#Jam Sterling
gatutor · 1 month
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Elaine Stewart-Jam Sterling-Carleton Carpenter "Sky full moon" 1952, de Norman Foster.
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heartsyncproductions · 9 months
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Evoke wakes up in a holding cell. He knows why he's here and what he's done. He knows judgement will be here come morning. His cellmate, Sterling, doesn't intend to spend the remainder of the time quietly. Instead, he insists on recounting a beloved children's tale 'The Star Thieves.'
It's a tale Evoke knows well. It's a tale he doesn't know at all.
[Made in 4 days for the Velox Turbo game jam]
4k words
3 endings
2 art styles (one for "reality" and one for the fairytale)
and 1 promise to make
CW: mentions of blood and wounds
Play for free here!
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blueopalsystem · 6 months
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Phone started to have a breakdown while trying to look for children that have either error, ink, or both as parents so there's only ten
Ink - Comyet/Mye Bi
Error - Loverofpiggies/CrayonQueen
Stain - Unknown (tumblr deleted)
Nisha - Lena_Wonton
Gradient - AskComboClub
Blueprint - pepper-mint
Palette - Lasserbatsu
Paper Jam - 7goodangel
Sterling - dreemurr-skelememer
Bluescreen - 7goodangel and askinfresh
Radier - pepper-mint
Design - laskeur
If I got any creators wrong let me know, Design is the one I'm most concerned for since it was hard to find information
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guywithcloudenvy · 2 years
From my dude, Sterling Scott…
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runaway90s · 9 months
I enjoy making playlists. Here's one for the Holiday Times!
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zoeykallus · 1 year
I humbly offer thee, Goddess of Fanfics, Queen of Clones, a wide variety of her favorite foods displayed on a carefully crafted mother of pearl dinner tray with sterling silverware, coupled with a bottle of the Gods' finest ambrosia.
May I beseech thee for a fic where Omega comes to see hunter's girlfriend as a big sister and the reader adopts her as such - just Omega fluff and happiness.
One where hunter's girlfriend!reader rescues Omega and Crosshair from the empire and reunites them with Hunter. (A tall order. I've thought about doing this one myself, but I honestly believe that you're the only one that can do it justice).
Only when/if you're comfortable, Queen, I hope you're doing well! 💞
Aloha, loyal subject! 😋 Both ideas sound great. Unfortunately, there is still a lot to work through for me and my time is limited these days, so I can pick only one. I hope that's okay.
Well then, let me see what I can do here...
Hunter x Fem!Reader One-Shot - The Savior
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Warnings: Angst/Canon Typical Violence/Fluff/Hurt/Comfort/Pfff, Canon, don't know her.
As a double agent, you work in the ranks of the Empire for the Resistance. Disguised. Your relationship with Hunter is dangerous, and any secret meeting with him, is therefore accordingly risky, and you see each other rather rarely. You are faced with a difficult decision when you realize that CF99 has taken some pretty tough losses. You are in a position where you could help, but you really have to risk everything.
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
>Master List<
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The last time you spoke with Hunter was a little over a week ago. By now you know that Crosshair, a former member of Hunter's unit, is here on the station where you are stationed, as are so many other clones. A few days later, Tech, another member of Hunter's team, had an accident, was picked up more dead than alive by Storm Troopers and brought here as well. And today the girl was brought here, Omega. You've seen each other before, not often, and only in glimpses, but the girl recognized you right away. She's smart, didn't let on, so your cover is still intact. Until now. Omega is incredibly brave, she acts so mature for her age. Hunter has already taught her a lot. You haven't had a chance to tell Hunter that you've been transferred here, that you're okay, that Omega and his two brothers are still alive. You are plagued by an almost overwhelming inner turmoil. They have taken blood from the girl, but otherwise have no further tests scheduled yet. But you know Hemlock has more planned for her, you just don't know what yet.
Tech is lying in a baccta tank, it would take him a while to get back on his feet. You have an idea, a very dangerous idea, but for that you need help and the only one around you who is not injured at the moment and has enough combat experience is Crosshair. As you enter his cell, he sits on his cot and slowly raises his head, his eyes narrowed critically. His body language is not that of a prisoner; he does not seem rushed, or intimidated. On the contrary, his slow, confident movements are those of a hunter sizing up his prey. So they haven't broken him yet, good. He doesn't say a word, and neither do you at first. But after a while he snorts, "The next bitch with needles for me? You better get some helping hands, or I'll be jamming your needles down your throat". You frown, you sense the hatred resonating in his words, but the warning he utters tells you he's holding back. He wants to hurt you, he could, but he doesn't. Silently, you wonder why. "I don't have any needles with me," you say calmly, not moving from the spot.
