#Jeff now's gone to the point of no return
nunesbytko · 2 years
Netflix - Dahmer - Monster -The Jeff Dahmer Story- “Episode 6- Silenced”
Baby Tony is a cutie Pie!
Manny is an asshole, why does being deaf change anything.
  I love Tony's friends
His poor worried Mother!
  Tony's getting discriminated against while job searching. Is it because he's black or deaf or both? Even the assistant at the record store was like WTF/  It's horrible seeing the look of distain on their faces. Just give this guy a chance! Finally a break! A clothing store hires him!
  Tony's smile is gorgeous, he lights up the room with that smile! Tony modelling!!!
  Go Tony Go!!!
I hope this photographer is not a creep! - Edit he's a creep.
  Family dinner! His family are lovely. His Sister is having a girl. She wants to name it after him. Tony goes to the clubs later.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shit. The devil is staring at him.
  What is Jeff doing??? Is he on drugs???? Is he taking his shirt off to impress Tony
He decides not to drug Tony. They dance the night away. Jeff is giving him dreamy eyes, telling him that he likes him, which is obviously bad fucking news! RUN TONY!!!
Tony and Jeff are they....a thing????
  Tony's taking Jeff to work and everything
Jeff trying to clean himself up? Is Tony making him a better person???
Infinity land is that with bones??? Human bones???
Jeff is losing his temper with this game.
  Run Tony!!!
He's leaning over the board RUN TONY RUN!!!!
They spend the night together and Tony Jumps out of bed for work. Of course Jeff is all over him. He doesn't want him to go obviously.
  Tony goes missing and his mother goes to the police. She's so reluctant to tell the police that he's gay. Police instantly bring up drugs and gang violence, because obviously all black people are into that [sarcasm] Officers in this show are trash. Complete trash.
  They still are, but that's for another review!
  His poor mother.
  Jeff  has a fucking nerve showing up to his family's PSA
Flashback- Tony goes back for his keys, and Jeff.....does what Jeff does......
His now calling  the victim familes and telling them not to look for them.
  Jeff is now I assume eating Tony's flesh.
Notes one of the best Episodes, Heartbreaking, but it gave you and glimpse of how special Tony was. 
How the police didn’t give a shit because Tony was black
His poor Mother, I felt for her so much, because she knew, she just knew something terrible had happened. 
Shout out to Karen Malina White who played Tony’s mother. She was amazing.
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joeys-babe · 4 months
Joey B Imagines: Mary Jane’s Last Dance
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Summary: You and Joe attend the golf event pre-party, main event, and after-party. You had no idea what would unfold, though.
Warnings: Angst, cut-off smut, uncharacteristic ITM.
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Into The Mystic
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May 30, 2024 - Golf event pre-party
“Honey.” - Joe
Hearing a pet name only one person calls me, I paused my conversation with one of the Jeff Ruby’s caterers to look over my shoulder and see Joe standing being me.
“Mhm?” - you
“Your parents are here with the boys.” - Joe
I said goodbye to the sweet caterer and walked off, Joe lacing his fingers with mine as he guided me toward the entrance of the venue.
“I didn't think they'd be here till later.” - you
“They won't be.” - Joe grinned
Looking up at him, Joe was already looking down at me with a smile on his face.
“They aren't here?” - you
“Nope. I just wanted to get you alone.” - Joe
We heard voices walking near us, so Joe hurried to rush us both into a nearby storage closet.
Joe and I had our hands over each other's mouths as we kept from laughing, his arms around my waist as tightly as they could be to accommodate my bump.
We continued to be quiet till the voices drifted off, and Joe left my arms to find a light.
“Why’d you want to get me alone?” - you smile
Joe flicked the light on and locked the door, his smirk telling me exactly what he wanted before he could say himself.
“Joey… we can't be gone too long. Your mom is going to come looking for you in about ten minutes.” - you laughed
The smirk never left Joe’s face as he walked up to me teasingly slowly, his tongue-in-cheek expression oddly convincing.
“Ten minutes is plenty of time for us, baby.” - Joe
Joe was now right in front of me. My eyes met with his chest before I looked up at his downturned face.
“Please. You look fuckin’ gorgeous tonight. I need you.” - Joe
His voice carried that whininess it always gains when he's needy, and it was nothing but hot to me.
“Fine-” - you
Joe cut me off when he leaned down and smashed his lips onto mine, his hands slowly reaching for my waist before they slid back to my lower back.
“Jump- wait fuck, never mind.” - Joe
I laughed at his remembrance that I was eight months pregnant and completely not able to jump, Joe’s lips still rough on mine.
Sadly, Joe pulled his lips away from mine with an audible pop, and I watched him look around the room. I grinned at the sight of Joe’s lips, which were slightly puffy, red, and glistening with our joint saliva.
It amazed me that Joe still wanted me like this even though I was pregnant, swollen, and moody.
“What’s wrong?” - you
“Nothin’, Mama. Just trynna find something that I can set you down on. I don't want you standing while I finger you.” - Joe winked
Fucking hell, this man.
Just as Joe looked like he had a lightbulb moment and wrapped an arm around my back to lead me somewhere, his phone started wringing in his pocket.
“God, damn it.” - Joe grumbled
I watched him pull his phone out, and Joe showed me the caller ID with an annoyed look on his face. When I made eye contact with him, he blinked fast and repeatedly to drive home the point that he was annoyed.
“Just answer, babe.” - you chuckled
It was Robin, his mom, probably looking around the entire venue for him.
As soon as he lets out a deep sigh and answers, putting the phone on speaker and mumbling a greeting, Robin starts yelling.
“Where in God’s name are you?! It is your name on the foundation, and you are nowhere in sight! Did you kidnap poor y/n and leave?!” - Robin
I had to try to stifle a giggle when Joe’s face turned into a replica of the grimacing emoji.
Joe’s eyes were playfully wide as he looked at me, lying and telling his mom that he had to grab something from the car.
“Yeah, uh, y/n was getting a headache and asked me to go with her to the car to grab some Tylenol.” - Joe lied
I looked at him and rolled my eyes, Joe only winking at me in return.
They continued their conversation, and I started drifting off, my eyes wandering around the room and over Joe till they landed on the major tent in his pants. He’s wearing his grey skinny jeans and a white cream sweater, and I know those pants have to be uncomfortable right now.
Almost as if Joe could sense my gaze on his crotch, he dropped a hand down to his manhood in an attempt to rearrange his erection into a more comfortable place.
I cocked my head to the side as I caught him giving himself a little squeeze before pulling his hand away, trying to aid the pressure just a little bit.
A minute later, Robin yelled at Joe one last time to make his rounds before getting off the phone.
“You in trouble?” - you smiled
“Def grounded.” - Joe
I chuckled before walking closer to him, wrapping my arms around his waist to hug him. Joe used a hand to push my head onto his chest before wrapping his arms around my shoulders. We swayed back and forth slowly, Joe laying his head down against mine as he sighed in contentment.
“I love you.” - you
“I love you too. I'm so thankful to have you, y/n. I couldn't do any of this without you.” - Joe
Pulling my head away from his chest, I looked up at Joe and smiled at him before pressing a sloppy kiss to his cheek.
“No one else’s side I’d rather have glued to mine.” - you grinned
Joe doesn't say anything in return, just smiles before opening the locked closet door.
“Wait. Joe. You can kinda see your…” - you trailed off
He looked at me with pure confusion on his face before it clicked. Joe’s eyes went wide before he shut and locked the door back.
“We’re finishing this later, by the way.” - Joe
I playfully rolled my eyes, and Joe turned his back to me before I heard the sound of his pants being unzipped.
A moment later, Joe zipped his pants back up and turned around.
“Boner check.” - Joe
I couldn't help but laugh to myself as I looked down at his crotch, Joe doing the same.
“Looks fine, I guess?” - you chuckled
“Good because it is wildly uncomfortable. My dick is like bent in half.” - Joe laughed
“What?! I still want to be able to use it after this!” - you
We were both laughing as Joe opened the door, one of his hands holding mine as we walked out of the closet.
Joe was playfully swinging our arms but stopped dead in his tracks when we rounded the corner and were face-to-face with his mother.
“Your car isn't in that direction, Joseph Lee. It’s in the back parking lot, not the front.” - Robin
At the same time, I looked up at Joe, and Joe looked down at me.
Robin sensed that the two of us might have been trying to fool around based on our frantic expressions, and her face faltered to one of slight disgust.
She wasn't disgusted with the fact that we were getting active, though. It was because she had caught us sneaking around.
“Oh. Uhm, never mind. Just… go mingle, Joe. I'll leave you two alone.” - Robin
I giggled to myself when Robin speed-walked away from the awkward interaction.
“That was awkward.” - you
Joe chuckled beside me and rested his hand on the small of my bag, rubbing it softly as he leaned down to kiss my temple.
“Could be worse. Imagine she was standing there when we walked out the first time. Before I fixed myself.” - Joe
I playfully slapped Joe’s chest, not finding his words as funny as he did.
“I’m honestly surprised she or my dad haven't walked in on us. We've been having mind-blowing sex for years.” - Joe
“Joseph Lee!” - you
Joe laughed as I shoved him. He naturally came right back up to me to help guide me, and before I knew it, we were back at the main area of the venue.
Soon, Joe was deep in conversation with someone, and I stood to the side of him shifting my weight from one swollen foot to the other.
I was due in July, and at that stage where I was majorly uncomfortable.
Joe looked over at me, still listening to the guy he was talking to but sensing my restlessness.
“You okay?” - Joe mouthed
Nodding, Joe turned back to the man and apologized before asking him to pause for a moment.
Joe looped his arm with mine and pulled me over to the couch his parents were sitting on.
“Sit down, baby. You don't have to walk around with me if you're feet are hurting.” - Joe
“I’m fine, Joe. I promise…” - you
My words trailed off when Joe raised an eyebrow at me and cocked his head to the side.
“Okay. Fine, my feet hurt.” - you
“See was that hard to admit? You should've just stayed home like I initially suggested.” - Joe
I rolled my eyes at his words. This was a conversation that had occurred multiple times during both my pregnancies. Joe always turned into a helicopter husband, and though it's sweet sometimes, he can go a little overboard, just like he was now.
Joe saw a standing oscillating fan across the room and walked away to grab it. Robin bumped my elbow with hers, and I just angled my head toward her and shook it side to side at Joe. My mother-in-law only laughed, knowing Joe would go overboard when I gave him the smallest hint that I was dealing with discomfort.
Sure enough, Joe unplugged the huge fan and easily carried it over to me with one arm. He looked around for a plug-in before positioning the fan toward me and turning it on.
It was initially on its highest setting and sent my hair flying, along with a few cups on the coffee table at my feet.
“Shit!” - Joe
Both Robin and I yelled his full government name in sync, causing us both to laugh as Joe figured out how to turn the intensity down.
Once Joe got it set to the low setting, he looked over at the couch with a sheepish, closed-lip look on his face. Robin and I were glaring at him, and Jimmy was looking at the ground, shaking his head.
“Oopsies.” - Joe
“Oopsies indeed. Now clean this up, and I wouldn't mind if you got me one of those little appetizers.” - you
Joe nodded his head before bending down to pick up the plastic cups and napkins littered across the floor.
“Yes ma'am.” - Joe
“You’ve trained him well.” - Robin laughed
I laughed along with her for a few seconds, watching Joe walk up to one of the caterers and retrieve one of the small dishes.
“It didn't happen overnight, Robin. This is the product of subtle critiques since we started dating in 2014.” - you chuckled
Joe walked back over to me and leaned down, handing me the snack before pressing a kiss to my cheek. I giggled at the way his bangs brushed against my forehead when he pulled back to make eye contact.
“You need anything else? A drink?” - Joe
“I’m good, thank you, sweetheart.” - you
I grinned when Joe stood up to his full height with blushed cheeks. I only ever called him sweetheart in private and during our softest moments, like when he was lying on my chest and I was rubbing his back.
“Imma go find Sam. Text if you need me.” - Joe
“Okay!” - you smiled
Joe backed away slowly, almost as if he wanted me to ask him to stop and come back, and he furrowed his brows when he was six feet away, and I hadn't said anything yet. In the end, Joe turned around and walked off.
“I don't think you understand how much you mean to him, y/n.” - Robin
Her sweet words came out of nowhere, catching me off guard, so I looked over at her with a questioning look on my face.
“There’s so many people here, and even though he's bubbling with anxiety, you’re making him smile and laugh without a care in the world. Only you are capable of that, sweetie. I hope you know that. I’m also glad he’s coming out of his shell more about affection in public.” - Robin
“I feel like we’ve had variations of this conversation a hundred times, but I’ll never get tired of it. He’s the best thing to ever happen to me, and I'm glad I get to be that safe person for him. I, too, am happy about him getting over his PDA shyness. I remember when I was pregnant with the twins, and I got a little annoyed with him because he wouldn't hold my hand.” - you
Robin nods, letting me know that she’s listening, and I forge ahead.
I recalled the funny memory, one that Joe and I looked back on and laughed over. I was huge and pregnant and angered with him. Getting so annoyed to the point that I yelled:
“You won't hold my hand, but my baby bump is comparable to a neon flashing light sign that says I had sex with Joe Burrow!!”
The look on Joe’s face after I yelled that at him was one I will never forget. He was in awe, jaw-dropped that I’d say that to him, but the next time we were in public, he made sure to initiate some hand-holding.
Robin and even Jimmy were laughing at the story, finding it funny that I eventually worked up the courage to tell of their hermit crab of a son when I was pregnant with his twins.
