#Jareds other roles
gilllianrollo · 9 months
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moss-sprout · 1 year
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kappa in the latest episode
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mikimeiko · 1 year
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Fringe | Season 1 (2008-09), J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci
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seventh-district · 4 months
i’ve just finished season one of TMA, and being someone who’s okay with spoilers is fun because it means i can peruse the wiki and scroll through the tag and i get to become privy to all sorts of weird, wonderful, halfway-out-of-context information that i get to look forward to understanding in the future
like. what do you mean Leitner’s in the tunnels?
what do you mean Jon eats the extinguished sun??
what do you mean it’s spelled Gerard Keay???
#Jon‚ narrating a statement: '…whose passport had identified him as Gerard Keay.'#Me‚ an American‚ not yet in the habit of following along with the transcripts: 'Ah‚ yes. Jared Key.'#tma spoilers#the magnus archives#gerry keay#gerard keay#tma#i’m sorry but Why do british ppl apparently pronounce Gerard like that how do y’all audibly tell Gerard and Jared apart#anyways based on how i’ve glossed over the other two arguably much more shocking revelations i mentioned#i’m sure you can tell that i’ve latched onto Gerry and everything else is just background noise to me#okay that’s an exaggeration. i Do love the entire show and am invested in the entire cast to varying degrees but.#Gerry… my beloved… his role in Ep. 12 hooked me instantly#it’s bad‚ guys. ive already started making him a playlist. it’s safe to say there’s no hope for me. the fixation train has left the station#Gerry (and Michael) have moved in and will live rent free in my brain indefinitely#listen. you can’t just present to me a cryptic goth man with long poorly dyed black hair and mommy issues who’s covered in eye tattoos-#-and is frequently affiliated with the supernatural and then expect me to Not fall in love with him!!!#*looks at DoorKeay* …and i am also not immune to the opposites attract & human x supernatural entity tropes…#tbh looking at all this DoorKeay fan art has me suddenly remembering my EraserMic days#which is a wild thing to say i know but listen. it’s just the whole long-black-hair x long-blonde-hair similarity#and maybe a bit of the opposite personalities. idk why but i was just admiring one particular DoorKeay fanart and it suddenly hit me#i literally whispered to myself out loud ‘holy shit it’s EraserMic again…’ and it's not Really but also it kinda is and i think it's funny#but then i did More thinking and i think it goes beyond just them. i think i rlly just have a thing for Dark & Light coded character ships#Michael & Gerry… Navia & Chlorinde... Sun & Moon… Mic & Aizawa…#i think i’m learning smthn abt myself now i’ve gotta think if there’s more examples…#i'd almost say Alphonse and Seth but eeehhh not quite. and honestly i think the bigger-brain way to see their relationship through the-#-Dark x Light trope would be to take into account the resurgence of DM!Al and that kinds flips the dynamic#i think that if either of them are Moon-coded it'd be DM!Al. but they honestly just don't quite fit in that trope's box anyways#they're Pink/Black x Brown coded. not Yellow x Black#i do gotta say that i've pulled an Interesting number of songs off Seth's playlist while working on Gerry's... it's the mommy issues innit#i'd almost say PB x Marcy but once again we've got a character that's pink-coded‚ not yellow. i think they fall into a different category
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fandom-hoarder · 4 months
What if Dean discovers New York Minute though?
Unfortunately(????) I haven't seen the movie, but I imagine Dean teasing him about his baby facial hair and demanding to know if Sammy got down and dirty with twins before he did. 😅😅😅
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nothingunrealistic · 1 year
this is a delight… obviously the production values aren’t the highest but many fun acting and staging choices here, especially the four evans, and i’m impressed that they managed to incorporate the anonymous ones and hiding in your hands without cutting songs
#is that legal? probably not but i doubt any other element of this is. think they also ripped some ywbf projections right from the movie#dear evan hansen#don't know spanish well enough to comment on most of the nuances of the translation but i can tell they cut some dialogue#e.g. the “nothing unrealistic” lines from sincerely me; the lines about dana p from evan and alana's act 1 conversation;#some of jared & evan's dialogue about the connor murphy memorabilia market; squip connor dissing jared;#alana offering jared the role of treasurer or secretary; “great idea evan” / “thank you jared” / “no sweat”;#cutting off sincerely me reprise after the first four lines??? and cutting some dialogue there and in the following heidi scene;#the lines about evan's dad in to break in a glove; evan and zoe joking about a kegger; “wonder of wonders miracle of miracles”;#heidi & cynthia & larry's wine discussion; the chicken milanese; the sulu/sula confusion; some of evan and heidi's pre-gfy fight;#alana's comment about evan dating zoe; a few lines in the scenes around for forever reprise and words fail; & the pottery barn discount#evan & jared's spanish project becomes an english project quite appropriately; heidi now says “fuck” after the gfy fight which i love#and zoe's line of “i didn't realize you were actually capable of saying something that wasn't nice” gets turned into#something that ends in “politically correct” instead of “nice” which is a fascinating change#don't love the audience laughter at the dialogue around the anonymous ones given that it's not supposed to be funny#but it sure does speak to the quality of that dialogue compared to the text of the original stage show#also there is clearly a tumblr post in the ywbf projections lmao. may make this the only version of the show to acknowledge tumblr
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kompenscovery was such a blessed secret entrance to a Whole Deal (winnie n tay. & i guess billions) when like. having the most specific, correct opinions, and being me, = the ideal is [nobody else try to talk to me about winston billions] and that’s just where we’re at. this is an exclusive experience
#talking to myself / making the wisdom Available by nailing my text posts (and drawings) to the church doors but then i walk away#meanwhile also of course the hero who permits [my monologuing abt winston all the more behind the scenes] w/o being sick of it after 9000hrs#i think probably other people talk abt winston but not in ways i'm interested in. Except absolute rando twitter billions viewers#this like 60 or 70 yr old lady from twitter who Loves winston. and presumably through the will roland angle lol she went to bway bmc....#just other one off tweets abt ppl like yeah he's one of my / the fave. um hell yes my scholar#or no wait lmfao like again i'd talk about this w/beth roland in theory lmfao. maybe even also hero & scholar & relevant party william#the niche on niche on niche like. looking into deh As Jared Kleinman Lore. liking an actor's je ne sais quoi & scrambling when finding out#that his upcoming bway role is Thee Lead thank you very much....the dramatic fateful saga that was [ending up watching the then available#clips from billions which was up to kompenso]....finding the peak specific peak titrated peak Exact Enrichment gift lol#beyond that i don't see [media enjoyment / takes] as much of like a springboard for Broader Socializing or anything. it Can be ig but.#that's not the goal & not the expectation. at this point reflecting on Myself & My Experiences & My Heart's Truth lmfao i'm like#beyond [i don't think i'd enjoy A Friend Group in actuality] to [i don't think i'm that interested in Friends] series or concept lol#open to whatever & flexible or whatever but eh. already i like Impersonal & Parallel activity & doing my own thing perhaps amongst others#i like impersonal but amicable spontaneous; fleeting exchanges. doing xyz ''alone'' amongst other people.#i like Not having to people please & i'm autistic so i'm generally gonna be considered [unlikable / impersonable / too much / etc] adhd too#although it's not that specific like it goes for Anything. i don't want ppl to talk to me abt [xyz] lol#request a mini monologue / short essay sure but other than that#this isn't a forum....here's the posts left on the door. one can try the anchorite window or sending a letter. doing my own thing yknow#the secret here is ''i mean i like to talk to people but; i actually in practice tend to not like to talk to people'' lmfao#one can check back when many things are more on my own terms / suited to me but. buffering wheel / flipping hourglass mode
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Conservatives are fringe outliers - and leftists could learn from them
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The Republican Party, a coalition between Big Business farmers and turkeys who’ll vote for Christmas (Red Scare obsessed cowards, apocalyptic white nationalists, religious fanatics, etc) has fallen to its bizarre, violent, noisy radical wing, who are obsessed with policies that are completely irrelevant to the majority of Americans.
As Oliver Willis writes, the views of the radical right — which are also the policies of the GOP — are wildly out of step with the US political view:
The press likes to frame American politics as “narrowly divided,” but the reality is that Republicans’ electoral victories are due to voter suppression and antimajoritarian institutions (the Senate and Electoral College, etc), not popularity. Democrats consistently outperform the GOP in national races. Dems won majorities in 1992/6, and beat the GOP in 2000, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020. The only presidential race the GOP won on popular votes since 1988 was 2004, when GW Bush eked out a plurality (not a majority).
But, as Willis says, Dems “act like it is 1984 and that they are outliers in a nation of Reagan voters,” echoing a stilted media narrative. The GOP’s platform just isn’t popular. Take the groomer panic: 71% of Americans approve of same-sex marriage. The people losing their shit about queer people are a strange, tiny minority.
Every one of the GOP’s tentpole issues is wildly unpopular: expanding access to assault rifles, banning immigration, lowering taxes on the rich, cutting social programs, forcing pregnant people to bear unwanted children, etc. This is true all the way up to the GOP’s coalescing support for Trump as their 2024 candidate. Trump has lost every popular vote he’s ever stood for, and owes his term in the Oval Office to the antimajoritarian Electoral College system, gerrymandering, and massive voter suppression.