Crosshair slowly stands up, and you are surprised how tall the slender clone soldier is. He strides towards you, even comes quite close to you. You don't back away, which leads him to look at you with interest. He tries to assess you, who you are, what you want, whether you might be a danger after all. "I need your help," you say calmly. He laughs humorlessly and finally hisses, "Go to hell." Unmoved, you tell him, "In case you haven't noticed, we're already in hell here." Crosshair blinks, then the corner of his mouth twitches very briefly, an implied smirk. "Maybe I misjudged you," he says thoughtfully, "It's possible I could like you after all." Crossing your arms in front of your chest, you raise your eyebrows in amusement, "You better not like me too much, I'm already dating one of your brothers" Crosshair blinks several times, then his brows move up. "You're confident, sassy, composed, not afraid of me...you must be Hunter's girl". You nod, impressed. "Not bad, a bullseye" Crosshair rolls his eyes, but then sits back down on the cot and says, "Yeah, I always hit the bull's eye, it's practically my signature. How would I be able to help you from in here?"
You smile and say, "I want you to help me help you."
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The mood has reached a low that is almost unbearable. Hunter, Wrecker and Echo sit together on Pabuu, by the Marauder. Now and then, somber looks are exchanged, but no one says a word. They had failed to free Crosshair, instead they had even lost Tech, and shortly after Cid had betrayed them and Omega has been taken from them. Hunter feels adrift, his guilt eating him up from the inside out. He feels the loss physically, like a constant pain compressing his ribs. He longs for your comfort, your warm body against his, your comforting voice in his ear, your smell in his nose. Just when he needs you so badly, he can't reach you, and you haven't been in touch for a long time. The thought that he might have lost you too, keeps coming up and threatens to suffocate him, because you are the thought he clings to in his darkest moments to keep his head above water.
Even revenge was beyond reach for him. Cid immediately disappeared as soon as Hunter didn't look for a moment. The helpless rage hanging in his guts doesn't make the overall situation any better. For the first time, he has no plan, no idea what to do, no answers. Right now, he barely has enough motivation to breathe. He knows he can't give up, he still has brothers counting on him, and maybe Omega wasn't lost forever yet. But in the last mission he already lost one brother, his whole squad almost died. Now they were even fewer than before. Rex, of course, offered to help, as did Gregor and Howzer, but where should they start? How? Even with Tech's brilliant ideas, they had failed. Now Tech isn't around anymore. "I'm going to rip that bitch's head off," Wrecker growls. Hunter and Echo look at him, both a little surprised. Wrecker has never spoken like this before. Apparently there's also a point at which the kind-hearted, giant breaks. Echo finally sighs and says, "We all knew Cid wasn't a saint, but I didn't expect that." Hunter says somberly, "Neither did I, but that's the problem, I should have been prepared for this."
"Stop it," Wrecker growls, "It's not your fault, leader or not, you're still only human." Hunter doesn't want to discuss it, right now he just wants to bathe in self-pity and self-loathing, even though he knows how destructive that actually is. He walks past his two brothers into the interior of the shuttle without comment. From the cockpit, he hears a beep and realizes that they have received a message. "Guys come in, we have a message from an unknown sender". Wrecker and Echo hurriedly enter the cockpit. Echo looks at the sender's number and frowns. "I don't think the sender is really unknown to us." "You know the number?" asks Wrecker. He shakes his head and replies, "Not exactly, but take a closer look at the numbers, Hunter. Isn't that the date you met your flame. Our double agent?" For a moment, Hunter holds his breath, it takes him a small moment to regain his composure. This could be the glimmer of hope he can cling to now.
"You're right," he says a little breathlessly, and opens the message. There is no recording in the message, no video and no audio. Just a rather long string of numbers. "These are coordinates," Echo says after a moment's thought, "The first pair of numbers is the system, the second is several planets, and the third is a point in between. Maybe she wants to meet you there?" Hunter's heart beats up in his throat. His skin tingles, his pulse races. Is this really a message from you? He desperately hopes so. "You should go, at least one of us should find some comfort," Wrecker says with a wry smile. Echo frowns and says, "I don't want to be a killjoy, but she hasn't contacted you in a long time. And now she's sending a message with no picture or sound, just coordinates? This could be a trap" "Then we'll come along just in case," Wrecker grumbles, "And if it's not a trap, then we'll just have to close our eyes and ears for a while, so they can celebrate their meeting" Echo shrugs and says, "I can live with that. What do you say, Hunter?"
"I'll definitely look into it," Hunter says sternly, "but I can't ask you to come along." Wrecker unconsciously mimics one of Tech's mannerisms by jabbing his index finger vertically in the air and saying, "You can't forbid us, either!" Wistfulness spreads like a dull ache in his chest as Hunter sees the gesture, he misses Tech so much, but he smiles, and says, "You got that right, Wrecker."