“With all you do for him, you deserve some PDA, girl!” - Robin
“He knows that now.” - you laughed
“That he does. Every time I walk past him talking to someone, he's been talking about the baby, you, or the twins. Everyone in this venue probably knows how many weeks you are.” - Robin
Before I had the chance to answer, my phone started vibrating in the pocket of the loose sundress I had on. I pulled my phone out and smiled at the sight of the contact banner that came up. It was Joe.
“Hello?” - you answered
“Hey. Your parents are here with the boys.” - Joe
“Oh, yay! That could have been a text, though, right?” - you
“I’m not passing up on a chance to hear your voice.” - Joe
I could hear his grin through the phone, and Joe hung up just a few seconds later.
Robin and I’s conversation started back up till I heard the easily recognizable squeals of my boys.
I looked over at the source of the sound, and my heart fluttered because all of my favorite people were walking up to me.
Joe had Ty on his shoulders, supporting him with one hand holding his arm while Joe used the other arm to hold Miles on his hip.
“Joseph!” - you
“I got ‘em!” - Joe
My parents were trailing behind Joe, laughing at the entire scene in front of them. Once Joe was at the seating area, he helped Miles slide down his hip till his feet were on the floor. Then he reached up and grabbed Tyson under his armpits and lifted him over his head to put him down.
“Momma!!” - Miles
“There’s my boy!” - you grinned
Miles ran straight up to me on the couch, and Robin leaned down to pick him up since I obviously couldn't bend down and get him with my belly in the way.
He stood up in Robin’s lap and fell onto my chest, his arms spread in a hug-like manner.
“I missed you.” - you
My hand rested on his back as I slowly swayed side to side with him. Miles was a momma’s boy through and through, while Ty was Joe’s mini shadow, though they were both Joe’s carbon copy.
Joe was walking off when I finally opened my eyes, and I didn't even know I had closed them at one point. A smile formed on my lips as Tyson ran after him. Joe was just getting a fresh bottle of water, and when he felt little hands on his calves, a grin spread on his lips as he looked down through his Cartiers. Bliss spread through my body at the comforting weight of Miles on my chest and the adorable sight of Joe scooping Tyson up.
Sam walked over to Joe and was now talking to Tyson who was in his favorite spot, which was in his daddy’s arms.
My parents were deep in conversation with Robin and Jimmy, and I closed my eyes, sighing in contentment.
Moments later, unbeknownst to me, Joe walked back over and sat down on a chair caddy-cornered from me. His gaze was fixed on my face. He was amazed at how tensionless it was, and a flutter happened in his chest when he saw the small smile on my lips.
Joe didn't want to break the blissful spell, but he reached out and rubbed my knee gently.
“You good, babe?” - Joe
I nodded without opening my eyes, reaching down to gently rub shapes in the back of Joe’s hand. Joe gently grabbed my hand and squeezed it three times. In return, I squeezed back four times.
May 31, 2024 - Main golf event
Today was the main golf event held by Joe’s Foundation. It was the second annual outing, and Joe was less nervous than last year now that he had experience, but he was still dreading the outing itself.
I was currently getting ready alone in our master bathroom after taking a solo shower, which rarely happens nowadays. Joe had left the house earlier this morning, and a smile formed on my lips as I thought back to when his alarm went off this morning.
Joe’s alarm went off, and I buried my head deeper into his bare chest, trying to cut the sound off to my ear. He rolled over and turned it off before wrapping his arms around me and holding me as close as possible.
“G’morning, baby.” - Joe
His deep, raspy morning voice never failed to give me butterflies, and right now, the warmth of his big body wasn't helping.
Joe’s hand left my back and drifted down to my bump, grinning when the baby kicked in response to him pressing his palm into my belly.
“How’d my favorite girls sleep?” - Joe
Lately, baby girl has been getting restless at night, basically using my bladder as a trampoline, and Joe was aware of how it kept me from sleeping.
“Good, actually. No trapeze moves on my bladder last night.” - you
Joe felt me smile against his pec, and he pressed a kiss to my forehead.
“That’s amazing. Can you believe she’s almost here? Because I can’t. Like, I know she's almost here, but I don’t think I’ve realized that she’s almost here.” - Joe
“I was thinking about that last night when you were rubbing lotion on my belly. I can’t wait till our girl is here, and I can’t wait to see you with her. I'm getting a little nervous about how Ty and Miles will react to her being here, though.” - you
Butterflies flew in my stomach when I fully paid attention to Joe’s current movements. He was gently rubbing his cheek against my head, stroking my baby bump with one hand, and slowly running the fingers of his other hand through my hair.
“I think they'll be okay. It’ll be hard for them to adjust in the beginning, maybe, but I think they'll love her. Remember how sweet they were when they met Evan and Gracie’s baby?” - Joe
“That is true. I’m just worried about how they'll react to having to share us with her. She will be our first priority for a bit, you know? They aren't used to not being our main focuses.” - you
“Don’t worry about it, y/n. We’ll adjust and adapt. Everything is going to be fine, I promise.” - Joe
We laid in bed for a little while longer till Joe got up and got ready. Joe told me to go back to sleep and that I didn't need to come to the event till a little bit later.
“Just relax awhile longer. You need it, Mama. You were on your feet a lot yesterday.” - Joe
“Okay.” - you nod
Joe smiled at the fact that I didn't argue back at him for once, and he leaned down to kiss my lips before grabbing his shades and exiting the bedroom.
“Bye, I love you.” - Joe
“I love you more. See ya later.” - you
I received one last grin before Joe gently shut the door behind him. Scooting over to lay on his pillow, I immediately breathed in his scent as I listened to his car start up and the garage door close.
My daydreaming spell was broken when Tyson ran into the bathroom with his mini-football.
“Hi, Momma.” - Tyson
I closed my blush palate and reached down to run my fingers through his blonde hair, smiling when he pressed his face into my leg.
“Hi, Tyson Lee.” - you smiled
“Where’s Daddy?” - Tyson
“He’s workin’.” - you
Tyson’s sad eyes looked down at the little football in his hands, and I swear my heart broke a little.
“He can pass with you tomorrow, okay? Daddy will be home all day tomorrow.” - you
“Okay…” - Tyson
My eyes grew misty as I watched him turn around and slowly walk away. The moment was sad by itself, and my raging hormones were not helping.
Thirty minutes passed, and I was fully ready. My hair was curled, my makeup was on, and so was my outfit. I had my black romper on paired with one of Joe’s old button-up shirts open and shrugged off my shoulders.
I hadn't worn the romper yet, but I knew Joe was going to love it.
My parents stayed the night yesterday in one of the open bedrooms since they'd have to watch the boys again today, so Joe and I didn't get to continue what got interrupted in the storage closet yesterday. Joe passed out right after our joint shower anyway, and I remember giggling at how his eyes kept fluttering closed when he was rubbing lotion on my bump.
After spraying some perfume and grabbing my belt bag, I went downstairs to find my parents drinking coffee in the kitchen.
“Morning!” - you grinned
“Good morning, honey. You look beautiful.” - your mom
“Thanks, Mom. How long have you guys been up?” - you
Miles ran over to me from the living room, asking me for a snack, so I walked off into the pantry to get him some gummies.
I mumbled, “There you go, buddy.” And my dad answered my previous question as I was walking back into the kitchen.
“We were awake just before Joe left. He was in a rush but made us some coffee before heading out.” - your dad
A blush formed on my cheeks at Joe’s sweet gesture, and I tried to hide it by opening the fridge to grab the smoothie I made for Joe last night.
“That’s sweet.” - you
“Mhm. He’s always been a gentleman.” - your mom
My face heated up even more, and I knew my face was probably beat red. Time to rush out of here.
“Well, I’ll see you guys later! Bye, babies.” - you
Miles and Tyson ran to hug me, and I pressed a kiss to each of their cheeks before walking out of the front door.
Joe called me as soon as I got into the car, his deep voice ringing out through the car speakers since my Bluetooth was connected.
“Hey, baby.” - Joe
“Hey, what's up?” - you
“Are you coming soon?” - Joe
I focused on backing out of the driveway before answering.
“Yup. Just pulled out of the driveway. Is everything okay? You sound a little disoriented, baby.” - you
“I’m fine, just getting bored and anxious without you here.” - Joe
“I’ll be there in just a little bit, Joey. Do I need to park where we did yesterday?” - you
“Yup. I'm at a Guinness stand right next to the parking lot too.” - Joe
Joe and I ended up going back and forth my entire drive there, though I quickly realized that was probably his plan from the beginning.
We hung up when I was pulling into the parking lot of the event venue, and I immediately spotted a tall blonde man as I walked through the back path.
Joe was pouring the contents of a can into a glass when I walked behind the counter and up to him.
“Hey, hot stuff.” - you grinned
His head shot up at the sound of my voice, and a grin spread across his lips.
“Hey, lovey.” - Joe smiled
I rolled my eyes playfully at the nickname. Back when we were in high school, we were discussing pet names for each other, and Joe jokingly suggested lovey. I initially hated it, but it became an inside joke, and over time, I grew to love it. Lately, Joe had picked up on the fact I didn't hate it as much as I made it seem like I did, and now he called me it all the time.
“I made you this.” - you
Handing him the smoothie, I watched Joe’s face light up, and I giggled when he leaned down to kiss me.
When he pulled away, Joe opened the cap and took a drink, my eyes lingering on how his adam’s apple bobbed with very swallow.
“Shit. That’s good.” - Joe
“You think? I tasted it and gagged, but I was hoping you would like it.” - you
Joe laughed and took another chug before closing the cap and setting the bottle down.
I furrowed my brows at him when he took a step back and flicked his glasses down onto his nose, his hot gaze looking me up and down a couple of times before he met my eyes and smiled.
“What?” - you laughed
Joe walked towards me and pulled me into him, squeezing me gently before nestling his mouth against my ear.
“You look fuckin’ gorgeous.” - Joe
He leaned back and winked at me before asking a question.
“Is this a new fit?” - Joe
“Kinda. This is your shirt, but the romper is new, yes.” - you
“Oh shit, that shirt’s mine? But anyway, you need to buy that romper in every color.” - Joe
Joe’s words were the more PG version of his thoughts, which were running wild.
God, her bump is so sexy, and her tits look amazing.
Someone called Joe’s name from the parking lot and I turned around to see who it was, completely unaware of the fact I was driving Joe insane. The person calling Joe ended up being Coach Taylor who waved over at us before walking off to get registered.
Holy shit, her ass- damn it, I'm getting hard.
“Hey, I forgot my sunnies at home. Do you have an extra?” - you
Joe reached into his pocket, and that's when I realized he changed his outfit since he left the house.
“What the hell? When did you change?” - you
He chuckled as he pulled out the other pair of sunnies from his pocket and pulled off the ones he had on.
I picked the ones he already had on, and he handed them to me before putting his backup pair on his face.
“I changed when I got here. It’s too hot right now for the outfit I picked out originally. I'm surprised it took you that long to realize.” - Joe laughed
“I’ve got pregnancy brain, JB.” - you
“True. Hey, Imma go find some of the guys, but I don't want you to be by yourself, so I’ll walk you to my parents first.” - Joe
I nodded and looked around at the decorations under the tent a few yards away, completely oblivious to the fact that Joe had just looked down at his crotch and groaned out of annoyance with the fact that you could tell he was semi-hard.
It wasn't until he moved forward to be covered by the counter when he dropped his hand down the front of his shorts that I realized what he was doing.
“Joseph Lee, what the fuck are you doing?!” - you
“Adjusting.” - Joe deadpanned
I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop the cocky smirk on my lips. Knowing I could always turn Joe on was such a confidence boost when I didn't feel very attractive.
Just a few moments later, Joe escorted me over to Robin before meeting up with a couple of the guys on the course to take a picture.
I was sitting a little bored, and a picture that Joe was tagged in came up on my Instagram feed. It was a BTS picture that someone took of Joe taking a picture with some of the guys. I internally giggled when I saw the slight bulge in Joe’s shorts from minutes before he walked off.
That man will always keep me on my toes.
It was later in the day, and I was currently fetching Joe his clothes from his Porche.
Joe was in the single-stall men’s bathroom, and I looked around before knocking on the door.
“It’s y/n.” - you
A few seconds of silence went by before Joe spoke up.
“Tell me something only y/n would know.” - Joe
I, in return, whispered the baby’s name into the crack of the door since only Joe and I knew it, and seconds later, I heard an unlock sound. I opened the door and closed it right behind me. Joe was standing against the sink in just his boxers and socks. After handing him his jeans and Nike shirt, Joe thanked me before slipping them both on.
“Do I look fine?” - Joe
Joe smoothed his hands down his chest, attempting to get some wrinkles out of his shirt because he knew his mom would comment on them.
“Fine as hell.” - you grinned
He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss, my hands reaching up to play with the baby curls on the back of his neck.
“I love this hair.” - you
“I know you do. It’s getting a little too long for my liking, though.” - Joe
“What? You don't like how it looks?” - you
Joe sensed that I was on the verge of jumping into a huge rant about how good his hair looked, so he immediately reassured me that that wasn't the case.
“No, I like it longer, and I know you do too. I just don't like the maintenance.” - Joe
“I’ll fix it every day if you want. I can fix it when I do the boy’s hair.” - you
“Baby. I’m not gonna make you fix my hair. That’s crazy.” - Joe
“But I love it, and if you're thinking about cutting it because you don't like fixing it, I’ll start fixing it!” - you
Joe just laughed at me before pulling me into his arms. One of his big hands rubbed my back as he laid his cheek against my forehead.
“You need to calm down a little bit, lovey. I'm getting it cut tomorrow morning, and I've had it scheduled for a while as a routine trim.” - Joe
“Nooooooo.” - you
I felt him chuckle, and I rolled my eyes. Joe knew this was just a product of my extreme emotions from pregnancy.