Willis correctly points out that Dem leaders are basically “normal” center-right politicians, not radicals. And, unlike their GOP counterparts, politicians like Clinton, Obama and Biden don’t hide their disdain for the radical wing of their party. Even never-Trumper Republicans are afraid of their base. Romney declared himself “severely conservative” and McCain “put scare quotes around ‘health of the mother’ provisions for abortion rights.”
The GOP fringe imposes incredible discipline on their leaders. Take all the nonsense about “woke capitalism”: on the one hand, it’s absurd to call union-busting, tax-dodging, worker-screwing companies “woke” (even if they sell Pride flags for a couple of weeks every year).
But on the other hand? The GOP leadership have actually declared war on the biggest corporations in America, to the point that the WSJ says that “Republicans and Big Business broke up”:
But America is a two-party system and there are plenty of people who’ll pull the lever for any Republican. This means that when the GOP comes under the control of its swivel-eyed loon wing, the swivel-eyed loons wield power far beyond the number of people who agree with them.
There’s an important lesson there for Dems, whose establishment is volubly proud of its independence from its voters. The Biden administration is a weirdly perfect illustration of this “independence.” The Biden admin is a kind of referee, doling out policies and appointments to its competing wings, without any coherence or consistency.
That’s how you get incredible appointments like Lina Khan at the FTC and Jonathan Kanter at the DoJ Antitrust Division and Rohit Chopra at the Consumer Finance Protection Bureat — the progressive wing of the party bargained for these key appointments and then played their cards very well, getting incredible, hard-charging, hyper-competent fighters in those roles.
Likewise, Jared Bernstein, finally confirmed as Council of Economic Advisers chair after an interminable wrangle:
And Julie Su, acting labor secretary, who just delivered a six-year contract to west coast dockworkers with 8–10% raises in the first year, paid retroactively for the year they worked without a contract:
But the Biden admin’s unwillingness to side with one wing of the party also produces catastrophic failures, like the martyrdom of Gigi Sohn, who was subjected to years of vicious personal attacks while awaiting confirmation to the FCC, undefended by the Biden admin, left to twist in the wind until she gave it up as a bad job:
It’s how we get key roles filled by do-nothing seatwarmers like Pete Buttigieg, who has the same sweeping powers that Lina Khan is wielding so deftly at the FTC, but who lacks either the will or the skill to wield those same powers at the Department of Transport:
By refusing to stand for anything except a fair division of powers among different Democratic Party blocs, the Biden admin ends up undercutting itself. Take right to repair, a centerpiece of the administration’s agenda, subject of a historic executive order and FTC regulation:
Right to Repair fights have been carried out at the state level for years, with the biggest victory coming in Massachusetts, where an automotive R2R ballot initiative won overwhelming support in 2020:
But despite the massive support for automotive right to repair in the Bay State, Big Car has managed to delay the implementation of the new law for years, tying up the state in expensive, time-consuming litigation:
But eventually, even the most expensive delaying tactic fails. Car manufacturers were set to come under the state right to repair rule this month, but they got a last minute reprieve, from Biden’s own National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, who sent urgent letters to every major car manufacturer, telling them to ignore the Massachusetts repair law:
The NHTSA repeats the car lobby’s own scare stories about “cybersecurity” that they blitzed to Massachusetts voters in the runup to the ballot initiative:
The idea that cybersecurity is best maintained by letting powerful corporations gouge you on service and parts is belied by independent experts, like SecuRepairs, who do important work countering the FUD thrown off by the industry (and parroted by Biden’s NHTSA):
Independent security experts are clear that letting owners of high-tech devices decide who fixes them, what software they run, etc, makes us safer:
But here we are: the Biden admin is sabotaging the Biden admin, because the Biden admin isn’t an administration, it’s a system for ensuring proportional representation of different parts of the Democratic Party coalition.
This isn’t just bad for policy, it’s bad politics, too. It presumes that if some Democratic voters want pizza, and others want hamburgers, that you can please everyone by serving up pizzaburgers. No one wants a pizzaburger:
The failure to deliver a coherent, muscular vision for a climate-ready, anti-Gilded Age America has left the Democrats vulnerable. Because while the radical proposals of the GOP fringe may not enjoy much support, there are large majorities of Americans who have lost faith in the status quo and are totally uninterested in the Pizzaburger Party.
Nowhere is this better explained than in Naomi Klein’s superb long-form article on RFK Jr’s presidential bid in The Guardian:
Don’t get me wrong, RFK Jr is a Very Bad Politician, for all the reasons that Klein lays out. He’s an anti-vaxxer, a conspiracist, and his support for ending American military aggression, defending human rights, and addressing the climate emergency is laughably thin.
But as Klein points out, RFK Jr is not peddling pizzaburgers. He is tapping into a legitimate rage:
a great many voters are hurting and rightfully angry: about powerful corporations controlling their democracy and profiting off disease and poverty. About endless wars draining national coffers and maiming their kids. About stagnating wages and soaring costs. This is the world — inflamed on every level — that the two-party duopoly has knowingly created.
RFK Jr is campaigning against “the corrupt merger between state and corporate power,” against drug monopolies setting our national health agenda, and polluters capturing environmental regulators.
As Klein says, despite RFK Jr’s willing to say the unsayable, and tap into the yearning among the majority of American voters for something different, he’s not running a campaign rooted in finally telling the American public “the truth.” Rather, “public discourse filled with unsayable and unspeakable subjects is fertile territory for all manner of hucksters positioning themselves as uniquely courageous truth tellers.”
We’ve been here before. Remember Trump campaigning against a “rigged system” and promising to “make America great again?” Remember Clinton’s rejoinder that “America was already great?” It’s hard to imagine a worse response to legitimate outrage — over corporate capture, declining wages and living conditions; and spiraling health, education and shelter costs.
Sure, it was obvious that Trump was a beneficiary of the rigged system, and that he would rig it further, but at least he admitted it was rigged, not “already great.”
The Democratic Party is not in thrall to labor unions, or racial equality activists, or people who care about gender justice or the climate emergency. Unlike the GOP, the Dem establishment has figured out how to keep a grip on power within their own party — at the expense of exercising power in America, even when they hold office.
But unlike culture war nonsense, shared prosperity, fairness, care, and sound environmental policies are very popular in America. Some people have been poisoned against politics altogether and sunk into nihilism, while others have been duped into thinking that America can’t afford to look after its people.
In this regard, winning the American electorate is a macrocosm for the way labor activists win union majorities in the workplaces they organize. In her memoir A Collective Bargain, Jane McAlevey describes how union organizers contend with everything that progressive politicians must overcome. A union drive takes place in the teeth of unfair laws, on a tilted playing field that allows bosses to gerrymander some workers’ votes and suppress others’ altogether. These bosses have far more resources than the workers, and they spend millions on disinformation campaigns, forcing workers to attend long propaganda sessions on pain of dismissal.
But despite all this, labor organizers win union elections and strike votes, and they do so with stupendous majorities — 95% or higher. This is how the most important labor victories of our day were won: the 2019 LA teachers’ strike won everything. Not just higher wages, but consellors in schools, mandatory greenspace for every school in LA, an end to ICE shakedowns of immigrant parents at the school-gate, and immigration law help for students and their families. What’s more, the teachers used their unity, their connection to the community, and their numbers to get out the vote in the next election, winning the marginal seats that delivered 2020’s Democratic Congressional majority.
As I wrote in my review of MacAlevey’s book:
For McAlevey, saving America is just a scaled up version of the union organizer’s day-job. First, we fix the corrupt union, firing its sellout leaders and replacing them with fighters. Then, we organize supermajorities, person-to-person, in a methodical, organized fashion. Then we win votes, using those supermajorities to overpower the dirty tricks that rig the elections against us. Then we stay activated, because winning the vote is just the start of the fight.
It’s a far cry from the Democratic Party consultant’s “data-driven” microtargeting strategy based on eking out tiny, fragile majorities with Facebook ads. That’s a strategy that fails in the face of even a small and disorganized voter-suppression campaign — it it’s doomed in today’s all-out assault on fair elections.
What’s more, the consultants’ microtargeting strategy treats people as if the only thing they have to contribute is casting a ballot every couple years. A sleeping electorate will never win the fights that matter — the fight to save our planet, and to abolish billionaires.
If only the Democratic Party was as scared of its base as the Republicans are of their own.
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If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: The title page of Richard Hofstadter's 'Paranoid Style in American Politics' from the November, 1964 issue of Harper's Magazine. A John Birch Society pin reading 'This is REPUBLIC not a DEMOCRACY: let's keep it that way' sits atop the page, obscuring the introductory paragraph.]
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queen-of-deans-booty · 8 months
Practice Makes Perfect
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Actress!Reader
Word Count: ~1.7k
Warnings: none, nervous!jensen that's super cute
Request by anon: Hey, can i request a series or one shot with Jensen x actress/singer reader, where the reader is very famous actress and singer that work in Marvel as Black Widow, Game of Thrones, TVDU, etc and Jensen loved her and always are talking about her in set without knowing that she is Gen Padalecki best fiends and Jared Padalecki friends and Jared tell her all Jensen said about her so she was casted as a new character who is Dean love interest without him knowing and in the end they end together and have kids?