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It was not easy to find a trooper uniform that fits the sniper. It actually took several days to find and procure it. Omega wears handcuffs and walks in front of you, in front of Omega walks the disguised Crosshair. Next to you hovers the baccta tank you've covered up so no one can see Tech inside. Your pulse is racing, but outwardly you look absolutely calm. You are highly concentrated. This has to work, or you may all be doomed. Omega glances over her shoulder now and then, looking up at you nervously. You make sure no one hears or sees you at the moment and speak softly to her, "Look ahead, Omega, it's going to be okay." "Okay," the girl says softly and sighs. "We're almost there" you whisper to her. You're not so sure about that, but at least you try to radiate it. You make it as far as the hangar unmolested, but inside the hangar itself, a small group of Troopers consisting of four men stops you.
"What is that? A baccta tank? Where are you guys going with that thing? Who's the girl?"
You can see how Crosshair as well as Omega tense up. You have to do something, and you have to do it now, before things escalate. Adjusting your badge that clearly identifies you as a higher ranking officer, you use your full showmanship. The look you give the trooper is annoyed, angry, and condescending. You snarl, "You've got some nerve, Trooper. What's your ID number?" The Trooper pauses and looks at his fellow Troopers, he seems to be puzzled at first. When he looks back at you, you wave a finger at him. When he's finally within reach, you grab the fabric of his Blacks at his collar and pull the trooper down a bit, he leans in your direction in surprise, he definitely wasn't expecting that. "Take a good look at this ID, Trooper," you give him two breaths before continuing, "I've been personally ordered by Doctor Hemlock and Grand Admiral Tarkin to move the clone in this tank and the girl. The day started out shitty, I'm pressed for time, and you're getting on my nerves. If you don't fuck off right now and let me do my job, I'll make sure you get lined up against the nearest wall and shot, you little pipsqueak."
You push the trooper back again and nod to Crosshair, who rudely shoves the trooper back to his squad, underlining your act. "Sorry, M'am, won't happen again," says one of the other troopers. " I hope so for your sake," you grumble and resume your walk to the shuttle. Your heart races, you hardly dare to breathe, but you maintain the stony expression until you are inside the Imperial shuttle and the ramp has closed behind you. Finally, you breathe a sigh of relief. You feel sick with anxiety, on the verge of throwing up. Crosshair takes off the helmet, helps Omega secure the baccta tank in the cargo bay and says to you, "You're good, girl, almost gave me the willies". You say after a few breaths, with which you keep the nausea at bay, "I almost peed myself" The Sniper says with a wry smile, "Then you're a damn good actress, it for sure as hell didn't show" Crosshair finally makes his way to the cockpit and launches the shuttle. You strap Omega into one of the seats in the cockpit. The girl looks at you, but she doesn't protest. "We could be attacked, we're not quite safe yet, so I'm strapping you in," you explain calmly.
Omega nods in understanding. You are always surprised how brave the girl is. "Thank you," she says softly, "You risked a lot for us today. I can see why Hunter likes you so much." You laugh softly and smile. Hunter; just the thought of you seeing him again soon, should everything work out, makes your heart beat faster. "You better strap in too, they're already hailing us and I don't intend to answer them" Crosshair grumbles. You hurriedly sit down and are about to strap in when the first shots are fired at your shuttle. Crosshair makes two hard evasive maneuvers that almost throw you out of your seat again. Your fingers hastily grab the seatbelt, but each maneuver causes it to slip away from you again. You curse softly, your pulse racing. Another steep turn finally pulls you out of your seat. Everything turns for a moment, weightlessness, even your stomach seems to turn with the shuttle. Omega tries to reach for you, but you snap, "Don't!" You're afraid she might break her little fingers should the ship spin again in a moment and her fingers get tangled in your clothes. Then gravity kicks in again, and you slam into one of the other seats. Pain spreads like a wave through your ribs. Another quick spin of the ship, the back wall of the cockpit speeds towards you, the impact is violent, your world suddenly goes dark.
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You slowly regain consciousness. You feel that you have been covered and are lying on soft ground. The surrounding voices are muffled, the words slowly become clearer, but they are spoken softly, as if they do not want to disturb you. Slowly, blinking, you open your eyes and hear Omega's little voice say excitedly, "She's waking up!" You hear quick footsteps. "Love, how do you feel?" Hunter's face appears above you. You breathe a sigh of relief, beaming at him. "We made it, didn't we?" you ask, a little breathlessly. Hunter's smile is warm and happy. "You did it, we're all together again," he says softly, gently stroking your cheek. You reach for his hand and hold it tightly where it touches your face. You say softly, almost in a whisper, "I missed you." Hunter sits down on the edge of the bed and leans over you, kissing your forehead, gently.