“It’ll be okay. But we should go before my mom comes looking for us.” - Joe
“Hey, can you sit with her while I'm up there giving my speech? She won't go up there with me.” - Joe
After refusing to stand up on the stage with him, Joe had just directed me to sit down at a table at the back of the tent where he'd be on stage delivering his speech and walked over to Sam after.
I didn't know Joe had asked him to sit with me, so I smiled when Sam sat down next to me. I’d known Sam for years, as long as Joe had known him, so I'd say I knew Sam the best out of all of Joe’s teammates.
“Hey, Mrs. B.” - Sam smiled
“Hey, Sam. Have you had fun today?” - you
“For sure. Joe asked me to sit with you while he was up there delivering his speech. Are you not feeling well or something?” - Sam
Of course, he did.
“I’m fine. Your bestie is just a helicopter husband and gives me a babysitter when he's not with me. I thought it was sweet at first, but now it's a little annoying.” - you
“He’s just looking after his girl, I guess. But Joe’s always been super protective of you, so I can't imagine how worse it gets when you're pregnant.” - Sam
“Lately, he tries to follow me into the bathroom when I say I have to use it.” - you
I laughed at Sam’s grimace but stopped when Robin started talking into the mic. My attention shifted to Joe when I noticed him biting the insides of his cheeks, something he does when he's nervous. His hands were hidden behind his back, but I knew he was probably picking at his fingernails. I probably should've gone up there with him, and at that moment, I regretted telling him no.
After Robin’s adorable introduction of her son, Joe took the mic and jokingly thanked his mom. Butterflies swarmed my stomach at the sound of Joe’s deep voice through the many speakers. He went on to thank everyone for coming, specifically naming his teammates and the Bengals personnel. But his next part caught me off guard.
“And I've gotta thank someone specifically, which is my best friend who made it apparent to be here to support me and the foundation.” - Joe
Sam and I looked at each other, not exactly sure who Joe was giving a shout-out to because Ja’Marr wasn't there. Maybe it was Sam.
“She’s the First Lady of the foundation, you might say, and that is y/n. The beautiful and amazing woman that I'm proud to call myself the husband of.” - Joe
My heart dropped, and almost everyone turned around and looked at me. My cheeks immediately turned red, and Sam nudged me with his elbow.
“She’s here today, though she’s eight months pregnant with our third, and she’s been nothing short of perfect. You've probably seen her running around making sure everything was in order and also babysitting me and making sure I was where I needed to be. I just wanted to say that I'm extremely grateful for you, and thank you everyone for coming.” - Joe
Joe handed the mic back to his dad, and I struggled to try to hide the fact that my eyes were getting misty, so I discreetly wiped my eyes as I stood up. As they were leaving the stage, Joe and I made eye contact through the crowd, and he started making a B-line for me.
Just as I was meeting Joe in the middle of the floor, he was swept away by a couple of people on the Bengals staff, so I went to talk to Robin instead.
In the ten-minute conversation I had with Robin, she told me that the part of Joe’s speech where he mentioned/thanked me wasn't planned. He'd told her what he was going to say before they went up on stage, and I wasn't a part of it. Robin said he must've decided to say something in the moment, and to me, that made it sweeter.
After a few moments, I decided to go find Joe to tease him about his mention of me, and when I found him talking to a group of guys with his back to me. I tapped his shoulder, and he shrugged me off, continuing his sentence about how practice was going. I tapped him again, and he stopped his sentence with a sigh.
“I’m busy.” - Joe
Since he didn't turn around, I tapped him again. Sam was standing across from Joe, so he could see that it was me.
“Joe you should…” - Sam
“I’m talking!” - Joe
Joe had finally turned around, but the glare of the sun and his dark sunglasses prevented him from seeing who it was that had been previously tapping his shoulder. You didn't know that, though. He was frustrated, but I was taken aback when he yelled at me. In our almost ten years of dating, Joe had never fully yelled at me. He’d raised his voice slightly or carried an annoyed tone a couple of times before but never yelled.
I turned around in shock and sped off, speedwalking out of the tent and towards the parking lot. Maybe I was being dramatic, but I couldn't stop the tears from pricking in my eyes.
When Joe finally started his conversation back up, all of the guys were looking at him like he was crazy, and he didn't know why.
“What?” - Joe
“Did you see who that was?” - Sam
Joe shook his head no and explained that his vision was blocked by the glare of the sun, and all of the guys groaned, Sam even facepalming as Joe stood confused.
“That was y/n, Joe!” - Sam
All of the colors left Joe’s face when he realized he'd just yelled at me, and he immediately turned around to see where I went. He saw me walking down the end of the sidewalk, and just as Joe was about to run off sprinting, Sam grabbed his arm.
“Wait a little bit. Let her stew over what happened for a few moments before you go apologize your ass off.” - Sam
“I can't wait. I gotta tell her. Fuck.” - Joe
Sam let go of Joe’s arm, and he immediately ran after me. I had already made it inside the car, so he couldn't see me anymore, but Joe knew where I went.
I was sitting in the passenger seat of my car when I saw Joe through the window. He was probably coming to apologize, but I was kinda mad at him, so I opted to give him the silent treatment before he even started talking.
Joe tried to peak into the window, but the tint was too dark for him to see me, and I rolled my eyes when he opened the door and slipped into the passenger seat.
“Baby, maybe you should lock the door next time.” - Joe
I looked away from my steering wheel and narrowed my eyes at Joe’s soft smile before looking straight ahead through the windshield
“Okay, listen. I'm sorry. I didn't know that it was you tapping me, and when I finally turned around, there was a glare from the sun preventing me from seeing that it was you. If I had known it was you, I wouldn't have raised my voice. I'm so sorry, y/n.” - Joe
When I didn't answer, Joe started getting nervous. Were you actually mad at him? Joe thought.
“Baby?” - Joe
Once again, I ignored him, and Joe began to panic.
“I didn't know it was you! I would never yell at you. I swear. Are you- are you mad at me?” - Joe
Joe stared at me, completely taken aback because he was expecting me to forgive him once he explained and apologized. I’d never been mad at Joe before. There have been times when I've been super annoyed or slightly disappointed but never mad, and that's why Joe was internally freaking out. He knew my hormones were causing my emotions to constantly be x100, and Joe was worrying the worst.
“Answer me, please. You're scaring me.” - Joe
Joe sighed and got out of the car, slamming the door behind him in frustration. My gaze left the tree in front of me, and I watched Joe walk away as tears streamed down my face. I immediately regretted handling it the way I did, but I was afraid that Joe was mad at me now. My crying got harder when I thought of the possibility that Joe could be upset with me, and I ended up crying till I fell asleep.
I woke up to the feeling of my phone vibrating on my thigh, and I immediately furrowed my brows when I saw that the call was from Sam.
“Hello?” - you
“Hey… uhm. Joe’s walking around the golf course, and he's super messed up.” - Sam
“What do you mean?” - you
“He’s drunk and high as hell, y/n. He keeps babbling about how you're mad and won't talk to him.” - Sam
I hung up the phone right after Sam said that. Shouting profanity to myself as I opened my car door and stepped out.
After making my way to the crowd of Bengals players watching Joe stumble around while mumbling incoherently, I angrily yelled at all of them to fuck off if they weren't going to do anything but laugh and video. The looks on their faces as they walked away told me I was going to be the talk of the locker room next practice. I couldn't care less to be known as Burrow’s crazy wife, though.
Walking up to Joe, he stumbled a bit before standing up straight and putting his hands on my shoulders for stability. He smelled like alcohol, and his red eyes told me all I needed to know. He's insanely crossfaded.
“Joe. Hey, it’s me. It’s y/n.” - you
“You’re mad- mad at me.” - Joe
I wanted to kick myself for thinking about how adorable his slurred speech was because I was pissed at him right now.
“Joe, this isn't college anymore. We have kids, and you can't just get fucked up on a random Friday. I wasn't that mad before, but I'm mad now.” - you
Joe held his head down and wouldn't look at me. I couldn't tell if he was embarrassed and upset with himself or was annoyed that I was mad at him.
“I’m gonna call my parents and tell them that the boys will have to spend the night at their house tonight. You’re in no shape to be a father right now, and there's no way I can handle both of them and you, all while eight months pregnant.” - you
“I- I’m sorry… I just was scared that you wouldn't talk to me, and…” - Joe
“Just save it. I don't want to hear any excuses from you right now. Go find a corner to stand in or something before you do or say something stupid.” - you
After an embarrassing phone call with my parents, having to explain that my husband was both majorly drunk and high, I loaded Joe up into the passenger seat of my car and took him home. He’d pick his Porche up tomorrow when he was in better shape.
We had waited to leave until the event was officially over, and everyone was gone. Joe had done as I said and sat in a corner by himself, his eyes never once leaving me. His anxiety was raging now that he had heard me say in words that I was mad at him.
The car ride was silent the entire way home. Joe looked out the passenger window as I drove. I was fuming but decided not to take it out on him yet.
Once we were home, Joe tried his hardest to walk perfectly fine up the stairs. The last thing he wanted was for me to have to help him.
“You should go shower. I'll shower in the baby’s bathroom.” - you
“I’ll use hers. All your products are here.” - Joe
I could tell his head was somewhat clearing up, so I nodded, and Joe grabbed his stuff before exiting the bathroom.
My thoughts ran wild as I showered. It had been a while since I'd showered by myself, and my heart hurt a bit when I reached for my shampoo and had to wash my hair - something Joe usually does when we shower together.
It didn't take me long to finish up, so I slipped into a pair of panties and one of Joe’s old LSU shirts before crawling into bed.
Ten minutes later, there was no sign of Joe. He was usually quicker in the shower than me, so I was starting to get worried.
Before I could overthink too much, Joe walked into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, droplets of water running down his muscular body. My eyes fixed on the many muscles in his back flexing when he turned around and got a pair of boxers from his clean clothes pile on the couch. He slipped them on under the towel before dropping it and putting it in the hamper.
Joe then walked over to the bed and grabbed his pillow, to my confusion. After watching Joe grab a throw blanket from the foot of the bed, I realized what he was doing. I let him walk to the doorframe before stopping him.
“Where are you going?” - you
“Living room, maybe my office. I'm probably not sleeping tonight so I’ll watch old game film or the TV.” - Joe
Joe was standing there awkwardly, shifting his weight from one foot to the other and waiting for me to say something.
“Come here.” - you
I caught Joe breaking a smile for a millisecond before he walked back over to the bed. Joe put his pillow back down and tossed the blanket to the side before sliding under the sheets.
Rolling onto my side, my body flushed when I saw Joe’s red eyes. You’re fucking kidding.
“What the hell, Joe?! Are you high again?” - you
Joe’s body stiffens up with embarrassment when he realizes what he has to admit.
“No, I’m not high.” - Joe
My mouth, which was open from disgust and shock, dropped closed when I realized why his eyes were red and why he'd been in the shower so long - Joe had been crying.
Joe’s eyes searched my face when he noticed that I realized his eyes were red from crying, and he started biting the skin off of his lip as a stress reaction.
“Oh.” - you
“I’m so sorry for everything. I don't know what I was thinking- I was scared, and I was already too in my head about football.” - Joe
He went on for a few minutes, babbling as his voice continued to break. I’d never seen him so worked up before, and I slowly realized this wasn't just about today. Joe took a break to sniffle, the dam of tears threatening to break. I pulled him into my arms, and Joe buried his head in my neck. My arms naturally went around him, and I cradled the back of his head to me.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Take a breath for me.” - you
It took him a while to calm down, but I rubbed his back and laid my cheek on his head the whole time. Once I felt Joe’s breathing get back to normal.
“You okay?” - you
I felt Joe nod his head in my neck, and I ran my fingers through the back of his wet hair.
“You wanna talk about it? I know this isn't just about today, Joe.” - Joe
I feel him sigh, and his hand wanders around till he finds the hand of mine that isn't occupied by playing with his hair to intertwine his fingers with mine.
“Football has been a lot, and I feel like there is a huge weight constantly on my shoulders. This season, I have to make a major comeback, and I'm scared it’s not gonna happen. Being at an event like that, where people are constantly asking questions about football, I'm reminded of it over and over. You’re my escape from it all, and to upset you is killing me. I didn't know it was you, and if I did, I wouldn't have yelled. I wasn't thinking, and after you ignored me when I was trying to apologize, I got super nervous. With football not going my way and my only major outlet not talking to me, I was freaking out. My only thought was to get wasted, so that's what I did. I took a couple of gummies and chugged a few vodka seltzers. I was hoping that it would take my mind off things, but it only made everything worse. I'm so fucking sorry, baby. I hope you'll forgive me, but I understand if you don't. I feel awful, and I was such a shitty everything today, a shitty friend, son, husband, and dad. I can't believe you had to send the kids away for a night because of me. I'm so mad at myself, and again, I'm so sorry.” - Joe
It took me a minute to process everything, but when I did, I couldn't stop tears from forming in my eyes. Seeing the love of your life hurting is awful, especially knowing you were one of the reasons for them hurting.
“First of all, you're doing amazing in football right now, and I trust you'll be just fine. You're the same man who came back from an awful knee injury and took your team to the Super Bowl. Secondly, I shouldn't have given you the silent treatment like I did. I believe you completely when you say you didn't know it was me, and I know you'd never yell at me like that. You're not a shitty everything, either. Just because you handled a situation badly doesn't define you as shitty. I think it’s good that the boys will be at my parents tonight, though. I think you need some one-on-one time with me, okay? Just talk to me, and I’ll listen. Don't bottle up anything, baby. Also, I can't believe you thought I’d want you to sleep on the couch. In your words, 90% of my heat at night comes from your body.” - you
Joe laughed a little at the last part of my response before cuddling closer to me. He threw a big arm over my bump and gently rubbed my belly with his hand. I heard him mumble something into my neck, but I couldn't quite understand anything he had said. After asking him to repeat himself, he pulled away from my neck and did just as I had asked.
