#James’ spirit is just not as strong idk what to say
allmpa · 2 years
Every day I tell myself James would want me to go to sleep early and get a good nights rest and I plan on doing so but then the evil spirit of Regulus Black comes to me to whisper “or you could stay up until 2am doing absolutely nothing” and so I nod and do exactly as he says bc… he’s Regulus Black.
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hot take on a real life Jigen
I know that Monkey punch modeled Jigen on James Coburn, but hear me out. Robert Mitchum is Jigens spirit animal.
1stly, voice. They have the same timber. (Idk what else to call it) I would definitely say epcar and Mitchum are in the same category. Kobayashi is similar too but he is more animated, going into falsetto and such. I also think if jigen sang he would be baritone and talk-sing his way through lyrics.
2ndly, Mitchum's grumpy old man vibe just radiate Jigen imo.
Mitchum quotes:
They got so they wanted me to take some of my clothes off in the pictures. I objected to this, so I put on some weight and looked like a Bulgarian wrestler when I took my shirt off.
The only difference between me and my fellow actors is that I've spent more time in jail.
I gave up being serious about making pictures around the time I made a film with Greer Garson and she took a hundred and twenty-five takes to say no.
[on his acting talents] Listen. I got three expressions: looking left, looking right and looking straight ahead.
People think I have an interesting walk. Hell, I'm just trying to hold my gut in.
When I drop dead and they rush to the drawer, there's going to be nothing in it but a note saying 'later'.
I never take any notice of reviews - unless a critic has thought up some new way of describing me. That old one about my lizard eyes and anteater nose and the way I sleep my way through pictures is so hackneyed now.
Years ago, I saved up a million dollars from acting, a lot of money in those days, and I spent it all on a horse farm in Tucson. Now when I go down there, I look at that place and I realize my whole acting career adds up to a million dollars worth of horse shit.
I never changed anything, except my socks and my underwear. And I never did anything to glorify myself or improve my lot. I took what came and did the best I could with it.
[asked what jail was like] It's like Palm Springs without the riff-raff.
John Wayne had four-inch lifts in his shoes. He had the overheads on his boat accommodated to fit him. He had a special roof put in his station wagon. The son-of-a-bitch, they probably buried him in his goddamn lifts.
There just isn't any pleasing some people. The trick is to stop trying.
Sure I was glad to see John Wayne win the Oscar. I'm always glad to see the fat lady win the Cadillac on television, too.
I kept the same suit for six years - and the same dialog. We just changed the title of the picture and the leading lady.
[asked why he took on an 18-hour mini-series] It promised a year of free lunches.
How do I keep fit? I lay down a lot.
[1969] How the hell did I get into this picture anyway? I kept reading in the papers that I was going to do it, but when they sent me the script I just tossed it on the heap with the rest of them. But somehow, one Monday morning, here I was. How the hell do these things happen to a man?
[1948] I'm a natural hermit. I've been in constant motion of escape all my life. I never really found the right corner to hide in.
[1968] The Rin Tin Tin method is good enough for me. That dog never worried about motivation or concepts and all that junk.
[on working with Faye Dunaway] When I got here I walked in thinking I was a star and then I found I was supposed to do everything the way she says. Listen, I'm not going to take any temperamental whims from anyone, I just take a long walk and cool off. If I didn't do that, I know I'd wind up dumping her on her derrière.
[asked what he looks for in a script before accepting a job] Days off.
[on Jane Russell] Miss Russell was a very strong character. Very good-humored when she wasn't being cranky.
They think I don't know my lines. That's not true. I'm just too drunk to say 'em.
Look me dead in the eye and Tell me this isn't jigen
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mdpikachu · 2 years
List of hc’s concerning a clown (mephi fgo) as requested
(Not ordered in any way, old hcs and new ones intermixed.)
-Do not put your clown in direct sunlight for extended periods, he will sunburn SO fast.
--Jeanne’s interlude? Where she thanks Mephi for helping her and his response is, open quotes, “Reeeally? I’m not used to this sort of thing, so I’m not quite sure how to respond to that. But as long as you enjoyed yourself, that’s all that matters. Even better if it made you smile!” Please praise your clown. Clowns require praise to function. Hell, just speak to him. Acknowledge him.
-In Chibichuki, Mephi is shown as a hairdresser, so make that Chaldea occupation #3 under Clown and Alchemist. Wait, no. And makeup artist. he’d 100% help james/moriRuler/what have you, with his goofy makeup. edit FORGOT ABOUT THE CASINO DEALER TOO. At this point mephi’s just talented way outside the expected perimeters that aren’t combat. he does a LOT. buttling/butlering if he HAS to. etc. etc. etc. etc. talent clown.
--His eye color is startlingly inconsistent- Sometimes they’re blue and pink, and sometimes just plain Purple. I think in life they were blue without the pink. here’s a visual complaint. i do like the purple but it’s not... correct?
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-There is a joke around here somewhere concerning what it means to have an “ego”. There is also a comment regarding clown gender around here somewhere. Spoilers: it’s a bomb down there. for emergencies. trans rigs. local baby homun goes to dad and says “im boy”. situation over. his ingame bio says ♂? you cannot fight me here. if he really needs to prove it, he’ll let euryale shoot him. for science.
--For the longest time I thought the make-up was permanent markings. In this house they’re permanent markings except when they’re not. 
-Santa Mephi could potentially lead to a Krampus situation, especially if he ends up in half again. I would accept this. I’d also accept getting a costume and being an elf for someone else. I just want him to get into a christmas event for more than 1 seconds. as cute as a lily mephi would be, his spirit origin wouldnt be strong enough to be on it’s own. these are less HCs and more commentary
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--I drew mephi in his lab coat once here, take it, and yes that Is an alchemy circle on his neck. Tattoo from Papa Faust. That’s kept covered up 100% of the time. no touchy. (DID DRAW HIM AGAIN RECENTLY BUT NOT DONE YET)
-bc of his panicked reaction to the large ghost in knk, secretly a bit scared of ghosts. a “bit”. only a “little” (BLATANT LIE)
--the tiny horns he can hide at will and are from innocent monster. two of his tails are from the same source. one tail he’s always had.
-this is the absolute hardest take on here, but i dont think he (mephi the homunculus) killed faust. the innocent monster mephi (the demon) would take CREDIT for it, but he’s just acting in accordance to the myth that he caused it, like how salieri’s totally fucked up. who actually killed faust? idk. the church probably. stop summoning demons and making shit. thats not very churchgoing of you. unless faust himself asks, in which case mephi is free to say “no, i didnt!”. cause he didnt and he liked dad outside of the whole “killing people” thing. (which i did NOT know about when that was decided. kept outta spite and it being too late to fix.)
--isn’t mephi gay in at least one version of Faust. I’d need to research that one. highest honor, slaps with both ace and bi labels and then leaves without explaining myself. 
-mephi cares. mephi cares so Fucking Much and probably genuinely struggles with it. the one i write figured it out, kinda, but he’s lucky. canon mephi and generally accurate mephis have Issues with this.
--the mephi i write for is Lucky. the guda that summoned him (her name is Minako, mink for short) is a horror fan and as soon as she saw his name she was like “oh fuck yes”. in hindsight this is hilarious knowing now that Most People in Chaldea or In General do not like him. no wonder her mephis doing so well. Immediate Acceptance. i wrote that in fucking 2017 with a base knowledge of him. im not fixing it. im not linking it either bc i do need to rewrite a small segment. the og rp that came before that is from even EARLIER. mephi betraying his betrayal nature SPEEDRUN ANY % bc mink yelled “YES I LIKE YOU” immediately. again not changing this.
-hates being Not Clowny, esp. in public. he can tolerate it for short bursts, if its to fuck with everybody, or if he’s allowed to be an Absolute Menace the entire time.
--need a read on his emotions? cant trust his face? look at his tails. his hearts on his tails [i am booed off stage for the pun, and i shout “BUT ITS TRUE!” on the way out].  they wag, they wave, they curl up or go still. sometimes they all do different stuff. i know they’re meant to be one splitting into three but consider;;;; no?
-im like 90% sure he called mash his sister once as a joke in the knk event... he’s not far off. shes a designer baby (that hadn’t been revealed yet), hes a homunculus with an ego. hes like... the prototype to most homunculi and to mash. hes absolutely her older “brother” and if u fuck with her, he gets to kill you for free. from this, he absolutely accepts jokes about Lancelot being his dad. He thinks its Very Funny.
--his SERVANT name is Mephistopheles. named after the contract demon (NAME EXPUNGED). as a Just a Little Guy his name was Philetus and No One is allowed to use that. One of the few things hes serious about. (i don’t remember where i go that from. i think bc it sounded good. I genuinely don’t remember. something between the Pheles part and Philos (which is a name for a type of love, and also the name of a completely unrelated oc that has 0% to do with fate or any of this but. i think it was just bc it sounded good next to Faust or Faustus.)
update on above:  Philetos means beloved so THATS also probably where it came from. faust cared him so goddamn much.
-since he’s very much not human, getting sick is a bit easier for him than the average servant. he also doesnt drink booze for the same reason. 0 to 100 speedrun of a clown eating SHIT.
--Something about being good at witchcraft so hes aware of the witching hour. local fake demon can just. abuse a magical extra hour.
-Always knows the time (HES ALWAYS COVERED IN CLOCKS, CMON). ... actually, even without the clocks. thats his Thing.
--Can and will loophole. Someone call a place Hell? Sure, that’s a hellscape now! He can now appear.
-I DID give a rough design for the contract demon and faust but not putting here.
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aboyandhisstarship · 4 years
Spirit of Fire Vs Borg
so I was inspired by an ask @office-of-naval-intelligence got and I wanted to write this small thing. 
couple of things this is AU post Halo wars 2, couple of things. 
Anders did not ride the Ring back to UNSC space why? It did not work IDK take your pick but for one reason or another she is still on the Spirit. 
They managed to scavenge a Slip space drive from the wreckage above the Arc and are making there way back to UNSC space,  the drive is inefficient so they can only go so far before they have to recharge, so the trip back is a long one, at least a couple years (not Voyager long, but that is not important.) 
Also I’m not sure what the UNSC ship alert system is like (there version of Red Alert or Yellow alert) so I Made one up WatchCon being there version of Yellow Alert.
Also I’m assuming the Borg are in no way ready for Kinetic weapon’s which i think makes sense in cannon for them 
that should cover everything, so enjoy!
Isabelle’s voice rung out over the ships intercom “Captain Cutter to the bridge.”
Cutter moved to the Bridge his hat in his hand he stated “report.”
A crewman called “unknown vessel on an intercept course sir.”
Cutter sat in the Captain’s chair “Covenant Ship?”
Isabelle stated “Matches no designs known to the UNSC sir.”
Cutter stated “go to WatchCon 1, open a hailing frequency.”
A Crewman said “frequency open sir.”
Cutter nodded “Unknown Vessel this is Captain James Cutter of the United Nations Space Command Vessel Spirit of Fire.”
What sounded like hundreds of voices responded “We are the Borg, Surrender your Ship. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile.”
Cutter made the cut coms motion with his right hand calling out “BATTLE STATIONS!”
Alarms started going off all over the ship as Cutter said “arm all weapons and stand by to fire, Isabelle how strong are they?”
The AI appeared “I’m not sure captain, there vessel is a cube…a big one, but I’m seeing No shielding no armor…it’s like an ant colony.”
Cutter asked “no shielding, no armor?”
The AI answered “yes sir.”
Cutter looked over the figures “one MAC round would do it.”
Anders stormed onto the bridge “sorry for taking so long Captain, is it true…an Alien Hivemind.”
Cutter glanced at her “Doctor?”
Anders sighed “they intend to try and assimilate us Captain that is the only logical idea.”
Cutter answered “well in a minute they only thing they will be assimilating is the cold vacuum of space, stand by MAC!”
Anders said “Captain, this could be our chance…imagine what we could learn!”
Cutter responded “my only concern is the safety of this vessel, if there anything left to recover then you can study it then, Isabelle do you have the firing sequence?”
Isabelle answered “MAC is ready Captain.”
Cutter answered “fire at will.”
The tip of the weapon glowed for a Second before a Sliver streak fired into the cube, there was Large explosion as the Round easily blasted through the cubes haul.
Isabelle reported “Borg Vessel heavily damaged Sir.”
Cutter said “Follow up with Second MAC kill shot.”
Anders said “captain, the vessel is disabled, let me investigate it.”
Cutter exhaled before saying “Cutter to Jerome.”
Jerome answered “go ahead Captain.”
Cutter said “Anders wants some data from our visitors, put together a recon team to board the vessel, Bring back anything of Value, be careful this could be a false flag.”
Jerome answered “we will be careful sir.”
Cutter nodded “saying to the bridge, stand by MAC’s and Archer pods.”
Anders smiled “thank you Captain.”
 The a pelican flew towards the cube escorted by 2  Long Swords,  the long swords peeled away but stayed close in case the pelican needed a hot Evac as it landed,  the doors opened a Jerome Quickly cleared the area with his battle rifle before advancing in an arrow head formation with Alice and Douglas to his left and right respectively, After then Came Anders wearing a clumsy, vacuum tight suit flanked by a team of ODST’s.
Jerome said “ODST’s stay here and hold the exit, if we are back in 30 mikes, pull out and tell the captain to nuke this place to high heaven understood?”
The ODST Leader said “yes sir.”
Alice said “liking the vote of confidence boss.”
Jerome said “just being Prudent Alice, Professor Stay close, if we say go, you go got it.”
Anders nodded “of course.”
Jerome nodded “good, Jerome to Spirit of Fire actual, we have started the Operation.”
He gestured forward and the Spartans advanced in synch.  As soon they stepped out the opening they landed in to see what looks like miles of emptiness and Bipedal humanoid’s walking past most ignoring the tense Spartans as Jerome said “hold fire unless they make a move.”
Anders snapped her fingers in front of one drone who simply walked around her she said “it’s like they are ignoring us.”
There was a green effect and then 3 drones appeared out thin air behind the Spartans, Anders heard the sound of 3 safeties’ clicking off at once, but the drones just walked past the humans seemingly uninterested.
Anders said “easy, I don’t think they care about us.”
Douglas said “why, I mean we are here and we are armed…is it stupidity or overconfidence?”
Alice added “they did pick a fight with us with no shields or armor, so the former is possible.”
Jerome said “cut it out, Professor any ideas?”
Anders sighed “if I’m right, they not notice it the same way you don’t notice the cells in your body…whoa.”
Jerome asked “What is it?”
Anders pointed “the ship is fixing itself.”
Alice asked “how?”
Anders shrugged “I’m not seeing any terminals, anything that indicates a bridge engineering…anything…because it is everywhere.”
Anders stepped toward an Alcove on the wall saying, “the ship seems to be run through some kind of neural network. They are fixing the ship through sheer will power.”
Alice blinked “this place is starting to give me the Heebie-jeebies.”
Jerome agreed “I’m with Alice on this one Professor; I’m thinking it’s time we blew this ship to kingdom come.”
Anders said “wait, if we can get our hands on the teleportation tech, just think of what benefit that would be when we get back to the UNSC.”
Jerome looked at the others before saying “fine Professor let’s do this.” He handed Anders a side arm saying “you will need this.”
Anders took the pistol quizzically Jerome answered the question she didn’t ask “why they see us messing with the ship systems, I got a feeling they will not be friendly.”
The group moved before Andres said “here we go, the teleporter,” Lowering her scanner.
Jerome said “defensive positions, shoot to kill.”