"I missed you too, Love, more than I can put into words". Crosshair briefly appears in your field of vision, "Hey Wildling, thanks, I won't forget this". Omega beams, "Me neither" and hurriedly follows the Sniper. You hear her start to pepper Crosshair with questions as the two leave the room and grin inside. "How's Tech?" you finally ask Hunter. Hunter laughs softly, "Right now he's still on crutches and has to rest a lot, but he's back to his old self, talking a lot, explaining absolutely everything he can think of to the people around him." That sounds like Tech, as you've come to know him, the thought is comforting. Hunter looks at you intensely. "I can't believe you really risked this, even gave up your cover at the Empire for this, your superiors at the resistance won't be happy. But I'm incredibly grateful, I don't even know what to say, how to thank you," Hunter suddenly says very seriously and urgently. You look at him and say, "I had to do it, it was the right thing to do, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says. I had to follow my heart."
He takes your hand in his, brings it to his lips, and kisses the back of your hand. "You're much too good for me," he says softly. "What nonsense," you say with a laugh. Hunter smirks and lies down with you, gently wrapping his arms around you. You're only too happy to snuggle up to him with a relieved, happy sigh, enjoying his warmth, his closeness. "Will you do me a favor?" you ask in a whisper. "Anything you want, you just have to say it". After a deep breath in which you take in his scent, you say, "Don't ever let me go". His arms wrap around you a little tighter. "Your wish is my command"
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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🍓 Jam & Fruit Earrings 🫐
Linocut on shrinky dink, made into sterling silver earrings ☀️
Now available on Etsy: SmilingSunEmbroidery
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orchidblack · 2 months
I mean there's a lot going on that's kinda freaky and weird and beyond our control, and that stuff's gonna... [deliberative pause] I mean it's gonna kick out the jams.
-Bruce Sterling
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kk1smet · 8 months
People I want to get to know better
Honored to have been tagged by two of the artists I admire a normal amount: @littlewinnow (hope you have a wonderful time with the new sketchbook!) & @valoale (here's to a great time in Scotland and photographs!)
Last song: Lost In Space - Lighthouse Family (currently jamming to maesterchill's shuffle list)
Favourite color: Neutral and earth tones
Last film/ show: Friends
Sweet/savory/spicy: Spicy, then savory (sweet... can't stand much)
Relationship status: Single
Last thing I googled: Frotcot because I saw it on @pl0tty's tags and I'm not sure what that is... (enlighten me)
Current obsession: Procreate brushes that'll feel and work better for me along the way, and also, sleep. 6-8 hours of restful sleep.
Last book: I think it's Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, or The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (a constant in my life).
Looking forward to: There's an upcoming art fair near us, and I hope me and my friend can visit (if our work schedule allows, hopefully!) + the Haikyuu!! Final, which I think should be a series and not a movie because dear lord those last few chapters in the manga are gold and I gotta see 'em in flesh!
Hi, I am tagging @basiatlu, @getawayfox, @andithiel, @undyingpeculiarity, & @rey-sterling! (Only if you want to / please disregard if you've been tagged!) ♥︎
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mercyburned · 2 months
@fatesweave / Kaeya's good at deflecting, Dehya's learned, but instead of putting her off, it makes her want to know more. He's mysterious. She thinks she knows things about him, but she just knows how he is, not why, not how. Not who. He carries the ability to change the topic like he was born with it, and she's fallen for it a few times up until now. He's good with words, better at knowing his way around them. He damn near got her this time, too. But the desert gets cold at night, the fire is warm, and a drink that burns its way down doesn't go amiss when the chill starts setting in. She's used to him turning her down when she's trying to get to know him better. It isn't personal, and she doesn't push him. She wants to know him, not have him push her away entirely. It'll happen on his own time, if he ever wants to share any other side of him, and she's a patient woman. Generally. The Sumeran wine beside her is musky and rich with warmth spread throughout, almost as if spiced. One of those that's best when sipped rather than downed quickly. Pulling out two small cups, she pours a mouthful for each of them and, nudging Kaeya's arm, hands him one. "Tell me something honest?" she asks with the raise of an eyebrow. He can tell her no and she'll respect it; the alcohol isn't a bargaining chip, nor a way to ply him. (She doesn't know if he can be plied with alcohol, given how much he can have and still keep his wits about him.) "I'll do the same in return."
No matter where Dehya's mind might be, Kaeya's was more or less only on what lay ahead. He sort of remembers the gates -- large and imposing, intimidating to him, even as someone who had been born behind the safety of them. But his nerves were beginning to twitch the farther and farther they got from Caravan Ribat. Oh, he trusted that Dehya wasn't going to murder him, steal all his Mora, and leave his body out here in the middle of nowhere. He trusted she'd get him where he'd paid her to take him. He knew how mercenary reputations worked, and hers was sterling.
But unless everything he knew about the world was wrong, it had been a long, long time since someone of Khaenri'ahn blood had approached the gates.
Shit, he didn't even know if he'd be able to get inside. If he'd even want to with someone else there who wasn't... of the same blood. Khaenri'ah was a graveyard, it was sacred in the way that only thin places of death could be sacred, filled with despair and grief, anger and pain, scared little boys helplessly watching the deaths of their mothers.