Summary: You're a famous actress that's been in lots of movies and TV shows. Jensen has a huge crush on you and doesn't know that the newest person to be hired onto Supernatural is none other than you.
Square Filled: what if (2022) for @spndeanbingo
Author’s Note: just pretend that each of the shows/movies she's been in took place one after the other instead of going on at the exact same time.
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Jared and Jensen have a few minutes alone before their panel. Jared is snacking on whatever they provided them with while Jensen is sitting on the couch browsing on his phone. Jared has his wife on FaceTime as he is stuffing his face, and she laughs at the food dripping from his mouth.
“Baby, why can’t you eat normally?”
“What? I’m hungry,” he says, more food spewing from his mouth.
“Our kids eat better than you,” she chuckles.
“Jen, tell her I eat normally.” Jared turns to his friend but Jensen isn’t listening to a word he’s saying. He has one of his Airpods in watching a video. “Are you guys coming to the panel?”
“Yeah, we’re just exploring right now.”
“Hi, Daddy!” Odette smiles and jumps into the frame.
“Hey, sweetheart. I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Okay. Say bye!”
All three of his kids say bye just before Gen hangs up on him. Jared finishes eating his snack before walking over to his friend. He takes a seat next to him to see what video he’s watching and smirks when he sees you on the screen.
“So, what do you want to do when the panel is over? What section of the convention do you want to visit?” Jared asks knowing Jensen isn’t listening.
He’s too invested in the video of you doing press for your new Marvel movie. You play the elusive Black Widow in all of the Marvel films, and you just got done filming your own solo movie. You’ve done some press for the movie even before it comes out to prepare people for what to expect and things of that nature.
“You’re obsessed with her,” Jared chuckles.
“Shut up, I’m not,” Jensen barks. “I’m just an admirer of her movies.”
“You have posters of her locked away in your collection.”
Jensen slaps his friend on the chest and continues watching the video. It’s true, Jensen has a major crush on you not only for Black Widow but for every role you’ve ever done. You’ve played Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones, Katherine and Elena in The Vampire Diaries, and so much more. You’re such a talented person that acting is like second nature to you. You can do almost any role you’ve ever landed, and you’ve won a lot of awards for it which you’re proud of.
“Damn, look at her. She’s gorgeous,” Jensen says with metaphorical hearts in his eyes. Jared laughs and Jensen shakes his head. “I’m sorry, I have a major crush on this woman. What are you gonna do about it?”
“We’re about to do a panel. Come on.”
Jensen and Jared get ready to go out on stage. All their fans cheer for them when they make an appearance. Jared scans the audience to see his wife there with her phone pointed at him. He nods once and turns to Jensen knowing his wife is getting this on video.
“Alright, any questions?” Jared asks. A lot of hands go up in the air, and he points to the person whom Gen gestures. “What’s your name?”
“Elisa. I’m such a huge fan of both of you. My question is for Jensen. I watched a video you did talking about the actress Y/N. She just finished her movie Black Widow. Is it true you have a crush on her?”
Everyone cheers for this question but quiets down to give Jensen an opportunity to answer. His entire face reddens at the question and becomes extremely conscious of what he’s wearing, what he’s saying, and how he’s behaving as if you’re in the room.
“Wow, there’s a lot to unpack here. Look, she’s gorgeous, I’m not gonna lie. If she were standing in front of me now, I don’t think I’d form complete sentences. So, yes, I have a crush on her.”
Everyone laughs at how shy he’s becoming, and Gen looks at the person she’s on FaceTime with.
“He’s so cute,” you chuckle through the screen. “Very charming.”
You’re a really good friend of the Padalecki family. You met Gen through a non-profit organization she was funding a while back and became fast friends with her. She and Jared welcomed you into their family immediately but it was never known to Jensen that you knew them.
“Just wait until you meet him in person.”
“Isn’t it true that there is still an opening for that female character on their show?”
“I’m in between projects right now. I’d be happy to audition if you want to bring that to Jared.”
“I’ll have him hook you up,” Gen smirks.
“Is that Y/N?” Shep asks and forces his face into the frame.
“Hey, Shep,” you grin.
Supernatural is about to start filming its eleventh season which means the director is desperate to fill the role of Dean’s love interest. Jared brought you up as an option, the director had you audition, and you were offered the part before leaving the building to go home. Jensen still doesn’t know that you were the one who was offered the role, just that the position had been filled.
“Isn’t it a bit suspicious that we haven’t met this new person?” Jensen asks.
“Talk to the director, dude.” Jared gets a call from the director and answers it with a smile. “Hey. Are you here? … Perfect. I’ll be right there.”
“Whose that?”
“Gen is here. I gotta go. I’ll be right back.”
Jared leaves before Jensen can ask any other questions. He meets up with you and the director who is waiting for him on the other side of the set.
“Jared!” you grin and give him a friendly hug. “Working together is going to be so fun.”
You’re not sure how long you’ll be on the show, but you hope it’s going to last years.
“Is he ready?”
“He’s practicing his lines right now.”
Jared escorts you to the main set where Jensen is. He’s already in his Dean clothes since they are scheduled to film right now. His back is turned to you when you enter the room so you think this is the perfect opportunity to scare him. He is holding a prop gun and muttering his lines when you jump in front of him. He yelps and drops the gun as you let out an infectious laugh.
“What?” he stutters when he sees you.
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you grin and hold out your hand for him. Jensen is a stuttering mess but shakes your hand nonetheless. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“She’s going to play your new love interest,” Jared says and slaps him on the back lightly.
“It’s going to be so much fun working with you.”
“Yeah, same here,” Jensen manages to get out. “Excuse me for a second.” He brings Jared off to the side to talk to him privately. “What the hell? Did you know about this?”
“Yeah, she’s a family friend.”
“How did I not know this?”
“I’m good at keeping secrets when I want to,” he chuckles.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be in the same room as her.”
“You’re welcome,” Jared smirks and pats his back.
Jared walks away just as you approach Jensen.
“I hope you’re okay with me being here.”
“More than okay,” he smiles shyly. I love your movies. You’re an amazing actress.”
“Thank you,” you smile. “I love this show. Dean just so happens to be my favorite character.”
That makes Jensen blush. Over the next couple of months, you’ve been filming with the boys as much as you can. It’s been nothing but fun especially when you participate in their pranks on Misha. You and Jensen are growing closer, more than you ever thought you would. He’s super nice, sweet, charming, and very sexy. He’s everything a girl would want in a man. This was inevitable, but you got to the part in your onscreen relationship where your characters share a kiss. He’s super nervous as are you since you both have feelings for one another.
“Dean, I don’t know why you’re bugging out. The hunt went exactly as planned,” your character says as you unpack your duffel bag.
“You got hurt. How is that exactly as planned?”
“We got the bad guy. Isn’t that what matters?”
“Not at the cost of your life! How could you think so little of it?”
“Dean, it’s just a scratch. I’ve gotten worse wounds than this.”
“God, you’re not getting it,” he scoffs.
“What? Please explain to me how you’re feeling.”
“It’s your life! No monster is worth that. You’re too important to me.” Jensen walks over to you and cups your jaw. The moment is so intense, so intimate. “I can’t lose you.”
“You won’t lose me. I’m right here,” you whisper.
You two stare into your eyes right before he smashes his lips on yours. He isn’t kissing you like how Dean would, he’s kissing you like how he would. The kiss is supposed to be short and sweet but Jensen keeps it going as long as he can. Your lips mold with his perfectly as if you were meant to be doing this your whole life.
The director yells CUT and Jensen pulls away from you slightly. He cheers at getting it on one take, and you step back from him with a nervous chuckle.
“Good job you two! Take ten everyone!”
“Listen, if you ever want to practice lines or… other things, you’re more than welcome to come to my trailer. You know, practice makes perfect.”
“I’ll make sure to take you up on that offer,” he smirks.
And practice did make perfect. After hearing the story of how you met Jenson yet again, both your daughters clap happily.
“Tell the story again!” your six-year-old giggles.
“Again!” your four-year-old laughs after her sister.
“Not tonight, girls,” you grin and kiss both their heads.
“Go to sleep. We’ll see you in the morning,” Jensen says.
You and Jensen leave their room and close the door gently. Jensen brings you into his arms and you wrap your arms around his neck.
“Landing that role has been the best thing to ever happen to me,” you whisper to him.
“You stole the words right out of my mouth,” Jensen smiles and kisses you.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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determinate-negation · 7 months
What is important to understand about that moment was that Zionism was a political choice — not only by western imperial powers, but also by Jewish leadership. They could have fought more strenuously for Jewish immigration to the United States. And a lot of the Zionist leaders actually fought against immigration to the United States. There were a number of stories reported in the Jewish Communist press about how Zionists collaborated with the British and Americans to force Jews to go to Mandate Palestine, when they would have rather gone to the United States, or England. There’s a famous quote by Ernest Bevin, the British Foreign Secretary, who said the only reason the United States sent Jews to Palestine was ​“because they do not want too many more of them in New York.” And the Zionists agreed with this.