As soon as Anders touched the teleporter, The drones started swarming and were answered by swift gunfire, and they dropped inhumanely and very quickly but kept coming.
The ODST’s radioed “Hostile’s are moving sir, they are still ignoring us but they are on their way to you.”
Jerome answered “we noticed thank you Sargent.”
Anders said “got it!”
Alice said “great, let’s be somewhere else!”
Douglas asked “professor any chance we can teleport out of here.” 
Anders answered “even if I knew how to use it, if we were in range they would have used it against us.” 
Alice fired saying “alright so we shoulder through these guys then.” 
Jerome shook his head “no go, there are hundreds of them between us and the pelican, and nowhere near enough ammo.”
He turned on his radio “Pelican take off and get ready for a scoop.”
The ODST answered “Yes sir.”
Anders asked “a scoop? Do I want to know?”
Douglas said “just take a deep breath and wish very hard.”
Jerome said “Long swords requesting fire on our position.”
The long sword pilot answered “roger sir, firing for effect.”
Anders yelped as the missiles impacted the haul, blasting them and a few drones into space, Jerome flipped through space saying “Jerome to Spirt of Fire actual, take out that cube maximum prejudice.”
Cutter answered “roger that fire all MAC’s.”
Anders watched all 3 of the weapons light up before three streaks lit up the space hitting the cube, which exploded into millions of tiny pieces. There she was floating in space lost forever, she started to wonder how exactly she was going to die.
Anders felt herself get grabbed by Douglas a second later Alice grabbed Doulas, and she was grabbed by Jerome, who grabbed a small winch hanging from the Pelican’s doors that pulled them into the vehicle.
 Anders was still clenching the teleporter when she sat down in the ship, she looked rather green. 
Jerome patted her back “first time being thrown out of a ship in deep space?”
Anders nodded “if we could not do that again, I would appreciate it.”
Jerome simply nodded behind his helmet as the pelican flew back towards the Spirt of Fire.
its drive recharged the vessel jumped into Slip space carrying on its journey back home.
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lady-plantagenet · 4 years
♦▼ for clarence and ☼☯ for anthony woodville!
Asked via the Headcanon Meme: https://lady-plantagenet.tumblr.com/post/634584063141920769/headcanon-meme. Thank you darling! X (at least I sprinkled a bit of history in all this).
George Duke of Clarence
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
- One Hobby/Quirk headcanon -
According to household accounts and information about his education, George knew how to play the harp and the lute. I headcanon him as continuing with those hobbies well into his adulthood. I don’t know if it’s maybe the fact that George had far less presence in the battlefield than his brothers - only Barnet and Tewksbury he actually fought in and his troops are never on the main battle charts which indicates they were not the most important, he was given the largest retinue to lead to France but as we know, there was rather more talking than bloodshed there ahasjd. Or if it’s maybe the fact that his actions and phrases denote an unusually emotional man... but I always saw him as rather sensitive and that also reflecting in his hobbies. I also headcanon him as being rather particular with his clothing (exposed to great finery since the age of 12), and so relished spending hours badgering his tailor over the smallest details regarding colours, designs, patterns etc. At some points even Isabel gets a headache ahashj.
He also had great taste for elaborate architecture (historically, there were many designs he had in mind and renovations for Tutbury and Warwick castle, to make them less fortressy and more palatial but died before they could be completed), so I think that links. As for the harp and lute, I headcanon him as having great proefficiency in them but not interested in showing that off and so just playing when in his own homes and heard by very few people there. Not because he was modest or something (quite the contrary) but because he did not like to do anything competitively because he did not like being seen as bested by others, or worse being seen to fail because well.. pride and self-importance. He never participated in jousting for example, because he knew he could not handle the shame if he were beaten by the likes of Richard Woodville or Anthony or the score of prominent jousters. Also as a typical aristocrat, he never saw the point of having to ‘prove’ his gifts, nor work at them enough to be truly talented.
▼ - childhood headcanon
I’ve had this discussion at some point with a mutual about when George left Ireland, I think the conclusion was that he may have very well stayed there quite a bit, at least maybe until Richard III was born in Fotheringhay in 1452, or even later (for his own protection or as an enduring symbol of his father’s importance there and piece between Earls Ormond and Desmond, as his baptism was all about uniting those two godfathers). I have to look deeper into this but the truth is next to nothing is known of George’s life pre-1460.
I see his sister Margaret being with him until 1452 or so (I think Ashdowne-Hill put the possibility that Margaret accompanied their mother to Ireland), and treating him as her baby as four + year olds have been known to do, creating the link. But while she returned to England (most likely), he would stay there for a one more year or so, with the occasional visits from the godfathers for goodwill. And goodness, both James Butler 5th earl Ormond & Wiltshire and Thomas FitzGerald 7th Earl Desmond had something of a similar spirit to their godson: always up for a gallantry whether that be rebellion (a contemporary saying something similar regarding gallantry about pre-1469 George - I think it was Crowland), reputed handsomeness (with some vanity):
“Gregory records, at the First Battle of St Albans in 1455, Wiltshire "fought mainly with the heels, for he was frightened of losing his beauty" ahahaha idk why gives me some Clarence vibes
or personalities that attracted support, eager patrons. With the facts of an absent real father this headcanon, just sort of clicks whether it has any bearing in reality (yet I recall an Irish castle where he spent his early years in being mentioned, but forgot the name). I also headcanon him as having spent a part of his infant years with James FitzGerald around, though, he may have been a couple years older (birthdate not given). As they were god brothers and both from Yorkist families, of course this is the same James that gets executed under Edward’s name in 1467 (godfather Ormond gets executed after the battle of Towton). In addition to him, many other companions that were relatives and nephews of his godfathers I suppose would have been selected as the 5/6 year olds’ companions. I headcanon George as charming them all, leading to him being remembered fondly by the Irish because though records of his going there in his adult life contradict each other, he seemed to have left an impression somehow. Of course, all this attention and preening has contributed to his deluded self-image as a very very important man. I also headcanon him as picking up quite a bit of the native tongue, but like most young children, what is quickly learned is quickly forgotten.
Anthony Earl Rivers
☼ - appearance headcanon
When it comes to my story, I’m tempted to make him the ‘golden-haired’ knight that he tends to get depicted in fiction because thematically it drives home the whole George/Anthony foil thing we spoke about and intend to hint at.
But for me, this will always be my mental image of Anthony. With a very kind yet clever looking face, like in here. I also always headcanoned him as heavily resembling his sister, perhaps, because of their strong sibling bond (this depiction capture that too with the heart-shaped face, small thin nose, round eyes and cheekbones (come to think of it also the mouth) .
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Like in his contemporary depiction [Him presenting the Dictes and Saying of the Philosophers] I see him as having a warm brown eyes and light brown hair, but with a twinge of auburn (whereas Elizabeth Woodville is more full on red-gold). Because of his keeping with a hair-shirt underneath, I tend to see him as rather thin and tall (nearer to Edward and Margaret’s height than Richard or George’s).
࿊ - likes/dislikes headcanon
- Likes - (aside from what we know: philosophy, poetry, literature, religion, tournaments)
As a result of: That bit in one of his works where he (with great wit and subtlety) calls Plato out for his misogyny, him being a reader of Christine de Pizan (the only man at that time who I can recall), his strong relationship with his mother, sister and friendship with Margaret of Burgundy... I’ve headcanoned him as having a deeper appreciation and ‘like’ (more like respect) for womenhood than most of the others. And with an interest in the discourse that must have been going on post-De Pizan and Joan of Arc.
I also have this weird headcanon of him getting an insane fascination with Wales, the people, the Celtic remnants in its folklore - that is, once he establishes there with his nephew. And tried to absorb as much of it as possible. Particularly because he strikes me as one who though a great appreciator of beauty, is more attached to the natural, less ornate rather than the florid and goldeness of the london courts. As he was a well-traveled man this isn’t so far-fetched I suppose. I also headcanon him as a massive fan of Arthuriana (he did after all have all the features of chivalry) and would see himself as a Merlin to Prince Edward’s Arthur.
- Dislikes - (aside from war apparently)
I always saw him as taking a profound dislike to Edward’s debauchery later in his reign, especially, when it pertained infidelity to his sister. As somewhat of a stoic (not to say emotionless or robotic), he obviously did not say anything about it, but the disillusionment welled up in him, and he would find any excuse to not have to deal with it. By the time it came to leave for his guardianship, he was grateful for not having to see it. Of course, there remains mutual respect between him and Edward, during his pilgrimage I headcanon him as praying for Edward’s soul and for him to be guided back.
I always headcanoned him as never quite clicking with his wife. For some unknown reason e.g. perhaps she was a bit ignorant, dull or cold? We know very little about that marriage and it was quite brief nonetheless. There were no children and we never hear of them ever being in the same place, or references to mourning etc. Of course, since marriage is a sacrament and a way to connect with god, he feels a bit regretful about it, only in later life to realise, that some men are like Gawain, better suited to bachelorhood. But while respectful of women, few attain to his marianistic expectations (partly stemming from the image his sister projects). Overall, a dislike for this sort of inner-conflict.
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firekyoshi · 3 years
i can't believe yall havent thought of a sambucky the handmaiden au LIKE GUYS LOOK AT THE POTENTIAL
anyways here's a very self-indulgent sambucky the handmaiden! au that i wrote at midnight literally 7 hours before my exam
tw // mentions of suicide
- sam is sook-hee and bucky is hideko obvs
- sam is a criminal working for the power broker aka sharon while bucky or in this case, the winter soldier, was a test experiment for HYDRA / is now an assassin + bodyguard for their leader, alexander pierce
- sharon is conducting business w hydra to obtain some weapons and idk black market stuff which forces her to go to siberia, but obviously the ultimate weapon she wants to take home is the infamous winter soldier
- she asks sam to pretend to be her butler/bodyguard but is actually hiring him to get information on the winter soldier program and obtain the code words needed to control them
- they end up staying in pierce's mansion in like a really remote place in siberia
- sam gets acquainted w the other butlers and housekeepers, they tell him that the area is haunted because they would always hear a man screaming just before daybreak followed by complete silence. they also tell him that the forest is haunted by the spirit of a man who killed himself there
- just like the housekeepers said, sam wakes around 3-4 in the morning to the sound of a man screaming followed by complete silence
- anyways the next morning he accompanies sharon to her first meeting w hydra officials, and that's where he encounters bucky
- after the meeting, sharon is all like, "change of plans. we're going to steal the winter soldier." sam's like "and who's that?", "the person u were standing next to earlier,"
- afterwards, sam starts to spy on bucky. he doesn't talk much, sam notices, actually scratch that this man does not talk period
- they were standing by the door a few feet away from where their bosses were talking. "so uh, what do i call you?" sam asks one day, but bucky is like a statue, his response being a mere blink
- sharon and pierce always have their business meetings in the morning, but they also have spend time at night, usually supper or dinner, that's more casual. sam notices that pierce's bodyguard is less stiff and more human during the later hours of the day
- sam and bucky are again standing by the door. "what do i call you?" bucky asks quietly, almost like a whisper. "uh sam, you can call me sam. and you?"
- he freezes for a while before replying, "james barnes"
- another thing that sam notices is that bucky is NEVER alone. either he's with pierce or he's escorted by other bodyguards (who look like they couldn't even take him down altogether)
- one morning, after the usual distant screams, sam decides to figure out where the screams were actually coming from. he goes to the main house, pretending to bring tea for sharon (there's a small camera hidden in the tray)
- he sees the usual group of bodyguards escorting a half-naked and disheveled bucky from the stairs to the basement. when they see him, the group looks like a pack of deers in headlights, one of them reaches for their gun, "i'm bringing tea for ms. carter," he quickly says.
- "go ahead," the leader, rumlow, says, "but next time use the main hallway will you?"
- "right, she just said it was faster this way, and she's really peculiar about the temperature of her tea."
- he shows the video to sharon and she's like "i need u to find out wtf is going on in that basement."
- one night, sharon and pierce are having dinner tgt "since we're on the topic of legends and fairytales, i have to ask about something," sharon says,
- "go, on," pierce replies
- "the winter soldier program, does it really exist?"
- the hydra leader chuckles, "i was wondering when you would ask that," then points toward bucky, "my dear, you're looking at the winter soldier."
- sam listens in on the conversation. the winter soldier program was a program created by hydra in the 1940s with the first successful test subject being an american ww2 soldier named steve rogers. apparently he was given this serum that made him super strong and for 10 years, while the other test subjects were cryogenically frozen, hydra worked to find ways to control him but failed and they had to keep him restrained most of the time.
- one night, rogers broke out of the facility, stole all the remaining formulas, and threw them away before blowing his brains out in the nearby forest
- after rogers' suicide, hydra brought out its second test subject, bucky barnes, and used the remaining serum on him. afterwards hydra froze him again while they worked on something to keep his mind under control.
- around the 1960s they created the trigger words and since then they've been using bucky to do their dirty work for them. "this, my dear, is our greatest creation." pierce says as he approaches a stand displaying a red book. "his trigger words. say them and he will do anything you want. if you need some errands taken care of, i'd be happy to lend him to you. we can talk about the costs later."
- "i don't have anything i can't take care of myself at the moment, but i'll keep that offer in mind." sharon replies
- now sharon's like "okay we HAVE to steal him and the codes." she figured out that all of the mansion's surveillance turns off for an hour to reboot from 1 AM to 2, and tells sam to basically go to the basement and manipulate bucky when he's not under hydra's control. "make him trust you, that way we won't have much of a fuss taking him to madripoor."
- that night, after the clock strikes 1, sam sneaks into the basement and finds a cell with bucky inside. there's a bed, well, more like a mattress, but bucky's not sleeping on it. instead he's sitting in a corner, head against the wall, knees tucked in his chest, hyperventilating and,,,crying???
- "hey," sam whispers, "you okay?"
- the winter soldier stares at him with red rimmed eyes and a tear stricken face. "you're sam, you're her bodyguard."
- "yeah and you're the winter soldier, or do you prefer james?"
- "bucky. it's bucky"
- yeah basically sam visits bucky's cell every night for exactly 45 minutes before he has to sneak back out. he tries to gain bucky's trust and manipulate him but guess what they fall in love surprise surprise
- bucky tells sam his true story. how he and steve used to be ww2 soldiers that were experimented on by hydra. he remembers being frozen and the first thing he sees when they woke him up was steve's dead body. "they told me he shot his head in the forest." the first thing he felt was pain as they injected the serum into his veins then tried to erase his memories. he remembers going into cryo and being woken up over and over again to kill someone or destroy something.
- he also tells sam about the one night he broke out, ran as fast as he could, and jumped off a cliff, only for him to survive. he lost an arm, but hydra replaced it with another weapon. "i thought i would end there, but i just became more of a weapon"
- so sam starts to feel unsure about stealing the winter soldier bc goddamnit bucky's a person and he doesnt deserve any of this.
- also the more time he spends with bucky the more he realises that the actual james bucky barnes is a fucking piece of shit that still uses 40s slang and petnames and makes outdated jokes and is actually a big fucking flirt.
- and sam's heart breaks every time he looks at bucky's crestfallen face when he realises that their 45 minutes are over
- of all the people he could fall in love with, it just had to be a brainwashed assassin
- sharon tells him that in a few days, she and pierce will leave for a week to actually get the business transaction done. basically she tells sam that he should break bucky out of the mansion while they're away, take the trigger word book, and meet with torres so he can take them both to madripoor.