“Do you accept my apology?” - Joe
“Of course, goofball.” - you
Joe’s body immediately relaxed, and it felt like he was melting into me. At the same time, he let out a breath that neither of us knew he was holding in. That's when it became apparent to me just how much Joe was scared I was mad at him.
“Jeez, Joey.” - you
“Sorry. I was kinda nervous you would say no if you couldn't tell, but I feel better now.” - Joe
“I’m sorry, too. I hope you know that no matter what, you will always be my person. Forbid that we ever have another argument, don't get so scared that you have to lean on alcohol and marijuana. Nothing could ever make me mad enough for you to react like that. I love you forever, Joe Lee.” - you
Joe pressed a few baby kisses on my neck before leaning up and hovering over me. We both leaned in and kissed each other for a few moments, knowing we hadn't kissed in a couple of hours.
“Thank you, lovey. The same goes for you, ya know - I love you forever, and you will always be my person.” - Joe
We just sat smiling at each other for a few moments until Joe rolled over onto his back and pulled me into his chest. My belly was leaning on top of his, and Joe reached over to spread a big hand out on it.
“I feel like I'm crushing you.” - you mumbled
“Girl, please. Do you know what the fuck I bench press?” - Joe
I laughed into his peck, getting lost in the feeling of him rubbing my back as we settled down. I was glad that Joe and I were ending the night on a good note. A few minutes later, the sounds of little snores filled the room, and Joe’s chest began rhythmically rising and falling. A smile formed on my lips as I gently rubbed my cheek against him, knowing that his current peaceful state would be interrupted when he woke up with a massive hangover.
At least I won't be the only grumpy and in pain one.
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Authors note: This one got out of hand! 😂
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the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
Imagine joking with like Malcom and the other humans and reader says "I like older men" and Malcolm's like "clearly" while point at caesar. Old man caesar we all say in unison.
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It was nice to have a conversation with another Human, you thought dimly and handed Malcolm a wrench. Rusted around the edges, but it was still sturdy enough to use as he muttered a small ‘thank you’ to you. There was nothing of consequence to be said, other Humans liked to shoot the breeze. Apes… Not as much, you smiled at that. They took things in stride, surely, but the idea of small talk was not well established and most conversations were of substance and had deeper meaning.
The topic on the docket today as you helped Humanity out in a good deed set by the King of Apes himself, setting you to assist in getting the power back at the Dam so they could leave and never return, was the concept of actors. Primarily the ones you liked, having cringed a few times at Malcolm’s favorite choice, understanding and leaning more into Ellie when she began pestering about how much of a looker that Jeff Goldblum had been. Malcolm’s face contorted in confusion, “Really? Outta any guy out there,” He scoffed at his wife and it left her smiling towards you with a mild flushing and a roll of the eyes, “You pick that goofy lookin’ dude?” “We like funny guys.” You commented hap-hazardly, grateful on the inside that nothing you were saying was being analyzed into oblivion by the Apes carrying rocks behind you, out from the bellows of the Earth and teetering upwards to sit on the Sun. You thought about that briefly, how even now in the more primitive nature of the Apes, they were still able to metaphorically move mountains and level plains. 
“The funnier the better.” Ellie noted, looking back at Alexander as he pulled her attention away. Malcolm nodded and processed that, letting his gaze fall back on the great King himself for a split second as he bargained a bit before drawing his eyes back to yours, “Funny?” “Funny.” Grinning down at your hands, the heat hit your cheeks and suddenly the chill that was brought against your spine was gone and replaced with static sitting uncomfortably, but not unwelcomed by any means, against your tailbone. You shuffled your feet stagnantly in your crouched position, resting your fingertips on the ground momentarily so as to not lose your balance and fall down the small flight of stairs behind you. 
His gaze said it all, you knew, he knew as he nodded again in acceptance, this time with a wry chuckle and a small sarcastic ‘Never would have thought.’
“Let me guess,” Malcolm said clearly this time and squinted his eyes to focus on a particular yellow wire, used you assumed, to plug into the dashboard to get the power flowing freely, “You like them hairy?”
“Nah,” Joking, you could feel the density of Caesar’s fur on your fingertips at the mere idea hitting your mind. So hard on the surface, but once you dug deeper in, it became soft to touch and you yearned to grasp it and yank hard enough to command his attention. “I like them older though.”
Wiggling your eyebrows at your fellow Human, you raised your eyes to meet the ever piercing gaze of Caesar as you finished your statement staring straight into the green embezzlement that could get you to submit without even a word, “More experienced, if you catch my drift.”
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 12th: Soulmates | Eight - Sleeping at Last | Perceptive a/n: steddie, soulmates au (phillia + eros). eddie & jeff as platonic soulmates, stobin soulmates mentioned always. un-betaed because I’m challenging myself to write these in under an hour. read on ao3 | link to masterpost on ao3
Soulmates, Eddie scoffs to himself as he doodles in his notebook at the back of the coffee shop. Bullshit. 
He knows it’s actually not, that people walk around every day hand-in-hand with beautiful, swirling tattoos that grow in intricacy and detail the more time they spend with their soulmate. Most days, Eddie doesn’t mind that the simple snake design on the inside of his wrist never so much as slithers, but today? Today, he minds. 
Dating in the world of soulmates is challenging. He tries to just focus on how feels, on if the person sitting across from him is compatible with his lifestyle, on if there’s any kind of spark, but it’s inevitable that at some point, both he and his date look down at their wrists to find nothing. 
His coffee date had gone well enough but, like always, was a dead-end. How many paths can one person try before the destination seems moot? 
So he sits and scribbles in his notebook, hoping that perhaps staying in the coffee shop rather than returning home to the apartment he shares with Jeff will provide some inspiration. That tattoo, the one that’d started as a small star on his ankle, has grown into a whirling galaxy since moving in with Jeff– a philia connection if he’s ever seen one. But if his eros tattoo won’t build upon itself naturally, he’ll do it manually with a tattoo gun. 
It also helps that the barista is perhaps the most beautiful man Eddie’s ever laid eyes on, enough so that it’s… actually a little intimidating, if he’s being honest with himself. Intimidating to the point that Eddie’s yet to approach him for a refill since the girl who’d given him his first sugary abomination finished her shift. Besides, the mystery barista must’ve already found his soulmate. His entire left arm, from fingertip to at least his elbow, is covered in delicate, colorful designs that twist and wind about his skin, curling around each finger and looping gracefully up his arm.
I can still enjoy the view, he justifies to himself, taking a sip from his cup and remembering for the third time that it’s empty. 
He sighs and sets it back down, clearing his throat. It’s as good a time as any, he supposes, as he stands from his little corner table by the window and strolls across the room to the counter. 
“Hi, what can I get started for ya?” The barista asks, his name tag now visible and proclaiming Steve. 
“Uh,” he starts. “Salted caramel mocha, please?” 
Steve’s smile is bright and he leans on the counter, leveling it straight in Eddie’s direction. All Eddie wanted was a refill on his sweet treat disguised as coffee and instead, it feels as though he’s smacked in the head.
“Comin’ right up,” Steve replies, turning around to get his order going. “You’ve been sitting over there for a while, how’d that date go?” He asks with the confidence and familiarity of someone Eddie’s known his entire life. 
“Watching me, were you?” 
Steve grins over his shoulder, shrugging. “A little.” 
“I’m flattered. Well, I’m still here and they’re not so that oughta tell you everything.” 
Steve hums and turns back to the machine, finishing up his order. Eddie’s heart beats rhythmically, somehow slowing and quickening all at once and his lungs feel buoyed by something more powerful than his breath. When Steve faces him again and hands him his cup, exchanging it for the empty one in Eddie’s hand, they both freeze. 
Eddie’s snake begins to move. 
A clear, serpentine movement at the center as small, geometric lines begin to appear in the background. 
“Holy shit,” Eddie whispers, setting his full cup down so he doesn’t spill it. 
“Yeah, holy shit.” Steve places his other arm on the counter, the blank one, and Eddie sees that it’s not blank. There’s a small, barebones tree on his forearm whose leaves begin to blossom and shake, different shades of greens and oranges appearing before his eyes. 
“But– your other arm?” Eddie chokes out, eyes flickering between his own wrist, Steve’s forearm, and Steve’s other, fuller arm. 
“Philia. That’s Robin. But this one, this is eros.” Steve smiles again, matching the one Eddie can feel spreading across his own face as he looks up from his forearm. “I’m Steve.”
Steve smiles again, matching the one Eddie can feel spreading across his own face as he looks up from his forearm. Eddie looks in wonderment, searching for any sign of lie or trickery in Steve’s eyes and finds nothing but warmth and familiarity. 
“I’m Eddie.”
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blxvdlusttxx · 3 months
Rekindled Love - Liu Woods x reader
Content warnings: mentions of scars, parental neglect, murder.
Gender neutral reader
Request: Yes / No
First post on this blog! I hope you enjoy, I really liked writing it.
I base my writings of the characters off of Jordan Persegati's videos on youtube, particularly personality wise, If the story or their personality seems inaccurate let me know.
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It had been a year since y/n last seen her boyfriend Liu. A year since all their pain and anger began. Before Liu and Jeff moved to the suburban town they grew up in, they were alone. Their parents didn't notice them half the time or they were just too busy with work.
Then Liu came around. They met when Y/n's mother M/n forced them to go with her to introduce themselves to their new neighbors.
They look back at that memory fondly now, they wished they could go back to that day, to relive their limited memories with they're sweet boy. The kind, loving boy that made their life seem brighter.
They walks solemnly through the wooded area that surrounds the now dead seeming town. Ever since the fucked up mess with Jeff murdering his parents and bullies, then Liu running off after stabbing one of the nurses, everyone avoids each other now.
The fallen leaves of autumn lay dead on the ground, crunching with each step they take. They commonly walked through the area, it was the last place they had seen Jeff before he vanished.
They don't know why, but they'd just hope that Liu would magically show up in front of them, like he was never even gone.
They'd wish they could hold his soft, warm hands again, touch his silky hair and kiss his pretty lips.
They thought about the memories they had with Liu, they're sweet, pretty boy.
They remember the time when he ran over to their house in the rain, sweater over his head to avoid getting wet. The time that he tripped going up the porch steps, falling to the ground, making them both laugh like hyenas for ten minutes straight to the point where Jeff peaked his head out the window to see what the fuck was happening. The time that he ran over to their house, banging on the door sobbing when Jeff was attacked and admitted into the hospital.
They thought about the first time they kissed him. They were laying in his bed watching a movie they had rented from the video store, it was a crappy horror movie that made them both laugh at the horrendous attempts at jump scares and death scenes. They had looked up at him, his soft giggling and green eyes crinkling with tears along his waterline from laughing so hard more interesting than the movie.
They admired his smile, his lips downturned as he laughed. They'd always loved his downturned smile, it was one of the many unique things about him. His attention from the movie had been stolen as he felt their hand caress his cheek, tilting his head down to look at them, a soft smile painting their lips. He smiled in return, his cheeks turning a rose pink.
They had leaned up, pulling his head down to gently connect their lips, Liu smiled even harder, giggling as he returned the kiss.
Suddenly their thoughts were cut short, by a subtle snap of a twig not far from them.
"Hello?" they called out, annoyance evident in their words.
No answer.
"If anyone's there would you just fuck off and come out?" they huffed.
"I'm not in the mood to be stalked by some creep in the woods."
There was some shuffling from the trees, and a familiar voice began to speak.
"Some creep?"
They whipped around to see him... Liu... Their Liu. He was right there Infront of them. It couldn't be real...right?
"L-Liu?" his name left their lips, shakily... almost in disbelief that he was really there.
He stayed silent for a moment, taking them in. They look more sad than they did before, their eyes bloodshot with deep bags accompanying them. Their hair messy and disheveled. A pang of guilt gnawed at his heart, wondering what has gotten his lover so gloomy.
"Hi honey..." He smiles softly for a moment, not sure of what to do now. His smile fades as his mind begins to plague itself with worries. What if they find out what he's done and hates him? What if they think the scars under his clothing are ugly?
They looked at him, his emerald green eyes almost duller than they once were, a scarf covered his mouth and nose along with his hair messier than the proper and brushed way he used to have it. He was really there... They could barely even believe it.
Liu's overbearing worries were silenced when they ran up to him, throwing their arms around his body in a tight hug, as if they were afraid he'd slip away from their touch once again.
His body lets out a sigh of relief, a breath he didn't realize he was holding, before wrapping his arms around his love in return.
"I'm here darling...I'm right here." he says reassuringly, while reassuring himself that this was real.
A sob leaves their throat, holding him impossibly tighter. He smiles again and lifts his hand to pull down his scarf, revealing the upturned scars that adorned both sides of his mouth, he then gently lifts their chin to face him. He admires them for a moment before leaning to press a soft kiss on their lips.
"I'm right here..."
