#Jazzy Jungle
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Walk This Land (Radio Edit) • Hang On • Soundclash ('99 Edit) • Hip to the Game • Cop Theme • Tough at the Top • A Word from Dave • Nightfall • Movin' On • Diff Step • Rhode Trip • Short Change • Funked Up Flavas • Retro • Walk This Land (Smoking Barrel Mix) • Weekend World • Focus • Synethesia • Tough at the Top (Origin Unknown Remix)
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acidhydraart · 8 months
working through my backlog of unuploaded songs, here's an electrifying new banger for my pathfinder campaign!
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tilos-archives · 10 months
Shuriken, Lee'n'Gum, Pedro (valszeg, ezt nem tudom) utolsó kazetták egyike, 1998-99.
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krockat · 1 year
i've been wanting to commission someone to make a pfp for here, that uses the hat in my current one
cause rn it's fkn boring and beige and not very visually intrestin - and u can't even read the fkn text that makes it worth! (it's a pic of a yellow beige cap (the hat) w the text "ask me about my lobotomy" on it)
idea's to like make it pretty and faggy and me, and Also makes the text any at all readable lol.
but commissioning is hard! you gotta have like a fkn good proposal and have references, and know what you want and able to word that shit - and most often i just struggle w that.
but this time i have a concept (more than what i wrote) but like,,, i don't wanna be roughin it on an artist. i want to be a GOOD commissioner and until i got d girl't balls to do that i am gonna pass.
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mavkaradio · 12 days
work it
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usernamejagua · 2 years
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prgnant · 1 month
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1996 Drum & Bass
[Part 2 of a five part series where I’ll go chronologically thru every full-length single-artist dnb LP from 95-99 that I can find. Only including records where a majority of tracks are basically within the genre and new material. No remix albums, No VA compilations, No trip hop records with one dnb track, etc.]
The deep/jazzy/funky/soulful/atmospheric sound associated with Moving Shadow is really ubiquitous. Some producers are moving away from chopping breaks towards fully programmed drums, while Bill Laswell and Plug offer expansive takes on darker more aggressive jungle vibes. 4hero’s album as Jacob’s Optical Stairway and Icons’ Emotions With Intellect are highlights from the idm/experimental side.
personal favorite: Jacob’s Optical Stairway
underrated/lesser known pick: Future Loop Foundation - Time and Bass
one standout track: James Hardway - “String Swingthing”
full list with links under the cut
Jacob’s Optical Stairway (4hero) - self titled
Spring Heel Jack - 68 Million Shades….
EZ-Rollers - Dimensions of Sound
James Hardway - Deeper Wider Smoother, Shit
Plug - Drum n Bass For Papa
Future Loop Foundation - Time and Bass
Alex Reece - So Far
Omni Trio - The Haunted Science
Bill Laswell - Oscillations
Icons - Emotions With Intellect
Project 23 - 23
Endemic Void - Equations
Kid Loops vs Cool Breeze - Special Projects
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redtoondevils · 5 months
Sun's bathtime.
Vanessa prepares her spray bottles, rags and supplies together. In her office. In one big bucket, she grabbed a towel, and folded it beside the bucket, and thrown that beside it.
Then she grabbed the empty spray bottles, then carried it over next door to the troff sink. She placed both of the bottles over to a small white tray next to the troff. That is specially designed some time ago, to do her yearly baths for the robot's.
She reacted over to one bottle, then grabbed it in her hand then unscrewed the top lid of it. She assigns this bottle to be the soapy one.
Then turned on the hot water first, then waited for it to heat up a little, before popping the bottle under the water flow. Then after when it fills up a fourth way.
She then makes sure to chemicalize it with soap, that is good with removing dirt, and stains. She switched off the hot water. Then moved on the cold water and turned it on, to fill that up halfway.
To regulate the water temperature. Then once, it's filled up. She switches off the cold water, then shakes the bottle to mix in the soap. Then felt her hand against it, and feels that it's warm. Then she placed that one to one side, then grabbed the other one, and unscrewed that one, and only filled that one with cold water. For rinsing.
Then, once their set, she takes the bottles back over to her office, then put's them inside the bucket. Picked up the bucket, and lifted it in one arm. Then she grabbed her key's, by her desk, then headed out the door. Then she turns, and locks it, then turns and walks in the utility stairs, to find the exit for the main Lobby.
She walks in the room, then walked her way up to the grated stairs, then walked her way up it, then onto of the grated platform, then walked down the railed pathway up to the blue door, that leads up to the side of the soda machine shop section of the Lobby. Where the Pick up line is. She walks to the door, then opens it, and closes it as she stepped in.
She could hear the jazzy version of the main theme song playing gently through the Plaza. When she walked over to the shutters, to the entrance of the 'Pick up line.' She walks over to the passcode port, beside it, then set's down the bucket for a moment.
Then pulls out the card, from her pant pocket on her self side, then inserted the card into the port. To type in the pass code, for the door. Then, it opened. Once it did, she put's the card, back into her leg pocket then picks up the bucket, then walks into the inner lobby.
Where the chairs are placed, for the parents to wait, in. Then she walks up to the gate, with the bucket in both of her arms, then set's it down. a second time. To lift up the lock on the gate, to open it, then pushes it open with her hand.
Then she turns around, then picks up the bucket, and moves it over to the other side. Then closes, the gate shut. Then, she picks up the bucket again, and merrily walks by the upper lobby, where the two of the Security Bot's usually go on patrol.
This time, they weren't there, and she walks past to where the first shutter door is, To where the stairs are, then walks down them carefully. With the bucket in her arms, then once she touches the tiled black and white tiles on the floor, with her feet. She does, this small hop across it, rattling the items inside.
She strides alone over to the front door of the 'Super Star Daycare.'Then with her strength, she put's on weight under the bucket with her right hand, then with her left, she brought her hand out, then brings it up to the door, and knocks with all knuckles, then calls out "Sun! Open the door please!" and placing back her hand under the bucket. "It's me." She announced. Then waited.
Then she hears fast jungle steps walk up to the door, then opened it. A Sun's face popped through, meeting Vanessa. "Officer Vanessa! Hey!" He chirps, hopping happily in front of her. "Heya Sun!" She say's smiling. "I'll open the door up for you!"
He offered, pulling the bulky door wide back into the daycare, stepping to the side, open for Vanessa, to step in. "After you!" Sun say's "Why thank you very much!" She replied, taking the appreciation. With a friendly tease, then she steps in. When Sun shuts the door, he steps over to Vanessa, and see's the bucket.
"What's in there?" He asked, curious. While Vanessa set's down the bucket, onto the counter. Then say's "Well. I've got some goodies inside this!" She say's drawing his attention. "Googlies?" He say's excitedly, holding his two arms in front of himself, and curling his hands together. "Nope!"
Vanessa answered, then pulled out the spray bottles in her hands, then held them up in front of Sun. Pulling a cheeky grin, "These!" she exclaimed, giving a small laugh.
To which Sun then realized. "Now?...Today? So soon!?" He replied, feeling *Unnecessarily* anxious, by being shy. And he backed up a little, retracting this ray's. "Yes, You are due for your bath today! It's you're turn, now Sun!" Sun turned away.
Vanessa tells him, generally knowing that he'll be stubborn. And may not wan't to precipitate. To that, his response is, "Bye!" Then he crawled, away and down the daycare up to the small toy house, from under the bridge.
Then wedged himself in it. "Sun!" she called out, firmly. Setting the bottles back into the bucket, and carried the bucket, on the way over to the crafting spot. "Get back here!" she added, not taking the situation seriously, and just casually followed up to the spot. "Gosh, you're such a stubborn thing...." She say's under her tolerated breath, while on her way down.