- while sharon and pierce leave, sam continues visiting bucky during the night. also he doesn't see bucky during the day bc they have no reason to bring him out of the cell, and he kinda misses him aw
- one night, he wakes up to noise, lots of it. everyone in the house is running. in the midst of all the chaos, sam hears, "find the soldier!"
- the first place sam goes to is the forest, and there he finds bucky kneeling by a frozen lake, with a gun in his hands. sam tackles him and throws the gun away
- "what the fuck were you thinking huh?!" sam shouts, tightly holding the front of bucky's shirt, and he can't help but cry at the thought of bucky's dead body. and all of a sudden he feels like shit. for manipulating bucky and taking advantage of his trauma for his own gain. so he gathers bucky in his arms and tells him everything. about what he and sharon were actually planning, what his true motivations were when he first went inside the basement, and how he actually grew to care for bucky
- bucky just laughs and says, "i know,” he reveals that sharon's plan all along was to take bucky and the trigger words for herself, and frame sam as the mastermind behind everything. she'll then fake bucky’s death and offer sam as another test subject for the winter soldier program as compensation for stealing (and “killing”) bucky
- "how do you know all this?"
- "she visited me the first night you arrived and we talked. she told me she'll take me away and all i had to do was manipulate you into breaking me out." bucky confesses, "i didn't realise you were a sweetheart, that made everything so complicated."
- anyways sam knocks bucky unconscious and basically helps hydra guards put him back in his cell. "just saying, maybe we shouldn't tell pierce abt this yknow" and the hydra guards r like yeah no totally cause if he knew we're all fucked
- anyways bucky and sam come up with a plan to escape together. sam contacts a friend known as baron helmut zemo, who's basically sharon's biggest enemy, but more importantly, owes sam a big ass debt and asks him to give the two of them safe passage to sokovia
- they plan to escape two nights before sharon and pierce return to siberia. on that night, sam wakes up at exactly 1 AM like he always does, and kills everyone in the house. he puts a bullet in every hydra guard, every housekeeper, everyone. he disables all the techs in the house, steals the trigger word book and breaks bucky out of his cell.
- "wait. there's something i have to show you." bucky says. he takes sam to the facility. the place where they tortured him and experimented on him. the place where every other test subjects were kept frozen.
- (if you've watched the handmaiden, yes this is a reference to the library scene) sam can't contain the anger he feels when he looks at the room. "is this where they tortured you? is this where the screams come from every night?"
- bucky nods. he points at a chair in the centre of the room, surrounded by machines and computers. "every morning they would drag me out of my cell, put me on that chair, and-" he swallows a choked sob, "and read the trigger words,"
- sam can't control it anymore. he grabs a metal rod and starts destroying the place. he breaks every machine, tearing them apart until they are nothing more than wires and buttons. he kills all the frozen test subjects, because they deserve better than this. he rips apart the pages of the winter soldier's mission reports, and gathers them into a pile.
- from afar, bucky watches as sam lights up the pile and everything in front of him starts to burn. when sam turns to look at him, he can't help but think about how magnificent he looks as the fire roars behind him. his hero. his guardian angel. his sam.
- sam approaches bucky and pulls him in for a hungry kiss. something he feels he should've done earlier. "no one will ever control you again." he says, and for once its a promise that bucky believes in.
- sam reaches in his bag and pulls out the red book. bucky starts to cry bc no one, not even before hydra, had ever loved him like this. "i mean it. no one." sam says. bucky throws the book in the fire and watches and both paper and leather melt into ash
- the end they escape using zemo's private jet and live happily ever after haha
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
since the first step in achieving your goals is to state them aloud, here's a list of aftg fics/ au s that i'd like to write some day
- pre-canon fic from aaron's perspective spanning the twins' first meeting till they're drafted by the foxes and graduate high school. i'm increasingly enamored with aaron as a character as well as with an outside perspective of andrew's actions and i think it would be very interesting to look at the foundation on which their fraught relationship is built and first developed
- even more pre-canon fic. andrew's early life in foster care. yes, we all know about the most... gruesome things that were done to him, but i believe that there is plenty more that has affected and shaped him, especially in relation to my interpretation of andrew as an autistic poc. this would not be a happy fic.
- anastasia au. neil as anya, andrew as dimitri. possibly a plot amalgamation from both the animated movie and the stage show, with changes as i see fit. (no, neil is not the prince of russia). what i find most compelling about this au is the story of neil and andrew as childhood friends and then the angst of having andrew, as an adult, teaching an amnesiac neil how to act like a noble while being convinced that neil is an imposter. good shit
- art school/dance club au. the foxes attend the palmetto school of art at prestigious edgar allen university. they're considered the school's charity cases, and they are NOT friends. andrew is a studio arts major with a concentration in sculpture who works in the campus coffee shop in the mornings and frequents night clubs that employ pretty boys in the evenings. neil is attending college completely on his father's dime, PROVIDED he study what his father wants, despite his desire to study dance and music. going crazy without an outlet, neil takes a secret job as a go-go dancer. look. this may slightly possibly be a result of me having planned to party hardy this summer, then having my plans ruined by the virus :c
- 1950s High School au. the 1950s aesthetics fucking rock even though the 1950s fucking sucked. kinda wanna tackle both. plus, andrew already has that james dean bad boy fast car appeal
- an exploration of mary and nathan's relationship and history. i get that neil's parents are both super taboo and both really really awful people, but i have questions and i want to answer them
- neil never returns from baltimore. in order to keep his deals, permanently, andrew kills riko and tetsugi, and gets over 20 years in prison. when he gets out, he just wants to be alone, but it seems there's a ghost haunting him. this was conceived for MAXIMUM angst, no getting around it. i got the idea from a badacts fic and it has haunted me ever since
- post-canon sexuality exploration fic. i have a real passion for quality sex education and healthy experimentation, and neil very clearly didn't get the chance for either. yet at the end of the books he finds himself in a very intense sexual relationship. i just really want to give him the opportunity to find out how desire works for him and what he likes, on his own terms. i read a lot of fics where neil's desires seem to be completely dependent on andrew's initiaton, and while i do believe that andrew is the only person neil is attracted to and will ever be attracted to, i also want to explore how his sexuality manifests on its own. the vibe i'm going for is, uh, HornySweet (tm), but also with a lot of genuine eductional material. i want this is to be something that offers real information to its readers that may have been inaccessible for a lot of people, on topics like like sexual hygiene, maturbation, and sex toys in a non-fetishy way. this will be very very E rated, but like,, in a very earnest and goofy way because sex and sexuality is neat and cool but it's also not all serious perfect fucking. it's just,, a topic that deserves to be DISCUSSED
- mobster au. andrew, having never met aaron, takes a job for the moriyamas to track down a runaway asset. Neil. upon completion, they make andrew the butcher's apprentice, and pull neil back into the fold as a commodity rather than a person. lots of violence, lots of shady underground dealings, lots of plotting, lots of secrets.
i'm gonna put some more under the cut, ones that i don't feel as strong a drive towards right now or that i haven't thought as much about. if you (yes, YOU) like any of these, or are interested in any of these, or wanna hear more about any of these, or are even inspired to write something yourself by any of these please, PLEASE, say something in the notes, or send me a message, or an ask or anything. ANYTHING. i am stuck inside, all the time, and i am so, so lonely. i answer from hoob-gooblin
- princess bride au. come ON. princess bride is one of the most romantic AND most snarky movies of all time, and andreil literally invented love and devotion sooooooo it's a perfect match. "yes or no" vs "as you wish" kings of consent and communication and unconventional love declarations. also,, he may not be how I imagine andrew, but a young cary elwes in dramatic black pirate getup is DEFINITELY a valid andrew
- hozier au. sometimes,, i listen to an album, and imagine a fic that encompases the whole thing. nothing speaks louder to me than hozier's discography. (also, yes, i am gay). maybe a little bit inside llewyn davis. neil wanders through a small town and takes up some small jobs, but sings his heart out through twisted metaphors once a week in a hole in the wall bar staffed by a very short, dead eyed veteran
- prince and the pauper au. on a stealth recon mission in enemy territory, andrew encounters a local lord who happens to have his face. in a moment of desperation to save himself from arrest, andrew knocks the lord out and assumes his identity. he returns to the castle just in time for prince moriyama to arrive with a shifty-eyed, red-headed handservant in tow. lord aaron of columbia, meanwhile, wakes up on a ship manned by crown traitor and fugitive kevin day, calling him by a name he's never heard before, and then he's in the hands of the guerilla rebel forces that have been attacking the kingdom. i watched barbie princess and the pauper as a child and that movie fucking slaps
- little mermaid/beauty and the beast/bride of the rose beast/ladyhawke au. in a last ditch attempt to escape his father, neil trades his voice and his tail for legs and washes ashore on a small kingdom with horrible secrets. because he cannot speak, read or write, prince aaron employs neil to serve the monster in the catacombs, the prince's twin brother. the twins are under a curse that turns them into terrifying monsters, andrew by day and aaron by night. aaron's affliction is a secret, as is andrew's humanity. this is such a hodgepodge idea lol. did neil also have to be a mermaid for this to work? no. is he? hell yeah
- new york private school/twin swap au. aaron wins a scholarship to a prestigious school that will guarantee him a future, but then he relapses. convinced he just needs a little more time to get clean, he makes a deal with his volatile new brother, andrew, to stand in for him at the school just until he can his shit together. neil and ichirou moriyama have been raised together their entire lives, always under the knowledge that ichirou will inherit the family empire with nathaniel as his right hand. they hate the idea, but they have no way to escape, and now neil is being harassed by ichirou's bitchass estranged brother at their stupid, fancy private school. LISTEN, we as a fandom do NOT take enough advantage of the twin swap possibilities presented to us. pathetic
- post-canon fic where ichirou, realizing that the life of a mob boss is a lonely one, decides that he needs... a friend. however, because of the nature of his work, he can't just make friends with anyone, so he decides to make friends with neil. without consulting neil first. cue a lot of very weird, very awkward coffee dates where neil is convinced he's about to be disposed of, and ichirou just wants to know about his cats. the thing i like about ichirou is he’s a complete blank slate. i can make him a good guy, a bad guy, an ally, the Big Bad
- Kill Bill au. mary survives a bullet to the head and wakes up from a coma over a year later. with nothing left to lose, she sets out to single-handedly dismantle the wesninski circle. good thing she used to be its top assassin
- single dad andrew au. except look, look, stay with me here, okay, aaron is his son, and he's adopted nicky and kevin. LISTEN. STAY WITH ME. JUST THINK ABOUT IT. tbh the idea comes from my interpretation of the andrew/neil/kevin dynamic as distincly parental, then extending that interpretation to andrew's protection over the rest of his family.
- fashion au. andrew is a fashion designer and photographer who frequently works with allison reynolds. one day she brings around a short, twitchy assistant who looks like she just plucked him out of an alley. somehow, he becomes andrew's muse. i watch a lot of fashion competition shows
- ghibli. either howl's moving castle (andrew as sophie, neil as howl) or spirited away (?). maybe both idk
- legally blonde au. legally blonde is so good guys
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anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 09/21 NXT 09/23 NXT UK 09/24 Smackdown 09/25 Clash of Champions 09/27 + Main Event 09/24
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Billie’s not wrong. None of these people are wrong. That title has fallen so fucking far since Becky held it, Jesus.
Interesting to see Billie Kay be somewhat (?) supportive of Peyton. Manager?
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I implore women to stop using red eyeliner unless you’re trying to look possessed.
Oh at least Mickie’s gonna have her last match with her snazzy pants on.
God that theme music is so outdated.
If there was one person on the roster that could convince me they wrestled in the Diva’s era, it’d be Mickie James.
Beautiful Octopus, dare I say best in the division. Look at those crossed legs. Just beautiful, Zelina.
Man it was cool watching Zelina reverse the powerbomb attempt into a rollup, but Mickie couldn’t be bothered to get her shoulders down for a 2 count before the reversal. Shame.
Zelina needs an increase to her speed to pull off the style she’s going for, but it’s a fun style.
oof I think Mickie actually caught Zelina’s forehead with that high kick.
Seated Senton off the top rope is garbage and I hate it.
Lmfao Zelina won with a backstabber. She’s literally Sasha-lite. Okay.
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Word was Bianca was the star of the pc combine, right? So if you wanna showcase her strength, do it against someone I fucking know lmao. Who was this bro? Of course she’s stronger than a nobody in the pc. Friggin Alexa Bliss can effortlessly give piggy back rides to Sheamus. That’s impressive, because I know how strong and big he is. This could’ve been done better is all I’m saying. Maybe do a sitdown interview with her pc peeps hyping her up, or show footage of her blowing everyone in the combine out the park. Idk.
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Ruby stop hyping up Nia and Shayna individually, individually they suck lol lesbireal.
So did Ruby just give Liv her shirt? …You know what, it works, I’m not gonna dig into this.
I feel like all women use the same starting moves against Nia and it’s a little tired ngl. They do this headscissors into a standing crucifix hold, and then slide down to try and roll her up. Then she picks them up and headbutts them. Come on peeps.
Mk just throw Lana through another table, she’s as useless in the ring (kf wise) as Liv is on commentary (non-kf wise)
Let me rewind, how did Nattie get taken out this time? A punch again. COOL. Nattie confirmed worst tag partner in the history of the division.
Lmfao rip Lana. Bye.
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Wow we just said fuck entrances huh? Ugh God. Imagine Becky not getting an entrance as a damn champion.
So Peyton forgoes jumping for the German suplex, which could’ve resulted in her landing on Asuka’s head, and her reaction is to laugh. Consummate professional. Becky Lynch’s optic cranial nerve injury (caused by a failed German suplex) called, it can’t seem to find the humor.
Idk what that double underhooked move was by Peyton, but it was nice.
What bothers me about Peyton’s spinning heel kick, is as high as she gets it, she only hits people with her calf. Awkward to see.
That attempted transition into the Asuka Lock was... something.
Highlight: Lana going through the table
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Did Tegan say “why me�� to Candice fucking her knee up with a metal pipe? Somebody get this girl some tissues.
Haha watching Tegan writhe in pain is funny. Candice gets points. And I do not like giving Candice points.
Really appreciate Rhea’s theme after hearing so much generic garbage lately. She’s so done with nxt as a performer, she has passed literally all of them by.
Not to be that person, but seeing so many people in the ring together bothers me. If one person was sick, literally all of them are sick now. It’s just kinda yikes.
Did they forego having a crowd? If so, wise. There’s enough ppl in the ring and at ringside.
Rhea fucking yeeted that girl into the barrier lmaooo.
“...Marina Shafir who’s done some great things on Raw Underground recently,” lmao sure.
The absolute half-assed attempt by that girl to pull herself up before Rhea booted her down to the floor was questionable.
So adding all these random peeps from the pc to this battle royal was done solely to have Raquel and Rhea flex for their feud in 4 months, huh.
Kacy does cool shit, wbk lmao. Gets kicked out, lands on her back, rolls into a handstand, rotates, pulls herself up into the ring using her feet on the ropes; gets kicked out, lands on the side of the guardrail, pulls herself up, uses the plexiglass to help balance herself, jumps onto the stairs; gets kicked out, lands on the side of the guardrail, stands on Kayden’s shoulders and gets chauffeured back to the ring. Brilliant. Would be overkill in a Royal Rumble, but it works here.
R&R eliminate each other/themselves together. Fitting. Dakota “help me I’m useless on my own” Kai is shook.
Why is Indi in the top 5? Or top 7? How is this girl so damn prestigious??
Kacy really just slung herself around the ringpost. I’m becoming a fan of her antics/performances in multiwomen matches.