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Nerdy Prudes Must Die; musical motifs
i have so many thoughts about Nerdy Prudes Must Die and specifically the musical motifs used throughout. so buckle up, i want to talk. (theres a whole breakdown under the cut.)
so, if you didn't know already, Jeff Blim is a musical genius. and in the Hatchetfield universe, theres so many musical motifs that get used in every show. but there's one in particular that i don't know what to call it, but i'm gonna say it's 'the nerds' theme'. it's this one right here;
i've heard some call it Pete's theme, which is wrong. this specific melody is the theme of Pete, Richie, and Ruth's self worth and their inescapable tragedies. when we meet the three friends, it's very obvious that they see themselves at the bottom of the high school food chain. the nerds have accepted that they are worthless and will amount to nothing in school, because that is where society has placed them. it's as simple as Pete's song Cool As I Think I Am. he very literally does not see himself as valuable as the other students. but when that idea shifts from Cool As I Think I Am to Cool As She Thinks I Am, suddenly we have Pete realising his self worth, and the motif shows up;
and right after that, Pete is beat up in a parking lot by Max Jägerman. Pete's own self worth can only go so far when you have people like Max denying it constantly.
so now there's lyrics to this motif, and yes, Pete is the first one to sing it. But that doesn't make it any less Ruth and Richie's.
just like Pete, Richie finds his self worth in the acceptance from others. Once Max is gone and Richie makes friends with the football team, he realises how great it is to be alive. he realises that he deserves to be alive.
when Max comes to kill him, Richie justifies his self worth with the motif that returns for him this time, not Pete;
now they're not his final words, but Richie dies after declaring, "I'm Not A Loser". when he finally gets some self worth, he is murdered and never gets to fulfil that worth.
Ruth's self worth is a little different. she views her worthlessness as unfair. she believes that if she was different, she could be something great. unlike Pete and Richie, Ruth really shows that she has bigger dreams. Ruth wants to be the star of the show. she wishes to be appreciated, and her ungodly horniess can honestly be seen as a metaphor for wanting to be loved. Ruth sings about her self worth in the most Ruth way, with her own number in the BBQ Monologues.
the climax of the song (which Lauren kills, btw) the motif comes back again in the background. This time, it's for Ruth and her self worth;
does the fact that Ruth's version of the motif doesn't include the 'im not a loser' lyrics have to do with Ruth having more belief in herself? that she doesn't need to explain she isn't a loser because she knows she isn't a loser and deserves to have a chance in the spotlight? i sure as hell think so.
but Max kills her immediately after. he stops her from ever living out her big dreams of being a star.
the motif comes back again, obviously, in the reprise of Cool As I Think I Am;
the lyrics change this time around, and Pete sings 'you have to do it', which is him telling Steph that she has to be the one to kill him. despite Pete learning how to have self worth throughout this whole show, he still views himself as expendable. could this be justified with the fact that his two best friends just had their hopes and dreams shattered in death? probably. the point is, at some point during Max's killing spree, the death of his best friends, and the summoning of the Lords in Black, Pete has managed to convince himself that he's worthless again.
now. in the end, it feels like a happy ending due to the nature of The Best of You, but there are still a lot of loose ends to be explored. and on top of all that, the Nerds' motif comes back one last time;
because Grace kept the Black Book and continued to use it, and the Lords in Black are far from fair, i think Pete's torment and tragic narrative is not over by the end of NPMD.
so yeah. Pete, Richie, and Ruth are 'doomed by the narrative', as are most people in Hatchetfield. but these three characters are specifically doomed by their own self worth, and the narrative will never let them truly become their true selves.
and Jeff Blim wrote a banger melody to tell that story.
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rip-quizilla · 2 months
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I'm Not Crying, You're Crying (Eddie Cries While Watching Tarzan)
@corrodedcoffinfest Day 27: You'll Be In My Heart
WC: 653
A/N: Okay... so I may have gone a bit rogue on this one. I know the prompt list explained this one as 'navigating love on the road', but when I hear the words You'll Be In My Heart I can't think of anything BUT Tarzan. So here's the weird little bit of fluff I came up with.
Tags: College!Corroded Coffin, crying, Eddie thinking about motherhood and the role it's played in his life, surprise at the end. It's an AU... but not the way you might think.
Divider created by @strangergraphics
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In one of the smallest dorm rooms on the USI campus, four twenty-somethings had gathered around a glowing screen on a rainy Tuesday night.
“Wait, she’s taking the baby into a fucking tree?”
Eddie rolled his eyes, “Yes, Grant, she’s a gorilla. Gorillas climb trees sometimes.”
“But what if she drops it?”
Gareth scoffed, chiming in. “This is a Disney movie, idiot, that isn’t gonna happen.”
“I just watched a baby gorilla get mauled by a cheetah!” Grant yelled, incredulity plain on his face as he pointed to the TV. “You think they’d show that but draw the line at babies falling from trees?”
“A leopard mauled the baby gorilla.” Jeff corrected. “Cheetahs live in the savannah, dumbass.” 
“Would you all kindly shut the fuck up?” Eddie silenced them all, eyes trained on the TV with rapt attention as he watched Kala climb up the gnarled branches of a jungle tree, Phil Collins’ You’ll Be In My Heart crooning through the speakers. “You’re missing it.”
The other three looked at each other, confused but too scared to ask why he cared so much about some kids' movie, and continued to watch until-
“Dude, are you crying?”
“No!” Eddie sniffed, wiping furiously at his eyes. “You’re crying!”
Gareth’s nose scrunched up. “Bro, nothing sad is even happening, the mom got a new baby and the baby got a new mom-”
“They’re happy tears, jerkwad!” Eddie bit back, punctuating his reply with another sniffle. “This whole scene is about motherhood and loving your kid no matter what and it’s fucking beautiful, if you had a heart you’d be crying too!”
Jeff and Grant were laughing- to their credit, it was quietly and mostly to themselves. Gareth put on a mask of mock-sympathy as he grabbed a tissue and handed it to Eddie. “Those are some big feelings you’re having there, huh buddy?”
Eddie scowled at Gareth, swiping the tissue from him aggressively. He blew his nose into it, but not without giving Gare the finger first. 
Gareth patted Eddie’s back. “That’s okay, let it out big guy.” 
Eventually, the chuckling subsided until everyone’s focus returned to the movie. However, that scene still lingered in Eddie’s mind- the message about motherhood that this movie drove home for him every time he watched it. How Tarzan wouldn’t have grown into the man he was without Kala; a man so sure of his decisions, who trusted himself because his mother trusted him first. How no matter what happened, she stood by him and allowed him to chart his own course in life. 
Discreetly, Eddie pulled his phone from his pocket, tapping on his screen until he’d opened up a text thread. Quickly, he typed out a message. 
Love you, mom ❤️
The reply was instant, as it always was. 
I love you too bud! Everything okay?
Eddie smiled to himself as he typed out his response.
Yeah, all good! Just feeling extra thankful for my mom today :)
He turned his eyes back to the movie after hitting send, keeping his attention on the screen until he felt his phone buzz once, then again a few seconds later.
Aw, buddy! 🥹 That made my day!
I’m so proud of the man you’ve grown up to be. I raised a good one 😌
Eddie smiled, pride blooming in his chest. He and his mom had been through a lot, but they’d made it through because they’d had each other. Eddie couldn’t imagine what life might have been like for him if he hadn’t had her by his side. Who would he be? What kind of man would Eddie Munson have become? 
Now, here he was at college with his friends- his band- with a world of possibilities ripe for his picking. Could he have even gotten here without her support every step of the way? 
Maybe, he thought, but I would have been a hell of a lot more lonely.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 month
Whatever Stevie Wants 6
Part 5
Steve felt warm and syrupy in his dream. Except it wasn’t a dream. There was something between his legs, someone touching him in his most intimate spot. A thrill ran through his half-awake mind as more of his senses processed what it was. It was wet and licking up into him. Soft lips were kissing from the outside in, giving attention to his hips, nuzzling the bush of hair and breathing in deep before going back to sucking his clit.
“Daddy”, he gasped, voice feeling weak in the wee hours of the morning.
Eddie just groaned against him. The wet sounds felt like they were echoing in Steve’s head. His hand groped for his alpha’s hair, holding on tight as he started to grind against his face. Eddie wrapped Steve’s thighs around his head, encouraging him to squeeze as he sprinted to his climax.
Steve was still panting as Eddie crawled up his body to kiss at his bite. 
“Mornin’ lovely.”
He kissed Steve’s cheek and then got out of bed. Steve watched him get ready, knowing he and the other boys were going to be out most of the day, hammering out the details of the next stage for Corroded Coffin. Steve felt like jelly and he really didn’t want to get out of bed, but he slipped on a modest bathrobe anyway so that he could see his mates off.
Once they were gone, he actually got dressed for the day, leaving his pups with Wayne and Beatrice while he did. He spent the day with his little family, entertaining the idea of going back into work once the twins were a little older. It’d be different going to work not because he had to but simply for something he wanted.
That was when his mother called, just as he got Violet attached to his nipple. He sighed, thinking of letting it go to voicemail, but deciding against it. Better to just see what she wanted. When he answered, it was simply an invitation to lunch. He hadn’t planned on going out today, but there was no harm in it. And he reminded himself that this was what he wanted, his parents pack in his life.
So he went out, meeting his mother for lunch alone. This time, she seemed genuinely interested in hearing about what Eddie and the band did and got up to.
“I didn’t think you’d be so into it”, Steve said.
“Well he’s your husband, your mate. You’ve even had a pup with him. I think it’s prudent now more than ever to really understand what his job entails”, Margaret said.
Steve wouldn’t call the lunch enjoyable, it never was with his mom. But she didn’t bring up any of the eligible bachelors among her friends. He got home and when his mates returned hours later, he reported as such.
“Was it like this growing up with them?”, Grant asked, holding Vanessa in his lap as she had grown interested in playing with his shirt.
Steve shrugged, trying to wrestle Violet into her pajamas. She was wiggling every which way but right while babbling to herself.
“It kind of was. She kept on eyeing my plate, didn’t miss that. But I think she’s really trying.” Then he groaned and gave up with Violet. “That’s fine. Go walk around half naked. Or crawl around.”
“Aaaaaaaaa”, she vocalized, doing just that, scuttling around on all fours with her onesie only covering her legs. She was fast but she didn’t get so far, being corralled by the big pillows that made up the nest. At one point she came up against one and grabbed the pillow for purchase, determined to pull herself up.
“Holy shit”, Gareth whispered, trying not to spook her while Eddie was repeatedly slapping Jeff’s shoulder as they watched.
Violet pulled herself up on her two wobbly feet and then looked around like it was a whole new world. Then she started hitting her hand on the pillow and crying out and started to wobble a bit. Before she could fall down, Eddie scooped her up and tossed her in the air.
“My baby! My clever, clever baby! That shit rocked!”
“Eddie!”, Steve admonished, though it failed, given with how wide he was smiling. 
Violet didn’t know what all the excitement was about, just that her sire was filling her senses with a scent of elation that made her happy too. Long enough for Eddie to get her onesie on all the way.
They were able to get the pups to bed and Steve got to snuggle with his mates, sandwiched between Eddie and Gareth. They got to talk a little about how the next few months would go for their pack. Corroded Coffin would be hitting the road soon and that meant more days spent at the studio and promoting said tour on tv, on the radio, and in online content leading up to it. 
It was evening when Steve sat on the couch, flipping to the channel where he’d catch them. Wayne was cradling Vanessa, who was nodding off, and Beatrice was giving Violet a taste of some pureed carrots that she was absolutely loving. Then the talk show began.
Steve didn’t normally watch this sort of thing but he started more and more as he cared about the actual subject - his lovers. Corroded Coffin was introduced and they got the niceties out of the way. They talked about new music coming out and of course where they were headed on this tour.
“We really wanna give our love to middle America”, Eddie said.
“It’s where most of us are from”, Jeff added. “So we know more than anyone how rare it can be for your favorite band to come through town.”
“But that’s not the only news you guys are sharing tonight, right?”, the host nudged.
It was something their pack had discussed at length. Something they wanted to be entirely sure of before they did it because once that door was opened, it couldn’t be closed.
“You got us, there’s one more thing”, Gareth confirmed.
“Does it concern a certain pair of adorable babies?”, the host asked, acting like they didn’t know.
Eddie grinned. “Our true fans have been really patient, and we do consider them family. But we’ve been keeping pics of the girls on lock because some people don’t know how to chill.”
“But we can let folks have a little glimpse into our personal lives”, Jeff said.
“Give us the baby pics!”, the host announced just as the screen changed to show the pictures they had picked. 
The first was just Vanessa and Violet at three months, laying on their backs in matching onesies. The second was taken just last week and had Eddie and Jeff, both holding their own pup, the girls wearing little CC shirts. Both came to the ‘awws’ of the studio audience. Steve stood just then to take a picture with his phone. Just so that when they were older, he could say when they had their first tv appearance, Vanessa was sleeping like a rock and Violet had baby food all over her face.
Part of him was actually looking forward to Corroded Coffin going on the road now. He’d have more time to spend with his parents and get closer to them. And that could only be a good thing.
Part 7
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wheatnoodle · 2 years
if gareth has to hear one more mention of stevie harrington, he’s gonna beat himself over the head with a wrench.
every day, no matter what, one of those freshmen eddie sent them to collect found a way to bring up the now graduated ex-cheer captain. aka, the biggest bitch to walk through hawkins high. the only good thing he can even remember about her is those skin tight jeans that gave a show every time she left a room.
other than that, she hung out with people like carol and tommy h (and even though carol and stevie were “best friends” and tommy was dating carol, everyone knew tommy wanted stevie), got hit on by guys like billy hargrove, and laughed at guys like him and his friends. she threw parties they were never invited to and asked dumb questions in class and was the first person that looked gareth in the eye and called him a freak.
so yeah. gareth didn’t like stevie. and neither did jeff. or grant, or eddie. she did enough when she was still in high school, she doesn’t get to take their freshmen too.
and so it’s post hellfire, the kiddies have long since packed their things and gone on their merry ways, leaving the other four sprawled in various spots in eddie’s living room, passing blunts between each other. how they got on the topic of revenge is beyond them.