To place the buck down, then grabbed the towel from the corner of the bucket, then pinched the corners of it, to let it flip down, and open in it's full length, then she walked over to an open spot.
And fluffed it down from the air, then placed it on the floor. Then she went over to the bucket, and scootched it over a little closer to the towel. To prepare. Then she goes over to the small house. Stood Infront of it. Then knocked.
"Are you ready for your bath?" she started, holding both hands at her sides. "Busy!" came back his muffled response. Vanessa, then rolled her eyes, and whipped the door open quickly, then just reached in there to grab Sun. "No! No, no no no!" Sun begged.
Squirming, but Vanessa, didn't let her police training slip that easily, when handing with her strength, pulling him out by his legs, and dragging him out! "Nooooooooo! I don't wanna go!!" Sun cried. grabbing hold on the ground. With his fingers, but also slightly letting go, as a sort of 'Miss behavior'.
"Don't be so ridiculous!" She tells him back, then goes forward to grab under his torso, and hoisted him up in her arms. Like a dog. "Awww, no faiiiiiirrrrr!" He 'whines' as she carried him over to the mat, place. Tuen set's him down, then say's "Stay right there!" She instructed him, and he obliged pouty.
Then Vanessa, stepped to the bucket, then got out the soapy spray bottle, tyen the wash cloth, thgen saw Sun trying to creep away off the mat with her peripheral vision. "Uh, uh uh!" She worded. Then Sun stepped back, moaning "Awwww..." Then she collected what she needed, then turned around and asked, ready? "Yes." He answered. Sheepishly, but willing to follow along.
Vanessa approved his answer small answer, came up to him with the washcloth in hand, and sprayed the soapy continents onto the rag, a few times till wet. Then reached up to Sun's head that he brought down to meet at her level, and held still, then she applied her gentle hand on his face.
Then say's looking at him. "Be a good boy for me today. The sooner we get this done, the sooner you'll be able to play." She told him, and he surrendered by letting her wipe on the 'Sun' side of his face, starting with the crevice, wiping in it, and above his eye in circular motions, pressing into the dirty parts when she needed to. Then gone on over again, against the crevice, down to his nose.
Really getting it in. "Hmm..." Sun voiced, feeling the itchy. When she was doing this, his ray's were retracting in, a little. "I know." Vanessa assured him, then she moved on to the other side of his face. On his cheek, and wiping that it circles, then under the eye. Then, moved the cloth over to the part to his nose.
Carefully rubbing the cloth, in that spot. Where Sun grimaced from under his mask, shaking his head once, when she scrubbed into that area. Feeling a scratching sensation. "Good boy." She praised. When Sun is working on his patience.
Then she removed the cloth, then flipped over another clean side, then wiped the lower part of his face, just under his cheek, and around his teeth, and moved into the lower crevice of his Moon chin, and wiped up alongside of it, to remove the dirt hidden beside it. "Good." Vanessa praised, then removed the cloth away temporarily.
Then folded over the other clean side, of the wet cloth. And then started on top of his head. Then wiped on down to his nose, to where he flicked his head to the side. then he looked up again, when she messaged his flat nose. "It's ticklish."
He tells her, then she drew her hand away, then wiped his cheek, with the same procedure, then down his chin. To which, he lifted up his head, for her to reach there, and rub around. Then, when she's done with that, she brought back the cloth and stepped back to the bucket.
Then put away the soap bottle, then grabbed out the water one. To use that to rinse off, she squirted some water onto the cloth then set's the water bottle down, and rinsed the cloth, and drenched it out into the bucket.
Then she collected, the water spray bottle again, and came back over to Sun standing there, eyeing her. Then she smiled at him, and squirted some water onto the cloth, until it's wet again. Before wiping it down. "Okay, hold still." Then she wiped back over the same places she wiped, in the crease.
To the side of his nose, that he get's an urge to wiggle his nose feeling. Then she wiped over his 'Sun' face, then down his cheek, and into the lower crease that felt ticklish. To where he felt like he wanted to turn his head. "Face this way.", she tells him holding his head. With her hand. "I'm trying." He say's to her tiredly.
"You are doing so well. Looking so pretty!" She say's to him, encouragingly. Then Sun picked up again, "Gee thanks!" He appreciated, back into good mood again.
Then finished up on the 'Sun' side, and moved onto the Moonside, she readjust her hand onto the cloth, then started at the top of his head, working her way down over his left eye, then across his nose then wiped down to his upper lip.
Then over to the cheek. And down his chin. then, she moved up to the spot to his eye. "Okay, just hold still, I'm going for the crevice around your eye." She warned him gently, "Okay." He say's and trusted her. She then reached up, and in around the edge, with her finder using one end of the cloth. She wiped it down, and some dirt, came out.
Then she brought back her hand, and swapped the other side of the cloth, holding onto Sun's 'Sun' cheek with her right hand, and going back in again, delicately. Avoiding to touch his eye. "Good boy." She praised, then she pulled her hand away, after wiping down.
Then she walked away, then she picked out the cold water, to rinse down the used cloth again. "You are doing very well Sun! Staying patient with this." she encouraged, looking back at Sun again, and gave him a warm smile. "Why, thank you! I like that comment!" He replied to Vanessa, watching what she's doing. Then stretched, because he's been standing around a lot.
Vanessa, finished off rinsing cloth again, and then put back, the cold water bottle. And placed down the cloth for a bit, then turned to Sun, and came up to him saying "Right. Now, we are going to move to the second phase. This time, I'm gonna give you a body wash!" She tells him.
And came up to him, and reached up to his collar, to remove the frills off of his neck. They have a hidden clip in between them. And then pulled them off with her fingers, "Humm...I hate standing for so long."
Sun tells her, now feeling a bit uninterested with the bath. "You can lay down, if you want Sun. But, i'll tell you to sit up, when I need you too." She said to him, holding onto the collar. "I guess..." Sun replied.
Then she held out her right hand, then said. "Ribbons too, if you please Sun?" Sun removed both of the ribbons, tied around his wrists, with the bells attached to them, then put's them onto Vanessa's hand. "Thank you."
Then she turns around, and placed down Sun's belongings beside the bucket. Then she steps closer to the bucket, and picked up the soapy bottle, with her right hand. And shook it again.
She checked it's temperature again, and could now feel it getting cold. With some remaining heat in it. Then she collected the cloth, then turned around back to Sun, looking at him.
Seeing how bare Sun looks, Vanessa couldn't help but to chuckle a little, to that, Sun noticed it. "What's so funny?" He asked. Suspicious. "Oh nothing!" She answered back, now squirting some of the soap onto the cloth to drench it again, but Sun wouldn't by it so quickly. He knows she laughed at his appearence. So he just wen't along, and said.
"If you say so." She gives him a glance, and gave him a small closed grin. Then, then she put's the soapy water bottle down, next to her feet. And came up to Sun, with the cloth in her hand, and say's "Okay, the water has gotten a bit colder, so just a heads up."
She notifies the waters temperature, to him, before placing the cloth on his chest, and on his red buttons, in the middle of his chest. Then Sun straightens up, giving her room. When she rubbed in circles, messaging it in. He felt some relaxation, with the message.
And, he started to enjoy it, and stayed relaxed, when Vanessa wiped across and around his upper chest, then when she moved down to his tummy. He flinched, and caught his stomach with his huge hand giggling "Hee hee hee! That tickles!"