I see Shotzi’s character is, “I come so close yet cannot manage to touch the gold.” I feel for her... cuz I can’t stand Candice.
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I love how Io carries herself. She’s a shining example of not allowing her heritage to hold her back or make her feel unimportant. She responds in Japanese, and without missing a beat, translates in perfectly spoken and quick English. Never dances, never smiles, never looks like a chump. Serious and answers the damn question. She gets points.
Highlight: Kacy shenanigans
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Lol I love KLR so much. Just ducks out of the ring the first time she’s bested.
“KLR is well versed in mental manipulation,” that she is. She’s honestly a top competitor in that sense; equal to the likes of Sasha and Charlotte when it comes to psychology.
Piper’s got power. Ragdolling KLR here.
That’s right, performing with Charlotte Flair at wm is an accolade one can only hope to achieve (I’m annoying I know) no but seriously, KLR vs Becky Lynch? Take my money.
Nice Superkick, nice Tornado ddt.
Dear ref, stop yelling at her and restart the count. Dweeb.
Lmao self inflicted wreckage of her knee. 
This ref is a walking headache. We’re now getting into the autumn of overbooked women’s matches. And UK’s first title match back. Yikes.
That senton was awkward and looked painful af for KLR’s neck. If you’re gonna risk that move while selling a leg injury, make sure you have more space to correct your landing.
I almost wish that turnbuckle came undone naturally because KLR is already such a good seller, but I’m gonna assume this is a worked move since it’s been left exposed.
Yeah see there are issues with that spot. Positives: KLR didn’t purposefully undo the turnbuckle, so it’s not on her to give another title match; the spot has potential, as I’m guessing that would be genuinely painful. Negatives: Piper is too big of a woman to hit the lower turnbuckle doing the cannonball, so she ended up hitting the middle... which was padded. Good ending on paper if you don’t do the equations, but poor execution. Not Piper nor KLR’s fault though.
Slow pacing and I hate overbooked garbage, but this obviously isn’t the only match they’re having so *shrug*
Highlight: Clean tornado ddt, and I do love KLR’s selling
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Lol Bayley has her chair. She automatically gets a point every time I see it.
Top of the ramp this time? Okay, sure.
Stop cutting to the fancams, production. I don’t care about their reactions.
A fine enough promo to move along both of her angles, but production sucks. Wbk though.
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“...one of the most complex personalities,” which personality of Alexa’s are we referring to, though?
Their timing on her pyro was off and now I’m sad. The pops during the breakdown leading into the fountains are fucking amazing and honestly cannot be topped by any of the other women.
When did Alexa stop wearing her gloves to the ring? Probably when she turned face. Shame.
She just called Lacey bitter, southern tea, and you know what? What a fucking drag. Imagine bitter southern tea. As someone who was raised in the south, that is a disgrace to southern tea. Sweet sun tea or pass.
Look at Alexa: selling Lacey’s strength, full of agile speed, and yet here’s Lacey not even bothering to put her shoulders down for her pin attempt. SAD.
A problem I consistently have with SD in particular is how they set up commercial breaks. They always do something dramatic, cut to commercial, come back and shit’s always completely different. How you gonna cut from Alexa leading and hearing the Fiend’s laugh, to return to Lacey in charge ???
Dear Cole, why are you calling her Alexis lol. Like I know that’s her real name but, hello??
oof Alexa’s midsection is beet red.
Lacey has not been putting on a “clinic” stop tossing that term around, Cole. Good bump by Alexa though.
Love how Lacey doesn’t mind landing flat when her moonsault misses. Respect. Her and Charlotte both eat that so perfectly.
LOVE how the monitors of people turned into Fiend’s face. POINTS.
It’s like she’s reverted back to her heel persona. This is literally 2016 Bliss, right? Right??
Roman is a large, strong, intimidating guy... but holy shit the visual of 5′1 Alexa staring daggers into the back of his head is intense af. I almost complained that he cut off her exit, but well done with the continuity.
Highlight: I’m really digging the Alexa/Fiend story
Clash of Champions:
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Loving the red roots, hate the eyeshadow.
See, if Asuka wants to fuck around in the ring, you won’t hear me complain. I just wish she took her non-wrestling segments more seriously.
The patience Asuka gave Zelina to set up the arm kick was dumb.
“A hard arm bar by Asuka,” he says, even though her legs were completely bent. Easy on the credit given plz.
Zelina telegraphs too much. None of the bumps she takes ever catch me by surprise.
In the spirit of being fair, put your fucking shoulders down and let her attempt a pinfall, Asuka.
Haha Sasha-lite did meteora in the corner.
Nice roll into a kick, half point for Zelina.
No you don’t get to sell frustration or disbelief yet, that’s not buyable.
I don’t know wtf Zelina was going for with that counter before the Asuka Lock, but honestly idc. Could’ve been a kickoff match indeed. State of Becky’s title btw.
Every week it’s the same shit with Asuka. She gets on the mic, speaks Japanese, barely accomplishes anything, then gets interrupted/slapped/attacked... with dancing and smiling inbetween. I really wish she was more like Io.
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Nikki isn’t “medically cleared to compete”, and the tag team titles aren’t being defended. My memory is fuzzy but wasn’t there some covid concerns going around back then? Was that just baseless speculation?
Love that Bayley turned this into an opportunity to be a bigger douche than she already was lol.
I want to hate this from a smarky “give other women a chance” perspective, but Bayley is an ass and this is great for Asuka to build credit as a face, and after being made to look foolish yet again. Lesgo.
Lol sounded like Bayley said, “you think you can cuck me?” I’m sure she didn’t. I’m choosing to believe she did though.
I never know exactly who to blame when Asuka’s Codebreaker looks ugly, but I swear Charlotte is the only one it looks impactful with. Sell job isn’t the problem, but taking that actual move is always dicey af.
Great kick by Asuka. Rekt.
Bayley says nah fuck this rofl. Fair ending; a fun little sprint of meaningless jabs.
“Chairwoman of SD” I like that too, Graves. Points to you.
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LMAOOO Bayley set that shit up perfectly kekekek what’s up Sasha.
She be looking fucking incredible, but that neckbrace is a mega bummer.
Character wise, I’m surprised Bayley’s choosing to dole out punishment rather than taking her title and bolting.
Welp maybe she should have, Sasha going to town lmao.
oof peep that red line going down Bayley’s arm. eesh. Welts all over her back.
Highlight: Sasha beating the shit out of Bayley with a kendo stick
Main Event:
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You don’t pan the camera over to fucking commentary during Bianca’s entrance. Do better @ production.
Ruby puts her confidence in Liv even though everybody knows Bianca is winning this match lmao.
LOVE Liv’s boots.
like 20 seconds into the match and it’s already 10x better than the Bianca vs Billie Kay one. Don’t even waste a spot on Main Event for Billie Kay. No, I’m not not sorry for saying that.
It’s not that I hold issue with Bianca’s showboating or mannerisms, but it’s all so much more fitting for a heel.
Beautiful stalling suplex, but Liv is rather small.
Beautiful distance on that dropkick to Liv. Liv gets points for throwing herself so far.
We have enough women who rip their shirts off deep into matches, me thinks. Don’t need it from Liv as well.
Momentum could’ve been split better, but that was a decent match.
*Clash of Champions would be my highlighted event mostly thanks to Bayley, but if that’s a cop out, I’ll give a slight nod to Smackdown’s handling of Alexa.
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calliecat93 · 4 years
Star Trek Beyond. Since it looks like a fourth will will forever be stuck in Developmental Hell, this is currently the final part of the Kelvin Timeline. So far, haven’t been a fan. The Timeline has potential, but the character decisions must... fail. So dod Beyond manage to salvage anything?
In my opinion... yes. 100% yes. This film was great and I loved it~!!!
It DOES feel a little too late for me, but not too little. It’s still action heavy, but it’s still very good action. All the pros pf the first two films are still there. Effects, cinematography, acting, diversity in casting, and I failed to mention how all three have fantastic music. All of these continue to be highs, but the lows for me have been their lack of understanding the characters and TOS’ philosophy. This film had a new director and writers, which included Simon Pegg (Scotty) and while IDK how much into ST J.J. Abrams was (or I see conflicting accounts), it’s clear that the filmmakers this time DID understand and care for the original spur e material.
Kirk is FINALLY Kirk. There’s no womanizing. No cockiness, or at least not the same level as last time. He’s got the experience. He’s got the level-head. He’s got the strong will that made him such a great captain in TOS. It was good to place him during the Five Year Mission since that gives justification for his newfound maturity, though it means we don’t get to see it. But still, Kirk is so much more likable and competent. His crisis about his place as captain after going through the same thing over and over is a little out of place, it helps keep him differentiated from TOS Kirk while still honoring that incarnation and showing what was so great about him. They FINALLY got it right. Them also allowing him to reminisce about not getting to know his father also added so,e emotional depth that the first was lacking for his arc. It’s very much correction that may be too late, but is appreciated and finally I can call this man Captain James T. Kirk.
Spock and Bones are together for most of the film, and they’re both great! Spock was the one I was the most fine with and that continues here. Prime Spock’s death of course was sad, but with Nimoy’s passing it was inevitable and best not ignored. They used this to have Spock question his path and wanting to follow his predecessor and his legacy, which both in the films and in RL is VERY understandable. In the end, this isn’t Prime Spock. This Spock is his own being and needs to chart his own course. Which I’m glad that he decided to do in the end. Also t he ‘tracking device joke had me laughing SO hard XD Uhura relationships still unnecessary, but I’ve just accepted it at this point and it didn’t irk me the same way here as before.
Bones, compared to the last two films got it SO much better. He doesn’t really have an arc, but his character is allowed things to so. They pair him with Spock, allowing THAT dynamic to finally shine. While it’s not as emphasized as int he series, it feels like Bones is back in his proper place: the heart to Kirk’s body and Spock’s mind. He’s completely sympathetic to Spock’s loss and is supportive for Kirk, understanding how much his dad’s death and in turn his birthday affects him and being that emotional support that he needs. He is that emotional support that the two need and he is the one who keeps them alive, saving Spock’s life with his medical skill and limited resources. I still wish we had more but he didn’t feel left out and he feels like he freakin’ mattered.
Hell all the main crew felt like they mattered. Scotty got such great material and his friendship with Jaylah was really nice. Which I LOVE Jaylah BYW, a badass character who is smart, competent, and adorable without may unnecessary sexualization. Uhura was also a badass. I mean she ALWAYS has been but she got to kick ass here and was just fantastic. Chekov and Sulu were great as always, and of course it’s only appropriate to mention that this would be Anton Yelchin’s final performance as Chekov due to his passing. It’s sad especially because he was doing so well as the character and had so much ahead of him. But for the work he did in bringing this incarnation of Chekov alive, he did it beautifully and I thank him for it. The whole film felt like an ensemble piece, not just ‘Kirk and Spock and those other guys’ which even TOS was guilty of. I really love these characters and I enjoyed seeing them all be such a fantastic team.
The story is basic, but it didn’t need to be this complex piece about say... Starfleet turning into a military organization. Another major issue with the other two cause GDI just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you SHOULD. Villain is fine enough for this film, though so far I feel like the films REALLY need to work on improving that part. But I also forgive it because they keep the focus on our heroes. This is a character driven film. The only real complaint is The Triumvirate still feels non-existent, but it IS greatly improved especially since we flesh out Spock and Bones’ dynamic. We now have the pieces and can imagine things for this incarnation and whenever the three were together, it just felt right. The three of them in the transporter room with Bones hating them all so much is PERFECT. It may not have been fully showcased, but they understood it. I don’t doubt that at all. The ending also had me smiling big and felt deserved. It marks that optimism for the future and for whatever awaits in the universe. Just as Star Trek was meant to mean.
So yeah, Beyond was a major improvement. This is what you get when you care less about getting those summer blockbuster box office numbers (IDK when this came out outside the year but still) and care about your characters and plot. What you get with people who care about the property you are rebooting, retaining the spirit but doing something new and more inclined to today’s values. I still like The Wrath of Khan, The Voyage Home, and The Undiscovered Country more and still haven’t seen the TNG films, but this is a good film that deserves to stand along those three. It’s the best reboot film for sure. If we get a fourth film, I truly hope that they keep the same care that went into this one. You don’t need flashy effects and action or plot complexity for a good film, you just need good characters, a good story, and people who care for and know what they are doing. This one honored TOS while being it’s own thing, as any good reboot should, and I respect that greatly.
So for rankings... I’ll give 2009 a 2/5 for good cinema elements, but otherwise an only okay plot and the characterizations/relationship establishments being poor. Into Darkness is a 2.5/5 for being better in the latter case, but still not great and for trying to cash in on elements and developments of the past without putting int he work that made the, great then. Beyond? 4/5. It’s not the best ST film (though again gotta do TNG), but a marked improvement over the other two with characterization, plot, and just felt like something made bu fans for fans. May be too little, too late but I am still happy that it happened a d was so welcomed after how I felt about the other two. The Kelvin Timeline has potential and this showed it, but whether it’ll have the chance to continue it remains to be seen. But the fans have something that they can get creative with. I want it to continue to end on a better note and see these characters more, but if it ends here, it’s not a bad place at all.
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volturialice · 5 years
Spork Haven chapter 19: hur-fucking-rah
welcome to spork haven, where I spork the EL James fic you’ve never heard of
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previously on Spork Haven:
actor!Edward went to NYC and yelled at hotel maid!Bella a lot and it was shitty! this somehow led to them confessing their love for each other! thanks, I hate it!
chapter 19 starts with Edward on the phone with his agent/bodyguard whatever, Taylor, who if you’ll recall is the exact same character from fifty sh@des. he tells Taylor why he’s in NYC and what’s been going on with Bella. Taylor offers to make Bella a star, which Edward turns down on her behalf because he doesn’t think it’d be “her bag.”
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yeah, because he doesn’t know her at all. the only things he knows about Bella are that she likes cellos and his dick him. (no really, that’s actually in the text.)
Taylor advises Edward to keep his relationship under wraps, both for publicity reasons and because he’s worried Edward might be "at risk” from the bad guys who are after Bella.
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ah yes, that’s the spirit. he keeps calm and carries on, flying back to Vegas to be ready for another day of work.
that night he is awakened from his “delicious fucking erotic dream about little Bella Swann” by a call from none other than the delicious little orphan herself. he asks her if she’ll come with him as his date to an awards show in LA the day after tomorrow. she responds “like a date?” as if this is a huge new concept. apparently these characters do not remember that they’ve already BEEN ON A GODDAMN DATE.
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yes. she has. WITH YOU, FUCKFACE. remember that thing with the lake picnic? Edward dressing up like a maintenance guy? the classic stupid EL James Erotic Elevator Kiss™? why are they acting like this will be their first date when they already made a huge honking deal out of their actual lame first date?? I don’t know but I hate them (and erika) more than ever.
Bella tells Edward the reason she’s never been on a date before (🤬) is because her grandmère didn’t let her date boys (or girls. sorry, Edythe.) then she says
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now, I really want to like this line, because it hearkens back to one of my all time favorite Edward lines in canon, where he tells Bella the reason he’s so good at piano and languages etc is because he had to pass the time while the rest of the Cullens were off fucking each other’s brains out.
but I CAN’T because of the STUPID CONTEXT of this ASININE FIC whose author apparently can’t even remember the things SHE HERSELF WROTE a few chapters ago.
anyway, Bella says she’ll ask Emmett and Jasper if she can fly to LA for a date with Edward. I hope they say yes but only on the condition that they get to come too and sit between Edward and Bella the whole time.