Not the sort of thing you brought a stranger to witness. Not the sort of thing he should have brought someone else along for, but how else was he supposed to get there? Father dearest left him no instructions, no knowledge, no thing... just a legacy that hung like cobwebs in his lungs.
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It wasn't that he had no interest in his traveling companion. If he'd asked for company to literally anywhere else, this entire conversation would be different. The destination just wasn't the sort of place to make a smile crinkle his eyes.
He took the wine without complaint, swirling it around a few times before he sipped from it. The taste was incredibly different from Mondstadt's sweet dandelion wine, but he liked it anyway. “Something honest, let's see... I like to make strawberry jam.”
Yeah, yeah, he knows -- not at all the kind of honesty she'd meant. Too late.
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gatutor · 9 months
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Jam Sterling-Lew Ayres "Belinda" (Johnny Belinda) 1948, de Jean Negulesco.
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heartsyncproductions · 10 months
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Screenshots of my Velox Turbo entry I'm definitely not going to finish in time.
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norbezjones · 4 months
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Sketch sheet of the 3rd love interest of Romance The Backrooms, my upcoming dating sim visual novel. Meet the sad boy, Uri! The cat is his "friend" Manorial, who we will discuss in a bit. Uri was designed by gurosquid, and Manorial was designed by Neopixelz.
Oh Uri, my sweet summer child. He's such a gloomy little guy, but I love him so much. You just wanna cuddle him and give him a great big hug because he's just so sad!
His voice actor, Sam Hodges, depicts this so fucking well. The story about how Sam got cast is kind of an interesting one, so I shall tell you the tale:
During the casting process, I wasn't getting as many Uri auditions, and the ones I did get didn't sound at all like Uri to me (this was partially my fault in not being specific enough in how I wanted him to sound, I'll admit). The deadline for the casting call was approaching, and I feared Uri's voice would not appear in my inbox.
But then, I got Sam's email. And even though he auditioned for Glarence, I was listening to it and thinking to myself, "URI??? IS THAT YOU???" Because FINALLY I could hear the character speaking to me through a talented voice! I was very happy!
So I reached out to him and asked if he wanted to be considered for Uri. He said yes, and submitted lines for Uri as well, which turned out perfect. And that's how he got cast!
As for Manorial, he's a very interesting character whose existence as he is today came about bit by bit. Here's a breakdown:
When I was trying to flesh out the Romance The Backrooms characters, I wanted to make sure that each of them had a strength/benefit to the group, but also couldn't obliterate all opponents and make all threats minor. For example, Kalcal can physically defeat most small/medium backrooms entities, but pit him against anything bigger than a hound, and he's gonna have a problem. And in a battle of wits, 90% of the time he's going to lose.
As I recall, I was discussing the characters with my friend, who I'll call L, and specifically brought up how I wasn't sure what Uri's strength should be. L suggested that Uri has an object that can help the group, but has some kind of drawback. I took that idea and ran with it, turning the object into an entity, and making the drawback into Uri losing memories, because there's so much angsty potential there and I like torturing my characters. Mwahahaha!
As the Otome Jam drew closer, I tried to figure out the memory entity's design, and was looking through the character designs I had already obtained for the game, trying to figure out who stood out to me. Then, it hit me like a freight train--ah, of course! The memory entity should be the mascot of the open species idea I adopted from Neopixelz! And that's how Manorial became the memory entity.
I'm really hyped to launch the open species when the game is out, but SHHHHH, we'll get to that when we get to that. ;3
Manorial is a suave, persuasive watcher who gazes out at the world through the red eye in the middle of Uri's forehead. Like all Memory Collectors, he is a shapeshifter, and has chosen the form he has now. He's the only character who constantly flirts with the main character, and I find that absolutely hilarious. Sorry Manorial, you're not gonna get the girl! Well, maybe in DLC someday, lol.
Manorial is voiced by Sterling Barbett! He was my 2nd choice to voice Adiel (the 5th love interest, who I'll make a blog about soon), and I knew I wanted him to get involved in the project, even if it wasn't as the voice of a love interest. So I asked if I wanted to voice Manorial, and he said yes! Hooray!
That's all for today. Please share your thoughts, and have a good one!
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Writing Notes! A Song of Thunder and Ice
I’ve gotten a few questions about writing the last chapter’s Bard fight scene , and these kind of asks make me GIDDY AF.
Prepare for a long explanation!
Spoilers below.
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I ALWAYS listen to music when I write, but before that I usually spend some time walking and listening to music. The movement and music jumpstarts my thought process, but it gives me a chance to shuffle through various forms of music and see how the intended scene is going to work.
For the regular scenes, the mood and lyrics are key. Sometimes I have an idea and I just can't seem to get it to work ... then random pulls up the PERFECT song ... and I discover something new, or rediscover something I forgot and -- boom -- I can hear the dialogue and the flow of the plot moves naturally.
Other times it just doesn't happen.
