg he was squishing in his fingers.
"Cum for me, yeah? Show me how pretty you are." He pants, his thumb pressing hard into your clit.
That was all it took, the friction of his fingers, the thrusts of his hips, and each jab of his cock, plus his words? You were on cloud nine, brain fried and all sense gone as drool dribbled down your chin and you cum with a choked cry, babbling out his name over and over as your body clamps down, gushing around his cock, spraying out and soaking his hand and the front of his suit.
Steven, poor, loveable, goofy Steven could never hold out too long after you came, the squeezing and milking of your pussy was simply too much for him to bear.
Your eyes rolled back and you felt yourself spasm in an aftershock as you felt the hot ropes of his cum painting your walls a milky white, flooding your hungry cunt with everything he had to give you.
He drops your leg, wrapping them around his waist as he leans in and kisses you roughly, his tongue pushing past your lips to twine with yours and steal your recovered breaths.
"See... You're fucking beautiful. Wouldn't do this to us otherwise." He mumbles against your lips.
"Oh... God." You whimper.
Your mind ticks back into sanity and you realize the two of you are still clothed. Your outfit was of course mussed, but Steven was almost completely immaculate. The only thing he was missing of his suit was his tie, and the only sign of mess was the wet stain on his front, and his cock still sheathed inside of you.
"Hmm." He hummed softly, looking down at you with the softest gaze he could fix on you.
Steven gave you a sweet kiss to your forehead before he moved his mouth to the shell of your ear.
"And if you still don't believe me... Jake and Marc want to have a word with you."
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wannaeatramyeon · 8 months
Jake Kim x Reader: Cinema
G/N. Soft and fluffy feat Big Deal a lil.
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 "You on a date, boss?"
Jake says yes without missing a beat, flashing you a grin and snaking his arm around your waist.
He sees the smirk on Jason's face, the light nudge Lineman gives Brad, and the pride and approval on Jerry's face.
The grin soon melts away though, when Brad follows up with "You going to see Rocky XX too?" and Jake only just manages to hide his grimace.
The answer to that is also yes. But he would prefer to not have a date crashed by the rest of the crew.
Heavens above, you're patient enough with Big Deal and so sweet to everyone. Gotten to know the street and the occupants like the back of your hand, spending more evenings and weekends there than not. 
However. Even with how much Jake lives and breathes Big Deal, he misses some one on one time with you.
Away from everyone, he thinks as he takes in the sight of his boys in front of him. He can't exactly tell them to go away though, can he? A rare weekend off work where they get to just be.
He succumbs to his fate. 
Imagines everyone huddled on the one row together. Seated next to each other. Cosy. A family affair instead of a romantic date. Probably won't be able to sneak you some kisses here and there-
"We're not seeing Rocky!" comes the unmistakable sound of Lua's voice. "We're going to watch The Boy and The Pigeon! Enjoy your film!"
She disappears as quickly as she arrives. A whirlwind of hair and a force of nature. Giving you both a small wave, mind laser focused on reading the goddamn room and shoving the boys towards a different screen.
"B-but we already got the tickets!"
"I wanted to see Rocky XX!"
"Why does Jake think seeing Rocky is romantic anyway?!"
To be honest, the Rocky franchise died off somewhere along V. Who knows how the hell these films are still being greenlit. Nevertheless, the newest one is a low stakes film where Jake doesn't care what happens apart from you cuddling up to him and some kisses if he's lucky.
It's calculated and planned and Jake mentally pats himself on the back for how things have turned out.
What he didn't expect was the score to be good, the script to be great, the choreography to be amazing, and the acting to be even better. Neither of you could take your eyes off the screen. You laughed and cried and gasped together. 
Thoughts of cuddling and kissing and even making out completely out the window as you're both on the edge of your seat for the entire two hours.
It was fantastic. Perhaps the best movie he has ever seen (and he could practice some of those moves too).
You're both still talking about it as he walks you home-
"When he came back as a zombie to fight that vampire?"
"And the lizard joins the fight to win the title?" Jake chuckles, at your enthusiasm more than anything else, "Yeah. I liked that."
But as your apartment appears on the horizon, he can't help but think that maybe this was a bit of a waste. That the day is over and as good as the film was, maybe he should have arranged something else, after all it’s been a while since both your schedules have aligned.  A date where you can actually talk and be in each other's company. Instead of being captivated by the screen, your attention could have been held by him.
Jake tries to shake off the doubts and recapture the lighter mood from seconds ago.
He's not entirely successful.
You realise something is amiss.
You peer over at your boyfriend. His sudden subduedness. The small line forming between his eyebrows that you hate so much, because it means he's unhappy about something. You pause mid step and he stops alongside you.
"Don’t overthink it. I had fun," you tell him. You always have fun with him. "Thank you."
Jake's smile returns when he sees the expectant look in your eyes. The way you stretch up towards him. press yourself into his space, and he leans down; meeting you halfway.
Your lips lightly press to his, eyes closing, eyelashes fluttering on his cheeks and his own falling shut. Strong arms encircle you, pulling you ever closer, deepening the contact.
There'll be a next time, your kiss reassures him.
You tastes like popcorn. Sugar and butter and salt. Sweet and savoury and perfect.
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lani-heart · 7 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously
parings -> ( eventually ) enhypen x reader genre -> soulmate au, fantasy au, angst warnings -> angst, rejection word count -> 2.2k
abstract -> are second chances deserved?
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sunghoon's perspective
Who did he think he was?! y/n wasn’t his soulmate! Sooha was and he still rejected her even after everything that has happened?!
I decided to take her stupid potion… and here I was staring angrily at the moon. My wolf was gone… It felt a bit lonely.
“And here I thought you wouldn't take the potion” I heard a voice that made my heart jump… I could only look at her.
She still wore bandages on her neck… Jake really did a number on her. He went too far.
“By the looks of it also, Solon isn’t present anymore. I guess the medicine is the reason?” she aside and she was right.
“That's not healthy for a wolf… but you are a hybrid so there are exceptions,” she said and I knew that. It was in the books she let me borrow… that I still haven’t given back.
“Jungwon and Sunoo are worried about you,” she said and I was shocked. I was happy they still cared, I thought they didn’t anymore…
“K! Slow down!” I heard as I saw a brown wolf and the vampire-human hybrid chase after him. He seemed to run straight at me and y/n as she now hid behind them making me growl.
“Get away from her!” I said and he scoffed. “How about we switch? y/n for Sooha?” he asked and I should have said yes but instead I declined.
“K, please you can’t do this,” Sooha said with tears in his eyes. “Sooha, you should be in your dorm, a werewolf can bite–” “Why should I?! I thought you were my friend! Friends tell each other how mad they are and don't take each other's soulmates!” she yelled.
I hate to admit but that was hypocritical…
“Then take your own advice,. K I’ll help you find EJ,” she said angrily. I huffed and jumped up trying to get her attention but not hurting her. 
“I’ll help… just stay with Sunghoon. He doesn’t deserve you rejecting him… I don’t like either of them like that y/n. Please give them a chance” Sooha said and the witch seemed to know that…
“Does she know K is her soulmate?” she asked and I was shocked. SHE KNEW?! I nodded and she sighed… “K can stop hiding from her now,” she said and it made sense as to why Riverfield didn’t talk to her anymore.
“Act like a werewolf and actually embrace this side of you,” she said as started walking away but I followed… which made her quite annoyed…
“I don’t think you want to follow me back to my dorm as a wolf,” she said bluntly and I whined, making her sigh.
“Go find Sooha… surely you want to be around her more than me,” she said and I knew I was annoyed about what that Riverfield werewolf did but… I wanted to be around her.
“Just because she rejected you, you think you can now come to me? Just because I'm your soulmate?” she asked and I shook my head. Was she right though?
“I’m not your backup option, Sunghoon”
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It’s been hours since she left me…
The eclipse was wearing off now and I was now in my vampire form… I had to find her. I couldn’t let her think that lowly of me.
When I was in the student council… was she always working? I knocked when she scoffed at the sight of me. “Whatever you want to ask, take it up with Wonyoung,” she said and I chuckled. 
“I don’t think she can accept my apology,” I said and she sighed waiting for me to talk. “I liked Sooha your right. But I’ve been miserable for weeks now… I thought at first it was fine ‘cause I liked Sooha but I guess I don’t if I’m bothered that K has a crush on you!” I ranted and her eyes widened. “What?” she asked and I didn’t really care at this point.
“Sooha and K are soulmates… but he rejected her because he likes you,” I said and she shook her head. “K doesn’t like me. He’s known about Sooha being his soulmate longer than he’s known me, he probably doesn’t want to interfere with the four of you” she said and in reality, it made the most sense.
Part of me though hopede it was... cause if he had to compete with a Riverfield wolf he was actually
“y/n… I want a chance. I want to be happy like Jungwon, Sunoo, and Niki are.” I begged her and she only stared at me with blank eyes. “I’m not your–” “I know you aren’t! I don’t think you ever were?!” I said really unsure of myself
“Sunghoon if you’re not sure why are–” “I don’t know! I just… I'm jealous of them. I wanna be happy too and I thought Sooha made me happy but I guess she doesn’t if–”
“Sunghoon you’re ranting… you need to calm down, especially after an eclipse” she said and I shook my head. 
“y/n… I felt horrible for weeks. I deserve it because I would’ve done the same to you, but it opened my eyes… and I’ll be honest. I don’t think I ever felt these feelings for Sooha like I feel with you. Everything is just... intense? Amplified?” I said and I could see that she didn’t believe me. 
“Sunghoon, Jay is waiting for you in the dorm” I heard the aggressive voice of Sunoo… he’s been annoyed by all of us recently.
“Sunoo please?” I asked and he shook his head. “Hyung you should leave,” he asked and I felt defeated. “You know how I was… you witnessed it. Sunoo, I’m asking you to trust me… I think I genuinely want to accept the bond” I asked and he was silent for a while.
“Do you still like Sooha?” he asked and I knew he used his power…. “Not romantically” I answered and I felt my thoughts run free again
His eyes widened before they softened… “Sunoo?” I heard her ask confused about what was happening. He smiled at her in a way that I hadn’t seen in a while… “Remember about my power? He’s telling the truth” he said and she looked conflicted.
She must’ve not realized how she put her hand around her throat… “I’m not Jake, I never want to hurt you. All of us were shocked at what he did and it was out of line” I said and she nodded. 
“Let me think about it”
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I went back to my dorm… Sunoo said he’d talk to y/n about it but I was sure of my decision. No more rejecting my wolf nor more rejecting my soulmate.
“You’re being immature Jungwon!” I heard as I opened the door revealing Jake arguing with Jungwon… “Jake, stop. It’s his decision so stop arguing” Jay tried to reason. 
“Jay, come on! Even Heeseung is annoyed he’s overworking himself because of the immaturity of Jungwon! Just for y/n?” he argued and I sighed.
Out of all of us, he was the blindest... even I could admit that. He's always been obsessed with Sooha.
“Sunghoon-hyung!” I heard as I saw Niki. Despite him being on y/n’s side he did try calming everyone down. “Are you okay?” he asked and I nodded. 
“I decided to stop ignoring Solon,” I said and he looked shocked. 
“But what about his constant comments of wanting to be why y/n?” Jay asked and I sighed. “I think I’m ready to accept her if she accepts me. She is our soulmate… and Sooha isn’t” I said not wanting to tell them about last night…
“Now Sunghoon has been bewitched,” Jake said and Jay followed to try to calm him down… “Why the sudden change?” Jungwon asked and I sighed. “When she rejected me I thought it was just my wolf sadness but then I realized it was because of me also… when you guys were with her and even when Niki got accepted by her I was jealous. I want a chance to be with my soulmate like how you guys are” I confessed without mentioning that stupid Riverfield wolf and they nodded. 
“But I thought you liked Sooha?” Niki asked and I sighed “I thought I did too” I confessed… 
“Maybe I’ve been ignoring my feelings for too long” 
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y/n’s perspective
“I just don’t understand why the sudden change?” I asked and Sunoo smiled softly. “He has been very bad these last few weeks… moping and dazed more than usual. Something must’ve pushed him to finally snap?” he said and I wondered…
“He said something about Sooha and K being soulmates,” I said, knowing Sunoo would keep it a secret. “THEY'RE–” “SHHH… K told me when we first met that he found out about Heeseung rejecting me. He rejected her though and said he liked me–” As I said it I noticed his angry look…
“He won’t take you away,” He said with a serious tone and face. “He won’t… I’ve already accepted you, Jungwon, and Niki as my soulmates” I reassured and he nodded as he hugged me 
“Maybe jealousy finally showed him what he was feeling?” Sunoo suggested and thought so too…
“What did you do to Sunghoon?!” I heard as I saw Jake rush into the council room. I felt my body freeze a bit still weary of him but Sunoo rushed in front of me. “Jake, leave,” he said and I heard him scoff.
“Yah! She bewitched Sunghoon!” he accused but before we could say anything Jay was rushing in. “Jake, stop!” he yelled… he was the only soulmate who I hadn’t touched, but he was also blinded by his feelings also
“I just want to talk to her so she can tell me what kind of spell she did to all of you! So get out of my way, Sunoo!” Jake yelled but before anyone could say anything else… 
“Jake, you should stop before Sunoo decides to control you,” Heeseung said… I peeked from behind Sunoo and he looked tired and pale.
“Heeseung! Sunghoon wants to accept the soulmate bond–""Then let him” Heeseung answered quickly… 
“Sooha officially found her soulmate,” he said and I was shocked he would just rip off the bandaid. “What?” Jake said… I saw sadness in his face, almost like he just lost something…
“Her soulmate is K from Riverfield and he apparently likes a certain witch,” he said as we made eye contact. Sunoo covered his view and mine… 
“That doesn’t concern you… the both of you rejected her, and you don’t plan on accepting her either” Sunoo said.
“Why the hell is the council room filled with vampires this early in the morning?!” I heard a familiar annoyed voice. 
“This doesn’t concern you–” “You’re literally in the witch council room where I have work to do, I don’t care what type of love affair crap is happening,” Wonyoung said making me laugh a bit. 
“I have to agree with you. y/n we have a lot of work to do, but I’m guessing the vampires have time to spare?” EJ said. “EJ I thought you weren’t coming in today?” I asked and he smiled softly. 
“I’ll be fine, but I’m the only one in today,” he said and he seemed to ignore the glares from Jake effortlessly. “Sooha!” I soon heard Jake say and I saw how his eyes lit up but then died down at her tear-stained face. 
“Jake?” she said confused…
“We need vampire repellent,” Wonyoung said. “Maybe some stakes, garlic, and holy water?” EJ suggested. These two stayed unbothered…
“Ooh maybe–” “Everything you're suggesting is myths,” Sunoo said and they laughed. 
“Maybe you’re just saying that to trick us!”
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After the incident in the morning, today was a busy day…
Now I had to go to the human / vampire council to help Sangyeon with some paperwork and suggestions he had. 
I went with Niki who was my bodyguard for the moment as he proclaimed.
