#Jemily thoughts
luthqrs · 27 days
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+ silly girl <3 (who forgot all her media liaison training on this case)
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Emily: I just bought a bottle of wine with my credit card, using a fake id, wearing my nametag from work. All three have different names on them… God I love my boobs
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flaminghotjareau · 1 month
to me, jj and emily have two very distinct ways of loving each other, though equally as strong.
emily’s a worshipper, she worships jj. you know pascal’s quote “the heart has its reasons, which reason knows nothing of”? this quote is not about love but religion, but that’s my point: emily’s love for jj is like a religion. she’ll carry on with hope for a sign from jj, she’s content to watch jj from afar if she can be acknowledged by her once in a while, and even if she tries, she can’t get rid of her love the way a believer can’t get rid of their faith. and when she eventually gets with jj, she has to pinch herself every day to make sure she’s not dreaming, because her prayer has fully come to fruition and she has been chosen by her goddess.
jj’s love, on the other hand, is slow, sensible, easy. it grew its roots inside of her very slowly and carefully but it never stopped growing, so that her love for emily became an evidence, a certainty, a constant. it exudes from her every pore because it is deeply rooted inside of her. she doesn’t need to make grand gestures to show her love, it is shown in little amounts all the time. it’s a constant flow, it’s deep, it’s clear-headed, it’s reasonable and that’s what makes it so strong.
and maybe that’s exactly what deep down they both need. emily needs to feel like she’s easy to love, that she’s no trouble, that there’s no need to worry about this love ceasing, that she won’t be given up on.
jj needs to feel like someone would move mountains for her, that she’s special, that she makes a difference, that she’s worth sacrificing for.
and that’s why they’re soulmates.
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ofwordsandcoffee · 2 months
“What if the unsub sees a freedom in his victims he wishes he had himself”— JJ 3x17
I can’t stop thinking about JJ’s character being such a poignant example of comphet. I know in canon she is “straight”—though the above example happens to be directly from canon— and for those of us who ship Jemily she is generally portrayed as bisexual, however, to me she’s such a subtle but extremely accurate portrayal of a closet lesbian.
Will is a good husband and a great dad, I don’t want to discount that, but JJ being with him doesn’t discount her being gay, it might actually reaffirm it. For me the little clues like this scene above, her wearing Emily’s watch starting when Emily “dies”, her reaction to the conversion camp in “Broken” (8x15), her hallucinating Emily, all the way to the absolutely stunning and slightly heartbreaking delivery of the line “It gives me you” in 17x6 paint a totally different picture. It feels like a trail of bread crumbs for us to follow.
So let’s talk about how a woman who was married to a man for over a decade never loved him—not as she should have. She may have even thought she was bisexual for a long, long time, trying to reconcile her attraction to women with the life she ended up in—these might have even been feelings she recognized very early on but tried to push down because they were confusing. Maybe she even had strong feelings for a close female friend, but felt rejected and in that rejection bottled those feelings, that realization that she wasn’t quite ready to deal with, back up and rushed into the arms of a guy who was right in all the ways she had grown up thinking a partner should be. Because sometimes, especially when we feel vulnerable and rejected, it’s easy to confuse the desire to feel wanted, and liking male attention with attraction. And even though she recoiled from his touch, shrunk away at the idea of being with him all the time, didn’t want her friends to know, spent years terrified of actually committing to him she cared deeply for him and it was easy to ignore those signs. Something inside her was telling her that it wasn’t right, that part of herself, that fear was trying to speak to her—yelling stop. But they had a child she never planned, but loved with everything she had and she couldn’t imagine parenting that child alone. So life kept going on around her, feeling out of her control. And her relationship was hard—work— but that’s what it’s supposed to be right? When you grow up without real examples of what a loving relationship is supposed to look like it’s easy to think that actually desiring your partner, feeling giddy when they are around, wanting to kiss them or tell them about what’s going on in your day that’s a fairytale, that only happens in the movies. And living in parallel to someone you have developed a comfort with through years and years of togetherness is fine, until it’s not. Until you realize that it’s killing you inside and you need more.
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EMILY: Reid, I’m lesbian.
SPENCER: I thought you were American?
(Source: Vine)
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Emily: you know what I did? YOUR MOM.
Emily: and you know what else I did? YOUR MOM.
Emily: and you know what I did after?
Emily: YOUR MOM!
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pretty-boy-baby-girl · 5 months
Garcia buys her and Reid matching/complimentary outfits. Reid finds it highly amusing.