Edward is in a great mood the next day because it’s Tanya’s last day on set. “Hur-fucking-rah,” says Edward (no, really.) he gets Eric (hi Eric!) to 
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you know what would be a better way to cut ties with Tanya and discourage her from assaulting you in public? not buying her a present.
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just saying. 
anyway Eric buys Tanya an antique mirror, which Edward finds “very apt.” get it? it’s because she’s old and vain. in unrelated news, I am going to buy erika an antique mirror for christmas.
Edward has a fun day on set because Mike’s teen daughters come to visit and he gets to show them around. you’d think Mike would’ve learned to keep any child of his far, far away from Safe Haven!Edward by now, but apparently not.
when Edward gets back to his hotel room, surprise! Bella is there! she is wearing “fuck—a skirt.” Edward is very happy about this
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mmm. sexy.
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idk about y’all but nothing gets me going like a nice complex simile about a specific big ol’ concrete barrier that holds back water.
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anyway they kiss and stuff, Bella tells Edward that the criminal trial she’s a witness in is taking some days off so she’s flown in for the weekend, and they kiss some more.
then we get another classic erika Infantilize-Then-Sexualize moment, of the slightly more unusual self-directed variety
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yikes. while they are making out, Edward asks Bella if Emmett and Jasper came with her (they did), referring to them as “the Chuckle Brothers.”
now I, unfortunately, have never been a British child, so I had to google the real life Chuckle Brothers. they did not disappoint:
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from now on I will be picturing these two dudes whenever Emmett and Jasper are mentioned. no further questions.
anyway, Edward and Bella start to get it on
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I would make y’all another sideburns moodboard but I can’t. not again. i’m...not strong enough.
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anyway, they go on to have sex in a seriously dull passage about which only two things are notable:
1. the writing is beyond atrocious. like. there’s not a comma IN SIGHT. here’s a real sentence, copied and pasted directly:
I free her hair bringing my hands down to the sides of her breasts and with my thumbs I pull each of the cups of her bra down freeing her breasts and they’re forced up by the under wire of her bra pointing directly at me.
try reading that out loud without pausing for breath at any point. I dare you.
2. they don’t use a condom.
jesus h. christ on a cracker, if erika gives these characters a baby then as god is my witness I will call cps
best “fucks”
“fucking glee”
“an unexpected fucking delight” (bella)
“fucking innocent” (bella)
“anxious as fuck” (bella)
“a fucking girl” (edward)
“completely fucking blank” (edward’s mind)
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next chapter: a fucking moron
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rorykillmore · 5 years
cried through the lion king about as much as i thought i was going to!
first of all, it is an absolute visual masterwork, i mean i genuinely can’t think of cgi comparible to this. there are a few standout scenes but the stampede scene in particular is just. holy shit, this is worth seeing in theaters for that alone.
there are honestly only a few scenes where i felt that the emotion of the original was missing (like simba and nala’s confrontation scene, and a few of the musical numbers) but i honestly do feel that the voice cast absolutely carried it and that the animals were actually WONDERFULLY expressive. albeit not in an “animated anthropomorphized animal” way but i was genuinely impressed by the attention to detail paid to like. the body language??
it was actually really cute because my mom, who’s been a dog person all her life, has just recently been learning about cat body language via our cat in the past years and her favorite thing is when our cat blinks to show affection. so when mufasa and sarabi were doing that during circle of life she leaned over to me and said “THEY DID THE BLINKY THING!!” i hadn’t even NOTICED.
also, cgi mufasa is possibly the most beautiful creature i have ever laid eyes on and i possibly loved him even more than in the original (you do get to spend a tiny bit more time with him in this version,granted). and of course james earl jones is... james earl jones, you really can’t go wrong there
there was also a lot of little extra character stuff that i REALLY enjoyed. it didn’t feel as “shot by shot remake” overall as i was afraid it was going to. i liked that they gave scar’s character a little bit of extra dimension, i REALLY loved the fleshing out of sarabi, nala, and shenzi (holy shit shenzi. the shenzi/nala confrontation at the end. DAMN.) and i don’t know if it was just me but this simba felt. heartbreaking in a way that the original didn’t as much? i mean they really hammer down his loneliness and complete lack of self worth in this version
the scene where simba/timon/pumbaa talk about the stars and timon and pumbaa laugh off simba’s “someone once told me they’re the kings of the past watching over us” is.... like in the original simba’s just kind of “pfft, yeah, that’s dumb” but in this one you can really feel how hard it crushes him especially when timon is like “why would the spirits of the kings of the past even care about people like us? we’re nobodies”
and i mention that because it ties into the other thing i wanted to talk about, my favorite scene from the original, the “remember who you are” scene. this is one of the spots where they change the dialogue ENTIRELY and at first i didn’t know how i felt because that’s one of the scenes i DID want preserved but what i found really interesting and what i think ultimately worked is... the original arguably kind of plays it as almost. simba revisiting a memory of his father, a reminder. og mufasa doesn’t have much to say to simba on a personal, sentimental note, and that’s fine, everyone knows how well that scene works, and like i said it’s one of my favorites.
BUT i think the remake treated it as more of a... goodbye, or a reassurance, and that just felt what remake!simba needed in that moment. “please don’t leave me!”  “i never left you, and i never will.” GOD. made me weep. 
ummm let me see the last thing i wanted to comment on was the final confrontation between simba and scar which i thought was very strong in this version. i very much enjoyed the little things like sarabi refusing to be beat down by scar and nala taking charge of the lionesses and shenzi’s general menace but my favorite thing is that this scene felt like... a little more of the catharsis i always wanted in the original because it LINGERS on simba’s anger over the realization that scar killed mufasa for a bit. idk 5 year old me needed that.
overall while the original lion king is always going to be... the original, and while some beats are just never going to hit as hard in live action, there’s a lot of nuance in detail in this version that is simply getting unfairly glossed over and that i think is really worth valuing. i’m glad i saw it in theaters, i’m glad i got the experience of revisiting it, it made me feel really sad and really good and that’s what it’s supposed to do, in the end
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things about the lightning thief musical
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crassussativum · 5 years
Mass Effect Asks Masterlist- Cato
(Originally posted by thenerdcommander, credit where credit is due.)
1. What would their recruitment mission look like? ((Cato’s recruitment mission, if it even can be called such, would be after Menae. Primarch Fedorian has fallen. Cato finds Shepard on the Citadel after that mission and demands to come along with them. Shepard might be reluctant at first, but eventually allows it.)) 
2. Would they be a romance option?  If so, who would the option be available to and what would their romance look like?  Would there be any special scenes? ((Cato is a shy thing in the ways of romance and sex. And another species? That’s just too confusing for him).)
3. If there is one, what would their sex scene look like?  How would the scene change if Shepard or Ryder turned the sex down? ((On the off chance, we’d get to see a naked turian that’s probably never had sex before and certainly never with a human lol it’d be awkward but sweet with a quick fade to black.))
4. If left unromanced, do they hook up with another character?  If so, who is it?  Is it a canon character or another OC? ((Nah, probably not.))
5. Would they be available as a fling option?  What would that scene look like? ((Also probably not))
6. Is there any way Shepard or Ryder could get them to turn on them or betray them?  How?  Is there any way to get them to back down once the betrayal is triggered? ((Shepard would have to do something big and horrible for Cato to betray them. Like genocide big. And yes, not doing the right thing with the Shroud mission, but then how would Cato know that?))
7. What would their loyalty mission look like? (Cato’s loyalty mission would be simple. All he’d want is a day to pretend the galaxy might not actually be ending, a day to be normal. He’d want to go somewhere the Reapers haven’t touched yet and while that may be hard, he’d just need Shepard to pretend everything’s okay with him for just a little while.))
8. Is there any way to lose their loyalty after it’s earned?  How? ((No, I don’t think so.))
9. What would their relationship with Renegade Shepard look like?  Paragon Shepard?  If they’re from Andromeda, what’s their relationship with Ryder (pick any two alignments)?  ((I think Cato would greatly look up to a Paragon Shepard, the always doing what’s right would speak to him on a Spiritual level. Renegade Shepard would probably rub him the wrong way because sometimes doing what’s right in the moment in a way that’s not right is a grey concept he just doesn’t have the experience to grasp.))
10. What phrase(s) would they shout during combat? ((“Incoming!” “Outta the way!” for biotic attacks/charges. Otherwise I think he’d be verbally keeping count of enemy positions.))
11. Any squadmates they don’t particularly get along with? ((Honestly? I think it’s less that he wouldn’t get along with Jack but that she would scare the hell out of him. He’d find how powerful she is totally fascinating, and that her body is her own canvas would intrigue the artist in him. But she’s outwardly abrasive, crudely spoken, and volatile. Waaaay too intimidating for Cato. I think, were he to go along on her loyalty mission, he’d view her as something more of a kindred Spirit, but still be too skittish to make friends. ALSO since ME3. Javik. Javik would terrify him. He’s mean, he’s battle weary, he’s bleak and he finds no joy in the little things.))
12. Are there any instances where rivalries between them and another squadmate could potentially jeopardize their loyalty or views of Shepard or Ryder? ((Maybe? Like I can’t think of anything right now, but I’m sure there’s something. Cato mostly just follows along with the flow, but he’s moody so... it’s possible.))
13. Which squadmates are they likely to make friends with? ((Everyone but maybe Javik. Tali he’d adore. Garrus is a role model. Liara is asari and he loves their artwork and history so much. James I think he’d warm up to fast. Ashley/Kaiden are in the air but I don’t see why not.))
14. In which game would they be introduced to the franchise?  ME1?  ME2?  ME3?  Andromeda? ((In ME3))
15. Would they make multiple appearances throughout the games or are they limited to one installment?  If they reappear, do they remain as a squadmate or do they become an NPC? ((He’s just a squadmate in ME3 but maybe we saw him as an NPC in ME1 or ME2. He’d have been on the Citadel a lot then.))
16. Which skills are available to them?  If they’re from the OT, pick four active powers and one unique passive class power (ex: Turian Agent, Asari Commando, Turian Smuggler, etc).  If they’re from Andromeda, pick three active powers and two passive (one of which should be a unique class power). ((So... this is hard. Cato’s an Adept, so his top four biotic moves are: Warp, Shockwave, Throw, and a Biotic Charge just for fun. Idk what passive class powers are, sorry.))
17. Write a quick exchange of banter between them and one other squadmate of your choice.
Cato: “I could use my biotics?”
Mordin: “Yes. Turian biotics, burn bright, burn hot, strong in bursts. Sufficient.”
Cato: “Or you could reach up there and pull it down. ‘Cause you can reach.”
Mordin: “….Small for a turian youth. Still growing? No, stunted. Lack of nutrition? Genetic mutation? Hmm Could take samples….”
Cato: “No samples! Spirits, I’m still growing, everyone says so….”
18. What weapons would they use?  Pick 1 minimum, maximum of 2 firearms, 1 melee weapon, and/or 1 special or unique weapon. ((Cato’s got an M-3 Predator, a Phaeston, and an omniblade for close quarter emergencies.))
19. Name one thing that players would remember them most by (ex: Garrus’ calibrations, “Lola”, Mordin’s singing, etc).  (Folks would remember that Cato’s the baby! He’s so young and idealistic, kind and caring. Like… he’s great as a squad member bc biotics and small arms fire, but… but he’s still a kid that wants to do kid things. Like go somewhere and eat nothing but junk food, or hit the movies or whatever. He would always need to be supervised bc he has no impulse control either.)
20. If they’re from the OT, what ways could they be killed on Virmire, during the Suicide Mission, or the events of ME3 (pick one)?  If they’re from Andromeda, are there any ways they could die?  If so, how and how could Ryder prevent it if prevention is possible at all? ((So ME3 and I think he could maybe die during the final battle on Earth, but only if Shepard didn’t do his loyalty mission which reminded Cato “normal” was what they’re fighting for.)) 
21. Can they be Indoctrinated or Exalted?  If so, what would they be like?  What options would Shepard or Ryder have to handle the situation?  Would there have been options to prevent it? ((No, I don’t think so))
22. How would they react to other squadmates, Shepard, or Ryder being Indoctrinated or Exalted? ((Aghast confusion. Sadness, fear.))
23. When on the Tempest or Normandy, where do they like to stay?  Do they roam around?  What about on the Citadel or Nexus?  ((Cato likes to hang around Garrus or the galley on the Normandy. Turian biotics are always hungry and Garrus is another turian that he can look up to. On the Citadel, he either loiters near the embassy in hopes of visiting with his grandpa -pre 3- or he’s down at the docks praying to see someone he knows. ))
24. Do they have an opinion on the way Shepard drives the Mako?  Or how Ryder drives the Nomad? (At first, Shepard drives the Mako way too recklessly and fast…. but Cato is still a child in many ways and I think he’d gradually have fun with Shepard driving, if Shepard was willing to teach him how.))
25. Are they vocal about their opinions of the Council or Nexus Leadership?  If so, what is their opinion?  Do they make a passing comment to another squadmate or do they say it to Shepard or Ryder directly?  (I’d say Cato is vocal about his opinions. His grandpa’s the Primach, he kinda has room to be, lol. And I’m sure he’d willingly talk about it if asked. He hates how the Cabal/biotic turians are ostracized, he doesn’t really understand why. He hates how barefaced and outer colony turians are looked down on. He’s sure that the Turian Councilor has turian people’s needs in mind but how can you see the scope of the big picture if you’re not looking at all the pieces that make it whole too?)
26. What decisions could Shepard or Ryder make that they greatly disapprove of? ((If Cato was aware-somehow- that Shepard put the fake cure in at the Shroud mission, he’d really disapprove of that.)) 
27. What decisions could Shepard or Ryder make that they greatly approve of? ((Doing that mission for the new Primarch and SAVING Tarquin. Fight me on this. My biotic Shepard could’ve saved him, damnit.))
28. Would they have any special scenes or dialogue in the Citadel DLC or for Movie Night? ((Maybe to Shepard in regards to their clone and is that like having a sibling? Cato always wanted a sibling. He probably drinks too much at the later party and ends up passed out in a cozy, secluded spot.))
29. Would they have any special scenes or dialogue in the final battle against the Reapers or the Archon? ((The final battle against the Reapers, he wouldn’t be able to just sit on his hands, he’d be on the ground driving whatever vehicle transported the survivors to safe locations.))
30. How would they react to meeting Shepard’s clone?  Or Ryder’s twin? ((Much confusion. By that point, I like to think Cato would’ve intergated himself into Shepard’s day-to-day. And why doesn’t Shepard talk to him as warmly? Or joke with him the same? Clone? Oooohkay then.))
