#Jan Curious
gavidbowie · 2 years
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fyeahcindie · 1 year
New MV from R.O.O.T (Running Out Of Time)  =D
Lots of tricky little things in the arrangement, and the vocal is very intimate in the mix, w/ lyrics in Cantonese and English.
Jan Curious-voc, Tzu Yu Fish Huang 黃子瑜-drums, Teriver Cheung-gtr, To So aka SOTOC-keyboard/synth bass.
Music: R.O.O.T , AF
Lyrics: Jan Curious
Arranger: R.O.O.T
Voc: Jan Curious (feat. 牛牛)
Mixed by Jay Tse
Mastered by Alex Psaroudakis
Illustrations by Jan Curious 
Animation by Knifeson yu
Full credits and lyrics at YT.
R.O.O.T links: Facebook,  Spotify,  Instagram,  ROOT YouTube.  Jan Curious YouTube, Jan Curious Instagram
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luckyclovernb · 8 months
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🌟 Introducing Sleepy Time Nick! 🌟
Your personal pillow-talk boyfriend with daytime and nighttime features! Now you can finally get spicy with your favorite emo in this state of the art app~
Kidding guys, this is fake and inspired off of Sleepy Time Jack! Also Happy Late Birthday to Nick!! Hope you enjoy Nick simps~ 😘
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cry-ptidd · 9 months
Me and my sister watched Hellsing together. Here's her opinion on the characters
- Alucard: "He's a cunt, but he's entertaining. I'd probably pay to see him in a strip club. I didn't like him and his shit-eating grin and 'master' bullshit at first, but he grew on me quick and i don't like that he grew on me. He's a complex character, and he's hot asf when he cries. Also I wish we'd seen his Dracula form for longer; that was awesome. Him and Anderson had a thing going on."
- Seras: "Didn't really mind her at first, but liked her after she drank blood. Her transformation and the guns are really fucking cool. I didn't like her voice and her whining at first but it got better after a few episodes. I like her when her personality became a little bit more spunky. Her story's fucked up."
- Integra: "Absolute bad bitch. Her attitude reminds me of myself so idk if I should like it or hate it, she's got a lot of pride which I respect. Really human and I like it, she takes no one's shit and she's a badass. Didn't even FLINCH when she got her eye shot out. Girlboss. She gives me ace vibes also."
- Walter: "I liked him, he was funny. And then he betrayed everyone and became emo. He gave good advice, and he was cool as hell with that wise older veteran vibe. I'm disappointed in him, but the plot twist was actually good. You'd notice the signs if you suspected him from the beginning."
- Pip: "He's FINE. I'd braid his hair any day. I was in love and then I mourned. I'm widowed. He was hilarious, plus his voice actor nailed the French. My favorite character. Screeched when he came back. He's a good leader and I loved his speeches, also his death made me cry. And I don't often cry when watching anime."
- Anderson: "kinda neutral. I didn't like him at first, he was obnoxious as fuck. Then he respected women and opposed Maxwell and his orders so he grew in my esteem a bit. His character is cool as fuck tho. I wish he didn't turn into a monster, he fell to the same level as Alucard. It's like human greed or desperation for power. Him and Alucard had a thing going on."
- Enrico Maxwell: "Lucius Malfoy. I hate him but not the one I hate most."
- Heinkel & Yumie: "Really like these two lesbians. So cool and I respect their resolve, especially Heinkel's. Rip Yumi. You were cool. Heinkel being intersex is a dope detail, she's very androgynous too. I like their designs."
- The major: "Augustus Gloop? I like the fact he refused vampirism, that was cool, but he's an actual fucking sociopath and I hate him"
- The Captain: "Ngl, I actually find him quite dope, aside from the nazi thing. Literally no one respected him, that shit had me crying. His face is pretty and his tits are big, even if he looks a bit goofy at times. Wish we'd seen more of him. I felt kinda bad when he got defeated."
- Schrödinger: "I want this thing dead"
- Rip van winkle: "She gives me the vibes of a Dr Seuss character."