Every now and then, he and Garcia will coordinate their fits and show up to the office in the same outfit at which point everyone busts up laughing. (Partly because it's always startling to see Reid in anything even half as outlandish as what Garcia usually wears, and partly because of Morgan's reactions every time.)
Garcia does a pretty good job of getting an even number of matching outfits for both her eccentric style and Reid's more neutral one.
And yes, this does mean that Reid sometimes wears dresses, skirts, and high heels.
The first time Garcia and Reid walked into the bullpen wearing matching checkerboard dresses with chess pieces patterned across them (I'm imagining they were custom made and are supposed to reflect a moment in an actual chess match of some sort which Reid was over the moon about bc hes a dork and Garcia knows it) and little black pumps (because Reid wasn't tall enough already) with both of their hair up in half pony tails and matching glasses, Morgan tripped over his own feet and almost ate it right there in the middle of the bullpen because holy shit his Baby Girl and his Pretty Boy are stunning and hold up he needs a minute.
Spencer, walking into the bullpen with Penelope: *info dumping about the chess match modeled on their dresses*
Morgan, getting coffee across the room: *chokes on his own spit and almost drops his mug because he's busy staring at Spence and Penny*
Prentiss, walking up beside him and slapping him on the back as he coughs: lmao real smooth, Derek. *sips at her own coffee*
JJ: *enters the bullpen in a pencil skirt and an off the shoulder blouse, her hair put up in a bun*
Prentiss: *chokes on her coffee, unable to tear her eyes away from JJ*
Derek: lmao real smooth, Emily. *walks away laughing*
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veeluvss · 3 months
I didn't give up on you in Paris
JJ didn't give up on JJ in Paris, here's what really happened the first night 1.8 k words
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It was late at night; the wind blew a cold breeze through the open window. The glimmering Eiffel Tower shimmered in the distance, reflecting through the hotel room. It seemed empty, devoid of life or personality. A single photo hung on the wall, a sketch of the Arc de Triomphe, most likely the same picture hung in every room along the corridor. The single lamp by the side of the bed echoed a dim glow around the room. 
Emily sat on the edge of the bed, her hair, now a short bob, sat on her shoulders. She picked at her nails, her nervous habit. A sigh left her lips and she reached into the faux leather bag hanging off her shoulders. Slowly, she pulled out the envelope - passports to three different countries and bank accounts to keep her comfortable. She turned it over in her hands and peeled open the seal. She pulled out the passports: British, French and Russian. All three had different names native to their country but the same photo stared back at her. Emily Prentiss, the woman she truly was. Each bank card had the corresponding name to the country and passport. She felt the weight of the small card balancing between her fingers: ‘To keep you comfortable,’ JJ’s words echoed in her mind. She knew, until Doyle was arrested, she’d be far from comfortable, no matter how much money she had. But she knew JJ’s intent, she already missed her blonde best friend more than her old life. The soft eyes she gave as she walked away, her voice barely above a whisper from across the table. It made Emily’s heart ache. 
Around an hour after getting ready for bed, Emily still couldn’t sleep. She’d played endless games of scrabble, chess, solitaire and sudoku on her new phone to keep her mind off the recent traumas but every time she blinked or waited for the next round to load, her mind went straight back there. It wasn’t until there was a soft knock on the door that Emily left the room Derek found her in. Slowly, still recovering, she got out of bed and headed across the room. She could recognise the knock from anywhere, three soft taps, barely audible to the average person. She checked through the peephole, just in case. 
On the other side of the door, stood a wind-swept Jennifer Jareau. She looked up and down the corridor impatiently as Emily admired her. Her hair was still tied back and the purple scarf was still tied around her neck. In her ears were the earrings Emily bought her for Christmas the year before. She watched JJ check her watch and begin to walk away before she finally realised she should open the door. 
Quickly, not wanting her JJ to get away, she unclasped the latch and turned the handle. JJ, noticing the sound of the door, turned around. They made eye contact and both women let out a sigh of relief. “JJ,” Emily said, her voice small. “I cou- I couldn’t go,” JJ replied, stepping towards Emily. “Come in,” Emily said, making room for JJ to get past but JJ was hesitant. She wasn’t allowed to do this. Only herself, Hotch and the director knew she was here though, she could say her flight was delayed. “Em-” “Please,” Emily said. Her eyebrows turned down and her lip wobbled slightly but she blinked the tears away. JJ could only nod as she entered the hotel room. She set her bag on the chair by the empty desk and looked around the room. “This is bleak,” JJ said, her hands sliding into her pockets. “You’d think with all the FBI money they’d get me a better room at least,” Emily chuckled, after closing and locking the door securely. JJ cracked a smile and watched Emily come further into the room, she sat on the edge of the bed again and JJ slid into the chair.