“we could paintball her car,” jeff suggests from his place upside down in a recliner (not the recliner, never. that’s wayne’s). his bloodshot eyes are blank as he stares straight ahead under the coffee table.
“no, that leaves like…financial damage,” grant shakes his head, tilting it back against the couch to look at the ceiling.
“and legal damage,” eddie adds and points at finger at jeff. he’s laying on the floor in front of where gareth is sprawled on the couch face first. gareth’s got his feet up on grant’s lap and his cheek is squished against the couch cushion while he looks down at eddie.
a light seems to go off in his mind because gareth speaks for the first time since the kids left. “what about emotional damage? that what we’re lookin’ for?” he asks, his voice muffled slightly by his position.
“yeah. why, you got something?” jeff takes another drag from his blunt.
“think so. heard she’s been on like…a dry streak. can’t get dates and shit. so like, the opposite of how it was in school. could like…i dunno…” gareth doesn’t take his eyes of eddie and eddie refuses to break their gaze. “we could make her fall for eddie. like, fake woo her into spilling all her secrets. show the sheepies who she really is.”
eddie’s eyes go wide. the others are silent, though he can hear jeff sit upright in his chair. hazel searches brown for confirmation. he smirks. eddie can’t help but huff out a laugh in return.
you brilliant motherfucker.
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xoxoladyaz · 9 months
Krampus Baby
Me: we should write a cute little holiday blurb to publish on Christmas Eve, maybe something Hallmark-y, maybe some mistletoe -
So that's what we've got for you today, my lovelies!
CW: BDSM, allusions to punishment, brief descriptions of sex, implied future monsterfucking
“Babe, this isn’t what it looks like!”
“Oh, really? And what exactly does this look like, Eddie?!” Steve stood in the doorway to Eddie’s all-purpose-game-room-slash-music-studio-slash-office and glared at him, his arms crossed tightly across his chest. 
Eddie shot a frantic look at the guys. Gareth and Phil were very conveniently looking elsewhere (the traitors). Jeff, who was the only one brave enough to make eye contact with Eddie, just shook his head slowly. “You’re on your own, dude.” 
Well, shit.
The truth is, Eddie knew he was the only person to blame for the situation he’d found himself in. But in his defense, it’s not like there’s a manual that you get when you become a Krampus that says “hey, here’s how you tell your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/spouse/whatever that you’re a Krampus, meaning that you spend all of Christmas Eve travelling around your assigned region and birching people that Santa/Jesus/someone says needs to be scared onto the straight and narrow.” 
Well. Maybe he could have just led with that and gone from there?
Fuck, this would have been so much easier if he’d just agreed to be a Santa but no, his dramatic gay eighteen-year-old born-in-the-North-Pole ass just had to pick the more flamboyant career option. And sure, it was fun for a while – he’d always had a flair for theatrics and performing and every December 24 he gave the performance of a lifetime – but after about ten years of birching undeserving creeps he’d realized hey, maybe something like this could be fun the other 364 days of the year with humans he actually liked (or, ya know, that he at least thought were hot and wanted to get off with.)
And so Eddie the Krampus became Eddie Munson, training Dom at the Hellfire Club, and after twenty-seven years of walking this earth, he finally felt like everything in his life had fallen into place. Naturally that’s when he met Steve Harrington, a bratty little prince with perfect hair and an even more perfect ass and fell madly in love – far past the point of no return, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. He’d never really given a lot of serious thought to love or dating or anything like that because, you know, the whole Krampus thing, but from the moment he laid eyes on Steve his entire world had shifted to orbit around his beautiful, delightfully dorky, somewhat clueless human. Even more incredibly, Steve seemed to feel the same way because he'd given Eddie a key to his house after only four weeks of dating and happily reorganized his home so Eddie could have his own space and fuck, Eddie was going to marry this human and make him immortal and traipse all around the world with him until it was time for him the next generation of Krampus’ to take over.
(Krampusses? Krampusi? Krampussies? There really wasn’t a great plural form of his job title, was there?)
Right, it was a great plan, no, it was a perfect plan, because nothing could be better than almost-eternity with Steve. There was just one teeny tiny minor flaw with his plan, that being the fact that he, uh, forgot to tell Steve.
And now it was December 24th, and Eddie and the guys had finally gotten home from a long night of birching (which wasn’t really fun anymore now that Eddie got to punish someone he loved in a very, very fun way almost daily) and were unwinding with a beer when Steve had stormed in – Steve, who was asleep when Eddie left.
Steve, who was now seeing Eddie in his Krampus form for the first time (along with Jeff and Gareth and Phil). Steve, who looked angrier than the time that Eddie tried to experiment with forks in all of the electrical outlets in their house.
Steve, who was probably the first human to ever cause a Krampus nightmares.
“I can’t believe this. I seriously cannot fucking believe this, Eddie - ”
“Look, baby, I know this looks kind of crazy,” Eddie started slowly, extremely conscious of the way his horns protruded out of his hair, of the soot on his furry legs and the loud clopping sound his cloven hooves made as they tapped nervously on the floor. (He’d never felt bad about how he looked in this form; hell, he even thought he looked kind of hot. Not everyone can pull off the whole “burning-red-eyes-and-weirdly-long-tongue” thing like he could. But now that he found himself caught in Steve’s fiery gaze, he wanted nothing more than to disappear into a tiny ball, to make Steve forget that he’s ever looked like this.) “And I was meaning to tell you, I really was, but - ”
“Oh, really?” Steve scoffed, narrowing his eyes at Eddie even further. “You were meaning to tell me that you were punishing other people, is that what you’re trying to say?”
“ – wouldn’t believe me anyways, I mean, most people don’t believe in Krampus – wait, what?” Eddie cut off as Steve’s words worked their way into his brain. “I – what?”
“You heard me,” Steve scoffed again. “You just forgot to tell me you’re punishing other people? Even though we’ve been exclusive for almost a year? Even though you moved into my house?!”
“I – Steve, wait, it’s not like that - ”
“Oh, really,” Steve repeated himself, “so you didn’t spend Christmas Eve running around and whipping people who aren’t me?”
Eddie shot another look at the guys, all of whom looked as shocked as Eddie felt. (Except for Gareth, that little fucker was grinning like this was the funniest thing he’d ever witnessed.) “Steve, it’s not - ”
“It’s not like what, Eddie? It’s not like you threw a fit the one time someone else tried to Dom me but apparently that doesn’t go both ways! Apparently, I have to share you! You better not be fucking them, Eddie Munson,” Steve seethed, “because I swear to God – ”
“No, no, no! Steve, I wouldn’t, I would never,” Eddie raced out, cautiously stepping closer to his boyfriend. “And it’s not – it’s not like us, okay, it’s literally just punishment and nightmares and stuff. Most of them won’t even remember me tomorrow!”
“Oh, but some will?” 
“I – maybe?”
“What Eddie is trying to say,” Jeff saved him by jumping in, “is that this is just a job for us, man. It’s literally just a job. We really don’t get that sort of enjoyment out of it. Hell, most of us aren’t even in the lifestyle outside of this.”
“Yeah, Eddie’s just weird,” Gareth snickered, although he sobered somewhat when Eddie turned to glare at him.
“He loves you, man. He wouldn’t cheat,” Jeff finished. “That’s not what this is.”
Steve huffed, although the crease in his brow had softened somewhat. “You’re really a Krampus, then? And the horns and shit are real?”
“Yeah – yeah, super real, see?” Eddie said, grabbing hold of his horns and yanking them as hard as he could. Ouch. “This is just my Krampus form. I, uh, don’t wear it out all that often.”
“But you have horns.”
“Uh, yeah,” Eddie replied nervously.
Steve’s face went through a few emotions before settling on angry. “You mean I could have been holding onto your horns the entire time we’ve been fucking?”
Eddie heard the sound of someone choking loudly behind him, but he didn’t have the brain space to care about that; in fact, the only brain space he had was completely overrun by images of Steve on his back, hands gripped around Eddie’s horns as Eddie drove him further and further into their bed. “I, uh - ” 
“Well,” Steve cut off his blabbering with a cold look, “since it’s Christmas Eve and all, I might as well do a little punishing of my own.” He turned on his heel and stomped out of the doorway, pausing briefly to yell back over his shoulder. “You’re sleeping on the couch!”
“BABE!” Eddie whined back, stomping his hoof on the ground. “Until when?!?!”
“Until I say so!” Steve hollered as he disappeared out of view. 
“That went well,” Gareth said drily once Steve was out of earshot. The sound of their bedroom door slamming echoed into Eddie’s man-cave and all four Krampus’ winced.
“Yeah, good luck getting out of that one, man,” Phil said, and with a nod he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Gareth snorted and followed suit, leaving Eddie and Jeff standing alone.
“Honestly, I really think it could have gone worse. You might need to speed up the timeline on that ring, though.” Jeff clapped Eddie on the shoulder. “Unless you have another plan.”
“Oh,” Eddie replied slowly, quietly, a maniacal grin spreading across his face. “I have a plan, all right.”
“Yeah, that doesn’t worry me at all,” Jeff rolled his eyes. “It’s your funeral, man.”
“Mmm,” Eddie hummed, thinking about the brand new switch he’d purchased for Steve – one of his many, many gifts for the man. “At least I’ll die doing what I love.”
“And that is?”
Eddie smirked even wider. “Why, punishing Steve.”
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zzzleepy · 2 years
WALK : jeff the killer x fem!reader one-shot
a/n: this is my FIRST TIME writing smut, please be gentle
summary: NSFW (MINORS DNI), knife play, established relationship, jeff being flirtatious, reader is horny, PRAISE, blood, slight voyeurism, not proof-read
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The sunlight softly hit your face through the trees. Your boyfriend, Jeff, was pacing ahead of you slightly and you couldn’t catch up. Today you two were taking a walk, it’s something you like to do alone but Jeff wanted to join you today.
“J, Slow down!” You yelled after Jeff. His head snapped to look back at you, a puzzled look painting his face.
“Do I walk too fast for you?” He smirked, his teeth peeking through his slashed skin. Jeff’s love language must be teasing because he enjoys getting a reaction out of you. This time, you stayed quiet and kept walking towards him.
“Should I carry you, Princess?” He obviously meant the nickname in a teasing way, hinting at the fact that maybe you’re walking so slow because you don’t want to walk at all.
“No. What’s the point of taking a walk if I’m just gonna be carried the whole time?” You shot down his request, but that never stopped Jeff. This relationship between you two consisted of Jeff doing whatever he wants most of the time. Like just days before today, you and Jeff got into an argument because he was gone for days. Doing what? Who knows. Jeff’s a serial killer, and you understand that, but he doesn’t have to disappear for days. So, Jeff ran and scooped you up into his arms bridal style.
“You said you didn’t want to be carried and now you’re not fighting back.” Jeff laughed and quickly kissed your cheek. You rolled your eyes and looked away at the trees surrounding you two, the sun shining down, and the fact that not a single person was in sight. This gave you the bright idea to wrap your arms around Jeff and have some fun too, by teasing your perverted boyfriend.
“You make me feel so safe, thank you.” You topped off your words with a small kiss on his jawline. You know what you’re doing to him. Jeff has this “problem” where he’s really overprotective and possessive. There have been many times where Jeff’s gotten off to the thought of protecting you or “claiming” you. The fact that Jeff’s a serial killer just adds to it because he wants you to love him and feel safe with him, despite what he’s notorious for. Right now, those words and that kiss were sticking on Jeff and his heart was beating fast.
When you pulled back to look at Jeff, you could see a small tint of pink flaring his cheeks. Your boyfriend couldn’t control himself, his lips crashed into yours. The kiss was long and drawn out, your lips still being connected while Jeff carefully put you down. You pulled away to catch your breath and Jeff tried pulling you back in.
“J, you’re so greedy.” You giggled at him. You were holding his face in your hands and looking into his dark, open eyes.
“I’ll always be greedy when it comes to you, Babe.” His words spilled from his mouth like a slur, then his lips met yours. His tongue grazed your lip, begging to be let in. You returned his advances and found his tongue exploring your mouth. Your cheeks were hot and your mind was messy. Jeff took your hands in his and slowly guided you to a tree, pinning you against it and pushing up on you.
“I need more of you, so much more.” Jeff breathed against your ear, slowly kissing down your neck.
“I know, J.” A gentle moan escaped from you with your words. You pulled Jeff in for another kiss, his warmth enthralling you. Amidst Jeff’s warm hands trailing up your figure, you felt sudden cold contact. You hadn’t realized that Jeff reached in his pocket to take out his knife, now using it to cut open your top, exposing your breasts.
“That’s exactly what I wanted to see, Baby!” Jeff backed away to admire you before closing the gap with another kiss, slowly trailing down to your neck.
“Jeff. What the fuck.” You stuttered your words out amongst many moans. Jeff didn’t acknowledge you, his hands were exploring your body and your neck was his current point of interest. You couldn’t deny that this was your fault or that you felt good, you were just embarrassed. You’ve never done it in a forest before, the thought of this exchange being so public felt shameful, but exciting? You never stopped moaning and whimpering against Jeff, every single sound you made was heaven to his ears and a sign that he was doing something right.
This exchange developed fast. Jeff loved the sounds you made while he kissed your neck, but he wanted more. Jeff got on his knees, you truly loved seeing him like this and he loved serving you. Jeff knew what he wanted, he planned it out in his head from the beginning. Jeff took his knife again, bringing it up to you, then cutting your pants and underwear off.
“Holy shit! What are you doing?” You yelped after the sudden movement. You know you told Jeff he makes you feel safe but you didn’t expect him to pull a knife out, especially during a time like this.