He exclaimed, and Vanessa reached forward, to wipe his stomach again, when Sun straightened up, but the moment, when she touched his tummy.
Sun laughed again, and he get's fidgety here, and there. "Hold still Sun." She tells him, and she goes in small circles, when Sun moved his tummy back a little, giggling. "Hold still please?"
She tells him again, and he stands there, in an awkward lean. Holding in his laughing, but the contractions of his laughter rattled the cage inside, while Vanessa rubbed around, and across his torso. Until, it's clean. She reached in further, then she removed the cloth from him, then Sun was able to settle.
"Just a little bit longer." Vanessa said to him, once Sun calms down. "Hm." He answered quietly. Vanessa put her hand on his shoulder, and told him. "You're okay." Then she gave him a small pet. Then she turned around, while Sun looks on wards to the play structures, feeling the boredom grow.
Vanessa stepped over to the bucket. And first, set the soapy spray bottle down into the bucket. Then pulled out the cold water again, and sprayed some water on the cloth for rinsing.
Then she put's it down. And starts to twist it around to recycle it off. The water drips into the bucket, then she unravels the cloth. And quickly bends down, to retrieve the cold-water spray bottle again, for a refix for some cold water sprays. Before adjusting the cloth, then turns around, and goes back to Sun.
Sun, who is just standing there, swaying side to side a little, feeling the impatience climbing into him. "Time for rinse off." She tells him again, then carefully wiped over his chest, and red buttons.
Vanessa wiped the cloth in circular motions, across his chest, and shoulders. Then wiped down to his stomach, where he flinched a couple of times, when Vanessa worked through.
Then, she pulls away, and returns back to the bucket, to rinse the cloth off again. She bends down, then grabs the cold-water bottle, to spray the cloth.
She hears Sun sigh behind her back, when she sprayed some water onto the cloth, then places back the cold water back into the bucket, then twisted the cloth, into the bucket. The bottom of the pale, now making quiet splashing noises, with the multiple use of the rinsing.
Then bends down to pick up the soap bottle. And shook it, it feels cold after cooling, while she was washing Sun. Then she turns around, flicking the cloth in mid air making a whipping sound. To meet Sun. Looking away, at first. Then looked back at Vanessa.
"Right, now. I'm going to move on to your arms now." she told him next. "I'm getting bored..." Sun say's then Vanessa said. "I know, but remember what I told you? The sooner we get this done-"
"GOD, WILL YOU STOP TELLING ME!?-YOU DON'T NEED TO TELL ME TWICE!" Sun snapped. Then Vanessa froze in shock, then she looked down feeling sad. Once Sun saw how Vanessa looked by her face, he stopped himself, then said after. "Sorry." "No...It's okay. I've been pushing you.
And I know that you were getting wound up...Because, I was just carrying on." Then she blinked with tears in her eyes, then quickly went back to the bucket, and places the items inside of it. Then walked away from the area, and stood by the tables. To breathe.
But Sun knew that he cut right through her, with his words. And walked up to her. Feeling bad. He puts his hands on her shoulder's as soon as he approached her "Hey." He started, then she turned around beginning to cry. She looked at him with her lip trembling "Come here." He soothed, then pulled her into a hug, and she threw her arms around him. Sniffling hard.
"Hey Vanessa. I do appreciate you giving me a bath. I am aware I get snappy sometimes. That was not nice of me to snap to you, like that. I hope you'll accept my apology?" Vanessa sniffed, and put her hands, on his shoulders then looked at him. "You can sit down, and lay down once I've finished, washing your arms.
Do you want to hold a Plushie, while I wash?" She suggested. Wiping her face, with her hand. "Okay then!" Sun agreed. Vanessa nodded her head, swallowed, then said "It's not your fault, Sun. I mean, I know that you are not for this. I just thought, that if I get this done, as quickly as I can-"
She went on, going through with her reason. "I know, I know, I know...And I was wrong. You didn't do anything wrong. Okay?" Sun reminded her sweetly, then they both stared at each other in agreement, then he let's go of her shoulders. Then she gains her motivation back.
"Alright, let's get back to this! You go and pick out a toy, you want. Then we'll get back to bathing!" She say's wiping both her hands under her eyes, to wipe off her tears, then took a big deep breath then walks back over to the bucket, to retrieve the items she needed again.
Then Sun walked down to the play den, to pick out a toy. He chooses a toy Glamrock Freddy action figure, and a few selection of toy blocks. With variety of different shapes.
And collected them, with his big hands. Feeling relief, once he get's those toys. Then, walks on back over to Vanessa, returning back to the towel mat. Vanessa, then turned back around to meet Sun, having placed down the soap bottle, with a damp cloth ready to use in her hand.
With his handful of toy's in his hands, "I've got them!" He say's to her, "Alrighty then! Let's finish off what we started!" She replies, with a smile. "Yes Ma'am." Sun answered. Then he walks to the center of the mat, then sit's down to begin assembling his toy's he's got.
While Vanessa came around with the cloth. Then got down on her knees. Then reached out to grab his left arm, "Just gonna start with this one." She tells him, then he nods, and continues to play with the blocks, by stacking them up, as alternative with his right hand.
Vanessa starts up at his arm, then started wiping down, moving onto the inner part, then wipe down, and back to the back arm, pressing in firmly, on the arm to clean the areas well. Then she wiped the small compartment piece around his arm, then shifted over to his elbow arm.
And repeated the same wiping from the top, then worked her way down, and around the inner arm, wiping it down.
Then back around, and circled the movement. Then moved onto his hand, she stretched his arm out with her hands, and face his palm out wards, towards her face, then right away she gets the cloth in between his palm, and rubbed in the cloth in it.
His fingers twitched, due to the sensation of feeling ticklish. "I can feel that!" He giggled eyeing her, then faces back at his stack of blocks, and picking up another block. Vanessa smiled, and continued to work in his palm. Then she moved over to his thumb, and wiped it down, by wrapping the cloth around it.
Applying pressure on her fingers, then she went back over it, wrapping the cloth around his thumb, and twisting it around. Getting every section around it. Then, she flipped his hand back around, and patted the cloth on top of his hand.
Pressing it down, and across his back hand, then moved onto his fingers. "How are you doing?" she asked him, starting with his index finger. "Better!" He replied. "Good." Then she starts with the index finger by the top part.
And placed the cloth around it, and twisted it around the finger a few times. Then did the same with the second half. Then repeated the same around three of his other fingers, with the same method. By twisting the cloth around them.
Then, once she's finished with his arm. Vanessa stands up, by propping up her foot on the ground, then pushed up onto it, standing up on her two leg's feeling a slight numbness in her toes.
She steps on over to the bucket, in quick pace. Then she knealts down, and grabs the cold water bottle, to rinse it again. She twisted the cloth, then sprayed a bit of water on top, to re dampen it for a second use.
She placed the bottle down. Then she came back, and sat down next to him, to wash back over the arm, to get the soap off. She goes back over his arm, then down to his elbow arm. And on top of his back hand and wiped down. Sun continued to play, seemingly to be relaxed, and happy from the boredom of this bath.
She washed his hand, then turns his hand over, and wiped down his palm. And the five of his fingers, wiping them over, while tossing over the cloth over them, and twisting the cloth around them.
To get every part of his fingers with care. Then, once she's done. She get's back up, and goes over to the bucket, to re wash the cloth, and re set it with the cold soapy water, she re adjusted the cloth again, then grabbed the soapy water bottle.
Then sprayed it, getting the cloth wet. And she fiddles with it, then put's the soapy bottle down, then returns back to Sun, who is building another scene, for the action figure to go to.