While this may seem like ancient history, it is important because it disrupts the common sense surrounding Israel’s formation. ​“Yes, maybe there could have been peace between Jews and Palestinians, but the Holocaust made all of that impossible.” And I would say that this debate after 1945 shows that there was a long moment in which there were other possibilities, and another future could have happened
Question: Who or what is responsible for the erasure of this history of Jewish, left anti-Zionism?
I wouldn’t blame the erasure solely on the Soviet Union or Zionism, because we also have to think of the Cold War and how the Cold War destroyed the old Jewish left, and really drove it underground and shattered its organizations. So I think we also have to see how the turn toward Zionism was understood as something that would normalize Jews in a post-war era.
With the execution of the Rosenbergs, the Red Scare of the late 1940s and ​’50s, and the virtual banning of the Communist Party, which had been throughout the 1930s and ​’40s half Jewish, for much of the Jewish establishment, aligning themselves with American imperialism was a way for Jews to normalize their presence in the United States. And hopefully that moment has to some degree passed. We can see the emptiness and barrenness of aligning ourselves with an American imperial project, with people like Bari Weiss and Jared Kushner. Why would someone like Bari Weiss, who describes herself as liberal, want to align herself with the most reactionary forces in American life?
It’s a bloody matrix of assimilation and whiteness that emerged out of the Cold War suburbanization of the 1950s. Israel was part of that devil’s bargain. Yes, you can become real Americans: You can go to good U.S. universities, you can join the suburbs, enter into the mainstream of American life, as long as you do this one little thing for us, which is back the American Empire. Hopefully, with the emergence of new grassroots organizations in the United States, among Jews and non-Jews who are questioning the U.S. role supporting Zionism, this calculus can begin to change. With the rise of Jewish Voice for Peace, IfNotNow, the Democratic Socialists of America and the Movement for Black Lives all taking a serious stance against U.S. support for Zionism, the common sense in the Jewish community has begun to move in a different direction, particularly among the younger generation. The battle is very far from over, but it makes me just a little optimistic about the future.”
- The Forgotten History of the Jewish Anti-Zionist Left
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lol-jackles · 27 days
Walker is cancelled but it also died with the dignity intact.
There are a lot of responses of people who never watched it but are stunned that the CW would cancel its most viewed show. The statements of the cast and crew have been of gratitude, remembering how great the set was. Those who liked the series are not engaging in absurd boycott campaigns and even those who didn't like it admitted that it was incredible that the show lasted 4 seasons when it had many obstacles.
The fact that Jared made the announcement himself instead of the CW executives or a news outlet also proves how serious he took his role as the lead and EP.
This cancellation felt different than the other ones and it put Jared on top. His career prospect looks even better than what could have been after SPN without Walker.
Walker is shaping up to end strong with two high stake storylines and leave on a high note.
Yup it didn't make sense to people that a profitable #1 scripted show would end before it's time, but 4 seasons is still a good run when the industry is going through historic downturn. Articles have called the show a "minor miracle" because it debuted during the global pandemic, survive through unprecedented round of strikes, and a change in network ownership. All while creating one of the most enviable work set for cast an crew (x) , adding to the Austin economy, and emerge as the top-rated show.
I'm still amazed that Jared was able to negotiate filming in his own hometown, to me that unprecedented especially since Austin is not exactly known as a place for filming tv shows other than Friday Night Lights. Even 9-1-1 Lone Star is supposed to take place in Austin but is filmed in L.A. And he went further and help create that enviable work environment for cast and crew, a standard that is almost unheard of in the industry but shown it's possible. I can only imagine how relieved Dan Lin was after spectacular implosion of his last tv show Lethal Weapon. 
Jared will continue to have a career as a tv leading man if he wants it. Casting directors are sending him offers because his track records speak for themselves. His stock in the industry is pretty much on a silver platter.
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pagannatural · 1 month
2.14 Born Under a Bad Sign
-Meg possesses Sam which forces the brothers’ dynamic to develop. Dean really reclaims a sense of himself this episode after spending all season in various degrees and types of turmoil over what to do about Sam. I don’t think he ever really considered killing Sam, but he agonized over his role and what he should do. He lied to a drunk Sam in Playthings and said he would kill him.
- Dean has called Ellen multiple times about Sam going missing, so much so that Dean doesn’t even refer to him by name on the phone, he just calls asking Where is he. Dean says “I’m losing my mind here.” He’s desperate to find Sam. I wonder if Dean ever lost Sam when he was a baby, like at the store or something.
- Dean also says it’s like when John went missing all over again. Dean sought out Sam for help and comfort when that happened. It’s a little kernel of insight into Dean’s state of mind when he broke into Sam’s house in s1, he was probably a lot more afraid than he let on to Sam because he was trying to keep it together.
-when he gets to the motel room Dean kneels in front of Sam, who’s sitting on the bed. He’s off to the side rather than right in between Sam’s legs but when he zeroes in on the blood on Sam’s shirt, on his lower stomach, he starts moving aside Sam’s jacket and touching the bloody fabric. It looks very intimate. Dean reaches directly into Sam’s personal space and even moves his clothes aside to check for injury.
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This quick shot of his fingers feeling Sam’s stomach is particularly intimate. Meg!Sam says that he doesn’t think it’s his blood. Dean certainly thought it was Sam’s blood, he wouldn’t have been considering other options at that moment. So Dean is touching Sam’s wound on his lower belly, as far as he and the viewer know. It’s a sexual and feminine image. Although he’s not actually injured, Sam’s body has been invaded and controlled by a demon. It’s a sexual assault parallel, a first taste of Sam’s fall from grace. Throughout the episode, Dean fights for him and refuses to harm him. As long as Sam is still in there somewhere, Dean will protect him.
-Meg is inside of Sam’s brain and body and she has a pretty good understanding of Sam. She’s acting the way she thinks he would and also in whatever way plays to her advantage with Dean, so she has a primary interest in the nature of their relationship. She knows about Dean’s promise to John and to Sam about killing him, so she must have some access to his memories. She plays up Sam’s pleading eyes more than anything, which means she knows Sam’s memories that this has worked on Dean in the past.
- Dean reacts with deep skepticism to the gas station clerk telling him that Sam was drinking, smoking, and behaving violently.
Dean has also picked up on a couple of other specifics that aren’t like Sam: the name he gave at the motel is the name of a Bon Jovi band member, which Dean doesn’t think Sam likes and isn’t one of the names they would recognize for each other; and if Sam did smoke, Dean seems convinced he wouldn’t smoke menthols. He knows Sam so well.
- Dean says that smoking and throwing bottles at people sounds “more like me than you” which tells us that Dean is sometimes an angry drunk and sometimes a smoker, both of which make perfect sense for his character. There’s a lot we don’t directly see on the show.
-Sam moves differently, seems more feminine, and when Dean continues to insist he might not be a murderer he looks annoyed and almost rolls his eyes. Jared Padalecki is so good at being Sam possessed by Meg.
-Meg is basically begging Dean to feel horror that Sam killed someone- a hunter! with a family! caught on camera!- but Dean is like Ah fuck okay I’ll just run through the crime scene cleanup checklist quick and then we can take a nap together at home before we go okay babe? Babe u okay?
- Meg!Sam asks Dean to kill him, kinda using the puppy dog eyes but not quite selling it because it’s not needy enough, and Dean says “I’ve tried so hard to keep you safe…I can’t. I’d rather die.”
This is Dean admitting outright that his promise was bullshit and that he will either save Sam or die trying, and he’s faced so many trials to be completely sure and ready to say it. It doesn’t matter what Sam does. Dean had to understand more consciously his feelings for Sam before he could commit to this because it’s a fundamental part of who he is and his love for Sam. He feels guilty about his love, but he can’t doubt the strength of it and I think this is where he first accepts his role as Sam’s savior. The way he looks at Sam here is with such open love and desire. He’s like Wesley looking at Buttercup.
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-Dean calls the phone company to get Sam’s location by pretending Sam is his son. He says “my son” and calls him Sammy and fuck if it isn’t the cutest. Dean is Sam’s dad now. Succession.
-Meg!Sam is so irritated that Jo is carrying a torch for Dean. She seems to be using Sam’s real memories and feelings to get what she wants, and in this case I think Sam is probably annoyed by Jo’s crush and wishes she understood she doesn’t have a chance with Dean, so Meg is using her weaknesses. She really enjoys using Sam’s characteristics and twisting them. For example, after tying Jo up she uses the puppy dog face again and says “c’mon it’s me, you can tell me anything” which echos Sam’s role as sympathetic ear to the victims and other characters. So when she talks about Jo wanting Dean and Dean not wanting Jo and then attacks her in a very sexually charged way, it feels like she’s playing with both their desire for Dean and Sam’s desire to be more like him. She seems to be telling the truth in these scenes, just truths that Jo wouldn’t want to know. So telling her You want him but he doesn’t want you and aren’t I the next best, when Sam in reality does not want Jo, makes Jo into a proxy to act out unrequited love for (and from) Dean.