“Don’t worry, Sweetheart. You said you feel safe with me and you know I’d never throw that away.” He smiled, gazing up at you. You trusted your boyfriend completely but you had no idea what he was trying to do.
“Trust me. I know what I’m doing.” He ended his sentence with a laugh and suddenly penetrated you with the same knife he cut your clothes with, now using the handle of the weapon to pleasure you. You moaned with every pump, in and out. You didn’t notice through the excitement that Jeff began licking at your clit and that his hand gripping the sharp blade was oozing blood. Jeff was paining himself to please you, slicing his hand open and draining out onto the grass beneath you.
“Jeff. Stop. Please.” You breathed out with each moan and whimper. Your legs were shaking, struggling to hold you up. You felt so good, but you couldn’t stand to watch your boyfriend cut his hand open for you to feel this good.
“Hand,” was all you could stutter out. Jeff paused on your clit for a moment to look up at you.
“Ah shit! You’re just so pretty, Princess. I couldn’t resist.” Jeff acknowledged his bloodied hand and pulled the weapon handle out of you.
“You want to finish though, don’t you?” Jeff doted on you. You met his question with a whimper of approval.
“Okay, Baby.” He pocketed his knife and began trailing kisses up your thigh. Jeff used his non-bloodied hand to insert two fingers inside of you and begin pumping you with pleasure, his tongue finding your clit with the same quick pace from before. Your legs were sore and could barely hold up anymore but through your orgasm you could barely feel the pain. You moaned out Jeff’s name and quickly finished on his fingers inside of you. Jeff licked up your mess on his fingers and stood up to meet your gaze.
“You did so well, Babe. Let’s go home now.” Jeff softly whispered in your ear, picking you up bridal style again. You two walked home and Jeff peppered your face with kisses the entire time, telling you how pretty you are. He made sure to also let you know that you’re his, multiple times.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
It's always been you, always ❤
hello! angst to fluff is my favourite thing to read and I was thinking of a story where eddie becomes popular due to his friendship with Chrissy, they’re both alive and happy and Jason is out of the picture and he starts to ditch his best friend the reader for the attention and acceptance he’s always wanted and there’s a tearful argument where the reader tells him how awful they’ve felt and that they’re in love with them and always has been and it ends fluffy. thanks!
Request by anon ❤
Warnings; Angst, pining, confessions, fluff.
Likes or reblogs are always appreciated 😘
I don't give anyone permission to copy my work ❤
Since Eddie had begun a friendship with Chrissy he had began to get more popular.
It's something that yn knew despite Eddie's vehemence on the subject that he secretly longed for. He wanted to be accepted, liked and thanks to Chrissy hanging around with him that hope was becoming true.
While she was happy her best friend was happy the popularity became so immense that Eddie had begun to neglect their friendship, he cancelled movie nights and would be late for Hellfire and didn't seem to be as interested as he usually was.
It hurt her and the rest of Hellfire because never did she think Eddie would forget them but that's what seemed to be happening.
She missed her best friend and just wanted him back but he had found a new place to belong and she didn't think he wanted her around anymore.
After five years of friendship, she thought she meant more to him but obviously not.
The feelings that had been growing for him, to the point she was falling in love with him was crushing because now he was popular and had his pick of girls she knew he would never look her way.
Even when they were friends she didn't think he would return her feelings and now it was just impossible.
Gareth's ranting breaks her out of her reverie and she sighs. Eddie is late for Hellfire again and she's gone past upset at this point, she's furious.
It was a weekday meeting that he called himself so she thought that maybe he would be getting interested in Hellfire again.
But no, he didn't care. She should have known better.
So when he makes his way in smiling with Chrissy she has had enough.
Not that she blamed Chrissy, the girl was a sweetheart and always spoke to her, even more so now she was friends with Eddie.
No, she isn't mad at Chrissy but she is furious with Eddie. It was like he was forgetting all the people who were there for him when he wasn't popular, when the in crowd would make his life miserable.
"Sorry, I'm late. Chrissy, Jackson and I were talking about music" he says it with a shrug and she gets up making her way out.
"So nice of you to greet us with your presence" Jeff mutters sarcastically and Eddie pauses, smile slipping from his face.
She pushes past him and he grabs her arm which she shrugs off glaring at him.
"Where are you going princess", she scoffs.
"Don't call me that! I'm not your princess! You show up late time and time again! You are popular now, congratulations Eddie. I'm glad you feel like you belong now, I guess none of us is good enough for you now that you're with the in crowd"
She storms off and she hears him shout her name but she ignores it. He races after her and she keeps walking.
"Leave me alone Munson" he is in front of her and she is still fuming, tears streaming down her face.
"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry everything has just been crazy right now and... She cuts him off and he swallows his own tears falling.
"No! You don't get to make excuses! Who was there for you when the popular crowd called you a freak and a loser! Who held you when you got upset because they would make you miserable, who's been there for you every goddamn day and loved you regardless of popularity and shit! Me and all of Hellfire"
Thunder rumbles in the sky and she jumps as an onslaught of rain begins to pour.
"As soon as you get popular! As soon as the same people who made your life miserable notice you then you forget all about us! You don't show up to hang out or you just cancel and I'm sick of it. I'm not someone you can just pick up when you feel like Eddie"
Eddie tries to hold her.
"You're not. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I know I've been a shitty friend and I want to make it up to you, to everyone, I picked movies for us tonight. After Hellfire let's go to mine and.
"No. Do you know how much it hurts to not feel wanted? It's even worse when it's the person that you've been in love with for so long"
His eyes widen and he sobs.
She wipes her eyes and sighs sadly.
"I always hoped you would feel the same but it's impossible now. You're popular so why would you want to be with a reminder of your old life?" She sags.
"Just go Eddie, go back to Chrissy and Jackson and leave me alone from now on yeah?"
She ignores his protests and gets in her car and drives off, she doesn't go home but she does go to Robin's and as soon as Robin sees her tears she gathers her in a huge hug.
Eddie feels like shit. Jeff and Gareth are mad at him, Dustin is disappointed (who knew the little butthead could make him feel so ashamed), and Chrissy and Jordan are furious he's been neglecting his friends.
Worst of all yn won't speak to him and barely looks his way. He's lost his best girl because he got so hooked on popularity and he feels like an idiot.
He knew he had been a shit friend lately and had plans to make it up to her, to everyone. Popularity wasn't worth losing the people who had always been there for him.
Turns out he was too late, what made matters worse was that he was so in love with her and he always had been.
No one compared. He didn't want anyone else, not Chrissy, or any of the popular crowd, no other girl. It had always been yn for him and now he has screwed everything up.
Slowly he had been apologising to all of Hellfire and though everyone was still mad they had softened a bit.
He needs to apologise to yn but Robin is being super protective and won't let him near her and he's growing desperate.
So desperate that after school he sees her ready to get into her car and he uses all of his slightly very dramatic motions to rush over to her and get down on his knees.
"Eddie? what the hell are you doing get up?"
He shakes his head.
"I'm getting desperate here to talk to you princess and I miss you so fucking much" he flops to the ground, holding his hands to his chest and pokes his tongue out.
She giggles and he peeks one eye open.
"Oh for goodness sake. Get up, you doofus" he does and shakes his head.
Shit! He should have thought about throwing himself on the rain-soaked ground. Now he was fucking freezing.
He shivers and she sighs.
"Look at you! You'll get ill by doing that, get in the car. I'll take you home before you freeze"
Once he is in dry clothes, yn joins him in his bedroom and sits on his bed.
"I'm so sorry princess. I know I've been a shitty friend. I've realised that and had all these grand plans to make it up to you but now I'm too late"
He peers at her sadly and she moans.
"Oh god no! Not the puppy eyes Eds" he gently takes her hand.
"Chrissy and Jordan are furious that I've been neglecting my friends, I'm fucking furious with myself. You know, being popular it isn't all that, Chrissy and Jordan are great but the rest? I feel like I have to be constantly acting to fit in around them and I hate it, it's not who I am"
She softens and squeezes his hand.
"You and the rest of Hellfire have always accepted me, I've never had to act like I belonged, I always have. I'm so sorry I've been such an ass. I still want to keep up my friendship with Chrissy and Jordan but the rest I couldn't give a shit about".
He strokes her cheek.
"Did you mean what you said? That you love me?" Her eyes widen and she looks away from him.
"Look I know you don't feel the same, you could have your pick of any girl. Chrissy, any of the cheerleaders" She hesitates when he leans closer.
"I don't want Chrissy or any cheerleader. I don't want any girl. No one compares to you. It's always been you, princess. I'm in love with you"
Tears roll down her cheeks and he kisses them away, gently caressing her cheek.
"I love you so much sweetheart" she has her arms around him and he pulls her onto his knee marvelling at how perfect she felt in his arms.
"I love you too Eddie" he kisses her gently and she returns the kiss eagerly as his hands run up her shirt.
He hated that he had made her feel that she wasn't important to him, he was going to spend every day from now on making sure she knew that she was his best girl ❤
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mama you been on my mind
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pairing: sam x reader | word count: 965 | warnings: one curse word, one super duper slight implication of nsfw | my masterlist
summary: this one's more about the vibes if i'm being honest, but it's about sam and the reader spending time together at a botanical garden.
author's note: i'm not sure how i feel about this one, but i couldn't get the idea out of my head, so i figured i'd share it with y'all. i feel like the idea could've been a bit more fleshed out, so i might come back and edit this later. we'll just see how it goes. also sorry that this one isn't quite as happy as my other fics/blurbs. also it was inspired by and named after the song "mama you been on my mind", specifically the jeff buckley cover, which i'll link below.
Laughter rang through Sam’s ears as you ran ahead of him, giggling and ushering him to follow you. As he caught up, he saw you pointing to a bush of tiny pink flowers. They smelled like heaven and were probably the prettiest plant in the whole garden. Sam watched you as you stared at them, unable to stop the smile that spread across his features.
You eventually turned to look back at him, asking “What’s got you all smiley?” as a quizzical look overcame your face.
“Nothing,” he replied, giving his head a small shake, “It’s just a really nice day.”
You looked at the sky above you and let a slight grin take hold, “Yeah, it really is. I’ve been hoping for weather like this.”
“Me too,” he agreed, “Just enough sun to not be cold, but enough clouds to not sweat our asses off.”
You let out a small giggle. “Yep. Couldn’t have said it better myself, Sammy.” He smiled in return, and you let a moment of silence fall between you, happy to just be in each other’s company. You looked at the different plants and flowers as you wandered down the garden’s path, occasionally pointing one out to Sam. A butterfly flew by at one point, landing on your head just long enough for him to snap a few pictures.
"How'd they look?" you asked eagerly.
"I think they're gonna come out beautiful," he replied, "Your pictures always do."
A small blush formed across your cheeks. "Thank you, Sammy," you giggled, "You're always so sweet."
He quickly shushed you, placing a finger over his lips. "Don't say that so loud," he said in a joking whisper, "I have a rock star reputation to uphold."
You rolled your eyes. "Whatever you say, Mr. Rockstar. I still think you're sweet"
A small chuckle left his lips, and then the comfortable silence returned as you two strolled along. You went back to looking at the foliage in quiet wonder while Sam could barely keep his eyes off of you. He focused on every excited breath you took and every plant that you seemed to take special note of. He finally broke the silence when your path forked into three directions, asking “So, where to next?”
After a brief moment of consideration, you replied, “That way,” pointing to the rightmost path, “i think we’ve already gone down the other two, and this one should come out by the cafe.”
“Oh, thank god,” Sam said, moving his hand over his stomach, “I’m starved.”
“Sammy, you should’ve said you were hungry! I wouldn’t have taken so much time stopping along the way,” you answered, a small wave of guilt painting your features.
“No, doll, it’s fine,” he assured you, “I want you to have fun without feeling rushed.”
You gave a reluctant nod. “Okay, but next time say something.”
“I promise,” he replied, “Now let’s finish up this trail.” He watched you excitedly walk ahead, taking in the wonder of your surroundings, glancing back occasionally to make sure he was following along. Seeing you so effortlessly happy made his heart swell. Joy radiated from you, and it made you all the more beautiful.
These were the moments that Sam treasured most. The times when you were so overcome with the world around you that everything else seemed to fade away. They were the moments when you were most yourself, and they were the moments that would stay in Sam’s mind for long after. It was times like these that made Sam remember why he was so in love with you.
He eventually caught up to you in the trail, and you excitedly grabbed his hand, pulling him to the latest plant you had seen. Soft laughter fell from his lips as you continued to point out flower after flower, elation pouring from every inch of you.
The two of you neared the end of the trail when your phone began to buzz. You quickly retrieved it from your bag and answered the call.
“Hey!” you began, happiness still coloring your voice. “No, I’m at the gardens with Sam. We’re about to have lunch,” you said, nudging Sam and gesturing to the cafe ahead. “Oh yeah, I’d love that! At six thirty?” you paused for a moment, “Okay, I’ll see you then, babe. Love you!” You placed your phone back in your bag and turned to Sam.
“Who was that?” he asked with genuine curiosity.
“Chris. He wants to take me to see that new movie I was talking about the other day,” you explained.
“Ooooh a date night, huh?” Sam teased, wiggling his eyebrows.
You gave him a small shove, “Yes, Samuel, my boyfriend wants to have a date night.”
He let a small giggle fall from his lips, “Well that sounds fun. You want me to drop you at home after lunch so you can get ready?”
“Yeah, that’d be really nice of you, Sam,” you replied, “Thanks.”
“It’s the least I can do,” he answered, “Now let’s go get some lunch.”