Vanessa smiles at the sight of Sun playing. Then she goes on over to the other side of him, and sit's down next to him. Getting his other arm in her hands.
She reaches up to his arm, then she begins to wipe from the top, in small wipes up and down, then moved in circular motions down his arm, then into the inner arm, wiping down, then back up.
Then she moved her hand, back up and wipes across, and over the small hatch cabinet, on his arm, them worked her way down wiping, until she moves over to his elbow arm, to wipe it all over.
In the inner way, then the outer way, then like the same thing, she grabs his wrist, and exposed his palm to clean too. She first flips the cloth over, then she goes down and wipes into his palm. Pressing her two fingers, into the spot. Then she wipes it around, and then moves over to the tip of the thumb.
Same thing, she flips the cloth over, then twists it around the thumb, and once more for good measure, then does the same thing, for the slower half. Sun stay's distracted, walking the figure down in between the walls of the toy bricks he's created.
Then she lifts her hand away, then moves on over to his index finger, putting the cloth up top, then twisting it around, then down to the second part, and doing the same thing.
And again, for each finger, working her way through, first at the top, and twisting and twist again to make sure, and repeat on the second one, then the third one, then the pinky.
Making sure to get each one clean, then she let's go, and let's him continue to play, and build. Then, she returns back to the bucket, to rinse.
Preparing for the next soap, for his back. She rinses the cloth off, with the water, then rinse and repeat, then get's up and comes back over to Sun, enjoying himself.
To wipe off his other arm, she washed. She sat down next to him, and picked up his arm, before wiping off the top part, and going around the areas.
Around the back end, then the inner arm bit this time. Then moved down to the elbow arm then pat it down, then to the inner part, and all the way around the back part, to his upper hand.
Then she wiped it down, then the first piece of the thumb, using the same method. Using the twisting motion, for the top, then the bottom.
Then repeats the same thing, to the rest of his fingers, with a swift motion of her hands. Then gone back over them. Once she's done, she get's back up, feeling some pain in her legs, after sitting down on them for so long. Then she walks over to the bucket to rinse again, with the cold water.
She shakes the cloth open, then sprays the cold water on it, then once the rag is soaked. She set's the bottle down, in a release from reaching down, when it thumps against the other bottle.
Then twists it into the bucket, making more splashes inside of it. Then she unravels the cloth, then whips it in the air to flick off the remaining water off of it.
Then she adjusts it, back in her hand again, and flipped it over this time, for a cleaner side. Then, she grabs the soapy water bottle, feeling the cold water. Then she sprayed that one, on top. To prepare for the treatment for his back.
She squeezes the suds into it, then quickly places down the soap bottle too, then turns around and say's to Sun. "Okay, we're up to withe second last part now!" She say's happily relieving for herself, too.
"Second part? What's the last part?" Sun said, turning his head at her. "The last part, is going to be me washing your pants, and accessories after!" She answered him, holding her laughter. And walking up to him.
She sit's down behind him, and only pressed her hand on his back, when Sun moved, and he starts to lay down. "I'm laying down, I'm tired of sitting." He tells her, then she say's.
"That's fine by me. You can relax." She say's letting him, move stuff out of the way, and lays flat down on his stomach, then Vanessa get's down with the cold cloth, then sits down next to him with crossed legs.
Then she places her hand on the top half of his back, then she wiped around in circular motions. Her soft touch soothed Sun, and his tense posture. He relaxed up, resting his head in his arms, almost feeling like he could take a snooze at any moment. "That feels so nice!" He muffled quietly in his light nap.
Vanessa wiped over his shoulders, then worked her hand work around the hook part. Then moved down to his lower back, wiping it down, messaging it in the spot, wiping off the dirty stains, that took some effort to take off.
She wiped up and down the sides of his body. Then once his back is clean. She tells Sun, "Okay, I finished cleaning your back!" while she was carefully picking her self up, on her worked legs, due to her muscle pain.
All due to her sitting down, and standing up a few times. "Mmmph..." Sun replied. Vanessa walks to the bucket, stretching the cloth in her hand, still talking to Sun "Wake up sleepy head. We have one more thing to do."
Then she decided to rinse the cloth once more time, before going to gather up Sun's clothing. She retrieves the cold water bottle, after flicking the cloth open in the air, then spraying it with a few quick splashes.
Then she bends over to put it back down again. Then she gives the cloth a good twist the water drops falling into the bucket.
The drops falling into the bucket making clear dripping sounds in it with it's puddle formation that she had created in it, through the rinsing.
Then whip in the air to shake off it's dampness from the cloth, the small droplets falling from the air. Flowing the cloth dryer. Then she flicks it over the brim of the bucket, then turns around to find Sun...still...'sleeping.' "Come on Sun!" She say's smirking, "Come on, up you get!" "Mmph!"
"Come on, up!" she commands, not angrily, putting a foot under his tummy. "Mmph!" "Up!" she nudged, "Mmmph!" He whines. "Up!" Then he finally turns to the side, "Do I have to?" He asked in a whiny voice. "Yes! Now come on!" She say's to him encouragingly. "Fine..." He agreed, then he gets up.
Vanessa then steps out of the way, "We can use the mat, as the towel that will cover you up." She explained, then Sun sheepishly stepped off of it, "This is so embarrassing..." He grunted.
Vanessa held out her hand, "Come on, give it to me." she commands him. Sun crossed his arms, and taps his foot on the floor. Holding onto little tolerance. "You're a mechanical being. No one is going to see anything!" Vanessa assures him, smiling. "I feel embarrassed." He replied, lifting his arms up in the cross.
And holding his head down, like an impatient kid. "Okay, I'll tell you what? You can just stand behind something. And you can give me your pants. I'll throw the towel over you, so no one can see. And I will need your shoes!" She instructed. "Why do you need my shoes for?" he called out, clearly acting ridicules.
"So, I can wash them silly! Gotta have clean shoes!" She say's playfully. "B-But how am I suppose to walk?" Sun started. "Come on, Sun! I know how much you like talk around it.
Now, here. I'll give you the towel! Hold one moment..." She said to him directly, carrying on with the fun attitude. Then she sweeps the mat off the floor, and flips it over Sun. "There. Go on."
"Sheesh, you're bossy!" Sun huffs his final say, before walking past her, and off to the far side of the castle wall. Away from the wind screen sight. From the outside mall scenery. Vanessa then decided to take this moment, and come back to the bucket, to collect his frills, and two of the ribbons, she placed down to pick them back up.
She thought, she might as well, just return the ribbons, back to Sun for now. Since they don't really need washing. So, she picked up the frills, and put them in the bucket. And picked, up the ribbons in one hand, then just stood around to wait for Sun to come back.
Then, in a couple of seconds, she hears fast footsteps, walk out of the entrance, and Sun appeared walking up to her with the white sheets, covering around his while body, even his head is burrowing half way out of the sheets, with the way that he's covering himself.
Is specially cocooned, like a jacket. There, he returned with the pants in his hand, when he held it out to her. "Here." He say's, "Thank you!"
She say's, then takes his pant's them threw it over her shoulder, then lends out her hand that has the ribbons in her palm. "There you go, they don't need to be washed much." He begrudgingly accepts them, then slowly wraps them back on.
Acting on his begrudging behavior. Then once he wraps back around the ribbons, on both of his wrists correctly, Vanessa waited with her hand still out. "Shoes too." She added, politely. "Yes Ma'am." He answered pouty. "Oh Sun...You're so funny, you know that?" She say's now giving him a genuine smile, even though she is enjoying this.