-Meg!Sam shoots Dean and he falls into the water from the dock and Jo finds him soaked and bleeding and you have three guesses as to the first words out of his mouth (“where’s Sam?”).
-Bobby asks where Dean is so Meg!Sam tells him Dean’s with a girl somewhere. Bobby asks if she’s pretty and Meg’s eyes go black and she says “if you ask me he’s in way over his head.” The visual cue and emphasis make it clear Meg is talking as herself here, not as Sam, and it seems like she’s talking about Dean’s situation with Sam. It’s also a pun because she thinks he’s underwater, but regardless she’s connecting Dean being with some girl and Dean being in trouble because of Sam.
-she also smirks at Dean pretty wickedly and tells him “you wouldn’t wanna bruise this fine packaging” ie Sam’s body that she knows Dean thinks is mighty fine. What I wouldn’t give for her to taunt him more in this way.
- she tells Dean he’s worthless, he can’t save Sam, and the people he loves would be better off without him. Which means his worst beliefs about himself (as far as Sam knows) are that he isn’t good enough and that he’s actually bad for Sam. Why? Why would Sam know that Dean fears he would be better off without him? He’s protected and cared for Sam his whole life, both Sam and John have explicitly told him that they’re grateful, and even Dean can’t blame himself for the way he and Sam grew up. It’s possible this is about the fact that Sam is in danger hunting with Dean, but he would’ve been in danger in law school too. It fits better with Dean’s guilt over his feelings for Sam and his knowledge that Sam is in love with him. Sam knows that Dean blames himself.
-Dean refuses to hurt Sam when Meg!Sam is punching him, and she punches him four or five times. Then when Sam is back unpossessed, Dean punches him in the face. When it was about saving Sam Dean refused to hurt him, but now that Sam is safe it’s like his anger at Sam comes pouring out. He needed some form of resolution for the fact that his little brother scared the shit out of him for a week straight going missing, murdered someone and didn’t even help clean up the crime scene, pistol whipped him, shot him in the shoulder, punched him, named his worst fears, threatened to bite his own tongue off, and pressed his finger into his wound and laughed. Obviously Sam did none of those things and it was all Meg, but I think it’s completely understandable that Dean reacted this way after not only keeping his shit together for Sam all that time but also actively protecting him. It’s a reasonable trauma response for him to have fought back. I’m not saying it’s ethical or anything just that it’s exactly what Dean would do and it gives his episode arc some catharsis.
-for his part, Sam isn’t upset with Dean for punching him. He never is. As evidenced by Sam’s little smirk when Dean makes joke about Bobby’s charms for keeping the demon from “getting back up in there.”
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-Dean checks in with Sam in the sweetest way, gently prompting him to answer if he’s okay. Sam explains that what’s troubling him isn’t the memory of his own hands killing a man, it’s the knowledge that even then Dean wouldn’t kill him. They both know for sure now.
-Dean teases Sam about having a girl inside him and Sam grins. It’s just one of many references to Sam having someone inside him and otherwise sexually being referred to as the girl.
-Dean’s “if it’s the last thing I do I’m gonna save you” hits different when you’re on tumblr and you know the show ends 13 seasons later with Dean dying and Sam living out some kind of a life.
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petew21-blog · 1 month
Angel in disguise
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Misha P.O.V.
The series was coming to an end and we still couldn't believe that all of this won't happen again. Not Jensen, not Jared. I actually wanted the series to go out with a BAM. And it basically did, but me and Jensen spoke about making Dean and Castiel a couple to make the fans happy. Unfortunately in hasn't been approved. Actually they even cut some of our scenes we had together, That made me and Jensen a bit sad, but we promised each other to meet up regularly.
You might ask why, because we didn't make the same deal with Jared. Me and Jensen became some sort of a couple on set. We both had our lives at home, but when we were here, we were like... Dean and Castiel. Yeah you could say that. When we were alone together we actually called each other by our role names, which made it even hotter.
We met up in some old motel by the road. Jared got us a champagne, some candles and set up a very romantic music. We embraced each other, Jensen tore off my clothes. I didn't have to. He was already naked and ready for action. A very hot night followed just as usual. But this time felt different
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I was awoken by some noise outside. I opened my eyes grogily and grabbed my shirt from the ground to put it on. I went into the bathroom to take a leak. No, not even at this moment nothing seemed weird to me. But washing hands, Jensen's hands woke me up. I was schocked and screamed a bit.
"Holy shit. I am you!" I pulled up my shirt to observe Jensen's beautiful abs I lovingly kissed just last night.
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Then I heard the bed move. I turned around to see my confused face looking at me.
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"Who are you?"
"Who would you think, love. Maybe look in the mirror and you'll understand."
Jensen reacted pretty similarly as I did but then we both calmed down.
"We have to find out what is happening and how to handle this situation." I said worryingly
"Hey... How about we let that go for now? We got just a few days alone for the two of us. It might not be the best way to spend our time, just worrying all the time, Misha."
"Maybe you haven't noticed, but we swapped bodies and we have no idea how to reverse this."
"Would it be that bad if we didn't? I mean. I still like you and we are still both attracted to each other. So why not use this for our benefit and just fuck our original bodies? Who can say they have ever done that, huh?"
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I had to give it to him. He had an excelent point.
"Ok, maybe some free time won't hurt. Now come here, my CASTIEL"
Another inbox story: Could you maybe do a swap between Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles?
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eisforeidolon · 9 months
Questioner who is from Delaware: How long have you guys been friends?
Jared: Uhhh, I'm gonna say something weird. [Jensen leans in] I don't even have to look to know what's going on [points to Jensen], that's how weird it is, I don't even have to look. I'll say this, we all have our beliefs, you know? Like why we're here, what here is. This isn't the first lifetime we've been friends, so.
Audience: Aww.
Jared: Aww, what are y'all from Delaware or something? I - technically, objectively, this time around it was what, January 05? February 05?
Jensen: Well, that's when we met.
Jared: Yeah. [audience laughs] But he was team Dean, Gilmore Girls, for five years before that. Go Delaware.
Jensen: Um, I'll say this. When we met, there was certainly a pretty fast connection between he and I and it happened -
Jared: I was pretty, he was fast.
Jensen: Exactly. I've gotten faster with age. [Jared taps him and mouths Sorry] Don't apologize!
Jared: [laughs] It's true!
Jensen: Shoot. When we met was the day of - some of you have heard this story - was the day that we were auditioning for the roles in front of the studio and the network.
[continued below the cut]
Jensen: And usually when they do that they bring a few different actors to read for the same role, so I would go - I was assuming I would see, y'know, two three maybe even four other actors reading for the role of Dean. And then three to five guys reading for the role of Sam. When I walked in to the network building there was one guy sitting there. And it was this guy [points to Jared]. And I looked at the - I kinda gave him a nod, he gave me a nod, and I walked over to the sign in sheet - just like a doctor's office, you know, you go and check in.
Jared: What kinda name is that, Pada-Padaleski?
Jensen: Yeah, I was like how do you say your last name?
Jared: I dunno.
Jensen: You know you can change, change your name professionally, Misha Collins, and - [Jared cracks up] It's like, really missed the boat on that one, Pada-Pada-P-whatever-your-name-is. Um, no, but we met then and said kinda quick hey how you doin, what are you reading for? He's like, I'm reading for Sam. You? I'm reading for Dean. Oh, cool. And I sat down and we were kinda chillin there in the waiting room. And I was like, has anybody else been, has there been anybody? He's like no, you're - and it was just our two names on the sign in sheet. So I was like, this is kinda weird. He's like, I know. So we sat there kind of going over lines or whatever and somebody comes in and says you guys wanna come back? We'll bring you back, uh, together. And we're like, oh, alright. Usually they would bring us back individually, we would perform a scene with a-
Jared: A actor, B actor, C actor.
Jensen: Or a casting director or a casting director's assistant would read the lines opposite for you. But they brought us in together, into the room and so we read this scene, and it was the scene where Dean is trying to convince Sam to come on the road with him. And -
Jared: I can't do this without you?
Jensen: Yeah. Yeah, you know, dad gave me a .45, that scene. And we read the scene together for the first time in front of thirty suits. And immediately I was like, oh, this guy knows how to play. This guy, this guy, I can play ball with this guy. Like, immediately, I just - there was a sensibility that he had in his delivery, he was reacting to everything I was saying and it just felt really natural, so -
Jared: Super.
Jensen: Shhh, shhh, shhhh.
Norton: [rimshot]
Jared: [flails, bows to audience and blows kiss, slaps Jensen's shoulder, places hand to heart] Today's a good day.
Jensen: [chuckles] So we read the scene and then we left - they were like, okay just give us a few moments to talk it over. We walked out in like this other holding room, we were sitting there, and I was like, nice job man. And he was like, yeah, you too. And we're kinda sitting there and they come back out and were like okay they want you to come back in and we're gonna give you some notes and try some different things. And we're like, oh, oh, okay. We walked back in and they - in the room which this is very rare, like I don't even think I've ever heard of -
Jared: No.