“Alright,” you laughed, walking ahead to the small cafe. Sam stayed behind, watching as the sun painted your hair and reflected off the small bracelets on your wrist with a small smile on his face.
He knew that you would probably never love him in the exact way he loved you, but in this moment, that was okay. He didn’t need a lifetime of sacred “I love you”s or secret touches. He was grateful for the love he had and the time he got to spend with you, and really, that was all he needed. It was enough to bask in your light and feel its warmth. And with that thought in mind, Sam moved forward, content to spend an afternoon in your glow.
taglist: @westernwoods (anybody who wants to be tagged in future stuff let me know!!)
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princesspastel8 · 6 months
Chapter 26
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Third POV
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Swaying. Leaves crushing. Smell of wet tree bark. Eboni can feel herself begin to regain consciousness, but she knows she's no longer in her room. She can feel that she's bound by her hands and feet with rope, tap covering her mouth. They must've gone through her BDSM box for the rope. The teen keeps her eyes close and body limp, knowing someone is behind whoever is carrying her - watching for any sign that she's awake.
Now that the adrenaline has died down, Eboni can feel the damage inflicted by these three women. The pain of her hand is beginning to be unbearable, blood still dripping from her fingertips. Her lip is clearly swollen, one of her eyes is swollen shut, and her jaw is bruised. Her ankle may be broken. She isn't sure yet but can feel the pain all the same. And her ribs, ach so much.
Eboni is enraged. She hates losing fights, but she knows that her overconfidence got the better of her. She isn't in shape and barely has any muscle. She's gotten lazy, gotten comfortable, and she knows this. But right now, she plans to do whatever she can to make it out of this alive - or at least until she gets to see Jeff again.
"Fuck, this bitch is heavy! Why do I have to carry her?!" Jane questions, in frustration.
"Because you still have functioning shoulders." Clockwork snaps back, clearly irritated.
"Why would Jeff mess around with an unfit fat whore? I don't get it!! All those sex toys!? She's clearly fucking other guys! Jeff doesn't share anything!" Nina shouts, walking behind Jane and clockwork to keep her eyes on Eboni.
"I don't know, Nina, and I really don't care. I hate Jeff, but not to the point that I'm going to figure out why he does the shit that he does." Jane huffs.
"He's a piece of shit anyways. The real question is why this bitch gave him the time of day to begin with instead of calling the cops?"
"Ugh! Maybe she works for zalgo and used like a spell or something! She bewitched my Jeff!" Nina cries dramatically, making the other two women roll their eyes.
"Zalgo? What the hell is a zalgo?" Eboni thought to herself, making a note to ask Jeff if she makes it out of this.
"Whatever it is, we'll just beat the answers out of her." Clockwork grins.
"Finally! We're here!" Jane cheers, ready to drop Eboni the moment they step inside.
Nina limps to the door, opening it quietly. She peeks inside, smiling at the fact that no one is in the living room. "Coast is clear!" she whisper shouts pushing the door wide enough for the two of them to enter.
Jane is the first to walk in, throwing Eboni onto the ground. The teen had to hold back her cry of pain, having landed on the side of her injured rib. Eboni can tell the room is dark, with no light on at all. It's quiet for a moment before the sound to footsteps begin to fade away. The teen hears water running for a few minutes before it switches off. The footsteps return, a bucket of ice cold water pouring down onto Eboni.
The teen jolts upward, trying to gasp but can't due to the tap over her mouth. She flutters her eyes, trying to clear her vision. She shakes her head, realizing her bonnet is gone and her hair is completely soaked. Eboni's haur getting wet only fuels her anger.
"Ah, good idea, Jane. That woke her up quick!" Nina giggles.
"That's for being so dang heavy."
Eboni responds with rolling her eyes, earning Jane to grab her hair and toss her into a corner near the staircase. The back of her head hits the wall, a groan leaving from Eboni - but that didn't stop Nina from stepping in and grabbing Eboni's hair.
The two hold a glare off, the fire behind both of their eyes baiting - but Eboni's fire is growing much hotter than Nina's, making Nina punch her square in her nose - blood gushing but Eboni refuses to flinch.
"What the hell did you do to my Jeff!?" She shouts, the grip on her hair getting tighter.
Eboni doesn't answer. She can't with tap covering her mouth. So she deadpans, raising a brow at the female smiling killer. Nina frowns, ripping the tap off of her mouth and then slaps her - making her lip bleed even more. "Answer me!"
Eboni gives Nina a lopsided grin before spitting in her face. Nina gasps, body shaking with rage, "you little -"
Clockwork steps in, nudging Nina out of the way. She kicks Eboni in her ribs, causing the girl to scream in pain. The teen slumps over, holding back her tears. She refuses to cry in front of these women. She will not show any weakness no matter what they do. What does she have to lose? Her life? That's fine with her, but Eboni knows it won't be fine with Jeff. Eboni has to hold out until he returns here.
Clockwork laughs at Eboni's form, leaning down to look at her face to face. "That's for my shoulders, ugly bitch. I dare you to spit in my face."
Eboni, being Eboni, laughs hoarsely and raises her head, spitting point blank onto Clockwork's face. The killer's face turns red from anger, and she slames her boot onto Eboni's head - the girl screaming out from the impact of the floor and Clockwork's boot.
"Starting to see why he toys with you. That fire! We're gonna enjoy burning it out." Clockwork laughs, applying pressure onto her foot.
Eboni screams out again, the three of them laughing at the girl's misery. That is until the light switch clicks upward, revealing two figures standing on the last step. Eboni moves her eyes to see who it may be, recognizing them from her research. Eyeless Jack, the cannibal & BEN DROWNED, the demon look alike of Link.
"What... the hell are you three doing?" EJ is the first to speak, BEN zapping to the middle of the room with his arms crossed.
"Heard screaming through my headset, thought I was hearing shit again." BEN shrugs, making eye contact with Eboni - his eyes widening.
EJ moves near BEN, putting two and two together rather quickly. ".....oh shit you three are royally fucked."
"Oh? So you two knew about Jeff's little play thing?" Jane asks, a bit surprised.
"And didn't tell me!?" Nina screeches, face red in frustration.
All of them begin to bicker, Eboni getting a chance to asses the situation. She pulls at the ropes around her wrist, feeling that it's a bit loose. Sighing in relief, she uses her fingers to try and figure out what kind of knot it is.
"Bowline is the base...finished by an overhand line..." Eboni thought to herself, staying in her position - despite clockwork removing her boot from Eboni's head.
"She's a fucking bitch just like the others he killed, nothing about her is special!" Nina shouts, about to attack Eyeless Jack.
EJ is growing frustrated, and so is BEN. These women have no idea how much Jeff cares for Eboni. No, he doesn't voice it, but they've known him long enough to read him. Something there is developing. They aren't sure what, but if he sees Eboni in this state, they are all as good as dead. No one wants to be between Jeff when his extremely violent rage fits takes full control - everyone knows this, so why would -
Three sets of foot steps make their way down the staircase as the front door is kicked open. All parties involved are in a state of shock - all but Eboni as she locks eyes with her smiling killer. The teen smiles at him, slowly sitting up and slumping against the wall.
".....it's about to go down."
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radical-revolution · 1 year
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There have been times in my own life when I felt unable to go on, unable to stand or even breathe.
When I felt that I’d lost everything, that nothing was possible, that the void was the only life, that annihilation was home.
I reached the edge of my sanity, the edge of my knowing.
I could not hold myself up.
I was carried by forces unnameable and vast.
Through the blackness, new life emerged.
Unexpectedly so.
The mind cannot understand.
(Forgive the mind, it is young.)
And so, even though you feel lonely and abandoned now, friend, frightened and lost, even though your old reference points have collapsed, even though the future seems foggy and bleak, know that you are not alone; many others are walking with you (you cannot see them). This is a well-trodden path of devastation. Sometimes we have to break to heal. The wisdom is in the pain, and the pain itself is the path.
You will write your own book of transformation one day. Today, write your book of longing and loss.
Give up. Stop trying so damn hard. Collapse on the ground. Ask it to hold you.
Exhale all the despair of the lost child. Let go of a gone world. Breathe in the night stars.
Return to this mysterious Now.
Listen, listen, the moon is whispering:
“This moment, friend. This moment.”
- Jeff Foster
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it was just a cool idea i had when i heard this song (this is the formerly titles 'perfect illusion' series. nothing else has changed)
|remember to leave feedback and i love all you heathens|
‘The Very First Night: Part I' Angelo Parker (Jeff) x fem!reader
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^whatever they had abruptly ended, but was it really over?^
- Wheeler Yuta (James) - jericho being an ass - possible second part?
3rd Person POV
The current Ring of Honor Pure and World Champions stood in the ring across from three members of the Jericho Appreciation Society, with the rest of each faction at their respective ringside. Chris, Daniel, and Anna vs Claudio, James, and their mystery partner; who would become the first woman in the Blackpool Combat Club.
"Alright, enough with the waiting. Where's your girl? Ruby Soho perhaps? Maybe little Skye Bl-" There were many names thrown around on social media for who it was, but no one saw it coming when they heard her voice 'For it is just an Illusion' and the unmistakable beat of Lady Gaga's song. Justin Roberts got his cue "And their tag team partner, she is the Ring of Honor Women's World Champion; Y/R/N" She officially became a face as she walked down the ramp to the ring. A pop like no other. Clad in red, black, and white gear, with her unzipped BCC jacket, 'Illusion' printed on the back courtesy of Claudio. James held the middle rope down for her as she joined them in the ring and snatched the mic from Chris. The cheering quieted a bit, "Well I guess, now you see me."
Jon and Bryan took the trio's jackets and the match started. Jeff hadn't moved since her music started. 'Fuck.' he thought. It had been almost a year since they saw each other. Y/N and him had a little friends with benefits situation. What ended it was that he didn't return the feelings she had admitted on an unsober night. Or so she thought he didn't. He missed the pillowtalk, waking up tangled together, the pictures of her in his shirt that she would send; he missed it all.
Y/N had Anna worn down and in her sight for her finisher; the Hypnosis pumpkick. Right when Anna got to her feet, she was back down with the kick and down for the count. "Here are your winners the Blackpool Combat Club." Y/N turned her head to start to mock her foes, only to meet the eyes of her former fling. James had gotten her attention again when he handed her her title back. It did feel nice to be on the good side of wrestling again as she heard cheers when the 'Y/R/N' is All Elite' graphic went up.
The five of them had gone back to their locker room after the match. "How do you feel Y/N?" Bryan asked her. "Feels good to torture you again after all these years." The two of them had been like siblings as they always ended up in the same company at some point. They kept with the catch up and shop-talk until there was a knock at the door. James got the door and immediately had his guard up, "What the hell are you doing here?" 'I was right.' She thought as she looked to Jeff at the door. "I just want to talk to Y/N. I'm not here to fight." "Like we trust you, or any of your buddies." Y/N got up and nudged James out of the way, "It's fine guys. I'll be back in a bit." She zipped her team jacket halfway and followed Jeff down the hall.
They had found themselves in a hall with crates and trunks for equipment. They sat on the trunks until the silence broke "How does it feel to be 'forged in combat'?" he asked only to try to break the ice. "You got a lot of nerve coming to the lions' den like that. They really hate you guys." He knew it was stupid but he needed to talk to her. "Why, after all this time, do you now want to talk to me?" "Y/N, I know I hurt you. I thought you were going to wake up that morning and when I asked you about what you said, you were going to deny it. So, I left; save us both the embarrassment." She scoffed, "Jeff, I told you I was in love with you. We would go out and I would hope someone would assume we were a couple. There were nights when you walked me home and I would tear up because I knew that once you left, I would be reminded that it wasn't real. Yeah the sex was nice, but I wanted you. I wanted everything with you; but it was clear you didn't." When he sat there with his head hung and no reaction, she got up. "I see things clearly haven't changed, Jeffrey." The moment his full name left her lips with that tone, he knew he fucked up even more. He grabbed her wrist gently but enough to keep her from leaving him any more.
She looked up at him and he could see the hurt he had caused in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I really am. You didn't deserve that and I'm an asshole for doing it. Tell me; do you remember the time we went to the amusement park? The ferris wheel? Right when we started moving, I figured out you didn't like heights. We got to the top and you clung to me for dear life. You tried to pass it off as you were 'just cold' but it was the middle of June. That was the moment I fell in love with you, Y/N." Somewhere in his confession, his hands had come up to her cheeks. "Despite you being scared, you still looked perfect. I never wanted to leave. I know it will take a long time for you to forgive me, if you even give me the chance to make it up to you, but I promise you I will make it up to you." She knew she couldn't let him back in that easy, but the sincerity in those big brown eyes melted her. She pulled him down to her height by his suspenders and kissed him in what felt like forever. He moved her arms to go around his neck as he picked her up and sat her back on one of the trunks. They had pulled away from eachother and she couldn't help the bubbly feeling forming in her tummy again. Smiling, "Guess those stupid suspenders are good for something." "Oh, come on. You can deal with the suspenders if I have to deal with this." He was referring to her jacket as his hands dipped inside of it to rest them on her hips, feeling that she's still in her ring gear.
The two of them had finally parted and went back to their groups.
"What did he want with you?" Claudio asked as she walked through the door. "It doesn't matter." "Then why is your lipstick smudged?" Jon interrogated. Shit.
"Where the hell have you been?! You just left us after that match!" Chris scolded Jeff. "Wait, hang on" Anna stepped in and examined Jeff's face, "Is that lipstick?" Shit.
lovely taglist babes (comment to be added) @josiewrites @slut4kennyomega @wwenhlimagines @plentyoffandoms @auburnwrites @im-just-a-mississippi-girl
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