"Don't worry, you'll look good soon.", he bends down, holding onto one side of the sheet, to avoid exposure of his legs so much. Even though his knees have shown, but he still bent down far enough, to cover as much as he can. He went along with it, anyway.
He grabs one foot, then turns it off, from the buckle then revealed the hook, that is attached to it. Then handed one up to Vanessa, she took it, and held it under one arm, then she waited for the other one.
He changed feet, then did the same as well, until he is standing on both of his springy toes, that he has lot's of practice on, then handed her his second shoe. "That a boy! Thank you very much!"
Vanessa praised, then turned around to place down the shoes into the bucket too. "How long is this going to take?" He asked politely, now Vanessa takes a serious tone, when she turned back around to Sun, lifting the bucket in her arms.
"It will take some time. Roughly about an hour. Perhaps a half an hour, or a 40 minute more for a full air dry." She said to him, honestly. "Awww, great..." Sun moaned awaiting the dreadful boring wait, he will have to get himself, to endure to get his clothes back.
"I'll try not to make it too long, if I can. Be patient for me, okay? I'll be back with you shortly? You can do it, Sun!" She encourages him, then leaves the Daycare, leaving Sun to wait-Back in the daycare.
Sun sighed looking up at the ceiling, while childishly rocking himself back and forth, thinking of something that he wan'ts to do. But couldn't think of what, other than saying in the air "What do I wan't to dooo??" He moaned out, then looked on over to the children's tables, then one Imaginary light bulb clicked above his head.
"I could draw something! For a little while, but then I would be bored after...Ooooh my tolerance levels sure do like to wear me thin, doesn't it?" He teased himself.
Then makes himself busy, as much as he can to stick with drawing, and just wait patiently, if he get's off track. He walks over to the table, finding himself a piece of paper, "Now, where is that glitter glue? Glitter glue, me wan't!" He demands to himself.
Vanessa throws back together Sun's clean clothes, accessories, and shoes, put at the bottom of the bucket. After being dried out. After a long wait from the air dry after washing them.
"Done! Now, let's get back to the Daycare, and see how Sun is doing?" She say's feeling accomplished, with her work.
Before she left, however, she made sure to collect 2 more Important things. Because, she has a hunch that knowing Sun's talents in creativity, with one of his favorite things to do in past time.
He can make himself very messy. At least that she can hope on with that, is that surely he shouldn't of gotten too carried away.
Only time will tell, until she get there. "I'll just...Go and fetch them." She admitted. And goes, and quickly get herself, a new cloth, and re fill the cold water bottle, to use.
Then threw them back inside the bucket, before leaving. Then she grabbed it, with the set of back up supplies. She threw Sun's pants over her shoulder, to make this trip much easier for carrying the bucket, last second and left her office.
Vanessa arrived back at the daycare, then opened the door "Sunny! I'm back!" She announced, then comes inside. "Sunny?" She called out, walking down the daycare, "I wonder what you have been up to?"
She say's walking past the Monkey bars, seeing that things had been kept relatively spotless, till she saw a whole scatter of papers, pens, crayons, and splotches of glitter glue in droplets on paper, and a few drops on the section of the floor, to where he played in.
It's no surprise for her. Vanessa put's down the bucket. Then notices that Sun, isn't around. As expected. "It's pretty obvious." She started, tempting to play along, "Hmm...I wonder where he is?" She adds on, then she hears some rustling over at the ball pit, cutting off the fun a little too soon than what it started.
Or what she had anticipated that started, then up appeared Sun, still in his cocoon sheet, walking up to her. Almost submissive, about something..."Oh there you are, did you have fun?-"
She starts off by saying, "Oh, eh heh. Hi Vanessa! I have been expecting you!" He say's a little anxious, for no reason. "I see you have been keeping yourself busy, sorry it took so long! But, I finally finished washing them! So you are going to feel so comfortable, come on out!" She asks him out.
"Okay..." Sun say's, then he quickly comes up from the pink bridge, holding onto the sheet, it doesn't take long for Vanessa to catch on what he is hiding. He tries to come up, with an excuse to get back his pant's and frills.
He approaches her submissively, then goes up to Vanessa, reaching his hand out, but still making it obvious. "I'm just gonna take back my pant's." He say's formally, then takes it off her shoulder, with a sweep,
"Thank you very much. Then, I'll go back and-" He say's Immediately turning around almost shuffling away making it out to be, nothing shown "Sunny." She stopped him, he flinches "Yes?" "Show me your hands?"
Vanessa straight up said, folding her arms. Not fazed by the slightest. "No! No, nothing's wrong with them!" He answers talking louder, "Sun." "I don't know what-" "I saw right through you."
"What-? It's not much!" He finished in defeat, and showing out his hands, poking them out of the sheet. There are smudged with the glitter glue bottle, that he has used for finger painting. Into the palms, and over his fingers. But, it's another style of glue painting.
Vanessa giggled, then she looked over to the bucket, through amusement. "I knew I had to get the cold water again!" she say's. Then Sun caught on, and Immediately, hid them back in again.
"I can wash them!" He started, already regretting it, waving his hands. "You'll need a cloth!" She say's, somewhat carrying the tease.
"No please! I-I can wash them!" He begged, "No!" Vanessa told him, now firmly, "I'll wash them very carefully!", "I said, no!" Vanessa tells him again, collecting the cold water bottle,
"I know how to use a cloth, you know?" He tells her getting firm, too. Vanessa turned to him, and studied his body language, now seeing how serious he is.
Then she thinks to herself, and stops herself from getting carried away, then say's "Alright. Here." She accepts, then hands the tools over to Sun, respectfully, then he takes it.
"Thank you, Vanessa. You know how much this matters, to me." Vanessa nods, and notes that these robots should be treated with more independency, despite the rules, their given. They shouldn't be bossed around, so much. So, she let's him do his own thing.
Once he finishes up, he hands her back the bottle and cloth, the cloth being covered with the glitter glue. "There you go! I'm done!" She takes both the cloth, and the bottle from his hands, then he turns around and goes over, to pick up his pants he put down, on the floor,
then over to the bucket to reclaim his frills, then digs down to claim his shoes back, also. When he found them. He grabbed his shoes, then plopped them ontop of his frills also.
Then carries them over to the place, where he gone to last time. "I'll bring this back, once I'm changed. " He notifies her, before stepping into the back end of the castle.
"You're fine!" She assures him, then waits patiently.
(I forgot about his shoes! Ha ha ha.)
Some time has passed, then she hears jingling sounds step up from the far side of the room, then Vanessa looked over and looks happy with his new look.
She gasped, and say's "Hey! Welcome back, you are looking gorgeous Sunshine!" She complemented, then he twirls around and does a spin jump landing on one foot.
"Hoo hoo! I feel great, and fresher than ever!" Vanessa clapped her hands "Well, I guess my task is done! You are free to spend the rest of the day, for yourself Sun!" She say's satisfied, then goes to pick up her bucket.
"Have a good day, Sun!" she say's to him. But, then suddenly, he came over to her when she was just half turned, and he hugs her knocking the bucket in her arms, "Sun?" She spoke right away, confused.
"I really appreciate your help, Vanessa." He said, sounding sad. "You're very welcome!" She reminds him, with a smile. Then, she wasn't expecting this reaction from him, when he looked at her, that she stared at him with a solemn, face.
"Don't tell me to 'Be positive.' I can't be like that, all the time. I find it hard to, I don't have another adult here to help keep me company! I try to make friends, but they don't like to talk to me. Because, they either find me creepy, or annoying. But, you are one of these people, that I really like! Because, you are good to me!