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davidjjohnston3 · 3 years
I am mad at my biological father... People in Milwaukee have strong spirits but they don't test or discern from whence these spirits come (Satan); they have a kind of 'anti-a'ga'pe' that wants to send people to Hell.  I finally got fed up and started cursing or at least confuting in my head and heart, wishing there would be terrorized for messing with me / my soul.  I want them to be chastened.  In what universe is it OK to antagonize someone's soul rather than build them up / edify?  It's Babylon America: commerce is king, pornography is the supreme teacher(?), media is religion, movie-theaters are temples.  All this time my 'father-in-law' was trying to teach me the American way of lying to the civil authority and medical professionals... A while back I took stock of 'our' old family home and realized in some ways my biological parents are not that bad.  I told my biological father as much and he got even more mad / contemptuous of me. Do I not assess the man properly? Reddit got mad at me for saying 'social form' and some Christian on Twitter tried to 'nope(?!..=|)' me for saying I prayed Sec. Pompeo will be President.  'No room in the Kingdom for phony Christians.'  What's phony about defending the faith worldwide?   Paul Washer of HeartCry Ministries extols the authority of the African father and the son kneeling before him but Caucasian American dad-son relationships are not that way in my experience.  Once I bowed to my dad but it didn't mean much.  Once he bowed to me after my (near)-suicide-attempt in Korea and that did mean.. Anti-racism seemed like an important concept to me but then I thought there are so many people who just wanna get stuff and if I met Ibrim X. Kendi in real life he's probably be cordial enough but not hesitate to unlease looters and rioters against me for his vision of the greater good not to say communist-disintegrationist-chaoticist utopia.   Everyone in Milwaukee seemed to be mad at me a while back since the story of me in Korea at the high school was not 100% storybook.  'Oh David James Johnston he fell in love with his 16-17-year-old student, but realized they are being left behind or the Korean War is really terrible and they're all in danger up there then some things happened with the faculty and he tried to kill himself.'  That is not totally inaccurate but I wasn't 100% the depressive melancholy young prince over the last 9 years.  I had some ambitions and I studied a lot and I also had bad habits like smoking. I got a short-sleeved white polo shirt at the department store and lost a bit more weight.  I am around 5'11 165 I would guess.  I really have to make sense of my cardiac condition although hopefully it was acute / idiopathic from the Pfizer vaccine.  What scares me is that I had a foreaugury or prophecy(?) of it in 2016 when I felt something like a powdery liquid running down behind my breastbone at the same time as when I was walking around Lake Park in terror of Koreans from the past coming to kill me, angel soldiers, 'the stars throwing down their tears,' the tiger of wrath, and also, feeling like God was feeding me something without having to eat. I still haven't read all of Blake's 'America: A Prophecy.'
* The psychiatrist whom I respect offered or 'ordered' me Prozac last week and it made me think.  I feel almost like the Boomers saw Millennial children as having no souls.  My parents wanted to send me to Hell.  My mother always used to speak about 'Rosemary's Baby' and when I was young I ran around with a red cape in a strawberry patch.  My mother told me this when I was in the mental hospital in 2013, afraid of the color red and not wanting to tear my chicken sandwich since I thought that it was metonymic(?) for tearing the Scripture rather than swallowing / appreciating it whole.   'We Boomers worked hard, stopped the ['totally causeless not trying to help anyone'] Vietnam War, Civil Rights, moreover weathered the traumas of JFK, MLK, RFK assassinations; ergo we earned the right to treat our daughters as sex-slaves and fire out our sons in order the better to take advantage of our neighbors' daughters whilst also amusing ourselves by medicating and psychologizing our kids rather than loving them and tending / nurturing / ministering to their souls.'   I didn't take the Prozac but I did think of (Ms. / Artist / [Singer]) Kim Taeyeon - 'Love in Color' is my favorite song of hers which makes me think about abortion-culture in a way and how 'too many choices' can destroy or over-modulate the distance or scuff and wear down the love in a relationship - and bipolar disorder.  I was diagnosed with bipolar in 2012 and suffered manic symptoms for most of my childhood.  I felt in the hospital that one possible 'aetiology' or origin / backstory of bipolar is knowing that people out there want to kill you; or even, damn your soul to perdition / Hell / everlasting eternal conscious torment for displeasing them or going against their norms / expectations. My diagnosis was later jacked up to schizoaffective / bipolar schizoaffective, then nearly 'crossed the ionosphere' into schizophrenia, and is now back to schizoaffective thanks to the wonderful, integrity- and probity-filled psychiatrist, who was also the only person telling the truth and not being a corporatist tank-driving-vehicular-manslaughterer at my commitment hearing where Father in Law lied to a district judge and the justice system treated me like a second-class system.  The ONLY person whose yes was yes and no was no. I still think sometimes about 'the condition of fiction.'  I wish I could develop my more scholarly ideals sometimes rather than writing in this 'free' style as I don't really like freedom I like formality and rules. I miss [].  I used to see so many colors and I saw this person in my mind's eye / Spirit when I met her online; but yesterday I felt like I just saw 'dark red.'
My brother is really rich (from Data Science)... I need to mend fences with him... I feel as if over the years I might've had mixed motives in 'taking him under my wing.'  We had a bad relationship when I was young and I even stole money from him a couple of times.  I also tried to catch him looking at pornography online rather than rebuke or chastise or plead with him not to, for courting death and failure.  I just wanted to embarrass / shame him. I helped him get a job shortly after the Great Recession and I guess some part of me falsely believed he owed me a favor for that. I sent him many books over the years. After my initial diagnosis of a possibly disabling mental disorder my mother told me he had said that I could live with him if I needed help but that no longer seems a possibility - in fact he said, 'I never said that.'  I was worried since I'm weak.  Hopefully God willing I can get back to where I was a couple of months ago and actually execute sth like the description of the educational administrative job that I was offered. I came to a point in my life lately where I no longer know whether something is destiny.  When I took the HS job in Korea - maybe the biggest decision of my life - I was confident.  But in the last couple of months has been a tempest or fog of war or I simply made so many decisions I don't recognize myself completely.   I want to work on 'Leaving Babylon' or 'Leaving Milwaukee' or 'Leaving America.'  There are or seem to be good Christians in Milwaukee but why live in Babylon - commercial empire worshipping all kinds of false prophetesses, porneia, objects, death, child-rape, abortion, post-partum abortion, automobiles, meals, brands, money / Mammon and other 'stuff' Pastor Timothy Keller calls 'Counterfeit Gods' (to say too little since they're actually often demons from Hell)... I'm not sure how to write it without penning distracting trash that would give wannabe writers bad habits and make naive readers think they know more than they do. My net worth is about 2,000 dollars but I want to give it away just because I'm mad.  I thought about selling my Lenovo X-1 laptop since it's Chinese Communist poison / curse, I know it's hacked by Huawei or whoever through a nano(?)chip, Father in Law tracks with AI... I heard the new Samsung smaller notebooks have around a 17-hour battery-life.
Milwaukee's Child Protective Services appear to be some kind of CCP-derived 'metaphor-joke.'  Amber Alert a child has been kidnapped in either a silver Kia or a Chevy Impala.  You can mount a plate-reading AI-camera on a 50-dollar drone easily...
I'm applying to a job in Korea.  I have no idea if I'll get in.  It is in my favorite neighborhood, and I liked the video of their staff. This would be a 'redemption-arc' for me.  'I am so exciting.'   I don't know if it can be. I listened to a few minutes of 'Inferno' by C. Cho.  Masterpiece.   Did I ever pay dues like a BigLaw junior associate?  Was I ever fast-tracked?   Career-decisions are difficult.  I have literal rejection-demons, I think, or uncertainty-demons.  Maybe it is Belial himself: sensuality plus intellectual abnegation.  Like I want to pretend the Spirit isn't there.   Other people also suffer disappointment-demons, I feel.  Loss-demons.   Understanding others can be challenging, and the fun of it, moreover, is overrated for some people.  IDK if I can ever. And too, some people, once you understand them - when they realize you understand them - become shameless.  They get more seared-conscience than ever, like the only reason they were ever acting good was to save / maintain face.  'Buyaolian.'   In past I tried to be all things to all men but lately I ended up trying to be 'Chinese mistress' to someone in a bad way.  I had already tried 'Japanese daughter, daughter-in-a-box.'  I don't know why I don't try 'son' except it makes him fake more than usual, that I know of. I felt praised like a daughter when I got praised; although maybe it is just me. 'Hello Kitty is a girl,' Said the Sanrio person. I looked at our family cat Ariel the other day and thought, 'my adult daughter Yves from LOONA.'   He used to look like a manly lion, like Jesus even, the Lion of Judah. Cats are feminine. I would get a cat but I just want to teach and write. This cat seems at peace; he no longer overeats nor conversely is hyperthyroidal and thin / 'dried out.' I miss the cat Pukah from down the way, who was fat and 'crepitant' in her voice-sound.  I took care of her for pay and bought some Audiobooks with the 'loot' or 'lucre.'
I honestly have a theory about Koreanness I don't like to share called 'Han Death Runes' that says some people see Koreans - women and girls - and just want to rape and beat and kill them.  They just do.  Japanese soldiers / officers / the entire government did.  Doubtless Chinese did before that.  Korean men did too.  Caucasian men do now.  Other people look at babies and want to kill them - not a joke, empirical Science has recorded it; Saint Augustine some 1600 years ago developed the category of Original Sin.
For a time I was convinced that ShowerThoughts on Tumblr was the Korean girl whom I attempted to save from attempted sex-trafficking by implying she should work hard in tenth grade and learn about [AI, IT]... 
I am interested in helping orphans and other young people; today in lieu of the Lead Teacher offer I missed out on I applied to some Assistant jobs at Christian private and charter schools and was impressed with the humaneness of the management-questions on the online hiring-assessment.  Nonetheless, ‘Blessed Are the Peacemakers,’ and the world will need I think / believe for somebody to prove that it is possible to take care of young people who don’t have good parents such as through a better orphanage-system someday.  At least, this is kind of what I dream and daydream about.  I think Saint Paul would talk more about older women helping younger women to be good mothers, however, or ‘teaching’ them, whatever that means.  
The pro-life cause as this political cartoon long ago pointed out is supposed to be in favor of life far beyond the emergence in to this world as a defenseless eight-pound baby.  
I feel lately as if I ‘waged a war for peace’ and ended up as the only casualty.  I don’t mean to aggrandize myself.  I strengthened my enemies and all I got out of it was a clarified love.  I hope / wish that this constitutes suffering and not just punishment before Moses for being a bad teacher with abominable taste in student clientele, and also forget to send off graduates with a graceful hail and blessing, maybe a final exhortation and prayer, and let them be they.
0 notes
Ep. 1: “the other tribe seems kind of... old?” - Ryan
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Neil A
So far getting to know my tribemates, and they seem so cool! James HaydenOnce the challenge was announced, my initial instinct was to jump in and try to get everyone on the same page about who's doing what. I had to hold back because I know that being a leader puts a target on your back and gives people a reason to vote you out. I want to be here for the long haul, so I'm letting someone else take the lead. 
James Hayden
And that went out the window instantly. I wanted someone else to take the lead, but  instinct take over and I took the lead on the video call when we decided roles for the challenge.
Haha the group chat is talking about their favorite survivor seasons/people to bond and i feel like a total fool for joining without having seen a ton of it XD I should probably lay low about it or else I think i might get voted out fairly soon...but then again they could call me out on it. Oh well! I'll just try my best at the challenges
James Hayden
If I'm the alternate, then I hope I can Tina Wesson this thing.
Pedro A
somehow it feels like everyone has this huge connection...maybe im just being paranoid..
Tyler H
Ok I don’t think I’m off to a good start while at the same time being off to an amazing start! I was too confident in that challenge, even tho I’m like Sandra in challenges, but my tribe doesn’t need to know that, they also don’t need to know that I’m one of 2 people to play these orgs. My friends that watch survivor think I’m the second coming of the immortal Tyson himself. To that I say they are right. This game can be fun if I make it to the merge which would be dumb on my tribes part. And I probably already made the best move of the season by making a secret alliance with Neil from the other tribe. So hope y’all keep a close eye on me this season! 
Neil A.
Just did my first challenge and I won!! I'm like screaming!!
Olivia A
I picked the "Mastermind" portion of the challenge and am very glad that I did. I set up the list in a google doc to keep all the information organized and was able to get the correct list in 5 guesses! Jay made it sound like that was an impressive number. I'm hoping we win that part of the challenge so that my efforts can be recognized and I can give everyone a good first impression of me. 
Haha thank you! This was an awesome idea. It’s great getting to know other fans and people :) 
Pedro A
John is hella nice.....but he sounded fishy when he said he had a Brazilian friend....like he was trying to play the tactic of having things in comum with everyone.....hes also the only person i talked to....idk..maybe im again just thinking too much.
Haha thank you! This was an awesome idea. It’s great getting to know other fans and people :) 
Sarah Hoyle
I really like my tribe so far! They are fun and energetic. I feel like I can connect with James and Najwah and maybe form an alliance with them down the road. 
Amy A
My tribe is sounding pretty much like THE tribe to be in. Just bummed I wasn’t here for the beginning and worried it’ll make me an easy target but I WILL vindicate myself in the challenge and they’d see how useful I can be. No alliances yet but hopefully by the morning everyone would’ve settled in and we’d be good to go. 
Not a bad start. I love my tribe mates so far and thought we all connected well. of course there were a few little things; we are all hyper aware of our own behavior, especially in a situation like this. I might have made a few missteps. The biggest one was telling the group I looked through Jay’s Twitter profile to see if I could find an idol clue and there was a big reaction... wow, that’s smart, the game is afoot. There was another moment when the tribe was wondering if the other group had also started a call and I said probably not, seeing how Jay is on the call with us. A similar reaction, so here’s hoping I didn’t make a first impression as a dangerous super schemer. i’m also mildly concerned I came off too aggressive. it was my idea to start the call, I am the one who made the call, I was consistently the first or second to respond when a question was asked to the group, and I was very vocal in the conversation. I told a few funny stories and asked questions and was overall rather bold. I hope I wasn’t too loud. Cody seemed to be The other loud one. Not sure if that’s a good ally or something dangerous. I’m going to think about reaching out to Nadjawa... apologies for the awful spelling. She seemed slightly timid but trying. She didn’t say much in the call but definitely wanted to contribute. MVP of the tribe jointly are James and Neil, Neil for winning the challenge and James for organizing all of our parts. They’ve earned major favor on this tribe straight off the bat. I am wary of that. overall I think we are all a strong blend of nervous and excited. I appreciate that my part in the challenge doesn’t seem to be one that has all eyes on me. there seems to be a really, uncommonly high volume of team spirit, almost patriotism, on this tribe and I appreciate that. I hope we win so that it isn’t ruined sooner than it has to be. One final thing I noticed was that it seemed like several on the tribe didn’t read the rules. There was a lot of discussion about what the VL was and other things covered in the rules, which really surprised me. tomorrow I will do the counting challenge and then go Idol hunting. In short, I might have spoken too much tonight but on the whole I’d call it a success.
James Hayden
After day 1, I feel that I came off too strong in the challenge by taking the lead in figuring out who's doing what part of the challenge. I hope that doesn't bite me in the butt later down the road. I'm getting good vibes from Sarah and Ben, but that's only 3 and that's not good in a tribe of 10.
Well, well, well. I've never done anything like this but I'm ready. I am looooving my tribe, and the other tribe seems kind of... old? I don't know, but I can't wait to see how we go
Maddison Poteet
Tierra del Fuego is popping already. It’s obvious I’m playing with fellow fans. No one wants to assert themselves too much, but everyone wants to be known. I have a couple of toes in the water with Kalle and Grae, but I’ve got to make sure my efforts to form an alliance don’t bite me in the ass. I’d love to get a majority alliance going early and ride that wave with plenty of options down the line. On another note, the jury is out on Tyler so far. He might have already branded himself a challenge weakness - I’m not yet sure how unforgiving this tribe is. 