“Ah, y/n!” I heard as soon as the door opened to the council room. “Regarding the upcoming Summer dance, I've done the paperwork and approved some stuff you need to look over,” he said and I nodded as he continued to explain but it was quite hard while being glared at by Jake and eyed by Sunghoon.
“Niki, wanna actually help us?” I heard Jake say but I decided not to get into their own conflicts… and I guess Niki has nothing to say either.
“y/n!” I heard two voices say… Sunghoon and Sooha who I didn’t notice until now. “I… I wanted to talk to her” Sunghoon said to the girl and she sighed and muttered ‘me too’
“Um… im going back to the council room where I don’t think either of you are welcome unfortunately,” I said and Sooha visibily deflated as Jay patted her back whilst Sunghoon stood up otherwise. 
“I’ll walk you there!” he offered like a puppy… I looked at Niki who gave him an unamused look… 
“Come on!” he said, not letting me decline. 
I decided to allow it and we walked together in silence… but not peaceful silence, it’s almost as if I could feel Sunghoon’s anxiety radiating off him.
“Hyung,” Niki muttered, annoyed and almost embarrassed. “Ah! I’m not making you uncomfortable right?! That's the last–''Sunghoon calm down” I said to stop his fast talking.
“You want to ask something right?” I asked and he nodded. 
“Have you thought about it?” he asked and I smiled softly. “Sunoo says you're telling the truth… but I don’t want you to separate from your friends. I feel guilty as it is–" "So that's a yes!” he said with a grin not caring for what I had to say about his friends…
I laughed silently and nodded. 
“You’re my soulmate… I should give you another chance Park Sunghoon”
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vanfleeter · 6 days
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My Love: Chapter 2
Characters: Jake Kiszka x Sara, Josh Kiszka, Sam Kiszka, Daniel Wagner, Chris Turpin. Warnings: 18+ || Language. Gore. Mentions of murder. Vampires. Blood drinking. Angst. Anger. Frustration. Crying. Drinking. Jealousy. Smut. Sexual intentions. Cockblocking.
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The book shelves only feel like they’re caving in on me as I pace around the room. The anger still boils in my veins. I look down at my hand and remember the way it looked curled around her neck. Then I remember the fear in her eyes. Shaking my hands, I walk over to the desk and slump down in the chair.
She hasn’t left the bedroom. I can hear crying–muffled mostly by a pillow, but nonetheless–crying. I did that to her, I made her cry. I’ve never made her cry and I’ve never gotten angry with her. At least, not like that.
Suddenly I hear her feet touch the floor as she walks across the room and towards the door. I lean forward, resting my elbows on the desk. She descends the stairs, walking past the study. Her heart rate is elevated, the rush of her blood making my mouth salivate. But that changes when I hear the front door open. Standing from the desk chair, I walk over to the window and watch her as she gets in her car and pulls out of the driveway.
Yanking the curtains closed, I let the anger finally consume me. Swiping my arms across the desk, I send everything flying off the top. Grabbing my keys, I run out to my car and take off.
Not after her.
I won’t chase after her.
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The bass of the music beats through my body as I slip around people in the crowded hallway. Making it out and into the open space, my eyes immediately land on her. Her eyes lock with mine and a sinister smile spreads across her face as she leans against the bar counter.
“Well well well, what brings you around here, Mr. Kiszka?”
I chuckle and lean against the bar beside her. “Such formality, Kate. I thought we were friends?”
“Friends keep in contact,” She sips on her drink and moves to stand in front of me. “I haven’t heard from you in months.. So tell me, what brings you around here?” She eyes me suspiciously as she finishes off her drink. “Do you need a fix?”
“I shouldn’t..”
“What happened?” She says, cocking her head. “Does your little human not satisfy you?”
“I don’t want to talk about her..”
“Ope.. Trouble in paradise, I see..”
I sigh. “She’s angry..”
“What did you do?”
“It’s what I won’t do..” I say as I take on the now empty bar stool beside me.
“I don’t get why you won’t.. She won’t live forever and I will definitely not be there to mend your broken heart when she dies..”
“Wow, you sure do know how to cheer someone up.” I grumble while resting my chin in the palm of my hand.
Katherine Wilks. Quite an old friend of mine. We met nearly a hundred years ago. She was quite the beauty then, still is even now. Never once though have I thought of her as more than a friend, even though she used to be the one I would turn to when I needed someone to talk to or even someone I could bury myself into when I needed the relief.
Kate smiles and sets her empty glass on the counter. “She loves you, Jacob. I saw it in her eyes all that time ago when you first introduced her.”
I shake my head. “No, Kate. I won’t do it.”
“But why not? Why are you so afraid of doing this one thing?”
“She deserves better..”
“I don’t want her to be like me–like my brothers–a fucking monster..”
I turn around to fully face the bar and wave down the bartender to give him my drink. The nagging urge to want to sink my teeth into somebody is unbearable.
“You’re not a monster,” Kate groans. “Despite what the legends say, we are not monsters. We choose to be them, but we aren’t them.”
The bartender comes back with my drink and I down it all in one gulp before setting it back down on the counter top and ordering another one. He comes back with another and I grab it before turning back to face Kate.
“I could’ve killed her tonight..” I admit aloud. “All I wanted to do was squeeze her neck inside the palm of my hand until she couldn’t breathe.. I wanted to snap her neck.”
“But you didn’t.. I’m assuming..”
I roll my eyes and take a drink. “You would’ve known if I did..”
“Probably find you upstairs having a threesome..” Kate scoffs with a smile. “Where is she now?”
I shrug my shoulders and sip my drink. “She left..”
“Woah, woah.. She left? And you have no idea where she went?”
“Nope..” I take another sip. “And I don’t care..”
“Oh don’t you dare do this, Jacob.” Kate says as she grabs the glass out of my hand. “Yes you do care.”
“She fucking left, Kate, because I won’t give her what she wants. So fine, she wants to be a cry baby about it and leave, then so be it.” I try to reach for the glass but she simply holds out of my reach. I huff and slide off the bar stool. “Fine,” I say as I straighten out my jacket. “I’ll find something or someone else to satisfy me..”
Walking away from the bar, I weave my way through the now crowded dance floor. The sudden smell of vanilla fills my nose and I pause.
Turning around I’m faced with a woman, smiling wickedly. She wraps her hand around my biceps and nods her head towards the stairs. Looking up, I find another one standing at the top. She wiggles her fingers and winks before disappearing. I allow the first one to lead me to the stairs. Her blonde hair is cascading down her back, nearly touching her ass, which seems to be barely covered by the dress she wears.
Reaching the top of the stairs, she stops and turns to face me. “You know the rules, Mr. Kiszka.. Turn it off..”
I haven’t turned off my emotions since… Since before I met Sara..
Her face flashes through my mind. The face full of fear as I grip her neck in my hand.
The delicate feeling of this woman’s hand as she slides it beneath the fabric of my shirt, pulls me away from that image. I look her in the eyes and she smiles.
“Just for a little while.. Take her off your mind..”
Her vanilla scent still clouds my head and I find myself giving in. The mental switch flipping and the overwhelming feeling of guilt washes away.
“There you are..”
Pulling me into the nearest room, she closes the door. Inside rests a bed resting underneath the window, allowing the moonlight to wash over it. I can feel myself growing hard inside my pants as her hands find my body again. Suddenly the second one shows up and she’s already undoing my belt and unbuttoning my pants.
“It’s been a while since you’ve been here, Jacob..” She softly speaks as she kisses my neck. “I see you found yourself a human..”
She barely made it down my exposed chest when the door flew open. “Found him!” I hear Sam’s voice. “Sorry ladies, time’s up,” He says, clapping his hands together.
His hands come down my shoulders and he’s guiding me out of the room. “Fix yourself,” He demands.
“Get your hands off of me..” I say as I try to shove him off.
“Listen, I don’t know what the fuck happened tonight, but Sara is at our place all upset. And those bruises..” He scoffs and shoves me down the stairs. “You have a lot of explaining to do.”
“I do not..”
Waiting at the bottom of the stairs is Danny. I roll my eyes when ours meet and I straighten out my clothes. “Tell Josh that I do not need you goons to escort me.”
“My my, someone really is in a mood tonight.” Danny chuckles.
I shoot him a glare before I turn away, only to catch Sam motioning his hands in a way to signal to Danny that I have indeed turned off my emotions. Danny nods his head and starts to walk ahead of me, weaving his way through the crowd and back down the now crowded hallway and outside where a black SUV is parked on the side of the road.
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The ride to my brother’s home was silent. The staring unbearable as the two of them watch my every move. The car finally comes to a stop in the driveway and the three of us exit and make our way inside.
“We have secured the package!” Sam calls, his voice echoing along the vaulted ceiling and marble walls.
“The package?” Danny groans. “Shut up..”
“She’s upstairs..” I hear behind me.
Turning on my heels, I find Josh standing beside me with his arms crossed over his chest. “And?” I say. “What do you expect me to do?”
“Gee, I don’t know.. Talk to her?!” Josh says. “Fix this!”
“Fix what? She’s only upset because I won’t turn her.”
“For what reason?” Josh says. “And don’t give me the same bullshit excuse of not wanting to turn her into a monster.. Need I remind you that we are the most well behaved so-called monsters, that you think we are, in the whole south.. So knock it off..”
“And if I don’t?”
Josh’s nostrils flare and his arms drop to his sides. Next he’s shoving me towards the stairs. “Switch your flip and go talk to her.”
“You never answered my question..”
“I have a nice, shiny dagger with your name carved in it,” He growls. “Do not make me have to use it.. I’ll keep you limbo for another hundred years if I have to.”
“You dare to threaten me with that?” I scoff. “How original brother.”
“Just go..” He says, shoving me up the stairs.
Begrudgingly, I make my way up the stairs. I can already smell her. Her scent is unmistakable and undeniable. When I turn the corner I spy her in the hallway coming out of one of the rooms, and when she sees me, she darks back in and slamming the door shut. The click of the lock echoing in the massive hall. Taking in a deep breath, I close my eyes and switch that mental flip. Soon all of it comes rushing back. Even the guilt of nearly sleeping with another woman.
Knocking on the door, I wait for her to answer. When she doesn’t, I try again. “Sara, may we-”
Oh.. Stern.
“Sara, we need-”
“Go away, Jake..”
Her voice is softer this time. I can almost hear it wavering as the sadness slowly consumes her. How can one simple argument ruin everything? How could I have been so rough with her? I have never laid my hands on her like that. Not unless she had asked me to do it. Which she has.
Now is not the time.
Taking matters into my own hands, I grip the handle and turn the knob. The spike in her pulse is evident as I shove the door open. My eyes meet hers and they aren’t filled with fear after I just broke into the room, but they’re filled with anger. Not the sadness that I had heard in her voice. Pure, white anger. Can I blame her? Not in the slightest. Seeing her angry like that makes me want her. I crave her. I need her.
“Why can’t you listen?” She says. “I said to go away.”
“You should know by now that I don’t listen very well.”
She scoffs, folding her arms over her chest. “Clearly..”
“We need to talk..”
“There’s nothing to talk about.. You made yourself very clear.. So don’t waste your time with me, I’m sure that blonde bimbo would love to continue where you left off.”
Blonde bimbo.
She’s jealous.
A pillow slams into my face, taking me by surprise and making me stumble. “Wipe that smirk off your face..”
“I’m sorry-”
“You’re disgusting..”
“Are you ordering me?”
“So what if I am?” She says. “You’re not the only one that’s in charge.”
In a second I’m in her face, her scent heavy and intoxicating. My nose nearly touches hers as I lean down to kiss her. When our lips connect, I pull her body close to mine.
“I could never love another,” I whisper against her lips. “You know that.”
“So dramatic..” She says as she pushes me away.
A light chuckle leaves me and I draw her near again, walking her backwards towards the bed. “In all of my five hundred years, I have never met someone quite like you. Someone who can love so fiercely yet be so damn jealous at the same time.”
“Stop doing that..”
“Stop doing what?”
She tries to shove me away but I only hold her closer. “Stop talking like that..”
“Why? I thought you loved it..” I press my lips to her neck and suck on the soft skin. “And I’m not dramatic, love, I’m romantic. A poet if you will.”
Feeling the fabric of her nightgown, I look down and tsk as I take in her look.
“You dare show up to my brother’s home dressed like this?”
Bending down, just the slightest, I hook my hands around her thighs and lift her up onto my hips.
“Now who’s the jealous one?”
I smile and squeeze her thighs. “So you were jealous..” I lay her down on the bed, hovering over top of her as I use a hand to push up her nightgown to her hips, exposing her glorious center. She makes fast work on undoing my belt and my pants and pushes them down my hips. I reach my hand down from her hip and guide myself to her entrance.
I start to slowly push in when a knock comes on the door. “Sorry to interrupt,” Follows a voice.
Both of us look over. I groan aloud and pull away before standing straight and shoving myself back into my pants. Sara’s moving to sit up, pulling her nightgown back down.
“Christopher..” I mutter.
“What? Not excited to see me?”
“Considering what you just broke up? No..”
He chuckles and leans against the threshold. “I’m here for business.. It’s important..”
I glance over at Sara and nod my head towards the door. I reach for her hand as she walks by and I pull her back. “Do not come upstairs until I tell you to, understand?” I say into her ear. “Stay away.” She meekly nods her head and I let her go.
I clear my throat when I catch him watching her as she leaves. He rolls his eyes and steps into the room. “Just one little nip..” He says.
“Touch her and I will kill you.”
“Exactly why I’m here,” Chris says as he walks over to the bed and sits down. “Well partially..”
“Alright,” I lean against the bedpost. “Why are you here then?”
“I have been sent here from London to investigate the recent murders along the eastern seaboard,” Chris says as he stands back to his feet.
“Well I can certainly tell you that it’s not me committing these murders, if that’s what you’re insinuating.”
Chris chuckles but shakes his head. “I fully believe that you are not responsible for them,” He says. “You seem rather…occupied.” He says, directing his eyes towards the door that Sara left through. “I still don’t understand why you waste your time with a human..”
“No, truly, Jacob.. What if you turn her and she becomes like one of the newborns? The newborn that happens to be terrorizing the East Coast as we speak.”
“I’m not turning her..” I say. “For that exact reason.. We are monsters, whether my brothers choose to believe the myths or not, that is what we are. How can I trust that she won’t be the same?”
Chris nods his head. “At least that we can agree on..” He runs a hand through his hair. “You are the most experienced dealing with newborns.. You know how they operate..”
“Considering we all were one once?” I say, raising my eyebrows. “And I assume that you are requesting my assistance in tracking down this newborn?”
“Where do you need me then?”
Chris starts for the door. “The latest one was in Boston, I expect to see you there tomorrow morning.. I would suggest now, but seeing what I interrupted,” He smirks. “I suggest you get some use out of her because you will be gone for a while.”
He turns back around and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Rolling my eyes, I go back to sit on the bed. The collar of my shirt suddenly felt tighter around my neck. Grabbing at the fabric, I pull it apart and undo the cuffs of my sleeves.