Don't you get it? I deserve respect too! I haven't been getting it lately. I force myself to get happy, even though I don't at times. The only times, I do, is because of people like you. And I crave that! I crave it, so much!", then he tilts his head at her, then added
"So thank you...You made my day!" Vanessa blinked, and took a while to process what he had said, with taking in the heat with what she has been doing earlier. "Woah..." She worded.
"I had no idea, you have been feeling this way. I mean...I've known you've been angry. But...Not at that excessive amount of stress." She say's, giving a proper and wording diligently in response. Sun let's up.
"I wouldn't expect you to. This shows that I do a good job hiding it." Sun say's seriously. Then, without mentioning anything else, she set's down the bucket, then with respect she holds out her arms onto him, then pulls him into a hug.
Sun brings up his hands around her, and takes her hug. They spend a few good moments, then she notices that his body tension relaxes, then they pull away from each other, then she asks him a sincere question. "Do you want me to stay with you, for the day then?"
Sun raises his hand, and dismissed it. "Nah, I'll be fine." He say's, she turns her head with concern, moving her eye brows with a concerned expression. "Are you sure? Cause, I'll let you take that break." She offered, "No." He say's sharply, then ads "Besides, you are an officer. So, I don't want you to get into trouble.
Please Vanessa, I'll be okay!" Vanessa sighed, and looked down in defeat, and felt gutted with Sun's determination. But if that what he wants, then she will do as he wishes. Then, she made up her mind, then grabbed the bucket, again in her arms.
Turned, and before leaving, she turns to him, with this final say. "Then, I'll come over and visit you, to make sure that you are alright. Because, you're health matters. It's Important to me. And I admire you, for letting me know!", he nods. Then she nods, then said quietly, "We'll keep this between you and me." She winked, then with that she leaves, and her job is done.
Then Sun's job of cleaning up begins! "Ugh...Why do I do these things to myself?' He questioned stubbornly, and felt a little bit of disappointed pain, by slapping a hand on his face. Once he realized, he had to clean up, the mess he made.
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lizadale · 1 year
my shower thought today was about how i hate PLAYING desert areas in 90% of games, but the desert THEMES are always my favorite, so just a poll for fun! :D
hub worlds - Toad Town, Peach's Castle, Rogueport
grassy - usually the first world you start in which is jazzy or upbeat, like Bob-omb Battlefield, Lineland Road or the main overworld themes
wooded/spooky - Forest Maze, Somnom Woods, Chucklehuck Woods
desert - Dry Dry Desert, Shroom City, Western Land
water - Dire Dire Docks, Lake Lamode, Sunshine Seaside
volcano/jungle - Lethal Lava Land, Lavalava Island, Melty Molten Galaxy
chilly/snowy - Cool Cool Mountain, Snowman Park, Shiveria Town
underground/cave - Creepy Cavern, The Underwhere, Hazy Maze Cave
clouds - any of the athletic/obstacle course themes
final dungeon - Palace of Shadows, Koopa's Road, Origami Castle
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It just randomly came to mind, because that's what my brain does.
I've been thinking about the twitter outrage towards INSIDE OUT 2 director Kelsey Mann stating that he and the filmmakers dropped the characters Guilt and Shame from the movie. Mann stated he felt what they were trying to do with that version of the story wasn't "fun", it was "too heavy", and it made it a kind of movie that you wouldn't want to watch again.
“I don’t want to make that movie. I want to make a movie that’s really meaningful and when you’re asked, ‘Do you want to see that movie again?’ You say, ‘Yes!’ Because those are my favorite movies. And those are the kinds of movies I want to make. And I did not want to return to that movie with that character. It’s not that funny.”
... While being as vague as possible, because this is an interview for a movie that isn't even completed nor out yet. I'm excited for the movie and I'm sure there's WAY more to Mann's comments than meets the eye, ditto the actual movie itself. Because I'm not gonna jump the gun and assume he or everyone at Pixar are a bunch of chickens trying to undermine their own strengths.
I sometimes like to imagine Twitter being a thing years and years ago...
Animated movies lose stuff all the time when being developed. Stuff that you see in the special features sections of DVDs, in the "Art Of" books, hear about in interviews, etc.... Stuff that sounds cool or stuff that you think "They should've kept that!"
Let's try one, huh?
Social media... Mid-1965. At the news of Walt Disney throwing out veteran story man Bill Peet's moodier, darker version of THE JUNGLE BOOK, the studio now moving forward with a more lighthearted, jazzy musical road trip-like approach...
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"Betrayal! What has Disney come to! Have you seen THE SWORD IN THE STONE? Remember how they laid off all those animators and the whole Ink & Paint Department after SLEEPING BEAUTY flopped! They've all gone soft, I tell ya! This is going to be a DISASTER!"
THE JUNGLE BOOK was one of the highest-grossing films of 1967, a massive hit abroad, and recognized as one of the iconic Disney animated films. Would I love to travel to an alternate universe where Walt okayed Bill Peet's original take on the material? Absolutely, that movie sounded really, really cool! But I love the finished film so much, it's the reason I love animation and it's the reason why I even do what I do.
That's just one example... Could you imagine the collective moaning over the versions of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, ALADDIN, and THE LION KING that got thrown out? BEAUTY AND THE BEAST originally was supposed to be more like the 1946 adaptation directed by Jean Cocteau, ALADDIN was going to be more in the vein of a '30s Cab Calloway sort-of musical, and THE LION KING was aiming to be a straight-up animated National Geographic documentary with a lot of silence and lyrical storytelling. Jeffrey Katzenberg and other then-Disney execs razored into those versions and trashed them...
I'm sure there were a select few who noticed back then, but I digress.
Or how about a sequel, for that matter? THE RESCUERS sequel was originally supposed to be like a James Bond movie, complete with a Bond-esque mouse who accompanies Bernard and Miss Bianca on a mission involving the Soviet Union! But a little movie called CROCODILE DUNDEE happened, and there was a brief sort-of Aussie rage going on in America... So, those executives told the filmmakers to chuck the Bond-style RESCUERS 2, and have it be set in the land down under... Thus it became THE RESCUERS DOWN UNDER.
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I love that film, and it's a fan favorite of many... But that Bond-style movie also sounded really, really cool! Social media in 1988 or whatever would've been like "What??? They threw out that awesome-sounding movie so they can chase CROCODILE DUNDEE??? That movie will be irrelevant in a few years!"
But it happened...
The epic KINGDOM OF THE SUN becoming the goofy THE EMPEROR'S NEW GROOVE, oh yeah that wouldn't be greeted too kindly. I'll throw in a Pixar example, too: Social media would've probably salivated over the "Black Friday" version of TOY STORY.
I thought I'd just make the comparison, lol.
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Conceptions • Time • Golden Solitude • Twothesme • Another Day • Hold It Down • Unique • Something Nothing • Ways Of Thought • Eight • Blank Cells • Twelve Tribes • 2-Bs-74638 • Les Fleur • The Day Of The Greys
Spotify ♪ YouTube (standard version)
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y2klostandfound · 6 months
CityScape Breaks - Atmospheric Jungle Mix (Ambient, Intelligent, Jazzy, 90s, DnB)
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Listed: Water Damage
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Water Damage plays a thick and noisy variety of drone, favoring looooooong compositions that the band refers to as “Reels”; on Water Damage’s most recent LP, 2 Songs, you get two reels, subtitled “FUCK THIS” and “FUCK THAT” (band’s caps). All those verbal antics feel appealingly playful, but the music is deadly serious stuff — not surprising, given the players involved. Members of this septet also play in Austin-associated bands like USA/Mexico, Marriage and Spray Paint. As the band’s moniker suggests, the music is patient, persistent and often insidious. Here's some music the band has been listening to.