That's how it happened the first time Hunter faced down the false Golden Guard. All the songs I wanted Hunter to use to kick butt just didn't work. Then a friend started talking about Pulp Fiction, and I remembered Miserlou. The more I researched it, the more I realized how perfect it was.
We've seen Hunter use Bard magic a few other times in the series, but this was his second BATTLE and he is fighting it alongside Raine who we now know was his teacher and has become a close friend.
Even though Raine taught Hunter (more than just guitar) they have distinct styles. We know that they have jammed together in the past with Steve for fun, but fighting together was a different beast.
I imagined they'd use their fox violin/palisman (whom I called "Freddie" after Freddie Mercury in a shorter fic.)
Obviously, Hunter would summon his Rickenbacker... so I began to think about how rock music and violin would fit?
I began to think about Lindsay Stirling and her electric violin, which led me down a rabbit hole of her catalog. Roundtable Rival was a real contender here ... but I wanted Hunter to use a song that was closer to the quick sharp sound he'd used in that first fight.
I also wanted there to be a weather component to it since this fight takes place during Winter on the Boiling Isles.
Thunderstruck by AC/DC leapt right out at me. Yeah. Hunter would play Thunderstruck and summon a storm.
I began listening to the opening of Thunderstruck along side several of Lindsay Sterling's Violin pieces and came across Ice Storm ... which was just TOO good a match up. Ice Storm had a similar fury to what I was going for -- it had a weather based title, and it managed to be elegant while maintaining a modern undercurrent that hit the right notes (pun intended. I'll show myself the door.)
Aside from listening to the two songs back to back, I also listened to 2CELLOS version of Thunderstruck, which is as close to an actual mashup of the OG AC/DC song and Ice Storm as exists IRL.
Hope this wasn't too self indulgent!
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canidkid · 3 months
Summer Harvest Season
Been a while since I've posted writing! Classic little domestic peace agere oneshots,, my passion :3
Regressor!Johnny Abbot & CG!Meadow (oc)
Read the full thing under the cut!
! Contains some very very minor cussing !
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It was finally cherry season. The time of year both Johnny and Meadow looked most forward to. They prepared as well as they possibly could. Cleaning jam jars and pie pans, giving the kitchen an all new shine. Meadow had been writing down the progress of fruiting trees in the area for years, so she was dead set on the perfect time and place.
Johnny had asked early on if it were alright if he regressed at any point. He knew cherry picking was a lot more work than people liked to crack it up to be. And he didn't want to make it any more bothersome with his childish tendencies. Meadow seemed to take this as a personal challenge.
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"Alright, Johnny- boy! Sun's almost up to the Horizon, so we gotta hurry!" She pats her wicker basket, stuffed with countless other fabric bags. He peeks up at her from the ground, where he's currently struggling to tie his shoes. Meadow smiles softly. It makes Johnny shrink into himself slightly. "I'm sorry. I won't be much help like this all-all- ugh.." Johnny keeps his Gaze intently focused on the tips of his shoes.
Meadow kneels down next to him, wordlessly finishing his clumsy attempt at putting on his outdoor shoes. "You'll be a great help. I know someone who picks the best ever cherries for pies. And I believe I remember, he also taught me the jam recipe we're still using!" She turns her face toward him with a genuine smile, hesitantly returned by the other.
It was a rather hot day, summer seemed to have come in hard and fast. Everybody was grateful for the shade the forestry provided. Sterling plodded dutifully behind Meadow as she led the way through the twisty-turny foot paths. Johnny was still quite spooked by the whole horse thing - but Meadow had insisted the bonding would do them some good! Even if Meadow would be the one holding a lead rope the whole time. This horse-human triad was, as always, flanked by two of the woman's dogs. Stella trotted upfront, beside her master. Her fluffy, dual toned coat bouncing along with every happy step. Her brother Monty darted between his duties like a tricolor lightning flash. Check on Meadow, check on Sterling, check on Meadow's other weird pet, repeat.
Their trip to the fruiting trees wasn't a long one. It hardly took them far from the cottage. Past a lake and through a dense path of ferns, finally to the large clearing.
The field in which they stood was divided by a flowing stream of water. A very welcome sight to everyone involved. Meadow had expected Johnny to go down younger - but not at this speed! She caught a glimpse of the boy practically vibrating up on the draft horse's back. He captured her gaze, his smile brightening as he stuck one arm out to her. "Down Doe, down!" Meadow laughed, hauling her little boy back to solid ground. She barely got a second to look at him, before he immediately turned his attention to Sterling. He leaned in to him, whispering in the animal's ear as he patted his neck.
"You're a good horsie. Good horsie, Sterling! If Doe says you can't have cherries I'll get you some…but you can't tell her! But you have to be eeeeeeextra nice on the way back also!"