A soft knock comes on the door and I turn my head to see Sara peeking her head in. I wave her over and she slips back into the room, quietly closing the door behind her.
“Chris is..” She clears her throat. “Interesting..”
“He is indeed,” I chuckle. I pull her onto my lap, my hands gripping her hips. “And didn’t I tell you not to come back up until I called you?”
“You should know by now, Jake,” She says. “That I do not listen very well.”
“Hmm..” I smiled at her. “I do know..”
“So what did he want?” She asks. “If I am allowed to know?”
I inhale and cock my head to the side. “There is a newborn killing up and down the East Coast. Chris has requested my help in catching this newborn.”
“Oh.. So you must be leaving soon?”
I nod my head. “He wants me in Boston by tomorrow morning.”
“That does not give us much time then,” She says.
“To do what?” I ask as I run my hands underneath her nightgown. “To make up?” She nods her head and I smile. “It’s plenty of time.. And besides, he’ll survive if I show up a little late.. A newborn can’t survive in the sun until they have the proper means to do so.”
“And what would that be?”
I bring my hand up to her face and rest my index finger against her lips. “You ask too many questions.. Stop wasting the limited time we have before I leave.”
“I’m only curious.”
“And I am only craving you.”
“Not worried your brothers might hear us?”
“They wouldn’t have to hear us if we’d been at our own home..” I say and she smiles. “Next time you decide to leave home, do not come here.”
“Afraid that Josh might try something?”
I chuckle. “No, I am not afraid that Josh will try something.. It’s Sam that I am afraid of.” I pinch her thighs and she gasps. “Now stop talking…”
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if i have missed you and you would like to added to the taglist for this, please do not hesitate to comment or message me!
@losfacedevil @writingcold @edgingthedarkness @i-love-gvf @katuschka @josh-iamyour-mama (more tags in comments)
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Homestuck Mythical Creature au / Cryptid Au
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Very tempted to make an ask blop :p need to see if anyones inch rested
thought processes under the cut (bc some choices are wild)
Johns a pooka, an irish fae trickster who shapeshifts into animals. his favorite form is the bunny. john and jane are both fae, so their pranks range from harmless to mentally scaring to life altering. absolute chaos grimlins. dirk is also an irish myth, so he knows them well and is often trying to get them to not ruin the local population of humans. so they do pranks on him insted. john loves to steal dirks head and hide it places.
rose speaks to the eldritch horrors and is slowly becoming one herself. she wants to become a litch.
Dave is a harpy! a very chill one who doesn't tend to sing with his full chest, so people dont start crashing into his doorstep. dave dies in some magic accident that caused davesprite to rise up from the ashes. but dave harpy is ALSO fine no ones really sure how. may have been roses doing.
Jade is a werewolf obv. but shes also a witch and has formed a coven with rose and roxy.
Jane is ur avrage fae faerie/sprite. her favorite fae rule to get people to break is "dont eat their food."
Roxy is both a cat who is also a wizard i need not elaborate
Dirk is a headless horseman. not to be confused with THE headless horse man. thats another dullhan with a well paying halloween gig. dirk is often subject to losing his head, so he made a magic pumpkin to pilot the body when this happens. he does have a very large and scary but beautiful horse.
Jake is the bigfoot. and one of the most well hunted (and well travled) cryptids. thus, his friends often make jokes of not ever seeing him except in blurry images. its not his fault hes very large and loves to travel! and is also not very photogenic...
Aradia is a monthra!!! however she made a deal with a devil and became a ghost... not sure WHY yet or why it kills her. but it does. its all in her plan or smth, but that doesnt stop sollux from being very upset that hes the one that has to take and keep her soul. she is reserected later by the coven, still soulless but it doesnt matter bc her soul is in good hands and thus she still feels it. shes much happier now.
Tavros is a minotar self explanatory he is a small minotar, tho. a mini minotar if u will.
Sollux is ur run of the mill soul for potato chip demon. an excuse to give him twin tails and horns. him an kitkat gave me the most trouble! but then i went with a solkat devil angel motifi and im kinda attached t9 it now. even if its sorta a cop out. i simply couldnt find twin creatures that werent gods or children of gods. nor any crab creatures...
Karkat is an angel. he WAS human notably he was human for awhile even good friends with kanaya before he died. he never found love but helped so many with theres that he became an angel that was a lot like cupid. thus he was a small angel incharge of match making and also likened to a baby and hes very much NOT happy about this. it pisses him off, solluxs often gives him a hard time. about it. (extra angst is that kitkats also really fucked up about never knowing what love felt like but having to give it to others. and he has it in his head that that means he never will know, bc no ones matchmaking the matchmaker. but theres a song he hears everyonece anwhile by a stray harpy that makes him feel a lot lighter.)
Nepeta is my go to cat creature a nekomata. a two tailed cat yokai.
Kanaya is a vampire. obviously.
Terezi is a dragon! still blind! still licks. but can now transform and has wings, very scary. shes basiclly just her lusus lmao.
Vriska is a spider lady. i have arachne here bc its similar, but shes not arachne the myth proper. shes just a spider with the top part of a woman at the head. A Jorogumo a spider lady yokai and is basically actually what im picturing.
Equius is a centar and fuck if i ever have to draw him....
Gamzee is a clowwwn, just a clown, just a silly lil guy. What do you MEAN clowns arnt mythical creatures??? what do u mean u saw him under ur bed when you were a child? u must be mistaken. as a nod to ICPs boogieman. when gamzee is not high as a kite and is just a clown, he is one of the most terrifying and unkillable creatures known to children kind.
Eridan is a selkie. basiclly a mermaid but part seal. personally, I'd like to make him part seahorse. but not in the hippocampus way. i chose this bc he can shapeshift, thus he pretends to be a high elf sorcerer, yes he does get dunked on about this.
And finally, Feferi is a siren! who happens to be able to become very VERY **VERY** BIG. she doesnt lure people to drown them but she DOES love to keep live captives in cages :)
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junkdrawerfics · 1 year
Swan Sisters (Part 1)
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Jasper Whitlock X Reader
Bella Swan and Sister!Reader focus
Request:  Hello :D, I did like to make a request where Jasper's mate is Bella's older sister that lived with Charlie instead of going with her mother, so she was turned into a vampire even before Bella comes back so when she moves to Forks the reader avoids Bella for some time.
Note: I have attempted, though it definitely ran away from me! Part 2 coming soon, because I felt like it was getting too long. I really loved this request, and I hope I'm doing it justice.
Word Count: 3962
Warnings: None that I can think of! Maybe a bit jumpy, also does not really follow the book timeline, so apologies to any hardcore fans out there! There's gonna be discrepancies.
“Bella’s gonna come live with us for a while.”
Your head shoots up, eyes impossibly wide as you stare at Charlie, your father.
“Yup. Your mom’s hitting the road with Bill, so Bells is going to come stay here,” Charlie explains as if it’s the simplest thing in the world.
“His name is Phil, dad,” you snort, though you still can’t wrap your mind around the news.
“Close enough,” he grumbles as he goes back to his paper.
You let out a heavy sigh, an old habit, and wring your fingers together.
This is really not good. Really really not good. 
You haven’t seen your younger sister since you were turned. It’s hard enough being around Charlie, you had to go on a month long “roadtrip” to adjust, which was actually just a month at the Cullen’s Alaskan home with Jasper. It’s easier when you’re with him, since he helps keep you in control. Everything is easier with Jasper by your side.
But you can’t have him at your side all the time here, in your home. Charlie wouldn’t like that. You cope for the most part, since you just graduated and work from home. Billy and Jake are the only ones who visit, and they don’t exactly smell all that great. Besides them, it’s still a struggle to be around other humans, and the thought that you might hurt Bella? It makes your chest hurt.
“I’m going for a run,” you mumble, throat tight, and you can’t tell if it’s thirst or anxiety. Either way, the buzzing under your skin is only getting worse the longer you do nothing.
“Take some mace with you, there’s been some weird animal activity in the woods recently,” Charlie calls as you head for the door.
“Sure thing.”
You tuck the canister of mace into your pocket despite knowing how pointless it is. You could handle anything in the woods with your bare hands, but if it helps Charlie feel at ease, you might as well.
You get a few paces from the house before you take off like a bullet. The forest whips by, blurry and focused all at once. Every deer, every squirrel, every spider, you can feel it, hear it as clearly as you can hear your feet pounding against the ground. And you can hear voices ahead of you as you near the glassy house tucked deep in the forest.
Alice must have seen you coming, because Jasper is waiting on the doorsteps, dark eyebrows set in concern, jaw tense. You come to a stuttering stop in front of him, practically falling into his arms when he opens them for you. The moment they wrap around you, all the anxiety, the worry, the fear, dims into a low hum, replaced with something warm and comforting and so Jasper.
His question rests heavily in the silent moment you take to compose yourself, to just breathe in his scent. Old books and gunpowder. He hasn’t touched a gun in ages, but somehow it lingers, and you love it. It reminds you that everything turns out for the better, just like you and him.
“Bella’s coming to stay with us,” you confide into his neck, fingers curling in his sweatshirt.
Jasper’s arms tighten just a fraction around you. “You’re scared.”
“More like terrified,” you breathe and pull back to look into his eyes, golden just like yours, like the sun. If you didn’t feel so much like crying, you’d bask in it, but you can’t do either now, and all that comes out is your voice, broken and shaky, “I don’t want to hurt her, Jas. She’s my little sister. I can’t hurt her.”
“You won’t,” Jasper insists softly, hands coming up to hold your face, fingers cool and smooth against your cheeks.
“How can you be sure?” 
“Because, darlin’, you care too much. Under this fear, you’re all…stubbornness.” The corners of his lips quirk up. “But if you’d like, we could take another trip, jus’ you and me. I hear Brazil’s nice this time of year.”
You shake your head, “As much as I love the sound of that, cowboy, I don’t think my dad will be such a fan of me disappearing again.”
“That’s a shame, I sure wouldn’t mind seein’ you-”
“Jas.” You narrow your eyes, and the vampire smirks.
“Yes, darlin’?”
“Let’s stay on topic, shall we?” You chirp, resisting your own urge to smile.
“My apologies, ma’am.” Jasper gives you a mock bow and takes your hand to press a kiss to your knuckles, eyes dancing with mirth as he looks up at you.
This does get you to smile, “You are ridiculous, mister.”
“And you’ve calmed down.”
You pause, check in with yourself. Jasper always seems to be more aware of your feelings than you are thanks to his ability. And he’s right, you do feel calmer. Your mind is clearer and the urge to run has dimmed. The worry is still there though.
You can’t let her figure out what you’ve become, or what the Cullens are. You don’t want to leave Forks, after all, and you can’t leave Charlie behind. So you’ll just have to make sure she doesn’t figure it out. Shouldn’t be that hard, right?
The moment Bella steps into the house, you realize just how wrong you are.
The scent of fresh blood hits you like a truck, or perhaps something worse considering you could handle a truck now. A werewolf maybe. It makes you falter, chest completely freezing as you stop breathing all together.
You were very, very wrong.
“Hey, Tinkerbell,” you greet her, forcing every bit of warmth into your voice despite the pain creeping up your throat.
Bella rolls her eyes, but a smile pulls at her lips as she sets her suitcase down, “I told you to stop calling me that.”
“Sorry, but it’s a forever thing, hun,” you chirp and move to give her a quick hug. She accepts it far too awkwardly, which you’d tease her for any other day, but you’re more focused on putting some distance between you. “So, how was the trip?”
Your sister looks at you for a moment, something unreadable in her eyes, which makes you shuffle your feet out of habit. Did she notice the cold skin thing? You’d put on several layers though, and you’ve both always run cold. Maybe your eyes? No, no you’re wearing the contacts. 
“You look different.”
You feign innocence, casting her a confused glance, “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know…”
“Your sister’s on a big health kick, she’s looked different since she started.”
Thank God for Charlie.
“Health kick?” Bella raises an eyebrow at you, far too smug for your liking.
“All you’re nagging finally paid off,” you huff, secretly relieved.
“Not on me,” Charlie points out, almost proudly.
This takes most of the attention off of you thankfully, as Bella turns to chastise your father and they fall into an all too familiar debate. She’s still the same Bella, and Charlie is still Charlie. You’re the only one who’s changed.
Something twinges in your long-still heart.
You don’t regret your decision, you could never regret choosing Jasper, but looking at your family, you can’t help but realize how temporary this will all be. While you will end up disappearing with some elaborate story, they’ll keep living, keep aging. They’re human and you’re not anymore.
Another breeze catches Bella’s scent, the fire in your throat flaring back to the front of your mind. You swallow dryly.
Focus, (Y/n), focus.
Without a sound, you busy yourself grabbing Bella’s bags and taking them to her room. It’s all you can do to stop the hunger from taking you away. It’s like you didn’t just feed a few hours ago, like you haven’t fed in weeks. You haven’t felt this bad since you first turned.
If only Jasper was here. It’d be so much easier if you could just tuck yourself into his chest, forget the world for even a moment. But then he’d be struggling just as much as you are. You could never ask that of him.
So you tuck yourself into your room, shouting down the stairs that you have some work to do. Even when Billy and Jacob drive up in the truck Charlie bought for Bella, you merely perch at the window and watch on. Billy must feel your gaze because he glances up to you, his lips pinching into a thin line when your eyes meet.
Is it even possible for someone to look more disapproving? You can’t imagine it, looking down at Billy right now. To think, the man used to be like a second father to you. And then you turned, and suddenly you were on opposite sides of a longstanding war.
You miss him, and Jacob. So much.
All that’s left of that relationship is a curt nod, a small sign of respect, before Billy turns back to Charlie as if nothing happened. At least you know he won’t say anything. That would hurt Charlie more than you.
With a soft sigh, you watch as Bella hops into her truck. She leans forward, obviously looking for something in the house. You lift a hand, catching her attention. Bella sends you a relieved smile, waving back, before she shifts into gear and backs out of the driveway. Off to school, you guess.
You take a deep breath, letting the clean smell of your room fill your senses. It helps sooth the pain in your throat, enough that you can think a little clearer.
You need to stay as far away from Bella as possible. At least, for the time being, until you get used to her scent. She’ll probably notice, your sister has always been more perspective than you give her credit for. After all, it’s no diet that’s changed the way you look. 
You’ll just have to be even more careful.
You blink owlishly, glancing between Jasper and the rest of the coven to Edward, who looks more nervous than you’ve ever seen him look. In fact, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him look nervous.
“She’s his singer,” Alice explains softly.
“My sister?”
An indescribable feeling burns in your chest as you cast another glare towards Edward.
I’m going to kill him.
“I didn’t do anything!” He exclaims, holding his hands up defensively.
“She’s my sister, Edward,” You growl, temper simpering.
“It’s not like I have a choice in the matter,” he snaps back.
You lunge for the man, only stopping when a pair of arms circle around your waist like iron bars. You snarl, struggling against the bonds, clinging to the anger burning in your chest when a flood of calm water rushes in to wipe it away.
“Let me go, Jasper,” you bite out, but his grip only tightens.