They were silent for a few moments, Emily staring at the floor and JJ staring at Emily. “You don’t need to give me the sympathy look,” Emily said. JJ quickly cleared her throat, sat up straight and looked away, “I wasn’t.” “I know you,” Emily chuckled and pointed a finger at JJ. “Okay maybe I was, but I just worry.” “Well don’t, I’m fine,” Emily sighed and let her shoulders slump. “It’s okay to not be fine, you’ve been through a lot,” JJ said. “Don’t-” Emily said, waving her arm. “I’ll be fine.” 
JJ sighed and nodded, she knew she’d get nowhere with Emily now. She knew Emily would be fine but she also knew she couldn‘t just turn off her worrying. Emily sighed too and stretched out her hand to JJ, she stood up and pulled JJ to her feet. The women stood, toe to toe together and the room seemed so much smaller. Emily raised her hands and JJ caught her breath. Gently, Emily untied the scarf around JJ’s neck, letting the silk fabric slide through her fingers and off JJ’s neck. JJ locked eyes with Emily as her fingers travelled down to JJ’s black coat buttons. Emily didn’t need to look as she undid them. She guided the coat off JJ’s shoulders and her arms came out. JJ raised her arms and cupped Emily’s cheeks. She caressed under her eyes, the formed bruise and leaned closer. She kissed it. Her lips lingered, grazing the sore skin and Emily moved her head. Their lips hovered over one another. Their eyes wouldn’t leave each other. 
When they kissed, it was like a thousand butterflies were released in both of their stomachs. It felt right, it felt like nothing either of them had felt before. Emily’s lips worked in time with JJ’s, their heads empty except for lust and love. They pulled away, both needing air and an uncontrollable smile spread across Emily’s mouth as she took in the sight of JJ - her sea-blue eyes, her naturally contoured cheeks, her long, soft blonde hair, everything about her was perfect. JJ looked between Emily’s lips and her chocolate eyes, unable to control her fear. “I-” JJ mumbled, going to pull away but Emily grabbed her hands, keeping her close. “Emily, we can’t- you’re injured you’re not in the right mind - I-” “You loved it,” Emily replied. JJ went to shake her head no but ended up nodding, lowering her eyes. Emily lifted her chin with two fingers and took JJ’s lips back onto hers. This time there was more passion, more force and JJ kissed back with just as much. Emily lifted her hand and wrapped it around the back of the blonde’s hair, holding her head there, working in time together. JJ grabbed Emily’s waist, holding gently to keep herself steady. The lust made her legs weak. 
They stumbled together over to the bed and Emily turned them around, they kissed continually. Emily pulled away quickly and JJ fell backwards onto the bed. She let out a gasp as she saw what was going to happen. Emily lifted one leg to straddle her but JJ sat up, suddenly. “Emily-” she whispered. “It’s okay,” Emily replied, holding JJ’s face in her palm. “You’re hurt,” JJ said, her eyes travelling to where Emily was stabbed. “No, JJ,” Emily said and moved up the bed, she straddled JJ’s lap and the blonde held her waist for support. She just wanted her close. JJ wrapped her arms around her girl, holding her close and Emily sat on her thighs, one leg on each side of her. “JJ, I just want to forget,” Emily whispered, her voice weak. “Emily, I want you to be better, but we can’t do this.” “We can JJ, you make me better. This- this touch, god it makes me better,” Emily said, her voice breaking. “It does?” JJ asked, genuinely unable to believe she even helped Emily. “It does. My sunshine,” Emily said. She looked down and cupped JJ’s cheeks, letting her look up to her. She couldn’t help but smile. JJ felt butterflies in her stomach from the nickname, the one she only let Emily call her. “Don’t give up on me, please.” 
“I won’t. I won’t give up on you,” JJ replied and lifted more to kiss Emily once again. 
The pair lay under the white duvet cover, fighting the fresh breeze coming in with the morning sun. They stayed up all night, making love, kissing, talking, and sharing the world; sharing the quiet. Together, it was peaceful, it was soft and empty. The world felt powerful when it was just the two of them, they felt stronger together. And the fact no one knew made it even more perfect. But both of them knew it wouldn’t last. JJ was due at the airport for her flight home to DC and Emily had a new life to create, one without JJ in it. The blonde rolled from her back to the side, facing the brunette who lay peacefully sleeping beside her. She sighed and traced her knuckle down Emily’s cheek. It was smooth, so smooth and comforting, like a baby’s blanket. JJ desperately wanted to stay. She wanted to live this secret life with her girl, the one who loved her so perfectly but she knew she had to go home. Home to her husband, her team and her little boy. Her hand stroked her stomach, she had to go home to bring the little girl into the world too. The one that was only hers for now. 
