#Jas Hook
captjameshookthoughts · 7 months
More on James as a husband, what if he had a child with his spouse?
Would he want to be a father?
He never really thought that being a father would ever be a possibility for him, in fact he's certain he would make a terrible parent- doomed to repeat his own father's mistakes.
Sometimes, just sometimes, his mind wanders off to a quaint fantasy. A quiet pocket of land to tend with a home he's built himself. In that scene he sees a pair of small figures running around, he can hear them laugh, he feels the texture of the familiar curls on his own head. Every time he drifts off to that place, to that contentment, the simplicity, he finds it harder to walk away from.
Of course to make that happen he'd have to leave piracy, find a way to escape Neverland for good. It's daunting and when he asks for opinions on the right course of action, no one can tell him with any certainty what would be best. Eventually he takes the risk anyway. It terrifies him more than anything ever did.
He is a good father, no children could ever be more loved than his.
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gaypirate420 · 2 years
Since your ask box is empty… Can I have some random Hook headcanons, please? Maybe a mix of angsty and fluffy stuff…
HELLO, HOOK REQUEST YES, I didn't put a lot of angst tho.
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-He is tall , like tall, like between 6'4-6'7 long probably the tallest on the ship.
-Definitely not a PDA person.
-Daddy issues, not the sexy kind.
- Loves cats and dogs, I always headcanon that he used to have a big dog in his childhood that was his only friend.
- Likes being wealthy, look at his cabin and tell me otherwise.
-Neither Heterosexual or Cisgender.
-Virgin, like never got laid.
- Also, never had a partner (this is canon tho).
-Only child.
-Tried to kill his dad (maybe I'll elaborate).
-Loves composing songs, he finds peace when he plays piano or the harpsichord.
- Cannot stand blood
Brings back trauma from when his hand got chopped off.
Ruins his fancy clothing.
-Spends a lot of time on his image (look at those curls and the mustache), this doesn't mean he has good self esteem.
- Definitely not white. (Look at those curls)
- He is a bastard child (his mom isn't his mom).
- Everyone has their different year for Hook's birth, mine is 1860's.
-Forgets to eat.
- And sleep, the only time he sleeps is when his body just can't take it anymore and he passes out.
-Romantic, loves giving gifts to his loved ones.
-Not the jealous kind of dude, just insecure and a lot of abandonment trauma.
-Loves reading, he has a impressive book collection and in his Eton years books where his scape.
-Loves flowers.
-He has a sweet thoth, definitely loves chocolates.
-He drinks, unfortunately too much at times.
-Loves a good wine.
-Can't stand cigarettes.
-Hates crying, he hates being vulnerable. To being seen as week.
-Cries a lot in private.
-Hates being scared by the people, he rather be respected.
-He wants to be loved, like feeling soft touches, the pet names, the everting about having a partner.
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megane-tapir · 2 years
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POV: You walk into the Captain's cabin while he's winding down fro the night
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intheorchards · 2 years
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Trying to force myself into not hating what the mouse have done to my boy and it’s like I *do* like the very horrid vibes he has going and the fact he is a little older looking. I’m still not a fan of the whole naval officer uniform look and I will never draw that because it is awful...but I must try not to be too negative RIP
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Oh, the Cleverness of Me!
Peter was bored. The Lost Boys were boring now, and Ernest was no fun, so he knew he would have to make his own... or find it. And as fun as all of Neverland was, there was nothing more exciting or fun as the pirates... So the Jolly Roger it was!
She was never hard to spot from the sky, especially when the sun was shining bright with Peter's cheery and excited mood, and the same was true today as he soared high above Neverland, looking... looking...
Aha! And there, at the helm, was the dread captain himself
He gave a happy laugh and turned in the air, doing a flip just for the fun of it (as there was no one to show off for), before soaring down to the ship to land silently in the rigging right above the helm. He gave a quiet laugh, thinking about calling out to the man, but that wouldn't do. Instead, he crowed as loud as he could, hand cupped around his mouth, all while watching him from above.
Peter Pan had come to play.
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
Still a great movie. But he still should’ve left the kids in Neverland for all the grief they ended up causing him
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Jude Law gonna be Hook! Man, that go two of my first crushes!
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booksteaandtoomuchtv · 11 months
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For whatever reason the better quality of them is acting like a video and I don't feel like fighting Tumblr any more.
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aunt-ninny · 10 months
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I can't with them.
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beadickel · 27 days
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Ainda não fui dormir então resolvi compartilhar aqui esse desenho do Hook (Capitão Gancho) de Descendentes Ascenção de Copas 🙃
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katiebelleart · 2 years
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“i find captain hook to be a man of feeling.” // please do not repost!!