Meadow almost couldn't hold her laughter. They'd just gotten here, and he was already conspiring with her animals!! At least Stella and Monty were immune. They knew damn well they could get their own cherries. Both dogs had shot off to the stream almost immediately on arrival. Chasing each other through the grass and using the water as an out, or splashing one another with it - their high-pitched yips and barks disturbing the surrounding serenity as they played.
Meadow set her big basket on the ground. Clapping her hands to call everybody to attention. "Alright, kids, time to get some work done!" She picked a cloth bag from the selection she'd brought. "Anything you can reach, put it in the bag! But - and this is important - check any fruit for worm holes or signs of rot! We don't want that yucky stuff in our food." Johnny eagerly reached for his own bag, trundling behind Meadow like an excited puppy.
The heat was easy to forget when you were having fun. Not long after they'd begun to pluck their share of cherries, Johnny and Meadow had decided it would be much more fun to climb the trees instead of simply trying to reach lower branches. The dogs would not have let this slide, were it not for the fact they were unable to do anything but watch disapprovingly from the ground. Sterling had elected himself to be an active part of this endeavor, always positioning himself so his big head was between the branches. Johnny kept his earlier promise, slipping the old horse a sweet summer treat every once in a while.
I never continued with this fic thingie - maybe I will in the future! But I hope you enjoy how far I did get for now ! ! <3
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nowandajenn · 2 months
Blue Christmas- chapter 2
Series warnings: angst (like a lot), mentions of infidelity, language, family drama, pregnancy, sexual situations.
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After taking a hot shower and getting dressed for the day, I let Dodger out once more before I leave for the studio. This time of year is always busy; families coming in wanting photos done of their kids or the whole family for the holidays. I love this time of year and how happy everyone is. Plus, the holidays provide endless possibilities when it comes to the pictures. 
When I get to the studio, I head inside and unlock the door, flip the sign, and turn the lights on and get ready to get down to business. My assistant/receptionist Allie gets there about 15 minutes after I do. 
“I hope you’re full of coffee and perkiness, because we are going to be jam packed today, my girl.” I tell her. 
“Had a cappuccino at home and I have coffee in my trusty travel mug. I’m ready to go.” she says, laughing. 
My first appointment doesn’t come in until 10am, and we don’t get a break to even sit down and eat lunch until about 2:30. Allie and I sit together at our desks, taking and eating our burritos, taking a much needed breather. It’s already December 4th, so we’re going to be pretty busy from now until Christmas. 
“So you must be super happy now that Chris is home for the holidays.” Allie says, wiping her mouth with a napkin. 
“Absolutely. But there’s no way that he would miss Christmas. He knows his mom would kill him.” I laugh. 
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I send Allie home at 5pm and lock up so I can get some work done editing photos and getting them printed and organized on discs for the customers. Truthfully, I could be doing this at home, but there’s something about working here where there’s total peace and quiet that helps me concentrate and get shit done. 
Once I’m done with customer orders, I open up the folder on my computer with the holiday photos that Chris and I and the rest of the Evans clan did a few weeks ago, when Chris had a free weekend. There are a ton of photos, as usual, and they all turned out wonderful. There are ones of each one of the kids, ones of them together, pictures of the whole damn family, ones of Carly, Scott, Chris, and Shanna, ones of Chris and I (Allie took the ones that I was part of). I can’t help but smile as I scroll through all of them, tearing up at how much I love this family and how much they mean to me. 
I pick out one of the pictures of the whole family and email it to Lisa. We had taken the photos both inside and out, since the weather had been particularly good that day. This particular shot was taken outside with all of us standing on the wraparound front porch of Lisa’s house. Chris had made a joke about the porch giving out and us all falling on our asses to the ground because of all of our combined weight, Scott had laughed and replied that if anything was going to bring us down, it was going to be the size of Chris’ ego, and it had taken us way too long to get the giggles and jokes under control to get the picture. 
I sit back in my chair and gaze at one of our favorite wedding pictures that sits in a sterling silver frame on my desk. It was taken right after the ceremony, when we had been escorted to a private room in the church to take a breath and just be with each other for a few moments to bask in finally being married. It’s a black and white shot of us standing close, foreheads resting against each other’s, and both grinning like fools. There’s a bigger, framed copy of it hanging in our house, too. 
Chris surprised me with the studio for my birthday three years ago. I had gotten my degree in photography from U Mass, and was absolutely passionate about it. I took jobs shooting weddings, engagement photos, newborn photos, everything I could get my hands on. I ended up getting so much business that I had converted part of the basement into a darkroom, there were always photos everywhere, and the camera equipment that I needed as I got more work began to take up more space. Chris never complained though; he was thrilled that I was doing something that I loved and that made me happy.