Travis Austin
Surface of the Earth — Surface of the Earth (1994/95, Reissued 2022 Thin Wrist Recordings)
New to me when it was reissued and the record I’ve played most since then. It feels as huge to me as it does microscopic — prehistoric as it does post-apocalyptic.
Jon Hassell — Aka/Darbari/Java: Magic Realism (1983, E.G. Records)
Start to finish, I don’t know of anything else that sounds like this — the hazy atmosphere and way the rhythms tumble. From the liner notes: “a ‘coffee-colored’ classical music for the future.” And the cover is by the same artist who did the cover for Bitches Brew.
Mike Kanin
Archie Shepp — Blasé (1969, BYG/Actuel)
I heard this one for the first time just this past year. I can’t believe I’ve missed it. By turns raw and beautiful, honest and evocative, what’s here transcends genre while highlighting Black experience and struggle. Incredible work.
George Dishner
Clipse — Hell Hath No Fury (2006, Star Trak / Re Up Gang Records)
The most engaging rap record in history as far as I’m concerned. Pusha, Malice, and the Neptunes peaked. Sonically HHNF is minimal and alien sounding, almost nonmusical at times. Lyrically, it’s bleak throughout and incredibly funny at times (some of the best punchlines ever recorded). At 12 songs and 48 minutes with only a few guests and skits, there is no fat whatsoever.
Remarc — Sound Murderer (2003, Planet Mu)
I’m always looking for cheap electronic records at every record store. Mid 1990s Jungle scores are the best. It’s a pretty narrow subgenre but one of my favorites. Remarc checks all my Jungle boxes — chaotic, lo-fi, dubby, rough. It’s devoid of any pretentious jazziness or techy soullessness. His formula is pretty basic — supreme mastery of The Amen and sick ragga Bass shit. This is a comp of some of his best stuff of the era when Jungle was at its best.
Nate Cross
Omertà — Collection Particulière (2022, Standard In-Fi, Zamzamrec)
Not to point out the obvious, but France is a huge influence for Water Damage. I’ve obsessively kept up with everything they’ve done and all their various related projects and their label Standard In-Fi. This is Omertà’s second LP; the group features members of France, Tanz Mein Herz, Societe Etrange and more. The album is a vibe, I can listen to it over and over. Really interesting to hear these folks do something more ‘song oriented’ instead of the normal long-form style in their other groups. Also, you can never go wrong with two bass players.
Bumblebee Unlimited — Sting Like a Bee (1979, RCA Victor)
Always been a huge disco nerd and Patrick Adams was a genius. This one-off LP and group was about as close to perfect as you can get and is a sort of bridge between disco and house music. So much glorious repetition on this album, and the bass lines are minimal brilliance. The chipmunk-esque vocals are ridiculous, but still work so well (similar to another 1979 disco gem — Bryan Adam’s “Let Me Take You Dancing”).
Jeff Piwonka
John Coltrane — Olé Coltrane (1961, Atlantic)
This is one of the first jazz albums I heard that had two bassists on it, Reggie Workman and Art Davis, Davis being a little lesser known I think and a really really amazing bassist. This whole album is great but the first side, 18 minutes of everyone going in and out, and there is space for the bassists to get weird with arco and pizzicato playing. I’ve known this album for a long time, but it’s been played a lot lately because both my 4-year-old and 16-month-old grab this record from the shelf all the time. It’s really strange actually, I put it in a different spot each time and they still grab this record very frequently, it’s a French pressing and Reggie Workman’s name is spelled “Reggie Wokrman” and Eric Dolphy is “George Lane.”
Greg Piwonka
Lungfish — Artificial Horizon (1998, Dischord)
Love this record, and the repetition is something that I often thought about as we were still figuring out Water Damage ideas. I feel like some of the newer songs that we are working on sound like extended Lungfish songs. Much of that has to do with the influence of this band on my drumming. There is a part toward the end of this interview where Daniel Higgs talks about experiencing repetition as a listener, and how there isn’t really a thing such as a repeated passage in time — that it’s unique every time… the listener is creating the pattern. That idea is foundational to me in relation to what we do as a band. Every time we play, I get lost and question how the pattern is even working.
Palace — West Palm Beach/Gulf Shores (1994, Drag City/Palace)
These two songs back-to-back are high on the list of my favorite things ever recorded. The mood here reminds me of all the rundown beach towns around the Gulf. The playing is great, it sounds like they just went in the studio and made it with very little effort. Many other recordings have that same vibe, Neil Young’s Zuma, Songs: Ohia’s Didn’t It Rain, John Coltrane’s A Love Supreme… this list could get long. I guess a technical term for that vibe is magic. I had not listened to this for a few years and returned to it recently and instantly loved it again.
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demonsteapot · 8 months
What type of music do you like / have you been jamming to recently? Any recommendations?
(my internet died halfway through this so i nearly had to rewrite it)
you caught me at a bad time i was schmooving to a sewerslvt playlist yesterday ;-;
okay to be serious for a moment. uh. i don't think i have super good or interesting (or normal) tastes in music? i can point you to some of the things i think are cool and good, and i can also point you to things that i listen to for mood.
ive also probably mentioned some of these before (probably all of them?) so sorry if there's repeats
(okay this ended up being longer than expected so cut vv)
good (mostly not depressing stuff?):
Bill Wurtz – weirdly dreamlike jazzy stuff (?) i recommend 'At the Corner Store' and then i recommend you listen to all his other stuff
Ujico*/Snail's House: ive probably ranted about this guy before; 'Cosmo Funk' is probably your entry level snails house song. sweet adorable future bass, my go to for free serotonin
Heaven Pierce Her – Ultrakill: Violence, the game's newest EP. generally melancholic but really sick especially in context. 'War Without Reason' is probably my new favourite track in the whole game? (you can tell i like amen breaks lol)
also ofc i have to mention john / TOOBOE!! shout out to @donutinsideofashark for introducing me to this guy. some recs: 'Tablet', 'Roman', and 'Appare kanpai' – stuff goes hard and makes me wish i knew jp so i could actually remember lyrics
mood (depressing and/or weirder stuff):
vivivivivi's Dead but Dreaming: concept album about a dead god, mostly chiptune instrumental stuff until the second-last track – personally I LOVE this album, but as someone said, it probably sucks unless you have autism (disclaimer: i'm not diagnosed autistic, this is a reference to the pinned comment). this particular album influences a lot of my works to be honest
two more vivivivivi beepbox albums, ones that are a little more lively: Sisyphus and Silly Little Songs from my Silly Little Head. probably not to the tastes of sane and normal people but i like the beeps and boops :)
sewerslvt: breakbeat stuff from a dark place. people seem to not like sewerslvt fans which is why i'm reluctant to talk about this one but whatever. idk what you'd call their genre (i've heard it described as ambient jungle, trance, something or other dnb, but most importantly NOT breakcore. call sewerslvt breakcore and you are signing up for a hell of a flamewar) listen if you like amen breaks and hate yourself (i hope not…) idk what to even recommend here… i stumbled across her first with Drowning In The Sewer years ago. i've been getting back into their stuff recently, which is probably not a good sign for my mental health… currently listening to 'was it weird that i listened to im god by clams casino's when i lost my virginity' which is a hell of a title
Heaven Pierce Her again – The Enigma of Heaven and Other Daily Delusions: weird album about religion and the internet. since this is hakita again there are amen breaks. good if ur fuckin WEIRD. i recommend most of HPH's work
i've also been listening to an ultrakill fan artist called Marzuku, who does – guess what – more amen break stuff. i don't know man, but 'At Ends' is pretty good
shit fuck of course the jvne section ends up being a whole paragraph just to say don't listen to their stuff.