Mwow. where to begin. night one and it's game on for me. i feel like i came on a little strong but i guess we will see. i'm fun. i can't help that. i really wanted to do the scavenger challenge but settled for the creative because cody hit me up on the side. i felt like this was a good chance to create a solid alliance from the start. soooooo i'm working with him. i'm somewhat of a control freak so i can see me doing all of the work on this but i'm determined to not be the reason we go to tribal. i just have this horrible feeling i'm going to be the first one out if we do. no one else has talked to me on the side and i'm kind of scared to reach out this early. cody mentioned bringing in sarah but i'm not sure if he messaged her. i did really like her vibe. also ben seems cool. i like neil but i feel like he is going to be a crowd favorite because he won the first challenge. i also definitely see him working with ben, aimee, and james. they all stayed on the chat after everyone else left which was a little questionable to me. at the moment, i'm working on this flag and just trying to give it my all. i will continue on the quest to make friends and alliances tomorrow. don't want to force it. please god, don't let me be the first out. lolol. ♡ 
John B
Wow First Confessional, Very Exciting. So far I think I’m making a pretty good impression on the tribe. That being said I’m extremely egotistical so I always assume people like me, nevertheless I’m gonna roll with it. I volunteered for the creative position in the challenge because I think being in the group of two with Pedro is a great opportunity to develop that connection. Pedro did most of the work on the flag, which is great because he did a great job with it, but he’s telling people that I am doing just as much, which like is just him being nice and I’m not gonna complain because I’ll take all the good PR I can get. I really want to start bringing together a majority alliance on the tribe, but I don’t have enough to go on as far as who to bring in. I also don’t want to seem like I’m going too hard too fast. I’m going to wait and see what happens with the first challenge before I make that kind of move. I am curious to see if other people are already dm’ing each other and making alliances, that’s the tough part of this being online because I can’t see when other people split off to talk. I’m hopeful for the tribe despite the endurance challenge, I can’t wait for the game to pick up.
It's a strange thing trying to get to know people but also feeling as though you shouldn't get too close because you're ultimately here to vote each other out. Currently I feel like the odd one out, being the only person outside of the US and one of the oldest players. I feel as though the others can bond over things like some beach in Virginia and I don't really have anything to add to that? Sarah private messaged me and I suggested we add Jay and she said that only needs to be done if we are in an alliance so that was a little awkward haha. I am trying to build an alliance or bond WITH Leanne and Cody. Get to know them better. 
I was going to reach out to Najwah but she beat me to it. That was gratifying because it meant we were thinking along the same lines. The thing with her is she is very clever and observant. She said she reached out to me because of my stories about telemarketing, and she also wished me luck in the counting challenge. This means she bothered to remember that that was my part; there are a lot of people and keeping track of all of us and our roles is something of a difficulty. So not only does she pick up on things, but she also retains them. I sent her a funny YouTube video and a few little messages and now I am deciding how much more to press, if at all. I’ve also been talking a little bit to Zach. He made first contact last night and I picked it up today. He’s someone I really could see myself working with, but I keep thinking about how he and Cody spent the whole night together working on that flag. They were still on when I signed off last night and had a rough draft at5:00 in the morning my time; that’s when Zack’s message to the tribe chat came in. That bonds two people. That’s part of why I’d love to see Cody gone sooner rather than later, though I figure I’d have a rather hard time making that happen. I don’t intend to go in guns blazing and say to everybody, hey, let’s get rid of Cody, but I do see him as a threat. The other one I’m worried about is James. Of all of us he’s the one most likely to win. He’s well rounded and contributes a lot without being overbearing. But of the group he’s not who I would choose to target, at least now. The two people I’d like to see gone or Cody and Sarah, though with Sarah my reasoning is so much less tangible. She was very polite in a way that somehow said she’d be less open to working with me. I can’t put my finger on it and odds are my reading doesn’t even approach accuracy. But in my mind the easy first vote is Amy only because she was at dinner and missed the call. I have no idea whether I should be thinking about who to vote out this early on, especially when this group is all about tribal unity, to a degree I’ve rarely seen, and won’t dare to throw names out right now. I wonder if I’m jumping the gun or if everyone is feeling like this and has targets in mind.
I went idol hunting today. My plan was to knock out the counting and then get started, thinking that’s what we’d all do, sign off and go to sleep last night and then come in today. I got a little bit psyched out when I read the announcement post though, because it said expect a number tonight because you’ll probably all ask at once. Panic mode, oh no, I’m way behind! But now that I’ve seen the adventure format I feel less behind. I’ve played those before. Well, not so much played as torn my hair out running in circles making all the wrong choices. Those are hard, and if someone got it already they’d have to be lucky or a genius. I did get five coins from the pink door in town, which could be helpful in the marketplace. I’m encouraged to have money because of the clue that said finding the idle will cost you, perhaps even literally. This may or may not mean a monetary cost. I’ve been spinning my wheels trying to find all the possible meanings of that sentence. And finally, I had the chance to get a good look at Moala. I wonder if Ryan will last; he seemed very arrogant. Clearly he thinks highly of himself.Alan would seem to be the easy vote because of their relationship with J... why on earth would you put that out there publicly? The only person I especially hope to see post merge is Kalle, to make the Minnesota connection.
Amy t
First impressions: holy crap my Hanúha tribe is on fire! Everyone seems so on top of things and it's a much faster game than I was expecting. A video call right at the start, but I couldn't join do to irl circumstances. It seems like we have a solid group. I haven't tried to make alliances, only a small group for the scavenger hunt portion of the challenge. I have concerns that those on the video call will make an alliance, which would be a good move. I have every intention of making Friday a survivor day with no distractions, but it didn't work that way with moving and starting a new job and all that this week too. I hope there is still room for me to get in with a group. Right now I am just doing my best in the challenge to prove I am of worth to toge tribe. I hope I can be as fast as everyone else is. It seems I respond like after the conversation is over 😂. I noticed I am on the older side of players, which though we are all in our twenties, it's always a worry on survivor.
John B
Ok so we are on our first official day of the game and I’m already STRESSED. Nobody is really chatting in the group yet and we are still waiting to see the results of the first challenge. I am really hoping we pull out this win because I do not want to go to this first tribal. I really have no clue where I stand. I have been talking to Pedro for most of the day and I have sent a message to Maddison and we have talked a bit, but other than that I haven’t heard from anyone else except a message from Olivia saying good job on the flag. I really want to start bringing a group together but I don’t want to be the first person to really start talking game, I am just worried everybody is talking game without me. I’m going to try and be chill until after we find out the challenge results, but as y’all are going to find out I HAVE NO CHILL. 
I have realized that I like too many people on my tribe and want to build trust with many players maybe too fast. This may be my weakness in Survivor, we will see what happens. I’m feeling confident in having a voting block of six right now with Cody, Zack, James, Ben, Neil, and I, if it comes to that but I think we will not have to go to tribal council first! 
Cody A
Cody A
Alan B
I really hope our team doesn't lose because i don't want Tyler to get voted out! If we do though i don't know who else to vote for XD
John B
I am SO excited! We won the first challenge!! I was very nervous to be honest. I am torn now, I really want to start bringing together a group. I think I may wait to see if anyone brings me in to something before the next challenge. I have been DM’ing half the tribe at this point so I think I have strong odds to be pulled in if someone else starts something. I should probably reach out to the rest of the tribe to improve those odds but oh well. I am excited to watch the tribal council if there’s a tribe swap in the future I want some idea of what I could be walking into. 
John B
I am SO excited! We won the first challenge!! I was very nervous to be honest. I am torn now, I really want to start bringing together a group. I think I may wait to see if anyone brings me in to something before the next challenge. I have been DM’ing half the tribe at this point so I think I have strong odds to be pulled in if someone else starts something. I should probably reach out to the rest of the tribe to improve those odds but oh well. I am excited to watch the tribal council if there’s a tribe swap in the future I want some idea of what I could be walking into. 
I was actually preparing myself to vote, I did have someone in mind. but I'm so proud of my tribe for pulling together
DAMN. First tribal council sucks. But I feel good about the alliances I’ve made with a group of six (Ben, Zack, Cody, Neil, and James) and I feel tight with Cody, Zack, and James! We will see where this leads but I can see myself going far with those three, and feel a dynamic duo forming with Cody. :) 
I’m just sad and frustrated! I literally tripled Leanne’s score. I got to her number in like 20 minutes. She had to have done it from a phone. Leanne, honey, take a number keyboard class. You can find it on Steam I’m sure! My brain is melted and hands are still shaking from the adrenaline from typing so fast. Oh man,
 I’m sorry but you gotta go. I hope you make it on the real show. Mad respect to you! ✌️
Today provided a huge energy boost for our tribe. We worked cohesively and pulled out the win. I feel like I have a good individual relationship with most everyone and some close allies to work with. I hope to see dramaaaa from the other tribe at tribal. This is my first opportunity to see their dynamic and get a preliminary look at who I’ll be competing with down the line. Their tribe is collectively older so I’m excited to see what energy they are bringing to the game. 
Tyler H
It’s the best player in this game back again. I might be playing too hard out of the gate, but if they don’t know I’ve played before that will keep me in a good position. I’ll let one of them establish themselves as the tribe leader with the big ego and they’ll have a big target on their back for being a dummy. But right now I just have to relax, and wait for something big to happen. Hopefully my boy Neil isn’t the first boot! He won his challenge against me so if they have half a brain over there they will keep him. This game should be super interesting tho, keep a close eye on me, you never know when I’ll turn to the Irish Gangster I’m known for being.
Kalle N
So right from the start I had bad feelings about Tyler just because he clearly didn't read the rules and was asking the DUMBEST questions. He is definitely going to be my first target when we go to tribal, but as of right now I don't really have any alliances so I have some work to do. I've talked to a few people individually, but no one wants to talk strategy. It's frustrating bc I don't want to be the first person to bring up a name and come off as being too aggressive but at some point I'll get over that. Tyler actually private messages me earlier today out of the blue and I'm trying to get to know him and be friendly even though I have no intentions of working with him. It turns out I actually know someone in my tribe through school (Grae) so I'm hoping they can be an ally I can trust but who knows. Right now I'm just excited for the real gameplay to start.
Neil A
So we lost. Whack, now my alliance is talking about splitting the vote.
Neil A
Full of nerves and strategy lol. Found myself what "seems" like a strong majority
Olivia A
I’m super pumped about our tribe winning the first challenge! I have what feels like a really solid alliance with Grae, Kalle, and Maddison. I’m hoping to also work with John and anyone else those in my alliance have talked to so that a majority is promised in a vote. 
I honestly hope that I cab trust the people i've decided to vote with on this round. I feel as though I could have done better in the challenge and feel bummed because I let my tribe down. I'm also really grateful that people like Aimee and Sarah are reaching out to me and letting me know that they appreciate the effort I make to stay up and play/talk to everyone. Amy's name was thrown out today? I'm hoping that everyone just sticks to it. Seems to be the easy vote for now. Cody and I have built a solid bond and have mentioned that we have each others backs. Leanne seems to have my back too as she included me in the majority vote so I'm excited about that. Neil was MIA today. I get it, we all have lives but imo it kinda counts against him? I'd have liked a male to go out first and having an all girls alliance. Women are powerful when we stick together. For now, I'm on that Sandra Diaz Twine shit "anyone but me" 
James Hayden
James Hayden
James Hayden
And yes, I'm shamelessly plugging my book in the background of my confessionals.
James Hayden
You know, I really like this tribe. I loved our vibe of fun and unity and team spirit. In Survivor I value a Kumbaya tribe in general. If you’re going to work together and go the distance you’d better like each other. That seems to be an unpopular opinion among fans but one I’ve held for a long time. But the downside to that though is that dodgeball mode sets in... can I get out of the way fast enough, all defense and no offense, and it’s very hard to know where you stand. I had a small moment earlier today when we were all chatting about dating shows. First I felt like an outsider because I’ve never seen 90 Day Fiancé and didn’t have much to contribute. But as the conversation progressed we moved on and I made some comment or another that did two things. First it got a lot of surprised reactions from the group. Second, afterword the chat came to an abrupt halt for a while. And in those 20 minutes or so I thought, oh my God I’ve done it now. I’ve opened my mouth wide and inserted my foot right on in, and that’s it, i’ll be lucky if they aren’t all in a chat now without me. Now this moment was small and didn’t last long; I don’t think that anymore, but it was noteworthy. As I said, I very much have loved our dynamic but it has its dangers. So, we just find out we lost the challenge and all have to come to an agreement on what time tribal should be. And no one has input. The few responses were all along the lines of, I’m good to go whenever, because no one wants to be seen as controlling. I know I have a preference. I want to do it as early as possible, in small part to get more time in with the next challenge, and in very large part because I don’t want to stay up that late. I’m sure at least a few of us prefer something, but it was complete silence in the chat. Finally I said something like, if we are all free tomorrow it might be a good idea to get it done early, and I got support. James threw out3:00, at least I think it was James. Approval all around. I hope I am not being the bossy one, but I really wonder how much longer we’d have all sat there without a time. We all know someone has to get the ball rolling, and we don’t want that someone to be us. It happened again right afterwards. I started talking to a few people privately, Ben and Zach at first. What are your thoughts? I don’t know, I can’t think of what to base it on, round and round and round until I finally threw out Amy as a target. Ben and I agreed to it first, then I told Zach we had a plan. He told me he could bring in Cody and I could bring in Najwah. now, Zach claims the only two people he spoke to individually or Cody and me. I am inclined to believe him; Zach and I talked *a lot* today. I feel solid with him, which fuels my desire to have Cody out of the way, but not this round. Cody is in with the Amy vote. Najwah is in, and she told me she has Sarah. Actually before she gave me a confirmation she told me she’d talk it over with Sarahh first. Apparently Sarah suggested it to her before I did. So now I have a more concrete disinclination toward Sarah.  both she and Cody are sharing one of my two allies, and besides, if I’m either of them, knowing about my relationship with Zach and Najwah, I would certainly be on their radar. So as far as I know we have six on board to vote out Amy. I suggested to some people that we bring Neil in once he came online but I don’t know if anyone did. There are other things I wanted to do, like bring us all into a group chat to lock it in, but i’ve probably already spoken up too much and didn’t want to make myself out to be the wannabe schemer. All I’ve had so far our private chats, and Amy is the only plan I know about.
Zack M
first off ... MAJOR eye roll at the judges. i thought we were here to play survivor: tierra del fuego, not survivor: let's do the same thing we see over and over. was the other tribe's flag a little more clean, maybe so. however, there was no personalization. it was so basic. my flag had depth. we had the moon, fire, and unity. if i would have won that for us we wouldn't going to tribal. do i hold myself accountable? nah. other people did worse haha. anyways, now that that is out of my system ....... i'm in a final two, that's in a final three, that's in a final four, that's part of an alliance of 6, with a 7th person to give me the info on the rest of the tribe. in the words of carrie bradshaw, "and i thought to myself, am i sitting pretty right now?" so i'm in a finale two with cody who i do trust as much as i can trust anyone .... which isn't much. i can tell he is good at getting gossip. i need the ears because i'm bad at small talk and would rather let him deal with it. then we are in a finale three called THE EXCUSES with ben (make any excuse to not give up info on the finale 3). then we are in a final 4 with sarah called the CROCS (we love you yul). i really like ben and i hope that i can trust him but i am scared that he is going to work with neil and james. neil is a threat fersure and i want him out but i also just do not trust james. i'm a pisces. i vibe. i'm not vibing with him but he is in our alliance of 6 (me, cody, ben, james, neil, sarah). that's a solid 6 so i'm not going to fuck with it right now. i am bummed that leanne isn't in the 6 but she is my 7th. i've really bonded with her on a personal level. she was the first person i messaged in the game. look, if i can keep her and get out james or neil earlier in the game i'm 100% going to do it. that said, i'm not going to jeopardize my game for a stranger. she will always be the first person i messaged and no one can take that from her. if you ever read this leanne, love you. now time for the vote. it looks like we all agree that amy t needs to go. she wasn't in the first call and she hasn't really talked to anyone ... unless everyone is lying to me. honestly why sign up if you aren't going to follow through. she was talking about 90 day fiancé earlier with me in the main chat but that's not enough. we are splitting the votes with aimee which i think is dumb. i highly doubt amy has the idol and that's just going to make aimee nervous but i'm not going to stop it. i'm here for the ride. my theme is 4, 3, 2, me. apparently i have 4 humans that drafted me. wild. doing my best to make you proud. xoxo.