- Zorin: "Bleach Ichigo knockoff. Fuck this bitch in particular I hate her"
- The Valentine brothers: "A slav squat necrophile and his gay brother that used to be a runway model but got cancelled after a scandal"
Overall: A hit, neither of us expected her to like it. She likes the political and literary aspects, and also finds the characters interesting. She doesn't really know how to feel about the ending; she considers it realistic and a good end, but she wished it was more epic. But from a writing perspective it's good. Also she lowkey wished Alucard would turn Integra into a vampire, just because it would be cool. Now we send each other memes about it. She calls Nendocard a whore when she passes by him, but says she'd buy a Pip nendo in a heartbeat
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halfhissandwich · 3 months
what are your height headcanons for the sides? (and will you draw them in a lineup from tallest to shortest pretty please with a cherry on top and extra rainbow sprinkles?)
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1, I’m not the best at proportions, 2, my entire rationale was as follows.
“Ok, Virgil’s tall and Janus is short. I know that 100%, Virgil will be tallest and Janus will be shortest. I feel it in my soul. How tall is Thomas? Thomas is 5’10. I wanna make their heights all average out to Thomas’ height. So Virgil is 4 in taller than Thomas at 6’2, Janus is 4 in shorter than Thomas at 5’6. Roman and Remus can be 1in shorter than Thomas bc idk, short king joke? And I wanna make the heights average out to 5’10 so Pat and Lo are both 5’11.”
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jane-lynndrake-t · 17 days
Thinking about dream-baby (I really can't keep calling him dream-baby) to distract me from the frankly horrific nightmare :)
Laughs with his whole tiny body and slumps into me to hide his giggles.
The little pout he does when he can't see something from where he is... curious tiny creachur...
Big blue-grey eyes that invite kisses to his brows.
Liddol giggles when he gets his kisses.
there isn't any universe that I wouldn’t name him after my brother <3 I love and miss you, JT.
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mitamicah · 7 months
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quick post it pen Joker Out (+ Jere) sketches pt 2: this time with animal ears :3
You may say this is kind of a warm up for me (hopefully) drawing similar sketches for people in 5 days (!!)
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Hey guys!! I love doing ask games and love seeing other authors in the fandom do them, and I had the sudden urge today to make one. I remember one went around a while ago that was unique because it was a chance for readers to tell writers what they think of their fics, rather than asking questions. Maybe this is super self indulgent and vain, but I think we have a really supportive and lovely little fandom and I thought it would be nice for any writers who are interested to get the chance to hear from readers! So here it is, reblog to your heart's content for people to send to you and feel free send me any asks 🥰❤️
1) My favourite fic of yours is X
2) Your funniest fic is X
3) Your saddest fic is X
4) Your hottest fic is X
5) The fic that I had the strongest emotional reaction to is X
6) The fic that I'm most invested in is X
7) Something I didn't think I would enjoy as much as I did is… (Can be an entire fic or something more specific)
8) This line/scene really stuck with me…
9) X makes me think of you
10) When I think of you I think of X
11) I love your writing because…
12) My favourite thing about your writing is…
13) You made me like/interested in/notice X
14) My favourite version of X (ship) that you've written is in X (fic)
15) I can't wait for you to update X
16) I think X (fic) is underrated
17) If someone wanted to start reading your stuff I would recommend X
18) I love that you write about X (can be a ship or something else, dynamic, kink, AU etc)
19) Something unique about your writing is X
20) It means a lot to me that you write X
21) Something unexpected about your writing is…
22) When I read X (fic, scene, line) I had X reaction
23) I'd love to see you write more about X
24) I'd be really interested in you writing X AU
25) A question I've always wanted to ask you is…
26) Can you explain/elaborate about X (scene/line etc)
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leopardom · 10 months
source: x
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c28hunter · 1 year
Let's see if the demographics have changed...
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oh okay that's INSANE (I love it)
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 8 months
we've done polls for everyone's favourite member and if people are aspec but now i want to combine the two
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luckyclovernb · 6 months
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🌟 Introducing Sleepy Time Bread Nick! 🌟
Your personal pillow-talk boyfriend with daytime and nighttime features! Now you can finally get spicy with your favorite concha in this state of the art app~
Kidding guys, this is fake and inspired off of Sleepy Time Bread Jack! Also Happy Late Birthday to Nick!! Hope you enjoy Nick simps~ 😘
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m0rb1dch1ld · 3 months
Question to hellsing fans.
Does anyone know how old Luke and Jan Valentine are exactly?
Just curious.
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unrulyknight · 2 years
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happy halloween and happy last day of blacktober friends. havw a wizard
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mitamicah · 3 months
Wip time again :3
It looks like a family photo I can't :'D <3
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