“Calm down.” His voice is firm, his ability cloaking you further with calm calm calm.
You grit your teeth, eyes clenching as you shake your head, as if that can rid you of his powers. You don’t want to be calm. You want to tear Edward limb from limb. Every morsel of your being is screaming at you to protect your sister, protect your family, even though you know Edward would never hurt someone.
It’s impossible to hold out long against Jasper’s ability though. You’re one of the few that actually can resist, if only for a short time. But eventually, you have to give in. You slump back into Jasper’s hold. The last strands of your fury melt away, soothed when your mate presses a kiss to your temple with a low hum.
With one final deep breath, you turn back to Edward, “So, what are you going to do?”
“I can’t stay here,” he murmurs, voice tight, “Not with what Alice has seen. I’ll go to the Denari, stay with them for a while.”
“For how long?”
“However long it takes.”
You purse your lips and nod, “Be safe. And don’t be long okay? I may want to kill you now, but I’ll miss you.”
Edward flashes a snarky grin your way before nodding to the rest of his family and disappearing to go tell Carlisle. The others disperse as well, probably wanting to occupy themselves after such a crazy day. You huff softly. 
It must be difficult for all of them to be separated from him, since they’ve been together for so long. Even after just a few years, you’ve come to love Edward like the brother you never had, which makes you feel all the more conflicted about all of this.
Instead of facing it, you turn to Jasper and wrap your arms around his waist, chin propping against his chest as you gaze up at him,“How did you feel today? Everything okay?”
“Besides the constant concern from my siblings?” He sighs, and you brush your fingers comfortingly along his jaw. Jasper leans into your touch, kind of like a content cat. “I find myself still struggling with certain…urges.”
You hum softly, “I hope you’re not ashamed of that.”
Jasper perks a brow at you.
“I just mean that you should keep in mind how hard you’re working,” you elaborate, “Give yourself credit for that, Jas. You may have to work twice as hard as them, but you’re doing so well. I mean, look at us. You knew me for years as a human, and I know how hard that was for you, but you never, ever hurt me.”
The blond purses his lips, glancing between your eyes for a silent moment. It’s only when he feels your sincerity, a feeling akin to a warm blanket on a cold day, that the tension drips from his shoulders.
“You really are something, darlin’,” he murmurs, lips pulling into a slanted grin as he ducks down to press a kiss to your lips, “Worryin’ about me when you’re facin’ your own problems.”
“Well, I can always just come here when Bella’s home, you’re stuck in that school. I’m sure she’ll notice me avoiding her, but that’s better than her ending up dead, right?” The words send a pang through your chest.
“Based on today, I’d say your need to protect her far outweighs your thirst, sweetheart,” Jasper drawls, a touch of humor in his tone, “You looked this close to killing, Edward.”
“Oh, I would have. If he even touches her, I still might.” Jasper grins amusedly down at you, despite how serious you are trying to be. You set your lips into a stubborn frown to hide your own smile. “Seriously! I need you to keep an eye on him at the school when he comes back, okay?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good.” You huff and stretch onto your toes to press a kiss to his curled lips. Jasper chases after you as you pull away, but you cover his mouth before he can draw you into anything more. A giggle breaks past your facade when his brows steeple, eyes narrowing at you. “Sorry! But I need to go home, mister. I may have to keep my distance, but goodness knows Charlie can’t cook, and we don’t have food to make anything, so I need to make sure that girl gets something good to eat.”
“You can get there in seconds,” Jasper grumbles through your fingers, grip tightening around your waist as he pulls you even closer.
“Yes, but we both know that I won’t be leaving anytime soon if you start something,” you point out, a teasing smile on your lips, “And it’s not like I’ll be gone long. I’ll come back tonight, okay?”
That’s when the sad puppy look comes out. For being the strong, southern hero type, Jasper is secretly a sucker for some soft attention, and he’s figured out exactly how to get it. He quickly mastered the puppy-eyes once he realized how they weaken your resolve. The little, conniving devil knows exactly how to get to you.
“Don’t give me that look,” you groan, squeezing your eyes shut, “Please, Jaz? I promise I’ll come back.”
“...fine.” Jasper relents, you can feel his grin under your fingers. “I’ll be waitin’ for you, darlin’.”
“I love you, Jazzy.”
His laughter fills you with a warmth you no longer have. You’d be a blushing mess if you could, especially when he kisses your palm, all gentle and soft, eyes alight with mischief.
“You’re going to be the death of me.”
“I already was.”
“I swear-”
The next week goes by miraculously, somehow, between you avoiding Bella and Edward being gone. You get away with a few lies whenever Bella tries to talk to you.
Oh, I have some work I need to finish tonight.
My boss is about to call, can we talk later?
Sorry Bells, work is just killing me this week.
Each time, when you have to watch her face fall, guilt claws viciously at your chest. It’s not like you want to avoid her. If anything, you wish you could just sit down, spend hours talking, about school, about boys, about everything. But everytime she gets close, the familiar burning feeling comes back. Weaker and weaker each time, thank the heavens, but you still can’t bring yourself to linger.
Bella doesn’t seem too keen on being patient though, as she corners you one evening while you’re cooking dinner.
“Do you know the Cullens?”
Every muscle in your body goes still, but only for a millisecond, before you force yourself to keep moving, breathing, blinking.
“Kind of! As well as most people, at least.” Not exactly a lie. “I knew of them while I was in school.”
“How about Edward?”
Ah. You recognize that tone. The slight interest, a touch of curiosity. 
It’s exactly how you felt when you first learned about the Cullens, when you met Jasper.
“What, are you into him?” You cast her a glance, eyebrow raised teasingly.
“What? No!” Oh, she’s blushing. Now you really have to keep an eye on Edward. “He’s a total weirdo anyways.”
You snort, “Yah?”
“I have biology with him, and he just…I don’t know. He was so weird, and then I caught him trying to change classes after school. I think he hates me, but I don’t know why.” She looks so put out by the idea, an all too familiar pout on her lips.
“I doubt that’s the case, Bells,” you chime, “Edward’s not that kind of guy.”
“I thought you said you barely know him?”
You smile down at your soup nervously, “I don’t, I just meant that he doesn’t seem like that kind of guy. The Cullens are weird, but Dr. Cullen is a kind man. Dad likes him.”
Plus, you know exactly why Edward acted that way, not that you can tell her. It’s far from hatred, you think bemusedly.
“So you don’t think it’s a coincidence? Him asking to leave the class the day I start? Or that he hasn’t come back to school since?” Bella crosses her arms, staring you down with the stubbornness of a bull. She really is Charlie’s daughter.
“I don’t know what to tell you, Tinker Bell. Maybe he just got sick?” You force a smile, despite the pit opening in your stomach from the lie. “Boys are weird, take it from me.”
“Does that mean you have a boyfriend?”
“And dinner’s ready!” You squeak, dancing right past that question, “Could you go tell dad?”
“Sure.” Bella gives you a look that says this conversation definitely isn’t over, but does as you asked anyways.
You breathe a sigh of relief once she’s out of the room.
Of all the things to start talking about, of course she would pick the Cullens. You can’t blame her, you really can’t. When they first showed up in Forks, everyone was inexplicably drawn to the vampires. Not so inexplicably, you guess. You were drawn to Jasper the moment you laid eyes on him. His quiet, almost shy demeanor did you in, and the accent. To this day, you still swoon over that deep, southern drawl.
And now it’s like you’re watching it all from the start. The disappearing. The self-doubt. The intrigue. Except it’s Bella and Edward instead of you and Jasper. 
“So, what’s for dinner, (Y/n)?” Charlie rubs his hands together as he shuffles into the kitchen.
“Tortellini soup, old man. Low sodium, but plenty of chicken, just for you,” You tease as you put a bowl in front of him.
“Dad, does (Y/n) have a boyfriend?” Bella follows close behind, and you can’t help but quawk at her.
“She sure does,” Charlie snorts as he blows on his soup, “That Cullen boy.”
Bella shoots you a look, something between a glare and something smug. You cringe away, busying yourself with cleaning up. You’re screwed, you’re so screwed.
“Which Cullen boy?” She presses.
“The blond one. Not too bad, that kid.” And Charlie is completely oblivious! He’s supposed to be on your side here!
“I thought you said you barely know them?” Bella prompts, brow raised in accusation.
Think quick, (Y/n).
“They’re a private family, Bells, and you don’t understand how people are here.” You dig into old emotions, one’s you’ve long since buried. Hopefully it’ll make her uncomfortable enough to stop. “When it came out in school that Jasper and I were dating, people were horrible to me. I don’t like talking about it.”
It brings back every pain seeded in your heart. You faced it all. Jealousy, hateful notes shoved into your locker, obscene rumors whispered as you walked down the halls. Everyone you grew up with, everyone you loved, turned on you, just like that. You had no one except the Cullens and Charlie after that.
“I have work to do,” you mutter, grabbing a bowl of soup to pour down your sink later. “Enjoy the food.”
“I’m sure he’ll come back soon, Bells. Give him the benefit of the doubt when he does.” You give her a gentle, sad smile. “He is a good guy.”
And with that, you disappear upstairs, every step like a heavy weight, pulling you underwater.
It’s not supposed to be this hard. You’re supposed to be able to tell her everything. That’s how it’s always been. Even when your parents divorced, even when they moved to Arizona, you and Bella never drifted apart. You told her every tiny detail of your life.
Until high school.
When it all happened, you were just so…embarrassed. You’re the older sister, you were supposed to be strong, set a good example, show her that she could do anything. But you just ended up drowning, with Jasper as your only source of air.
So you’ll do anything for him, for the Cullens, even if that means lying to your sister. And it’s protecting her too, you remind yourself as you settle down at your desk. The less she and Charlie know, the safer they are from the Volturi.
You can do that, at least. Protect them. Both the Cullens and your family. No matter how many lies you have to tell, or creative answers you have to whip up for Bella’s sure to be unending number of questions, you will protect them.
And who knows! You perk up, trying your hardest to be positive. Maybe this won’t be exactly like you and Jasper. Maybe this is just a passing curiosity that will let up once Edward comes home, and you can forget it all in a week. Eventually you’ll be able to talk to her about Jasper, just without all the bloody details.
Yah. Once she’s safe, from you and the looming threat that comes with this truth, everything will go back to normal. Hopefully.
I'm struggling a bit with this one but I'm really enjoying the concept! There's just so many ideas to go with, and I want to write them all! Who knows how far it'll go haha.
Part 2
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lilacevans · 2 years
'*•.¸♡ 𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒈 𝒎𝒚 𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 ♡¸.•*'
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: ̗̀➛ werewolf!ari levinson x human!reader. background: werewolf!curtis everette x reader, werewolf!andy barber x reader, vampire!lloyd hansen x reader, hybrid!nomad steve rogers x reader, vampire!ransom drysdale x reader, werewolf!jake jensen x reader
: ̗̀➛ summary: the new moon triggers some unusual behaviours for ari, and you need to make more than one hard decision.
: ̗̀➛ part of the kills & kisses verse!
: ̗̀➛ word count: 5,110
: ̗̀➛ warnings: mild descriptions of violence, smut, oral (f!receiving), fingering, grumpy ari, ari in a rut.
: ̗̀➛ notes: this was supposed to be a blurb completed within a night; it's become whatever the fuck this is. i hope u enjoy it. this is my first proper fic on here. like, well, at least one of this length. pls lemme know what u think!! send me some asks & we'll talk about it. *this is unfinished
: ̗̀➛ playlist: the kills & kisses playlist is here!
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In the days before the full moon, Ari usually struggled a little with his moods. This time, however, things seemed much worse. The week before, his mood began to deteriorate, he became tenser and less talkative. He'd tuck himself away more often in his study, finding comfort surrounded by dusty books, rather than in the company of his housemates. 
On the first day, you would notice nothing out of the ordinary, just a tightening of his jaw, downturned lips, and heavy, long sighs over trivial things that wouldn't normally bother him. A split cup of coffee, a mess in the living room, shared attention. 
Whereas a few days earlier, he would be patient and thoughtful; by the third day, he would become snappy and in some cases downright mean; cruel, even. His harsh words and sudden outbursts made tears flow down your cheeks, and your head hung low before you could hear him apologise and wrap you in a warm hug.
''Goddamn it, Pup!'' Ari suddenly explodes, interrupting your excited and enthralled ramblings over a new book, forcing you to jump out of your skin and clutch the book to your chest, and clam up. ''I'm trying to fucking work. Bother someone else!''
You stared at him, swallowed the lump in your throat, and willed the tears in your eyes to not fall. You took a step back and whispered a small apology before darting out of his study. You told yourself it was just the full moon, repeating it like a mantra in your head as you made your way to your room. As soon as the door closed behind you, you threw the book to the ground and sat by the window as tears began to fall while looking out at the manor grounds.
An hour later, Ari let himself into your room, closing the door behind him with his hands tucked in his pockets and a dejected look on his face. Seeing him stand so sheepishly brought back memories of when you first entered the house before it was your home; reminding you of how scared you were, how you never wanted to be ever again after you found he was safety disguised as danger. No one would ever know what a true, sweet soul he was. His softness was something he reserved for you in spades. 
''It's the moon, pup,'' he explained, cutting into the silence, still a tightness to his voice. ''I don't mean to be like this, and I'm overdue for a rut, it's just… Fucking with me. I'm sorry. I know this isn't fair on you.'’
''I know you don't mean it,'' You sniffled as you pulled your legs to your chest, wrapping your arms around them and resting your chin on your knees, peering up at him with wet doe eyes, ''I just wish you didn't have to feel like this. I can't imagine what it's like.''
''You'll find out once you choose what you want to be, either way, you'll be battling mastering control and suppressing gnawing impulses,'' Ari sighed, tightening his lips into a short smile as he made his way over to you. ''And, there ain't no way I'm letting you age past me, pup, so you better get to choosing,'' Ari said with a subdued laugh.
''Still thinking,'' You hummed, eyes falling closed as he leaned down to briefly kiss your forehead. You smiled despite still being stung by his off behaviour. ''Seeing you like this, watching the others struggle with their own things, I'm not sure I want to be either,'' you admitted, sighing as Ari nodded slowly. ''I just don't understand why the others don't get the same way. Yeah, Steve can be a little moody. Andy gets all quiet... Curtis doesn't seem to mind it much, not even Jake, and he's like, a newborn werewolf, but nothing like how you get.''
''Everyone handles it differently, pup. It affects us in different ways. I wish it didn't mess with us at all.''
By day five, getting him to talk to you became impossible. He'd be withdrawn and quiet, and everyone would end up walking on eggshells around him. He'd become more possessive, more handsy, you couldn't move without him following close behind. 
Even during the most mundane tasks, he was right beside you. 
You'd be making breakfast, and he'd be standing right behind you. His fingers crept under the hem of your shirt and rubbed at the skin of your hips, before smoothing his hands over your belly and nosing at your neck. Soft rumbles vibrated from his chest, wet lips grazed behind your ear. Sometimes, he'd dip his hands down your shorts and dance his fingers along the waistband of your panties. 