Jensen: them doing this. They all stood up and just clapped and said congratulations, you guys are the new [?]. [audience applauds] So, so we left there knowing that we were about to work together. And I -
Jared: We bought so much shit, Ferraris - [both laugh]
Jensen: We - and I think it was you? We - I think we exchanged phone numbers -
Jared: Yeah.
Jensen: Like, right then. And then it was not a day or two later that he invited me over to his house. And we played ping pong. And it was then and there that a friendship was born.
Jared: Amen. I'm gonna tell two other stories that are kinda funny. So I lived - for those of y'all who are familiar with Los Angeles and the valley area? There are a lot of, uh, [laughs] there are a lot of, uh, [pause] adult videos filmed in the area. And I lived next to an adult video acts, actor -
Audience member: Emporium?
Jared: Pornium? Is that what you call it? I'll use your word, she said pornium. Um, and so Jensen came over and we're like two twenty year old guys, twenty seven year old guys. We're both in relationships. But during the night we're playing ping pong with a keg and all these [pause] actresses are, like, coming in and out.
Jensen: Performers.
Jared: He's like, who do you, where do you live, dude? I'm like, I dunno. But then, I've never told this story publicly, [points at Jensen] and I wonder if you remember it -
Jensen: Oh, I remember it.
Jared: No no no no no, not that one. We're not doing that one. I haven't - [audience laughter]
Jensen: I mean whaaaat?
Jared: There's several stories. But this is one, and we've never talked about this, ever. I don't know if you even recall -
Jensen: Maybe for a reason?
Jared: Let's do it in public. [Jensen laughs] Not a word of a lie, when we met, we were auditioning, one of my makeup artists on Gilmore Girls was talking about, like, eyepatches and stuff? 'Cause I get a little squinty if I don't sleep - or whatever, allergies, my eyes are really reactive. And I met Jensen and I think it was between the first time we read and the second time we read, for the suits. And I was like, hey dude, like how do you get your eyes so big? [audience laughs] Do you remember that? [Jensen gives him an incredulous look, mouthing no] You gave me - he gave me [points] that look! I was like, 'cause I was like, oh, he knows some shit I don't. What do you do to make your eyes big? He's like, what? I - I don't know, like -
Jensen: Open them?
Jared: Basically. You don't recall that?
Jensen: I do recall you being more squinty when you were younger.
Jared: Fair enough, fair enough, yeah.
Jensen: He had this, like, [makes face] he was so brooding. Y'all remember that? Like beginning of the unnatural show we're talking about?
Jared: [affected dramatic voice] Wait wait wait. What're you talking about?
Jensen: [mockingly similar voice] How do you get your eyes so big? [points at eyes, shakes head, makes what gesture]
Jared: Dude, I love Keanu Reeves, what can I say?
Jensen: So wait, what'd that have to do with the makeup artist?
Jared: Oh, she was talking about, because my eyes were -
Jensen: Oh, you were asking -
Jared: So I had just come - I was still on Gilmore Girls and if I didn't sleep well, my eyes would kind of not really open? And she was like, well, you can put cucumbers or whatever on your eyes to help them open up. But then I met you and I was like, you have giant eyeballs, what do you do? It's true. And eyeball, the word eyeball, was first coined by whom? The bard.
Audience member: Thank you.
Jared: Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, the ball of your eye -
Jensen: [incredulous] What the hell are you talking about?
Jared: I dunno. Something -
Jensen: By the way, bro, I thought you were going to tell the story about, uh -
Jared: No no no! I'm not telling - that's for us.
Jensen: Chrissy?
Jared: [cracks up] From Beaverton?
Jensen: From Beaverton, Oregon.
Jared: True story, true story.
Jensen: It was a neighbor who came over and had a very interesting conversation with us. But I won't tell you what. [emphatically] It's inappropriate!
Jared: She was very lovely, she was nice. Thank you Delaware, thank you, Janine. Let's change the subject, please.
Jensen: Let's do.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Saturday Jib Summary
Con opens with jensen basically saying fuck jared padalecki
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Jensen and Misha show up in matching green and blue. Jensen's outfit is a loose mockup of the handprint jacket, which they re-enact a grab of on stage.
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Fandom realizes Jensen has added a Destiel bluegreener bracelet under his "cockles bracelet."
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Normal banter ensues. At one point, a questioner tries to double down on Sam and Dean (minus Cas) for a reboot, and Misha continually inserts "and cas." Meanwhile, they coyly reference the original script, whether or not that's the current prequel timeline, which even I think has changed but,
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Jensen and Misha reveal that Jared texted them from a pool this morning, instead of on set.
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Shortly after, possibly because jenmish had been starting on him all day, Jared Padalecki facetimes into the panel from his livingroom. His connection suffers and, apropros of everything, he starts lagging out. Meanwhile, fandom is so on fire about all of the above they miss Misha lowkey speaking like a producer of a show
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Jensen is asked if he would ever direct Walker again. He says the 6 days of filming, he's too busy for. However, he would gladly direct Big Sky, which he cites taking 8-9 days to film and of course the Winchesters on the back half of the season if/when they get extended.
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Other details:
The Big Sky creator wrote Beau just for Jensen, he thought it would be a guest star role but ended up on for a season
Jensen didn't much discuss the confession because he trusted Misha to know what Cas should do/doesn't want to tell his coworkers how to do their characters, and he trusts his costars to do great work so he can too.
They wrapped 3x03 Walker today. Which I see what they mean about being behind from covid, because they air one week earlier than the Winchesters, and Winchesters is up to episode 5 at this point, so 2-3 episodes ahead.
I probably missed things but this is enough chaos for now
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princessmisery666 · 1 year
Please don't leave. Jensen Ackles and reader
Please Don't Leave
Summary: Friends to lovers to friends, that can work, right? 
Warnings/Genres/Troupes: angst, fluff, Jensen in his thicc Soldier Boy era (that’s a warning in itself!)
W/C: 4.3k
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki. Small Parts/Mentioned: Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Gen Padalecki.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x reader (you - no descriptions of body type or ethnicity).
Notes: For the purpose of this fic, Jensen is not and never has been married. 
A/N: This drabble got way out of hand. 
Betas: @deanwinchesterswitch // any mistakes belong to me.
Graphics: Title card Jensen photo credit - https://twitter.com/_AlanaKing_ Soldier Boy image from Variety. Fly video belongs to me.
Master Lists: Dean Winchester // Main // Made Up Fic Titles
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“Help me understand,” you implore. 
The first domino to set off the chain reaction was in the form of a famous and beautiful actress, Mae Nova, sliding into Jensen’s DM’s—a  very detailed offer with an accompanying photo that you saw by no fault of your own. How is irrelevant. Why is the issue. Why didn’t he delete it or immediately set her straight? 
“You’re the one that wanted this, Jay,” you say when he remains silent. “You're the one who pursued me, convinced me we should try and turn the ten years of friendship into something more.” 
“I know.” He sighs, pushing a hand through his longer hair. “And I don’t regret a second of the last six months we’ve been together…” he doesn’t say it; however, the ‘but’ demands attention like a flickering light.
“But you're having second thoughts?” 
“No!” he denies vehemently, finally looking you in the eye. “Don’t put words in my mouth.” 
“Well, one of us has to!”
He shakes his head, exhaling loudly. “I’m sorry,” he repeats, sounding like a broken record. His heart rate is running high, and his chest heaves with every breath, but his vocabulary appears to be running low.
You tsk, fighting back a scathing comment about needing a script writer to make him talk. But it wouldn’t be fair. He’s not a man who runs from his emotions. He’s just trying to make sense of it all like you are. You have to remind yourself he’s not Dean Winchester. He doesn’t look much like him anymore either; longer hair, beard growing almost wildly, no plaid in sight in the Soldier Boy wardrobe at the back of the fancy trailer. 
Is that where the lines blurred? Working together for so long on Supernatural, have you both confused the other for your characters and their feelings toward the other?
“You can stop saying your sorry. I forgive you,” you say, and he turns a watery gaze your way. It almost breaks your resolve, but you realize it’s down to you to be the strong one. “I just need to understand why? Why didn’t you reply and tell her you're in a relationship? You’ve done it a hundred times before.”
“I don’t know.”
To make matters worse, Mae had landed a role on The Boys and would be working alongside Jensen.
“Jensen, you spent fifteen years of your life devoted to Supernatural, ten of those with me around. I think you were scared of the end, afraid of losing such a big part of yourself.” 
“I was,” he agrees, in a whisper as if you speaking the words is the reason for his realization of it being the truth.
“Maybe us being together was a knee-jerk reaction?” you suggest, “a way to cling onto the past.” You take a deep breath, and your chest tightens as if begging yourself not to say the next part. “Maybe you need a clean break, see what the world looks like without Supernatural… without me.” 
“What? No.” He looks offended but can’t hold eye contact and doesn’t offer anything further.
You can’t keep going around in circles, so you make a decision, sitting down at the small table and firing up your laptop.