As carefully as she could, she snuck out of bed and into the ensuite bathroom. She took her morning wee but didn’t flush in case it woke Emily up and then got dressed. She brushed her teeth with her finger and Emily’s toothpaste before heading into the room. Emily lay motionless in bed, except for the soft breaths that JJ saw move the covers lying over her. She slid on her shoes, her jacket and scarf cupped over her arm. She grabbed the pen and paper on the side and wrote out four words, I won’t forget you. She slid out the door, sliding the key back under the door once she’d locked it. Walking down the corridor, the night flashed through her mind like old film tapes - a distant memory now. She headed down the stairs and out the foyer, calling a cab. 
Emily stood in her third-floor window staring down at the blonde. She was woken by the door shutting but knew she couldn’t chase. She knew she’d had her time. She held the paper in her hand and ran her fingers over the pen, feeling the indent of the ink. Then she watched her baby disappear into the black taxi and drive off into the new day. 
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cargopantsprentiss · 4 months
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How many drawings of these two making out on a couch is too many?
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idoijustdontcare · 2 years
Morgan: How was the honeymoon?
JJ: Emily got drunk and tried to burn our marriage certificate.
JJ: She said “good luck trying to return me without the receipt.”
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jareaulover · 7 months
JJ and Emily sharing a bed in the Alaska episode is my Roman empire.
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flaminghotjareau · 5 months
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ok obviously i’m excited, very much shaking crying throwing up BUT if jemily were to be canon, would paget be able to say that? i mean it would be a big spoiler so it sounds more like there’s gonna be some noncanon jemily stuff that we are gonna scream about but that’s it idk…
when aj talked about the “ultimate jemily moment” it was vague enough to give us hope but here, if jemily were to be canon, saying “beautiful and funny” would mean that they would actually get together, to me you can’t say that about two characters who idk admitted their feelings to each other but will not act on them.
but then this tweet was an answer to someone asking paget if there’s gonna be aj and paget tiktoks soon so maybe she was really just talking about tiktoks and i’m overthinking lmao
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morbidlcve · 29 days
(edit by me!! @/prentisslver on tt!)
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natasha-romanew · 5 months
i have too many thoughts. about jemily. and jennifer jareau. and no one to share them with. i’m going insane.
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somber-sapphic · 4 months
JJ hallucinated Emily. Not Will, not Spencer, Emily. If that isn't sapphic the clothes sharing definitely is. They may not be canon (yet, Paget's dropping hints on twitter) but they are in love in my head.
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vhsrights · 5 months
jemily secret dating headcanon?
ohhh I have so many ideas!! here are just a few :)
Emily starts wearing an extra hair tie on their other wrist; when asked about it, she just says that she breaks a lot of them in the field (no one believes her)
JJ starts to smell like Emily's VERY EXPENSIVE French shampoo
Em doesn't talk to Morgan for a full day after he took her seat next to JJ on the jet (and cozied up to her) for the flight to and back from a case
They show up to Girl's Nights in each other's PJs/Hoodies
Both nearly kill someone out of worry every time the other is in the field with an unsub whose victimology matches them (ie: Em nearly cutting the blood circulation off in Morgan's arm when they hear that JJ got in a confrontation over comms)
Garcia and Tara have to pretend that they didn't see JJ hastily pull off Em in club bathrooms when they go out
One time when they're out to dinner with the team, JJ and Tara get up to go to the bathroom and accidentally switch seats when they get back. Em is talking to Reid and doesn't notice, proceeding to put her hand on Tara's leg. She almost yelps when she realizes and the whole team laughs while Em and JJ just try really hard not to look at each other.
People keep telling them they make a great couple and they horribly lie their way out of it
When there aren't enough hotel rooms on a case, they leave to room together before everyone else even discusses (even after Tara and PG start coming with them)
A lot of times when they get called in on days off, JJ and Emily almost answer each other's phones
They keep secret sticky note messages to talk to each other on paperwork days (it's more fun and involved than texting)
They come up with a series of inconspicuous facial expressions and hand signals say things like I love you and I miss you at work
One time PG comes with the BAU on a case, and the lead detective won't stop hitting on Emily. JJ nearly commits murder but keeps it cool to not blow their cover. However, later JJ and Emily are returning from sneaking off to talk in another room and almost walk in on PG chewing out the detective. She's talking about how JJ and Em are dating and to not step on the teams toes. The couple walk away so that they don't get caught but can't stop laughing when they get to the hotel that night
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