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captjameshookthoughts · 8 months
Do you think James would ever want to marry?
I know historically speaking a lot of pirate captains had spouses, but do you think he'd be the type to have them sail on the Jolly Roger with him, or have them wait at home?
James would love to be married. He'd love to be a husband. Sometimes he feels like there has never been a thing in his life that he's wanted more.
To love, to be loved, to choose someone and in turn be chosen by them, there is a yearning there.
He's not the sort of person who believes if someone were just to love him in the way he needs to be loved then all his problems will be fixed, but he does believe that being loved would make things feel manageable.
He finds an identity within marriage that feels right, a new title that he holds as more prestigious than any other. Husband.
The choice of where is partner stays has very little to do with logistics, it's simply a case of wherever his partner is, that is where James aims to be.
The call to adventure, the call of the sea, just doesn't sound so sweet or tantalising now he has a home and life to build securely on land. If needs must and James has no choice but to leave his partner behind as he sails, he makes sure it's not for long. His partner is always on his mind, he knows he will return to them likely injured, more scarred and a little leaner than when he left. Being at sea does that to people.
Taking his partner to sea would be a risk, one that he tries to argue against taking, but those arguments fall flat, because despite every risk, despite the danger, James wants his partner near to him. He learns in making the choice to go to see with them, that home isn't just a place on land, home feels like home because of the people who make it, and together James and his partner bring home to the Jolly Roger, even if it is just a small slither built into the Captain's Quarters.
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gaypirate420 · 2 years
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He is the prettiest.
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zeldamacgregor · 4 months
For the fic writer's ask: 4, 27, 31, 33, 28, and 40, any or all! (Am I trying to get to mention Star Mile? Yes. Yes, I am.)
lmaooooo nice! Thanks very much for the asks!
4. Post a screenshot of one of your favorite comments. Well it's gotta be this one, which started off one of our back and forth interactions that eventually grew to this friendship!
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27. Which fic do you think is your most adventurous? Hmmmm... like as in the story itself or the taking on of the project? In either case, you guessed it, Star Mile is both an adventure genre (in part) and has been an adventure to write and bring back recently.
31. Which fic would you like to see made into a movie? Hard not to say Star Mile again here lmao if for no reason other than it would be more Jason Isaacs as Hook!
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33. Which of your fic titles is your favorite? You're not gonna believe this, Scully... lol Star Mile again. I think because it is a favorite song of mine but also because it's just a lovely pairing of words and fits the story. That fic is deeply personal for me and, in many ways, so is that title.
28. Which fic is closest to your heart? See above lmao. Star Mile was the first long fic I ever took on and published, and it is about my first ever favorite character (Hook) and some subjects that matter dearly to me.
40. Pick one of your fics and share a quote to go with it. (not a quote from the fic, but an outside quote that goes with it) Here's the description of Captain Hook from the book, which filled my wee head up with all kinds of sparkles as a little girl and still does when I just read it now. 🥰
"In person he was cadaverous and blackavized, and his hair was dressed in long curls, which at a little distance looked like black candles, and gave a singularly threatening expression to his handsome countenance. His eyes were of the blue of the forget-me-not, and of a profound melancholy, save when he was plunging his hook into you, at which time two red spots appeared in them and lit them up horribly. In manner, something of the grand seigneur still clung to him, so that he even ripped you up with an air, and I have been told that he was araconteur of repute. He was never more sinister than when he was most polite, which is probably the truest test of breeding; and the elegance of his diction, even when he was swearing, no less than the distinction of his demeanour, showed him one of a different cast from his crew." -Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie
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intheorchards · 1 year
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Was not expecting to love this version of James one bit but actually I adore him
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When Peter woke up, he was immediately confused because he didn't recognize the room he was in right off... nor the bed or bed clothes... or the unfamiliar feeling of someone's chest pressed up against his bare back. He could feel them breathing, the rise and fall of their chest and the warmth of their breath on his neck... He gave a groan and did his best to move without waking his bedmate so he could look over his shoulder at them. First he caught sight of the tanned arm that snaked around his waist, covered in curly black hair, and holding him gently close. Then there was a wild bunch of black ringlet curls thrown over his shoulder. A quick motion tucked them back, even as he thought maybe there was something he was forgetting. He finally managed to look over his shoulder and green eyes met eyes of forget-me-not blue and everything came rushing back as Peter looked at James with the beginnings of a sleepy, awe-filled smile. "It was all real..."
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