Every time you attempted to push for a little space, you'd earn a defiant growl in response, and he'd cling harder to you.
''Ari, I can't move,'' you whined, trying to wiggle out of his grasp. Ari nuzzled his nose further into the crook of your neck, a soft growl emitting from deep in his throat, fingers massaging the meat of your waist. ''I need to get to the stove,'' You tried again, but it was no use.
''Let her move, Ari,'' Steve instructed as he strolled into the kitchen, coffee cup in hand. ''We ain't gonna get to eat if you don't let the little lady cook for us.'
Before you even got the chance to laugh, Ari was gone from behind you and snarling in Steve's face. The men were so close, their foreheads were almost touching. Ari's shoulders were back, hands balled into fists, and breathing heavily. Steve had his hands up in defence, a feeble attempt to defuse the situation. You dropped the spatula and knocked the egg mixture to the floor as you rushed over to pull Ari back.
''Hey, none of that,'' You scolded, pulling on his arm. ''Come away from him,'' you said sharply, placing a hand on Ari's shoulder and waving for Steve to back up, which he did slowly and cautiously. You tried to gain Ari's attention, but his eyes stayed locked on Steve until he left the kitchen. The door swung heavily behind him. That's when Ari relaxed and closed his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest, his face buried in your neck again.
''What the hell was that?'' You demanded, but got nothing but a grumble in response as Ari ran his hands over your back. You let out a defeated sigh and lifted your arms around his neck. ''You're gonna end up killing someone,'' you murmured, shaking your head when you get nothing but a short growl in response.
You spent the rest of the day putting out fires. Ari had lunged at Curtis, teeth inches from his neck, for simply tucking a stray hair behind your ear. Attempting to pull Ari back from Ransom after he ended up with a bloodied nose for placing a hand on your hip. Stopping Ari from jumping up off the couch from where he has curled himself around you, Lloyd leaned down to kiss your cheek and earned a boot in the rib from the temperamental wolf. Andy was left nursing three broken fingers for daring to squeeze a hand around your waist while you welcomed him home. Jake was left with claw marks down his arm for attempting to cover you with a blanket during movie night.
Each incident was followed up by Ari dragging you close to him and snarling out a threatening, ''mine.'' The only word he had spoken in the past twenty-four hours.
''Yours, Ari,'' You agree, hands stroking the sides of his face, curling your fingers in his hair. ''All yours.'' Not entirely true, but it has to be during this time for the safety of your housemates. ''Let's go, come on,'' you say, and pull him up from the couch, mouthing apologies to everyone before guiding Ari away towards the bedroom.
'What am I going to do with you?'' You sighed as you closed your bedroom door behind you, eyeing the grumpy werewolf as he climbed onto your bed and reached out to you with a grumble. You tilt your head back, your shoulders dropping, letting out a sigh at the lack of response before strolling up to the bed. 
''You can't keep fighting everyone, I know the moon is fucking with you, but Jesus Christ, Ari,'' You scolded as you joined him, letting him pull you close to his chest, legs tangling with yours as you listened to his strong heartbeat pound through his chest. ''You're gonna have to stay out of their way, this isn't fair on them,'' You try again, looking up at him and snorting out a little laugh at his knitted eyebrows and sour look. ''It isn't fair on me,'' You stress and reach a hand up to scratch your fingers through his beard.
You spend the next two days hauled up in your bedroom, Ari only letting you leave to make food and grab snacks and drinks. The rest of the time, you were dressed in his t-shirts, wrapped in his hoodies, sat snugly in his boxers, reading a book out loud while Ari massaged your thighs and waist. He kept his face nuzzled into the crook of your neck, nose rubbing against the skin behind your ear, placing small kisses and licks. 
Having to deal with his protests of letting you shower unless you're using his shampoo and body wash, you need to be there to get his scent right back on you once you've washed it away. While you sat at your desk, he'd sit between your legs, arms snug around your waist with his head in your lap, soft rumbles demanding a kiss, or for you to comb your fingers through his hair and scratch the space behind his ear.
The night before the full moon, Ari was a wreck. Irritated growls, a sheen of sweat on his brows. Suddenly, he couldn't stand the smallest touch, pulling away from you each time you tried to; your fingertips were burning right through his skin. 
Pained whines as he clutched his stomach and gripped his thighs, making your heartache and your stomach twist in knots. He refused to eat, unable to even keep water down. He was too hot and cold all at once, causing him to bundle up and strip off within the next second. You pleaded for him to tell you what you could do to make him feel better, but never got a response. 
While unable to touch him, he still needed you nearby; shaking his head with a defiant growl every time you suggested talking to the others for a solution. You had never seen any of the wolves go through a new moon like this.
''Ari, there's got to be something I can do. This can't just be the moon. Please let me go and see what they can do.'' You pleaded, hands hovering over his curled-up form, not daring to touch if you caused more pain. ''Ari, please.'' You sigh in defeat as he let out another pained whine, followed by a throaty growl and a shake of his head. ''Just get on the bed, you can't be comfy here,'' You tried once more.
You wiped away a stray tear from your cheek as you got no response from him. You let your legs give out, sitting back on your legs, desperately wanting to reach out and pull him to you, while also damning yourself for not being strong enough to just lift him. You were lost, since meeting Ari, you'd never seen him in such pain before. The occasional grump, or low mood during the moon, sure, but never pain. 
That's when it hit you.
''Oh my God,'' You said slowly. You got to your feet and looked down at him. ''You're in a rut, aren't you?''   
''Not yet,'' Ari gritted out, baring his teeth, voice strained and coarse.
''Okay, okay,'' You nodded, trying to hide your glee at hearing his voice. ''But, you will be? Right? I can help. I can help you,'
''No,'' Ari growled out roughly, shaking his head as he strained and propped himself against the side of the bed, making you pause and suck in a breath as his face twisted up and a whine escaped his lips. ''I'll hurt you.''
''You won't,'' You tried to sway, kneeling in front of him. ''I'll be okay. Let me help you through it.'
Ari gave another shake of his head, eyebrows pulling together as his head lulled back, whining.
''Where does it hurt?'' You asked, only to be met with a telling glare from the werewolf, making you blush and laugh nervously. ''Oh, I thought- I thought it was your stomach.'
''It radiates,'' Ari explained bluntly, rolling his eyes.
''What about a hot bath, or a shower?'' You suggested. ''Get the sweat off you, might make you feel a little better. Then we can try and get some food in you.'
''It'll only come back,'' Ari brushed off, letting out a huff. ''Please stop making me talk, pup,'' he begged, letting his head drop to his knees as he wrapped his arms tightly around his legs. For such a huge man, you'd never seen him so small.
''Come on, let's get you in the shower,'' You pressed again as you rose to your feet and offered out your hand.
Finally, he placed his hand in yours and allowed you to help him to his feet. Your eyes immediately zero in on the prominent outline of his cock, sucking in a sharp breath, and eyes widening at the sheer size. Ari groaned and tried to cover his crotch, with his hand murmuring out a whined, ''don't look,'' and used his other hand, hooking a finger under your chin to move your head up, making you meet his eyes before he turned away and began to waddle towards the bathroom.
''Too late, I saw it,'' You snorted, rubbing a hand over his back as you kept close. ''Pretty sure that thing classifies as a lethal weapon at this point,'' You joked and laughed as he groaned and shook his head.
The night before the full moon, you faced challenges you didn't know existed when it came to Ari. Usually the perfect gentleman, he had turned into a feral beast. While you managed to usher him into the shower and curl up with the freshly washed werewolf, he still refused to let you help him with his rut. 
However, once cuddled in bed, wrapped in the soft, pink cotton sheets, he couldn't stop himself as he rubbed his clothed, rock-solid cock against the back of your thigh while he held you tightly against him. He had his face buried against your shoulder, teeth digging into the skin as he moaned and growled, desperate for release. 
You continued to beg him to let you help him, only to be denied by a shake of his head as he continued to rut his hips against you.
''Gonna have to go,'' Ari said breathlessly, but did not attempt to move or still his movements.
''You don't have to,'' you said, attempting to turn back to face him, only to be met with a tight squeeze on your hip telling you to remain still. ''Just let me see, let me help.''
''You are helping,'' Ari grumbled, panting and breathless.
''Then don't go,'' you pleaded. ''Stay with me, and keep doing what you're doing.'' You tried to rock back against his thrusts, but he kept you firmly in place. ''Do what you need to feel better.''
''It's not enough,'' Ari contradicted suddenly, whining and digging his teeth back into your shoulder, making you laugh irritably.
''So, let me help.'' You reached a hand back and placed it over his grip, rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand. ''Just my hands, nothing else,'' you offered. ''Lemme help, Alpha.''
That seemed to snap whatever resolve Ari had inside him. You were soon shifted onto your back, the large wolf of a man climbing on top of you with lust-filled eyes and hooking a hand under your chin, the pads of his fingers bruising into your cheeks as he crashed his lips against yours. Gone was the pain of fighting off the rut. 
The wolf seemingly allowed himself to be completely drowned in the throes of it. The kiss was filthy, teeth and tongue, almost like he was trying to drink down every gasp, whimper, and moan that tried to escape your lips. 
He was a man starved, feral, and unrelenting. 
You parted your legs and lifted them to encase him and keep him there, fearing clarity would set in and he'd suddenly be gone. Your fingers tangled and pulled his long locks, while his gripped your waist and kept snugly around your throat.
''Ari, please,'' You moaned breathlessly against his assault on your lips and rolled your hips up against him. You whined as you felt his cock firmly rub against your throbbing cunt.
''Alpha,'' Ari corrected, nipping your lower lip and with the grip around your chin and neck. He tilted your head to the side, began to pepper kisses, and licked down the column of your neck. ''Keep rubbing on me, pretty pup. Show your Alpha how much you want his knot.'
The whiplash made your head spin and your heart pound in your chest. Suddenly, the solemn and quiet wolf was talking filth in your ear while you rocked against each other and showed no signs of quietening down or slowing down anytime soon. 
Lost for words, you surrender to him, relaxing in his tight grip and moaning loudly into the open space of the bedroom, knowing all the other inhabitants would surely hear you and know exactly what Ari was doing to you.
''Wolf got your tongue, sweet baby? Where's my begging gone? Not gonna be able to hold back, gonna breed this tiny little cunt. 'Gonna fill you up and get you fat with my pups. You want that, little omega? I'm gonna split you apart on my knot, knock all those pretty thoughts out of your head. You sure you want this, honey? You sure you can take it? Can you take me, honey? All of me?'' Ari ranted into your ear, licking the shell of your ear and nipping at your lobe. ''Gonna fucking make you take it, sugar.'
''Please, please,'' You chanted. ''Please, Alpha. I want it, I need you, please.'
Ari detached his hand from your neck and lifted onto his knees just enough to give him the space to freely flip you over. You panted into the pillow as he got to work, literally tearing the clothes from your body, silk pyjamas in tatters on the floor, leaving you in your bra and panties. 
Ari quickly rid himself of his clothes before hiking your hips up, making your back arch and face press further into the pillow. You arched your back further as you felt Ari's fingertips rub over your panties, tracing the line of your folds, gasping as his ring finger ghosted over your button. You could feel the wetness pooling over your core, feel yourself throbbing under his touch. 
You felt his hands run down your sides, fingers meeting as he slipped down the arch of your back. You moaned in anticipation, feeling his breath on your thighs, before crying out as he began to mouth over your mound, wetting the fabric of your panties even more. 
You buried your face in the pillow, wanton moans muffled by the cotton stuffing as Ari hummed a needy growl over your core, sending vibrations that made your toes curl and your hands fist the sheets below you. His fingers massaged your thighs as he continued to tease you over your panties.
''Alpha, please,'' you pleaded, lifting your head to gasp in the air and look back, your view obscured by your hips and his large shoulders. All you could make out was the slight rocking of his hips, rubbing himself against the soft cotton sheets. ''Please,'' you whined. 
''Tell me what you want, pup. Tell your Alpha you want him to taste this sweet little cunt,'' Ari replied cockily, heavy-lidded eyes peering from around the back of your thigh while he nipped into the flesh and his hands moved to paw at your ass. 
You sucked in a shaky breath. ''Please, Alpha, please taste my cunt. It's all yours. It's yours. Please.''
Ari wasted no time, hooking his fingers under the band of your underwear and snapping the fabric, discarding it off the side of the bed. 
Ari crossed his arms over the dip of your back, face pushing between your legs, forcing your back to arch as much as possible. His lips attached over your clit, his tongue rolling with every suction; the rough scratching of his beard mixed with the tight suction of his mouth, the softness and heat of his tongue quickly brought you to the edge. 
You tugged on the sheets below you so hard, your pointed nails ripped through the sheet, and your loud cries of pleasure dominated the room, mixing with Ari’s lustful growls. You rocked your hips against his mouth, overwhelmed and overstimulated. A hot flash overtook your body, your thighs tensed, and a warmth spread over your stomach. 
Soon shakes overtook your body, your core fluttering as you came on his tongue; chanting his name with desperate moans. Ari held you still as you tried to wriggle away, trying to get a break from the assault of your sensitive button. He wasn’t finished with you yet. 
You reached back to try and push his head away, crying out and shaking your head, unable to form any words due to your mind swimming with Ari; everything was Ari. Ari let out a disgruntled grumble, and while his tongue flicked against your clit, he grabbed both of your arms and pinned them behind your back, using the grip on them as purchase to continue keeping you held in place. 
Your thighs were shaking at this point, your stomach doing flips, and your body was covered in a sheen of sweat. Ari hummed blissfully, seemingly feeling full as he continued to taste you on his tongue. 
The Alpha pulled orgasm after orgasm from your abused cunt, before finally giving you relief for a short moment. That’s when you felt his fingertip prod at your entrance, and they felt the bed dip as your arms were released and Ari rose to his knees. 
“Such a pretty pussy,” Ari cooed. If your face wasn’t already flushed red, it certainly was now. “Can’t wait to feel it around my knot,” Ari continued to you as he slipped a finger inside you. The large digit curling in search of your sweet spot. “Feel it cuming around me, so fucking tight, ‘mega, fuck.” 
“More, Alpha,” you moaned, thrusting your hips back slightly. “Need your knot so bad.” 
“Gotta open you up, pup. Gotta make it fit,” Ari replied, slipping a second finger alongside the first. The sting from the stretch makes you suck in a hissing breath. “Such a tight, little cunt.”
You didn’t know that pain could feel so good. The ache in your back paired with the ones in your thighs mixed with the tingles left from Ari’s beard, and his fingers spreading you open bloomed a need you didn’t know existed. 
Ari hooked his fingers in a come hither motion, finally bumping against that special spot inside you, making you cry out and become a boneless mess. Your shoulders sunk into the mattress, face squished against the pillows as you rocked your hips in time with his fingers curling. 
Ari growled and reached over your arched body to take a fist full of your hair, forcing your head up from the pillow. 
“Stop hiding, little one,” Ari commanded, his fingers pulling sounds you didn’t know you could make from you. “I wanna hear all those pretty moans. Wanna hear how good I’m taking you apart. I want all of it.” 