“What’re you doing?” he asks, rushing to look over your shoulder, perhaps worried you’ll take it upon yourself to reply to the woman. “Searching for flights back home?” Jensen says, panic clear in his tone. Harshly he slams the laptop shut, and you look up at him. “You can’t leave.”
“Give me a reason to stay.” 
“Me, us!” he yells, “we can work this out.” 
You stand up and gently press your lips to his. Jensen’s hand automatically goes to the small of your back, guiding you around the chair to better press himself against you.
The kiss is natural and unhurried, but there’s too much tension in his body, and you know it’s because he feels it, too. This is your last kiss. 
A little breathless, you pull back. “I don’t wanna fight, Jensen.” 
“Me neither.” 
“So let me be the bad guy,” you say, heart aching but trying to hold it together. “Let me walk away before the wound is too big to save our friendship.”
He grimaces as if tasting something bitter but nods once, “I’m sorry.”
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It’s been a long day. All Jensen wanted to do was take a shower and crash, but Karl convinced him to go for dinner with the cast and crew. 
The conversation is light, everyone enjoying their food and making small talk. It’s nice enough, but it’s incomplete because you're not there. 
He wishes it was you beside him instead of Mae. The seating arrangements have no rhyme or reason. It just happened that way. But still, he almost resents that she’s the one next to him. So much has happened in the weeks since he last saw you. He wants to share it all with you, and wants to know how you are - if you’re struggling with his absence as much as he is with yours. 
“Okay there, Ackles?” Jack asks, “You're a world away.” 
“Yeah,” he lies, sitting up straighter and smiling. “Just thinking…” 
Karl must know the look of a man missing his significant other because he asks, “About your girl?”
“Yeah,” Jensen admits, sighing heavily. He hasn't told anyone you broke up, and there’s been no speculation in the tabloids.
“Tell us about her. You never did tell us about your first date,” Jack says, “we all know you met on Supernatural, but not the story of your first date.” 
Jack’s an awesome guy, sweet and kind, he doesn’t know the reminder is like a kick in the teeth, but Jensen obliges. 
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Jensen hurried across the lot, a coffee in each hand, the brown paper bag containing two cinnamon rolls dangling from his mouth. He was late, and Jared would give him shit for it, but it would be worth whatever Jared threw at him if it improved your morning.
Your latest Instagram post was a photo of a fly swimming in your coffee with the caption: “It was my last coffee pod. This just topped off a crappy weekend😭. #HappyMonday”. You were one hundred percent a coffee snob. You made it in a particular way using a fancy - and stupidly expensive - machine. You wouldn’t settle for the coffee on set. You’d rather go without. However, Jensen knew when you didn’t get her morning beverage, you’d be grumpy all day, and he hated to see you without a smile.
He headed for the makeup trailer, knowing that’s where you’d be. He kicked the bottom of the door gently as a way of knocking, then waited. 
He didn’t expect Jared to be the one to open it. He wasn’t due in makeup for another half-hour, but his lanky frame filled the space of the open door. “Look who decided to show up,” Jared jeered playfully. 
“Shut up,” Jensen mumbled around the bag, walking past him.
You were already there, looking through clothes on the rack, but stopped to smile at him. “Morning, Jay.”
“Here,” he said, handing over the coffee that was for you. “Hi, hey, morning.”
Confusion wrinkled your brow, but you took it. “Um, thanks.” 
“I saw your Instagram, and I know how cranky you get without your coffee, and you said you had a shit weekend, so I wanted to try and make it better,” Jensen vomited words without thinking. “I don’t like seeing you upset, and you’ve been down a lot lately, and I just thought maybe this would help, some, a little, maybe.” Breathlessly he shrugged and prayed the floor would open up and swallow him.
Your smile beamed, and you lifted the cup to your nose, inhaling the aroma, and hummed contentedly, “Mmm. You even got my order right,” you said and stepped closer to him to place a kiss on his cheek.
“That’s cause you're always posting about it on social media,” quipped Jared.
You tutted, rolling your eyes at your co-star but kept your eyes locked on Jensen. Dropping back down from your tiptoes, you said, “Thank you for this. It means a lot that you thought of me.”
“It’s nothing,” he lied. It was everything, and as your kiss dried on his cheek, it reminded him of your evening plans. “I know you’ve got a long day ahead, especially with your date later.”
As part of a charity event, you had agreed that they auction off a date with you. The auction had been silent, so you had no idea who had hired you for the night. Though the studio had assured you they had vetted the winner, you’d asked that he and Jared be in the bar next door in case of emergency.
“Oh god,” you groaned, “don’t remind me. I wish I never agreed to that stupid silent auction.” 
“Ah, don’t be such a downer,” Jared said, winking. “You never know. He might be the man of your dreams.”
Oh god, I hope not. Jensen thought. He’d already had to watch you be in a relationship with Chad, a man who neither deserved you nor treated you well. He couldn’t bear to watch you be with someone else again. He wanted to be next in line, and he would treat you as you should be, like a Queen. He just needed to work up the courage to tell you.  
“I doubt it,” you sighed, and Jensen swore your eyes flicked to him and away again. “Besides, who said it’s a man who hired me?”
“C’mon, you two,” Zara, the makeup artist, said, waving them toward the door, “out! I’ve got to get this one ready.”
Amongst a chorus of goodbyes, Jared and Jensen left. “What is it with you when you’re around her?” Jared asked as soon as the trailer door was closed. “You’re a bumbling idiot, and she’s starting to notice.”
“Yeah, she asked me what’s wrong with you. Thinks she’s done something wrong ‘cause you either avoid her or barely speak to her.” 
“I know, man,” Jensen groaned, scrubbing a hand down his face. “Ever since you put it out there that we could be more than friends, I can't stop thinking about it. I don’t want to blurt it out at the wrong time, so I try to be careful about what I say, but I just end up tripping over myself.”
Jared clapped him on the back, “You just need to fake some of that Dean Winchester confidence.”
“You better find a way to be around her ‘cause you’ve got a date with her tonight.”
“The silent auction,” Jared explained, “I paid for the date with her for you.”
“Jared, what? No!”
“I think Gen will have an issue if I show up for a date with her, and are you really going to leave her sitting on her own?”
“No, but Jared, I can’t,” Jensen panicked, “I’m going to make a fool of myself.” 
“You’re an actor. Just act normal.” Jared suggested before walking off.
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Seeing you through the restaurant window, Jensen wanted to hug Jared so tight to thank him he’d crack a rib. But he also wanted to punch him so damn hard in the arm it’d be limp for a week. Why had he agreed to this? Okay, he hadn’t agreed. He’d totally freaked out, drank two beers, took three shots of whiskey, and then forced himself into the waiting car.
He was going to mess this up. He knew it. He was a fumbling, mumbling idiot around you, and dread settled firmly in his gut as he watched you scanning the menu. He regretted the whiskey and allowing Jared to talk him into this. 
He swore he was having an out-of-body experience as his feet took him closer to you. You glanced up when he got to the side of the table, and your face glowed with a smile. “Come to check in on me?” you asked, rising and pulling him into a hug. 
He held you a little tighter than he usually would, savoring the moment before releasing you and taking a seat. “Not exactly checking up on you,” he said, “this wasn’t my idea, but Jared brought you for me.” 
“The silent auction, Jared was the highest bidder.” 
Confusion took over your features. “Why would he do that? I mean not that I’m not grateful, I’d much rather be here with you, but I don’t understand.” 
He realized it was now or never. “‘Cause he knows how I feel about you,” he admits, holding his breath for a reaction. 
“Care to elaborate?” you ask after a long silence.
“The truth is, I like you... a lot.” 
“I like you too.” 
“No,” he shook his head, “you don’t get it. I cherish our friendship and don’t want to lose it, but it's more than that. My feelings for you go beyond friendship, and I want to see if we could be more.” 
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“I was so nervous,” Jensen chuckles. “I felt like I was auditioning for the rest of my life.” he contemplates it for a moment, “maybe I was.” 
“Well then, it’s good she reciprocated,” Karl laughs. 
“It took her a minute,” Jensen remembers, “but yeah, she came around.”
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Your phone rings as you slot the key into your door’s lock. You’re juggling coffee, a pile of scripts to read, dry cleaning, and a bag of groceries. You have no hope of answering without dropping everything, so leave it to ring. You assume it’s Jared checking in on you after seeing the photos on TMZ. Jensen and Mae were pictured at a restaurant in Ontario. 
The phone stops as you enter the kitchen and set everything down on the countertop. 
Gen had already checked in to make sure you were okay, and you’d been anticipating a call from Jared to yet again invite you out to the set of Walker to meet one of the crew he was insistent you’d “hit it off with.” You’d politely declined, having already been on a date that had been pleasant and ended with a goodnight kiss, but you’d told the Padalecki’s it had left you feeling guilty as if you were cheating on Jensen. You needed time to let that feeling pass and allow the wound to heal completely.
You set about emptying the bags of groceries, and your phone rings again. You shuffle the contents of your bag, looking for the device, sure that it will cut off to voicemail before you find it. 
“Hello,” you answer, pressing it to your ear. 