THAT'S IT IT'S TIME TO WRAP THIS UP THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK. damn this got long. this is what happens when you ask me about my interests LMFAO
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flash-the-readies · 1 year
Pink Floyd Songs I recommend that are not “Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2″, “Money”, “Wish You Were Here”, and so on
So I was inspired by @afemalesebastian​ ‘s post about the Kinks and decided to do the same with a band that I have spent extensive time with and feel confident saying that I know their catalogue fairly well. Anyways, go check out all the Kink’s bangers they mentioned.
This is my personal list and isn’t based on anything other than “I really love this song”. I tried to stay away from the big four concept albums of “Dark Side”, “Wish You Were Here”, “Animals”, “The Wall”... the only advice that can be given for those is: listen to the whole album. One last thing, all songs are best experienced through headphones.
The Entire “Hour With Pink Floyd” KQED radio set
Setlist: Atom Heart Mother Suite; Cymbaline; Grantchester Meadows; Green is the Colour; Careful With that Axe, Eugene; Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
I Attached a link to the Youtube playlist because I don’t think Spotify has these versions, and also it’s great fun to watch. This setlist includes a. lot of early 70s Pink Floyd concert staples. Early 70s live Floyd was unmatched, the studio versions do not compare. You never realise how beautiful a song Green is the Colour is until you listen to it live. I have so many words for this set nghhhh. Also, Grantchester Meadows is one of my favourite songs. It’s straight up pastoral poetry and is steeped in nostalgia. I like this version best, and I love when Roger and David share vocals
If - Atom Heart Mother
Here’s a theme for you: I’m a whore for Roger’s folksy songs, whoops. The three “solo” songs on the album are so worth it (If, Summer ‘68, Fat Old Sun), but I personally have to pick this one. It’s so fucking tragic and simplistically beautiful. Got some of that introspection and isolation, good tea. Inspired by Rudyard Kipling’s poem by the same name. Also the slide electric guitar is a real treat... also, Roger’s voice is so soft ;-;
Point Me at the Sky - Single
I like it, okay. It’s like a little novelty song, okay, back when Pink Floyd was still trying to write singles. Also holds some themes on the passage of time and blah blah which is seen extensively in Pink Floyd’s catalogue
Biding My Time - Relics
Okay.. It’s kitschy, I know. It’s got that jazzy feel (curtesy of Rick and his trombone) and that blues feel. Once again with that wacky jam session in the middle that defines early Pink Floyd. Also go off Nick with the drums!
Pow R. Toc H. - Piper at the Gates of Dawn
I’m a whore for weird mouth noises, and this has an abundance of them. Once again with the quintessential Floyd jam session. I’d say mono is best here since stereo is a bit mind-fucky (y’know early stereo is a struggle.. although I wouldn’t say it was too horrible with Pink Floyd), anyways, if you’re in the mood for weird sensory stuff, then stereo is great... this song is just a sensory nightmare, so tread carefully.
“The Pink Jungle” from their “Man and the Journey” suite, 17. September 1969 Amsterdam show, is EXTRA demonic and chaotic. Warning tho, there’s some slurping noises at the end. Nick carrying the band fr
Pillow of Winds - Meddle
although to be honest, the entirety of Meddle is where it’s at. Considering I listen to this song every night I had to include it. A love song :D, and it’s really pretty and drowsy. Again with the pastoral poetry, a very ambient piece (that’s just Pink Floyd in general) and the ever present themes of anxiety
Here’s some definitions since I’ve been asked a couple of times:
eiderdown: a quilt filled with down (originally from the eider) or some other soft material.
eider: small, soft feathers from the breast of the female eider duck
Wot’s...Uh the Deal - Obscured by Clouds
Another fan favourite. It’s just so beautiful. The whole album is really pleasant listen and has so many hidden gems. Again with the passage of time, steeped in a deep sense of melancholia with a sprinkle of wistfulness. The steel guitar solo is also a real treat. I also like Burning Bridges, Stay, Childhood’s End, Free Four a great deal and,... I’m giving Free Four it’s own spot on this list. 
Free Four - Obscured by Clouds
this is the cheery song about death an the passage of time. The Hand-clapping just gets me, y’know. And the EMS VCS 3 synth is so crunchy, It’s great. If you you’re one of those people tired of Roger “whining” about his dad, then here’s an alternate take on that. Me? I’ll take any number of songs about Roger’s dad and trauma though
Nobody Home - The Wall
Okay okay, I chose a Wall song, BUT I would call this one a Wall Deep Cut, and It’s one of the most beautiful songs in their catalogue. There’s just this overwhelming sadness to it. You’ve got your nods to Syd, you’ve got your empty comforts, isolation, a non-ending, just a beautiful string of words
What Shall We Do Now - The Wall
THIS song. Yep, the one most people prefer to Empty spaces and... It rocks SO HARD. Added a link to the audio on Youtube since it’s not on spotify. Roger has a version of it from his Wall tour, but I prefer the one from the original Pink Floyd shows. The drums are phenomenal, the aggressiveness (not often associated with Pink Floyd), the flow of the lyrics, the deep growl of the guitar and the vocals (particularly in “shall we drive a more powerful car”). The animation that accompanies it in the film is one of my favourites. Talk about coping in unhealthy ways 
The Gunner’s Dream - The Final Cut
Yes yes yes it’s that infamous album...I get it.. love it or hate it, I personally adore it. If there’s one song on the album I think you should listen to, it’s this one right here... I’d also say it’s one of THE SADDEST songs in their catalogue. This bloody song has made me cry multiple times. Again with the dissolution of the post war dream and an anti-war anthem. Makes reference to the famous lines:
That there’s some corner of a foreign field That is for ever England
 from Rupert Brooke’s poem, “The Soldier”. 
I’ll say, Roger’s vocals really go with this one, they’re so raw and oozing of emotion. Also that sax solo??? mmm yum
Not Now John - The Final Cut
Another uncharacteristically aggressive song. But oh man, the field noises in this are SO GOOD it makes me cry (in a happy way this time). You have to have to have to listen to this with headphones. Whoops I included two Final Cut songs, but I love that album
Poles Apart - Division Bell  
I’ll say, this is my favourite song on the album. Also David talking to Syd and Roger, so hey. I love his voice on this album, and the wistfulness in this song speaks to my heart. There’s also this chaotic instrumental ambiance bit in the middle that’s giving haunted merry-go-round lost childhood kind of vibes, and I love that.
Take it Back - Division Bell
Big fan. It’s like a tragic, wistful environmentalist love song. Note the nurse rhyme “Ring a Ring O’Roses at 3:02).
specifically the 30. September 1971 BBC Radio session. But “Picnic” is also a classic version, and shorter. The jam session goes so hard!  And then you feel like you’re just chilling, floating in embryonic fluids. I can’t stress enough how much I love this song, I have been working on learning it on bass. This other version includes children laughing and such as well as the same feedback on Echoes (16. July 1970) ... wow, turns out I just like creepy haunted children field sounds.
Okay, this was a lot longer than I was expecting and it took ... way too long to complete. But that’s my list! ... I have concluded that I just like sad songs, whoops. Here’s a spotify playlist. Not all of the versions I mentioned here are available, so I put alternate picks.
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