Wanton moans dripped from your parted lips as Ari continued to open you up. Your hole now stretched around three of his large fingers. He was unrelenting in his mission to get you prepped enough for his knot. Ari used the grip on your hair to spear you back on his fingers, your whole body rocking back onto his fingers. 
“Alpha, it’s enough, it’s enough,” you moaned, craning your head back to look back at him, hair stuck to his forehead, bicep flexing as he twisted his fingers inside you. “Please, I need it now.” 
''Not enough, pup,'' Ari argued. ''Trust me, it's taking every ounce of control inside of me not to tear into this pretty little cunt--'' Ari emphasised his words by scissoring his fingers inside you, making you gasp and hiss from the sting of the stretch. He curled his body over yours and chuckled in your ear before he nipped the shell. ''Gotta have you ready, pup.'' 
After what seemed like an eternity of fingers curling and twisting, obscene sounds of your slick around Ari's fingers; pornographic moans and dark chuckles, teasing remarks and filthy comments from Ari, he finally pulled his fingers from inside you and pulled a shocked gasp from you as he flipped you onto your back and lifted your legs to your chest. He locked one hand behind your knees, keeping your thighs flush against your chest, while he grasped his length in his other hand and nudged the tip through your folds.
You angled your head, looking around to see him slowly fuck himself through your slit. The head of his cock bumps against your clit, making little moans fall from your lips.  Ari was seemingly mesmerised, eyes locked on his cock slipping through your folds, and your delicate fingers rubbing the tip of his cock until he dipped too low and the head caught against your hole, making you both gasp and his hand tighten its hold on your legs. 
Ari let his cockhead rest against your hole as he guided your hand away, and readied himself on his knees, letting out a deep breath before giving you a checking glance. From here, you saw the man's sheer size, the wolf looming over to take his prey in any way he saw fit. You gave him a nod, mouth agape, and let your head rest on the pillow, fingers tangling in the sheets, preparing for the breach. 
''Holy fuckin' shit, sugar,'' Ari moaned out as the tip of his cock slipped past your hole, your hands ditching the sheets and reaching around to grip Ari's wrists. All you could do was chant his name, whine, and moan as he continued to slowly thrust into you. ''You can take it, omega. You can do it for me, can't you, pup? I know you can, look how well you're taking me, you can do it, pup.'' 
The stretch, the ache from your core, your legs, your back; the hands that clutched your thighs, the growls and moans from Ari, it was all too much. 
Ari parted your legs, slipping through the space to cover your body with his own, elbows planted beside your shoulders as he caressed the sides of your face, wiped sweat-stuck hair from your face, and smoothed his hands over your hair. Your hand stroked his biceps, kneading the flesh as he slowly buried his cock deeper inside you, dropping his head beside yours and moaning long and slow into your ear as he finally bottomed out. Your fingers tangled in his hair, whining his name as you lifted your legs and clenched them tightly around his hips. 
''Feel like heaven, pup,'' Ari moaned out, slightly rocking his hips into you, nudging his cock against the sweet spot hidden deep inside you. 
''Not yet, not yet,'' You chant, strung out and whining, stuffed to the brim. 
''Can't wait much longer,'' Ari growled, fighting against his feral urges. ''Need you, Omega.''
''You have me, Alpha.''
Ari lifted back onto his knees, fingers curling under your knees and holding them firmly as he slowly pulled out until only the tip of his cock remained inside you; pulling delicate moans and needy whines from both of you. 
From there, it was only a few short thrusts until Ari became unhinged.
The bed creaked and groaned from the brutal pace of his hips. Pain and pleasure mixed perfectly; intoxicating and addictive, under his sharp teeth and piercing claws, blooming red under his trail. Both of you were reduced to puddles, unable to form any words, completely lost in each other; consumed by need and lust. 
''Not gonna last long,'' Ari began to babble, moans and growls mixing with his words as he continued to spear you onto his cock. All you could do was cry out and grip him as he used you for his pleasure. ''Gonna breed you, gonna fill you up, keep you on my knot. Get you full with my pups, my perfect little bitch. My beautiful Omega. My sweet little pup.'' His fingers bruised into your hips, claws nipping the skin. ''So fuckin' good, 'Mega. So good for me, taking it all. You ready for my knot, pup? You gonna take it?'' 
''Yes, yes, yes,'' You managed to chant, eyes locked on Ari's and arching your back as the wolf pounded into you. 
Ari leaned back down, hand cradling under your head, the other cradling your cheek and keeping you close in the crook of his neck. Your heavy breaths coated his skin, while your fingernails left trails of blood down his back, making him rut harder, obscene noises filling the room. You locked your legs again around his waist, while Ari moaned nonsensical filth into your ear. Growls and grunts overtook him as he became desperate to fill you to the brim. His teeth pinched into your neck, locking you down against the mattress as he claimed you. 
You could feel his swelling knot catch against your hole, making your nails bite into the flesh of his shoulder. He lifted up onto his hands, heavy-lidded eyes and parted lips; snarls and teeth, and started down, watching himself fuck into you as he crept closer and close to his climax. His hips began to stutter and started to push the knot fully inside you, locking you together. 
Your hands find his face and draw his gaze to yours.
''Look at me, Alpha. Look at me. Wanna see you while you fill me.''
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st4rbe0m · 2 months
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SUMMARY ▸ 20 years ago, a gruesome murder shook the town hard. A type of murder that should've never happen, much less in their quaint town. A lovely family killed in cold blood with an unforgiving axe wielding maniac - a mother, a father and a little girl. It's been 20 years down the road, hasn't it? Then why are these 11 teenagers stuck in a loop of the same day, being haunted by a little girl who died 20 years ago?
PAIRING ▸ Park Jongseong (Jay) x reader ; additional pairings between characters as well , multi chapter story
TAG LIST ▸ open!! send an ask to be added
WC ▸ 2.5K
▊ yes -> CHAPTER 4
▊ no -> CHAPTER 2
A/N: happy enha comeback day!! i absolutely loved XO lmfao I really needed that fresh cute enha concept after all the vampires and blood. Moonstruck is just INSANE I'm so glad it isn't an intro LOL. Also the insane bf looks they served in the MV like !!! I too would like to go on a rooftop date with Heesung maybe 😞
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Jake’s pupils are blown wide as he stares directly into the black abyss of where a normal girl’s eyes would be. A girl who wasn’t covered in blood maybe. A girl who didn’t possess superhuman strength and didn’t want to kill them in the most creative ways possible. It’s also the only thing he sees as the bloodied hand of the Red Girl, as the group had imaginatively named her, clutched his white school shirt. The fingers easily lifted him with dexterity, and casually flung him across the art classroom where he hid, his neck brutally impaled by the wood of the easel. 2 down, 8 more to go. 8 out of the 10 people who had been, against their will, sucked into this sick game. The Body Search.
The Day before as the Same Day : 10AM
Jungwon is nervously pulling his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he looks at each of the members of this little horror club, none of them meeting his eyes. He can’t really blame them, watching how their foreheads creased in worry and concentration as they scanned through all the evidence and information Jungwon had presented spread across the library table - newspaper articles, old books and heavy paperbacks all laid out for them. 
“So you’re telling me, that this little girl is using us because the cops never found her body when she was murdered? What does that have to do with us? Why do we have to find her body?”. Sunoo is exasperated, but mostly filled with concern. How many nights would they have to continue dying, only to wake up in the same day? “The parts are stashed across the school you say?”. It’s Giselle who interrupts, Heesung beside her rubbing her arm up and down in an attempt to comfort his girlfriend. But how could you comfort someone knowing that they were gonna die a painful death in a few hours time? 
“Why can’t we find them now?”, the deeper voice of Riki asks, and Jungwon just sighs when he explains, “That’s the game. It’s only at night. And you have to run from her. Honestly, even I don’t know more. Based on the books, that's how it’s done. And based on the news reports, she’s the only victim that checks out.” 
“It’s quite horrid though, what happened to her, is it not?”. Y/N’s voice is sort of shaky when she says this, the girl slightly worried about all the people surrounding her. “To be dismembered this horribly after that man kills your entire family, only to have your corpse go missing? She must not be able to rest peacefully.” Humming along, Jay added, “That’s true for sure. It’s quite tragic what happened to her”, making eye contact with Y/N as he did, his chocolate eyes gleaming with pity for the little girl. “But what I also don’t get is why she’s trying to kill us, when we’re just helping her rest easy?”.
“That’s what confuses me as well!” Jungwon added enthusiastically, and he just gestured at the books around him. “That’s the one thing I couldn’t find in here. Why is she trying to kill us?”
“Point is then, that we have to find her body parts right. Okay then.” As Park Sunghoon had disinterestedly made his entrance, he left the same way, hands shoved deep into his pockets and a scowl adorning his handsome features. Jake and Jay sprinted behind him, the two walking beside him, harsh discussion being whispered between them. Soon after the group adjourned, jarred by the discoveries Jungwon had brought forward. Sunoo and Riki went off towards their respectful classes, while Jungwon and Y/N walked together on their own. After contemplating it for a while, Y/N cracked open, and spilled what she saw to Jungwon - the well by the chapel and the hands. The flower pot. Jungwon nodded along, clearly disturbed by what she told him - and confessed to a similar vision he saw in the washroom, of a bloody hand reaching at his foot from under a stall. 
“Why do you think it’s only the ten of us who were chosen? We have dozens of students here, and yet all ten of us have nothing in common.” Jungwon asked inquisitively. “Hmm, I’m not sure. Maybe that’s the objective. Finding the most different people to put into this game. To slow us down maybe.” 
Jake had his lips pursed tightly as he continued witnessing the heated debate between Jay and Sunghoon. “We’re your fucking friends, dipshit! You can tell us anything man! But ghosting us for days on end, cutting off all ties? That’s low.” Jay spat out in anger towards Sunghoon, who’s forehead displayed a vein visibly ticking in annoyance. “I can’t fucking do anything okay!” Sunghoon just shouts back, the walls he built cracking down in the face of the confrontation of the friends he’s had since elementary school. “Ice skating and basketball. This and that. I’m fucking sick. I’m sick of the coach pushing this competition on us. It always ends up with me compromising one over the other, only because of how greedy he is for the medals, for the medals he never won. I’m a tool! A tool he projects on and I hate it! And most of all, I’m sick of the way I'm starting to hate both of them.” Sunghoon heaves a large breath after the last sentence, crumbling down to his knees as he does, while Jake and Jay stand there in shock, and sadness. It’s always been this trio of theirs. Ever since elementary, arms linked. The three could take over the world. Slowly inching towards Sunghoon, Jake ran his hand soothingly over Sunghoon’s back, and soon Jay joined, letting the silence and the weight of Hoon’s confession settle over them.
1AM : Current Day which is the Same Day
Jay and Y/N found themselves together in a classroom again. However, this time it seemed deliberate, and it was. Jay wanted to keep an eye on Y/N. To keep the girl close to him so he could keep her away from harm’s way - even though that was quite impossible here, in this twisted game they found themselves in. The lights were turned on in every classroom they could find on that floor, and the pair crouched around shelves trying to find any clues about the whereabouts of the dead girl’s missing body parts. “You know Y/N, for someone who declared themselves queen of tag when we were five, you don’t seem that good at your job”. The time the two spent in that classroom had opened up to a conversation and light hearted jokes, which blossomed to a budding interest as the two conversed, with Y/N not treating it as a conversation with her crush that would usually leave her as a blushing, stuttering mess, but rather, as a catch up with an old friend. An old friend whom she’d liked since middle school, with the kindest smile and the most wonderful humor. “Aw Jay, do you want to steal some of my Princess Pony bandaids again, just in case you get hurt again?”, Y/N teasingly jabbed back, to which Jay gave a genuine laugh and said, “Not my fault the bandaids looked good. Smelled good too.” The lights above them blinked once. Then again. Sensing danger, the two ran after sharing the same look of horror, and went into the storage room that was often used to keep supplementary books. Flicking the light switch inside the room that seemed to fail to light up, the two could only use the light from the illuminated fish tank in the room. That’s when Y/N let out a rather loud gasp, startling Jay who asked her fervently, “What happened?”. Pointing at the fishtank, they both saw the single forearm, tinged brown and covered in decaying bruises and yellowish veins, floating in the water. The lights in the main classroom seemed to flicker even more aggressively now, blinking angrily as the feet of the Red Girl came into view. Both of them knew what they had to do. Reaching into the fishtank and grabbing the severed arm, Y/N and Jay ran into the classroom, the Red Girl running towards them at the same time. “Chapel Y/N, now!”. Wielding a chair Jay had picked up, he madly swung it at the Red Girl just before she could reach Y/N, pinning her down against the wall, exerting all his might to make sure Y/N got away with enough safe distance. Turning slightly back, he looked to double check. Immediately, the Red Girl used this opportunity to jam the metal leg of the chair right through Jay, blood gurgling and spilling out of his mouth, as his eyes watered and went slack, falling completely to the floor. 
Y/N ran and ran, determined to get to the chapel. That’s when she saw the faces of NingNing and Giselle, sweaty and looking towards her, with an urgency in their eyes when they spotted the arm with Y/N. But as quickly as the look appeared, a look of fear washed over their faces. The Red Girl. Taunting Y/N as she took a few steps, smiling madly. Then, she began sprinting, sporting the same blood-curdling grin. Giselle jumped to action, pressing down hard on the button that began pulling down the shutters and gate of that hallway. “Are you mad, Y/N is out there!” NingNing screamed. “So what, do you want to die too?” Giselle retaliated. “Come on Y/N!!” NingNing urged, holding her hand out for Y/N, as the gate kept lowering, its mechanical groaning deafening against the quiet of the night. Sliding against the smooth floor, Y/N made it in the nick of time, with the hand in tow, gate dropping just before the Red Girl could cross over. Standing up, with Giselle’s back facing the gate she looked to the two girls and explained, “We need to get this arm into the coffin.” Grudges for how the two were ready to leave her out there could be settled later. This was more important. Nodding, Giselle said, “Yeah, for sure, let’s go.”. The metal of the gate moved up, metal bending unnaturally as a red hand appeared underneath it, grabbing Giselle by the ankle and pulling her down. The entire thing happening before Ning Ning and Y/N could even register it. A pool of blood appeared immediately, spreading down from under the floor, as the hand reached out again to grab Y/N this time, screaming as she went under, the hand flying into the air and landing onto the floor as it happened. Not wasting a second, NingNing grabbed the arm like hell. The coffin right in front of her as she reached the chapel, she frantically searched which arm it was that fit the cream colored molding. As soon as she placed the arm down on the coffin’s bedding, the Red Girl launched herself on NingNing’s shoulders, deftly snapping her neck in two, NingNing’s vision going immediately black, as the last thing she was a rotten hand lying on white cushions. 