Jensen’s voice freezes you to the floor, and you hold your breath. It’s been more than a month since you left him in his trailer, and you’ve only exchanged a few text messages. Why is he calling now? Does he want to be the one to confirm that he and Mae are together?
He says your name when your silence stretches. 
“Um, yeah. Hey, hi,” you say, clearing your throat to rid yourself of the shock.
“You sound out of breath,” he notes, “is this a bad time?” 
“No, no, I just wasn’t expecting it to be you,” you explain, “caught me off guard.”
“Who were you expecting?” he asks, sounding accusatory.
“Jared,” you sneer, unable to stop the ire you feel.
“Sorry,” he says, and the apology tightens your jaw with the frustration it evokes. “I should have called sooner.”
“I haven’t called you either.” 
No one is to blame for the lack of communication. You both needed some space, so you were both right not to call. 
Neither of you speaks for a moment, and you debate whether to tell him you're busy so you can end the call and be done with the awkwardness. But he obviously put his awkwardness aside to call, so you might as well rip the stitches out and reopen the wound if that's what this is about. 
“Why are you calling now?”
“I need you to know that me and Mae aren’t together,” he says, firm and direct. 
You try to interrupt, “Jensen, it’s fine.” but he determinedly continues. 
“The picture they posted was cropped,” he explains. “The whole cast and some of the crew were there. The photo made it look like it was just the two of us, and that’s not the truth.”
“Even if it was, it’s okay.” It’s not okay, and from the moment you saw it, you’ve felt nauseous. Still, you assure him, “You’re free to do what you want. You don’t owe me an explanation.” 
He sighs, and you can hear the scowl in his tone, “It’s important to me that you know.”
You think it’s sweet that he’s taking the time to explain himself, even if it’s not what you expected. But Mae was never the problem. The situation she presented only shone a light into the crack that you had both been ignoring. Yet the information that Jensen has shared is a welcomed relief in the wake of the storm, but it’s just the eye. More questions are coming, questions that will likely only cause more hurt and confusion.
“Why?” you ask, “why do you want me to know?” 
“Because I wanted it to be you next to me…” he pauses. 
You're not sure if he wants you to say something or read between the lines, but you can’t let yourself trust the spark of hope that jabs your heart like a pinprick. 
“Even if we’re just friends,” he adds. 
That pinprick pierces the thin shell you’d managed to build, and it feels like a thousand jagged pieces of glass lacerate your heart, and you chew your top lip to stop the emotion from escaping in a sob.
There’s a loud bang on his end of the line, and someone calls out, “We’re ready on set, Mr. Ackles.” 
“I gotta go,” he says. 
“Okay,” you say, and immaturely add, “Bye, buddy,” before hanging up. 
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The party has been a monumental success. You helped Gen, along with a professional party planner, to pull it off.
“So you really had no idea?” You ask Jared once everyone seems to have greeted him and wished him a very happy fortieth birthday. Technically it's not his birthday for another four hours, but the surprise party had needed that early element to make sure it went off without a hitch. 
“None,” Jared says, smiling. “I was fully prepared to fly home tomorrow to spend my birthday with Gen and the kids. I was looking forward to it, actually. I didn’t want a big fuss,” he chuckles, looking around the room, “but I’m glad you helped Gen make a fuss. It’s nice to see all the old faces.”
“Not all of them,” you note sourly, commenting on Jensen’s absence. “He wanted to be here, but you know how tight filming schedules can be.”
“I know,” he nods with a tight, sad smile. “It would have been good to see him. For me, at least.” 
“It’s my birthday. I’m allowed,” he teases.
“It would have been nice to see him,” you agree before Jared can start in on the lecture. “I think. I don’t know. It’s weird and painful, and maybe I'm better off not seeing him until it’s not weird and painful.” 
He laughs, pulling you into a hug. “Sounds like you have it all under control.”
You mingle with old friends from Supernatural and new friends from the Walker set. The crew member, a camera operator named Vince, is as cute as Jared promised him to be, and you find yourself tucked in a corner talking with him as the night continues.
You hear the cheerful reunion before you see it. People applaud and shout greetings as Jensen crosses the room and embraces Jared in a tight hug. They hug for a long time, whispered words exchanged between brothers, and you see Jared’s eyes tear up. His night is complete now that Jensen is here. 
A few people greet Jensen with hugs and shakes of his hand, but his eyes never seem to focus on them. He distractedly looks around them and seems disappointed when he sees the next person waiting to greet him.
You mostly manage to keep your focus on Vince, but you can see Jensen in your peripheral. You don’t react, but you notice when he finds you. He stares for a long moment, maybe hoping you’ll feel his eyes on you and look at him, but you don’t, and he doesn’t approach.
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You're doing nothing wrong, but an uneasiness sneaks up on you. It’s not that you feel like you're somehow betraying Jensen. It’s that you're betraying yourself by denying how you feel. It wouldn’t be fair to start anything with anyone new right now. They’d be a rebound. 
Vince seems to notice your focus has shifted and politely parts ways with you.
You spy Jensen across the room, catching up with Brianna, and head for the bar, needing something more potent than wine to make it through the rest of the night.
If possible, Jensen seems to have grown broader, arm muscles bulky beneath the material of his shirt, and you're definitely a fan of the Soldier Boy look. He looks good with a now-trimmed beard and long hair. The sight sends an ache of loneliness through your chest, remembering how it felt to be wrapped in those arms. 
A shot turns into two, and when the bartender steps away to refill your wine glass, you feel the air next to you shift. You don’t have to turn to see who it is, the cologne gives him away, and as it arrests your senses, he nudges his shoulder into yours. The familiar heat of his body makes your chest tighten. You so desperately want to turn and embrace him, but you know your fragile emotions would crumble under the weight. 
“Whiskey, neat,” he tells the bartender, his voice deep and gruff. He turns his body towards you, one arm resting on the bar, and you sip your drink, silently wishing it was hard liquor again instead of wine.
“Hey,” he says when you don’t look at him.
“Hi,” you respond blandly.
“How are you? You look good.”
“So do you. Really. You look incredible,” you say, without actually looking him in the eyes. 
“I hate having to do the diet and exercise thing, though,” he chuckles, “it was so much easier when all I had to do was wear flannel.”
You laugh, but it's bittersweet because everything was easier when he was wearing flannel. “How’s it all going? Stepping into the shoes of a new character?”
“Daunting, but fun.” Jensen talks, and you do all you can to listen and engage but can’t bring yourself to fully meet his eyes.  
He says your name so delicately it feels like a caress that sends a shiver through you. You close your eyes and know what he’s asking before he pleads, “Please look at me.”
His eyes have always been mesmerizing, and you know if you gaze into them, the spell will be cast, and there will be no escaping him, even when he’s miles away again. He waits for a beat, but your eyes remain firmly shut, and he closes the space between you, demanding attention. 
His exhale wafts through your hair. It’s too close because it's not close enough, and you feel the heartache rising in your chest.
“It was good to see you, Jensen,” you flash a smile in his general direction, picking up your glass.
“Wait,” he says, grabbing your wrist as you turn your back to him. “Don’t leave.”
You freeze in place and turn to look at his hand cuffing your wrist. Slowly you raise your gaze from his hold to his face, preparing yourself for the enchantment of his eyes, but his sad expression is downcast. His chest heaves with a deep breath before he finally looks at you, despondence turning to tentative hope.
“I know I should have said it back then, but I’m saying it now.” His voice is nearly a whisper beneath the muted conversation and ambient music, but it’s clear as a bell to your ears. “Please, don’t leave.”
You turn back to face him, and he takes two deep breaths before he finds the words.
“The last couple of months, I’ve been miserable without you.” He admits, “I’ve had to fight myself to eat, to work out, to do anything that didn’t involve staying in my trailer with a bottle of whiskey. I know that things are weird, but I realized my hesitance had nothing to do with the ending of Supernatural. Yes, I was scared. But I was scared of how easy it was with you, how much I cared for you, how quickly I realized that I am head over heels in love with you.”
You choke out his name as tears well in your eyes, and he steps forward to swipe the first droplet from your cheek.
“I was ready to tell you I’m in love with you, and you were booking flights home,” the heartache of the reminder dims the light behind his eyes, and he drops his gaze to battle whatever emotion he’s feeling. “That scared me more than anything. I didn’t want to say it in the heat of the moment or on the phone, and I was terrified you didn’t feel the same. It doesn’t matter if you don’t. I need you to know that I love you.”
You don’t have words, unexpectedly wishing you had a script so you don’t say something stupid. Then, just as surprisingly, you realize you don’t need words. You take a half step forward and kiss him. Jensen responds immediately, a hand caressing your cheek and drawing you closer as the other slips around your waist to tug you flush against him. 
You tangle your fingers in his hair, and he groans into your mouth. His kiss gets you drunker than any alcohol ever could, and after a moment that could have been a minute or an hour, you feel lightheaded. 
Jensen chases you as you pull back, placing swift kisses on your lips and pressing his head against yours.
“Damn, I’ve missed you,” you sigh.
“Well, don’t get used to it,” he says, “I’m never letting you leave me again.”
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Master Lists: Dean Winchester // Main
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