 As a surprise, he and Tara had found the studio space and Chris had bought it for me. The night he had brought me here (blindfolded and slightly drunk) and unveiled the space to me, I had burst into tears and kissed him over and over again until we ended up in the back where nobody could see us, making love on the hardwood floor. The first official thing we did was christen the new place Kelly Evans Photography, a few months before I was technically even Kelly Evans. The whole studio is a big, open floor plan, with the front reception area flowing into the back photography area where there are comfy chairs, different lighting options, backgrounds, and props to use in the photos. Chris had helped me decorate, putting together the desks and painting, and helping me pick out which photos of mine were going to be displayed up front so customers could see examples of my work. 
Chris had declared that the centerpiece for the rest of the photos should be one of the photos from our engagement shoot, blown up and framed. It had been taken outside in the spring time, and the trees and flowers were in full bloom. The shot had been taken as Chris held me piggyback, with my arms thrown around him, both of us in the middle of laughing. It perfectly captured us as a couple; playful and happy and so in love it was ridiculous. It made me grin like the village idiot every time I caught a glance of it on the wall. 
By the time I finally get done working, I’m shocked to look outside and see the roads and sidewalks absolutely covered in snow, and the heavy flakes are still coming down. I had noticed that it had started snowing earlier in the day, but had been so busy I hadn’t really thought anything of it. I check my phone to see there’s a weather alert about blizzard conditions and the possibility of 5-8″ of snow. Gotta love East coast winters. 
There’s also a text from Chris telling me to drive safe coming home from work and that he loved me. I send him a text back saying that I’m leaving work right now and for him to drive safe also. 
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When I walk in the front door, Dodger barks happily and spins around, tail wagging excitedly. I set the pizza that I picked up for dinner down, and scratch him behind the ears, giving him kisses.  
“Come on bubba, let’s go potty.”
I let Dodger out and pour myself a glass of wine and plate up some pizza and head to the living room. Dodger doesn’t stay out too long on account of the cold, so once he comes in and shakes off, he joins me on the couch as I turn on an episode of V Wars on Netflix. 
The house is completely done up for Christmas, lights and garland everywhere, the Christmas tree decorated within an inch of its life. There’s a fire going in the fireplace, and the room is illuminated just by the light of the tree. It’s beautiful and soothing.
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I grab the bottle of red out of the fridge and pour myself another glass, watching through the kitchen window as the snow just keeps coming down, the strong wind carrying it every which way, causing big snow drifts across the yard. I hear the faint sound of the front door opening and then shutting, and Dodger losing his mind. That can only mean one thing.
“Babe?” I call out.
“Yeah, it’s me.” he says.
“God, I’m surprised you didn’t just stay at your mom’s tonight. The roads are a fucking mess.” 
I start heading back into the living room and stop in my tracks when I get a look at Chris. His eyes and nose are red, like he’s been crying. And there’s a look on his face that I haven’t seen before; like he’s devastated. My heart immediately starts pounding in my chest and my mouth goes dry. Someone died. That’s my first thought. He would only look like this if someone had died, or at the very least been in a serious accident.
“Chris? What is it? What’s wrong? Is your mom okay?” I ask, not liking how my voice comes out small and scared. 
He crosses the room to me and wraps me in a hug so tight that it’s a little hard to breathe. He buries his face in my neck and I immediately throw my arms around him, trying to comfort him. I can feel his tears transferring to my skin and I stand there, terrified, clinging to him tightly. 
“Chris, you have to talk to me. You’re scaring the hell out of me.” I murmur in his ear. He pulls back from me after a long moment and wipes his eyes, still holding onto me tightly. 
“I have to tell you something.” 
All those times over the last few days when I’ve been dying for him to tell me what’s going on and why he’s so stressed out, and now that it’s here, I’m not ready. Not in the slightest. 
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, imagining the worst possible scenarios in my head and trying to brace myself for anything. I try to steel myself, knowing that the next words out of his mouth are going to change everything. Without realizing it, I start fidgeting with the hem of Chris’ white cable knit sweater that I threw on over a pair of leggings as pajamas. 
“I love you so much. I love you. I love you.” he murmurs
“I love you too. Chris, whatever is going on, we’ll deal with it. I promise. You just have to tell me what happened.” Seeing him like this has gotten me so shaken that my voice is wavering, like I’m on the verge of bursting into tears. 
He brings his beautiful blue eyes up to meet mine and he takes in a shuddering breath.
“When I was gone, I fucked up. I……fuck……”. He drops to his knees in front of me and hugs my waist, pressing his head against my stomach. I bring my hand to the top of his head, stroking his hair, utterly fucking confused about what’s going on. 
All of the sudden, things seem to snap into place in my brain. The stress, him avoiding me, him sobbing at my feet, him saying he fucked up. But it’s not possible. It can’t be. Chris is the last person on the face of the earth that would do something like that. There’s no way. 
 I keep thinking “please no” to myself over and over in my head, and I’m shocked to realize I’m actually saying it softly out loud. 
“I slept with someone.”
I close my eyes tightly, hoping that this is just a nightmare. Nobody moves. Nobody breathes. Even Dodger is completely silent. Because if anyone makes a sound, it’s going to be real. 
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