Ben Kessler
Team CROCS for the win! I feel good about this alliance and I’m happy the people in this alliance (Cody, Zack, Ben) are down to play. I feel like we have the numbers (shout-out to the king Yul!) and we are ready for tribal tomorrow but obviously this is Survivor and things can change and get messy. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Amy T
I am so bummed about us not winning the challenge! I really thought we had it! Our scavenger team was worried but we all had 70-80. I didn't realize competition would be this fierce so I will definitely be stepping up my game next time! I am worried because I am the only one who won't be at the live tribal, which may make me an easy vote. Right now by scores I was in the middle of the group it seemed, so that way it seems I am safe. I was happy to find out several people chose me to be on their draft team! I am trying my best out here, but it is hard since I can't join video chats yet, I am so worried that group will just vote me out because they don't know me. That's why I added a photo at least ha! Here's hoping I make it through. Packing my bag for tribal, for sure.
Amy A
Super excited Maola won the challenge. I was really scared I’d be the first one voted out cos not many people had approached me for an alliance BUT Ryan came to talk with me and pretty much seemed excited at the prospect of working with me even though I’m sure he’s spoken to everyone else in the tribe. But I’m still hoping that’s one alliance. Decided to go talk to Madison because her profile says ‘bisexual’ and I am too so that seemed like a good place to start. Didn’t seem really into forming alliances but was open to one w me. Grae came to speak with me privately later in the day so I’m hoping others are seeing me in the game and I’m not an easy first vote out. 
There are so many questions I’d like to ask some of the people I’ve talked to. Did anybody brief Neil on the Amy plan? I didn’t. What does Amy think is happening? Has she been told anything at all? Has she approached anyone? If not shouldn’t there be a decoy name out there? And what about James and Aimee? I don’t want to message either of them about it, for one thing because I don’t want it to be me who does it, and for another because that’s basically saying, hey, most of us got together and made a decision without you so you best get on the boat. But they’d have to be clued in; I don’t want either of them to be outsiders left out of the first vote. That’s a great way to make them into enemies. And this is all assuming that the Amy plan, the one I’m following, is the right one, and that’s a big if. And I don’t intend to ask too many of these questions. For one thing if they have another plan I’m going to get affirmative placating answers so there’d be little point. And for another, well, it’s what I’ve been saying this whole time. I don’t want to seem too aggressive. Besides it’s too early to start really gaming. I’m getting a strong feeling that I ought to quit trying to make things happen and just let it happen. It’s hard not knowing how much strategizing the tribe is or isn’t doing.
Cody A.
Cody A.
Cody A.
Pedro A
The challenges pretty much determined everyone alliance....and i kinda feel like everyone partner in the challenge are now they're closest allies
Pedro A
Also...i love that Ryan is talking smack about Tyler...we already got some TEA..luv to see
John B
Wow I went from feeling blessed to stressed in 0 seconds. I started talking about to Ryan and he says I give off “winner vibes” like... helllo?!? I literally had a typo in my two sentence bio! Idk what gave him the impression that I have brain cells but now I’m apparently a threat. All I need is to be taken out early because people think I’m dangerous. I need to start talking up other people and as much as I like Maddison it might have to be her. She seems to me like she could have a good handle on this game and I’m gonna be dropping hints left and right now.  Y’all need to pray for me. At least I have Pedro, I think we are super tight and I’m putting all my trust in him, hopefully that doesn’t come back to bite me. 
Pedro A
So i kinda created this outside alliance ...which includes me, Amy and Ryan....i feel like Ryan is a big mouth..he in 2 minutes told me his business
James Hayden
John B
Wow I went from feeling blessed to stressed in 0 seconds. I started talking about to Ryan and he says I give off “winner vibes” like... helllo?!? I literally had a typo in my two sentence bio! Idk what gave him the impression that I have brain cells but now I’m apparently a threat. All I need is to be taken out early because people think I’m dangerous. I need to start talking up other people and as much as I like Maddison it might have to be her. She seems to me like she could have a good handle on this game and I’m gonna be dropping hints left and right now.  Y’all need to pray for me. At least I have Pedro, I think we are super tight and I’m putting all my trust in him, hopefully that doesn’t come back to bite me. 
Neil A
SO first tribal is coming and we got a mothafucking chart lmao. We are in game mode now boiyos. Seems like it will be a pretty simple vote, but ya never know what's gonna happen. Hopefully don't have to go back to tribal till the merge. I know some players are talking about focusing in the here and now which yeah, but I'm here to win. I did not come to be runner up, or first home, or jury. I'm thinking about my moves and everyone's else moves.
Day 2 and already too invested in this game. Anyways, our CROCS alliance is tight and we are sticking with the majority vote of voting for Amy and splitting votes with some of us voting for other Aimee. Cody suggested telling Aimee we got the two Amy’s mixed up if she asked who voted for her. 😂 
Our CROCS alliance is a little worried about Neil switching or not telling us the full truth so tribal will definitely solidify our six alliance. 
James Hayden
Amy T just posted in our group chat "Okay I didn't expect to get this invested at the start but I am visibly anxious about tribal." Can someone explain to me how someone who, to my knowledge, hasn't reached out to anyone and wasn't in our group call on day 1 be invested? If commenting on the group chat every once in awhile is her definition of investment, then what the hell does she consider Jess?
Grae G
So far I’m really excited!! I’ve been trying to foster real connections and I’m only talking strategy if someone else brings it up. Otherwise I’m trying to bond with everyone individually about things I actually like irl. I’m very close w Kalle, and I’d really like John&/or to be my other main allies but I have a sense both are gaming really hard and so I’m not sure how much they are about me specifically. Olivia put kalle Maddison and I into a gc which was interesting bc I got a very cold vibe from her? So I’m not sure if that’s to keep tabs on kalle and I or she’s genuine.... how I’m feeling overall is pretty good? Like a 4/10. I know I have some conversations started I don’t feel like I have any ride or die allies this- but to be fair I’m not sure if I’ll ever have any since this is so entirely virtual... Basically bc we won the challenge My social game improved ten fold because there wasn’t a sudden rush to have to get know and trust people too quick I was able to take my time and make some good connections that are genuine. The challenge was fun and I legit put in 3 and half hours of work into it- I was so terrified of me having the least objects In the scavenger hunt lol. Turns out I got the most, mostly thanks to my simple strategy of opening an honest to god dictionary and going through every item and making a note of what I had in my house. Oof. Let’s see where this goes!
James H
Amy A
Super excited Maola won the challenge. I was really scared I’d be the first one voted out cos not many people had approached me for an alliance BUT Ryan came to talk with me and pretty much seemed excited at the prospect of working with me even though I’m sure he’s spoken to everyone else in the tribe. But I’m still hoping that’s one alliance. Decided to go talk to Madison because her profile says ‘bisexual’ and I am too so that seemed like a good place to start. Didn’t seem really into forming alliances but was open to one w me. Grae came to speak with me privately later in the day so I’m hoping others are seeing me in the game and I’m not an easy first vote out. 
Oh wow! This game moves fast. Already only one hour before tribal. Everyone seems so nervous! Good nerves on everyone’s end I hope. I’m hearing Amy around the rumor mill, excited to see what happens tonight. Let the games begin! 
Zack M
neil said he was a pisces. wrong move. i'm the only one in the game controlling these peoples emotions. i honestly can't believe people are listening to me but i'm here to play the game. LIKE MY FLAG, MY GAME IS DIFFERENT. threats out first. bye neil. 
Honestly? I was wondering why everyone is so quiet before tribal council and was highly suspicious. Cody messaged me and said he doesn't want to make any big moves without me. So now we are blindsiding Neil? I actually think he's not that involved in the game anyway and is an easy vote, but we'll see. It's great that I have an alliance now. I hope it's real lol. I think my social game is also a bit too strong so I'm going to tone it down a bit. Except Cody. He's my current main guy. I know now, that I can trust him. At least for these next few votes. Amy messaged me earlier, she's very anxious. I don't blame her. Also, Aimee seems to be out of the loop of things. Shit we better win our next challenge! This is tough. 
Kalle N
Last night I was added to an alliance that I am super happy with. It's me, Maddison, Olivia, and Grae and we named it the "rox the sox" alliance. I've been talking to them each individually and got amazing vibes from all of them so I'm excited to work with them. Hopefully our tribe just keeps winning and we never have to actually strategize lol SIKE- I wanna play the game already. I want to see people scrambling and strategizing and throwing out names. I kind of hope we lose the next challenge just so people can start talking about actual gameplay.
John B
Alrighty. I feel like I’m inching closer to establishing some type of group alliance here. Pedro and I are a dynamic duo and I have been talking to Alan a lot today, they didn’t really talk much game, but I like them a lot and they just give off great human vibes so I really want to work with them. I’ve also been talking to Grae who I also Stan, and they also like Alan and Maddison. If I can bring the five of us together with Olivia as a 6 I think it would be a really strong alliance. My first target at the moment is definitely going to be Ryan. The people I’ve talked to are leaning towards Tyler but I’m worried Ryan is running around telling people I’m a big threat so that needs to be squashed. Hopefully I can get this alliance cemented down and we can get a fun group chat going. I will feel much more confident once that happens.
Pedro A
I talked with Olivia today..and we had a super natural convo i like her...she feels like someone who comes off very natural and relatable
The plan is to vote out Neil tonight and cause a blindside. Everyone is on the same page tonight about not trusting him so I am confident that the plan will go through but also scared as heck.
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godfirstgodalways · 7 years
Hi, I would like your opinion on something. I've been so confused as to what I should do concerning my relationship with my bf. We engage in premarital sex but I want to stop. Idk if I should completely end the relationship or not. What's making me hold on is the fact that he has supported me and helped me in a time where I was completely lost and away from God. I was even the one who pushed sex on him, so what place do I have to tell him I can't be with him because we have sex? Please help. Thx
I hope you’re not upset that this reply is so late but know that I always reply in order. Anyway, remember that confusion is of Satan. We must approach God because He is our clarity. Christian or not, the soul wants righteousness but the flesh wants instant gratification. The difference is that a Christian should be more aware of that than someone who isn’t. You’re on the right track for wanting to stop, but the question is are you going to walk it? It’s easier said than done. Sexual sin is different compared to other sins, not in a sense that God thinks twice about forgiving the person who engages in it…no….I say it in a sense that engaging in it defiles your own body (including your mind), which explains your confusion, and probably fear and anxiety too. I believe that couples who engage in premarital sex are also more often to disagree on things and fight in general, but couples who understand that sex should be within the marriage and are practical about the discipline have better communication because they’ve built (or in some cases rebuilt) a strong foundation that goes beyond feelings. If you read most of my replies to prayer requests, I focus my prayers on drawing closer to God, I focus on requesting God to transform the mind and heart of the person going through the difficulty. Tell yourself, “I know what’s right and what’s wrong, but do I see potential in this person as a provider, a father, a husband, or a leader (whatever qualities you value in a lifelong partner)…do I have confidence in my heart of hearts that God can continue to work on him, and am I willing to give it a try to see if we can still work together as a couple without sex?” If after spending some time reflecting on that makes a lot of sense to you, then tell the Lord that you desire for change, not just in how you think but also in how you behave especially when you two are alone. You do that by spending more time with Him. I can’t emphasize that enough. The theme in a lot of my posts are spending more time with Him because that’s how you grow spiritually mature. If you haven’t yet started, right now listen to Christian vloggers that speak on the topic, there’s a lot of them and you will be encouraged to stay on track and actually walk it. You have to read your Bible too and read devotionals daily. If you haven’t explained to your boyfriend your convictions, your point will only be understood more and more whenever a fight breaks out…that’s if you’re still together. You can bring it up letting him know that you would probably fight/argue less if both of you had a deeper connection spiritually and if both of you came to the center where God should be. If he can’t respect that you’re doing this because you know in your heart God wants you to wait, then I’m sorry he isn’t the right one for you. Because he supported you in a time you needed it, it sounds like there could be a chance and I only say that because of your desire to want to be right with God again. If your values are modest, then his’ is probably too, sex just got in the way.…like attracts like. Once you have become consistent at practicing His presence and you know in your spirit that you have been growing, that’s when you will start to be a better example to him and hopefully this should help him see that he must also change his ways by transforming his mind. You must attend church and fellowship, pray for each other everyday, and remind yourselves why you are doing this. I’m sure you want to have more peace within yourself, you want more out of this life, you just aren’t happy settling for what you thought was best, you want to have God’s best. Most Christians will tell you that you should not be in a relationship where you allow premarital sex…that’s true….they might even tell you get out of it……but really only you know in your heart if the relationship is toxic to you or not. It’s also very common for many Christians to engage in premarital sex, so I would say if you really believe that you can’t work on yourself while being in this relationship, then take yourself out of it and take a long break from him. Invest on your spiritual growth because your future and everything else highly depends on it. The rest will fall into place, because if you love the Lord with all your heart, you will respect yourself enough to attract what is good and pleasing and righteous. You might attract him back if God has also been working on him. And if he does come back into your life, stay grounded in faith, cling dearly to God. Or He could also bring someone who is much better for you. Be patient and wait on Him whether you’re in a relationship or not. Your beliefs shape your success. You have to be willing to accept what God’s will is and you must be content in Him alone whether you remain in this relationship or not. My parents were not Christians when then met. My sister and I were both born before they got married. It was 9 years later after my mom met my dad when she gave her life to God. Did she leave my dad because he wasn’t saved? No, she often prayed for his salvation and 8 years later he accepted Christ as his Savior. Now he will be speaking this coming Sunday at our church as a substitute for the pastor. God works in mysterious and wonderful ways. It doesn’t always mean that if someone is having sex outside marriage, they have to break up with their significant other and never see them again. Everyone is at a different spiritual level and everyone has a different story. Repent and turn away from your sin and DO what is right. It’s possible for anyone to take advantage of His grace and also take it for granted by continuing to do what they know is wrong. If you love your boyfriend, you will also care enough for his spiritual growth. You have to pray where you are right now for strength and wisdom so He blesses you with His discernment to look forward to a bright future for yourself, and so you are able to take what you’ve learned from this experience and thank the Lord for His forgiveness and His grace to start over again with a pure heart. He loves you and wants you to focus on Him so He is able to show you what He is working out in you. Trust, His plans are always good. I will keep you in my prayers tonight. Bless! :)
PS 2 Cor. 6:14 is not a commandment but it is still wisdom, it’s something every Christian should be cautious of. But because we live in a world where it’s inevitable Christians will hang out with non-believers, just know that time should be limited with them otherwise if we are not careful enough we turn back to our old ways and stagnate our spiritual growth.
2 Corinthians 6:14 - Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
1 Corinthians 6:18 - Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.
Proverbs 4:23 - Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
James 1:22 - Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
Lamentations 3:25-26 The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him,  to the one who seeks Him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.
Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,“ declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
By His Grace, Sheela (Via godfirstgodalways)
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