The four are gathered again by the stairwell. “Sunoo and I didn’t make it quite far the second time. She seemed to find us quite immediately.” “Yeah, neither did I. I handled the Red Girl so Gi could escape”, a sheepish Heesung admitted, rubbing nis neck with one hand while Giselle clasped the other, squeezing it in appreciation. “Same, I stalled her so that Y/N could- hey did you get the arm in?”, Jay asked, spinning to face Y/N, startled by the spotlight on her. “Uh, I got killed right after Giselle.” “I got the arm in, don’t worry.” NingNing reassured the rest. “We’re one arm in guys. One body part down.”
“We can’t keep doing this blindly guys. We’re gonna need a plan” Sunghoon said. “I’d much rather go into this with a structure than just get gutted all the time.” A plan was required, that was true. And with the same idea, all nine of them turned their heads to look at Jungwon, who’s eyes widened. “Right, so now everyone needs me. Come to the library at lunch. I have a plan.”, the boy with glasses assured with a confident smirk on his face.
The scene felt almost familiar, with the way they were all huddled around the library table. This time, Jungwon had a blueprint map of their school spread out, and two markers in his hand. Enthusiastically the boy presented, "I give you the Rocker Mix Plan!", as he gestured with jazz hands on the map. Blankly the group just tilted their heads at him, failing to understand what the boy was talking about. Clearing his throat from the awkwardness, with a single red marker, he colored in the room Jay and Y/N had found the arm in. "Okay guys, look. Jay and Y/N found the arm in this room right. So this room is cleared. I've also noticed that the Red Girl also seems to be attracted to sound and lights. And we just have to use that to our advantage." "The PA system", NingNing said with a gasp, eyes widening in realisation as she slowly understood Jungwon's plan. Snapping his fingers at NingNing in joy, glad to have found someone who has caught on to his plan, he exclaimed, "Exactly! We play whatever music or something through the PA systems to distract her, or confuse her. That way we can search the rooms more easily. And then we report back on which rooms we've searched and cleared." "Jungwon you freaking Einstein genius. Have you registered for the Mensa? I think you should", Jake said with a laugh and awe, slapping the boy on his back in praise, which made Jungwon beam in pride. "Let's start off with this first, and adapt as we go."
Deciding to boost the morale up, Riki just cheered, "What's a creepy little girl to us, bro? We got this! Lets fucking do this!", he hollered, which was met with a harsh shushing from the librarian paired with a stern glare that made Riki just cower away.
The group giggled at this youngest's antics. They weren't going to go into this blindsided anymore. This time, they were gonna be prepared.
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heeseungsnewwhore · 1 year
Kinktober Day 1
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Consider this my first addition to kinktober. A little late but in time enough 🩸.
A/N: “This is a scene from a story you will find posted later this month on my AO3. Their are mentions of other members, so no need to be confused, it’s just a shortened piece from a larger series.”
❥ snippet
Pairing: Sunoo x fem!reader x Sunghoon
Rating: 18+, mdni, kinktober day 1
Genre: Just mild filth.
Warning/tags: mentions of blood, lots of blood, slight shaming, definitely degrading, biting kink, you know Diabolik lovers? Yeah, if you know you know, just derogatory vampy filth. 🩸
“Oh she’s been bitten more times than I can count, don’t let her fool you.” Sunoo says as a smirk gathers at his lips. His piercing red eyes rendering the thoughts in your head helpless. “She even likes it~! So we can eat whenever we want~!”
“So she’s one of those types…Kinda disappointing.” Sunghoon says simply as the other celebrates. He’s now hugging your body closer to his in his. Your back practically flush’s against his chest. Taking in your scent as he buries his face against your neck. You already knew well enough that a vampires lap was a dangerous place to be.
“L-Listen…You two- I need to get to Jay I was on my way to give him and Jake a blood sample. Can you at least wait?” You couldn’t help but let out an exhausted sigh. Not from all the traveling, but now that you were all the way back to where you were in the very beginning of this mess.
Stuck between two vampires that you didn’t even know. Except this time it wasn’t Seonghwa and San and you knew the two of them well enough by now.
Sunoo audibly scoffs before rolling his eyes. “She’s thinking about that other coven…I think we’re more handsome than them, thank you.” Sunoo says in a condescending tone, before turning away from you and Sunghoon. Seemingly uninterested.
“I don’t really care what she’s thinking about…I’m curious…” You hear Sunghoon’s words tickle against your ear before he’s baring his fangs. Slowly sinking them into your neck now.
“Shit-!“ You curse, gripping his knees as your body tensed. It usually didn’t hurt this much. But his fangs were huge. There was an ache starting to throb through your neck now and you couldn’t help but shift about in his lap, trying to find some kind of comfort. But this only makes him groan before he’s holding you back in place.
It’s then that Sunoo’s eyes are glancing back over to the scene. A slight glare even. No- It wasn’t even slightly. He was side-eye glaring you. Hard. Before his eyes are following the drool of crimson that begins to pool at your collarbone. Now crawling over to the two of you. Bracing a hand on your thigh, as he leans to collect the fluid with his tongue. Licking his lips with a curious hum.
“She does taste kind of funny, I guess…” He grumbled and you couldn’t help but furrow your brows at his words.
“W-well if it tastes so bad, then g-go back..”
Sunoo is glaring at you again. “You’re mouthy. I knew you’d be trouble.”
He’s suddenly moving down onto his knees, shoving your legs open with Sunghoon’s, not having much choice from the way you were sitting on his lap. Sunghoon looking down at the other concerned before he simply says,
“Keep eating.” He commands and Sunghoon hasn’t missed a beat in what he’s taking from you. “This is for her~ Apparently she likes fangs here too…” The younger vampire says smoothly, as he trails delicate fingers along the softness of your inner thighs, pushing your dress up as he does so.
You only clasped your eyes shut. You couldn’t help but end up feeding him more thoughts to read. The previous coven you had been with, Yunho and Wooyoung had favored feeding from your thighs. They were the first two to want to make it pleasure for you- And you couldn’t help but give in as they had done just that…So Sunoo wasn’t wrong.
“Slut.” He giggles, and you go to move to close your legs, but he’s not letting you. Nor is Sunghoon as he takes your arms, practically holding them behind your back.
“J-Jay’s going to be pissed-“
Sunoo rolls his eyes suddenly and before you know it, he’s abruptly sinking his fangs into your thigh. Cutting you off as he does so. Your words catching in your throat only to come out as a yelp. Like Sunghoon now, he’s contently feeding from your thigh. But more greedy. An ache tickling its way up your leg and to nether regions. It hurt but all at once…Well Sunoo knew the rest. Your body had liked it.
Not that you would’ve minded it- But these vampires were strangers to you despite Hongjoong agreeing that it was safer and best for you to move in with them for a while. That and they were of high council so there weren’t very many opposing parties that would try to bring trouble their way.
“We just want a taste before Jay just hogs you.” Sunoo grumbles against your thigh. “You think he’s all safe because he seems so cool, right? Like he and Jake really want to help?” Sunoo snickers. “Good luck if they’re waiting for you in that lab together…”
You strain your legs against his grip, grunting suddenly as Sunghoon is pulling you even more into him.
“Then Maybe I shouldn’t leave them waiting-?” You try to convince the other and he only shakes his head.
“It’ll be your problem, not ours.” Sunoo says simply before he’s sinking his fangs into you again. Deliberately making sure they go right back into the same holes.
And there you were. Gasping and straining- Trying to hold back all the little noises that were getting forced out of you. From Sunghoon’s hands constantly squeezing and wandering around your waist- Occasionally ghosting over your chest. To Sunoo’s trail of fang marks he wanted to leave along the inner flesh of your thighs. Greedily licking up the drools of blood before drinking from one of the areas again. His other hand playing dangerously higher under your dress…But you dare not move. Instead your legs welcomed the curious hand as you spread them. You suddenly feel Sunghoon’s fangs retract.
A strong hand in your hair now as he’s yanking your head back, causing you to gasp. “Now that’s just unbecoming for a lady, don’t you think?”
Before you could even begin to say whatever you thought was necessary- You feel those same delicate fingers, ghosting over your lips underneath the lace. Playing at the heat of your core and the dampness that was forming. A pathetic little whine escaping your lips, and the way Sunghoon smiles at that…
“Good thing she’s no lady~.” Sunoo is smirking against your thigh as he speaks.
“How does it feel, y/n?” The larger male speaks before he’s using his free hand to slip off the shoulder of your dress. Brushing his lips agaisnt the skin there before grazing it with his fangs. “Do you really like being fed off of?”
“Oh she loves it~” Sunoo says with a swipe of his tongue over the marks he’s left, before he’s moving to the other thigh. This time sinking his fangs into you so hard, you jump as you let out a yelp this time.
“S-Sunoo…If you take so much…p-please…”
“You’ll be forced to crawl like a dog all the way to them~ Already on all fours. Right? You seem like you might be used to that position.”
“Jake will love to see a dirty chalice~…We haven’t had fun with one in a while.” Sunghoon suddenly says and Sunoo is groaning softly as he takes more from you.
You didn’t exactly know what they meant, but you had a couple of ideas. Alas, you knew it was useless to inquire…The only thing you could do- Was let them finish. You did notice that one thing was all the same with every single one of these vampires and it was the mere fact they just loved to argue. So you were done arguing. You knew they were no real threat to, Jungwon made that clear, and they had all seemed to take his words seriously. Nevertheless- They were just as mischievous and devilish.
Before your thoughts can continue to reel on? Sunghoon is biting down into the other side of your neck. Keeping your head tilted back at the angle he wants. Fingers tangled in your hair, as the other hand moves to ghost over your chest again. Causing you to shiver and arch your back in the slightest. The smallest of an action, now has him taking that hand to one of your breasts. Roughly fondling you the dress and the moan that escapes your lips is only fueling them to become even bolder with you. Sunoo’s fangs are only inches shy of your clothed folds now and he has a thumb slowly making circles over your trapped clit.
Their hands.
Their hands were everywhere it felt like, and you were giving in with every passing second. The large empty room starting to echo softly with the sounds coming out of you, and the absolutely deliberate messy sounds they were making with their mouths. Followed but their groans, all as if they were getting some kind of high off you. One of your hands to rest over the larger one that was fondling your chest at this point, and the other going down to tangle in the softness of Sunoo’s hair. The vampires seemed to enjoy the touch, becoming more intense with their actions. You could feel your blood drooling from their mouths as they sank their fangs deeper.
“F-Feels good…I-it does…S-sun..” You choked out, Sunoo’s thumb moving even rougher against your clit, your thighs trembling as you whimper and you know your panties are soaked.
He pulls away with a breathy chuckle, head practically coming from under your dress from how close he was feeding near your cunt. Now shoving some of the bloody fabric back to reveal your stained thighs. Greedily licking away at the trails of bloods that was racing down your legs. Those piercing red hues staring up at you as he does so. You can’t exactly look down on him with the way Sunghoon has your head yanked back, but he’s enjoying the sight of the others greedy antics well enough.
“Mmm-…” Sunoo hums with a grin. “She’s having so much fun, forget making her crawl, let’s just do it until she passes out~…”
The other sounded way too cheerful despite the words that were coming out of his mouth. Yet…You had a feeling that he was going to commit to every word of it.
“Can we move to the couch?” Sunghoon finally speaks, letting your head go as he’s licking his lips. You finally having the freedom to breathe more properly and readjust yourself, but you’re practically limp in the others lap.
“That does sound better, my knees hurt.” Sunoo is pouting, rubbing over his legs. “But! I still want her on my lap this time. You should see her face Sunghoon~, so trade with me for a bit.”
The two were just casually planning on continuing to feed and toy with you as if it were simple dinner plans. The next thing you knew, your body was binging lifted up into Sunghoon’s arms, and the couch was getting was the next place you were.
Jay definitely wasn’t going to be happy when you finally saw him.
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nebulablakemurphy · 5 months
Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Part 9)
Jacob Black x Vampire!Swan Reader
This has been in my drafts for over 2 years 😂Proceed with caution, steamy make out session and some blood drinking.
Series Masterlist
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It has been ten minutes…maybe more since Y/N was taken into the Cullen’s meeting room. It’s been radio silence, since Bella and Edward came back from their honeymoon. When Y/N does emerge, Jacob knows immediately, something is very wrong.
“Jacob,” she reaches a hand toward him. “Come with me?”
Jake moves to stand, twining their fingers and allowing the vampire to lead him out the front door, down to his bike. He leans against it, expectantly. “You gonna tell me what the hell’s going on?”
“Bella’s pregnant.”
“With what exactly?” Jacob grimaces.
“Carlisle isn’t sure, they’re…we’re trying to figure it out.”
“So make them take it out of her, he’s a doctor.”
“Jake,” Y/N shakes her head, “she doesn’t want it out.”
“It’s her choice and I won’t take it from her.” She knows what it feels like.
“This is different.” This is fucked.
“She thinks Carlisle can turn her at the last minute.” Y/N fidgets with his fingers as she speaks.
“Can he?” The wolf clears his throat.
“It’s possible.”
“But not probable.”
“Baby,” Y/N frowns, “I don’t want to fight. I need you to help me, help her.”
Jacob sighs, “what can I do?”
Charlie is not so easily swayed, he knows Y/N knows something. He watches his eldest daughter intently at breakfast.
Bella is sick with some kind of bug, currently recovering at a luxury facility in Sweden. Or so the story goes.
The sheriff eyes his oldest daughter over the morning paper.
Y/N catches him, meeting his eye with an awkward smile as she forces a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.
“When did we start lying to each other, kid?” Charlie asks.
“When it became necessary to keep you safe. I think it’s the same on your end.”
Charlie is taken aback by this. It’s the most honest answer he’s got from her in months. “If you’re in some kind of trouble, or Bella is-”
“It’s not the kind of trouble you can help me with.”
“Wish you’d at least talk to me about it.”
“I wish I could, Dad.” Y/N admits.
“But you can’t. For the sake of my safety?” He knows this game.
“All of ours.”
Charlie sighs. “Do you know anything else about Bella? How she’s doing?”
“I know she’s alright.” For now. “That’s all I know.”
Days pass in a blur, Bella withering away as her belly grows.
“How’s dad?” She asks Y/N, curling both legs up under her, on the couch.
Y/N tosses her a blanket. “He’s alright. He misses you though.” She can’t imagine what he’ll be like when they actually…leave.
Bella nods. “How are you?”
“I’m ok.” Y/N lifts a shoulder. She has to be. “The baby could be here anytime now, I need to hunt so I’ll be gone for the day.”
“That’s fine.” Bella’s teeth chatter, she is so cold.
“I’ll leave Jacob with you, he can be your personal hot box.”
“N-no.” Bella forces out, “you don’t have to.”
“I’m not letting you suffer anymore than you already are, Bella.” Y/N mutters, bitterly.
Jacob is leaning against the doorframe, with his arms crossed, waiting for his queue.
Y/N makes her way over to him, feeling his arms encircle her waist, crushing her to him. She nuzzles into the crook of his neck. “Will you stay with her?”
“Yeah,” his words are lost in her hair.
She presses a kiss to his jugular.
“I would let you.” Jacob whispers, “if you want to try, so you don’t have to leave her like this.”
Y/N pulls back, searching his eyes. “No, Jake.” It’s come up before. Bite me.
“I’m not affected by your venom unless I’m already injured.”
“It’s no different than you drinking from an animal. I heal fast, it won’t be an issue.”
Y/N opens her mouth to protest.
“I can feel you,” Jacob reminds her. “There’s nothing to feel bad or guilty about. I want you to.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N doesn’t want to further complicate their relationship.
He nods, “come on.” They find an unoccupied room in the Cullen’s home. Jacob flops down on their cream colored sofa, patting his lap.
Y/N eyes him, warily. Climbing to sit over top his thighs, facing him.
Jacob brushes Y/N’s hair over her shoulders and out of the way. Kissing her lips, her forehead, her nose, “bite me.”
She finds a spot on the side of his neck, peppering his beautiful skin with her kisses, breaking it with her teeth.
Jacob groans, turning his head to give her better access.
Y/N whimpers as his blood fills her mouth, trickling down to ease the burning in her throat.
“You’re ok.” He swallows and she feels it against her tongue. “I love you.”
Fuck. Y/N rolls her hips against his. “I love you.”
“I know,” he guides her back to the opening on his neck. His heart beats faster at the pull of her sucking swallows, he hopes she never stops. Jacob sighs contently as she takes her fill of him on the Cullen’s sitting room couch.
Her lips are on his, the moment she’s finished. His bitter blood in her mouth, it’s not as good as the animals she’s accustomed to feeding from. The only thing making the taste bearable is the knowledge that it’s his. Jacob’s blood fueling her, filling her. Belonging to him so wholly.
Jacob tastes the blood and kisses her anyway. The wound on his neck has already begun to heal, he pulls her closer. He never wants her to drink from anything but him again.
Perhaps it’s the imprint, or the reincarnation, maybe it’s just love. Whatever the culprit may be, they are in it now, too deep to ever surface.
Only one thing could steal them from revelry now. The sound of Bella’s tortured screams. The baby is coming.
Part 10
Series Taglist: @vxidnik @remembered-license @itscheybaby @cole22ann @the-tryhard-twihard @zheezs14 @adaydreamaway08 @xcastawayherosx @moneteguiza @stinkii-boii @theatrechic26 @sylum @irrelevant-86
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xetswan · 5 months
Unknowing- Beast of the Inbetween
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[three] [four] [five]
Bella and I walk out of the house with Jacob behind us, him staying behind my sister.
"Whoever it was, he left his stink behind. It'll be hard to miss when we cross it again. We'll handle it from here." Jake boldly states.
"We don't need you to handle anything. Or anyone." Edward tells him, the werewolf steps toward him, attempting to get a reaction. Something he doesn't receive. "I could care less what you need." Jacob says.
"Alright we're done here." My sister's boyfriend announces. "No, you're done here." Jacob threatens him, Bella steps between them as I watch, amused of course.
"Stop, I'm tired of this. From now on, I'm Switzerland, okay?" She exclaims but it does nothing, the two get closer to one another.
"Stop!" Again, nothing. So this time I boredly tear them away from each other. Both stumbling.
"Listen to the girl you're both obsessed with, would you?" I give them dirty looks, confused with how stupid they're acting. "Thanks." She mutters.
"Mhm." I hum. "I don't expect you guys to chuck a football around together. Fine, but we have a lot of problems and this one is a temporary solution. Are you willing to at least try?" She explains herself and how they need to knock it off. Both of them stay quiet but then Edward nods, Jacob follows suit right after.
"Alright, so you need to coordinate. You know schedules and stuff." She tries to start off theconversation but they stay quiet. Bella looks over to me, defeated.
"What would the pack prefer, tantrum throwing toddler? Days or nights?" I place my hands on my hips. "Nights." Is all he answers with.
"Will days work for your family, angsty teen?" I turn to the guys who's supposedly going to be my future brother in law. He nods.
"See? How hard was that?" Bella asks them. She weakly smiles at me as I laugh to myself.
After getting away from that hot mess I finally got some relaxing time with my lovers, Alice and Jasper.
At our normal spot where we could be alone together in the woods. Both of them sat in front of me, Alice playing the grass as Jasper fidgeted with my hand.
"How come you two never told me that before you were vampires I was in love with you. Like deeply in love with both of you?" I question suddenly, it definitely being out of nowhere.
Both of them stayed silent at first so I went to apologize but Jasper's voice cut me off. "You had to figure it out on your own. Since you never mentioned it we didn't know how much you knew. What we could say and not say." He explained.
"We're sorry." Alice sincerely says but I shake my head. "Don't apologize." I take a deep breath in. "I just, I would like to hear your point of views on what I was like to you back then. I guess." I giggle softly, the three of us all adjust how we were sitting to be more comfortable.
"Since your first life was with me, I'll go first." Jasper grins, I watch as his dimples form and I smile back.
"Our families were close, when we got a little older they introduced us. Eventually we fell in love. You already know that though." He winks at me, I feel my face warm up but I nod for him to continue.
"You were my person, that's for sure. It was like we were conjoined at one point. You were devoted to the ones you loved. You were kind, you loved helping people, it just made me fall for you even more." I felt him stiff before he said his next sentence. "Then when I signed up for the war everything changed. You were angry, upset with me for doing it. You wanted me to be safe and at home with you and-" He pauses momentarily.
"And the baby you held in your stomach. Even though you were mad at me you wrote to me every day, until it stopped. The last letter I had gotten was that the baby was lively. Kicking a storm in your stomach. I wasn't even told if you were alive or not before I had turned." He closes his eyes, my hand grips his.
"I didn't know I was pregnant." I mumble, it was mainly me thinking out loud. But after it left my mouth Jasper looked right at me.
"You didn't know?" He repeats my question. "No, but it's okay. I feel like I remember it but it's far back in my memories." I explained, shrugging my shoulders. Alice took his hand into hers.
"Continue." I nudged him.
"Well after I turned I found out through Max, the wolf that imprinted on you. He somehow found me. Telling me that even though he imprinted on you nothing happened. You had no interest in him as he would've done anything for you. He explained that you were with soldiers that came through the village. Helping them with something out in the desert field." He tells the story and it brings me back to when I was bit by James.
When my memories flooded back and I was searching for Jasper. I had thought he was with the soldiers. Then havoc struck and some thieves or something came about. I was shot and that's all I remember. I didn't remember having a baby in my stomach though. But thinking about it now. It's all I seem to see in my head.
"I was shot in that desert." I cut him off. Alice and Jasper glanced up at me.
"That's the first memory I ever had from my past life the first time." I tell them.
"When I found out I snuck out from where Maria had us staying, being a newborn vampire it was difficult but I did it. I found the man that killed you. You don't understand the torture I put him through." Jasper painfully admits, I furrow my brows. I can tell he doesn't want me to know though.
"Let's talk about something else." He says.
"Well, since we were speaking about babies a little bit. I uh, I remember giving birth to a boy. You were all there, we seemed close but I wasn't in love with either one of you." I tell them, thinking back to how I was married and telling Rosalie and Alice the news in a bathroom or something.
"That was rough to sit and watch." Jasper looks down. Alice closes her eyes, nodding in agreement.
"You were engaged before we met you. You told us that we seemed familiar. Carlisle wasn't exactly happy for us staying in your life like we did. Neither was Rosalie particularly happy about it but when you got introduced to them it was as if you knew them too." Alice explains. I remember going to the market with just Rosalie, a memory sparking in my mind. How excited she was for me when I told her I was pregnant.
I remember telling the family they were aunts and uncles. How I thought of them as best friends, even family after knowing them for two-three years. They attended my wedding. The memories were little flashes. Like I was thinking about my childhood.
"Wasn't hard to watch me be in love with someone else?" I ask them. Jasper does a short nod, his face grimacing.
"You have no idea." He chuckles. "But you were happy and that's all that mattered to us." He kisses my hand, keeping it in his hold.
"It was more difficult after you gave birth. You passed from childbirth. We wanted to change you right then and there but that was a selfish thought. Even though beforehand you had told the nurses about your past lives. Whispering how you needed to see us." Alice's voice was soft, I can tell it was hard for both of them to remember these things.
I remember the childbirth, only getting to hold my baby for five minutes before it all went downhill. My husband's horrified face. It's weird being technically 17 and being older in past lives. Living through adult things and going back down to a teen. Who is now forever a teen, even in past lives I never made it past 22 years old.
"Your son was a sweetheart. We stayed to help your husband until your baby was 4. He found another woman. She was good to both of them. We kept tabs on them, making sure no one hurt either one of them." Alice smiles at the memory. I felt myself grin as well, grateful to know that they lived a good life. Something I don't think I ever really had.
"I would love to share my life with you but there's things that I don't want to talk about." Alice begins to talk, my eyes shift over to her form. She's been in her head this whole time and I can tell. I give her a small smile when she makes eye contact with me.
"That's alright, we have infinity together for you to be ready to talk about it." I remind her, pulling her into a kiss. I feel her hand grip onto my bicep.
I smirk, opening my eyes to look down at the hand. We gently push away from each other.
"You've been very handsy lately." I announce out loud, Jasper laughs. "What? I feel like I'm always handsy." She disagrees with me, I look over to Jasper who puts his hands up in defense.
"You're not going to have my back, Jasper?" She exclaims in shock, her hand still dragging down my arm.
We just stare at her, watching her get all flustered until finally she sighs out. "Okay, fine. Ever since you became a hybrid, your muscles are distracting." She avoids eye contact with me now, I tilt my head, smirking at this new found information.
"Oh, you like these muscles?" I pull the short sleeves up over my shoulders and flex both my arms. Showing them off to my partners.
Kissing at my biceps. She shoves me backwards playfully. "You're annoying." She groans, hiding her face in her hands.
"Mmm, I don't think I am." I get closer to her, purposely flexing my arms as I do so. I gently take her face in my hands and forcefully kiss her once again.
"Hey, I feel a little left out." Jasper quietly speaks up after a few moments. We stop to look at him, then look at each other before pouncing on him.
It of course comes to an end when I have to join Bella to the Rez so the rest can have their night to hunt.
At the edge of the forest I look at my lovers, Alice has a hair strand out of place that I know later Jasper and I are going to hear about and how we should've told her. I smile to myself.
I join Bella, Jacob and Edward in their weird divorce parent looking handover of their lover girl. Who is also my sister and I have to be a part of this weird bullshit.
"Doesn't he own a shirt?" Edward questions aloud.
"I'm good here, you should go." Bella tells the vampire, he pulls her closer. "I'm not going to be long." He whispers to her. I roll my eyes, looking away from the sight. "Don't rush. You need to hunt." Bella tells him.
He then grabs her into a long, nasty sounding kiss. I know it's to purposely piss off the wolf across from us. I chuckle to myself. He pulls away.
"Maybe you rush a little bit." My sister teasingly tells him.
She takes my hand and walks us over to Jacob. I look back at Edward and give him a thumbs up while making a "I'm proud of you" face.
Jacob pulls Bella into a hug having her let go of my hand.  "Hey, beautiful." Nice game, Jakey.
"Hi." Bella smiles.
Edward's car speeds down. "So, whaddaya wanna do today, Swans? Bike, hike, hang? Your call, but we're going to a party tonight." Jacob tells us, opening the door for us in his truck. Of course Bella gets in the middle.
"You sure this is okay? I really hate being a party crasher." Bella nervously looks around her as I am mentally freaking out. "Yeah dude, I definitely should not be here." I chime in.
"Technically, you're both council meeting crashers, see the council leaders, dad, quil's grandpa, sue clearwater. She took over for Harry when he died." Jacob informs us, completely ignoring what I said.
"Okay, we should not be here." Bella puts our steps to a halt. "You're okay. I thought, I mean they thought it would be good for you two to hear the histories." He points mainly to his dad who was already staring at us. "The histories? The tribe's histories? Aren't they secret?"
"We all got a role to play. And you're a part of this. [Name]'s a huge part of this. I mean, it's the first time Seth, Leah and Quil are hearing them, too. But you are the first outsider. Ever. [Name] is not much of an outsider." He glances at me and I press my lips together tightly.
"If I had have known that, I wouldn't believe you. And would've dressed better." Bella sighs, picking at her clothes.
"Jake." Seth, a boy I've sort of met before trots up to us like a little excited puppy. You can tell he idolizes Jacob.
"Hey, it's about time you got here. Paul's been hoovering the grub. But I saved you some burgers." Set tells him with a toothy grin.
"Good looking out, bro. Bella this is Seth Clearwater. Leah's brother. Newest member of the pack." Jacob introduces them.
"Newest, bestest, brightest." Seth gloats.
"And slowest." Jacob grabs the boy in a headlock, the two tumble to the sand. Seth laughs, I smile at the sight.
As kids when I came up here without Bella. He looked up to Jacob then too. Seth always wanted to play with us.
A whistler comes from the circle.
"Come on. Your dad's about to start." Seth says, slightly out of breath. "Alright." Jacob pats him. The boy looks at me with a certain expression. His eyes widen once he realizes who I am.
"[Name]." He mutters out and I give him a small nod.
"The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning." Billy starts as we all sit around the fire.
"But we've always had magic in our blood." I look around at everyone's faces. Their attention wholly being on Billy.
Sam was an exception, his eyes laid on me. My upper lip twitched in realization. I shift in place, fixing my attention back to the commanding chief.
"We were great spirit warriors... shape shifters, that transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe." He explains.
"One day our warriors came across a creature.." His eyes then met mine and I wanted to shrink into a bug at that moment. "It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone and cold as ice." I shivered from the words, feeling the heat of the fire but thinking of my lover's cold feeling, especially from earlier.
I shook my head from the thoughts that erupted in my mind. "Our warrior's sharp teeth finally tore it apart but only fire would completely destroy it." I think back to when I was a wolf. The feeling of the sharp teeth in my mouth.
"They lived in fear, the Cold man was not alone. And they were right."
"She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief. Taha Aki was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. But it wasn't only the beautiful thing that was angered. She had a beast with her. Once that was stuck in between worlds as both combined. She had been spying on the village pretending to be with the wolves. Turning into one the village believed they could trust her. She turned on them when the cold woman came to take her vengeance." Everyone's eyes glanced at me and I felt the heat of the fire engulf me.
"Taha Aki's wife could see that he would lose. "
"The third wife of Taha was no magical being, no special powers but one...Courage." Billy said in a powerful tone.
The third wife's sacrifice distracted the cold woman, and beast of the inbetween, long enough for Taha Aki to destroy them. She saved the tribe." I felt something on my neck, it was a quick sharp pain and then a hot burning sensation around my body.
I was shocked that they could easily kill the monster who I am now. I thought I was more invincible than I really am.
"Over time, our enemies have disappeared but one remains, the Cold Ones. The Beast of the Inbetween comes and goes. Sometimes an enemy. Other times...an ally." His eyes stare into me.
"Our magic awakens when they near. And we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming and we must all be ready. All of us."
Sorry for the late ass post. No excuses just had no energy to write lmao!!!
A&J M.L.
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